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Computer Graphics Chapter-1 Creating Graphics

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Chapter-1 Creating Graphics

Computer Graphics:
• Graphics are building blocks for developing exciting and
informative multimedia documents, presentations and

• The pictorial representation and manipulation of data by

a computer

• Computer graphics are often made with software called

drawing, painting, illustrating and photographic programs or

• Charts, diagrams, drawings and other pictorial

representations that are computer generated.

• Images created and stored using digital technology.

2. Types of Computer Graphics:

Two types

1. Bitmap Graphics: Bitmaps which are some times called raster images,
use colored dots called pixels arranged in a grid to define an image.

Pixels short for picture elements-are dots usually measured in pixels per inch
or per centimeter

2. Vector Graphics: Vector graphics consists of lines and curves called

vector paths that are defined by Mathematical objects called vectors.

Mathematical Objects: Circle, Square, Rectangle

3. Difference between Vector and Bitmap Graphics.

1. Vector files are usually smaller than the bitmap files because
they consist of a series of Mathematical formulas rather than many pixels.
2. Vector images also retain their original definition and
perspective when resized. Vector images displayed at different resolutions
with out losing the quality.

3. Bitmaps tend to lose definition as they are resized, because the

individual dots become visible.

Computer Graphics Programs:

1. Macromedia Flash
2. Macromedia Fire works
3. Adobe Illustrator
4. Photo Shop
5. Maya
6. Corel Draw
7. MS-Power Point

Common Graphics File Formats:

a. JPG (Joint PhotoGraphic Experts Group)

This format used for photographs and other high-color images.

b. GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

This format is popular for World Wide Web. These are used for
cartoons, logos.

c. BMP (Bitmap)

Microsoft graphics file format and is used frequently for bit map

d. WBMP (Wireless Bitmap)

This format is used for display images on wireless application protocol

pages on mobile devices

e. TIF (Tagged Image File Format)

This format is commonly used in desktop publishing and other


f. PSD (Photoshop)

This format used adobe photoshop graphics program

g. PICT (Apple Macintosh Computers )

This format run on apple macintosh computers

h. PNG (Portable network Graphics)

This format used for graphics on the World Wide Web.

Common Drawing tools.

1. Line tool

Use to Draw Straight lines.

2. Ellipse or Oval Tool

Use to draw ovals and circles

3. Rectangle Tool

Use to draw rectangles and squares

4. Rounded Rectangle Tool

Use to draw Rounded rectangles and rounded squares

5. Polygon Tool

Use to draw Multisided shapes and such as stars or octagons.

6. Pencil Tool

Use to draw freehand as if using a pencil.

7. Pen Tool

Use to draw precise lines and curves by plotting and connecting points.

8. Brush Tool

Use to draw as if using a paint brush

9. Eraser Tool

Use to remove objects parts of Objects from drawing.

10. Text Tool

Use to insert text in drawing.

11. Pointer or Selection tool.

Use to select objects in drawing.


Resolution is the quality or sharpness of an image. Usually measured in pixels

per inch or per centimeter.

Pixel- short for picture elements- are dots used to define some images on a
Computer screen.

Drawing area

Drawing area is the area with in the document window where you draw and edit
The image. Some Programs refers to the drawing area as the canvas or stage.

Active File

In Graphics Program you can open more than one file at a time, although only one
file is active. The Active file is the one in which you are currently working.


An Object is any element such as a shape or line.

You use drawing tools to insert objects in the document window.

Stroke option.

Stroke which is some times called weight or tip size usually measured
In points. There are 72 Points in inch.

Stroke style may be specified by type, category or effect. For Example you may
be choose a solid line, a dotted line, or a stroke that looks as if it were created
using a heavy watercolor brush, a graphite pencil or a texture airbrush.


Which are elements similar to dialogue boxes that you can keep open
on your screen while you work.

Most color palettes are a series of colored boxes that may be called swatch.

Toggles Command

Which means they are either on or off. Each time you select the command, it
switches from on to off, or off to on.


Zooming increases or decreases the magnification of the drawing on your screen

by a percentage of its original size.


Pan in the document window to shift the display you can see a different part of the
drawing area.


The view is the way your file is displayed on the screen. With the view to get a
different look at drawing.

Hexadecimal code in the color palette

Hexadecimal codes are standard alphanumeric values used to identify colors based
on their components of red, green and blue.

Selection Handles

Small rectangles called selection handles are displayed around the shape.
These handles indicate that the shape is selected and you can drag one to
Resize the shape.

1. Define Clip art?

Answer: Which are images already saved in a graphics file format.

2. How can you import the pictures?

Answer: Import the pictures by using Scanner, Digital Camera and Clip Art.

3. Define Installation?

Answer: Installing the software that comes with the device and making sure
the device driver works.

4. What is Device Driver?

Answer: Device Driver is a software program that enables your computer to

communicate with hard ware device.

5. Explain about Digital Camera?

Answer: Digital camera makes it easy to take original photo graphs that you
can transfer as files to your computer.

Cameras can store pictures in format like JPEG or TIFF.

Most digital cameras come with cables for connecting to USB ,serial, or other
external ports on your computer.

2. Auto Focus
3. Automatic Flash.

Resolution Range: 640 * 480 pixels to upwards of 1600 * 1200 pixels.

6. Define Scanner?
Answer: scanner is a hardware device that uses a light to capture a digital
version of a picture which is then stored as a graphics file on your computer.

7. What is the use of TWAIN?

Answer: TWAIN is the software language that is used to control the

scanners; you can probably import the image directly into the program of your
9. How many types of file formats?
Answer: Two types.
1. Native file format.

2. Compatible file format.

10. Define file format?

Answer: File format is the way the data in file is stored.

11. Define Native File Format?

Answer: The default file format for particular program is called native file

12. Define Compatible Format?

Answer: is a one that a program can open, read and save even if it is not the

13. Define Exporting?

Answer: Exporting converts a copy of the file to a different format, while

leaving the original file intact.

14. What is optimization?

Answer: Optimizing Involves selecting options for the best combination of

file size and Quality, depending on the Export format you select.

15. List the all Optimizing options.

Answer: Optimizing options are: 1. Color palette

2. Color Depth
3. Dither
4.Loss Settings

16. What are the common Color Palettes?

Answer: 1. Adaptive - A custom palette that includes the actual

colors that are in the file.
2. Web snap adaptive – An adaptive palette that converts
actual colors to web safe colors.
3. Web 216- P palette of 216 web safe colors
4. Exact – It can contain no more than 256 colors and
automatically converts to an adaptive palette when more
than 256 colors present.
5. System- Palettes of 256 colors that are defined by the
current computer system
6. Grayscale – A palette of up to 256 shades of gray.
7. Black & White – Two color palette consisting of black &
8. Uniform – A palette based on the RGB color system.
9. Custom – A palette that has been modified or imported
from another source

17. Define web safe color?

Answer: which are colors that are displayed in the same way in all web

18. Define Color Depth?

Answer: Refers to the number of colors in an image or on a screen

19. What is Dithering?

Answer: it is a process a program uses to approximate colors that are not part
of its color palette.

20. What is the use of Loss setting?

Answer: Loss setting is used to control Compression. Increase the loss setting
to allow more compression which results in a smaller file but lower Quality.

21. Define Smoothing?

Answer: Smoothing is the degree of sharpness in edges.

22. What is a wizard?

Answer: A Wizard is a series of pages or dialog boxes that step you through a
process that may otherwise be confusing or complicated.

23. Define Downloading?

Answer: Downloading Copies the file from the web site to your computer.

24. What is a search site?

Answer: A search site is a web site that helps you to locate a web page even if
you don’t know the pages address.


1. What are the basic principles include in modify graphics?

Answer: 1. Proportion

2. Balance

3. Contrast

4. Variety

5. Emphasis

2. Define Proportion?

Answer: This describes the size and location of one object in relation to
other objects in the image.

3. Define Balance?

Answer: Which refers to the visual weight of objects and the way they are

4. Define Contrast?

Answer: which refer to the juxta position of different elements in order to

create visual interest.

5. Define Variety?

Answer: To create visual interest by incorporating different elements in

an image.

6. Define Emphasis?

Answer: Which is used to highlight or focus attention on a particular

aspect of an image.

7. What is Bounding box?

Answer: Bounding box is a rectangle shape with selection handles

displayed around the object
8. Write the tools used to work with bitmaps?

Answer: 1. Marquee
2. Oval Marquee
3. Lasso
4. Polygon Lasso
5. Magic wind
6. Brush
7. Pencil
8. Paint Bucket
9. Eraser

9. What is the use of Gradient tool?

Answer: That you can use to fill an area with a gradient color. Gradient
color shades gradually from a dark hue to light hue.

10. What is the use of Eyedropper Tool?

Answer: you can use the eye dropper tool to make any color displayed on
screen the current stroke or fill color.

11. Define Align Object?

Answer: An Object to adjust its position horizontally and vertically

relative to the top, bottom, left and right of the drawing area.

12. What are the ways to transform an Object?

Answer: 1. Scale
2. Skew
3. Distort
4. Rotate and Flip

13. Define Distribute Object?

Answer: Distributing objects mean adjusts space between currently

selected areas in the drawing.

14. What is the use of Layers?

Answer: Layers are used for creating complex images, animations and
certain special effects.

15. What is the use of Scale Object?

Answer: you can resize an object to make it larger or smaller.

16. What is the use of Skew Object?

Answer: You can skew an object to slant it along its horizontal or vertical

17. What is the use of Distort Object?

Answer: With distort Object you change its Height / Width with out
maintaining the original proportions.

18. What is the use of Flip Object?

Answer: Flip an object horizontally or vertically to reverse the image from

left to right or top to bottom.

19. Write the use of Clip Board?

Answer: A temporary storage area in your computers memory.

20. Define Cropping?

Answer: cropping cuts out the portions of a file that you don’t want.

With best wishes

Nageswara Rao Eluri



1. Define WRAP?

Answer: Which Means that when text reaches end of one line with in the text
block it moves automatically to the beginning of the next line.

2. How Many Types of Text blocks available?

Answer: Two types 1. Fixed width text block.

2. Exandable text block.

3. What is Fixed-width text block?

Answer: Here you specify the block size before you begin the keying text.

4. What is Expandable text block?

Answer: Text is entered on a single line which increases in width to

accommodate as many characters as you enter.

5. Write the some of key strokes used to work with text?

Answer: Up arrow, Down arrow, Left arrow, Right arrow, Backspace, Delete,
Enter, Insert.

6. Define font?

Answer: A font is the design of a set of characters including letters, numbers

and symbols.

7. Explain types of fonts with example?

Answer: Two types: 1. Serif fonts

2. Sans Serif fonts

Serif Fonts: Have short lines and curlicues at the ends of the lines that make
Up each character.

Examples: Times new Roman, Garamond, and Century.

Sans Serif Fonts: Have straight lines with out serifs and are often used for
Head lines and titles.
Examples: Arial, Impact and Tahoma.

8. Define font-size?

Answer: Font sizes are measured in points according to the height of an

uppercase letter in the font set.

9. Define font style?

Answer: Font style is the slant and weight of characters in a font set such as
bold and italic.

10. What is Kerning?

Answer: Kerning controls the space between pairs of characters.

11. What is leading?

Answer: Leading is the amount of space between the baseline –bottom –of one
line of text and the baseline of the next line.

12. Write the Two Text Directions?

Answer: 1. Orientation
2. Text flow

13. Define Orientation?

Answer: Controls whether the text is displayed horizontally across the width of
the block.

14. Define Text flow?

Answer: Text flow determines whether text can be read from left to right or
right to left.

15. How you can transform text?

Answer: you can transform text by skewing, distorting, rotating, or flipping it.


1. Define Hue?

Answer: Color affects the way people view an image more than any other
graphics effect. Color, also called Hue.

2. What is Color System?

Answer: A Color system defines standard colors. It may also be called a color

3. Define Color Bar?

Answer: A Color Bar displays a Spectrum of colors across a Rectangle from Left
to right.

4. Explain Color systems used in Graphics Programs.

Answer: The two main color systems for use in graphics programs are the RGB
Model, HSL System and CMY Model.

RGB Model : RGB( Red ,Green and Blue) System creates colors by combining
Different values of red, green and blue.

RGB Model is mostly used when graphics are to be displayed on devices that
Uses light to display colors, such as computer monitors.

CMY Model : CMY( Cyan , Magenta, Yellow) System creates colors by

Combining percentages of cyan, magenta and yellow

CMY Model used most often for drawings that are to be printed, either on a local
Printer or by a printing press.

HSL System: HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) and Grayscale, which uses
Percentages of black to create shades of gray.

This color system allows you to key hexadecimal values to mix colors that will
Display the same way on all computer systems.

Use this color system when preparing graphics for web pages.

5. List the options for creating color Effects.

Answer: 1. Textures
2. Gradients
3. Patterns
Textures: Can be applied to fills or strokes to make an object look as if it is
painted on a textured surface.

Patterns: Patterns are bitmap graphics applied as a fill

Gradients: Gradients are a type of patterns that blends colors to create different

6. What are the tools for applying color correction effects to vector and

Answer: 1. Value
2. Brightness
3. Contrast
4. Saturation

7. Define opacity?

Answer: Opacity controls the amount of transparency in a color. It is measured as

a percentage, with 100% being completely opaque and 0% being completely

8. Define Bevel?

Answer: Bevels also give an object a raised appearance. You can apply an inner
Bevel, which adds the effect with in the edges of the object, or an outer bevel,
Which adds the effect outside the edges.

9. Define embossing?

Answer: With Embossing make an object appear to be pressed into the drawing

10. Write the use of Shadows and Glows Effects.

Answer: Shadows and glows are effects that let you add depth ,dimension, and
highlights to objects.

11. Write the use of sharpen and blur effects.

Answer: use the sharpen and blur effects to adjust the focus or sharpness of an
image. The sharpen effect brings a blurred image into focus and the blur effect
lessens the focus.
12. Define Mask? Explain different types of masks.

Answer: the mask Effects hides or accentuates a specific portion of an image.

There are two basic kinds of masks : Vector Masks and Bitmap Masks

Vector Mask: you use a vector graphic to define the shape of the mask. You can
use any vector object, such as rectangle,polygon, or ellipse.

Vector masks are also called clipping masks in some programs.

Bitmap Masks: Bitmap masks are some times called layer masks Because they
overlap and obscure underlying pixels.

1. Define Animation.

Answer: Graphics with motion also called animation or movies. These may take
many forms ,Including Moving or blinking logos,flashing advertisements, lively
Cartoon characters and product demonstrations.

2. Stage or Composition: Most animation programs include a stage

where you place the content for the animation. The stage is called the
composition in adobe live motion.

3. Panels: Small floating windows like toolbox provides tools you can
use to draw and form objects in flashMX. Examples: Property inspector,
color panel, Library etc.


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