Sewage or Sanitary Sewage
Sewage or Sanitary Sewage
Sewage or Sanitary Sewage
– SCIA1301
It is defined as the branch of public health engineering deals with the collection, conveyance,
treatment and safe disposal of wastes for preventing the communicable diseases.
Conveyance of sewage
Collection of sewage
Treatment of sewage
Disposal of sewage
To prevent the effect of disposal of sewage on land or nearby water bodies from pollution.
To prevent the environment from mosquitoes, flies, bacteria etc.
To dispose the human excreta to a safe place before it starts decomposition.
It is a dilute mixture of the wastes of various types from the residential, public and industrial
It includes sullage water and foul discharge from the water closets, urinals, hospitals, stables
It is the surface runoff obtained during and after the rainfall which enters sewers through
Storm water is not foul as sewage and hence it can be carried in the open drains and can be
disposed off in the natural rivers without any difficulty.
It is the sewage obtained from the residential buildings & industrial
effluents Establishments.
Being extremely foul it should be carried through underground conduits.
It is the sewage obtained from the lavatory basins, urinals & water closets of houses, offices
& institutions.
It is highly foul on account of night soil and urine contained in it.
Night soil starts putrefying & gives offensive smell.
It may contain large number of bacteria due to the excremental wastes of patients.
This sewage requires great handling &disposal.
It consists of spent water from industries and commercial areas.
The degree of foulness depends on the nature of the industry concerned and processes
The entire system of collection of sewage and conveyance of sewage to treatment units by
using sewers is called sewerage system.
The sewerage system carries two types of flow.
Domestic sewage and industrial sewage collectively, is called as DWF.
It does not contain storm water.
It indicates the normal flow during dry season.
The flow of storm water is called WWF.
It is defined as the waste water from domestic buildings especially from bathrooms, kitchens
It is merely waste water and does not create any bad smell or odour.
It is the organic matter deposited in the sedimentation tank during treatment.
The entire system of collecting, carrying & disposal of sewage through sewers is known as
Sewers are underground pipes which carry the sewage to a point of disposal.
A trunk sewer is a one which collects the waste water or sewage from two or more main
A main sewer is a one which collects the sewage from two or more sub main sewers.
A sub main or branch sewer is a one which collects the sewage from lateral sewers and
discharges into main sewer.
The sewer collecting the sewage directly from the building and discharging to the branch
sewer is called lateral sewer.
A sewer carries domestic sewage and storm water is called combined sewer.
Separate system of sewage
Combined system of sewage
Partially combined or partially separate system
The use of storm sewer is only partial because in dry season the will be converted in to
dumping places and may get clogged.
When only one set of sewers are used to carry both sanitary sewage and surface water.
This system is called combined system.
Sewage and storm water both are carried to the treatment plant through combined sewers.
Size of the sewers being large, chocking problems are less and easy to clean.
It proves economical as 1 set of sewers are laid.
Because of dilution of sanitary sewage with storm water nuisance potential is reduced.
Size of the sewers being large, difficulty in handling and transportation.
Load on treatment plant is unnecessarily increased.
It is uneconomical if pumping is needed because of large amount of combined flow.
Unnecessarily storm water is polluted.
A portion of storm water during rain is allowed to enter sanitary sewer to treatment plants
while the remaining storm water is carried through open drains to the point of disposal.
The sizes of sewers are not very large as some portion of storm water is carried through open
Combines the advantages of both the previous systems.
Silting problem is completely eliminated.
The problem of disposing storm water from houses is simplified.
The quantity of storm water admitted in sewer may increase the load on pumping and
treatment units.
The velocity of flow is low in dry weather.
A separate system would be suitable for use under the following situations:
Where rainfall is uneven.
Where sanitary sewage is to be pumped.
The drainage area is steep, allowing to runoff quickly.
Sewers are to be constructed in rocky strata. The large combined sewers would be more
Rainfall in even throughout the year.
Both the sanitary sewage and the storm water have to be pumped.
The area to be sewered is heavily built up and space for laying two sets of pipes is not
Effective or quicker flows have to be provided.
The sanitation of a town or city is done by two methods:
Conservancy system
Water Carriage system
When the water is supplied by water works authorities or provided from private sources, it is
used for various purposes like bathing, utensil cleaning, for flushing water closets and urinals
or washing clothes or any other domestic use.
The spent water for all the above needs forms the sewage.
Industries use the water for manufacturing various products and thus develop the sewage.
Water supplied to schools, cinemas, hotels, railway stations, etc., when gets used develops
Ground water infiltration into sewers through loose joints.
Unauthorized entrance of rain water in sewer lines.
Nature and type of soil.
Intensity of rainfall
Catchment areas
Duration of rainfall
Rational method
Empirical Method
Average daily flow = (70 – 80) % average water consumption
i.e. Average Daily Flow (ADF) of Sewage = 75%
Maximum Daily Flow = 1.5 x ADF
According to this method, the run off Q depends on the following factors,
Catchment area (A)
Intensity of rainfall (R)
Impermeability factor or Run-off co-efficient (I)
Quantity of storm water, Q = C i A
It is defined as the total time required by the flow to reach to the maximum limit.
The addition of inlet time and flow time gives the time of concentration.
tc = ti + tf
The time required by the storm water to reach the uppermost inlet of the sewer line known as
the inlet time or time of entry.
FLOW TIME (tf ):
The time taken by the storm water to flow down the sewer upto a particular point of
consideration is known as time of flow.
R or i = 25.4 a / tc + b
Where, R or i = intensity of rainfall in mm/hr.
When tc is 5 to 20 minutes, constant a = 30 and b = 10.
When tc is 20 to 100 minutes, constant a = 40 and b = 20.
1.The catchment area of a city is 200 hectares. Assuming that the surface on which the
rainfalls is classified as follows: Calculate the impervious factor. If the maximum intensity of
rainfall is 40 mm/hour. Calculate the quantity of storm water which will reach the sewer
Roofs 20 0.9
Impervious factor, i = A1 C1 + A2 C2 + ……. + An Cn
A1 + A2 + ……… + An
= 200 (0.2X0.9 + 0.15X0.8 + 0.3X0.15 + 0.2X0.4 + 0.15X0.10)
200 (0.2 + 0.15 + 0.30 + 0.20 + 0.15)
i = 0.44
Quantity of storm water, Q = C i A = 0.44 X 40 X 200
360 360
Q = 9.778 m3/sec.
2. In the above example if the density of population is 300 persons/hectare and the rate of
water supply is 250 litres/capita/day, Calculate the quantity of sanitary sewage for i) separate
system and ii) for partially separate system.
i) Quantity of sanitary sewage for separate system,
Quantity of water supplied = 200 X 300 X 250 = 15 X 106 litres/day
15 X 106 / (24 X 3600) = 173.6 litres/sec.
But peak discharge for design purpose will be twice of this, 173.6 X 2 = 347 litres/sec.
Quantity of sanitary sewage for partially separate system,
= Quantity of sanitary sewage for separate system + Storm water drained from
roof and pavement yards
Quantity of storm water, Q = C i A = 200 (0.2 X 0.9 + 0.15 X 0.8) X 40
360 360
= 6.67 m3/sec = 6.67 X 103 litres/sec.
Quantity of sanitary sewage for partially separate system = 173.6 + 6.67 X 103
= 6843.5 litres/sec. or
= 6.843 X 103 litres/sec.
3.Estimate the storm water from 10 hectares of a surface having the following characteristics
if the maximum rain intensity in the area is 5 cm/hr.
Pavement 10 0.85
A = π X d2 = 1.34
d2 = 1.34 X 4 / π = 1.706 d = 1.306 m.
The future period for which the provision is made in designing the capacities of the various
components of the sewerage scheme is known as the design period.
The design period depends upon the following:
Ease and difficulty in expansion.
Amount and availability of investment.
Anticipated rate of population growth, including shifts in communities, industries and
commercial investments.
Hydraulic constraints of the systems designed, and
Life of the material and equipment.
Following design period can be considered for different components of sewerage scheme:
Trunk or main sewers: 40 to 50 years
Treatment Units: 15 to 20 years
Pumping plant: 5 to 10 years
The sewage flow, like the water supply flow, is not constant in practice but varies.
The fluctuation may, in a similar way, be seasonal or monthly, daily and hourly.
Fluctuation in flow occurs from hour to hour and from season to season.
The seasonal variations are due to climatic effect, more water being used in summer than in
The daily fluctuations are the outcome of certain local conditions, involving habits and
customs of people.
Thus, in U.S.A. and other European countries, Monday is the washing day, as such, amount
of sewage flow would be much greater than on any other day.
In India, however, Sundays or other holidays involve activities which permit greater use of
Hourly variations are because of varying rates of water consumption in different hours of the
The first peak flow generally occurs in the late morning it is usually about 200 percent of the
average flow while the second peak flow generally occurs in the early evening between 6 and
9 p.m. and the minimum flow occurring during the night after twelve or early hours of the
morning is generally about half of the average flow.
The sewers should be laid at such a gradient that a minimum velocity, which will prevent the
silting of particles in sewers are developed. Such a minimum velocity is known as self-
cleansing velocity.
Self-cleansing velocity is generally,
0.6 m/s for sanitary sewer
1m/s for storm sewer.
The upper limit of velocity is set by scouring action of sewage.
If the velocity of flow exceeds a certain limit, the particles of solid matter start to damage the
inside surface of sewers or in other words, a scouring action takes place.
The maximum permissible velocity at which no such scouring action will occur is known as
non-scouring velocity and it mainly depends on the material of sewers.
Sanitary sewer = 2.4 m/sec
Storm sewer = 3 m/sec
Circular sewer section
Non circular sewer section
Sewers are generally circular in shape.
The sewers are running at least half full.
If the depth in a circular sewer is less than one-half, there is considerable reduction in
velocity and discharge and it results in poor performance.
The perimeter of circular sewer is the least with respect to the sewer of other shape.
The inner surface is smooth hence the flow of sewage is uniform and there is no chance of
deposition of suspended particles.
From hydraulic point of view, circular section provides more hydraulic mean depth.
Construction cost and material requirement is less.
Non-circular shaped sewers are also adopted for the following reasons:
They can be construct in such a convenient shape and size so that a man can enter the sewer
for cleaning, maintenance, etc.
The process of construction is easy.
The structural strength is more.
Cost of construction is low.
Standard Egg Shape
New Egg Shape
Horse Shoe Shape
Parabolic Shape
Semi Elliptical Shape
Rectangular Shape
U- Shaped
Semi Circular Shape
Basket Handle Shape
It is preferred for combined sewers.
Its advantage over circular shape is that it gives higher velocity during low flow of same
It is difficult to construct and less stable.
It requires additional bedding of brick masonry or concrete to make it stable.
Figure No.1
This may be used for large sewers with heavy discharges such as for trunk and outfall sewer.
Such sewer is suitable when headroom for the construction of sewer is limited.
The invert of this section may be flat, parabolic or circular.
Its height is more than its width.
Its wall most inclined with semicircular arch at top.
Figure No.2
Figure No.3
Figure No.4
Figure No.6
This section gives a wider base at bottom and hence it becomes suitable for
constructing large sewers with less available headroom.
It is out dated.
Figure No.7
Figure No.8
Resistance to corrosion
Resistance to abrasion
Strength and durability
Weight of the material
Economy and cost
Hydraulically efficient
Sewer carries wastewater that releases gases such as H2S.
This gas in contact with moisture can be converted in to sulfuric acid.
The formation of acids can lead to the corrosion of sewer pipe.
Hence, selection of corrosion resistance material is must for long life of pipe.
Sewage contain considerable number of suspended solids, part of which are inorganic solids
such as sand or grit.
These particles moving at high velocity can cause wear and tear of sewer material.
This abrasion can reduce thickness of pipe and reduces hydraulic efficiency of the sewer by
making the interior surface rough.
The sewer shall have smooth interior surface to have less frictional coefficient.
Asbestos Cement (AC) Sewer
Brick Sewer
Cement Sewer
Cast iron (C.I) Sewer
Steel Sewers
Plastic Sewers
Vitrified Clay or Stoneware Sewers
Lead Sewers
Brick Sewers are made at site and used for construction large size sewer.
Brick Sewers are very useful for construction of storm sewer or combined sewer.
Nowadays brick sewers are replaced by concrete sewer.
Brick sewers my get deformed and leakage may take place.
A lot of labour work is required.
To avoid leakage the brick sewer should be plastered.
This material is used for construction of large size combined sewer or particularly for storm
water drains.
The pipes are plastered from outside to avoid entry of tree roots and ground water through
brick joints.
These are lined from inside with stone ware or ceramic block to make them smooth and
hydraulically efficient.
Lining also make the pipe resistant to corrosion.
They are less resistant to corrosion; hence, generally lined from inside with cement concrete,
coal tar paint, epoxy, etc.
These are joined together by bell and spigot joint.
Cast Iron sewers are suitable for the following conditions:
When the sewage is conveyed under high pressure.
When there is considerable difference in temperature.
Steel sewers are Impervious, light, resistant to high pressure, flexible.
They are generally used for outfall and trunk sewers.
These are used under the situations such as pressure main sewers, under water crossing,
bridge crossing, necessary connections for pumping stations, laying pipes over self-
supporting spans, railway crossings, etc.
They can withstand internal pressure, impact load and vibrations much better than CI pipes.
They are more ductile and can withstand water hammer pressure better.
These pipes cannot withstand high external load and these pipes may collapse when negative
pressure is developed in pipes.
They are susceptible to corrosion and are not generally used for partially flowing sewers.
They are protected internally and externally against the action of corrosion.
Nowadays PVC sewers are used for carrying sewage.
Plastic sewers are resistant to corrosion.
Such types of sewer are light in weight, smooth and can be bent easily.
But Plastic sewers are having high co-efficient of thermal expansion and cannot be used in
very hot areas.
Plastic is recent material used for sewer pipes.
These are used for internal drainage works in house.
These are available in sizes 75 to 315 mm external diameter and used in drainage works.
They offer smooth internal surface.
The additional advantages they offer are resistant to corrosion, light weight of pipe,
economical in laying, jointing and maintenance, the pipe is tough and rigid, and ease in
fabrication and transport of these pipes.
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipes Use of these pipes for sewers is recent
They are not brittle like AC pipes and other pipes and hence hard fall during loading,
unloading and handling do not cause any damage to the pipes.
They can be joined by welding or can be jointed with detachable joints up to 630 mm
These are commonly used for conveyance of industrial wastewater. They offer all the
advantages offered by PVC pipes. Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Pipes This martial is
widely used where corrosion resistant pipes are required.
GRP or FRP can be used as a lining material for conventional pipes to protect from internal
or external corrosion.
It is made from the composite matrix of glass fiber, polyester resin and fillers.
These pipes have better strength, durability, high tensile strength, low density and high
corrosion resistance.
These are manufactured up to 2.4 m diameter and up to 18 m length.
They are smooth, soft and can take odd shapes.
This pipe has an ability to resist sulphide corrosion.
However, these pipes are very costly.
These are used in house connection.
The velocity of flow in a sewer line is determined by the following formulae:
Chezy’s Formula
Kutter’s Formula
Basin’s Formula
Manning’s Formula
Crimp and Burge’s Formula
Hazen’s Williams Formula
V = C √mi m/sec.
Where, V – Velocity of flow in m/sec.
C – Chezy’s Constant
m – hydraulic mean depth (A/P) in m.
i - hydraulic gradient or hydraulic slope
According to this formula, value of Chezy’s constant (C) is given by,
V = 1 m2/3 i1/2
Where, n – manning’s constant.
m – hydraulic mean depth (A/P) in m.
i - hydraulic gradient or hydraulic slope
m – hydraulic mean depth (A/P) in m.
1. Calculate the velocity of flow in a sewer of diameter 1.36 m. The gradient of sewer line is
1 in 420. If n = 0.012 in Manning’s formula, what is the discharge when running one-half
Velocity of flow,
V= 1 m2/3 i1/2 m = A/P = π d2/4 = d/4 = 1.36 / 4 = 0.34 m.
n πd
V = 1.981 m/sec.
Q = A X V = ½ X π d2/4 X 1.981
Q = 1.438 m3/sec.
2.Calculate the discharge for a stoneware sewer, running full. The diameter of the sewer is
200 mm and it is laid at a slope of 1 in 72. Take n = 0.013 in Manning’s formula.
V = 1 m2/3 i1/2 m = A/P = π d2/4 = d/4 = 0.2/ 4
n πd
= 1 X 0.052/3 X (1/72) 1/2 m = 0.05 m.
V = 1.23 m/sec.
Q = A X V = π d2/4 X 1.23
Q = 0.038 m3/sec.
3.Calculate the discharge of a sewer, running full having a diameter of 200 mm and laid at a
slope of 1 in 240 by using crimp and Burge’s formula.
V = 83.50 m2/3 i1/2 m = A/P = π d2/4 = d/4 = 0.2/ 4
Q = 0.017 m3/sec.
Sewage flowing in sewer has got lot of organic and inorganic matters present in it.
Some of the matters decompose and produce gases. These gases are foul smelling, corrosive
and explosive in nature.
If these gases are not disposed of properly, they may create a number of difficulties.
They may cause air locks in sewers and affect the flow of sewage.
They may prove to be dangerous for the maintenance squad working in sewers.
They may also cause explosions and put the sewer line out of commission.
These gases are very foul in nature, cause harm to human health and corrode the sewers.
The gases so produced are highly explosive and may cause accidents.
Due to the above difficulties, the sewers must be properly ventilated.
Proper construction of sewers
Proper design of sewers
This will help in achieving some ventilation, but it will cause air pollution, hence adopted in
isolated places.
The other disadvantage of this method is that it permits road dust, storm water etc. to enter
the sewer.
These chemicals react with the sewer gases and make them harmless.
As this method is costly, it is rarely adopted.
The sewer gases are carried in these columns and they are relieved in the atmosphere above
the height of the building.
It should be noted that sewers which are once laid and buried into the ground should not be
forgotten as they are also liable to corrosion, deterioration, erosion etc.
Breakage of sewers
The sewers are sometimes broken after being laid under the ground.
Several factors may contribute to the breakage of sewers, being poor foundation, excessive
superimposed loads, impact due to vibrations etc.
The presence of corrosive matter in sewage will slowly eat away the material of sewer and it
will ultimately result in the breakage of sewer.
Clogging mainly occurs in sewers of small size as it is possible for a man to enter such
sewers and clean them.
The clogging may be due to waste building materials, ashes, deposition of sand and grit.
It may also be caused by the contribution of greasy matter from garages, hotels, soap
It may be noted that clogging is predominant in sewers lay at flat slopes such that the self-
cleansing velocities are not developed.
The organic matter present in sewer decomposes and gives out unpleasant odours.
It is essential to clean the sewers to bring down the intensity of such unpleasant odours to the
minimum possible extent.
Cleaning and Flushing
Cleaning of catch pits
Periodical Repairs
Proper Connections
The catch pits contain debris, silt, sand etc. and even the water contained in catch pits is
likely to give rise to the growth of mosquitoes.
A slight trace of organic matter in silt will give unpleasant odour.
The oil and grease traps are also periodically cleaned to avoid the nuisance due to unpleasant
The sewer and its appurtenances should be inspected at regular intervals to ascertain their
proper working.
The inspection includes examination of structures, measuring rate of flow, determining the
amount of clogging.
In case of small sewers, inspection may be also carried out through lamp holes.
In case of large sewers, inspection is carried out by entering and examining the condition of
Extreme care should be taken before entering the sewer and absence of poisonous and
explosive gases in sewer should be confirmed before entering the sewer.
A fire-hose with nozzle may be also inserted in the sewer and the water under pressure may
be discharged through the nozzle to clean the sewer.
When flushing is inadequate to remove obstructions in the sewer, the following methods are
employed to make the sewer clean.
Flexible rod.
Mechanical tools.
Use of pills.
The precautions to be taken during inspection, only experienced workers should be allowed
to enter the sewer for inspection.
The explosion proof electric lighting equipment should only be used for inspection inside the
The workers should be provided with proper protective measures such as gas masks, rubber
gloves, gum boots, non-sparkling tools, safety belt etc.
The workers should be trained to guard against the water borne diseases through sewage.
They should also be advised to keep excellent personal hygiene.
The warning signs for traffic should be placed on the road on which manholes are opened out
for inspection.
The damaged portions of sewers should be immediately repaired.
The brick sewers require frequent repairs.
The broken bricks should be replacing and pointing to the brickwork should be done
at regular intervals.
The manholes also should be periodically examined and repaired, if necessary.
The damaged or broken covers of street inlet or catch basin should be replaced.
The manhole covers which have loose by traffic should be tightened.
The defective connections between the house sewers and the street sewers should be
immediately repaired.
The ventilating columns or shafts should be checked at regular intervals and it should
be ensured that they are functioning properly.
The connection of lateral sewers with branch sewers should be carried out by authorized
licensed plumbers only.
The plumbing work of house drainage should be carefully done and the joints should be made
water tight.
– SCIA1301
It is common practice to lay sewer line between two manholes at a time.
The trench is excavated between two manholes and the bedding layer of concrete is
provided for soft soil while in case of rocky or hard soil, no bedding.
The sewers are laid down between two manholes.
The various steps involved in the laying and testing of sewers are:
Setting out Sewer Centre Line
Alignment and Gradient of Sewers
Excavation of Trenches, Timbering and Dewatering
Laying and Jointing of Pipe Sewers
Testing of Pipe Sewers
Backfilling of Trenches.
This is the first step in the laying of sewers.
The laying of sewers is generally carried out by starting from the tail end or the outfall
end, and proceeding upwards.
The advantage of starting the laying of sewers from the tail end is that the tail sewers
may be utilized even during the initial period of construction.
On the other hand, if the laying of sewers is started from the head end the functioning
of the sewerage scheme has to wait till the completion of the entire scheme.
From the longitudinal section of the sewer line, the positions of manholes are located
on the ground because it is the general practice to lay sewer line between two
manholes at a time.
The sewer centre line is marked on the ground by driving the pegs at an interval of 7.5
m or 15 m as per convenience.
The sewer centre line should be properly maintained during the construction.
The sewers should be laid to the correct alignment and gradient by setting the
positions and levels of sewers so as to ensure a smooth gravity flow.
This is done with the help of suitable boning rods and sight rails, and a dumpy level.
Modified levels of invert are first obtained by adding a suitable vertical length to the
invert levels mentioned on the longitudinal section.
These modified levels of invert are marked on the sight rail.
These levels are marked either by fixing nails on sight rails or by adjusting the top of
sight rails to the modified invert levels of sewer line.
Thus, an imaginary line parallel to the proposed sewer line is obtained on the ground.
In order to check the invert level of sewer boning rod is used. The boning rod is a
vertical wooden post fitted with a cross-head or tee at top and an iron shoe at bottom.
The boning rod is moved to and fro in the trench so as to obtain the invert-line of the
sewer on the prepared bed of the trench.
The work of excavation is usually carried out in the form of open cut trenches but in
certain situations as indicated later tunneling is also adopted.
The excavation is made so as to have trenches of such lengths, widths and depths
which would enable the sewers to be properly constructed.
In busy streets and localities, the length of the trench to be excavated in advance of
the end of the constructed sewer and left open at any time is usually not more than 18
It may be necessary to restrict the top width of the trench and hence the excavation
has to be made with vertical sides.
When the depth of the trench exceeds 1.5 to 2 m, and when the excavation has to be
made with vertical sides which cannot be sustained, it becomes necessary to support
the sides of the trench by sheeting and bracing.
This operation is known as timbering of trench.
There are various methods adopted for timbering of trenches out of which box
sheeting is most commonly used.
Sometimes in place of timbering steel sheeting is adopted in the case of badly water-
logged areas or in other situations where timber is not easily available.
Steel sheeting is more water-tight, stronger and durable, and though costlier than
timber, it can be used many times without disintegration and hence more economical
in works of larger scale.
Where the sub-soil water level is very near the ground surface, the trench becomes
wet and muddy because of water oozing in the trench from the sides and bottom.
In such cases the construction of sewer becomes difficult.
As such trenches for sewer construction needs to be dewatered to facilitate the
placement of concrete and laying of pipe sewer or construction of concrete or brick
sewer and kept dewatered until the concrete foundations, pipe joints or brick work or
concrete have cured.
Before laying the pipe sewer it should be ensured that the trench has been excavated
up to the level of the bottom of the bed of concrete or the bed of compacted granular
material if such a bed is to be provided, or up to the invert level of the pipe sewer if
no such bed is to be provided.
Sewers are normally subjected to the following tests before they are put into service:
Tests for straightness and obstruction
Water test
Air test
Smoke test.
Backfilling of the sewer trench is an important consideration in laying of sewers.
However, the trench should be backfilled only after the laid sewer has been tested and
approved for water tightness of joints.
Further when class A bedding is used the backfilling should be carried out only after
the concrete has set.
The work of backfilling should be carried out with due care, particularly the selection
of the soil used for backfilling around the sewer, so as to ensure the future safety of
the sewer.
The method of backfilling to be used varies with the width of the trench, the character
of the material excavated, the method of excavation and degree of compaction
As soon as a section of sewer is laid it is tested for straightness and obstruction.
These tests are carried out in the following two ways:
At the high end of the sewer a smooth ball of diameter 13 mm less than the pipe bore
is inserted.
If there is no obstruction such as yarn or mortar projecting through the joints, the ball
will roll down the invert of the pipe and emerge at the lower end.
A mirror is placed at one end of the sewer line and a lamp is placed at the other end.
If the sewer line is straight, the full circle of light will be observed. If the sewer line is
not straight, this would be apparent.
The mirror will also indicate any obstruction in the sewer line.
Water test is carried out to find out the water tightness of the joints.
This test is carried out after giving sufficient time for the joints to set.
In the case of concrete and stoneware pipes with cement mortar joints, pipes are tested
three days after the cement mortar joints have been made.
It is necessary that the pipelines are filled with water for about a week before
commencing the application of pressure to allow for the absorption by the pipe wall.
Joints are used to john various lengths of pipes to develop a sewer line.
The type of joint to be adopted depends on the pipe material, internal pressure and
external loads, and many other factors.
Following are the 5 common types of sewer joints:
Bell and Spigot Joints.
Collar Joints.
Expansion Joint.
Flanged Joint.
Flexible Joint.
Mechanical Joint.
Cement Mortar Joint.
Figure No.1
For such a joint in sewers, the plain ends of the consecutive lengths of pipe are kept
near each other.
A collar of slightly bigger diameter is placed around.
The annular space between the collar and the ends of the pipe then filled with cement
mortar of 1:1 proportion.
Such joints used for concrete pipes of larger diameters.
Figure No.2
This joint is adopted at places where pipes expand or contracts due to variation in
atmospheric temperature.
Here the socket end is cast flanged and the spigot end is plain.
A flanged ring and a rubber gasket are placed in position on the spigot end.
Then the spigot end is inserted into the socket end nut and bolts are tightened.
Figure No.3
Figure No.4
This joint is used at such places where settlement is likely to occur after laying
of the pipe.
For this joint, one pipe has spigot end and another pipe has socket end.
The spigot is fitted into the socket and bitumen is filled in the annular space
formed between socket and spigot.
Figure No.5
Such joints use mechanical devices like flange rings, bolts, screwed ends etc. so that
to keep the two ends together.
Therefore it, used for metallic sewers made of cast iron, steel etc.
Figure No.6
A rich cement mortar of 1:1:5 or 1:2 is applied between the space of bell and spigot
The mortar is placed in the annular space formed between bell and spigot ends and the
joints is finished by applying cement mortar at an angle of 45° on the outer face.
In this joint, cement is the main material which has been heavily affected by acids,
alkaline materials etc.
The problem of cement mortar joint is, it requires skilled labours of construction.
If the construction is poor, the joint becomes poor and does not water-tight.
Generally, cement mortar joints are more rigid in nature.
Figure No.7
Sewage flowing in the sewer line contains a large number of impurities in the form of
silt, fats, oils, rags etc.
Under normal flows they are not likely to settle and choke the sewers, but during
small flows self-cleansing velocity is not likely to develop and the chances of choking
of the sewers are increased.
Chokings have to be removed time to time, and facilities should be provided on the
sewer lines for this purpose.
Therefore, for proper functioning and to facilitate maintenance of the sewage system,
various additional structures have to be constructed on the sewer lines.
These structures are known as sewer appurtenances.
Following are the important appurtenances:
Drop manholes
Lamp holes
Street Inlets
Catch basins
Flushing Tanks
Inverted siphons
The manholes are R.C.C or masonry chambers constructed on the sewer line to
facilitate a man to enter the sewer line and make the necessary inspection and repairs.
The manholes should be installed at every point where there is a change in direction,
change in pipe size, or considerable change in gradient.
As far as possible sewer line between two subsequent man holes should be straight.
The centre distance between manholes is less for sewers of smaller size while it may
behave such a size that man can easily enter in the working chamber.
Figure No.8
A manhole in which a lateral service line or the main line enters a manhole above
the manhole's channel or above the flow line so that the flow drops to a lower level is
called a drop manhole.
It is a measure of connecting high level branch sewer to low level main sewer. They
are connected through a vertical pipe.
Figure No.9
In narrow lanes, change of gradient and slight curves where space is insufficient for
the construction of manholes, a vertical shaft of 20-30 cm diameter is connected to the
sewer by a T – bend.
These small size openings are covered by a cast iron or R.C.C cover flush with the
road level at the top.
A small, vertical pipe or shaft extending from the surface of the ground to a sewer.
A light (or lamp) may be lowered down the pipe for the purpose of inspecting the
Figure No.10
These are meant to admit the surface runoff to the sewers and form a very important
part of the system.
Storm water inlets may be categorized under three major groups viz, curb inlets,
gutter inlets, and combination inlets, each being either depressed or flush depending
upon their elevation with reference to the pavement surface.
The connecting pipe from the street inlet to the main street sewer should not be less
than 200mm dia. and should have sufficient slope.
Maximum spacing of inlets would depend upon various conditions of road surface,
size and type of inlet and rainfall. A maximum spacing of 30m is recommended.
Curb inlets are vertical openings in the road curbs through which the storm water
flows and are preferred where heavy traffic is anticipated.
These inlets are more suitable than gutter inlets, because less quantity of floating
solids enter in the catch pits.
Figure No.11
This inlet is constructed in road gutter and storm water enters directly into it through
horizontal grating provided at the top of the inlet.
Such inlets are suitable for roads having steep slope, because its capacity to handle
storm water is quite large.
Figure No.12
Catch basins are the structures of pucca chamber and a stout cover.
They are meant for the retention of suspended grit, sludge and other heavy debris and
floating rubbish from rainwater which otherwise might have entered and cause
choking problems.
The outlet pipe from the catch basin may be submerged in order to prevent the escape
of odours from the sewer and provision that also causes retention of floating matter.
Their use is not recommended since they are more of a nuisance and a source of
mosquito breeding apart from posing substantial maintenance problems.
Figure No.13
At such places where self-cleansing velocity is not developed or when the ground is
flat and it is not possible to lay the sewer lines at designed gradients, flushing tanks
required to flush the sewer line.
They are installed at suitable intervals to clean the sewers of choking and
This is called the automatic flushing tank in which the water is automatically released
from the tank at suitable intervals which may be water supply pipe tap.
Figure No.14
The sewage from kitchens of hotels and restaurants and industries contains oil and
grease and fats
If these oils and greases are not removed from the sewage they will stick to the
interior of the sewer and clogging.
Sewage from garages, particularly from floor drains and wash racks, contains oil, mud
and sand.
The principle, on which oil and grease trap work, is since oil and grease being lighter
than water float on the surface of sewage, and the outlet is provided well below the
surface so the water is excluded from oil and grease.
The silt settles at bottom and silt free water can be drained through outlet.
Figure No.15
A Regulator is a device that diverts sewage flow from one sewer into another.
The regulator usually goes into action when the sewage flow reaches a predetermined
It may then divert all the sewage or only that part above the predetermined flow at
which it begins to function.
Regulators are mostly used where combined sewers discharge into interceptors.
The interceptor takes the dry-weather flow, but the storm water is diverted into a
sewer which flows to the nearest water course.
Inverted siphons are used to carry sewage or stormwater under streams, highway cuts,
or other depressions in the ground.
Figure No.16
Following are the four systems of plumbing for the building drainage:
In this system only one main pipe is provided which collects both the foul soil waste
as well as unfoul waste from the buildings.
The main pipe is directly connected to the drainage system.
All the traps of the W.C., basins sink, etc. are fully ventilated and connected to the
ventilation pipe.
But all gully traps and waste pipes are completely dispensed with.
Figure No.17
One pipe collects the foul soil and lavatory wastes, whereas the second pipe collects
the unfoul water from kitchen, bathrooms, house washings, rain water etc.
The soil pipes (pipes carrying the soil waste) are directly connected to the drain,
whereas the waste pipes (pipes carrying unfoul water) are connected through the
trapped gully.
Figure No.18
This is similar to single pipe system, the only difference being that no ventilation is
provided even in the traps too.
Hence it uses only one pipe which carries the sewage as well as the sullage and is not
provided with any separate vent pipe.
Figure No.19
This is an improved form of single stack system in the sense that in this system, the
traps of the water closets are separately ventilated by a separate vent pipe called relief
vent pipe.
In this system only one pipe is provided to collect all types of waste water foul as well
as unfoul.
Figure No.20
Figure No.21
A trap is a device which is used to prevent sewer gases from entering the buildings.
The traps are located below or within a plumbing fixture and retains small amount of
The retaining water creates a water seal which stops foul gases going back to the
building from drain pipes.
Therefore, all plumbing fixtures such as sinks, washbasins, bathtubs and toilets etc.
are equipped with traps.
This article tells you the features of traps, various types of traps and water seal.
A good trap should maintain an efficient water seal under all conditions of flow.
A pumping station is made up of a large tank, known as a wet well, that acts as the receiver
for sewage from a building or a group of buildings.
The sewage will then sit in the well until it reaches a predetermined level.
Once it reaches this level, a pump will kick in to pressurize the sewage so that it will travel
out of the wet well, uphill, to a point where it enters the main sewer, or that it can then travel
into the main sewer using gravity.
A pump station offers convenience when installing a sewage system, and has a
potential of cutting construction cost.
Pump stations are fitted with remote monitoring systems, which keep operators
Sewage is pumped automatically without any human contact, which eliminates the
risk of health problems.
Different sizes of pumps are available for domestic applications and commercial
Sewage pumping systems are fitted with alarms to alert you to problems with the
This minimizes the risk of sewage overflowing as you are alerted quickly.
Design and installation need to be done expertly to ensure that the system is reliable
and fit for purpose.
Although the pump systems generally don’t use much power, there is still a cost to the
electricity over using a gravity system.
Fat and grease build-ups can impact reliability.
Although pumps are selected to minimize the risk of blockages, there is still potential
for blockages to occur.
Centrifugal pump
Reciprocating pump
Centrifugal pumps are most commonly used for pumping sewage, because these
pumps can be easily installed in pits and sumps, and can easily transport the
suspended matter present in the sewage.
Reciprocating pumps are much less employed these days for sewage pumping,
because of their high initial cost, difficulty in maintenance and greater wear and tear
of valves.
However, in cases where it is required to deal with difficult sludges and where large
quantity of sewage is to be pumped against low heads, reciprocating pumps may be
used after passing the sewage through screen with 20 mm spacing.
Pneumatic ejectors are used for pumping or lifting small quantities of sewage.
Where the quantity of sewage from a low-lying area does not justify the construction
of a pumping station.
– SCIA1301
Wastewater is simply that part of the water supply to the community or to the industry
which has been used for different purposes and has been mixed with solids either
suspended or dissolved.
Wastewater is 99.9% water and 0.1% solids.
The main task in treating the wastewater is simply to remove most or all of this 0.1%
of solids.
Sewage is dilute mixture of the various types of wastes from the residential, public
and industrial places.
Sewage also contains various types of bacteria’s, virus, protozoa, algae, fungi etc.
Some of these are pathogens and are harmful to the human and animal life.
Sewage is a water-carried waste, in solution or suspension, which is intended to be
removed from a community.
Also known as wastewater, it is more than 99% water and is characterized by volume
or rate of flow, physical condition, chemical constituents and the bacteriological
organisms that it contains.
Table No.1
This indicates that sewage that is not treated.
This indicates that sewage which has been recently originated or produced.
Before the designing of treatment and disposal of sewage, it is necessary to have the
information regarding various constituents of sewage.
To know the strength, character, constituents and condition of sewage to be treated for
laying down the line of treatment and types of disposal works to be adopted.
To control and regulate the performance of sewage treatment works from day 2 day
suiting the sewage.
To determine the final effluent obtained after treatment is within the limit of self-
purification or not.
To control and regulate the performance of sewage treatment works from day 2 day
suiting the sewage.
To determine the final effluent obtained after treatment is within the limit of self-
purification or not.
The constituents of sewage continuously change with time and position in tanks.
The quantity of sewage reaching disposal works in morning differs from that of
reaching in noon or night.
To avoid this difficulty, sewage samples are collected over a period of 24 hours after
1-hour interval.
All the samples collected are kept in cool place so that biological character may not
change before analysis.
Each sample should carry a label as under Source, Date, Time, Preservative added and
Collectors identity.
Physical characteristics of sewage
Chemical characteristics of sewage
Figure No.1
Color of sewage indicates its strength and age.
Fresh sewage is yellow in colour. Sometimes grey or light brown also indicates the
fresh sewage.
At a temperature of above 20 °C, sewage will change from fresh to old in 2 - 6 hours.
The old sewage is converted to dark grey and black color due to anaerobic activities,
known as stale or septic color.
Colour should be less than 15 TCU (True Colour Units) as per the standards.
Fresh domestic sewage is almost odourless.
Septic or stale sewage is putrid in odor which is due to generation of H2 S during
anaerobic decomposition of organic matters.
Temperature of sewage the sewage is slightly more than that of water, because of the
presence of industrial sewage.
The temperature changes when sewage becomes septic because of chemical process.
The lower temperature indicates the entrance of ground water into the sewage.
Sewage is highly turbid.
In liquid sewage, minimum of 0.01 % solid particles are present. The total quantity of
solid particles present in the sewage is called Total Solids.
Those solids that are not dissolved in wastewater are called suspended solids. Size of
suspended solids is more than 1 µm.
Solids which remain dissolved in the sewage with the size of less than 10-3µm.
Finely divided solids remaining either in solution or in suspension (size varies within
1and 10-3µm) and are called Colloidal solids.
Those suspended solids that settle are called settleable solids, grit, or sludge. The size
is more than 10 µm.
When suspended solids float, they are called floatable solids or scum.
Organic Solids
Inorganic Solids
Those solids that do not burn or evaporate at 500°C to 600°C, but remain as a residue,
are called fixed solids.
Fixed solids are usually inorganic in nature and may be composed of grit, clay, salts,
and metals.
sewage is slightly alkaline in pH.
The pH of sewage is initially high and drops when the sewage becomes septic but
becomes increases again with the treatment processes.
Human beings discharge large amount (8-15gm/day) of chloride in the form of NaCl,
especially through urine and sweat.
So domestic sewage from toilet and bathroom contains higher level of chloride.
Another important method of expressing organic matter is in terms of its carbon
Total organic carbon is the amount of carbon found in an organic compound and is
often used as a non-specific indicator of water quality or cleanliness of
pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment.
The determination of dissolved oxygen present in sewage is important because of
while discharging the treated sewage into some river stream, it is necessary the treated
sewage of 4 ppm of D.O in it.
Otherwise fish are likely to be killed, creating nuisance near the vicinity of the
In order to ensure this, D.O tests are performed during sewage disposal treatment
Due to high level of microbial cells and biodegradable organic matters, sewage have
very low level of dissolved oxygen.
In some sewage, DO is completely absent.
Population Equivalent = Total of the industrial wastewater (Kg/day)
Population Equivalent is used to indicate the strength of the industrial wastewater
required for,
Estimating the treatment required.
Charging suitable levy on the industries to meet out the cost of treatment.
It is defined as the ratio of oxygen available in the effluent to the total oxygen
required to satisfy its first stage B.O.D demand.
It is expressed as percentage of the total oxygen required and can be expressed by the
1. If 25 ml of raw sewage has been diluted to 250 ml and the DO concentration of the
diluted sample at the beginning of BOD test was 8 mg/l & 5 mg/l after 5-day
incubation at 20°C. Find BOD of raw sewage.
Volume of sewage = 2.5 ml
Volume of diluted sample = 250 ml
= 250/2.5 = 100
Loss of D.O during the test = D.O before testing – D.O after testing
= 8 – 5 = 3 mg/l.
= 4 X 50 = 200 ppm.
3. The domestic sewage of a town was tested for total solids and following results are
Total Solids, ST = 0.952 / 1000 X 10 6 = 952 ppm.
4. In order to conduct 5-day BOD test, sample of wastewater was diluted with
specially prepared dilution water with D.F – 150, contents of DO in beginning and
end of test were found to be 11 and 7 ppm. Find 5-day BOD and its nature.
5. The average sewage flow from a city is 80 X 106 l/day. If the average 5 day BOD is
285 mg/l, compute the total daily 5 day oxygen demand in Kg. and the population
equivalent of sewage. Assume per capita BOD of sewage per day is 75 gm.
Quantity of sewage flowing /day = 80 X 106
= 22800 kg.
Average 5-day BOD = 300 mg/l
The bacteria are more active and exist in abundance.
There are various types of micro-organisms. The most fundamental and the simplest
wholly contained life systems are bacteria.
Most of the bacteria types are harmless and under conditions, beneficial to humans.
Animals and crops. Such bacterias are called non -pathogenic bacterias or non-
Certain other bacteria are the deadly foes of man and animals and may enter their
tissues causing serious diseases. Such bacterias are known as pathogenic bacterias or
However, pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms such as typhoid, dysentery, and
other intestinal disorders may be present in wastewater.
These bacteria are responsible for the decomposition of complex compounds to stable
compounds with the help of some extracellular and intracellular enzymes.
• Anaerobic Bacteria
• Facultative Bacteria
Some algae found in sewage includes Chlorella phormidum, Ulothrix etc.
Fungi like Fusarium and Sporotricum are found in sewage which play important role
in trickling filter.
Some viruses causing human disease such as Poliovirus, Rotavirus, Hepatitis A are
found in sewage which get access through stool of patients.
Some protozoa that cause disease of intestinal tract enter into sewage together with
stool of patient.
Few protozoa such as Vorticella and Opercularia are found in trickling filter.
The organic matter decomposed by bacteria under biological action is called
biodegradable organic matter.
Most of the organic matter present in sewage is biodegradable and hence undergo
biological decomposition can be divided into two types:
Other important elements, such as Sulphur, phosphorus, and iron, may also be
The organic matter present in sewage is unstable and decomposes readily through
chemical and bacterial action.
The organic matter which can be decomposed by bacteria under biological action is
called biodegradable organic matter.
The decomposition of such organic matter takes place through the agency of different
types of bacteria viz., aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria and facultative bacteria.
The nitrogenous and carbonaceous materials present in sewage serve as food for these
If air or oxygen is available freely to the waste water in dissolved form, then the
biodegradable organic matter will undergo aerobic decomposition.
These bacteria will then utilize the free oxygen as electron acceptor, thereby oxidizing
the organic matter to stable and unobjectionable end products.
During this process, organic matter is broken up and oxidized to form stable and non-
objectionable end products such as carbon dioxide, nitrates, sulphates are formed.
Sewage treatment units which work on aerobic decomposition process alone are
aeration tanks, trickling filters, contact beds, oxidation ponds, etc.
Figure No.2
It may be noted that during the decomposition of nitrogenous organic matter, the
ammonia formed in the initial stages, may linger on till the end depending upon the
available oxygen, retention time, temperature, biological activity etc. because the
facultative bacteria are incapable or break ammonia to nitrates.
The wastes produced by animals and their dead bodies will again form nitrogenous
organic matter thus completing nitrogen cycle.
Some short circuits of the cycle as shown by dotted lines that dead plants may also on
death lead to formation of organic matter directly without changing into animal
Similarly nitrates on denitrification get converted into free nitrogen which may be
converted into plant proteins as it may be used by certain bacteria residing in the plant
This is called Nitrogen Fixation.
Figure No.3
Some short circuits of the cycle as shown by dotted lines that organic sulphurous
matter may be directly formed by the death of plants without formation of animal
Similarly sulphates in the absence of O 2 will be converted into H 2S by the process of
Figure No.4
The wastes produced by animals and their dead bodies will again form carbonaceous
organic matter, thus completing the carbon cycle.
Some short circuits in the cycle as shown by the dotted lines that organic
carbonaceous matter may be directly formed by the death of plants.
Similarly, plant life gives off CO2 at night, animal life gives off CO2 during
Figure No.5
If free dissolved oxygen is not available to the sewage, then anaerobic decomposition
called putrefaction will occur.
These anaerobic bacteria survive by extracting and consuming the bounded molecular
oxygen present in compounds like nitrates and sulphates.
Gases like ammonia, nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide, methane etc. are also evolved in
this decomposition producing obnoxious odours.
Sewage treatment units which work on putrefaction alone are septic tanks, Imhoff
tanks, sludge digestion tanks, etc.
– SCIA1301
The purpose of waste water treatment is to remove contaminant from water so that the
treated water can meet the acceptable quality standard.
The quality standard usually depends whether the water will be reused or discharged
into river.
Before disposing of sewage into river or land, sewage has to be treated to make it safe
and to make it harmless.
Methods of waste water treatment depends on composition of waste water and
required quality for treated water.
Treatment process are broadly classified as physical, chemical and biological
Physical treatment methods utilize physical separation of pollutant such as by
filtration etc.
Chemical treatment methods utilize chemical characteristics of pollutant for
purification. For e.g. Coagulation etc.
Biological treatment methods utilize biological characteristics of pollutants such as
bacteria, viruses by purification.
Other purpose of waste water treatment includes:
To reduce strength of sewage
To make waste water less offensive
To prevent public health from toxic effect of pollutant
To conserve nature
Figure No.1
Unit operations are the treatment methods, in which the applications of physical
forces are carried out.
Example: Screening, Flocculation, Sedimentation.
Unit processes are the treatment methods, in which the chemical or biological
activities are involved.
Example: Chemical Preparation, Gas Transfer, Adsorption, Disinfection, Combustion
The four processes are:
Preliminary Treatment
Primary Treatment
Secondary or Biological Treatment
Tertiary or Advanced or Final Treatment.
It is the first stage in treatment process, in which the floating materials such as tree
branches, dead animals, papers, pieces of rags, wood etc. are separated from the
Removes oils and greases.
Reduces the BOD of sewage about 25 %.
Removes larger settleable, in-organic solids etc.
Some of the treatment technique applied for preliminary treatment purpose are:
Grit removal
Screening is the first unit operation in waste water treatment plants.
Screens are devices with openings of uniform size and the screening units may
consists of parallel bars, rods, gratings or wire mesh or perforated plates.
Screens may be of any shape and generally they are rectangular or circular.
Screening is used to remove the floating matters of comparatively larger in size like
plastics, clothes, dead animals from waste water.
Figure No.2
If the larger materials are not removed, they will clog or damage the valves,
appurtenances, small pipes and pumps etc.
The screens are generally located just prior to the grit chambers.
If the quality of grit is not much importance, the screens may be placed after grit
Sometimes the screens may be located along with grit chambers.
The screens are generally placed in inclined position with an angle of 45° (varies from
30° to 60°) with horizontal direction of flow.
Screens are classified,
According to the size of openings:
Coarse Screen
Fine Screen
According to the movement of screens:
Fixed Screen
Movable Screen
Moving Screen
The coarse screens are also called as racks are having the space between the bars of
40 mm.
The coarse screens reduce the organic load of sewage considerably.
Hand cleaned coarse screens are generally set at an angle of 45 inclination to the
direction of flow.
Mechanically cleaned coarse screens are generally set almost vertically.
Medium screens are having the opening of 6 mm to 40 mm.
It removes organic load of sewage to small extent and it is not much significance in
the further treatment.
Fine screens are mechanically cleaned devices using perforated plate of very closely
spaced bars with clear openings of less than 6 mm.
They are used for pre-treatment of industrial wastes to remove materials which tend to
produce excessive scum or foam on the top of the digestion tank contents.
Fine screens are generally not suitable for sewage because of clogging of screens.
Fine screens are mechanically cleaned and may be of drum or disc type and
continuously operated by electric motors.
Fine screens are generally made of metal plates.
Fixed screens are permanently set in position.
A perforated platform is provided to receive the material collected from the screen
The movable screens are stationary during their operation.
But during cleaning and maintenance, they can be lifted up and removed from their
The moving screens are moving during their operating period and they are
automatically cleaned when they are in motion.
Following four methods are generally adopted for the disposal of screenings:
In this method, screenings are buried in the ground and this is adopted only for small
Sometimes screenings are buried along with quick lime.
The major disadvantage of this method requires very deep excavation in order to get
complete decomposition of screenings and to avoid bad odours.
A cover of about 300 mm to 500 mm depth of porous earth is to be provided on the
top of the screenings.
It is defined as the process of burning the screenings at high temperatures, about 760°
C to 840° C.
The screening, after dewatering are then burnt in coal, gas furnace at high
This is the most effective method for large works.
In this method, screenings are dewatered either by pressing or centrifuging.
In pressing method, the screenings are placed in a cylindrical drum and then it is
pressed by using a piston of heavy weight under pressure.
In centrifuging method, the cylinder is rotated.
In this method, the screenings are diluted with water, the dilution factor being kept as
about 60 to 100.
The diluted screenings are then passing through the disintegrators.
The disintegrator breaks the screening into small pieces.
These small pieced screenings are then allowed to join the flow of sewage on the
upstream of the screen.
The screenings contain good fertilizing value and with some special precautions,
screenings may be used as fertilizer.
It is not advisable to use the screenings for crops which are consumed or eaten raw.
• Sewage contains both organic and inorganic materials, and grit is the heavy mineral
material found in raw sewage, it may contain sand, gravel, silt, cinders, broken glass,
small fragments of metal and other inorganic solids.
• Grits are small, non-biodegradable particles which are heavier than suspended organic
• Grits are removed by carefully regulating the flow velocity of sewage in grit removal
• They reduce the excessive accumulation of grit in such units.
Grit chambers are provided to remove grit, sand and other inorganic matter from the
Grit chambers are provided to protect moving mechanical equipment from abrasion.
They reduce the formation of heavy deposits in channels, pipelines or conduits.
Grit chambers are placed after pumping stations and before the screens.
Due to some practical considerations, grit chamber may be placed after screens also.
The grit in sewage is obtained from domestic sewage, floors of garages and service
stations, first storm of the season etc.
Grit may enter the sewage through storm water discharge of road washings and from
Horizontal Flow Type
Vertical Flow Type
The grit accumulated at the bottom of the grit chambers can be cleaned periodically
by the following three methods.
Manual Cleaning
Mechanical Cleaning
Hydraulic Cleaning
• Grit chambers are cleaned by labour.
• The maintenance of good sanitary conditions is also not always possible in this
• However, it is always to be provided manual cleaning of grit chambers, when the
sewage is very dirty.
• In this type, mechanical devices such as buckets, scrapers, elevators are used to
remove the grit from grit chamber.
• It is possible to maintain the mechanically cleaned grit chamber in good sanitary
• Grit may be removed by making use of hydraulic pressure from the bottom of the grit
• This method is not suitable for all situations and when other two methods fail; this
method is being used.
• This will cause unhealthy conditions.
• Grit is disposed of mostly in the low-lying areas to reclaim such lands. It can also be
mixed with poor soil to condition it.
Grease in sewage includes fats, waxes, free fatty acids, calcium and magnesium
soaps, mineral oils and other non-fatty materials.
Oil and grease are obtained from restaurants, kitchens, garages, soap and candle
factories, oil refineries and slaughter houses.
The oil and grease create following severe problems and difficulties in sewerage
• If sewage with oil and grease is disposed into the stream, the foul odour may be
produces at the surface of the stream.
• They reduce the efficiency of other treatment units and clog the trickling filter.
• The digestion of oils and grease is a difficult one for sludge digestion tank.
• They affect the biological action of microorganism.
• They can be removed from sewage either by floatation or as a scum or sludge.
• Formation of scum is promoted by diffusing air through sewage.
Skimming is the process of removal of fatty and oily material from sewage.
In this method, sewage is placed in skimming tank and it is aerated from bottom so
that fats and oils are collected at top of the liquid which are then removed by
The tank in which scum formation is carried out by diffusion of air through the
sewage is called skimming tanks.
The oil and greasy materials removed by skimming tanks are disposed either by
burning or burial.
Sometimes, the disposal of skimmings can be converted into soap lubricants, candle
and other non-edible products.
Sometimes, it may be digested in digesters, when the vegetable and organic matters
present are more, and when this is more, digest easily and produces high fuel value
After removal of floatable solids, grits and fats, next step in treatment is removal of
remaining suspended solids as much as possible.
The main objective of primary treatment is to reduce strength of sewage by removing
suspended materials.
Some common technique applied for primary treatment of sewage are:
Sedimentation tanks
Imhoff tanks
Septic tanks
Chemical precipitation tanks
Sedimentation tank is used for removal of suspended solids and some organic matters.
The process of sedimentation reduces the strength of sewage to the extent of about 30
to 35 percent.
The quantity of settleable solids in the sewage is reduced to the extent of about 80 to
90 %.
About 30 to 35 % of BOD is removed.
If the velocity of flow of sewage is reduced, the suspended particles present in the
sewage, tend to settle at the bottom of the tank.
The material collected at the bottom of the tank is called sludge and the partially
treated sewage are called effluent.
Sedimentation tanks are also known as settling tanks or wastewater clarifiers.
Classification based on the purpose:
Grit Chamber
Plain sedimentation
Chemical Precipitation tank
Septic tank
Imhoff tank
Secondary settling tank
Classification based on direction of flow:
Horizontal flow settling tank
Vertical flow settling tank
Radial flow settling tank
Classification based on nature of working:
Fill and Draw type
Continuous flow type
Classification based on location:
Primary sedimentation tank
Secondary sedimentation tank
Figure No.3
Figure No.4
• Inlet and Outlet Arrangements
• Baffles
• Skimming Troughs
• Cleaning and Sludge Removal
In order to distribute the uniform flow, some special arrangement is to be made for
smooth entry of sewage.
The most suitable type of an inlet for a rectangular tank is in the form of a channel
extending to full width of the tank with a submerged weir type baffle wall.
The similar type of outlet arrangement is used for the smooth exit of the sewage.
It consists of an outlet, extending for full width of the tank and receiving the waste
water after it has passed over a weir.
Baffles are required to prevent the movement of organic matter and its escape along
with effluent.
Baffles are provided in the form of troughs or boards for the following purposes:
To prevent the entry of floating substances into the outlet channel.
To distribute the sewage uniformly through the cross section of the tank.
When the amount of oils and greasy matters present in sewage is small, it is
uneconomical to provide a separate skimming tank.
In such cases, a skimming trough is provided near its outlet end of sedimentation tank.
In manually operated tanks, skimmings that float on surface may be pushed into
trough by squeezes with hand.
In mechanically operated tanks, skimmings may be pushed by a same scraper blades
which collect sludge while moving bottom and push the skimmings into trough when
they move near the surface along with endless chain to which they are attached.
Suspended organic solids settle down at the bottom of tank and is to be removed
It is necessary before it becomes stale and septic.
It is necessary because it reduces the capacity of tank and its detention period.
Also, it leads to the evolution of foul gases formed due to anaerobic decomposition.
Hence cleaning is to done from time to time at frequent intervals, either manually or
For tanks without mechanical sludge removing equipment additional minimum depth
of about 0.8 - 1.2 m should be provided for storage of settled materials and is called
sludge zone.
Figure No.5
Figure No.6
DEPTH: Minimum depth of 0.3 m.
DETENTION PERIOD: 45 to 90 minutes, Generally 60 minutes is adopted for design
VELOCITY OF FLOW: 0.2 m/sec to 0.32 m/sec, Generally 0.3 m/sec.
NUMBER OF UNITS: At least 2 units should be provided.
1. Design a grit chamber for the treatment of dry weather flow of 12 MLD.
Dry weather flow = 12 MLD = 12 X 106 l/day
Design flow = 3 X 12 X 106 = 36 X 106 l/day
Assume detention period as 1 minute.
Volume of flow = 36 X 106 = 25 m3.
24 X 60 X 103
Assume the effective depth as 1.5 m,
Surface area = 25 / 1.5 = 16.7 m2.
Take length to width ratio as L/B = 8/1
Surface area, A = L X B
16.7 = 8B X B
16.7 = 8 B2
B2 = 16.7/8
B = 1.44 m or 1.4 m.
L = 8 X B = 8 X 1.4 = 11.2 m or 11 m.
Provide a free board of 0.3 m,
Overall depth, D = 1.5 + 0.3 = 1.8 m.
Provide 2 Nos. of grit chambers ( 11 m X 1.4 m X 1.8 m ), one to take care of maximum flow
and other for dry weather flow.
2. A Grit chamber with a flow at its outlet to be designed to handle a sewage flow from a
population of 50,000 and a per capita daily consumption of water of 135 Litres. Design the
grit chamber.
Average quantity of sewage = 135 X 50000 = 6.75 X 106 l/day.
= 6.75 X 106 / 103 X 24 X 60
= 4.6875 m3/min.
Maximum Flow = 2.5 X 4.6875 = 11.71 m3/min = 11.71/60 = 0.1953 m3/sec.
Keeping the horizontal velocity of sewage inside the grit chamber as 20 cm/sec, detention
period as 1 minute and depth of water as 1 m.
Length of grit chamber, L = V X T = 20 X 60 = 1200 cm or 12 m.
Capacity of chamber, C = Q X T = 0.1953 X 60 = 11.72 m3 or 12 m3
Area of flow, A = C/L = 12/12 = 1 m2
Width of chamber, B = A/D = 1/1 = 1 m.
Provide grit chamber of size 12 X 1 X 1.3 m ( 1 + 0.3 )
RATIO OF LENGTH TO WIDTH: The ratio of length to width is about 4 to 5.
DETENTION TIME: Varies from 1 to 3 hours, generally 2 hours.
OVERFLOW RATE: 40 to 50 m3/m2/day.
VELOCITY OF FLOW: 0.3 m/sec.
3. Design a primary settling tank for a town of population 34000. The formation of sewage
may be assumed at 150 litres/capita/day.
Daily flow of sewage = Rate of sewage flow X Population = 150 X 34000
= 5100000 litres.
Assume a detention period of 2 hours is assumed.
Capacity of the tank = Flow of sewage X Detention time = 5100000/24 X 2
= 425000 litres = 425 m3.
Assume an effective depth of 2.5 m,
Surface area = 425/2.5 = 170 m2.
If Length is 4 times the breadth, l = 4 b
lXb = 170
4 b X b = 170
4 b2 = 170
b = 170/4 = 6.5 m.
l = 4 X 6.5 = 26 m.
Overflow rate = 5100/ (26 X 6.5) = 30.18 m3/m2/day
The overflow rate limit should be within 40 to 50 m3/m2/day. Hence the above design is
neglected and redesigning should be done by assuming a detention period of 1 hour 20
Tank Capacity = 5100/24 X 1.33 = 282.625 m3.
Surface Area = 282.625/2.5 = 113.05 m2
If Length is 4 times the breadth, l = 4 b
lXb = 113.05
4 b X b = 113.05
4 b2 = 113.05
b = 113.05/4 = 5.32 m.
l = 4 X 5.32 = 21.28 = 21.3 m.
Overflow rate = 5100/ (21.3 X 5.32) = 45.05 m3/m2/day.
Hence the design is o.k.
Provide 4 m for inlet and outlet arrangements.
Total length of the tank = 21.3 + 4 = 25.3 m.
Provide 1 m depth for sludge accumulation and 0.5 m for free board.
Total Depth = 2.5 + 1 + 0.5 = 4 m.
Dimension of the tank is 25.3 m X 5.3 m X 4 m.
Provide one addition unit as stand by unit.
For circular tank, Surface area = 113.05 m2
π X d2/4 = 113.05
d2 = 113.05 x 4/ π = 143.93
d = 11.99 m = 12 m.
Diameter of the tank = 12 m.
4. Design a rectangular sedimentation tank for treating 4.5 million litres per day adopting L:B
ratio as 2, overflow rate 20 m3/m2/day and detention time of 3 hours.
Quantity of sewage = 4.5 X 106 / 1000 = 4500 m3/day.
Capacity of the tank = Quantity x Detention Period = (4500/24) X 3 = 562.5 m3
Surface area of the tank = Capacity of the tank/Surface loading rate
= 562.5/20 = 28.125 m2.
If Length is 2 times the breadth, l = 2 b
lXb = 28.125
2 b X b = 28.125
2 b2 = 28.125
b2 = 28.125/2 , b = 3.75 m = 4 m.
l = 2 X 4 = 8 m.
Depth of the tank = Capacity of the tank/ Area of cross section = 562.5/4 X 8 = 4.4 m.
Dimension of the tank is 8 m X 4 m X 4.4 m.
5. If a circular sedimentation tank of diameter 35 m treats 20 million litres of sewage daily,
what is the applicable surface loading rate?
Surface loading rate = Quantity / Surface area = 20000 = 20000 X 4
π X d2/4 π X 352
= 20.7876 m3/m2/day.
6. A primary settling tank of diameter 40 m is used for treating sewage 10 million litres daily,
what is the applicable weir loading rate?
Weir loading rate = Quantity / d = 10000 / 40
= 250 m3/m2/day.
7. Design a circular sewage sedimentation tank for a town having population of 40,000. The
average water demand is 140 l/cap/day. Assume that 70 % water reach at the treatment unit
and maximum demand is 2.7 times the average demand.
Average water required = 140 X 40000 = 5.6 X 106 l/day = 5.6 x 103 m3/day.
Average quantity of sewage = (70/100) X 5.6 x 103 = 3.92 X 103 m3/day.
Maximum quantity of sewage = 2.7 X 3.92 X 103 = 10.58 X 103 m3/day.
Q = 10.58 X 103 /24 = 440.8 m3 /hour = 441 m3 /hour.
Assume detention period of 1 hour.
Capacity of tank, C = Q X T = 441 X 1 = 441 m3
Provide effective depth of tank = 3 m.
Surface area of the tank, A = 441/3 = 147 m2
Surface area, A = π X d2/4
147 = π X d2/4
d2 = 147 X 4/ π = 187.16
d = 13.68 m = 13.7 m.
Surface loading rate of the tank = 441 X 24 / 147 = 72 m3/m2/day.
As the surface loading rate is more than 50 m3/m2/day, depth of the tank is to be reduced and
surface area is to be increased.
Adopting the effective depth = 2 m.
Surface area of tank = 441/2 = 220.5 m2
Surface area, A = π X d2/4
220.5 = π X d2/4
d2 = 220.5 X 4/ π
d = 16.75 m = 17 m.
Surface loading rate of the tank = 441 X 24/220.5 = 48 m3/m2/day.
Assume a free board of 0.3 m, Overall depth, D = 2 + 0.3 = 2.3 m.
Provide a circular sedimentation tank of 17 m diameter and 2.3 m Overall depth.
8. Design a suitable rectangular sedimentation tank for treating the sewage from a city
provided with public water supply system with a maximum daily demand of 12 MLD.
Assume suitable value of detention period and velocity of flow in the tank.
Assuming that 80 % of water supplied to city becomes sewage.
Quantity of sewage to be treated/day = (80/100) X (12 X 106/103)
= 9600 m3
Now assuming the detention period in the sedimentation tank as 2 hours,
Capacity of the tank, C = Q X T = (9600/24) x 2 = 800 m3
Assume that the velocity of flow is 0.3 m/min.
Length of the tank required, L = Velocity of flow x Detention Period
= 0.3 X 2 X 60 = 36 m.
Cross section area of the tank required, A = Capacity/ Length
A = 800/36 = 22.2 m2
Assume effective depth of tank as 3 m.
Width of the tank required, B = 22.2/3 = 7.4 m.
Since the tank is provided with mechanical cleaning arrangements, no extra space at bottom
is required fore sludge zone.
Assume a free board of 0.5 m,
Overall depth of the tank, D = 3 + 0.5 = 3.5 m.
Hence a rectangular sedimentation tank with an overall size of
36 m X 7.4 m X 3.5 m.
9. Design a circular sedimentation tank unit for a primary treatment of sewage at 12 MLD.
Assume suitable detention period and surface loading rate.
Quantity of sewage = 12 X 106 l/day.
Assume detention period as 2 hour and surface loading rate as 40000 l/m2/day.
Capacity of the tank, C = (12 X 106/103 X 24) X 2 = 1000 m3
Now, Surface loading = Q/Surface area
40000 = Q/ (π X d2/4)
d2 = 4 X 12 X 106/(π X 40000)
d = 19.6 m.
Now, effective depth of the tank = capacity / C.S.Area
= 1000/(π X 19.62/4)
= 3.3 m.
Assume a free board of 0.3 m,
Overall Depth, D = 3.3 + 0.3 = 3.6 m.
Hence use a settling tank with 19.6 m diameter and 3.6 m Overall depth.
10. Design a primary settling tank of rectangular shape for a town having a population of
50000 with a water supply of 180 l/cap/day.
Quantity of water supply = 50000 X 180 = 9 X 106 l/day.
Assuming that 80 % of water supplied to city becomes sewage.
Total sewage flow, Q = (80/100) X 9 X 106 = 7.2 X 106 l/day.
Assume a detention period of 2 hours.
Capacity of tank, C = (7.2 X 106 /24) X 2 = 600 X 103 l = 600 m3
Assume an surface loading rate of 30 m3/m2/day.
Surface area, A = Sewage flow/Surface loading rate = 7.2 X 103 / 30 = 240 m2
Effective Depth, d = Capacity/Surface area = 600/240 = 2.5 m
Take length is 4 times the width, L = 4B.
240 = 4B X B = 4B
B = 7.74 m.
L = 4 X 7.74 = 30. m = 31 m.
Provide 4 m length for inlet and outlet arrangements.
Total Length = 31 + 4 = 35 m.
Also provide 1 m depth for sludge accumulation and 0.5 m free board.
Hence Overall Depth, D = 2.5 + 1 + 0.5 = 4 m.
Hence provide a rectangular sedimentation tank size of 35 m X 7.7 m X 4 m.
Very fine suspended particles of wastewater cannot be removed by plain or primary
sedimentation tank and they can be settled by increasing their size by changing them
into flocculated particles.
Sedimentation with coagulation is defined as the process of removing the very fine
suspended particles present in the waste water that cannot be removed by primary
sedimentation by increasing their size by using chemicals.
The chemicals used for increasing the size of the particles are called coagulants.
The various chemicals or coagulants are:
Ferric Chloride
Ferric Sulphate
Chlorinated Copperas.
The coagulants mixed with water forms a gelatinous precipitate called floc, which
attracts the fine mud particles and other colloidal matters form a bigger sized
flocculated particles.
The process of adding the chemicals is called coagulation and the formation of bigger
sized flocculate particles is called flocculation.
Figure No.7
A septic tank is defined as a primary sedimentation tank with a longer detention
period 12 to 36 hours with an additional provisions for digestion of the settled sludge.
Due to anaerobic decomposition of the settled sludge, foul gases will be evolved in
the tank and the septic tank will be completely covered and provided with a high air
vent pipe for escape of gases.
Septic tanks are provided in places, where sewer pipes have not been laid and
especially septic tanks are provided for isolated communities, schools, hospitals,
hotels and other isolated public institutions etc.
A septic tank is a horizontal continuous flow sedimentation tank, in which the raw
sewage is directly entering to the tank.
The tank removes 60 to 70 % of the dissolved matter.
The effluent from the septic tank is foul in nature and it should be disposed of either
in soak pits or to be treated in trickling filters before it disposing of into water
The septic tank is rectangular in shape and constructed by brick masonry.
The tank is designed to prevent the direct currents between the tank inlet and outlet.
The standing baffle wall at the outlet of the tank is provided to work as a skimming to
retain the scum in the tank.
In order to prevent the odour, due to the bacteriological action, the tank is covered at
top with RCC which prevents the escape of foul gases, prevents the accidents due to
falling of animals and children and prevents wind agitation.
An air vent pipe is provided at suitable place of the tank at a suitable height for the
escape of air and foul gases for the prevention of odour.
R.C.C manhole covers are provided at the top of the tank, for inspection, repairs and
The deposited and digested sludge is removed from these manhole at an interval of 6
to 12 months with the help of a portable pump.
Construction is very easy.
Very reasonable cost for construction.
Very little attention and skilled attendance is required.
There are no moving parts for its operation.
Sludge is relatively small, most of its being liquified and digested.
The removal of BOD is 90 % and suspended solids removal is 80 %, considerably
septic tank is having high performance.
The sludge, effluent and scum obtained from the septic tank can be disposed off easily
without causing serious nuisance.
If the tank is not properly functioning, the effluent will be dark and foul smelling.
The leakage of gases through the top of the septic tank leads to air pollution.
The working of septic tank is unpredictable and non-uniform.
The removal of sludge is a very tedious job.
Detention Period: It varies between 12 to 36 Hours, Commonly adopted as 24 Hours.
Length to Width Ratio: For Rectangular tank, length is 2 to 4 times the width.
Depth: Range between 1.2 to 1.8 m.
Space for Digestion: 0.0425 m3/cap.
Sedimentation: For Indian Conditions, surface area will be 0.92 m2 for every 10 lpm
peak flow rate.
Cleaning Period for Sludge: 6 months to 3 Years, generally taken as 12 Months.
Free Board: 0.3 to 0.6 m.
12. Design a septic tank for a small residential colony having a population of 500
persons. The rate of water supply is 150 litres per head per day. Design also the soak
well, if the effluent from the septic tank is to be discharged in it?
Quantity of water supply = Per capita demand X Population
= 500 X 150
= 75000 litres/day.
Assuming that the 80 % of water supply appears as sewage.
Quantity of sewage produced = 75000 X (80/100)
= 60000 l/day.
Assume the detention period of 24 hours.
Capacity of the tank, C = 60000 X 24/24 = 60000 litres.
Assuming the rate of deposited sludge as 30 litres/capita/year and assuming the period
of cleaning is one year.
Volume of sludge accumulated = Rate of sludge deposition X Population X period of
= 30 X 500 x 1 = 15000 litres.
Total capacity of the tank = Capacity for sewage + capacity for sludge
= 60000 + 15000
= 75000 litres = 75 m3.
Assuming a depth of 1.5 m.
Surface area of the tank = Capacity/depth = 75/1.5 = 50 m2.
Take ratio of length to width is taken as 1:2 to 1:4.
Assuming L:B = 1:3 or L = 3B
Surface area, A = L X B
50 = 3B X B
50 = 3B2
B2 = 50/3 = 16.66
B = 4.083 m = 4.1 m.
Length of the tank, L = 3 X 4.1 = 12.25 m = 12.3 m.
Assume a free board as 0.3 m, Overall Depth, D = 1.5 + 0.3 = 1.8 m.
Dimension of the tank is 12.3 m X 4.1 m X 1.8 m.
Design of Soak pit:
Assuming the percolating capacity of filter media of soak pit as 1250 litres/m3/day or
1.25 m3/m3/day required for soak pit.
Volume required for soak pit = Volume of the tank/Percolating capacity
of filter media
= 75 / 1.25 = 60 m3
If the depth of the soak pit is 4 m, area of the soak pit will be,
Area of the soak pit = Volume of the soak pit/ Depth of soak pit
= 60/4 = 15 m2
π X d2/4 = 15
d2 = 15 X 4 / π
d = 4.37 m or 4.4 m.
13. Design a septic tank for 50 users, assuming the rate of water supply as 60
Assuming the detention period as 24 hours and the time of cleaning the sludge as 3
Space required for Settling = 50 X 60/103 = 3 m3.
Space required for Digestion = 50 X 0.0425 = 2.125 m3.
Space required for Storage of sludge = 50 X 0.085 = 4.25 m3.
Total space required = 3 + 2.125 + 4.25 = 9.375 m3.
Providing depth as 1.4 m,
Surface area, A = Total Space / Depth = 9.375/1.4 = 6.69 = 6.7 m2.
Assume L:B = 1:2, L = 2B
Surface area A = L X B = 2B X B
6.7 = 2B2
B2 = 6.7/2
B = 1.83 m = 1.8 m.
L = 2 X B = 2 X 1.8 = 3.6 m.
Providing a free board as 30 cm,
Overall Depth, D = 1.4 + 0.3 = 1.7 m.
Hence provide the septic tank of size 3.6 m X 1.8 m X 1.7 m.
14.Design the dimensions of a septic tank for a small colony of 150 persons provided
with an assured water supply from the municipal head works at a rate of 120
l/person/day. Assume any data you may need.
Quantity of water supplied = per capita rate X population = 120 X 150
= 18000 l/day.
Assuming that 80 % of water supplied becomes sewage.
Quantity of sewage produced = (80/100) X 18000 = 14400 l/day.
Assume the detention time as 24 hours.
Capacity of the tank, C = 14400 X 24/24 = 14400 litres.
Now, assuming the rate of deposited sludge as 30 l/capita/year and period of cleaning
as 1 year.
Volume of sludge deposited = 30 X 150 X 1 = 4500 litres.
Total capacity of tank = 14400 + 4500 = 18900 litres or 18.9 m3.
Assuming the depth of the tank as 1.5 m.
Surface area of the tank = 18.9/1.5 = 12.6 m2.
Assume L:B = 1:3 or L = 3B
Surface area, A = L X B
12.6 = 3B X B
12.6 = 3B2
B2 = 12.6/3
B = 2.05 m = 2.1 m.
L = 3 X 2.1 = 6.3 m = 6 m.
Assume a free board of 0.3 m,
Overall depth, D = 1.5 + 0.3 = 1.8 m.
Hence provide the septic tank of size 6 m X 2.1 m X 1.8 m.
15. Design a septic tank for a hostel housing 125 persons.
The estimated peak discharge for 125 persons is equal to 300 lpm.
Let us assume sludge withdrawal once in a year.
Surface area of tank @ 0.92 m2 for every 10 lpm is = (0.92/10) X 300 = 27.6 m2.
Assume depth for sedimentation is 0.3 m. Also provide a free board of 0.3 m.
Space for sedimentation = 27.6 X 0.3 = 8.28 m3
Space for digestion = 0.032 X 125 = 4 m3
Space for sludge storage = 0.049 X 125 = 6.125 m3
Space for free board = 27.6 X 0.3 = 8.28 m3
Total space required = 26.685 m3
Total depth of the tank = Total Space/ Surface area
= 26.685/27.6 = 0.96 m or 1 m.
Assume L:B = 1:2.5 or L = 2.5 B
Surface area, A = L X B
27.6 = 2.5 B X B
27.6 = 2.5B2
B2 = 27.6/2.5
B = 3.32 m = 3.3 m.
L = 2.5 X 3.3 = 8.3 m.
Hence dimensions of the septic tank are 8.3 m X 3.3 m.
These tanks are the improvements over the septic tanks.
Karl Imhoff of Germany invented this tank.
The Imhoff tank, is a two-storey septic tank, composed of an upper sedimentation
compartment, and a bottom sludge digestion compartment.
The Imhoff tank is a primary treatment technology for raw wastewater, designed for
solid-liquid separation and digestion of the settled sludge.
Figure No.8
Design of upper flow tank is done on the basis of plain sedimentation tank with 1.5 to
2.5 hours detention period.
Depth of upper flow chamber is kept about 2.5 m.
The minimum total depth of tank is kept 5 m.
Design of sludge storage capacity is done on the basis of 0.02 m3/cap.
Surface overflow rate is kept less than 30000 l/m2/day.
Gas vent area is provided between 20 to 25 % of the total plan area.
Minimum slope of 30° is provided to the hopper bottom for easy removal of sludge
through sludge outlet.
The vertical distance between upper sludge level and slot is known as neutral zone is
kept more than 45 cm.
Slope of side walls of the lower portion should have steep slope more than 55° to the
horizontal to prevent adhesion of solids to them.
First the sewage enters the upper sedimentation tank whose bottom has sharp
The solids are allowed to settle in the upper tank from where they slip in lower
hoppers through the slots.
In hoppers, the settled solids remain stored for a long period about 30 – 45 days.
During this period, they are acted upon by the bacterias and are converted into stable
solids, organic acids and gases.
The gases are allowed to escape in the atmosphere through gas vent pipe.
The stabilized solids are taken out by means of a sludge pipe under hydrostatic
The flow of solids in the lower hoppers is regulated by means of a triangular beam
and in that hopper digestion starts.
Effluent from Imhoff tank is similar to primary settling tank.
The organic matters are digested in the lower compartments.
The digested sludge has black colour and has no odour.
Moisture content of this sludge is 90 – 95 %, therefore it can easily flow in the pipes.
This moisture can be removed by passing it through sand beds and sun drying.
Quite economical in operation.
Do not require skilled attention during operation.
There are no moving parts.
Require only preliminary treatment.
No difficulty in sludge removal.
Less sludge volume and weight.
Results are good with the removal of 60 – 70 % of solids and 30 – 40 % of BOD.
Because of greater depth, construction cost is high.
Unsuitable for acidic influents.
Give offensive odours when improperly operated.
Very high (or deep) infrastructure, depth may be a problem in case of high
groundwater table.
Requires expert design and construction.
Low reduction of pathogens.
Effluent, sludge and scum require further treatment.
1. Design an Imhoff tank to treat the sewage from a town with 40000 population. The
suspended solid in the influent sewage are 150 ppm. The water content of sludge is 5
%. If the rate of sewage flow is 135 l/cap/day. Design the tank with two months
Quantity of sewage flow = 135 X 40000 = 54 X 105 l/day or 225000 l/hr.
Assume the detention period as 2 hours.
Design of upper flow channel:
Capacity of the channel = 225000 X 2 = 45 X 104 l or 450 m3
Provide 2 channels 4 m wide, 33 m long with 1 m vertical depth and 1.5 m inclined
Overall depth = 1 + 1.5 = 2.5 m.
Total volume of both the channels = 2 [ 4 x 33 x 1 + 4 X 33 X 1.5/2]
= 462 m3 > 450 m3
Surface loading = Quantity/Surface area = 225000 X 24 /( 2 X 4 X 33 )
= 20455 l/m2/day < 30000 l/m2/day.
Hence Safe.
2. Design an Imhoff tank for a town having population of 17000 persons. The rate of
sewage is 150 l/day. Assume suitably any other data need.
Total flow of sewage = 17000 X 150 = 255 X 104 l/day.
Assume detention period as 2 hours.
Capacity of flow channel = 255 X 104 X 2 /( 24 X 1000 ) = 212.5 m3
Provide 2 channels of 2 m X 32 m having 1 m vertical depth and 1.5 m sloping depth.
Volume of the channels = 2 X [2 X 32 X 1 + 2 X 32 X 1.5/2]
= 224 m3 > 212.5 m3
Hence Safe.
Assuming 0.05 m3/cap space required.
Total Capacity = 0.05 X 17000 = 850 m3
Provide 5 m width, vertical depth 4 m and inclined depth 3 m.
Volume of the tank = 5 X 32 X 4 + 5 X 32 X 3/2 = 880 m3 > 850 m3
Hence Safe.
Activated-sludge process.
All the secondary treatment processes are designed to work on aerobic bacterial
In secondary treatment, dissolved or colloidal organic matters are present in sewage
are removed by utilizing microorganisms.
In this steps, microorganisms utilizes organic matter and converts them into inorganic
Following changes occurs in sewage during secondary treatment:
Organic matter (carbon) is oxidized into CO2 and H2O
Organic nitrogen compounds are first converted into NH3 and then into NO3
Colloidal matters are coagulated or precipitated out.
Thus main purpose of secondary treatment of sewage is to reduce BOD level.
In secondary treatment, the filter units consists of open beds of coarse aggregate
overwhich the sewage is spreaded or sprinkled intermittently.
The necessary contact surface for the growth of aerobic bacteria is provided by the
aggregates in the bed.
By doing this, the aeration is provided by nature.
Contact Beds
Intermittent Sand Filters
Trickling Filters
Figure No.9
In ancient time contact beds were very popular in the treatment of sewage, but now a
days these are similar in construction to the intermittent sand filters, the only
difference being in the filtering media.
The filtering media consists of 2 to 2.5 cm size broken stone ballast or brick ballast.
The depth of the filtering media is between 90-150 cm.
The sewage is uniformly applied over the whole surface of the filtering media, by
means of distribution troughs and is collected at the bottom by means of a system of
under drain pipes.
In this operation the sewage is applied on the surface of contact beds as quickly as
possible by means of dosing siphon.
The sewage is allowed to be filled 5-10 cm above the top surface of filter media. The
filling process may take 1 to 1.5 hours.
In this operation, the dosing is stopped and the applied sewage is allowed to come in
contact for about 2 hours.
During this period, the colloidal matters and dissolved matters get transferred to the
filter media and comes in contact with the bacterial film covering the filter media..
Within this time the soluble contents of sewage are absorbed by the organic film and
are stabilized.
The contact beds are then slowly emptied and drained.
This operation is carried out for 1 to 2 hours.
So that the absorbed soluble contents of the sewage are not washed out with the
sewage, which is being drained.
After emptying, the contact beds are allowed to remain at rest for 5-6 hours and this
period is called second contact period.
Within this period the atmospheric air enters in the voids of the contact media and
makes it ready for taking another sewage load.
By supplying oxygen to the aerobic bacteria, which oxidize the organic matter present
in the sewage which is transferred by sewage on the surface of the filtering media.
The complete cycle of operation takes 8-12 hours.
The stabilized organic matter from the voids is finally taken in the next cycle of
As these contact beds are intermittent in action, therefore more numbers of units are
constructed in parallel and the sewage is applied in turn to each unit.
For this purpose continuous supervision is required.
The effluent obtained from these beds is also clear and odourless.
These beds remove 80 to 90% suspended solids and 60 to 75% B.O.D.
The rate of loading is very low 4500 to 6500 m3/hectare/day.
The voids inside the filtering media continuously go on reducing due to accumulation
of the solids in them.
After 4-5 years the filtering media is taken out, washed, dried and filled again.
Similarly the under drain pipes are also washed and cleaned after 3-4 years.
These are also not common these days.
Generally, the contact beds are also intermittent in their operation.
Bacterial Removal – 50 to 75 %.
Organic matter Removal – 60 to 80 %.
Suspended matter Removal – 80 to 90 %.
Contact bed can be operated without exposing the sewage to view.
Contact bed consumes relatively small amount of head.
No nuisance of filter flies.
Odour problems are also very less.
For effective working of contact bed, primary treatment of sewage is necessary
otherwise the contact bed will be easily clogged.
The cost of the contact bed is relatively more.
The operation of contact bed requires skilled supervision.
The rate of treatment of sewage is very low.
It requires long rest period.(about 8 hours)
The contact beds are the best treatment method for small isolated structures, where the
quantity of sewage is very less and head availability is also less and further pumping
is not required.
Figure No.10
These are the early development of sewage treatment units.
These are similar in Construction to the slow-sand filter of water treatment.
These require larger area, due to which these are not commonly employed in modern
sewage treatment works.
The filter media is finer than that in the contact beds.
There is no concrete lining around the filter media, as was there in contact beds.
It consists of layers of sands with an effective size of 0.2 to 0.5 mm and of uniformity
coefficient 2 to 5.
The depth of the sand media is about 75 cm to 100 cm.
The bottom of the tank is sloping gently towards the under drains.
The under drains are placed at about 9 m apart in trenches below the bottom of the
filter media.
If the soil itself is sandy, there is no need of providing extra sand.
But if the soil is of other variety, sands of the above specifications are laid in a depth
of about 100-120 cm.
To carry off the effluent the open joint drainage pipes are laid in the bottom of the
sand bed in 90 to 120 cm depth.
Their drainage pipes are surrounded with layers of coarse stone and gravel graded
from coarse to fine, to keep and the sand out.
In some cases when the soil itself-sandy, the percolating effluent may reach the
ground water table, and no effluent may reach the drainage pipes.
The sewage is applied evenly on the surface of the sand bed by influent waste water
The distribution trough has side openings to distribute the sewage uniformly.
To prevent the scouring and displacement of sand the distribution trough is kept on
concrete apron or protective stone.
The effluent from the intermittent sand filters is very clear and contains suspended
solids less than 10 ppm which is well nitrified and stable.
The effluent also has B.O.D. less than 5ppm and is free from odours.
Therefore, the plant works without creating any nuisance at the site.
If the quantity of sewage is more 3 to 4 such beds can be constructed in parallel.
For cleaning these filters, the sand from the top is scraped from time to time and are
refilled with fresh clean sand.
Smaller head is required.
It does not require skilled supervision.
There is no trouble of odour or insects.
In some cases, no further treatment is needed except chlorination.
The effluent obtained from this filter is of good quality with suspended solids level of
less than 10 mg/l and BOD of less than 5 ppm.
Very slow process.
Requires larger area of land.
Not suitable for very cold climates.
Their rate of loading is very small.
They cannot treat large quantity of sewage, therefore cannot be employed at big
It is the best treatment for small isolated structures such as hotels, hospitals etc, where
land and sand is easily available.
These filters are also sometimes used to treat the effluent of coagulated sedimentation
tanks or trickling filters.
For such cases, the rate of filtration is kept as about 200000 to 250000
The effluent thus treated has an attractive appearance and it is free from any
suspended matters.
Figure No.11
Trickling filters (TFs) are used to remove organic matter from wastewater.
The TF is an aerobic treatment system that utilizes microorganisms attached to a
medium to remove organic matter from wastewater.
This type of system is common to a number of technologies such as rotating
biological contactors and packed bed reactors (biotowers).
These systems are known as attached-growth processes.
Trickling filter is an attached growth process i.e. process in which microorganisms
responsible for treatment are attached to an inert packing material.
Packing material used in attached growth processes include rock, gravel, slag, sand,
redwood, and a wide range of plastic and other synthetic materials.
The wastewater in trickling filter is distributed over the top area of a vessel containing
non-submerged packing material.
Air circulation in the void space, by either natural draft or blowers, provides oxygen
for the microorganisms growing as an attached biofilm.
During operation, the organic material present in the wastewater is metabolized by the
biomass attached to the medium.
The biological slime grows in thickness as the organic matter abstracted from the
flowing wastewater is synthesized into new cellular material.
The thickness of the aerobic layer is limited by the depth of penetration of oxygen
into the microbial layer.
The micro-organisms near the medium face enter the endogenous phase as the
substrate is metabolized before it can reach the micro-organisms near the medium
face as a result of increased thickness of the slime layer and loose their ability to cling
to the media surface.
The liquid then washes the slime off the medium and a new slime layer starts to grow.
This phenomenon of losing the slime layer is called sloughing.
The sloughed off film and treated wastewater are collected by an underdrainage which
also allows circulation of air through filter.
The collected liquid is passed to a settling tank used for solid- liquid separation.
Can be operated at a range of organic and hydraulic loading rates.
The mechanical wear and tear is small as it contains less mechanical equipment.
Resistant to shock loadings.
Efficient nitrification (ammonium oxidation)
High effluent quality in terms of BOD and suspended solids removal; in combination
with a primary and tertiary treatment also in terms of pathogens.
The moisture content of sludge obtained from the trickling filters is as high as
99 %.
Low power requirements.
The working of trickling filters is simple and it does not require skilled supervision.
The trickling filters may reduce the B.O.D and colloidal matter to the extent of about
75 % and 80 % respectively.
The trickling filters are flexible in operation.
The cost of construction of trickling filters is high.
Requires large land area and regular operator attention.
Vector and odour problems.
Incidence of clogging is relatively high.
The process requires primary treatment of sewage and hence, the raw sewage cannot
be purified by this process.
The process of trickling filters is becoming popular at present and the trickling filters,
especially of high rate type are adopted in the modern treatment plant of sewage.
Conventional or Ordinary or Standard rate or Low rate trickling filter.
High rate trickling filter.
Efficiency of Low rate trickling filter, ƞ = 100
1 + 0.44
Where, U – Organic loading Kg/ m3/day
Efficiency of high rate trickling filter, ƞ = 100
1 + 0.44
Where, Y – Total Org. loading in Kg/day.
V - Filter Volume in m3
F – Recirculation Factor.
1.The sewage flows from a primary settling tank to a standard rate trickling filter at a
rate of 5 ML/day having 5 day BOD of 150 mg/l. Determine the depth and volume of
filter adopting a surface loading of 2500 l/m2/day and an organic loading of 165
gm/m3/day. Also determine the efficiency of filter unit using NRC formula.
Total 5 day BOD/day = 5 X 106 X 150 X 10-3 = 75 X 104 gm.
Volume of filter media required = Total BOD/Organic loading = 75 X 104 /165
= 4545.5 m3
Surface area required = Total Flow/Hydraulic loading
A = 5 X 106 /2500 = 2000 m2
Depth of bed = Volume/surface Area = 4545.5/2000 = 2.273 m or 2.3 m.
Hence provide a filter depth of 2.3 m.
A = π X d2/4
2000 = π X d2/4
d2 = 2000 X 4/ π
d = 50.5 m.
Hence provide a filter of 50 m diameter.
Actual surface area = π X 502/4 = 1963.5 m2
Actual Volume = 1963.5 X 2.3 = 4516 m3
Actual Org.loading,U = Total BOD/Volume of filter = 75 X 104 / 4516
= 166.1 gm/m3/day
U = 166.1 gm/m3/day or 0.1661 Kg/m3/day
Efficiency, ƞ = 100
1 + 0.44
= 100
1 + 0.44
= 84.8 %.
2. The sewage is flowing @ 4.5 ML/day from a primary clarifier to a standard rate
trickling filter. The 5 day BOD of influent is 160 mg/l. Organic loading is 160
gm/m/day and surface loading 2000 l/m/day. Determine the volume, depth and
efficiency of filter.
Total 5 day BOD/day = 4.5 X 106 X 160 X 10-3 = 72 X 104 gm.
Volume of filter media required = Total BOD/Organic loading = 72 X 104 /160
= 4500 m3
Surface area required = Total Flow/Hydraulic loading
A = 4.5 X 106 /2000 = 2250 m2
Depth of bed = Volume/surface Area = 4500/2250 = 2 m.
Hence provide a filter depth of 2 m.
A = π X d2/4
2000 = π X d2/4
d2 = 2250 X 4/ π
d = 53.52 m or 54 m.
Hence provide a filter of 54 m diameter.
Actual surface area = π X 542/4 = 2290.2 m2
Actual Volume = 2290.2 X 2 = 4580.4 m3
Actual Org.loading,U = Total BOD/Volume of filter = 72 X 104 / 4580.4
= 157.19 gm/m3/day or 0.1567 Kg/ m3/day
Efficiency, ƞ = 100
1 + 0.44
= 100
1 + 0.44 57
= 85.1 %.
3.Determine the size of a high rate trickling filter for the following data:
Flow - 4.5 MLD
Recirculation Ratio (R/I)= 1.4
BOD of raw sewage = 250 mg/l.
BOD removed in primary clarifier = 25 %
Final effluent BOD desired = 50 mg/l.
Calculate also the size of the standard rate trickling filter to accomplish the above
Total BOD present in raw sewage/day = 4.5 X 250 = 1125 X (106/106) = 1125 Kg.
BOD removed in the primary clarifier = 25 %
BOD entering/day in the filter units = 1125 X (75/100) = 843.75 Kg.
BOD concentration in the effluent = 50 mg/l.
BOD allowed to go into the effluent = 50 X 4.5 X (106/106) = 225 Kg.
BOD removed by the filter/day = 843.75 – 225 = 618.75 Kg.
Efficiency of filter = (BOD removed/Total BOD) X 100
= (618.75/843.75) X 100 = 73.3 %
Efficiency of high rate trickling filter, ƞ = 100
1 + 0.44
F= 1 + R/I = 1 + 1.4 = 1.85
[1 + 0.1 (R/I)]2 (1 + 0.1 X 1.4)2
73.3 = 100
1 + 0.44
V = 665.4 m3.
Assume a depth of filter as 1.5 m.
Surface area required, A = 665.4/1.5 = 413.6 m2.
A = π X d2/4
413.6 = π X d2/4
d2 = 413.6 X 4/ π
d = 23.8 m.
For an equivalent standard filter, F = 1.
73.3 = 100
1 + 0.44
V = 1231 m3.
Using depth of filter as 1.5 m, A = 1231/1.5 = 820.8 m2.
A = π X d2/4
820.8 = π X d2/4
d2 = 820.8 X 4/ π
d = 32.3 m.
Figure No.12
In secondary treatment process, only aerobic decomposition occurs and aerobic
decomposition has the following advantages over anaerobic decomposition.
Aerobic decomposition does not produce bad smells and gases.
More active than anaerobic bacteria – the rate of doing work by aerobic bacteria is
three times the work doing by anaerobic bacteria at 30°C.
Activated sludge process is a process for treating sewage and waste water commonly
referred as effluent using bacteria (to degrade the biodegradable organics) and air
(Oxygen for respiration).
Activated sludge refers to a mixture of microorganisms and suspended solids.
The sewage effluent from the primary sedimentation tank is mixed with 25 % of its
own volume of activated sludge.
The activated sludge contains a larger concentration of highly active aerobic micro-
The mixture of sewage effluent and activated sludge enters an aeration tank, where
micro-organism is mixed together with a large quantity of air, for a period of about 4
to 8 hours.
Under this condition, the micro-organisms will oxidize the organic matter and the
suspended and colloidal matter tends to coagulate and form a precipitate.
This precipitate settles down in the secondary sedimentation tank instantly.
The settled sludge called activated sludge is again recycled to the head of aeration
tank and again mixed with raw sewage.
Activated sludge is being produced continuously by this process and a portion of
produced activated sludge is utilized in aeration tank.
The excess of activated sludge is disposed of properly along with the sludge collected
during primary treatment after digestion.
It contains fertilizing constituents.
The colour of activated sludge indicates the degree of aeration.
The colours of under-aerated, well-aerated and over-aerated sludges are light brown,
golden brown and muddy brown respectively.
The moisture content of the activated sludge is about 95 to 97 %.
In a sewage (or industrial wastewater) treatment plant, the activated sludge process
can be used for one or several of the following purposes:
Oxidizing carbonaceous matter: biological matter.
Oxidizing nitrogenous matter: mainly ammonium and nitrogen in biological materials.
Removing phosphate.
Driving off entrained gases carbon dioxide, ammonia, nitrogen, etc.
Generating a biological floc that is easy to settle.
Generating a liquor low in dissolved or suspended material.
Mixing of activated sludge
Settling in the secondary clarifier.
• The activated sludge is mixed with raw or settled sewage properly.
• The mixed liquor containing activated sludge and effluent is agitated or aerated in the
aeration tank or aeration chamber.
• The removal of grit and larger solids by screening, grit chambers and primary
sedimentation tank is necessary for aeration.
• The pre-removal of these settleable solids is helpful in preventing deposits on aeration
devices and thereby not reducing their efficiencies.
• Moreover, the grit and larger solids are not pre-removed they may settle down in
aeration tank and reduce the speed and efficiency of aeration process.
• The mixed liquor after agitation is taken to the secondary clarifier.
• The sludge is allowed to settle down in this tank.
• The settled sludge is the activated sludge and a portion of the settled sludge is sent for
• The removing activated sludge is taken to the sludge digestion tank and then to the
sludge drying beds for further treatment.
The cost of installation is low.
The effluent of good quality is obtained.
The process requires small area of land and hence the design may be made compact.
There is comparatively very small loss of head through the treatment plant.
There is freedom from fly and odour nuisance due to high degree of treatment given
to the sewage in this process.
The cost of operating the process is relatively high.
The process is sensitive to certain types of industrial wastes.
The process requires skilled supervision for its efficient working.
F/M RATIO = Daily BOD load given to aeration system ( in gram )
Total microbial mass in the aeration system ( in gram )
The sludge volume index is defined as the volume occupied by one gram of activated
sludge after a settling period of 30 minutes.
The term SVI is used to indicate the degree of concentration of sludge and it reflects
the physical state of sludge.
Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) technology, normally referred to as UASB
reactor, is a form of anaerobic digester that is used for wastewater treatment.
The UASB reactor is a methanogenic (methane-producing) digester that evolved from
the anaerobic clarigester.
UASB uses an anaerobic process whilst forming a blanket of granular sludge which
suspends in the tank.
Wastewater flows upwards through the blanket and is processed (degraded) by
the anaerobic microorganisms.
Biogas with a high concentration of methane is produced as a by-product, and this
may be captured and used as an energy source, to generate electricity for export and to
cover its own running power.
Oxidation pond is a type of wastewater treatment which also refers
as lagoons or water stabilization pond.
It is a secondary treatment of wastewater coming from industries, residential areas etc.
It makes the use of microorganisms like bacteria, algae and light energy (sunlight) to
stabilize the wastewater.
Oxidation pond is constructed 1-1.5m deep inside the soil and have inlet and outlet
Oxidation pond can define as the stabilization pond that stabilizes the domestic, trade,
industrial wastes etc. by the microbial interaction, primarily bacteria and algae.
It is the large, shallow ponds having 2-6 feet height of water body.
Oxidation pond requires the presence of sunlight and oxygen for the secondary
treatment of domestic and trade wastes.
The secondary treatment of the organic and inorganic waste coming from raw sewage
and industrial effluents is necessary.
The direct disposal of the wastewater to the aquatic system can affect the life of
water-bodies and the quality of water as well.
Figure No.13
The stabilization pond can reduce the biological oxygen demand up to 90% naturally.
It is a simple method to operate, does not require sophisticated equipment.
Oxidation pond is a practical and effective method for the wastewater treatment of
domestic and trade wastes in the tropical areas.
The operation of a stabilization pond does not require much labour-power.
It is an economical method for the treatment of wastewater from small and isolated
The construction of a stabilization pond requires more land area.
The maintenance is quite intricate.
Sometimes, it gives a foul smell and mosquito menace during the process if not
appropriately maintained.
There may get a chance of effluent seepage into the ground water, which can
ultimately cause ground water pollution.
Tertiary treatment of waste water is final treatment process in which all the chemical
and biological agents are completely removed from sewage before disposal into river.
After the primary and secondary treatment of sewage, the sewage is a stabilized and a
harmless one.
However, the primary and secondary treatments remove only conventional
constituents like TSS, BOD, COD, Organic carbon. Nitrogen, phosphorus etc.
The non conventional compounds and other emerging compounds may still be present
in sewage.
Also sewage contains some roundworms and bacterial pathogens that are difficult to
All these factors affect the public health and therefore, the sewage needs to undergo
tertiary treatment before disposal or reuse for industrial, agricultural and municipal
The tertiary treatment required will be always based on the type of water reuse and
degree of quality of the reclaimed water.
Removal of suspended solids
Removal of dissolved solids like salts
Removal of nitrate and phosphate
Killing of microorganisms
Suspended solids are removed by two methods:
• In this method, sewage is placed in rotating drum filter of pore size 25-35 µm and
then drum is rotated.
• During rotation, clear water comes out of drum and suspended solids remains inside
Chemical coagulation and filtration:
• In this method, precipitating agents such as alum is added in sewage.
• Fine suspended solids adsorbs to the surface of Al(OC)3 precipitate, finally
precipitate with adsorbed solids are separated by filtration.
Adsorption by activated carbon:
• Dissolved solids can be removed by filtering the water through filter containing
activated carbon particle.
Reverse osmosis:
• Reverse osmosis removes dissolved solids like NaCl and microbial cells.
If sewage after treatment is to be discharge into river, nitrate and phosphate should be
removed from sewage before disposal.
It is because nitrate and phosphate causes eutrophication.
These plant nutrients are removed by biological process.
At first sewage is placed in a tank containing nitrifying bacteria.
These bacteria converts ammonium salt and nitrite into nitrate.
Then the sewage is placed into second tank containing denitrifying bacteria.
These bacteria converts nitrate into Nitrogen gas that leaves the sewage.
Phosphate is also removed by bacteria by microbial assimilation process.
Finally microorganisms in sewage are killed by disinfection like chlorination.
The process of killing the pathogenic bacteria present in the waste water is called
disinfection of sewage.
Chlorination is the process of treating the sewage with chlorine in order to disinfect
the pathogens, either before or after the treatment.
Chlorine is added to the sewage for the following purposes,
To remove the odours.
To break down the sulphur compounds.
To kill the bacteria cells.
To prevent the flies in trickling filters.
To remove the grease.
When chlorine is added to the treated sewage as a final step in the treatment is called
The post chlorination is carried out for the sewage having low bacterial count and will
reduce the bacteria and BOD of the treated sewage.
When chlorine is added to the raw or partially treated sewage in order to control the
bacterial growth is called pre-chlorination.
Pre chlorination is used to control the odour of sewage before it enters to the
sedimentation tank, prevent the flies in trickling filter and helps to remove the grease
in skimming units.
Chlorine may be added to the sewage at the beginning and end of the treatment
process is called split chlorination.
The adsorbate is the substance that is being removed from the liquid phase at the
The adsorbent is the solid, liquid or gas phase onto which adsorbate accumulates.
Activated carbon process is an example for the adsorption of advanced sewage
treatment method.
Gas stripping involves the mass transfer of a gas from the liquid phase to the gas
The transfer is completed by contacting the liquid containing the gas that is to be
stripped with a gas that does not containing any gas initially.
Ion-exchange is a unit process in which ions of a given species are displaced from an
insoluble exchange material by ions of a different species in solution.
The most widely used method of ion-exchange is domestic water softening method.
Ion exchange method has been used in waste water application for the removal of
nitrogen, heavy metals and TSS.
Ion exchange process can be operated in a batch or continuous mode.
In a batch process, the resin is stirred with water to be treated in a reactor, until the
reaction is complete.
The used resin is removed by settling and simultaneously regenerated and reused.
In a continuous process, the exchange material is placed in a bed or a packed column
and the water to be treated is passed through it.
Advanced oxidation processes are used to oxidize the complex organic constituents
found in wastewater, that are difficult to de-grade biologically into simpler end
When chemical oxidation is used, it may not be necessary to oxidize completely a
given compound or group of compounds.
Distillation is a unit operation in which the components of a liquid solution are
separated by vaporization and condensation.
Along with reverse osmosis, distillation can be used to control the formation of salts
in critical reuse applications.
The method of distillation for wastewater reclamation is a recent development, the
current development must be consulted for the results of efficient operations and more
recent applications.
– SCIA1301
Sewage disposal is defined as the process of disposing the sewage, without affecting
the environment or the place of disposal.
Scientific method of disposal of sewage will protect the health of the community and
the humans from bad smell.
Mosquitoes, gases and other foul conditions.
Disposal of sewage by proper method will also reduce the danger of spread of disease
like typhoid, dysentery, diarrhea etc.
It also prevents the destruction of fish or other aquatic life by letting the untreated or
partially treated sewage discharge into the water bodies.
To eliminate or reduce danger to the public health by possible contamination of water
To render the sewage inoffensive without causing odour or nuisance.
To prevent the life of fish or other aquatic life by allowing raw sewage into bodies of
water as such.
The destruction of fish & other Aquatic life can be prevented by the sewage disposal
With proper sewage disposal the environment or the areas does not become polluted.
Sanitary conditions are maintained in the area.
In natural method of disposal, the sewage or wastewater is disposed into either
receiving water bodies and disposal of sewage into land for irrigation.
In artificial method of sewage disposal, before discharging the effluent into natural
water bodies, the sewage is treated for primary or secondary treatment.
The city should be situated near the river, sea or lake.
The sewage is comparatively fresh (4 to 5 hours old).
The sewage should be free from all floating and settleable solids.
The diluting water should not become a source of water supply.
The area of point of disposal should not provide facilities for settling of solids and
formation of sludge deposits.
Diluting water should have high oxygen content.
Completing mixing of the sewage with diluting water should be possible.
The diluting waters should not be used for navigational purposes.
The ratio of the quantity of the diluting water to that of the quantity of sewage is
called Dilution Factor.
If the dilution factor is less than 8, the sewage has to be completely purified under the
following circumstances.
• The diluting water has more than 20 ppm of D.O in 5 days.
• The river is being used as a source of water supply on the downstream side.
• The effluent has to be used disposed of into tidal waters which may be in the form of
river or sea.
When the method of disposal of dilution is to be adopted, a study of the effluent to be
discharged and nature of the receiving body of water should be made.
Analysis of diluting water with special reference to the available D.O.
Effect of sewage disposal on water used for aquatic life.
Hydrographic survey to determine the intensity and direction of winds, currents and
Minimum quantity of diluting water available at all time of the year.
The degree of treatment given to sewage etc.
Ground water
Ocean or sea
Perennial rivers and streams
A creek is in the form of an inlet on sea coast and it may not have dry weather flow
during some period of the year.
The wide lower tidal part of a river is known as estuary.
The dilution of sewage in estuaries is affected by ocean water in addition to the river
Hence the process of dilution of sewage in estuaries is generally satisfactory.
The sewage when applied on land ultimately filters out through different layers of
solids and it meets ground water at higher depths.
If ground water flows through favourable strata of soil, the dilution of water is
A lake is an enclosed water space and it may be used for the purpose of dilution of
In some areas, the larger lakes are used for both water supplies and disposal of
In such cases, the location of sewage disposal point should be carefully located, so as
not to affect the water supply intake.
The various characteristics of lake like its size, shape, nature of the surrounding area,
volume of fresh water flowing in it etc. should be carefully decided before deciding
its self-purifying capacity.
The ocean or sea has water in abundance and hence its capacity to dilute sewage is
practically unlimited.
The sewage of any quality can be diluted into sea.
It is observed that the sewage reacts with sea water and forms precipitates giving
milky colour to the sea water and this is known as sludge banks.
These sludge banks are undesirable as they produce hydrogen sulphide gas by
reacting with sulphate resulting in bad odour.
The dissolved oxygen in sea water is 20 % less as compared to the stream water or
fresh water and also its re-aeration is slower.
However, these deficiencies are removed by large volumes or sea water.
Following points should be noted while discharging sewage into the sea.
There should be sufficient depth of water near the point of swage discharge into the
The sea outfall for sewage should be carried sufficiently deep into the sea to a
distance of about 1.5 Km, so as not to cause any nuisance to the baths or recreation
centres on the sea shore.
The sea outfall for sewage should be placed on firm rocky foundations.
The sewage should be discharged below low water level at the time of lowest tides.
The perennial rivers and streams flow throughout the year, with maximum and
minimum limits.
The minimum limit generally occurs in summer.
The dilution in summer becomes difficult due to the fact that in summer, the high
temperature of water results in low solubility of oxygen.
The sewage under such circumstances should be properly treated before allowing
dilution with perennial rivers and streams.
When sewage is discharged into natural waters. Its organic matter gets oxidized by the
dissolved oxygen content in water, and the receiving water gets polluted due to the
waste products, present in the sewage effluents.
But this is not happening always due to the natural forces of purification.
The oxidation of organic matter converts the organic matter to simple harmless
substances. The deficiency of dissolved oxygen is filled by the absorption of
atmospheric oxygen.
Thus, the oxygen of water is consumed by the sewage and at the same time, the
oxygen is taken from the atmosphere.
This procedure occurs in all-natural waters is called Self-purification of natural
The rate of self-purification will depend on various factors such as rate of re=aeration,
type of organic matter present in the sewage, temperature, velocity of flow, presence
of available oxygen in receiving waters, sedimentation etc.
The self-purification of process of streams polluted by sewage can be grouped in the
following four zones or divisions.
Degradation Zone
Active-Decomposition Zone
Recovery Zone
Clear water Zone
The oxygen required for the self-purification is obtained by natural waters from the
atmosphere in the following three ways.
The rain water is saturated with oxygen and when combines with natural water results
in increase of oxygen content.
The surface in natural water is in contact with the atmosphere.
This surface absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere and passes it to the body of natural
Some portion of air absorbed by waves and eddies of natural waters.
The diffusion and dispersion due to the movement of fish in water will also encourage
absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere.
When sufficient dilution water is available in the receiving water body, where the
waste water is discharged, the DO level in the receiving stream may not reach to zero
or critical DO due to availability of sufficient DO initially in the river water before
receiving discharge of wastewater.
When strong water current is available, the discharged wastewater will be thoroughly
mixed with stream water preventing deposition of solids.
In small current, the solid matter from the wastewater will get deposited at the bed
following decomposition and reduction in DO.
The quantity of DO available in stream water is more in cold temperature than in hot
Also, as the activity of microorganisms is more at the higher temperature, hence, the
self- purification will take less time at hot temperature than in winter.
Algae produces oxygen in presence of sunlight due to photosynthesis.
Therefore, sunlight helps in purification of stream by adding oxygen through
Due to oxidation of organic matter discharged in the river DO depletion occurs.
This rate is faster at higher temperature and low at lower temperature.
The rate of oxidation of organic matter depends on the chemical composition of
organic matter.
The curve which represents (or) showing the depletion of D.O with time at the given
In order to counter balance, the consumption of D.O due to the de – oxygenation,
atmosphere supplies oxygen to the water and the process is called the re –
When wastewater is discharged in to the stream, the DO level in the stream goes on
This depletion of DO content is known as deoxygenation.
The rate of deoxygenation depends upon the amount of organic matter remaining (Lt),
to be oxidized at any time t, as well as temperature (T) at which reaction occurs.
The variation of depletion of DO content of the stream with time is depicted by the
deoxygenation curve in the absence of aeration.
When the DO content of the stream is gradually consumed due to BOD load,
atmosphere supplies oxygen continuously to the water, through the process of re-
aeration or reoxygenation, i.e., along with deoxygenation, re-aeration is continuous
The rate of reoxygenation depends upon:
Depth of water in the stream: more for shallow depth.
Velocity of flow in the stream: less for stagnant water.
Oxygen deficit below saturation DO: since solubility rate depends on
difference between saturation concentration and existing concentration of DO.
Temperature of water: solubility is lower at higher temperature and also
saturation concentration is less at higher temperature.
When sewage is discharged into the river, the oxygen demand by the organic matter
of sewage is satisfied.
This is presented by the de-oxygenation curve.
The ordinates below the de-oxygenation curve indicate the oxygen remaining in
natural waters, after satisfying the oxygen demand.
When de-oxygenation takes place, the deficiency or deficit of oxygen is filled up by
the process of re-aeration. This is represented by the re-oxygenation curve.
The rate of de-oxygenation becomes equal to the rate of re-oxygenation and the rate
of re-aeration depends on the deficiency of oxygen developed by the sewage.
The rate of re-oxygenation increases and the natural waters become saturated with
D.O content as before.
By using the above two curves, the quantity of net oxygen balance can be calculated
at any stage of the self-purification process.
This is represented by Oxygen sag curve or Oxygen deficit curve.
When the rate of de-oxygenation is equal to the rate of re-oxygenation, the critical
point of maximum deficit is reached.
This point is shown on the oxygen sag curve and after this point is reached, the rate of
re-oxygenation rapidly increases.
The oxygen sag curve indicates the net oxygen balance and the ordinates above the
curve represent the balance of oxygen contained in the natural waters.
The saturated DO content of the natural water is about 9.1 mg/l at 20 C.
But due to the presence of algae, organic matter or rise in temperature of water. The
initial DO concentration is about 8 mg/l instead of 9.1 mg/l. Thus, initial DO deficit is
(9.1 – 8) = 1.1 mg/l.
The reoxygenation of natural water is a continuous process.
It is Carried out by turbulence, diffusion, wind velocity, movement of fishes etc.
The entire analysis of super – imposing rates of de-oxygenation and re-oxygenation
have been carried out mathematically and given in the form of Streeter Phelps
Oxygen Deficit, D = Saturation D.O – Actual D.O
At higher temperature concentration of dissolved oxygen is low while the rate of
biological and chemical activities is high.
This is likely to lead to anaerobic condition, the pollution is heavy.
The turbulence in the body of water helps in breaking the surface of the stream or lake
and helps in rapid reaeration from the atmosphere.
Too much of turbulence scours the bottom sediment and stops algae growth.
Hydrography affects the velocity and surface expanse of the river-stream.
High velocity cause turbulence and rapid aeration, while surface expanse will also
have the same effect.
The larger the amount of dissolved oxygen present in water the better and earlier is
the self-purification process.
The rate at which dissolved oxygen is restored will considerably govern the self-
purification process.
The greater is this rate, the quicker will self-purification.
The area of land treatment is composed of sandy, loamy or alluvial soils.
Such soils are easily aerated and it is easy to maintain aerobic conditions in them.
The depth of water table is more even in rainy season so that there are no chances of
pollution of underground water sources by land treatment.
The rainfall in the area is low as it will assist in maintaining good absorption capacity
of soil.
There is absence of river or other natural water sources in the vicinity of disposal of
There is demand for cash crops which can be easily grown on sewage farms.
There is availability of large open areas in the surrounding locality for practicing
broad irrigation by sewage.
Increased fertility of land results in profitable returns of crops.
It is cheap where land is available in plenty.
Application of sewage on land is the best method of supplying manure to the soil.
Crops grown on land treated with sewage possess high calorific value and more
The method becomes very much useful at places where disposal of sewage by dilution
is not possible.
The method does not require costly equipment for its working.
The method proves economical and safe where available irrigation water is scarce in
The method to some extent charges the underground aquifers.
Water of irrigation canal is saved when this method is practised.
Adds manure to land
Pollution of natural water courses is minimized.
Does not require any installation of equipment involving high initial cost.
Crops could be grown and hence a return value is always possible to obtain.
Method especially suitable where large quantity of river water is not available at all
times of the year.
If proper precautions are not taken, nuisance developed by sewage farming may lead
to possible dangers to the health of men.
It is therefore, necessary that the sewage farms should be operated under skilled
technical supervision.
Crops grown on sewage farms are generally not liked by ordinary public.
The method is not applicable for all the seasons of year.
In monsoon, some other arrangement of sewage disposal has to be found out.
The method requires large area of land which may not be available in some cases.
Types of crops grown on sewage treated land are limited in number.
Difficult to get land during rainy and harvest seasons.
Additional land is required for reserve.
Sanitary reasons may not permit growing of crops on sewage farms.
More land area is required is sewage volume is greater since land capacity is limited.
If all precautions are not taken, sewage farming results in sewage sickness to land and
health to life.
In this method, sewage is allowed to flow over cultivated lands, from which a part of
the sewage evaporates, some percolates and the rest escape into surface drainage
Sewage waters the land and adds to its fertilizing value, due to the presence of
nitrogen, phosphorus, potash etc.
These fertilizing elements of sewage are consumed by the roots of crops.
Crops like cotton, potatoes, sugarcane, grass etc, can be profitably grown. This is also
called sewage farming.
The process in which sewage is used for growing crops is known as sewage farming.
The fertilizing elements of sewage i. e nitrates, sulphates, & phosphates are used by
the roots of crops.
The nutrients of sewage make the fields fertile.
It is a profitable business & a good income can be generated by sewage farming.
If sewage is applied continuously on a piece of land, pores or voids of soil are filled
up or clogged.
Free circulation of air is thereby prevented and anaerobic conditions develop.
At this stage, the land is unable to take any further sewage load.
Organic matter decomposes and foul-smelling gases are produced.
The phenomena of soil are known as sewage sickness of land.
In order to prevent sewage sickness of land, the following preventive measures may
be adopted
There should be ample provision of extra land so that land with sewage sickness can
be given the desired rest.
Alternatively, sewage should be disposed of by some other method when sewage
farms are taking rest.
If sewage is applied in excess, the chances of sewage sickness are increased.
The land is unable to receive the excess sewage in a satisfactory way and it ultimately
clogs up.
Depth of sewage on land should be carefully decided by keeping in view the climatic
conditions, drainage facilities, nature of crops and characteristics of soil.
Subsoil drain pipes should be laid in sufficient number to collect the percolated
Sewage should be applied on land at intervals.
The period between successive applications depends on general working of sewage
farm and the permeability of soil.
Depending on the nature of the soil, this period between successive applications
varies from few hours to few weeks.
sewage should be given some pre-treatment before it is applied on land.
It is desirable to grow different types of crops on a piece of land instead of one single
Rotation of crops minimizes the chances of sewage sickness.
The land affected by sewage sickness should be properly treated before it is put up in
use again.
Clogged surfaces should be broken by suitable equipment.
Primary treatment like screening & sedimentation should be given to sewage before its
application to land so that suspended solids are removed & the pores of soil will not be
The sewage should be applied intermittently on land i.e by giving rest to the land for some
The land should be ploughed during non-supply period of sewage so that soil gets aerated.
Keeping some portion of land reserved in order to use the same in resting period.
Enough area will be required for this purpose.
By planting different crops on the same land by rotation system of crops.
The soil will be aerated & will utilize the fertilizing elements of sewage.
By providing sufficient under drainage system to collect the excessive sewage quantity.
By frequent ploughing & rotation of soil.
By not applying the sewage in excess quantity.
A proprietary dispersal system is available that treats effluent from a septic tank, releasing
much cleaner water into the soil than standard dispersal systems.
The sludge has an objectionable odour and it may pollute the environment.
It is bulky and contains large amount of water.
Its specific gravity may be taken as very nearly equal to that of water.
In 100 parts of sludge, about 98 % of water and remaining 2 % only the solid matter present
in the sludge.
In the moisture content of the sludge is reduced to about 70 % to 80 %, the sludge become
If the moisture content is reduced to 10 %, the sludge becomes dry and assumes powder
The water is so firmly held in the sludge and it requires special treatment for water removal
from the sludge.
Before disposing the sludge, it should undergo various unit processes are:
Sludge Thickening
Sludge Digestion
Sludge Dewatering
The sludge from primary sedimentation tank and sludge from secondary
sedimentation units contains 96 % to 99 % of moisture content in its volume.
Before disposing the sludge, the moisture should be removed in order to reduce the
volume of sludge disposal.
To reduce the cost of transport for heavy volume of disposal.
To minimize the land requirement.
To save the additional fuel required for incineration method of sewage disposal.
Sludge digestion is a biological process in which organic solids are decomposed into stable
Digestion reduces the total mass of solids, destroys pathogens, and makes it easier to dewater
or dry the sludge.
Digested sludge is inoffensive, having the appearance and characteristics of a rich
potting soil.
Sludge, the by-product of biological wastewater treatment is also considered as biomass.
Energy recovery from sludge is possible through sludge incineration (biomass-to-energy) or
by means of sludge digestion (biomass-to-biogas).
The methane generation is a key advantage of the anaerobic process.
The methane can be used to generate heat and electric power in cogeneration units while
reducing the carbon footprint and greenhouse emissions of the wastewater treatment plant.
After sludge digestion, the digestate can be stabilized for landfill or used as fertilizer,
depending on its composition and local legislation.
An alternative is to further mechanically dewater the sludge prior to thermal drying and
Most large sewage treatment plants use a two-stage digestion system in which organics are
metabolized by bacteria anaerobically (in the absence of oxygen).
In the first stage, the sludge, thickened to a dry solids (DS) content of about 5 percent, is
heated and mixed in a closed tank for several days.
Acid-forming bacteria hydrolyze large molecules such as proteins and lipids, breaking them
into smaller water-soluble molecules, and then ferment those smaller molecules into various
fatty acids.
The sludge then flows into a second tank, where the dissolved matter is converted by other
bacteria into biogas, a mixture of carbon dioxide and methane.
Methane is combustible and is used as a fuel to heat the first digestion tank as well as to
generate electricity for the plant.
In some cases, the sludge is inoculated with extra hydrolytic enzymes at the beginning of the
first digestion stage in order to supplement the action of the bacteria.
It has been found that this enzymatic treatment can destroy more unwanted pathogens in the
sludge and also can result in the generation of more biogas in the second stage of digestion.
In a typical case, the process begins with a sludge that has been dewatered to a DS content of
some 15 percent.
The sludge is mixed with steam in a pulper, and this hot homogenized mixture is fed to a
reactor, where it is held under pressure at approximately 165 °C (about 330 °F) for about 30
At that point, with the hydrolytic reactions complete, some of the steam is bled off (to be fed
to the pulper), and the sludge, still under some pressure, is released suddenly into a “flash
tank,” where the sudded drop in pressure bursts the cell walls of much of the solid matter.
The hydrolyzed sludge is cooled, diluted slightly with water, and then sent directly to the
second stage of anaerobic digestion.
Sludge digestion may also take place aerobically—that is, in the presence of oxygen.
Although aerobic systems are easier to operate than anaerobic systems, they usually cost
more to operate because of the power needed for aeration.
Aerobic digestion is often combined with small extended aeration or contact stabilization
Aerobic and conventional anaerobic digestion convert about half of the organic sludge solids
to liquids and gases.
Thermal hydrolysis followed by anaerobic digestion can convert some 60 to 70 percent of the
solid matter to liquids and gases.
Not only is the volume of solids produced smaller than in conventional digestion, but the
greater production of biogas can make some wastewater treatment plants self-sufficient
in energy.
Reduction of sludge volume.
Production of biogas available for heat and electric power generation.
Reduction of greenhouse gases.
Figure No.1
Sludge conditioning is a process whereby sludge solids are treated with chemicals or various
other means to prepare the sludge for dewatering processes, in other words, to improve
dewatering characteristics of the sludge.
Digested sewage sludge is usually dewatered before disposal.
A digested sludge slurry is spread on an open bed of sand and allowed to remain until dry.
Drying takes place by a combination of evaporation and gravity drainage through the sand.
A piping network built under the sand collects the water, which is pumped back to the head
of the plant.
After about six weeks of drying, the sludge cake, as it is called, may have a solids content of
about 40 percent.
It can then be removed from the sand with a pitchfork or a front-end loader.
In order to reduce drying time in wet or cold weather, a glass enclosure may be built over the
sand beds.
Since a good deal of land area is needed for drying beds, this method of dewatering is
commonly used in rural or suburban towns rather than in densely populated cities.
The final destination of treated sewage sludge usually is the land.
Dewatered sludge can be buried underground in a sanitary landfill.
It also may be spread on agricultural land in order to make use of its value as a soil
conditioner and fertilizer.
The suspended solids that accumulate at the bottom of the clarifiers or settling tank is called
There are different types of sludge based on the sources are:
Chemically precipitated sludge
Trickling filter sludge
Digested sludge
Sludge from settling tank
Sludge from activated sludge process.
The sewage after treatment is separated into two different parts:
The effluent is clear sparkling liquid and sludge is a combination of suspended solids with
different proportions of water.
The disposal of effluent is not a problem whereas the disposal of sludge should be carefully
done in order to avoid the pollutions.
The effluent can be used for various purposes such as street washing, fish culture, growing
crops, industrial supply, watering for public park etc.