Good Housekeeping Practices at Work
Good Housekeeping Practices at Work
Good Housekeeping Practices at Work
The purpose of this safety announcement is to inform and protect faculty and staff against
injuries from possible hazards in the work/ school environment.
The U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administration regulation
29CFR, standard numbers 1910:141(a)(3); 1910.22 (a); 1910.106 (e)(9); 1910.176.B are our
guiding factor.
If something does happen seek medical treatment right away. Follow the University’s policy
for accidents.
2. Who put out the guidelines or regulations for safety training on Good Housekeeping
practices at Work?
a. the worker
b. the supervisor
d. U.S. Dept. of Labor under OSHA
Answers are below, but do not peek until you complete the quiz.