Cor User Guide: Apex-Connected Cor-15 & Cor-20
Cor User Guide: Apex-Connected Cor-15 & Cor-20
Cor User Guide: Apex-Connected Cor-15 & Cor-20
This Guide is for use by persons who will be using their COR pump in
conjunction with a Neptune Systems APEX controller system. If you will be
using the COR-20 without a Neptune Systems APEX system, refer to the
COR-20 Standalone User Guide found on the Documentation page on the
Neptune Systems web site.
A Neptune Systems APEX controller with a free 1LINK port (provided by either the 1LINK
module or Energy Bar 832) is required to utilize the COR-15; it cannot function as a
standalone pump.
The COR pumps systems are fully compatible with all APEX controller models, including
the APEX (2016), APEX Classic, APEX Gold, APEX Jr, and APEX Lite. The COR is not
compatible with pre-APEX generations of Neptune Systems controllers such as the
AquaController 3 or ACjr.
❖ COR-20 driver
❖ COR pump
❖ 6’ (2m) AquaBus cable for connection to an APEX system
❖ 100w 24VDC power supply & power cord
❖ 1-1/4” threaded x 1-1/4” slip union for use on the COR pump output
❖ 1-1/4” threaded x 3/4” slip fitting for optional hard-piped use on the pump output
❖ 1-1/2” threaded x 1” slip fitting for optional hard-piped external plumbing
❖ O-rings for each fitting (not depicted)
❖ 5mm hex wrench
Note: the included power supply may be slightly different than the one depicted
❖ COR-15 driver
❖ COR pump
❖ 10’ (3m) 4-pin 1LINK male-to-male cable for connection of the COR-15 to an APEX
system via a 1LINK module or EnergyBar 832.
Control Buttons
Module Mounting
System COR Driver Back
COR Driver Front
AquaBus Ports
DC Power Jack
Pump Cable
1LINK Port
COR-20 Driver Connections COR-15 Driver Connections
The COR-15 and COR-20 driver provides power and speed control to the COR pump.
When connected to an Apex system, the COR driver appears to the Apex as an AquaBus
expansion module, and is managed by the Apex like any other Apex expansion module.
1.25” output,
BSPP threads
Detachable baseplate
with rubber feet
Your APEX system MUST have a version of firmware installed which contains support for
the COR. The minimum required versions are:
It is recommended to upgrade your APEX AOS or firmware to the latest available version
even if your APEX currently meets the minimum version requirement.
❖ Refer to the APEX (2016) Get Started Guide for instruction about updating the
APEX Operating System to the latest release.
❖ Refer to the Firmware Updates page on Neptune Systems’ web site for instructions
and download of APEX Classic firmware.
The COR-15 or COR-20 driver should be securely mounted in a location free from
moisture. The COR driver uses an innovative mounting system which provides safe
secure mounting yet allows easy removal of the COR from the mounting plate. It is
recommended that the COR driver be mounted on a vertical surface such as a wall, an
upright mounting board, or the side or back of your aquarium stand. Use the included
screws to mount the COR driver mounting plate, then slip the COR over the mounting
plate and press downward to firmly seat the COR driver on the mounting plate. If
mounting on drywall, use drywall anchors (screws and anchors not included). A
printable mounting template is available HERE. The mounting template contains
additional mounting guidelines.
❖ Be sure to utilize drip loops on all cables plugged into the COR driver.
❖ Leave at least 1” of clearance at the top of the COR driver to allow for easy
dismounting of the driver.
❖ Leave at least 2.5” of clearance below the COR driver to allow sufficient room for
WARNING: Water damage will void your COR driver warranty! Mount the
COR driver in a location safe from any form of moisture exposure – drips,
splashes, etc.
The COR pump may be installed for use either submerged (in sump) or externally-
plumbed. An extensive discussion of aquarium plumbing design, PVC plumbing
cementing, etc. is beyond the scope of this user guide; however, some tips and
suggestions are provided here. If you need assistance with plumbing design or
assembly, enlist the help of a local aquarist or an aquarium design, installation, and
maintenance professional.
It is highly recommended that your return plumbing has 1-1/4” piping and
fittings to obtain the most flow from your COR pump. Smaller diameter piping
will reduce the overall flow of water.
❖ If your tank return piping is 1-1/4”, use the included 1-1/4” union.
❖ If your tank return piping is 1” diameter, use the included 1-1/4” union and a 1-
1/4” to 1” slip x slip PVC reducer fitting (not included).
❖ Do not use the small orange O-ring on the pump if using the 1-1/4” union.
❖ If your tank return piping is ¾” or smaller, use the smaller 1-1/4” x ¾” slip
adapter and the smaller orange O-ring.
❖ It is recommended that you install the outer collar part of the 1-1/2” x 1” slip
adapter on the intake threads, as this will provide protection for those threads.
Do not use the inner 1” slip part of the adapter, just use the outer collar.
Externally-Plumbed Installation
If you will install your COR external to the sump, use both supplied slip adapter fittings,
or optionally, use the 1-1/2” x 1” slip fitting on the pump intake and the 1-1/4” union on
the pump output. Note that the reduced diameter of these fittings will restrict the flow
through the pump. Optionally, use a 1-1/2” BSPP coupler or union (not supplied) to
connect to larger intake piping. The included orange O-rings must be installed when
using the slip adapter fittings
To connect the COR pump and driver, simply connect the pump’s cable to the short
pigtail cable of the COR driver. The connectors are keyed; align the connectors
carefully; do not force the connectors together.
Use the outer locking ring of the driver-side connector to tighten the connection and
form a water-resistant seal. The mated and properly tightened connectors are not
intended to be submerged in water.
The COR driver and COR pump cables should be connected prior to connecting power
and APEX cables to the COR driver. If you need to disconnect the COR pump from
the COR driver, COR driver power and APEX connection cables should be
disconnected first, before you disconnect the pump cable.
The COR-20 driver communicates with the APEX base unit and other system modules
through the AquaBus connectors. The COR-20 has two AquaBus connectors which may
be utilized to connect the COR-20 to an APEX system and optionally, daisy-chain an
additional module or modules downstream of the COR. There are no limitations on the
order AquaBus accessories can be connected or to which AquaBus ports accessories
must be connected. The total length of all AquaBus cables should be limited to 200 feet.
Refer to the APEX Started Guide for more information about AquaBus in general.
WARNING: NEVER plug standard USB devices into any AquaBus connector
or connect an APEX controller or AquaBus modules to computer equipment’s
USB ports. Damage to the AquaBus modules and/or USB device may result.
To connect your COR-20 driver to the APEX system, simply use the included AquaBus
cable to connect either of the COR-20 driver AquaBus ports and any available AquaBus
port on your APEX system.
Plug the included detachable power supply power cord into the power supply and plug
the other end into a wall outlet or power strip. It is not necessary or recommended to
plug the power supply into an EnergyBar outlet. It is highly undesirable to turn power to
the COR system ON and OFF; it should have constant power.
If you do use an EnergyBar outlet despite the recommendation not to do so, that outlet
should be programmed to be ALWAYS ON by using the Always Control Type or by
manually programming the EnergyBar outlet with this simple program:
Fallback ON
Set ON
To connect a COR-15 to an APEX system, that APEX system must be equipped with an
available 1LINK port on an EnergyBar 832 or a 1LINK module. The EnergyBar 832 and
the 1LINK module each have three 1LINK ports; any of those 1LINK ports may be used.
However, if you also have WAV pumps and/or DC24 accessories, and other 1LINK and
DC24 devices such as WAV and PMUP pumps on a single EnergyBar 832 or 1LINK
module, calculate the total possible load of all connected 24VDC devices. Do not exceed
the maximum 24VDC load of the EB832 or 1LINK module, which is 100 watts. Add
another 1LINK module or EB832 in necessary.
After initially connecting the COR-20 or COR-15 to your APEX System, and after any
subsequent APEX system firmware or AOS update, check the COR driver’s installed
firmware version, and update it if it shows as OLD.
If you have an APEX (2016), go to the Modules page in either APEX Local or APEX
Fusion. Look in the SWRev column; if it says OK for your COR, no update is needed. If
it shows OLD, then click on the COR line, choose Update Firmware from the Action
menu, then click the orange Update APEX button
If you have an APEX Classic model, you must use the Classic Dashboard to check the
COR firmware version, and if necessary, update it. This cannot be done through APEX
Fusion. Go to the Configuration->Module Setup page, and look at the table at the
bottom of that page.
You can observe the module firmware update progress just above the Module List on
that page.
The top bar of 8 small LEDs provides additional information. In most cases, it indicates
the approximate speed of the pump.
• The COR driver is operating normally and is communicating with the APEX
Solid system. If a COR-20 is being used in standalone mode, this also indicates
Orange normal operations.
• The number of LEDs lit on the 8-LED bar indicates the current pump speed.
There are 16 speed levels when in standalone mode.
• The COR driver is in fallback mode and is attempting to communicate with
an APEX base unit.
• The number of LEDs lit on the 8-LED bar indicates the current pump speed.
• The COR pump has been manually turned OFF using the left COR button or
by using the COR tile on the APEX Classic, APEX Local, or APEX Fusion
• None of the small LEDs will be lit.
• One of these three conditions exist:
o FeedA has been activated using the right COR button
Green o FeedA has been activated through the APEX
o The COR driver is in Minimum Speed Calibration Mode
• The number of LEDs lit on the 8-LED bar indicates the current pump speed
• The COR driver is in Maximum Speed Calibration Mode
• The number of LEDs lit on the 8-LED bar indicates the current pump speed
• An error condition exists. When the status LED is red, one of the LEDs of 8-
LED bar will flash to indicate the specific issue detected.
o The COR driver has detected an overcurrent condition (LED #1, #4,
or #5 may be flashing) This may indicate that the pump’s intake is
blocked or a foreign object is preventing the impeller from rotating
o The input power voltage is too high (LED #2 will be flashing)
Red o The COR-20 driver is connected to an APEX system but it has no
24VDC input power (LED #3 will be flashing)
o The input power voltage is low (LED #3 will be flashing)
o The COR pump is running while dry or out of water (LED #6 will be
o The internal temperature of the pump is high (LED #7 will be
Yellow • The COR driver’s internal firmware is being updated by the APEX
o Whenever the LED panel is lit red, a specific error message will also be shown on
APEX Fusion and APEX Local dashboards; these are not shown on the Classic
Dashboard. The error conditions must be enabled however, for these status
messages to appear.
o The LED panel may continue to be red for up to one minute after an error
condition has cleared or has been resolved.
o Similarly, the display of an error message on the APEX Fusion or APEX Local
dashboard may persist for 1-2 minutes after an error condition has cleared or was
The function of the two buttons on the COR driver will vary depending on the operating
mode of the COR driver.
During normal APEX-connected operations, the left button may be used to turn the COR
output OFF and then back to AUTO. The right button may be used to activate or cancel
Feed Cycle A.
❖ To turn the COR output OFF, press and hold the left button for 3 seconds; the
status LED panel will turn pink to indicate that the output is OFF. The OFF state
will also be shown on the COR tile on the APEX Local, APEX Fusion, or Classic
❖ To return the COR output to AUTO, press and hold the left button for 3 seconds;
the status LED panel will turn orange to indicate that the output is back in the
normal AUTO state. The AUTO state will also be shown on the COR tile on the
APEX Local, APEX Fusion, or Classic Dashboard.
❖ To activate FEEDA, press and hold the right button for 3 seconds; the status LED
will turn green to indicate that FEEDA is active. The status LED panel will return
to normal orange illumination when the FEEDA timer expires or is canceled using
an APEX Dashboard Feed tile.
❖ To cancel FEEDA from the COR driver, press and hold the right button again for 3
seconds. The COR right button may be used to cancel FEEDA even if FEEDA was
activated by means other than the COR button.
The COR’s right button can activate FEEDA only; it is not configurable for activation of
Feed Cycles B, C, or D instead.
During these modes, the left and right buttons are used to control the speed and flow
rate of the COR pump.
❖ The left button will decrease the pump speed
❖ The right button will increase pump speed
❖ Each button press changes the pump speed by approximately 6%
When you connect your COR-15 or COR-20 to your APEX, one or two tiles will be created
on your Dashboard, depending on the APEX model and the user interface in use.
If using APEX FUSION or APEX Local, you should be alerted of the availability of new tiles
after connecting your COR driver to your APEX:
If you do not see the New Tiles indicator in the upper right area of the Dashboard,
refresh the Dashboard by clicking on your APEX’s name in the upper right, then selecting
Dashboard from the displayed menu.
Click on the button to reveal the unused tiles area, then drag the COR tiles out to your
dashboard as position them as desired. You may need to use the horizontal scroll bar to
scroll to the far right to see the new tiles, which will have a blue halo.
The COR slider tile shows the current state of the COR output: manual OFF, AUTO, or
manual ON. The current speed of the COR is shown as a percentage. The COR tile must
be in the AUTO position for the COR to be operated under program control.
Click on the button on the OFF/AUTO/ON slider tile to configure the COR.
The larger graphical tile displays COR status as well as the current power consumption in
watts, the COR pump RPM (revolutions per minute), and the pump’s internal
temperature, expressed as a percentage. The OK message seen above is the normal
status; if there is some sort of error or abnormal condition, a message will be displayed
in red instead of the OK status, as seen here:
Additional information about COR error conditions is provided later in this guide.
For APEX Classic controllers, one tile will appear on the Classic Dashboard:
Regardless of the APEX model and user interface in use, the default name of a COR-15
or COR-20 output is COR_#_1, where # is the AquaBus address of the COR driver. You
may change the name if desired.
IQ-Level is a form of calibration that allows you to configure the pump’s minimum and
maximum speeds to be optimal for your aquarium. Using IQ-Level is entirely optional
but is highly recommended.
In the next few paragraphs, we will discuss IQ-Level as it should be done for a common
aquarium setup in which the COR is used as a return pump. Other COR uses, such as
closed loop applications, will require different criteria be used for IQ-Level.
Ideally, the pump’s maximum speed will be calibrated so that 100% speed corresponds
to that speed which moves the perfect amount of water for the tank’s overflow drain(s),
without exceeding the capacity of the overflow or pumping insufficient volume of water
to maintain a constant full siphon drain. This is important to do, as properly setting the
maximum speed of the pumps ensures that the output of the pump will not exceed the
capacity of the overflow and drain system, even if the COR slider on the Dashboard is set
to manual ON.
Ideally, the COR’s minimum speed will be set with IQ-Level so that when the pump is
running at 1%, the pump does not slow so much that the water in the return piping
drains out backwards. The perfect minimum speed is that speed which just holds the
water column full and in a quiescent state, and does not actually cause water to be
pumped. You would then program to COR to run at that minimum speed during feeding
times and in other situations when no water movement is desired.
Using the COR Task in APEX Fusion is the fastest and easiest way to do the initial
configuration of a newly-installed COR. The COR Task will guide you through the IQ-
Level adjustment process and then through basic programming of the COR. The COR
Task will also (optionally) walk you through the process of modifying your skimmer
programming so that the skimmer is turned off whenever the COR is off or running at a
lower than normal speed. To use the COR Task, login to APEX Fusion, select your Apex,
then click on the (Tasks) button, then select the COR Task, then follow the prompts.
To perform IQ-Level Adjustment without using the COR Task, login to APEX Fusion, click
the (Configure) button on the COR slider tile, then click the large blue IQ-Level
Adjustment button to run the COR IQ-Level Adjustment wizard.
WARNING: NEVER start the IQ-Level process or adjust its settings while
away from your tank. You MUST be able to observe the water flow in your
tank while calibrating or tuning your COR or you may cause a flood or stop
circulation in your display tank.
❖ When calibrating the maximum speed, use the left and right buttons to set the
COR so that the water in the display is stable, and that the water volume being
pumped matches the ideal water flow rate for your overflow or drain system. You
After calibration is complete, it may be necessary to adjust and fine-tune the minimum
and/or maximum speed. To do this, click the (Tune) button.
After configuring IQ-Level, the pump’s operation speed range (1-100%) as used in
programming will then correspond to range set by the calibration points.
In the image above, after IQ-Level calibration 1% is now the same speed as 20% was
before calibration, and 100% is now the same speed as 80% was prior to calibration. So
now, when programming the COR, you simply use 1% when you want no water
movement (such as during feeding times) and 100% (or ON) for normal operations of
the COR.
To restore the COR to the default values, simply use the Tune button to reset the
Minimum and Maximum back to 1% and 100% respectively.
As a new COR owner, you should use the COR Task in APEX Fusion to get up and running
your COR quickly and easily. Click on the (Tasks) button, then select the COR Task.
Follow the prompts, which will step you through these actions:
The COR Task will generate a program for the COR output like this:
Fallback ON
Set ON
If FeedA 005 Then 1
For many COR installations, this is all that is needed. You may desire to modify the
duration of the FeedA statement, add statements for additional Feed Cycles, or add other
In many cases, the simple programming created by the COR task is quite suitable and
relatively simply to adapt to your preferences. However, you may use the APEX Fusion
schedule wizard instead to create your COR operating schedule.
Experienced APEX users will note that the If FeedA statement above contains a number
rather than ON, OFF, or the name of a profile. This number corresponds to a percentage
of COR pump speed, and may be 0 – 100. This enhanced syntax of the If FeedX
statement was specifically created for use with the COR, and first appears in APEX
(2016) AOS version 5.03 and APEX Classic firmware version 4.53. The Set and Fallback
statements, when used in a COR output program, also now support the use of a percent
value, e.g. Set 10, Set 50, Set 88. Set 0 and Set OFF are direct equivalents, as are
Set 100 and Set ON. Additional information about Fallback is covered in the COR
Fallback Mode topic.
The use of a percent speed/intensity value in Set and Fallback, as well as in If Feed, If
Time, If probe, If switch, If Output outputname, statements is also supported for use in
programs for Apex base and VDM variable (VarSpd) outputs, VDM serial outputs, WAV,
and Vortech outputs. The enhanced syntax using a percent value is not supported for
Additional notes:
• The % symbol should not be used in programming; use only a number when you
wish to specify a percentage.
• When specifying percentage, use only whole numbers, 0 through 100, such a 25,
77, or 100. The use of a value containing a decimal point, such as 99.5, is not
Advanced APEX users may, in some cases such as for a closed loop system, desire to use
APEX profiles in COR programming. Only the Ramp type profile may be used with a
COR. All other types of APEX profiles, including the Pump profile type, are not
Apex Classic firmware does not support the ‘Percent’ keyword; Apex Classic users should
use ‘Speed’ instead.
As a practical example, let’s say you wish to have your in-sump skimmer turn off
whenever the COR is running at less than 95% speed and have the skimmer startup be
delayed, allowing the water level in the sump to normalize after the COR return pump is
running again. The programming for your skimmer outlet will be:
Fallback OFF
Set ON
If Output COR_8_1 Percent < 95 Then OFF
Defer 3:00 Then ON
The If Output COR_8_1 Percent < 95 Then OFF statement will turn the skimmer off
whenever the COR is running at less than 95% speed or the COR is turned OFF, and the
skimmer will not turn back ON until 3 minutes after the COR is running at a speed of 95
percent or greater.
The COR-15, and the COR-20 in APEX-Connected Mode, have the capability to report
various abnormal conditions via the APEX Local Dashboard [APEX (2016) models only]
and the APEX Fusion Dashboard [all APEX models]; there are 5 types of COR alarms:
These alarms may be individually enabled or disabled for each COR. All five are enabled
by default.
For APEX (2016) models, use APEX Local or APEX Fusion. Go to the Modules page, then
select the COR, then select Configure from the Action menu. Click the orange Update
APEX button when done.
COR alarms can be reported via APEX Fusion emails, SMS alerts, and Apple Push
Notifications (Apple iOS devices only; requires the APEX Fusion app). The syntax is:
Replace outputname with the actual name of your COR output. Here is an example used
in a program for the email output:
If Temp < 77.0 Then ON
If Temp > 78.5 Then ON
If pH < 7.90 Then ON
If pH > 8.25 Then ON
If Leak1 CLOSED Then ON
If Error Cor_7_1 Then ON
Note that a COR alarm notification will only indicate a COR alarm is present; to
see which specific COR alarm triggered the notification, you must login to APEX
Fusion or APEX Local.
❖ If the AquaBus cable between an AquaBus module and the rest of the APEX
system gets disconnected
❖ If the controller fails
The Fallback command requires one of four parameters: ON, OFF, a profile name, or a
numeric value, which is the desired percentage of the COR maximum speed/intensity if
Fallback kicks in.
• Fallback ON
• Fallback OFF
• Fallback COR-Slow
• Fallback 75
Experienced APEX users may recognize that the Fallback % syntax as new; it was
introduced in the same new firmware which contains COR support. Note that in the
example above, the % symbol is not used, and should not be specified in the
programming; just use the number. Fallback 100 has the same effect as Fallback ON;
Fallback 0 has the same effect as Fallback OFF.
Neptune Systems recommends the use of either the Fallback ON or Fallback % option for
the COR when used as a return pump. Other, less-common, cases may be better suited
by use of Fallback OFF or Fallback % with a reduced pump speed specified. Typically, if
the COR has been calibrated, Fallback ON or Fallback 100 are the best choices. The use
of Fallback profile-name is not recommended with the COR; generally, if a state other
than ON or OFF is desired, Fallback % is preferred, as it is easier and simpler than using
a profile.
Fallback of a COR driver will occur approximately 100 seconds after the COR driver
detects a loss of communications. At that moment, the COR driver logo LED will begin to
flash orange and the pump will be operating at the state or speed specified. If
communications with the APEX are restored, then the COR will resume operating with its
normal programming. If the COR is in Fallback mode and either COR button is pressed,
the COR will change from Fallback mode into Standalone Mode and the COR driver logo
LED will change from flashing to being lit solid orange. The buttons may then be used to
manually adjust pump speed.
If you want or need to operate your COR-20 in Standalone Mode rather than integrated
with your Apex, refer to the COR-20 Standalone User Guide found on the Documentation
page on the Neptune Systems web site.
To return to APEX-connected Mode, simply reconnect your COR-20 to your Apex system
using an AquaBus cable.
Like all pumps, the COR pump should be serviced periodically as part of routine
maintenance or may need to be disassembled if, for example, a foreign object becomes
lodged in the pump.
❖ The impeller may roll and fall off a flat work surface; use caution to
ensure the impeller assembly does not become damaged as a result.
❖ Do not attempt to further disassemble the impeller.
Clean the impeller assembly, the pump cavity, the volute, and the exterior of the pump
case with a toothbrush or other suitable brush. If necessary, the pump components may
Properly alignment key
positioned & slot
Neptune Systems warrants this product to be free from defects in material and
workmanship for a period of 1 year from the date of purchase. If repair or adjustment is
necessary and has not been the result of abuse, Neptune Systems warrants this product
to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 1 year from the date
of purchase. If repair or adjustment is necessary and has not been the result of abuse,
misuse, or accidental damage, within the 1-year period, please return the product with
proof of purchase, and correction of the defect will be made without charge.
For your protection, items being returned must be carefully packed to prevent damage in
shipment and insured against possible damage or loss. Neptune Systems will not be
responsible for damage resulting from careless or insufficient packaging. Before
returning please obtain a return authorization (RMA) number from Neptune Systems.
Returned merchandise will not be accepted without a RMA number. To obtain assistance
with your Neptune Systems product, contact Neptune Systems technical support by
phone or via the Technical Support Contact Web Page at
Except for the warranty set forth above, Neptune Systems is not responsible for any
damages including, but not limited to, consequential damage occurring out of or relating
to the delivery, use or performance of Neptune Systems’ products. Buyer’s remedies for
breach of warranty shall be limited to repair, or replacement and full or partial
adjustment to purchase price.
Neptune Systems
15750 Vineyard Blvd, Suite 150
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Phone +1 408-779-4090 Fax +1 408-762-2042