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Economics Club Constitution - Approved

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Article I: Organization Name and Purpose

Section 1: The name of this organization is Economics Club, at Lone Star College-CyFair.

Section 2: The purpose of this organization is to engage participants in discussions about the local
and global economy, improve their knowledge and interest about the subject, and
build relationships among people.

Article II: Membership

Section 1: Any registered student (full-time or part-time), faculty, or staff at Lone Star College-
CyFair (henceforth referred to as College) who is in good standing with the College, as
well as dual-credit high school students who fulfill the membership requirements
which coincide with the purpose of the organization, is eligible for membership.

Section 2: Privileges of active members include community and campus activities, voting,
nominations, serving as an officer, and attendance at meetings. These will augment
member resumés with skills and knowledge beyond those learned in the classroom.

Section 3: In order to guarantee equal rights for all members of the College student body, equal
opportunities shall be afforded all students without regard to race, color, sex, age,
sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, ethnic or national
origin, disability, veteran status, or any other protected status.

Section 4: When necessary, special tasks and committees can be assigned to members, by the
President of the Club.

Article III: Officers

Section 1: The elected officers of Economics Club shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary,
and Treasurer. These officers will serve as the Executive Committee of the organization.

Section 2: All officers shall meet the following requirements:

a) Registered students at Lone Star College-CyFair
b) Committed to serve in the appointed position throughout the academic
semester, or as referred to in Article V, Section 2.

Section 3: The length of term for appointed officers will be as long as the officer is willing,
and able, to serve in that capacity, and is also a student at Lone Star College-

Section 4: Duties of Officers

a) The presence of all members of the Executive Committee is desirable for all
regular meetings.
b) The President shall oversee all meetings and activities, and shall make sure
that, at all times, the organization abides by the rules and regulations set
forth by Lone Star College and the Student Life department. In the case that
a representative is needed, the President will represent the organization on
its behalf, except in the case where another member has been assigned.
c) The Vice President shall assist and support the President in all duties and
responsibilities of the organization, and oversee the needs of the
organization, including supplies and additional resources needed. The Vice
President will also assist in budgeting decisions and will work with assigned
club members to draft official correspondence from the club, as well as
amendments to the Constitution.
d) The Secretary shall work closely with the President and Vice President to
keep abreast of organizational goals, needs, policies, and procedures;
document all meeting decisions; and manage and maintain all organization
documents and. The Secretary will also work with the Faculty Advisor to
schedule and communicate meeting dates and locations, as well as extra
e) The Treasurer shall keep a comprehensive record and balance of Economics
Club finances and expenses, and research and report current financial
needs. The Treasurer shall maintain a positive working relationship with
Student Life and Business Office personnel. The Secretary will be
responsible for submitting the annual budget proposal for the upcoming
year to Student Life by the Spring deadline set by Student Life, after
consultation with fellow officers, and Advisor.

Article IV: Advisors

Section 1: The Advisor(s) of the Economics Club shall work with the Executive Committee
in coordinating campus activities, meetings, community service projects, and
other functions, to ensure that the Club achieves its objectives, and complies
with required Student Life/College policies. The Advisor shall also oversee
appropriate use of the College website and calendar to advertise meetings and
coordinate production of fliers and other advertisements, membership drives,
and meeting events open to non-members. The Advisor shall also oversee the
secure storage and maintenance of the Club’s library, documents, and files.

Section 2: The Advisor shall be responsible for providing guidance and leadership to the
organization’s members, approval of appropriate activities, and oversight of the
club’s finances. In the event that an activity is likely to contain specific economic
applications, issues, or lessons, the Advisor or his/her Economics faculty
designee will prepare supplemental discussion questions, worksheets, or other
materials that aid in member understanding of these applications, issues, and

Article V: Elections
Section 1: All active members may nominate and vote in an election. Elections for
Executive Committee officers shall take place in the last meeting prior to finals
in the Fall/Spring semesters, or as per need whenever an officer vacancy arises.

Section 2: All newly elected officers assume office on the first day of the ensuing academic

Section 3: Method of Nomination: An active member of the Economics Club can nominate
a student to candidacy with an explanation of why they feel that he or she
should serve or is qualified to fill the specified position. The nomination is to be
followed by a motion to support, given by another active member. Each
position for the Executive Committee shall be voted on separately.

Section 4: All active members may be allowed to vote anonymously by casting their
individual votes.

Article VI: Meetings

Section 1: The Economics Club shall normally meet once or twice a month. Meeting dates
and times will be confirmed and announced during the previous meeting, by
email, using the College’s website and calendar, or personally. Special events
that will be open to the public will also be advertised by fliers.

Section 2: Emergency, special interest, or additional meetings shall be confirmed by the

President and/or Vice President. Members will be given prior notice of the
meeting time, date, and objective(s).

Article VII: Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to the Economics Club Constitution can only be made by a vote.
All amendments shall be proposed and discussed during a regular meeting.

Section 2: Amendments must be approved by a super majority of two-thirds of the active

members of the organization. If approved, copies of the amended constitution
must be provided to the Faculty Advisor and the Student Life Department for
approval, prior to the amendments going into effect.

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