Thesis Fia Eka Safitriiii
Thesis Fia Eka Safitriiii
Thesis Fia Eka Safitriiii
1. Advisor Commite
Advisor Co-Advisor
Praise to Allah SWT for his merciful and blessing that this thesis can be
finally completed entitled ― Developing an Animation Short Movie to Improve
Student’s Speaking Ability in Junior High School Level, Academic Year
2020/2021. This thesis was proposed as a partial fulfillment of requirements
for S1 degree of English Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah
Pringsewu Lampung. When finishing this thesis, the researcher has obtained
so many helps, assistance, or support and many valuable things form various
sides. Therefore, the researcher would sincerely thank to:
1. Drs. Wanawir AM,M.M.,M.Pd, as the chairperson of University of
Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung with his personnel, who has given
the opportunities to the researcher when ongoing study until the
accomplishment of this thesis.
2. Fitri Wulandari, M.Pd as the chairman of English Study Program, the
writer‘s advisor, and also as the first advisor and expert judgment for my
product who had gave guidance and motivation to me in finishing this
3. Novita Eka Tristiana, M.Pd as the second advisor and as expert judgment for my
product, who had also gave guidance and motivation to me in finishing this
4. Lecturers of University of Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung, thank
you for all knowledge that enlightens the writer about education of English
and literature
COVER............................................................................................................ i
APPROVAL.................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................. iv
A. Background of the Problem..................................................................`1
B. Identification of the Problem ............................................................... 5
C. Limitation of the Problem..................................................................... 6
D. Formulation of the Problem.................................................................. 7
E. Objective of the Research ................................................................... 7
F. Significance of the Study...................................................................... 8
A. Background of Problem
TEFL methodology is highly developed and the most up-to-date training courses
turn out teachers who use a communicative approach and a student-centered style
of teaching. In these key respects, TEFL courses are different from the way
English is taught in most mainstream compulsory education. To understand TEFL
methodology, we should familiarize ourselves with some basic terms, such as,
first, second, and foreign language. First language is a language that is firstly
learned by children after they are born. First language is often called mother
tongue, native tongue or L1. The term ‘mother tongue’ is used to refer to the
language used by the mother of a child which is often firstly learned by the new-
born baby. ‘Native tongue’ is used to refer to the language used by people
surrounding by the child. It is assumed that the language that is firstly learned by
the baby is the language used by people around the baby. L1 means first language
that is the language firstly learned by the child.
Second language is the language learned by a child after the first language. The
Javanese child whose first language is Javanese might have Bahasa Indonesia as
his/her second language. Second language implies the use of the language in a
more formal occasion, such as, as the medium of instruction. In Singapore,
Malaysia, India, the Philippines, Kenya, and Nigeria, English is considered as a
second language. In those countries, English is used as a national language and
used widely in the countries. Foreign language is a language acquired and spoken
by a person after the first and second language. The language is not used in daily
life of the society where the person lives. For the Javanese child whose first
language is Javanese and who lives in Java, English is a foreign language. In Java
and Indonesia, in general, English is not spoken in daily life. (Fachrurrazy. 2011.)
The basic concepts of TEFL should be understood by teachers before they jump
into school and teach English to students in the classroom. In TEFL, teachers will
teach English which is divided into 4 skills, namely speaking, writing, listening,
and reading. In this case, researchers will focus more on teaching English in
speaking skill.
Burns & Joyce (1997) from Brown (1994) states that speaking is an interactive
process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and
processing information . Its form and meaning are dependent on the context in
which it occurs, including the participants themselves, their collective
experiences, the physical environment, and the purposes for speaking. It is often
spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving. However, speech is not always
unpredictable. Language functions (or patterns) that tend to recur in certain
discourse situations (e.g., declining an invitation or requesting time off from
work), can be identified and charted. For example, when a salesperson asks "May
I help you?" the expected discourse sequence includes a statement of need,
response to the need, offer of appreciation, acknowledgement of the appreciation,
and a leave-taking exchange. Speaking requires that learners not only know how
to produce specific points of language such as grammar, pronunciation, or
vocabulary (linguistic competence), but also that they understand when, why, and
in what ways to produce language (sociolinguistic competence). Finally, speech
has its own skills, structures, and conventions different from written language.
Furthermore, based on the Indonesia national curriculum 2013, junior high school
students must be able to interact more active and creative in the classroom so, the
teacher should be able to make the teaching and learning process to be better.
According to the syllabus, core competence 4.4 said “Apply social functions, text
structure, and the language elements of oral and written interpersonal interaction
texts that involve the asking instruction, inviting, asking for permission, and
responding to them, in accordance with the context of their use..”
From the syllabus statements, the researcher thinks that it would be easier if the
students got a new learning media in the form of an animated video for asking and
giving materials. This animated video contains some dialogue or conversation
about how to ask an instructions, how to invite someone, how to asking for
permission, and respond to them. From the conversations, the researcher hoped
that this animation video would be useful and give students a better understanding
of the material.
Based on interviews conducted together with one of the English teachers in the
school, researchers get data or information about teaching and learning English in
the classroom. First, teachers when teaching English in the classroom for speaking
materials using lecture methods and without using learning media. Teachers also
communicate directly with students when teaching speaking English. During the
interview, the teacher said that learning with preaching methods is easy to do but
students become passive and cause students to be less motivated to learn English,
especially for speaking materials.
Considering the problems above, the teachers have to motivate the students to
learn English, especially in speaking performance. Teaching speaking needs a
specific learning model or media to help the students improve their speaking
performance. According to this problem, using animation video in teaching
speaking performance is very interesting for students. Because an animation video
contains visual audio, it makes teaching and learning feel more interesting.
The result of the preliminary of research, based on the student’s need analysis
questionnaire in SMP N 1 Ambarawa, there is three points that I will analyze, that
are students need, lack, and want. There are 20 respondents of this questionnaire.
As many as 93,3% of students need media for learning Speaking English that
looks interesting and easy to understand, media that can help students improve
their speaking skills and build their imagination in order to speak English.
Then, student’s lack in learning speaking there are many as 80% of students find
it difficult to speaking and communicating with teachers using English. In
addition, they do not know the meaning of the vocabulary or sentences that are
being spoken by the teacher.
Based on student’s want , I can conclude that 86.7% of students want to learn
English through animation video. Learning through animation video also includes
the material that they learn about speaking. I hope this animation short movie will
make students interested and feel happy in learning speaking.
For designing and making the animation video, the researcher uses the Plotagon
Studio Application and animaker. Plotagon Studio is a professional tool for
creating animated videos for training, marketing, education, and outreach. This
program lets you create, collaborate, and update movies quickly, and then share
them with full commercial distribution rights. This program comes with a set of
3D models to quickly start editing. Over 150 virtual locations, including offices,
hospitals, schools, retail businesses, and a green screen is present. 35 different
characters are available for animation. Animation Video as audio visual aids is
beneficial for the teacher and students in English language teaching. Animation
video has several advantages such as :
Based on the statement above, the researcher has a thought for making a new
learning medium in the form of an animated video. But before that, the researcher
needs to get some analysis from the students first. As a result of the preliminary
research, which was based on a student need analysis questionnaire at SMP
Negeri 1 Ambarawa, I will analyze three points: students' need, lack, and want. I
will calculate percentages based on students' need, lack, and want for the product
I will create. The percentages in the diagram will be given as follows:
Based on the result of the need analysis above, animation video as a medium is
very helpful in the teaching and learning process and makes the students
motivated and actively involved in speaking activities. The students' use of
animation videos as media helped the students develop better activities.
Animation videos could minimize the students’ passiveness in the process of
teaching and learning to speak.
2. For the students, this product is expected can be an interesting learning media
to deliver of the material and to develop their knowledge or understand in
speaking English
3. For the teacher, teachers are expected to be able to manage the class well with
animation video media. In addition, with this new learning media, teachers can
be helped to improve their students' about speaking skills.
Review of Literature
A. Previous Study
There are some previous studies taken by some researcher around the
world related to this study. The first previous study was conducted by
Retno Dwi Julianingrum (2021). The researcher was conducted
research at Junior High School entitle “Developing an Animation
Video as Supplementary Media in Learning Engliash Vocabulary for
Young Learners”. The procedures of developing animation video as
supplementary media in learning English vocabulary for young
learners is designed using ADDIE model from Robert Maribe Branch.
The first phase was analyzing students’ need through observation and
questionnaire. The second phase was designing product, script, and
the storyboard creation. The third phase is development phase, media
creation and product revision.
Speaking ability is not only based on the time but also it is based
on their habitation to speak English. They must practice in their
daily activities because speaking ability is verbal intelligence.
This is supported by Broughton, who state that it is important
a student should be able to produce naturally the language which
has been presented to him and which he has practiced in various
more or less controlled situations. It means that speaking ability is
a form of productive skill verbally which the students can practice
the speaking English naturally based on the context.
b) Grammar
The grammar of a language is the description of the ways in
which words can change their forms and can be combined into
sentences in that language. If grammar rules are too carelessly
violated, communication may suffer. Grammar is one
important aspect of speaking because if an utterance can has
different meaning if the speaker uses incorrect grammar.
c) Vocabulary
Vocabulary means list of words with their meaning. One
cannot communicate effectively or express their ideas both
oral and written form if they do not have sufficient
vocabulary. Without grammar, very little can be conveyed,
without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.
d) Pronunciation
Pronunciation is the way for students‟ to produce clearer
language when they speak. Pronunciation is an essential
aspect of learning to speak a foreign language. If a student
does not pronounce a word correctly, it can be very difficult to
understand him/her. On the other hand, if students make
grammatical mistakes e.g. in a verb tense, the listener still has
an idea of what is being said. So, it can be seen that good
pronunciation is vital if a student is to be understood.
e) Fluency
Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and
accurately. Fluency in speaking is the aim of many language
learners. Signs of fluency include a reasonably fast speed of
speaking and only a small number of pauses and “ums” or
“ers”. These signs indicate that the speaker does not have spent
a lot of time searching for the language items needed to
express the message.
3. Concept of Media
a. Definition of Media
The use of media is needed to ensure an effective
communication in order to improve the quality of instruction.
However, media offer some positive contributions toward the
teaching and learning process. According to Heinich in Arsyad
states that media act as mediator that transmits information from
resource to receiver. It is supported by Asyhar, he states that the
function of media as a strategy and assist equipment in teaching
and learning process. It can be concluded that media is an
equipment in teaching and learning process that used as
mediator to transfer the information from sender to receiver.
According to Brinton, Media have undoubtedly always
facilitated the tasks of language learning both instructed and
none instructed learners as a tool for language learning or
teaching. It means that media can be defined as the aids or
equipments that can help the learning process run well.
Based on those explanations above it can be concluded that
media is part of communication. Wherever communication is
held, media is always used. The use of media is needed to ensure
effective communication in order to improve the effect of
instruction. In the teaching and learning process, media is the
way of teacher to communicate with the students. It is not only
helping the teacher to communicate and send a message to the
students but also giving some responses so the students can carry
meaningful learning experiences.
b. Kinds of Media
According to Arsyad teaching media can be classified into three
categories. They are:
1. Visual Media
They are media that can be seen. It would captivate sense
eyes mostly. It can be formed of picture, moving picture or
animation and flashcard.
2. Audio Media
They are media that can be listened from audio media has
sound which is listened by us. And to mean as thinking that
the contents message in audiotape form such as vocal
cord/tape recorder and movie compact disk which can
stimulus though feeling, idea and students it happens on
teaching and learning process.
4. Need Analysis
Before designing the learning media, the researcher needs an analysis
as the first step that should we do. It helps the materials developer to
create an appropriate materials based on the students' need so that it
helps the students comprehending the English materials based on their
6. Material Development
a) Definition Material Development
Material development refers to a process of producing and using
the materials for language learning including materials evaluation
adaptation, design, production, exploitation and research
(Tomlinson, 2012: 143). Moreover, Graves (2000: 149) describes
materials development as the planning process by which a teacher
can put the objectives and goals of the course into units and tasks.
Developing materials for a language course or language program
has some advantages compared with using the commercial course
books. Richards (2001: 261) points four advantages of developing
materials which are presented as follows.
1) Relevance
The materials will tend to be more relevant for students and
institutional needs and reflect the local content, issues, and
2) Develop expertise
Developing materials benefit the other staffs language course
to improve their expertise, giving them a greater
understanding of the characteristic of effective materials.
3) Reputation
It will show the commitment to the language teaching
because of providing relevant, specialized, and contextualized
materials for the students.
4) Flexibility
The produced materials can be revised or adapted as needed,
giving them greater flexibility than a commercial course
book. Furthermore, Shulman (1987) in Richards (2001:202)
cites that materials development lies at the intersection of
content and pedagogy. It shows the capacity of the teachers
or material developers to transform the content knowledge
into pedagogical form which is relevant to the students' needs
and background. From definition of material development
above it is about the process of producing and using materials
in learning and teaching, the teacher developing materials
appropriate to students' needs.
1) Fast Forward
The EFL teachers can present the video to the students by playing
it for a few seconds and the fast it forward. Those activities
should be repeated until the end of the video. Then, the researcher
ask the students to share what information they got from the
video. In this case, the students can guess what they’re talked
2) Silent Viewing
In this step, the teacher can play the video without any sounds.
The video is presented silently without any information. In this
case, the students’ abilities to predict the information are required.
3) Freeze Framing
Next step, the teacher stops the video several times. The students
need to encourage to deliver their idea when the video is stopped.
It will be more effective to guide the students in understanding
the situation and also can predict what will happen next after
seeing some parts of the video.
4) Partial Viewing
Last step, it is also a way to encourage the students’ curiosity
because it let the students see a part of the video and asked them
to predict what kind of information they will gather.
C. Conceptual Framework
A. Research Design
The objective of this research to develop appropriate model of English
learning materials for students of SMP Negeri 1 Amabarawa. This
research was classified into Research and Development (R&D) that
adapted the framework of developing English learning materials by Gall,
Gall and Borg (2003). In the this research, the researcher tried to make
new products related with the aims of the research itself.
C. Research Subject
The subjects of this research are at 8.E grade in SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa.
It consists of 36 students in one classroom. A researcher will distribute
the questionnaire to 36 students. The questionnaire will be distributed
online using Google Formulir.
D. Research Procedure
The procedure of this research to the system approach model proposed by
Borg, Gall and Gall (2003: 571). Therefore, in designing the model, the
researcher uses Research and Development approach by adapting Borg &
Gall (1983: 775) developed 10 deep stages developing models. The
procedures of the research are described as follows:
Figure 3.1
Bog & Gall Steps Scheme
Step 3
Step 1 Step 2
Designing the
Needs Planning
Step 9
Tryout 7 Step 8 Implementation
productthe Revising 2 the product
Borg and Gall model consists of ten major steps. They are as follows:
Step 1 involves research and information collecting or need analysis. It
includes review of literature, classroom observations, and preparation of
report of state of the art. Step 2 and 3 consists of planning and develop
preliminary form of product. Planning includes defining skills, stating
objectives determining course sequence, and small scale feasibility testing.
Develop preliminary form of product includes preparation of instructional
materials, handbooks, and evaluating devises. Then step 4 involves first
validation product. It concludes interview, questionnaire data collected and
analyzed from the school. For step 5 and 6 conduct main product revision
and main field testing. Main product revision uses quantitative data on
subjects’ course as evaluation. Operational product revision is happened in
step 7, revision of product as suggested by main field test result. Next, for
step 8 and 9 involve operational field testing and final product revision.
And the last step or step 10 involves dissemination and implementation. It
is a report on product at professional meeting and journals. Work with
publisher who assumes commercial distribution. Monitor distribution to
provide quality control.
However, to ease and make shorter the process of designing the product,
the researcher limits the development just to nine steps. Besides, the
researcher also adapts the process with the needs of development. The
chart explain about the procedure of development is based on Borg and
Gall development model. This model includes ten steps, but the researcher
just took nine steps and the researcher did researcher this is only nine
steps, because in this research based on limited time and money.
Then needs analysis that use closed ended questioner was used to
gather the data the target and learning needs in English. The
learners were asked to answer several questions related to their
characteristics and needs in learning English by choosing one or
more options from several options provided. In developing need
analysis questioner from Hutchison and water (1987: 55).
Table 3.1
The Organization Need Analysis Questionnaire
Target Needs
No Aspect Purpose of the question
1. Necessities To find out the students’ in terms of target
2. Lack To find out the gap between student’s existing
knowledge and the required knowledge level
3. Want To find the students’ wants related to the
f : Frequency
N : Total number of the students
100 : fixed number
Burns, A., & Joyce, H. (1997). "Focus on speaking." Sydney: National Center for
English Language Teaching and Research.
Gall, Meredith. D., Gall, Joyce. P., and Borg, Walter. R. (2003). Educational
Research: An Introduction (7th ed). Boston : Allyn and Bacon
Plavnick, J. B., Sam, A. M., Hume, K., & Odom, S. L. 2013, ‘Effects of Video-
Based Group Instruction for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum
Disorder’, Exceptional Children, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 67-83.