Madeleine Varkay - Developing EE Finance For Indonesia
Madeleine Varkay - Developing EE Finance For Indonesia
Madeleine Varkay - Developing EE Finance For Indonesia
Senior Private Sector Development Specialist Financial Sector, Public Management and Trade Division Southeast Asia Regional Department Asian Development Bank
Presentation Outline
Energy Efficiency Potential
Case Study: Preparing Energy Efficiency Financing in Indonesia
Industrial: Energy audits, EE financing, ESCOs, boilers, chillers, CHP, fuel switching, waste heat recovery, industrial motors/drive systems, process equipment Commercial: Building codes, building retrofits, envelop measures (i.e. insulation, windows), lighting, pumping, space/water heating/cooling Residential: Building codes, appliance standards, lighting, labeling/consumer education, improved cook stoves, solar water heaters Municipal: Street lighting & other public lighting, traffic signals, water pumping (supply and wastewater), wasteto-energy
District Heating: Boiler rehabilitation, pre-insulated piping, compensators, pumps, heat exchangers
Transport: Alternative fuel buses, mass transit systems
Industrial Facilities
$1.9 billion for system efficiency improvements, polygeneration and waste heat recovery
Source: ADB estimates
ISO 50001, the new global energy efficiency and energy management standard, was released on June 20 2011. The new international, voluntary standard, developed by a project committee of 45 partnering countries from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), provides organizations with a framework for continuous energy performance improvements. The framework will encourage adoption of best practices that reduce the energy use of existing equipment and facilities, require the use of energy performance data to target cost-effective upgrades, and emphasize the design and installation of highly efficient energy systems and equipment. By increasing their operational efficiency, organizations that adopt the ISO 50001 standard will save money by saving energy.
Focuses on companies with strongest motivation to participate -increasingly, European and US importers (e.g. Walmart) require carbon footprint data from all their suppliers Avoids borrowers taking on currency risk o Loans will be US$ denominated o Exporters have US$ revenues
Ensures loans are targeted at those exporters without ready access to other funding sources for larger loans, vendor financing is often available at competitive rates (e.g. large palm oil processor has equipment financing from WestLB at libor +250bp with 6 to 8 years tenor) Avoids projects which are too large for a distributing bank to process easily
Helps demonstrate impact if the loans are too small, their impact will be less evident Ensures project payback is significant to the borrower, thus motivating the borrower to prioritize the project Targets customers with most to gain from improved energy efficiency
Lower limit US$200,000 (this implies Mid-Market corporations) Energy intensive Uses electricity as primary energy source (as opposed to LNG or other forms of cheaper power)
Note: 1)
We have started assessing how Indonesias 10 largest export sectors fit with the target customer criteria2
Indonesian exports
Exports, largest sectors, US$ bn (Jan to Mar 2010; total for
sectors shown = US$ 24.0bn, out of total exports of US$35.4bn)1
Oil & gas Minerals (non oil and gas) Animal or vegetable fats and oils Electrical machinery & electronics Ores
2.7 2.3 2.0 2.0 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 4.7
Review industry structure to determine scope of EE among both direct exporters, and their supply chain (indirect exporters) Assess demand for EE lending, through interviewing industry associations, reviewing available documents and possibly interviewing a sample of customers
Tend to be Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese MNCs As for oil, gas and minerals
= strong fit with Source: 1) Badan Pusat Statistik (Indonesian Central Government statistics department) Total exports 2010: USD 158 bn. target customer Note 2)Target criteria are: exporters, loan size in range US$200k to US$5mn, intensive use of electricity criteria
3 of these rubber, paper and garments have potential EE savings in the range $70mn to $150mn / year
Exports, largest sectors, US$ bn (Jan to Mar
2010; total for sectors shown = US$ 24.0bn, out of total exports of US$35.4bn)1
3 export sectors (rubber, paper and garments) have combined electricity costs of around US$700 mn per year Assuming EE savings in the range of 10% to 20%, implies potential savings of US$70 to $150mn/ year, across these 3 sectors alone
Oil & gas Minerals (non oil and gas) Animal or vegetable fats and oils Electrical machinery & electronics Ores Rubber, rubber articles Boilers, mechanical applicances Paper and paper products Copper and copper products
2.7 2.3 2.0 2.0 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 4.7
Source: 1) 2) 3)
0 100 200 Badan Pusat Statistik (Indonesian Central Government statistics department) ADB Estimates based on industry interviews; excludes non-electricity costs Calculated from other two columns, assuming a profit margin of 20%; e.g.: Rubber accounted for US$2bn in exports over Q1 2010, equivalent to US$8bn a year. Assuming 20% profit margin gives estimated annual costs of US$6.4bn. The electricity costs are 4.1% of this or $262 mn
These overall demand figures are based on a range of projects with widely varying payback periods
Example: EE demand, sample of 10 Indonesian textile companies
Return Payback (years)1
0 to 2
IRR equiv
Examples of projects
2 to 4
4 to 6
6 to 8
8 to 10
EMI audits of 19 projects over 10 small to mid size companies in the textile sector Data on this slide is inconsistent with previous slide (e.g. Investment per company is US$460k here vs 1.2mn on previous page) , this is because this slide omits some large items with long payback, since audits focused on smaller companies In calculating the payback period we assumed : a) zero cost of funds; b) projects impacting the production process would be implemented during downtime for routine maintenance, and thus no additional costs from lost production ; c) energy costs (and thus benefits) remain constant over payback period
The market demand can be divided into two categories which should be approached differently
Category Commercially viable (focus of Phase I)
Projects meeting commercial borrower acceptance criteria (assumed at payback < 5 years)1
Large external benefits, but requiring subsidy to be commercially viable (excluded from Phase I)
Projects rejected under borrower acceptance criteria But, with substantial external benefits, including: o Reduce GHG emissions significantly o Help maintain export competitiveness, through ensuring ISO 50001 compliance
Market size (total estimated investments, US$mn) Average project investment (US$mn) Proposed approach
307 846
Support initially, to educate market, and demonstrate some successes o Fund free/ discounted energy audits to identify projects o Demonstrate project viability through providing finance at market prices
Longer term, once concepts well established, withdraw support A hurdle payback period of 5 years is based on a small number of industry interviews. During Phase I, we would conduct a survey to confirm or adjust this.
Quantify subsidies required to make these projects commercially viable to Indonesian exporters Subsidize initial purchase and installation of equipment Work with suppliers of equipment to reduce costs o Consolidate purchases from many buyers to obtain bulk discounts o Over time build up volumes to allow scale economies to reduce costs As equipment costs reduce, phase out subsidies
We believe our demand estimates are conservative, and will increase as Indonesia raises electricity prices
Indonesian industrial electricity prices are low by world standards
Industrial electricity prices, selected countries, US cents/ KWH
and are expected to increase significantly over the next few months
UK France Brazil Average OECD Germany Thailand Korea Taiwan USA Canada Australia Indonesia Russia 0 Source: 5 10 15 20
The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Minerals introduced regulation in 2010, to raise industrial electricity prices by an average of 18%
International Energy Agency; other published sources; prices for latest year available, mostly 2009
Thank you.
(632) 632-4030