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Tech Prebid 736078

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Clarifications to Pre-Bid Queries for "Consultancy Services For Authority's Engineer For Supervision of "Development to 4/6-

lanning of NH-31 (New NH-10) with both side service roads from km 569.258 to km 581.030 (end of AH-02 project on NH- 31
near Shivmandir to Sevoke Army Cantonment) in districts of Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri in the state of West Bengal on EPCMode
(Job No. 010IWB/2021-22/490) (Tender ID2022_MoRTH_699579_1 (Bid/Package no. : MORT&H/RO-KOLINIT/AE/2022-23/01),
dated 08.07.2022)"

Pre-bid meeting for the subject mentioned Tender was held on 01.08.2022 in Regional Office, Kolkata,MORT&H.On the day
of the meeting representative of only one bidder, i.e Rodic Consultants Pvt. Ltd. attended the meeting physically. He submitted
their queries though emails. Further two other bidders namely RITESLtd. And LEAAssociatesSouth Asia Pvt. Ltd have also submitted
their queries through emails.

2. Para-wise clarifications to pre-bid queries of bidders are as follows:

Rodic Consultants Pvt.Ltd

SI. Clause ref no. Pre-bid Queries Clarifications

1. Appendix-EC, Note: It is to be highlighted that under the reference As per RFP.

Evaluation (1) Similar Capacity includes the position of Team Leader cum Sr. Bridge Engineer,
Criteria for following experience in bridgel structures is being
assessment positions required in the qualification requirements.
of i) On behalf of Consultant: Team Hence, in accordance with the same, it is kindly
score of Key Leaderl Resident Engineer requested to consider the positions "Sr. Bridge
Staff for (Construction Supervision1 lEI AEI Engineerl Sr. Bridge Design Engineerl Sr. Bridge
Team DPR). cum Structural Engineer" as similar capacity to
Leader cum ii) On behalf of Contractor: Project the Team Leader cum Sr. Bridge Engineer. -
Senior Bridge Manager (Constructionl Kindly consider.
Engineer, Construction Supervision)
no. 32
2. Appendix-EC, Note: The scope of responsibilities of a Traffic 8: As per RFP.
Evaluation (1) Similar Capacity includes the Transportation Expert is very similar to that of
following positions Road Safety Expert and it is hereby requested to
kindly r censider the position Traffic 8:
Criteria for i) On behalf of Consultant/ Transportation Expert as similar capacity to the
assessment Contractor: RoadSafety Expert.
of RoadSafety Expert Kindly consider.
score of Key
Staff for
Page no. 40
3. Note under Note: It is to be apprised that there is no provision of As per
Enclosure - 3. The Financial Expert or Legal Senior Pavement Specialist in the RFP and thus Corrigendum-
A, expert or Contract Specialist may be other senior position should be taken as a II.
Man - Months required for the project for specific benchmark for payment against the services
Input for Key needs. Their deployment shall be provided by Financial Expert / Legal expert
Professional arranged by the Consultant on /Contract Specialist.
Staff specific requisition from the We suggestconsidering rates of the position Senior
Authority Authority and the payment shall be Contract Specialist for the payment of above
Engineer, made mentioned experts.
Page as per the actual deployment. The Kindly consider.
no. 94 Financial Expert or Legal expert or
Contract Specialist shall be paid at
the rates quoted for Senior Pavement
4. Regarding experience certificates of It is requested to the Authority to kindly consider As per RFP.
key experts: self-undertaking as a valid proof of experience in
It is mentioned on the RFPthat "In case of absence of Employment/Experience
case of experience on behalf of Certificate.
Authority's Engineer or Contractor, Kindly consider.
the experience shall be duly endorsed
by the respective Government
agency. In case of non-availability of
endorsement from Govt. Agency, the
experience uploaded on
INFRACONPortal will be taken into
consideration. However, the key
personnell bidder will be solely
responsible for any fake informationl
CV, which may result in debarment"

5. Clause 1, of The RegionalOffice, Kolkata, Ministry We request the Client to Invite Consultants based As per RFP.
Section 1 of Road on National Competitive Bidding instead of
(ITC), Page Transport a Highways (MoRTaH) (the International Competitive Bidding because at
no. 5 'Employer') invites present, the Indian market does have competent
proposals from eligible and experienced firm, who have provided and
Consultants for engaging completed such services for similar type of work.
an Authority's Engineer Not only it will provide opportunity to Indian firms
(AE) on the basisof but also promotes "Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan"
International Competitive as it will help India to become a more self reliant
Bidding for the following country.
contract package. Also, we request the client to consider only Indian
projects for evaluation and experience from any
parent company won't be accounted for
6. An expert currently working on a project having As per RFP.
NHAI/MoRTH/NHIDCL/BRO as client and whose
input /I i} going to be completed before
commencement of this assignment (i.e., he is
currently working on EOT) and whose status is
available on Infracon shall also be eligible to be
proposed in this proposal.
Kindly consider.

SI. Pre-Bid Queries Clarifications
1. Ref Note No.1, i) Data Sheet, Evaluation Criteria, Page No. 31 - Similar capacity in case of Team As per RFP.
Leader may be modified as Team Leaderl Sr. Bridge Engineerl Resident Engineer (Construction
Supervision/lE/AE/DPR) on behalf of Consultant. May please be confirmed;

2. Clause 3.1, SI No. 2a): Total Marks has been computed as 105 as per Corrigendum 1 which is more Corrigendum-I
than 100.5 Marks may be adjusted to the m arks of the sl no. 2c) as marks of sl no. 2d) is 5; may be referred.
3. It is to confirm whether the hard copy of Technical Proposal is to be submitted or not during bid Yes
4. Section-2, Clause 4.1 B, SI No. (III), Page no. 15 - It is proposed to consider the bid security in the As per RFP.
form of bank Guarantee from any Nationalised Bank.
5. We are in preparation of the said proposal. Someof the documents for submitting the proposal are to As per RFP.
be procured from our Head Office at Gurgaon, Haryana which may take more time to reach. In view
of the above, it is requested to extend the submission date up to fifteen days beyond the scheduled
date of submission (25.08.2022).

LEAAssociates South Asia Pvt. Ltd

SI Pre-Bid Queries Clarifications
1. As per Clause 5.8 of Section 2, page 17, the weightage assigned to Technical and
As per Corrigendum-II.
Financial Proposal is 0.75 and 0.25, which dilutes the technical competence and
quality of the Consultants. The Technical and Financial weightage of 0.8 and 0.2
respectively may be reinstated to encourage the Consultants for better quality &
2. For a reasonable and justified financial in commensuration to the market rate, we
As per RFP.
propose to introduce a price band of + 10%of average of all thE; bidder FPs. The H1

Bidder of combined score falling in the price band of ± 10%of average of all bids may
be selected as "Preferred Bidder". This will ensure rational pricing, neither too low
nor too high, for the desired quality. Please consider and confirm.
3. Please refer Note to Clause 10 (i), Subcriteria for relevant experience of the firm for As per RFP.
the assignment in Data Sheet (page 23). It states "Experience of Authority Engineer
for having offered consultancy services to a private organization shall not be
considered as relevant experience for current assignment" We would like to bring to
your kind attention that Project Management/ Construction Supervision Consultancy
to Private organization is similar and equivalent to Authority's Engineer/ Independent
Engineer/ Construction Supervision services to Government Agency. We therefore
request you to consider these services as relevant experience for current
assignment provided the experience is duly endorsed by the respective
Government Agency. Kindly consider & confirm. The above request is in accordance
with the requirement of Clause (viii)(b), Appendix A of Section 3, page 44.
4. Please refer Sl. No. 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 & amp; 4.1 of Clause 10 (ii), Sub criteria for As per Corrigendum-II.
Experience in use of technology for road inspection in Data Sheet (page 24). Marks
assignedagainst "Equipment on MOUwith Associate or on hiring basis" are same and
equal that of "Own Equipment".
When additional marks are assignedfor evaluation of Key Personnel for association/
employment with firm, no weightage is given for owning an equipment. This is self-
contradiction within the same RFP.We therefore request you to consider additional
weightage for "Own Equipment."

5. Please refer Item III - Transportation of Appendix C-3 of Section 5 (page 72). It is As per Corrigendum-II.
noticed that only one vehicle has been kept during construction period. This is grossly
inadequate considering 4 nos. Key Personnel and 11 nos. Sub Professional staff having
full site inputs with almost continuous two shifts of work cycle. This would affect
adversely in the movement of the AE staff and thus would impact in supervision,
quality control and monitoring of works.
We therefore request you to include at least 3 nos. vehicles during the construction
period. Pleaseconsider and confirm. h./
6. Please refer Enclosure A of ToR (page 94) as regards to Team of AE. Though Design As per RFP.
Review is extremely crucial and there are many tasks associated with it, No Design
Engineer positions are included even for such an important project.
We request you to include at least 1 no. Highway DesignEngineer for 3 months & 1 no.
Bridge Design Engineer for 6 months for timely and quality design review.
7. Pleaserefer EnclosureA of ToR (page 94) as regards to Team of AE. Though, there are The project does not have any Toll
many tasks associated with Toll Instrumentation and it's efficacy during O&M phase, Plaza.
no HTMSToll Expert is considered in the AETeam. We request you to include at least
1 no. HTMSToll Expert for 3 months.
8. Our experience of handling such projects tells that the Senior Quantity Surveyor is As per RFP.
required to continuously carry out and monitor mobilisation & procurement
status, progress and cash flow, checking measurement & quantity, examining
claims and Change of Scope (COS)of the Contractor & evaluate Impact on Cost
due to Modified Designs, Scrutinising Contractor's submissionson quantity and cost,
Checking IPC of Contractor & recommend payment, finalization of final bills of
Contractor or other pending works throughout both the Construction and Defect
Liability Period. However, it is noted that there is no position for the Senior Quantity
Surveyor except one position for sub professional.
We therefore request to include full time Senior Quantity Surveyor input of 30 months
during construction period. Kindly consider & confirm.
9. Please clarify whether this project would be directly controlled, monitored and The project shall be executed
implemented by RO (Kolkata), MoRTHor through PWD(NH), W.B. through a dedicated PIUheaded by
PD to be set up by the State
Government of West Bengal.
10. Pleaserefer clause 3.6, Part 2: Financial Proposal (page 14) and SCCclause 6.2 (a) As per RFP.
(page 235), it is stated that "Beginning 13th months from the last date of submission
of bid, billing rates shall be increased to cover all items of contract i.e. remuneration,
vehicle hire, office rent, consumables, furniture etc. @ 5% every 12 months."
i) In our opinion the proposed rate of escalation of 5% per annum is very less and it is
requested to considered at least 8-10% escalation to meet the market inflation, which
are on increasing trend only or it can be based on some market indicator like Whole
Sale Price Index or CPI as per Gol notification no. M-12011/2/2005-PCL, Dated
20.06.2008. Pleaseconsider and confirm.

ii) As per our understanding the billing rate will be increased by 5% compounding for
every year as per standard practice followed by MoRTHall these years. Example: If
the base rate (bid rate) is 100, at the beginning of 13tn month the bill rate will be
100+5%=105and in the 25th month it would be 105+5%=110.25and so on for every year.
Please confirm.
11. GCCClause 6.2 (d) in page 224-225 states about the mandatory deployment of key As per RFP.
personnel and sub-professional and the reduction in monthly payment for inadequate
deployment of key personnel and Sub-Professionalhas been mentioned against each
position if attendance is less than 90%.We hereby request to Authority that:
(a) This clause lacks in rationality and legality as it appears to be impinging on basic
rights of citizen as well as effecting two way deductions for single leave - (i) as usual
deduction being absent or on leave & (ii) additional deduction of 15-25%as per this
(b) Further as per clause GCC4.4(b) in page 220, leave of Personnel is allowed with
approval and Consultant shall ensure unaffected progress and supervision during leave
of Personnel.
(c) Intermittent staff of key personnel and Sub-Professionalshould not be considered
for such reduction in remuneration as these positions are being deployed at site as per
site requirement and as & when required.
(d) Average availability across the group shall be considered for a block period of six
months or yearly so that employee's (Key and Sub-Professional)legal rights of availing
leave are not deprived.
(e) While considering average availability block, the Team Leader should also be
considered as part of group of Key personnel rather than considering him as individual.
(f) Considering above points, we propose the reduction of monthly remuneration as

% reduction in monthly payment

~~ Personnel
1 Team Leader cum Senior Highway Engineer
2 Resident Engineer cum Highway Engineer
3 Bridge/Structural Engineer 10%
5 Sub-Professional
6 Intermittent Key &; Sub-Professional 0%

In view of this, we also appeal either to remove this contentious clause of deduction
against non-attendance of staff or modify as suggested above so that annual and
sick/medical leave of the Personnel, situation beyond the control of Consultants and
reasonable time frame for replacement are accounted for any deduction on a yearly
basis rather than monthly basis. Pleaseconsider and confirm.
12. In said GCC6.2 (d) in page 224, it is mentioned that if in case the Team Leader As per RFP.
cum Senior Highway Engineer has not been made available for 90%of the stipulated
time in the month, then only 80%of the monthly payment shall be released". It is not
clear whether 80% salary of that particular staff or monthly invoice. Pleaseclarify.
13. As per clause 6.2(b) (i) (1) of SCC(Page 235), payment of Consultants is linked with As per RFP.
approval of monthly reports. However, no deadline of approval is assignedin the said
clause due to which the payment would be exposed to individual subjectivity and
affected adversely.

(i) It is requested to include timeline for approval of the Monthly Reports in the SCC
and in case the approval is not received within the given timeline, the report shall be
considered deemed approved and payment of the Consultants shall be released by the
Authority and moreover the deduction as per clause SCC6.2 b) (i) (4) on page 235
should also not be made applicable. Pleaseconsider and confirm.

(ii) Further, it is also mentioned under clause 6.4 (c) of GCC(Page 225) that 75%of
bill raised by the consultant shall be paid within 72 Hrs. We understand that clause
6.4 (c) of GCCwill prevail over clause 6.2(b) (i) (1) of SCCfor 75%of bill amount.
14. Pleaserefer clause 4.5.1 of GCC(page 220) wherein it is mentioned that in casenotice As per RFP.
to commence services is given within 120 days of Signingof the Contract the Authority
expects all the Key personnel specified in the proposal to be available during
implementation of the Agreement. Further it is also mentioned that Replacement of
the Team Leader will not normally be considered and may lead to disqualification of
the Applicant or termination.

You would appreciate that it is extremely difficult in all practical sensesto retain the
staff for such an indefinite long period from submissionof bid date to 120days beyond
the date of signing of Contract (i.e. » 4 months).
In place of 120 days from the date of signing of contract, we request to consider
120 days from the submission of Bid date. This will be applicable for Team Leader
replacement also. Pleaseconsider and confirm.
15. As the proposed position is 'Team Leader cum Sr. Bridge Engineer' we would like to As per RFP.
request you to kindly consider the position of "Senior Bridge Engineer" as the similar
capacity to the position of Team Leader cum Sr. Bridge Engineer. Pleaseconsider and
16. Please refer 51.no. 2 (c) 8: (d) of Clause3.1 of Appendix-EC (page 32) for Team Leader. As per Corrigendum-I.
It is noticed that both the criteria are pertinent to Operation and Maintenance only.
We request to modify any of the criteria to reflect construction supervision aspects
being primarily a construction project, which is followed in other structural projects.
17. We would like to request you that the repair 8: rehabilitation works of bridges may be As per RFP.
considered under the clause of 2 (c) 8: (d), page no. 32 of the RFPfor the Evaluation
criteria of Team Leader cum Sr. Bridge Engineer. Please consider and confirm.
18. Please refer Page No. 33 of the RFP, Evaluation Criteria of Resident cum Pavement As per RFP.
1. 51. No. 2(ii) states that "Experience as Resident Engineer/Project Director/Project
Manager/Superintending Engineer or equivalent/Executive Engineer or equivalent on
construction works/ Authority Engineerllndependent Engineer Projects (similar
configuration (2/4/6 laning*) and above)." We request you to kindly modify the
criteria as follows:
"Experience as Resident Engineer/Highway Engineer/Project Director/Project
Manager/ Superintending Engineer or equivalent / Executive Engineer or equivalent on
construction works/ Construction Supervision/Authority Engineer/ Independent
Engineer Projects (similar configuration (2/4/6 laning*) and above)."
Please consider and confirm.
19. Please refer Page No. 35 of the RFP, Evaluation Criteria of Bridge / Structural As per RFP.
1. SI. No. 2(iii) states that "Experience in similar capacity in supervision of Major
Highway Bridges/ROB/Flyover/ Interchanges/ any other structures." We request you
to kindly modify the criten~ as follows:
"Experience in similar capacity in Construction/ Supervision of Major Highway
Bridges/ROB/Flyover/lnterchanges/ any other structures." Please consider and
i1. Sl. No. 2(iv) states that "Experience in similar capacity in supervision of
Rehabilitation and repair of Major Bridges/ROB/Flyover/ Interchanges/ any other
structures." We request you to kindly modify the criteria as follows:
"Experience in similar capacity in construction/ supervision of Rehabilitation and
repair of Major Bridges/ROB/FLyover/ Interchanges/ any other structures." Please

20. As per GCC-4.S.4 (page 221), "There shall be no limit on the replacements and no As per RFP.
reduction in remunerations shall be made. The replacement shall however be of equal
or better score". In this project, the DLP is for 120 months, which is too long and
generally, Technical Staff do not want to continue during this DLP for career
progression and better challenging opportunity in construction. Therefore, in all
practical purposes, keeping staff for such a long period is extremely difficult.

We request you to modify the clause as "There shall be no limit on the replacements
during DLPand no reduction in remunerations shall be made. The replacement shall
however be of equal or better score."
21. The durations shown in SCC-2.4,page 232 appears to be not consistent with Table 1 ft As per Corrigendum-II.
Clause 11 of Section 1 and Clause 13.1.1 of ToR. Pleaseclarify.
22. If Consultancy Period is extended beyond the stipulated period as mentioned in clause As per Corrigendum-II.
2.4 of SCC (page 240), the Consultant should be given opportunity to enhance
stipulated rate of escalation after mutual agreement. Please consider and confirm
23. Please refer Clause3.4(x) (b ft g) (page 12-13) and Clause9 of GCC(page 229-230) on As per RFP.
fake or inflated CVof personnel. It is mentioned that,

In case, the information contained in the CV for the duration in which the key
personneL was empLoyed by the firm, proposing his candidature is found
incorrect/fake/infLated at any stage, action including termination of the consuLtancy
agreement and debarment of the firm upto 2 years from future MoRT&:Hor its
Executing Agenciesprojects shall be taken by MoRT&:Hor its Executing Agencies.

In case, the information contained in the CV for the duration in which the key
personneL was empLoyed by the firm proposing his candidature is found
incorrect/fake/infLated at any stage, the consuLtancyfirms shall have to refund the
saLaryand perks drawn in respect of the person apart from other consequences. In
addition to this, in case, the information contained in the CV for the duration in
which the key personnel was not employed by the firm proposing his candidature is
found incorrectlfakelinflated at any stage, the consultancy firms will have to refund
the twice of salary and perks drawn in respect of the person. In the event the penalty
is not paid by the Consultancy Firm, the same shall be recovered from encashment of
performance security of the firm.

While we fully appreciate the objective, certain practical aspects need to be

considered and valued. With the introduction of INFRACON,the Consultant does not
have any direct/indirect control on CV as this is uploaded by individual professional
with complete protection. Further, the Consultants do not have any such
tool/mechanism to verify the authenticity of the qualification and experience of any
candidate; they can only rely on the documents provided by a candidate. As a
Consultant, we can take full responsibility of our permanent employee's experience
for their employment period in organization. In view of this practical perspective, the
risk, responsibilities and financial implications imposed on the Consultants through
these clauses are extremely stringent and unrealistic. We seek your judicious
consideration and rational modification on this matter. Pleaseconsider and confirm.
24. Please refer SCCClause 6.2 (a)(i) (page no. 235), it is mentioned that bill rates of Payment for such items shall be
remaining items of the financial proposal namely (i) transportation, (ii) Duty travel to made as per rate quoted by the
site (iii) Office Rent, (iv) office supplies communication etc (v) reports & document bidder as per format given in
printing and (vi) survey equipment etc. shall be worked out month wise as per actual Appendix C3 of the RFP.
expenditure. Reimbursable expenditure payment based on actual expenditure is
neither in line with the current policy of MoRTHnor in line with ongoingl under bidding
of MoRT&HI NHAI projects. Moreover, please refer Page no 72-74 of Appendix C3 of
the RFP,it is clearly mentioned that Transportation,
Duty travel to site, Office Rent, and office supplies, utilities and communication shall
be paid as per rate quoted (Fixed rate/Fixed costs) in the financial bid.

We understand that all the reimbursable amounts including reports & amp; documents
and Survey Equipment's are "fixed amounts" & amp; bills are not required to be
submitted along with invoices. Pleaseconsider and confirm.

25. Please refer clause 10.1 of page 91 of RFP, "Regarding installation of biometric As per RFP.
attendance system near project highway". We would like to bring to your notice that
it won't be feasible as internet facility won't be available at remote places on the
highway. It is being field job also where office time carries no~eaning as such, it's
requested to remove this clause. Kindly consider and confirm.
26. Please refer GCCclause 4.5.6 page 221 "If any member of the approved team of a As per RFP.
consultant engaged by NHAI leaves that consultant before completion of the job, he
shall be barred for a period of 6 months to 24 months from being engaged as a team
member of any other consultant working (or to be appointed) for any other Authority/

We understand the replacement of key personnel/ team member would be

considered without debarment/blacklisting on ground and reasons specified as per
GCCclause 4.5.1 of RFP.
27. Please let us know the current status of land acquisition, forest clearance etc. of the LA is under process. Forest
project. Also, inform about expected commencement of A.E. Services. clearance not required for the
instant project. AE shall be
mobilised after engagement of EPC
28. Please let us know the status of selection of EPC Contractor & tentative Bidding for civil work is under
commencement of services (Appointed Date) of Contractor. process.
29. Please refer clause SCC6.4(a)(1) &(3) (Page - 236) of Special Conditions of As per RFP.
Contract of the RFP,which states that Advance Payment will be set off by the Client
in equal installment against the statements for first 12 months of the services until
the Advance payment has been fully set off. And Interest rate shall be 10%per annum
(on outstanding amount) for local currency. We request you to pay the Mobilization
Advance interest free. Pleaseconsider and clarify.
30. Pleaserefer Pageno- 28 of RFP,Appendix ECfor Evaluation criteria for Assessmentof Certificate from Authorised person
Experience of the Firm, Sl no 2, Nos of Highway Professionals with the firm, it is of the bidder.
mentioned that "the current employment certificate should be uploaded by Key
Personnel on INFRACON".What are the proofs to be submitted? Please consider and
31. Please refer SCC-10.1(page 236-238), which deals with "Type of Deficiency" and As per RFP.
"Action to be taken against
Consultant engagedduring construction & maintenance." This clause hasmany serious
limitations and restrict AE to take any proactive action. Some of the major
observations are:

i. The essence of EPC Contract is that Contractor is fully responsible for

"Engineering, Procurement & Construction" and he_,introduces many value

engineering and cost effective solutions to save his cost of construction, which
in some caseseven against the approval of AE. Imposing unilateral penalty on
AE, thus completely irrational and one-sided without making the EPC
Contractor liable.
1. The team of AE is considerably pruned in the view of the very essence
of the EPCand that's why only 60%test checks are considered. Even
some of the important positions including vehicles are missing in the
proposed AE Team, whose inputs/ contributions are extremely
important for safe, timely 8: precise works. With such constrained
conditions, it is not feasible for AE to take the responsibility of all
designs, quantity, delay, workmanship etc.
Further, it is not clear with 60% checking, how AE can take
responsibilities of 100%works.
it. During construction, based on site conditions, ground realities, local
social, political and administrative scenarios, certain quid-pro decisions
are being taken to continue the works or to achieve progress. Unless
such flexibilities/ freedoms are being exercised from practical
considerations/ experiences, work may suffer with theoretical/ bookish
approach. However, with such penal actions to be imposed on AE,
Consultants shall be following the safest approach in order to safeguard
his interest rather than practical solutions.

We therefore request you to remove this clause until a rational, coherent and justified
method is being evolved.

32. We would like to request you to kindly extend the proposal submission date by at least As per RFP.
2 weeks after the queries are replied by MoRTH.Please Consider and Confirm.

Dated, the 5th August, 2022 (Sami~ha)

Regional Officer,

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by SAMIRAN SAHA
Date: 2022.08.05 11:25:31 IST
Location: eProcure-EPROC

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