Hazards Associated With Anal Erotic Activity: Jeremy Agnew 1'2
Hazards Associated With Anal Erotic Activity: Jeremy Agnew 1'2
Hazards Associated With Anal Erotic Activity: Jeremy Agnew 1'2
4, 1986
IElectromedical Research Consultants, 2110 Wood Avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907.
2To whom correspondence should be addressed.
0004-0002/86/0800-0307505.00/0 © 1986PlenumPublishingCorporation
308 Agnew
Various objects may be inserted into the anus and rectum to provide
sexual stimulation during heterosexual or homosexual activity or as a part
of anal masturbatory activity. These devices may range in size from quite
small objects, such as standard douche and enema nozzles (Hite, 1982), to
very large objects, such as broom handles or soda bottles (Barone, Sohn,
and Nealon, 1977).
The anus and rectum, unlike the vagina, contain no natural lubricating
function. Thus insertion of unlubricated objects or inadequate dilation of
the anus before insertion of a large object can result in tissue laceration. The
internal and external anal sphincters are elastic rings of muscle which generally
remain tightly constricted except during defecation. The anal sphincters are
also intended for material to pass through them in a direction that leads out
of the body. When an attempt is made to insert something in the reverse
direction, the muscles of the sphincters constrict.
Unlike the vagina, which is lined with stratified squamous epithelium
and is surrounded by a muscular tube intended for penile intromission, the
rectum is lined with a delicate mucosal surface and a single layer of colum-
nar epithelium intended primarily for the reabsorption of water and elec-
trolytes. This structure is incapable of mechanical protection against abrasion
and severe damage to the colonic mucosa can result if objects that are large,
sharp, or pointed are inserted into the rectum, or if objects are inserted high
into the rectum and enter the convolutions of the sigmoid colon.
The rectum above the pectinate line is generally insensitive to pain. Thus
perforation of the colonic wall may occur without the individual being aware
of it at the time. Any such perforation results in peritonitis due to the release
of normal colonic organisms into the abdominal cavity.
It is easy for an individual to lose control of an object inserted into
the anus, especially if the object is well-lubricated and if the individual is
in a state of high sexual arousal. The object may slip up into the rectum,
out of the individual's grasp. Reverse peristaltic waves have been observed
in the intestine (Scott, 1976) and may cause the object to travel high into
the rectum and require medical intervention for removal. It is also not unusual
for the object to be of such a nature that it penetrates the colonic wall and
requires extensive surgical intervention to repair the damage (Barone et al.,
Though emergency room physicians have in the past had to deal with
transanal removal of objects such as enema nozzles and rectal thermometers
lost in the rectum during self-treatment by individuals, they are now being
called upon to also remove other more unusual objects. Some of these ob-
jects reported in the literature are quite large. Benjamin, Klamecki, and Haft
Hazards of Anal Erotic Activity 309
of a soft-rubber rectal tube; (ii) injection pressure being too high; and (iii)
the enema nozzle being inserted with the patient in a sitting position.
Improper techniques for enemas may also be used. It is not unknown
for the end of the tubing to be attached to a faucet instead of to an enema
bag or for the bag to be hung at excessive heights, such as from the top of
a door (Smith and Gips, 1963). Both would lead to excessive injection pressure
and a direct faucet connection would result in uncontrolled water temperature.
Very high pressures and large volumes of enema solution are sometimes in-
jected as part of sadomasochistic practices. Three or 4 quarts, to as much
as 5 quarts, of enema solution may be injected, as opposed to the 1 to 2
quarts usually recommended for a cleansing enema. This practice carries with
it the potential for colonic rupture and the possibility of reflux of colonic
contents and microorganisms into the small intestine through a leaky or
overstressed ileocecal value. Sadomasochistic practices may also involve the
injection of enemas of substances such as dishwashing detergents that are
highly irritating to the colonic mucosa and may cause caustic colitis (Arena,
1964; Kirchner et al., 1977). Hyperemia and increased mucus production have
been noted on proctoscopy following chemically irritant enema solutions
(Tillery and Bates, 1966). Egdell and Johnson (1973) reported on the case
of a 23-year-old woman who developed hypotension and erythema follow-
ing an enema of castile soap in water. Acute colitis following soapsuds enemas
has been reported by Barker (1945) and Patterson (1951).
Large volume or repeated tap-water enemas may cause water intoxica-
tion due to colonic absorption and the alteration of circulating blood volume.
Symptoms may include weakness, pallor, vomiting, dizziness, and sweating
(Fuerst, Wolff, and Weitzel, 1974; Hiatt, 1951). More severe reactions in-
clude shock, coma, and convulsions (Ziskind and Gellis, 1958). Colonic ir-
rigations, which generally use several gallons of water flowing in and out
of the bowel, have been reported to cause abdominal distention and cramps,
nausea, epigastric distress, weakness, and fainting (Patterson, 1951). Repeated
tap-water enemas can result in significant hypokalemia (Dunning and Plum,
1956). Simodynes (1981) described a man who went into preoperative shock
for no apparent reason. Upon investigation it was found that he had been
giving himself enemas that produced results similar to a series of colonic ir-
rigations. He had, in effect, been rectally dialyzing himself, which resulted
in severe hypocalcemia and hypokalemia.
Various intoxicants, such as beer or wine, or hallucinogens, such as
peyote, may be injected into the body in the form of an enema. Due to the
absorptive function of the colonic mucosa, alcohol is absorbed very rapidly
into the bloodstream by this route. This can lead to a fast onset of intoxica-
tion and possible overdose if administered too rapidly or in a concentrated
form, such as distilled spirits. Rectally injected intoxicants or hallucinogens
Hazards of Anal Erotic Activity 311
via combination syringes used for both enemas and vaginal douching either
by different individuals or by the same individual. These last two causes are
not uncommon and may be unrelated to sexual activity. Reverse pressure
caused by peristalsis in the intestine during an enema may result in intestinal
organisms being forced out of the rectum back into the syringe and result
in contamination of the enema bag and tubing (Merrill, 1967; Meyers, 1960;
Steinbach et al., 1960). These organisms can be transmitted rectally to another
person using the same enema equipment or can be transmitted from rectum
to vagina in the same person if the syringe is used both for enemas and vaginal
douching. Istre et al. (1982) reported on a series of illnesses and deaths in
a chiropractic clinic caused by the transmission of amebiasis between in-
dividuals on an inadequately cleaned colonic irrigation apparatus.
Colonic Irritation: Frequent rectal sexual activity, either from repeated
anal intercourse, frequent enemas, or continued insertion of foreign objects
into the anus and rectum, can lead to a variety of anorectal symptoms in-
cluding diarrhea, excessive mucus production, anorectal pain, tenesmus, in-
testinal cramps, flatus, bloody discharge, purulent discharge, blood in the
stools, anorectal laceration, anal or rectal ulcers, anal fissures, pruritus
ani, and varying degrees of rectal prolapse. Collectively many of these symp-
toms have been termed the "gay bowel syndrome" (Sohn and Robilotti, 1977).
Miscellaneous: Various other problems may be transmitted by anal sex-
ual activity, including streptococcal and meningococcal infections, anal warts,
cytomegalovirus, helminths, and hepatitis A and B virus (Owen, 1983).
Allergic proctitis can be caused by substances, such as soaps, sham-
poos, suntan lotions, or medicinal creams that may be used as lubricants
during anal intercourse (Owen, 1983). Even K-Y Lubricating Jelly, a substance
intended and commonly used for douche and enema tube lubrication, has
been known to cause contact allergy (Fisher and Brancaccio, 1979).
There may be continued rectal leakage of fecal material, mucus, and
moisture due to inadequate closure of the anal sphincters caused by repeated
anal insertion of large objects stretching the sphincter muscles. This leakage
may be a causitive factor in pruritus ani (Sullivan and Garnjobst, 1978).
Anal sexual activity, such as frequent anal intercourse or enemas, may
be a causative factor in hemorrhoids or may aggravate existing hemorrhoids
(Rowan and Gillette, 1978).
Rowan, R. L., and Gillette, P. J. (1978). The Gay Health Guide. Little, Brown, Boston.
Scott, D. H. (1976). Walter C. Alvarez-American Man o f Medicine. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York.
Simodynes, E. (1981). Preoperative shock secondary to severe hypokalemia and hypocalcemia
from recreational enemas. Anesth. Analg. 60: 762.
Smith, D. W., and Gips, C. D. (1963). Care o f the Adult Patient. J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia.
Sohn, N., and Robilotti, J. G. Jr. (1977). The gay bowel syndrome. Am. J. GastroenteroL 67: 478.
Sohn, N., Weinstein, M. A., and Gonchar, J. (1977). Social injuries of the rectum. Am. J.
Surg. 134: 611.
Sonnabend, J., Witkin, S. S., and Purtilo, D. T. (1983). Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,
opportunistic infections, and malignancies in male homosexuals. J. Am. Med. Assoc.
249: 2370.
Steinbach, H. L., Rousseau, R., McCormack, K. R., and Jawetz, E. (1960). Transmission of
enteric pathogens by barium enemas. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 174: 1207.
Sullivan, E. S., and Garnjobst, W. M. (1978). Pruritus ani: A practical approach. Surg. Clin.
N. Am. 58: 505.
Szunyogh, B. (1958). Enema injuries. Am. J. Proctol. 9: 303.
Tillery, B., and Bates, B. (1966). Enemas. Am. J. Nursing 66: 534.
Ziskind, A., and Gellis, S. S. (1958). Water intoxication following tap-water enemas. Am.
J. Dis. Child. 96: 699.