Potential Use of Waste Tire Rubber As Aggregate in Cement Concrete A Comprehensive Review
Potential Use of Waste Tire Rubber As Aggregate in Cement Concrete A Comprehensive Review
Potential Use of Waste Tire Rubber As Aggregate in Cement Concrete A Comprehensive Review
h i g h l i g h t s
Recycling waste tires can protect environment and achieve sustainable development.
The properties of CRC are systemically discussed and compared with those of NAC.
The microstructure of CRC is summarized.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The utilisation and reuse of waste tire rubber in concrete can reduce the consumption of raw materials,
Received 13 November 2018 which leads to economic efficiency and sustainable development of the construction industry. In this
Received in revised form 31 May 2019 review, we conclude the major achievement of crumb rubber concrete (CRC) in nearly 5 years, discuss
Accepted 19 July 2019
and analyse its fresh concrete properties, mechanical properties, durability and other properties. Results
show that utilising the hydrophobic nature of rubber particles and appropriate admixture can increase
slump and improve the workability of concrete. Concrete incorporating crumb rubber (CR) particles
decreases the fresh density, and it decreases linearly with the increase in the CR content. The mechanical
Crumb rubber
properties of concrete generally decrease as the CR content incorporated increases. However, the compres-
Mechanical property sive and flexural strength of CRC, which is slightly above that of natural aggregate concrete (NAC), is limited
Durability to fine CR size that replaces sand and optimum CR replacement level (CR content from 0% to 10% increases
Microstructure the compressive strength by 2%, and the flexural strength is increased by 7%–21% in mixes with 10%–20%
CR). CRC has higher water absorption and permeability than NAC. Nevertheless, small amounts of rubber
replacement level (2.5%–7.5% CR) and mixing different rubber particle sizes can reduce the water absorp-
tion of concrete. CRC exhibits high freeze–thaw resistance, electrical resistance, abrasion resistance and
resistance to sulfuric and sulfate attack when incorporating proper CR content at concrete mixes. The depth
of chloride-ion penetration of CRC decreases with low CR content (up to 27.3% of reduction for CR content of
5%) but increases when the CR content exceeds 20%. A clear advantage of CRC is favourable thermal and
acoustic insulation. The mechanical properties and durability of CRC can be improved by adding treated
CR particles, fibres and supplementary cementing materials. Further research is needed to improve the
weak bonding in the interfacial transition zone between CR aggregates and cement paste, thereby increas-
ing the mechanical properties and durability of CRC. Discussions in this paper can provide new knowledge
and information on the applications of green and sustainable CRC.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1184
2. Classification and composition of rubber particles in CRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1184
3. Properties of concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1184
3.1. Fresh concrete properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1184
3.1.1. Workability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1184
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: wrj7163@xaut.edu.cn (R. Wang), dangfn@mail.xaut.edu.cn (F. Dang).
0950-0618/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1184 Y. Li et al. / Construction and Building Materials 225 (2019) 1183–1201
1. Introduction tire rubber in concrete between 2015 and 2019. The classification
and composition of rubber particles and the fresh concrete,
A large number of tires are thrown away or buried throughout mechanical, durability and other-related properties of CRC are
the world, which seriously threatens the environment. Disposal of summarised in this paper. Furthermore, this paper presents a
waste tire rubber has turned into a crucial environmental issue review that delves into the micro-morphology of concrete incorpo-
worldwide. Waste tires are discarded in different ways, such as rating CR particles as studied by SEM to explain the effect of CR on
burning [1] and landfilling [2], or they are used as mulch in sports concrete properties. Moreover, research results are analysed and
ground and binder modifier in asphalt [3]. Stockpiled tires cause discussed.
health, environmental and economic risks through air, water and
soil pollution [2]. One of the research directions in recent years is
2. Classification and composition of rubber particles in CRC
the use of waste tires in technologies to produce concrete, which
is the most used material in construction and consumes a large
Mechanical and chemical processes have been developed to
amount of natural resources. Conceivable solutions to utilise dis-
obtain an optimal rubber particle size applied to the construction
posed tire rubbers are to incorporate them into concrete as a
industry [14]. CR particles are generated from waste tires using
replacement for cement and natural aggregates. Using waste tire
two different technologies, namely, mechanical grinding at ambi-
rubber particles as aggregates in cement concrete is a resource-
ent temperature and cryogenic grinding at a temperature below
conserving and environment-friendly approach.
the glass transition temperature [15]. Different grinding tech-
Crumb rubber (CR) in concrete has low stiffness [4] and good
niques can yield varying sizes of CR particles, and the most fre-
flexibility [5], and the properties of CR concrete (CRC) are influ-
quently used size is between 2 and 4 mm [16]. At present, waste
enced by particle size [6], cleanliness [7], content [8], shape [9]
tire rubber particles can be ground to a particle size of
and quality of surface finish of CR [10]. The properties of fresh
100–150 lm through new technology [17].
and hardened concrete incorporating CR particles have been inves-
In most of the research performed, four broad categories of dis-
tigated in several previous studies [11–13]. However, a detailed
carded tire rubbers, namely, ash/powder, chip, granular and fibre
classification and composition of CR were not provided in these
rubbers, are usually considered (Table 1). The general composition
reviews, and some of the important properties of concrete, includ-
and chemical elements of CR from waste tires are listed in Tables 2
ing its abrasion resistance, thermal conductivity and resistance and
and 3, and images of different tire rubber aggregate sizes are pre-
acid and sulfate resistance, were not considered in the reviews
sented in Fig. 1. The CR particles from waste tires are sieved, seg-
reported in the literature [12,13]. For instance, the review by Tho-
regated and used to partially replace fine aggregates [4] or coarse
mas and Gupta [11] did not cover reports on the splitting tensile
aggregates [8] in mortar [38] and concrete [23]. In certain cases,
strength of CRC. Additionally, none of the previous reviews pro-
tire granules are ground and sieved to powder or ash, which can
vided any information about the microstructure of CRC; in recent
partially replace cement [3,18]. Rubber fibres are also used as
studies, significant efforts have been made to explain the beha-
partial replacement for mineral aggregates [9,30].
viour of concrete containing CR through scanning electron micro-
scopy (SEM) observations. However, the existing reviews only
cover research before 2014, whilst more than 80 reports on con- 3. Properties of concrete
crete incorporating CR particles were published between 2015
and 2019. Therefore, an up-to-date comprehensive review that 3.1. Fresh concrete properties
covers concrete incorporating CR is necessary to understand the
behaviour of this important construction material. 3.1.1. Workability
Although considerable research has been conducted, many are The workability of concrete is usually evaluated by measuring
still controversial. This study aims to provide an all- slump. As presented in Table 4, the slump of CRC is lower than
encompassing review of the existing reports on the use of waste that of natural aggregate concrete (NAC), and it decreases with
Y. Li et al. / Construction and Building Materials 225 (2019) 1183–1201 1185
Table 1
Classification of the rubber particles used in previous studies.
Table 2
General composition of CR from waste tires.
Reference Rubber polymers (%) Carbon black (%) Sulphur (%) Ash content (%) Acetone extract (%) Water, mineral, textile material etc. (%)
Sodupe-Ortega et al. [33] 38.30 31.30 3.23 5.43 7.30 14.44
Liu and Zhang [34] 44.60 30.70 0.50 4.20 16.90 3.10
Muñoz-Sánchez et al. [35] 40–55 30–38 5 3–7 10–20 –
Raffoul et al. [10] 40–55 20–25 – – – –
Table 3
Chemical elements of waste tire rubber.
Reference C (%) O (%) Zn (%) S (%) Si (%) Mg (%) Al (%) Na (%) H (%) Ga (%)
Bisht and Ramana [36] 87.5 9.24 1.77 1.07 0.2 0.14 0.08 – – –
Gupta et al. [30] 87.51 9.23 1.76 1.08 0.2 0.14 0.08 – – –
Angelin et al. [9] 91.5 3.3 3.5 1.2 – – – 0.2 0.2 0.1
increasing CR content. CR particles possess a rougher surface and found that concrete with CR (20% fine aggregate by volume) cut
higher coefficient of friction than particles of natural aggregate, to 3 mm, ground to 0.5 mm and ground to 0.3 mm exhibits
which results in an increase in flow resistance [39]. Thin impuri- decreased slump values of 16.8%, 23.2% and 25.2%, respectively,
ties, such as rubber dust and fluff, on the outside of rubber particles compared with concrete without CR. SEM images for different sizes
decrease free water in fresh concrete, thereby reducing flow capac- of CR particles are shown in Fig. 2. In these images, some dents and
ity [19,24]. Moustafa and ElGawady [41] determined that increas- jagged areas on small CR particles are evident, and the surface of
ing the CR content from 5% to 30% to replace sand by volume rubber cut to 3 mm is much smoother than that of rubber ground
decreases slump by 33%–83% compared with the use of high- to 0.5 and 0.3 mm. Ismail et al. [22] observed that CRC (30% CR
strength (HS) concrete without CR aggregates. replacement sand by volume) with 0.6–1.1 mm- and 0.1–
However, some scholars have found that the addition of CR 0.6 mm-sized CR presents decreased slump flow diameters of
increases concrete slump. CR does not absorb water, unlike river 0.6% and 3.5%, respectively, relative to NAC.
sand; hence, the workability of concrete increases with the CR con-
tent [40]. Mendis et al. [29] found that using an appropriate admix- 3.1.2. Fresh density
ture can significantly improve the workability of the CRC mix The fresh density of CRC is listed in Table 4. The density of con-
despite the proportion of CR being considerably high. As reported crete decreases when CR is incorporated into concrete and
by Sodupe-Ortega et al. [33], when increasing the CR replacement decreases linearly with the increase in the amount of CR. The den-
level from 10% to 40%, the average slump values of automated sity of CRC is lower than that of NAC due to two reasons: (1) the
manufacturing of rubberised long hollow blocks and bricks specific gravity of CR aggregates is lower than that of natural
increase from 119% to 476% relative to mixing 0% CR. aggregates [5,50]; and (2) CR particles have a tendency to repel
The effect of CR size on concrete slump is listed in Table 4. Fine water and attract air on the rough surface of rubber, thereby
CR size leads to small slump values of CRC. Waste tires are sheared increasing the percentage of CR to increase the air content. The
and ground into fine CR particles, which are rougher than large CR. porosity generated by air bubbles is lower than the unit weight
Fine CR particles also present a high surface area and water of water [47,51].
absorbability [49]. Large CR particles need high energy to over- The fresh density of CRC is usually measured by bulk density
come their internal friction and flow with ease [42]. Su et al. [49] [5,24], and some scholars have used unit weight to describe it
1186 Y. Li et al. / Construction and Building Materials 225 (2019) 1183–1201
Fig. 1. Various sizes of scrap tire particles in CRC (See above-mentioned references for further information.).
[42,43]. In Table 4, when 5%–30% CR particles are used to replace Different parameters have been investigated to improve
sand by volume, the fresh density of HS concrete decreases by mechanical properties. These parameters include the CR content
2%–6% compared with that of concrete without CR [41]. Replacing in concrete, particle size of CR and replaced material (cement, fine
2.5%–20% by weight of river sand with CR decreases the bulk den- aggregate and coarse aggregate). Treated CR particles (NaOH
sity of HS concrete by 0%–9.6% compared with that of control mix [25,54,55], H2SO4 [35], Ca(OH)2 [35], CH3COOH [35], KMnO4 [56],
with 0% CR [5]. Using 10%–60% CR to replace sand by volume silane coupling agent (SCA) [19], acetone [52], methanol [52], etha-
decreases the unit weight of fresh cementitious mixtures by nol [52] treatment and limestone powder (LP) [57], cement [58],
3.1%–10.7% compared with that of mixtures without CR [42]. silica fume (SF) [58], styrene butadiene copolymer [38] pre-
CRC specimens with larger CR particles are denser than speci- coated), fibres [24,43,45,59] and supplementary cementing materi-
mens with finer CR [26]. Su et al. [49] showed that CR particles als (ground-granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) [22], metakaolin
with different sizes result in varying reductions in concrete’s fresh (MK) [22], SF [22,55,57], glass powder (GP) [41], sand powder (SP)
density. The reduction in the fresh density of concrete with CR [41], nano silica (NS) [27], natural zeolite [25]) can also be added to
aggregates cut to 3 mm is the smallest. CR aggregates ground to mixtures; partial oxidation [60] can be performed to improve
0.5 and 0.3 mm exhibit a slightly higher level of reduction, which mechanical properties (Table 5). However, the addition of steel
is in agreement with the original density values of CR aggregates. fibres to rubberised concrete will not cause any significant
improvement regarding compressive strength and modulus of
3.2. Mechanical properties elasticity, but it will improve splitting tensile strength and flexural
strength [44,61].
A number of experimental studies reported that adding CR to
concrete mixtures reduces its compressive strength, flexural
strength, splitting tensile strength and modulus of elasticity in 3.2.1. Compressive strength
most cases (Table 4). This phenomenon is mostly attributed to Almost all previous studies have indicated that compressive
the following factors. (1) Unlike hard cement slurry, soft rubber strength generally decreases with increasing CR content. When
particles are prone to deformation under load, which results in the CR content is excessive, poor adhesion and agglomeration of
microcrack development in concrete [24]. Cracks will develop CR are evident on the fracture surface, leading to weak ITZ [20].
rapidly at the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between CR aggre- Mohammed and Adamu [28] found that the substitution of 20%
gates and cement paste at continuous loading, which results in fail- and 30% fine aggregates with CR decreases compressive strength
ure of CRC [51]. (2) The poor chemical interaction between the by 16.3% and 23.2%, respectively, relative to NAC. Field emission
different phases of smooth CR particles and cement matrix leads scanning electron microscope (FESEM) images (Fig. 3) suggest that
to poor adhesion at the ITZ [52]. On the contrary, cement paste per- increasing the CR replacement rate also increases the voids in
meates through traditional rigid aggregates and even produces a hardened concrete and the thickness of the ITZ. Fernández-Ruiz
chemical reaction that leads to good bonds [53]. (3) Concrete con- et al. [18] studied concrete incorporating CR powder as partial
taining CR aggregates causes numerous air voids and reduces cement replacement. Using 2.5% and 5% CR powder to replace
mechanical properties [31,51]. cement decreases compressive strength by 28% and 38.2%,
Y. Li et al. / Construction and Building Materials 225 (2019) 1183–1201 1187
Table 4
Fresh and mechanical properties of CRC.
respectively, compared with that of NAC [18]. Mishra and Panda reasons for the insignificant effect of CR or the increase in the
[23] identified that compressive strength decreases as the amount mechanical properties of mixture are as follows. (1) The influence
of replacement coarse aggregates of CR increases at all ages in con- of CR size on compressive strength is critical. On the one hand, fine
ventional CRC and self-compacting rubberised concrete (SCRC). CR aggregates have lesser voids than coarse aggregates [22,51]. On
Kashani et al. [58] observed that SF-coated CR aggregate reduces the other hand, fine CR particles may limit the negative effects of
this gap significantly, and the colour of hydrated cement is dark differential strains of rubber–cement paste and reduce the volume
at the ITZ. SF increases the pozzolanic reaction in concrete and pro- of the weak interface between particles and matrix [22]. In a
duces considerable levels of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gels. research conducted by Gonen [51], they replaced 0.5% sand and
EDS data suggest that the calcium-to-silicon (Ca/Si) ratios of gravel by weight with CR; their results revealed that compressive
untreated and SF-coated CR are 4.9 and 3.8, respectively. Low strength reduces 8.3% of tile paving stones given a CR size of
Ca/Si ratios indicate high C-S-H gel formation. Therefore, 2 mm, but it reduces compressive strength by only 3.6% given a
SF-coated CR particles can improve the bond at the ITZ and the CR size of 1 mm. (2) When the CR replacing value is at the optimal
compressive strength of CRC [58]. level, the CR aggregates are uniformly distributed in concrete,
However, as shown in Table 4, concrete incorporating CR parti- thereby increasing the compressive strength of concrete [45]. Such
cles may not always exert a negative effect on compressive a phenomenon may also be due to the improvement of aggregate
strength. Some studies have found that incorporating CR does gradation in concrete [13]. Shen et al. [45] found an increase of
not produce significant changes on the compressive strength of 8.5% in compressive strength at 7 days and 2.2% at 28 days for con-
concrete [22,50,51]. Other researchers have reported that CR crete tactile paving blocks with 10% CR compared with that with-
increases concrete strength [13,45]. Overall, the two possible out CR.
1188 Y. Li et al. / Construction and Building Materials 225 (2019) 1183–1201
Fig. 2. SEM images for different sizes of CR particles: (a) cutting to 3 mm; (b) grinding to 0.5 mm; (c) grinding to 0.3 mm [49].
3.2.2. Flexural strength mixes with 10% and 20% CR contents, respectively, compared with
The influences of the size, replacement pattern, ratio and type of NAC.
CR on the flexural strength of CRC are presented in Table 4. When
10% CR is replaced for sand, flexural strength decreases by 18% rela-
3.2.3. Splitting tensile strength
tive to NAC, and the decrease is more significant with 50% of replace-
Incorporating CR to replace coarse [23] and fine [46,47] aggre-
ment level and reaches approximately 32% [45]. Using 2.5%–10%
gates also decreases the tensile strength of concrete. Distinct CR
rubber powder to replace cement decreases flexural strength by
substitution rates corresponding to varying splitting tensile
23.3%–20% in comparison with NAC [18]. When 10% and 15% coarse
strength values by different authors are depicted in Table 4. The
aggregates are substituted with CR, flexural strength decreases by
splitting tensile strength of CRC decreases as the CR content
9% and 19%, respectively, in comparison with NAC [25]. The influ-
increases. However, shearing rubber to a suitable size allows it to
ence of the shape of CR aggregates (spheroids and fibres) on mechan-
bridge the tensile cracks of CRC [48].
ical resistance has been studied. Concrete containing fibre rubber
Splitting tensile strength can be improved by adding other com-
aggregate presents low strength loss [9]. SEM images (Fig. 4) depict
ponents to CRC and modifying the surface of CR aggregates. As
that incorporating fibre rubber particles into concrete presents a rel-
shown in Table 5, Mohammed and Adamu [28] reported that the
atively stronger bond at the ITZ than that when incorporating spher-
28 day splitting tensile strength of CRC (30% CR content) mixtures
oid rubber particles. Greater propagation of microcracks, weaker ITZ
with 1% and 2% NS increases by 21.4% and 18.75%, respectively,
and additional voids are also observed, as shown in Fig. 4(a).
compared with that without NS. NS enhances the bond between
Although incorporating CR reduces concrete strength, the ratio of
the hardened cement paste and aggregates [28]. Elchalakani [4]
flexural strength to compressive one (Rf-c) remains greater than that
determined that the maximum reductions in splitting tensile
of NAC, as shown in Fig. 5. The Rf-c value corresponding to concrete
strength are 80.62% and 60% for normal-strength and HS concrete
containing 10%, 20% and 30% CR increases by 2.95%, 4.23% and
with 40% CR content, respectively. The outcomes are attributed to
1.48%, respectively, compared with that of NAC. Therefore, under
the fact that SF enhances ITZ bonding in HS concrete.
the same compressive strength, CRC presents better flexural tough-
ness than NAC [62]. Elastic rubber particles present high ductility
and toughness and can absorb and dissipate the impact energy; 3.2.4. Modulus of elasticity
hence, the initiation and propagation of cracks are delayed in con- Concrete is a heterogeneous material, and the elastic modulus
crete [48,56]. of rubber greatly differs from that of concrete components [63].
The improvement of flexural strength is only limited to a rela- The stiffness of CR particles leads to rubber itself having a low
tively small CR content [40]. For instance, Jokar et al. [25] observed elastic modulus, thereby reducing the overall elastic modulus
that replacing 5% CR in concrete increases flexural strength by 25% of concrete [48]. Moreover, the poor bonding between CR aggre-
compared with NAC. Mohammed and Adamu [28] determined that gate and cement paste causes the rapid development of cracks
the flexural strength for 28 days increases by 39.3% and 9.3% for under loading. In this case, the elastic modulus of CRC is lower
Table 5
Effect of adding other ingredients and treating CR particles on some mechanical properties of CRC.
Enhancement Rubber size/type Replacement Rubber Compressive strength Flexural strength change rate Tensile strength Modulus of elasticity Reference
treatments pattern replacement change rate (28-day) (28-day) change rate (28-day) change rate (28-day)
Polypropylene fibre 150 lm–4.75 mm (powder and Fine 5–15% by "7.5–21.9% "23.8–26.9% (5–10% CR), "18.3–21.2% "8.8–4.1% Hesami et al.
(0.1%) granular) aggregate volume "21.1% (15%CR) [45]
Polyester Fibre 0.2–1.2 mm (powder and Fine 7.5%–22.5% ;18.4–13.9% (7.5–15% CR), ;13.8–15% (7.5–15% CR), ;6.6–40.8% ;6.2–6.5% (7.5–15% Gurunandan
(0.5%) granular) aggregate by mass ;33.8% (22.5% CR) ;9.1% (22.5% CR) CR), ;1.9% (22.5% CR) et al. [59]
Steel fibres 0.075–4.75 mm (powder and Fine 5–15% by "1.3–1.4% (5–10% CR), "22.4–19.3% (5–10% CR), "22.8–19.5% (5–10% "1.5–5.3% Ismail and
granular) aggregate volume "0.4% (15% CR) "16.8% (15% CR) CR), "19.2% (15% CR) Hassan [43]
Manufactured steel 0–4 mm (powder and Fine and 20–60% by "1.7–10% "23–115% – No obvious effect Alsaif et al. [24]
fibres granular), 4–20 mm (chip) coarse volume
1190 Y. Li et al. / Construction and Building Materials 225 (2019) 1183–1201
Fig. 4. SEM images comparing spheroid (a) and fibre (b) waste tire rubber [9].
than that of NAC [44]. Table 4 depicts the variation in the elastic to NAC [40]. The elastic modulus of concrete decreases by 4.8%–
modulus of CRC with the CR replacement ratio. The elastic mod- 51.5% using 10%–50% CR replacement level [48]. Some of the
ulus decreases with an increase in the CR replacement ratio. results of previously presented investigations are summarised
Increasing CR contents from 5% to 25% of fine aggregate volume in Tables 4 and 5 to yield insight into the influences of CR par-
reduces the elastic modulus of concrete by 2.44%–31.74% relative ticles on the elastic modulus.
Y. Li et al. / Construction and Building Materials 225 (2019) 1183–1201 1191
Fig. 9. 28 Freezing-thawing cycles test results [51]. compressive strength of all specimens increases at 7 days of acid
attack. This result is attributed to a small amount of hard ettringite
in the early stage, which increases concrete strength [81]. After
barrier effect of rubber fibres and the filling effect of rubber pow-
28 days, the change law and causes are similar to the changes in
der can restrain the chloride ingress in cement matrix [31]. Zhu
weight at 90 and 180 days [36].
et al. [77] mentioned that CRC has higher resistance to chloride
Gupta et al. [31] observed that the compressive strength loss of
ion erosion than NAC, especially at temperatures below 20 °C.
hybrid rubber concrete (rubber powder and fibres) is lower than
Low w/c ratio also can increase the resistance to chloride ion pen-
that of rubber powder concrete with 180 days of immersion in
etration of CRC [78].
acid. Hydrochloric acid attack is less severe than sulfuric acid
attack. Rubber fibres can act like a stable barrier, which delays
3.3.6. Acid and sulfate resistance the ingress of acid [31]. The resistance against H2SO4 of CRC con-
Concrete is a type of heterogeneous material with poor liquid taining 15% CR and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substituting
permeability resistance [79]. It is easily destroyed under acid ero- fine natural aggregate is higher than that of NAC, given that spec-
sion because alkaline cement hydration products react with hydro- imens with PET particles retain higher integrity and density than
gen ions [80]. Table 6 shows that CRC exhibits high acid resistance those without [82]. CRC presents maximum resistance to acid
[36,67]. The durability of CRC under H2SO4 attack is studied by and sulfate attack with combined dosage of 1% recycled plastic
testing changes in weight and compressive strength, as illustrated fibre and 15% SBR [79].
in Figs. 15 and 16. Fig. 15 shows that all the concrete specimens Sulfate attack on concrete is one of the most severe problems
with and without CR present minimal and consistent changes in that affect durability, and mass loss is the evaluating indicator to
weight when submerged in 3% H2SO4 solution at 7 and 28 days. test the sulfate resistance of CRC [68,69]. Some scholars have stud-
This result may be due to few short-term chemical reactions. How- ied the water absorption and compressive strength loss change
ever, at 90 and 180 days, NAC exhibits high weight loss, which under sulfate attack [69,83]. As shown in Table 6, this property is
decreases with the increase in CR substitution rate (Fig. 15). The mainly affected by CR size, replacement ratio and w/c ratio. Tho-
newly formed compounds increase the internal pressure of con- mas and Gupta [69] noted a gradual increase in weight at 28 and
crete and produce numerous cracks that lead to rusting–spalling 91 days of sulfate attack, and the weight increases with concrete
concrete and deterioration of structures [80]. The bridge effect of containing 0%–12.5% CR and decreases with concrete containing
rubber prevents the development of cracks; hence, CRC has better 15%–20% CR at 182 days. Fig. 17 depicts that compressive strength
resistance to acid attack than NAC [1]. Fig. 16 presents that the loss increases with increasing CR content, but the effect of strength
Fig. 10. SEM images of foamed concrete specimens mixed with crumb rubber [72].
Y. Li et al. / Construction and Building Materials 225 (2019) 1183–1201 1195
from entering concrete. When the w/c ratio is 0.5 (high w/c ratio),
the depth of carbonation gradually increases with the increase in
the amount of CR. Concrete with high w/c ratios may increase pore
sizes and accelerate carbonation.
Fig. 14. Chloride penetration depth for all concrete mixes assessed at the end of 90 and 150 days of chloride exposure in fully-saturated and wet-dry conditions [39].
found that thermal conductivity reduces by 7.5%–15% when light- [32]. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis by Luhar
weight cellular concrete (LCC) contains 10%–30% weight percent- et al. [32] suggests that FA based on rubberised geopolymer concrete
age CR of total solid mass compared with LCC without CR. has excellent thermal resistance. When the temperature exceeds
Incorporating additional CR increases porosity and air entrapment 600 °C, the polymerisation of unreacted crystalline material results
in concrete and increases air pockets with low thermal conductiv- in an increase in amorphous content; hence, the compressive
ity [14,74]. This hybrid recycled concrete aggregate–rubberised strength of geopolymer concrete is gained [32].
concrete (RARC) also has extremely low thermal conductivity,
which can as a non-structural thermal insulating material [84]. 3.6. Sound absorption and insulation
Fig. 20 shows that the thermal conductivity of the RARC specimen
is reduced by 36.8% relative to that of NAC. The sound absorption and insulation property of concrete
Elevated temperature has a negative effect on concrete, espe- improve with increasing CR content [88]. Concrete containing
cially on CRC [48]. Youssf et al. [48] noticed that increasing elevated 20% CR can effectively isolate low-frequency sounds, such as rail-
temperature exposure time from 12 h to 24 h has no significant way trains that pass through tunnels at high speed, heavy trucks,
effect on the compressive strength of both NAC and CRC (Fig. 21). tractors, helicopter and transformer substation [89]. The shape of
As seen in Table 7, the compressive strength loss of concrete CR aggregates also affects the acoustic behaviour of concrete.
increases with the increase of CR content at elevated temperature, Angelin et al.[9] found that the sound velocity of incorporating
however, it reduces 7.1% and 3.0%, respectively for concrete contain- fibre rubber particles into mortars is higher than that when incor-
ing 0% CR and 10% CR at 800 °C compared to the concrete at 600 °C porating spheroid rubber particles, considering that rubber fibres
Y. Li et al. / Construction and Building Materials 225 (2019) 1183–1201 1197
Fig. 17. Difference in compressive strength (%) at 91 day of specimens subjected to sulfate attack [69].
Fig. 18. Accelerated carbonation depth of mortar mixtures with (a) w/c = 0.51, and (b) w/c = 0.56 [3].
present well-developed adhesiveness at the ITZ between CR aggre- the low specific gravity of CR particles results in the low
gates and cement paste. However, sound attenuation of mortars weight of CRC, thereby reducing the slump and worsening
with rubber fibre particles is higher than that with spheroid rubber the workability of CRC. Fine CR particles produce high fric-
particles for P- and S-waves except for containing 7.5% CR regard- tional resistance to the flowing movement of fresh concrete.
ing P-waves, as shown in Table 7. Replacing natural aggregates with CR slightly decreases the
Pre-treatment of CR particles can also improve sound absorp- fresh density of concrete, and the density decreases linearly
tion. Zhang and Poon [85] indicated that the noise reduction effect with the increase in the CR amount.
increases by 36.1%–138.7% when lightweight aggregate concrete (2) The substitution of natural fine–coarse aggregates or cement
with 25%–100% cement pre-coated CR at individual frequencies with CR will reduce mechanical properties (compressive,
range from 630 Hz to 3150 Hz, as shown in Table 7. In addition, flexural and splitting tensile strength and elastic modulus).
Medina et al. [15] noticed that the sound absorption coefficient This reduction increases with increasing CR content. How-
increases clearly when 80%–100% coarse aggregates are replaced ever, the compressive and flexural strength of CRC slightly
for steel and plastic fibres partially coated with CR. Therefore, above NAC is limited to fine CR size replacing sand and opti-
CRC can be made into sound-absorbing panels, which can be mum replacement level (below 15%) of CR. Concrete con-
installed in residential areas and industrial sites where the noise taining fibre rubber aggregate presents lower strength loss
level exceeds the maximum allowable value. CRC can also be used relative to other types of CR particles. Under the same com-
to construct walls for auditorium/interior design (but not for struc- pressive strength, CRC presents better flexural toughness
tural components) [90]. than NAC.
(3) The mechanical properties of CRC can be improved by add-
ing fibres and supplementary cementing materials, such as
4. Discussions and conclusions GGBS, MK, SF and NS, and using surface modification meth-
ods to enhance adhesion between CR aggregate and cement
(1) The hydrophobic nature of CR particles increases free water paste. Steel fibres do not greatly affect compressive strength
and decreases friction during concrete mixing, which can and elastic modulus, but they can improve splitting tensile
increase concrete slump and improve workability. However, strength and flexural strength.
Table 7
Other properties of CRC.
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[24] A. Alsaif, L. Koutas, S.A. Bernal, M. Guadagnini, K. Pilakoutas, Mechanical
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Declaration of Competing Interest [25] F. Jokar, M. Khorram, G. Karimi, N. Hataf, Experimental investigation of
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The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. Constr. Build. Mater. 208 (2019) 651–658.
[26] G. Girskas, D. Nagrockienė, Crushed rubber waste impact of concrete basic
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concrete beams containing crumb rubber and steel fibres, Mag. Concr. Res. 69
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This study was financially supported by the Shaanxi Province [28] B.S. Mohammed, M. Adamu, Mechanical performance of roller compacted
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