Elektor 1988 03
Elektor 1988 03
Elektor 1988 03
UK £1.50
IR £2.20
(incl. VAT)
March 1988
ADC06 Turbo (65C102) Card £95 (dl Speamaster £49 (dl VIEW INDEX E12 (dl EX 1000 E405 la) STAR NLIO Serial Interface) . E219 (a)
ADC08 512 Processor £185 (b) WORDWISE £24 (dl WORDWISE+ E38 Id) EX800 E395 la) JUKI 6100 (Daisy Wheel) . ... £295 (al
ADF14 Rom Cartridge E13 (d) SPELLCHECK III EX1000 £539 (a) INTEGREX (Colour) E549 lal
ADF10 Econet Card £40 (d) WYSIINIG+ E21 (d) £31 (dl L0850 (80 col) E439 (a) NAT PANASONIC KX P 1081_ E149 la)
ADJ22 Ref. Manual I £14 (c) INTERWORD £46 (di EDWORD II £43 (a) 101050 (136 col) E529 (al NAT PANASONIC KX P 3131. £249 la)
ADJ23 Ref. Manual Part II _ E14 (c) TAXAN KP815 (80 cob £269 fa)
ADJ24 Adv Ref Manual E18 (c) LANGUAGE ROMS: We hailin stock a large variety of printer attachments, interfaces anj con su m abzes.
Micro Prolog E62 (c) Microtext £52 (c) Pease write or phone for details.
Please enquire about availability and LOGO £46 (c) MACROM £33 (dl
detais of the s stem. LISP E39 (dl COMAL £43 (dl ACCESSORIES
UPGRADE KITS: Oxford Pascal £36 (c) BUFFALO 32K Buffer for Epson printers E75 (dl: FX80 plus sheet feeder £129 lb).
1.2 OS F1O1.)
EPSON Serial Interface: 8143 E30 IS); 8148 with 2K buffer E65
ONFS ROM . £19 (dl TERMULATOR EPSON Paper Roll Holder £17 lb); FX80.80- ,85 Tractor Attach £37 (0); RXTX80
£25 (dl Dust Cover E4.50 (dl; LXBO Tractor Unit E20 (c); 10800 Tractor Feed E47 lb).
BASIC II ROM (BBC B) .. £22.50 (d) ).(ASTER TERMULATOR E34.75 (dl
ADFS ROM E26 COMMSTAR II (28 (d) EPSON Ribbons: MX/FIX,FX80 E5; MX,FIXTX100 E10 (dl: LX80 £4.50 Id%
1770 DFS Kit E43.50 MODEM MASTER Ell (d)
Econet Kit (B&B+) E55 JUKI: Serial Interface E65 Id): Tractor Attach. £149 (a); Sheet Feeder E219 (a);
Id) COMMAND E34 Id/ Ribbon £2.50 (a): Spare Daisy Wheel £14 (dl.
UTILITY ROMs: BROTHER HR20: Sheet Feed E229; Ribbons - Carbon or Won £3; Tractor Feed
Torch ZEP 100 £229 (a) DOTPRINT PLUS for FX RX compatiht.,q
512 2nd Processor £116 (a): 2000 Sheets Fanfold with extra foie par. 9.5- - E13.50; 15" £17.50 lb).
£195 Ib) DOTPRINT DUAL for MX range BBC Parallel Lead £6; Serial Lead E6 (dl: IBM Parallel Lead l2m) E12
IEEE Interface £265 IS) Acorn Graphics Extension Rom E28
Teletext Adapter £95 )b)
Acorn 65CO2 Turbo E99 )b)
Merlin with 57 disc unity commands MONITORS
100 page manual E37.50 (cl MICROVITEC 14" RGB TAXAN K12SV620 12" £269 lal
Ask for full detaas on our fua range of software 1431 Standard Resolution E179 (al TAXAN K125V625 12" . £319 la)
1451 Medium Resolution E225 (a) 12" MONOCHROME MONITORS:
1441 Hi Res £365 (a) TAXAN:
MULTIFORM Z80 2nd Processor for the BBC MICROVITEC 14" RGB:PAL & Audio Taxan KX 117 12' Green P31 E 85 la)
This unique Z80 2nd Processor running OS 1.1 will allow use of almost any standard CP.M soft 1431 AP Standard Resolution E199 (a) Taxan KX 118 12" Green P39 E 95
ware on the BBC micro. It is supplied with a number of different CPifil formats and includes a 1451 AP Medan Resolution £259 (a) Taxan KX 119 12" Amber E 95 la)
utility to configure it to read other formats. This is pariicularty useful in environments where corn - PHILIPS:
MICROVITEC 20" RGEIPAL,Audo 7502 Green Screen E 69 tai
autos with different CP/M formats are used and the data cannot be easily exchanged between 2030 CS std Res £380 (a)
them. Mains powered (includes Pocket Wordstar & MSDOS (LW unity) E249 Ib) 7522 Amber Screen E 75 la)
2040 CS Hi Res E675 (a) 7542 White Screen E 79 (a)
MS DOS Read Write Utility £49 Ic)
Mitsubishi 14" RGB Med Res IBBCIBM) AB Phelps Monitors scarified with swivel
META Version 3 ASSEMBLER E219 (a) stand
Assembles 17 of the popular processors. Over 70K long program on two roms and a disc and
provides complete Editing and Assembly facilities. It uses appropriate mnemonics for different BOOKS
processors. Fully nestable macros, nestable conditional assembly (IFIELSEENDIF). modular
source code, true focal arid global labels, 32 bit labels arid arithmetic. 30 ways to send ohi;ett No VAT on books; Carriage (c)
code and 50 directives. View 3.0 User Guide £9.00
A powerful editor with many features. Send for detailed leaflet. LANGUAGES: Viewstore £9.00
£145 (6) 6502 Assy Lang Prog £19.95 Vrewstieet £9.00
BBC DISC DRIVES 8086 Book E23.95 Wordwise Plus E9.95
5.25" Single Drive: Acorn BCPL User Guide £15.00
1 400K 40.80T DS: TS400 E90 Ibl PS400 vrtth peal £104 lb) Mastering P4usic
5.25" Dual Drive: Acorn LISP E7.50 E6.95
2 x 400K 40.80T DS: TD800 ....E170 (a) P0800 with psu Acorn ISO Pascal Ref Manual £10.00
E190 la) Intro to COMAL £10.00 DISC DRIVE SYSTEMS:
2 a 400K 40.801 OS with psu and built in monitor stand P08009 £209 lal Advanced Disc User Guide (14.95
3.5- Drives: Intro to LOGO E7.50
Micro Prolog Ref Manual E10.00 Disc Book E3.50
400K 80T DS TS35 1 E67 (b) PS35 1 with psu E85 lb) Disc Programming Techniques £7.95
, 400X SOT DS with psu TD35 2 E126 lb( P035 2 with psu Introduction to Turbo Pascal. E14.95
1 E149 it)) Prog the Micro with Pascal . E8.50 Disc Systems E6.95
The UNIX Book 07.50 File Handing on the BBC E6.95
Industry standard floppy discs with a life time guarantee. Discs in packs of 10: Understanding Unix E18.45 Interfacing PrOj for BBC E6.95
5% DISCS 3% DISCS BBC MICRO GUIDE BOOKS 88C and Small Business £5.75
40T SS DD £8.20 Id) 40T DS DD £10.00 (dl SOT SS DD £15.00 (dl BBC User Guide Acorn £15.00 PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE
BBC Plus User Guide E15.00 Wordstar made easy £16.95
80T SS DDE12.25 (d) 80T DS DD. E13.00 Id) 80T DS DO £19.50 (d) Drawing your Own BBC ProgramsE6.95 Introduction to Wordstar £17.95
Inside Information C8.95 Wordstar Handbook E11.95
DISC ACCESSORIES Math Prog vt BBC Basic E7.95
Toolbox 2 £10.95 dBase-II for the first time user
Understanding dBase-111 £22.95
E 16.95
Single Disc Cable E6 (d) Dual Disc Cable E8.50 (d) VIA 6522 Book 450 Multiplan
10 Disc Library Case £1.80 Ic) 30 Disc Storage Box E6 (Cl Made Easy £18.95
40 Disc Lockable Box E8.50 (c) 100 Disc Lockable Box E13 (c) PROGRAMMINGATIILITY &summate Complete Grade £16.95
Eloppielene Drivehead Cleaning Kit with 20 disposable cleaning kits 5F." f 14 50 (dl; E16 Idi Advanced Sideways Ram User ABC of LOTUS 123 £17.45
Guide £9.95 1-2-3 for Business £16.95
Adv Tech in dBase 11111 E22.95
BT APPROVED MODEMS Advanced User Guide (BBC)
Applied Ass./Lang on the BBC E9.95 Mastering CPA(
CPM Wale E16.50
Guide to the BBC ROM £9.95 Introducing CPIM on BBC & ZEO E9.95
Beginners Guide to W.P £7.95 MS PC DOS Prompt __ £10.95
WS4000 V21123. WS2000 V21A/23
Mayes Compatible. Inter -vent. Auto Dial' Manual Modern £92 (b)
Auto Answer) E135 lb) WS 2000 Auto Dial Card E27 PROGRAMMED RO MS FOR ELEKTOR
WS3000 V21123 Professional WS 2000 Auto Answer £27 Ml PROJ ECTS
As WS4000 and with BELL standards arid WS 2000 SKI Kit £5 Id) 503-N kir_ Computer Monitor 516 TaScing Dice 2716 E 7.317
battery back up for memory £244 (b) %VS 2000 User Port Lead £5 Idl 521 CharGen & Video Routine for DOS
W53000 V22 Professional
. .
2708 E 4.80
504 Disco fights 2708 E 4.80 Jumor 2732 + 2716 £16.40
As WS3000 V21/23 but with 1200 baud full 505 Chess Intelekt . 2 x 2716 E14.60 522 CharGen & video; Routine for ex-
duplex £409 fal tended junior 2732 2 x 2716 E24.00
WS3000 V22 his Professional (Offer Ernited to current stodul 506 J C Tape Monitor . 2716E 7.30
507-N J C Printer Mon & PME 523 Char. Generator .. 2732E 9.00
As V22 and 2400 baud full duplex E537 (al 2716 E 7.30 524 Otrantisiz' er 2732 E 9.00
INS3000118C Data Lead E7 (dl 525 Universal Term 2732 E 9.00
508 J C Bus Control 82S23 E 4.80
510 150 MHz Freq Meter 2 x 82523 526 Wind Dir Ind 2716 E 7.30
527 Babyrinth 2716 E 7.30
514 Dank Room Camp:A.21 2716 E 7.30 530 Daisywheel Ifatie 2 2716 E11.00
EPROMs/RAMS Junior Computer Kit £86 lb)
2764-25 £2.80 Id)
Housekeeper kit £58 (b) ALL PRICES TECHNOLINE
Elekterminal Kit (1980) £50 (b) VIEWDATA SYSTEM
£5.00 Id)
£9.90 (dl
ASCII Keyboard kit £75 Ib) EXCLUDE VAT. Tel. 01-450 9764
J C Books 1, 2, 3. & 4E6.90 lc) ea Please add carnage 50p unless Using 'Neste type protocols.
6264LP-15 £2.60 Universal Terminal (65021 Kit £75 lb) indicated as follows: For information and orders
27128-25 (12.5 Vpp) £3.40 (dl
Elekterminal Kit (19831 £70 lb) available 24 hours. 7 days
27128-25 (21.0 Vpp) £4.80 Id1 falf8 0)1'2.50 (c/£1.501 (d/£1.00 a week.
19 Events; 21-27-49-66 News; 57 New Front cover
Computer -controlled slide fader In line with our
p. 30 literature; 58 People; 59-73 New products;
70 Readers services; 72 Terms of business theme of the month,
our front cover this
month shows a
Guide lines selection of ther-
76 Buyers guide 77 Switchboard 78 Classified mocouple tempera-
ads 78 Index of advertisers ture sensors.
4 EE
March 1988
. fto"i e : IF ir
420. 93mm neatly cased electronics .t. 8 ri, a a
comprising keypad either end. 14 x va
5mm red LED's l'players'), TMS1000 . taxiing:al,. 4.1.
chip programmed to make odd noises - .. % a at avail& aa_
whilst playing and a tune when a goal ... -,...asigailionapt * 31 is :2
is scored. also 2 x 7seg LED's to keep
score. Cardboard 'pitch' . instruc-
tions supplied. £5.00 2810 KEYBOARD Really smart alpha
numeric standard qwerty keyboard
WINTER SALE LIST with separate numeric keypad. from
A 16 page supplement combining ICL's 'One Per Desk'. Nicely laid out
Bargain Lists 33-35 + the 50% off keys with good tactile feel. Not en.
supplement, with prices further re- coded - matrix output from PCB taken
duced to 66% off!! It's FREE - send to 20 way ribbon cable. Made by Alps.
large SAE for your copy now! Size 333. 106mm. 73 keys . £8.95 .
Precision spring bow 8Bmm long_ Max Z578 Sub -min speaker 30 . 30 x 3mrn THE 30+30 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER
dia 70mm. Replaceable pencil lead & thick by Fuji. 16R 0.4W. 60p ea: 10 * DESIGNED FOR OUTSTAND;NG SOUND QUALITY
steel tip. E 1.00 £3.70 25 £7; 100 E22: 1000 £180. * VERY HIGH QUALITY COMPONENTS SUPPLIED
Z816 Games machine that used car- SOLDER * STAR EARTHING - MAPPED ON PCB TRACKS
tridges 'none available). Main console 500g reels resin cored. 1Bg .. £5.95 * CLEAN SOUND RIGHT UP TO FULL OUTPUT
contains UHF modulator + various 500g reels resin cored 22g £7.95 . . * 7 SEPARATELY RECTIFIED POWER SUPPLIES GIVES OUTSTANDING STEREO
chips. PSU has mains input, 15V LOGIC PROBE IMAGERY
0.16A and 8V 1.22A output. 2 hand For TTL. CMOS etc. LED and sound in - * LATEST KITS HAVE IMPROVED HEAT SINKS AND LOWER RESIDUAL NOISE
held controllers each with joystick and dication. Pulse enlargement capability
14 button keypad. All in original box. allows pulse direction down to IMPROVED VERSION ALSO FEATURES
Note: These are returns, and may be 25nsec. Max f = 20 MHz 4-16V. VP * BULK FOIL RESISTOR IT Coefficient Sporn 'CI IN CRITICAL PLACES
Z003 PSotted unit 60.45 .30 has SOLDER SPECIAL! I.
screw term tip for mains, 2Orrim
fuseholder & o/p tags for appliance * 15W 240V ac soldering iron * GOLD PLATED PHONO SOCKETS
99P * High power desolder pump
VIEWDATA LTU * Large tube solder PRICES Standard 30+-30 kit £172 - £6 p&p = £178
Z697 Interface Panel 166x 150 with Standard with extra ofp transistors £185 - £6 p&p = E191
3>: Lf.1324, LM339. LM393, 4066, 11 ALL FOR Improved kit £380 - £6 p&p = £386
transistors, 3 reed relays etc. 3m lead
with BT plug attached. Supplied with
comprehensive data and ccts. £2.90
£ 7 . 95 Export version to order with II0V or 220V primary transformers. P&P charges by quo-
Z620 68000 Panel. PCB 190,:45 be - tation. Delivery 14 to 21 days. but can be longer as lead times for manufacture of case
REED SWITCHES or supply of some top quality parts used in improved version is much greater.
K569 A selection of about 15 types lieved to be from ICL's 'One per Desk'
from 12 to 50mm long, mostly form A, computer containing MC68008P8 ETI VIRTUOSO PREAMP KITS. PCB'S AND ALL PARTS AVAILABLE.
few form C. Pack of 30 £2.75 I8MHz 16/8 bit microprocessor, + 4
2797 Min 15.3mm long. ROM's, all in skts; TMP5220CNL, oeta,.1s of Audio Kits cornponents and kits. pease send SAE '4-1 ioverseas 3 1RCs1 to:
20.11.50: 100/16: 250/112 74HCT245, 138, LSO8, 38 etc. £5.00
2798 Large 50.8mm long. Z625 32k Memory Board. PCB AUDIOKITS, 6 Mid Close, Bonowash, Derby DE7 3GU. Tel: 0332 674929
1011.50: 25/13: 100/(10 170 x 170 with 16 2k x 8 6116 static
Z799 Changeover 40mm long. RAM's. Also 3.6 V 100 mA
511.50; 251E6: 1001E20 memopack nicad, 13 other HC/LS
TOOLS devices. 96w edge plug. 8 way DIL
Scoop purchase of high quality surgical switch, R's. C's etc. E4.80
instruments ideal for electronics use. SOLAR CELLS
Z308 5- lightweight long nose pliers Giant size. 90mm dia giving 0.45V,
1.1A output. E4 each, 10+ £3.50.
Mega size - 300 . 300mm. These in.
Z309 5'/-'a - as above but with ratchet.
This enabes pliers to be locked
together - for holding small compo-
nents, or as heat shunt etc. . £1.20
Other types on Bargain List 36
corporate a glass screen and backing
panel, with wires attached. 121./
200mA output. Ideal for charging
nicads_ £24.00
Happy Memories
ENTERPRISE PANELS Made by Coin Controls, this will accept Part type 1 off 25-99
2658 PCB 325 a 158 with 64k of RAM various size coins by simple adjust - 100 up
18 .4864). 2130A microprocessor, + ment of 4 screws. Incorporates various 4116 (Pulls) 1 00 0.90 0.85
21 other chips, UHF modulator, security features - magnet, bent coin 4164 150ns Not Texas 1.30 1.15 1.05
speaker etc. ROM and Nick andior rejector etc. Microswitch rated 5A
Dave chips missing supplied with cct 240V. Front panel 115 x 64. depth 41256 150ns 2.90 2.75 2.60
and data £8.00 130mm. Cost £10.85 Our price£4.00 41256 120ns 3.20 3.05 2.90
41256 10Ons 3 75 3.55 3.40
41464 120ns 3 45 3.20 2.99
2114 200ns Low Power 1.75 1.60 1.55
6116 15Ons Low Power 2.75 2.55 2.40
6264 150ns Low Power 3.25 2.95 2.80
62256 12Ons Low Power 10.95 10.25 9.65
2716 45Ons 5 volt 3.20 3.05 2.95
2532 450ns 5 40 4.85 4.50
2732 450ns 3 20 3.05 2.95
2732A 250ns 3.95 3.70 3.50
2764 250ns Suit BBC 2.85 2.65 2.50
if? 27128 250ns Suit BBC 4.55 4.25 3.95
27256 250ns 4.55 4.25 3.95
27512 250ns 8.45 7.95 7.65
2004 Skeleton Joystick, switch type. 14 18 20 24 28 40
Good quality, made by AB. Brass Low profile IC sockets: Pins 8 16
spindle has 44mm long black plastic Z811. Cumana Touch Pad for the BBC Pence 5 9 10 11 12 15 17 24
handle attached. Body has 4 mounting computer_ This remarkable add-on
holes. These really are a fantastic enables you to draw on the screen Please ask for quote on higher quantities or items not shown.
bargain!! ONLY £1.00 using a stylus with the touch sensitive Data free on memories purchased. Enquire cost for other.
pad. Supplied with 2 stylli. power/data
SWITCHED MODE PSU connecting lead & demo tape with 4 Write or 'phone for list of other items including our 74LS series
Astec type AA7271. PCB 50 x 50mm progs. Contains state of the art elec-
has 6 transistor cct providing current tronics. Originally being sold at
overload protection, thermal cut-out £79.95, later reduced to £49.95 - Please add 50p post & packing to orders under £15 and VAT to
and excellent filtering. Input 8-24V but we can offer a limited quantity of
DC. Output 5V 2A. Regulation 0.2%. these brand new and boxed for just total. Access orders by 'phone or mail welcome.
£5.00 £19.95 Non -Military Government & Educational orders welcome
A pr:es Y-',,,lA vAT; just aid E1 .Et) P&P. for minimum invoice value of £15 net.
%Sn Access erda E10 M rn n. CWOL Official
ords from schools etc. v.-4-
_ mat en.-cci,x charge E10.
Our shoo has enormous stork, of components ads opus: Happy Memories (EL), FREEPOST, Kington,
9-5.30 1,'^r, -Sat. Came and see usw
Send SAE for latest Ba::..,B.-r, Lit Herefordshire HR5 3BR. Tel: (054 422) 618
443E Millbrook Road Southampton (No stamp required)
501 OHX Tel (0703) 772501/783740
March 1988
V.D.rert Ateer
14 EE
March 1988
Comparison of Surface LEDs (SLEDs), Edge LEDs (ELEDs). SLDs, and Lasers
Anglo-Japanese agreement
A formal trade agreement was signed re-
cently between Fujisoku Electric of
Japan and Arrow Hart (Europe) Ltd, the
Plymouth -based manufacturer of
special-purpose electrical components.
Under the agreement, Fujisoku, a
leading Japanese switch manufacturer,
will purchase rocker switches from
Arrow Hart and sell them on their home
EE 19
March 1988
Two new books from ELEKTOR ELECTRONICS
ISBN 0 905705 27 0
DATA SHEET Price £8.25
BOOK 2 This book contains data on ICs as well
as on discrete transistors and diodes.
Moreover, it gives an introduction to
fast (HCMOS) devices and a review of
symbolic logic as proposed in
BS3939:Section 21.
A statement made by a senior engineer shop floor where accidents will unfortu- dard foil strain gauges typically have a
in the aircraft industry recently summed nately happen. gauge factor of 2.0, whereas that for a
up some of the reasons why many in- These particular features of low mass semiconductor strain gauge can be
dustries have turned towards the use of and high overrange of the EGAX ac- typically 150. This means that when
miniature transducers. "Years ago our celerometers have proved beneficial to a semiconductor types are used, we can ex-
aircraft engine control electronics were particular area of research in the medical pect improvements of outputs in the
the size of a small suitcase but today the field. Various departments of Medical region of approximately 75 times. En-
total package size has been dramatically Establishments have the need to study tran takes full advantage of these
reduced. This obviously means that the features of muscular tremours and properties of their strain gauges in their
when we are testing these components, diseases such as Parkinson's disease. extensive range of miniature transducers.
particularly for important vibration With patient involvement, the need is for In the accelerometer (Fig. 1) strain
tests, that the additional weight that we an unobtrusive and small vibration gauges are bonded in pairs to the top
add by employing transducers on to the measuring device to monitor the and bottom surfaces of a single degree
unit can, if the size, and hence weight, movements of the patient's limbs that of freedom cantilever beam. A mass is
are not minimal, completely change the has the capability of withstanding attached to the end of this beam and the
test performance. We must therefore several thousand 'g' should the acceler- resulting deflection of the beam when
look for transducers, in this particular ometer be inadvertently dropped to the experiencing a 'g' force results in a linear
case accelerometers, with the smallest floor. This specification exactly fits the signal output when the strain gauges are
possible mass". Entran EGAX Series of accelerometer, wired into a Wheatstone bridge and an
The simple but important rule that ap- which has been used for many years by excitation voltage is applied (Fig. 2).
plies here is that F=m x a. Hence the several Medical Establishments.
additional force that is applied to the Entran designs and manufactures a var-
item under vibration test is dependent on iety of semiconductor strain gauges, of
the mass and the distribution of mass in which the smallest is active over 0.020 in.
the overall dimensions of the transducer. (1.50 mm) length by 0.006 in.
For instance, suppose that a conven- (0.150 mm) width. The distinct advan-
tional sized accelerometer is used for the tage of these resistive sensing elements is
vibration test. If it weighs 100 grams and (a) their micro -miniature size and (b)
is being used for 100 g acceleration, by their extremely high gauge factors. The
calculation in the F=m x a formula, a term gauge factor (GF) is a measure of
further 10 kg is added to the weight of the incremental change in the resistance
the component under test. This will con- of the strain gauge for a given incremen-
siderably distort the results of the vi- tal change in the active length of the
bration tests. gauge, i.e. GF = AR/AI The advantages of strain gauge proper-
Entran designs and manufactures piezo- Hence, gauge factor is a measure of the ties are also used in miniature pressure
resistive semiconductor strain gage ac- sensitivity or output performance of the transducers (Fig. 3) where the parameter
celerometers which have the capability strain gauge. To give a comparison, stan- is sensed by monitoring the deflection of
of measuring both steady-state dc and a metal diaphragm. To achieve the
high response dynamic vibration inputs. highest possible dynamic response, the
The EGA range offers models with diaphragm must be small and its de-
measuring ranges from 0-5 g up to 0- signed full scale deflection minimal.
5000 g within a housing as small as With their inherent high sensitivity and
0.140 x 0.140 x 0.270 in. (3.4 mm x ultra -miniature size, semiconductor
3.5 mm x 6.75 mm) and weighing as strain gauges can be used on a stiff, low
little as 0.5 grams. The EGA Series has deflection diaphragm to achieve this
the desirable feature of fluid damping to criterion. A further advantage of the
protect against resonant excitation. The miniature diaphragm is its low deflec-
EGAX model the additional feature of tion, resulting in low stress levels within
internal overrange stops which give the :EGA the diaphragm material, and hence
accelerometer the capability of accepting , I
almost infinite fatigue life. Thus Entran
an overload of ±10,000 g in either the pressure transducers offer measurement
normal sensitive acceleration measuring of both static and high frequency
axis, or in all directions. This feature is dynamic inputs.
available even on the lowest measuring The smallness of pressure has an import-
range of ±5 g. Not only will this over - ant bearing on their performance. Size
range feature make the accelerometer can also be important on the overall ef-
suitable for many impact and guidance fects of the test. For instance, in the
applications, but it will also protect a testing of the aerodynamics of scale
valuable measuring transducer from models of new military and civil aircraft,
day-to-day mishandling on the work - automobiles, aircraft components such
EE 1/1
March 1988
as helicopter blades, missiles, and gener- Within this framework of adaptation to
ally all transport where the efficiency of market requirements, Entran offer a
movement is important, the transducer range of accelerometers and pressure
must be as unobtrusive as possible so as transducers which are the outcome of
not to alter the original shape of the test long experience of transducer design.
piece. Entran have ultra -miniature trans- The new range of devices offers robust
ducers of low profile designs (EPL) with styling, both internally and externally, as
a thickness of 0.040 in. (1.02 mm), well as the optional addition of internal
which are used in a recessed mourning to miniature electronic circuits to give (a)
give original aerodynamic flow lines of amplified output up to 10 V FS; (b)
the test model. Alternatively, all Entran supply regulation; (c) custom filtering.
EPI pressure transducers are available This short article emphasizes a few of
with diameters from 0.080 in. (2.03 mm) the aspects that miniature transducers
down to 0.050 in. (1.27 mm) and are can play in the latest fields of industrial,
used in many wind tunnel tests because research, medical, aerospace, chemical,
they can be easily accommodated within automotive and many other industries.
the rivet head of an aircraft structure Further information on ENTRAN sen-
without affecting the structure and pat- sors may be obtained from ENTRAN
tern of the normal air flow. Ltd Sales & Technical Centre
Entran's specialization is in the design 5 Albert Road CROWTHORNE
and manufacture of miniature trans- transducer requirements fall outside the RGI1 7LT Telephone (0344) 778848
ducers for the measurement of acceler- normal specification and, for these situ- Telex 847422 Fax (0344) 777991.
ation, pressure, load and strain, but ations, Entran has special engineering
many other models have been developed facilities to provide the low-cost OEM
with the requirements of Entran's cus- style transducer or the ultra -sophisti-
tomers in mind. Although standard cated, latest -technology, quality -assured * Mike Coope is Technical Sales Director
models exist, it is accepted that many transducer. of Entran Ltd.
The 256 -colour board described in this card. The proposed colour extension mation appear at the outputs of IC2 for
article is offered as a design idea to ad- uses 11 of these signals-see the pin every two cycles of the 14 MHz clock.
vanced users of the IBM-PC XT assignment in Fig. I. Clocking of IC: and IC2 takes place on
equipped with an EGA. The extension the rising and falling edges of a 7 MHz
board plugs into the EGA feature con- GND and +5 V provide power to the signal, obtained by IC4 dividing the
nector. It produces analogue RGB 256 -colour board. 14 MHz signal by 2.
signals, and TTL-level Hsync and Vsync. R, G, B and I are the EGA pixel
It is important that IC: stores the odd -
Many popular colour monitors accept colour signals. R, G and B are the
either TTL signals from the EGA, or primary red, green and blue signals, numbered pixels, and IC2 the even -
RGB signals from the 256 -colour board, while I is used for either the secondary numbered ones, not vice versa. IC: is
and can, therefore, be used both for the green, or the intensity signal. cleared by the low level on ARTS/L
normal EGA modes and the new 256 - MI 14 MHz is a clock running at one every 8 pixels to maintain the correct
colour modes. cycle per EGA pixel. The EGA pixel phase relationship.
By default, the colour extension board is colour signals change on the falling edge
inactive, and the EGA works as normal: of each clock cycle. Timing
installing the board does not, therefore, ATRS/L is the attribute shift load The timing of the clock signals applied
affect the execution of existing pro- signal. This is a short, active low, to IC: and IC2 is critical. The clock
grams. pulse that indicates the loading of each pulses must arrive when the RGBI
byte into the EGA's pixel shift registers. signals are stable. Delaying and inverting
HIN and YIN are the active high the 14 MHz signal in a 7404 gate ensures
EGA modes horizontal and vertical synchroniz- the right timing and polarity. Similarly,
ation signals (note: signals going into the the CLEAR signal for IC. is obtained
A complete description of all the display by delaying the ATRS/L signal in two
modes offered by the EGA is, unfortu- 256 -colour board are labelled 'IN')
INTERNAL enables and disables the 7404 gates. Do not use a 74LSO4 in this
nately, beyond the scope of this article. application: its propagation delay is too
In mode 14, the card produces 640 by 256 -colour board. The signal is high
when the EGA has disabled its internal short. The way in which the correct
200 pixels, each of which can be assigned delays are obtained may be frowned
1 of 16 colours. In mode 16, it produces video drivers.
upon for good reasons, but it is the only
640 by 350 16 -colour pixels. The 256 - reasonable way of getting the timing
colour board combines pairs of these to right, given the signals available on the
give 320 x 200 or 320 x 350 pixels, each of EGA's feature connector. The timing
which can be assigned I of 256 colours. diagram of the circuit is given in Fig. 3.
This is similar to the performance of the
VGA card used in the new PS/2 range of D -A converters
IBM PCs. In 256 -colour mode, a VGA An 8 -bit pixel appears at the outputs of
can display only 320 x 200 pixels. IC2 every 143 ns. These digital signals
In modes 14 and 16, the EGA outputs must be converted to analogue RGB
each pixel as four TTL signals called R, levels that drive the monitor. The most
G, B and I. The 256 -colour board com- Fig. I. The Feature connector on the IBM
Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA). advanced way of obtaining analogue
bines pairs of pixels to give single 8 -bit RGB signals would be to use a chip that
pixels. These eight TTL signals are con- combines the functions of colour palette
verted to red, green and blue analogue Circuit description and multiple D -A converter. There are
signals by three D -A (digital to analogue) The circuit diagram of the 256 -colour several such chips available, for instance
converters. board is shown in Fig. 2. The RGBI bits the Type TMS34070 from Texas Instru-
of the odd -numbered pixels of the EGA ments (reference ")), or the Type
are latched into IC:. When the RGBI INISG170 from Inmos, which can dis-
Feature connector bits of the even pixels arrive, they are play any 256 out of 262,144 colours at a
The EGA card contains a 32 -pin socket latched into IC2 along with the odd - clock rate of up to to 50 MHz. 'A palette
called the Feature connector. This allows numbered pixel bits now stored in IC:. chip would require an interface to the
access to several signals on the EGA This means that 8 bits of pixel infor- PC bus, address decoding circuitry, and
March 1988
Sync signals
2 A colour monitor typically requires
horizontal and vertical synchronization
FezIva G0,,,r_tv
signals. The horizontal sync tells the
monitor when to end each horizontal
scan line, and when to start the next.
PI Similarly, the vertical sync signal in-
dicates the end of the vertical scan of the
02 screen, and the start of the next. Some
74LS374 52
monitors require the horizontal and ver-
22 1 .3 12
tical sync to be combined to give com-
- R
posite sync.
0 IS G
'4 The horizontal sync signal produced by
14 5
13 5V P2
1C2 the EGA is an active high TTL pulse.
74L 5374 10k The polarity of the vertical sync signal is
not fixed, however, and depends on the
PS monitor and video mode used. In the 16 -
colour 640 x 200 mode, the vertical sync
CEO is an active high TTL pulse, while in the
intuna 5
5V P4 640 x 350 mode it is active low.
03 O IAN 15t. The Taxan Type KS12R monitor can
13 work in three modes. In mode 1 (IBM-
PC mode), it displays 16 colours using
C Cr, EMI active high TTL horizontal and vertical
0 sync signals. It can also be switched to
mode 2 (Apple -II mode), which displays
analogue signals and uses active low
9 AUSSA: 11 5V TTL horizontal and vertical syncs. There
tt* O me is a separate connector on the monitor
for each of these modes. The two sets of
N ._N6 .1G3 =7404
sync signals may not be applied simul-
The HIN and VIN signals from the EGA
Ct CiC5 are inverted by N1 -N2, and buffered by
IC1 IC2 ICI. When ICI is disabled, the Hsync
and Vsync outputs are switched to high
Noon'? impedance, and no longer drive the
2903714 monitor. When ICI is enabled, the EGA
sets its own horizontal and vertical
retrace output signals to high im-
pedance. The control of ICI is reverted
Fig. 2. Circuit diagram of the low-cost 256 -colour extension for the EGA. to below.
Be sure to check the specification of the
so on. The actual design of a palette in- facilitate establishing the right values. monitor used in respect of the polarity
terface is quite straightforward, requir- Presets PI, P3 and P5 control the overall of the sync signals. If it needs positive
ing the data sheets of the palette chip, gains of the D -A converters, while P2, going svncs in both modes, the inverters
the technical reference manual of the P4 and P. define the brightness of each on the HIN and VIN lines must be re-
IBM prototype card, and that for the colour when the pixels are set to zero. moved. Alternatively, set the sync signal
PC -XT (part numbers are 1525015 and
6938833, respectively).
In fact, for realistic images, a variable
palette is often less useful than a fixed
one, because it is always difficult to
decide what colours to put into it. This
made the author decide to do without a
palette and use three D -A converters in- 1C.:
Of the eight pixel bits, three determine \
the red intensity, another three the green,
and the remaining two the blue (the R,G,B,i
human eye is less sensitive to blue light). K
bolted to the EGA 9 -pin D -type video bright white when the pixels are all set to
Construction and setting up connector. 255 (FFF1).
The construction of the colour extension The outputs from the 256 -colour board
card will present no difficulties to should be taken to a separate connector.
anyone who has completed any prolious It is suggested to use a 15 -pin D -type so Software
hardware project. The physical layout of as not to confuse it with any of the other
the board is not critical. sockets on the rear panel of the com- A complete description of the EGA
The prototype was constructed on puter. Remove the cover for the slot next hardware and software is available from
Veroboard, and plugs into the Feature to the EGA to give access to the 256 - IBM. The comprehensive document is
connector of the EGA as a daughter - colour board. called Update Number I for the IBM
board. Figure 4 shows a suggested ar- The even -numbered presets are adjusted Technical Reference Options and
rangement. The board is suppported by so that each colour is just off when the Adapters. The IBM reference part
an indirect connector which plugs into pixels are all zero. Then adjust the odd - number is 6138280.
the Feature connector, and by a bracket numbered presets so that the screen is a To get started with the colour extension
board, use the BIOS calls to control the
EGA, and write to the Miscellaneous
Output Register. Setting bit 4 in this
register disables the video and sync
drivers on the EGA and enables the
drivers on the 256 -colour board.
Table 1 shows a Turbo Pascal procedure
which puts the EGA into 640x200 16 -
colour mode, and enables the colour ex-
tension. The procedure uses BIOS inter-
rupt S10, function SOO, to set the display
to video mode 14. It then writes S33 to
the EGA Miscellaneous Output Register.
For mode 14, the BIOS normally sets
this register to $23, but bit 4 must also be
activated here to enable the 256 -colour
board (for video mode 16, the BIOS nor-
mally sets the Miscellaneous Output
Register to SA7).
Table 2 shows a Turbo Pascal procedure
which draws a single pixel in one of 256
colours. It uses integer variables r, g and
b to calculate the value of the two
"pixel" bytes to be written, then calls
BIOS interrupt SIO, function SOC, to
write the lower and upper halves of the
256 -colour value to the even and odd -
numbered pixels of the EGA. Using the
BIOS to set the display mode always
disables the colour extension board,
making it easy to return to the standard
16 -colour graphics.
880071-4 It should be noted that the BIOS is ex-
tremely slow to write pixels. Eventually,
users of the colour extension board will
Fig. 4. Suggested mounting of the 256 -colour board. 1: Feature connector. 2: EGA board. 3: want to write software that gives direct
Bracket. 4: 256 -colour board. access to the EGA hardware. For this,
March 1988
the above mentioned IBM manual on
the EGA is indispensable. Table 2
procedure drav_point ( x,y ,r, gib: integer);
var pixel_Aspixel_B: integer;
with regs do
New computer system for tain, within four hours, crime reports and in addition separate cursor keys
Metropolitan Police from the previous four years held in ar- (assisting numeric inputs to spread-
chives. sheets), ten function keys, and a reset
Systems Designers Scientific has been Nearly 2,000 computer workstations will button.
selected by the Metropolitan to act as be placed in all Metropolitan Police A 360 K disk drive is built into the right-
prime contractor in a £17 million project Divisions, Sub -Divisions, Areas, En- hand side of the machine and an exter-
to provide the Met's computerized quiry Centres, and in various HQ nal drive can be connected at the rear.
Crime Report Information System- branches to access databases held on a Communications are available with two
CRIS. The new system will replace the network of 233 EC MicroVAX com- serial RS232 ports, 25 -pin and 9 -pin re-
Met's current paper -based crime report puters at the divisions and a central VAX spectively. This facility allows the use of
system with a force -wide integrated com- cluster based around eight VAX8700 various modems without a converter
puter network. mainframe machines. lead. The display card is CGA (640 x
The present crime report system has be- 200), while an EGA card will be
come unwieldy and costly in valuable Further information from Systems
Designers Centrum House 101-103 available soon as an optional extra.
police manpower. CRIS will cut down The PC SPORT PLUS is priced at £499
time spent by officers supervising paper- Fleet Road Fleet Hampshire GU13
8PD. plus VAT. With DOS 3.2, 640 K RAM,
work, allow complex searches through and a monochrome monitor added, the
databases, and provide each division price goes up to £703 plus VAT.
with instant access to crime reports from Applied
Further details from
throughout the Metropolitan Police
area. High-performance portable Microsystems Technology Ltd 249-
251 Cricklewood Broadway LON-
CRIS will be available to around 30,000 AMT's portable IBM compatible, the
police officers and civil staff, 24 hours a PC SPORT PLUS, has a conventional DON NW2 6NX.
day, seven days a week, for the im- memory of 256 K that can be increased
mediate creation, updating, and inter- to 640 K, while a further 512 K memory
rogation of crime reports. Police person- can be added on a separate memory
nel will be able to access instantly crime bank. The computer runs at 8 MHz.
reports from the past two years and ob- The keyboard provides a standard layout
28 EE
March 1988
Esprit is a research programme sup- plan is divided into work packages architecture.
ported by the Commission of the which involve the close cooperation of The remaining collaborators are working
European Communities. It is currently small groups of collaborators. on applications of the supercomputer,
funding a collaborative project to de- The prototype designing is being led by including image and signal processing,
velop and exploit a low cost, high per- Southampton with collaboration from image generation by ray tracing, com-
formance supercomputer, in which the RSRE and the two industrial part- puter aided design (CAD) for very large
Southampton University") is playing a ners, Thorn EMI(4) and Telmat of scale integration (VLSI), computer
major role. France. These two will manufacture aided manufacture (CAM), and appli-
Unlike conventional supercomputers, seven small and four large machines for cations in science and engineering.
such as the Cray 1 and Cray 2, which the work, with commercial exploitation
tend to use expensive ultra -fast circuits, to follow. Provision for real time input
the prototype being designed at and output to the supercomputer is be- Transputer development
Southampton University makes use of ing developed by collaboration between The T800 transputer is the major com-
the latest microprocessor technology. RSRE and Thorn EMI. ponent in the Supernode. It is a
The Supernode supercomputer is based The major component of the Supernode derivative of the T414 transputer an-
on the revolutionary transputer, which is supercomputer-also known as the nounced by INMOS some two years ago.
a modern microprocessor designed by Reconfigurable Transputer Processor- The major difference between these two
INMOS (2) as a component of parallel is the newly announced T800 transputer, chips is that the T800 contains an ad-
processing systems. which was developed within a work ditional processing unit for handling
Parallel processing uses many processors package under this collaboration by IN- floating point numbers. Floating point
to obtain increased system performance. MOS. or real numbers May have fractional
For example, the Supernode supercom- IMAG at Grenoble University, in France, parts and have a very wide range of
puter may eventually contain several is working on the system software for the values; most microprocessors handle
thousand transputers, all of which could
Supernode machine in collaboration only integers (whole numbers), with op-
be brought to bear on a single appli- with Southampton. They are also study- erations for real numbers being provided
cations problem. The research pro- ing the implementation of high level by software, or alternatively by an ad-
gramme, as well as developing several languages such as Prolog on this novel ditional special chip.
prototype supercomputers, will in-
vestigate programming and applications
techniques for this novel computer archi-
The exploitation of such large scale
:; !in: IT z z Wit TTIN =Mt* to
roe. Nee toe
parallelism is by no means well estab- Lit r IF 1'
lished and the United Kingdom, like the 11
Prototype production r
The collaborators in this project come 11
Revenge yourself on giggling friends and relatives joined to watch and criticize your clumsy slide
This project gives the creativity you put in your colour slides an extra dimension in the true sense of
the word. A chance for all mindful photographers and slide makers to stun their audience with a
dazzling show of fading and dissolving images, sudden or gradual colour changes, the repeating of
"theme" slides, and many more special effects, achieved by intelligent control of four slide projectors.
3 Al
A5 035 u
A3 DB3
A2 DB2C1 I
Al DB1
AO 1380
36 Re 3 Rea
0 D3 04
0 C)
B 0 7
81 2
at 4 z Ak
8.3 DE13 IC 4
0_21_ 82 13 082 IC 3 7
81 12
81 081
is BD It DBO
T3 4
5V 88
° 7 P2 R7 2
+sv O 2
R17 2504 11.
El 51 I BC5478 8 C5478
R10 Re5 Ree
24 11 2
C7 05
C6 0
0 eo
C5 er
Cl U 4 2 7
CI 2
C3 32 C3 I
63 IC 6
C2 34 C2 13 12 6 7 12
082 IC 5
0_71:7 CI 12
CO 11
T T6
P3 to
314 Re 72 Re8
07 1 2
E) 0
035 7
DI 0134 Uvi
D3 DB3 IC 8
092 IC 7 120 7
DI 081
DO 053
INV 77
4 in
nr:1 T)
Fig. 4. This l'CB is used for building the interface and 4 dimmers.
34 EE
March 1988
Construction: 5 boards in 1
The ready-made printed circuit board of 18 SCRIENO : CLS TEST PROGRAM FOR SLIDE FADER
Fig. 4 is cut in 5 pieces to obtain 1 inter- 29 DEW A -Z
face board, and 4 dimmer boards. 38 DIN D(15),C(15),I(15)
Commence the construction by popu- 48 FOR 1=8 TO 3 ' ADDRESS INITIALIZATION
lating the dimmer boards according to 58 A=I'16
the component overlay and the parts list. 68 D(8+124)=4+A : D(14Is4)=54 : D(2+I14)=8+A : D(3+II4)=9+A
Mount a 1pF and a 220nF capacitor in 70 C(0 -014)=6+A : C(1+114)=7+A : C(2+I14)=18+A : C(3+Ig4)=11+A
parallel if the 1.2pF type in position C2 88 NEXT
is difficult to obain. Electrolytic capaci- 98 ON STOP GOSUB 590 STOP ON
tor CI and triac Trill are fitted as exter- :
100 FOR X=0 TO 15
nal components. This enables the triac '
metal surface near the fan is, of course, 168 ON KEY GOSUB 260,300,340,370,400,430,460,498,520,550
ideal for mounting the triac because it 170 FOR I=1 TO 18
forms a heat -sink (do not forget to insu- 1m KEY (I) ON
late the triac with the aid of a mica 190 NEXT
washer). Figures 5 and 6 illustrate the 208 KEY1,"OFF" : KEY2,"ON° : KEY3,"c" : KEY4,")" : KEYS," -"
mounting of the triac and the dimmer 210 KEY6,"PREVIOUS":KEY7,"NEXT":KEY8,"STEP-":KEY9,"STEP+":KEY18,"RESET"
board in a slide projector Type Diamator 228 KEY ON
1500 AF. 230 LOCATE 18,6 : PRINT"PROJECTOR:";P+1;" " : LOCATE 10,8 :
on the slide projector may have to be re- 248 LOCATE 10,18 : PRINT"STEP SIZE";X;" ° LOCATE 10,12 :
audio equipment are perfectly adequate 350 OUT D(P),64 : X$="<" : I(P)=0
for a compact board, obviating the need 418 OUT D(P),0 : XA="-" : I(P)=8
for extensive wiring. The unit can be fit- 420 RETURN
ted in a suitable ABS enclosure, observ- 438 ' KEY 6 PREVIOUS PROJECTOR
ing that the intensity span presets, 448 P=P -1 : IF PO THEN P=15
PI. .. P. incl., are easily accessible for 458 RETURN
adjustment purposes. Figure 7 shows a 468 ' KEY 7 NEXT PROJECTOR
suggestion for the front panel lay -out. 470 P=P+1 : IF P)15 TUN P4
Over to you: software 580 X=X-1 : IF Xcl THEN X=1
In principle, all effects in a slide presen-
tation are based on 3 operations, namely 528 '
visual mixing of slides, arranging the 538 X=X+1 : IF X)63 THEN X63
order of the slides, and lamp intensity 548 RETURN
Fig. 5. The dimmer board fitted next to the fan motor in a slide projector. Ci is mounted at Fig. 6. An ideal location for the hot triac.
the track side of the PCB. Some filing is required to fit the the heat -sink
between the sides of the fan enclosure.
tion of the carrier. A library of routines The subject of software for the slide
can be written for fade-in and fade-out fader will be reverted to in part 2 of this References:
effects timed by the CT'C (counter/timer article. We will then discuss an advanced
controller) on the MSX I/O & timer effects program for no fewer than 16 t' Halogen lamp dimmer. Elektor Elec-
board. projectors. tronics July/August 1987, Supplement
Programmers should have little diffi- p. 55.
culty spotting and adapting the slide (23 Articles on MSX extensions in
controller routines in the test program of Elektor Electronics:
Table I. This program runs on MSX I/O bus, digitizer and 8 -bit I/O bus:
computers fitted with at least one I/O & January 1986, p. 66 ff.
timer cartridge. Part 2 of this article will Cartridge board. February 1986, p. 32
detail the use of 4 cartridges, so that the ff.;
same program tests and controls a maxi- Add-on bus board. March 1986, p. 55
mum of 16 projector channels. ff.;
Non-MSX users will find lines 260 up to Bus direction add-on for MSX exten-
and including 580 useful for analysing sions. July/August 1987, Supplement
the ways in which the test program con- p. 52.
trols the interface. The instructions in
lines 220, 230, 240 and 250 are executed Please refer to Past Articles on the
in a loop. The ON KEY GOSUB state- Readers Services page in this issue.
ment does not form pan of this because
the function keys on an MSX computer
can be programmed to call the relevant
subroutine after generating an interrupt
(see line 160).
Key the program into the computer, and
familiarize yourself with the functions
assigned to the function keys. Select a
projector, and quench the lamp by
holding down the INTENSITY - key.
Then adjust the relevant preset on the
controller board such that the lamp just
about lights. This setting guarantees fast
response to software -controlled intensity
variations while lengthening the useful
life of the lamp.
Some projectors have single -key slide
carrier control. This can be simulated by
the interface board if the software en-
sures the correct duration of the forward
and reverse pulses. Although it would be
possible to omit 1 relay on the board,
this is not recommended because it
makes the controller less versatile. A bet-
ter solution in this case is the connection
of pins 2 and 3 on the socket internal to
the projector in question. Fig. 7. Suggested Front panel la -out.
%larc- 198°
A loudspeaker system that is based on Audax drive units and
uses a 12 dB Linkwitz filter. The closed box design enables the
drive units to be located in a straight acoustical line.
The use of a Linkwitz filter (Ref. 1) in a contains more than one drive unit and a
loudspeaker system makes sense only if cross -over filter will have a phase behav-
the drive units are positioned in straight iour that causes impulse distortion. Even
acoustical line. in a wideband system without filter, it is
The three-way system presents nothing very difficult to attain optimum impulse
new, but the drive units have some behaviour.
special characteristics as will be seen
later. Total costs for two loudspeakers
(drive units, wood, filter components, Is phase shift audible?
etc.) is of the order of £250. Listening During the past few years, there have
tests in which the uniphase system was been a number of investigations into the
compared with commercially available question whether phase errors are aud-
products show that the quality is roughly ible or not. These investigations have
the same as that of a commercial system failed to agree. It is probable that the
costing twice as much. sensitivity to phase errors varies from
The most noteworthy aspect of the box one person to another. And what about
is the staggered front, which is essential the test methods? Our own experience
to get the drive units in a straight shows that serious phase deviations can
acoustical line. This means that the drive definitely be detected in the reproduced
units are positioned in a manner which sound. Particularly the pronounced
ensures that the acoustical output of phase jumps around the cross -over point
each of the three drivers reaches the of the filter seem to be the culprits.
listener at exactly the same time. These jumps also cause the loudspeakers
It might be thought that to achieve this to produce a different sound pattern at
it is sufficient to measure the depth of different positions around the room.
each cone to be able to calculate by how This is because the acoustic radiation
much each drivers must be displaced pattern around the cross -over points
with reference to one another. It's a shows large variations along its axis.
good start, but unfortunately not suf- We have the impression-shared with a
ficient.This is because the phase number of researchers-that most
behaviour of each drive unit is far from listeners are not not so much sensitive to
ideal-see Fig. 1 for a typical phase absolute phase deviations, but rather to
characteristic of a bass driver in a closed Fig. 1. Prototype of the uniphase loud - sudden phase differences.
box. Although W. Marshall Leach pub- speaker system.
lished a very interesting article on the
phase behaviour of drive units in the In an ideal loudspeaker system deVdm A matter of less than an inch
Journal of the AES as long ago as 1980, must be a constant to obtain optimum Above resonance, the loudspeaker
it appears that in the practical systems of pulse behaviour. With reference to the behaves capacitively at first and then, at
most manufacturers no notice has been curve of Fig. 1, it is seen that this is vir- higher frequencies, inductively. This
taken of the findings of Mr. Leach. tually impossible to attain. Any box that behaviour is caused by the voice coil.
2 DV,. V.2....1 1 RANGE Wilit0.4G SPEED I= tI I F.I.KR SPEED
Cl in AG{
LI? I 1713-1 6,na.a07 asv
I= CI I=1
69 c.) 302 500 It 2it 5k._ .
at* 20l
_ 416±'
--I i
i-- _ response
- - .....
- 1006. -
IX 205 st sit
r- Type rail
The drive units Bass drive unit: Audax Type MHD24P37RSM
Middle frequency driver: Audax Type
The bass unit is a 24 cm type on a cast TX11 .25RSN
aluminium chassis. The magnet, Tweeter: Audax Type DTW100T25FFF
although of reasonable size, is not par- Synthetic cotton wool wadding (see text)
ticularly large. Since the enclosure is a Universal filter PCB Visaton Type UP70i3
closed box (which has better impulse Fixing bolts, nuts, and crinkle washers for drive
behaviour than a bass reflex), the mag- units
net should be not too large to avoid the Loudspeaker terminals (4)
frequency response characteristic falling
off too early. The loudspeakers and filter PCB for this project
The middle frequency driver is a splen- are available from CSI Electronics
Fig. 5. The Visaton Type UP70/3 PCB and lsee page 78).
did unit. To all outward appearances, it population plan.
looks like a conventional model, but its
magnet is the same size as that of the The tweeter is a modernized version of a
bass unit, and its cone is made of TPX. well -established unit, which has formed
The filter
An aluminium cone in the centre ensures part of Audax's range for many years. It The present system uses a 12 dB
a better spread of the high tones. Its cost is, without doubt, still one of the best Linkwitz filter-see Fig. 4, which is one
is similar to that of the bass unit. It tweeters available. This version has fer- of the best passive filters. Next month we
should, however, be borne in mind that rofluid cooling and damping of the voice intend to publish an active version of the
this unit takes care of the most import- coil. It reproduces the very high fre- loudspeaker system that will make use of
ant part of the audio range. In our quencies with just a little better defi- the active network published last year
prototype, it performed beautifully. nition than the original model. (Ref. 2). However, for those who are not
38 EE
March 1988
scale 1: 7.5
50 45
* loam rubber
Fig. 6. Construction plan of the enclosure. Required MDF board or chipboard, thickne-
18 mm.
prepared to spend the extra money for an work components will find that those of
active system with six output amplifiers, C3 and L3 do not correspond with the
the passive system is an excellent choice theoretical values. The cause for this
that offers very good sound quality. discrepancy is that the impedance of the
The design of the filter follows the middle frequency unit rises sharply in
earlier article (Ref. 1) fairly faithfully. the vicinity of the cross -over point, in
The increasing impedance presented by spite of the 8.2 ohm shunt resistor:
the bass unit at higher frequencies is consequently, during the design it was
compensated by R, and C2. A similar found that the practical values deviate
network is provided for the middle fre- sharply from the computed ones.
quency drive unit, otherwise the filter
would not behave as predicted by theory.
Furthermore, the middle frequency The enclosure
driver and the tweeter have been given a The enclosure is an upright, narrow box
small attenuation network to match of such a height that the middle and
them more closely to the woofer. high frequency drivers are roughly at ear
The resistances in parallel with the drive height. The narrow front keeps the
units effectively flatten the resonance number of reflections to a minimum. As
peak of the impedance characteristic of already mentioned, the front surface is
the middle and high frequency drivers, staggered to make it possible for the
since these peaks are close to the respect- drive units to be placed at the correct
ive cross -over points. distances from one another. Fig. 7. Some stages in the construction of the
Readers who check the values of the net- Otherwise, the construction is fairly con- prototype.
March 1988
narLAY SCA).* Rama (:) i..,L e.,EI .0e-ll vatnottGSPEED 1=1 E1 OMR SPEED = 1=1 Z:=1 SsOss sa
pEr ,2, in
M. Pro ....0 a., 0 SisisS4
CO irn psevil
1=1 = =
NE 1...178:4PC
2 S 13112S
03 03 V _ -
_- 200 SOO Is os
II 01 s
- __
1144p " Uniphase:
- frequency
- response
- -
- -
_ -
. . .
WA 200
-Bailiff's 's EMIL' I
It lw
Il_III 20k
Fawns. TIME I I
1 I
is - ]
T,r-2, 3331
b a -El CI CI .E1
..111 I WRITING SPEED 1=I 1=1 I ASPER SPEED 14.1..rra1lt /MG
...eacri ear v.=,1 pv.V1
01`ZSIS011OsI 1 So t CP
55 __ - Ka 201
Idssicsieg Clopct
- -
- Uniphase:
is '5. 203
r I ma esi-lial-laz
ism .
55 10S
k /7 /
SETE511 TIME 5,0
Fig. 8. Frequency characteristic (a) and impedance curve (b) of the uniphase loudspeaker system.
ventional. The volume of the woofer (metallized polytherephtalate) types the top compartment and 3 bags for the
compartment is about 60 1, which is suf- (MKC-metallized polycarbonate- woofer section.
ficient to obtain a Qrc of 0.7. The types are suitable alternatives). When all that is done, the box is closed,
-3 dB point of the combination lies at The construction plan for the box is again using good quantities of wood
around 45 Hz. The section for the shown in Fig. 6. The panels are intercon- glue to ensure an airtight closure. Fi-
middle frequency unit has a volume of nected with the aid of suitable dowels nally, the enclosure is finished to in-
some 15 1. Again, that is necessary to and wood glue: bear in mind that the dividual taste (cloth, veneer, varnish,
obtain a QTC for this section of 0.7. finished box must be airtight. Apart etc.).
Furthermore, it ensures good impulse from the panel separating the woofer
behaviour over the middle frequency from the other speakers and the panel
range. halfway up the bass unit compartment, Finally
The box is made of MDF (medium den- no struts are required.
sity fibre board), a material that re- The enclosures may be positioned
The drive units are mounted with the aid against a wall, but preferable not in a
sembles chipboard but has a much of nuts, bolts, and crinkle washers. Sub-
greater density. If this material cannot corner.
sequently, the cables between the drivers
be obtained, chipboard of the best qual- and the filter are put in. Take care that
ity may be used. the hole in the slanting separating panel
through which the cables from the References:
Construction middle and high frequency units to the 1. Linkwitz filters; Elektor Electronics
filter are fed is made airtight after fitting April 1987 p. 36.
The filter is constructed on Visaton's the cables. 2. Active phase -linear cross -over net-
Type UP70/3 universal filter PCB as The rear of the box is provided with a work; Elektor Electronics September
shown in Fig. 5. Some additional holes good quality terminal board. 1987, p. 61.
will have to be drilled in this board. The filter is mounted on the inside rear 3. Designing a closed loudspeaker box;
Inductors Li and L3 should be made panel of the woofer compartment: take Elektor Electronics February 1986, p.
with a pot .core, otherwise they become care that all cables are connected cor- 68.
too large for PCB mounting. All other rectly! 4. Loudspeaker impedance correction;
inductors are air -cored. Capacitors Cl, Next, the box is filled with wadding, for Elektor Electronics May 1986, p. 30.
C2, C3, and C6 are bipolar electrolytic instance, synthetic cotton wool which is 5. Loudspeaker efficiency; Elektor Elec-
types; all other capacitors are MKT sold in bags. About 1 bag is needed for tronics June 1986, p. 52.
40 March 1988
"Under all speech that is good for takes place. Second, what are those Disrupting memory
anything there lies a silence that is features of speech which make it so diffi-
better. Silence is deep as Eternity; cult to ignore, and why are our strenuous From a series of experiments in various
speech is as shallow as Time." attempts to suppress it usually of no laboratories, a fairly clear picture is be-
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, avail? ginning to emerge of the way in which ir-
vol. Iv, Sir Walter Scott,
by Thomas Carlyle. 15
by R. van Terborgh
Fig. I. Circuit diagram of the wideband amplifier and splitter for satellite TV receivers.
amplifier when connected to the Elek tor quired, until the operating voltage is be-
Electronics IDUNa=15 V). tween +5 V and +6 V. Be sure to use an
Warning: some indoor units supply an ordinary '/2 W carbon film resistor: its
LNB voltage as high as 18 V or' even inductance is essential in this appli-
24 V. Always measure Visa on the cation.
centre tip of the RF input connector of
your IDU with the LNB connected to the
downlead coax cable. Then calculate RI Construction
as shown above. Prepare the small Eddystone enclosure
The dimensioning of RI is not critical: shown in the photographs prior to start-
calculate the theoretical resistance, select ing any soldering work. Study the lo-
the next higher value from the E12 cations of Ki, K2 and K3 on the PCB Fig. 3. Side view of a prototype of the signal
series, measure the voltage on the before drilling the holes for these flange - divider, showing the PCB and the RF con-
RF OUT/BIAS terminal of the MMIC, type BNC sockets, which are fitted onto nectors secured onto the lid of a diecast
and decrease the resistor value if re- the lid as shown in Fig. 3. You may have enclosure.
Fig. 2. The small, double sided, printed circuit board for the signal divider is available ready-made through Elektor Electronics' Readers
Note : SMD = surface mount device. CI:Cs:Cs= 68p SMD 1.1;L2;1.3= home made -see text.
C2;C3;Cs=1n0 SMD
C7 =10p; 25 V tantalum bead Miscellaneous:
Resistors I 5%): Semiconductor: 10:1(2;K3= BNC socket (flange type).
PCB Type 880067 (see Readers Services page).
RI =220R: 0.5 W carbon film (see text). ICI =MSA0404 (Avantek; distributors are listed Diecast enclosure (Eddystone; dimensions
R2;R3=22R SMD in reference ill). approx. 112 r 64 x 30 mm).
March 1988
to provide new mounting holes on the outside of the lid, and the PCB is pushed
PCB if you intend to use Type N or F onto the centre pins that protrude at the
sockets instead of BNC. Mount a inside. Press the PCB firmly against the
suitable clamp to the box to enable at- lid, and push the twelve M2.6 screws
taching this near, or onto, the dish aerial through the holes in the PCB. Carefully
stand, if this is the most favourable lo- tighten the screws, and solder the centre
cation for the splitter considering the pins of the RF sockets onto the copper
lengths of the downlead cables. Provide islands at the track side of the board.
lettering on the lid to rule out any Finally, be sure to terminate output
likelihood of erroneous connections. IDU 2 in 75 Q at all times. In most
Now proceed with the completion of the cases, the attenuation of the downlead
printed circuit board shown in Fig. 2. cable is high enough to ensure proper
Less experienced constructors should termination of the amplifier if IDU 2 is
note that all parts, with the exception of disconnected in the home. If, for some
the 3 sockets, are fitted direct onto the reason, the downlead cable to IDU 2 is
track side of the board. The leads of temporarily disconnected from the
C-, RI and the 3 inductors should be amplifier output, this must be ter-
kept as short as possible. minated in a 75 Q dummy load (a 75 Q
The tvIMIC is seated in a 04 mm hole, resistor fitted in the RF plug). In
and its 4 leads are soldered straight onto general, the signal divider should be fit-
the relevant copper areas. All capacitors, ted as close as possible to the LNB.RGK
with the exception of tantalum bead type
C-7, are surface mount devices, secured References:
in place by fast soldering with a low -
power iron. The same goes for divider ") MMICs revolutionize wideband RF
resistors R2 and R3. amplifier design. Elektor Electronics,
January 1988, p. 38 ff.
The 3 home-made inductors in the Loss encountered when interconnec-
amplifier are identical. The winding data ting cables having the incorrect im-
are as follows: pedance. By Dr P. Brumm. VHF Com-
Li; 1_2; L3 = 12 turns 00.5 mm Fig. 4. All parts, with the exception of the RF
connectors, are fitted at the track side of the munications, 3/1974.
(SWG25) enamelled copper wire; close - PCB. The small, greyish, rectangular, blocks ") Indoor unit for satellite TV recep-
wound; internal diameter: 2.5 mm. are surface -mount resistors and capacitors tion, parts 1, 2 and 3. Elektor Elec-
Use a sharp knife to remove the protec- (prototype). tronics, October 1986, November 1986,
tive PTFE collar around the centre pin January 1987.
where this protrudes from the BNC RF module for IDU. Elektor Electronics
socket. The 3 sockets are held against the July/August 1987, Supplement p. 10.
Videodisc market in Europe
A report from Frost & Sullivan. The
Videodisc Market in Europe (#E870)
does not deal with the consumer market,
which failed to materialize in the early
1980s-in fact, one of the blazing Revenue
mistakes made by videodisc makers then
was to chase the general public. 4.5 111 Instated Value
Videodiscs aimed at the film -viewing 4.0
public experience virtually non-existent
take-up because of the rapid penetration
S 3.5
of videocassette recorders (VCRs). r.1
Instead, the study sees the emerging 3.0
videodisc arena as one primarily aimed
at the professional audio-visual market
for industrial, institutional, and com-
mercial organizations. The most 0
favoured and developed applications are n
The RF preamplifier described here is in- downlead coax minus 12 V. Example: if enamelled copper wire. Study the com-
tended for fitting as close as possible to the downlead coax carries +18 V, the ponent overlay on the PCB (see Fig. 3)
the FM band aerial. It is a tuneable, tuning voltage at junction Di -D2 is to find the 2 pins on the base that con-
rather than a wideband, amplifier, which +6 V with respect to ground. The lowest nect to Lib. Close -wind Li. as 4 turns,
is fed and tuned via the downlead coax downlead voltage is about 15 V to ensure 00.6 mm enamelled copper wire onto
cable. The amplification and the noise the minimum voltage drop across regu- Lib, starting at the base of the plastic
figure of the FM aerial booster are lator ICI. Choke L3 forms a high im- former. The tap is made after 2 wind-
25 dB and about 1 dB, respectively. All pedance for the amplified RF signals ings. Stretch the turns, and carefully
preamplifiers described in this series are superimposed on the tuning/supply scratch off a small area of the enamel
powered and tuned by a common voltage. coating approximately half -way the in-
supply/tuning unit installed at an appro- ductor. Solder a short wire to this point,
priate location in the home. and point it down towards the base.
Construction Press the inductor together again. Con-
nect the end wires and the tap wire to the
Circuit description Commence the construction of the pre- base pins, and verify continuity and
amplifier with winding the inductors. orientation of the completed inductor.
The circuit diagram of Fig. 1 shows that Input inductor LI is wound on the Drain inductor L2 is wound as 4 turns
the preamplifier is a conventional design former in the Type 10V1 inductor as- 00.3 mm enamelled copper wire
based on a VHF MOSFET tetrode Type sembly from Neosid-see Fig. 2. First, through a small 'ferrite bead. The centre
BF981. The preamplifier input can be close -wind Lit, as 11 turns, 00.6 mm tap is made after two turns by twisting
connected to unbalanced (60...75 2) as
well as balanced (240...300 Q) aerials
or feeder systems. The balanced input
allows the preamplifier to be connected
direct to the dipole element. In this case,
the preamplifier can take the place of the
balun removed from the ABS, water-
resistant, enclosure that houses the
dipole terminals. This solution ensures
the lowest possible input loss, and ob- 03
Fig. 2. The Type 10V1 inductor assembly Fig. 3. The PCB for building the VHF preamplifier.
from Neosid.
3 cm or so of the wire before making the Parts list Da= zenercriode 12 V; 400 mW
third and fourth turn. The twisted wire is ICI =78L12
then cut to length, the enamel coating is FM BAND PREAMPLIFIER. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: TI=BF981
scratched off, and the connection is FIG. 1.
carefully pre -tinned.
Choke L3 is the simplest to make: it is Resistors ± 5%): Inductors:
wound as 6 turns 00.2 mm enamelled
copper wire through a small ferrite bead. RI:113= 100K Winding data ae given in the text.
R2 = 56K
The three home-made inductors in the R.4= 10K
preamplifier are shown in the photo- Li = inductor assembly Type 10V1. Neosid part
graph of Fig. 4. number: 15955100. (Neosid Eduard House
Brownfields Welwyn Garden City
Herts AL7 1 AN. Telephone: (0707) 325011.
The PCB for this project is a double - CI =1n0 (surface mount assembly) Telex: 25423).
sided, but not through -plated, pre - C2=1n0 ceramic (pitch: 5 mm) 2 off small, single -hole. ferrite beads (length:
tinned type. The four resistors are C3 = 1p0; 16 V; axial
approx. 3 mm).
mounted upright. Ascertain the pinning Co= tp0; 40 V; axial
Cs=47p; 35 V; axial
of MOSFET Ti before fitting it on the
Ce=560p ceramic (pitch: 5 mm)
printed circuit board: depending on the Miscellaneous:
make of the device, it may be necessary
to mount it with the type indication fac- Semiconductors: Suitable waterproof enclosure.
ing the PCB. PCB Type 880042 (see Readers Services page).
D1;02=80405 5 off soldering pins.
The ground terminal of R2, R4, ICI, C:,
C3, C4, C5, the source terminal of Ti,
the anode of 132, input pin 2, the 2 should not present problems: grounded copper wire through a small ferrite bead
solder tabs on the shielding can of Li, component leads or terminals are (length: approx. 3 mm).
and the output ground terminal, are soldered at both sides of the PCB. Fit The tuning control, Pi, is conveniently
soldered at both sides of the PCB. The ICI with a TO220-style heat -sink, but fitted onto the 3 soldering pins to go
only component at the track side of the make sure that this is insulated from the round a 3 -wire connection. The as-
board is SMD capacitor CI. This is ground area. sembled board, the 24 VAC power trans-
soldered direct across the GATE 2 and former, mains switch and fuse are hous-
SOURCE connections of the MOSFET. Fit The winding data for the 3 chokes on the ed in a small enclosure with a sloping
a 15 mm high brass or tin metal screen board are as follows: front panel. Omit DI...D4 incl., and
with a small clearance for the MOSFET = 6 turns 00.2 mm enamelled CI -C2, when a 24 VDC source, such as a
as shown on the component overlay.
Supply/tuning unit
The circuit diagram of the simple,
regulated and adjustable, power supply
for the downlead-powered preamplifiers
is shown in Fig. 6. The output voltage of
integrated regulator ICI is adjusted be-
tween 15 V and 26 V with tuning control
Pi. The tuning and supply voltage for
each preamplifier is applied to the centre
core of the respective downlead coax
cable by a choke -resistor combination.
The tuning/supply unit is built on the
double -sided, pre -tinned printed circuit
board shown in Fig. 7. Construction Fig. 4. A close look at the home-made inductors.
48 EE
March 1988
Fig. 5. Prototype of the completed low -noise Fig. 6. Circuit diagram of the tuningisuppl) unit.
mains adapter, is already available- Testing power, and verify the presence of the ad-
connect this to the points marked + and justable direct voltage on the three
0. The tuning control can be fitted with Connect the AC input of the completed DC/RF terminals. Check whether Pi
a vernier and a scale for the frequency tuning/supply unit to the secondary of the voltage between +15 V and
ranee of each preamplifier. the 24 VAC mains transformer, apply +26 V.
e EPS 0E10041
Parts list
RS =220R
0 R2=1K8 Semiconductors:
Pt =2K5 or 2K2 linear potentiometer Di...04 incl.=1N4001
ICI =LM317 (T0220 enclosure)
0 0
C3 C3= 1000p; 40 V T0220 -style Heat -sink for ICI.
C4= 1p; 40 V 11 off soldering pins.
0 + Cs;C6;C7 = 220p PCB Type 880041 (see Readers Services page).
Ca= 10p; 40 V
et -7i
Cultural television channel are water resistant. "I used the sort of
expands in Europe rugged radio -control apparatus used in
aeroplanes" explained Mr Fearis, "so it
Britain's Satellite Television Arts Chan- should survive being dropped".
nel, which broadcasts cultural program- The transmitter sends a signal within the
mes to cabled homes in western Europe, standard Citizen's Band frequency but
has added West Germany and Austria to this does not create any interference with
its 'footprint' as from January this
CB radio, sines the Buzzbox signal is
year. From that date, it will also be digitally encoded. The signal is then re-
available in many more households in ceived and decoded by the child's re-
Belgium, Denmark, the Republic of ceiver, triggering the vibrator in the
Ireland, Luxembourg, Finland, Norway, bracelet. The system will work up to a
the Netherlands, Sweden, and distance of 1.6 km in an open area, or
Switzerland, as well as in Britain. 0.4 km in a heavily built-up area.
The expansion follows the conclusion of The parent can send a signal on two dif-
an agreement between the two-year old ferent channels, each of which will light
channel and Skychannel, which up a different light -emitting diode
pioneered satellite transmissions of fam- (LED) on the child's receiver, one red
ily entertainment within Europe and and the other green. The parent and
provides for Arts Channel programmes child agree as to the meaning of the two
to be transmitted via Sky's Eutelsat Fl different signals. The LED and vibrator
satellite transponder. The three hours of will automatically switch off after 16
cultural programmes are scheduled for seconds if a child does not switch them
transmission at 2330 UTC, although off first. The 16 second period can be
trailer highlights will be shown during Buzzbox attracts the deaf changed by changing the resistance and
the day so that viewers who do not want The problem of how to attract the atten- capacitance of the trigger circuit.
to stay up can set their video recorders. tion of a deaf child has been solved by a The vibrator itself consists of a small
Arts Channel makes about one fifth of UK engineering product designer. He DC motor driving an off-centre weight,
its own programmes and 95% of the has produced a vibrating bracelet that is so that the velocity of the motor controls
total output is of European origin. The worn by the child and radio controlled the frequency of vibration felt by the
range includes ballet, opera, drama, by the parent. child. (200 Hz is thought to be the fre-
music, and visual arts. The channel is Mr Paul Fearis developed the Buzzbox quency to which humans are most
currently filming a major four-part during his final year at South Bank touch -sensitive.)
documentary, William and Mary, mark- Polytechnic, London, in response to a Blind people could also use the system,
ing the 300th anniversary later this year problem raised by the UK Royal says Mr Fearis, if the red/green LEDs
of the accession to the British throne of National Institute for the Deaf. It con- were replaced by two different types of
Dutch Prince William of Orange and his sists of two units -a transmitter worn vibratory signal. The child could receive
English wife Princess Mary. This Anglo- by the parent, and a receiver worn by the a pulsed vibration, for instance, by send-
Dutch programme will describe the child, both running off rechargeable bat- ing a square -wave radio signal.
architecture, painting, and music of the teries. The Buzzbox is to be manufactured by
The vibrating bracelet is connected to Mentmore Industries, workshop for the
The Arts Channel P.O. Box 7 Ebbw the receiver by a wire. Both units are disabled in Hackney, London, and will
sale Gwent Wales United Kingdom. about the size and weight of a small retail for about £47.
calculator, are moulded in plastic and
as 71.5
16.2 C.53
tions are made to this circuit.
If the sandwich construction is used, the
boards are best interconnected with
Pil CM
short lengths of strong, solid wire. For
it P1..1 DS7
other mounting arrangements, it is rec-
3dP2-2 ommended to use a 5 cm long connec-
31 tion made in flatcable.
a 727 IC I u 22 130 The two sets of pull-up resistors,
1000)01-1 (C31) (222) t0221 (CM) (CAS) (C.2.5) tun tem'
5V 0 8745/4 5V
72-T5= S. 1317675 R12...R1S incl. and R19...R25 incl., are
0 7.
SS preferably mounted as 9 -pin, single -in -
SV Of = aan 3676.6.6 line, resistor networks, but it is also
1:7 = aP ren snot ets.6
possible to use 16 miniature (0.125 \V)
x=212 resistors, mounted vertically and com-
PCs t9 moned by a horizontally running wire to
BC -517
6.00 A
the positive supply line (see Fig. 3).
Up The component mounting plan for the
1.2 n -- (3V -.5-5V) control board is shown in Fig. 4. There
272.1 -
0 are 6 fixed, and 2 variable, wire links,
whose function is shown in the circuit
:Li c
diagram. Fit links A -C (century: 19xx)
=A* and E -F (no zero suppression).
-T 1. All segment control outputs are made in
soldering terminals. Common -anode
driver transistors T2...T9 incl. are fitted
f=1 in a neat row on the PCB, and can do
without a heat -sink. Be sure to check the
mounting position of these transistors
against the pin -out shown in the circuit
diagram, Fig. 1. Voltage regulators IC2
and IC3 need heat -sinks of the style and
size indicated on the component overlay.
It is not necessary to insulate the metal
/2 222 ((at
tabs of the regulator chips from the heat -
sinks. These can be bolted direct onto
17125_1 the PCB, provided that they are -and
remain -well insulated from one
another, as well as from any other part
Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of the remote indication unit for the Elekior Electronics Intelligen on the board (remember that the heat-
Time Standard. sink for IC2 is connected to ground, and
that for IC3 to junction R41 -R43).
2 The phototransistor, Tit, is fitted in a
position that allows the detection of am-
LD 1 LD LDS 1D 5 12011D&T bient light only, i.e., the device must not
I_I =kJ 1-1
"see" the light emitted by the LED dis-
The display board is simple to build.
ri I-1
0 0I I SATURDAY Commence the construction with fitting
the 8 wire links on it. LEDs Ds. -Du
r up
may be omitted, or fitted purely for
3 .5V
16S, 000
vac 2
.74 -
203000000© ii0000008 61000"6:9
R32 -NW--------D JINJ
a NM effaintl
:11 rri
1!4//= Ck
1.0x Ot-
0 0
0-1R2 -0 0.1 010,_,, 0-1.4.1-0 02
o 1>1 o
n +
0 ®ice r}r
A A A r
L.) N
666 0
0 II "I° 'EnTmeD Q
V CI 4)
Fig. 4. The printed circuit hoard for the control board in the slate indication unit.
Parts list
CONTROL BOARD. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: FIG. 1. Capacitors: Tit = general-purpose phototransistor, e.g.
BP103 or TIL81
Resistors Ci=3n3 ICI = programmed 8748H. Elektor Electronics
C2;Cio=1y0; 10V order no. ESS 559 (see Readers Services
RI =10K Ca;C4=33p page).
R2=4K7 Cs= 2200y; 25 V IC2=7805
R3= 5K6 C6= 22011 ICa=LM317T (T0220 style)
incl.=2K2 C7;C9;C11=100n IC4;IC5 = ULN2003
812 . . .R18 incl.;R19...R25 incl.= 3K3 8 -way Co= 10p; 10V
SIL resistor network
826...R39 incl.=27R Miscellaneous:
R40 = IKO Semiconductors:
841=100R Xi = 10 MHz quartz crystal (enclosure:
R42 = NOR. Di =1N4148 HC25IU).
R43 = 22OR Dz ...Ds incl.= 1N4001 Heat -sink for 1C2.
Pi =25K or 22K preset H Ti =BC547 Heat -sink for !Ca.
Tz ... Ts incl.=BD676 PCB Type 87104-1 (see Readers Services
See text. Tto=BC516 page).
March 1988
Parts list
Resistors (± 5%):
The book further deals with semicon- The second edition of this popular book
NEW LITERATURE ductor memories, I/O devices, the RS- was reviewed in the July 1986 issue of
232C interface, the IEEE -488 general Elektor Electronics. This revised edition
purpose instrument bus, and the IEEE - has been updated and enlarged to cover
Practical Digital Electronics 1000 microprocessor bus. new instruments that have been in-
Handbook A very useful part of the book is an ap- troduced since then. Among the new in-
by Mike Tooley pendix dealing with the necessary tools struments are the Tektronix 2225 and the
ISBN 1-870775-00-7 and test equipment required for fault- 11000 Series, the Beckman 9020, the
197 pages - 215 x 136 mm finding, complete with details of a Meguro MO -1255, the Philips M03050,
Price £6.95 (soft cover) number of test gear projects. the Crotech 3133, the Nicolet 4094, the
Altogether a very useful book for Gould 4072, and the Hewlett-Packard
As the title of the book suggests, the em-
anyone involved in the design, manufac- HP54110D.
phasis of the work is on the practical ture, or servicing of digital circuits. The book remains well illustrated with
aspects of electronic circuits. Conse-
quently, there is hardly any theory to be PC Publishing diagrams and photographs and will con-
found in its pages. Quite correctly, Mr. 22 Clifton Road tinue to appeal to everyone who wants to
Tooley is saying that the designer of elec- LONDON N3 2AR know about oscilloscopes, from the stu-
tronic circuits need not know the inter- dent to the graduate, from the hobbyist
nal function of ICs, for instance. to the technician.
In a similar manner, logic networks are William Heinemann Ltd
approached from a practical angle - no Oscilloscopes 10 Upper Grosvenor Street
Boolean algebra here. Revised second edition LONDON W1X 9PA
The treatment of microprocessors deals by Ian Hickman
to some extent with the internal architec- ISBN 0-434-90738-3
ture, but with these devices that is virtu- 133 pages - 215x135 mm
ally unavoidable. Price £5.95 (soft cover)
March 1988
Audio Amplifier Fault-finding Measuring 640x450 mm, the chart The ASIC Data Book should be of in-
Chart should prove of interest to anyone in- terest to anyone involved with Appli-
by Chas. E. Miller volved in the repair or servicing of audio cation Specific ICs. It is available from
ISBN 0-85934-095-3 circuits. MIETEC UK Easthampstead Road
Price 95 p Bernard Babani (publishing) Ltd BRACKNELL RG12 1NF Tele-
This chart has been designed to help the The Grampians phone (0344) 53974.
reader approach fault rectification and Shepherds Bush Road
repair of audio amplifiers in a systematic LONDON W6 7NF
and logical way.
The author has developed the chart by
drawing on many years' experience in CATALOGUES
repairing audio and hi-fi systems. Used The 1988 Babani Books list is available
correctly, the chart should enable the DATABOOKS free of charge. Just send a 220 x110 mm
user to trace many common faults Soft ,Vagnetic Ferrites is a bi-lingual stamped, addressed envelope to Bernard
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All the user has to do is to select one of should be of interest to anyone involved pians Shepherds Bush Road LON-
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and follow the arrows while carrying out publication is available from ISKRA Ltd
the suggested checks in sequence until Redlands COULSDON CR3 2HT
the fault is cleared. Telephone 01-668 7141.
Magneto -resistive sensors: .a with measured magnetic field strength, sured by an inductor winding secured
brief recap and two elements with exactly the inverse direct onto the sensor enclosure, or by
property. The bridge is balanced in the fitting the sensor inside a small coil
The basic structure of the four magneto - quiescent condition because sensor former.
resistive elements in the Wheatstone elements of identical property are Figure 3b shows that the offset voltage
bridge Type KMZ10A is shown in Fig. 1. located diagonally on the carrier chip- remains constant during the periodic
The sensor elements are essentially see Fig. 2. magnetization by the positive and
meander -shaped, permalloy, tracks with negative pulses. It is seen that the signals
gold stripes. This structure is referred to of interest are rectangular pulses, which
as a barber's pole for obvious reasons. Designing an electronic
are relatively simple to separate from the
Inside the plastic encapsulation of the compass offset voltage. This obviates the need for
Type KMZ10A magneto -resistive sensor The earth's magnetic field is relatively an auxiliary field, which would degrade
from Valvo (Philips/Mullard) is a silicon weak, so that the final accuracy of an sensitivity. The full sensitivity of about
substrate that carries four of such electronic compass based on magneto - 14 (mV/V)(kA/m) stated for the Type
elements connected as the arms of a resistive sensors is limited mainly by KNIZIOA is, therefore, available, while
Wheatstone bridge. drift incurred in the sensor, and offset measurements of field strengths, of
The KMZ10A makes use of the Gauss- voltages in the instrumentation ampli- up to 0.25 kA/m can be carried out
effect, i.e., the property of current - fier. Offset voltages and signals caused without running into sensor instabili-
carrying material to change its resistivity by magnetic fields can, however, be ty.iThe proposed principle of alternating
in the presence of an external magnetic discriminated by making use of a prop- fields for each plane of maximum sensi-
field. This change is brought about by erty typical of the the barber's pole tivity is well suited to direction
rotation of the magnetization relative to structure, namely that the two directions measurements in the earth's magnetic
the current direction. The degree of of magnetization result in two directions field. The construction of an electronic
bridge imbalance is used for indicating of maximum sensitivity. This compass for navigation in or on vessels
the magnetic field strength, or, more pre- phenomenon can be exploited in a prac- and vehicles can be based on two
cisely, the variation in magnetic field in tical circuit that arranges for the sensor magneto -resistive sensors positioned at
the plane of the permalloy carriers rela- to be fed with a series of positive and right angles, and fitted in the former of
tive to the direction of current. negative magnetic pulses in the x direc- an inductor that supplies the reversing
tion. For the KMZ10A, the continously field. Temperature compensation for the
The Wheatstone bridge is composed of reversing field applied should have a sensor is not required in most cases,
two elements whose resistance increases strength of 3 kA/m. This value is en - because the relative, rather than absol-
t t
Fig. 1. Barber's pole structure of gold stripes wound on the meander -shaped, permalloy track Fig. 2. Magneto -resistive elements form the
that forms the magnetization -controlled resistance. four arms of a Wheatstone bridge.
March 1988
current pulses N.
a) b1
current magnetization
offset voltage
12 us
oY 363I up
the generated magnetic field. The opti- 12 4765
long as this is greater than 1 ps. Distributors in the UK are listed on In-
Measuring errors caused by demagnetiz- 2
SI 1C4
loCard 509 (EE May 1987).
90* turned tct 065535
ation during the pulse time can safely be
disregarded if the pulsating current has a 61 ILL
low duty factor. The circuit of Fig. 5 p, -SO 11
that form the inductor driver. Fig. 5. Suggested circuit of the sensor head and instrumentation circuitry that can form
TI -T2,
Current pulses of about 50 is are ob- basis for designing an electronic compass.
The penultimate part of Julian Nolan's review of dual trace
oscilloscopes deals with the Kikusui COS-5042TM and the Grundig
TABLE 13 20 MHz bandwidth, ± 5% = total error on 0.05 s/div to 0.2 s/div range)
Input coupling: AC, DC or Gnd. Holdoff; variable up to 10:1
Input impedance: 1 MQ/25 pF; max input Delay modes: trigger delay (Trig);
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS voltage 300 (DC + peak AC) continuous delay
line voltage: - 100,120,220,240 VAC Signal Delay time: approx. 20 ns on CRT Delay jitter: 1/10000
± 10%, externally adjustable. Power screen.
consumption: 35 Watts TRIGGERING
Line frequency: 50-60 Hz CH3 only specifications Trigger modes: Auto (bright line). Normal,
Sensitivity: 0.5 V/div or 0.1 V/div ±3%. level lock (auto p -p). single -reset.
MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION Input Impedance: 1 MQ/25 pF. Trigger coupling: AC, DC, HF reject, TV
Dimensions: -W 288 mm, H 150 mm. Frequency response: 40 MHz. frame and line (auto).
D 370 mm Risetime 8.8 ns. Trigger sources: CH1, CH2, Line, Ext. or
Housing steel sheet Max input: 100 V (DC + AC peak) CH3, Vertical (alternate)
Weight: approx. 7.5 kg Triggering sensitivity: Internal < 1.5 div
X -Y MODE at 40 MHz, External < 0.15 V p -p at
Y AMPLIFIER ETC. CH1 and 2 Y-axis, and CH3 X-axis in dual 40 MHz, Normal mode
Operating modes: - channel mode: single channel CH1 =X,
CH1 alone, CH2 alone, or CH3 alone. CH2=Y MISCELLANEOUS
Inversion capability on CH2 only. Bandwidth: DC to 2 MHz 1-3 dB). CRT make: Kikusui, measuring area
Any combination of CH1, CH2 or CH3 X -Y phase shift <3° at 100 kHz 80 mm x 100 mm; accelerating voltage
(alternate or chopped (250 kHz)) 12 kV, domed -mesh type.
CH1 + CH2 SWEEP Compensation signal for divider probe,
Frequency response 0...40 MHz Type: - A; A sweep: Alt; A sweep amplitude aprox. 0.5 V pp (± 3%); fre-
( -3 dB): 20 MHz x 5 Mag. (intensified for duration of B sweep): B; quency 1 kHz.
Risetime < 8.8 nsec, (n-5 nsec x 5 Delayed sweep: X -Y.
Mag.) Z modulation sensitivity: 3 V (detectable
A sweep time 0.05 s/div to 0.5 s/div, intensity modulation)
Deflection factor 10 steps: ±3% in 22 ranges, 1-2-5 sequence. Vertical CH1 output: approx 100 mVidiv
5 mV/div...5 V/div ± 3%, vernier can- Vernier control slows sweep down by up into 50. Frequency response: 100 Hz to
trol adjusts min. sensitivity on 5 V/div to 3:1 40 MHz except on x 5 (100 Hz to
range to approx. 10 V/div (fully anti-cw)- B sweep 0.05 s/div to 50 ms/div, ± 3% 20 MHz).
CH1 and 2 only. in 19 ranges, 1-2-5 sequence. Covered by 1 year warranty.
x 5 magnifier extends range to 1 mV/div, Sweep magnification: x 10 ±.5% I ±8%
although perfectly adequate for most bient lighting conditions. A front panel large number of wire links, not all of
purposes. control is provided for B trace intensity, which are grouped together. This could
The main timebase A, speeds range from which I found to be useful, especially in in some cases hinder servicing of the in-
50 ns/div to the usual 0.5 s/div, while cases where the delayed sweep facility strument, although I am satisfied that it
the maximum deflection speed can be was used at its higher magnification will not effect reliability. All boards are
increased 10 times to 5 ns/div. The sec- ratios. A photographic bezel is also fit- removable, their connections being made
ond timebase, B, speeds range from ted, along with a viewing filter. by a number of plugs/sockets. The 5042
50 ms/div to the same 50 ns/div. An un- The 58 -page manual starts by giving a is based on a steel frame, which gives it
calibrated indicator is provided for the A general description of the instrument, the robustness to operate successfully in
variable sweep control, but not continu- and goes on to cover operating pro- a wide variety of environments. In con-
ously variable control is provided on the cedures, application and the specifi- trast to many other scopes none of the
B timebase. The display/trigger modes cation in some detail. Although a block controls extends more than a relatively
A,Alt,B,B trig should as mentioned diagram is provided, no circuit diagram short distance from the instrument and
above cover most requirements although is given, but is available in the service this should further aid robustness.
they are by no means comprehensive. manual. The COS5042TM offers a very good
The 5042 offers an 8 trace capability, Internal construction is centred around a performance combined with a rugged
which consists of CHI, CH2, CH3 and number of fibre glass PCBs, the ma- construction, and small size. It does
CHI ± CH2 on both timebases. To a jority of which have their print side have one or two minor drawbacks, such
certain extent, I found this useful, es- facing outwards for easier servicing. as its lack of triggering sensitivity and B
pecially for detailed logic comparisons There are, maybe not surprisingly, a timebase facilities, but overall these do
when 3 inputs were being used (6 traces);
however, when this was increased to 8
traces, vertical measurements of any ac-
curacy were not possible, as the screen Table 14
became extremely cramped (1 trace per
cm). The timebase accuracy was good
across most of the ranges, but at the CATEGORY Unsatis- Satis- Very
factory factory Good Good Excellent
faster timebase speeds it was noticeable
that there was a discrepancy between the TRIGGER FACILITIES *
two speeds which approached the ±5% TRIGGER PERFORMANCE *
specified error (10 magnifier was in oper- DEL'D SWEEP FACILITIES *
ation). A channel 1 out BNC socket is DELT SWEEP PERFORMANCE *
provided on the rear panel giving ap-
proximately 50 mV/div into 50.
The 12 kV domed -mesh CRT provides a
sharply defined and bright trace across EXTERNAL CONSTRUCTION *
the vast majority of deflection speeds. OVERALL SPECIFICATION *
The brightness of the tube does, how- OVERALL PERFORMANCE *
ever, limit the maximum magnification EASE OF USE *
ratio of the delayed sweep facility to ap- MANUAL *
proximately 1000 times in fairly low am-
March 1988
not significantly affect the performance COS 5021TM-same as 5020 ÷ delayed sweep
of the scope. It is likely to appeal to (2 ps to 5 ms)-£490+VAT
those users who require real portability
coupled with the performance and COS 5040TM-12 kV CRT; 1 mV maximum
sensitivity; DC -40 MHz bandwidth; alternate
features it offers. When compared with channel triegerine ÷ level lock; single
other scopes in its class, the 5042 comes timebase (max sweep 20 ns/div)-£565+VAT
out particularly well on Y -amp perform-
ance and power consumption, which will COS 5041TM-same as 5040+ delayed sweep
obviously be of more importance to (2 ps to 5 ms) -1625
some users than others.
COS5042TM-covered in review -f715
The review model of the Kikusui
COS5042TM was available for a very COS 5060TM-same as 5042, but 60 MHz
bandwidth (a large number of these have
short time only, and it was, therefore, Fig. 20. Some other oscilloscopes in the been bought by British Telecom.)-£820÷VAT
not possible to carry out the review in Kikusui range.
depth in respect of the more minor Other scopes available under £1500 in the COS 5100TM-Same as 5042 except for
points. Kikusui ranee. 100 MHz bandwidth; 18 kV CRT, max sweep
2 ns/div-f1145 -VAT
The Kikusui COS5042TM was supplied COS 5020TM-2.2 kV CRT; 1 mV maximum
by Telonic Instruments Ltd, Boyn Valley sensitivity; DC -20 MHz bandwidth; alternate COS 6100A -similar to COS 1500TM, but dif-
Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 4EG. channel triggering ÷ level lock; single ferent design ÷ 12 trace capability; 20 kV
timebase (max sweep 20 ns/div); f.360÷VAT CRT. -11450
Tel: (0268) 73933
Table 16
Table 15
group - the Sensor Systems Programme by IMO/OMRON and the Brad Har-
Office - in response to industry's need rison Corporation, provides users with
plug-in rather than hard -wired detection
+ s.
for the development of short range
devices. This means that upon failure or !I II
remote sensing systems suitable for a %OW
wide range of applications. replacement of either the cable or the 01.:
The new group has a design capability detector only one element needs to be ---
covering a variety of sensors including disposed of rather than both. Since iTi.= St
Though electronic sensors are now widely used for laboratory measurements, many
instruments, especially the more accurate ones, still have to be read by someone. A
hand-held computer terminal developed at the National Physical Laboratory helps
observers to record readings from instruments faster and more reliably. When numbers are
keyed into it, a speech synthesizer dictates them back to confirm that data have been
entered as intended. It also warns against improbable readings.
Each year the National Physical
Laboratory calibrates several thousand
scientific instruments for customers who
use them industrially to measure a wide
range of parameters. Although there is a
growing tendency to incorporate ana-
logue or digital electrical outputs that
enable readings to be recorded automati-
cally by a computer, few of the instru-
IEEE488 or RS232C interface
ments have such a facility. Vernier -scale
barometers, dial -gauge proving -rings
(for measuring force) and mercury -in -
glass thermometers are good examples. 16 -character
Moreover, the interfaces of those sent in display
for checking which are electricical in
nature are often not immediately com- Keyboard
patible with the calibration laboratory's
computer. So it is still quite normal for Base station including
many observations to be made by eye speech synthesiser
and written down.
Most metrologists believe that obser-
vations made by eye are, as a rule,
recorded more easily by jotting them
down on paper than by using a keyboard Loudspeaker
that calls for extra concentration to
avoid mistakes. They generally prefer to
write their observations and transfer Interconnections of the NPL *stem.
them to a computer later, when the data
input can be carefully compared with range", "measurement error", "prob- eration. While this would have been
their observation book. lem with reading six" and so on. The easier for users, it was thought impracti-
The speaking computer terminal seemed terminal should be small enough to be cal for two reasons. Firstly, neither radio
a logical device to develop because a held in the hand, so that the user can nor infra -red communication could eas-
portable numeric keyboard that would take it many metres from one instrument ily provide the degree of integrity re-
audibly confirm what key had been to another during a calibration; it should quired; some measurements need to be
punched would enable direct input of have a clear and bright display capable taken near sources of electrical inter-
visual observations into a computer of displaying alpha -numeric prompts ference or in Faraday cages, and line -of -
without calling for special concentration which may be easily read under a variety sight communication between the ter-
to detect keying errors. If you think of lighting conditions; a simple keyboard minal and its 'base -station' (linked to the
"three" when you key and the terminal employing high -quality switches; be laboratory computer) could not always
says "four" it is very unlikely the capable of transmitting non -numeric be guaranteed. Secondly, the power re-
mistake will get past. `special function' (or `soft -key) character quired to provide a bright display ruled
codes to the laboratory computer for out the use of batteries. It was therefore
control purposes (typically to mean decided to accept a thin cable linking the
"yes", "no", "abort", or "repeat last terminal with its base -station.
General design criteria reading"), and communication with the We settled on a hand unit that has a
To optimize the terminal's usefulness to laboratory computer should be via an bright 16 -character display, a loud-
metrologists, who use a range of tech- IEEE 488-1978 interface. The hand unit speaker, and a high -quality keyboard. In
niques in widely differing environments, should be cordless to avoid problems addition to the digit keys there are
a number of design features were con- with trailing cables. decimal and minus signs and four
sidered: the synthesizer should be crisp, The terminal was built in collaboration editing keys, two special function keys
clear, have a local accent and, apart with Peter Rush, of Triangle Digital Ser- and a "send" introduction. A key -shift
from speaking numbers from zero to vices, Walthamstow, London. Its final of the numeric keys gives ten other
nine, should be able to say things rel- form complied with all but the last special function keys.
evant to metrology such as "out of design consideration, that is cordless op- The terminal's cable, which may be up to
March 1988
30 metres long, links the unit to the base - ultaneously speaking it if required), en-
station containing the speech syn-
abling just the last digits of the number
thesizer, a power supply and both IEEE to be added to the right-hand side.
488-1978 and RS232C interfaces for
communication with the laboratory
computer. The synthesizer has a Quick and reliable
vocabulary of 70 discrete words selected
specifically for metrological purposes. It The first NPL speaking computer ter-
may be actuated by the terminal's minal was built over three years ago and
keyboard, to speak digits, or by the eight are now in service. They provide a
laboratory computer to speak any words quick and reliable means of recording
from its vocabulary. data from instruments that do not give
an automated read-out. They are helping
us in many ways, from precision
Optimum characteristics weighing to the calibration of mercury
The essence of the device is its ability to barometers, vacuum gauges, line stan-
dards and radiation dosimeters.
speak the value of numeric input data, Most users prefer the terminal in its
and we had to experiment to find opti- speaking -digit mode but some choose to
mum synthesizer operating character- enter numbers silently and have the full
istics. Firstly it was programmed to
speak only after a complete number had number dictated back after it has been
been entered. That is, typing "123 Using the terminal in the laboratory. entered. But both ways have been found
to cut the concentration needed and
<send>" evoked "one two three". Sec- make the process of entering numbers
ondly, "123 <send>" called up "One less tiring. Other benefits of the ter-
hundredand twenty-three". Though
minal have become apparent. On -the-
somewhat novel, this format was not Reading No. Bridge Reading
spot prompting during calibration work
found to be very helpful when taking 0.588438
not only helps the experienced metrol-
2 39
readings. A third mode is the one we 3 40 ogist but assists with the training of new
adopted, in which digits are spoken im- 4 43 staff: recording numbers directly into the
mediately numeric keys are touched. To 41 laboratory computer with audible con-
enable the synthesizer to keep up with a firmation is quicker than writing them
rapid sequence of key operations, it down and then typing them into a
speaks digits quickly and, under very When an instrument with, say, a six figure keyboard, later cross-checking a com-
fast operation, truncates them to avoid a resolution has to be read repeatedly with puter print-out with the observation
delay between pressing the key and start- changes in only the less significant digits, the
book; results, comments or instructions
ing to speak. For example, very rapid en- laboratory instrument can send a prompt
may be dictated to the operator while he
try of, say "678" would cause "Sisev- that allows just the last part of the number to
be added. This is the electronic equivalent of is concentrating, for example, on making
eight" to be spoken, but that is quite in- observations through a microscope
telligible. entering readings in a laboratory observation
When the unit is in typical use, a pro- book. eyepiece; spoken warnings attract more
gram running on a laboratory computer attention than visual ones and provide
two different ways: the first, most usual much better diagnostics than a bleep.
sends a visual prompt to the terminal, way, simply allows the prompt to disap- For example, if the user's concentration
reminding the metrologist standing near pear from the display as soon as numeric fails and a gross mistake comes up such
the instruments he is calibrating what keys are pressed;the second allows as typing in 1000 mbar instead of 20°C,
measurement to take next. He keys in his numbers to be added' to the end of a a spoken "Really?" requesting the data
observation, which is audibly confirmed prompt and is used when many similar again points out the mistake much faster
as he does so. If it is correct, he sends it observations have to be made. For than a display can do. Cross-checking
to the laboratory computer which pro- example, an instrument with six -figure lists of data is easier when one list is
cesses the information and usually re- resolution may have to be read repeat- spoken.
sponds with the next prompt. The com- edly with changes only in the last few
puter can trigger a short verbal opinion digits. After receiving the first reading in
if it recognises the number to be an the normal way, the laboratory com-
unreasonable one. The NPL speaking computer terminal is now
puter can send a partially numeric visual available from Triangle Digital Services,
The terminal handles visual prompts in prompt such as "Bridge? 0.5884", (sim- Walthamstow, London.
Publication Copy deadline
Issue Main theme
date Advertisements' Articles
January 1988 17 Dec. 1987 9 Nov. 1987 26 Oct. 1987 HF & VHF Techniques
February ;988 14 Jan_ 1988 4 Dec. 1987 20 Nov. 1987 Telecommunications
March 1906 18 Feb. 1988 15 Jan_ 1988 28 Dec. 1987 Sensors
April 1988 17 Mar. 1988 12 Feb. 1988 29 Jan. 1988 Electrophonics
May 1988 14 Apr. 1988 11 Mar. 1988 26 Feb. 1988 Artificial Intelligence
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December 1988
17 Nov. 1988 14 Oct. 1988 30 Sep. 1988 Computer.aided test & measurement
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One meek later for camera-ready copy.
March 1988
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57203 15 Trianitiar rate Lai and scion. MO 59299 3 CAM Po s. Veit Repass, 1.71484 V pis TOS. (2.03 2.1.0AL £350
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1:7205 ID Snal Cnwt VD's, 3-... (1.00 59101 1 1.113174 I49. Votap &Wass, 1.50 1190 day was wag_ 910
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W242 3 ToPear LED's. San da, 514 2*. RCAY LUG W433 6 0040178 1200 11.00
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End,.,re to Ste. 910
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1E00 .
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1133 100 Si Dades Eke 184118 1193 5474111 4 74111 D.rd ..11 Muss Sze. Fas-Fcc (Lou 19412 Cawing Piers. Wra S-4.sw 8 &A Loam .. MOO
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W-157 53 OM Me erodes, wooed.. 9.00 Fa Out Chivas. 740174570. TT1 issetargesbity 4871110ra ,..1,..e 1r128-. MCIsta. £2.50
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103 AI so -'3 TrOWVC/1. 8930530. 11-03 1922 200 caa 17307 I 6Cce Pawl Lead. 9.259 Kg to 8259 Kg 1110
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59 155 20 53959_ Tanacov.11714 eat 98161 H.F.T092. Elm
1962 Estu, s fitter. 3r. 20.41.4
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