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NIM. 204200033









NIM. 204200033





This is to certify that the proposal thesis of:
Name : Muhamad Alif Ridwan
Student Number : 204200033
Faculty : Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
Department : English Language Teaching
Title : Analysis Of The Teacher’s Role In Developing Student Interest

In Reading English Material At Mts Islamiyah Widodaren

has been approved by the board of examiners on

Day :
Date :
And has been accepted as the requirentment for the process of thesis completion.

Ratifed by
Head of English Language Teaching Department
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo

Dr. Esti Yuli Widayanti, M.P.d

NIP. 197907192006042002

Board of Examiners
1. Examiners I :
2. Examiners II :


This is to certify that the proposal thesis of:

Name : Muhamad Alif Ridwan
Student Number : 204200033
Faculty : Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
Department : English Language Teaching
Title : Analysis of the teacher’s role in developing student interest in

reading English material at MTS Islamiyah Widodaren

Has been approved by the advisor and is recommended for thesis examination


NIP. Date

Acknowledged by
head of English language teaching department
faculty of tarbiyah and traching training
state Islamic institutenof ponorogo


COVER PAGE .................................................................................................. i
TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................... ii
SUPERVISOR CONSENT SHEET ...............................................................iii
LIST OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................ vi
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1
A. Background of the problem .................................................................... 1
B. Research problem ................................................................................... 6
C. Statement of the problem ....................................................................... 7
D. Research of the study ............................................................................. 7
E. Significant of the study ........................................................................... 7
F. systematic discussion ............................................................................. 9
G. Research schedule ................................................................................ 11

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL STUDY ...................................................... 12

A. Study Theory........................................................................................ 12
B. previous research ................................................................................. 19
C. Framework of thought .......................................................................... 21

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS ..................................................... 22

A. Boundary and type of research ............................................................. 22
B. Location and Time of Research ............................................................ 23
C. Data and source data............................................................................. 24
D. Data collection technique ..................................................................... 24
E. Data analysis technique ........................................................................ 27
F. Validity data ........................................................................................ 29
G. Research procedur ................................................................................ 30

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 33

1.1 research schedule



A. Bacground Of the problem

In Indonesia, in the field of education, English is the first foreign

language taught as a compulsory subject in secondary and tertiary

education. The main aim is to provide students with the ability to read

English textbooks in related fields. However, so far, it is still not

satisfactory despite the efforts made to improve teaching, especially in

secondary schools. Many English teachers are still confused about how

to improve the quality of delivering material to students so that in the

learning process the English language material can be easily accepted

by students and also in providing English teaching material that seems

more interesting so that students have intention and interest. to read the

material so that reading skills can improve. 1

As a teacher, of course you have several roles in the learning process,

one of which is developing students' interest in learning. In this case,

the observations made by researchers at Mts Islamiyah Widodaren in

class students in English because in the learning process students who

Alqahtani, M. (2019). The importance of vocabulary in language learning and how to be taught.
International Journal of Teaching and Education, 1(1), 21-34.

do not have an interest in reading or studying English learning materials

have not been able to capture the content of the material provided,

which of course has an impact on students' ability to speak English.

A teacher is someone who has an important role in the learning

process as a person who provides knowledge and is also a motivator for

students as a person who has the ability to broaden horizons and

increase a student's enthusiasm and interest in learning. Not only that,

teachers still have many roles in the learning process, one of which is

providing interesting and easy to accept learning methods which aim to

develop and increase students' enthusiasm and interest so that in the

learning process students can easily accept the material. 2

In this research, one way to develop students' reading skills in

English material is through the role of a teacher because a teacher is a

person who has the ability to develop students' reading interest in

reading English material at MTs Islamiyah Widodaren class XI, because

of the students' interest in reading. In particular, English learning

material is still considered very low level and has not succeeded in

developing, this is because students do not yet know how important

reading is to understand the content of learning material and also

increase learning insight. Therefore, teachers are expected to be able to

provide insights and learning methods that are appropriate and

interesting so that students can easily accept them so that students'

Alvermann, D. E. (2016). Adolescents and literacies in a digital world. New York: Peter Lang.

interest in studying English material, especially in the field of reading,

can develop.

Reading is the activity of looking at reading material and the process

of understanding the content of the text which aimto finding out

information that we don't yet know. Reading has an important meaning

for anyone, by reading someone can obtain information and increase

their insight and knowledge. Reading is also a very important skill for

anyone, therefore, teaching children how to read is highly

recommended. Reading in the world of education has a very important

and useful role in life, students who like reading have broader

knowledge and intelligence than students who don't like reading, and

have creative understanding and considerations in living their daily

lives. However, some students who can already read mostly only keep

the skills they have and have no interest in further developing their

reading skills which basically will increase insight and knowledge for

readers. Therefore, the importance of reading interest in the world of

education is very important and must be developed.3

From this opinion it can be concluded that interest is not something

that a person can obtain and possess easily. Interest does not only exist

in a person's soul, but arises because of experience and effort as a means

to develop it. Attraction arises because of attraction from outside and

Bajracharya, S. (2013). The role of reading motivation in second language reading
comprehension. English Language Teaching, 6(3), 1-11.

also comes from the heart within. Basically, interest is the acceptance

of a relationship between oneself and something that comes from

outside oneself. The stronger the relationship, the stronger the interest.

Interest in reading is a high desire or willingness to learn things that

are not yet understood. Interest in reading is an ability that is described

as a process in which a person communicates with himself in an effort

to extract the meaning contained in writing so that he is able to obtain

emotional experiences as a result of deep attention to the meaning of

reading. Interest in reading is the core of the success of reading

activities. If a student does not have a high interest in reading, then the

content of his reading will be in vain. Because in this case he has not

read his own interests and the activities he is interested in. On the other

hand, if the reading activity he carries out is based on his high desire,

then it is certain that he will have effective reading skills. Reading

activities are very unfortunate if someone doesn't like reading or their

interest in reading is still low which can result in misunderstanding of

the content of the material being read if it is only used as a formality for

the reader.4

Linguistically, interest is "the highest inclination of the heart

towards something." Interest has a very big influence on a person's

activities when doing something because with interest he will do

something that he is truly interested in. On the other hand, without

someone's interest in themselves, it will not be possible for that person

Carrell, P. L. (2013). Reading in a foreign language: A reader. London: Routledge.

to carry out an activity and it may be done only as a formality or even


In terms of the definition of interest, many experts have put it

forward, including Mikarsa, et al, namely: "interest is a drive from

within a person or a factor that gives rise to interest or selective attention

which causes the choice of an object or activity that is profitable,

enjoyable and over time will "brings satisfaction to oneself, conversely,

if satisfaction decreases, then a person's interest will decrease." Here it

can be interpreted that interest is something that causes attraction and

from this attraction a person will ultimately choose an object or activity

that he likes.

A person who has determined an interest in something or an activity

will find it something that is considered enjoyable and brings

satisfaction. When satisfaction reaches a high level, interest will

increase or develop vice versa. When satisfaction is at a low level,

interest will also decrease.Interest is a psychological aspect that

influences everyone in carrying out activities and is also a desire that

arises from within a person to try to obtain something. Interest is closely

related to personality, feelings and emotions which influence a person

to always try to achieve something even through difficult efforts. 5

Interest is defined as a cause, namely a trigger that makes a person

pay more attention to certain people, situations or activities and not

Cao, Y., & Philp, J. (2016). Interactional feedback in second language classrooms. Bristol:
Multilingual Matters.

others, or interest as a result, namely as an effective experience

stimulated by the presence of a person or an object, or by participating

in something activity. 6

From the definition above, it can be concluded that interest is not

just about an action in carrying out an activity. However, when someone

states that he likes or pays more attention to one thing than another, it

can be interpreted that he is interested in that thing.

Therefore, based on the problems described in the background

above, the researcher is interested in conducting research on the role of

teachers in developing students' interest in reading in English material.

Therefore, this research examines this problem under the title ”

Analysis of the teacher’s role in developing student interest in

reading English material at MTS Islamiyah Widodaren "

B. Research Focus

In research, research focus is very necessary so that there is no

deviation or expansion of the subject matter so that the research is more

focused and facilitates discussion so that the research objectives can be

Chen, Y., & Lin, Y. (2015). The effect of extensive reading on EFL learners’ writing performance.
Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 6(3), 529-536

achieved. In this research, the researcher focuses on the role of a teacher

towards students in improving reading skills in English material at MTS

Islamiyah Widodaren.

C. Statement of the problem

Based of the bacground the problem at MTs Islamiyah Widodaren

are as follows :

1. What is the teacher's role in developing interest in reading English

material at Mts Islamiah Widodaren?

2. What are the obstacles to the teacher's role in developing interest in

reading English material at Mts Islamiah Widodaren?

D. Objective of the Study

Based of the statement of the problem, the objectives of this study are

to :

1. Identifying the role of teachers in developing students' interest in

reading English material at MTs Islamiyah Widodaren.

2. Understanding the role of teachers in developing interest in reading

English material at MTS Islamiyah Widodaren.

E. Significances of the study

Analysis of the teacher's role in student interest in English Reading

material at MTs Islamiah Widodaren is very important for several

reasons as follows:

1. Theoretical Significance

The theological meaning of this research is to increase the body

of knowledge, especially in the role of teachers in learning and

it is hoped that it can become a reference for improving reading

skills in English subjects.7

2. Practical Significance

a. for schools

Improving the Quality of Education. This research can help

improve the quality of education at MTs Islamiah Widodaren

by exploring the role of teachers in increasing students'

interest in reading.

b. for students Improving students' English language skills. In

the era of increasingly advanced globalization, English

language skills are becoming increasingly important. This

research can help improve students' English speaking skills

by increasing students' interest in reading. 8

c. for teachers

Day, R. R., & Bamford, J. (2016). Extensive reading in the second language classroom. New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Chen, Y., & Lin, Y. (2019). The effect of extensive reading on EFL learners’ writing performance.
Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 6(3), 529-536.

Improving the quality of teaching. This research can help

teachers identify factors that influence students' reading

interest and improve the quality of teaching in this regard.

d. for research

Improving the quality of research. This research can

contribute to the development of science and education

through more in-depth research regarding the role of teachers

in increasing students' interest in reading. 9

Therefore, research on "Analysis of the Teacher's Role in Student

Interest in English Reading Material at MT Islamiah Widodaren" is very

important and is expected to improve the quality of education and

students' ability to speak English at MTS Islamiah Widodaren.

F. Organization of the thesis

Thesis organization is a general description of the thesis which

functions to facilitate the linking of languages with each other in related

detail ” Analysis of the teacher’s role in developing student interest

in reading English material at MTS Islamiyah Widodaren ". The

systematics of this research thesis are as follows:

Chik, A., & Chin, L. Y. (2019). The impact of reading motivation on reading comprehension
among ESL learners. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences,
8(7), 993-1004.

1. The Beginning Part of the Thesis

The beginning of this thesis contains the thesis closing page, title

page, guideline validation sheet, validation sheet for examiners and

department heads, table of contents, and list of tables. 10

2. Contents section.

This section contains three chapters, including an introductory

chapter, literature review, and research methods, which are described as



This chapter contains several subchapters which contain research

background, research focus, problem formulation, previous research

objectives, meaning of research, thesis organization, and research



This theoretical study chapter contains three subchapters. The first

subchapter discusses the theoretical basis, the second subchapter

Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
approaches. Sage publications.
Dornyei, Z. (2014). Motivating language learners: Theory and practice. New York: Routledge.

discusses studies by previous researchers, and the third subchapter

discusses the conceptual framework. The first sub-chapter itself

contains a description of the theories used by researchers in research. In

the second subchapter, several previous research results are described.

Then in the third sub-chapter the researcher explains the theoretical

framework of this research.


This research methods chapter contains eight sub-chapters which are

useful for explaining the methods used in research conducted by

researchers, which include: research design, research setting, data

sources, data collection procedures, data collection techniques, data

analysis techniques, data validity, and research procedure.

G. Research schedule

No Reseach stages and activities Schedule (month) 2024

9 10 11 12 1 2

1 Research proposal preparation

2 Guidance session in preparing

research proposal

3 Research proposal seminar

4 Primary data collection

5 Data processing and analysis of


6 Submission of research reports

7 Thesis examination



This chapter consists of three subchapters, namely theoretical

background, previous research findings, and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Background

This sub-chapter explains the main theories used by researchers

during the research, which include teacher role theory, students' reading

interests and English language materials.

1. Teacher's Role

Currently, the world of education really needs educators with

character. Talking about roles, of course there will be lots of theories related

to roles. One of them is the role theory put forward by Linton which states

that role theory describes the social interactions of actors who play

according to what has been determined by culture. According to this theory,

Linton states that a person has a certain role, for example doctor, student,

parent, woman and so on, with the hope that that person will behave

according to that role. 12

Based on what Linton stated, this means that every human being has

their own role. For example, a child acting as a child, a mother acting as a

mother, a father acting as a father and so on. With the hope that later these

people will play their role as they should. For example, fathers will behave

as they behave a father, not even a father who behaves like a child.

Meanwhile, the word role according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary

(KBBI), is what is done, a task, something that has a big influence on an

event. According to Seojono Sockanto, role is a dynamic aspect of position

(status), if someone carries out their rights and obligations in accordance

with their role, then they are carrying out a role. What has been stated by

Soejono Soekanto provides the understanding that a role is a position or

status that is always changing and experiencing development. This means

that a person may not only carry out one role at a time, but more than that

because it is clear that if a person carries out his rights and obligations in

Dornyei, Z., & Ushioda, E. (2013). Teaching and researching motivation (2nd ed.). London:

accordance with his role, then he is carrying out a role. For example, a

mother may fulfill the dual role of being both mother and father due to

changing circumstances.13

Based on the understanding and theory above, teachers in schools

are actors who play the role of a teacher and are expected to be able to act

like teachers. Not only the role of someone who teaches various kinds of

knowledge, but also educates students to become dignified human beings.

2. English learning

a) Definition of English Learning

The concept of learning English as a second language requires

knowing and understanding exactly what the language itself means.

According to Brown, language is an arbitrary system of conventional

vowels. written symbols, or gestures that enable members of a particular

community to communicate with each other intelligently." Brown argued

that language is a system consisting of sounds and symbols that can be used

to communicate.14

Apart from that, according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, language is

defined as a tool for expressing meaning (ideas, thoughts, opinions and

feelings). In other words, the meaning that you want to convey to other

people or be understood by other people is contained in the language used.

reading interest and their reading comprehension. Journal of Language Teaching and Research,
11(2), 165-173.
Grabe, W., & Stoller, F. L. (2014). Teaching and researching reading (2nd ed.). New York:

Based on this view, English can be said to be a tool for expressing ideas,

thoughts, opinions and feelings, both orally and in writing. In Indonesia,

English is a tool to absorb and develop science, technology, as well as arts

and culture.15

b) English Learning Objectives

In connection with the process of learning a language, it is necessary

to know the main purpose of learning a language, especially English. The

Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture states that learning English

has the following objectives:

a. Develop communication skills that familiarize them in

interpreting and expressing thoughts, feelings, and experiences

through a variety of spoken and written English texts to expand

their interpersonal relationships to a higher level.

b. . Helping students reflect on the use of English and the uses of

English, as well as increasing awareness about the nature of

English and the nature of their mother tongue through

comparison, so that students can understand the working system

of the cache language and, ultimately, recognize the power of

language for them as human beings, both as individuals and as

members of society.

Lee, J. (2014). The effect of extensive reading on writing ability in an EFL context. English
Teaching, 69(2), 3-24

c. Help students develop an understanding of the interrelationship

between language and culture and expand their ability to cross-

culturally engage in diversity.

d. Help students expand their knowledge of language and connect

various ideas related to interests, world problems, and concepts

originating from various fields of learning.

c) English Language Learning Competencies

In the context of learning English, students can communicate using

spoken or written language. This speech or writing reflects that the person

understands the rules of the language. Knowledge of the rules and

regulations in this language is what Chomsky calls competence. 16

According to Brown, the general definition of competency refers to

a person's fundamental knowledge about a system, event, or fact. It is an

unobservable ability to do or do something. In a more specific sense

regarding language competence. Brown stated in more detail that in relation

to language, competence is a person's underlying knowledge about a

language system, including grammar rules, vocabulary, all the parts of a

language, and how the parts fit together. Based on this definition, it is clear

that language competence is more focused on grammatical rules, vocabulary

and all parts that are related to each other. 17 There are four components or

subcategories proposed by Canale and Swain which contain the components

of a person, namely:

Krashen, S. D. (2011). Free voluntary reading. Santa Barbara: Libraries Unlimited.
Koda, K. (2014). Insights into second language reading: A cross-linguistic approach. New York:
Cambridge University Press.

1) Grammatical competence, contains elements of lexical knowledge

and morphological, syntactic, semantic and phonological rules.

2) Discourse competency, includes the ability to connect sentences to

form discourse and form meaning from a series of utterances.

Discourse means everything from simple conversations to lengthy

written discourse. If grammatical competence focuses on grammar

at the sentence level, then discourse competence places more

emphasis on the relationship between sentences.

3) Sociolinguistic competence, which includes sociocultural rules of

language and knowledge of discourse, requires an understanding of

the social context in which the language is used, which includes the

role of each participant, the information discussed, and the function

of interaction.

4) Strategic competence, whether in the form of verbal or nonverbal

communication strategies, is used to eliminate barriers to

communication, whether caused by performance deficiencies or

lack of competence. This competency can also be said to be the

ability to correct deficiencies, for example a lack of knowledge in

grammar, and keep the communication process running, for

example by rearranging other sentences which may be simpler,

repetition, guessing, and so on.18

Liu, D., & Zhang, Y. (2013). The relationship between vocabulary knowledge and reading
comprehension in Chinese as a foreign language. Reading in a Foreign Language, 25(1), 36-55.

Based on the description above, the author concludes that language

has a central role in students' intellectual, social and emotional development

and is a key determinant of success in all fields of study. Language is

expected to help students recognize themselves, their culture and the

cultures of others, express ideas and feelings, participate in communities

that use the language, make responsible decisions at personal and social

levels, and discover and use appropriate analytical and imaginative abilities

in themselves.

3. Student interest

Interest is a tendency to always pay attention to and remember

something continuously or a desire that is carried out through the actions of

an individual who tries it and is shown the things he likes. According to

Sudirman (2013: 77) interest is a condition that occurs when someone sees

their characteristics. characteristics or meaning of a temporary situation that

is related to the desires or needs themselves. Therefore, whatever a person

sees will certainly arouse his interest as long as what he sees is related to his

own interests. This shows that interest is a person's mental tendency towards

an object, usually accompanied by feelings of pleasure, and can be

concluded that interest is a person's mental tendency towards an object,

usually accompanied by feelings of pleasure and can be related to a person's

desires and can also be closely related to personality, motivation and self-

expression. 19A person tends to like an activity that he believes in or can do

Nation, I. S. P. (2014). Learning vocabulary in another language (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge
University Press.

successfully. Perceptions of success are determined by the background of

the results obtained through tasks and from people who are related to those

or similar tasks, such as teachers or parents. If an individual believes that he

has performed a number of previous related tasks successfully, he is likely

to approach subsequent learning tasks with positive affect 20

B. Previous research

The following is some previous research entitled "Analysis of the Role

of Teachers in Students' Interest in Reading English Material" conducted in

other educational institutions, along with the differences:

1. "The Role of Teachers in Developing Interest in Reading in English

Material: Study of Elementary School Students in Indonesia"

(International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research,

2018) - This research explores the role of teachers in increasing students'

interest in reading in elementary schools in Indonesia.

2. “The Role of Teachers in Increasing Students' Interest in Reading in

English: A Study of Secondary School Students in Malaysia”

(International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research,

2017) – This research explores the role of teachers in increasing

students' interest in reading in school English middle class in Malaysia.

3. "The Influence of the Teacher's Role in Increasing Students' Interest in

Reading in English Material: Study in Private Schools in Indonesia"

(Journal of Language and Literature Education, 2019) - This research

Mason, B., & Krashen, S. D. (2017). Extensive reading in English as a foreign language. New
York: Routledge

explores the role of teachers in increasing the reading ability of

interested students in private schools in Indonesia.

4. “The Role of Teachers in Developing Students' Interest in Reading in

English: Case Study of Public Schools in Pakistan” (International

Journal of English Language Teaching, 2018) – This research explores

the role of teachers in increasing students' interest in reading in a school

country in Pakistan.

5. “Analysis of the Teacher's Role in Developing Students' Interest in

Reading in English Material: Study in Private Islamic Schools in

Indonesia” (International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 2020) –

This research explores the role of teachers in increasing students' interest

in reading in one of the schools Private Islam in Indonesia.

The differences in previous research that have been mentioned lie in the

place, subject and level of the research school,Thus, even though the

research topic being carried out is the same, differences in place, subject and

level of research school can influence the results and conclusions of the


. Nunan, D. (2015). Practical English language teaching (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

C. Framework






A. Research design

Based on the title taken by the researcher, in this research the researcher

used a descriptive-qualitative approach. According to Bogdan and Taylor,

descriptive qualitative research is a research procedure that produces

descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and

observable behavior. Descriptive qualitative research is intended to

understand phenomena about what research subjects experience, such as

behavior, perceptions, motivations, actions, etc., as a whole through

descriptions in the form of words and language, in special natural contexts,

and by utilizing various scientific method.” There are four characteristics of

qualitative research:

1. Use scientific background

2. Descriptive

3. Prioritize the process rather than the results

4. Inductive

Descriptive qualitative research is research that describes the nature and

characteristics of certain individuals, circumstances, symptoms, or groups.

Meanwhile, descriptive research is not intended to test a particular

hypothesis, but rather to describe what is meant by variables, symptoms, or

circumstances. Where this research has underlying characteristics. 22

The aim is to describe everything related to the role of teachers in improving

reading skills in English language learning at MTs Islamiyah Widodaren.

So, this research aims to understand the phenomena that occur holistically,

through descriptions in the form of words and language, in a special natural

context, and with utilizing various natural methods.

B. Research Setting

This research took place at MTS Islamiyah Widodaren which is in

Gendingan Village, Widodaren sub-district, Ngawi Regency, East Java. The

reason the researcher chose this location was because MTs Islamiyah

Widodaren was because it was one of the places that had contributed a lot

to researchers, so the researchers were interested in developing this school

in educational aspect.

In accordance with the type of research, namely qualitative research, the

presence of researchers at the research location as the main instrument is

absolutely necessary. The researcher acts as the main instrument who acts

as a data collector, analyzer and reporter of results. Meanwhile, non-human

instruments only play a supporting role. Meanwhile, the role of the

researcher in this case is as a full observer, and the presence of the researcher

is also known from his status as a researcher, as follows

Oxford, R. L. (2016). Teaching and researching language learning strategies (2nd ed.). New York:

C. Data Source

There are two data in this research, namely primary and secondary data

sources. Primary data sources are data sources that directly provide data to

data collectors. Secondary data sources are sources that do not provide data

directly to data collectors, for example through other people or documents.

The data sources for this research are:

1. Primary data

Primary data sources are data collected, processed and

presented by researchers from primary sources who directly provide

related data to researchers. In this study, the main data sources or

respondents were English subject teachers and Mts Islamiyah

Widodaren class students.

2. Secondary Data

Secondary data sources are data obtained or collected by the

community in conducting research from existing sources. This data

is used to support primary information that has been obtained,

namely from library materials, literature, previous research, books,

and so on (parties outside the school or institution. 23

D. Data collection technique

Data collection can be done in various settings, from various

sources, and in various ways. If we look at the setting, data can be

collected in a natural setting; If you look at the data source, data

Park, G. (2015). The relationship between motivation and second language reading
comprehension: A meta-analysis. Language Learning, 65(3), 563-595.

collection can use primary and secondary data. In qualitative research,

the main data collection techniques are observation and interviews. "In

accordance with the type of research used by researchers, namely the

type of qualitative data that uses descriptive methods, according to

Sugiyono the techniques that we can carry out in qualitative research are

interviews, observation and documentation."

1. Observation

Observation is one of the methods used to collect information about

the role of teachers in improving the ability to read English material at

Mts Islamiyah Widodaren, namely by recording information witnessed

by researchers in the field during the research. Observation is a method

of collecting data by systematically observing and recording real

phenomena to be investigated and researched. The observation method

is an activity that involves focusing attention on an object to be studied

using all the senses.24

2. Interview

One of the data collection techniques used in this research is the

interview method. Interviews are a type of data collection technique

which consists of question and answer interactions between researchers

and research informants to find out what data is in the field. Using the

interview method in research is useful for finding problems in the field

Pressley, M., & Allington, R. L. (2014). Reading instruction that works: The case for
balanced teaching (4th ed.). New York: Guilford Press.

that will be discussed in the research. "Apart from that, the interview

method is also useful for exploring data in the field related to research


Interviews are used as a data collection technique, namely

conversations with a specific purpose. The conversation is carried out

by two parties, namely the interviewer who asks questions and the

interviewee who provides answers. In this research, researchers used

two types of interviews, namely structured interviews and unstructured

interviews. Structured interviews are carried out by data collectors who

prepare research instruments in the form of several questions along with

answer choices, while unstructured interviews are free interviews where

researchers do not use neatly arranged interview guidelines such as

structured interview guidelines, and researchers only use guidelines that

describe the problem; "There are no answer choices that will be given."

Meanwhile, the interview that the researcher conducted used

unstructured interviews, namely asking structured questions to the

English teacher at Mts Islamiah Widodaren whose answers had not been

determined by the researcher and completely depended on the

interviewee's answers. 25

3. Documentation

enandya, W. A., & Jacobs, G. M. (2014). Extensive reading: Why it is good for our student and
for us.

Documentation is a method of collecting data by viewing and

recording existing data at the research location. "This documentation

can be in the form of notes, books, modules, pictures, and so on, to

complement interview and observation evidence." G.J. Renier believes

that the term "documentation" in a general sense can be categorized into

all general meanings. as covering all research data, while in a narrow

sense documentation is all research data in written form. documentation

in a special sense is all data originating from the center.26

Documentation itself is a data collection technique where

researchers look for data about a thing or variable in the form of notes,

transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, inscriptions, agendas, and so

on. According to Herijauhari, documentation comes from the word

"document" which means written items or archives related to an

investigation." MTs Islamiyah Widodaren researchers use

documentation methods to collect data about the course of teaching and

learning activities, especially English language learning. The data

obtained will be in the form of photos during English learning activities.

Apart from photo documentation of activities, researchers also looked

for data about the history of the founding of MTs Islamiyah Widodaren,

organizational structure, and teacher and student data.

E. Data Analyzing Techniques

iu, D., & Zhang, Y. (2013). The relationship between vocabulary knowledge and reading
comprehension in Chinese as a foreign language. Reading in a Foreign Language, 25(1), 36-55.

According to Bogdan and Biklen in their book Qualitative Research

for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods quoted by Lexy

J. Moleong, qualitative data analysis is an effort carried out by

processing data, organizing data, sorting it into manageable units,

synthesizing it, searching for and finding patterns, discovering what is

important and what is learned, and deciding what to tell others.

The data analysis process that the researcher will carry out will go

through the following stages:

1. Organizing data

This data was compiled using various sources, including

informants and direct experience documented in field notes,

interview transcripts, and documentation. Then break them

down into units, synthesize them, organize them into patterns,

choose what is most important and what to study, and make

conclusions that can be shared with others. 27

2. Summarize data

At this stage the researcher will select the main things, focus

on the most important things, and create categories.

3. Checking the validity of the data

The analysis technique that researchers use is qualitative

descriptive data analysis. According to Winarno Surachmad,

Nation, I. S. P. (2014). Learning vocabulary in another language (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge
University Press.

qualitative descriptive analysis is knowing and interpreting

existing data. For example, about situations faced, relationships,

activities, views or attitudes that emerge, or about processes that

emerge, real trends, sharp conflicts, and so on, or in other words,

describing qualitative data by arranging and grouping existing

data to provide a complete picture to the reader.28

F. Data Validity

Data collection went through three stages, including the preliminary

stage, the filtering stage, and the stage of completing missing data.

Checking the validity of data often occurs at the data filtering stage.

Therefore, if there is irrelevant or insufficient data, the data will be

filtered again in the field, so that the data has a high level of validity. In

testing the validity of the data, researchers used several techniques as


1. Expand research

By expanding research, researchers can review their research.

This is done by returning to the field to carry out observations and

interviews again with data sources that have been encountered and

new ones. This observation means that the relationship between

researchers and informants is becoming more intimate, open and

trusting, so that no more information is hidden. By expanding this

Koda, K. (2014). Insights into second language reading: A cross-linguistic approach. New York:
Cambridge University Press.

observation, the researcher checked again whether the data provided

so far was correct data or not. Definite data is data that is valid and

in accordance with what is happening."The expansion of this

observation is related to the role of teachers in improving reading

skills in learning English material at MTS Islamiyah Widodaren

2. Triangulation

Triangulation was carried out to strengthen the data and

make researchers confident in the correctness and completeness of

the data. Triangulation can be carried out continuously until the

researcher is satisfied with the data. "In this qualitative research, the

researcher uses triangulation techniques, namely by re-checking the

information obtained from informants using different techniques."

For example, data is obtained by interview, then checked by

observation and documentation. If the data from these three data

credibility testing techniques produces different data, the researcher

must carry out further discussions with the sources of the data

obtained to determine which data is correct or maybe all of them are

correct, because of different points of view. in the role of teachers in

improving reading skills in English language material at MTs

Islamiyah Widodaren.

G. Research procedure

This section describes the research procedures that the researcher

has gone through, namely a description of the steps the researcher took

in collecting data to answer the research questions posed in this research,

which includes three stages, namely the pre-research stage, the field

stage. research stage, and data analysis stage.29

1. Pre-research stage

At this stage the researcher proposes several titles to the head

of the department to get approval for which title will be used.

After the research title is received, the researcher begins to

prepare the research framework, which will be submitted back

to the head of the department to be used as the basis for preparing

the thesis proposal. Then, when the department head has decided

that the research framework is suitable as a reference, the

researcher begins to prepare a research proposal. The completed

research proposal is then submitted to take part in the proposal

seminar. After the research proposal is declared suitable for

testing and accepted by the examiner, the researcher can carry

out the thesis proposal examination.

2. Field research stage

The actual research is done at this stage. The first thing to do

was to apply for permission from the faculty addressed to Mts

Islamiyah Widodaren. Researchers can collect data after waiting

for approval from the school concerned and can introduce

themselves first to the subject or informant to make observations

Chen, Y., & Lin, Y. (2015). The effect of extensive reading on EFL learners’ writing performance.
Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 6(3), 529-536.

in the school environment. Only after that did the researcher start

collecting data, conducting interviews with informants,

recording statements from documents, and recording things

observed. Researchers try to obtain as much information as

possible about the application of discussion methods in English

subjects and other relevant matters. Before conducting an

interview, the researcher prepares a list of questions first, but the

researcher can develop these questions if the informant's answers

are too short and direct the questions to be more focused on the


3. Research data analysis stage

Data collected during research activities in the field is still

raw; Therefore, it needs to be analyzed so that the data is neat

and systematic. At this stage the researcher classifies and

organizes the data into a pattern so as to produce a clear, detailed

and systematic description. As explained previously, data

analysis is systematic which is carried out during and after data

collection. To check the validity of the data, researchers do not

only obtain information from one informant, but this is also

necessary obtain information from other informants as a

comparison, so that new data is obtained. 30

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