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NPM. 16.40601.016




Presented in Borneo University Tarakan in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana In English Education

NPM. 16.40601.016




The Title : An Analysis Of Student’s Grammatical Error In

Writing Narrative Text By The Eleventh
Graders Of SMAN 1 Tarakan
Name : Muhammad Faujil
NPM : 1640601016
Program of Study : English Department
Faculty Teacher Training and Education

1. RomlahUlfaika, M. Pd 1. ………………………
NIP. 198705012019032024

2. Ridwan, M. Pd 2. ………………………
NIP. 198010272014041001

3. Nofvia De Vega, M. Pd 3. ………………………

NIP. 198711192015042003

Acknowledge by
The Head of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. Suyadi, S.S, M. Ed

NIDN. 0207097102

Date of Graduation :

Thesis Score :

This is to certify that the sarjana’s thesi of Muhammad Faujil has been
approved by the thesis advisor for further by the board of examiners


Faujil, Muhammad (2021). An Analysis of Grammatical Error in Writing Narrative

Text by The Eleventh Graders of SMAN 1 Tarakan.

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi dan medeskripsikan tipe-tipe

kesalahan gramatika yang dilakukan kelas siswa kelas sebelas SMAN 1 Tarakan
dalam menulis teks naratif. Peneliti menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif sebagai metode
penelitian. Subyek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 11 Mipa 1 SMAN 1 Tarakan
tahun akademik 2020/2021. Total populasi yang telah diambil sebagai data berjumlah
36 dan dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Peneliti
mengumpulkan data dengan memberikan tes menulis. Subyek dari penelitian ini
diminta untuk menulis teks naratif berdasarkan susunan teks dengan baik dan benar.

Hasil menunjukan bahwa terdapat 331 kesalahan yang ditemukan pada tulisan
siswa dengan menggunakan klasifikasi kesahalahan gramatika oleh Turton (1995).
Terdapat 94 kesalahan verb tense, 53 kesalahan verb be, 10 kesalahan subject-verb
agreement, 4 kesalahan determiner, 7 kesalahan plural, 4 kesalahan pronoun, 29
kesalahan wrong word, 3 kesalahan verb, 2 kesalahan preposition, 12 kesalahan
conjunction, 13 kesalahan article, 16 kesalahan auxilary, 2 kesalahan adjective, 16
kesalahan adverb, 7 kesalahan possesive, 10 kesalahan noun, 13 kesalaha infinitive, 9
kesalahan gerund, 21 kesalahan modal, 3 kesalahan quantifiers and 3 kesalahan

Kesimpulannya, kesalahan gramatika Verb Tense menjadi kesalahan dominan

yang paling banyak muncul pada tulisan siswa dalam teks naratif.

Kata Kunci : Kesalahan Gramatika, Menulis Teks Naratif



Faujil, Muhammad (2021). An Analysis of Student’s Grammatical Error in Writing

Narrative Text by The Eleventh Graders of SMAN 1 Tarakan.

This research was conducted to identify and describe the types of grammatical
error made by the eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Tarakan in writing narrative text. The
researcher used descriptive qualitative as the method of the research. The subject of
the research was the eleventh graders of science 1 class of SMAN 1 Tarakan in
academic year 2020/2021. The Number of data that had been takenwere 36 and they
were selected by using purposive sampling technique. The researcher collected the
data by using writing test. The subjects were asked to write narrative text along with
the generic structure well.

The result showed that there were 331errors found in student’s writing based
on grammatical error classified by Turton (1995). There were 94 errors of verb tense,
53 errors of verb be, 10 errors of subject-verb agreement, 4 errors of determiner, 7
errors of plural, 4 errors of pronoun, 29 errors of wrong word, 3 errors of verb, 2
errors of preposition, 12 errors of conjunction, 13 errors of article, 16 errors of
auxilary, 2 errors of adjective, 16 errors adverb, 7 errors of possesive, 10 errors of
noun, 13 errors of infinitive, 9 errors of gerund, 21 errors of modal, 3 errors of
quantifiers and 3 errors of comparative.

Briefly, the grammatical error of Verb Tensebecomes the most dominant error
that appeared the most on student’s writing in narrative text.

Keyword: Grammatical Error, Writing, Narrative Text.


In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, all praises

to allah, Lord of the universe, who has given the researcher a lot of strength, health,

patience and life in finishing this research paper. Peace and blessing be upon our

prophet Muhammad S.A.W who leaded us to bright life, his family, companions and

all his follower.

The researcher would like to give his best appreciation and his respect to

people who help, support, advice, guide and give so much encouragement

individually or in institution to him to finish this study. Because the researcher

realizes that this study cannot be finished without their helps, so the researcher would

like to deliver his deepest gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Drs. Adri Patton, M. Si, as the rector of Borneo University Tarakan.

2. Dr. Suyadi, S.S, M, Ed., as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education of Borneo University Tarakan.

3. Nofvia De Vega, M. Pd, as the head of English Department of Borneo University


4. Romlah Ulfaika, M. Pd, as the advisor of this research. The researcher profusely

thank to her valuable guidance, patience, advice and encouragement during the

writing process of this research from the beginning and until the end.

5. Ridwan, M.Pd and Nofvia De Vega, M. Pd, as the examiners of this thesis who

have given valuable advices, suggestions and comments in composing this

research paper.

6. My beloved parents (Hamid and Hariyati) who always support him and frequently

give advice in order to make him better.

7. All the lecturers in English Department of Borneo University Tarakan for

precious knowledge and experiences.

8. All the subjects in this study who were the eleventh science 1 class of SMAN 1

Tarakan in academic year 2020/2021

9. My beloved friends Elvana Cholil Ahmad, Gustaf Ardi Prayoga, Ewaldus Mbaha

Rengga, Nimatul Dwi Asmarani, Veronika Noa, Suraya Mohd Arsyad, Siti

Nurohmah and Annisa Tyas Mawarti who always support, motivate and help the

researcher from the beginning he becomes an English Department student until

the end he composes this thesis.

10. Ramot Silaban, S. Pd who has been an inspiration for the researcher to be such

good and humble teacher.

11. All his friends in English Department, who always give their kindness, share their

ideas, help to finish assignments from lecturers.

May Allah always guide them to the right path.

Finally, this thesis is expected to be able to provide beneficial knowledge and

information to the readers. The researcher is pleased to accept more suggestion,

comments and contribution from the readers for the improvement of the thesis.


PAGE OF APPROVAL...............................................................................................iii



TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................x

TABLE OF APPENDIX.............................................................................................xii

LIST OF TABLE.......................................................................................................xiii

CHAPTER 1.................................................................................................................1


A. Background of the Study..............................................................................1

B. Problems of Statement..................................................................................4

C. Objectives of the Study.................................................................................4

D. Significances of the Study.............................................................................4

E. Definition of Key Term.................................................................................5

CHAPTER II.................................................................................................................6

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.....................................................................6

A. Definition of Writing......................................................................................6

B. Process of Writing...........................................................................................8

C. Purpose of Writing..........................................................................................9

D. Components of Writing.................................................................................10

E. Types of Error...................................................................................................11

F. Grammatical Error............................................................................................14

G. Cause of Errors.............................................................................................26

H. Narrative Text...............................................................................................27

I. Previous Research.............................................................................................28

J. Theoretical Framework.....................................................................................30

CHAPTER III..............................................................................................................31

RESEARCH METHOD..............................................................................................31

A. Research Design............................................................................................31

B. Research Setting............................................................................................32

C. Technique of Collecting Data.......................................................................33

D. Technique of Data Analysis..........................................................................33

E. Trustworthiness of the Data..............................................................................35

CHAPTER IV..............................................................................................................37

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION................................................................................37

A. Findings.........................................................................................................37

B. Discussion.....................................................................................................92

CHAPTER V...............................................................................................................96

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION........................................................................96

A. Conclusion....................................................................................................96

B. Suggestion.....................................................................................................97




Appendix 1 Syllabus..................................................................................................101
Appendix 2 Correction Symbol.................................................................................107
Appendix 3 Student Writing Test Test......................................................................110
Appendix 4 Letter Of Research Introduction............................................................111
Appendix 5 Letter Of Research School....................................................................112
Appendix 6 Letter Of Wriing Originally...................................................................113
Appendix 7 Data Validation Letter...........................................................................114
Appendix 8 Written Test...........................................................................................115
Appendix 9 Grammatical Error Analysis Commited By Students............................150
Appendix 10 Curriculum Vitae.................................................................................168


Table 4. 1The example of grammatical error of Verb Tense......................................38

Table 4. 2 The example of grammatical error of Subject-Verb Agreement................39
Table 4. 3The example of grammatical error of Verb Be...........................................39
Table 4. 4The example of grammatical error of Determiner.......................................40
Table 4. 5The example of grammatical error of Plural...............................................40
Table 4. 6The example of grammatical error of Pronoun...........................................41
Table 4. 7The example of grammatical error of Wrong Word....................................41
Table 4. 8The example of grammatical error of Verb.................................................42
Table 4. 9The example of grammatical error of Preposition.......................................43
Table 4. 10The example of grammatical error of Conjunction...................................43
Table 4. 11The example of grammatical error of Article............................................44
Table 4. 12The example of grammatical error of Auxiliary........................................44
Table 4. 13The example of grammatical error of Adverb...........................................45
Table 4. 14The example of grammatical error of Gerund...........................................45
Table 4. 15 The example of grammatical error of Modals..........................................46
Table 4. 16The Example of Grammatical Error of Infinitive......................................46
Table 4. 17The example of grammatical error of Possessive......................................47
Table 4. 18 The example of grammatical error of Noun.............................................48
Table 4. 19 The example of grammatical error of Adjective......................................48
Table 4. 20 The example of grammatical error of Quantifiers....................................49
Table 4. 21 The example of grammatical error of Comparative and Superlative.......50
Table 4. 22 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 1...................................50
Table 4. 23 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 2...................................52
Table 4. 24 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 3...................................52
Table 4. 25 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 4...................................54

Table 4. 26 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 5...................................55

Table 4. 27 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 6...................................56
Table 4. 28 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 7...................................57
Table 4. 29 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 8...................................59
Table 4. 30 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 9...................................62
Table 4. 31 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 10.................................63
Table 4. 32 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 11.................................65
Table 4. 33 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 12.................................65
Table 4. 34 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 13.................................66
Table 4. 35 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 14.................................67
Table 4. 36 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 15.................................68
Table 4. 37 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 16.................................69
Table 4. 38 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 17.................................71
Table 4. 39 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 18.................................72
Table 4. 40 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 19.................................72
Table 4. 41 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 20.................................75
Table 4. 42 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 21.................................76
Table 4. 43 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 22.................................77
Table 4. 44 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 23.................................78
Table 4. 45 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 24.................................79
Table 4. 46 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 25.................................81
Table 4. 47 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 26.................................83
Table 4. 48 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 27.................................84
Table 4. 49 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 28.................................84
Table 4. 50 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 29.................................85
Table 4. 51 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 30.................................86
Table 4. 52 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 31.................................87
Table 4. 53 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 32.................................89
Table 4. 54 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 33.................................89

Table 4. 55 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 34.................................90
Table 4. 56 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 35.................................91
Table 4. 57 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 36.................................92


This chapter will discuss about background of the study, problem statements,

objective of the study, significant of study and definition of key terms

A. Background of the Study

English is one of international language which is spoken by most people

around the world. There are lot of English aspects that can be found either in oral or

written form. According to Crystal (2003), English is a global language since people

can hear about it anywhere, whether in television, radio, advertisement, menu and etc

It means that English is really a well known language that people use to communicate


Moreover, Meyer (1983) states that English has a large amount of second

language speakers around the world with 60% to 75% of native speakers and 25% to

40% of non-native speakers. It can be assumed that learning and mastering English is

a key to be connected to people across the country. According to Burns and Siegel

(2018) there are four interconnected skills in English, they are listening, speaking,

reading, and writing.

Writing is one of important skill in mastering English. It is a way or process

of constructing word by word into a sentence then become a paragraph. It is used as a

tool of communication. Writing is the most important skills that foreign language

students need to develop it. It is the last stage in learning a language after listening,

speaking, and reading. According to Siburian (2013), writing is a very important skill

because writing needs more practice include the grammar and vocabulary of the

language. According to Harmer (2007) When students have doubts in learning about

language they often ask their teacher to explain things that they do not understand.

Writing requires hard effort to dig and manage the ideas which are from a person’s

mind and pour it into written from effectively so it will be readable. For instance,

when teacher asks the students to write something that related to certain topics, they

will collect information from many sources such as magazines, television, and

internet. After they get sufficient information, they can start writing.

Among the other skills, writing becomes the most difficult to learn. as Palmer

(1994) states writing is difficult to learn because authors should pay attention to a

process that includes planning, organizing, and revising to present meaning. It means

that writing has a few stages to do correctly in order to be able to deliver meaning.

Therefore, it can be concluded, that writing is the most complex and difficult

language skill to be acquired especially for second language learners. To be

consequence, learners frequently do some errors on what they write since writing is

profusely bounded to grammar.

Grammar is a set of language rules. It is an essential part of the use of

language process both in spoken and written. The knowledge of grammar is very

important for learners to express what is on their mind. Ur (1980) states that a learner

who knows how to apply the rules of grammar to express something is defined to

become one with the language. Grammar plays significant role in writing because it

provides information about the writing structure whether it is appropriate or not.

Therefore, eliminating the grammatical error in writing will help either the writer to

have a good writing result and the reader to receive obvious meaning. However,

grammar is considered as the main factor of error to occur.

The data of this study are taken based on interviewing English teachers at

SMAN 1 Tarakan. The researcher asked problems that the teachers confront in

teaching English lesson. They stated a few problems, one of them is the students feel

difficult to write grammatically correct. In addition, the researcher enquire the

students about their problem in following the English lesson. Most of them found that

grammar becomes the most difficult to learn especially in term of writing. As the

consequence, the students frequently do error in their writing. Having the stated

description, the researcher is interested to conduct a research under the tittle :An

Analysis of Students’ Grammatical Error in Writing Narrative Text by The Eleventh

Graders of SMAN 1 Tarakan.


B. Problems of Statement

Following the background of study, the problem statements are formulated as


1. What kinds of grammatical error that were made by the students in writing

narrative text?

2. What kind of grammatical error is mostly made by the students in writing

narrative text?

C. Objectives of the Study

In accordance to the statement of research problem above, this study is


1. To figure out the kinds of grammatical error made by students in writing

narrative text

2. To figure out the most kind of grammatical error made by students in writing

narrative text

D. Significances of the Study

1. For teacher and students

This research hopefully can assist teachers to improve teaching techniques by

recognizing student’s difficulty in writing along with errors they made. For

students, this research may be beneficial to assist them in writing narrative text


2. For researcher

The researcher hopes that this study can be a good reference and guideline for

other researcher especially for those who conduct the related topic of grammatical

error analysis.

E. Definition of Key Term

There are three specific definition of the key terms that are focusing this study,

they are:

1. Writing

Writing is one of important skill in mastering English, is a way or process of

constructing word by word into a sentence and sentence by sentence become a


2. Grammatical Error

Grammatical error is an error which is not suitable to the grammatical rules

and it is considered as the factor to make a bad writing result

3. Narrative text

Narrative text is a text which tells series of action from time to time that is

outlined through early action, crisis action and then resolution. The goal of this

text is to entertain and make the readers are experiencing themselves to the action

told in the text.




This chapter will discuss about the concept of writing, error analysis, narrative

text and previous study.

A. Definition of Writing

Writing is one of important skill in learning a language beside the other skills

such as listening, speaking, and reading. Writing is not merely constructing the

language features into a readable final form, from word to sentence and sentence to

paragraph and to become a text at last. Writing is a fundamental process of thinking

which will generate ideas and these ideas then are lastly poured into written from.

Same as speaking, writing belongs to productive skill. According to Spratt (2005)

speaking and writing are productive skill. Productive means to produce language

rather than receive it. The output of writing can be in form of stories, letters, or text.

Writing is medium of communication that represents language through the inscription

of signs and symbols. It is used by people not only to communicate but also to

express feeling. Writers frequently put a message on their written so that they can

communicate with the readers indirectly.

A linguist, Hyland (2004) explains that writing is a way to share personal

meanings. People construct their own ideas or thoughts on a topic and will share it

each other. A person’s views may be different from other people’s views. Therefore,

when constructing ideas, they have to be made up understandable and acceptable. The

ability to write well is not a naturally acquired skill. It is usually learned or culturally

transmitted as a set of practices in formal instructional settings like school, university,

or other environments. Writing instructors should consider both strategy of learning

and language skill development when working with their students. According to

Hadley (1993), writing skills must be practiced and learned through experience.

Writing also involves composing which implies the ability either to tell or retell

pieces of information in the form of narratives or descriptions or to transform

information into new texts as in expository or argumentative writing.

Brown (2001) illustrates that writing is like swimming. When people want to

be able to swim, they must have like an instructor to show them basic ways or tricks

to swim. After they get the basic ways to swim, they will develop based on their own

style. The more chance they get to swim, the more perfect they will be. Writing has

similar illustration with swimming. At the first time, there will be teachers who guide

students to write. They will show students principles of writing. After students get the

principles, they will try to develop their writing according to their own style. Students

should get sufficient writing practices to acquire writing ability. These practices are

aimed to stimulate their skill in expressing thoughts in a good passage. It is

impossible to be able to write effectively without sufficient practice.


B. Process of Writing

Harmer (2004) stated that the process of writing is a stage a writer goes

through in order to produce something in it is final form and the process of writing

has four main elements as follows:

1. Planning

In this process, before starting to write or type something writers plan

what they are going to write. This may involve making detail notes for some

writers. When planning, writers have to think about three main issues. The

writers have to consider the purpose of their writing, audience they are writing

for, and content structure of the piece.

2. Drafting

The second is drafting which is a process of making a framework of

idea into paragraph and it will be amended later.

3. Editing

The third is editing (reflecting and revising), when writers have

produced a draft the writers usually read through what they have written to see

where it works and where it does not. Perhaps the order of the information is

not clear, or perhaps the way of something written is ambiguous or confusing.

Usually, The other readers or editors who comment and make suggestion help

the writers to do reflecting and revising.

4. Final Version

The last is final version, when writers have edited their draft, making

the changes they consider be necessary, they produce their final version. This

may look considerably different from both the original plan and the first draft,

because things have change in the editing process.

Based on explanation about process of writing, the researcher

concluded there were planning, drafting, editing and final revision for writing

process. Each process has several ways and must be passed before becoming a

complete writing.

C. Purpose of Writing

Grenville (2001) stated that there are three purposes of writing as follows:

1. Entertain

Writing to entertain generally takes the form of so-called ‘imaginative

writing’ or ‘creative writing’ of course all writing requires some imagination

and creativity. Examples of imaginative writing are novels, stories, poems,

song lyrics, plays, and screenplays.

2. Informative

Informative writing tells the reader about something. Informative

writing helps writers integrate new ideas and examine exiting knowledge.

Examples of writing to inform are newspaper, articles, scientific or business

reports, instructions or procedures, and essay for school and university.

3. Persuade

In persuade writing might include the writer opinion, but as part of a

logical case backed up with evidence, rather than just an expression of the

writer feelings. The examples of persuade writing are advertisements, some

newspaper and magazine articles, and some types of essays.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher conclude that the purposes of

writing are the aim why the writing be written. There are three purposes of writing,

such as entertain, informative, and persuade. The purposes of descriptive text

include informative purpose because, descriptive text can give information for the

readers about something.

D. Components of Writing

According to Heaton (1989) there are five of components of writing, they are:

1. Language use, is the ability to write correct and appropriate sentences,

2. Mechanical skills, is the ability to use correctly those conventions

peculiar to the written language, examples are punctuation and spelling,

3. Treatment of content, is ability to think creatively and develop

thoughts, excluding all irrelevant information,

4. Stylistic skills, is the ability to manipulate sentences and paragraphs,

and use language effectively,

5. Judgment skills is the ability to write in an appropriate manner for a

particular purpose with a particular audience in mind, together with an ability

to elect, organize and order relevant information.

From the explanation above, the researcher concluded that in writing there

are components that must be used as the guide on writing such as language use,

mechanical skills, treatment of content, stylistic skills, and judgement skills.

E. Types of Error

According to Dulay (1982) in surface strategy taxonomy errors are classified

into four items, they are:

1. Omission

Omission errors are characterized by the absence of an item that must

appear in well-formed sentence.

For example:

My mother is … Teacher

While in target language, the sentence should be: My mother is a teacher.

2. Addition

Addition is the opposite of omission. In addition, errors context, there is an

item that must no appear in well-formed sentence. Addition is divided into

three kinds, they are:

a. Double Marking

Double marking means the failure to delete certain items which are

required in language structure sentence.

For example:

She didn’t goes to school yesterday

While in target language, the sentence should be: She didn’t go to school


b. Regularization

Regularization means the failure to manage some language rules

application. This still related with overgeneralization where students still

have an error in verb usage, the application of irregular and regular and the

application of singular and plural.

For example:

There are many mouses in the kitchen

While in target language, the sentence should be: There are many mice in the


a. Simple addition

Simple addition appears when the addition is not either double marking or


For example:

The cat is on above the table

While in target language, the sentence should be: The cat is on the table

c. Misinformation

These errors are characterized by the use of the wrong form of the morpheme

or structure or applying some part of the rule and leaving the other.

For example:

Andy cutted the tree

While the correct sentence should be: Andy cut the tree

d. Misordering

Misordering errors are characterized by the incorrect placement of a

morpheme or group of morphemes in an utterance.

For example:

Why he is crying?

While in the target language, the sentence should be: Why is he crying?

F. Grammatical Error

According to Burt and Kiparsky (1994) grammatical error is an error which is

not suitable to the grammatical rules that may make writing become not good.

Meanwhile, Ellis (1997) states that grammar is concerned with the rules which

determine the formation and interpretation of words, phrases, and sentences. Therefore,

the grammatical error is important to be considered by the learners because it does not

match with the grammatical rules system of a language. The English learners have to be

able to comprehend what is grammatical rules of English and how to apply them well

especially in writing. The presence of grammatical errors in writing will profusely

influence the meaning of the text. By having the fact, learning grammatical error enable

the students to produce a good writing.

Grammatical errors happen because students are lack of grammar knowledge

or pay less attention and careless in learning grammar. A study about students’

grammatical errors is still interesting for other researchers including the researcher of

this study. According to a few of previous study related about students’ grammatical

errors, students commonly make errors around passive voice, verb tense and form,

subject-verb agreement, word order, preposition, plurality, auxiliaries, part of speech,

articles, and so on. For instance, a study about grammatical errors taken by Uthman and

Abdalla (2015), they mention that there were several grammatical errors found in their

study, such as wrong tense, articles, verb to be, subject-verb agreement, pronouns,

pluralization, adjectives, word order, adverbs, possessives, and relative clauses. Thus,

since there were some kinds of errors in grammatical that were found in the students’

writings, thus in this research, the researcher concluded the common grammatical

errors will be found in students’ writing by using grammatical error list composed by

Turton (1995) in following below.

1. Verb Tense

English language has sixteen kinds of tenses in grammar which consist of

four kinds of simple tenses, four kinds of progressive tenses, four kinds of

perfect tenses, and four kinds of future tenses. All these tenses have their own

rules to be applied and they will be used differently in different time, situation

and condition, and context.

The example of error: I never work as a cashier until I get job there. This

will be an erroneous in English language structure because the sentence above

discusses about past situation when the activity happened. So, the correct

sentence should be “I never had worked as a cashier until I got job there”.

2. Subject-Verb Agreement

Subjects and verbs must agree with one another in number (singular or

plural). Thus, if a subject (the person or thing doing the action) is singular, its

verb (the word representing the action) must also be singular; if a subject is

plural, its verb must also be plural. Based on the explanation above, it can be

concluded that subject-verb agreement error occur when the subject does not

agree with the verb in person or number. In other hand, the verb that will be

used in accordance with the subject who does the action, singular verb for

singular subject and vice versa.

The example of error: My brother and his friend goes to school by bus

together. From the example above, it can be seen that there is an error

occurred in the sentence. The subject who does the action is plural subject but

the verb that used in sentence above is a singular verb so this will make a

subject-verb agreement error. The correct sentence from the example above

must be “My brother and his friend go to school by bus together”.

3. Subject-Complement Agreement

According to Turton (1995), subject complement is normally a word or a

phrase which describes the subject. Thus, subject-complement agreement

means that subject and its complement must agree one another in number

(singular or plural). According to Cambridge dictionary (2017) in online

press, subject complement can be adjective phrases, noun phrases, or

prepositional phrases.

The example: My two English teachers are also a good friend of mine.

The correct sentence: My two English teachers are also good friends of mine.

4. Verb be

Verb be is a kind of verbs which consists of nominal verbs such as am, is,

are, or be. The error of verb “to be” commonly occurs in simple tense or

progressive tense. The example of error: The teachers is applying cooperative

learning method in their classes. The correct sentence: The teachers are

applying cooperative learning method in their classes.

5. Determiner

Determiners are the words which come at the beginning of the noun

phrase. They tell about the noun or noun phrase in specific or general. The

example of determiner is a/an, the, this, my, each, every, etc. The example of

error: That geese are swimming elegantly until someone threw a stone near

them. The correct sentence: Those geese are swimming elegantly until

someone threw a stone near them.

6. Plural

Nouns are defined as the word of thing which include of person, animals,

plants, happiness, and so on. There are so many kinds of noun in English such

as countable and uncountable nouns, and singular and plural nouns. Plural

definition in Zenius (2014:127) is the things that counted more than one while

singular is the thing that counted just one. The example of plural nouns can be

mentioned such as glasses, mice, geese, teeth, feet, pajamas, and so on. The

example error. She treats her employees like slave. This sentence will be

incorrect as the well-formed sentence structure because it has already been


stated that the object of the sentence is plural so the word of “slave” must be

replaced with “slaves”.

7. Pronoun

According to Benner (2000) in Towson Edu Website, every pronoun is

written should refer clearly and mistakably to one particular noun (antecedent)

which means antecedent is the noun to which the pronoun refers. According to

Simmons (2017) in Rules for Finding and Fixing Pronoun Agreement Errors,

the pronoun must agree with its antecedent and the general rule for pronoun

agreement simply can be mentioned such as a singular antecedent requires a

singular pronoun while a plural antecedent needs a plural pronoun. There is a

possibility for the students to commit pronoun error. This error occurs when

students place the incorrect antecedent of the pronoun in sentences of writing.

The example of error: The restaurant’s specialty is duck. They are always

fresh. The erroneous comes from the word “they”. It has already mentioned

above if a singular antecedent needs a singular pronoun, so that the pronoun

they which is plural must be replaced with the singular one (it).

8. Wrong Word

Wrong word is the use of incorrect or unsuitable word in a sentence

because it will make the sentence become ambiguous. The sentence “He

wears simple suit because he is rich” the quoted sentence is incorrect due to

the meaning is ambiguous therefore the best form of it is “He wears simple

suit although he is rich.”

9. Verb

Verb is the word that is used to describe about action, condition, or

experience. Kind of verbs in English are transitive and intransitive verb, finite

and infinite verb, and regular and irregular verb. The kind of verb error

probably happens in students’ writing. Verb error occurs when students ignore

the verb rules and get confused with kind of verb. Commonly they always

over generalize the rules to make a correct sentence or they are less

knowledge of verb list vocabulary or less knowledge about the rules.

The example of error: Children try to beauty their classroom with new


That sentence is literally incorrect because the word “beauty” is not a verb but

a noun. Thus the correct verb will be used to complete the sentence is


10. Preposition

Preposition is the word which is used before noun, and it can be a noun

phrase or pronoun which connects the other words. Preposition in English

consists of the word about, after, against, at, down, for, from, in, on, during,

while, and so on. Commonly preposition in English is used as time or place

signal and to use the prepositions properly, the rules are needed. When

students commit preposition error commonly caused by the interlingual

interference or students are confused with the rules of preposition use.

The example of error: We start serving dinner 6.00 P.M

The correct sentence: We start serving dinner at 6.00 P.M

11. Conjunction

Conjunction is the word which is used to connect word, phrase, or clause

in a sentence. The example of conjunction such as and, but, while, also,

besides, so, and so on. Conjunction error commonly occurs because students

misuse or students ignore the rules of sentence structure.

The example of error: The garlic shrimp, fried clams, broiled lobster are the

most favorite dishes.

The correct sentence: The garlic shrimp, fried clams, and broiled lobster are

the most favorite dishes.

12. Article

Article in English consists of a, an, and the. The word “a” and “an” is

basically used to describe the quantity of singular noun or unspecific noun.

While the word “the” is basically used for showing the specific noun that

meant by the speaker. Article error probably happens in students writing

because of the intralingual interference or students are lack knowledge about

the use of article.

The example of article error: My father is mechanic.

The correct sentence: My father is a mechanic.

13. Auxiliary

Auxiliary is a verb that is used with another verb to describe about the

difference of time, person, and voice (active or passive) or to provide

supplementary or additional help and support. The common auxiliary words in

English be, have and do. Committing auxiliary usually occurs because of the

lack of knowledge, less attention in auxiliary use, or over generalization.

The example of error: It can be said that smoking is bad.

The correct sentence: It can be said that smoking is bad.

14. Adverb

Adverb is the word that is used to describe or give more information

about verb, adjective, adverb, or phrase. The example of adverb such as now,

yesterday, between, beside, cheerfully, terribly, very, rarely, maybe, likely,

almost, seldom, etc. The adverb error probably happens in students’ writing.

The factor in committing error in adverb is commonly caused by the

ignorance or the lack knowledge of adverb vocabularies and rules.

The example of error: I put some books above the table.

The correct sentence: I put some books on the table.

15. Adjective

Adjective is the word that is used to describe or explain about noun or

pronoun. Usually in English sentence structure, adjective is always put before

the noun and Indonesian structure rule does the opposite. The example of

adjectives in English such as well-known, beautiful, bad, lucky, bored,

expensive and so on. When adjective error occurs in students’ writing, it is

clearly because of the interlanguage interference or intralingual transfer.

The example of error: Lulu bought a new beauty gown yesterday.

The correct sentence: Lulu bought a beautiful new gown yesterday.

16. Possessive

Possessive in English means the word that is used to shows about a

possession on something. It is divided into three forms, they are possessive

adjective (my, her, his, etc.), possessive determiner (whose) and possessive

pronoun (mine, yours, hers, etc.). To classify the type of errors in possessive,

the researcher only used one symbol to symbolize it with “Poss”. A

possessive error happens in students’ writing, it probably occurs because of

the intralingual transfer, or mis concept of possessive rules or over


The example of error: This is mine drawing book

The correct sentence: This is my drawing book.

17. Noun

Noun is the word that is used to show the name of person, place, animal,

day, plant, concept, or the name of thing and so on. The erroneous of noun

can commonly occur because of the intralingual transfer or the lack

knowledge of the students.

The example of noun error: Doni is so meant to me because he puts ten

mouses in my birthday gift box. The sentence above is incorrect because the

plural of mouse is “mice” not “mouses”. So, the correct sentence must be

“Doni is so mean to me because he puts ten mice in my birthday gift box” and

this is a kind of overgeneralization commonly happen in students’ writing.

18. Infinitives

Infinitives are the basic forms of verb which is not modified or commonly

known as V1. In grammatical, infinitives are divided into two kinds such as

infinitives with “to” and infinitives without “to”. The example of infinitives

with “to”: to go, to see, to listen, to hear, to speak, etc. While the example of

infinitives without “to”: go, see, listen, speak, hear, eat, etc.

The example of error: We don’t have any idea about how solving this


The correct sentence: We don’t have any idea how to solve this problem.

19. Gerund

Gerund is verb which is changed into noun by adding the suffix –ing or

simply it is called as a noun with the form –ing. The example of gerund is

sleeping, swimming, reading, writing, listening, etc. Gerund in the sentence

structure of English can be used as a subject, as a complement of the subject,

complement of the object, gerund after verb, gerund after preposition, and so


The example of error: Play football is my hobby.

The correct sentence: Playing football is my hobby.

20. Modals

Modals are part of auxiliary which gives additional meaning to a sentence

in order to stress the meaning. Commonly modal are used to express a

particular idea which cannot be expressed by using verbs. There are some

kinds of modals in English grammar such as, can, could, had better, may,

might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, would, used to, etc.

The example of error: She would not asked him for anything.

The correct sentence: She would not ask him for anything.

21. Quantifiers

Quantifiers are the words or phrases which show about “how many” or

“how much” noun discussed. Quantifiers include all, any, many, (a) few, (a)

little, less, much, most, more, several, some, etc. The use of quantifier related

with the number of noun (singular or plural).

The example of error: My brother gave me so much apples yesterday.

The correct sentence: My brother gave me so many apples yesterday.

22. Comparative and Superlative

Comparative is a form of word phrase which is used to compare

something (characteristic, shape, behavior, etc.), or it is a form of word which

shows about comparison of adverb or adjective. Comparative form explains

about comparing the quality or degree of something by adding the word, “er

or more”. While superlative is a word form of adjective or adverb which

expresses about the highest degree or quality of something by adding the word

“est or most”.

The example of comparative: “Christine is more beautiful than Daisy”. The

example of superlative: “Angela is the most beautiful girl in this class”.

Sometimes students commit error in the use of comparative or superlative.

form in their writing. The lack of knowledge and the ignorance of rules is

always becoming the main factor of committing error.

The example of error: My sister is elder than me.

The correct sentence: My sister is older than me.

G. Cause of Errors

Identifying the error made by the student is quietly difficult because each

student may have the different cause of error. The difficulty comes from the different

causes of errors as classified by Brown (2004) as follows:

1. Interlingual transfer

Interlingual transfer is a negative influence of the mother tongue of

learner. In this case, learners use their first language as previous linguistic

system to translate the target language because they are not familiar with the

target language and its linguistic system.

2. Intralingual transfer

Intralingual transfer is a negative transfer of items in the target language.

In this case students use their previous knowledge to facilitate them in learning

target language and student’s knowledge will combine both native and target

language. In short, intra lingual transfer is about overgeneralization in arranging

language sentence rules.

H. Narrative Text

Anderson (1997) states that a narrative text is a text which tells a story or

chronological event. Moreover, Bach and Browning (1988) defines narrative as a

series of event which is to entertain or amuse the reader. Based on that

explanation, it can be concluded that narrative text is a text which tell a

chronological event of storyline and the purpose is to entertain the reader.

Generally, narrative text is referred to imaginary story that can be recognized in

form of folktale, legend, history, and myth. According to Anderson (1997) there

are five generic structures of narrative text, they are:

1. Orientation

Orientation is the first generic structure of narrative text which is about the

introduction of the story. In this part, the readers are told about the characters and

settings, either time or place

2. Complication

Complication is the second part of narrative text structure that tells about the

problem or conflict that the characters confront.

3. Resolution

Resolution is part where the characters find the solution of the problem. It also

tells the ending of the story.


4. Coda

Coda is a message or moral value that the readers can get and learn from the story.

I. Previous Research

The researcher discovers some relevant studies with this research as follows:

a. The first is conducted by Ansyarin 2011 with the title “Errors in Using

Simple Past Tense Narrative Texts Written by The Eighth Graders of

Laboratory UM Junior High School”. The purpose of this study was to find

out the dominant errors made by the eighth graders of SMP Lab UM and

the types of errors that occur in using simple past tense in narrative text

written by the eighth graders of SMP Lab UM. The research design applied

in this study is descriptive quantitative. The population consisted of six

classes, cluster random sampling was used to collect the data to represent

each of the classes, so that they were all well represented. Then, the data

was described by using the technique of descriptive quantitative. The study

found out that (1) there are three out of eleven types of errors classified as

the dominant errors, namely Omission of to be, Wrong form of to be, and

Wrong form of verb.

b. The second was conducted by Anwar in 2014 with the title “An Error

Analysis on The Use of Simple Past Tense in Students’ Narrative Writing.

The objective of this study was to know and explain the most frequent

errors made by the first-grade students of Senior High School Two May

Ciputat in writing narrative focused on simple past tense. The classification

of errors in this study is divided into four categories; they are omission,

addition, misinformation, and misordering. The subject of this study

consists of 20 students of the first grade of senior high school who have

more than 100 words writing. The method used in this study was descriptive

analysis method to describe students’ errors and analyze the data by using

formula: = × %, P=Percentage, F=Frequency of errors made, N=Total of

students’ errors. The data was taken from the test; it was written test. The

findings showed that there are 152 errors made by the students. The most

frequent errors made by the students in their narrative writing focused on

the use of simple past tense is misformation which consists of 82 errors or

54%, it is followed by omission with 40 errors or 26%. The next is

misordering which consists of 21 errors or 14%. And the last is addition

with 9 errors or 6%.

c. The third is Conducted by Nurul Amalia in 2013 with the title “Error

Analysis of Students’ Writing Recount Text at the Second Year Students of

SMAN 2 Banda Aceh on Recount Text Written by The Eight Grader of

MTs Negeri Kunir Wonodadi Blitar”. The objective of this study was to

investigate the types of errors, the dominant errors, the cause of errors, the

students’ problems in writing recount text. Based on the finding, there were

omission errors, addition errors, missformation errors, and missordering

errors. total of 250 errors which consist of 50 or 20% in omission errors, 45


or 18% errors in addition errors, 140 or 56% errors in missformation errors

and 15 or 6% errors in missordering errors. from those errors,

missformation errors were the highest percentage of errors in this study and

it was the dominant errors.

J. Theoretical Framework
The theoretical Framework described as follow:

Formulation of the problem

1. Students have no ideas
In teaching and learning
to develop.
process, the most difficult skill
2. Students write
to learn is writing.
sentences with incorrect


Error analysis, the function is

to check the grammatical
errors made by students in
their writing.



This chapter will discuss research design, research setting, research subject,

research instrument, technique of collecting data, technique of analysis data,


A. Research Design

The research design used in this research was qualitative descriptive.

According to Nassaji (2015) descriptive research is focused to make description

systematically and accurately based on fact about certain object. The purpose of

descriptive research was to describe a phenomenon and its characteristic thus this

research was more concerning with ‘what’ rather than ‘why’ or ‘how’ something

happened. In addition, Bogdan and Biklen (2007) adds that descriptive research is a

research that the collected data are taken in form of words or pictures rather than

numbers. Therefore, the researcher took and presented the data in words rather than

numbers. From the expert’s statement above, it could be assumed that qualitative

descriptive research is tend to study or interpret phenomena that happens in people’s

life and the data showed in written language rather than numbers. In this research

the data was qualitative and they were analyzed quantitatively by using frequencies,

percentages or other statistical analysis. This research was conducted to investigate

the student’s grammatical error in writing narrative text. The researcher observed

the errors made by student, identified, and classified the errors according to Oshima.

B. Research Setting

Setting of research is a place or location where the researcher committed and

collected the sample as a subject of the research. This research was conducted in

SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan at. Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara No. 18 KarangAnyar Tarakan

Barat, Kota Tarakan.

A. Research Subject

The subject of this research was the eleventh science 1 of SMA Negeri 1

Tarakan in academic year 2020/2021. Total Participant of the research were 36

students. Based on interview with the English teachers, they stated that the eleventh

science graders students generally had grammatical problems in their writing, in

contrast they had the highest score and the most interest in learning English lesson

than either social or language classes. In this research, the researcher used purposive

sampling which the focus of this research was to know kind of errors made by

eleventh science 1 students. According to Arikunto (2010) if the number of the

population is more than 100 it is better to take all the sample at least 10% - 15% or

20% - 25% of the population.

B. Research Instruments

The instrument of this research was writing test. The students were asked to

compose narrative text by following the generic structure well. The students were

given a paper to write a text of narrative and the student’s writing were taken as the

data to be analyzed and the text consited of minimum 200 words. Students were given

one hour to finish their own text.

C. Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, the researcher collected the data by collecting student’s

writing text. The researcher gave an instruction to the students to compose a narrative

text by following the generic structure well. The student’s writing was taken as data

of the research then they were analyzed to figure out the error made by students.

Thus, these errors were marked by using Oshima’s correction symbols.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

According to Walliman (2010) data analysis in quantitative research is an

essential part of the research. The information gained from analysis of the preliminary

data collection leads to better understanding of the situation and helps to determine

what further data collection is required. The data analyze used the theory of Miles and

Huberman (1994). The figure is able to see below:

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is the first step for analysis of the data. According to

Miles and Huberman (1994) Data reduction is the process of selecting,

focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the raw data that appear

in written-up field notes. In this research the researcher will conduct the

writing test to determine whether the students are making error.

2. Data Display

Data display will organize and arrange the data to make the data

become easier to be understood. In this step, the researcher identifies the

grammatical errors by Oshima (2007) type of error and correction symbol as

guideline. The researcher will give the symbol on each error made in students

writing. The result of finding data will be put into table. Next the researcher

determining the frequency of error in descriptive writing to know the percentage

of errors to get the most error and percentage the errors on each type of error

made by students the researcher use descriptive qualitative analysis by Oshima.

Finding out the percentage students errors using the formula by Arikunto


100 %
P =N X


P: Percentage

N: Number of each type of errors

∑N: Number of total errors.

The researcher will use the formula above to figure out percentage of each

grammatical error. For example, the researcher intends to calculate the

percentage of verb be error and based on students writing found that there are

50verb be errors then the total number of this error will be timed 100%

therefore it will be 50 then the number will be divided to the whole number of

each type of errors.

3. Conclusion Drawing

According to Miles and Huberman (1994) state the third stream of analysis

activity is conclusion drawing. Conclusion drawing is also verifying the

analysis that will be started after the are collected and displayed.

E. Trustworthiness of the Data

The trustworthiness provides the research of the real finding on the analysis of

grammatical error in writing narrative text of eleven graders of SMA N 1 Tarakan. To

obtain the trustworthiness of the data, the researcher used triangulation technique.

According to Creswell (2012) Validating findings means that the researcher

determines the accuracy or credibility of the findings through strategies such as

member checking or triangulation.

According to Creswell (2012) Triangulation is the process of corroborating

evidence from different individuals in descriptions and themes in qualitative research.

The investigator examines every source of information and evidence to support a


theme. This ensures that the search will accurate the information is taken from

various sources of information, individuals, or processes. In this way, this encourages

researchers to develop accurate and credible reports. Denzin (1978) mentions the four

basic types of triangulations:

1. Triangulation of data combines data drawn from different sources and at

different times, in different places or from different people.

2. Investigator triangulation is characterized by the use of different observers or

interviewers, to balance out the subjective influences of individuals.

3. Theoretical triangulation is an element that few investigations achieve means

approaching data with various perspectives and hypotheses in mind various

theoretical points of view can be placed side by side to assess their utility and


4. Methodological triangulation involves a complex process in playing each

method as opposed to the others to maximize the validity of the field effort.

In this research, the researcher used investigator triangulation because the

researcher took the student’s writing in narrative text. Thus, the data were

delivered to English teacher to be corrected based on Oshima’s grammatical error.

After all data had been marked with error symbol, the researcher started analyzing

the data to recognize kinds of error and what kind of error that become the most

appear on student’s writing.



This chapter presents the findings after the researcher analyzed the data which

is included the classification type of errors and the mostly error made.

A. Findings

This subheading provides about the classification of errors and sub

categorization of errors that the researcher found after analyzing the data.

1. Classification of errors

The researcher collected data from 36 students of eleventh science 1 at SMAN

1 Tarakan. The data were in form of writing especially in narrative text by following

the generic structure and language features well. After that data had been collected

then the researcher could determine the classification of errors that were found in

student’s writing.

To classify the data, the researcher adopted the theory of grammatical error by

Turton of which the errors were grouped into 22 types. The researcher told the

detail description of grammatical errors that were found on student’s writing in

narrative text and the student who committed the errors. In addition, the researcher

changed the name of the students by giving code to all student, for example SN 1

which mean student number 1. The researcher took one sentence in each

subcategory as the example of the error. The samples were taken by the researcher

randomly as the representative of each type of error.

a. Verb Tense

Table 4. 1The example of grammatical error of Verb Tense

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN12 One day, an elephant One day, an elephant passed in

pass in front of the lion front of the lion

Based on the language features of narrative text it is considered that

every verb that show an action should be in past form, therefore the word

‘pass’ on the sentence above should be changed into passed. The number of

verb tense errors were 94 and were occurred by students SN1, SN4, SN5,

SN6, SN7, SN8, SN9, SN10, SN12, SN13, SN14, SN15, SN16, SN19,

SN20, SN22, SN23, SN25, SN26, SN29, SN31, SN32, SN33, SN34 and


b. Subject-Verb Agreement

Table 4. 2 The example of grammatical error of Subject-Verb Agreement

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN2 He were just a small He was just a small executive in

executive in his company his company

Singular subject such as He, She and It must agree with singular verb

or in this case singular verb be (Is and was). Based on the sentence, “He

were” is incorrect because the subject and verb do not agree each other

where the subject “He” is singular while verb be “Were” is plural. The

number of subject-verb agreement errors were 10 and were occurred by

students SN1, SN3, SN14, SN16, SN17, SN18, SN34 and SN36.

c. Verb Be

Table 4. 3 The example of grammatical error of Verb Be

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN7 Once upon a time when the Once upon a time when the earth

earth is full of pollution was full of pollution

The sentence above needs to be corrected because there is signal word

“Once upon a time” which indicate the beginning of an event in the past. By

having this fact, the verb be then must be in past form as well. The number of

verbs be error were 53 and were made by students SN1, SN2, SN3, SN4, SN7,

SN8, SN9, SN10, SN12, SN16, SN19, SN21, SN22, SN23, SN25, SN26,

SN32, SN34 and SN36

d. Determiner

Table 4. 4 The example of grammatical error of Determiner

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN22 Raised by her father didn’t Raised by her father didn’t make

make this women hopeless these women become hopeless

The word ‘women’ is one of irregular plural noun in English and the

correct determiner to modify it is these not this. The number of determiner error

were 4 and were made by students SN8, SN22, SN34 and SN36.

e. Plural

Table 4. 5 The example of grammatical error of Plural

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN35 Great, 10 question left and I Great, 10 questions left and I

was going to fall down was going to fall down

The sentence above shows that the total number of the question is more than

one or plural therefore the word ‘question’ must be added with suffix –s for plural

countable noun. The number of plural errors were 7 and were made by students

SN8, SN16, SN33, SN31, SN34, SN35 and SN36.

f. Pronoun

Table 4. 6 The example of grammatical error of Pronoun

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN21 Three close friends went to a Three close friends went to a place.

place. A place hedidn’t know yet A place theydidn’t know yet

It can be seen that subject in the first sentence is ‘three close friends’

therefore the proper pronoun of it is they. The number of pronoun error were 4

and were made by students SN17, SN34, SN35 and SN36.

g. Wrong Word

Table 4. 7 The example of grammatical error of Wrong Word

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN15 There was someone who There were some men who passed

passed by and heard the by and heard the screams of Praha,

screams of Praha, so they so they immediately came and

immediately came and helped helped Praha. Praha was saved and

Praha. They were saved and Praha gave some money

Praha gave some money

The incorrect sentence is confusing and ambiguous. The person who

needed help in the sentence was Praha then he should be the one who was saved

after being saved by some men. In the second sentence there is passive voice

sentence ‘they were saved’ which confusedly mean some men help themselves

while Praha supposed to be the person who was helped by them. The number of

wrong word error were 29 and were made by students SN4, SN5, SN6, SN7,

SN8, SN9, SN11, SN12, SN14, SN15, SN19, SN20, SN21, SN22, SN25, SN26,

SN29, SN33, SN34, and SN36.

h. Verb

Table 4. 8 The example of grammatical error of Verb

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN02 When he (verb) on the way When he was on the way to the

to the garden garden

There is a missing verb in the sentence which make it incomplete. A

sentence must contain at least a single subject and verb therefore the incorrect

sentence should be added verb be ‘was‘ matching to the subject ‘he’ and the

type of nominal sentence. The number of verb error were 3 and were made by

students SN2, SN8 and SN26.

i. Preposition

Table 4. 9 The example of grammatical error of Preposition

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN37 He stood (in) front of me He stood in front of me

The kind of grammatical error above is considered as preposition. “In

Front” is a special prepositional phrase which mean close to the front or ahead

therefore the word ‘front’ should be matched with preposition ‘in’. The number

of preposition error were 2 and were made by students SN24 and SN33.

Table 4. 10 The example of grammatical error of Conjunction

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence
SN26 He came to a city (conj) he He came to a cityand he was

was shocked that no one shocked that no one lived



There are two sentences in the Error Sentence which is improperly

combined. In this case a conjunction is needed to connect both sentences to

become well organized. The number of conjuction error were 12 and were

made by students SN3, SN7, SN14, SN16, SN17, SN19, SN20, SN26, SN29,

SN34 and SN36.


j. Article

Table 4. 11 The example of grammatical error of Article

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN01 One hot day, a ant was One hot day, an ant was seeking

seeking for some water for some water

The usage of article a is for noun with first consonant letter (B, C,D, F, G,

H, J, K, L ,M, N, P, Q, R S T, V, W, X, Y, Z) while article an is used for noun

with first vowel letter (A, I, U, E, O) therefore the noun ‘ant’ should be

modified by ‘an’. The number of article error were 13 and were made by

students SN1, SN3, SN7, SN10, SN13, SN24, SN26 and SN29.

L. Auxiliary

Table 4. 12 The example of grammatical error of Auxiliary

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN22 However, lion and tiger However, lion and tiger did not

not want to listen want to listen

The sentence above is typical of negative sentence because there is

identical word ‘not’ but it is less complete. There should be past auxiliary

‘did’ before ‘not.’ The number of auxiliary errors were 16 and were made by

students SN5, SN6, SN8, SN12, SN15, SN16, SN20, SN22 and SN23.

M. Adverb

Table 4. 13 The example of grammatical error of Adverb

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence
SN33 Tiger that was in trouble Tiger that was in trouble roaring

roaring angry angrily

The function of an adverb is to modify verb and mostly it comes with

suffix –ly from an adjective. On the example of sentence above it shows that

the adjective ‘angry’ does not transform therefore it should be ‘angrily’. The

number of adverb error were 2 and were made by students SN24 and SN30.

N. Gerund

Table 4. 14 The example of grammatical error of Gerund

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN09 After walk around for a After walking around for a

moment, he came to a spring moment, he came to a spring

The use of bare infinitive (walk) behind a conjunction (after) or

preposition is not correct because its position changes into noun by adding

suffix –ing and it is grammatically called as gerund. The number of gerund

error were 9 and were made by students SN1, SN7, SN8, SN12, SN16, SN30,

SN34 and NS36.

O. Modals

Table 4. 15 The example of grammatical error of Modals

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence


SN26 I want your world you must I want your world you must

todisappear disappear

Modals such as can, could, may, might, should, had better, must, will and

would are not followed by to + V1. Furthermore, it should be eliminated and

changed into only must. The number of modal error were 21 and were made by

students SN1, SN4, SN5, SN6, SN7, SN8, SN10, SN12, SN15, SN20, SN26,

SN30 and SN36.

P. Infinitive

Table 4. 16 The Example of Grammatical Error of Infinitive

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN09 She did’nt know what they She did’nt know what they wanted

wanted do to do

The grammatical error on sentence above is infinitive because the past

verb ‘wanted’ is common verb followed by infinitive. The number of infinitive

errors were 13 and were made by students SN5, SN6, SN9, SN15, SN16, SN20,

SN25, SN26 and SN27.

Q. Possessive

Table 4. 17 The example of grammatical error of Possessive

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN33 She holds me tightly in hers She holded me tightly in her arms


The use of possessive ‘hers’ followed by noun (arms) is incorrect because

‘hers’ means a unity of possessive of which the object is already known and

don’t need to be written. The number of possessive errors were 7 and were

made by students SN8, SN16, SN24, SN25, SN26 and SN29.


R. Noun

Table 4. 18 The example of grammatical error of Noun

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN35 Anne had to sleep in a tiny Anne had to sleep in a tiny room

room with many mouses with many mice

Mouse is one of irregular plural noun which mean it does not end with

s/es generally. The special plural form of mouse is mice. The number of noun

error were 7 and were made by students SN9, SN10, SN21, SN23, SN29 and


S. Adjective

Table 4. 19 The example of grammatical error of Adjective

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN25 It was a cloud day and the It was a cloudy day and the

fisherman was still in the fisherman was still in the middle of

middle of the sea the sea

The grammatical error on the sentence above is considered as adjective

error because the word ‘cloud’ is modifying a noun (day) so the correct one

should be ‘cloudy day”. The number of adjective errors were 16 and were made

by students SN5, SN6, SN9, SN12, SN15, SN16, SN20, SN21, SN29 and


T. Quantifiers

Table 4. 20 The example of grammatical error of Quantifiers

Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN08 ‘Hey elephant why don’t you go ‘Hey elephant why don’t you go

and pick some banana for me?’ and pick some bananas for me?’

Quantifiers like ‘some’ certainly discuss about noun which the amount is

more than one or in this case ‘banana’ should be ‘bananas’. The number of

quantifier error were 3 and were made by students SN21, SN24 and SN35.

U. Superlative and Comparative

Table 4. 21 The example of grammatical error of Comparative and


Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence

SN14 When the most oldfish When the oldest fish heard that he

heard that he was nervous was nervous

In degree of comparison, adjective with a single syllable will be added

with suffix -er for comparative and -est for superlative one while plural syllable

adjective will be added with signal word ’more’ for comparative and ‘the most’

for superlative. The number of superlative and comparative error were 3 and

were made by students SN10 and SN14.

Table 4. 22 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 1

Student’s The Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S1 v.t Verb Tense 8
He did’nt saw a sewer
The dove had not saw the
Then the ant move toward
the leaf

Ger. Gerund

After walk around for a
Inf. Infinitive
He had to walked about ten

v.be Verb Be
While he walking
He did’nt saw there is
He did’nt saw there is Article

From the data above, it can be explained that there were 5 classification of

grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in

using verb tense, gerund, infinitive, verb be and article. The total number of errors

were 8 which of consist 3 errors of verb tense, 1 error of gerund¸1 error of infinitive,

two errors of verb be and 1 error of article.


Table 4. 23 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 2

Student’s The Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S2 v. Verb 3
When he on the way to the
v.be Verb Be
Although he felt it is
impossible to win
w.w Wrong Word
As a result, the turtle won
the race

It can be seen that there were 3 classification of grammatical errors students made in

their writing. The classification included error in using verb, verb be and wrong word

The total number of errors were 3 which consist of 1 error of verb, 1 error of verb be

and 1 error of wrong word.

Table 4. 24 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 3

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S3 s.agr. Subject-verb 5
He were just a small Agreement
executive in his company
There was once a man who Verb Be
felt in love with a girl.
This man is very romantic

conj. Conjunction
She could visualize bright
future both of them

w.w. Wrong Word
That was he always told
Adv. Adverb
One rain day

The table above showed that there were 5 classification of grammatical errors

students made in their writing. The classification included error in subject-verb

agreement, verb be, conjucntion, wrong word and adverb. The total number of errors

were 5 which consist of 1 error of subject-verb agreement, 1 error of verb be, 1 error

of conjuction, 1 error of wrong word, and 1 error of adverb.


Table 4. 25 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 4

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification Number of Error

Initial Sentences Made by of Error
S4 There live a family, they Verb Be 7
are very well acquainted
each other and are always
If everything is finished
They were very grateful to Verb Tense
the father and give a little
As the day goes on
w.w. Wrong Word
But si ayah did not want to
If everything is finished

From the presented data, it can be interpreted that that there were 3 classification of

grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in

verb be, verb tense and wrong word. The total number of errors were 7 and consist of

3 errors verb be, 2 errors of verb tense and 2 error of wrong word.

Table 4. 26 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 5

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Student Error Error
S5 They knew that anything Modal 6
dangerous can happen
w.w. Wrong Word
It smelt in his ears

prep. Preposition
His friend that was the
v.t. Verb Tense
One of them climb a nearby
The bear come to a friend
who was lying
Aux. Auxiliary
Because the bears do no want
to touch

The students made errors in 5 classification of grammatical errors in their writing.

The classification included error in modal, wrong word, preposition, verb tense,

auxiliary. The total number of errors were 6 that consist of 1 error of modal, 1 error

of wrong word, 1 error of preposition, 2 errors verb tense and 1 error of auxiliary.

Table 4. 27 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 6

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S6 v.be. Verb be 5
Once upon a time, there are
two close friends

They knew that anything Modal

dangerous can happen

v.t. Verb Tense

He lay down on the ground
w.w. Wrong Word
It smelt in his ears
Aux. Auxiliary
Because the bears do no want
to touch

Based on table above, it can be explained that there were 5 classification of

grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in

verb be, modal, verb tense, wrong word and auxiliary. The total number of errors

were 5 and consist of 1 error of verb be, 1 error of modal, 1 error of verb tense, 1

error of wrong word and 1 error of auxiliary.

Table 4. 28 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 7

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S7 v.be Verb Be 12
At the time when the earth is
full of pollution, the earth is
no longer
A friendly planet for living
creatures to live in because
Temperature is too hot. There
is a white bear who lives
alone, he is the only bear that
can survive.

When there is no more room
to survive
v. Verb
He no longer had to wait
There is a white bear who Verb Tense
lives alone
And he lives on a black of ice

The bear can do nothing but
do it is best
Poss. Possesive
The bear can do nothing but
do it is best
Ger. Gerund
He dreamed of become a bird

According to the shown data, it can be inferred that there were 5 classification of

grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in

verb be, verb, verb tense, possesive and gerund. The total number of errors were 12

and consist of 5 errors of verb be, 1 error of verb, 3 errors verb tense, 1 error of

possesive and 1 error of gerund .


Table 4. 29 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 8

Student’s Error Sentence Classification of Number of

Initial Error Error
S8 Once upon a time Verb Be 21
there are group of lion

The lion group thought

he is out of the limit
There lived a lion who Verb Tense
always acting like a

One day an elephant

pass in front of the lion
The elephant go to
monkey’s territory

Because of this many

animal were hate him

The tiger ran away and

tell the group
Then he roar loud as
They look at the pit
and found the lion
comp. Comparative
He got stocky and big
body than other lion
mod. Modal
He can scared away
many hunters
The other day this lion

can made worse

No animal in that place

so he can killed and ate
the horse
aux. Auxiliary
So many animal not
like him
But he don’t know how
to trap the elephant
w.w. Wrong Word
The lion was killed a
horse for his own feed

So that decided to
make to make a pit trap
S.agr. Subject-verb
Even though tigers was Agreement
at that place
Det. Determiner
That make this animals
V. Verb
Once it ready, the
animal left with a wish
A tiger around that pit Possesive
heard the lion scream

The students made errors in several classification. There were 10 classification of

grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in

verb be, verb tense, comparative, modal, auxiliary, wrong word, subject-verb

agreement, determiner, verb and possesive. The total number of errors were 21 which

consist of 2 errors of verb be, 7 errors of verb tense, 1 error of comparative, 3 errors

of modal, 2 errors of auxiliary, 2 errors of wrong word, 1 error of subject-verb

agreement, 1 error of determiner, 1 error of verb and 1 error of possesive.

Table 4. 30 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 9

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S9 One day there was a girl Verb Be 9
called Dina Saranti, she is
17 years old
Dira thinks her friend does
not question her attitude
She was born from a Verb Tense
simple family and has
affection in it, she only
has her family
Dira and friend cry and
hug together
w.w. Wrong Word
She used to have friends
and friend who were fun
N. Noun
Her friends tried to advice
Aux. Auxiliary
She don’t know when her
started her head

From the data category, the students made errors in their writing. The classification

included error in verb be, verb tense, wrong word, noun and auxiliary. The total

number of error 9 which consist of 2 errors of verb be, 4 errors of verb tense, 1 error

of wrong word, 1 error of noun and 1 error of auxiliary.

Table 4. 31 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 10

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error

S10 v.t Verb Tense 8
Once three fishes live in a
We have live in this pond
for a long time

The next day the fishermen

come and caught all the
fish left in the pond
Plu. Plural
Once three fishes live in a
pond. Some fishermen
passed by the

pond and saw the fishes

He called out the two other


Comp. Comparative
When the most old fish
heard about what the
fishermen say
The most old fish and the
second fish left the pond
with the rest of the family

It can be seen that there were 3 classification of grammatical errors students made in

their writing. The classification included error in verb tense, plural and comparative.

The total number of errors were 8 which consist 3 errors of verb tense, 3 errors of

plural and 2 errors of comparative.


Table 4. 32 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 11

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S11 There was someone who Wrong Word 1
passed by and heard the
screams of Praha,
so they immediately came
and helped Praha. They
were saved and Praha gave
some money to them

It can be seen that there were 1 classification of grammatical errors students made in

their writing. The classification included error in wrong word. The total number of

errors were 1 that consist of 1 error of wrong word.

Table 4. 33 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 12

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S12 v.t Verb Tense 5
Rafli knows that in this
investigation something
dangerous might have
Even so, they continue to
travel until they arrived at
the destination
v.be Verb Be
No one is willing to
investigate that

The tree also gave an

answer that the owner of
this necklace is the

leader of this sect is
Aryani’s husband

The table above supported a few conclusion. There were 2 classification of

grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in

verb tense and verb be. The total number of errors were 5 that consist of 2 errors of

verb tense and 3 errors of verb be.

Table 4. 34 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 13

SN13 Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Sentences Made by Error Error
S13 v.t Verb Tense 5
While he walking he met
a sleeping lion
He find the sound and
saw if the lion was hit by
hunter’s trap
Prep. Preposition
Because the kindhearted
lion let the rat go
One day in a forest, there Article
lived rat who was
looking for food. While
he walking he met a
sleeping lion. The lion
woke up and saw a rat

The students made 3 classification of grammatical errors in their writing. The

classification included error in verb tense, preposition and article. The total number

of errors were 5 that consist of 2 errors of verb tense, 1 error of preposition and 2

errors of article.

Table 4. 35 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 14

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Error Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error
S14 One day Robert was Verb Tense 4
walking home from
school. He see a man
coming out of a shop.
The man stopped and
turn around
He was carrying a lot of Plural
w.w. Wrong Word
Robert said and got into
the car

Regarding the data above, it can be identified that there were 3 classification of

grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in

verb tense, plural and wrong word. The total number of errors were 4 that consist of 2

errors of verb tense, 1 error of plural and 1 error of wrong word.

Table 4. 36 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 15

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S15 They knew that anything Modal 6
dangerous can happen

w.w. Wrong Word
It smelt in his ears
prep. Preposition
His friend that was the
v.t. Verb Tense
One of them climb a
nearby tree
The bear come to a friend
who was lying
Aux. Auxiliary
Because the bears do no
want to touch

From the error category, the students made errors in 5 classification in their writing.

The classification included error in modal, wrong word, preposition, verb tense and

auxiliary. The total number of errors were 6 that consist of 1 error of modal, 1 error

of wrong word, 1 error of preposition, 2 errors of verb tense and 1 error of auxiliary.

Table 4. 37 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 16

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S16 There were two close Subject-verb 6
friends Agreement
who was walking through
the forest together.
v.be Verb be
Their name is Alan and
v.t. Verb Tense
They look happy together
After that Alan come down
and asked Hadi

Ger. Gerund
Without know that
anything dangerous can
happen at anytime in the
Aux. Auxiliary
Because the bears do no
want to touch

From the data category above, it can be explained that there were 5 classification of

grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in

subject-verb agreement, verb be, verb tense, gerund and auxiliary. The total number

of errors were 6 that consist of 1 error of subject-verb agreement, 1 error of verb be, 2

errors of verb tense, 1 error of gerund and 1 error of auxiliary.

Table 4. 38 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 17

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S17 Then he challenged his Conjunction 3
two friends accepted the
So they headed for a place Pronoun
he did’nt know yet
He did it when passing Verb Tense

through the path it turns

It can identified that there were 3 classification of grammatical errors students made

in their writing. The classification included error in conjunction, pronoun and verb

tense. The total number of errors were 3 that consist of 1 error of conjunction, 1 error

of pronoun and 1 error of verb tense.


Table 4. 39 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 18

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S18 Untill one day the ant Subject-verb 2
s.agr Agreement
were looking for food
The ant mocked the Verb Tense
cocoon and continues to
mock other animals

Having the presented data above, it can be explained that there were 2 classification

of grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error

in subject-verb agreement and verb tense. The total number of errors were 2 that

consist of 1 error of subject-verb agreement and 1 error of verb tense.

Table 4. 40 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 19

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S19 v.t. Verb Tense 14
There lived a man named
Luke. He lives alone. His
daily life is
looking for wood in the
forest and then selling it to
merchants who
usually work on
development projects
His life now begin to be

Luke has a miracle to live
again and improve his life
Her voice sounds heavy

The next day, local people

find Luke’s dead body
w.w. Wrong Word
merchants who usually
work on development
v.be. Verb Be
The instructions for
wearing it are on the ball
His wife got up and looked
at Luke. However, there
are different
v.be. v.be.
from his appearance. Her
eyes are black and her hair
is very long and her voice
sounds heavy.

Suddenly his wife choke

Luke and said that he had
done the wrong
thing which is to raise the
N. Noun
There are different from
his appearance
His wife got up and looked Pronoun
at Luke. However, there
are different
from his appearance

There were 5 classification of grammatical errors that the students made in their

writing. The classification included error in verb tense, wrong word, verb be, noun

and pronoun. The total number of errors were 14 that consist of 6 errors of verb tense,

1 error of wrong word, 5 errors of verb be, 1 error of noun and 1 error of pronoun.

Table 4. 41 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 20

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S20 They knew that anything Modal 6
dangerous can happen
w.w. Wrong Word
It smelt in his ears
prep. Preposition
His friend that was the
v.t. Verb Tense
One of them climb a
nearby tree
The bear come to a friend
who was lying

Aux. Auxiliary
Because the bears do no
want to touch

From the data above, it can be explained that there were 5 classification of

grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in

modal, wrong word, preposition, verb tense and auxiliary. The number of total errors

were 6 that consist of 1 error of modal, 1 error of wrong word, 1 error of preposition,

2 errors of verb tense and 1 error of auxiliary.

Table 4. 42 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 21

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S21 If there was no fish eating Noun 6
his bite
After praying the
fisherman changed his bite

His boat was almost full of Verb Tense

fish and he could go home
and sell the fish
It was like what he Verb Be
thought, that thing is a net
with a buoy
The fisherman took that net Adjective
to see what kind of fish
which made by
the buoy wobbling
Dolphin jumped three Wrong Word
times before it finally
leaved him

The table above explained that there were 5 classification of grammatical errors

students made in their writing. The classification included error in noun, verb tense,

verb be, adjective and wrong word. The number of total errors were 6 that consist of

2 errors of noun, 1 error of verb tense, 1 error of verb be, 1 error of adjective and 1

error of wrong word.

Table 4. 43 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 22

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S22 w.w. Wrong Word 6
He felt uneasy because he
heard a noise under the
The monkey understood
what was happening
between them
v.be. Verb Be
Apparently there are tiger
and lion playing
The next day, koala is very

Tiger and lion did’nt want

to listen and continue to
play because
they feel that place is theirs
v. Verb
However he did not care
and immediately continued
his sleep

The data above can be concluded that there were 3 classification of grammatical

errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in wrong word,

verb be and verb. The total number of errors were 6 that consist of 2 errors of wrong

word, 3 errors of verb be and 1 error of verb.

Table 4. 44 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 23
Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of
Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S23 Once upon a time a happy Verb Be 1
monkey danced in front of
animals and
they are all very pleased
with his performance

Having the data above, it can be explained that there were 1 classification of

grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in

verb be. The total number of errors were 1 that consist of 1 error of verb be.

Table 4. 45 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 24

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S24 Once upon a time there Verb Be 10
was a lion cub named
Simba. He is the son of the
jungle king Mufasa

In the jungle all animal

live in peace and
everything is balanced
A woodpecker is assigned
to watched Simba playing
In the jungle all animal Verb Tense
live in peace
Simba safely plays with
his friend Nala

Simba feels guilty for
endangering Nala and
Simba safely plays with Possesive
his friend Nala and also
under his father
One day Mufasa tokk care Preposition
of a herd hyena
A woodpecker is assigned Infinitive
to watched Simba playing
Simba did it and and free Wrong Word
from to supervision

The students made errors in 6 classification of grammatical errors in their writing.

The classification included error in verb be, verb tense, possesive, preposition,

infinitive and wrong word. The total number of errors were 10 that consist of 3 errors

of verb be, 3 errors of verb tense, 1 error of possesive, 1 error of preposition ], 1 error

of infinitive and 1 error of wrong word.

Table 4. 46 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 25

Students Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

’ Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S25 v.t. Verb Tense 13
The world has a large area
under the control of king
The king has a subordinate
called Dyroth

Chedoya also tells Dyroth
and asked to find an army,
he finally
decide to lie to bigetron
It does’nt know who or Verb Be
what it is
He told Dyroth to find ot
what is Athena.
The king name is Chedoya
He came to the city and he
was shocked there is no
one that life in that city
There is a virtual war
competition that’s highly
favoured and glorified
He came to the city and he
was shocked there is no
one that life in that city
Aux. Auxiliary
It don’t know who or what
it is
Poss. Possesive
The king name is Chedoya.
Shorty story,
Dyroth journey has begun
They did’nt want to Infinitive

From the error classification , the students made 5 classification of grammatical

errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in verb tense,

verb be, auxiliary, possesive and infinitive. The total number of errors were 13 that

consist of 4 errors of verb tense, 6 errors of verb be, 1 error of auxiliary, 2 errors of

possesive and 1 error of infinitive.

Table 4. 47 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 26

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S26 v.be Verb Be 4
A girl who is always a
royal listener to her friend
when they are sad and
Pro. Pronoun
Diandara was ostracized by
his family because of his
twin who was
jealous seeing him being
love from him

The table above showed that there were 2 classification of grammatical errors

students made in their writing. The classification included error in verb be and

pronoun. The total number of errors were 4 that consist of errors of verb be and 2

errors of pronoun.

Table 4. 48 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 27

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S27 w.w. Wrong Word 1
A beautiful fairy heart her
wish one day

From the data above, it can be explained that there were 1 classification of

grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in

wrong word. The total number of errors were 1 that consist of 1 error of wrong word.

Table 4. 49 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 28

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S28 She had asked him to make Adjective 3
her a sand dessert
The giant magically and Verb Tense
swiftly begin to work his
The shell fell to the ground Wrong Word
beside mount Bromo,
forming had is now known

The data above resulted explanation that there were 3 classification of grammatical

errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in adjective,

verb tense and wrong word. The total number of errors were 3 that consist of 1 error

of adjective, 1 error of verb tense and 1 error of wrong word.


Table 4. 50 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 29

Student’ Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S29 Tiger who had trouble Adverb 2
roaring angry
Rabbits who see the tiger Gerund
be trapped

Having data above, it can be explained that there were 2 classification of grammatical

errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in adverb and

gerund. The total number of errors were 2 that consist of 1 error of adverb and 1 error

of gerund.

Table 4. 51 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 30

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S30 v.t. Verb Tense 9
I look at my phone and it
shows 2.30 am

Everything turned into

dark and it feels good for
I look at my phone and it
was already 7 am

Plu. Plural
Great! 10 question left and
i literally going to fall
w.w. Wrong Word
I was felt like a clown
I sat at my desk and Verb
pondering it
Inf. Infinitive
I want to enough sleep
I decided to promised my

There were 5 classification of grammatical errors that students made in their writing.

The classification included error in verb tense, plural, wrong word, verb and

infinitive. The total number of errors were 9 that consist of 4 errors of verb tense, 1

error of plural, 1 error of wrong word, 1 error of verb and 2 errors of infinitive.

Table 4. 52 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 31

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of
Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S31 Student
Once upon a time, there Verb Tense 11
live a girl named Cynzia
Because she always looks
happy whenever she was

One rainy day she decided

to walk around, she like
v.be Verb Be
She is known as a
She is one of cheerful girl
in her town
It was horrific, the crowd
are running to the nearest
grocery. People
are wondering why she
People are getting more
confused because there is
no one who talked with her
People are wondering why Auxiliary
she don’t run
Inf. Infinitive
People were trying to
figured out

The data shown above explained that there were 4 classification of grammatical

errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in verb tense,

verb be, auxiliary and infinitive. The total number of errors were 11 that consist of 3

errors of verb tense, 6 errors of verb be, 1 error of auxiliary and 1 error of infinitive.

Table 4. 53 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 32

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S32 Cloudy skies faithfully Verb Tense 1
overshadow this school

It can be seen that there were 1 classification of grammatical errors students made in

their writing. The classification included error in verb tense. The total number of

errors were 1 that consist of 1 error of verb tense.

Table 4. 54 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 33

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S33 They knew that anything Modal 6
dangerous can happen

w.w. Wrong Word

It smelt in his ears
prep. Preposition
His friend that was the
v.t. Verb Tense
One of them climb a
nearby tree

The bear come to a friend
who was lying
Aux. Auxiliary
Because the bears do no
want to touch

There were 5 classification of grammatical errors students made in their writing. The

classification included error in modal, wrong word, preposition, verb tense and

auxiliary. The total number of errors were 6 that consist of 1 error of modal, 1 error

of wrong word, 1 error of preposition, 2 errors of verb tense and 1 error of auxiliary.

Table 4. 55 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 34

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of
Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S34 Art. Article 5
There was once poorl girl
Pro. Pronoun
He wanted to go there
Quant. Quantifier
She spent many money to
help people

She ate not many food
She had to sleep in a tiny Wrong Word
room with many rats and

From the error category, the students made 4 classification of grammatical errors in

their writing. The classification included error in article, pronoun, quantifier and

wrong word. The total number of errors were 5 that consist of 1 error of article, 1

error of pronoun, 2 errors of quantifier and 1 error of wrong word.

Table 4. 56 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 35

Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S35 v.t. Verb Tense 3
They form a group with 4
v.be v.be Verb Be
There is a lion that is big
and very strong

The table above showed that there were 2 classification of grammatical errors

students made in their writing. The classification included error in verb tense and

verb be. The total number of errors were 3 that consist of 1 error of verb tense and 2

errors of verb be.

Table 4. 57 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 36

Student’s Grammtical Error Classification of Number of

Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S36 Det. Determiner 2
This shoes, Maudy gave
on his birthday
v.be. Verb Be
Maudy is an exemplary
and the smartest student
in her scholl

From the data above, it can be explained that there were 2 classification of

grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in

determiner and verb be. The total number of errors were 2 that consist of 1 error of

determiner and 1 error of verb be.

B. Discussion
The aims of the research were to answer the research question that was stated

before. The question involved to find out kind of grammatical error and to find out the

most error made by the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Tarakan. To collect the data, the

researcher conducted writing test in narrative text. To answer the research objective, the

researcher conducted an analysis of grammatical error in student’s writing test.

According to Gass&Selinker (2008) Error analysis is a type of linguistic analysis

conducted on the error made by students. The error is the flawed side of learner speech

or writing.

In the process of collecting data, the researcher asked the students to make a

narrative text by following the generic structure very well. They could write the text

properly however their knowledge about grammar truly influence the sentences they

made which turn into grammatical errors. The researcher used an analysis of

grammatical error to help the students recognizing the errors they made on their writing.

Furthermore, to answer the research questions, there were three previous research

that supported this research. The first previous research was conducted by Ansyar in

2011 with the title “Errors in Using Simple Past Tense in Narrative Texts Written By

The Eighth Gradersof Laboratory UM Junior High School”. The purpose of this study

was to find out the dominant errors made by the eighth graders of SMP Lab UM and the

types of errors that occur in using simple past tense in narrative text written by the

eighth graders of SMP Lab UM. The difference was the previous research took the

sample from the second year students of SMP Lab Um while the present research chose

the eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Tarakan as the data sample. The result of this research

found the error of verb be as the dominant error. The second previous research was

conducted by by Anwar in 2014 with the title “An Error Analysis of The Use Of Simple

Past Tense In Students’ Narrative Writing”. The focus on this research was the usage of

simple past tense in writing narrative text and found that the error of misinformation as

the dominant error with 54% of the total number. Thus, this research used error

classification by Dulay which consist of four types of error namely omission, addition,

misinformation and misordering. Comparing to the present research, there were some

aspects that obviously different such as the subject of research, error classification being

used and the result of the research. The last previous research was conducted by Nurul

Amalia with the title “Error Analysis of Students’ Writing Recount Text at the Second

Year Students of SMAN 2 Banda Aceh on Recount Text Written By The Eight Grader

of MTs Negeri Kunir Wonodadi Blitar”. The research finding considered the error of

verb tense as the most dominant error made by students with 140 errors or 56% of the

total error. In addition this research chose recount text as the text type in student’s

writing while the present research used narrative text. Furthermore, the previous

research used different technique of collecting data and its was mixed quantitative –

qualitative method. In contrast, the present research used qualitative descriptive method

of which the data would be analyzed in words.


Based on the three previous researches above that showed the result of

grammatical error analysis in students writing had different types of errors. The finding

of the research hopefully will help the students to know the error they made. The finding

of the present research had the same with one of previous research above and it was

grammatical error of verb tense. Verb tense error happens when the action verb is put in

wrong tense where it supposes to be. For instance the verb ‘went’ belongs to simple past

tense neither simple present nor simple future tense. In this case the verb tense error at

present research likely to occur due to the students probably did not recognize the

generic structure of narrative text clearly.

The researcher also discussed about the types of errors made by students in writing

narrative text of the eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Tarakan. Turton (1995) classified

some grammatical errors into 22 types, and they were committed by students except one

type and it was subject-complement agreement.



A. Conclusion

After the researcher did the research and analyzed the student’s writing of

narrative text in eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Tarakan. There were so many errors

over there and sometimes the researcher felt hard to analyze because the result of

their writings were so bad. The researcher also found distinguishes of ability in the

students. Some of them were excellent at grammar but some of them were not.

Therefore, in this part the researcher concluded and described the number of errors.

The total amount of errors that the students made were 331 errors which

belonged to some kinds of error. The error of verb tense had the highest number the

students made on their writing with 94 number of errors or 28,4%. Furthermore, the

error of verb be was the second highest error with 53 number of errors or 16%.

Following the two highest numbers of error, the error of wrong word was also part of

the top three highest error with 29 number of errors or 8,8% from the total


B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher gave several suggestions.

They might be useful for the students, teachers and future research.

1. For students

The most type of error was verb tense. The researcher suggest the students to

learn more about verb tense, its kind and how to use them very well and do more

practice to write. The students also should read more narrative text in order to

gain more insight on the text and know how to construct the narrative text


2. For teacher

The teacher may teach the students about verb tense by giving clear and

detail explanation of how to make sentence in each tense. After applying that in

the learning process, it is expected the students will be able to understand the

context of verb tense and to write it in a sentence.

3. For future research

This research is expected to the future researcher to do more analyzing in

other aspects of grammatical errors. This research also was expected to be

consideration to the students, teachers, and other researchers to make the solution

from the problems.


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Appendix 1 Syllabus
Kelas : X
Kompetensi Inti :

KI 1: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli
(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif
dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan
dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta
dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia
KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan
kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang
spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
KI 4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak
terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara
mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar

1.1. Men Teks Mengamati Kriteria 6x2  Audi

syukuri o CD/
naratif penilaian: JP
kesemp  Siswa VCD/
atan lisan menyimak DVD
 Pencapaia
dapat berbagai
dan tulis n fungsi  SUA
mempel contoh teks
sosial RA
ajari sederha naratif yang
bahasa diberikan/  Kelengka
na U
Inggris diperdengarkan pan dan
sebagai guru keruntutan  Kora

Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar

bahasa Fungsi  Siswa struktur n/

pengant mengamati teksnaratif majal
ar fungsi sosial, ah
 Ketepatan
komuni struktur dan berba
Menela unsur
kasi unsur hasa
internati dani kebahasaannya Inggr
n: tata
onal is
nilai-  Siswa bahasa,
mengamati kosa kata,  www.
diwujud nilai
keteladanan ucapan, daily
kan moral, dari cerita tekanan englis
legenda kata, h.co
semang cinta
intonasi, m
at tanah  Siswa belajar ejaan, dan
belajar menemukan  http://
air, gagasan utama, ameri
2.3 tangan
informasi rinci canen
Menunj dan informasi  Kesesuaia glish.
rgai tertentu dari n format state.
teks legenda penulisan/ gov/fi
perilaku penyampa les/ae
lain. ian /reso
n (questioning) Unjuk kerja urce_
g jawab, Struktur files
 Dengan
peduli,  Melakuk  http://
a. Peng bimbingan dan an learn
kerjasa enala arahan guru, monolog englis
n siswa
ma, dan dalam h.briti
tokoh mempertanyak bentuk shcou
cinta dan an antara lain teks ncil.o
settin perbedaan
damai, naratif rg/en/
g antar berbagai dalam
dalam teks naratif
b. Kom kelompo
yang ada dalam
melaksa plika k/
bahasa Inggris,
si berpasan
nakan perbedaan teks
terha gan/
dalam bahasa

Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar

komuni dap Inggris dengan didepan

kasi tokoh yang ada dalam kelas
utam bahasa
fungsio  Menggun
a Indonesia.
nal. c. Solus  Siswa struktur
i dan mempertanyak teksdan
3.9. akhir an gagasan unsur
Mengan cerita utama, kebahasa
alisis informasi rinci an dalam
fungsi Unsur
dan informasi teks
sosial, kebahasa tertentu naratif
teks, an Mengeksplorasi Pengamata
dan n
(1) K  Siswa
ata- (observatio
kebahas membacabeber
aan ns):
terkait apa teksnaratif
teks dari berbagai Bukan
watak, sumber penilaian
na formal
setting  Siswa berlatih
dalam menemukan seperti tes,
legend gagasan utama,
konteks tetapi untuk
a informasi rinci
naannya (2) M dan informasi tujuan
. odal tertentu memberi
4.13  Siswa
ary balikan.Sasa
Menyusunt melengkapi
verbs. ranpenilaian:
eks naratif rumpang dari
lisan dan (1) Ej beeberapa teks
tulis aan naratif  Berperila
berbentuk dan sederhana ku
sederhana tulisan tanggung
 Siswa

Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar

secara jawab,
dan c berkelompok
menuliskan a, dan
jelas /menyalin teks
naratif dengan dalam
(5) U memperhatikan
capan, fungsi sosial, Komunik
tekana asi
n kata, struktur, dan
intona  Ketepata
si, n dan
ketika kebahasaan kesesuaia
memp n
dengan runtut
resent menggun
asikan akan
 Siswa strategi
lisan membacakan dalam
(6) R teks naratif
ujuka  Kesungg
kepada teman uhan
kata dengan siswa
Topik menggunakan proses
unsur pembelaj
Keteladan aran di
an kebahasaan setiap
yang tepat tahapan
perilaku  Siswa
dan nilai-  Kumpulan
menyusn catatan
nilai teks naratif kemajuan
luhur dan belajar

Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar

sederhana berupa
memperhat rekaman
ikan fungsi
sosial, naratif
struktur tek  Kumpulan
dan unsur siswa
kebahasaa yang
n dengan g proses
baik dan penulisan
benar naratif
Mengasosiasi draft,
 Secara editing
berpasangan sampai
siswa hasil
menganalisis terbaik
beberapa teks untuk
naratif dengan dipublikas
fokus pada i
fungsi sosial,  Kumpula
struktur, dan n hasil tes
unsur dan
kebahasaan latihan.
 Siswa  Catatan
memperoleh rekaman
balikan penilaian
diri dan
(feedback) dari

Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar

guru dan teman penilaian

tentang hasil sejawat,
analisis yang komentar
disampaikan atau cara
dalam kerja lainnya
kelompok. Penilaian
Diri dan
 Siswamen
yampaikaninfo Bentuk:
rmasifungsi diary, jurnal,
social, struktur,
dan unsure format
kebahasanyang khusus,
ahmembacatek komentar,
snaratif. atau bentuk
 Siswa penilaian
kembali teks lain
sederhana yang
fungsi sosial,
struktur dan
 Siswa

Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar

kliping teks
naratif dengan
menyalin dan

Appendix 2 Correction Symbol

Symbol Meaning Incorrect Correct

v.t. Verb Tense V.t. I visited Bali last
I visit Bali last holiday holiday
S.agr. Subject-Verb S.agr The manager works
Agreement The manager work hard hard. There are five
S.agr employees
There is five employees
C.agr. Subject- My two english teachers are My two english
Complement also C.agr teachers are also
Agreement a good friend of mine good friends of
v.be. Verb Be V.be The teachers are
The teachers is applying applying
cooperative learning method in cooperative
their classes learning method in
their classes
Det. Determiner Det. These pencils
This pencils belong to Andre belong to Andre
Pl. Plural She treats her employees like She treats her
Pl. employees like
Slave slaves
Pro. Pronoun Anna brings flowers everyday. Anna brings
Pro. flowers everyday.
It is always fresh They are always
w.o. Word Order w.o Friday is always

Friday always is our busiest our busisest day
V. Verb V. The students are on
The students on time and time and study hard
study hard
Prep. Preposition Prep. We start serving
We start serving dinner 6.00 dinner at 6.00 PM
Conj. Conjunction Conj. Book, pen, ruler,
Book, pen, ruler, pencil pencil and eraser
eraser are school stationary are school
Art. Article Art. We need a small
We need small glass to carry glass to carry water
Art. onto the pan
water into the pan
Aux. Auxiliary Aux. It can be seen that
It can been said that smoking is smoking is bad
Adv. Adverb Adv. The turtle walked
The turtle walked so slow so slowly
Adj. Adjective Adj. Lulu bought a
Lulu bought a beauty gown beautiful gown
yesterday yesterday
Poss. Possesive Poss. This is my diary
This is mine diary
Nn. Noun Doni is so mean, he puts ten Doni is mean, he
Nn. puts ten mice in my
mouses in my birthday box birthday box
Inft. Infinitive Annie will present
Inft. how to make
Annie will present how to scrambled egg
making scrambled egg
Ger. Gerund Ger. Playing football is
Play football is my hobby my hobby
Mod. Modals Mod. She would not ask
She would not asked him for him for anything
Quant. Quantifier Quant. My sister brought
My sister brought me so much me so many apples
apples yesterday yesterday

Comp. Comparative Comp. Ellie is older than

and Superlative Elli is elder than Alice Alice

Appendix 3 Student Writing Test Test

Name :
Class :
Please compose a narrative text within the generic structure well.

Appendix 4 Letter Of Research Introduction

Appendix 5 Letter Of Research School

Appendix 6 Letter Of Wriing Originally

Appendix 7 Data Validation Letter

Appendix 8 Written Test

















Appendix 9 Grammatical Error Analysis Commited By Students

SN1 Error Sentence

Verb Tense
He did’nt saw a sewer

The dove had not saw the ant

Then the ant move toward the leaf

After walk around for a moment
He had to walked about ten kilometers

Verb Be
While he walking

He did’nt saw there is sewer

He did’nt saw there is sewer

SN2 Error Sentence

When he on the way to the garden
Verb Be
Although he felt it is impossible to win
Wrong Word
As a result, the turtle won the race

SN3 Error Sentence

Subject-Verb He were just a small executive in his company
Verb Be
There was once a man who felt in love with a girl. This man is very
Conjunction She could visualize bright future both of them
Wrong Word That was he always told himself

Adverb One rain day

SN4 Error Sentence

Verb Be
There live a family, they are very well acquainted each other and are
always together

If everything is finished
Verb Tense
They were very grateful to the father and give a little fortune

As the day goes on

Wrong Word
But si ayah did not want to recive
If everything is finished

SN5 Error Sentence

They knew that anything dangerous can happen

Wrong Word
It smelt in his ears
His friend that was the ground
Verb Tense
One of them climb a nearby tree

The bear come to a friend who was lying

Because the bears do no want to touch

SN6 Error Sentence

Verb Be
Once upon a time, there are two close friends

They knew that anything dangerous can happen

Verb Tense
He lay down on the ground
Wrong Word
It smelt in his ears
Because the bears do no want to touch

SN7 Error Sentence

Verb Be
At the time when the earth is full of pollution, the earth is no longer
A friendly planet for living creatures to live in because the

Temperature is too hot. There is a white bear who lives alone, he is

The only bear that can survive.

When there is no more room to survive

He no longer had to wait
Verb Tense
There is a white bear who lives alone

And he lives on a black of ice

The bear can do nothing but do it is best

The bear can do nothing but do it is best
He dreamed of become a bird

SN9 Error Sentence

Verb Be
One day there was a girl called Dina Saranti, she is 17 years old

Dira thinks her friend does not question her attitude

Verb Tense
She was born from a simple family and has affection in it, she only

has her family


Dira and friend cry and hug together

Wrong Word
She used to have friends and friend who were fun
Noun .
Her friends tried to advice her
She don’t know when her started her head

SN10 Error Sentence

Verb Tense
Once three fishes live in a pond
Once three fishes live in a pond. Some fishermen passed by the

pond and saw the fishes

He called out the two other fishes

When the most old fish heard about what the fishermen say

The most old fish and the second fish left the pond with the rest of
the family
Verb Tense
We have live in this pond for a long time

The next day the fishermen come and caught all the fish left in the

SN11 Error Sentence

Wrong Word There was someone who passed by and heard the screams of Praha,

so they immediately came and helped Praha. They were saved and
Praha gave some money to them

SN12 Error Sentence

Verb Tense
Rafli knows that in this investigation something dangerous might

have happened

Even so, they continue to travel untill they arrived at the destination
Verb Be
No one is willing to investigate that

The tree also gave an answer that the owner of this necklace is the

leader of this sect is Aryani’shusband

SN13 Error Sentence

Verb Tense
While he walking he met a sleeping lion

He find the sound and saw if the lion was hit by hunter’s trap
Because the kindhearted lion let the rat go
One day in a forest, there lived rat who was looking for food. While

he walking he met a sleeping lion. The lion woke up and saw a rat

SN14 Error Sentence

Verb Tense
One day Robert was walking home from school. He see a man
coming out of a shop.

The man stopped and turn around

He was carrying a lot of thing
Wrong Word
Robert said and got into the car

SN16 Error Sentence

Agreement There were two close friends who was walking through the forest

Verb Be
Their name is Alan and Hadi
Verb Tense
They look happy together

After that Alan come down and asked Hadi

Without know that anything dangerous can happen at anytime in the
Because the bears do no want to touch

SN17 Error Sentence

Then he challenged his two friends accepted the challenge
So they headed for a place he did’nt know yet
Verb Tense
He did it when passing through tha path it turns out

SN18 Error Sentence

Aagreement Untill one day the ant were looking for food
Verb Tense
The ant mocked the cocoon and continues to mock other animals

SN19 Error Sentence

Verb Tense
There lived a man named Luke. He lives alone. His daily life is
looking for wood in the forest and then selling it to merchants who

usually work on development projects

His life now began to be disorganized

Luke had a miracle to live again and improve his life

Her voice sounds heavy

The next day, local people find Luke’s dead body

Wrong Word
merchants who usually work on development projects
Verb Be
The instructions for waering it are on the ball

His wife got up and looked at Luke. However, there are different

from his appearance. Her eyes are black and her hair is very long
and her voice sounds heavy.

Suddenyly his wife choke Luke and said that he had done the wrong

thing which is to raise the dead

Noun There are different from his appearance
Pronoun His wife got up and looked at Luke. However, there are different
from his appearance
SN23 Error Sentence
Verb Be Once upon a time a happy monkey danced in front of animals and

they are all very pleased with his performance

SN24 Error Sentence

Verb Be
Once upon a time there was a lion cub named Simba. He is the son
of the jungle king Mufasa

In the jungle all animal live in peace and everything is balanced

A woodpecker is assigned to watched Simba playing

Verb Tense
In the jungle all animal live in peace

Simba safely plays with his friend Nala

Simba feels guilty for endangering Nala and himself



Simba safely plays with his friend Nala and also under his father
One day Mufasa tokk care of a herd hyena
A woodpecker is assigned to watched Simba playing
Wrong Word
Simba did it and and free from to supervision

SN25 Error Sentence

Verb Tense The world has a large area under the control of king

The king has a subordinate called Dyroth

Chedoya also tells Dyroth and asked to find an army, he finally

decide to lie to bigetron team

Verb Be
It does’nt know who or what it is
He told Dyroth to find ot what is Athena. The king name is Chedoya

He came to the city and he was shocked there is no one that life in
that city

There is a virtual war competition that’s highly favoured and

It does’nt know who or what it is
The king name is Chedoya. Shorty story, Dyroth journey has begun
He came to the city and he was shocked there is no one that life in
that city
They did’nt want to hearing

SN26 Error Sentence

Verb Be
A girl who is always a royal listener to her friend when they are sad
and happy
Diandara was ostracized by his family because of his twin who was

jealous seeing him being love from him

SN27 Error Sentence

Wrong Word
A beautiful fairy heart her wish one day

SN28 Error Sentence

She had asked him to make her a sand dessert
Verb Tense
The giant magically and swiftly begin to work his power
Wrong Word
The shell fell to the ground beside mount Bromo, forming had is
now known
SN29 Error Sentence
Tiger who had trouble roaring angry
Rabbits who see the tiger be trapped

SN30 Error Sentence

Verb Tense
I look at my phone and it shows 2.30 am

Everything turned into dark and it feels good for me

I look at my phone and it was already 7 am

Great! 10 question left and i literally going to fall down
Wrong Word
I was felt like a clown

I sat at my desk and pondering it
I want to enough sleep

I decided to promised my self

SN31 Error Sentence

Verb Tense
Once upon a time, there live a girl named Cynzia

Because she always looks happy whenever she was

One rainy day she decided to walk around, she like thunderstorm
Verb Be
She is known as a wanderer

She is one of cheerful girl in her town

It was horrific, the crowd are running to the nearest grocery. People

are wondering why she does’ntrun

People are getting more confused because there is no one who

talked with her
SN29 Error Sentence
Tiger who had trouble roaring angry
Rabbits who see the tiger be trapped

SN30 Error Sentence

Verb Tense
I look at my phone and it shows 2.30 am

Everything turned into dark and it feels good for me

I look at my phone and it was already 7 am


Great! 10 question left and i literally going to fall down
Wrong Word
I was felt like a clown
I sat at my desk and pondering it
I want to enough sleep

I decided to promised my self

SN31 Error Sentence

Verb Tense
Once upon a time, there live a girl named Cynzia

Because she always looks happy whenever she was

One rainy day she decided to walk around, she like thunderstorm
Verb Be
She is known as a wanderer

She is one of cheerful girl in her town

It was horrific, the crowd are running to the nearest grocery. People

are wondering why she does’ntrun

People are getting more confused because there is no one who

talked with her
SN32 Error Sentence
Verb Tense Cloudy skies faithfully overshadow this school

SN33 Error Sentence

They knew that anything dangerous can happen

Wrong Word
It smelt in his ears
Preposition prep.
His friend that was the ground

Verb Tense
One of them climb a nearby tree

The bear come to a friend who was lying

Because the bears do no want to touch

SN34 Error Sentence

There was once poorl girl
He wanted to go there
She spent many money to help people

She ate not many food

Wrong Word
She had to sleep in a tiny room with many rats and mice
SN35 Error Sentence
Verb Tense
They form a group with 4 lions
Verb Be
There is a lion that is big and very strong

SN36 Error Sentence

This shoes, Maudy gave on his birthday
Verb Be
Maudy is an exemplary and the smartest student in her scholl

Appendix 10 Curriculum Vitae

Muhammad Faujil was born November 24 th, 1998 in

Tarakan, north borneo. He is the first child of two children

of Fauji Hamid and Hariyati, also a brother of one sister

who is named Fauziah. He started his first study at Dewi

Sartika Kindergarten in 2004 and graduated in 2005.

Afterwards, he continued his study at SDN 001 Malinau in

2005. Then he continued his study at SMPN 1 Malinau and graduated in 2013. In the

same year he continued his study to SMAN 1 Malinau and took social major thus

graduated in 2016.

In 2016 he officially continued his high education at Borneo Tarakan University in

the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education by taking English Education

Department. In July 2019 he held KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) program in Desa

Tanah Kuning, kecamatan Tanjung Palas Timur, Kabupaten Bulungan.. In October

2019, he took and started the PPL (Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan) at SMAN 1

Tarakan and finished in January 2020.

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