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Submitted to Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher Training of IAIN
Purwokerto as a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for
Achieving the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English




Herewith I,

Name : Ramadhenthy Ahlan

Students Number : 1617404038

Grade : Undergraduate

Faculty : Tarbiya and Teacher Training

Study Program : English Education

declare that this thesis script is entirely my own research outcome or work, except
some parts the sources of which are cited.

In case the statement is untrue in the future, I will accept all risks
including cancellation of the academic title.

Purwokerto, 28 January 2021

I who declare,

Ramadhenthy Ahlan
S.N. 1617404038

Alamat : Jl. Jend. A. Yani No. 40A Purwokerto 53126
Telp. (0281) 635624, 628250Fax: (0281) 636553, www.iainpurwokerto.ac.id

Thesis Entitled:

written by Ramadhenthy Ahlan, Student Number 1617404038, English

Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher Training, State
Institute on Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto, was examined on ... and declared
qualified for achieving the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English

To the Honorable.

Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher Training

State Institute of Islamic Studies Purwokerto

In Purwokerto

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Having guided, analyzed, directed, and corrected the thesis by

Ramadhenthy Ahlan, Student Number 1617404038, entitled:



I recommended the thesis to be submitted to Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya

and Teacher Training, State Institute of Islamic Studies Purwokerto, and
examined in order to get Undergraduate Degree in English Education (S.Pd.)

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Purwokerto, 28 January 2021


Agus Husein As-Sabiq, M.Pd.

NIP. 19870402 20103 1 002


There is no limit for struggling.

Ma Fi Qalbi Ghairullah


I dedicate this thesis to :


My beloved parents

My beloved brother

My Almamater, IAIN Purwokerto

All the readers of this thesis


Alhamdulillah, The Gracious and The Merciful, all praise and thanks to
Allah SWT, the Lord of the universe, who has given blessings, guidances, loves,
and helps thus the researcher could complete this thesis which entitled THE USE
salutation be upon to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, his family,
companions, and his faithful forever.
This thesis is presented as partial fulfillment of the requirement for
obtaining the undergraduate degree of education in the Faculty of Tarbiya and
Teacher Training of State Institute of Islamic Studies Purwokerto. The researcher
would also like to express the deep gratitude and appreciation are expressed to the
1. Dr. H. Suwito. M.Ag., as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher
Training of State Institute on Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto.
2. Dr. Suparjo, M. A., as the I Deputy Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher
Training of State Institute on Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto.
3. Dr. Subur, M. Ag., as the II Deputy Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher
Training of State Institute on Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto.
4. Dr. Sumiarti, M. Ag., as the III Deputy Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and
Teacher Training of State Institute on Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto.
5. Muflihah, S. S., M. Pd., as the Head of English Education in Faculty of
Tarbiya and Teacher Training of State Institute on Islamic Studies (IAIN)
6. Agus Husein As-Sabiq, M. Pd. As the my thesis advisor who has given all his
sincere guidance until I could accomplish this thesis. Thank you very much
for your patience, attention and advices in guiding me finishing this thesis. I
hope a good reciprocity will be given for you by Allah.
7. All lecturers of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher Training of State Institute on
Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto, especially lecturers of English Education

Study Program, who have patiently shared all their precious knowledge and
8. All of staffs and officials of State Institute on Islamic Studies (IAIN)
9. Mrs Lia Soviani, S.Pd as English teacher MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon who has
been pleased to be a research resource of this research.
10. Students at 7th grade A MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon who have participated
during the research.
11. My beloved parents, Ahlan and Risneni, who given support and always
prayer to me. Especially for Babeh, you always giving spirit and motivation
to me. Thank you very much for everything, I love you both.
12. My beloved little brother, I know that he love and support me.
13. My partner and my support system (Muhammad Mukhsyin) who never stop
give me spirit and reminds to finish this thesis. Thanks Mas.
14. All of my friends from TBI 2016, who have been a part of my 4 years of life,
I am gonna miss you guys.
15. My beloved friends (Novita, Mona, Junita, Uut, Mas Drajat) who always as
my moodboster and support to anything. Moreover, (Umi, Uul, Fahmi and all
who sincerely help me in finishing this thesis. Thanks and I love you all.
16. My Organization Mate, Rekan-Rekanita of PC IPNU-IPPNU Banyumas and
There is no sentence that is more appropriate than the deepest thanks
for all helps, supports, and sugestions. Only Allah who can reply with better
replies. Hopefully this thesis can be useful for writer and all readers.

Purwokerto, 28 January 2021

Ramadhenthy Ahlan
S.N. 1617404038


Ramadhenthy Ahlan
S.N 1617404038


E-learning media as the current phenomenon in teaching English in the

time of COVID 19 pandemic. E-learning media are the combination of web based
and digital technologies used as a media in English language teaching and used to
make learning become more interesting, motivating, and meaningful to the
students. The role of e-learning media can be adapted to the learning needs or can
even be modified by the teacher. This study aims to analyze the use of E-learning
media in English Language Teaching and the teacher's challenges in using E-
learning media in English language teaching at MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon.
This research was a descriptive qualitative research. The data collection
techniques of this research used triangulation consisting of observation,
interviews, and documentation. The participants consisted of an English teacher
and 38 students in one class. The data were analyzed by using data reduction, data
display and verification.
The result showed that the use of E-learning media in English language
teaching for class 7A students at MTs Ma'arif NU 1 Wangon used E-learning
Madrasah developed by the Ministry of Religion, and other media, such as Google
Classroom, and WhatsApp. In utilizing these media, the teacher used E-learning
Madrasah to share the material. Google Classroom was used to administer the
evaluation, such as giving assigment and daily exercises. The teacher used
whatsApp as a classroom communication, and for giving information about
learning process. In the use of E-learning media, the teacher faced some
challenges, some of those challenges were E-learning media sometimes difficult
to access; the teacher should understand the concept and the use of E-learning
media; there were some students who did not fulfill the target that had been
planned, not all learning materials could be conveyed well; not all students had
ability to operate smartphone well; most of students had lack of internet quota;
and the teacher could not have direct communication with students that made
teacher difficult to know characteristic of her students by person.

Keywords : E-learning Media, English Language Teachinng


TITLE............................................................................................................... i
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................. ii
APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... iii
OFFICIAL NOTE OF SUPERVISOR ........................................................ iv
MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v
DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... x
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xii
LIST OF PICTURES ..................................................................................... xiii
LIST OF CHART........................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.................................................................. 1
A. Background of the Study ..................................................... ...... 1
B. Conceptual Definition .......................................................... ...... 5
C. Research Questions .............................................................. ...... 7
D. Objective and Significances of the Research ....................... ...... 7
E. Structure of the Research ..................................................... ...... 8
CHAPTER II THEORITICAL REVIEW ................................................... 10
A. Technology-Based Media .................................................... .... 10
1. Definition of Technology Based Media .......................... 10
2. Definition of TELL in ELT ............................................. 10
3. Definition of ICT (Information, Communication and
Technology) .................................................................... 11
4. ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) in
ELT ................................................................................. 12
B. E-learning Media ................................................................. .... 12
1. Definition of E-Learning Media ..................................... 12
2. E-learning media in ICT ................................................. 14

3. E-learning Media in ELT (English Language Teaching) 15
4. The Forms of E-learning ................................................. 16
5. Component of E-learning ................................................ 17
6. The Use of E-Learning Tools of in English Language
Teaching .......................................................................... 18
7. Functions and Advantages of E-Learning ....................... 21
C. E-Learning Media in English Language Teaching .............. .... 22
1. E-Learning Madrasah Application .................................. 22
2. Google Classroom ........................................................... 24
3. WhatsApp in English Language Teaching...................... 27
D. Review on Relevant Studies ................................................ .... 29
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ...................................................... 31
A. Type of the Research ........................................................... .... 31
B. Location of the Research ..................................................... .... 31
C. Subject and Object of the Research ..................................... .... 32
D. Techniques of Data Collection ............................................ .... 32
E. Techniques of Analyzing Data ............................................ .... 34
F. Triangulation........................................................................ .... 36
CHAPTER IV ................................................................................................. 37
RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ............................................ 37
A. General Description of MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon ........... .... 37
B. The Use of E-Learning Media in English Language Teaching 40
C. The Teacher‘s Challenges in Using E-learning Media ........ .... 64
CHAPTER V CLOSING ............................................................................... 70
A. Conclusion ........................................................................... .... 70
B. Suggestion............................................................................ .... 70
REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 72
APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 75


Table 1 Observation Schedule ........................................................................ 33

Table 2 List of Students‘ Data in the Last Three Years ................................... 38
Table 3 List of Educators and Education Staff Data in MTs Ma‘arif NU 1
Wangon .............................................................................................. 38
Table 4 List of Facilities and Infrastructure Conditions in MTs Ma‘arif NU
1 Wangon ........................................................................................... 39
Table 5 Componen of E-learning Media in ELT ............................................. 62
Table 6 The teacher‘s Challenges used E-learning Media in ELT at MTs
Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon ....................................................................... 68
Table 7 The teacher‘s Solutions used E-learning Media in ELT at MTs
Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon ....................................................................... 69


Picture 1 Log In E-Learning Madrasah Application ........................................ 43

Picture 2 Home Features of E-Learning Madrasah Application ...................... 45
Picture 3 Sign In Google Classroom and Join in Classroom ........................... 46
Picture 4 The Use of Google Classroom in ELT Classroom ........................... 48
Picture 5 The Use of Google Classroom in ELT Classroom ........................... 49
Picture 6 Pre-Activity in WhatsApp Group .................................................... 51
Picture 7 Pre-Activity in E-learning Madrasah ................................................ 52
Picture 8 Teaching Material in E-learning Madrasah ...................................... 53
Picture 9 The Beginning Process E-learning Media in WhatsApp Group ....... 54
Picture 10 The Learning Material in E-learning Madrasah ............................. 55
Picture 11 The Use of Google Classroom Assignments .................................. 57
Picture 12 The Display of Google Classroom in Students ............................... 58
Picture 13 The Evaluation in Google Classroom ............................................. 58


Chart 1 E-Learning Media Tools used in ELT ................................................ 63


Appendix 1: The Guidelines of Observation, Interviews, and Documentation

Appendix 2: The Interview Result

Appendix 3: Observation Schedule

Appendix 4: Documentation Result

Appendix 5: List of Students

Appendix 6: Lesson Plan, Materi Pembelajaran, dan Soal

Appendix 7: Surat Keterangan Penetapan Dosen Pembimbing

Appendix 8: Surat Izin Observasi Pendahuluan

Appendix 9: Surat Balasan Izin Observasi Pendahuluan

Appendix 10: Surat Keterangan Seminar Proposal

Appendix 11: Surat Izin Riset Individu

Appendix 12: Surat Balasan Izin Riset Individu

Appendix 13: Sertifikat BTA-PPI

Appendix 14: Sertifikat APLIKOM

Appendix 15: Sertifikat Pengembangan Bahasa Inggris

Appendix 16: Sertifikat Pengembangan Bahasa Arab



A. Background of the Study

English has become a crucial language for learning and everyone‘s
need in this globalization era, especially the future generation, since it is used
in various field, ranging from education, economics, social, technology and
tourism. While, the development of science and technology encourages people
to make renewal efforts in the use of technological products due to the
demands of the times. Nowadays, people live in the era when technology all
over the world has been very advanced, and it affects many aspects of
human‘s life, one of them is education. The tradition in teaching English
conventionally has slowly interfered by the products of technology, since it
provides so many options in creating interesting learning process.
Technology in this globalization era has become basic need in
supporting educational process which is effective and qualified. The
utilization of technology in educational aspect is proven by many things, such
as the utilization of application in facilitating students and teachers to perform
learning process. According to Harmer and Genclter, teachers should
encourage students to find right activities through the use of technology in
order to reach successful language learning. Teachers are also required to
be able to use media and tools which are available to enhance the quality of
learning process. Technology-based education is the study and ethical practice
of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and
managing processes of appropriate technological resources.1 Technology-
based media in learning is seen as a form of physical communication
equipment in the form of hardware and software which is a small part of
learning technology that should be created (designed and developed), used and

Mohammad Reza Ahmadi. ―The Use of Technology in English Language Learning: A
Literature Review‖. Iran: International Journal of Research in English, 2018, Vol.3, No.2, p.116.

managed (evaluated) to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in English

In 2020, the world faced a disaster caused by the outbreak of Corona
Virus (SARS-CoV-2), and it caused a deadly disease called Covid-19. World
Health Organization (WHO) declared this condition as a pandemic situation
which limit people social interaction. In Indonesia itself, the government
regulated a policy to commit social and physical restrictions in almost all
aspects of activities. In educational aspect, all educational institutions
including schools, colleges, and universities, cannot use conventional systems
of teaching due to the pandemic of COVID 19. Conventional learning is
replaced by distance learning system which is online-based. This is an
effective solution to substitute face to face learning in classroom to reduce the
spread of Covid-19.3 This regulation requires all elements of education to
adapt and continue the process of teaching and learning.
In this situation and condition, technology plays an important role for
educational systems, as well as in English language learning and teaching.
This learning system is synchronized with 2013 Curriculum (K.13) which
currently used in Indonesia. 2013 curriculum is characterized by Student-
Centered Learning, as stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Education
and Culture (Permendikbud) no. 81A concerning Implementation of
Curriculum 2013. It is stated that learning process according to the curriculum
of 2013 is a process of education which provide opportunities for students to
be able to develop any pattern of learning that occurs inside the two way
interaction between teachers and student. In this case, teachers‘ role is not
really dominant in the learning process. This curriculum determines the
process of educational outcomes, and the strategy of effective and efficient
curriculum implementation in learning is necessary to achieve educational

Azhar Arsyad. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT.Rajagrafindo Persada, 2017.
Aditya Susilo. “Coronavirus Disease 2019: Review of Current Literatures”. Jakarta:
Jurnal Penyakit Dalam. 2020, Vol. 7, No. 1.

Permendikbud mentions that there are several learning systems that

need to be changed, including one-way learning system (teacher-student
interactions) that need to be transformed into interactive learning, then
isolated learning systems which become networking learning that utilized E-
learning media with the use of information and communication technology
media. By using these systems, passive learning can be changed into active-
seeking learning.4 The learning solution using E-learning media should be
able to present and strengthen the interaction between teachers and students
although it is an online system, so that the learning process can be continued
well. It is a learning and performance improvement by creating, using and
managing processes of appropriate technological resource.
Along with the increasingly sophisticated world of ICT (Information
Communication and Technology), science and technology have been going
through rapid development, shifting the paradigm of society in the way
information is pursued and obtained. Information is not only including
newspapers, audio-visual or electronic, but also sources from other
information, one of them is through internet network. The significant
development of Information and Communication Technology provides good
chances for teachers and students in learning process to do beyond their
traditional classrooms through online learning. In this modern era, one of
technological developments that have been applied especially in educational
world is ICT based learning. Related to technological developments, e-
learning starts to be used in schools which have better ICT tools. Dede stated
that as a rapid development of technology in information and communication
technology (ICT), it has provided more effectiveness for teachers. By using
electronic support, teachers and students can communicate easily. Teachers
and students can communicate without limited by distance, place and time.
E-learning allows students to get their learning materials and they can
review it anytime and anywhere as long as they are still connected with

Ali Sofyan. ―The Implementation of Scientific Approach In English Teaching Based on
Curriculum 2013 In SMK Negeri 2 Sragen in The Academic Year of 2015/2016”. Surakarta, 2016

internet network. E-learning can be applied in various lessons, one of them is

English. As we know that in English language teaching, teachers use some
methods in delivering materials which aim to avoid monotonous learning
process. Besides, students will not easily to get bored in the learning process.
By using e-learning, the teachers can provide materials and task as good as
possible to make students become more interested. Thus, the use of e-learning
gives new atmosphere in English language teaching.5
The researcher conducted this research in MTs Ma'arif NU 1 Wangon.
The researcher did some interviews with the English teacher and ten students
from the 7th grade of MTs Ma'arif NU 1 Wangon about the conditions of
students when they were learning English with the current pandemic situation
that occurred in Indonesia. With the covid 19 pandemic situation and
conditions which changed the learning system to distance learning. Since this
school has utilized Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) in the
learning process, teachers should be able to take advantage of the facilities
provided by schools. The English teacher chose E-learning media because it is
appropriate, imaginative, fun, intimate, and effective media to be used in
English language teaching. E-learning is a diverse range of technological tools
and systems that can be utilized by capable and creative teachers to enhance
teaching and learning situations. These are used to make learning more
interesting, motivating, stimulating and meaningful to the students.6
MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon is located on the main road which has a
strategic location. Compare to other schools, the researcher interest and chose
MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon. Based on the list of the students data from
school, this school has an advantage of being the most popular Madrasah in
Wangon area, because it has the largest number of students about 300 to 400
in each of academic year. Based on interview with English teacher, in the
academic field, this school has English and Arabic bilingual classes. For the

NurAfrizah. “The Implementation of Yukblajar as E-Learning Platform in English
Learning at SMP Islam Al azhar 13 Surabaya”. Surabaya, 2018.
Purva Chhabra. ―Use of E-Learning tools in Teaching English‖. Talwandi Sabo
Bathinda (Punjab): International Journal of Computing & Business Research, 2012.

economic class, most of the students in this school are from the middle to the
lower level, and about 60%-70% of the students‘ parents work abroad, but the
students have good motivations and interests to learn. E-learning applications
offer a learning method that allows the learning process to be carried out
remotely. This phenomenon touched the world of education and training with
the launching of E-learning Madrasah. This school has an interesting form of
E-learning media, it is E-learning Madrasah application which is used as a
medium for English language teaching. This application is facilitated by the
Ministry of religion (Kemenag), and it is the thing that makes this school is
different from the other public schools. Those are the reasons why the
researcher interested to choose that school to be researched. The researcher
wanted to know the use of e-learning media in English language teaching of
this school. Previously, there have been a lot of previous researches related to
this discussed about E-learning media in English language teaching. Related
to this, the researcher intended to conduct a research under the title ”The Use
of E-learning Media In English Language Teaching At 7th Grade Students
In MTs Ma’arif NU 1 Wangon”.
B. Conceptual Definition
1. Technology-Based Media
Technology provides so many options, such as making teaching
becomes more interesting and productive in the term of improvement.7
Technology-based media in learning is seen as a form of physical
communication equipment in the form of hardware and software which is
a small part of learning technology that must be created (designed and
developed), used and managed (evaluated) to achieve effectiveness and
efficiency in English teaching.8 Technology has an important role in
promoting activities for learners and has a significant effect on teachers‘
teaching methods. Technology-based media has greatly changed the

Solanki D. Shyamlee & M Phill. ―Use of Technology in English Language Teaching
and Learning: An Analysis‖. Singapore: International Conference on Language, Medias and
Culture, 2012, Vol.33, p.150.
Azhar Arsyad. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT.Rajagrafindo Persada, 2017.

technique of improving English. If teachers do not use technologies in

their teaching they will never be able to keep up with these technologies.9
In traditional classrooms the teacher usually stands in front of students and
gives explanations by use a blackboard. This technique does not need to
worry about technological developments. Thus, it is very important for
teachers to have a full knowledge of these technologies in teaching
language skills and it is necessary to have Technology-based media in
English language teaching.
2. E-learning Media
Media is something that people use when they want to
communicate with others indirectly. Learning media are important to use
in teaching and learning process, especially in English learning because it
can convey information from teachers to students. Learning media are
anything that can be used to convey messages from sender to receiver.
Teachers can create a new atmosphere and make class become interesting
by using learning media. Besides, students will not easily to get bored
when their teacher uses this media to deliver materials.
E-learning is an electronic learning and one of the modern tools in
technology that contributes to expand educational opportunities and make
teaching and learning process become more effective. E-learning covers a
wide set of applications and processes, such as Web-based learning,
computer-based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. It
includes the delivery of content via Internet, intranet/extranet
(LAN/WAN), audio- and videotape, satellite.10
3. English Language Teaching (ELT)
Language teaching in general and English Language Teaching
(ELT) in particular has tremendously changed over the centuries. When

Mohammad Reza Ahmadi. ―The Use of Technology in English Language Learning: A
Literature Review‖. ……p.117.
Mahmoud Ahmed Thabet Al-Maqtri. “How Effective is E-Learning in Teaching
English?: A Case Study”. American: Journal of Education and Human Development, 2014, Vol.3,
No.2, p. 651.

English entered in the curriculum of the students as a compulsory subject,

it was a challenge for the English language teachers to teach to the foreign
learners but they taught English as a ‗Know-ledge‘ subject not as a ‗Skill‘
subject because their main aim was to teach them to pass the examinations
only. ELT seems to be swinging like a pendulum between the extremes of
method as language teachers have ever been in search of better and more
effective method of teaching. Moreover, the ELT trends that were very
popular in the past have vanished today and have been substituted by
innovative ELT methods.11

C. Research Questions

1. How is the use of E-learning media in English language teaching for 7th
grade students in MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon?
2. How does the teacher implement E-learning Media in MTs Ma‘arif NU 1
3. What are the teacher‘s challenges in using E-learning media?

D. Objective and Significances of the Research

1. The objectives of this research are :

a. To describe the use of E-learning media in English language teaching
in MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon.
b. To describe the implementation of E-learning media in English
language teaching.
c. To analyze the teacher‘s challenges in using E-learning media in
English language teaching.
2. The significances of this research
The results of this research are expected to give benefit both theoretically
and practically.
a. Theoretical significances

Purva Chhabra. ―Use of E-Learning tools in Teaching English‖. Talwandi Sabo
Bathinda (Punjab): International Journal of Computing & Business Research, 2012.

1) The researcher expected this research can be used as a reference

in English language teaching for the future researches with
similar topic.
2) The researcher expected this research can be used as a reference
for the further researchers.
b. Practical significances
1. For teachers
This research hopefully can give information and
knowledge about E-learning media in English language teaching
and can also become a reference for the English teacher in
determining E-learning as a medium in English language
2. For the researcher
This research hopefully can give information and
knowledge about the use of E-learning media in English language
teaching to the researcher.
3. For the school
This research hopefully can give beneficial information for
the school about E-learning media that have important roles and
suit the curriculum in English language teaching.

E. Structure of the Research

To make this research become systematic, it is necessary to classify the
structure of this research. The structure of this research are explained as
Chapter 1 presents an introduction. It has eight sub sections, those are
background of the study, conceptual definition, research question, objectives
and significances of the research, review of relevant studies, literature review,
research method and structure of the research.
Chapter II presents the theories of the use of E-learning Media in
English language teaching at 7th grade in MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon which

consist of explanation those are Technology-Based Media and E-learning

media in English language teaching.
Chapter III presents the research method. This chapter deals with the
research design, subject of the study, object of the study, instruments for
obtaining data, technique of collecting data, technique of analyzing data.
Chapter IV presents result of the research which is consist of general
The Use of E-learning media in English language teaching of MTs Ma‘arif
NU 1 Wangon.
Chapter V presents the conclusion and suggestion of the research. In
this chapter, the researcher concluded and gave suggestion related to the


A. Technology-Based Media
1. Definition of Technology Based Media
Teachers need to learn to use computer technology for constructing
and implementing materials for teaching and assessing English, and they
need to engage in innovative teaching and assessments through the use of
technology.12 Technology is now accepted as an important educational and
tool in generall, it is particularly true of English language teaching since it
affords a number of potential opportunities to enhance both the content
and delivery of the pedagogies typically associated with traditional
English language instruction.13
Costley, Murphy, DePasquale & McNamara stated that Technology-
based media is an effective tool for learners. Learners must use technology
as a significant part of their learning process. Teachers should model the
use of technology to support the curriculum so that learners can increase
the true use of technology in learning their language skills.14 Technology-
based media is a tool that has an important role to play in supporting
foreign language teachers and facilitating language learning for students.
Technology can play an important role as a media to assist teachers in
their knowledge and expertise as quality teachers and improve language
learning for students, especially in English language teaching and learning.
2. Definition of TELL in ELT
According to Patel, TELL (Technology Enhanced Language
Learning) deals with the impact of technology on teaching and learning a
second language. Technology-enhanced language learning (TELL)
suggests ―to the use of the computer as a technological innovation to

Carol A Chapelle. ―English Language Learning and Technology‖. Amsterdam: John
Benjamins Publishing Company, 2003, Vol 7, p.31.
Al qahtani Mofareh A. “The Use of Technology in English Language Teaching”.
Saudia Arabia: Frontiers in Education Technology, 2019, Vol.2, No. 3, p. 169.
Mohammad Reza Ahmadi. ―The Use of Technology in English Language Learning: A
Literature Review‖……, p.117.

display multimedia as a mean of complementing a teaching method

language teacher. TELL is not a teaching method but rather an approach
that can be used alongside a teaching method to help teacher‖.
Technology should become a part of classroom utility as like other
teaching tools or aids. It can be essential combination with other teaching
resources. The purpose of using technology should be ―assist and enhance
language learning‖. Recently, teachers are integrating different varieties of
technology to assist their teaching, involve students in ―learning process,
provide authentic examples of the target culture, and connect their
classrooms‖. Some technology tools force teachers to make a distinction in
teaching and classroom activities and also homework or assignments.15
3. Definition of ICT (Information, Communication and Technology)
The importance of ICT depends more on the ability to create
Information and Communication Technologies for Development relies on
advances in technologies, but also it is necessary to some societal sectors
important for community development such agriculture, healthcare,
poverty and education.16 The use of ICT (information, communication,
and technology) as like modern media, teaching aids, or even an
application of smartphones in teaching especially English is a more useful
and chosen strategy to gets students‘ interest so that is available to apply it.
Therefore, the integration of new ICT tools such as laptops, interactive
whiteboards, LCD projectors, internet, and social networks in education
support will help learners to use English in a very natural, real,
communicative, and stress-free language learning environment.17

Arifah. ―Study on the Use of Technology in ELT Classroom: Teacher’s Perspective‖.
BRAC University of Bangladesh, December, 2014, p. 4.
Adina-Petruta Pavel, etc. ”ICT and E-Learning – Catalysts for Innovation and Quality
in Higher Education”. Prague(Czech Republic): Procedia Economics and Finance, 2015.
Dilek ÇAKICI. ―The use of ICT in teaching English as a foreign language‖ Turkey:
Participatory Educational Research (PER). 2016. p. 74. Vol. 4.

4. ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) in ELT

According to Warsita, there are three approaches in using or
utilization of ICT (Information Communication and Technology) for
education and English language learning and teaching, they are:
a. Learning about computers and the internet, in which technological
literacy is the final goal. Computers can be used as learning objects,
for example computer science (computer science). This means making
ICT (Information Communication and Technology) as one of the
subjects given at school.
b. Learning with computer and the internet, where ICT (Information
Communication and Technology) facilitates learning in accordance
with the applicable curriculum in schools. For example, Pustekkom
Depdiknas develops interactive multimedia CD programs for subjects
such as English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Islamic Religious
Education and others as an alternative learning media.
c. Learning through computers and the internet, which is integrating
development ICT-based skills (Information Communication and
Technology) with applications in the curriculum. For example in
college, students conduct an online research, they use spreadsheets
and database programs to help organize and analyze data that have
been collected or used word processing to compile research reports.
Therefore, computers can also be used as a tool to carry out certain
processes, such as calculations, data storage, word processing and data
(word and data processing).18
B. E-learning Media
1. Definition of E-Learning Media
Media means communication and source of information or anything
that carries information between a source and a receiver that has a purpose
to facilitate communications and learning. Gerlach & Ely stated that the
M.Tajudin Zuhri, etc.“Effectiveness Of The Use Of Madras E-Learning Applications
During The Covid Pandemic 19 (Case Study at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Bandung)”. Bandung:
Jurnal At-Ta‘dib. June 2020, Vol. 15. No 1, p. 139-140.

media when understood are human, material, or events that establish

conditions that make students able to obtain knowledge, skills or attitudes.
In this case, the teacher, book, text, and school environment are the media.
Learning media is a messenger technology that can be used for learning
purposes. What is meant here is the person / teacher, materials, tools, or
events that can create conditions which enable students to receive
knowledge, skills, and attitude changes. The learning media is an
inseparable part of teaching and learning process in order to achieve
educational goals in general and the learning objectives of schools in
particular. Learning media in the teaching and learning process tend to be
interpreted as graphic, photographic, or electronic tools for capturing,
processing and rearranging visual or verbal information.19
It is important to distinguish e-learning from its predecessor distance
learning that can be traced back to the 1700s. Even though it is not a kind
of electronic, it still exhibited the characteristics of non face-to-face
education that did not involve humans directly. The actual electronic
characteristic is what distinguishes e-learning from correspondence
courses, education through post, telephone, radio and television broadcasts
up until the 1970s. The fact that a different medium was being employed
instead of the traditional and classical student-teacher interaction marks a
departure point whereby, irrespective of the actual medium, education was
being packaged for other students who for some reason or other are not in
the vicinity of the educator. This demarcation in itself that simply alters a
single variable, the physical location of student and teacher, effected the
entire educational process as theorists and practitioners have argued and
debated over the years.
The fact that the educational process is a complex one and not
universally defined or specified justifies the intricacies created as soon as a
single variable was modified. To keep in mind that even without the
alteration of this single variable the student-teacher relationship and the

Azhar Arsyad. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT.Rajagrafindo Persada, 2017.

learning process were not always optimal and even though numerous
learning theories postulated the soundest methodologies to employ, the
final product left much to be desired. To such ends distance learning and
eventually e-learning inherited such challenges in addition to an already
herculean mission to simulate and match the human counterpart. If this
was not enough a supplementary technological overhead intensifies the
issues and challenges that need to be overcome.
The electronic factor mentioned earlier that differentiates distance
learning from e-learning is nothing more than the technological
component that enabled the shift from distance learning to the first
generation of e-learning. Technological evolutions that over the years have
enabled the web to develop further have surely altered the medium
employed and as a consequence provoked a respective development and
expected progression in the e-learning camp.20
2. E-learning media in ICT
E-learning refers to the use of information and communication
technologies to enable the access to online learning/teaching resources.
Based on Palloff and Pratt stated that ―Electronic learning or e-Learning is
a general term used to refer to computer-based learning‖. He believes that
e-Learning has introduced a whole new set of physical, emotional and
psychological issues along with educational issues. Clark asserts that ―e-
Learning is a general term covering many different approaches that have in
common the use of information and communication technology‖. Even
though there are many other terms for e-learning, its ICT- based nature is
unchanged. According to Jones puts it this way, ―e-learning, digital
learning, computer enhanced learning, no matter which tag is applied, all
aim to exploit web-based technology to improve learning for students‖.21

Matthew Montebello, Al Injected e-Learning the Future of Online Education.
Switzerland:Springer International Publishing AG, 2018, p. 5-6
Darcy Soong. “A Study on EFL Student’s Use of E-Learning Programs for Learning
English – Taking a Taiwanese University as an Example”. Taiwan: JinWan University of Science
& Technology, April,1, 2012, Vol 5, No.4, p.88.

The process of education using ICTs can be classified in: e-

learning, blended learning and distance learning. E-learning (or eLearning)
is the use of electronic media, educational technology and information and
communication technologies (ICT) in education. The term ―e-learning‖ is
taken from Anglo-Saxon literature. According to Oxford Dictionaries, e-
learning is defined as a learning conducted via electronic media, typically
on the Internet. Successful e-learning depends on the self-motivation of
individuals to study effectively. E-learning includes numerous types of
media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, and streaming video,
and includes technology applications and processes such as audio or video
tape, satellite TV, CD-ROM, and computer-based learning, as well as local
intranet/extranet and web-based learning.22
3. E-learning Media in ELT (English Language Teaching)
E-learning media is a diverse range of technological tools and
systems that can be utilized by capable and creative teachers to enhance
teaching and learning situations. These are used to make learning more
interesting, motivating, stimulating and meaningful to the students. These
media have been touted as potentially powerful enabling tools for
educational change and reform as they are making marked inroads into the
combination of digital technologies and English language teaching and
learning.23 Some definitions have been formulated by the experts to
describe what e-learning or electric learning is. Naidu stated that e-
learning is commonly referred to the intentional use of networked
information and communication technology in teaching and learning. In
addition, according to Neda, e-learning can be defined as application of
electronic systems such as internet, computers, multimedia, that their aims
to reduce the amount of expenses. Another definition comes from Urdan,
e-leraning can be defined as the use of electronic media, including the

Adina-Petruta Pavel,etc. ―ICT and E-Learning – Catalysts for Innovation and Quality
in Higher Education”….. , p.707
Purva Chhabra. ―Use of E-Learning tools in Teaching English‖. Talwandi Sabo
Bathinda (Punjab): International Journal of Computing & Business Research, 2012.

internet, intranets, satellite broadcast, audio/video tape, interactive TV,

and CD-ROM to deliver the teaching materials which involves a number
of application and processes, including computer-based learning,
webbased learning, virtual classroom, and digital collaboration. According
to Fee, e-learning is approach to learning and development a collection of
learning method using digital technology that enable distribute and
enhance learning. From those definitions, it can be understood that e-
learning deals with the use of electronic media in transferring or
supporting teaching and learning process.24
4. The Forms of E-learning
According Ruth Colvin Clark& Richard E-Mayer defined that e-
learning as instruction delivered on a digital device (such as a desktop
computer, laptop computer, tablet, or smart phone) that is intended to
support learning. The forms of e-learning have the following features:
a. Stores and/or transmits lessons in electronic form on external drives,
the cloud, local internal or external memory, or servers on the Internet
or intranet.
b. Includes content relevant to the learning objective.
c. Uses media elements such as words and pictures to deliver the
d. Uses instructional methods such as examples, practice, and feedback
to promote learning.
e. May be instructor‐led (synchronous e-learning) or designed for self-
paced individual study (asynchronous e-learning).
f. May incorporate synchronous learner collaboration as in breakout
rooms or asynchronous collaboration as on discussion boards.
g. Helps learners build new knowledge and skills linked to individual
learning goals or to improved organizational performance25.

NurAfrizah. “The Implementation of Yukblajar as E-Learning Platform in English
Learning at SMP Islam Al azhar 13 Surabaya”. Surabaya, 2018, p.7-8
Ruth Colvin Clark & Richard E.Mayer. ―E-learning and Science of Instruction”.United
States of America: Willey, 2016, p.8.

5. Component of E-learning
According to Beatrice, there are some component of e-learning
include e-learning contents, e-tutoring, collaborative learning and virtual
a. E-learning contents
E-learning contents include simple learning resources,
interactive e-lesson and electronic simulation. Simple learning
resource is non- interactive resources such as documents, power point
presentation, video or audio files. So, the students can only read or
watch the content. Next is interactive e-lesson. Interactive e-lesson is
sequence of screens that include text, animations, graphics
interactivity in the form of question and feedback, also include
recommend reading a specific topic and electronic simulation.
Electronic simulation is a specific form of web-based training that
brings the students in real a world.
b. E-tutoring
E-tutoring is an individual teacher who support and gives
feedback to the students through online tools. E-tutoring helps the
students to improve their performance by improving understanding,
responding to the students problems, challenging the students and
providing feedback. According to Donald there are some
combinations in e-tutoring such as e-tutoring as administrator, e-
tutoring as facilitator, e-tutoring as subject matter expert and e-
tutoring as assessor.
c. Collaborative learning
Collaborative learning is learning discussion and sharing
knowledge to work together on a common project. In collaborative
learning, the students use social software such as chats, discussion
forums and blog to collaborate among students. Online discussion is
design to facilitate communication and knowledge-sharing among the

students. The students can comment and exchange ideas about the
lesson in learning by sharing their knowledge.
d. Virtual Classroom
Virtual classroom is an e-learning that an instructor teaches
remotely and in a real time to students group using a combination of
materials for example power point slides, audio or video materials. A
virtual classroom not only makes the learning materials available to
the students but also provides a live, contextual and interactive
environment for the students. In virtual classroom there are several
online tools include online calendars, online help guides, online
assessments books, examinations, emails, instants messages,
discussion boards, chat rooms and file transfers. According to Yang,
virtual classroom facilitates active learning with the provision of
enabling environment consisting of the learning tools, learning
materials and opportunities for contextual discussion.26
6. The Use of E-Learning Tools of in English Language Teaching
These tools have been touted as potentially powerful enabling tools
for educational change and reform as they are making marked inroads into
the combination of digital technologies and English language learning and
a. Internet
Internet is not merely a source of authentic material in English
but also a source of information in the form of articles, courses,
conferences and many more. The teacher can send assignments to the
students through e-mails and can also take online exams. Parents can
view their student's work online at any time. Students do not miss
their lessons as now they can see a web cam version online and get
worksheets and notes from electronic online whiteboards. Schools are
linked in a network and work on projects together and prepare

NurAfrizah. “The Implementation of Yukblajar as E-Learning Platform in English
Learning at SMP Islam Al azhar 13 Surabaya”.…..p.9-10.

materials online. Every school has got its own website. Many software
are also available on Internet that students can use free of cost.
b. Using YouTube
YouTube videos can be used in an ELT classroom for various
aspects of English as to enhance vocabulary, accents, pronunciations,
voice modulation and many more. The real advantage of using
YouTube in teaching English is that it offers authentic examples of
everyday English used by everyday people. The teacher can use it as a
tool for improving their Listening and Speaking, Reading and Writing
skills. The teacher can select a part of the movie appropriate to the
level of the students can show those movie clippings to the students.
For the first time, the teacher can mute the volume and ask the
students to watch the movie attentively. Later the teacher can ask the
students to watch the movie once again and this time the students can
ask the students to frame the dialogues of the movie clippings
simultaneously. This will improve their speaking skills. Another
activity to enhance their speaking skills can be the teacher can show a
selected part of the movie to the students and further ask them to
narrate the rest of the story of the movie or the climax of the movie.
This will add to their creativity as well as their speech.
c. Skype
Using Skype provides unlimited possibilities for the teachers
and students to collaborate with each other anywhere in the world. It
provides immense opportunities for the students in a foreign language
class to connect with classes in other countries to practice their
language skills. Through Skype the teachers can provide mentoring or
homework help to the learners. The students can read, present, or
perform for other students and also collaborate with other students on
writing or research projects. They can also participate in professional
development activities within or outside the school district.

d. Twitter
Twitter, a gift of technology, is a social networking application
that could help in improving students‘ English to a greater extent. As
an online education technology tool, twitter‘s impact on engaging
students in learning concepts is unlimited. The teacher can use a dozen
activities for using an online education technology tool to engage
students in classroom activities to develop a better understanding of
concepts. The teacher can select any genre for the story and begin the
activity with a story opener which is tweeted to the students for
contribution to the story line. Once all twitter network participants
have contributed to the development of the story line, the teacher can
analyze their work. This involves editing, story structure, creative
writing, and proper use of grammar. The teacher can ask the students
to select a word of the week and tweet it around the network
requesting synonyms, homonyms, and antonyms of the word. Once all
responses are received, the teacher can check them for accuracy and
develop a link of the difficult words for strengthening the vocabulary
of the students.
e. Smart-boards
Interactive whiteboards are good replacements for traditional
whiteboards or flipcharts as they provide ways to show students
everything which can be presented on a computer's desktop
(educational software, web sites, and others). SMART boards help
teachers use a student-centered approach to teach language arts.
Language arts teachers can use SMART Boards to improve reading
and comprehension, and teach grammar and writing. With a SMART
Board, teachers can combine video, audio, Web browsing and word
processing to teach students interactively.
f. Mobile Phones
The use of mobile phones as a learning tool has a wide variety
of applications. The teacher can ask the students to make a photo

documentary using the camera function on their mobile phones. The

teacher can assign a theme for the documentary to the students. After
taking a sufficient number of photos, the students can upload the
documentaries prepared by them to websites such as Flicker and type
narrative descriptions for each picture to share with their teachers,
classmates, family and friends. Instead of taking out a dictionary, the
students can simply use their translator, and instead of trawling
through books for a piece of literature, they can find the book online
books and be directed to a specific word.
g. Blog
Blogging has become increasingly popular, especially in the
realm of education as they are a great way to share information and
generate discussion. Instead of text books and traditional methods,
many educators prefer using these new techniques to help teach
students and gain experience with various forms of social media.
Setting up a course blog doesn't have to be complicated. Educators can
use a free platform such as Blogspot, Wordpress, or Tumblr to host
the blog. Nowadays, blogs can also display photos and some people
are using them with audio and even video, The teacher should
encourage the students to visit blog frequently. S/he should respond to
student posts quickly, writing a short comment related to the content
S/he should also ask questions about what the learner writes to create
stimulus for writing. Writing to the blog could be required, and it may
form part of the class assessment. Students should be encouraged to
post their writing homework on the blog instead of only giving it to
the teacher.27
7. Functions and Advantages of E-Learning
a. Facilitate and increase interaction time both between students and
learning materials, between students and teachers and between other

Purva Chhabra. ―Use of E-Learning tools in Teaching English‖…..

b. It is possible for students to continue to learn even though they are not
physically present in the classroom.
c. Allows students and teachers to share information or opinions about
learning material so that they can optimize the face-to-face time
available to concentrate on the material.
d. Improve the quality and performance of teachers by developing better
learning models and learning materials that are easy for students to
understand and learn.28
C. E-Learning Media in English Language Teaching
1. E-Learning Madrasah Application
a. Definition E-learning Madrasah
E-learning Madrasah is a free application for Madrasah
products, created by the Ministry of Religion which is intended to
support the learning process in Madrasas, starting from Madrasah
Ibtidayah (MI), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) and Madrasah Aliyah
(MA), to make it more structured, attractive and interactive. Madrasah
e-learning has 6 access roles including:
1) Madrasah Operators (Administrators)
2) Subject teachers
3) Counseling Guidance Teacher
4) Homeroom teacher
5) Students
6) Supervisor (Head of Madrasah and staff)29
b. E-learning Madrasah in English Language Teaching
E-learning Madrasah is online learning platform for madrasah.
This method does not only contain material or assignments, but there
are a variety of features that help students and teachers in learning
activities teach. In E-learning Madrasah, students get a variety of
features that can make it easier for them to get information and learn
Dessta Putra Wijaya. ―Implementasi E-Learning Di SMP Negeri 10 Yogyakarta”.
Yogyakarta: Univeritas Negeri Yogyakarta. 2015.
https://elearning.kemenag.go.id/web, accessed on January 25, 2021, at 4.57.

quickly. These features include Online Class. This Online Class

feature contains various contents. Starting from the beginning of the
learning process, making competency standards, and implementing
plans learning (RPP), learning materials, teacher journals, daily
assessment processing, computer-based exams (CBT) to processing
report cards. Next Master Sharing feature. This teacher sharing feature
is a platform that will accommodate the creativity of madrasa teachers
at throughout Indonesia to share any useful information with each
other. Teachers can upload the information in tabs easily. In addition,
anyone can comment and provide input, even like the upload.
Then, the Madrasah Community Forum. In this E-learning
Madrasah application, students and teachers can easily share ideas and
open discussion forums, because it includes social media to
communicate with each other between teachers and students. Users
can also comment on each other and share ideas or ideas in the chat
feature apart from students, there are five other users who can access
e-learning madrasah application, namely madrasah operators, subject
teachers, counseling guidance teachers, homeroom teachers and
madrasah principals. Each of them has their own user to enter the e-
learning madrasah application, anytime and anywhere. Meanwhile, in
order to use this e-learning madrasah application, users must first log
in as a madrasah operator. This application can be downloaded by the
operator at https://elearning.kemenag.go.id/. In that process, users
must upload a Decree (Surat Keputusan/SK) 12 as one of the main
requirements for getting the e-learning madrasah application. After the
SK has been successfully uploaded, the operator has to wait for the
SK to be approved by a team from the Madrasah KSKK Directorate.

If the SK has been approved, the operator will be given access to

download the e-learning madrasah application.30
2. Google Classroom
a. Definition of Google Classroom
Google Classroom is a free web service developed by Google
for schools that aims to simplify creating, distributing, and grading
assignments. The primary purpose of Google Classroom is to
streamline the process of sharing files between teachers and students.
Google Classroom enables teachers to create an online classroom area
in which they can manage all the documents that their students need.
Docs are stored on Google Drive and can be edited in Drive's apps,
such as Google Docs, Sheets, and so on. But what separates Google
Classroom from the regular Google Drive experience is the teacher /
student interface, which Google designed for the way teachers and
students think and work.
In Google Classroom, teachers freely hand out a scientific
assessment and provide an independent assessment for students.
Teachers can provide materials on the subject being taught. The
teacher can post some teaching materials, assign tasks for students,
and upload the students‘ grades so that they can immediately see the
scores obtained in the course. Google Classroom also minimizes the
costs incurred due to the use of more affordable stationery and other
materials and can minimize time-released energy. In short, the time
and energy spent by Google Classroom users will be lesser than the
usual. This Platform can be one solution to complete the teaching-
learning process while the school still can not be opened. Google
Classroom provides students to be independent, engaged and
motivated because most of young learners tend to use technology in
their daily life. It also succeed the teaching-learning process in digital
M.Tajudin Zuhri, etc. “Effectiveness Of The Use Of Madras E-Learning Applications
During The Covid Pandemic 19 (Case Study at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Bandung)”……. p.143-

era as in industrial revolution 4.0 that the teachers are required to have
the expertise, ability to adapt to new technologies and global
b. Google Classroom in English Language Teaching
Google Classroom makes the leaning activities become more
productive and meaningful by making simple assignments, improving
collaboration, and construct communication. Teacher may make the
class, giving assessment, sending input, and looking all the leaning
activities in one place. Classroom also integrated with Google fitures
namely Google document and dive. Google Classroom is closed
application that only allows the students who invited to join into
Google Classroom with specific code. These are some fitures in
Google Classroom those are, the steam, students, about, create an
assignment, upcoming assignments, show deleted comments, class
code, change class theme, and menu. Here are five benefits of Google
1) It can be pepaed easily. The educatos can pepae the classroom and
invite the students. On page of assignment class, teacher and
student may sharing the information, tasks, question, and material.
2) Saving the time and paper. Educator can make the class, giving
assessments, communicating, and manage the class in one place.
3) A good managing. Student may see the assessment in student
assessment‘ page, classroom, or class calendar. All the materials
are saved in Google drive.
4) Completing the communication and input. Teacher can make the
assessment, sending announcement, and starting class discussion
directly. Students are able to share the material each other and
making interaction in a class or using email. Teacher is able to look

Mike Okmawati. ―The Use Of Google Classroom During Pandemic‖. Padang: Journal
of English Language Teaching, March 2020, Volume 9, No. 2.

the student who collected the assignment and have not collected the
assignment and giving the grade or feedback to the student directly.
5) Related with the others application. Classroom related with Google
docs, calendar, Gmail, Drive, and Google Forms.32
According to James T. Cains, Google Classroom enables
teachers to create an online classroom area in which they can manage
all the documents that their students need. Teachers can make
assignments from within the class, which their students complete and
turn in to be graded. The teacher can see that the classroom has six
main tabs. There are what the tab means:
1) Stream: This is where you manage your class assignments and
make announcements to the class. You can add new assignments,
with due dates and attached materials. Upcoming assignments are
shown at the left. Also, just with social media services, you can
send a message to your entire class even with an attachment.
2) Students: This is where you manage your students. You can
invite students to your classroom from here and manage their
permissions level. To invite students to your class, you have to set
them up as Google Contacts in your Google Apps for Education
account or they have to be in the school‘s directory.
3) About: This is where you can add the course title and description,
add a location for the class, and add materials to your class‘s
Google Drive folder.
4) Add a new class: Just like on the Welcome screen, you can add a
new class by clicking the plus sign in the top left next to your
5) Rename or archive a class: Click the three stacked dots next to
the class name to either rename the class or archive it. Archiving
a class means that, though you and your students can still access
Lutfiah Evriana. ―The Implementation of Online Assessment in English Lesson at 10 th
Student Grade of SMA Nasional 3 Bahasa Putera Harapan‖. Thesis. Purwokerto: IAIN
Purwokerto, 2020.p.25-26

the class, no one can add assignments or make any other changes
to the class. The class will move under the Archived section of
the Home menu. Don‘t worry, though; you can restore the
archived class at any time by viewing Archived classes, clicking
the three stacked dots, and choosing Restore.
6) Access Google Drive for the class: Click the file folder icon in
the bottom right corner of the class tile. This opens the Google
Drive where all your classroom materials are stored.33
3. WhatsApp in English Language Teaching
WhatsApp is a free messaging application that operates through
various platforms and is commonly used by students to share multimedia
messages such as images, videos, and audios along with simple text
messages. WhatsApp is available to communicate with students and
teachers online, send an image, text, or even voice to each other. Besides,
almost all students now also use WhatsApp on their smartphones to
communicate globally. The simplicity offered by WhatsApp makes it
easier for students to use the app since they typically use it daily. In
language learning, Kartal investigated empirical studies related to
WhatsApp and language learning. The results showed that the studies
concluded WhatsApp could be used to enhance students‘ language
proficiency, motivation, attitudes, learning autonomy, and reduce their
anxiety. WhatsApp is a famous social media platform used by students
nowadays. With the features within, WhatsApp can be developed and
modified to be an acceptable, effective learning media in online
classrooms. The modifying WhatsApp with auto-responder made the
online assessment more objective, accountable, transparent, easy-to access,
and easy-to-operate for both teacher and students. WhatsApp Auto-
response could encourage students‘ autonomous learning because they

classroom/. accessed on January 25, 2021, at 4.57.

could directly know their scores and the discussion of each question. Thus,
students had more interest and motivation to get a higher score.34
There are two ways that can be applied by the teacher; Dependent
on Conversations and Independent Conversations. To apply the use of
WhatsApp applications, first Pre-Activity, in this phase the teacher must
have mental and physical preparation and before starting the lesson say
hello, ask conditions, give motivation, checking attendance lists, and
giving warmth to students. The second phase is the main activity, in this
phase the teacher asks students about what they know based on the warmth
that the teacher has given, and then gives an explanation of the material
and starts applying the WhatsApp application as a media of teaching. The
teacher as a facilitator must also be able to use WhatsApp use according to
the needs of students in the classroom, so students become active students.
So, the teacher must be able to run several effective ways so that the use of
the WhatsApp application in the classroom can take place well and support
students learning activities.
According to Kheryadi stated that the implementation of using
WhatsApp as one of the tools that are useful to help students in
communicative language learning. This media can help students to build
confidence and motivate them to learn. And students state that they feel
confident, independent, enthusiastic, and have a positive attitude to
learning English using the application, and therefore, WhatsApp is one of
the latest technologies that help language teaching. Ajid also said that
students cannot be separated by their cellphones. They do a lot of things on
their cellphones like sending text, audio messages, uploading and
uploading pictures and videos or just browsing. Collaborative learning
uses a collaborative tool by combining student collaboration and the use of
mobile applications such as WhatsApp, which can optimize cellphone
functions for student learning processes to which greatly help teachers in
Agus Husein As Sabiq & Muhammad Ikhsanul Fahmi, ”Mediating Quizzes as
Assessment Tool Through WhatsApp Auto Response in ELT Online Class”. IAIN Purwokerto,
Journal of Association for Arabic and English, 2020, Vol.6, No.2, p.187.

teaching. It can be said that the integration of WhatsApp into their

education will be easy, enjoyable and useful.35
D. Review on Relevant Studies
Based on the sources related to this research, there are previous research
and some journals related to the topic of this research. The following are the
result of a comparison of this research with previous researchers.
1. The First, the research entitled ―Effectiveness Of The Use Of Madrasah E-
Learning Applications During The Covid Pandemic 19 (Case Study at
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Bandung)‖ was written M. Tajudin Zuhri by
from UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in 2020. The similarity of this
research is discussing about the use of E-learning in teaching English and
this research also the use of E-learning Madrasah applications as learning
media during pandemic Covid 19. The difference of this research is about
research method. The research was written by M. Tajudin Zuhri used
quantitative method. This research aims to identify the effectiveness of the
use of madrasah e-learning applications and determine the inhibiting and
supporting factors of the implementation of e-learning applications as
learning media.
2. The second, the research entitled ―Online Learning: A Panacea in the Time
of COVID-19 Crisis‖ was written by Shivangi Dhawan in Journal of
Educational Technology Systems in 2020. The similarity of this research is
discussing about the use of E-Learning or Online Learning in teaching and
learning in general. This research discusses about the use of online
learning or e-learning and challenges used E-learning media. This research
was also researched at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. The
difference of this research is not in English Language Teaching. This
research also put some light on the growth of EdTech Start-ups during the
time of pandemic and natural disasters and includes suggestions for

Syarifah Afsyah, “WhatsApp Application in English Language Teaching (ELT) Context
: Media to Describe People”. Pekanbaru: Universitas Lancang Kuning, Journal of Ultimate
Research and Trends in Education, March, 2019, Vol 1, No 1, p.24

academic institutions of how to deal with challenges associated with online

3. The third, the research entitled the research entitled ―The Use of Google
Classroom During Pandemic‖ was written by Mike Okmawati from
University of Padang in 2020. The similarity of this research discuss about
is discussing about the use of E-learning or online learning in English
language teaching. This research is also researched during Covid-19
Pandemic. The difference of this research E-learning media with used
Google Classroom as learning media, but the researcher used E-learning
Madrasah applications as learning media.


This chapter discussed the method used by the researcher in conducting

this study. This discussion the type of research, location of the research, sources
of the data, the techniques of collecting data, and the technique of analyzing data.
A. Type of the Research
Type of the research conducted by the researcher is field research. The
researcher used descriptive qualitative method in this research. It means that
the researcher collected the data and observed information procured from
respondent directly by visiting location of the research. This research used
qualitative approach to place problems that require deeply the context of time
and situation in question appropriate with the condition in the field through
descriptive method. Qualitative approach is the situation that the researcher
seeks to establish the meaning of a phenomenon from the views of
participants. One of the key elements of collecting data in this way is to
observe participants behaviour during their engagement in activities.36 In this
research, the researcher seeked to describe about the use oE-learning media in
English language teaching at the 7th grade students of MTs Ma'arif NU 1
B. Location of the Research
This research was conducted at MTs Ma'arif NU 1 Wangon. The data
were taken from data that reflect the use of E-learning Media in English
language teaching. MTs Ma'arif NU 1 Wangon is located on Jl. Raya Timur
Wangon, Pecikalan Satu, Klapagading Kulon, Wangon District, Banyumas
Regency, Central Java. The reseacher chose this school because the most
popular madrasah in Wangon area, because it has the largest number of
students. The researcher interested in media used, that is E-learning Madrasah
which one new product and suggested from Ministry of Religion.

Jhon W. Creswell. Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mix Methods
Approaches. London: Sage, 2014.

C. Subject and Object of the Research

1. Subject of the Research
The subject of this research are:
a. The headmaster of MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon
b. The English teacher at 7th Grade in MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon
c. Students of 7th grade MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon
2. Object of the Research
The object of this research is E-learning Media. The Use of E-
learning Media in English Language Teaching at MTs Ma‘arif NU 1
Wangon related to teaching and learning media, learning process with the
use of E-learning media, and the teacher‘s challenges in using e-learning
D. Techniques of Data Collection
Technique of collecting data is the most important step in research
because the main purpose of research is to obtain data. Technique of
collecting data in this research using data triangulation technique.
Triangulation is interpreted as a technique of collecting data that is combining
the various techniques of collecting data and existing data sources. Techniques
that the researcher used to collect the data were:
1. Observation
Observation are watching and recording of event that the researcher
wants to get the data information. In this research, observation will be used
to gain the data about the use E-learning media and the teacher challenges
used E-learning media in English language teaching. The observation of
this research focused on teacher and students activities in classroom. The
researcher tried to observe the data about classroom and e-learning
activities in the English language teaching and learning process. Due to the
pandemic situation of COVID 19, the Educational and Cultural Ministry
(Kemendikbud) does not allow learning process to take place in the class or
face-to-face. Apart from the implementation of e-learning, MTs Ma'arif
NU 1 Wangon allowed the researcher to conduct her research once a week

in the school. In this research, the researcher did the observation by online
to gain the data related to the use of E-Learning Media in English language
teaching at the 7th grade students in MTs Ma'arif NU 1 Wangon.
To obtain valid data, especially in online observation, the
researcher should join the e-learning process by joining a group to track
and observe the learning process. The researcher used participant
observation model (passive participant) in which the researcher presented
at the scene of an action but the researcher did not interact and participate
with the subject of the research. The researcher conducted this research
observation during teaching and learning English process both in class and
e-learning process, so that the researcher knew the use of E-Learning
media in English language teaching and the teacher's challenges in using
E-Learning media. In addition, the researcher investigated this research to
develop students' abilities related to their participation in discourse.
Besides, it also aimed to monitor the English teacher in using the
application and E-learning media in the English language teaching. The
researcher also did an observation with the teacher, started from observing
and watching the use E-Learning media in English learning. Thus, the use
of E-learning media can be seen. The observation instruments were in the
form of smartphone for joining the e-learning process and researcher note.
Table 1 Observation Schedule
Date Day Time Place

1st 5th January 2021 Wednesday 08.20-09.40

a.m 7th Grade A
2nd 12th January 2021 Wednesday Classroom
3rd 19th January 2021 Wednesday

2. Interview

Based on Esterberg, he stated that “interview is a meeting of two

people to exchange the information and idea through question and
responses, resulting in communication and joint construction of meaning
about a particular topic”.37 The researcher used interview to exchange
information and ideas through question and answer. In this research, the
researcher conducted an interview by semi structured interview. The
researcher prepared some questions that were needed to gain important
information related to the research. The researcher conducted the interview
with the English teacher and ten students of 7th grade A in MTs Ma‘arif
NU 1 Wangon. Furthermore, the researcher also proposed some questions
to English teacher and ten students as the respondents to find out
information related to the the use E-Learning media and teacher challenges
in English Language teaching process. The researcher then got some
information after doing interview. To collect the valid data, interview
guide is used as guidance during the interview, some notes to write the
whole conversations, smartphone to record if permitted.
3. Documentation
Documentation is a set of documents provided on paper, online, or
digital media which is used as data of research. It can be in the form of
books, pictures, journals, and articles that related to the research. The
documents which were used as the data of this research consisted of some
documentations in the form of screenshoots, materials, and online lesson
plan during the learning process. Then, the researcher also used notes
when conducted the interview. The data was gained by the help of the
English teacher. For the result, the researcher discovered about the use of
E-learning media in English learning activity.

E. Techniques of Analyzing Data

Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and
arranging the interview transcripts, field notes, and other materials that

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung:
CV Alfabeta, 2016, p. 231

accumulated to increase your own understanding of them and to enable you

to present what you have discovered to others. Data analysis in qualitative
research is an ongoing activity that occurs throughout the investigative
process rather than after process. Miles and Huberman stated that activities
of analyzing data are including data reduction, data display and conclusion
drawing or verification.38
1. Data reduction
Data reduction is summarizing, choosing and focusing on the
important things, finding the theme and pattern. Focus on data that is
related to the research is important in order to avoid the things that out of
the research. To reduce the data, the researcher collected the data,
selected the appropriate data with focus of the research and removing
unnecessary data. In collecting the data, the researcher selected the entire
data from the observation, documentation, and interview. This data
reduction took place after the data collection that has been completed,
the result of the interview were read, understood and concluded which
contain a description about the results of the study. The researcher did an
interview with the English teacher and some of the 7th grade students of
MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon. Data reduction is needed to choose which
data that appropriate to be used in research. Focus on data that is related
to the research is important in order to avoid the things that out of the
research. To reduce the data, the researcher collected the data, selected
the appropriate data with focus of the research and removing
unnecessary data.
2. Data display
The purpose of data display is to give description about the next
plan that should be done by the researcher. To display the data, the
researcher described all the data obtained from observation, interview,
and documentation. The most frequent data used to present in qualitative

Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D.
Bandung: Alfabeta, 2015.

research is text in the form of narrative. To display the data that were
related and told in sequence, the researcher used narrative text to display
the data result of this research.
3. Verification
Verification is the process of checking, confirming, making sure
and being certain. It is needed to be done in order to check whether the
evidence that support the research is valid.39 Verification is deciding the
validity and accuracy of something. In this verification the researcher
analysed the data from the observation process, interviews and
documentation. It is needed to be done to check whether the evidence
that support the research is valid. However, the conclusion will depend
on the evidence that researcher found in the field.
F. Triangulation
Triangulation is interpreted as a technique of collecting data that
combines various techniques of data collection and data sources which exsist.
In this technique, the researcher collected several different informations, the
researcher conducted participatory observation, documentation, and
interviews. To verify the data of this research, the researcher used
triangulation to compare the data in different techniques to find out the valid
data. The data were acquired by using three techniques, they are observation,
interviews, and documentation.

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D…. p. 246


A. General Description of MTs Ma’arif NU 1 Wangon

1. School Identity
a. School Name : MTs Ma'arif NU 1 Wangon
b. No. Madrasah Statistics : 21 20 30 20 20 11
c. Madrasah Accreditation :A
d. Complete Madrasah Address : Jl. Eastern Kingdom Wangon
Village : Klapagading Kulon
District : Wangon
Regency : Banyumas
Province : Central Java
No. Phone : (0281) 513047
e. Madrasah NPWP : 02.257.942.9-521.000
f. Name of Principal : Ahlan, S.Ag.
g. Tel / Mobile Number : 085292972382
h. Name of Foundation : LP. Ma'arif Banyumas Regency
i. Foundation Address : Jalan Sultan agung Karang Klesem
j. No. Foundation Phone : (0281) 622687
k. Foundation Establishment Deed
Number : 103 of 1986
l. Land Ownership : Foundation
Land Status : Freehold
Land Size : 3637 m2
Building Status : Foundation
Building area : 2500 m2

2. Vision and Misions

―The Establishment of Religious, Honest, and Discipline Achievement‖
a. Shaping Achievement Behavior, Critical and Creative Thinking
Patterns in Students
b. Developing Innovative Learning Patterns and Scientific Thinking
Traditions Based on Reinforcement Development and Exercise of
Islamic Values
c. Growing Discipline and Responsibility Attitude and Developing and
Experiencing Islamic Values to Formulate Values of Islamic Religion
3. Data of the Number of Students in MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon
Table 2 List of Students’ Data in the Last Three Years

7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade

School Total
Number Number Number Number Number Number
Year ( 7,8,9 )
of of of of of of
students classes students classes students classes
2016/2017 311 8 338 8 307 8 956

2017/2018 349 8 311 8 338 9 1106

2018/2019 365 9 348 9 310 8 1023

2019/2020 356 10 367 9 334 9 1057

2020/2021 323 9 397 10 354 9 1074

4. Data of the Educators and Educational Staffs

Table 3 List of Educators and Education Staff Data in MTs Ma’arif NU 1 Wangon

No Information Total


1 Permanent Seconded PNS teachers 7


2 Permanent Foundation Teacher 29

3 Honorary teacher -

4 Non-Permanent Teacher 4

Educational Staffs

1 Permanent Employees of the Foundation 10

2 Honorary Employees -

3 Non-permanent Employees -

5. Facilities and Infrastructure

Table 4 List of Facilities and Infrastructure Conditions in MTs Ma’arif NU 1

Number Damage category

Type of of
Number of Good
No Infrastruc Damaged Light Medium Heavily
of space Conditi-
-ture Condition Damage damage damage
1 Classroom 26 24 2 - 2 2

2 Library 1 1 - - - -

3 Laboratory -
1 - - - -
4 Lab. of
- - - - - -

5 Lab. of
- - - - - -

6 Lab. of
- - - - - -

7 Lab. of
- - - - - -

8 Lead Room 1 1 - - - -

9 Teacher's -
1 1 - - -
10 Administra -
1 1 - - -
tion Room

11 Counseling -
1 1 - - -
12 Prayer -
1 1 - - -
13 UKS Room 1 1 - - - -

14 Warehouse 1 - 1 - - 1

15 Circulation -
- - - - -
16 Sport -
1 1 - - -
17 OSIS -
- - - - -
18 Another -
- - - - -

B. The Use of E-Learning Media in English Language Teaching

In accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Religious and
Cultural Education, it is agreed that Covid-19 pandemic requires all schools to
conduct learning process at home or distance learning, and substitute the
learning system from face to face to online learning. Almost all schools
implemented online learning system during the pandemic. Conventional
learning activities in classroom was substituted by online learning activities to
avoid a new cluster caused by schools. For the alternative, students were
instructed to study from home by doing online-based learning with adapted
facilities. The researcher did the observation, interview, and documentation
during the pandemic of Covid-19 when all the teachers and students worked
and studied from home. Since the learning process of MTs Ma‘arif NU 1
Wangon did by distance, all the process and activities related to learning were
also done through e-learning. The researcher used several data collection
techniques including online observation in a class, interview for teachers and
some students as the samples, and some documentations. By collecting the
data, the researcher focused on explaining the use of E-learning media in

English language teaching in MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon and the teacher‘s

challenges in using E-learning media as explained below:
MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon used blended learning process that
combined online and offline learning. Students go to school once a week to
meet their teachers, collect assignments, taking their notes and materials,
without doing classroom learning activities. In this case, students who go to
school should be obedient with school regulations and follow the Covid-19
pandemic health protocol. Then, MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon could not only
use one method, they should have several learning plans that should be
delivered. MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon used several different e-learning media
such as Google Classroom and WhatsApp Group besides using E-learning
Madrasah application facilitated by the Ministry of Religion. Then, Mrs.
Soviani, S.Pd made an innovation to use E-learning Madrasah, Google
Classroom, and WhatsApp applications at once. Each of the application had
their respective roles in the implementation of English Language Teaching
(ELT) in MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon.
1. The Use of E-learning Madrasah in ELT
The government, which was represented by the Ministry of
Religion tried to find alternative solutions to make learning process keep
going and achieve the whole learning objectives. One of the attempts to
achieve those goals was by launching e-learning madrasah. E-learning
Madrasah was begun to be accessed in March and used as an e-learning
media in English language teaching at MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon.
Based on the interview with the English teacher of MTs Ma‘arif
NU 1 Wangon, said as follows:
―E-learning is a new kind of media in the scope of education, especially
in English language teaching. Teachers should know and understand well
the concept of e-learning, the features that can be found there, and the
way to operate it. Related to this situation, teachers did not get any
training about how to use e-learning madrasah that is provided by the
Ministry of Religion. It makes teachers learn this application by
themselves, for example by browsing internet or watching video tutorials
on YouTube‖.

Apart from that, it was also an obstacle for students to accept

something new in English language teaching. Thus, students also needed
to learn and get used to new things. They also definitely need direct
assistance and guidance to learn new educational applications using e-
learning media. By guiding students and engaging them in learning
English, teachers could motivate and support students to make them
become more enthusiastic to learn using e-learning media, especially E-
learning Madrasah application.
a. Learning Preparation
E-learning Madrasah is a new product of application which is
very interesting and able to facilitate students and teachers in learning
process. E-learning Madrasah can only be acessed and used for the
schools under the scope of the Ministry of Religion, and one of them is
MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon. Based on the interview with the English
teacher said that:
"E-learning Madrasah is actually very easy to use and introduced
closer to students. In the implementation of English language
teaching (ELT), I chose E-learning Madrasah as a medium for
delivering materials. So, I must prepare some interesting materials to
be conveyed to students.‖

E-learning Madrasah can be used and accessed by teachers and

students by using data input system. This application can be installed
on Google Playstore. Then, teachers should open E-learning madrasah
website page which can be accessed via this following link:
http://madrasah.kemenag.go.id/elearning. This link can be accessed
through various browser applications at computers and PCs, such as
Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and so on. The operators of
madrasah are assigned to register teachers in E-learning application.
When teachers have been registered in the application, they can log in
the application using NUPTK or NIK and password that can be
obtained from the madrasah‘s operator. The English teacher said that:
‖The use of E-learning Madrasah is appropriate to be utilized by
teachers. When I am going to start the learning process, I only choose

which class that is going to be taught. In ELT classrroom, I only

teach the 7th grade and also homeroom in grade 7A.‖

In using this E-learning madrasah, the English teacher firstly

had to chose a class to start the learning process. To enter the class, the
teacher had to log in with their NUPT/NIK and the school's password.
After logging in E-learning madrasah, the application would display
the teacher‘s profile photo. Then, the teacher chose which class that is
going to be taught before the learning process begun. After that, the
teacher could share the materials to students. Since the English teacher
is the homeroom teacher of 7A class, then the reseachers chose 7A
class as the sample of this research. From the explanation, this is
shown in the picture below:

Picture 1 Log In E-Learning Madrasah Application

b. Learning Media and Materials

There are various features that can be used by teachers to support
teaching and learning process in order to socialize with other teachers
from other schools. These can be useful as social media for the teachers

of madrasah in Indonesia. In this feature, teachers can communicate and

share information with other teachers and also students. Teachers can
also learn about E-learning Madrasah in the guidebook contained in one
of the features of E-learning Madrasah. Apart from being easy to use,
E-learning Madrasah application also provides lots of features and
menu views. These are some features contained in E-learning
1) Class Timeline
2) Video Conference
3) Competency Standards (KI / KD)
4) Minimum Completeness Criteria
5) Lesson Plan
6) Teaching Materials
7) Joined Student Data
8) Class Attendance
9) Teacher's Journal
10) Computer Based Test (CBT)
11) Knowledge Assessment (K13)
12) Final Semester Assessment (PAS)
13) Recap of Report Card Value
14) Monitoring Student Activities
15) Class Calendar
16) Class Setting
17) Delete Class

Picture 2 Home Features of E-Learning Madrasah Application

In the picture above, E-learning Madrasah has various features.

The home feature is quite complete, teachers can utilize the features start
from class timeline, video conference, and so on. In this e-learning
madrasah, the English teacher only chose a feature to deliver material to
students. Because this application sometimes difficult to be accessed, so
the teacher took an initiative and chose an alternative to use other media to
support learning process.

2. The Use of Google Classroom in ELT Classroom

The English of teacher of MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon chose
Google Classroom as other E-learning media in the ELT. The reason of
using Google Classroom is because this application is easy to access and
appropriate for students.
Based on interview with the English teacher said that :
‖In the use of E-learning media at MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon, the
teacher modifies it by using google classroom, so teacher does not only
use E-learning Madrasah that is recommended by the Ministry of
Religion, but google classroom is also used as a platform of e-learning
media. The system of google classroom is presented according to the
class, but it also includes many subjects. In Google classroom, I only use

some of the features to provide evaluations, assignments and

assessments. Teacher inputs and send class assignments, and also every
English learning for the teacher who visits Google Classroom.‖

Google's class system is presented based on class, for example

from grade 7 to 9, but each class includes many subjects. The English
teacher taught the 7th grade, and she used Google Classroom only to
provide evaluation, assignment, and assessment. She used google
classroom firstly by creating a class code for each, then she sent the class
code to students according to the class so that students can join the Google
a. Learning Preparation
Google Classroom can be installed on Google playstore. To
start a class, enter an email address for your Classroom account.
Teachers first create a class, then students join the class with the class
code given by the teacher. Google Classroom enables teachers to
create an online classroom area which can manage all the documents
that their students need. Teachers can also make assignments in
Google Classroom, then ask students to do it and give their scores
immediately. From the explanation, this is shown in the picture below:

Picture 3 Sign In Google Classroom and Join in Classroom


b. Learning Media and Material

There are some Google‘s products which can be integrated
immediately with Google Classroom, such as Google Docs, Drive, and
Calendar, so there are lots of built-in "shortcuts" for classroom-
management tasks. For example, if you post an assignment with a due
date, it is automatically added to the class calendar for your students to
see. Google Classroom also provides feedback column on their
assignments and assessments. Within Google Classroom, it is possible to
use Google Form to create and share quizzes that are automatically scored
as students turn them in. Not only spend less time in scoring, but students
will also get instant feedback on their work.
One of the best features of the Google Classroom assignments is it
can add files to the assignments that teachers create. It can also add a file
from computer, a file from Google Drive, a YouTube video, or a link to a
Website. Students can submit any type of file to teacher‘s Classroom, not
just Google Docs. Besides, students are not only able to submit their
completed work as files, teachers can also open them directly from
Classroom and give the scores right there. Then, Google classroom can
open files submitted to teacher‘s Classroom as long as the computer is
connected with Internet and the software which is needed to open the file.
From the explanation, this is shown in the picture below:

Picture 4 The Use of Google Classroom in ELT Classroom

3. The Use of WhatsApp Group in ELT Classroom

The use of e-learning media is also in the form of WhatsApp
application. The use of WhatsApp is very common for smartphone users.
Students can take advantage of WhatsApp application as an additional
medium to communicate and socialize with the other students or teachers
for the importance of learning.
According to the result of interview with English teacher said that:
―Some of the E-learning media are used as additional media to support
learning process. Besides using E-learning Madrasah and Google
Classroom, the English teacher also utilizes WhatsApp group as an
alternative when both of the E-learning media cannot be accessed.
WhatsApp is utilized for students‘ attendance or presence and also as a
control or reminder to students about their assignments or the material

The teacher also stated that using WhatsApp could help the use of
the other E-learning media, as well as communication and student
character indicators, even though teacher can only monitor them by seeing
their activity in the group starting from when the teacher and students
communicate each other via chats, voice notes and videos when needed.
This is used to monitor students and give feedback to students. The teacher

as a facilitator should also be able to use WhatsApp according to the needs

of students in the classroom, so students can become more active. Thus,
the teacher should be able to find effective ways so that the use of
WhatsApp application in learning activity can run well and support
students learning activities.

Based on the interview with the English teacher said that:

‖Using WhatsApp group is intended to become a supporting E-learning
media, it is beneficial for students‘ reminder and attendance. WhatsApp
is also functioned as a medium for information and communication
between teachers and students. In the use of WhatsApp application in
MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon, the homeroom teacher creates a WhatsApp
group for each of her students. So each class has its own group with the
admin that is homeroom teacher. In WhatsApp group, the teacher can
send class absences, it also becomes a mean of information for students. I
am the homeroom teacher of the 7th grade of A class, so I delivered my
messages to the WhatsApp group of class 7A.‖

Picture 5 The Use of Google Classroom in ELT Classroom

In the picture above, the use of WhatsApp application as a medium

in ELT classroom is a new thing in the world of education due to
pandemic covid 19. The use of WhatsApp application can be developed
better to support English teaching in ELT classrooms, it will further

improve students' English language skills in four aspects, they are

speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Because WhatsApp has many
advantages that support learning, this application can be utilized to send
text messages, download and upload images or videos, send voice
messages, and so on.
4. The Implementation of E-Learning Media in ELT Classroom
a. Planning
There were some activities in using and applying WhatsApp
application as a medium for English Language Teaching in MTs
Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon. First is Pre-Activity, in this phase the teacher
should have mental and physical preparation. Before starting the
learning process, the teacher greeted all the students by saying hello,
asking their conditions, giving them motivation, checking attendance
lists, and giving brainstorming to students. The second phase is the
main activity, in this phase the teacher asked the students about what
they know based on the brainstorming that the teacher had given, then
the teacher gave some informations and remind students about the
material and assignment.
First, the teacher took students‘ attendance by sending a link to
fill the attendance in WhatsApp Group of Class 7A. Then the students
clicked the link and filled their name, class and absent number. The
teacher also sent some texts such as greetings, and motivational words
to develop students‘ enthusiasm in learning. The teacher usually used
this sentence to motivate students "Morning spirit, always take care of
your health, and obey health protocols. Always keep praying 5 times
and cultivate a life of manners". The purpose of this message is to
establish students‘ knowledge, religion, character and social values.
That is shown in the picture below:

Picture 6 Pre-Activity in WhatsApp Group

Second, in whatsApp group, teacher also reminded students

about their assignments. While the English learning was ongoing,
the teacher reminded students to log in E-learning Madrasah to
read the material presented by the teacher and log in Google
classroom when students had an assignment. Apart from doing
attendance on WhatsApp, students also had to fill in attendance at
E-learning Madrasah. This was related to the activeness of students
in accessing and using E-learning media in proper way.

Picture 7 Pre-Activity in E-learning Madrasah

Third, based on the picture above the teacher shared the lesson plan
that had been prepared before the learning process begun to the students,
then uploaded and saved it in the learning plan tab. Then, the teacher sent
the material using E-learning madrasah and put some texts on the timeline
by greeting students first. In the situation of pandemic Covid-19, teachers
used online learning plan that made easier for teachers and students to do
E-learning in English language teaching.
Fourth, the teacher sent the material to students in teaching
material tab. Students would get a notification from E-learning madrasah
and saw the material in teaching materials tab. Then, students download
the material and read it. In this case, the teacher should make learning
material that is interesting and creative, such as by using various videos,
pictures and interesting power points, so that students became more
motivated to learn it. That is shown in the picture below:

Picture 8 Teaching Material in E-learning Madrasah

b. Learning Process
First, the teacher used WhatsApp application as the e-learning
media. The teacher sent a message to the class group, then greeted and
sent the link docs.google.com to fill students‘ attendance. Students
were expected to always on WhatsApp group to fill the attendance. In
addition, in sending students‘ attendance link, the teacher reminded
students that they should prepare themselves to open E-learning media
used. Then, the teacher also reminded students about their assignments
and the material that the teacher sent in E-learning Madrasah. That is
shown in the picture below:

Picture 9 The Beginning Process E-learning Media in WhatsApp


Second, the teacher used E-learning Madrasah to send the material

that would be taught. The teacher were more flexible in adjusting students
conditions and using material that was suitable and easy for students to
learn. In addition, for the material taken from textbooks, teachers could
also take it from other sources such as those available on the internet or
web that supported and provided learning material for students to use. For
example the material from an audio, video, picture, or even file (pdf, doc,
etc). However, teachers often send materials with various videos, for
example from YouTube. In E-learning Madrasah, teachers could take
advantage of various features in it, ranging from video conferencing,
teaching materials, teacher journals, etc. The teacher could also display the
lesson plan, and saw a list of students who joined. In the use of E-learning
Madrasah, the teacher only focused on delivering material. The teacher
sent the learning material on the class timeline, then students opened their
E-Learning madrasah and read or downloaded the material first if the
teacher used the form of a link, doc, pdf, etc. The teacher should create
essentials and interesting material to motivate students in learning the

material. Third, in assignments and student assessments, the teacher used

Google Classroom as an e-learning media. For the explanation, this is
shown in the picture below:
Picture 10 The Learning Material in E-learning Madrasah

c. Evaluation
For evaluation, the teacher chose E-learning media using Google
classroom. Evaluation is a task to collect student work and provide
input and value to students. When creating assignments, the teacher
provided specific instructions for the assignment, its deadline, and
topic. In the stream tab, the teacher could manage class assignments
and make announcements to the class. The teacher could add new
assignments with the due dates and attached materials. Upcoming
assignments were shown at the left. Also, just with social media
services, the teacher could send a message to students‘ entire class
even with an attachment. By including the due date for the assignment,
students had up to 23:59 on the date to submit their work for that
assignment. If they turn in the work late, Google Classroom still

accepts the assignment, but indicated that the assignment is late. The
teacher could add files to the assignment created and add files from a
computer or smartphone, such as files from Google Drive, google
form, google site, or a link to a website.
Students could submit any type of file to google classroom, not just
Google Docs. The teacher could open them directly from the
Classroom that was class 7A and gave the score there. Teachers and
students could open the files that were sent to the class as long as the
computers and smartphones connected to Internet connection and the
software needed to open the file. For example, the teacher could assign
essays and students could submit completed essays to assignments that
the teacher created in Google Classroom from any computer with
internet connection. Then, the teacher could open the file and give its
score on the computer at school or at home. Google Classes acts like
"Dropbox" for assignments. Students no longer need to print their
work and physically hand it over to the teacher. This makes it easier to
use e-learning media in English language teaching. That is shown in
the picture below:

Picture 11 The Use of Google Classroom Assignments

In the student display, google classroom has 3 tabs, they are;

Stream, Classwork, and people. In the stream tab, students can see the
homepage of announcements, and class information from their teacher.
In the classwork tab, students can see assignments given by their
teacher by searching for English subject.

Picture 12 The Display of Google Classroom in Students

Picture 13 The Evaluation in Google Classroom


In the picture above, the teacher gave assignments ranging from

evaluations and projects. Students then could download the link sent
by the teacher. Students could view assignments in To-do column. In
the To-Do column, students could see assigned, missing, and done
jobs. When working on assignments given by the teacher, students had
to fill in their name and students‘ number. Students could work on
their work tabs and add attachments, then assignments were sent and
submitted with done notification.
Based on the data that have been collected, the researcher
analyzed the use of E-learning media in English language teaching at
MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon. The use of E-learning media at MTs
Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon was quite successful in the matter of
facilitating the teachers in learning and and overcoming the problems
experienced by the teacher. In the condition and situation of Covid 19
pandemic, the teacher of MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon utilized three E-
learning media for teaching students in English language teaching.
The media were E-learning Madrasah, Google Classrooom, and
WhatsApp. The three e-learning media had their own use and role in
the English language teaching. First, E-learning madrasah was used as
a media for delivering material. Second, Google classroom was used
as the platform for students‘ assignments and assessments. Third,
WhatsApp was used as reminder and communication platform
between teacher with students. Yet, in the implementation, the three
E-learning media were not inappropriate as their actual use and role.
It was caused by E-learning Madrasah that sometimes was difficult to
access. So, the teacher used other media as an alternative.
First, in the use of WhatsApp application, the researcher stated
that WhatsApp is one E-learning media which can be utilized as a tool
for giving information, announcement, communicating, and
reminding students about the things that they have to do in learning.
By using this application, students are easier to communicate with

their teacher, and since it is easy to access, students can be more

motivated and enthusiastic to engage in the learning process. Besides,
it is also an application which is familiar to students and widely used
by most of people. It is similar with the statement from the research
by As Sabiq and Fahmi which discusses about the use of WhatsApp
auto response in ELT. They stated that using WhatsApp provides
some advantages such as simplicity, objective, straightforward, easy-
touse, self-guided learning, and improving students‘ motivation and
academic performances. The differences between these two reseaches
are such as in the type of WhatsApp application, the type of whatsapp
application in this research is the original version, while the type of
whatsapp aplication in that research is self-designed WhatsApp by
teacher. There is on more difference, the use of WhatsApp application
in this research is only for the medium of communication between
students and teacher. Meanwhile, the use of WhatsApp auto response
in that reseach is as a tool for assessment.40
Second, the use of E-learning Madrasah in this research is as a
platform or application that is facilitated by the Ministry of Religion.
E-learning madrasah has lots of features that can be utilized for the
impotance of learning. Yet, the teacher of MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon
only used this platform for delivering material. Similar with the
research by M.Tajudin Zuhr, etc which stated that E-learning
Madrasah is online learning platform for madrasah. The first is this
method does not only contain material or assignments, but there are
many varieties of feature that can help students and teachers in
learning activity. In E-learning Madrasah, students and teachers can
easily share their ideas and open discussion forum, because it includes
social media to communicate with each other between teachers and

Agus Husein As Sabiq & Muhammad Ikhsanul Fahmi, ”Mediating Quizzes as
Assessment Tool Through WhatsApp Auto Response in ELT Online Class”..., p.198.

students. Users can also give their comments and share their ideas in
chat feature apart from students.41
Third, Google classroom is a platform that can help students in
learning process, this is related to the research by Mike Okmawati
which stated that this Platform can be a solution to complete the
teaching-learning process during distance learning. Google Classroom
makes students to be more independent, engaged and motivated
because most of young learners tend to use technology in their daily
life. Google Classroom makes the leaning activities become more
productive and meaningful by making simple assignments, improving
collaboration, and construct communication. Teachers are able to
make classes, giving assessment, sending input, and looking all the
leaning activities in one place. Classroom also integrated with Google
fitures such as Google document and Google Drive.42 Even though
Google Classroom has many features that can be utilized, the English
teacher of MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon only utilized it for evaluating
students, such as posting assigment and assessment. The use of this
Google classroom in E-learning media also have several benefits as
1) It can be prepared easily. The educator can prepare the classroom
and invite students. On the page of assignment class, teacher and
students may share information, tasks, question, and material.
2) Saving time and paper. Educators can make classes, give
assessments, communicate with students, and manage class in one

M.Tajudin Zuhri, etc. “Effectiveness Of The Use Of Madras E-Learning Applications
During The Covid Pandemic 19 (Case Study at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Bandung)”.Bandung:
Jurnal At-Ta‘dib. June 2020. Vol. 15. No 1
Mike Okmawati. ―The Use Of Google Classroom During Pandemic‖. Padang: Journal
of English Language Teaching, March 2020, Volume 9, No. 2.

3) A good management. Students may see their assessment in

students‘ assessment page, classroom, or class calendar. All the
materials are saved in Google drive.
4) Completing the communication and input. Teachers can make
assessment, sending announcement, and starting class discussion
5) Students are able to share material and interact each other in a
class or by using email. Teachers are also able to see the students
who have collected the assignment and who have not. Teachers
can also give them score or feedback to students directly.43
Those benefits are similar with the result of findings which
have been explain by the researcher previously.
According to Beatrice, there are some components of e-
learning including e-learning contents, e-tutoring, collaborative
learning and virtual classroom.44 This is in line with what the
reseacher found, and it is classified into some components as

Table 5 Componen of E-learning Media in ELT

Component of E-learning E-learning Media in ELT

E-Learning Content E-learning Madrasah, Google Classroom,
E-learning Tutoring E-learning Madrasah, Google Classroom,
Collaborative learning Google Classroom and WhatsApp
Virtual Classroom E-learning Madrasah and WhatsApp

Lutfiah Evriana. ―The Implementation of Online Assessment in English Lesson at 10th
Student Grade of SMA Nasional 3 Bahasa Putera Harapan‖….
NurAfrizah. “The Implementation of Yukblajar as E-Learning Platform in English
Learning at SMP Islam Al azhar 13 Surabaya”.…..

According to Purva Chhabra, these tools have been touted as

potentially powerful enabling tools for educational change and
reform as they are making marked inroads into the combination of
digital technologies and English language learning and teaching.45
The researcher classified these tools into several parts that are
included in the e-learning media. E-learning media used in MTs
Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon are E-learning Madrasah, Google Classroom,
and WhatsApp. Here are E-learning tools used in English language
teaching in MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon.

Chart 1 E-Learning Media Tools used in ELT


Using Smart-
YouTube boards


Chhabra stated that there are several tools of e-learning

media, such as internet, youtube, smart-board, and mobile phone,
and these four tools are included in the E-learning media at MTs
Ma'arif NU 1 Wangon. The first is the internet, in using of e-
learning media students and teachers definitely require internet
connection for network access. Internet is source of information in
the form of articles, courses, conferences and many more. Many
softwares are also available on Internet that students can use them

Purva Chhabra. ―Use of E-Learning tools in Teaching English‖…….

free of cost. Second is YouTube, in e-learning media, the teacher

provided the material taken from YouTube, it can be used in ELT
classroom for various aspects of English such as to enhance
students‘ vocabulary, accents, pronunciations, voice modulation
and many more. The real advantage of using YouTube in teaching
English is the teacher can use it as a tool for improving students‘
listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Third is smart-
board, from the third of e-learning media included the smart-board,
there is interactive whiteboards which can be presented on a
computer's desktop (educational software, web sites, and others).
By using smart-board, teachers can combine video, audio, web
browsing and word processing to teach students interactively. The
last is mobile phone, from the third of e-learning media this tool
included, since e-learning media can be implemented by using
mobile phone. Besides, the use of mobile phone as a learning tool
contains a wide variety of applications.

C. The Teacher’s Challenges in Using E-learning Media

Due to the situation and condition of Covid-19 pandemic which
changed learning process from face-to-face to distance learning, teachers
changed several methods and learning media, especially in English
language teaching. Related to this condition, teachers definitely faced lots
of challenges in using e-learning media, one of them was about students‘
economical background. The English teacher of MTs Ma‘arif NU 1
Wangon said that most of students‘ economical background were on
average middle to lower, with social and environmental factors that caused
constraint and shortcomings toward students in using E-learning media
since there were some of them who did not have any gadget tools such as
smartphone or laptop to facilitate them in doing e-learning. Not only that
matter, the researcher also found many challenges faced by the English
teacher. Based on the data from interview with English teacher and

students in MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon that have been collected by the

researcher, here are the obstacles of the English teacher in using e-learning
media, they are mentioned as follows:
1. The teacher needed time to learn E-learning media, especially E-
learning madrasah. The teacher sometimes still got difficulties and
confusion in using this platform. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Religion
or the related parties did not provide any special training, so the
teacher should learn it by autodidact, by browsing or watching
YouTube tutorials.
2. Students did not fulfill the target that had been planned. The teacher
should facilitate and understand each student, because not all of them
had smartphone and some of them lived in remote area where the
signal quality was not good enough, and that affected the success of
3. Not all students had mobile phone, that made the teacher difficult to
communicate with them to deliver the material and assignment to
4. Not all students had ability to operate smartphone well as a medium
for learning, because most them only use smartphone for chatting,
social media, games, etc. So the teacher should guide them directly to
operate e-learning media and learn the educational applications that
they were going to use.
5. Students, especially the 7th graders had never met by person with their
friends, teachers and school environment. Their characters were still
childish, so they required special attention from their teachers, and it
became the challenge for teachers to always guide and remind them.
6. Most of students felt lack of internet quota, even though schools had
provided free internet quota, but not the whole quota could be used for
for accessing E-learning applications that were necessary. It was a
challenge for the teacher to be able to understand students‘ problems in
doing e-learning.

7. Not all the materials could be conveyed well. Students‘ competencies

sometimes could not be fulfilled entirely, and not all the results of
students‘ assessments can be objective. It became an obstacle for the
teacher to be able to assess students objectively, because the teacher
could not monitor every students directly in this learning process.
8. The teacher could not have direct communication to students. Teacher
could only communicate students‘ in one direction, so there was no
any reciprocal communication and the teacher was difficult to
understand the character of each student.
Considering the challenges faced by the English teacher in MTs
Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon that have been explained above, the teacher
provided some solutions, they are:
1. Identifying and facilitating students in e-learning. For example when
students could not access all of the e-learning media, so students were
allowed to do offline learning. Students could meet their teacher at
school to ask for the material and collect their assignments.
2. The teacher prepared and chose the materials which were essentials,
teacher also made the material become more interesting for students,
such as by making illustrated power points, videos, and games like
3. Monitoring students in using WhatsApp media, so that they could
utilize it properly.
4. Encouraging and motivating students, so that they would not get bored
in doing e-learning eventhough in the situation of COVID-19
Fathoni and Zainiyati stated that in MTs Kedungjambe, there are
some constraints and challenges that need to be overcome, these obstacles
felt by both of the madrasah and students. The obstacle of the madrasah
are such as; The cost to pay for the domain and hosting fee per year and
there are no professional experts in madrasah website. Meanwhile, the
constraints felt by the participants students, among others; limited data

package quota owned by participants students, some students do not have

smartphones that force them to seek loans and less friendly signal due to
server and area factors where students live. In addressing the obstacles and
challenges above, it can be done some of the efforts that madrasas can do
include; With the sponsors or donors to finance domains and hosting costs
per year, conducting recruitment of experts professional to handle
madrasah websites, the Madrasah subsidize data package quotas for
underprivileged students during the pandemic period and advises students
who do not have mobile devices to join classmates and students can search
for locations that are full signal.46
Wijaya stated that in the implementation of e-learning, there are still
many obstacles faced by teachers and students both in terms of human
resources, material as well as from existing infrastructure. In terms of
human resources is the technical ability of teachers is still lacking, there
are many teachers who do not understand and have not implemented e-
learning. Students choose using ordinary manual learning rather than e-
learning. In terms of material or teaching materials, teachers are rare using
computers and the internet, the lack of teaching materials uploaded by
students or teachers and files downloaded or uploaded are limited.
Meanwhile, obstacles in terms of infrastructure, there is no e-learning
website, and lack of wifi facilities, not yet reached by internet signal,
limited internet quota. The solutions that can be implemented by the
school in terms of human resources, includes the need for awareness of all
teachers to use the internet, especially e-learning, giving rewards to active
teachers and creatively. The solutions in terms of materials or teaching
materials, teaching materials and materials more varied, among others,
policies to utilize school learning spaces can be maximized and used
properly. Meanwhile, solutions in terms of infrastructure, additional
internet access at each wifi point and E-learning website for make learning
Mochamad Fathoni & Husniyatus Salamah Zainiyati, ―Pemanfaatan Website Madrasah
Sebagai Media Pembelajaran E-Learning Di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Di MTs Kedungjambe
Singgahan Tuban”: UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. September, 2020,p.214-216

eate englishsier, internet quota needs to be added, as well optimization of

school facilities in e-learning.47
From the statement above, the obstacles or challenges faced by the
English teacher of MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon and the solutions to solve
the prblems are related and similar with the previous researches.
Therefore, the researcher concluded them as follows ;
Table 6 The teacher’s Challenges used E-learning Media in ELT at
MTs Ma’arif NU 1 Wangon
No Sub Chapter Challenges/ Obstacles
1 Human Resources a) Many teachers don‘t understand
the meaning of E-learning, and
also has not implemented it either
learning using e-learning media.
b) Students' lack of awareness to
learn independently, students are
more dependent on the teacher
active in class.
c) Teacher cannot have direct
communication with students.
2 Material Aspect / a) The lack of intensity of computer
Teaching Materials and internet used in e-learning
b) The teachers are required to be
creative and take advantage of
technological advances.
c) Not all the competences and
material can be delivered well
3 Terms of Facilities and a) E-learning media are sometimes
Infrastructure difficult to access
b) The use and maintenance of
existing facilities not maximal
c) The lack of internet quota owned
by schools
d) Owned network is not stable or is
often slow

Dessta Putra Wijaya. ―Implementasi E-Learning Di SMP Negeri 10 Yogyakarta…. p

Table 7 The teacher’s Solutions used E-learning Media in ELT at MTs

Ma’arif NU 1 Wangon

No Sub Chapter Solutions to solve the problem

1 Human Resources a) There needs to be awareness from
every teacher so that they are able
to learn and practice using
computers and the internet for a
better and more varied learning
process in the used e-learning.
b) To build awareness and
motivation from teachers to
student to carry out learning
using e-learning media so that
students can study independently,
looking for learning resources
from the internet, books, etc.
2 Material Aspect / a) The teachers are required to be
Teaching Materials creative in giving and deliver
learning materials in orderthe
attraction of students in using e-
learning media can be more
b) There needs to be training and
introduction for teachers and
students related to e-learning
learning that is more interesting
and more varied files to add
interest and the enthusiasm of
students to explore abilities,
ideas, and the creativity of the
student or teacher.
3 Terms of Facilities and a) The schools subsidize data
Infrastructure package quotas or provide
internet quotas to facilitate
students in using e-learning
b) The teacher advises students who
do not have mobile devices to
join classmates and students can
search for locations that are full


A. Conclusion
Based on the result of the data analysis that have been explained above,
it can be concluded as follows:
1. The English teacher of MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon implemented the E-
learning media in English language teaching. The E-learning media were
in the form of E-learning Madrasah, Google Classsroom, and WhatsApp.
Every one of them has their own functions. WhatsApp was used by the
teacher to communicate with students, such as giving information,
announcement, and reminding students. E-learning Madrasah was used
by the teacher to deliver material. Meanwhile, Google Classroom was
used by the teacher only to administer evaluation, such as giving
assigments and assessment.
2. In teaching English using E-learning media, the English teacher of MTs
Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon faced some challenges. First, the teacher should
understand the concept the learning how to utilize and apply of E-learning
media. Second, E-learning media are sometimes difficult to access by
students that made teacher difficult to teach students. Third, the teacher
cannot have direct communication with students that made teacher
difficult to know characteristic of her students by person. Fourth, not all
the competences and material can be delivered well. Fifth, the result of
students learning may be not objective since teacher cannot monitor
students immediately. The last, the teacher should be creative and
innovative in teaching students so that students are interested and
motivated to learn.

B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, the researcher expected that this thesis
can be useful for teacher, students, and other researchers.

1. For the Teacher

The researcher expected that the teacher realizes that e-learning
media is very important for learning, not only in the situation of Covid
19 pandemic, but also for the next generation. The world of education
will face sophisticated technology. It also succeed the teaching-learning
process in digital era as in industrial revolution 4.0 that the teachers are
required to have the expertise, ability to adapt to new technologies and
global challenges. In addition, teacher should always provide motivation
for students to build their interest in learning English, especially by using
e-learning media even though in the situation of Covid 19 pandemic.
2. For the Researcher
The researcher expected that other researchers can be able to
conduct a research using media related to learning English on similar
topics. Hopefully, with more researchers, the results will be more useful
to improve English learning process and it will be reviewed by other
researchers so that it can complement the shortcomings of this thesis.
3. For the School
The researcher expected that the school can improve the quality of
the school‘s facililtations, especially for the e-learning media. The school
is also expected to solve the problems faced by the teacher and students,
so the learning process can run well.

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Appendix 1
Interview Guideline
A. Teacher Interview
1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran di MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon selama
masa pandemi Covid 19?
2. E-learning media apa saja yang digunakan oleh guru di MTs Ma‘arif NU 1
3. Bagaimana proses penggunaannya dalam E-learning media tersebut?
4. Dari ketiga E-learning tersebut (E-learning Madrasah, Google Classroom,
Whatsapp) digunakan untuk apa saja dalam proses pembelajaran?
5. E-learning media mana saja yang sering digunakan atau yang paling
dominan digunakan ketika proses pembelajaran bahasa inggris?
6. Apa alasan dan tujuan memilih menggunakan ketiga media tersebut
sebagai E-learning media dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris?
7. Apa saja yang perlu disiapkan sebelum pembelajaran ketika menggunakan
E-learning media tersebut?
8. Keterampilan apa saja yang ditekankan dalam menggunakan E-learning
media tersebut?
9. Bagaimana respon atau keadaan siswa dalam menggunakan E-learning
media tersebut?
10. Apa saja kelebihan dan keuntungan menggunakan E-learning media ?
11. Apa saja kelemahan dan kerugian menggunakan menggunakan E-learning
12. Apa saja masalah dan kendala bagi guru dalam menggunakan E-learning
13. Bagaimana solusi guru untuk mengatasi kendala dalam menggunakan E-
learning media?
14. Bagaimana peran guru dalam proses pembelajaran menggunakan E-
learning media tersebut?
15. Apakah ada perbedaan atau perubahan dalam proses pembelajaran ketika
menggunakan E-learning media dengan pembelajaran tatap muka?
B. Students’ Interview
1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan di MTs Ma‘arif NU 1
Wangon dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
2. Apa kesan anda dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran bahasa inggris
dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
3. Apa saja media yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran bahasa
4. Media mana yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran?
5. Apa saja kelebihan dan keuntungan yang digunakan guru bagi anda dalam
6. Apa saja kekurangan dan kerugian media yang digunakan guru bagi anda
dalam proses pembelajaran?
7. Apa saja kendala dan kesulitan anda selama proses pembelajaran online?
8. Apakah anda termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris selama pembelajran
online ini?
9. Apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan bagi anda dalam menggunakan E-
learning media?
10. Apakah E-learning media lebih cocok digunakan dibandingkan dengan
pembelajaran tatap muka?

Documentation Guideline:

1. Dokumen Identitas Sekolah

2. Dokumen/Data Struktur Organisasi dan Kepengurusan Sekolah
3. Visi dan Misi Sekolah
4. Data Sarana dan Prasarana Sekolah
5. RPP, Materi Pembelajaran, dan Soal
6. Gambar Hasil Observasi (Screenshoot)
Appendix 2

Result of interview with ten students in 7A class

Name : Laeli Nur fajriyah

Class : 7A

1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan di MTs Ma’arif

NU 1 Wangon dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Mudah dan tidak membuat penyimpanan penuh
2. Apa kesan anda dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran bahasa
inggris dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Mudah digunakan
3. Apa saja media yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
Google classroom dan E learning
4. Media mana yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran?
Google classroom
5. Apa saja kelebihan dan keuntungan yang digunakan guru bagi anda
dalam pembelajaran?
Sedikit mudah dan kadang ada yang sulit
6. Apa saja kekurangan dan kerugian media yang digunakan guru bagi
anda dalam proses pembelajaran ?
Membuat penyimpanan penuh
7. Apa saja kendala dan kesulitan anda selama proses pembelajaran
Sedikit sulit dalam memahaminya
8. Apakah anda termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris selama
pembelajran online ini?
Iya, karena saya jadi mengerti cara menggunakan kata kata
9. Apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan bagi anda dalam
menggunakan E-learning media?
Sedikit memberi kepahaman
10. Apakah E-learning media lebih cocok digunakan dibandingkan
dengan pembelajaran tatap muka?
Iya karena mudah digunakan dan potensi penyebaran virus covid19
menjadi semakin kecil

Name : Tri Fadilah Jauhar Nafisa

Class : 7A

1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan di MTs Ma’arif NU

1 Wangon dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Sulit dimengerti menggunakan E-learning, lebih mudah menggunakan
2. Apa kesan anda dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran bahasa inggris
dengan menggunakan E-learning media
Dapat digunakan dengan baik
3. Apa saja media yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
Classroom dan E-learning
4. Media mana yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran?
5. Apa saja kelebihan dan keuntungan yang digunakan guru bagi anda
dalam pembelajaran?
Menambah wawasan tentang mata pelajaran yang diberikan oleh guru
6. Apa saja kekurangan dan kerugian media yang digunakan guru bagi
anda dalam proses pembelajaran ?
Susah di akses
7. Apa saja kendala dan kesulitan anda selama proses pembelajaran
Sinyal dan kuota
8. Apakah anda termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris selama
pembelajran online ini?
Ada sedikit
9. Apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan bagi anda dalam menggunakan
E-learning media?
Ada sedikit
10. Apakah E-learning media lebih cocok digunakan dibandingkan
dengan pembelajaran tatap muka?
Tidak, karena saya lebih mengerti jika mata pelajaran tersebut dijelaskan
secara tatap muka

Nama : Giska wahyuningtias

Kelas : 7A

1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan di MTs Ma’arif

NU 1 Wangon dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Sulit dimengerti menggunakan e-learning,lebih mudah menggunakan
gogle classroom
2. Apa kesan anda dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran bahasa
inggris dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Kesannya dapat digunakan dengan baik
3. Apa saja media yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
Google classroom dan e-learning
4. Media mana yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran?
5. Apa saja kelebihan dan keuntungan yang digunakan guru bagi anda
dalam pembelajaran?
Menambah wawasan tentang mata pelajaran yang di berikan oleh guru
6. Apa saja kekurangan dan kerugian media yang digunakan guru bagi
anda dalam proses pembelajaran?
Susah di akses
7. Apa saja kendala dan kesulitan anda selama proses pembelajaran
Sinyal dan Kouta
8. Apakah anda termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris selama
pembelajran online ini?
9. Apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan bagi anda dalam
menggunakan E-learning media?
10. Apakah E-learning media lebih cocok digunakan dibandingkan
dengan pembelajaran tatap muka?
Tidak,karena saya lebih mengerti jika mata pelajaran tersebut dijelaskan
secara tatap muka

Name : Majid Exsel Romanof

Class : 7A

1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan di MTs Ma’arif

NU 1 Wangon dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Lebih baik
2. Apa kesan anda dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran bahasa
inggris dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Lebih giat untuk belajar di rumah
3. Apa saja media yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
4. Media mana yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran?
5. Apa saja kelebihan dan keuntungan yang digunakan guru bagi anda
dalam pembelajaran?
Memudahkan dalam mengakses pembelajaran online
6. Apa saja kekurangan dan kerugian media yang digunakan guru bagi
anda dalam proses pembelajaran?
Menggunakan internet lebih boros
7. Apa saja kendala dan kesulitan anda selama proses pembelajaran
8. Apakah anda termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris selama
pembelajran online ini?
9. Apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan bagi anda dalam
menggunakan E-learning media?
Ada untuk belajar lebih giat lagi
10. Apakah E-learning media lebih cocok digunakan dibandingkan
dengan pembelajaran tatap muka?
Sama sama cocok

Name : Alila Fatma Azzahra

Class : 7A

1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan di MTs Ma’arif

NU 1 Wangon dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
2. Apa kesan anda dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran bahasa
inggris dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
3. Apa saja media yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
Classroom and YouTube
4. Media mana yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran?
5. Apa saja kelebihan dan keuntungan yang digunakan guru bagi anda
dalam pembelajaran?
Mendapatkan apa yang kita tidak tahu
6. Apa saja kekurangan dan kerugian media yang digunakan guru bagi
anda dalam proses pembelajaran?
Tidak ada
7. Apa saja kendala dan kesulitan anda selama proses pembelajaran
8. Apakah anda termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris selama
pembelajran online ini?
9. Apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan bagi anda dalam
menggunakan E-learning media?
10. Apakah E-learning media lebih cocok digunakan dibandingkan
dengan pembelajaran tatap muka?
Tatap muka lebih baik

Name : Lidia Sari

Class : 7A

1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan di MTs Ma’arif

NU 1 Wangon dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
2. Apa kesan anda dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran bahasa
inggris dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran e-
learning dapat membantu siswa dalam memperoleh semua informasi yang
dibutuhkan dan mampu melaksanakan proses pembelajaran dengan baik
3. Apa saja media yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
Google Clasrom dan e-learning
4. Media mana yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran?
5. Apa saja kelebihan dan keuntungan yang digunakan guru bagi anda
dalam pembelajaran?
Tidak lelah bolak balik kesekolah
6. Apa saja kekurangan dan kerugian media yang digunakan guru bagi
anda dalam proses pembelajaran?
Lebih baik belajar tatap muka
7. Apa saja kendala dan kesulitan anda selama proses pembelajaran
Sinyal yang sudah di jangkau
8. Apakah anda termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris selama
online ini?
9. Apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan bagi anda dalam
menggunakan E-learning media?
10. Apakah E-learning media lebih cocok digunakan dibandingkan
dengan pembelajaran tatap muka?
Di masa covid-19 pembelajaran di e-learning lebih cocok dalam masa
pandemi ini.

Name : Lu'Luil Azizah

Class : 7A
1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan di MTs Ma’arif
NU 1 Wangon dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Sangat baik
2. Apa kesan anda dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran bahasa
inggris dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Lebih mengenal dan menambah ilmu
3. Apa saja media yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
E Learning dan classroom
4. Media mana yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran?
E-learning dan bisa juga menggunakan classroom
5. Apa saja kelebihan dan keuntungan yang digunakan guru bagi anda
dalam pembelajaran?
Dapat menambah ilmu
6. Apa saja kekurangan dan kerugian media yang digunakan guru bagi
anda dalam proses pembelajaran?
Ga ada kekurangan maupun kerugian
7. Apa saja kendala dan kesulitan anda selama proses pembelajaran
Kendalanya sinyal
8. Apakah anda termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris selama
pembelajran online ini?
9. Apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan bagi anda dalam
menggunakan E-learning media?
10. Apakah E-learning media lebih cocok digunakan dibandingkan
dengan pembelajaran tatap muka?
Tetap mengikuti apa yang diberitahukan dengan sesama guru
Name : Renata risky ramadhani

Class : 7A

1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan di MTs Ma’arif

NU 1 Wangon dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Proses pembelajaran menggunakan E-learning disitu untuk belajar mata
pelajaran bahasa Inggris
2. Apa kesan anda dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran bahasa
inggris dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Sangat membantu sekali
3. Apa saja media yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
E-learning & classroom
4. Media mana yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran?
5. Apa saja kelebihan dan keuntungan yang digunakan guru bagi anda
dalam pembelajaran?
Guru dapat mengetahui kemampuan diri setiap anak didiknya
6. Apa saja kekurangan dan kerugian media yang digunakan guru bagi
anda dalam proses pembelajaran?
Kekurangannya adalah media nya agak ribet dan kita dijelaskan secara
online jadi kita kadang agak ngga mudeng kerugian nya kadang kita ngga
mudeng karna di jelaskan secara online
7. Apa saja kendala dan kesulitan anda selama proses pembelajaran
Kendalanya itu sinyal
8. Apakah anda termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris selama
pembelajran online ini?
9. Apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan bagi anda dalam
menggunakan E-learning media?
Agak ada peningkatan
10. Apakah E-learning media lebih cocok digunakan dibandingkan
dengan pembelajaran tatap muka?
Kalo aku lebih memilih untuk tatap muka karna lagi pandemi jadi Yaudah
kita mengikuti ajah peraturan-peraturan yang ada

Name : Feni ayi setyawati

Class : 7A

1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan di MTs Ma’arif

NU 1 Wangon dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Baik, lancar
2. Apa kesan anda dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran bahasa
inggris dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
3. Apa saja media yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
Classroom Dan E-learning
4. Media mana yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran?
5. Apa saja kelebihan dan keuntungan yang digunakan guru bagi anda
dalam pembelajaran?
Pembelajarannya cukup praktis
6. Apa saja kekurangan dan kerugian media yang digunakan guru bagi
anda dalam proses pembelajaran?
Terkadang tidak dapat di akses
7. Apa saja kendala dan kesulitan anda selama proses pembelajaran
Karena sinyal
8. Apakah anda termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris selama
pembelajran online ini?
9. Apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan bagi anda dalam
menggunakan E-learning media?
10. Apakah E-learning media lebih cocok digunakan dibandingkan
dengan pembelajaran tatap muka?
Ya biasa

Name : Sulthaan Qaabus Ghatfaan Nabawi

Class : 7A

1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan di MTs Ma’arif

NU 1 Wangon dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Mudah dimengerti
2. Apa kesan anda dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran bahasa
inggris dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
Lebih bisa memahami
3. Apa saja media yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
E-learning dan Google Classroom
4. Media mana yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran?
5. Apa saja kelebihan dan keuntungan yang digunakan guru bagi anda
dalam pembelajaran?
Menambah wawasan dan ilmu tentang mata pelajaran yang diberikan oleh
guru mapel
6. Apa saja kekurangan dan kerugian media yang digunakan guru bagi
anda dalam proses pembelajaran?
Sulit diakses
7. Apa saja kendala dan kesulitan anda selama proses pembelajaran
Jaringan jelek
8. Apakah anda termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris selama
pembelajran online ini?
9. Apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan bagi anda dalam
menggunakan E-learning media?
10. Apakah E-learning media lebih cocok digunakan dibandingkan
dengan pembelajaran tatap muka?
Tidak karena jika tatap muka lebih paham karena dijelaskan secara

Name : Ririn Fenti Suci Rahmadhani

Class : 7A

1) Bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan di MTs Ma’arif

NU 1 Wangon dengan menggunakan E-learning media?
2) Apa kesan anda dalam men
3) gikuti proses pembelajaran bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan E-
learning media?
Memudahkan cara belajar
4) Apa saja media yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris?
E-learning / gc
5) Media mana yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran?
E-learning / gc
6) Apa saja kelebihan dan keuntungan yang digunakan guru bagi anda
dalam pembelajaran
Mempermudah pembelajaran
7) Apa saja kekurangan dan kerugian media yang digunakan guru bagi
anda dalam proses pembelajaran?
Kurang jelas
8) Apa saja kendala dan kesulitan anda selama proses pembelajaran
Sedikit tidak mengerti
9) Apakah anda termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris selama
pembelajran online ini?
Membaca kamus
10) Apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan bagi anda dalam
menggunakan E-learning media?
Ya ada
11) Apakah E-learning media lebih cocok digunakan dibandingkan
dengan pembelajaran tatap muka?
Ya bisa
Appendix 3:

Observation Schedule

Observation Schedule
Date Day Time Place

1st Wednesday 08.20-09.40

5th January 2021
a.m 7th Grade A
2nd Wednesday Classroom
12th January 2021
3rd 19th January 2021 Wednesday
Appendix 4:

Documentation Result (Schreenshoot)

Log In E-Learning Madrasah Application

Home Features of E-Learning Madrasah Application

Sign In Google Classroom and Join in Classroom
The Use Google Classroom in ELT Classroom

The Use of WhatsApp Group in ELT Classroom

Pre-Activity in WhatsApp Group

Pre-Activity in E-learning Madrasah

Teaching Material in E-learning Madrasah

The Beginning Process of E-learning Media in WhatApp Group

The Learning Material in E-learning Madrasah

The Use of Google Classroom Assignments

Student’s Display of Google Classroom
Evaluation in Google Classroom
Appendix 5:


Appendix 6:



School : MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon

Subject/Class/Semester : English/ VII / II
Time Allocation : 6 Lesson Time

Learning Material : Adjective

A. Learning Objective
- In the end of lessons, students are able to asking and giving
information about characteristic of people, animals, and things around
- Grammar (adjective)

B. Learning Activity
1st Meeting
1. Watching the material from google site :
2. Identification the material then writes it in student‘s book.
2nd Meeting

1. Reading the material from Google classroom.

2. Identification the material then writes in student‘s book.
3rd Meeting


a. Knowledge Aspect
Student doing written test by using google form.
b. Skill Aspect
Student describe some picture using appropriate adjective by using
Google form. https://forms.gle/j7cgAATwkXC9hukT7


School : MTs Ma‘arif NU 1 Wangon

Subject/Class/Semester : English/ VII / II
Time Allocation : 6 Lesson Time

Learning Material : Describing People, animals, and Things.

A. Learning Objective
- In the end of lessons, students are able to asking and giving
information about describing of people, animals, and things around us.
- Grammar (declarative, interrogative, simple present tense).

B. Learning Activity
1st Meeting
- Watching the material from google site :
- Identification the material then writes it in student‘s book.
2nd Meeting

- Reading the material from Google site :

- Identification the material then writes in student‘s book.
3rd Meeting


a. Knowledge Aspect
Student doing written test by using google form.
b. Skill Aspect
Student. Send the answer to WA (085743424187)
Materi Pembelajaran

- https://sites.google.com/view/manusawa-english7th/halaman-muka
- https://sites.google.com/view/present-tense/halaman-muka
Competency Test
Please do exercise page 36 (A, B, C)

Write in your English’s book name of

1. Wild animal/binatang luar, buas
2. Tame animal/binatang jinak
3. Pet/binatang peliharaan
Including English and Indonesian!

Examination Test
Assalamu‘alaikum Wr Wb
Good Morning Students.
How are you today?
I hope everything its okay.
Today we are going to Evaluation 1
Please doing examination from this link.
See you
Appendix 7:
Surat Keterangan Penetapan Dosen Pembimbing
Appendix 8:

Surat Izin Observasi Pendahuluan

Appendix 9:
Surat Balasan Izin Observasi Pendahuluan
Appendix 10:
Surat Keterangan Seminar Proposal
Appendix 11:
Surat Izin Riset Individu
Appendix 12:
Surat Balasan Izin Riset Individu
Appendix 13:
Sertifikat BTA-PPI
Appendix 14:
Sertifikat APLIKOM
Appendix 15:
Surat Pengembangan Bahasa Inggris
Appendix 16:
Surat Pengembangan Bahasa Arab

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