Design and Research of Campus E-Commerce System Based On B/S
Design and Research of Campus E-Commerce System Based On B/S
Design and Research of Campus E-Commerce System Based On B/S
3rd International Conference on Economic Development and Education Management (ICEDEM 2019)
functions, message functions, and system management well, so as to provide guarantee for the later transaction and the
functions. With comprehensive capabilities of high-speed flow chart design of the message information.
mobile, big data analysis and mining, intelligent sensing and
applications, it can penetrate into traditional industries to C. Database structure design
enhance the service capabilities of traditional industries, and 1) Database conceptual model
connect hundreds of industries to conduct online and offline The most widely used database today is a relational
cross-border marketing. database. Because it is an object-oriented system design, it’s
definitely that the design of the database must face objects.
The system function structure diagram is shown in Now what should be considered about the persistent operation
Figure 1: of the object class, that is, how the object class is mapped to
the two-dimensional table of the relational database. Nowadays,
like Power Designer, Rose, etc. all can be achieved by using
database modeling tools.
Database concept design’s overall attribute E-R diagram, as
shown in Figure 2:
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 347
Serial number Field name Field type Allowed to be Maximum length Remarks
1 Id int Self increment 11 number
2 saver varchar yes 255 User name
3 savetime varchar yes 255 Publication time
4 content varchar yes 255 Publish content
5 recontent varchar yes 255 Administrator replies
Serial number Field name Field type Allowed to be empty Maximum length Remarks
c) Sysuser table
Serial number Field name Field type Allowed to be empty Maximum length Remarks
Serial number Field name Field type Allowed to be empty Maximum length Remarks
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 347