Nurul Fitriyanni Bachtiar 13601010034
Nurul Fitriyanni Bachtiar 13601010034
Nurul Fitriyanni Bachtiar 13601010034
NPM: 13.601010.034
NPM: 13.601010.034
This is to certify that the sarjana’s thesis of Nurul F Bachtiar has been approved by the
thesis advisors for further approval by the Board of Examiners.
Syarifa Rafiqa, M. Pd
NPM : 13.601010.034
Acknowledged by:
Dean ofTeacherTrainingandEducationFaculty
Nurul Fitriyanni Bachtiar. 2018. The Correlation between Learning Style and English
Speaking Achievement at Third Semester of English Department Students at Borneo
University Tarakan(dibimbing oleh Syarifa Rafiqa)
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gaya belajar yang dominan
dimiliki oleh mahasiswa jurusan Bahasa Inggris semester 3 dan mengetahui hubungan
antara gaya belajar dengan English Speaking Achievement. Gaya belajar diperoleh
berdasarkan kuisioner, wawancara dan dokumen berupa daftar nilai mahasiswa yang
didapatkan dari dosen mata kuliah English Speaking Achievement.
Sampel diperoleh dengan menggunakan total sampling sebanyak 73 mahasiswa
jurusan Bahasa Inggris semester 3 Universitas Borneo Tarakan. Terdapat 30 mahasiswa
(40%) yang memiliki gaya belajar visual, 19 mahasiswa (26%) memiliki gaya belajar
auditori, 12 mahasiswa (16%) memiliki gaya belajar kinestetik, 6 mahasiswa (8%) yang
memiliki gaya belajar visual dan auditori, 4 mahasiswa (6%) yang memiliki gaya belajar
visual dan kinestetik, 2 mahasiswa (3%) memiliki gaya belajar auditori dan kinestetik.
Hasil penelitian mengenai hubungan antara gaya belajar dengan hasil English Speaking
Achievement pada mahasiswa semester 3 jurusan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Borneo
Tarakan: (1) Gaya belajar yang paling banyak digunakan oleh mahasiswa adalah visual
(2) Ada hubungan sempurna antara gaya belajar dengan hasil English Speaking
Achievement mahasiswa semester 3 jurusan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Borneo Tarakan.
Koefisien berkorelasi positif sehingga mendifinisikan terdapat korelasi yang
significant. Itu terlihat pada uji SPSS, bahkan ada variable yang menghasilkan korelasi
sempurna (1.000) maka hubungan tersebut disebut korelasi sempurna atau hubungan
linear sempurna dengan kemiringan (slope) positif.
Nurul Fitriyanni Bachtiar. 2018. The Correlation between Learning Style and English
Speaking Achievement at Third Semester of English Department Students at Borneo
University Tarakan(Advised by Syarifa Rafiqa)
The objectives of this research is to find out the dominant learning style that used
by the third semester of English Department students of Borneo University Tarakan and
to find out is there any correlation between learning style and english speaking
achievement of the third semester of English Department students of Borneo University
Tarakan. Learning style achieved by the number of questionnaire and interview, while
document is the score of students’ english speaking achievement was got from the english
speaking lecturer.
The sample total is 73 third semester of English Department students with total
sampling. There were 30 students (40%) have visual learning style, 19 students (26%)
have auditory learning style, 12 students (16%) have kinesthetic learning style, 6 students
(8%) have visual and auditory learning style, 4 students (6%) have visual and kinesthetic
learning style, 2 students (3%) have auditory and kinesthetic learning style. The results
of the research about the correlation between learning style and English speaking
achievement at third semester of English Department students at Borneo University
Tarakan: (1) the most learning style that used by the students is visual (2) there is a perfect
correlation between learning style and English speaking achievement at third semester of
English Department students at Borneo Tarakan.
The coefficient correlation is positive which, there is a significant correlation. It
can be seen by the result of SPSS test, there is a variable which obtain the perfect
correlation or there is a perfect linear correlation with the positive slope.
First of all let us praise the one and only Allah SWT for His grace and guidance,
so this thesis can be accomplished. Thesis with the title “The Correlation between
Department Students at Borneo Universtiy Tarakan”, to complete the requirement for the
This thesis would not have been possible to complete without the guidance and
help of several individuals during its completion process. This section is especially
2. Dr. Suyadi, S.S., M.Ed as the dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Training and Education and as the advisor. The researcher extremely thankful and
indebted to her for sharing expertise, and sincere and valuable guidance and
4. Romlah Ulfaika, M.Pd and Rizki Diliarti Armaya, M.Hum as the examiners, who
5. All lectures and staff in faculty of teacher training and education especially the
lecturers of English Department, thank you very much for every suggestions and
6. The researcher’s parents, Subakir Bachtiar and Tukiyah, they are the reason to
always be strong to face the challenges in everyday, the reason why the researcher
have to always keep up the spirit day by day, thanks also for the support
7. Her beloved siblings Mansyur, Agus Salim, Mohammad Sholihin and Ade
Mustika Dewi Bachtiar for always help her and make her happy everytime
8. Her very best friends, Tiara Audia S.Pd, Nur Candra Ariana S.Pd, Prihandhini
Putri S.Pd, Eka Sulistiawati S.Pd, Fitria Nurul S.Pd, Marsela S.Pd, Dini Sulistiani,
Siti KartikaS.Pd, Aisyah S.Pd, Nita Hesti Kurnia S.S, Murniati S.Pd, Leti Eka
Yanti, Nur Fatimah Azzahra, Okky Octaviani, and Shinta Devi Ermayana for
9. For all her beloved brothers and sister out there, the researcher pious brothers and
sisters who always give her new knowledge, who always help her to be better
everyday and who always being faithful to her, may Allah loves and always taking
care of them.
10. Big family of English Department especially for English Department in class of
11. Last but not least, those who cannot be mentioned one by one, who have helped
Hopefully, may Allah always bless those mentioned above and all their sacrifice
becomes their merciful deeds to help them gain a success in their future life. The
researcher realizes that this research is far from being perfect. Therefore, any
constructive criticism and suggestion will be gladly accepted. Finally, it is expected
LIST OF TABLE………………………………………………………………. iv
LIST OF APPENDICES..................................................................................... v
C. Concept of Achievement…………………………………………………… 19
2. Document analysis……………………………………………………. .. 26
A. Findings ......................................................................................................... 31
B. Discussion ..................................................................................................... 55
A. Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 58
B. Suggestion ...................................................................................................... 59
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 61
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 64
achievement .......................................................................................................... 53
objectives of the Research, significances of the research, the scope and the
Common educators did not know about learning style of students. It is a way that
how students absorb, manage, and process the information. It is known that, there
are three categories of students learning styles, are visual learning style, auditory
Pearson (2005:21) states that during the school years, however, educators
students are learn by touching, feeling, moving, and experiencing. This lead the
students look active than the other students and tend to be minority who do not
Most of students who do well in school tend to be those who learn either
brighter students are auditory or visual learners. In reality, the teachers usually
on a chalkboard (auditory and visual). Youngsters who are able to absorb through
these two senses are the ones who retain what they have been taught. They also
(written or printed).
discusses the importance of learning styles as being not only necessary, but also
particular ways with each style of learning contributing to the success in retaining
what they have learnt. Studies carried out conclude that students retain 10% of
what they read, 26% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they
see and hear, 70% of what they say, and 90% of what they say as they do
something. These facts reveal that each learning style has its own strengths and
easy the students to adjust the material and the students will catch the material
well in the class. In this case of this research the researcher, conducted about the
learning style that is important in learning English. When the students know what
their learning style, they can make the class be more effective than before which is
that is mean the objectives of the learning process in the class will be raised.
styles, that are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning style. Visual learning
style is the learning style where the learner feel interest and easy to understand the
material by using picture. Auditorial learning style is the learning style where the
learner likes for hearing to understand the material. Kinesthetic learning style is
the learning style where the learner will understand the material when in the
Based on the preliminary study at April 29th 2017 that the researcher got
from the second student semester of Borneo University, lot of students are still
hard to speak up in English. Most of the students like to write, and read but not
speak. Their English speaking skill also have a big diverse. This fact lead the
researcher to find out the correlation between students learning style and the
The reason why the researcher chose the third semester students of
English Department were, first because the student still at their first year of
learning English speaking class, the second this could help them in the future to
got their better score of achievement in speaking class after they get the
The purpose of this research was to understand the most learning style
and to investigate the correlation between learning style and English speaking
B. Problem Statements
There were two problems of the Research in this research, they were :
1. What is the most learning style that used by the third semester of English
2. Is there any correlation between learning style and the English Speaking
1. To gave comprehend about the most learning style of the third semester of
The result of the research was expected two significances, that were
1. Theoritically
b. This research as the reference either for the literature or the reference for the
previous research
2. Practically
This research gives the perception that each student has different learning
1) This research can be used for understanding the students learning style
2) This research can be used as the guidance of the teacher to adjust the
3) Increasing teacher understanding that there are 3 types of learning style and the
teacher have to be more creative to make students with all of the different
This research will be focused on the students’ learning style and the
focused on the third semester students of Teacher Training and English Education
terms that is used in the research, the term which are relevant to this research are
elaborate as follows:
that divided into three types, that are visual learn by what they see, auditory
learn by what they hear or listen and kinesthetic learn by moving, doing, acting
2. English speaking achievement is the result that has been achieved by learners
in the English speaking class process as indicated by the test score or number
This chapter explains about the reviews that focus on literatures related to
the learning styles and English speaking skills. This chapter discusses the concept
of learning style, the concept of learning, and the concept of English speaking
for individual differences. These differences may manifest itself in ‘life styles’
and even in personality types (Zhang & Sternberg 2012:143). Kolb (2015:145)
determine the particular strategies a person chooses while learning. On the other
performance in office, school and in another private situation. When students are
aware of how to absorb and manage the information, they also can learn and
unifies, he/she at least fulfills a basic prerequisite to self regulate his/her learning
Learning styles are regarded as one of the crucial factors to be taken into
styles” Felder and Brent ( 2005:59). However, the scientific understanding of the
concept of learning style is rather inconsistent. Learning style models range from
holistic approaches e.g., the Dunn and Dunn learning style model; Dunn et al.,
which individuals perceive and precede information to get used to the situations.
He argues that learning style preference is one aspect of learning style, and refers
to the choice of one learning situation or condition over another. Kolb in Audia
cerebral area, such as left hemisphere and right hemisphere. This approach is
According to Bobbi DePorter (2010) states that there are three modalities
school age children appear to be auditory learners, 40% are visual learners, and
(2012) states that for grade school children the most frequent modality strengths
are visual (30%) or mixed (30%), followed by auditory (25%), and then by
kinesthetic (15%).
style is a style of students’ way to understand the learning process. It also refers to
the easiest and the fastest technique to absorb the information. Every student has
their own dominant learning process. There are a lot of learning styles, but the
learning style that will be focused in this research is the VAK learning style that
consists of Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic based on Rita Dunn research and the
1. Visual
they see. Based on LdPride (2008:110), individuals who fall into this category
typically learn through what they see using their own eyes. Visual learners are
those students who jockey for the positions at the front of the class, must have
front row theater seats and love to be right up front for sport events in order to
obtain the best view. Visual learners had a tendency to describe everything that
they see in terms of appearances. These learners love visual aids such as photos,
are good writers and will commonly. Visual learners like tables, pictures, and the
DePorter and Hernacki (2016:116) states that the students with this learning
style access the visual that is created and memorized from colors, mental pictures,
and prominent pictures. People with visual learning style are discipline,
perfectionist, keep the performance, remember the picture, really love reading, ask
someone to recite, need illustration of the whole purpose, catch the details, and
pictures on their notes. In math and science, table and graphic will deepen their
learner will learn from what they catch in the whole picture.
1. The students who has this learning style usually neat and tidy
2. When speak to communicate with the others, the students speak quickly
6. Good speller and can see the actual words in their minds
10. Have problems to remember verbal instructions unless written and often ask
11. They are a good viewer, that is why they are precise and diligent readers
12. If have to choose the students prefer to read than reading out
13. Views and objectives requires thorough and exercise caution before mentally
14. Crossed scratch without sense while talking on the phone and in meetings
17. They are prefer demonstration than speech because they like see something
18. They are preferring art than music for example, picture, photo and etc.
2. Auditory
Auditory is an understanding new ideas and concepts when people hear the
musics, discussions, teachings, etc. These individuals will prefer to record lectures
so that the students can replay them at a later time for research purposes. Brown
(2007:77) states that auditory learners appreciate books on tape and finding that
reading aloud will help the students to retain information. Rather than written
DePorter and Hernacki(2016:116) states that the people with the auditory
learning style access all kinds of music, intonation, rhythm, rhyme, internal
dialog, and the prominent sound. Auditory learners could be identified if the
attention is easy to be broken, speak with rhythm, learn by hearing, activate the
than learn, because they like listening to the information repeatly. There are some
auditory learners who like to listen to the music when they are learning and there
are auditory learners who think it as the disturbance. The auditory learners have to
be allowed to speak with their own self with low sound when they work or learn.
Bobbi De Porter and Hernacki (2016:116) states that these are some of the
5. Can repeat back and mimick the tone, rhythm and timbre
8. Usually a fluent speaker, that is why the listener will easy to catch the point
10. Sailed to listen and remember what was discussed than seen.
12. Having a problem with a job work involving visualization, such as cut to
13. Smarter to spell loudly than to write. It is because they are like to speak
14. If they get two options between oral jokes or comic, they are prefer an oral
3. Kinesthetic
means that they learn best through moving, doing, acting out and touching.
Projects that are hands-on in nature are best for kinesthetic learners. Kinesthetic
learners tend to become frustrated when they must sit for long periods of time.
learners show their favorite way to the demonstration and the other physic activity
access all kinds of movement and emotion that are created and could be
people and stand really close, have a lot of movements, learn by doing, point the
written when reading, respond physically, remember while walking and seeing.
project. The short joke proved that it can help. Kinesthetic learners likes to learn
movement with every fact. There are a lot of kinesthetic learners who estrange
their selves from their seat, they like to sit on the floor and spread the work around
(Audia: 2016:14) the human brain is the fastest to catch the information from the
movement. The result from that research got that almost 90% that is memorized is
the learning process that is done by the activity. Then common model such as
Based on DePorter and Hernacki(2016) states that these are some of the
3. When the students communicate with the other, they are always touching
11. Unable to sit still for a long time they are prefer to around the class
12. Can not remember the geography, unless the students had never been in this
13. Using words that contain action to speak with the others
14. Loved books oriented to the plot – the students reflect the action with body
17. In the class the students loves the learning process which use games that
producing and receiving and processing information (Brown, 2015:5). Its form
and meaning are dependent on the context in which it occurs, including the
and the purposes for speaking. It is often spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving.
requesting time off from work), can be identified and charted. For example, when
a salesperson asks "May I help you?" the expected discourse sequence includes a
not only know how to produce specific points of language such as grammar,
competence). Finally, speech has its own skills, structures, and conventions
different from written language. A good speaker synthesizes this array of skills
In this research, the basic achievement that this thesis deals with is
Speaking is one of the most difficult skills language learners have to face. In spite
of this, it has traditionally been forced into the background while we, teachers of
English, have spent all our classroom time trying to teach our students how to
write, to read and sometimes even to listen in a L2 because grammar has a long
aspects of language learning Brown & Yule (2015:2). Speaking seems to be the
most important skills of all the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and
writing) because people who know a language are usually referred to as speakers
of that language. The major of all English language teaching should be to give
has often been viewed as the most demanding of the four skills” (Bailey and
second or foreign language a formidable task for language learners yet for many
C. Concept of Achievement
achieved by someone when doing tasks or current activity. In other hand Bossaert
& Douman (2011:79) achievement is defined as the ability, skills and attitude of
outcomes that indicated the extent to which a person has accomplished specific
school, college, and university. School systems mostly define cognitive goals that
either apply across multiple subject areas or included the acquisition of knowledge
Thus, from all the explanation it can conclude that English speaking
achievement is the result that has been achieved by learners in the English
focused on the value or number that reached students in learning English speaking
class process at university. This value is mainly in terms of skills, because this
aspect is often assessed by the teacher to know the mastery of knowledge is used
D. Previous Research
previous researches that deal especially with learning style and the result of
Developing Writing Skills of EFL Saudi Learners by Dr. Omnia Nabih Ahmed
researcher, Dr. Omnia Nabih Ahmed in 2012 research about the effect of different
learning styles on developing writing skills of EFL Saudi learners. Which took
place in Saudi, while, the instrument that had been used by Dr. Omnia Nabih
Ahmed were learning style inventory and writing test. Results of this research
were, post test shows clear improvement in the performance of the experimental
edit and revise a given text and to write correct English sentences in a paragraph
form was developed. Which, learning style is just one of the many factors which
influence the learning process and the learning results. Knowledge of learning
The second research, is the study about The Correlation Between Students’
2015 research about the correlation between students’ learning style and students’
method and the instrument of this research were field notes, questionnaire and
students’ speaking scores as the instruments. The results and discussions of this
research become the sources of drawing the conclusion of this study. Concerning
the correlation between students’ learning styles and students’ speaking score, it
was found that students’ learning styles have no correlation with students’
speaking score of the twelfth grade in SMA Negeri 1 Tumpang. However, the
since the p.value (0.259) obtained is higher than the significance value (0.05).The
reason why the three learning styles do not significantly affect students’ speaking
score might be caused by some other factors that could not be explained by this
Anova analysis. In another word, the success of students’ speaking may come
from the internal factor such as the students themselves and the external factors
like the role of the instructor, teaching media, the design of the curriculum or the
way the test was conducted. In conclusion, students’ success in speaking is not
While, the third research, is the study about The Influence of Students’
Bandung Barat by Siti Marwiah & Kaswan (2014), STKIP Siliwangi Bandung.
The third researcher Siti Marwiah & Kaswan in 2014 research about the influence
of students’ learning style on their speaking ability at class IX. Took place in
questionnaire and test were as the instruments. The research of this research
based on their learning styles because the data clearly reports that all the result of
significance value are higher than 0.05. Meanwhile, to have the significant
difference, the sig, value or significance value should lower than 0.05. The
conclusion is the best speaking score is individual learner from other learning
speaking ability.
From all the previous researches above, it can be conclude that the
researches has some similarities, there are, the first the second and the third
research study about the students’ learning style. Their object of the research also
had the same age that is a middle adolescent student. The last common that all the
three research had is, all the researches above prove that there was nothing to do
with the students way of learning style and their ability in learning English as a
foreign language.
It also has the differences between the first research, the second research
and the third research, that are, the first research was about learning style and
writing skill, while the second research was about learning style and speaking
achievement, and the third research was about the learning style and speaking
skill. Then the other differences is, the first research was trying to find the effect
of students’ learning style and writing skill, while the second research trying to
find the correlation of students’ learning style and speaking achievement, and the
third research was trying to find the influence of students’ learning style and
speaking skill. While for the last differences is, the first research’ took place in
Arab, Yanbu University. While the second research’ took place in Indonesia,
SMA Negeri 1 Tumpang. Then, the third research’ took place in Indonesia, MTS
Peusing, Bandung.
This chapter deals with the research method of the study, including the
A. Research Design
researcher wants to prove that the data are showed using numbers. The researcher
did not give the current activity, and every activity goes like usual.
method because it fulfills the scientific rule that is concrete and empiric, objective,
method because it could be developed into the new science knowledge. This
method is also called as a quantitative research because the research data are the
The purpose of this research are to know about the most learning style
that is used by the third semester students of English Department and, if there is
any correlation between learning style and the English speaking skill of third
The technique that had been used to get the data is by using the learning
style questionnaire and the students’ English speaking skill of the 3rd semester
English Department students at Borneo University. The data analysis that had
students at Borneo University 2017/2018, with the total students is 73. Based on
Sugiyono (2010:217) total sample is the researcher used all the number of
population, because of the number of population are quite small less than 100. In
this research, the researcher used a total sample, which is the number of the
sample are less than 100, the sample of this research is the whole population of
C. Research Instrument
1. Deep Questionnaire
The instrument that the researcher was taken from quantum teaching
book (Bobbi, Reardon, & Nourie Singer Sarah, 2010). The questionnaires are
shared to the students at the third semester of English Department students, and
the students were choosen as the representation from each local of the third
for auditory learner and 12 items for kinesthetic learner, but the students have to
fill it all without any explanation, and these are the visual, auditorial, and
in it.
This test needs the students to choose one of their own styles when they do
No. Pertanyaan Sering Jarang
1. Apakahandasenangberbicara √
If the student answers sering (often), it means the score is two. If the
To analyze the questionnaire, the researcher used Bobbi Mark and Sarah‘s
way. If the students’ learning style score is dominant in the first, which is the
visual, they are cotegorized into the visual, but if the total showsthat the students
are dominant in auditory questions, they are categorizedinto the auditory type. The
interview is for strengthen the information. There are 9 questions base on their
2. Document Analysis
types of score, they are high, medium and low. The step that used by the
After did the calculation, the researcher did find 3 types of the standard
score. The students who have score 83 they were enter to high, between 75-83
were be enter medium and students who have score under 73 were be enter to the
law category.
There were three steps of technique of Data Collection, the first, the
researcher chose the sample. Second, the researcher took a learning stylestesttothe
samples, the samples have to fill all columns, and there are 36 columnsin the
After that, the researcher collected the questionnaire paper back and
determined the students’ learning style. The researcher counted all of the data of
students’ learning style and classified the students based on the learning style.
Then, the researcher chose the representation of the sample to answer the
questions from the researcher from the interview sheet. The students answered by
The next step, the researcher took the students’ English speaking
The last procedure is the researchercorrelated the learning style and the
E. Data Analysis
Data Analysis is the way that will be used in this research to execute the
data. The data had been processed in quantitative because the form of the data is
for windows 8
There were two ways that the researcher used to execute the data. That
were analyzed the data of students’ learning style and correlation test.
The first step was given the score of each option that students choose. The
maximum score is 2 and the minimum score of every learning style scale option is
Note :
P : Percentage
F : Frequency
N: Number of Cases (total of sample)
After did the scoring, the next step is classified the dominant learning style
of every students, every learning count by the students’ total and compare with the
total of the whole students. The researcher used the category classification
Arikunto (2013:281) stated that “to test the correlation between two
variable with interval data and ratio, the formula that have to be used is product -
moment correlation’’ this research will use SPSS to test both of variable to find
out the correlation of learning style and english speaking achievement and answer
is :
Note :
rxy : coefficient correlation between x and y
N : total of sample
X : score of item
Y : total score
This chapter deals with the findings and discussion, the findings consist
A. Findings
In this chapter, the researcher will give the explanation about what was
the researcher find out doing the research.
for each type of learning style. Every choice that students chose marked what
kinds of learning style they have. There were 12 questions about visual learning
style, 12 questions about auditory learning style, and there were 12 questions
about kinesthetic learning style. The following is the result of the learning style
No Question Total
Often sometimes Seldom
Are you neat and organized?
1 32 37 4 73
Total 73
The first part of questionnaire refers to the question about activity of the
students in the daily life, the objectives of the questions were to identify and to
detect the score of visual learning style of each student. From that questions,
based on the activity could be seen that the students entered to visual learning
style when the students answered prefer chosen the visual activity. If the students
have the dominant score on visual, it means the students have visual learning
style. Based on the questionnaire, there were 30 students who have the high score
on visual learning style or on the first part of questionnaire the implication of the
result was there were 30 students (41 %) from the whole number of 73 students
“sometimes” and there were 12 students (16 %) who answered “seldom”. On the
third question, there were 13 students (18 %) who answered “always”, 46 students
(63 %) answered “sometimes” and there were 14 students (19 %) who answered
“seldom”. On the fourth question, there were 28 students (38 %) who answered
students (18 %) who answered “seldom”. On the fifth question there were 49
students (47 %) who answered “sometimes” and there were 3 students (4 %) who
answered “seldom”.
answered “always”, 14 students (20 %), there were 50 students (68 %) who
answered “sometimes” and there were 9 students (12 %) who answered “seldom”.
On the eight question, there were 40 students (55 %) who answered “always”, 28
students (38 %) who answered “sometimes” and there were 5 students (7 %) who
answered “seldom”. On the ninth question, there were 24 students (33 %) who
were 17 students (23 %) who answered “seldom”. On the tenth question, there
“seldom”. On the eleventh question, there were 27 students (37 %) who answered
students (25 %) who answered “seldom”. On the twelfth question, there were 34
The second part of the questionnaire refers to the question about activity
of the students in the daily life, the objectives of the question were to identify and
detect the score of auditory learning style of each student. From that question,
based on the activity could be seen that the students entered to auditory learning
style when the students answered prefer to choose the auditory activity. If the
students have the dominant score on auditory, it means the students have auditory
learning style. Based on the quesionnaire, there were 19 students who have the
high score on auditory learning style or on the first part of questionnaire , the
implication of the result was there were 19 students (26 %) who have auditory
learning style.
students (18 %) who answered “seldom”. On the fourteenth question, there were
students (41 %) who answered “sometimes” and there were 6 students (8 %) who
question, there were 27 students (37 %) who answered “always”, 35 students (48
%) who answered “sometimes" and there were 11 students (15 %) who answered
For the question number nineteenth, there were 14 students (19 %) who
who answered “sometimes” and there were 27 students (37 %) who answered
there were 19 students (26 %) who answered “always”, 42 students (57.7 %) who
question, there were 10 students (14 %) who answered “always”, 39 students (53
%) who answered “sometimes” and there were 24 students (33 %) who answered
The third part of questionnaire refers to the question about activity of the
students in the daily life, the objectives of the questions were to identify and to
detect the score of kinesthetic learning style of each student. From that question,
based on the activity could be seen that the students entered to kinethetic learning
style when the students answered prefer to choose the kinesthetic activity. If the
students have the dominant score on kinesthtetic, it means the students have
kinesthtetic learning style. Based on the questionnaire, there were 12 students who
have the high score on kinesthetic learning style or on the third part of
questionnaire, the implication of the result was there were 12 students (16.5 %)
who answered “always”, 41 students (56 %) who answered “sometimes” and there
there were 19 students (26 %) who answered “always”, 45 students (62 %) who
answered “sometimes” and there were 9 students (12 %) who answered “seldom”.
students (11 %) who answered “seldom”. On the thirtieth question, there were 38
question, there were 32 students (44 %) who answered “always”, 29 students (40
%) who answered “sometimes” and there were 12 students (16 %) who answered
who answered “sometimes” and there were 11 students (15 %) who answered
students (19.5 %) who answered “seldom”. On the thiry-sixth question, there were
Based on the result of the questionnaire, there were dome students who
prefer to dominant on two learning styles, students who have the same score of
two learning styles show that the students have to dominant learning styles. There
implication of this result refers to the students who like to learn by using picture
and like to listen to the audio. Visual auditory students were the students who
have two kinds that combined into one kind of learning style. This modality
learned by the pictures, like to discuss and also used speech on their learning
Besides that the researcher also found the other combination of two
learning styles. The researcher identified if from the same high score of two kinds
of learning style, they were visual and kinesthetic. The student likes to see and
move. Based on the data when researcher did the research, there were 4 students
While the other students got the same high score in the auditory and
kinesthetic. It means the students have auditory and kinesthetic learning style,
which is the combination of two kinds of learning style, auditory and kinesthetic.
The students dominant on two learning style made students enter to this learning
style. The student like to speak and move. Based on the data when the researcher
did the research, there were 2 students (3 %) who entered to this learning style.
From the calculation, the researcher got the most learning style that used
by the students were visual learning style with the total of 30 students, followed
by auditory learning style with the total of 19 students, kinesthetic with the total
learning style percentage is 16 % (12 students), visual and auditory learning style
style that used by the third semester of English Department students at Borneo
Based on the interview, the researcher found the different answers by the
students from every question. The interview held on January, 5th 2018. The
There were nine questions, three questions were about visual learning
style, three questions were about auditory learning style and 3 questions were
about kinesthetic learning style. Every answer of the question indicated the
students learning style. Some of the students answered and dominant in the visual
activity, the students were entered to visual learning style, some of students
answered and dominant in auditory activity and it means the students were entered
to auditory learning style. There were also the students who answered and
The first question was “what is your habit when you calling someone ?”.
The objective of this question was to detect the students learning style based on
what they do when calling someone. Based on the graphic, it can be concluded
from 6 students, there were 1 visual student who like to doodling when calling, 1
making a feet movement, 1 student who like to doodling and hearing, 1 student
who like to doodling and making feet movement, 1 student who like to hearing
The second question was “what kind of learning activity that they like ?”.
The objective of this question was to detect student’s learning style based on the
way of learning that they like. Based on the graphic above it can be concluded
from 6 students, there were 1 visual student answered learning by see the
hearing the speech, 1 visual kinesthetic student answered learning by see the
The third question was “how you memorize something ?”. The objective
of this question was to detect the student’s learning style by their favorite way to
The fourth question was “how do you learn ?”. The objective of this
question was to detect the student’s learning style by their way to learning
The fifth question was “what is your activity when you discuss ?”. The
objective of this question was to detect the student’s learning style by their
activity when discuss. Based on the graphic above, it can be concluded from 6
student answered prefer to see and to speak, 1 visual kinesthetic student answered
prefer to see and move while 1 auditory kinesthetic student answered prefer to
The sixth question was “how do you learn ?”. The objective of this
question was to detect the student’s learning style by their way to learning
something. Based on the graphic above, it can be concluded from 6 students, there
seeing and saying, 1 visual kinesthetic student answered by seeing and moving,
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
The seventh question was “how do you spend your time ?”. The objective
of this question was to detect the student’s learning style by their favorite activity
to spend the time. Based on the graphic above, it can be concluded from 6
students, there were 1 visual student answered watching the television, 1 auditory
student answered by listening to the music and some other time did exercising.
The eight question was “what kind of activity do you like ?”. The
objective of this question was to detect the student’s learning style by their
concluded that from 6 students, there were 1 visual student answered by seeing
and speech, 1 visual kinesthetic student answered by seeing the scenery and
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
The ninth question was “how do you explain something to someone ?”.
Based on the graphic above, it can be concluded that from 6 students, there were 1
From the answer of the students above, the students answer constantly on
their learning style, visual learners likes to learn with contributing the visual
sense. Auditory learners like to always learn using the sound as the media and the
The English Speaking achievement got from the english speaking lecturer
started from the first meeting until the last meeting on the third semester in the
academic year 2017/2018. The data was taken from the English Speaking
lecturer. The researcher used the criteria scale from Arikunto to determine
Learning Style
No Catergory V A K VA VK AK Total
1 High 1 1 0 1 0 0 3
2 Medium 13 4 6 3 3 1 30
3 Low 16 14 6 2 1 1 40
Total of Students 73
From the table above, it can be concluded that the high score reached by 1
visual student, 1 auditory student, and 1 visual and auditory student, for the
students, 3 visual and auditory students, 3 visual and kinesthetic students, and 1
auditory and kinesthetic student, meanwhile for the low category reached by 16
students, 1 visual and kinesthetic student, and 1 auditory and kinesthetic student.
4. Hypothesis Testing
a. Normality Test
test used to knows was the data have a normal distribution or not by used the
The base of the statistic test decision parametric Kolmogorov Smirnov (K-
S) based on the probability > 0.05 so the research have a normal distribution. The
73 73 73 73 73 73
Normal Mean
14.54 13.65 13.24 14.10 13.97 13.5
3.2001 3.123943 2.60291316 2.6029131 2.592 2.54608
7581 22 6 393
Most Extreme Absolute
.106 .097 .061 .061 .073 .078
.106 .075 .061 .061 .062 .078
-.040 -.097 -.041 -.041 -.073 -.043
Test Statistic
.109 .106 .097 .061 .073 .078
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
.032c .040c .088c .200c,d 200c,d .200c,d
The criteria of the test is H0 is accepted if the significance criteria score >
0.05, and H0 rejected if the significance score < 0.05, from the table can be seen
that all of the variable has the significance score more than 0.05, so H0 is accepted.
5. Correlation Test
The result of normality test shows that all of the variable has normal
distribution, the statistic test that is used to knows the correlation between
learning style and the English achievement of the third semester English
Table 4.4 Table of Correlations between Learning Style and English Speaking Achievement
Pearson Correlation 1 0.050
VISUAL Sig. (2-tailed) 0.794
N 30 30
Pearson Correlation 1 -0.067
AUDITORY Sig. (2-tailed) 0.784
N 19 19
Pearson Correlation 1 0.370
KINESTHETIC Sig. (2-tailed) 0.237
N 12 12
Pearson Correlation 1 0.274
VISUAL AUDITORY Sig. (2-tailed) 0.599
N 6 6
Pearson Correlation 1 -0.293
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.707
N 4 4
Pearson Correlation 1 1.000**
N 2 2
correlation indicates that, there is correlation between learning style and it entered
correlation indicates that there’s a negative correlation between learning style and
achievement are seen by the Pearson correlation is 0.370. The number indicates
The correlation between visual and auditory learning style and english
speaking achievement are seen by the Pearson correlation is 0.274. The number
indicates that there is a correlation between learning style and english speaking
The correlation between visual and kinesthetic learning style and english
number indicates that there is no correlation between learning style and english
The correlation between auditory and kinesthetic learning style and english
number indicates that there is a perfect correlation between learning style and
correlation between learning style and englsih speaking achievement of the third
B. Discussion
This section presents the discussion based on the findings of the research.
It is concerned about the correlation between learning style and English speaking
University Tarakan. Based on the research findings, the researcher found that
Department students at Borneo University used more than one kind of learning
style, and it is in line with the statement of DePorter and Hernacki (2016:125)
state that there are the typical of people who enter to one learning style, and 2
learning styles. So, there were visual, auditory, kinesthetic, visual and auditory,
There were 40 % (30 students) who entered visual learning style, visual
students preferred to learn by using sense of sight seeing, the were felt interesting
on learning by using the media such as picture, diagram, video and etc. It has the
same statement with Deporter and Hernacki (2016:116) stated that the students
with this learning style access the visual that is created and memorized form
learning style, auditory students preferred to learn by using sense of sound, they
were felt efficiency and interesting on learning through sounds, it is in the same
line with LdPride (2008:215) stated that auditory learning style students tend to
students) who entered this learning style. Kinesthetic students prefer to learning
by moving, it can make them understand more and easy to catch the information
statement that kinesthetic student access all kinds of movement and emotion those
Besides of that 3 kind of learning styles, there were students with 2 types
of learning style that the researcher found, they were visual and auditory, visual
and kinesthetic, and auditory and kinesthetic. There were 8 % (6 students) who
entered to visual and auditory learning styles. There were 6 % (4 students) who
entered to visual and kinesthetic learning styles. Then, there were 3 % (2 students)
who entered to auditory and kinesthetic learning styles, and they were easy to
learn in more than one way. It supported by DePorter and Hernacki (2016:225)
stated that there were some students who have 2 kinds of learning style.
In this research the researcher found that the most learning style that used
visual learning style. The researcher also found that there is a correlation between
learning styles and students’ english speaking achievement with a positive slope.
It seen by the calculation of the Pearson correlation test used BY SPSS. It means,
if the number of learning styles are high so do with the number of the students’
english speaking achievement are also high, and if the number of the learning
styles are low so do with the students’ english achievement are also low. This
research found that there is a perfect correlation between learning styles and
This chapter deals with the research findings and discussions, the
A. Conclusion
learning style and English speaking achievement of the third semester English
Firstly, the results of the research shows that the visual learning style is
the most learning style that is used by the third semester English Department
(40 %) has visual learning style, 19 students ( 26 %) has auditory learning style,
auditory learning style, 4 students ( 6 %) has visual kinesthetic learning style, and
learning style student, then 1 auditory learning style student and 1 visual auditory
Secondly, the classification of the category are, the high category reached
by 1 visual student, 1 auditoy student, and 1 visual auditory student. The medium
kinesthetic students. While, for the low category reached by 16 visual students,
The last result, that there is the correlation between learning style and
B. Suggestions
Related to the conclusion above, the suggestions are given to the English
1. For the lecturer, they should know the students learning style, the function
2. For the students, they should know their learning style to make them easy
their own learning style could make the students always learn on their own
favourite way even in the students’ house, besides that, the students can
3. For the other researcher, they should know that the students can used more
than one learning style besides visual, kinesthetic and auditory, there are
visual and kinesthetic, visual and auditory, and auditory and kinesthetic
because there is the possibility of the student to have two learning style
even more.
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