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Connotation and Denotation Extensive

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Lesson Plan Title: Connotation and Denotation

Subject: ELA Grade: 12
Topic: Connotation and Denotation Essential Question: How does word choice
affect the meaning or tone of a given phrase? How do we determine if something is neutral, positive or
negative in meaning?

- Connotation/Denotation worksheets
- Powerpoint
- Video link
- Kahoot account/link

Stage 1- Desired Results – you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?
Students will need to be able to identify the difference in tone between words with a positive connotation or
negative connotation. They will also need to be able to recognize the denotation or dictionary definition of a
word. Students will be given a worksheet that will allow them to practice this identification without risk of
failure. They will be expected to participate in short activities outlined in the PowerPoint and participate in
the Kahoot activity at the closing of the lesson by signing in on their mobile or laptop devices.

Broad Areas of Learning:

Sense of Self, Community and Place: Students develop their sense of self when learning how their language
can affect the point they are trying to communicate. A sense of tone and mood can contribute to their place
in their community, being able to distinguish between positive and negative emotion in words will allow them
to fully understand others surrounding them.
Lifelong Learners: As students develop and further their vocabulary, they will need to understand the impact
that word choice can have on the statements they choose. Because connotation and denotation applies to
every word, students are becoming lifelong learners by knowing how to differentiate these meanings and
being able to use appropriate words in their everyday lives that communicate what they are trying to present
in every situation.
Engaged Citizens: Students will be able to understand the world around them with a deeper knowledge
because of the ability to read tone or mood. Media headings, political discussion, news stories, etc all contain
tone and can be better understood when connotation and denotation are known. Students will also be able
to choose their own words in a more educated sense, creating citizens with higher order thinking.

Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Develop Thinking: Students will develop critical thinking skills that will guide them to distinguish between
positive and negative tone when viewing any work of writing whether in an academic setting or outside.
Develop Identity and Interdependence: Students at this age are developing their sense of identity and
vocabulary, with knowledge of connotation and denotation they will be able to develop a stronger sense of
this as well as how to communicate better with those around them using these strategies to interrelate to
peers, colleagues and community.
Develop Literacies: Knowledge of connotation and denotation will develop students who are literate in tone
and mood. It will enhance student writing, reading and representing of their own ideas by strengthening their
Develop Social Responsibility: Students have a social responsibility to voice their opinions, display their
learning and be able to communicate to their instructors and peers what they have learnt, through the
utilization of connotation and denotation they will be able to do this more thoroughly and successfully. This
higher order communication will contribute to their lives after academic life as well in their careers and
relationships with those around them.

CR 30.3 - Listen to, comprehend, and develop coherent and plausible interpretations of grade-appropriate literary and informational
texts created by First Nations, Métis, Saskatchewan, and Canadian speakers and authors from various communities
CC 30.3 - Present and express a range of ideas and information in formal (including a panel presentation and a business or
community meeting) and informal (including discussions and collaborative work) situations for differing audiences and purposes.

PGP Goals:
2.2 – Proficiency in language of instruction Instructor will do this by providing ample instructions within and
throughout the lesson while also explaining the content in numerous ways. The content will be displayed not
only through oral communication but also through various other example formats in order to fit every
student’s educational needs.
2.4 – ability to use technologies readily, strategically and appropriately This goal is evident in this lesson
through the use of YouTube, PowerPoint, and Kahoot! These methods will be used to not only engage
students but also get them thinking in different ways and enhance their learning.

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help determine next steps.

The connotation and denotation worksheet will be completed in class and handed in at the closure of the
class. This sheet will not be marked but will be used by the instructor to ensure that comprehension is evident
and to ensure that problem areas are recognized so that they can be emphasized in future lessons.

A Kahoot will be used at the end of the class to allow students to display comprehension in a fun and
competitive way but results will not be recorded.

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate what they have learned.

No assessment of learning will take place in this lesson

Stage 3- Learning Plan

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students)

- Show once for viewing
- Show second time and have them write down the words implied
- 5 mins to discuss the various meanings of the words
- Conclude by explaining that there are different meanings to words that portray tone and evoke emotional
response (break in team huddle = exciting, broken bone = cringe)
Duration: 15 mins

Main Procedures/Strategies:

1.1 - PowerPoint on Connotation and Denotation

Definitions provided as well as examples to provoke understandings needed to perform subsequent tasks
- Have students write notes/perform activities and discuss
- This will be done individually
Duration: 10 mins

1.2 - Activity
- Have students complete the worksheet provided
- This will be done in partners to encourage discussion and understanding
Duration: 20 mins

1.3 - Kahoot
Sign in: missdraeger
Password: cheesewhiz
Go to MyKahoots  favorites
Duration: 20 mins

Students with hearing impairments: Subtitles will be used on video
Students with visual impairments & EAL Students: PowerPoint will be printed off and handed out so that
students can follow along more easily
Students without phones: Students without phones to play the Kahoot may pair up with other students to
participate in the game

Closing of lesson:

Handing in of worksheet

Personal Reflection:
This lesson went very well. The students were engaged with the activities and the constant switch of activity
allowed for students to not get distracted. Technology was used and went very smoothly. The time limits on
each activity were also very helpful in staying on track during a 1 class lesson.

M. Wilkinson ’16 *Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

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