By Arega G.
1. Introduction to sewage(WW) treatment
1.1 General about Wastewater Treatment
1.2 Objectives of Wastewater Treatment
1.3 Types of sewage, sources and collection methods
1.4 Flow Sheets for Wastewater Treatment Systems
Chapter One
Introduction to sewage(WW) treatment
Wastewater or sewage is the by product of many uses of water.
Basic Terms
Sewerage System: - is the system of sewers including all
appurtenances required for sewage disposal. A sewerage system
will consist of mainly:
i.) collection work
ii.) Treatment works if any
iii.) Disposal works.
I. Collection works: are provided for collecting sewage from
different points of occurrence and conveying sewage to any desired
points with the help of a sewer system.
II. Treatment work: sewerage treatment covers any process to which
the sewage is subjected in order to remove or alter its objectionable
constituents so as to render it less dangerous or offensive.
III. Disposal work: sewage disposal applies to the act of disposing of
sewage by any method to a body of water or on land.
Collection and Conveyance of Sewage
System of sanitation is classified on the basis of collection and
conveyance of waste produced in a community.
This is mainly related to excreta disposal.
The methods of collection adopted are mainly the following two types:
(a) Non-water carriage sanitation systems /Dry or Conservancy system
(b) Water carriage sanitation system.
Non-water carriage / Dry or Conservancy system
Old and outdated system of disposal
This is adopted where no sewerage system exists.
In this system all sorts of refuse from a community is collected first in
dust bins or garbage vats, which are located at suitable points inside the
Disposal of refuse is done by means of land filling, incineration,
composting or dumping in the sea.
Mostly used in villages / undeveloped urban areas
Sewerage system (wastewater collection and treatment) is not
available for the disposal of sanitary wastes in most towns and all rural
areas of our country.
Therefore, privies are in use for collection and disposal of
night soils.
Conservancy is chosen and in such system human excreta is
collected in various types of privies
The types of privies that may be adopted are the following:
Bore -hole latrines
Aqua privy
Chemical toilets
Flow Equalization Equalization of flow and mass loadings of BOD suspended solids.
Mixing of chemicals and gases with waste water and maintaining solids
in suspension