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Chap 01

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Level 2__lesson 1 GRAPHICS And DESIGN

1 Computer graphics
A in pairs, look at the computer graphics (a—d) and discuss these questions.
1 which of these computer graphics are three-dimensional (3-D) ?
2 What are the advantages of creating 3-D images ?
3 Which types of professional might use the computer graphics (a—d) ?
4 Who else uses computer graphics in their job ? How do they use them ?

B Read the text in the next page and answer these questions.
1 What are the differences between raster graphics and vector graphics ?
2 Which graphics file formats are mentioned ?
3 What is compositing ?
4 What does CAD stand for ?
5 What are the benefits of using graphics in the car industry ?
6 What type of software is used to make maps or 3--D models of the Earth ?
7 Who uses computer animation ? How ?

Computer graphics
Computer graphics are pictures and drawings CAD ( Computer Aided Design) software to develop,
produced by computer. There are two main model and test car design before the actual parts are
categories. made. This can save a lot of time and money.

Raster graphics, or bitmaps are stored as a CAD is also used in the aerospace, architecture and
collection of pixels. The sharpness of an image industrial sectors to design everything from
depends on the density of pixels, or resolution. For aeroplanes and buildings to consumer products.
example, text or pictures that are scaled up – that is, Designers start a project by making a wireframe, a
made bigger – may show jagged edges. Paint and representation showing the outlines of all edges in a
photo-editing programs like Adobe Photoshop focus transparent drawing. They then specify and fill the
on the manipulation of bitmaps. Popular raster surfaces to give the appearance of a 3-D solid object
formats are JPEG, GIF and TIFF. with volume. This is known as solid modelling.
Next, they add paint, colour and filters to achieve the
Vector graphics represent images through the use desired ‘look and feel’ : this is called texturing the
of geometric objects, such as lines, curves and object. Finally, they render the object to make it
polygons, based on mathematical equations. They look real. Rendering includes lighting and shading as
can be changed or scaled without losing quality. well as effects that simulate shadows and reflections.
Vector data can be handled by drawing programs
like Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw or Macromedia
Freehand. ESP is the most popular file format for
exchanging vector drawings.

Computer art, or digital art, is used in adverts and

TV programmes. Artists and scientists use special
graphic applets to create amazing fractals. Fractals
Almost all computer users use some from of are geometrical patterns that are repeated at small
graphics. Home users and professional artists use scales to generate irregular shapes, some of which
image-editing programs to manipulate images. For describe objects from nature. Government agencies
example, you can add filters (special effects) to your use GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to
favourite photos, or you can composite images. understand geographic data and then plan the use of
Compositing is combining parts of different images land or predict natural disasters. Cartographers use
to create a single image. GIS to make detailed maps. Animators use computer
Graphic artists and designers use drawing programs animation software to create animated cartoons or
to create freehand drawings and illustrations for add effects in movies and video games.
books or for the web. Businesspeople use
presentation graphics to make information more
interesting visually – graphs and diagrams can be
more effective ways of communicating with clients
than lists of figures. Electrical engineers use graphics
to design circuits in order to present data in a more
understandable form.

C Match the words (1 — 6) with the definitions (a—f).
1 resolution a. special effects that can be applied to pictures.
2 jagged b. a technique that generates realistic reflections, shadows and
3 filters highlights.
4 wireframe c. geometrical figures with special properties.
5 rendering d. irregular or uneven.
6 fractals e. the number of pixels in an image.
f. the drawing of a model by using features like edges or contour

2 Language work : the –ing form

A Look at the help box and decide if the –ing HELP BOX
forms in these sentences are gerunds, present The –ing form
participles or adjectives. Write g, pp or a. We use the –ing form in three ways.
1 Rendering includes lighting and shading.
1. PCs generate graphics by performing 2 We are designing a new car on computer.
3 They are special applets to create amazing fractals.
mathematical calculations on data. …………….
 In 1, rendering is a gerund, acting as the subject.
2. Businesspeople use graphics to make information Lighting and shading are also gerunds, acting as the
more interesting visually. …………… objects. A gerund refers to an activity or process.

3. Graphs and diagrams can be more effective ways  In 2, designing is a present participle. This is used
in continuous tenses (in the above example, the present
of communicating with clients than lists of figures.
continuous) and reduced relative clauses.
…………….. …. a representation showing the outlines of all edges.
(= which shows the outlines …)
4. She is designing a logo for the company.
………………..  In 3, amazing is an adjective.

5. If you need to make a presentation, I suggest using We use gerunds in the following ways.
Powerpoint. ……………………
 As the subject of a verb.
Compositing is combining parts of different images to
6. The internet is a network linking other networks. create a single image.
 As the complement of the subject.
B Correct the mistakes in these sentences. There Compositing is combining parts of different images.
are seven mistakes in total.
 As the object of a verb.
I enjoy editing pictures.
1. Computer animation is the process of create
objects which move across the screen.  After a preposition
2. Texturing involves add paint, colour and filters to Designers start a project by making a wireframe.
drawings and designs.
3. You can open the colour palette by click on the  As the complement of a verb
This course involves painting and drawing in various
corresponding icon.
4. CAD programs are very fast at to perform drawing
functions.  Some verbs are followed by the gerund, not by the
5. A lot of time and money is saved by test a car infinitive (e.g. avoid, fancy, finish, give up, hate,
design before to make the product. imagine, involve, keep, look forward to, mind,
6. To render refers to the techniques used to make suggest, enjoy)
realistic images.

3 The toolbox
A Listen to an extract from an online tutorial about graphics programs and answer these
1. What is a toolbox in graphics software ?
2. What are graphics primitives ?
3. What sort of attributes, or characteristics, can be used in graphical objects ?
4. What does translation mean ?

B Listen again and complete this extract from the web version of the tutorial.
Graphics programs usually have a toolbox — a collection of activate it by (4) ________________ on it. For example, if
drawing and (1) ________________ tools that enable you to you want to (5) ___________________ a rectangle, you
type, (2) ________________ draw, paint, edit, move, and activate the rectangle tool, and the pop-up options give
view images on the computer. you the possibility of (6) _______________ rectangles
with square or rounded corners.
The basic shapes which are used to (3) _____________
graphical objects are called primitives. These are usually You can transform an object by translating, (7)
geometric, such as lines between two points, arcs, circles, ______________ or scaling it. Translation means moving
polygons, ellipses and even text. Furthermore, you can an object to a different location. Rotation is (8)
specify the attributes of each primitive, such as its colour, ________________ the object around an axis. For
line type, fill area, interior style and so on. example, you may need to rotate an object 90 or 180
The various tools in a toolbox usually appear together as degrees to fit the drawing. (9) ____________ is making
pop-up icons in a menu or palette. To use one, you the object larger or smaller.

C Match the tools from the Photoshop toolbox (1—10) with the functions (a—j).

1. Marquee select tool.

a. Cut down the dimensions of a picture.

2. Move tool b. Select a particular part of an image (you can

choose different shapes for selection)

3. Crop tool c. Fill in an area with a colour.

d. Control the foreground and background colour.

4. Paintbrush, pencil
e. Select a specific colour in a photo.

5. Eraser f. Magnify areas of an image when you are doing

close, detailed work.

6. Paint bucket g. Delete the part of the picture you drag it over.

h. Insert text into your document.

7. Type tool
i. Draw and paint in different shapes and patterns.

8. Colour picker (Eyedropper) j. Move a selection or entire layer by dragging it with

your mouse.
9. Zoom

10. Colour tools and palette

4 Choosing graphics software

Work in pairs. Student A chooses a task from the list (1—6) and describes it.
Student B chooses the most appropriate graphics software for the task (a-f) and gives reasons
for his or her choice. Look at the useful language box to help you.

1. To edit and retouch photos

2. To create illustrations and drawings for a magazine
3. To prepare slideshows for training sessions or conferences
4. To make mechanical designs and architectural plans
5. To create dynamic simulations and special effects for films, TV, advertisements and games
6. To analyse geographic data and make maps
Useful Language
a. Computer animation software, for example 3-D If I need to …….., what software would you
Studio Max. recommend ?
b. GIS software, for example ArcView For that kind of task, the best thing would
c. Presentation software, for example PowerPoint. be ……….
d. A CAD package, for example AutoCAD It allows you to ……. and ………
e. Vector graphics software, for example Freehand. I wouldn’t recommend …… because ……
f. A paint and image-editing program, for example A good program of this type is ……

5 Describing graphics
Look at the images (1—4), which show the stages involved in drawing a plane using computer
software. Write a short description of stages 2, 3 and 4. Look at the text page 2 and the Useful
language box to help you.

Useful Language

The picture shows ……..

In this (next) stage …….
The designer has used …….
This stage is called ……..
Rendering techniques include …….
As a finishing touch …….

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