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Existing ASCOT Student Handbook

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This ASCOT Student Handbook is issued to each bonafide student of Aurora State
College of Technology to be guided in his stay in this institution.

This handbook provides and beneficial information a students of ASCOT must know
especially the Mission-Vision of the College and each Academic Department, Admission and
Academic Policies. It contains rules and regulations including sanctions on student decorum and
student organizations.

As a student of this institution of higher learning, you are expected to obey diligently all
the policies contained in this handbook to acquire holistic information that will help you in quest
of truth, justice and peace. You are expected also to become socially and critically aware of
yourself and your environment, inner directed, and just and loving persons to be actively
involved in societal transformation for the betterment of yourself and the society as a whole.


for stay in this institution will be fruitful and meaningful. ASCOT will be your Second Home for
the next few years and let this handbook guide and direct you.


The effectiveness of Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT) as an institution is

measured by its contribution to the development of the rural people it serves.


The Aurora State College of Technology is a reputable institution of higher learning in

polytechnical and other related fields committed to high quality education, scientific
breakthroughs, excellence in entrepreneurship endeavors, and exemplary community service.


The Aurora State College of Technology shall develop quality human resources and
centers of excellence responsive to the needs of the people in the province if Aurora in particular
and the country in general, in terms of food security and poverty alleviation under the spirit of
people empowerment, sustainable development and global competitiveness.


To fulfill the forgoing commitments, the College shall:

1. Broaden opportunities for the intellectually qualified or scientifically inclined through

school fees within the reach of even the socio-economically disadvantaged students.

2. Strive to promote the welfare of its members through the improvement of salary levels,
security of tenure , scholarship, training and development programs, better working
condition as well as the rational use of time resources;

3. Undertake vigorous efforts toward institutional linkages, particularly in the areas of

common concerns like training and retraining, equipment and audio-visual use, etc.;

4. Formulate and implement new and relevant curricula and, at the same time, supplement
curricular activities with carefully planned co-curricular ones;

5. Place emphasis on the need to improve indigenous Philippine science, technology and
research; and

6. Stress, above all, continued and regular improvements of the content and quality of
ASCOT education, together with orienting course offering toward Filipino manpower
requirements and entrepreneurial needs





The Department of Agriculture and Aquatic Sciences shall continue to promote quality
and relevant agriculture education training and to produce managerially adept, socially conscious
and technically competent agriculture graduates through research and development, production,
enterprises and extension services which bring to the full development of the family, community
and larger society within the framework of Aurora province.


1. Implement effectively the DAT-BAT and BSA curricula to produce agricultural

entrepreneurs and competent graduates that will promote socio-economic growth in the

2. Produce highly qualified graduates primarily needed in learning and research institutions
and industries;

3. Attain efficient and functional organizational structure and support component with
competent human resources and improved physical facilities to sustain operation;

4. Establish productive linkage and effective collaboration with other organizations towards
concerted agricultural development in the province.




The Department of Teacher Education shall develop quality teachers in the Elementary,
Secondary and Tertiary levels of education for people empowerment, global competitiveness and
sustainable development human resources.


1. The main concern of the Department of Teacher Education is the preparation of globally
competitive teachers who are imbued with the ideas, aspirations and traditions og
Philippine life, and are sufficiently equipped with pedagogical knowledge and skills.
Specifically, teacher education programs are expected to produce teacher who can assume
the following major roles:

2. Effective synthesizer of organized knowledge to allow analytical and critical thinking.

3. Efficient promoter and facilitator of learning to enable the learners to develop to the their
fullest potentials for continuous pursuit of self-education; and,

4. Committed humanist whose clear understanding and appreciation of human ideals and
values inspire learners to reach greater highs of human aspirations.

Main Goal of Elementary Education

As a unit in Department of Teacher Education, Elementary Education is committed to

train professional teachers who will cater the manpower needs of the elementary level of
education in the country in general and Aurora province in particular. It offers in four-year course
in Bachelor in Elementary Education (BEED) with varied area in concentration in Science,
Mathematics and Home Economics and Livelihood Education (HELE).

Main Goal of Secondary Education

Secondary Education offers a four-year course in Bachelor in Secondary education

(BSED) with varied major concentration of Science, Mathematics and Technology and Home
Economics (THE). As a unit in Department of Teacher Education, it is committed to train
professional teachers who will cater the manpower needs of the secondary and tertiary levels of
education in the country in general and Aurora province in particular.


Building Construction Technology

Electrical Technology
Automotive Technology
Food Technology


By the year of 2009, the department shall be the center of skills and academic excellence
producing professional engineers and technology graduates (civil, electrical and mechanical)
imbued with high morale and values and distinctive competence in engineering and technology.


Provide quality instruction through responsive curricula in the field of engineering and
technology (civil, electrical & mechanical) by a highly trained professional engineers and
distinctive faculty members to its clienteles and larger community;

Promote relevant students and faculty researches, and skills and academic leadership in
engineering and technology; and,

Extend its pool of expertise to the increasing number of engineering technology students
and other clienteles in the community.


Produce globally competent and entrepreneurially skilled professional engineers and

technology graduates (civil, electrical & mechanical) tailored to the present demand in
accelerating economic development by integrating them to local and international labor market
imbued with high morale, spiritual, physical and intellectual values that bring transformative
development of life to form an ideal community.




The Department of Forestry and Environmental Sciences shall be the center of excellence
for forestry and environmental education that will cater to the conservation, management, and
development of forest resources thru instruction, research, extension, and production.


Extend quality, relevant and recent knowledge, technologies and skills to the students to
answer the real world demand and be the partner of the community/people of Aurora in
particular, in sustainability of forest resources to ensure socio-economic upliftment, social
equality and sustainable development.



To provide substance and direction to College’s mission, the Graduate School pursues
institutional goals in the field of Instruction, Research, Extension, and Production.


The Graduate School Department shall provide quality education, conduct relevant
research studies, and provide responsive extension programs and interventions.


The department aims to provide leadership in graduate education, stimulate and facilitate
appropriate researches, and provide a forum for creativity, innovations and ingenuity.

(As approved by ASCOT board of Trustees as per BOT Resolution No. 139, s. 1997 held
on November 7, 1997 at the City of Mandaluyong)


Rules for Registration

1. All interested applicants (freshmen and transferees) must pass the entrance examination
given by the Guidance and Counseling Center. Schedules and venues of entrance
examinations will be provided by the Guidance Office.

2. If the student registers in the College, he/she is understandably enrolling for the entire

3. Late registrants are allowed up to two weeks after the official opening of classes as
indicated in the Academic Calendar duly approved by the Governing Board of the
College. Justifiable and reasonable circumstances for late enrollees beyond the two week
period must be determined by the respective Academic Directors of the Department who
shall recommend to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval.

4. A students is deemed officially enrolled if:

a. He/She has submitted to the Office of the College Registrar the appropriate
admission requirements or transfer credentials.

b. The/She has made initial payment of school fees to the Cashier and his official
receipt must be validated.

c. He/She has completed the enrolment procedures and given the authority to attend
his/her classes. The “Copy for Student” portion of his registration form must be
properly stamped “Enrolled” or “Registered” and initialed by the attending clerk
or personnel.

d. Foreign Students are officially enrolled after the submission of the necessary
documents or requirements and whose enrolment is duly approved by the
Administrative or Academic Council and confirmed by the Board of Trustees.

e. For purposes of enrolment, the name and other personal data or circumstances of
student indicated in the birth certificate shall prevail.
5. Freshmen and Transferees shall be temporarily enrolled for one semester only such time
his/her official Form 137 (Permanent Record) or Official Transcript of Records as the
case may be form the institution where he/she came shall be received by the College
Registrar. If the student fails to comply after the probationary period of one semester, he/
she will be automatically dropped from the College. All subjects that he/she enrolls
within the period shall be null and void.

6. Enrolling into a particular course or degree, a student must satisfy all the requirements set
forth by the department concerned.

7. Upon enrollment of a student, his or her parents/ guardians should promote the school’s
mission-vision and should adhere to school rules and regulations.

Credentials/Admission Requirements

For New High School Graduates or Freshmen:

1. Result of Entrance Examination

2. Notice of Admission

3. Original High School Card (Form 138)

4. Birth Certificate (NSO copy)

5. Certification of Good Moral Character from the School Head or Guidance Counselor

6. Dental and Medical Certificate

7. Four (4) copies id ID picture: 2 picture size 1x1 and 2 size 2x2

8. If married, photocopy of marriage contract duly authenticated

For Transferees

1. Result of Entrance Examination

2. Notice of Admission

3. Official Transcript of Record or Certification of Grade and/or Honorable Dismissal

from school of origin

4. Evaluation of subjects earned from school of origin by respective Academic Director

or College of Registrar
5. Birth Certificate or Certificate of Live Birth (NSO copy)

6. Certification of Good Moral Character from the School Head or Guidance Counselor

7. Dental and Medical Certificate

8. Four (4) copies id ID picture: 2 picture size 1x1 and 2 size 2x2

9. If married, photocopy of marriage contract duly authenticated

For Old Students

1. Certification of Grades or Class Cards of the preceding semester

2. Certification from Office of the Students Affairs that the students has not done major
offenses as stipulated in this Student Handbook nor has pending administrative or
criminal case filed against him/her.

3. Other requirements as prescribed in the course degree the student wants to pursue in
the College

4. Certificate or re-admission from the College of Registrar and Vice President for the
Academic Affairs or his/her duly authorized representative for those students who had
issued honorable dismissal or transfer credentials but failed to enroll again at ASCOT.


Any student who wishes to enroll in ASCOT must strictly adhere to the following

For New High School Graduates/Freshmen/Transferees

1. Proceed to the Guidance and Counseling Center to secure the result of entrance
examination and to the College Clinic for submission of medical and dental

2. Pay your membership fee to the Supreme College of Student Council (SCSC) and
The Voice of the Sierra.

3. Present your Credentials or Admission Requirements as well as SCSC and The Voice
of the Sierra receipts to the Office of Student Affairs. Secure a Notice of Admission
and Registration from the same office. Application of Identification Card (ID) is also
done in the Office of Student Affairs.
4. Proceed to Registration Adviser or Respective Academic Director for verification of
subjects and schedule to be taken. Afterwards, look for the schedule of subjects.

5. Fill up your Registration Form and have the subjects and units enrolled for assed and
signed by your Registration Adviser and Respective Academic Director.

6. Proceed to the Accounting and Cashier Units for assessment and payments for fees.

7. Bring your Registration Form to the Office of the College Registrar and have it
stamped (Enrolled) and signed by the Registrar or his/her duly authorized respective.
Get the student’s copy of your registration form, then, request for your class cards
stamped “enrolled”.

8. Submit your class cards to your instructors/Professors on the first day of classes and
have his/her signature affix on your registration form.

For Old Students

1. Proceed to the Guidance and Counseling Center to secure the result of entrance
examination and to the College Clinic for submission of medical and dental

2. Present your clearance, receipts of the SCSC and The Voice of the Sierra, and ID is to
the Office of the Student Affairs. Secure a notice of admission and registration form
from the same Office. Renewal of ID is done in this office. For incoming second year
students, additional requirements as prescribed in the course or degree the student
want to pursue must also be presented to the OSA Director.

3. Proceed to your Registration Adviser and Academic Director for verification of class
cards and subjects taken in the checklist. Afterwards, look for the schedule of

4. Fill up your Registration Form and have the subjects and units enrolled for assed and
signed by your Registration Adviser and Respective Academic Director.

5. Proceed to the Accounting and Cashier Units for assessment and payment fees.

6. Bring your Registration Form to the Office of the College Registrar and have it
stamped (Enrolled) and signed by the Registrar or his/her duly authorized respective.
Get the student’s copy of your registration form, then, request for your class cards
stamped “enrolled”.
7. Submit your class cards to your instructors/Professors on the first day of classes and
have his/her signature affix on your registration form.


1. A student official enrolled for a specified semester or summer will earn academic credits
only after attending classes regularly, and satisfying and complying with all the
requirements of the course.

2. Students must follow the sequence as found in curriculum of their respective programs or
prospectus. The rule on pre-requisites should be strictly followed.

3. Full time students maybe admitted to carry the regular semester loads as indicated in the
curriculum nine (9) academic units during summer.

4. Overloading of academic load of graduating students is allowed up to maximum of six

(6) units only in addition to the full semester load as stipulated in his/her course.

5. Students who had been meted out with a reduced load upon the recommendation of
academic department director and the approval of Vice President for Academic Affairs.


1. Any graduating student who wishes to cross-register t another institution of higher

learning must secure permission from the Academic Director and College Registrar and
approval from the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

2. Certification from the College Registrar must also be secured stating that the student is
graduating, that the subject/s is /are not offered by the College in the given term, and that
student need only the student/s to finish his course or degree.

3. A graduating student of the College may be authorized by the Vice President for
Academic Affairs to cross-register to another government recognized institution of higher
learning if the subject/s he/she needs to enroll during the given term is/are not offered in

4. No cross enrollee from another institution shall be admitted to ASCOT without the
written permission from the College Registrar. The permit shall state he total number of
units and is authorized to take in ASCOT.

1. Course requirements shall be determined and prescribed by the respective faculty and
Academic Director and must be forwarded to the office of the Vice President for
Academic Affairs who shall likewise recommend the same to the Academic Council of
the College. Such course requirements must be approved by the Academic Council and
confirmed by the Governing board of the College.

2. Students enrolled in any ladderized curriculum leading to bachelor’s degree may earn
diploma he/she has completed all the requirements prescribed in curriculum. Likewise,
he/she must apply for the diploma to the Office of the College Registrar who shall
recommend the application to the Academic Council. Application for the diploma shall be
approved by the Academic Council and confirmed by the Board of Trustees before the
diploma must granted.

3. Female students who got married during the school term must present and submit a copy
of the marriage contract duly certified and authenticated to the College Registrar.

4. Students with deficiency in any subject required for admission but are otherwise
considered competent may be admitted provided they make up all the deficiencies within
the period prescribed by the College Registrar. Competency of the students shall be
determined by the Faculty concerned and must be recommended by the Academic
Director to the College Registrar who shall likewise refer the same to the Vice President
for Academic Affairs for confirmation.

5. Waiver of pre-requisite is never allowed except in cases of graduating students where the
pre-requisite and the required subject may be taken simultaneously within the school term
upon the recommendation by the faculty whose expertise in line with the subject. Such
recommendation must be forwarded by the Academic Director to the College Registrar
and Vice President for Academic Affairs who shall likewise act in the matter.

6. Handicapped students (physically incapacitated or disabled) and those suffering in illness

which would make them impossible and/or detrimental from them to take normal
physical activities or trainings in Physical education subjects and NSTP-ROTC subjects
must be accorded with appropriate exemption provided that these student must resent
certification duly certified by any government physician.

1. Subjects taken from other state colleges and universities need not be validated provided
the course description and units are the same. These subjects are automatically credited.

2. These should be no validation for foreign students for subject taken in their countries
provided further that the course description and units are substantially the same as those
offered in the College provided further that there is a reciprocal agreement between the
Philippines and the foreign countries concerned.

3. Subjects taken outside state colleges and universities will be validated if the grades
obtained are lower than 2.5 even the course description and units are the same as those
offered in the College. Validation of this subject must be applied by the students to the
faculty whose expertise is in line with subjects to be validated.

4. Subjects taken outside state colleges and universities with final grade of 2.5 and above
are to be credited provided that the course description and units are the same.

5. In cases where the course description is the same but with lower number of units as the
one offered by the College, the College Registrar may consider for accreditation and
validation the number of hors allotted to the subjects and the final grade earned in
particular subject. The number of hours allotted to the subject must be higher than the one
offered by the College and the final grade must be 2.5 and above.

6. Advanced credit will be granted only in specific subject or fields of study taken outside
the College with their corresponding units for each subject or field of study specified. Not
more than specified number of units may be granted to a student for a degree started in
another College or University. When a curriculum requires more than thirty (30) units of
credits for graduation, additional advanced credits may be granted up to a proportion of
3/8 of the formal subjects required for graduation. Application for advanced credits
should be filed at the Registrar’s Office at least one semester before graduation.

1. Submission maybe allowed provided that it does not involve subjects under the same
academic department, and provided further that the student needs required subject not
offered in the major department but the subject has already taken in another academic
department of the College. Substitution maybe allowed in non-prescribed requirement of
the course provided that the subject to be substituted have equal credit units.

2. All substitution shall be recommended by the Area Chairman, noted by the Academic
Director, approved by the College Registrar and confirmed by the Vice President for
Academic Affairs.

3. Substitution must be done when the student is pursuing a curriculum that has been
superseded by a new one and the substitution tends to bring the old curriculum in line
with the new.

4. Conflict of hours between a required subject and another required subject of a graduating
student may also be granted substitution.

5. When the required subject is not offered in a particular school term, substitution may also
be granted.

6. Every application for substitution must be involve subjects with the same department. If
not, the two subject concerned must be allied with each other.

7. Substitutions must be done between subjects carrying the same number of units.

8. All applications for substitutions must be submitted to the Area Chairman before one
third of regular class meetings have been held during the school term. Any application
submitted thereafter shall be considered for the following semester.

9. All applications shall be acted accordingly by the Vice President for Academic Affairs is
adverse to the recommendation of the Area Chairman, Academic Director, and the
College Registrar, the decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs shall prevail.

10. Change of classes/sections or course shall be allowed subject to the approval of the Vice
President for Academic Affairs upon the recommendation of the Area Chairman and
Academic Director.

1. Remedial classes shall be made available to graduating students to meet certain

requirements for completion of their degree subject to the recommendation of the
Academic Director and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Academic Affairs
and the approval of the Academic Council; provided however that the remedial classes
meet the minimum required number of enrollees per subject.

2. Request of subject for non-graduating students maybe allowed if the number of enrollees
in the subject is not less than ten (10) and if there is an available instructor/professor. The
letter of request must be addressed to the College Registrar and must be duly noted by the
Academic Director concerned and be approved by the Vice President of Academic

3. Tutorial classes or individual study program for graduating students as far as

practicability and necessity is concerned shall be made available to graduating students
finishing their last academic requirements.

4. Graduating student in these provisions of remedial or tutorial classes shall be defined as

graduating in degree course not in a diploma course.


1. Once a student accumulates half the number of absences which render him ineligible for
passing grade his/her instructor/professor normally drops a warning note to the office of
his/her academic director who in turn summons the student and warn him/her. A list of
students who acquired such absences is usually posted in Administrative Bulletin Board
of the respective academic department. This warning, however, is not a pre-requisite for
dropping the student once the maximum allowable absences have been reached. The
student’s responsibility is to find out his/her instructor/professor how many absences he/
she has already incurred.

2. A student may, with the knowledge of the instructor/professor of the subject and consent
of the adviser and the academic director concerned, drop a subject by answering the
prescribed form from the Registrar’s Office. If dropping takes place after mid-term
examination, the instructor/professor shall state on the prescribes form whether the
student shall be “dropped” or given a grade of “5” on the basis of his/her class standing in
the subject.
3. A student who intends to drop subject should notify first the concerned instructor then the
student’s adviser shall recommend the approval of dropping the subject to the respective
academic director. Any student who does not follow the procedure for dropping the
subject shall be give a grade of “5” or failed.

4. A force dropping of subject will be imposed if a student failed to enroll and pass pre-
requisites shall be null and void.

5. A student may add subject/s within two (2) weeks after the formal opening of classes by
filling out the prescribed form from the Registrar’s Office duly signed by the instructor/
professor concerned to be sure that the subject is still open. This must be recommended
by the academic director, and approved by the College Registrar; provided that he/she
does not carry more than the maximum load for the semester which is specified in his/her


1. Transfer out of students is required under certain limitations required by the College
Registrar and Academic Director.

2. Transfer Credentials are to be issued by proper authorities for reasonable cause of petition
by the students. The credentials must be requested from appropriate offices as soon as the
student decided to discontinue his/her studies in ASCOT. In order to secure the transfer
credentials, concerned offices require clearances before releasing the documents.

3. No records shall be supplied to any student who has not been cleared of all his
accountabilities and responsibilities.

4. Transfer Credentials may be issued to students within 30 working days beginning right
after the submission of application for the copy of his/her records to the office of the
College Registrar.


1. Students shall report on the first day of class every semester. Every student is expected to
be prompt and punctual in attendance from the first meeting every subject.

2. A student is considered absent from class is he/she is not present within the first third
fraction of the scheduled class time.

3. A student is considered late or tardy and shall receive a half-absence if he/she arrives
from class during the first third fraction of the scheduled class time.
4. Although members of faculty are expected to begin their classes promptly, various
contingencies which are sometimes unavoidable may cause some faculty members to be
late for class. In such cases, the following guidelines are to be observed: for sixty (60)
minute classes, students should not leave until after ten (10) minutes have passed; for
ninety (90) minute classes, student should wait for twenty (20) minutes; for one hundred
(100) minute of classes, student should wait for twenty five (25) minutes; for one
hundred twenty (120) minute of classes, student should wait for 30 minutes.

5. In case where instructor/professors are late for class, students should not leave the
classroom until the first third fraction of the scheduled class time has passes. Instructor/
Professors arriving late within the time scheduled may mark students absent if the
students leave their classes earlier than the prescribed time.

6. In case where instructor/professor who has not sent any prior notice fails to arrive within
the required waiting time, a class representative or president should inform the
representative academic director about this before the class should be dismissed.

7. Every student is required to attend at least 80% of the total class hours in a given subject
enrolled in a school term to earn the corresponding credits. Students render themselves
ineligible for a passing grade or mark in a given subject for the semester if they are
absent from class under the following circumstances: more than 12 time in a class
meeting five times a week; more than 10 times in a class meeting four times a week;
more than 7 times in a class meeting three times a week; more than 5 times in a class
meeting two times a week; or more than 10 times in a class meeting once a week;

The ASCOT library offers academic library resources and services, which cover all the
College’s curricular offerings and instructional programs. It is conceived as a resource center for
innovative teaching and learning, providing bibliographic support responsive to the individual
needs of its faculty, students, and staff. It strives for the highest standards possible, in terms of
quality collection and services.

The library center strengthens the competence and leadership capability of the students,
members of the faculty and researches, by making available and accessible for their use strong
library collection of resources, trained personnel to service them and facilities and services that
will encourage full utilization. The library is headed by a full time librarian.


The Office of the College Registrar shall provide academic and administrative supports to
instruction to enable the office attain its educational mandate. This office is the center of
productive and effective educational delivery outlet for its various stakeholders in education and
other publics in the province with wholesome environment manned by client-friendly, highly
motivated, committed and efficient personnel whose contributions significantly spell the

The office aims to contribute to the increase enrolment, to build a workable, value
conscious team with the academic people for effective, efficient, and productive service; and, to
provide total quality service to the students, faculty, parents, alumni and the general public.


The establishment of the ICTC benefits the ASCOT community in the pursuit of
academic excellence in this part of the province. As the center of research and technological
advancement in the province, the ICTC provides its various clients with the necessary
technological advancement enabling the workforce of Aurora to be nationally and even globally

The center has various Computer Laboratories to cater to the needs of the students in
their learning activities in terms of computer systems. Its ICTC fee is considered a fiduciary fee
and is approved by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the Administrative
Council. This center is headed by a Director.


This service is in-charge of the student dormitories inside the College premises of all the
campuses. Students are provided with lodging facilities wherein the College is collecting
minimal and reasonable fees for dorm, electricity, and water. Dorm matrons are assigned in each
campus to oversee the mobilization of the students and to monitor the occupants’ activities for
security purposes and for the general welfare of them. Guidelines and policies are formulated,
implemented, and evaluated to answer the needs of the students. The service in under the Office
of the Student Affairs.


The Student Publication Unit is in-charge of the official student/community publication

of the college, “The Voice of the Sierra”. It also caters to other student publications in
accordance with the existing policies, rules and regulations. The unit primarily aims to develop
campus journalists with proper orientation. It motivates student publication that is geared
towards the development of student welfare and that is in accordance with local, regional, and
national development goals and aspirations. Hence, the student publication unit is building
ground for student’s expressions, hope, and dreams.

The unit is headed by a Campus Paper Adviser together with the editorial staff under the
Office of the Student Affairs. Publication fee is collected upon enrollment and is non-refundable.
Amount of publication fee is determined by the editorial board, approved by the Administrative
Council, and confirmed by the Board of Trustees of the College.


Sports Development Unit is tasked to improve the physical well-being of the students
through sports activities. In inculcates a fair sense of competition and sportsmanship among
students. The unit provides a venue for the exercise a physical prowess that is worthwhile,
beneficial and relevant. It also upholds a regular program of sports activities that is economical,
reasonable, effective and efficient.

The unit is in-charge with the College intramurals and the College participation to various
sports outside the school like friendship games, SCUAA, and CHED Palaro. Payments to this
unit are determined by the Administrative Council and are empowered by the Board of Trustees,
Student Development Unit is under the Office of the Student Affairs.


The service of distributing mails to students is assigned to the records section at the
second floor of General Education Building. The unit regularly post names of students who have
letters for delivery. It is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 12:00 NN and from 1:00 PM to
5:00 PM.


Basically, the Socio-Cultural Unit helps the students develop their special talents in terms

of singing, dancing, drama, and other related arts. It aims to discover and develop artistic talents
of the ASCOT populace. It enhances knowledge, skills, attitudes and personality of cultural
groups of students. This unit is also in-charge of the College’s participation to local, regional,
and national cultural and social activities & competitions to gain recognition and honor.


The College acknowledges its vital roles and responsibilities to promote academic
excellence and to sustain quality education to poor but deserving students through the various
scholarship programs from the College itself or from generous benefactors.


Student Scholarship is manned by a scholarship committee formed by the College

President for the purpose. The committee is in-charge of all the forms of scholarship offered by
the College and to the College by different scholarship benefactors. The committee is composed
of the following: Director of the Office of the Student Affairs as Chairman, College Registrar as
Vice Chairman, Guidance Counselor as Secretary, Director of Financial Management Services-
member, and Academic Directors- members.

Primarily, the committee screens and recommends scholars to the College President and
to the benefactors of the scholarship programs. It also monitors and evaluates performances of
the scholars based on the given standards of the College or of the benefactors. Hence, it is also
tasked to disqualify scholars if they do not meet qualification standards.


Generally, scholars must have the following qualifications:

1. If freshmen, he/she must pass the entrance and/or qualifying exams for the purpose set
forth by the College.

2. He/she must be a bonafide student of Aurora State College of Technology.

3. He/she must not be more than twenty five (25) years of age as of last birthday during the
time of application.

4. He/she must be a good moral character as certified by the High School Principal if the
applicant is freshmen, or by the Guidance Counselor of the College if already enrolled in
ASCOT. He/she must not have any pending/unresolved administrative cases at the Office
of the Student Affairs.

5. He/she must be physically and mentally fit to study as certified by the College Physician
or any accredited government physician.

6. He/she must be financially incapable to pursue college education whose parents’ or

guardians’ annual gross income should not exceed one hundred fifty thousand pesos

7. He/she must pass other qualification set forth by sponsors or benefactors or by the
Scholarship Committee for the Undergraduates of the College.


1. Scholarship grant is non-transferable. It should only be enjoyed by the recipient himself/

herself. Only one scholar shall benefit in a family for one form of scholarship.

2. A scholar shall benefit only one form of scholarship whether local, national, and
international or provided by the College. He/she should not be enjoying any form of
scholarship from any sponsor or benefactor at the time of his/her application.

3. The recipient of the scholarship is expected to finish the course in a given period
prescribed in his/her curriculum and/or to finish the term of scholarship as specified by
the sponsor or benefactor. In case of sickness or “force majeur” condition preventing the
completion of the program within the prescribed timetable, a justification accompanied
by pertinent documents must be presented to the Scholarship Committee for evaluation.

4. Shifting of academic course shall only be allowed after the application of the recipient
has been found reasonable and justifiable, and has been approved by the College
President upon the recommendation of the Scholarship Committee. In case of sponsor or
benefactor other than the College itself, the recipient must seek the approval of the
sponsor or benefactor upon the recommendation of the College President upon the
endorsement of the scholarship committee.

5. ASCOT Scholarship Committee for the Undergraduates shall be the sole rights and
responsibilities to accept application, and evaluation of scholarships applicants and
recommend these applicants to the College President who in turn shall endorse the
applicants to the sponsor or benefactor unless the benefactor or sponsor shall have its
own process of accepting its own scholars.

6. ASCOT Scholarship Committee shall have the sole right and responsibility to
recommend to the College President the continuation or termination of the scholarship
grant to the sponsor or benefactor depending on the performance of the recipient.

7. Every scholar must carry a full semester academic load prescribed in his/her course
curriculum except in cases beyond the scholar’s control to be determined by the
Scholarship Committee. Summer term shall not be covered by scholarship grant unless
this is specified by the sponsor or benefactor.

8. Every scholar must submit enrolment/registration form and copy of grades obtained
during the preceding term of Scholarship Committee every beginning of the school term.
9. Every recipient of scholarship grant must maintain an average grade of 2.5 or its
equivalent and above unless the sponsor or benefactor specifies its own minimum grade

10. Benefits and privileges of the scholars shall depend on the sponsor or benefactor of the
scholarship grant.

11. Applicant or recipient of the scholarship grant must have no pending or unresolved
administrative cases against any member of ASCOT community in the Office of the
Student Affairs.

12. Recipient of any form of scholarship if found violating any provisions or policies of
scholarship grant or of the College shall automatically be terminated as scholar.


Any student who wishes to apply for any for of scholarship must satisfy or complete the
following requirements.

1. Clear photo copy of ASCOT Registration Form

2. Certified true copy of Birth Certificate

3. Certified true copy of Good Moral Character

4. Medical and Dental Certificate

5. Certified true copy of Income Tax Return of Parents/Guardians

6. Certified true copy of High School Card for Freshmen or Certification of Grades from the
Registrar’s Office for old ASCOT students.

7. Two pieces of 2X2 most recent ID colored pictures

8. Accomplished Application Form



(As approved by ASCOT Board of Trustees through its BOT Resolution No. 256, s. 1999 during
the 18th Regular Meeting of the Governing Board held on August 6, 1999 at Sulu Hotel, Diliman,
Quezon City)

Student Organization Units is composed of various recognized and duly accredited

student organizations. This unit aims to offer to students another ground for exercising their
rights, duties, and responsibilities, to develop themselves into the optimum level. It is tasked to
formulate, implement, and evaluate by-laws, policies and guidelines concerning student
organizations. The unit coordinates and is also responsible for the creation, accreditation, and/or
abolition of various organizations.


1. Student Organization shall be defined as any association, club, society, and any other
group created and operated by the students under the advisorship of a temporary or
permanent faculty member of the higher education department of the College. A Student
Organization shall be allowed to function only if it is recognized and/or accredited by the
Director of the Student Affairs upon approval by the College President.

2. All recognized student organizations shall be governed by this Student Handbook, the
Policies and Guidelines Governing Student Organization, and other applicable laws,
policies, and tenets of the institution.

3. The Office of the Student Affairs shall have the responsibilities to supervise and manage
the creation, operation and activities of duly recognized student organizations in
cooperation with ASCOT Supreme College Student Council for the purpose of providing
guidance for the attainment of their goals and objectives as embodied in the Constitution
and By-Laws.

4. All student organizations shall be allowed to function if their constitution has been
ratified by the majority of its officers and members and duly approved by the Director of
Student Affairs. Such constitution must be duly confirmed by the College President.

5. A duly recognized student organization adviser shall be elected by a majority vote of the
organization members. The adviser shall be responsible for the creation, operation, and
activities of the student organization. If the adviser is not available during any activity or
operation of the student organization, he/she must recommend another temporary or
permanent faculty to the Director of Student Affairs, otherwise, such adviser shall
responsible and liable to the College any event that may take place in his/her absence.’

6. All operations and activities of the student organization must be noted by the duly
recognized adviser to be recommended by the Director of Student Affairs and duly
approved by the College President. All operations and activities of the student
organization that shall involve the participation of the majority of the students shall not
be conducted within the last four weeks of the regular classes based on the academic
calendar duly approved by the Administrative Council and confirmed by the Board of
Trustees. Strictly, no operation or activity of any nature shall be conducted by the student
organization within the examination week of any term in a semester or summer or during
graduation exercises.
7. Effectively of the recognition and/or accreditation of any student organization shall
commerce upon the approval of its application by the College President and shall end on
the last school day of the applicable school year.





Student Organizations seeking recognition and/or accreditation for the first time must
have a minimum of fifteen members and shall submit the following:

1. Letter of application duly signed by the fifteen founding members stating the name of the
organization and addressed to the College President through the Director of the Student

2. Logo of the organization

3. Constitutions and By-Laws of the organization

4. Mission and Vision and Objectives of the organization

5. Name of Faculty Adviser and a letter of acceptance of advisorship by the Faculty

addressed to the College President through the Director of the Student Affairs.

6. Parent’s Consent or Waiver

7. Proposed plans, projects, and/or activities for the whole school year.

8. Information sheet of duly elected officer and members with latest 2X2 colored ID picture

9. Other documents which the College may require



Student Organizations applying for renewal/revalidation shall submit to the Director of

Student Affairs the following:

1. Letter of revalidation and/or renewal addressed to the College President through the
Director of Student Affairs

2. Constitutional Amendments/Revisions if any

3. List of new set of officers and members

4. Accomplishment reports with supporting documents and on-going projects

5. Statement of financial status primarily showing the income and expenditures and assets
and liabilities of the organization; This must be accompanied by a clearance from the
Accounting department

6. Name of faculty adviser and his/her letter of acceptance of advisorship

7. Proposed plans, projects, and/or activities for the whole school year

8. Other documents which the College may require


1. Application for recognition/accreditation or renewal or revalidation shall be done

annually. The period for application shall be within the first twenty (20) days from the
start of regular classes of every academic year.

2. Letter of application must be send to the College President through the Director of
Student Affairs. The letter must be noted by the Faculty Adviser.

3. The student organization shall be notified in writing upon the approval or disapproval of
the application. Reasons for disapproval shall be explained to the Faculty adviser and the
officers of the student organization.

4. In case of disapproval, the student organization may file its appeal for reconsideration at
the office of the Director of Student Affairs within five (5) school days upon receipt of
notice of disapproval of the application. The appeal for consideration shall be brought to
the Administrative Council for finality of the decision. Decision of the Administrative
Council on the appeal for reconsideration shall be final and executory without prejudice
to the Board of Trustees and other applicable laws.

5. Students Organization granted recognition or accreditation on a probationary basis must

show evidences and/documents of growth and development in terms of projects,
activities, expansion of membership, and/or achievements otherwise recognition and/or
accreditation shall be withdrawn.

6. Any student organization which does not renew its recognition and/or accreditation and
does not comply with all the prescribed requirements shall automatically be deemed to
have ceased operation.


Only bonafide students of ASCOT are allowed to join the student organization subject to
the following terms and conditions:
1. Members of any student organization shall be full time students with an academic load of
at least twelve (12) units. In case a student is enrolled in less than twelve academic unit
load, the student must be certified by the Collage Registrar that the prescribed number of
academic load in a particular course in a particular semester is less than twelve (12) and
that the student is allowed to enroll less than twelve (12) academic load because of

2. Members shall not be under any academic and/or disciplinary probation. They shall not
have any pending or on-going administrative case.

3. A student is allowed to be an officer of one or two organizations without prejudice to the

provisions of the constitution of the organization.

4. No hazing in any form or manner (neither physical nor psychological suffering nor
injury) is allowed except to render community services in admitting new members. In
case of community services, this must noted by the Faculty adviser and approved by the
Director of Student Services.



1. All student organization and activities must be known by the Director of Student Affairs.
The student organizations must notify the Office of the Student Affairs and seek permit
before pursuing any operations or activities for proper guidance and coordination.

2. An activity permit from the Office of the Student Affairs must be secured and
accomplished before a certain activity of the student organization shall be considered

3. For activities and operations of the student organization within or outside the College
premises, the presence of the duly recognized by the Faculty adviser, or any College
personnel duly authorized by the College President or Director of Student Affairs is
deemed necessary particularly during the initiation rites or graduation rites. If any activity
or operation is conducted without the presence of authorized College official, it shall be
considered illegal, and thus enough ground to suspend the operation of the concerned

4. For activities or operations outside the College premises, the student organization must
submit a letter of request addressed to Director of Student Affairs stating the type of
activity or operation to be undertaken before securing an activity form.

5. Parents or guardians waiver or consent is required from the students who shall join
activities or operations outside the College premises. Such waiver or consent must be
submitted to the Office of the Student Affairs at least three school days before the said
activity or operation.

6. Any recognized or accredited student organization desiring to hold a fund raising activity
should apply at the Office of the Student Affairs. A letter of request must be submitted to
the OSA indicating the nature of fund raising activity which specifies the following:

a. Nature of the proposed activity

b. Date, Time, and Place of the Activity

c. Beneficiary and Purpose of Fund Raising

d. Manner of disbursing the funds raised

e. Names of student-members directly in-charge of the fund raising

f. Endorsement of the recognized Faculty adviser

7. Fund raising activity which covers not only the ASCOT community but also the outside
larger community must seek permission from the Department of Social Welfare and

8. Application for fund raising activity shall be filed at the Office of the Student Affairs at
least fifteen (15) school days before the activity is to be held.

9. Every student organization conducting fund raising activity shall submit a financial report
duly noted by the recognized Faculty adviser to the Director of Student Affairs and
College Accountant not later than twenty (20) school days after the activity.

10. All tickets, solicitation forms, and other materials for fund raising activity of the student
organization shall bear the signature and approval of the Director of Student Affairs.


1. Only recognized or accredited student organization shall have the access to utilize
College’s facilities and equipment after securing necessary permit from the authorized
College personnel.

2. Posting of announcements, posters, and other forms of communication shall be allowed

to any student organization only to designed areas by College Authorities such as bulletin
boards, posts, walls, and the likes. Such posting must bear the name of the source/s, or
proponents and must have the signature of the Director of Student Affairs or any
authorized College personnel.

3. Sources/proponents shall be held responsible and liable for all the information indicated
in the announcements, posters, notices, and other forms of communication. Any
information stated in any means of information dissemination shall not contain anything
that is contrary to College policies or applicable laws.

4. Any kind of material is allowed to be used in posting as long as it is not detrimental to the
College properties. The use of staple wire to attach postings, notices, announcements, etc.
should be avoided. The use of biodegradable materials is very much encouraged.

5. A designated area of bulletin board by the recognized or accredited student organization

shall be specified to have access to majority of its members. Every student organization is
allowed to post their announcements, posters, notices, etc. within ten (10) to fifteen (15)
school days only. Student organization shall be responsible for removing postings.
Extreme care should be taken so that bulletin boards shall not be defaced when postings
are removed.

6. Anybody caught removing, defacing, or tampering postings within the duration of the
posting time shall be liable to disciplinary actions.



Section 1: Coverage

These rules shall apply to all student organization, including but not limited to, academic
social sciences, academic science and technology, agriculture, forestry, religious, sports, and
recreation, NSTP, ROTC, whether or not officially recognized by the College.

Section 2: Hazing Defined

Hazing is an initiation rite or practice conducted as a perquisite for admission into

membership in an organization, by placing the recruit, neophyte, or applicant in some
embarrassing or humiliating situation, such as forcing him/her to do menial, silly, foolish or
similar tasks or activities or otherwise subjecting him/her to physical or psychological suffering
or injury.

Section 3: Notice

No initiation rites in any form, or manner, shall be conducted by any student organization
without prior notice to the Office of the Student Affairs at least seven (7) school days before the
conduct of the said initiation.

Section 4: Contents of the Notice

The notice shall be in writing addressed to the College President. It shall be signed by
President and all officers of the organization, noted by the Faculty adviser, recommended by the
Director of the Student Affairs, and approved by the College President. The letter shall state the
a. The period of initiation activities which shall not exceed two (2) days
b. Name of recruits, neophytes, or students to be subjected to such activities
c. Date and Time of initiation activities
d. Place of the initiation activities which shall be in the designated area within College
e. Name, course, and residence of the officers who will participate in the initiation rite of
the student organizations

Section 5: Action by the Director of Student Affairs

The Director of Student Affairs shall, upon receipt of the notice, verify the sufficiency of
the same. If the notice is sufficient in form and substance, he/she shall so inform the concerned
student organization of this fact and he/she shall recommend to the College President at least two
(2) representatives who shall be present during the initiation. Otherwise, he/she shall inform the
organization of the defects in the notice for their correction. A defective notice shall not be
deemed compliance with Section 3 and 4 hereof. The Director of Student Affairs and the College
President shall act on the notice within three (3) school days after receipt.

Section 6: Duration of Initiation

The period of initiation activities shall not exceed two (2) school days. No initiation
activity, whatever is called, beyond the two-day period.

Section 7: Place of Initiation

The Director of Student Affairs shall designate the place/s within the College premises
where the student organization shall conduct initiation activities.

Section 8: Initiation Rites

The initiation of new recruits/neophytes shall be in the form of community service with
the College premises or designated areas. There shall be no initiation activities in any form aside
from the approved initiation.

Section 9: School Representative

The College President upon the recommendation of the Director of Student Affairs shall
assign any College faculty as College representative who shall be present during the initiation
activities. It shall be the representative’s duties and responsibilities to prevent the infliction of
physical or psychological harm of any kind upon the recruit, neophyte, or applicant. After the
initiation activities, designated representatives shall separately submit a written report to the
College President and the Director of Student Affairs as to what exactly happened.
Actionable Misconduct and Penalties

Section 10: Hazing in any form resulting to injuries

Members and officers of student organizations who engage in hazing which results to the
following shall be penalized in accordance with the Anti-Hazing Law.

a. Death, rape, act of lasciviousness, seduction, sodomy or mutilations

b. Insanity, imbecility, impotence, or blindness

c. Loss of the use of speech or the power to hear, to smell, loss of an eye, a hand, a foot,
an arm, or a leg; or incapacity for the activity or work in which he/she was habitually

d. Deformity or loss of any part of his/her body, or loss of the use thereof, or illness or
incapacity for the performance of the activity or work in which he/she was habitually
engaged for a period of more than ninety (90) years

e. Illness or incapacity for the performance of the activity or work in which he/she was
habitually engaged for more than thirty (30) days

f. Illness or incapacity for the performance of the activity or work in which he/she was
habitually engaged for ten (10) days or more, or that the injury sustained shall require
medical attendance for the same period

g. Illness or incapacity for the performance of the activity or work in which he/she was
habitually engaged from one (1) to nine (9) days, or that the injury sustained shall
require medical attendance for the same period

h. Physical injuries which did not prevent the victim from engaging in his/her habitual
activity or work nor required medical attendance; the following shall constitute
aggravating circumstances:
1. When the recruitment is accomplished by force, violence, threat, intimidation or deceit on
the person of the recruit who refuses to join;
2. When the recruit, neophyte or applicant consents to join but upon learning that hazing
will be committed on his/her person, is prevented from quitting;
3. When the recruit, neophyte or applicant having undergone hazing is prevented from
reporting the unlawful act to his/her parents or guardians, to the proper College
authorities, or to the police authorities, through force, violence, threat or intimidation;
4. When hazing I committed outside the College or institution; or,
5. When the victim is below twelve (12) years of age at the time of hazing.

Without prejudice to the provisions of RA 8049, liability, as principal, shall be incurred,

among others, by the officers and members and by any other students:
a. Who actually participated in the conduct of hazing
b. Who planned the hazing, although were not present who the hazing was conducted
c. Who induced the neophyte to be present at the hazing
d. Who were present but did not do anything to prevent the hazing

The presence of any person during the hazing is prima facie evidence of participation therein,
unless he performed acts to prevent the same.

Section 11: Other forms of Misconduct

Officers and members of duly recognized student organizations shall be subjected to

disciplinary action for the following commission of acts shall be penalized as follows:

First Offence Six Month Suspension

Second Offence One Year Suspension
Third Offence Exclusion or Dismissal from the College

1. Conducting initiation rites, whatever it is called, without submitting the notice required in
Section 3 and 4 hereof
2. Conducting initiation rites, whatever it is called, for a period of more than two (2) days
3. Conducting initiation rites, whatever it is called, in a date and time different from that
reported under Section 4 hereof
4. Conducting initiation rites, whatever it is called, in a place other than that designated by
proper authorities
5. Initiating recruits, neophytes or persons not listed as required by Section 4 (b) hereof
6. Anyone who by force, threat, intimidation, deceit, concealment, or misrepresentation
obstructs, impedes, prevents, or prohibits the representative/s authorized by the College
from observing the initiation

If the initiation or activity, whatever it is called, is conducted by student organizations no

duly recognized or whose recognition has been withdrawn or suspended, liability shall be
incurred by the individuals who conducted such hazing or initiation rite or activity.

The penalty imposed on individual officers and members is without prejudice to any
administrative sanctions, such as suspension or withdrawal of recognition that may be imposed
on the student organization.

Section 12: Liability of Faculty Adviser, Faculty Members and other College Official or

1. The faculty adviser, co-adviser and any other personnel appointed in their behalf as
College representatives who will fail to perform their duties and responsibilities as stated
in Section 9 hereof or who fail to take any action to prevent any violation of Section 10
hereof, shall be liable for gross neglect of duty.
2. Faculty members and other ASCOT officials or employees who are present during the
hazing, who consent thereto, or who have the actual knowledge thereof, but failed to take
any action to prevent any violation of Section 10 and 11 hereof shall be liable for gross



Article I. Preliminary Statement

The College is mandated to promote student’s welfare and development. Consequently,

participating in co-curricular activities is a means of developing and enhancing student’s
potentials in different fields such as academic, music, literary, cultural, and sports and even in the
field where leadership potential is a must.

Through this policy, the College believes that the students will not only engage
themselves in their academic subjects, but also will encourage them as participate in co-
curricular activities to develop their skills and capabilities physically and mentally.

Article II. Coverage

These guidelines and policies recognize the following Co-Curricular activities to be

under the terms and conditions:

a. Selected Officers of Supreme College Student Council.

b. Joining the actively participating as the Editorial Staff of The Voice of the Sierra,
the ASCOT Community Students Publication.
c. Winning in any academic, Literary, Musical, Cultural and Skills Competition.

Article III. Students Entitled to Avail Incentives/Benefits

The following are the students who can avail incentives and benefits as indicated in these
policies and guidelines:

a. The President, the Executive Vice President and the Vice Presidents for Zabali
and Bazal Campuses of the Supreme College Student Council.
b. The Editor-In-Chief and the Associate Editor of the ASCOT Community
Publication, The Voice of the Sierra.
c. The winners (First Placer, Second Placer, and Third Placer) in any Regional,
National or Higher Level of Academic, Literary, Musical, Cultural and Skills
Article IV. Incentives and Benefits

1. For Supreme College Student College Officers, The Voice of the Sierra, Editorial Staff
and Organization Presidents.

A. Scholarships
a. Full Scholarship. This is given to the President of SCSC and the Editor-In-
Chief of the Voice of the Sierra. They will enjoy fee tuition, miscellaneous
fees and fiduciary fee for their entire term.
b. Full Tuition Fee Scholarship. This is given to the executive Vice President,
the Vice President for Zabali and Bazal Campus of the SCSC and to the
Associate Editor of the Voice of the Sierra for their entire term as part of the
aforementioned student organizations.

2. For the winners of any regional, national, or high level of Academic, literary, musical,
cultural, and Skills competitions.

B. Monetary Incentives

Becoming an official delegate of ASCOT in any Regional, National, of Higher

Level of Academic, Literary, Musical, Cultural, and Skills Competitions is indeed
already a privilege. Moreover, considering the efforts of the students and the
pride accorded by the winners in such competitions they will be awarded
monetary incentives.

Individual Categories
First Place Php 2,000.00
Second Place Php 1,500.00
Third Place Php 1,000.00

Group Categories
First Place Php 5,000.00/Group/Team
Second Place Php 3,000.00/ Group/Team
Third Place Php 2,000.00/ Group/Team

Article V. Availing the Incentives and Benefits

They are the necessary procedures on how the student may avail the incentives and
1. The benefits and incentives may be enjoyed only upon the presentation of
certification during the enrolment to the College Cashier/College Officer.
2. Such certification shall state his/her involvement or participation in the
aforementioned specific co-curricular activities.
3. This shall be noted by the Director of the Students Affairs, recommended by the
College Vice President for Academic Affairs, and approved by the College President.
4. Such certification shall evolve from the office of the Supreme College Student
Council upon the request of their respective adviser.
5. Enjoyment of incentives and benefits may be during the semester the award has been
received or position has been bestowed or on the succeeding semester.

The following are the students who can avail incentives and benefits as indicated in the

a. The President, the Executive Vice President, and the Vice Presidents for Zabali and Bazal
Campuses of the Supreme College Student Council.
b. The Editor-In-Chief and Associated Editor of the ASCOT Community Publication, The
Voice of the Sierra.
c. The Winners (First Placer, Second Placer, and Third Placer) in any Regional, National or
higher level of Academic, Literary, Musical, Cultural and Skills Competitions.


(As approved by the ASCOT Board of Trustees with BOT Resolution No. 328, s. 2000 during the
21st Regular Meeting of the Governing Board held on May 31, 2000 at Sulo Hotel, Diliman,
Quezon City.)


The College through the Director of Student Affairs encourages students to enhance
themselves in various athletic interests by participating into different sports organizations and
competitions and to join other sports related activities of the College.

ASCOT believes that through this policy, the athletes will not only be competitive in
academics but also in sports which equips with physical strength and mind and the true spirit of


1. The College shall recognize all sports related organizations and shall give them
accreditations to operate as legal organizations within the College subject to terms and
conditions stipulated in the policies and guidelines on student organizations. Sports
organization must be based on the sports event the students want to organize.
2. Different sports organizations shall serve as the training pool of athletes to represent the
College in any sports competitions the College wishes to join.
3. Members of athletic organizations may have the priority to represent the College without
prejudice to non-members. In this case, the coach and the Director of Student Affairs
must decide on who shall be the official representative of the College.
4. All sports organizations shall be under the direct supervision of related matters must be
submitted to the Office of the Student Affairs copy furnished the Vice President for
Academic Affairs.

1. Each club shall have a head coach and an assistant coach appointed by the President upon
the recommendation of the Director for Student Affairs duly noted by the Vice President
for Academic Affairs. Each recommended coach should be knowledgeable enough to
handle the sports event assigned to his/her.
2. Coaches shall act as adviser and the trainer of the athletes. They shall be responsible for
the direct implementation of sports development project of the College in the line with
the sports event they are engaged into for the whole academic year including summer.
3. Coaches shall determine all the qualifications of an athlete to qualify him/her as a
member of the member of the sports organizations. The process shall be determined by
majority of the members of the club.
4. Coaches shall submit monthly monitoring and evaluations of the performance of the
athletes to the OSA Office copy furnished the Vice President for Academic Affairs and
the College President.
5. Each faculty member appointed as coach shall be given Equivalent Teaching Load (ETL)
the number of which shall be determined by the Academic Council.


1. Qualified members of any sports organizations shall be bonafide students of ASCOT with
at least one (1) semester residency. Freshmen and transferees shall be exempted from this
rule of residency.
2. Recruitment shall start immediately before the College Intramurals and shall end 2 (two)
weeks after.
3. The following documents shall be submitted by the recruited member to the Office of the
Student Affairs or to the coaching staff.
a. Application form
b. Parents Waiver or Permit
c. Medical Certificate
d. Recommendation Letter from class adviser
e. Birth Certificate preferably from NSO
f. Certified photo copy of registration form
g. 3 pcs – Colored I.D. Pictures (2”x2”)
4. Non-compliance means disqualification for membership.

The College is encouraged to participate in different sports competitions. This is to

ensure development of sports in the institution. With this regard, the College issues an official list
of delegation for the purpose. The President upon the recommendation of the Director for
Student Affairs duly noted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs approves the official list.

1. Screening of official delegates of the College shall be conducted to establish the

authenticity as bonafide students. Screening committee shall be composed of the
coaching staff of the sports event, the College Registrar, and the Director of Student
Affairs who shall act as the chairman of the committee. Screening should not be
limited to members of any sports organizations.
2. Official entry of the College to any sports competition must be recommended by the
screening committee to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for the approval of
the College President.
3. The official athlete must be enrolled for at least two consecutive semesters in the
College. Freshmen are exempted in this rule. Transferees coming from any
recognized institution of tertiary learning must establish at least one semester of
residency prior to the semester he presently enrolled.
4. Returning student, a former one who has re-enrolled, can be selected as official
athlete provided that he/she passes the qualifications standards set herein except for
5. Every athlete should have attended the trainings set by the coaching staff for at least
ninety percent (90%) of the total number of training hours.
6. Every athlete must not have failing grades for at least 50% of the total units enrolled
for the last two semesters.
7. The athlete must enroll at least 12 units (including P.E) for two semesters in his/her
prescribed curriculum. Less than 12 unit loads is allowed if the athlete is graduating;
if the athlete is certified by the College Registrar that he/she is under loaded because
of the prerequisites that he/she needs to take first before taking the subjects in the
particular semester he/she is enrolled; or the College Registrar certifies that the
prescribed number of full load in a particular course of study is below 12 units for the
particular semester.
8. The maximum number of years an athlete is allowed to participate as official delegate
is only six. This provision aims to give chance to others who may have the potentials
and interests in sports.
9. The official athlete of the College should not be more than 25 years of age during the
duration of the competition the College joins.
10. The official athlete of the College is allowed to participate in a maximum of two-year
sports or one-team sports and five individual events excluding relays.
11. The official athlete must be physically fit as a certified by the College Physician or by
any government physician accredited by the College.
12. All the athletes found to be using fictitious names, unknown identity, or using other
people’s credentials shall be completely banned from participating any sports events
or competitions.
13. All athletes must diligently follow all qualification standards set by the Screening
Committee purposely for a particular sports event or competition.


The following incentive and benefits are applicable only to official delegates of the
College to any sports event or competition in the regional level and above.

A. Scholarships
Athletes who excelled in their respective fields shall be given scholarships under the
following terms:

1. Full Scholarship is given to those athletes who excelled in their field winning gold medal
or first place. Full scholarship shall be defined as free tuition, miscellaneous, and
fiduciary fees for one school year excluding the SCSC and Publication fees.
2. Partial Scholarship is given to those athletes who excelled in their field winning silver
medal or second place. Partial scholarship shall be defined as free tuition, miscellaneous,
and fiduciary fees for one (1) semester excluding the SCSC and Publication fees.
3. Tuition Fee Scholarship is given to those athletes who excelled in their field by winning
bronze medal or 3rd place. Tuition Fee scholarship shall be defined as free tuition fee for
one semester.
B. Other Incentives and Benefits

Being an official delegate of the College is already considered a privilege. Moreover in

consideration of the efforts exerted and the commitment by the athletes, other incentives and
benefits are given to them.
1. An athlete chosen to be an official delegate shall be given a stipend or allowance the
amount of which shall be based on the availability of fund. In this case, the Director of
Student Affairs shall coordinate the matter to appropriate College authorities for
coordination, processing, and release after the approval by the College President.
2. Athletes who excelled by winning the First, Second, and Third Place shall be recognized
with extra monetary incentives besides the scholarship they shall enjoy. Each athlete
whether in individual or group events shall be given Two Thousand Pesos (Php2,000.00)
for First Place; One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (Php1,000.00) for Second Place; and
One Thousand Pesos (Php1,000.00) for Third Place.

(As approved by the ASCOT Board of Trustees with BOT Resolution No. 284, s. 1999 during the
19th Regular Meeting of the Governing Board held on November 23, 1999 at Sulo Hotel,
Diliman, Quezon City.)


Once the student registered and accepted in Aurora State College of Technology
(ASCOT), he/she automatically binds himself/herself to all the philosophies, rules, regulations,
tenets, and traditions of the institution. ASCOT maintains and upholds school discipline inside
the school premises as well as outside the students are officially engaged in any activities or
affairs authorized by the College or when the students are official representatives of the College.
In case of outside coverage of school discipline the time and venue of the activity, affair, and
representation must be only considered. Any member of the ASCOT community like the
administration, faculty, staff, parents, and students are given the authority to report to the Office
of the Student Affairs any student who disregards the philosophies, rules, regulations, tenets, and
traditions of the College.
The College, after due process, reserves to itself the right to penalize an erring student at
any time, strike from the list of candidates for graduation, and/or withholds the diploma from, or
expels any student who violates the philosophies, rules, regulations, tenets, and traditions or any
of the provisions of this policy, or fails to satisfy the academic standards of the College.


Disciplinary administrative sanctions may be imposed on the erring student for the
commission of any offense defined in this code of conduct. Such sanctions may take the form of:

Legend Sanction Explanation

Rep Reprimand This sanction is meted out for reprehensible conduct
by way of telling the erring student that repetition of
the offense would subject him to more severe
disciplinary measures. The erring student is
required to write promissory note duly signed by the
adviser and parent/guardian.

Res Restitution This sanction is meted out for payment or

replacement of damage to/or misappropriation of
school property or facilities.

5 Failing Mark This sanction is meted out to any for cheating in

exams, quizzes, seat works, assignments, term
papers, research works, projects, and any other form
of requirements in a particular class.

Sus Suspension This sanction is meted out to an erring student who

will be temporarily barred or not admitted inside the
school premises or campus for a definite period of
time. The duration shall depend on the gravity of
the offense and the counting of days shall be based
on academic calendar excluding holidays.
1DSus One Day Suspension
2DSus Two Day Suspension
3DSus Three Day Suspension
5DSus Five Day Suspension
10DSus Ten Day Suspension
15DSus Fifteen Day Suspension

Ecxl Exclusion This is a disciplinary measure which drops or

dismisses the erring student from school rolls and is
thereafter excluded from returning to the College, or
where the penalty for expulsion cannot for any
reason, extraneous or otherwise, be enforced.

Expl Expulsion This is a disciplinary measure where an erring

student is excluded from admission to any public or
private educational institutions in the Philippines.
Offenses under this sanction are based on applicable
laws. Approval of the Commission on Higher
Education is sought before the implementation of
this sanction.

The College President upon consultation with the Director of Student Affairs and other
school authorities may modify or adjust the sanction to be imposed to responded/erring student.
Likewise, the College President may impose other sanction/s not stated in these provisions as
long as the sanction is to the advantage of the College community and/or to the benefits of the


A student charge with violating the College rules and regulations shall be informed of the
complaints against him/her and be afforded a fair and reasonable opportunity to depend himself/
herself; provided, however, that in case of voluntary admission or confession or of offenses
committed in flagrant delicto, a decision may be summarily rendered and the corresponding
penalty must be imposed on the erring student; and provided further, that if the erring student
refuses to appear or to present his defense, or resorts to dilatory tactics in the course of
investigation, the hearing may be conducted ex parte.


The Director of the Student Affairs is the only College officer authorized to receive
complaints and evidences thereof. He therefore must conduct appropriate investigation upon
receiving the complaints and evidences, and on the basis thereof render his decision and impose
the sanctions provided in the provisions of this student code of conduct and/or student handbook.
Before rendering decisions, the Director of the Student Affairs must refer the case to the
Academic Director concerned and must seek the approval of the College President.


A decision of exclusion or expulsion imposed by the Director of Student Affairs shall be

automatically by the Student Disciplinary Committee. Any decision rendered by the Student
Disciplinary Committees must be implemented by the Office of the Student Affairs in
coordination with the concerned Academic Director of the various academic departments.

Sanctions like Reprimand, Restitution, and Suspensions for five days and below need not
be reviewed by the Student Disciplinary Committee and shall be imposed immediately by the
Director of the Student Affairs even without the prior approval of the College President.


In all offenses where the sanctions are the (10) day suspension, fifteen (15) day
suspension, exclusion, and expulsion, and/or where the Student Disciplinary Committee has
already rendered its decision in coordination with the concerned Academic Director of the
different departments, the respondent/erring student may file a written appeal to the President of
the College within three (3) school days after the receipt of the decision.
All others sanctions (five day suspension and below) for any offences are unappealable
and may be implemented directly by the Director of the Student Affairs.


The decision of the College President upon the recommendation of the Director of the
Office of the Student Affairs shall be final and executor unless appealed to the higher authorities,
including the Board of Trustees. The decision of the Board of Trustees shall be deemed final and
executor without prejudice to the provisions of applicable laws.


A Student Disciplinary Committee in each campus is hereby created composing of the
Academic Director of the respondent/erring student as the Chairman, two (2) senior faculty of
the department as members, and two (2) representatives from the Supreme College Student
Council (SCSC).

The committee shall be under the direct supervision of the Director of Student Affairs.


Occurrence and Sanction

No. List of Offenses 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 Littering inside the College premises Rep 2DSus 3DSus 5DSus
2 Loitering during class hours Rep 2DSus 3DSus 5DSus
Smoking inside school premises and
3 other school related programs or Rep 2DSus 3DSus 5DSus
Failure or refusal to wear ID within
4 the College premises or other Rep 2DSus 3DSus 5DSus
designated areas
5 Using someone else’s ID or lending Rep 3DSus 5DSus 10DSus
or borrowing one’s ID
6 Spitting on walls and floors Rep 1DSus 3DSus 5DSus
7 Unauthorized use of mobile phones Rep 1DSus 3DSus 5DSus
and other electric gadgets
8 Clogging of toilet bowls, urinals, and
lavatories or causing spillage on 1DSus 2DSus 3DSus 5DSus
waste or stinking matter
9 Taking examination without the Rep 2DSus 5DSus 10DSus
required permit or clearance
10 Unauthorized posting of notice and
announcements on walls, bulletin 2DSus 5DSus 10DSus 15DSus
boards, doors, and other related areas
11 Non-attendance to important school 1DSus 2DSus 3DSus 5DSus
assemblies or activities
12 Disregarding policies on off limit Rep 1DSus 2DSus 3DSus
13 Disregarding policies on curfew Rep 1DSus 2DSus 3DSus
14 Cheating, copying or allowing others 5DSus & 10DSus & 15DSus Excl
to copy during examinations 5 5 &5
15 Copying (Plagiarism) or allowing
others to copy one’s research works, 3DSus & 5DSus & 10DSus 15DSus
subject requirements, assignments, 5 5 &5 &5
and the likes
16 Gambling in any form within the Rep 5DSus 10DSus 15DSus
College premises &5 &5
17 Bringing/drinking intoxicating liquor
inside College premises; coming/
entering the campus under the 3DSus 5DSus 10DSus 15DSus
influence of such liquor
18 Coming to school under the 10DSus 15DSus Excl
influence of drugs
19 Public display of attention Rep 5DSus 10DSus 15DSus
20 Commission of any act of 10DSus 15DSus Excl
21 Distribution/possession of 5DSus 10DSus 15DSus Excl
pornographic materials
Vandalism in any form such as
defacing and/or writing walls,
painting doors, desks, tables, chairs,
etc. tearing of books, notices or
22 circulars: destruction of window Res with Res with Res with Res with
panes, toilet bowls, urinals, fans, 3DSus 5DSus 10DSus 15DSus
laboratory equipment, air
conditioners, chalkboards, bulletin
boards, and other College equipment
and furnishings
23 Fist-fights, rumbles, and other forms 10DSus 15DSus Excl
of physical injury
Acts/uttering words or doing actions/
signs that can cause dishonor,
24 discredit or contempt in the name of Rep 2DSus 2DSus
the school employees,
administrators, and fellow students
Robbery, thievery, and acts of
malicious mischief involving College
25 property or that of the members of Res with Res with Excl with
the academic community including 10DSus 15DSus Res
College guests and callers

26 Giving false testimony during a 10DSus 15DSus Excl

school investigation of any case
27 Use of the College premises and/or 10DSus 15DSus Excl
facilities without prior authorization
Solicitation of money, donation, or
28 contribution in any kind/form 10DSus 15DSus Excl
without prior approval from the
proper authorities
Embezzlement of failure to account Res with Res with Excl with
29 funds belonging to the College or 10DSus 15DSus Res
any recognized organization
30 Unauthorized use of the name in the 10DSus 15DSus Excl
name of the College
Unauthorized distribution within the
College premises of leaflets,
31 handbills, or other printed materials 10DSus 15DSus Excl
whose authority is not clearly or
specifically stated
Gross disobedience to or disregard of
32 a lawful order or authority of any 10DSus 15DSus Excl
faculty member, employee, or
College official
Tampering, alteration or misuse of
33 notices, posters, announcements and 10DSus 15DSus Excl
other printed materials
Resorting to vindictive acts, personal
insults, black propaganda or
malicious imputations, oral or
34 written, in order to discredit or 15DSus Excl
ridicule any College officials,
personnel, faculty members or fellow
Extortion, blackmail, or bribery in
35 any form to any member of the 15DSus Excl with
ASCOT with Res Res
Instigating, inciting, provoking,
leading, or taking part in illegal and/
or violent demonstration or activities,
36 or giving active support thereto in 15DSus Excl
any form or manner whether
financial, physical or material
37 Leading or otherwise taking part in 15DSus Excl with
any activity which disrupts College with Res Res
functions or adversely affects
classroom instruction, whether such
activity is or not accompanied by
violence, such as disconnecting or
tampering with electrical
connections, switches, generators,
motors, air-conditions, fans, light
stand firearms, giving false alarms,
shouting; banging door walls, tables,
desks, chairs, and other acts of
rowdiness and disturbance.
Assaulting including, challenging or
committing physical abuse or any act
of gross disrespect directed against
38 persons in authority, faculty 15DSus Excl
members, personnel and fellow
students or threatening to do any of
the aforementioned acts.
Preventing in any manner College
officials, faculty members and
39 personnel and/or fellow students 15DSus Excl
from performing their duties or
exercising their rights
Destroying, tampering with or
40 falsifying/forging school records, 15DSus Excl
documents, or forms
Committing, allowing, or abetting
acts of impersonation in enrolling,
41 securing permits, and/or other school 15DSus Excl
records, documents, or taking
Carrying or possession of explosives,
42 firearms, knives, or other deadly 15DSus Excl
weapons of whatever kind within the
College premises
43 Acts of lasciviousness to any 15DSus Excl
member of ASCOT community
Detonating explosives or fireworks
44 or using deadly weapons within the Excl
College premises and its immediate
Use or possession of, and/or
45 distributing any form of prohibited Excl
drugs or narcotics
Sexual Harassment or molestation
46 committed to any member of Excl
ASCOT community

1. Repetition of offences already sanctioned shall increase the number of day’s suspension until
the erring student is decided to be excluded from the College.
2. ***Cheating in any form in particular exam must be sanctioned with failing mark in the exam
only by the respective instructor.



Grievance is any cause for compliant. It may arise from any circumstance that is thought
to be unjust. It refers to any issue or compliant between a student (as the aggrieved party) and a
member of the academic community (as respondent that may be the cause of compliant). When a
student strongly feels that his right as a student has been violated and informs the proper
authorities he/she is airing grievance. Grievance is also stipulated in this Student Handbook on
Rights of the Students which states that every student shall have the right to redress of grievances
against any wrong or injustices committed against him and/or other students by any member of
the academic community in accordance with the defined channels of authority therein.

A grievance may be informal or formal in nature. Informal grievance goes through

procedures wherein parties settle through a dialogue. If the parties fail to settle an informal
grievance, the student can decide if he/she wants to pursue the grievance formally. Formal
grievance is a process wherein the compliant is put into writing and duly signed.


A grievance is Academic in nature if the controversy is related to learning/performance in

academic courses (e.g. compliant against a faculty member of a college administrator). It is
behavioral if the controversy is related to the manner a person conducts himself/herself (e.g.
compliant of sexual harassment, crucial and other sensitive cases).


Possible causes of grievances are the following:

a. Disrespect and unbecoming behavior towards the complainant as a person.

b. Wrong computation of grades by an Instructor or Professor.
c. The teacher refuses to show the records after the Mid-Term and Finals.
d. The teacher does not give the criteria for grading (i.e. no syllabus, no grading system).
e. The teacher loses the test paper which caused the failure of the students in final grades.
f. Sexual harassment or any sexual advances and favors by any member of the academic
g. On classroom management, the instructor or professor is:
a. Always absent or late
b. Not willing to give any consultations
c. Counting approved absences as excess absences
d. Marking student absent during make up class


First thing to do is consult the Student Council Officers. They have the knowledge to
assist someone in filling grievance.

The Complainant must write the following to the Student Council Officers for
1. Who is filling the complaint?
The complainant may either be an individual, a group of people or a class. Individual
grievance is a grievance filed by a single person. A class compliant must be signed by at
least 50% + 1 student of the entire section. If you can’t get the signature of the majority
of the class then you are considered filing a grievance as a group and a class. The
complainants’ class, section and year must be known by the Student Council Officers.

2. Who is the subject of the compliant?

The subject of the compliant may either be a student, a teacher or an administrator. It may
also be about a department policy. If the student of the compliant is a student, a teacher or
an administrator, the complainant must supply the Student Council Officers with
pertinent data such as names, year, department, course, or division where the subject

3. What is the compliant?

The complainant must narrate to the Student Council Officers the grievance story. The
grievance story must be written for documentation. A grievance story is solely a violation
of rights as students.

4. What does the complaint want?

The complainant must indicate what kind of action he/she wants to be acted upon in
relation with the issue of complaint. Possible action may be remedial (meaning that it will
change the status qou in favor of the complainant), or punitive (punishment for
unfairness). Whatever it is, the complainant must be reasonable.

Filing a grievance is not a joke! It entails commitment and time. In case the complainant
wants to pursue a grievance case, he/she should be guided and helped by the SCSC Officers
through the process. They shall advice the complainant on what to do next and how to do it
properly. The complainant shall be the one to deal with concerned people and to file necessary


Conflict between and among students must be settle first between and among themselves.
If this can be settled between the two parties within legal and lawful means without the need to
report it to proper authorities, it is better. However, the settlement must not complicate nor
aggravate the situation.
If the complaint is not settled, it must be forwarded to the Office of the Student Affairs
(OSA). A formal letter must be presented to the OSA Director for proper action. Please refer to
the Student Discipline Section of this handbook for proper guidance and information regarding
the handling of complaint.


Most often than not grievance cases are results of misunderstanding between two parties.
Discussing the problem with College Personnel concerned might just resolve the problem right
there and then and reduce the dilemma. Besides, it is an absolute prerequisite recommended in
the Student Handbook.

If the conflict is not settled, write a complaint letter to the Department Director. This is
the start of the formal grievance procedure. The four points stated in the steps must be included.
The tone of the letter should be diplomatic or in a form of request. The complainant may demand
but it advisable to be courteous in letter writing.

The complainant must also keep a copy of the grievance letter to himself duly signed by
the receiving authority. The duly signed receiving copy will serve as evidence of filing a case and
redressing grievance.

When the department director receives the grievance letter, he shall require the faculty
concerned to answer the complaint in writing within 3 working days (excluding weekend and
holidays). If the faculty failed to do so it is considered admission of the charges and the
department director shall resolve the case on the strength of this admission. If the faculty answers
he/she shall prepare 3 copies of the written answers (original for the department director, 1 for
faculty, 1 for student). When the department chair receives the letter he shall evaluate the nature
of the complaint. If he deems to clarify details and further asks questions, he shall call the parties
to a meeting for this purpose within three (3) working days. After the meeting, the department
director shall resolve the case, put his resolution into writing and prepare 3 copies of the written
resolution (original for the department director, 1 for faculty, 1 for student). The Department
Director must accomplish all of these in three (3) working days.

If you are not satisfied with the Resolution of the department director, you may appeal
the same case to your College Grievance Board.


If the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution of the Department Director, he may
appeal to the College Grievance Board for Students’ Cases.
The College President shall designate the members of the CGB, they shall have the
responsibilities to hear and decide grievances filed by students against members of the College
Personnel in accordance with the defined procedures.

Composition of CGB:
Chairperson: VP for Academic Affairs
Members: Department Director
Area Chairman
College Guidance Counselor
OSA Director
SCSC President
Student Representative from the Department
Faculty Representative from the Faculty Association

Powers and Authorities of CGB

1. Define procedures to be followed in the conduct of hearings.

2. Summon witness or persons whose testimonies are needed in arriving at a just and fair
3. Access to all information and documents relevant to the case.
4. Recommend to the College President appropriate measures of sanctions consistent to its

Duties and Responsibilities of CGB

1. A quorum (50% + 1) of the members of the Board is needed to deal with the case.
2. Hearings are continuous and should not last for more than 6 working days (weekends and
holidays are not included in the counting) from the date of the first hearing.
3. Only evidences, testimonials, or documentary related to the allegations or complaints are
considered during the hearing.
4. Within five (5) working days after the last hearing, the board meets to deliberate on the
case and come up with recommendations.
5. When the Board votes, abstentions are not allowed. A majority vote of 50% + 1 is
required to arrive at a decision based on the recommendations.
6. The student concerned and the College personnel concerned about the case must be
provided with copy of the decision by CGB. The CGB must meet both parties when
handling the copy of the decision.
7. The College President must be informed about the decision of the CGB for possible
8. In case a member of the CGB is involved in the case, he must inhibit himself in
exercising his duties and responsibilities.

Appeal on the decision of the College Grievance Board (CGB) must addressed to the
College President. The written appeal must be submitted and received within five (5) working
days after the receipt of the decision. After 5 working days, the decision becomes final and
immediately executor.

Within five (5) working days upon the receipt of the appeal, the President shall decide on
the appeal, and shall notify in writing both parties about the decision. He shall convene again two
parties concerned together with the CGB to clarify the decision before its finality and execution.
The decision of the President is final and executory after convening the two parties concerned
and the CGB without prejudice to other applicable laws and the Governing Board of the College.

Aurora State College of Technology
Sa lalawigan ng Aurora
Pag-asa ka ng kabataan
Kaganapan ng bayan
Ang tapat mong pithaya
Sa puso ko ay nakaugat na
Ikaw nawa’y patnubayan
Ng Poong Maykapal
Ang dakila mong karunungan
ay dakilang karangalan
Binusilak na tayuning tapat
Sa lahi’t sa bayan mo’y
Pinapanday ang pag-unlad

Aurora State College of Technology

Ikaw laging idadalangin
Bandila mo’y iwawagayway
Pagkat ikaw ang gabay
Sa pagsulong ng aming bayan
Pangalan mo’y aming dangal
Mabuhay ka ASCOT
Ika’y aming minamahal


The College color shall be green, gold, and white and blue. It has a torch that symbolizes
enlightenment of the avowed vision and mission of the College for guidance and direction to all
its instructional components.
Illumination radiating from the torch represent the eight towns of the province of Aurora.
They signify the undying commitment of the College to provide education and improve the
productivity of the province.

The book and the hand symbolize the thrust of the College for relevant and timely
learning from theory to practical skills and actual practice.

The soil represents the terrain of Sierra Madre, a historically known landmark which
holds the College in its cradle. The fertile ground of the mountain shows its richness, enabling
the people of the province to become more productive and self-reliant.
The fish and the blue sea represent the abundance of the mouth of the Pacific which
embraces the College with marine and aquatic resources.

The coconut fruit, the primary product of the province, symbolizes the unequivocal
commitment of the College to pursue research and development activities to fulfill its immediate
and long term needs for social and economic growth.

The gear symbolizes engineering and technology in accordance with technical and
practical knowledge as one of the trusts of the College to equally produce skilled craftsmen for
the economic and technological growth of the province.

The microscope and the atomic cell structure represent science and technology in
consonance with the country’s programs in improving scientific knowledge and technological
expertise. In pursuance of the scientific advancement in the near future, the College is devoted to
be the prime mover of development in the province.
The words- instruction, research and extension- represent the trilogy of functions of the
College with the general objectives of achieving academic excellence and improving the well-
being of the rural communities in the province through generation, verification, and
dissemination of scientific knowledge and technologies with emphasis on agriculture, forestry,
fishery, trade and engineering for countryside agro-industrialization.

The symbols are enclosed in a circle of eight braided vines representing organization
cohesion built on dynamism and unity, flexible, and responsive in meeting the demands of times.

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