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SIN. 11710414186




1442 H/ 2021 M

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Undergraduate Degree in English Education




SIN. 11710414186





1442 H/2021 M


In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most Merciful, all praises

belong to Allah the Almighty, the lord of Universe. By His guidance and blessing,

the writer has completed his academic requirements. Then the writer says peace

be upon to Prophet Muhammad SAW.

For Writer’s beloved family, Writer’s Father Mr. Yulizar and Writer’s

Mother Mrs Jasmidar, S.Pd, Writer’s Brother M. Harryzal Prawira, S.Pd, M.M

who always given me uncountable love, care advices and supports. Thank you so

much for your praying all days and all nights also for both material and spiritual

to accomplish this thesis. No word can describe how much I love this family. I do

love you all.

This thesis was written and intended to fulfill one of the requirements for

getting an Undergraduate degree of the English Education Department of Faculty

Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif

Kasim Riau. The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect,

therefore, constructive criticisms and suggestions are need to improve the paper.

The writer wishes to express writer sincere thanks and deep gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Suyitno, M.Ag., the Rector of State Islamic University of Sultan

Syarif Kasim Riau, Dr. H. Suryan A. Jamrah, MA., as the Vice of Rector I,

Drs. H. Promadi, MA., Ph.D., as Vice of Rector III, and all staff. Thanks for

your kindness and encouragement.


2. Dr. Kadar, M.Ag., the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training,

State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Dr. H. Zarkasih,

M.Ag., the Vice of Dean I. Dr. Zubaidah Amir, MZ, M.Pd. the Vice of Dean

II. Dr. Amirah Diniaty, M.Pd., the Vice of Dean III, and all staff. Thanks for

all staff for the kindness and encouragement.

3. Drs. Samsi M. H. Sc., the Head of English Education Department, who has

given the researcher correction, suggestion, support, advice, and guidance in

completing the thesis.

4. Cut Raudhatul Miski, S.Pd., M.Pd., the secretary of English Education


5. Siswandi, S.Pd.I.,M.Pd the researcher’s supervisor who has given correction,

suggestion, support, advice, and guidance in completing this thesis.

6. Nelvia Ibrahim, S.Pd.I., M. Pd., as my academic supervisor and all lecturers

of English Education Department who has given suggestions and motivations.

7. Noni Lestari. M.Sn. as the headmaster of Senior High School 1 Kampar

Timur. Saripudin, S.Pd., as the English Teacher of Senior High School 1

Kampar Timur who helped and provided the necessary data to the researcher

while conducting the research and as a sample of this research.

8. Harryzal Prawira S.Pd., M.M, Cyndri Riski Wulandari, Suharavika, as

Brother and Sister, and Lovely Parents, Yulizar and Jasmidar S.Pd for support

the researcher.


9. All the extended families that cannot researcher mention one by one for the

passion that you have always given the researchers so that the researcher can

finish the thesis.

10. The researcher’s best friends, Ulva Fu’adiyah, Deby Setyawaty Ningsih, Siti

Sarina Astuti, Fajar Mubarak, M. Zaki Faturrahman, Habib Apwannazir,

Ridho Al-Hafiz, Muhammad Hollindo Alwen, Radithya Surya Pratama,

Muhammad Zumrul Wafidin, Rahmadina Arsyah, and Rezki Dermawan who

have helped, mentored, and listened to the researcher during the thesis.

11. The researcher’s friends of B class, for all the love, support, help, motivation,

and memories during our togetherness. For the students of Department of

English Education academic year 2017, nice to know guys.

12. For all people who have given the researcher great support in carrying out

finishing this thesis. It cannot be write one by one.

Finally, the researcher realizes that there are many shortcomings in this thesis.

Therefore, constructive critiques and suggestions are needed in order to improve

this thesis. May Allah Almighty, the lord of Universe bless you All. Aamiin

Pekanbaru, November 4th, 2020

The Writer

Firman Rizaldi



Firman Rizaldi, (2021): The Effect of Using Cartoon Videos as Media

Instruction on Students’ Speaking Ability at
Senior High School 1 Kampar Timur

The study was aimed to find out whether there was a significant difference
in the speaking ability between the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Kampar
Timur who were taught by using cartoons video as media instruction and those
who were not, in the academic year of 2020/2021. This research was classified as
a quasi-experimental study. It involved 65 students of two groups, Class X MIPA
5 as the experimental group and Class X MIPA 6 as the control group. The
experimental group was taught by using cartoon videos, whereas the control group
was taught by using the textbook-based technique. The data were obtained by
using a pre-test and a post-test. The pre-test was given to both groups before the
treatment and the post-test was given after the treatment. The data of the pre-test
and post-test of both groups were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential
statistics. The data were calculated by using a computer program, SPSS 25 for
Windows. After the data were tested and found to be homogeneous and normal,
the hypothesis was tested using the Kolmogrov-Smirnov test. The results of the
research show that there was a significant difference in the speaking ability
between the students who were taught by using cartoon video and those who were
taught by using the textbook-based technique. The significance value calculated
0.019 is bigger than 0.05 (sig value=0.109>0.05). Therefore, the hypothesis of this
study is rejected. It means that there is no significant difference on students
speaking ability who are taught by cartoon video as instructional media at the
eleventh grade of senior high school 1 Kampar Timur.

Keywords: Cartoon Videos, Speaking Ability, Media Instruction



Firman Rizaldi, (2021): Pengaruh Penggunaan Video Kartun sebagai

Media Pembelajaran terhadap Kemampuan
Berbicara Siswa di SMA N 1 Kampar Timur

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan yang

signifikan kemampuan berbicara antara siswa kelas X SMA N 1 Kampar Timur
yang diajar dengan menggunakan video kartun sebagai media pembelajaran dan
yang tidak, pada tahun ajaran 2020. / 2021. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian
eksperimen semu. Penelitian ini melibatkan 65 siswa yang terdiri dari dua
kelompok yaitu Kelas X MIPA 5 sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan Kelas X
MIPA 6 sebagai kelompok kontrol. Kelompok eksperimen diajar menggunakan
video kartun, sedangkan kelompok kontrol diajar menggunakan teknik berbasis
buku teks. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan pre-test dan post-test. Pre-test
diberikan pada kedua kelompok sebelum perlakuan dan post-test diberikan setelah
perlakuan. Data pre-test dan post-test kedua kelompok dianalisis dengan
menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial. Data dihitung dengan
menggunakan program komputer, SPSS 25 for Windows. Setelah data diuji dan
dinyatakan homogen dan normal, hipotesis diuji dengan menggunakan uji
Kolmogrov-Smirnov. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan
yang signifikan dalam kemampuan berbicara antara siswa yang diajar
menggunakan video kartun dan siswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan teknik
berbasis buku teks. Nilai signifikansi yang dihitung 0,019 lebih besar dari 0,05
(nilai sig = 0,109> 0,05). Oleh karena itu hipotesis penelitian ini ditolak. Artinya
tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada kemampuan berbicara siswa yang diajar
dengan video kartun sebagai media pembelajaran di kelas XI SMA Negeri 1
Kampar Timur.

Keywords: Video Kartun, Kemampuan Berbicara, Media Pembelajaran

‫فيرمان ريزالدي ‪ :)0202( ،‬تأثير استخدام مقاطع الفيديو الكرتونية كوسائط تعليمية‬
‫على قدرة الطالب على التحدث في المدرسة الثانوية العامة‬
‫‪2‬كامبار تيمور‬
‫هتدف ىذه الدراسة إىل حتديد ما إذا كان ىناك اختالف كبري يف القدرة على التحدث بني‬
‫الصف ‪ 10‬يف املدرسة الثانوية العامة ‪1‬كامبار تيمور يتم تدريسها باستخدام مقاطع‬
‫الفيديو الكارتونية كوسائط تعليمية وتلك اليت ليست كذلك ‪ ،‬يف العام الدراسي‬
‫‪ .0201/0202‬يصنف ىذا البحث على أنو حبث شبو جترييب‪ .‬تضمنت ىذه الدراسة ‪56‬‬
‫طالبًا يتكونون من جمموعتني ‪ ،‬ومها الفئة علم ‪ 6‬كمجموعة جتريبية والفئة علم ‪ 5‬كمجموعة‬
‫ضابطة‪ .‬مت تدريس اجملموعة التجريبية باستخدام الرسوم املتحركة بالفيديو ‪ ،‬بينما مت تعليم‬
‫اجملموعة الضابطة باستخدام تقنيات الكتب املدرسية‪ .‬مت احلصول على البيانات باستخدام‬
‫االختبار القبلي والبعدي‪ .‬مت إعطاء االختبار األويل لكال اجملموعتني قبل العالج وأعطي‬
‫االختبار الالحق بعد العالج‪ .‬مت حتليل بيانات االختبار القبلي والبعدي لكال اجملموعتني‬
‫باستخدام اإلحصاء الوصفي واالستنتاجي‪ .‬مت حساب البيانات باستخدام برنامج كمبيوتر‬
‫‪ 06PSPP‬لنظام التشغيل‪ .‬بعد اختبار البيانات وإعالهنا متجانسة وطبيعية ‪ ،‬يتم اختبار‬
‫كبريا يف القدرة على التحدث بني‬
‫الفرضية باستخدام اختبار‪ .‬أظهرت النتائج أن ىناك فرقًا ً‬
‫الطالب الذين مت تدريسهم باستخدام مقاطع فيديو الكرتون والطالب الذين مت تعليمهم‬
‫باستخدام تقنيات تستند إىل الكتب املدرسية‪ .‬قيمة األمهية احملسوبة ‪ 2.210‬أكرب من‬
‫‪( 2.26‬قيمة سيج = ‪ .)2.26 >2.120‬لذلك ‪ ،‬مت رفض فرضية البحث ىذه‪ .‬ىذا يعين‬
‫أنو ال يوجد فرق كبري يف القدرة على التحدث للطالب الذين يتم تدريسهم باستخدام‬
‫مقاطع فيديو الكرتون كوسيلة تعليمية يف الفصل ‪ .11‬يف املدرسة الثانوية العامة ‪1‬كامبار‬

‫الكلمات المفتاحية‪ :‬فيديوهات كارتون ‪ ،‬قدرة التحدث ‪ ،‬وسائط تعليمية‬



Table 3.1 The Design of the Research ......................................................... 32

Table 3.2 Blueprint of the Test .................................................................... 33

Table 3.3 The Total of Population ............................................................... 34

Table 3.4 The Research Sample ................................................................... 35

Table 3.5 The Distribution of the Treatment ............................................... 35

Table 3.6 The Score of Speaking Ability of Experimental Class ................ 40

Table 3.7 The Score of Speaking Ability of Control Class........................... 42

Table 3.8 Frequency Distribution of Student Pre-Test Experimental Class 44

Table 3.9 Percentage Experimental Pre-Test ............................................... 45

Table 3.10 Statistical Description of Pre Test ............................................... 45

Table 4.1 Frequency Distribution of Students Post-Tets Experimental Class 48

Table 4.2 Statistical Description Post-Tets .................................................. 50

Table 4.3 Percentage Experimental Post-Tets ............................................. 51

Table 4.4 Frequency Distribution Control Class Pre-Test ........................... 52

Table 4.5 Peercentage Control Class Pre-Test .............................................. 53

Table 4.6 Sratistical Description Control Class Pre-Test ............................. 54

Table 4.7 Frequency Distribution Control Class Post-Test ........................ 56

Table 4.8 Statistical Description Post-Test Score .......................................... 57

Table 4.9 Percentage Control Class Pre-Test……………………………… 58

Table 4.10 Test of Normality………………………………………………. 60

Table 5.1 Sample Test ……………………………………………………… 61



Appendix 1 The Result Score of Experimental Class

Appendix 2 The Result Score of Control Class

Appendix 3 Syllabus

Appendix 4 Lesson Plan

Appendix 5 Speaking Instrument

Appendix 6 Research Letters



Charts 1.1 Experimental Class Pre-Test Histogram

Charts 1.2 Experimental Class Post-Test Histogram
Charts 1.3 Control Class Pre-Test Histogram
Charts 1.4 Control Class Post-test Histogram



A. Background of the Problem

The center of communication is speaking. Speaking becomes a tool

for producing and acquiring knowledge in any language. It is also vital in

communication because humans utilize it practically every time they

communicate with another human being.. As stated by Arbain et.al (2017)

The most significant skill for English learners to acquire is speaking

collectively of the four talents in English. For many people, the success of

learning a language is measured by how far the student can talk and

communicate in the target language.Speaking, on the other hand, is frequently

overlooked in the classroom.

According to Samira (2014) Speaking is that the active use of

language to specific meaning, and for young learners, the speech is that

the medium through which a brand new language is encountered, understood,

practiced, and learnt. instead of oral skills being simply one aspect of learning

language, the spoken form within the young learner’s classroom acts because

the prime source of acquisition. However, speaking problems will be major

challenges to effective foreign acquisition and communication.

At senior high School 1 Kampar Timur, used curriculum 2013. The

passing grade of English material is 75. Writer found the students still have

problem in mastering speaking skills, especially in Pronounciation and

vocabulary. Based on the interviewed result of the English teacher at senior

high school 1 kampar timur, the question was, “what are the problem of the

students when their learning English especially speaking in simple present

tense”. The English teacher said, “the students had problems such as

pronounciation and vocabulary.

Recognizing the speaking difficulty in SMA N 1 Kampar Timur,

English teachers attempted to address it by using a variety of media to teach

English, particularly to increase students' speaking through the use of picture

stories and PowerPoint slides. However, their English speaking remained a


In light of the aforementioned phenomenon, the researcher believes

that the teacher should employ new media in order to improve the students'

speaking abilities. The researcher proposed that Audio Visual media be used

to meet this demand (Cartoon). Based on the interview with the English

teacher, this kind of media have never been used in teaching by the teacher


Based on the issue stated above, the writer attempts to improve

students' speaking abilities through the use of cartoon videos. Audiovisual

media includes cartoon videos. Based on Fitrona et.al (2016) Students view a

short cartoon movie at the beginning of the class and then retell the story in

pairs, which is an alternate strategy for teaching speaking to senior high

school students. It is a good strategy that can be applied by the teachers

because it provides some advantages. The use of cartoon movies can help the

students to more understand and memorize the story before they are going to

retell the story in front of the class.

Watching cartoons helps learners to boost their pronunciation,

vocabulary and their speaking ability. The writer was interested in carrying

out the research entitle: The Effect of Using Cartoon Videos as Media

Instruction on Students Speaking Ability at Senior High School 1

Kampar Timur.

B. Problem of the Research

1. Identification of the problem

Based on that problem above, most of the students of eleventh-grade

at Senior High School 1 Kampar Timur, still get some problem in

speaking skills. To clear it’s, the writer identified as follows:

a. How some of the students were lacks of vocabulary in speaking?

b. How some of the students were lacks of grammar in speaking?

c. How some of the students were did not have confidence when

speaking English? and

d. How was the previous media still not effective enough to increase

speaking skill of the students?

2. Limitation of the problem

By the identification problem above, it caused by the strategy that

teacher used was less effective on students speaking ability. The

students were difficult how to express their ideas by the themes that

teacher gave. They also difficult in select the correct vocabulary, and

the correct grammatical. In this chance, the writer wants to make a

limit about the problem of this research on the teaching method that

the teacher used. The writer tried to use a method called cartoon video

and the writer wants to know that the cartoon video could give a

significant improvement and effect on the student speaking ability of

the eleventh-grade students at the Senior High School 1 Kampar


3. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation problem above, the problem above can be

formulated as follows:

a. How is the student’s ability in speaking skills taught by using

Cartoon Video as Media instruction at Senior High School 1

Kampar Timur?

b. How is the student’s ability in speaking skills taught without by

using Cartoon Video as Media instructional at Senior High School 1

Kampar Timur?

c. Is there any significant improvement and effect of using Cartoon

Video as Media instruction at Senior High School 1 Kampar


C. Objective and Significant of the Research

1. The Objective of the research

a. To measure the students ability in speaking skills taught by using

Cartoon Video as Media instruction at Senior High School 1

Kampar Timur.

b. To measure the student’s ability in speaking skills taught without

by using Cartoon Video as Media instruction at Senior High

School 1 Kampar Timur.

c. To find out whether there is or not a significant effect of using

Cartoon Video as media instruction on student’s speaking ability at

Senior High School 1 Kampar Timur.

2. Significance of the Research

a. This result of the study is expected to give a contribution to the

English teachers to improve teaching speaking using video

b. This study is expected to raise students’ motivation in learning

English, especially in speaking.

c. The writer also hoped this research can be useful and valuable,

especially for the teachers of Senior High School 1 Kampar


d. Finally, the findings of this research are expected to give valuable

contributions and information on using video in the English

teaching-learning process.

D. Definition of Key Term

To keep off a misunderstanding of the terms in this research, the writer

provides definition of the terms in this research as follows:

1. Cartoon Video

According to Suparta (2016) Cartoon video is one of the media that

can be used to interpret the learning message which include two elements

namely audio and visual.

2. Speaking skill

As an energetic skill, the speaking skill is Lai-Mei et.al (2017) one

amongst the foremost important skills to be developed and enhanced as

means of effective communication. Speaking skill is regarded one

among the foremost difficult aspects of acquisition. Many language

learners find it difficult to precise themselves in spoken

communication. they're generally facing problems to use the foreign

language to specific their thoughts effectively.

Based on Tanti (2015) Instructional media has several advantages in

teaching English, especially in teaching English to young learners. There

are several benefits in utilizing instructional media in teaching English.

E. Reason for Choosing the Title

The writer has some reasons why the writer is interested in carrying

out this research based on the following reason as follows:

1. The title of this research is involved with the writer status as a

student English Education Department.

2. The problems in this research above are not yet investigated yet by

the other writer

3. The facilities needed by the writer are available in the location of




A. Theoretical Framework

1. The Nature of Speaking

Speaking is a valuable ability since it allows people to express

themselves and share information with others. Speaking skill is particularly

crucial in English learning, according to Fitrona et.al (2016), because it makes

it easier for someone to convey information or ideas with others.

As Stated by Waode (2018), Speaking, on the other hand, mostly

refers to the use of that language in communication. The success of speaking

ability is determined by the frequency with which the language is used.cIn

other words, speaking English fluently will be tough without practice. English

has become the most important language of communication in one of the

world's languages..

In both teaching and learning, speaking is considered a skill to practice

and master. In this light, the author states, "Speaking is the productive oral

skill." It involves developing a system of meaning-expressing verbal

utterances. Based on Kamonpan (2010) Speaking is one among the four macro

skills necessary for effective communication in any language, particularly

when speakers don't seem to be using their first language. As English is

universally used as a method of communication, especially within the internet

world, English speaking skills should be developed together with the

opposite skills in order that these integrated skills will enhance

communication achievement both with native speakers of English and other

members of the international community.

In addition, Speaking is not only one of the four skills which play a

significant role for students in mastering English. It should be studied and

practiced persistently. According to Brown (2004:141) there are five basic

types of speaking or oral production where the students are expected to carry

out in the classroom. They are imitative, intensive, responsive, interactive, and


a. Imitative, is when someone is exclusively concerned in what is

labeled by “Pronunciation”. She or he imitates a native speaker’s


b. Intensive, is someone’s ability to determine the meaning of the

dialogue based on the context.

c. Responsive, refers to someone’s comprehension of the short

dialogue, standard greeting and small talk, simple request and

comment, and the like; and

d. Interactive, is the interaction that’s takes two forms. They are

transactional language- the purpose of exchanging specific

information, and interpersonal exchanges, which have the purpose

of maintaining social relationship. It is little complicated than


e. Extensive (monologue) is speech, oral presentation, and story-

telling are all examples of considerable oral production in which

the opportunity for oral involvement from listeners is either

severely limited (possibly to nonverbal answers) or completely


After then, speaking can be divided into three categories.

based on Ibnu Khaldun (2019) in Richard (2008), there are

1) Speaking as Interaction

It stands for "conveisatio" and refers to engagement that is

essentially social in nature.

When people meet, for example, they will exchange

greetings and small conversation.

Then there's the notion of speaking as interaction:

a) Opening and closing conversation

b) Picking topic

c) Making conversation

d) Joking each other

e) Etc

2) Speaking as transaction

It describes instances in which the attention is drawn to

what is said or done. It implies that it is critical that others

comprehend what we have communicated..

3) Speaking as performance

It refers to public speech, such talking about information,

announcement and speech

Speaking is a crucial element of learning and teaching a second

language. However, in today's society, teaching speaking must focus on

improving students' communicative skills so that they may express themselves

and learn how to utilize their own languages., Moh et.al (2019).

2. The Component of Speaking Skill

According to Azlina et.al as cited in Vanderkevent (1990) there are

three components in speaking:

a. The Speakers

Speakers are people who produce the sound. They are useful as

the tool to express opinions or feelings to the hearer. So, if there are no

speakers, the opinion or the feelings or the feeling won’t be stated.

b. The Listeners

Listeners are people who receive or get the speaker’s opinion

or feeling. If there are no listeners, speakers will express their opinion

by writing.

c. The Utterances

The utterances are the words or sentences that speakers use to

express their opinions. Both the speakers and the listeners will use

signs if there is no utterance.

There are many aspect that should be understand by the students..

According to Harris (1974:81), there are comprehension, grammar,

vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency.

1) Comprehension

For oral communication, it certainly requires a subject to respond, to

speech as well as to initiate it. It is important to separate comprehension from

production in tests of structure, this item type may have something to

commend it, at least in tests for elementary-level learners.

2) Grammar

Students must be able to construct a correct sentence in conversation.

grammar” tests at least on the high school and college levels have usually

concentrated on matters of style and diction appropriate for rather formal

written English.

3) Vocabulary

The necessary diction employed in communication is observed as

vocabulary. One cannot communicate effectively or express their thoughts in

both oral and written form without a sufficient vocabulary. Learners who have

a limited vocabulary face another barrier to learning a language. Without

grammar little may be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing are

often conveyed. So, supported this explanation, the writer concluded that

without mastering vocabulary sufficiently is English learners won't be able

to speak English or write English properly. vocabulary could also be measured

with pictures. Two forms of picture items have frequently been used.

4) Pronunciation

When students speak, they use pronounciation to create clearer language.

It is concerned with the phonological process, which is a part of grammar that

consists of the elements and principles that determine how sounds differ and

pattern in a language. Phonemes and supra-segmental features are two aspects

of pronunciation. From the statement above, the writer concluded that

pronunciation is the knowledge of studying about how the words in a

particular language are produced clearly when people speak. In speaking,

pronunciation plays a vital role in order to make the process of communication

easy to understand.

5) Fluency

The ability to read, speak, or write fluently, seamlessly, and

expressively is referred to as fluency. To put it another way, the speaker is

able to read, understand, and respond in a language in a clear and concise

manner while also relating meaning and context. The ability to speak fluently

and correctly is known as fluency. Many language learners strive for speaking

fluency. A moderately rapid rate of speech and a small number of pauses and

"ums" or "ers" are signs of fluency. These signs suggest that the speaker has

not spent a significant amount of time looking for the language items required

to convey the message. The writer concluded that fluency is another important

component based on the ideas presented above. Fluency means the capability

of someone speaks fluently and accurately with little using pauses like „ums‟

and „ers‟, and so on.

3. Assessment of Speaking Skill

Students' speaking ability will be examined using a speaking

assessment modified from Arthur Hughes to determine how much their

speaking competence has improved after being treated with various issue


Five components were developed in collaboration with FSI

(Foreign Service Institute) and have a ratting range of 1-6 with varied

weighting points from lowest to maximum. The speaking measurement

contains of some component elaborated from students skill including their

pronounciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension based on

Ibnu Khaldun (2019) in (Hughes ,2003).

4. Teaching Media Instruction

a. Definition of Teaching Media Instruction

Text, photos, video, television, and books are examples of media.

Media is a communication channel that refers to anything that transmits

information from the source of information to the receiver of information.

Sadiman (1986) in Tanti (2015) defines instructional media as

"anything utilized to transfer information from the sender(s) to the receiver(s)

to arouse learners' curiosity and encourage them to learn."

In regard to the above concept, Reisser and Dick (1996) in Tanti

(2015) proposed that instructional media might include all traditional methods

of teaching (teachers, chalkboards, textbooks, and other written materials) as

well as new instructional media (CD Room, computer, interactive video and

multimedia system). In this study, instructional media are defined as tools

used in educational setting to deliver the materials, information to reach

effective teaching-learning.

According to Azlina et.al as cited in Harris (1974) There are (seven) forms

of instructional media: realia; pictures; course book; boards; OHP; flipcharts; and

computer based-technology.

1) Realia

According to Rosdiana (2017) Realia is a term for real media

or concrete objects that will used in the classroom to build

background knowledge and vocabulary.

2) Pictures

One example of graphic materials is pictures and drawings.

Graphic materials are “non-photographic” or “two-

dimensional materials” that combine “symbolic visual” and

verbal information to convey messages and information.

Drawings, charts, graphics and also cartoons are kinds of this

media. Pictures can be used for several purposes, such as

drills, communication, understanding, ornamentation,

prediction and discussion.

3) Course-book

Course-book evaluation checklists available made for making

material selection and evaluation process easier and

systematic. As distinct from many other checklist

development studies, their study attempts to suggest an

eclectic checklist by using items from quite different

evaluation instruments available in the literature, Rizky


4) Boards

According to Hamdi (2015) using whiteboard supports

classroom management through motivating learners to

participate in classroom activities. The use of interactive board

enhances learners’ engagement in the classroom which

facilitates classroom management. This study focuses on the

impacts interactive whiteboard makes on classroom


5) OHP

Teachers should use overhead projectors, also known as

OHPs, to demonstrate a variety of things on overhead

transparencies. By using OHP the Teacher easily to explain

the material and the student will easy to understand the


6) Flipcharts

A flip chart is one of the learning media that developed by

utilizing the used calendar to be more efficient. The main

purpose of this research is to improve students’ learning

outcomes. Flipchart design is a form of visual medium that is

chosen and is part of the learning strategy, Aziz (2020)

7) Computer-Based Presentation Technology

Educational media consists of two main components:

hardware and software. Furthermore, these

media, is defined because the merging of two or more media

elements consisting of text, graphics, images, photographs,

audio, video, and animation during a fully integrated way.

Multimedia is divided into two categories; namely, linear

multimedia and multimedia. the employment of

multimedia could be a type of learning supported by different

sources of knowledge (e.g. text and graphics) being handled

jointly so as to know and memorize a given content,

Kadaruddin (2017).

5. The Nature of Cartoon Videos

a. Definition Cartoon Video

There are several definitions of cartoon video. Cartoon movie is one of

the media that can be used in teaching speaking. According to Canning and

Wilson (2000), in Suparta (2016) Students' curiosity might be piqued and

piqued by watching a cartoon movie.

By witnessing visual performances of the speakers and listening to

their voices, this media could assist pupils in interpreting the message

expressed. Therefore, the students can adjust the spoken language to the

pictures that are animated. It will make them easy to catch and remember the

spoken language. A video is the recording, the reproducing or broadcasting of

moving visual images.

According to Suparta (2016) cartoon video is one of the media that can

be used to interpret the learning message which include two elements namely

audio and visual.

Experts have given many definitions of animation, but they all agree

that animation is a series of drawings or images made by a computer.

However, collions cictionary also states that animation is the process of

making films in which the drawings or puppets appear to move. Furthemore,

Oxford dictionaru says that animation is the manipulation of electronic images

by a computer in order to create moving images.

b. Types of Cartoon Videos

There are many different types of cartoon movie resources

available. One form of cartoon movie can be used by the teacher to aid in

the teaching and learning process. He or she can, however, choose the type

of cartoon movie that will be shown in the classroom and is appropriate for

teaching purposes

According to Lonergan (1985), in Suparta (2016) The following

groups of cartoon movies can be found: first, cartoon movie recordings of

specialists' films and television programs. The second category includes

domestic television broadcast cartoon movie recordings. Last but not least,

there are animated film records of language training broadcasts and films..

c. Use of Cartoon Videos in Teaching Speaking

When teaching by using cartoon movie, the teacher have to know

the techniques. According to Rice (1993), in Suparta (2016) He adds that

while using cartoon video to teach, there are four techniques: First, let's do

a freeze frame, The silent viewing is the second option The third is solely

based on sound. The fourth step is to look at the jigsaw puzzle.The last

option is standard viewing..

By using cartoon movie in the classroom, the students can increase

their vocabulary and pronunciation. The lessons may help students become

more interested in the teaching-learning process. On the other hand, Yassaei

(2012) in Rasyid (2016) adds that cartoon movie can be used to teach

grammar, vocabulary and creative writing.

d. The Advantages of Using Cartoon Videos Teaching Learning


By using cartoon movie in the classroom, the students can increase

their vocabulary and pronunciation. The lessons may help students become

more interested in the teaching-learning process. The benefits of using

cartoon video in the classroom according to Rice (1993) in Suparta (2016) :

1) Cartoon video brings native speakers as a model for students

to get interesting in pronunciation, intonation and register,

2) Cartoon video can raise an interest in learning English and

make the students interested in understanding people


3) Cartoon video can increase the students’ understanding

more than just listening to the audio,

4) Through cartoon video, students will be more active in

classroom activities because cartoon movie is related to their

life contraction,

5) Cartoon video drives the cross-cultural awareness by viewing

the fiction figure of people on the screen and compare them

with real characters such friends and family,

6) Cartoon video is better in describing a process, if necessary

by using a slow motion, and finally, E

7) Each students can study something from the cartoon movie,

from the clever one or less intelligent.

e. The Benefits of Using Videos in Teaching Learning Process

There are some several benefits of using videos in teaching learning

process, the students will be more interested to the learning process because

the students rarely watch video in school. The students also curious to the

new way of teacher to teach them.

B. Relevant Research

There are some relevant researches which have relevancy to this research.

The first title is “The Use of Cartoon Movie In Improving Students

Speaking Ability in Using in Using Expression Of Asking For And Giving

Help”. That was conducted by Herwinda Puspitasari, Eusabinus Bunau, Dewi

Novita (2012). Their research design was A Pre-Experimental Study, which

was appropriate method to be used to solve the problem of this research. The

location of the research was SMP Negeri 6 Pontianak. In which participants

were seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 6 Pontianak in academic year

2012/2013. This study was conducted to know whether or not cartoon movie

can improve the ability in using expression of asking for and giving help.

Based on the research finding of the study, it can the said this research there

was an improvement of students’ score in posttest after applying cartoon

movie as the media in teaching speaking in using expression of asking for and

giving help.

The second title is “Using Cartoon Movie to Improve Speaking Skill”.

That was conducted by Rasyid Supatrta (2016). His research was an

Experimental Research by using one group pre-test and post-test design. The

location of the research was SMU Abulyatama Aceh Besar. In which

participants were 47 students. This study was conducted to know whether

teaching speaking through use of cartoon movie can improve the student

speaking ability or not. Based on research finding of the study, it can be said

this research showed that students speaking improved after teaching by using

cartoon movie as media.

The third title is “The Use of Animation Videos to improve Students

Speaking Skills”. That was conducted by Cut Irma Yunda Rahmadani,

Sofyan A. Gani, and Nira Erdina (2020). Their Research was an Experimental

Study by using pre-test and post-test design. The location of their research was

SMP N 16 Banda Aceh. In which participants were 5 classrooms and each

class consist of 20-25 students. The findings of the research proved that there

was statisfically differences in students achievement in speaking skill before

and after using animation videos as a media in teaching speaking.

The fourth title is “The Use of Animation Video to Improve the Student

Speaking Skill”. This research was conducted by Satriani Sappe (2020). His

research was an pre-experimental research by using pre-test and post-test

design. The location of his research was SMP N 1 Sungguminasa. The finding

of the research with the scoring classification of the students pre-test and post-


The fifth title is “The Effect of Using Animation Video on Student

Speaking Ability at SMK PGRI Pekanbaru”. This research conducted by

Hardianti (2020). Her research was an experimental research by using pre-test

and post-test design. The location of her research was SMK PGRI Pekanbaru

in which participants were 8 classes each class consist of 22-36 students. This

study conducted to know there is or there is no significant effect by using

animation video on student speaking skill.

C. Operational Concept

Operational concept is used to give restriction to the theoretical

framework on order to avoid misinterpretation and misunderstanding in this

research. In carrying out this research, it is important to clarify shortly the

variables used in analyzing the data. In this research there are two variables,

they are (1) the effect of using Cartoon Media as variable X and (2) students

speaking ability as Y variable. To quantify each variable the writer identifies

them into some indicator as follow:

1. The Procedure of Using Cartoon Media (Variable X)

For many students, Cartoon movies are more attractive, interesting,

and impressive than common material printed in books or audible

material in tape, because of the visual nature and immediacy of the

media, the writer implemented cartoons videos to the students as media

instruction. According to preliminary research by the writer the

procedure of using cartoon media that the writer used are:

a. Pre-Teaching

Pre-teaching activity is the opening of the teaching and

learning process. In this stage, the teacher greets the students and

prays together with them and then checks students’ attendance. After

that, the teacher leads the students to do brainstorming by asking the

students questions to recall the previous lesson; it can also help the

teacher to make sure that the students are ready to study. The teacher

also gives motivation by telling them the goals of the lesson and

competencies that should be reached by the student at the end of the

lesson. This pre-teaching activity spends time about 10 minutes.

b. While-Teaching

There are three phases that researcher used, there are:

1) Show the students the cartoon videos and let them to watch it

until the end.

2) And then, the writer explain about the simple present tense

material with Power-Point Slide

3) After that, the writer done the question and answer with the

students one by one

c. Post-Teaching

The post-activity was employed to look into the student

product such as the video that the students made.

2. Indicator of Students Speaking Ability (Variable Y)

Student speaking ability serves as dependent variable, it is

symbolized by “Y”. according to (Brown 2004) the successful aspect of

speaking activity, such as:

a) Fluency, Has complete fluency in the language such that his

speech is fully accepted by educate- native speakers

b) Pronouciation, Equivalent to and fully accepted an educated

native speaker

c) Grammar, Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker.

d) Comprehension, Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker

e) Task/Details, Speaking proficiency equivalent to that of an

educated native speaker.

D. Assumption and Hypothesis

1. The Assumption

Based on this research, after looking at the theories and

possibilities described in the theoretical framework and operational

concept, the writer has a strong assumption that the better cartoon media

is applied, the better result of students speaking ability will be.

2. The Hypothesis

Based on the assumption above, the writer formulates two

hypothesizes as follows:

Ho: There is no significant effect of using Cartoons as Media

instructional on students speaking ability at Senior High School 1

Kampar Timur.

Ha: There is significant effect of using Cartoons as Media instructional

on students speaking ability at Senior High School 1 Kampar Timur.



A. Research Design

This study falls into the category of quasi-experimental studies.

According to Creswell (2008) Experimental Research is used when the writer

wants to establish possible cause and effect between the independent and the

dependent variables. The pre-test and post-test construction was used in the

study. It was a pre-test and post-test intact group design with a group of

students in the experimental group and a group of students in the control


Based on Creswell (2008), Quasi Experimental design is tested and

idea (or practice or procedure) to find out whether its influence an outcomes

ort dependent variables. Video was used to make the experimental group a

special treatment. The control group was given the traditional method without

video, which is textbook-based, as is normally done by the instructor.

The independent variable and the dependent variable were both used in

the study. The treatment, which had two levels, was the independent variable.

The experimental group received video treatment, while the control group

received traditional treatment. Meanwhile, the students' speaking abilities

were the dependent variable. The academic design is shown in the table


Table 3.1:
The Design of the Research

Group Independent Variable Dependent variable

Experimental Group Video Technique Students Speaking
Control Group Conventional Technique Students Speaking

B. The Location and Time of the Research

This research was conducted from January to February 2021. This

research was conducted at Senior High School 1 Kampar Timur in Academic

year 2020/2021

C. Subject and Object of the Research

The subject of this research is the first year of the students of Senior

High School 1 Kampar Timur. While the object of this research is to know

there is/there is no significant effect of using Cartoon Video as Media

Instruction on speaking ability at student of Senior High School 1 Kampar


D. Population and Sample of the Research

1. Population

The target of the population of this research is the first year of students

at Senior High School 1 Kampar Timur. They consist of 2 classes and 65

students they are X MIPA 5 and X MIPA 6.

Table 3.2
The Number of Students

Class Number of Students

X MIPA 1 32
X MIPA 2 32
X MIPA 3 35
X MIPA 4 33
X MIPA 5 34
X MIPA 6 31

Due to certain constraints, it absolutely was insufferable to use the

whole population as a sample. As an exploration sample, the writer used two

classes. Cluster sampling was utilized in this study. Cluster sampling

divides the whole population into groups or clusters. Following that, a random

sample of those clusters is taken, and every one of them are employed in the

ultimate sample (Wilson as cited in Hamed 2010). Cluster sampling is

helpful for writer whose subjects are dispersed across vast geographic areas

because it saves them time and money (Davis as cited in Hamed 2005). The

stages to cluster sampling are often summarized as follows:

a. Choose cluster grouping for sampling frame, such as type of

company or geographical region

b. Number each of the clusters

c. Select sample using random sampling

The writer took two classes as the experimental class and the control class

with Puliing out Lottery, the writer wrote the classes name in the paper, and

the writer scramble that paper and choosed 2 papers randomly. After the

sampling selection, X MIPA 1 was selected as the experimental class and X

MIPA 2 as the control class.

2. Sample

Table 3.4
The Research Sample by Class

Class The Number of Class

X MIPA 5 34
X MIPA 6 31

The sample above was divided into two groups. The first group was X

MIPA 5 class as the experimental group and the second group was X MIPA 6

class as the control group. The experimental group was given the videos

method in as the control group. The experimental group was given the video

method in for every meeting based on the school-based curriculum. The

control group was given the same materials but without using video in their

speaking activities. The students read from the book and the teachers gave

short explanation. Then, the students made a conversation with their peer to

present it in front of the class. The table below shows the distribution of

treatment in the research.

Table 3.5
The Distribution of the Treatment
Group Class Treatment Number odf
Experimental X MIPA 5 Video 34
Control X MIPA 6 Conventional 31

E. Technique of Data Collection

The technique of data collection that is used in this research is:

Firstly, the students made a simple present tense video for the pre-

test, and then the writer gave a cartoon video as a treatment of this research,

after that the students made a simple present tense video again as the post-


1. Pre-test and post-test: the writer collected the data by giving pre-test

to students in the term of simple present video to respondent before

treatment in the term of cartoon videos and post-test after treatment

with collected simple present videos.

F. Validity and Reliability of the Data

1. Validity

If an instrument can measure what should be measured, it is considered

accurate. It has the ability to clarify data derived from variables that have been

thoroughly researched. Content and construct validity were used as validity

criteria in this analysis. Before instruments tested to students, they were

consulted with expert (the supervising lecturer) whether the instruments were

appropriate or not to measure the research variables.

2. Reliabilty

After having tested the validity of the instrument, the next step is to

examine the reliability. A test is considered reliable if the same test is given to

the same subjects or matched subjects in two different occasions, instrument

reliability was estimated by using Cronbach Alpha reliability test. Based on

the results, the value of α was 0.815. The table shows that the instruments

used in this study have a high level of reliability.

G. Technique of data Analysis

Descriptive research involves collecting data in order to answer the

questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study. There were

two techniques of analyzing the data of this research, namely descriptive and

inferential statistics. In the descriptive analysis, there were two formulas used

in the computation; the mean and the standard deviation analysis. In the

inferential statistics, this research used test of normality, test of homogeneity,

and test of hypothesis. The data will be analyzed by using independent sample

t-test, based on Pallent (2010) an independent sample t-test was used when we

want to compare the mean score on some continuous variable for two different

groups of subject, to find out whether there is or there is no significance

difference between two or more variables can be analyzed by using sample t-

test by using SPSS (statistical product and service solutions) 21.0 version

program. The formulation as follow:


t = t value

n1 = number of students in first group

n2 = number of students in second group

statistically the hypothesis is:

Ha = to > t-table

Ho = to > t-table

H. Homogenity Test of the Data

The test was wont to understand wheter or not the sample variance was

homogeneous. Homogeneity of variances occurs when population

distributions have similar dispersion. writer are getting increasingly curious

about the properties of their data other than central tendency, like dispersion.

as an example, hypothesized that self-reported personality scores would have

similar variability across contol class and experimental class . examined

whether the variability in validity coefficients in self-report tests for a specific

construct was equivalent to the variability in validity coefficients in

psychomotor tests evaluated by an external rater of the same construct.

I. Normality Test of the Data

This test aimed to find out wheter or not the collected data showed a

normal distribution. This Research use Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was first derived by Kolmogorov (1933) and later

modified and proposed as a test by Smirnov (1948). If the P-values

(significance) is less than α = 0.05, the data were not normally distributed,

otherwise if the P-values is more than α = 0.05 then the data is normally



A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis explained in chapter IV, finally, the writer

would like to expose the conclusion as follows: The score of students’

speaking ability who did a pretest without using Cartoon video as media

instruction at senior high school 1 Kampar Timurr was getting mean score

61.48. It concluded that the students’ speaking ability was categorized “low”.

The score of students’ speaking ability who did posttest by using

cartoon videos as media instruction at senior high school 1 kampar timur was

getting mean score 64.76. It concluded that the students’ speaking ability was

categorized “Low”. From the analytical formula of Paired sample T-test, it

was found that sig. value for experimental class was 0.200 and for control

class was 0.200. it can be stated that 0.200>0.05. It means the null hypothesis

(Ha) was rejected, while the alternative hypothesis (H o) was accepted. In other

words, there was not any significant effect of using Cartoon Video as Media

Instruction at senior high school 1 Kampar Timur.

B. Suggestion

After finding the result of the Effect of Using Cartoon Video as Media

Instruction at senior high school 1 Kampar Timur.the writer would like to give

some suggestion to the teacher and the for the next researchers


1. Suggestions for The Teacher of English

As an alternative to many other methods in the teaching and learning

process, the instructor may use Cartoon Videos as media Instruction for

teaching. Many activities from this approach can be used by the teacher in

teaching speaking ability, especially information-transfer activities. Using this

approach, the instructor encourages students to be more engaged, involved,

and confident. They know how to transfer information from visual

information and then translate it into words on their own to reveal what they

know. As a result, this exercise in speaking class benefits students not only in

terms of speaking capacity, but also in terms of critical thinking. Furthermore,

using Cartoon Video as Media Instruction would greatly enhance the teacher's

experience in the classroom.

2. Suggestions for The Next Researcher

This study is one of the ways to help students develop their

speaking skills. There are a variety of approaches, processes, tactics, and

techniques that can be used to help students develop their speaking abilities.

As a result, the writer will have to come up with a new approach to help and

enhance learning activity.In conclusion, the witer needs a validation of nest

writer that has the same topic


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1. This test is for scientific research

2. There is no effect on your score in English Subject
3. Thank you for your participation


1. Choose one of the topic below:

a. Describing dailiy activity
b. Describing family activity
c. Describing classmates activity
2. Please take a video about simple present tense with 1-2 minutes duration, please use the
correct structure!
3. You have 6 Hours to collect the video.


1. This test is for scientific research

2. There is no effect on your score in English Subject
3. Thank you for your participation

1. Choose one of the topic below:
a. Describing dailiy activity
b. Describing family activity
c. Describing classmates activity
2. Please take a video about simple present tense with 1-2 minutes duration, please use the
correct structure!
3. You have 6 Hours to collect the video.


1. This test is for scientific research

2. There is no effect on your score in English Subject
3. Thank you for your participation

1. Choose one of the topic below:
a. Describing dailiy activity
b. Describing family activity
c. Describing classmates activity
2. Please take a video about simple present tense with 1-2 minutes duration, please use the
correct structure!
3. You have 6 Hours to collect the video


1. This test is for scientific research

2. There is no effect on your score in English Subject
3. Thank you for your participation

4. Choose one of the topic below:
a. Describing dailiy activity
b. Describing family activity
c. Describing classmates activity
5. Please take a video about simple present tense with 1-2 minutes duration, please use the
correct structure!
6. You have 6 Hours to collect the video.


There are six components of speaking to be scored; pronunciation, grammar,

vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and task as Brown (2004:172) has stated.

5 Equivalent to and fully accepted an educated native
4 Errors in pronunciation are quite rare
3` Errors never interfere with understanding and rarely
disturb the native speaker. The Accent may be
obviously foreign.
2 Accent is intelligible though often quite faulty.
1 Errors in pronunciation are frequent but can be
understood by a native speaker used to dealing with
foreigners attempting to speak his language.

5 Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker.
4 Able to use the language accurately on all levels
normally pertinent to professional needs. errors in
grammar are quite rare.
3 Able to use the language accurately on all levels
normally pertinent to professional needs. errors in
grammar are quite rare.
2 Can usually handle elementary constructions quite
accurately but Does not have thorough or confident
control of the grammar
1 Errors in grammar are frequent, but the speaker can
be understood by a native speaker used to speak his
language. dealing with foreigners attempting .

5 Speech on a level is fully accepted by educated
native speakers in all its features including breadth of
vocabulary and idioms, colloquialisms, and pertinent
cultural references.
4 Can understand and participate in any conversation
within the range of his experience with a high degree
of precision of vocabulary.
3 Able to speak the language with sufficient
vocabulary to participate effectively in most formal
and informal conversations on practical, social, and
professional topics. Vocabulary is broad enough that
he rarely has to grope for a word.
2 Has speaking vocabulary sufficient to express
himself simply with some circumlocutions
1 Speaking vocabulary inadequate to express anything
but the most elementary needs

5 Has complete fluency in the language such that his
speech is fully accepted by educate- native speakers
4 Able to use the language fluently on all levels
normally pertinent to professional needs. Can
participate in any conversation within the range of
this experience with a high degree of fluency .
3 Can discuss the particular interest of competence
with reasonable ease. Rarely has to grope for words.
2 Can handle with confidence but not with facility
most social situations, including introductions and
casual conversations about current events, as well as
work, family and autobiographical information.
1 (No specific fluency description. Refer to the others
four language areas for implied the level of fluency.)

5 Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker
4 Can understand any conversation within the range of
his experience .
3 Comprehension is quite complete at a normal rate of
2 Comprehension is quite complete at a normal rate of
1 Within the scope of his very limited language
experience, can understand simple questions and
statements if delivered with slowed speech,
repetition, or paraphrase.

5 Speaking proficiency equivalent to that of an
educated native speaker.
4 Would rarely be taken for a native speaker but can
respond appropriately even in unfamiliar situations.
Can handle informal interpreting from and into
3 Can participate effectively in most formal and
informal conversations on practical, social, and
professional topics.
2 Able to satisfy routine social demands and work
requirement; needs help in handling any
complication or difficulties.
1 Can ask and answer questions on topics very familiar
to him. Able to satisfy routine travel needs and
minimum courtesy requirements




No Student

1 AGIL SYAFRIAN 2 2 3 1 2 10 40
2 AISYAH AZHARI 3 4 4 3 4 18 72
3 ALFARIZI SYAHDAN 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
4 ANNISA FARADILA 3 3 3 3 4 16 64
5 DHIA AWALIA PUTRI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
6 ELVARA SILVANI 2 3 2 2 3 12 48
7 FADLI SYAWAL 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
8 FITRA TRI RAHMADANI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
9 FITRIA FADILLA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
10 FITRIA FADILLAH 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
11 GUSVITA ALYA DEVIARIANI 3 3 4 4 4 18 72
12 HAMDAN 2 2 2 2 1 9 36
13 JAKA LAKSMANA 2 3 2 2 2 11 44
14 JESIKA RAHMADANI 2 3 3 2 2 12 48
15 KHAIRUL HAMID 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
16 M. ADEL 2 3 2 2 2 11 44
17 M. YAZID 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
18 MEGA LAMASYA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
19 MELANI SALSABILA 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
20 MELLIDIA 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
21 NISCAHAYA AGRIANI 4 3 4 3 4 18 72
22 RAHMAD RENDI 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
23 RESKY YAN NUGRAHA 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
24 SARI PERTAMA ZOLA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
25 SETIA HAJAR 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
26 SHERLY AMALIA 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
27 SISKA RAHMADANI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
28 SUCI GUSTINA RAHMADANI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
29 TASYA WULANDARI 3 3 4 4 4 18 72
30 UCI DAYANI 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
31 WENDI ISLAMI 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
32 YULFI ODELIA PUTRI 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
33 YUSRIANDA 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
34 ZAHARA TUL'AINI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60


Rizky Gushendra, M.Ed.



No Student

1 AGIL SYAFRIAN 2 2 3 2 2 11 44
2 AISYAH AZHARI 3 4 4 4 4 19 76
3 ALFARIZI SYAHDAN 3 3 4 2 3 15 60
4 ANNISA FARADILA 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
5 DHIA AWALIA PUTRI 3 3 3 3 4 16 64
6 ELVARA SILVANI 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
7 FADLI SYAWAL 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
8 FITRA TRI RAHMADANI 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
9 FITRIA FADILLA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
10 FITRIA FADILLAH 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
11 GUSVITA ALYA DEVIARIANI 3 4 4 4 4 19 76
12 HAMDAN 2 2 2 2 2 10 40
13 JAKA LAKSMANA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
14 JESIKA RAHMADANI 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
15 KHAIRUL HAMID 3 3 3 2 3 14 56
16 M. ADEL 2 3 3 2 2 12 48
17 M. YAZID 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
18 MEGA LAMASYA 3 3 4 4 3 17 68
19 MELANI SALSABILA 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
20 MELLIDIA 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
21 NISCAHAYA AGRIANI 4 3 4 3 4 18 72
22 RAHMAD RENDI 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
23 RESKY YAN NUGRAHA 3 3 4 4 4 18 72
24 SARI PERTAMA ZOLA 3 3 4 4 3 17 68
25 SETIA HAJAR 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
26 SHERLY AMALIA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
27 SISKA RAHMADANI 3 3 3 4 3 16 64
28 SUCI GUSTINA RAHMADANI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
29 TASYA WULANDARI 3 3 4 4 4 18 72
30 UCI DAYANI 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
31 WENDI ISLAMI 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
32 YULFI ODELIA PUTRI 3 3 4 4 3 17 68
33 YUSRIANDA 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
34 ZAHARA TUL'AINI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60


Rizky Gushendra, M.Ed.



No Student

1 AKMAL SAPUTRA 2 2 2 1 2 9 36
2 ANGGY LESTARI 3 4 4 3 4 18 72
3 ANJELINA Br. SINAGA 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
4 ANNISA AFISTIA 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
5 AYUNI AMANDA HASTA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
6 AZLAN FAJRI FIQORI 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
7 DESLIA MAHYORA 3 3 3 2 3 14 56
8 DESRA NURUL FADILLAH 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
9 DHEA FITRISIA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
10 DIVA ANANDA WINDRI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
11 ELVA RISKI 3 3 4 4 4 18 72
12 FIKRI HANDIKA 2 2 2 2 1 9 36
13 FITRY HAYONA 2 3 2 2 2 11 44
14 HILDA AMELIA PUTRI 2 3 3 2 2 12 48
15 M. YAZID ALFITRAH 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
16 MAIKEL M 2 3 2 2 2 11 44
17 MIFTAHUL JANNAH 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
18 NOVA PUSPITA SARI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
19 RESTI OCTARI 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
20 RESTIA ANANDA HIKMAH 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
21 RINDA SEPTI ZULIANTI 4 3 4 3 4 18 72
22 RIZKY KURNIAWAN 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
23 RIZKY RIZALDI 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
24 SUCI RAHMADANI 3 3 3 3 4 16 64
25 SUNDARI DARI 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
26 TASYA NUR MEDINAH 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
27 TIKA FARIZA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
28 ULUL AZMI 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
29 VIVI KAMELIA PUTRI 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
30 WAWAN SURYA SETIAWAN 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
31 YUNI LESTARI 2 3 3 2 3 13 52

Rizky Gushendra, M.Ed.



No Student

1 AKMAL SAPUTRA 2 2 2 1 2 9 36
2 ANGGY LESTARI 3 4 4 3 4 18 72
3 ANJELINA Br. SINAGA 3 4 4 3 4 18 72
4 ANNISA AFISTIA 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
5 AYUNI AMANDA HASTA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
6 AZLAN FAJRI FIQORI 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
7 DESLIA MAHYORA 3 3 3 2 3 14 56
8 DESRA NURUL FADILLAH 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
9 DHEA FITRISIA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
10 DIVA ANANDA WINDRI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
11 ELVA RISKI 3 3 3 4 3 16 64
12 FIKRI HANDIKA 2 2 3 2 2 11 44
13 FITRY HAYONA 2 3 2 2 2 11 44
14 HILDA AMELIA PUTRI 2 3 3 2 2 12 48
15 M. YAZID ALFITRAH 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
16 MAIKEL M 2 3 3 2 2 12 48
17 MIFTAHUL JANNAH 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
18 NOVA PUSPITA SARI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
19 RESTI OCTARI 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
20 RESTIA ANANDA HIKMAH 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
21 RINDA SEPTI ZULIANTI 4 3 4 3 4 18 72
22 RIZKY KURNIAWAN 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
23 RIZKY RIZALDI 3 3 3 3 4 16 64
24 SUCI RAHMADANI 3 3 3 3 4 16 64
25 SUNDARI DARI 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
26 TASYA NUR MEDINAH 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
27 TIKA FARIZA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
28 ULUL AZMI 2 3 3 2 3 13 52
29 VIVI KAMELIA PUTRI 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
30 WAWAN SURYA SETIAWAN 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
31 YUNI LESTARI 2 3 3 2 3 13 52

Rizky Gushendra, M.Ed.


No Student

1 AGIL SYAFRIAN 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
2 AISYAH AZHARI 4 4 4 4 5 21 84
3 ALFARIZI SYAHDAN 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
4 ANNISA FARADILA 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
5 DHIA AWALIA PUTRI 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
6 ELVARA SILVANI 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
7 FADLI SYAWAL 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
8 FITRIA FADILLA 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
9 FITRIA TRI RAHMADANI 2 2 3 2 3 12 48
10 GUSVITA ALYA DEVIARIANI 2 2 4 3 4 15 60
11 HAMDAN 2 2 3 3 3 13 52
12 JAKA LAKSMANA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
13 JESIKA RAHMADANI 3 3 4 3 4 17 68
14 KHAIRUL HAMID 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
15 M. ADEL 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
16 M. YAZID 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
17 MEGA LAMASYA 3 4 3 3 3 16 64
18 MELANI SALSABILA 3 4 4 3 3 17 68
19 MELLIDIA 3 4 4 3 3 17 68
20 NISCAHAYA AGRIANI 3 4 4 3 4 18 72
21 RAHMAD RENDI 3 4 4 3 3 17 68
22 RESKY YAN NUGRAHA 3 4 4 3 3 17 68
23 SARI PERTAMA ZOLA 3 3 3 4 3 16 64
24 SETIA HAJAR 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
25 SHERLY AMALIA 3 3 4 4 3 17 68
26 SISKA RAHMADANI 2 2 3 3 3 13 52
27 SUCI GUSTINA RAHMADANI 2 2 3 3 3 13 52
28 TASYA WULANDARI 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
29 UCI DAYANI 3 4 4 3 3 17 68
30 WENDI ISLAMI 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
31 YULFI ODELIA PUTRI 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
Rater 2,

Kurnia Budiyanti, M.Pd


No Student

1 AGIL SYAFRIAN 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
2 AISYAH AZHARI 4 4 5 5 5 5 28 112
3 ALFARIZI SYAHDAN 3 3 4 4 3 17 68
4 ANNISA FARADILA 3 3 4 4 3 17 68
5 DHIA AWALIA PUTRI 3 4 4 4 3 18 72
6 ELVARA SILVANI 3 4 4 4 3 18 72
7 FADLI SYAWAL 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
8 FITRIA FADILLA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
9 FITRIA TRI RAHMADANI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
10 GUSVITA ALYA DEVIARIANI 3 3 4 4 4 18 72
11 HAMDAN 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
12 JAKA LAKSMANA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
13 JESIKA RAHMADANI 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
14 KHAIRUL HAMID 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
15 M. ADEL 3 3 4 4 3 17 68
16 M. YAZID 3 4 4 4 3 18 72
17 MEGA LAMASYA 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
18 MELANI SALSABILA 3 4 4 4 4 19 76
19 MELLIDIA 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
20 NISCAHAYA AGRIANI 4 4 5 4 5 22 88
21 RAHMAD RENDI 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
22 RESKY YAN NUGRAHA 4 4 5 4 3 20 80
23 SARI PERTAMA ZOLA 3 3 4 4 3 17 68
24 SETIA HAJAR 3 4 4 3 3 17 68
25 SHERLY AMALIA 2 4 4 4 3 17 68
26 SISKA RAHMADANI 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
27 SUCI GUSTINA RAHMADANI 2 2 3 3 3 13 52
28 TASYA WULANDARI 4 4 5 4 4 21 84
29 UCI DAYANI 3 4 4 4 4 19 76
30 WENDI ISLAMI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
31 YULFI ODELIA PUTRI 4 4 4 4 4 20 80
Rater 2,

Kurnia Budiyanti, M.Pd


No Student

1 AKMAL SAPUTRA 3 3 4 4 3 3 20 80
2 ANGGY LESTARI 4 4 4 4 4 3 23 92
3 ANJELINA Br. SINAGA 4 4 5 5 4 5 27 108
4 ANNISA AFISTIA 3 4 4 4 4 3 22 88
5 AYUNI AMANDA HASTA 2 3 3 3 3 3 17 68
6 AZLAN FAJRI FIQORI 3 3 4 4 3 3 20 80
7 DESLIA MAHYORA 2 3 3 3 2 3 16 64
8 DESRA NURUL FADILLAH 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 48
9 DHEA FITRISIA 3 4 4 4 4 3 22 88
10 DIVA ANANDA WINDRI 3 3 3 3 4 3 19 76
11 ELVA RISKI 2 3 3 3 3 3 17 68
12 FIKRI HANDIKA 2 2 2 2 3 2 13 52
13 FITRY HAYONA 3 3 4 4 3 3 20 80
14 HILDA AMELIA PUTRI 3 4 3 3 3 16 64
15 M. YAZID ALFITRAH 4 3 4 4 4 3 22 88
16 MAIKEL M 2 3 3 3 3 3 17 68
17 MIFTAHUL JANNAH 3 3 4 4 3 4 21 84
18 NOVA PUSPITA SARI 3 3 4 4 4 4 22 88
19 RESTI OCTARI 2 3 3 3 3 3 17 68
20 RESTIA ANANDA HIKMAH 3 3 4 4 4 3 21 84
21 RINDA SEPTI ZULIANTI 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 72
22 RIZKY KURNIAWAN 2 2 3 3 3 3 16 64
23 RIZKY RIZALDI 3 4 4 4 4 3 22 88
24 SUCI RAHMADANI 3 3 4 4 4 4 22 88
25 SUNDARI DARI 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 84
26 TASYA NUR MEDINAH 3 4 4 4 4 4 23 92
27 TIKA FARIZA 3 3 4 4 4 3 21 84
28 ULUL AZMI 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 72
29 VIVI KAMELIA PUTRI 3 3 4 4 4 3 21 84
30 WAWAN SURYA SETIAWAN 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 72
31 YUNI LESTARI 2 2 2 2 3 11 44
Rater 2,

Kurnia Budiyanti,

No Student

1 AKMAL SAPUTRA 3 4 4 3 3 17 68
2 ANGGY LESTARI 4 4 5 4 3 20 80
3 ANJELINA Br. SINAGA 4 5 5 4 4 22 88
4 ANNISA AFISTIA 3 4 4 4 3 18 72
5 AYUNI AMANDA HASTA 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
6 AZLAN FAJRI FIQORI 3 4 4 3 3 17 68
7 DESLIA MAHYORA 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
8 DESRA NURUL FADILLAH 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
9 DHEA FITRISIA 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
10 DIVA ANANDA WINDRI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
11 ELVA RISKI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
12 FIKRI HANDIKA 3 3 2 2 3 13 52
13 FITRY HAYONA 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
14 HILDA AMELIA PUTRI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
15 M. YAZID ALFITRAH 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
16 MAIKEL M 3 4 4 3 3 17 68
17 MIFTAHUL JANNAH 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
18 NOVA PUSPITA SARI 3 4 4 3 4 18 72
19 RESTI OCTARI 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
20 RESTIA ANANDA HIKMAH 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
21 RINDA SEPTI ZULIANTI 3 4 4 3 3 17 68
22 RIZKY KURNIAWAN 2 2 3 3 3 13 52
23 RIZKY RIZALDI 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
24 SUCI RAHMADANI 3 4 4 4 3 18 72
25 SUNDARI DARI 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
26 TASYA NUR MEDINAH 4 3 4 4 3 18 72
27 TIKA FARIZA 3 4 4 4 3 18 72
28 ULUL AZMI 2 3 3 3 3 14 56
29 VIVI KAMELIA PUTRI 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
30 WAWAN SURYA SETIAWAN 3 3 4 3 3 16 64
31 YUNI LESTARI 2 2 2 3 3 12 48
Rater 2,

Kurnia Budiyanti,



Kelas : X

Kompetensi Inti :

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong,

kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari

solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam

serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta

menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya

untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan

pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda

sesuai kaidah keilmuan

Kompetensi Alokasi Sumber
Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian
Dasar Waktu Belajar

1.1. Mensyukuri Mengamati

Teks lisan Kriteria
dan tulis  Siswa penilaian: 2 x2  Audio
sederhana, mendengarkan/memb JP CD/
 Pencapaian
untuk aca pemaparan jati diri VCD/DV
fungsi sosial
memaparkan, dengan D
 Kelengkapan
menanyakan, memperhatikan fungsi
dan keruntutan  SUARA
dan sosial, struktur teks,
struktur teks GURU
merespon unsur kebahasaan,
memaparkan  Koran/
pemaparan maupun format
dan majalah
jati diri penyampaian/penulisa
menanyakan berbahas
Fungsi sosial nnya.
jati diri a Inggris
l yang
Menjalin  Siswa mencoba
diwujudkan  Ketepatan  www.dail
hubungan menirukan
dalam unsur yenglish.
dengan guru, pengucapannya dan
semangat kebahasaan: com
teman dan menuliskan
belajar tata bahasa,
pemaparan jati diri  http://am
orang lain
2.2. Menunjukka kosa kata,
yang digunakan. ericanen
Ungkapan ucapan,
n perilaku
Mempertanyakan tekanan kata,
jujur, disiplin, My name is... e.gov/file
percaya diri, intonasi, ejaan,
I’m ... I live in  Dengan bimbingan s/ae/reso
dan dan tulisan
... I have … I dan arahan guru, urce_file
bertanggung tangan
like …. dan siswa s
Kompetensi Alokasi Sumber
Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian
Dasar Waktu Belajar

jawab dalam semacamnya mempertanyakan  Kesesuaian  http://lear

melaksanak antara lain, perbedaan format nenglish.

an antara berbagai penulisan/ britishco
Komunikasi pemaparan jati diri penyampaian uncil.org/
(1) Kata
transaksiona dalam bahasa Inggris, Unjuk kerja en/
l dengan perbedaannya dengan
dengan  Melakukan
guru dan yang ada dalam
hubung monolog yang
teman. bahasa Indonesia.
an menyebutkan
3.1. Menganalisi
kekelua  Siswa
jati diri didepan
s fungsi mempertanyakan
rgaan kelas
sosial, pengucapan dan isi
dan  Ketepatan
struktur teks, teks yang
kekerab menggunakan
dan unsur memaparkan jati diri
atan, struktur dan
profesi Mengeksplorasi unsur
dari teks
pekerja kebahasaan
 Siswa mencari
an, dalam
pemaparan jati diri dari
jati diri,
hobi. menyebutkan
berbagai sumber.
(2) Kata jati diri
dengan  Siswa berlatih
kerja Pengamatan
konteks memaparkan jati diri
dalam (observations):
penggunaan dengan teman melalui
Bukan penilaian
nya. simulasi.
formal seperti tes,
Kompetensi Alokasi Sumber
Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian
Dasar Waktu Belajar

4.1. Menyusun tense:  Siswa berlatih tetapi untuk tujuan

teks lisan be, memaparkan jati diri memberi balikan.

dan tulis have melalui tulisan Sasaran penilaian:

sederhana, dalam
Mengasosiasi  Berperilaku
untuk simple
jujur, disiplin,
 Siswa menganalisis
memaparka present
percaya diri,
n, tense
memaparkan jati diri
menanyakan (3) Kata
, dan tanya
jawab dalam
merespon What?
pemaparan Who?
jati diri, Which?
 Kesungguhan
dengan (4) Ucapan,  Secara berkelompok
siswa dalam
memperhatik tekanan siswa mendiskusikan
an fungsi kata, ungkapan
sosial, intonasi, memaparkan jati diri
dalam setiap
struktur teks, ejaan, yang mereka temukan
dan unsur tulisan dari sumber lain dan

membandingkannya Portofolio
kebahasaan, tangan

secara yang dengan yang

 Kumpulan

benar dan rapi digunakan guru

karya siswa

sesuai (5) Rujukan  Siswa memperoleh yang

dengan kata balikan (feedback) dari mencerminkan

Kompetensi Alokasi Sumber
Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian
Dasar Waktu Belajar

konteks. Topik guru dan teman hasil atau

tentang fungsi sosial capaian

dan unsur kebahasaan belajar berupa
yang sampaikan rekaman
dalam kerja kelompok. penggunaan
ungkapan dan
menghargai Mengkomunikasikan
 Siswa
 Kumpulan
hasil tes dan
pemaparan jati diri
secara lisan dan

tertulis di kelas dengan  Catatan atau

memperhatikan fungsi rekaman

sosial, ungkapan, dan penilaian diri

unsur kebahasaan dan penilaian

yang benar dan sesuai sejawat,

dengan konteks berupa

komentar atau
 Siswa menuliskan
cara penilaian
permasalahan dalam
menggunakan bahasa

Inggris untuk Penilaian Diri dan

memaparkan jati diri Penilaian Sejawat

Kompetensi Alokasi Sumber
Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian
Dasar Waktu Belajar

dalam jurnal belajar Bentuk: diary,

(learning journal). jurnal, format


komentar, atau

bentuk penilaian





Satuan Pendidikan : SMA N 1 KAMPAR TIMUR

Kelas/Semester : X MIPA 5/MIPA 6/ 1 (GANJIL)

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik : Simple present tense

Skill : Tenses

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 20 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi
1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar
Komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar

B. Kompetensi Dasar
2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam
melaksanakan Komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman

3.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks pemaparan jati
diri, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.1 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis sederhana, untuk memaparkan, menanyakan, dan merespon
pemaparan jati diri, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,
secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

C. Karakter :
1. Berani (courage).
2. Tekun (diligent).
3. Tanggung jawab (responsible).

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mempelajari materi ini, diharapkan peserta didik dapat:
 Memahami penggunaan Simple Present Tense
 Mampu menggunakan rumus Simple present Tense
 Membuat contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense
 Mampu merekam video menggunakan simple present tense

E. Materi
 Fungsi Simple Present Tense
 Rumus Simple Present Tense
 Contoh Simple Present Tense
 Kata keterangan yang digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense

F. Metode pembelajaran
1. Ceramah
2. Bertanya
3. Diskusi
4. Pemberian tugas

G. Langkah-langkah kegiatan

1) Pendahuluan
 Guru memberi salam dan menyapa peserta didik.
 Guru menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mengawali kegiatan dengan berdoa, dan
memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik.
 Motivasi: Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Simple Present Tense dan apa

2) Inti ( 10 menit)
 Memberikan penjelasan mengenai Simple Present Tense
 Menunjukkan fungsi penggunaan Simple Present Tense
 Menjelaskan rumus yang digunakan
 Memberi contoh penggunaan kalimat Simple Present Tense dalam kehidupan
 Memberikan siswa video kartun tentang pengunaan simple present tense

3) Penutup
 Merangkum materi yang telah dibahas bersama siswa
 Guru memberikan pekerjaan rumah.
 Sebelum menutup kelas, guru menyuruh siswanya berdo’a

H. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran

 Media : Proyektor, LCD, laptop/ computer, Papan tulis, spidol, Gambar pola kalimat,
Kalimat, Kata “Kerja” yang menggunakan e/es.
 Sumber Pembelajaran : buku pelajaran, internet

I. Penilaian
 Guru menilai keaktifan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal
 Memberikan tugas individu : membuat kalimat Simple Present Tense
 Peran serta siswa.
 Sikap dan perilaku siswa dalam bertanya.
 Kerja sama dan kekompakan dalam kelompok
 Guru menilai hasil rekaman video siswa

Mengetahui, Pekanbaru, 18 September 2020

Kepala Sekolah Guru Bahasa Inggris

(Noni Lestari , M.Sn) (Firman Rizaldi)

NIP 197010121994122001



Satuan Pendidikan : SMA N 1 KAMPAR TIMUR

Kelas/Semester : X MIPA 5/MIPA 6/ 1 (GANJIL)

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik : Simple present tense

Skill : Tenses

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 20 menit

J. Standar Kompetensi
1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar
Komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar

K. Kompetensi Dasar
2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam
melaksanakan Komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman

3.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks pemaparan jati
diri, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.1 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis sederhana, untuk memaparkan, menanyakan, dan merespon
pemaparan jati diri, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,
secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

L. Karakter :
4. Berani (courage).
5. Tekun (diligent).
6. Tanggung jawab (responsible).

M. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mempelajari materi ini, diharapkan peserta didik dapat:
 Memahami penggunaan Simple Present Tense
 Mampu menggunakan rumus Simple present Tense
 Membuat contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense
 Mampu merekam video menggunakan simple present tense

N. Materi
 Fungsi Simple Present Tense
 Rumus Simple Present Tense
 Contoh Simple Present Tense
 Kata keterangan yang digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense

O. Metode pembelajaran
1. Ceramah
2. Bertanya
3. Diskusi
4. Pemberian tugas

P. Langkah-langkah kegiatan

4) Pendahuluan
 Guru memberi salam dan menyapa peserta didik dalam group Whatsapp
 Guru menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mengawali kegiatan dengan berdoa, dan
memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik.
 Motivasi: Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Simple Present Tense dan apa

5) Inti ( 10 menit)
 Memberikan penjelasan mengenai Simple Present Tense
 Menunjukkan fungsi penggunaan Simple Present Tense
 Menjelaskan rumus yang digunakan
 Memberi contoh penggunaan kalimat Simple Present Tense dalam kehidupan
 Memberikan siswa video kartun tentang pengunaan simple present tense

6) Penutup
 Merangkum materi yang telah dibahas bersama siswa
 Guru memberikan pekerjaan rumah.
 Sebelum menutup kelas, guru menyuruh siswanya berdo’a

Q. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran

 Media: Grup Whatsapp
 Sumber Pembelajaran : buku pelajaran, internet

R. Penilaian
 Guru menilai keaktifan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal
 Memberikan tugas individu : membuat kalimat Simple Present Tense
 Peran serta siswa.
 Sikap dan perilaku siswa dalam bertanya.
 Kerja sama dan kekompakan dalam kelompok
 Guru menilai hasil rekaman video siswa

Mengetahui, Pekanbaru, 18 September 2020

Kepala Sekolah Guru Bahasa Inggris

(Noni Lestari , M.Sn) (Firman Rizaldi)

NIP 197010121994122001



Pre-Test Experimental Class

Post-Test Experimental Class Treatment 1

Post-Test Experimental Class Treatment 2
Pre-Test Control Class

Post-Test 1
Post Test 2

Firman Rizaldi, the second son from Mr. Yulizar and Mrs.Alm Sumiati,

was born on December, 22 1998 in Desa Kampar. He lived in Desa

Kampar. He was graduated from TK Aisyah Kampar, then in 2011 he was

graduated from SDN 001 Sawah Baru and continued his study at Mts

Islamic Centre AL-Hidayah Kampar. In 2014, He entered SMA N 1

Kampar Timur for continuing his study and he finished in 2017. In 2017, he was accepted as one

of the students in Department of English Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. On July 2020, He was doing KKN

(Kuliah Kerja Nyata) in Desa Kampar, Kampar. He also was doing Pre-Service Teacher Practice

at Pesantren Teknologi Riau.

Finally, he passed thesis examination entitled “The Effect of Using Cartoon Videos as

Media Instruction on Students’ Speaking Ability at Senior High School 1 Kampar Timur”.

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