We, the members of the TAU GAMMA PHI, re-affirming our faith in God, and
adhering to the Tenets and Codes of Conduct of the Fraternity, in order to strengthen
the bond of brotherhood in pursuit of its ultimate goals and objectives, cognizant of
the vital contribution of a collective effort to promote the general welfare of our
fellowmen, to instill and develop the greatest sense of understanding and respect for
human dignity under the rule of justice, freedom and democracy, do ordain and
promulgate this constitution.
Almighty God,
bless this Brotherhood & Sisterhood of ours.
so that we may succeed in all its endeavors.
Enlighten and Strengthen our Premier, Secretary General,
Provincial Governor General, Council Chairman
and Chapter’s Grand Triskelions.
for them to maintain the Highest Standard in decision making
for thebetter success of Tau Gamma Phi and Sigma
Triskelion Grand Fraternity and Sorority,
What is a Triskelion?
The Three Killer Lion.Triskelion comes from the Greek word “triskeles” which means
“Three-legged”. This is a figure consisting of the three curved lines or branches or
three stylized human arms or legs, radiating from a common center, the
conglomeration of the Three Dynamic Forces that is aiming to conquer and rule the
Universe to attain the highest standards and supremacy in all field of human
Triskelion Aim
The TAU GAMMA PHI/SIGMA aims to rule and conquer the Universe. Not through
force but through the propagation of TRISKELIONS principles which are the
TENETS and CODES of CONDUCT of the fraternity/sorority. It promotes universal
brotherhood/sisterhood regardless of race, creed and social economic status.
Triskelion Preamble
lasting brotherhood/sisterhood among themselves to promulgate the moral well-
being of it, to develop the greatest sense of understanding and respect human
dignity, hereby promulgate this constitution.
Amidst the turbulence during the later 60’s the rallying U.P. activists, communism on
the rise. Philippine Government on the link of Martial Law and worsening fraternity
violence there rise the TAU GAMMA PHI, originally known as the order of the U.P.
Triskelions. The fraternity was organized by a group of varsitarian men, which were
one thinking of reestablishing the true essence of “Brotherhood” which was that time
lost and misconcepted by most. This very reason, TAU GAMMA PHI conceptualized
the so called “Anti-Frat System” with rampant violence among war rang fraternities.
The uncontrollable hazing leading to a number of deaths among neophytes, it was at
the time that the trust in the fraternity system was diminishing. Hence, the TAU
About Us
Tau Gamma Phi also known as the Triskelions' Grand Fraternity, is a Fraternity established
in the Philippines and one of the largest fraternities in the world Its members call themselves
Triskelions. Their aim is to see a Fraternity System devoid of violence in lieu of the rampant
violence pervading the university campus at the time of its founding, to avoid elitism if they
can, and to earnestly propagate their fraternity's principles as their way of life. Based on
these goals, the Triskelions categorized their formal group as a 'protest fraternity'. The
Fraternity encourages its members to strive for spiritual growth and to organize socio-civic
activities for the benefit of communities. The Fraternity believes that it must forge its
members to embody qualities of leadership, commitment, persistence, trust, integrity,
respect, and vision for them to achieve academic success and personal development. The
Tau Gamma Phi is now one of the largest International fraternities with about a Million
registered members(including Sigmas) worldwide. Its counterpart is called Tau Gamma
Sigma (???) also known as the Triskelions' Grand Sorority. The Triskelion Alumni
Organization (TAO) is the umbrella organization for all its alumni members. The TAO has
established close-knit enclaves in the United States of America, the Middle East and some
countries in Europe. The Triskelion Radio was set up by capable Triskelions, and it is
probably the first ever fraternity and sorority on-line radio station in the Philippines.
Tau Gamma Sigma also known as the Triskelion Grand Sorority, is a sorority established in
the Philippines. Its members call themselves Lady Triskelions. The Tau Gamma Sigma is
the counterpart of the Tau Gamma Phi fraternity. It is now one of the largest and most
dynamic sororities in the Philippines. In the year 1969 when the U.P. Tau Gamma Phi was
still in its early stage of existence at the University of the Philippines campus, their main
focus was setting a foothold in the university. They were not yet very concerned about
establishing a female counterpart, but since a lot of female students and friends hanged
around with them, who gave their support, attended social gatherings when invited, the
Triskelion brothers quickly learned that having female counterpart can be very beneficial to
the Fraternity especially in their recruitment campaign. They then encouraged their female
friends and classmates to form a sorority that will be their partner not only in activities limited
to school and community service programs but also in pursuing their goals to achieve
academic success, personal development and spiritual growth. Most of the founding
members of U.P. Tau Gamma Sigma also belonged to the U.P. Political Science Club along
with the Founding Fathers and Founders Batch of the Tau Gamma Phi.
The Triskelion Grand Fraternity was organized on October 4, 1968 by four Arts and
Science students from the University of the Philippines, in the Diliman campus,
Quezon City, Philippines. The fraternity was originally named Order of the U.P.
Triskelions. The group swelled in ranks and gained its recognition when the Greek
lettered TAU GAMMA PHI was adopted. Few years later, chapters from other
college and university campuses in the Philippines were established.
The TAU GAMMA PHI aims for promoting to achieve the ideals of fraternal
brotherhood. The fraternity believes that it must forge its members to embody
qualities of leadership, commitment, persistence, trust, integrity, respect, and vision.
This fraternity aims for academic success, personal, career and spiritual growth,
active participation in the community through service and social activities. The TAU
GAMMA PHI is connected to developing a best-in-class brotherhood organization; a
student organization that embodies its own ideals and mission in accordance to
fraternity’s Tenets and Codes of Conduct.
The turbulent 60′s was a decade of social and political upheavals in the annals of
The period saw the breakdown of traditional beliefs and long-held values in favor of
newer and more progressive ideas. In almost every aspect of Philippine life and
culture, CHANGE seemed to be the rightful order of the day.
The Fraternity system in the University of the Philippines was immune from these
external developments. As extraordinary times, called for and breed extraordinary
men. 1968 saw the wielding together of 25 concerned student leaders with a vision
of introducing change and reforms in the feudal and decadent nature of the existing
Fraternity System. Then the result was the creation on October 4 of the same year of
the UP Triskelions’ Grand Fraternity, better known as Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity.
The Tau Gamma Phi is a protest Fraternity, better life, and as such, it has committed
itself in the Fraternity Life and as such it has committed itself uncompromisingly to
the two-fold task of providing the leadership in the quest for a Fraternity System
devoid of Fraternity violence as well as in the propagation of the TRISKELION as a
Way of Life.
Through the years, the Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity has never strayed from it’s goals,
and although the cause of which it has chosen to champion has proven to be difficult
and sometimes, seemingly hopeless, the Fraternity has, nevertheless survived and
even increased a thousand-fold in strength and in number, knowing fully well that
peace is a product of strength and not of weakness, where other fraternities with the
same noble intentions failed to succumbed into non-existence by adopting a passive
resistance to fraternity violence; the Tau Gamma Phi has chosen not to follow the
same path lest it suffers the same fate.
Today, the Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity is already one of the biggest, most cohesive,
and most dynamic fraternities in the Philippines. It boast of membership of every
colleges and universities around the country, and now in all regions of the United
States of America and other continents of the world; and true to its objective of
changing the elitist orientation of the fraternity system, the Fraternity had decided to
open its door to out-of-school youth so that they, who were not privileged of
education, may also share in the fruits and the glory of the Tau Gamma Phi / Sigma.
On October 4, 1968, the Tau Gamma Phi Triskelions’ Grand Fraternity was
established in the University of the Philippines, the rest is History.
We, the members of the TAU GAMMA PHI, re-affirming our faith in God, and
adhering to the Tenetsand Codes of Conduct of the Fraternity, in order to strengthen
the bond of brotherhood in pursuit of its ultimate goals and objectives, cognizant of
the vital contribution of a collective effort to promote the general welfare of our
fellowmen, to instill and develop the greatest sense of understanding and respect for
human dignity under the rule of justice, freedom and democracy, do ordain and
promulgate this constitution.
Section 1. The fraternity shall be known as the TAU GAMMA PHI – The Triskelion
Grand Fraternity. The official seal of the TAU GAMMA PHI shall be a large circle with
a smaller circle inside. Between these two circles are inscribed the words TAU
GAMMA PHI on the upper portion; FORTIS-VOLUNTAS-FRATERNITAS on the
lower portion; the number 19 on the left side and 68 on the right. Within the small
circle is inscribed the three-legged symbol with the Greek letters TAU, GAMMA and
PHI between each of the legs. The official colors of the seal are black and gold.
Sec. 2. Tau Gamma Phi firmly believes in the power of reason and not in the use of
force as a reason.
Sec. 3. Tau Gamma Phi believes in the promotion of social justice to ensure the well
being and economic security of all people.
Sec. 4. The Tau Gamma Phi abhors violence and human right violations, however
ready to defend, uphold and preserve the sovereign will of its members and of all
Sec. 5. The Tau Gamma Phi encourages and fosters scholarship among its
members. The stimulation of intellectual creativeness and the promotion of the social
and physical well being of its members is of paramount concern.
Sec. 6. The Tau Gamma Phi shall seek and help in the realization of a truly
democratic society, adhere and promote the policy of peace, equality, unity and
cooperation among all people.
Sec. 7. The Tau Gamma Phi shall take an active part in the conservation of the
country’s natural resources, renewing those that can be renewed and campaigning
against the exploitation of this God-given wealth.
Sec. 8. The Tau Gamma Phi shall strive to mold its members into morally upright
and self-reliant individuals geared towards civic efficiency.
Section 1. The Fraternity shall have four (4) categories of members:
1. SENIOR TRISKELION – College students enrolled and initiated by Senior
Triskelions in any college, university, and institution recognized by the
National Council and individual Junior Triskelion or Community-Based
Chapter who has undergone welcome rites for upgrading to Senior Triskelion
category and ritual rites to full-fledged membership.
2. JUNIOR TRISKELION – High School students initiated by Senior and/or
Junior Triskelions in any high school recognized by the National Council.
3. COMMUNITY-BASED TRISKELION – Any out-of-school youth or college
student in schools or universities without chapters or affiliations with any City,
Municipal or Regional Council initiated by full-fledged and/or Community-
Based members, provided that such Community-Based Chapters are
recognized by its Municipal, Provincial and Regional Council.
4. ALUMNI – senior Triskelions who have graduated from college and
undergraduate Triskelion who possess the following: 1) At least a bonafide
member of five (5) years; 2) Gainfully employed or pursuing business.
Sec. 3. Membership to the Fraternity shall cease upon resignation or expulsion for
due cause. Members recommended for expulsion shall have the benefit of a trial or
due process and may appeal to the higher organ of the Fraternity. All local chapters
must provide the higher echelons of the Fraternity with duly-certified expulsion
papers not more than ten (10) days after its effectivity.
Sec. 4. Candidate members to the Tau Gamma Phi shall be qualified on the basis of
the following:
1. He must believe in the Principles of the Fraternity.
2. He must be of good moral character.
3. He must be at least seventeen (17) years of age for Senior and Community-
Based Triskelion candidates and fifteen (15) years of age for Junior Triskelion
4. must be mentally and physically fit, supported by a Medical Certificate under
5. He must be willing to undergo the membership requirements.
6. He must be sponsored by any Triskelion of good standing.
7. He must not be a member of any fraternity or organization whose principles
and purposes are contrary to those of the Tau Gamma Phi.
Section 1. Every Triskelion shall strive to lead a morally upright and virtuous life in
accordance with the Tenets and Codes of Conduct of the Fraternity.
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of every Triskelion to uphold this Constitution, to give
unswerving loyalty to the Fraternity, to actively contribute to its development and
welfare and to abide by the rules and regulations issued by its lawful authorities.
Sec. 3. Every Triskelion is responsible for each other. It shall be his duty to assist
and support his fellow Triskelion especially in times of crisis.
Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of all Triskelions to attend all meetings, and to actively
participate in all project and activities of the Fraternity.
Sec. 5.. It shall be the obligation of all Triskelion to pay the dues/fees set by its lawful
Sec. 6.. It shall be the duty of every qualified Triskelion to register and cast his vote
in Fraternity elections, referendum, and plebiscites.
Sec. 7. A Triskelion is obligated to exert his best effort to develop his potentials,
physical or intellectual, in order to strengthen the Fraternity. Triskelions with special
skills and talents shall heed the call of the Fraternity’s leadership to lead or take part
in an activity designed to countenance any critical or emergency situation.
Section 1. The right to equal treatment and opportunities shall not be abridged
regardless of religious belief, socio-economic and political status.
Sec. 2. Every Triskelion shall have the right to express his opinions on matters
concerning the Fraternity provided that it is put forth in a constructive manner.
Sec. 3. The right to be protected against exploitation, improper influences, and other
conditions prejudicial to his physical, intellectual, social, political, economic and
moral development shall be guaranteed.
Sec. 4. Every Triskelion has the right to have access and inspect all books of
accounts, records and similar materials of public character pertaining to the
Sec. 5. The right of a Triskelion in good standing to actively participate in all projects
and undertakings of the Fraternity shall always be recognized.
Sec. 6. Qualified full-pledged Triskelions in good standing shall have the right to run
for elective positions in the Fraternity subject to the qualifications of the position.
Sec. 7. The right to join or organize legitimate organizations whose purposes are
contributory to the enhancement of the Fraternity shall not be impaired.
Section 1. The National Council:
1. The National Council of the Tau Gamma Phi shall be the final authority in the
management and administration of the affairs of the Fraternity.
2. The National Council shall be composed of:
(1) The National Assembly
(2) The National Executive Council
(3) The Judicial Council
1. The Premier:
(1) The executive powers of the Fraternity shall be vested in the Premier of
the Tau Gamma Phi. No member may be elected Premier unless he has
served as Secretary General of any recognized Regional Council of the
Fraternity or Governor General of any recognized Provincial Council.
(2) The Premier shall be elected by a majority vote of all the members of the
National Assembly and shall hold office for a term of two years (2) and
shall be eligible for re-election. However the Premier shall serve for not
more than two successive terms.
(3) Powers and Functions of the Premier:
a) To exercise general supervision of all the local councils, executive
offices and committees as may be provided by this Constitution.
b) To appoint and remove the National Executive Secretary; the heads of
the different executive offices and committees; the National Treasurer,
and the National Auditor.
c) To report on the state of the Fraternity in annual National Assembly
d) To recommend to the National Assembly measures necessary and
expedient which must be acted upon before adjournment of a National
Assembly meeting.
e) To preside over the meetings of the National Executive Council.
f) To exercise the power to veto bills amending this Constitution or
revisions in national policies previously decided upon by the National
g) To enter into contracts, agreements or pacts with other legitimate
organizations and entities which shall be beneficial to the Fraternity
provided that he gets the concurrence of at least two-thirds (2/3) of
total number of present members in the National Assembly.
Sec. 2. The National Judicial Council shall have the following duties and functions.
1. To hear, litigate and decide on all cases pertaining to Constitutional matters
against any Triskelion, Chapter, or Council.
2. To review all impeachment, recall and suspension proceedings and render
the final decisions for or against any elected official of the Fraternity.
3. To act as the final authority on expulsion of erring members.
4. To automatically constitute itself into the Commission on Election in every
national election.
Section 1. It shall act as the advisory arm of the National Council.
Sec.3. The Council of Elders shall elect among themselves such officers, as it may
deem necessary.
General Provisions
Section l. The territorial subdivisions of the Republic of the Philippines except the
barangay shall be adopted by the Fraternity. As such, there shall be Regional,
Provincial, City, and Municipal Council formations.
Sec. 2. The territorial subdivisions of the Fraternity shall enjoy local autonomy.
Sec. 3. The National Assembly shall enact a Local Council Code which shall provide
for a more responsive and accountable local council structure instituted through a
system of decentralization with effective mechanisms of recall, initiative, and
consultations, allocate among the different council units their powers,
responsibilities, and resources, and provide for the qualifications, election,
appointment, and removal, term, powers, and functions, and duties of local officers
and other matters relating to the Fraternity and operation of the local council units.
Sec. 4. The National Premier shall exercise general supervision over local council
units. Regional Councils with respect to component Provincial Councils, Provincial
Councils with respect to component City and Municipal Councils, and City and
Municipal Councils with respect to component local chapters shall ensure that the
acts of their component units are within the scope of their prescribed powers and
Sec. 5. Each local council unit shall have the power to create its own sources of
revenues and levy dues, fees and other charges subject to such guidelines and
limitations as the National Assembly may provide, consistent with the basic policy of
local autonomy. Such dues, fees, and charges shall accrue exclusively to the local
council units.
Sec. 6. The term of office of the elected local chapter officers, whether school-based
or community-based, and City and Municipal Councils shall be:
1. School or Community Based Chapters – One (1) year;
2. Municipal, City, Provincial and Regional Councils – Two (2) years.
Provincial Council and Regional Council officers shall serve for two years and
no such elected officer shall serve for more than two successive terms.
Voluntary renunciation of office for any length of time shall not be considered
as an interruption in the continuity of his service for the full term for which he
was elected.
Sec. 7. No Regional, Provincial, City, Municipal or local chapter unit may be created,
divided, merged, abolished, or its boundary substantially altered, except in
accordance with the criteria established in the Local Council Code and subject to
approval by the National Executive Council.
Section 1. In conformity with the principle of subsidiarity, functions that may well be
performed by a lower level structure of the Fraternity shall not be vested in a higher-
level structure of the Fraternity. Thus, functions that can be performed efficiently by a
school or community chapter shall not be vested in the City or Municipal Council.
Those that can be rendered well by the City or Municipal Council shall not be vested
in the Provincial Council. Those that can be performed by the Provincial Council
shall not be vested in the Regional Council. Finally, functions that can be performed
well by the Regional Council shall not be given to the National Council. Conflicts and
doubts on jurisdiction between the National Council, Regional Council, and lower
level structures of the Fraternity shall be decided expeditiously by the National
Judicial Council en banc or in division depending on the seriousness of the
Sec. 2. The sub-division and pattern of the organizational structure of the Regional
Council, Provincial Council, City or Municipal Council, and the School-based and
Community-based chapters are designed to be similar. However, all Chapters and
Councils shall follow the Direct Line of Command. School-based and Community-
based Chapters to Municipal or City Councils, to the Provincial Council to the
Regional Council up to the National Council.
Sec. 2. The Premier, the Executive Vice-Premier, the Vice-Premiers and the
members of the National Assembly may be removed from office on impeachment for
and conviction of culpable violation of this Constitution and the Tenets and Codes of
Conduct, graft and corruption and other high crimes or betrayal of Fraternal trust.
Sec. 3. The National Executive Secretary and the members of the National
Secretariat may be removed from office by the Premier.
Sec. 4.
(1) The National Assembly shall have the power to initiate all cases of impeachment.
(2) A verified complaint for impeachment of any National Officer may be filed by any
member of the National Assembly or any member of the Fraternity through the
proper bodies.
(3) The members of the National Assembly and the National Judicial Council shall
be on oath during the whole proceedings. No officer shall be convicted without the
concurrence of three-fourths (¾) of the members of the National Assembly.
(4) The Chairman of the National Judicial Council shall preside over the proceedings
if the Premier is on trial. He shall vote only in case of deadlock.
(5) The National Assembly shall promulgate its rules on impeachment to effectively
carry out the purpose of this article.
Section 1. The Fraternity shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, international
solidarity, foster love of humanity, respect human rights, strengthen, spiritual and
ethnical values, develop moral character and personal discipline, and encourage
critical and creative thinking among its members.
Sec. 2. The Fraternity shall promote social justice including the commitment to
create economic opportunities for its members based on the freedom of initiative and
Sec. 4. The National Council shall adopt a national security plan to be administered
by the National Secretary for the Interior and implemented by his local counterparts
in their jurisdictions.
Sec. 5. The Special Projects Committee shall be the social, economic, cultural and
political development arm of the National Council. It shall be developed into a non-
government organization (NGO) and shall henceforth be known as Fraternitas de
Voluntas (Brotherhood of Freewill). It shall promote the viability and growth of
Triskelion Cooperatives as units of social justice and economic development.
Sec. 6. The National Council shall provide the policy environment for full
responsibility of Triskelion capability and the emergence of communication structures
suitable to the needs and aspirations of the Fraternity and the balanced flow of
information into, out of, and across the country.
Sec. 7. The Fraternity shall take into account Regional and Provincial needs and
conditions and shall encourage local planning in the development of policies and
programs for the betterment of its members.
Section 1. Any amendments to, or revision of this Constitution may be proposed by:
The National Assembly, upon a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all its members or A
Constitutional Convention.
Sec. 2. The National Assembly may by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all its members
call a Constitutional Convention.
Sec. 2. All Interim Regional Structures shall continue to exercise its functions until
October 2002 when regular Regional Conventions will be held under the auspices of
the National Council.
Sec. 3. All Interim Provincial Councils shall continue to exercise its powers and
functions until September 2002 when regular Provincial Elections will be held.
Sec. 4. All school-based chapters, whether Seniors or Juniors, and all community-
based chapters shall hold its annual elections every third week of June.
Sec. 5. The City Councils and Municipal Councils shall have their regular elections
on the month of July, and shall be witnessed by the Provincial Executive Council.
Sec. 6. Provincial Councils shall have their regular elections on the month of August.
Sec. 7. Regional Councils shall have their regular elections on the month of
Sec. 8. The National Council shall hold their regular elections on the month of
November and shall assume office immediately on the following year..
Sec. 9. National Assembly shall determine the honoraria and other remuneration
allocated for the Premier and that the utilization of this fund shall be subject to the
approval of the National Assembly.
Section 1. All existing INEC resolutions, implementing guidelines, letters of
instrumentation, and other issuance’s consistent with this Constitution shall remain
operative until amended, repealed, or revoked.
Sec. 2. This Constitution shall take effect immediately upon its ratification by a
majority of the votes cast in a National Congress held for the purpose and shall
supersede all previous Constitutions.
Approved and adopted by the delegates of the First National Congress held from
October 2-3, 2000 at the La Vista Resort, Brgy. Pansol, Calamba Laguna.
Presiding Officer, Adamson University
Floor Leader, Secretary General Region 5
Group 1 Representative, Pampanga
Group 2 Representative Group 3 Representative
University of the East Legaspi City, Albay
Group 4 Representative Group 5 Representative
Quezon Province Lucena City
Signed by all Participants Present
We, the members of the Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity and Tau Gamma Sigma Sorority of
the Region of Leyte and Samar, adhering to the Codes of Conduct and Tenets of the
Triskelion honor society, cognizant to the vital contribution of a collective effort in order
to build a just and humane society under a rule of truth, justice, freedom and
democracy, do ordain and promulgate this constitution.
Sec. 4. The Triskelion Organization shall adopt its national colors - Black for the
Triskelion Organization's Initials and Emblem of the three legged mammals,
and Golden Yellow for the background;
Sec. 5. The Triskelion organization shall follow the traditional handshake of the
Triskelion Grand Fraternity whose members will follow as demonstrated below
using the three (3) middle fingers of the right hand and shall bind or shake
with the same right hand (palm) of fellow Triskelion members;
Sec. 6. The Triskelion Organization shall be headed and composed of,
a. Region Grand Council shall be the policy making body of the Triskelion
Organization whose main functions and responsibilities are to formulate
guidelines and procedures, enact rules and regulations of the Triskelion
Organization of Eastern Visayas Region, and receive and review directives
from the National Council;
b. Executive Department shall be the implementing and coordinating body of
the Triskelion Organization whose general functions and responsibilities are
to supervise the day-to-day activities and operations, execute the rules and
procedures directed by the Grand Council, and perform other duties and
functions as may be directed by the Grand Council.
The Executive department shall be composed of:
1. Region organization, and
2. Chapter organizations composed of,
a. City or Municipality and Barangay level,
b. Colleges or Universities, and
c. Out-of-School Youths (Triskelion Youth Movement)
Sec. 1. Triskelion, develops responsibility for the preservation, care and wise use of
the natural environment;
Sec. 2. Triskelion, develops an awareness and understanding of the inter-relatedness
of all nature;
Sec. 3. Triskelion, develops an understanding and appreciation of man's heritage of
outdoor living, skills and pursuits;
Sec. 4. Triskelion, develops the value of higher education through the attainment and
excellence of a greater academe;
Sec. 5. Triskelion, develops an active role and task of eradicating the use of substance
of abuse in our society;
Sec. 6. Triskelion, develops a good and friendly outdoor relationship;
Sec. 7. Triskelion, develops resourcefulness, self-reliance and adaptability;
Sec. 8. The Triskelion Organization devotes to make a contribution to physical and
mental health.
In the mid to the late 70's, Divine Word University of Tacloban, the largest academic
institution in Eastern Visayas Region was experiencing the resurgence of student
activism but also saw the deterioration and near collapse of Greek letter societies, social
clubs and civic organizations in the academe due to frequent brawls, demoralization and
discords. This incidence was not only confined at the university but to other academic
institutions in the city and the entire region.
A college freshman, Bro. Wendell Cam, a product from Adamson University in Manila
rose to the occasion, tasked to lay the foundation by drawing-up the Article of the
Constitution and maintaining the Tenets and Codes of Conduct set by the Triskelion
honor society. Bro. Vedasto 'Jun' Elardo also from Manila, assisted in the set up of the
fraternity in order to restore the formation of Greek letter societies in the university.
On June 29, 1979, eve of the city fiesta of Tacloban, enlisted seven young men and
talented college students namely, Gerardo Demillo, Virgilio Malooy, Juan Monge, Joselito
Quibin, Juanito Renomeron, Danilo Timola, and Richard Villarosa to pioneer the
establishment of Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity at the Divine Word University of Tacloban,
Tacloban City, Leyte.
Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity not only restored the formation of Greek letter society in the
academe but also led in instituting reforms and changes of how a Greek letter society
was governed including the active participation in the school programs and activities and
community civic mission and services.
On September 11 of the same year, Bro. Wendell Cam set up the sorority component at
the same academic institution enlisting six women college students namely, Elenita
Pesado-Doctolero, Divina Duellosa-Dueñas, Marjorie Maraya, Virginia Paa-Mora, Cynthia
Santos, and Narcisa Magalona-Velasco to pioneer the Tau Gamma Sigma Sorority.
Despite minor setbacks, Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity and Tau Gamma Sigma Sorority
encountered during the initial stages of its establishment, the organization steadfastly
stood ground its goals and objectives, maintaining good governance among its
members, foster relations with other Greek letter societies, clubs and civic organizations
and move forward in its quest to be the leader organization and role model in the
academe, community and the entire region.
As Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity and Tau Gamma Sigma Sorority gained prominence,
recognition and foothold in the academe, pioneering Triskelion members set-out to
establish the organization in other colleges and universities throughout the city namely,
Leyte Institute of Technology (LIT), Leyte Normal College (now Leyte Normal
University), U.P. College of Tacloban, Leyte Colleges and Holy Infant College and
eventually the entire region of Leyte and Samar.
The Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity and Tau Gamma Sigma Sorority, having earned the
respect, admiration and acceptance of not only the academic institutions but by the local
government units and agencies, private companies and the religious sector gained a
well-founded foothold in various academic institutions throughout Eastern Visayas
Region encompassing the provinces of Biliran, Leyte, Southern Leyte, Samar (Western),
Northern Samar and Eastern Samar.
The Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity and Tau Gamma Sigma Sorority was able to transform
the image of the organization into an outstanding Greek letter society, envied by clubs
and civic organizations in the region due to its relentless effort to render services in the
communities, participated and assisted in school programs and activities, promotion of
the local government programs and projects, and stayed away from brawls and discords
from other competing groups.
The said honor society had its paramount aim of denouncing violence as an instrument
in uplifting the fraternity's prestige. Thus, it abhorred fraternity rumbles and would only
be compelled to submit to violence if only to preserve its existence.
The six founding fathers, namely, Vedasto Venida, Rodolfo Confesor, Roy Ordinario,
Talek Pablo, Restituto Alfonso*, and Romeo Fortes*, then embarked on the task of
framing the constitution, drawing up the Tenets and the Codes of Conduct, and
recruiting manpower (later to number nine categorized as founders).
The task being successful, the Founding Fathers and the Founders were compelled to
change the name for The Order of the U.P. Triskelion to TAU GAMMA PHI on the
contention that retaining the former name would advance the difficulty of subordination
the fraternity to the other Greek lettered fraternities along the prestige lines.
The stabilization of the fraternity structure was secured through the establishment of the
charter board composed of thirteen (13) energetic young men. TAU GAMMA PHI
progressed tremendously. And now, it has around fourteen (14) chapters in the Greater
Manila area. They are from PMI***, Feati U., NU, UST, MIT, UE, PSBA***, Adamson U.,
NCBA***, SSC, MLQU, FEU, PcaT, and at the UM**.
Expelled, **Still affiliated with UE Chapter, ***All brods graduated.
Sec. 1. There shall be a council of nine law making body members the authority to
govern this organization, by directing its policy and operations in all matters
relating to the objects for which it has been formed. The Grand Council shall
be the highest ruling body in the fraternity and sorority. It shall be headed by
a Chairman whose duties are provided herein;
Sec. 2. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman shall be elected by the Triskelion
members who have registered with the Election and Reforms committee for the
election exercise.
a. The election exercise will be held on the third (3rd) Monday of June every
after two (2) years, and casting of votes will begin at seven (7:00A.M.) in
the morning and will close at twelve (12:00P.M.) noon of the same day;
b. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman shall be elected to a two (2) years
tenure of office, and until their successors are duly elected and qualified,
provided, that any officer elected to fill any vacancy shall hold office only
for the unexpired term of the officer so removed. The officers elected shall
be eligible for reelection and vie for office up to two (2) terms or four (4)
years in office;
c. Every officers, including the Grand Chairman, shall be subject to removal*
at any time by the Election and Reforms committee;
d. Tenure of office shall begin at noon on the twenty-ninth (29th) day of June
and will end at noon of the same date after two (2) years.
Sec. 3. There shall be appointed members of the Grand Council by the Chairman and
will hold the same office term and CO-terminus as that of the elected officers
of the Grand Council. The appointed members are as follows:
1. Secretary-general
2. Chairman, Committee on Membership
3. Chairman, Committee on Finance
4. Chairman, Committee on Programs and Projects
5. Chairman, Committee on Publicity and Information
6. Chairman, Committee on Election and Reforms
7. Chairman, Constitutional Commission
Sec. 4. The Grand Council shall convene eight (8) regular sessions on the first year
beginning on the 29th day of June and ten (10) regular sessions on the second
year. The tenth and last regular session shall be held the day prior to the third
Monday of June at the end of the second year.
Sec. 1. Triskelion Member,
a. The duty to uphold his constitution, to be loyal to the organization, to
contribute to its development and welfare and to abide by the rule and
regulations issued by its lawful authorities;
b. Shall strive to lead an upright and virtuous life in accordance with the
Codes of Conduct and Tenets of the Triskelion Organization;
c. Shall be the responsibility of every member, especially who possesses
special skills or ability to heed the call of the lawful authorities to lead or
take part in an activity designed to meet or countenance any critical or
emergency situation;
d. Shall exert all his/her best effort to develop his/her potentialities for service
in order to strengthen the organization and foster cooperation among its
e. Shall be the duty of every Triskelion to attend all organizational meetings
and shall pay the prescribed dues or fees by its lawful authorities;
f. Shall at least be a member of one of the standing committees of the
Sec. 1. Any bonafide member of the Triskelion Organization of the region of Leyte and
Samar can quality to any elective positions in the organization;
Sec. 2. There shall be an election of officers of the Grand Council and Executive branch
on the third Monday of June, Triskelion members who wants to run for any
elected position in the organization should:
a. Grand Council,
1. Register with the Committee on Election and Reforms, and write a
formal letter of candidacy addressed to the committee Chairman ninety
(90) days prior to the election date;
2. Must have the financial resources for the election exercise and during
his/her tenure in office;
3. In the Grand Council, the elected officers will be:
1. Chairman, and
2. Deputy Chairman
4. Be elected and serve a two (2) years tenure in office. Eligible for
reelection and vie for office up to two (2) terms or four (4) years in
5. Assume office beginning at noon on the twenty-ninth (29th) day of June
and shall end at noon of the same date after the second year.
b. Executive branch:
1. Regional office,
a. Register with the Committee on Election and Reforms, and write a
formal letter of candidacy addressed to the committee Chairman
sixty (60) days prior to the election date;
b. Must have the financial resources for the election exercise and during
his/her tenure in office;
c. In the Regional office, the elected officers will be:
1. Grand Triskelion
2. Deputy Grand Triskelion, and
3. Master Initiator
d. Be elected and serve a two (2) years tenure in office. Eligible for
reelection and vie for office up to two (2) terms or four (4) years in
e. Assume office beginning at noon on the twenty-ninth (29th) day of
June and shall end at noon of the same date after the second year.
2. Chapter offices,
a. Register with the Committee on Election and Reforms, and write a
formal letter of candidacy addressed to the committee Chairman
thirty (30) days prior to the election date;
b. Must have the financial resources for the election exercise and during
his/her tenure in office;
c. In the Chapter offices, the elected officers will be:
1. Grand Triskelion
2. Deputy Grand Triskelion, and
3. Master Initiator
d. Be elected and serve a one (1) year tenure in office. Eligible for
reelection and vie for office up to two (2) terms or two (2) years in
e. Assume office beginning at noon on the twenty-ninth (29th) day of
June and shall end at noon of the same date after the first year.
Sec. 1. Any officers of the organization may be recalled from office any time for loss of
confidence in him/her by the members or a petition by two-thirds of the
registered members;
Sec. 2. Any officers may be suspended or removed from office during his/her term on
the following grounds:
a. Absenteeism, dishonesty, neglect of duty, abandonment, and misconduct in
b. Soliciting for personal use of a fee, gift or other valuable things in the
course of his/her official duties;
c. Conduct prejudicial to the organization and improper practice of the Codes
and Conduct and Tenets of the organization.
Sec. 3. The Grand Council Committee on Election and Reforms shall conduct all
preliminary hearings regarding such removal of officers from office;
Sec. 4. Any Triskelion member who wish to get-out and distance themselves from the
organization should fill-out and sign a Affidavit of Voluntary Withdrawal of
Membership (form available from the Founding Members only) duly approved
by the organization and notarized by an independent public lawyer.
a. The ex-member who voluntarily withdraws his/her membership from the
organization shall be taken off the membership list nationwide;
b. The ex-member's right and freedom shall be respected by the organization
and shall not be harassed or intimidated by any Triskelion members;
c. The ex-member shall not issue or make any statements against the
organization as this is provided in the affidavit;
d. The ex-member's membership with the organization shall end when the
affidavit has been notarized and copies of the affidavit has been received by
both parties;
e. The ex-member shall not be able to join the organization in the near future.
Sec. 1. On the fourth Monday in June of each year, the annual meeting of this
organization shall be held;
Sec. 2. Not more than two regular meetings shall be held every month, and power
shall be vested in the Grand Council Chairman to fix the date of such meetings;
Sec. 3. Upon the written request of fifty (50) members of this organization, or
whenever deemed desirable by the Grand Council, special meetings shall be
Sec. 4. Advisory and/or consultative meetings will be called by the Founding Member
or Organization Advisers on certain occasion and intervals.