7D Q3 L5 Keys
7D Q3 L5 Keys
7D Q3 L5 Keys
Lesson Keys
I. II.
1 was 1 is held
2 was 2 was created
3 has 3 is going to / will be presented
4 has 4 will have been arrested
5 was 5 have been marked
6 is being painted 6 were discovered
7 was 7 was bullied
8 be 8 is being considered
9 has 9 be lowered
10 being 10 was blown
11 was 11 has been played
12 was 12 are being questioned
13 was
14 had
15 Was
1 our car is being serviced by a mechanic at the 2 got hit
moment, 3 get damaged
2 A man was shot with an air gun outside the 4 gets invited
petrol station last night. 5 got hurt
3 Gunpowder was invented by the Chinese. 6 get stolen
4 At the surgery yesterday, I was examined by
Dr Peterson and I was given a prescription.
5 I went to see it because I had been told it was
a good film by all my friends.
6 This photograph was taken by my grandfather.
7 It looked like the window had been broken with
a hammer some time before.
8 Our dog was given an injection with a special
syringe by the vet.
9 The winning goal in last night’s match was
scored by Donatello with a brilliant free kick,
10 Your check was sent last Friday and should
be delivered to you tomorrow.
I. II.
1 prescription 1 thin
2 recipe 2 healthy
3 therapy 3 rash
4 cure 4 bandage
5 remedy 5 infection
6 examine 6 effects
7 investigate 7 ward
8 operation 8 injured
9 surgery 9 illnesses
10 sore 10 dose
11 hurt
12 pain
1 came down with the flu 1 came round / to
2 give up smoking 2 cut down
3 to put the dog down / to put down the dog 3 wear off
4 feel up to playing 4 putting on
5 bring on 5 passed out
6 broke out 6 got over
7 pull through
8 look after
1B 2B 3A 4A 5B 6A 7A 8B 9B 10 A
HW Keys:
I. 1C 1 fiction
2 were 2B 2 main character
3 were 3 pity
4 are 3D 4 a strong character
5 is 4C 5 a coach
6 have been 5B 6 well-written
7 were 6A 7 plot
8 was 8 mystery
9 has been 7D 9 jealous
8A 10 mad about
10 D