A Case of Intravaginal Foreign Body
A Case of Intravaginal Foreign Body
A Case of Intravaginal Foreign Body
aginal discharge in women of all age groups may
be due to variety of causes. Intravaginal foreign
body retained for long duration can be a diagnostic
dilemma. This report presents the case of a lady who
had an intravaginal foreign body for unknown duration.
Recurrent, unremitting, foul-smelling, bloody vaginal
discharge in a woman should alert the clinician to the
possibility of a retained vaginal foreign body. A case of
intravaginal foreign body is reported for the diagnostic
dilemma it can present, especially with carcinoma cervix.
Case Report
A 50 years old menopausal lady reported to the outpatient
department (OPD) with complaints of foul smelling blood
stained discharge since three months. She had no other
associated complaints. She was seen by a practitioner and
diagnosed as a case of cancer of cervix. She was menopausal
for the last five years and had two normal deliveries.
On taking detailed history, she revealed that she had a
marital discord and was living separately from her husband
for last 15 years. She also gave history of frequent beating
and physical assault by her husband preceding their
separation. She denied any history of any legal or illegal
abortion. She gave history of taking some treatment for white
discharge three months back, records for which were not
On examination, her general and abdominal examination
did not reveal any significant finding. On per speculum
examination, there was intensely putrid and foul smelling
blood stained discharge in vagina, typical of carcinoma of
cervix. Cervix was pulled up and towards right and a streak of
silver was seen in the posterior fornix. On digital examination,
it was found to be a hollow cylindrical body around 3.5 cm
diameters with grooves on inner aspect, deeply impacted
and fixed in left inferior-lateral aspect of cervix. Bimanual
examination revealed an atrophic uterus and no adenexal
She denied any history of any accidental or intentional
insertion of any foreign body in vagina. The patient was
Some objects like tampons, vaginal suppositories,
medications and contraceptive devices are designed for
use in a womans vagina. Others are not intended to be
inserted and may be placed there accidentally or
intentionally. These are referred to as foreign bodies.
These foreign bodies may produce symptoms or be
asymptomatic for long periods of time. Small objects
inserted into the vagina do not generally cause pain.
Unusual objects which are larger than the customary
vaginal diameter or size of the introitus may cause
distension pain. Other objects may cause pain due to
sharp and irregular edges and because of associated
infections, which might superimpose.
Long standing presence of a foreign body in vagina
may cause vesicovaginal fistula and urinary incontinence
[1, 2]. It may be complicated by vaginal stenosis or near
complete obstruction [3]. Metallic objects, except
aluminum, are radio-opaque. Most animal bones and all
glass bodies are opaque. Most plastic and wooden bodies
and most fish bones may not be opaque [4].
Brig i/c Trg; +Reader, #Clinical Tutor (Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology); AFMC, Pune-40.
E-mail : choprasanjiv@rediffmail.com
Radiological Quiz
Lt Col U Rajesh*
MJAFI 2010; 66 : 268
Graded Specialist (Radiodiagnosis), 150 General Hospital, C/o 56 APO, PIN - 900129
E-mail : uddandamrajesh@yahoo.com
MJAFI, Vol. 66, No. 3, 2010