The Brigada Eskwela Steering Committee and Other Working Committees SY 2022-2023
The Brigada Eskwela Steering Committee and Other Working Committees SY 2022-2023
The Brigada Eskwela Steering Committee and Other Working Committees SY 2022-2023
Department of Education
Don Ynocencio A. Del Rosario National High School
Dayao, Roxas City
Shelalyn M. Zacarias Nelson Gregorio Jr.
Jemz Acta Abegail Sumagaysay Carla Faulan Lyra Araw-Araw
Maria Lorline Alovera Lani Liza
Dielyn Hijosa Gian Paul Falcis
Jelita G. Dulla
Jose P. Montanejos Maria Sheila Frondoza
Jessa Micha Montanejos Rowena De Cara
Ma. Enridel E. Diangco Dinah Laquihon
Rexel Rose Tolentino Kristine Joy Rizon
Joanne Calvez Gina Lim
B.4 Administrative and Finance Committee
Rosalie Almonguera (Chairman)
Lewyn Dela Cruz ( Co-Chairman)
Glaiza Dusaran Maria Lyn Comintan
Mary Zyl Ladrillo Ma. Leah Almonguera
Blossom Barcenas
Quennie Bienes
Lissah Joy Martinez
Juvy Javil
Rumila Khayte Gonzalez
Mary Claire Comala
Cheryl Rose Dela Cruz Carlorenze Ordona
Gyzzyth A. Obafial
Prepared by:
Brigada Eskwela Coordinator
Noted by:
PTCA P resident
Co-ch airman
Advoc acy and Reso urce Prog ram Administrati ve Docu mentation
Marketing Mobilization Impleme ntation and Finan ce Co mmittee
Com mittee Com mittee Com mittee Committe e
1. Each teacher must have 10 stakeholders that will donate to BE. Requesting the Year Level Coordinator to
monitor the number of stakeholders and donations that they will be donating.
2. Innovations for Governance and Curriculum are required and must be submitted as soon as possible. For
curriculum, the Learning subject Coordinator will be in-charge and Governance must be the year level
coordinator. Deadline of Proposal : July 28-29, 2022
3. Adapt an area for a beautification project. Please post a name in your area. Improvement is needed. The
picture for before during and after must apply. Mayana are suggested, if ever we can have a colorful area of
beautification. Please encourage our students to donate a plant like mayana or other colorful plants that add
beauty to our school.
4. Assign committee for Brigada Eskwela Communication Letter must submit with in this week so that all of
our letter must be distributed by Monday, kada isa may assignment para tanan makahulag bulig sa pag du long
sang letter. We are encouraging everyone to please facilitate our letter and follow-up is needed.
5. I know most of us will complain, that same stakeholder, same person gyapon, then challenge ourselves to
find ways, find another prospect person who have the heart to help. Me ara gyapon na because I believed that
God created such a wonderful soul who have the heart to help and share. Mas damo gyapon ang may puso
kaysa sa walang puso.
6. Classrooms are included in Brigada Eskwela, don’t forget to beautify our classrooms. Again, Before, during
and after are needed for MOV’s. Please encourage our parents to log in and log out if they will come to help
clean the classroom;.
7. Attendance is required for activity. If you want to claim service credits, so attendance is a
must. Each year level must have an attendance para sigurado, see to it, that you sign within your own
penmanship and signature. Picture for an everyday activity must be practiced.
8. Requesting our Committee on Advocacy and Marketing to have a online marketing strategies wherein we can
share and help orient our parents and students how important Brigada Eskwela is all about. Videos and Fliers
are advice. Must be within the week, used new pictures or updated activities of our school are encouraged.
9. 4Ps parents are invited and encouraged to come, but see to it they will have an attendance.
10. We will be having a fund raising activity, fund will be used for BE Projects and programs