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Murray Roberts (Willy Cocquyt PR Eng 860106) Calculation Sheet Input Sheet

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Murray Roberts (Willy Cocquyt Pr Eng 860106) Calculation Sheet

Input Sheet
All information must be filled in where the cells are shaded with green background.

Client ESKOM Medupi Power Station

Project Pre-Airheater Element Loading
Project Number 2330003
Item Crawl Beam Overhanging at One Support
Item Number -
Revision 01
FOS 4.00
Index Design Code
Limit State Calculation 3 SANS 10162-1
Limit State Calculation (cont.) 4 SANS 10162-1

Revision Information
Revision Date Description
00 15 July 2010 First Issue
Compiled Tiego Kgonong
Date 15 July 2010
Checked Willy Cocquyt
Date 15 July 2010
Willy Cocquyt Pr Eng
Telephone +27 14 762 1808 Cell +27 82 372 2655
e-mail willy.cocquyt@murrob.com

Design Calculation

Crawl Beam Overhanging at One Support 1 Ton

Pre-Airheater Element Loading 1 x UC 305x305x137
ESKOM Medupi Power Station

Calculation Number
2330003 - - - 01
FOS 4.00

Approval Status


A Calculation approved
Contractor may proceed

Calculation approved with comments

B Contractor to proceed in accordance with comments
& resubmit

C Calculation not approved

Do not proceed

I For information only

Note: Approval of the calculations does not relieve

the contractor of any responsibilities in terms of the
Calculation Sheet
2 of 6
Client ESKOM Medupi Power Station Project Number 2330003
Project Pre-Airheater Element Loading Item Number -


Cover 1
Content, Construction Notes, Revision Status 2
Calculations 3
Data summary 6

Construction Notes

1. Ensure that the support at the overhang end is not of the rotation type but rather of the fixed type. This
will ensure that the deflection of the overhang beam is reduced. This can be achieved by constraining the
crawl beam at the overhang support.

2. The opposite support of the overhang support needs to be constrained in such a way that vertical upward
movement is not possible. The maximum upwards force in that support is equal the design load.

3. The FOS (Factor of Safety) = 4 to encompass the assumption n that all preheater element packs weigh about
1 ton, and to encompass dynamic load. The crawl beam needs to marked with the SWL = 1 Ton.

Material Grade 350WA SANS 1431 - S355 JR EN 10025 / SANS 50025

Design Code SANS 10162-1

Approval Revision: 01

Compiled Checked

Name WWE Cocquyt Pr Eng (860106) Daniel Morwaswi


Date 05 May 2016 05 May 2016

Calculation Sheet
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Client ESKOM Medupi Power Station Project No. 2330003
Project Pre-Airheater Element Loading Item Number -

Title Limit State Calculation

Item Crawl Beam Overhanging at One Support

Design Code SANS 10162-1

Material Structural Steel
Material Grade 350WA SANS 1431 - S355 JR EN 10025 / SANS 50025
Ultimate Tensile Strength fu 480.00 MPa
Yield Stress fy 345.00 Mpa

Mass to be supported P 1.000 Ton Ref.: 0

Safety Factor 4.00
Number of Beams used n 1

Safe working Load, SWL 9.8100 kN

0 0.00
Design Load, DL 39.2400 kN

A. Load in the middle between supports

1. Beam deflection mm x (mm) = P * l3 / 48 * E * n *Ix
x= 4.27 mm

xm (mm) = l * xm%
xm= 21.00 mm 0.20

Beam deflection Acceptable

2. Bending Moment Tensile Stress

2.1 Maximum Bending Moment Mmax (KNm) = P/2 * l/2

Mmax = 68.6700 kNm

2.2. Maximum bending stress σmax (MPa) = Mmax / n * Zx Mpa

σmax = 33.6618 Mpa 0.07

Bending stresses Acceptable

3. Shear stresses

3.1 Shear area As (cm2) = (h - 2 * s)* t * n cm2

As = 63.5593 cm2

3.2 Shear stresses τMax (Mpa) = P / As Mpa

τMax = 6.1738 Mpa 0.02

Compared to Design Load Acceptable

Calculation Sheet 4 of 6
Client ESKOM Medupi Power Station Project No. 2330003
Project Pre-Airheater Element Loading Item Number -

B. Load at the end of the overhang

1.1 Beam deflection mm x (mm) = P * a2 * (l + a) / 3 * E * n *Ix
x= 17.95 mm
Beam deflection assumed overhang support is not a fixed
xm (mm) = l * xm%
xm= 21.00 mm 0.85

The assumption that the overhang support is not

Beam deflection Acceptable fixed is not in reality correct. The overhang
support is welded to structural steel and thus
1.2 Beam deflection mm avoiding a perfect rotation of the beam at the
overhang support point.

Beam deflection assumed overhang support is a fixed

support and cantilever formula is applicable
x (mm) = P * a3 / 3 * E * n *Ix
x= 5.38 mm 0.30

Calculated as a perfect cantilever reduces the

Beam deflection Acceptable delection considerable

2. Bending Moment Tensile Stress

2.1 Maximum Bending Moment Mmax (KNm) = P * a

Mmax = 117.7200 kNm

2.2. Maximum bending stress σmax (MPa) = Mmax / n * Zx Mpa

σmax = 57.7059 Mpa 0.12

Bending stresses Acceptable

3. Shear stresses

3.1 Shear area As (cm2) = (h - 2 * s)* t * n cm2

As = 63.5593 cm2

3.2 Shear stresses τMax (Mpa) = P / As Mpa

τMax = 6.1738 Mpa 0.02

Compared to Design Load Acceptable

Calculation Sheet 5 of 7
Client ESKOM Medupi Power Station Project No. 2330003
Project Pre-Airheater Element Loading Item Number -

C. Maximum Load on overhang support

R2, max (kN) = P /l * (l + a) kN

R2, max = 56.06 kN

D. Maximum Load on support opposite the overhang support

R1, max (kN) = P kN

R1, max = 39.24 kN

Calculation Sheet
Client ESKOM Medupi Power Station Project No.
Project Pre-Airheater Element Loading Item Number
Crawl Beam Overhanging at One Support - Data

Material Structural Steel

Material Grade 350WA SANS 1431 - S355 JR EN 10025 / SANS 50025

Density 7850
Modulus of Elasticity (Young Modulus) E 200000
Poisson Ratio μ 0.30
Shear Modulus G 76923
Ultimate Tensile Strength f u 480.00
Yield Stress fy 345.00
Resistance Factor (Structural Steel) Φ 0.90
Resistance Factor (Weld Metal) Φw 0.67
Resistance Factor (Bearing of Bolt) Φbr 0.67
Mass to be supported P 1.000
Safety Factor 4.00
Beam UC 305x305x137 Number of Beams used n 1
Depth of section h 320.50
Web Thickness s 320.50
Flange Thickness t 21.70
Lug Height H = 4 * d 32800.0
Lug Thickness t 2040.00
Moment of Inertia Ix 32800.00
Elastic Modulus Zx 2040.00
Width of Section b 308.70
Distance between supports l, Overhang a 7.00
Point load in middle of supports x, overhang load y 3.50
Allowed deflection xm% = 0.30%
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Calculation Sheet 5 of 6
Client ESKOM Medupi Power Station Project No. 2330003
Project Pre-Airheater Element Loading Item Number -
Revision Records of Calculation Sheets

Date Revision Revision Description Compiled by Checked by

2/6/2012 00 Original Document Tiego Kgokong Willy Cocquyt
Overhang formula used WWE Cocquyt Pr Daniel Morwaswi
5/5/2016 01 Eng (860106)
Hot-rolled steel
Designation h b tw tf r1 m A Ix Zx rx Iy
mmxmmxkg/m mm mm mm mm mm kg/m 103 mm2 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 106 mm4
I-sections (Parallel flange) UBpf UBpf IPE-AA 100 IPE-AA 100 97.60 55.00 3.60 4.50 7.00 6.72 0.86 1.36 27.80 39.80 0.13
UBpf UBpf IPE 100 IPE 100 100.00 55.00 4.10 5.70 7.00 8.10 1.03 1.71 34.20 40.70 0.16
UBpf UBpf IPE-AA 120 IPE-AA 120 117.00 64.00 3.80 4.80 7.00 8.36 1.06 2.44 41.70 47.90 0.21
UBpf UBpf IPE 120 IPE 120 120.00 64.00 4.40 6.30 7.00 10.40 1.32 3.18 53.00 49.00 0.28
UBpf UBpf IPE-AA 140 IPE-AA 140 136.60 73.00 3.80 5.20 7.00 10.10 1.28 4.07 59.70 56.40 0.34
UBpf UBpf IPE 140 IPE 140 140.00 73.00 4.70 6.90 7.00 12.90 1.64 5.41 77.30 57.40 0.45
UBpf UBpf IPE-AA 160 IPE-AA 160 156.40 82.00 4.00 5.60 9.00 12.30 1.57 6.59 84.30 64.80 0.52
UBpf UBpf IPE 160 IPE 160 160.00 82.00 5.00 7.40 9.00 15.80 2.01 8.69 109.00 65.80 0.68
UBpf UBpf IPE-AA 180 IPE-AA 180 176.40 91.00 4.30 6.20 9.00 14.90 1.90 10.20 116.00 73.20 0.78
UBpf UBpf IPE 180 IPE 180 180.00 91.00 5.30 8.00 9.00 18.80 2.39 13.20 146.00 74.20 1.01
UBpf UBpf IPE-AA 200 IPE-AA 200 196.40 100.00 4.50 6.70 12.00 18.00 2.29 15.30 156.00 81.90 1.12
UBpf UBpf IPE 200 IPE 200 200.00 100.00 5.60 8.50 12.00 22.40 2.85 19.40 194.00 82.60 1.42
UBpf UBpf 203x133x25 203x133x25 203.20 133.40 5.70 7.80 7.60 25.10 3.22 23.50 231.00 85.40 3.09
UBpf UBpf 203x133x30 203x133x30 206.80 133.80 6.40 9.60 7.60 30.00 3.80 28.90 279.00 87.20 3.84
UBpf UBpf 254x146x31 254x146x31 251.50 146.10 6.00 8.60 7.60 31.10 3.99 44.30 352.00 105.00 4.48
UBpf UBpf 254x146x37 254x146x37 256.00 146.40 6.30 10.90 7.60 37.00 4.74 55.50 433.00 108.00 5.71
UBpf UBpf 254x146x43 254x146x43 259.60 147.30 7.20 12.70 7.60 43.00 5.50 65.50 505.00 109.00 6.77
UBpf UBpf 305x102x25 305x102x25 304.80 101.60 5.80 7.00 7.60 24.80 3.12 43.60 286.00 118.00 1.19
UBpf UBpf 305x102x28 305x102x28 308.90 101.90 6.00 8.80 7.60 28.20 3.64 54.40 352.00 122.00 1.58
UBpf UBpf 305x102x33 305x102x33 312.70 102.40 6.60 10.80 7.60 32.80 4.18 65.00 416.00 125.00 1.94
UBpf UBpf 305x165x40 305x165x40 303.80 165.10 6.10 10.20 8.90 40.30 5.16 85.50 563.00 129.00 7.66
UBpf UBpf 305x165x46 305x165x46 307.10 165.70 6.70 11.80 8.90 46.10 5.88 99.30 647.00 130.00 8.96
UBpf UBpf 305x165x54 305x165x54 310.90 166.80 7.70 13.70 8.90 54.00 6.82 117.00 752.00 131.00 10.60
UBpf UBpf 356x171x45 356x171x45 352.00 171.00 6.90 9.70 10.20 45.00 5.70 121.00 686.00 146.00 8.10
UBpf UBpf 356x171x51 356x171x51 355.60 171.50 7.30 11.50 10.20 51.00 6.46 142.00 796.00 148.00 9.68
UBpf UBpf 356x171x57 356x171x57 358.60 172.10 8.00 13.00 10.20 57.00 7.22 161.00 896.00 149.00 11.10
UBpf UBpf 356x171x67 356x171x67 364.00 173.20 9.10 15.70 10.20 67.10 8.55 195.00 1070.00 151.00 13.60
UBpf UBpf 406x140x39 406x140x39 397.30 141.80 6.30 8.60 10.20 39.00 4.92 124.00 625.00 159.00 4.10
UBpf UBpf 406x140x46 406x140x46 402.30 142.40 6.90 11.20 10.20 46.00 5.90 157.00 779.00 163.00 5.40
UBpf UBpf 406x178x54 406x178x54 402.60 177.60 7.60 10.90 10.20 54.10 6.86 187.00 927.00 165.00 10.20
UBpf UBpf 406x178x60 406x178x60 406.40 177.80 7.80 12.80 10.20 60.10 7.61 215.00 1060.00 168.00 12.00
UBpf UBpf 406x178x67 406x178x67 409.40 178.80 8.80 14.30 10.20 67.10 8.55 243.00 1190.00 169.00 13.60
UBpf UBpf 406x178x74 406x178x74 412.80 179.70 9.70 16.00 10.20 74.20 9.53 274.00 1330.00 170.00 15.50
UBpf UBpf 457x191x67 457x191x67 453.60 189.90 8.50 12.70 10.20 67.10 8.55 294.00 1300.00 185.00 14.50
UBpf UBpf 457x191x74 457x191x74 457.20 190.50 9.10 14.50 10.20 74.30 9.51 334.00 1460.00 187.00 16.70
UBpf UBpf 457x191x82 457x191x82 460.20 191.30 9.90 16.00 10.20 82.00 10.50 371.00 1610.00 188.00 18.70
UBpf UBpf 457x191x89 457x191x89 463.60 192.00 10.60 17.70 10.20 89.30 11.40 411.00 1770.00 190.00 20.90
UBpf UBpf 457x191x98 457x191x98 467.60 192.80 11.40 19.60 10.20 98.30 12.50 458.00 1960.00 191.00 23.50
UBpf UBpf 533x210x82 533x210x82 528.30 208.70 9.60 13.20 12.70 82.20 10.50 475.00 1800.00 213.00 20.00
UBpf UBpf 533x210x92 533x210x92 533.10 209.30 10.20 15.60 12.70 92.10 11.80 553.00 2080.00 217.00 23.90
UBpf UBpf 533x210x101 533x210x101 536.70 210.10 10.90 17.40 12.70 101.00 12.90 616.00 2300.00 218.00 27.00
UBpf UBpf 533x210x109 533x210x109 539.50 210.70 11.60 18.80 12.70 109.00 13.90 668.00 2480.00 219.00 29.40
UBpf UBpf 533x210x122 533x210x122 544.60 211.90 12.80 21.30 12.70 122.00 15.60 762.00 2800.00 221.00 33.90
UBpf UBpf 533x210x138 533x210x138 549.00 214.00 14.70 23.60 12.70 138.00 17.60 861.00 3140.00 221.00 38.70
I-sections (Taper flange) UBtf UBtf 127x76x13 127x76x13 127.00 76.20 4.50 7.60 7.90 13.40 1.70 4.76 74.90 52.90 0.50
UBtf UBtf 152x89x17 152x89x17 152.40 88.90 4.90 8.30 7.90 17.10 2.18 8.84 116.00 63.70 0.87
UBtf UBtf 178x102x22 178x102x22 177.80 101.60 5.30 9.00 9.40 21.40 2.73 15.10 170.00 74.40 1.38
UBtf UBtf 203x102x25 203x102x25 203.20 101.60 5.80 10.40 9.40 25.30 3.23 23.00 226.00 84.40 1.63
UBtf UBtf 203x152x52 203x152x52 203.00 152.00 8.90 16.50 15.50 7.60 6.64 52.30 471.00 84.40 8.10
H-sections (Parallel flange) UC UC 152x152x23 152x152x23 152.40 152.40 6.10 6.80 7.60 23.00 2.97 12.60 165.00 65.10 4.02
UC UC 152x152x30 152x152x30 157.50 152.90 6.60 9.40 7.60 30.00 3.84 17.50 222.00 67.50 5.60
UC UC 152x152x37 152x152x37 161.80 154.40 8.10 11.50 7.60 37.00 4.73 22.10 274.00 68.40 7.06
UC UC 203x203x46 203x203x46 203.20 203.20 7.30 11.00 10.20 46.10 5.88 45.60 449.00 88.10 15.40
UC UC 203x203x52 203x203x52 206.20 203.90 8.00 12.50 10.20 52.00 6.64 52.50 510.00 89.00 17.70
UC UC 203x203x60 203x203x60 209.60 205.20 9.30 14.20 10.20 60.00 7.60 61.00 582.00 89.60 20.50
UC UC 203x203x71 203x203x71 215.90 206.20 10.30 17.30 10.20 71.00 9.09 76.30 707.00 91.60 25.30
UC UC 203x203x86 203x203x86 222.30 208.80 13.00 20.50 10.20 86.10 11.00 94.60 851.00 92.70 31.10
UC UC 254x254x73 254x254x73 254.20 254.00 8.60 14.20 12.70 73.10 9.29 114.00 896.00 111.00 38.80
UC UC 254x254x89 254x254x89 260.40 255.90 10.50 17.30 12.70 88.90 11.40 143.00 1100.00 112.00 48.30
UC UC 254x254x107 254x254x107 266.70 258.30 13.00 20.50 12.70 107.00 13.70 175.00 1310.00 113.00 58.90
UC UC 254x254x132 254x254x132 276.40 261.00 15.60 25.10 12.70 132.00 16.80 224.00 1620.00 116.00 74.50
UC UC 254x254x167 254x254x167 289.10 264.50 19.20 31.70 12.70 167.00 21.20 299.00 2070.00 119.00 97.90
UC UC 305x305x97 305x305x97 307.80 304.80 9.90 15.40 15.20 96.90 12.30 222.00 1440.00 134.00 72.70
UC UC 305x305x118 305x305x118 314.50 306.80 11.90 18.70 15.20 118.00 15.00 276.00 1760.00 136.00 90.10
UC UC 305x305x137 305x305x137 320.50 308.70 13.80 21.70 15.20 137.00 17.40 328.00 2040.00 137.00 106.00
UC UC 305x305x158 305x305x158 327.20 310.60 15.70 25.00 15.20 158.00 20.10 387.00 2360.00 139.00 125.00

Channels (Parallel flange)

Designation h b tw tf r1 m A Ix Zx rx Iy
mmxmmxkg/m mm mm mm mm mm kg/m 103 mm2 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 106 mm4

Channels (Parallel flange) PFC 100x50 100 50 5 8.4 8.4 10.1 1.29 2.05 41.1 40 0.32
PFC 180x70 180 70 7 10.9 10.9 21.1 2.68 13.5 150 71 1.27
PFC 200x75 200 75 7.5 11.4 11.4 24.3 3.09 19.1 191 78.6 1.67

230x90x32 230 90 7.5 14 12 32.2 4.1 35.2 306 92.7 3.34
260x90x35 260 90 8 14 12 34.8 4.44 47.3 364 103 3.53
Hot-rolled steel

300x100x46 300 100 9 16.5 12 45.3 5.76 81.7 545 119 5.67

Channels (Taper flange)

Designation h b tw tf r1 r2 b1 á m A Ix ac ay
mmxmmxkg/m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm deg kg/m 103 mm2 106 mm4 mm mm

DIN taper f lange

100x50x11 100 50 6 8.5 8.5 4.5 25.6 94.57 10.7 1.34 2.05 31.7 15.5
120x55x13 120 55 7 9 9 4.5 27.5 94.57 13.5 1.7 3.64 32.7 16.1
140x60x16 140 60 7 10 10 5 30 94.57 16.2 2.04 6.05 36.4 17.6
160x65x19 160 65 7.5 10.5 10.5 5.5 32.5 94.57 19.1 2.4 9.25 38.5 18.4
180x70x22 180 70 8 11 11 5.5 35 94.57 22.3 2.8 13.5 40.6 19.3
200x75x25 200 75 8.5 11.5 11.5 6 37.5 94.57 25.3 3.22 19.1 42.7 20.1
BS taper flange
76x38x7 76.2 38.1 5.1 6.8 7.6 2.4 16.5 95 6.7 0.855 0.743 23.3 11.9
127x64x15 127 63.5 6.4 9.2 10.7 2.4 28.5 95 14.9 1.9 4.83 40.2 19.4
Hot-rolled steel

152x76x18 152.4 76.2 6.4 9 12.2 2.4 34.9 95 17.9 2.28 8.51 47.8 22.1
178x54x15 177.8 54 5.8 8.3 8.3 3.2 24.1 92 14.5 1.85 8.6 29.3 14.2

Angles (Equal leg)

Designation r1 r2 m A Ix Zx rx Iu Zu ru Iv
hxbxt mm mm mm kg/m 103 mm2 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 106 mm4

25x25x3 3.5 2 1.11 0.142 0.008 0.448 7.49 0.013 0.714 9.43 0.003
25x25x5 3.5 2 1.77 0.226 0.012 0.708 7.3 0.019 1.07 9.14 0.005

30x30x3 5 2.5 1.36 0.174 0.014 0.649 8.99 0.022 1.05 11.3 0.006
30x30x5 5 2.5 2.18 0.278 0.022 1.04 8.83 0.034 1.61 11.1 0.009

40x40x3 6 3 1.87 0.235 0.035 1.18 12.1 0.055 1.93 15.3 0.014
40x40x4 6 3 2.42 0.308 0.045 1.55 12.1 0.071 2.51 15.2 0.019
40x40x5 6 3 2.97 0.379 0.054 1.91 12 0.086 3.04 15.1 0.023
40x40x6 6 3 3.52 0.448 0.063 2.26 11.9 0.1 3.53 14.9 0.027
Hot-rolled steel

45x45x3 7 3.5 2.13 0.268 0.05 1.52 13.7 0.079 2.49 17.2 0.021
45x45x4 7 3.5 2.74 0.349 0.064 1.97 13.6 0.102 3.2 17.1 0.027
45x45x5 7 3.5 3.38 0.43 0.078 2.43 13.5 0.124 3.9 17 0.033
45x45x6 7 3.5 4 0.509 0.092 2.88 13.4 0.145 4.56 16.9 0.038

50x50x3 7 3.5 2.37 0.298 0.07 1.89 15.3 0.11 3.12 19.2 0.029
50x50x4 7 3.5 3.06 0.389 0.09 2.46 15.2 0.142 4.02 19.1 0.037
50x50x5 7 3.5 3.77 0.48 0.11 3.05 15.1 0.174 4.92 19 0.046
50x50x6 7 3.5 4.47 0.569 0.128 3.61 15 0.203 5.75 18.9 0.053
50x50x8 7 3.5 5.82 0.741 0.163 4.68 14.8 0.257 7.27 18.6 0.069

60x60x4 8 4 3.7 0.471 0.158 3.59 18.3 0.25 5.9 23 0.066

60x60x5 8 4 4.57 0.582 0.194 4.45 18.2 0.307 7.24 23 0.08
60x60x6 8 4 5.42 0.691 0.228 5.29 18.2 0.361 8.52 22.9 0.094
60x60x8 8 4 7.09 0.903 0.292 6.89 18 0.461 10.9 22.6 0.122
60x60x10 8 4 8.69 1.11 0.349 8.41 17.8 0.551 13 22.3 0.148

Hot-rolled steel 70x70x6 9 4.5 6.38 0.813 0.369 7.27 21.3 0.585 11.8 26.8 0.153
70x70x8 9 4.5 8.36 1.06 0.475 9.52 21.1 0.753 15.2 26.6 0.197
70x70x10 9 4.5 10.3 1.31 0.572 11.7 20.9 0.905 18.3 26.3 0.24

80x80x6 10 5 7.34 0.935 0.558 9.57 24.4 0.885 15.6 30.8 0.231
80x80x8 10 5 9.63 1.23 0.722 12.6 24.3 1.15 20.3 30.6 0.299
80x80x10 10 5 11.9 1.51 0.875 15.4 24.1 1.39 24.5 30.3 0.364
80x80x12 10 5 14 1.79 1.02 18.2 23.9 1.61 28.4 30 0.427

90x90x6 11 5.5 8.3 1.06 0.803 12.2 27.6 1.27 20 34.7 0.333
90x90x8 11 5.5 10.9 1.39 1.04 16.1 27.4 1.66 26 34.5 0.431
90x90x10 11 5.5 13.4 1.71 1.27 19.8 27.2 2.01 31.6 34.3 0.526
90x90x12 11 5.5 15.9 2.03 1.48 23.3 27 2.34 36.8 34 0.617

100x100x8 12 6 12.2 1.55 1.45 19.9 30.6 2.3 32.5 38.5 0.599
100x100x10 12 6 15 1.92 1.77 24.6 30.4 2.8 39.6 38.3 0.73
100x100x12 12 6 17.8 2.27 2.07 29.1 30.2 3.28 46.3 38 0.857
Hot-rolled steel

100x100x15 12 6 21.9 2.79 2.49 35.6 29.8 3.93 55.5 37.5 1.04

120x120x8 13 6.5 14.7 1.87 2.55 29.1 36.9 4.05 47.8 46.5 1.05
120x120x10 13 6.5 18.2 2.32 3.13 36 36.7 4.97 58.6 46.3 1.29
120x120x12 13 6.5 21.6 2.75 3.68 42.7 36.5 5.84 68.8 46 1.52
120x120x15 13 6.5 26.6 3.39 4.45 52.4 36.2 7.05 83.1 45.6 1.85

150x150x10 16 8 23 2.93 6.24 56.9 46.2 9.91 93.4 58.2 2.58

150x150x12 16 8 27.3 3.48 7.37 67.7 46 11.7 110 58 3.03
150x150x15 16 8 33.8 4.3 8.98 83.5 45.7 14.3 134 57.6 3.7
150x150x18 16 8 40.1 5.1 10.5 98.7 45.4 16.6 157 57.1 4.35

200x200x16 18 9 48.5 6.18 23.4 162 61.6 37.2 263 77.6 9.6
200x200x18 18 9 54.2 6.91 26 181 61.3 41.3 292 77.3 10.7
200x200x20 18 9 59.9 7.63 28.5 199 61.1 45.3 320 77 11.7
200x200x24 18 9 71.1 9.06 33.3 235 60.6 52.8 374 76.4 13.8

Angles (Unequal leg)

Hot-rolled steel

Designation r1 r2 m A Ix Zx rx Iy Zy ry Iu
hxbxt mm mm mm kg/m 103 mm2 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 106 mm4

65x50x6 6 3 5.16 0.658 0.272 6.1 20.3 0.14 3.77 14.6 0.338
65x50x8 6 3 6.75 0.86 0.348 7.93 20.1 0.177 4.89 14.4 0.43

75x50x6 7 3.5 5.65 0.719 0.405 8.01 23.7 0.144 3.81 14.2 0.466
75x50x8 7 3.5 7.39 0.941 0.52 10.4 23.5 0.184 4.95 14 0.596

80x60x6 8 4 6.37 0.811 0.514 9.29 25.2 0.248 5.49 17.5 0.628
80x60x8 8 4 8.34 1.06 0.663 12.2 25 0.318 7.16 17.3 0.808

90x65x6 8 4 7.07 0.901 0.734 11.8 28.5 0.323 6.53 18.9 0.879
90x65x8 8 4 9.29 1.18 0.949 15.5 28.3 0.415 8.54 18.7 1.13
90x65x10 8 4 11.4 1.46 1.15 19 28.1 0.499 10.4 18.5 1.37

100x65x8 10 5 9.94 1.27 1.27 18.9 31.6 0.422 8.54 18.3 1.44
100x65x10 10 5 12.3 1.56 1.54 23.2 31.4 0.51 10.5 18.1 1.75

100x75x6 10 5 8.04 1.02 1.02 14.7 31.6 0.495 8.67 22 1.25

Hot-rolled steel

100x75x8 10 5 10.6 1.35 1.33 19.3 31.4 0.641 11.4 21.8 1.62
100x75x10 10 5 13 1.66 1.62 23.8 31.2 0.776 14 21.6 1.97
100x75x12 10 5 15.4 1.97 1.89 28 31 0.902 16.5 21.4 2.3

125x75x8 11 5.5 12.2 1.55 2.47 29.6 40 0.676 11.6 20.9 2.74
125x75x10 11 5.5 15 1.91 3.02 36.5 39.7 0.821 14.3 20.7 3.34
125x75x12 11 5.5 17.8 2.27 3.54 43.2 39.5 0.955 16.9 20.5 3.91

150x75x10 11 5.5 17 2.16 5.01 51.8 48.1 0.858 14.6 19.9 5.32
150x75x12 11 5.5 20.2 2.57 5.89 61.4 47.9 0.999 17.2 19.7 6.24
150x75x15 11 5.5 24.8 3.16 7.13 75.3 47.5 1.2 21 19.4 7.54
150x90x10 12 6 18.2 2.32 5.33 53.3 48 1.46 21 25.1 5.91
150x90x12 12 6 21.6 2.75 6.27 63.3 47.7 1.71 24.8 24.9 6.94
150x90x15 12 6 26.6 3.39 7.61 77.7 47.4 2.05 30.4 24.6 8.41

Circular hollow sections

Designation m A Ix Zx rx J Zplx
D x t mm kg/m 103 mm2 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 103mm4 103mm3
Hollow sections

32.0x2.0 1.48 0.188 0.021 1.33 10.6 0.043 1.80

32.0x2.5 1.82 0.232 0.025 1.59 10.5 0.051 2.18

34.1x2.0 1.58 0.202 0.026 1.53 11.4 0.052 2.07

34.1x2.5 1.95 0.248 0.031 1.83 11.2 0.063 2.51
34.1x3.0 2.64 0.337 0.040 2.34 10.9 0.080 3.30
34.1x4.0 2.97 0.379 0.044 2.56 10.7 0.087 3.65

38.0x2.0 1.78 0.227 0.037 1.95 12.8 0.074 2.61

38.0x2.5 2.19 0.280 0.045 2.34 12.6 0.089 3.17
38.0x3.0 2.60 0.331 0.051 2.69 12.5 0.103 3.71
38.0x4.0 3.36 0.429 0.063 3.31 12.1 0.126 4.67

42.8x2.0 2.01 0.256 0.053 2.50 14.4 0.107 3.33

42.8x2.5 2.48 0.317 0.065 3.01 14.3 0.129 4.07
Hollow sections

42.8x3.0 2.94 0.375 0.075 3.49 14.1 0.149 4.76

42.8x4.0 3.83 0.488 0.093 4.33 13.8 0.185 6.04

48.4x2.0 2.29 0.292 0.079 3.25 16.4 0.157 4.31

48.4x2.5 2.83 0.360 0.095 3.93 16.3 0.190 5.27
48.4x3.0 3.36 0.428 0.111 4.58 16.1 0.221 6.19
48.4x3.5 3.88 0.494 0.125 5.17 15.9 0.250 7.07
48.4x4.0 4.38 0.558 0.139 5.73 15.8 0.277 7.91

60.3x2.0 2.88 0.366 0.156 5.17 20.6 0.312 6.81

60.3x2.5 3.56 0.454 0.190 6.30 20.5 0.380 8.36
60.3x3.0 4.24 0.540 0.223 7.38 20.3 0.445 9.87
60.3x3.5 4.91 0.625 0.253 8.39 20.1 0.506 11.32
60.3x4.0 5.56 0.708 0.282 9.35 20.0 0.564 12.71
60.3x4.5 6.20 0.789 0.310 10.26 19.8 0.619 14.06

63.5x2.0 3.03 0.386 0.183 5.76 21.8 0.366 7.57

63.5x2.5 3.76 0.479 0.223 7.03 21.6 0.446 9.31
63.5x3.0 4.48 0.570 0.262 8.24 21.4 0.523 10.99
63.5x3.5 5.18 0.660 0.298 9.38 21.2 0.596 12.61
63.5x4.0 5.87 0.748 0.332 10.47 21.1 0.665 14.18
63.5x4.5 6.55 0.834 0.365 11.50 20.9 0.730 15.69

76.2x2.5 4.54 0.579 0.393 10.33 26.1 0.787 13.58

76.2x3.0 5.42 0.690 0.463 12.15 25.9 0.926 16.08
76.2x3.5 6.28 0.799 0.529 13.89 25.7 1.059 18.51
76.2x4.0 7.12 0.907 0.593 15.56 25.6 1.186 20.87
76.2x4.5 7.96 1.014 0.654 17.16 25.4 1.308 23.16
76.2x5.0 8.78 1.118 0.712 18.69 25.2 1.424 25.39
76.2x6.0 10.39 1.323 0.821 21.55 24.9 1.642 29.64

88.9x2.5 5.33 0.679 0.634 14.26 30.6 1.267 18.67

Hollow sections

88.9x3.0 6.36 0.810 0.748 16.82 30.4 1.495 22.15

88.9x3.5 7.37 0.939 0.857 19.29 30.2 1.715 25.54
88.9x4.0 8.38 1.067 0.963 21.67 30.0 1.927 28.85
88.9x4.5 9.37 1.193 1.065 23.97 29.9 2.131 32.09
88.9x5.0 10.35 1.318 1.164 26.18 29.7 2.327 35.24
88.9x6.0 12.27 1.563 1.349 30.36 29.4 2.699 41.31

101.6x2.5 6.11 0.778 0.956 18.82 35.0 1.912 24.56

101.6x3.0 7.29 0.929 1.130 22.25 34.9 2.261 29.17
101.6x3.5 8.47 1.079 1.299 25.58 34.7 2.598 33.70
101.6x4.0 9.63 1.226 1.463 28.80 34.5 2.926 38.12
101.6x4.5 10.78 1.373 1.621 31.92 34.4 3.243 42.46
101.6x5.0 11.91 1.517 1.775 34.93 34.2 3.549 46.70
101.6x6.0 14.15 1.802 2.067 40.68 33.9 4.134 54.91

114.3x2.5 6.89 0.878 1.373 24.02 39.5 2.745 31.25

114.3x3.0 8.23 1.049 1.625 28.44 39.4 3.251 37.17
114.3x3.5 9.56 1.218 1.871 32.75 39.2 3.743 42.98
114.3x4.0 10.88 1.386 2.111 36.93 39.0 4.221 48.69
114.3x4.5 12.19 1.552 2.343 41.00 38.9 4.686 54.28
114.3x5.0 13.48 1.717 2.569 44.96 38.7 5.138 59.77
114.3x6.0 16.03 2.041 3.002 52.53 38.3 6.004 70.45

127.0x2.5 7.68 0.978 1.895 29.85 44.0 3.791 38.76

127.0x3.0 9.17 1.169 2.248 35.39 43.9 4.495 46.14
Hollow sections

127.0x3.5 10.66 1.358 2.591 40.80 43.7 5.182 53.40

127.0x4.0 12.13 1.546 2.926 46.08 43.5 5.852 60.54
127.0x4.5 13.59 1.732 3.253 51.23 43.3 6.506 67.56
127.0x5.0 15.04 1.916 3.571 56.24 43.2 7.143 74.46
127.0x6.0 17.90 2.281 4.184 65.90 42.8 8.369 87.92

139.7x3.0 10.11 1.288 3.011 43.11 48.3 6.022 56.07

139.7x3.5 11.76 1.498 3.475 49.75 48.2 6.950 64.94
139.7x4.0 13.39 1.705 3.929 56.24 48.0 7.857 73.68
139.7x4.5 15.00 1.911 4.372 62.59 47.8 8.744 82.29
139.7x5.0 16.61 2.116 4.805 68.80 47.7 9.611 90.76
139.7x6.0 19.78 2.520 5.643 80.78 47.3 11.285 107.33

152.4x3.0 11.05 1.408 3.930 51.58 52.8 7.860 66.97

152.4x3.5 12.85 1.637 4.540 59.58 52.7 9.080 77.61
152.4x4.0 14.64 1.865 5.137 67.42 52.5 10.275 88.11
152.4x4.5 16.41 2.091 5.722 75.10 52.3 11.445 98.47
152.4x5.0 18.18 2.315 6.295 82.62 52.1 12.591 108.68
152.4x6.0 21.66 2.760 7.406 97.19 51.8 14.811 128.67

165.1x3.0 11.99 1.528 5.020 60.81 57.3 10.039 78.84

165.1x3.5 13.95 1.777 5.803 70.30 57.1 11.606 91.42
165.1x4.0 15.89 2.024 6.572 79.61 57.0 13.143 103.83
165.1x4.5 17.82 2.270 7.326 88.74 56.8 14.651 116.10
Hollow sections

165.1x5.0 19.74 2.515 8.065 97.70 56.6 16.131 128.20

165.1x6.0 23.54 2.999 9.503 115.11 56.3 19.005 151.95

177.8x3.5 15.04 1.917 7.281 81.90 61.6 14.562 106.35

177.8x4.0 17.14 2.184 8.251 92.81 61.5 16.502 120.85
177.8x4.5 19.23 2.450 9.204 103.53 61.3 18.407 135.18
177.8x5.0 21.31 2.714 10.140 114.06 61.1 20.279 149.34
177.8x6.0 25.42 3.238 11.962 134.56 60.8 23.924 177.16

193.7x3.5 16.42 2.091 9.460 97.68 67.3 18.921 126.63

193.7x4.0 18.71 2.384 10.728 110.77 67.1 21.456 143.97
193.7x4.5 21.00 2.675 11.975 123.65 66.9 23.950 161.12
193.7x6.0 27.77 3.538 15.597 161.05 66.4 31.194 211.46

219.1x3.5 18.60 2.370 13.759 125.65 76.2 27.518 162.56

219.1x4.0 21.21 2.702 15.617 142.62 76.0 31.233 184.92
219.1x4.5 23.80 3.032 17.448 159.34 75.9 34.896 207.08
219.1x6.0 31.52 4.015 22.787 208.10 75.3 45.575 272.29
219.1x8.0 41.63 5.303 29.554 269.90 74.7 59.109 356.34
Hollow sections

219.1x10.0 51.54 6.566 35.933 328.15 74.0 71.866 437.14

273.1x6.0 39.52 5.035 44.921 328.97 94.5 89.843 428.13

273.1x8.0 52.30 6.663 58.583 429.03 93.8 117.167 562.39
273.1x10.0 64.88 8.266 71.622 524.51 93.1 143.245 692.55
273.1x12.0 77.27 9.843 84.058 615.58 92.4 168.116 818.65

323.9x6.0 47.04 5.992 75.725 467.58 112.4 151.449 606.43

323.9x8.0 62.32 7.939 99.101 611.92 111.7 198.202 798.51
323.9x10.0 77.41 9.861 121.583 750.75 111.0 243.167 985.67
323.9x12.0 92.30 11.758 143.196 884.20 110.4 286.391 1167.96

355.6x6.0 51.73 6.590 100.706 566.40 123.6 201.411 733.39

355.6x8.0 68.58 8.736 132.014 742.48 122.9 264.027 966.78
355.6x10.0 85.23 10.857 162.235 912.46 122.2 324.470 1194.73
355.6x12.0 101.68 12.953 191.395 1076.46 121.6 382.789 1417.31

406.4x6.0* 59.25 7.547 151.283 744.50 141.6 302.567 961.99

406.4x8.0 78.60 10.013 198.739 978.05 140.9 397.478 1269.95
406.4x10.0 97.76 12.453 244.758 1204.52 140.2 489.516 1571.66
llow sections

406.4x12.0 116.72 14.869 289.370 1424.07 139.5 578.740 1867.19

Hollow section
457.0x6.0* 66.73 8.501 216.181 946.09 159.5 432.362 1220.48
457.0x8.0 88.58 11.285 284.464 1244.92 158.8 568.927 1612.98
457.0x10.0 110.24 14.043 350.913 1535.73 158.1 701.826 1998.42
457.0x12.0 131.69 16.776 415.563 1818.66 157.4 831.126 2376.88

508.0x8.0 98.65 12.566 392.800 1546.46 176.8 785.599 2000.17

508.0x10.0 122.81 15.645 485.202 1910.25 176.1 970.405 2480.37
508.0x12.0 146.79 18.699 575.361 2265.20 175.4 1150.722 2952.77

Square hollow sections

Designation r1 m A Ix Zx rx J Zplx
hxbxt mm mm kg/m 103 mm2 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 103mm4 103mm3

25x25x2.0 1.48 0.170 0.014 1.14 9.2 0.025 1.42

25x25x2.5 1.82 0.204 0.016 1.28 8.9 0.029 1.64
Hollow sections

25x25x3.0 2.15 0.233 0.017 1.38 8.6 0.032 1.82

32x32x2.5 2.31 0.274 0.038 2.36 11.8 0.066 2.93

32x32x3.0 2.74 0.317 0.042 2.61 11.5 0.075 3.31

38x38x2.0 2.29 0.274 0.058 3.03 14.5 0.096 3.63

38x38x3.0 3.36 0.397 0.079 4.13 14.1 0.133 5.10
38x38x3.5 3.88 0.451 0.086 4.54 13.8 0.150 5.69

50x50x2.5 3.76 0.459 0.169 6.78 19.2 0.275 8.07

50x50x3.0 4.48 0.541 0.195 7.79 19.0 0.321 9.39
50x50x3.5 5.18 0.619 0.217 8.69 18.7 0.364 10.61
50x50x4.0 5.87 0.695 0.237 9.49 18.5 0.404 11.73
50x50x4.5 6.55 0.767 0.255 10.20 18.2 0.441 12.76

60x60x2.5 4.54 0.559 0.303 10.11 23.3 0.487 11.93

60x60x3.0 5.42 0.661 0.351 11.71 23.1 0.571 13.95
Hollow sections

60x60x3.5 6.28 0.759 0.395 13.18 22.8 0.651 15.86

60x60x4.0 7.12 0.855 0.436 14.52 22.6 0.726 17.64
60x60x4.5 7.96 0.947 0.472 15.73 22.3 0.798 19.32

75x75x2.5 5.70 0.709 0.614 16.37 29.4 0.971 19.12

75x75x3.0 6.81 0.841 0.716 19.10 29.2 1.145 22.49
75x75x3.5 7.90 0.969 0.812 21.66 28.9 1.313 25.70
75x75x4.0 8.98 1.095 0.902 24.05 28.7 1.473 28.76
75x75x4.5 10.04 1.217 0.986 26.28 28.5 1.627 31.68
75x75x5.0 11.10 1.336 1.063 28.35 28.2 1.774 34.46
75x75x6.0 13.17 1.563 1.202 32.04 27.7 2.046 39.58

80x80x3.0 7.29 0.901 0.878 21.96 31.2 1.399 25.78

80x80x3.5 8.47 1.039 0.998 24.95 31.0 1.606 29.50
80x80x4.0 9.63 1.175 1.110 27.76 30.7 1.804 33.07
80x80x4.5 10.78 1.307 1.216 30.40 30.5 1.995 36.48
80x80x5.0 11.91 1.436 1.314 32.86 30.3 2.178 39.74
80x80x6.0 14.15 1.683 1.492 37.29 29.8 2.521 45.79

100x100x2.5* 7.68 0.959 1.506 30.13 39.6 2.352 34.86

100x100x3.0 9.17 1.141 1.770 35.41 39.4 2.787 41.21
100x100x3.5 10.66 1.319 2.023 40.46 39.2 3.209 47.35
100x100x4.0 12.13 1.495 2.264 45.27 38.9 3.620 53.30
100x100x4.5 13.59 1.667 2.493 49.86 38.7 4.019 59.04
100x100x5.0 15.04 1.836 2.711 54.22 38.4 4.405 64.59
100x100x6.0 17.90 2.163 3.115 62.29 37.9 5.142 75.10

120x120x3.0* 11.05 1.381 3.123 52.06 47.6 4.877 60.24

120x120x3.5 12.85 1.599 3.582 59.69 47.3 5.630 69.40
120x120x4.0 14.64 1.815 4.023 67.05 47.1 6.366 78.33
120x120x4.5 16.41 2.027 4.447 74.12 46.8 7.084 87.01
120x120x5.0 18.18 2.236 4.855 80.91 46.6 7.785 95.45
120x120x6.0 21.66 2.643 5.622 93.69 46.1 9.135 111.61

150x150x4.0 18.40 2.295 8.078 107.71 59.3 12.648 124.87

150x150x4.5 20.64 2.567 8.963 119.51 59.1 14.108 139.08
150x150x6.0 27.30 3.363 11.459 152.79 58.4 18.327 179.88
150x150x8.0 36.01 4.324 14.118 188.24 57.1 23.641 225.96
150x150x10.0 44.51 5.257 16.525 220.34 56.1 28.392 269.17

175x175x4.0* 21.22 2.695 13.031 148.93 69.5 20.278 171.90

175x175x4.5 23.82 3.017 14.488 165.58 69.3 22.649 191.75
175x175x6.0 31.53 3.963 18.640 213.03 68.6 29.542 249.15
175x175x8.0 41.65 5.124 23.255 265.77 67.4 38.357 315.91
175x175x10.0 51.57 6.257 27.509 314.39 66.3 46.407 379.25

Hollow sections 195x195x6.0 35.22 4.443 26.172 268.43 76.7 41.245 312.66
195x195x8.0 46.56 5.764 32.895 337.39 75.5 53.751 398.67
195x195x10.0 57.71 7.057 39.159 401.63 74.5 65.307 480.81

200x200x6.0 35.82 4.563 28.327 283.27 78.8 44.588 329.67

200x200x8.0 46.51 5.924 35.663 356.63 77.6 58.152 420.86
200x200x10.0 56.96 7.257 42.511 425.11 76.5 70.717 508.08

220x220x6.0* 39.51 5.043 38.134 346.67 87.0 59.762 402.18

220x220x8.0 52.28 6.564 48.280 438.91 85.8 78.148 515.62
220x220x10.0 64.86 8.057 57.825 525.68 84.7 95.328 624.65

250x250x6.0* 45.24 5.763 56.720 453.76 99.2 88.425 524.45

250x250x8.0 59.07 7.524 72.292 578.34 98.0 115.978 675.77
250x250x10.0 72.66 9.257 87.067 696.53 97.0 141.972 822.00

260x260x6.0* 47.04 6.003 64.045 492.66 103.3 99.698 568.80

260x260x8.0 62.32 7.844 81.780 629.08 102.1 130.869 733.95
Hollow sections

260x260x10.0 77.41 9.657 98.646 758.82 101.1 160.355 893.78

285x285x8.0 68.58 8.644 109.050 765.27 112.3 173.541 889.90

285x285x10.0 85.23 10.657 131.983 926.20 111.3 213.080 1086.36

* Class 4 sections

Rectangular hollow sections

Designation r1 m A Ix Zx rx Iy Zy ry J Zplx
hxbxt mm mm kg/m 103 mm2 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 103mm4 103mm3

50x25x2.0* 2.29 0.270 0.082 3.27 17.4 0.028 2.20 10.1 0.071 4.18
50x25x2.5 2.83 0.334 0.099 3.95 17.2 0.033 2.62 9.9 0.084 5.11
50x25x3.0 3.36 0.391 0.112 4.47 16.9 0.037 2.93 9.7 0.096 5.86
50x25x3.5 3.88 0.444 0.122 4.90 16.6 0.040 3.19 9.5 0.107 6.54

50x38x2.0 2.72 0.322 0.112 4.47 18.6 0.073 3.85 15.1 0.146 5.42
50x38x2.5 3.37 0.394 0.132 5.29 18.3 0.086 4.55 14.8 0.177 6.51
50x38x3.0 4.00 0.461 0.150 6.00 18.0 0.098 5.15 14.6 0.205 7.50
Hollow sections

50x38x3.5 4.63 0.531 0.172 6.79 18.0 0.110 5.77 14.4 0.237 8.61

60x40x2.5 3.76 0.459 0.221 7.36 21.9 0.117 5.87 16.0 0.251 9.06
60x40x3.0 4.48 0.541 0.254 8.46 21.7 0.134 6.72 15.8 0.293 10.53
60x40x3.5 5.18 0.619 0.283 9.45 21.4 0.150 7.48 15.5 0.331 11.90
60x40x4.0 5.87 0.695 0.310 10.33 21.1 0.163 8.14 15.3 0.367 13.16
60x40x4.5 6.55 0.767 0.333 11.10 20.8 0.174 8.72 15.1 0.399 14.32

76x38x2.5 4.35 0.529 0.383 10.08 26.9 0.129 6.81 15.6 0.320 12.68
76x38x3.0 5.18 0.625 0.443 11.66 26.6 0.149 7.82 15.4 0.373 14.80
76x38x3.5 6.00 0.717 0.497 13.09 26.3 0.166 8.72 15.2 0.422 16.80
76x38x4.0 6.81 0.807 0.547 14.39 26.0 0.181 9.52 15.0 0.468 18.66
76x38x4.5 7.60 0.893 0.591 15.56 25.7 0.194 10.22 14.8 0.510 20.39

80x40x2.5 4.54 0.559 0.451 11.28 28.4 0.153 7.63 16.5 0.376 14.15
80x40x3.0 5.42 0.661 0.523 13.06 28.1 0.176 8.78 16.3 0.439 16.54
80x40x3.5 6.28 0.759 0.588 14.70 27.8 0.196 9.81 16.1 0.498 18.79
80x40x4.0 7.12 0.855 0.648 16.20 27.5 0.215 10.74 15.9 0.552 20.91
80x40x4.5 7.96 0.947 0.702 17.56 27.2 0.231 11.57 15.6 0.603 22.89

100x50x2.5* 5.70 0.709 0.912 18.24 35.9 0.311 12.42 20.9 0.754 22.67
100x50x3.0 6.81 0.841 1.065 21.29 35.6 0.361 14.42 20.7 0.886 26.66
100x50x3.5 7.90 0.969 1.208 24.15 35.3 0.407 16.27 20.5 1.011 30.47
100x50x4.0 8.98 1.095 1.341 26.83 35.0 0.449 17.98 20.3 1.130 34.10
100x50x4.5 10.04 1.217 1.466 29.32 34.7 0.489 19.55 20.0 1.243 37.56
100x50x5.0 11.10 1.336 1.582 31.64 34.4 0.525 20.98 19.8 1.349 40.84
100x50x6.0 13.17 1.563 1.788 35.75 33.8 0.587 23.47 19.4 1.542 46.90

120x60x3.0* 8.23 1.021 1.891 31.52 43.0 0.644 21.47 25.1 1.563 39.18
120x60x3.5 9.56 1.179 2.156 35.94 42.8 0.731 24.36 24.9 1.792 44.94
120x60x4.0 10.88 1.335 2.407 40.12 42.5 0.812 27.08 24.7 2.011 50.49
120x60x4.5 12.19 1.487 2.645 44.09 42.2 0.889 29.63 24.4 2.221 55.82
120x60x5.0 13.48 1.636 2.870 47.83 41.9 0.960 32.00 24.2 2.422 60.95
120x60x6.0 16.03 1.923 3.280 54.67 41.3 1.088 36.26 23.8 2.797 70.57

160x80x3.0* 11.05 1.381 4.638 57.98 58.0 1.590 39.76 33.9 3.803 71.41
160x80x3.5* 12.85 1.599 5.320 66.50 57.7 1.818 45.45 33.7 4.380 82.28
160x80x4.0* 14.64 1.815 5.977 74.71 57.4 2.035 50.89 33.5 4.941 92.86
160x80x4.5 16.41 2.027 6.609 82.62 57.1 2.243 56.08 33.3 5.485 103.15
160x80x5.0 18.18 2.236 7.217 90.21 56.8 2.441 61.03 33.0 6.013 113.16
160x80x6.0 21.66 2.643 8.360 104.50 56.2 2.809 70.22 32.6 7.021 132.32

200x100x4.0* 18.40 2.295 11.997 119.97 72.3 4.108 82.16 42.3 9.854 148.04
200x100x4.5 20.64 2.567 13.314 133.14 72.0 4.546 90.93 42.1 10.971 164.89
200x100x6.0 27.30 3.363 17.033 170.33 71.2 5.769 115.38 41.4 14.170 213.27
200x100x8.0 36.01 4.324 20.908 209.08 69.5 7.054 141.07 40.4 18.107 267.26
200x100x10.0 44.51 5.257 24.444 244.44 68.2 8.177 163.55 39.4 21.541 318.08

250x100x4.0* 21.22 2.695 20.917 167.33 88.1 5.030 100.60 43.2 13.225 210.41
250x100x4.5* 23.82 3.017 23.257 186.05 87.8 5.573 111.46 43.0 14.730 234.68
250x100x6.0* 31.53 3.963 29.923 239.39 86.9 7.096 141.93 42.3 19.045 304.85
250x100x8.0 41.65 5.124 37.141 297.13 85.1 8.751 175.01 41.3 24.387 385.37
250x100x10.0 51.57 6.257 43.842 350.73 83.7 10.211 204.22 40.4 29.096 462.00

250x150x6.0 * 35.82 4.563 38.856 310.84 92.3 17.683 235.78 62.3 38.858 378.05
250x150x8.0 46.51 5.924 48.858 390.86 90.8 22.192 295.90 61.2 50.504 482.17
250x150x10.0 56.96 7.257 58.250 466.00 89.6 26.342 351.23 60.2 61.207 582.00

300x140x6.0* 39.51 5.043 58.142 387.61 107.4 17.829 254.70 59.5 44.219 481.99
300x140x8.0 52.28 6.564 73.424 489.50 105.8 22.433 320.47 58.5 57.420 616.91
300x140x10.0 64.86 8.057 87.887 585.91 104.4 26.663 380.91 57.5 69.554 746.91

320x200x6.0* 47.04 6.003 86.043 537.77 119.7 41.881 418.81 83.5 88.878 646.66
320x200x8.0* 62.32 7.844 109.797 686.23 118.3 53.367 533.67 82.5 116.421 833.92
320x200x10.0 77.41 9.657 132.484 828.03 117.1 64.191 641.91 81.5 142.354 1015.48

340x180x6.0* 47.04 6.003 92.891 546.42 124.4 34.903 387.82 76.2 80.893 667.82
340x180x8.0* 62.32 7.844 118.451 696.77 122.9 44.406 493.40 75.2 105.769 860.84
340x180x10.0 77.41 9.657 142.879 840.47 121.6 53.315 592.39 74.3 129.096 1048.05

* Class 4 sections

Cold-formed lipped channels

Designation m A Ix Zx rx Iy Zy ry J ay
hxbxcxt mm kg/m 103 mm2 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 103mm4 mm
Cold-formed sections

75x50x20x2.0 3.14 0.4 0.36 9.59 30 0.15 5.12 19.3 0.534 20.8
75x50x20x2.5 3.85 0.491 0.433 11.5 29.7 0.178 6.1 19.1 1.02 20.8
75x50x20x3.0 4.54 0.578 0.5 13.3 29.4 0.204 6.98 18.8 1.73 20.7

100x50x20x2.0 3.53 0.45 0.705 14.1 39.6 0.167 5.32 19.3 0.6 18.6
100x50x20x2.5 4.35 0.554 0.854 17.1 39.3 0.2 6.35 19 1.15 18.6
100x50x20x3.0 5.13 0.653 0.991 19.8 39 0.229 7.27 18.7 1.96 18.5

100x75x20x2.0 4.32 0.55 0.945 18.9 41.4 0.439 9.65 28.2 0.734 29.5
100x75x20x2.5 5.33 0.679 1.15 23 41.2 0.53 11.6 27.9 1.41 29.5
100x75x20x3.0 6.3 0.803 1.34 26.9 40.9 0.614 13.5 27.7 2.41 29.4

125x50x20x2.0 3.93 0.5 1.19 19.1 48.8 0.181 5.46 19 0.667 16.8
125x50x20x2.5 4.84 0.616 1.45 23.2 48.5 0.216 6.52 18.7 1.28 16.8
125x50x20x3.0 5.72 0.728 1.69 27 48.1 0.248 7.47 18.5 2.18 16.8
Cold-formed sections

125x65x20x2.0 4.4 0.56 1.42 22.7 50.3 0.338 8.03 24.6 0.747 22.9
125x65x20x2.5 5.42 0.691 1.73 27.7 50 0.407 9.67 24.3 1.44 22.9
125x65x20x3.0 6.42 0.818 2.02 32.3 49.7 0.471 11.2 24 2.45 22.8

125x75x20x2.0 4.71 0.6 1.57 25.1 51.1 0.476 9.95 28.2 0.8 27.2
125x75x20x2.5 5.82 0.741 1.92 30.7 50.9 0.575 12 27.9 1.54 27.1
125x75x20x3.0 6.89 0.878 2.24 35.9 50.6 0.668 13.9 27.6 2.63 27
150x50x20x2.0 4.32 0.55 1.83 24.5 57.7 0.192 5.56 18.7 0.734 15.4
150x50x20x2.5 5.33 0.679 2.23 29.8 57.4 0.23 6.65 18.4 1.41 15.4
150x50x20x3.0 6.3 0.803 2.61 34.8 57 0.264 7.62 18.1 2.41 15.3

150x65x20x2.0 4.79 0.61 2.16 28.8 59.5 0.36 8.21 24.3 0.814 21.1
150x65x20x2.5 5.92 0.754 2.64 35.2 59.2 0.434 9.88 24 1.57 21.1
150x65x20x3.0 7.01 0.893 3.1 41.3 58.9 0.502 11.4 23.7 2.68 21
Cold-formed sections

150x65x20x3.5 8.08 1.03 3.53 47 58.5 0.564 12.8 23.4 4.2 21

150x75x20x2.0 5.1 0.65 2.38 31.8 60.5 0.507 10.2 27.9 0.867 25.2
150x75x20x2.5 6.31 0.804 2.91 38.8 60.2 0.614 12.3 27.6 1.67 25.1
150x75x20x3.0 7.48 0.953 3.42 45.6 59.9 0.713 14.3 27.3 2.86 25
150x75x20x3.5 8.63 1.1 3.9 52 59.6 0.804 16.1 27 4.49 25

175x50x20x2.0 4.71 0.6 2.65 30.3 66.4 0.202 5.64 18.3 0.8 14.2
175x50x20x2.5 5.82 0.741 3.23 36.9 66 0.242 6.75 18.1 1.54 14.2
175x50x20x3.0 6.89 0.878 3.78 43.2 65.6 0.277 7.74 17.8 2.63 14.2
175x50x20x3.5 7.94 1.01 4.3 49.2 65.2 0.309 8.63 17.5 4.13 14.1

175x65x20x2.0 5.18 0.66 3.1 35.4 68.5 0.379 8.34 23.9 0.88 19.6
175x65x20x2.5 6.41 0.816 3.79 43.3 68.1 0.457 10.1 23.7 1.7 19.6
175x65x20x3.0 7.6 0.968 4.45 50.8 67.8 0.528 11.6 23.4 2.9 19.5
175x65x20x3.5 8.76 1.12 5.08 58 67.4 0.594 13 23.1 4.56 19.5
175x65x20x4.5 11 1.4 6.24 71.3 66.7 0.707 15.5 22.5 9.46 19.4

175x75x20x2.5 6.8 0.866 4.16 47.6 69.3 0.647 12.5 27.3 1.8 23.4
Cold-formed sections

175x75x20x3.0 8.07 1.03 4.89 55.9 69 0.751 14.5 27 3.08 23.3

175x75x20x3.5 9.31 1.19 5.59 63.9 68.6 0.848 16.4 26.7 4.84 23.3
175x75x20x4.5 11.7 1.49 6.89 78.7 68 1.02 19.6 26.1 10.1 23.1

200x75x20x2.5 7.29 0.929 5.68 56.8 78.2 0.676 12.7 27 1.93 21.9
200x75x20x3.0 8.66 1.1 6.69 66.9 77.9 0.785 14.8 26.7 3.31 21.8
200x75x20x3.5 10 1.27 7.65 76.5 77.5 0.886 16.6 26.4 5.2 21.8
200x75x20x4.5 12.6 1.6 9.45 94.5 76.8 1.06 19.9 25.7 10.8 21.7

200x100x20x2.5 8.27 1.05 6.9 69 80.9 1.37 20 36 2.1 31.5

200x100x20x3.0 9.84 1.25 8.14 81.4 80.6 1.6 23.3 35.7 3.76 31.4
200x100x20x3.5 11.4 1.45 9.34 93.4 80.3 1.82 26.5 35.4 5.92 31.4
200x100x20x4.0 14.4 1.83 11.6 116 79.6 2.21 32.1 34.7 12.3 31.2

225x50x20x2.5 6.8 0.866 5.94 52.8 82.8 0.26 6.89 17.3 1.8 12.3
225x50x20x3.0 8.07 1.03 6.98 62 82.4 0.298 7.91 17 3.08 12.3
225x50x20x3.5 9.31 1.19 7.96 70.8 81.9 0.332 8.82 16.7 4.84 12.3

225x75x20x2.5 7.78 0.991 7.49 66.6 86.9 0.701 12.9 26.6 2.06 20.6
225x75x20x3.0 9.25 1.18 8.83 78.4 86.6 0.814 14.9 26.3 3.53 20.5
225x75x20x3.5 10.7 1.36 10.1 89.9 86.2 0.919 16.9 26 5.56 20.5
225x75x20x4.5 13.5 1.72 12.5 111 85.4 1.1 20.2 25.3 11.6 20.4
Cold-formed sections

250x100x20x2.5 9.25 1.18 11.5 92.2 98.9 1.47 20.5 35.3 2.46 28.3
250x100x20x3.0 11 1.4 13.6 109 98.5 1.72 24 35 4.21 28.2
250x100x20x3.5 12.7 1.62 15.6 125 98.2 1.95 27.2 34.7 6.63 28.2
250x100x20x4.5 16.1 2.05 19.5 156 97.4 2.38 33 34 13.9 28

250x75x20x2.5 8.27 1.05 9.61 76.9 95.5 0.723 13 26.2 2.19 19.4
250x75x20x3.0 9.84 1.25 11.3 90.7 95.1 0.839 15.1 25.9 3.76 19.4
250x75x20x3.5 11.4 1.45 13 104 94.7 0.948 17 25.6 5.92 19.4
250x75x20x4.5 14.4 1.83 16.1 129 93.9 1.14 20.4 24.9 12.3 19.3

250x100x20x2.5 9.25 1.18 11.5 92.2 98.9 1.47 20.5 35.3 2.46 28.3
250x100x20x3.0 11 1.4 13.6 109 98.5 1.72 24 35 4.21 28.2
250x100x20x3.5 12.7 1.62 15.6 125 98.2 1.95 27.2 34.7 6.63 28.2
250x100x20x4.5 16.1 2.05 19.5 156 97.4 2.38 33 34 13.9 28

275x65x20x2.0 6.75 0.86 9.06 65.9 103 0.432 8.69 22.4 1.15 15.3
275x65x20x2.5 8.37 1.07 11.1 80.9 102 0.521 10.5 22.1 2.22 15.3
275x65x20x3.0 9.95 1.27 13.1 95.4 102 0.603 12.1 21.8 3.8 15.3

275x75x20x2.5 8.76 1.12 12.1 87.7 104 0.741 13.1 25.8 2.33 18.4
275x75x20x3.0 10.4 1.33 14.2 103 104 0.861 15.2 25.5 3.98 18.4
275x75x20x3.5 12.1 1.54 16.3 119 103 0.971 17.1 25.1 6.27 18.4

275x100x20x2.5 9.74 1.24 14.4 105 108 1.51 20.7 34.9 2.59 26.9
275x100x20x3.0 11.6 1.48 17 124 107 1.77 24.2 34.6 4.43 26.9
275x100x20x3.5 13.4 1.71 19.6 142 107 2.01 27.5 34.3 6.99 26.8
275x100x20x4.5 17 2.17 24.4 177 106 2.45 33.4 33.6 14.6 26.7

300x65x20x2.5 8.86 1.13 13.7 91.6 110 0.53 10.5 21.7 2.35 14.5
300x65x20x3.0 10.5 1.34 16.2 108 110 0.62 12.2 21.4 4.03 14.5
300x65x20x3.5 12.2 1.55 18.6 124 109 0.69 13.7 21.1 6.34 14.5

300x75x20x2.5 9.25 1.18 14.9 99 112 0.76 13.2 25.4 2.46 17.5
300x75x20x3.0 11 1.4 17.5 117 112 0.88 15.3 25.1 4.21 17.5
300x75x20x3.5 12.7 1.62 20.1 134 111 0.99 17.3 24.7 6.63 17.5
300x75x20x4.0 16.1 2.05 25.1 167 110 1.19 20.7 24.1 13.9 17.4

300x100x20x2.5 10.2 1.3 17.6 117 116 1.55 20.9 34.5 2.72 25.7
300x100x20x3.0 12.2 1.55 20.9 139 116 1.82 24.4 34.2 4.66 25.6
300x100x20x3.5 14.1 1.8 24 160 115 2.06 27.7 33.9 7.35 25.6
300x100x20x4.5 17.9 2.28 30 200 115 2.51 33.7 33.2 15.4 25.5

Cold-formed lipped zeds

Designation m A Ix Zx rx Iy Zy ry J rv
Cold-formed sections

hxbxcxt mm kg/m 103 mm2 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 103mm4 mm

100x50x20x2.0 3.53 0.45 0.705 14.1 39.6 0.307 6.26 26.1 0.6 14.9
100x50x20x2.5 4.35 0.554 0.854 17.1 39.3 0.366 7.5 25.7 1.15 14.7
100x50x20x3.0 5.13 0.653 0.991 19.8 39 0.418 8.62 25.3 1.96 14.5
125x50x20x2.0 3.93 0.5 1.19 19.1 48.8 0.307 6.26 24.8 0.667 15.2
125x50x20x2.5 4.84 0.616 1.45 23.2 48.5 0.366 7.5 24.4 1.28 15
125x50x20x3.0 5.72 0.728 1.69 27 48.1 0.418 8.62 24 2.18 14.8

125x65x20x2.0 4.4 0.56 1.42 22.7 50.3 0.608 9.49 32.9 0.747 18.7
125x65x20x2.5 5.42 0.691 1.73 27.7 50 0.731 11.5 32.5 1.44 18.4
125x65x20x3.0 6.42 0.818 2.02 32.3 49.7 0.843 13.3 32.1 2.45 18.2

125x75x20x2.0 4.71 0.6 1.57 25.1 51.1 0.887 12 38.4 0.8 20.6
125x75x20x2.5 5.82 0.741 1.92 30.7 50.9 1.07 14.5 38 1.54 20.3
Cold-formed sections

125x75x20x3.0 6.89 0.878 2.24 35.9 50.6 1.24 16.9 37.6 2.63 20.1

150x50x20x2.0 4.32 0.55 1.83 24.5 57.7 0.307 6.26 23.6 0.734 15.3
150x50x20x2.5 5.33 0.679 2.23 29.8 57.4 0.366 7.5 23.2 1.41 15
150x50x20x3.0 6.3 0.803 2.61 34.8 57 0.418 8.62 22.8 2.41 14.8

150x65x20x2.0 4.79 0.61 2.16 28.8 59.5 0.608 9.49 31.6 0.814 19.1
150x65x20x2.5 5.92 0.754 2.64 35.2 59.2 0.731 11.5 31.1 1.57 18.9
150x65x20x3.0 7.01 0.893 3.1 41.3 58.9 0.843 13.3 30.7 2.68 18.6

150x75x20x2.0 5.1 0.65 2.38 31.8 60.5 0.887 12 36.9 0.867 21.4
150x75x20x2.5 6.31 0.804 2.91 38.8 60.2 1.07 14.5 36.5 1.67 21.1
150x75x20x3.0 7.48 0.953 3.42 45.6 59.9 1.24 16.9 36.1 2.86 20.9
150x75x20x3.5 8.63 1.1 3.9 52 59.6 1.4 19.1 35.7 4.49 20.6
150x75x20x4.5 10.8 1.38 4.79 63.9 58.9 1.67 22.9 34.8 9.31 20.2
Cold-formed sections

175x75x20x2.5 6.8 0.866 4.16 47.6 69.3 1.07 14.5 35.2 1.8 21.5
175x75x20x3.0 8.07 1.03 4.89 55.9 69 1.24 16.9 34.7 3.08 21.2
175x75x20x3.5 9.31 1.19 5.59 63.9 68.6 1.4 19.1 34.3 4.84 21
175x75x20x4.5 11.7 1.49 6.89 78.7 68 1.67 22.9 33.4 10.1 20.5

200x75x20x2.5 7.29 0.929 5.68 56.8 78.2 1.07 14.5 34 1.93 21.6
200x75x20x3.0 8.66 1.1 6.69 66.9 77.9 1.24 16.9 33.5 3.31 21.4
200x75x20x3.5 10 1.27 7.65 76.5 77.5 1.4 19.1 33.1 5.2 21.1
200x75x20x4.5 12.6 1.6 9.45 94.5 76.8 1.67 22.9 32.3 10.8 20.6

225x75x20x2.5 7.78 0.991 7.49 66.6 86.9 1.07 14.5 32.9 2.06 21.6
225x75x20x3.0 9.25 1.18 8.83 78.4 86.6 1.24 16.9 32.5 3.53 21.4
225x75x20x3.5 10.7 1.36 10.1 89.9 86.2 1.4 19.1 32 5.56 21.1
225x75x20x4.5 13.5 1.72 12.5 111 85.4 1.67 22.9 31.2 11.6 20.6

Cold-formed lipped angles

Cold-formed sections

Designation m A Ix Zx rx Iy Zy ry J ax ay
hxbxcxt mm kg/m 103 mm2 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 103mm4 mm mm

75x50x20x2.0 2.42 0.308 0.229 4.83 27.3 0.097 2.78 17.8 0.427 27.7 15.1
75x50x20x2.5 2.96 0.378 0.275 5.82 27 0.116 3.32 17.5 0.828 27.8 15.1
75x50x20x3.0 3.49 0.445 0.317 6.73 26.7 0.132 3.8 17.3 1.42 27.9 15.2

100x50x25x2.0 2.96 0.378 0.504 8.33 36.5 0.119 3.33 17.7 0.52 39.5 14.3
100x50x25x2.5 3.65 0.465 0.611 10.1 36.2 0.142 3.99 17.5 1.01 39.6 14.4
100x50x25x3.0 4.32 0.55 0.711 11.8 36 0.164 4.6 17.3 1.73 39.8 14.4

100x75x25x2.0 3.36 0.428 0.57 8.76 36.5 0.31 5.89 26.9 0.587 35 22.4
100x75x25x2.5 4.14 0.528 0.692 10.7 36.2 0.375 7.14 26.7 1.14 35.1 22.5
100x75x25x3.0 4.9 0.625 0.807 12.5 35.9 0.435 8.29 26.4 1.96 35.2 22.5

115x75x25x2.0 3.59 0.458 0.802 10.9 41.9 0.323 5.98 26.5 0.627 41.2 21
Cold-formed sections

115x75x25x2.5 4.44 0.565 0.977 13.2 41.6 0.391 7.24 26.3 1.22 41.2 21.1
115x75x25x3.0 5.26 0.67 1.14 15.5 41.3 0.454 8.42 26 2.09 41.3 21.1

125x75x25x2.5 4.63 0.59 1.2 15.1 45.1 0.4 7.3 26 1.27 45.4 20.2
125x75x25x3.0 5.49 0.7 1.4 17.7 44.8 0.465 8.49 25.8 2.18 45.5 20.3
125x75x25x3.5 6.33 0.807 1.6 20.1 44.5 0.525 9.6 25.5 3.45 45.6 20.3
125x75x25x4.5 7.95 1.01 1.95 24.6 43.9 0.631 11.6 25 7.26 45.8 20.4

150x75x25x2.5 5.12 0.653 1.89 20.1 53.8 0.42 7.43 25.4 1.4 56.2 18.4
150x75x25x3.0 6.08 0.775 2.22 23.7 53.5 0.489 8.64 25.1 2.41 56.3 18.4
150x75x25x3.5 7.02 0.894 2.53 27 53.2 0.552 9.77 24.9 3.81 56.4 18.5
150x75x25x4.5 8.83 1.12 3.1 33.3 52.5 0.665 11.8 24.3 8.02 56.7 18.6

User defined properties

Designation m A Ix Zx rx Iy Zy ry J
kg/m 103 mm2 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 106 mm4 103mm3 mm 103mm4

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