Parametric Airfoils and Wings
Parametric Airfoils and Wings
Parametric Airfoils and Wings
Helmut Sobieczky
Explicit mathematical functions are used for 2D curve definition for airfoil design. Flowphe-
nomena-oriented parameters control geometrical and aerodynamic properties. Airfoil shapes
are blended with known analytical section formulae. Generic variable camber wing sections and
multicomponent airfoils are generated. For 3D wing definition all parameters are made func-
tions of a third spanwise coordinate. High lift systems are defined kinematically by modelled
track gear geometries, translation and rotation in 3D space. Examples for parameter variation in
numerical optimization, mechanical adaptation and for unsteady coupling of flow and configu-
ration are presented.
Airfoil and wing design methodologies have made large steps forward through the availability
of rapid computational tools which allow for specification of goals in aerodynamic perform-
ance. These goals are mainly to increase a measure of efficiency, like the ratio of lift over drag,
or, in the higher speed regimes, its product with flight Mach number. The need for increased lift
at higher flight speed, with drag kept low, has led to the development of knowledge bases for
aerodynamic design: The art of shaping lift generating devices like aircraft wings is based on
geometric, mechanical and fluid dynamic modelling, carried out with the help of mathematical
tools on rapid computers. Given a designer's refined knowledge about the occurring flow phe-
nomena, his goal may be to obtain certain pressure distributions on wing surfaces: This may be
reached by inverse approaches with a shape resulting from the effort, or by applying optimiza-
tion strategies to drive results toward ideal values.
With such methods we have refined tools available for extending our practical knowledge how
the geometries of airfoils and wings are related to pressure distributions and aerodynamic per-
formance. Certain details of desirable pressure distributions require a modelling of details in the
boundary condition, usually a special feature of the curvature distribution. This is true especial-
ly in the transonic flow regime, where favorable as well as undesirable aerodynamic phenomena
are correctly modelled by certain weak or strong singularities in the local mathematical flow
structure including the flow boundary. Numerical optimization methods iteratively adjusting
the resulting 2D or 3D shapes usually employ smoothing algorithms based on polynomials,
splines and similar algebraic functions. These functions may be ignoring local properties of the
shape being compatible to the inverse input, while they should accomodate the results from an-
alytical inverse methodology using hodograph formulations of the governing equations. Hodo-
graph-type methods, though not practical tools, have led to a deeper understanding about the
relations between surface geometry and the structure of recompression shocks. These methods
are most usefully applied to designing nearly shock-free airfoils and wings with favorable off-
Geometry generator
In the series of Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics the author has had the chance to present
concepts, tools and examples of shape definition for aerodynamic components, with a strong
emphasis on using mathematical functions which are drawn from analytical modelling of flow
phenomena as they occur in the transonic regime. The need for reduction of shock losses has
sparked an inverse procedure to find shock-free airfoils and wings, with the additional option to
adapt wing geometries to varying operating conditions [1]. The increased need for creating test
cases for numerical flow simulation (CFD), along with the requirements for precise definition
of boundary conditions has then inspired the presentation of a wing within a transonic wind tun-
nel, with all boundaries including the tunnel and the inlet and exit flow conditions given [2], to
be simulated and compared with experiments [3]. Later, the mathematical tools for defining
such boundary conditions were further developed to model real aircraft components: wings, fu-
selages, propulsion components and their integration to complete configurations [4]. Since then,
various applications have been studied and more recent refinements led to several versions of
"geometry preprocessor software tools". These support modem developments in a multidisci-
plinary design environment for aerospace components and not restricted to aerodynamic opti-
Aircraft wings are the primary subject to optimization efforts, progress in aerodynamic design
methodology is mostly influenced by new ideas to improve the lift-generating devices. Airfoils
are the basic elements of wing geometry, they determine a large share of wing flow phenomena
though they are just two-dimensional (2D) sections of the physical wing surface. Well-known
aspects of wing theory are the reason for options of such idealization, with a large accumulated
knowledge base resulting for 2D airfoil theory. It has, therefore, been well founded to use airfoil
shapes with documented performance results from wind tunnel tests for the design of wing
shapes. These airfoils are usually contained in published or proprietary data bases, we use them
as dense data sets to describe the sections of wings with planform, twist and dihedral given by
analytical model functions. Properties relevant for flow quality, for instance curvature, of these
latter functions are simple and easily controlled by parameters while the airfoil input data are to
be spline-interpolated to obtain a required distribution of surface data. With all the experience
gained by using our shape-generating tools and updating them with recent developments in de-
signing high speed flow examples, an effort is made to generate 2D wing sections in the same
way the 3D shape parameters are already defined. Suitable functions should replace the hitherto
required airfoil data sets. The goal is to propose functions with a minimum set of input param-
eters for shape variation, function structure and their parameters chosen to address special aer-
odynamic or fluid mechanic phenomena. This desirably relatively small number of control
parameters will then effectively support optimization procedures.
Airfoil functions
With airfoil theory and airfoil data bases being well established components of applied aerody-
namics on the ground of lifting wing theory, it is necessary to allow for using such data as a
direct input in any wing geometry definition program. This fact was the motivation to provide
spline interpolation for such given airfoil data in a first version of our geometry code, which has
been described in various papers and publications. Recently these developments have been
summarized in [5] , here we focus on continuing this activity in the area of describing airfoils
with more a sophisticated method than providing a set of spline supports.
Functions to describe airfoil sections are known for many applications, like the NACA 4 and 5
digit airfoils and other standard sections. Aircraft and turbomachinery industry have developed
their own mathematical tools to create specific wing and blade sections, suitably allowing par-
ametric variation within certain boundaries. We define such functions for airfoil coordinates in
coordinates X, Z non-dimensionalized with wing chord therefore quite generally
with P = (Pl, pz, ... , Pk) a parameter vector with k components and Fj a special function using
these parameters in a way determined by a switch j. The goal is to try to keep the number k of
needed parameters as low as possible while controlling the important aerodynamic features ef-
a x
Fig. 1: "PARSEC" airfoil geometry defined by 11 basic parameters: leading edge ra-
dius, upper and lower crest location including curvature there, trailing edge coordi-
nate (at X = 1), thickness, direction and wedge angle, (a) .
Example: Variations of PARSEC airfoil by blending with NACA or Whitcomb airfoil (b)
Figure 1 illustrates 11 basic parameters for an airfoil family "PARSEC" which we found quite
useful for applications. There is strong control over curvature by prescribing leading edge radius
and upper and lower crest curvatures. Similar to 4Digit NACA series we choose a polynomial,
though of a higher (6th) order:
'" an(p) . Xn -112
Z PARSEC = £..
for upper and lower surface independently, the coefficients lin determined from the given geo-
metric parameters as illustrated in Fig.l. Comparison with other new or well known airfoil gen-
erator functions is made possible by including those functions in the software, a combination of
individual features is then straightforward:
0.8rL...-_ _ _-::;!.-....
Parameter variations
The parametric airfoil generator PARSEC allows for control of curvature at the nose, at the up-
per and at the lower crest. With these additional degrees of freedom - compared to airfoil func-
tions without curvature control - we may vary aerodynamic performance and shift the optimum
conditions to desired operation conditions. The example illustrated in Fig. 3 shows a variation
of the above PARSEC airfoil by, first, only increasing the leading edge radius and, second, also
decreasing the upper crest curvature, which is suggested by the analyzed curvature values for
the Whitcomb airfoil. We see a shift of the drag rise toward higher Mach numbers. Other pa-
rameter variations give similar substantial changes in performance. Here we stress the observed
fact that for the PARSEC airfoil model function some single parameter changes may already
improve a given section for selected operating conditions.
G-El basic PARSEC (Fig. 1b)
I3-£J modified 'Ie
~ plus modified Zxx,up
Fig, 3: Shifting drag rise to higher Mach numbers by changing single parameters
studied on practical wing sections and have been termed 'Divergent Trailing Edge - DTE' air-
foils [10],[11] . Modifications based on the hodograph analysis are added to the basic PARSEC
shape: In the simplest case a single additional parameter L\a controls the functions added to air-
foil upper and lower surface to become a DTE wing section, see Figure 4. Based on our hitherto
quite limited experience with case studies, modification lengths L j ,2 range between 20 and 50
% of airfoil chord, for the exponents values we use n =3 and 1.8> 11 > 1.3 (Garabedian's ho-
dograph solutions suggest 11 = 4/3).
:' 4
~2 :1 ~
Fig. 4: Local airfoil geometry modifications to model a divergent trailing edge.
C!.2 = 2m· S i n(f(~)l(l;)
f(~) = a~+be
g(~) (P-QI;)· (I-(I-c) · sin 1;)
Zm, ZXX,m
Z -IX-X2/f
X1 Xm X2 X
0 1t ~
Fig. 5: Local airfoil geometry modifications to model a bump with strong shape control.
A function for arbitrary bumps has been added therefore to the airfoil generator program which
generates bumps (Fig. 5) with strong local curvature control. Chordwise extent (Xl, X z) is de-
fined by choice of the local variable ~ . Possible requirement of an unsymmetrical bump crest
location (X m, Zm) will be taken care for by coefficients a and b, crest curvature (ZXXm) and cur-
vature control at the bump ramps (e, f) are controlled by the coefficients P, Q and c in the equa-
tion for g(x) as can easily be verified.
ZI ~
~s~-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - -
Fig. 6: Local geometry variation at leading and trailing edges by sealed slat and flap
Multicomponent airfoils
A more complex task of generic parameterized modelling is the geometry of high lift compo-
nents like Fowler flaps and slats. Here we start also from a given airfoil, but we need to carve
out separated lift-generating airfoils from the nose area and one or more of such sections at the
rear portion of the basic airfoil. Figure 7 shows the added geometry details for a given airfoil
modified to include a single slat which can be moved by a combined translation and rotation.
Choice of coordinates for CO, C 1 and C2 and curvatures there define curve functions similar to
the above PARSEC approach for the remaining fixed airfoil portion (or similarly at the flap nose
Fig. 7: Selecting a portion of airfoil contour (C 1C:z) to carve a slat geometry cs. Added
functions for carved surface, coupled translation (0 0 0) and rotation angle (0.
Figure 8 shows an airfoil with a single flap, various positions depicted. Drela's code for multi-
component airfoils [8] can be used for a rapid manual optimization of the flap track to obtain
high lift coefficients. An estimation of the separation bubble displacement within the flap bay,
to be modelled for each flap (or slat) position, is quite helpful for these pre-design studies: with
the same approach it is straightforward to model also a viscous displacement contour cy to re-
place the concave surface parts. More refined analysis using a NavierlStokes solver is needed
to calibrate cy for the faster analysis methods, but the parameters to do so in a flexible way may
be available already.
It should be stressed that these 2D mUlticomponent airfoils are to be used in the cruising (re-
tracted) configuration only for 3D applications: Swept wings will require a 3D definition of flap
tracks and a shifting and rotation of the whole 3D flap or slat, which cannot be modelled for
each section in a 2D fashion . The modelled retracted 2D components are the baseline for the
real 3D high lift system.
detail (flap pos. 3)
Fig. 8: Modelling flap geometry cf and viscous flow replacement contour Cv for fast 20
flow high lift computation. Pressure distributions for original airfoil (1) and two flap po-
sitions (3, 5) in incompressible, in viscid flow, estimated separation in flap bay mod-
Wing geometries with spanwise section variation
So far our shaping of aerodynamic components is restricted to a 2D space (X, Z), which is non-
dimensionalized with airfoil chord. In the following, this chord will be a function of the span-
wise coordinate, Y =Yo' of a 3D wing, which is the independent variable to scale, shift and ro-
tate each wing section in 3D space (x, y, z).
The flexible geometry generator for 3D wings, also laid out for curve and surface definition
based on suitable parameter input [5], so far makes use of a number of airfoils as 'support sec-
tions' at given spanwise positions; blending functions defined within the resulting intervals give
a section geometry at every spanwise station. For an already very precisely given wing with
many support sections and small intervals, this section blending is used merely for a linear in-
terpolation to obtain a redistributed or refined surface grid. Such approach, in principle, may
lead to inaccuracies in spanwise smoothness, which does not occur from a definition with only
few support sections.
Application of the analytically defined airfoils as wing sections with a smooth variation of the
parameters (here, applying the PARSEC functions, the 11 basic and optionally a few parameters
for surface bumps and trailing edge variations) guarantees surface smoothness to a desired de-
gree with also just few input data and still an option for strong surface variation along span.
Nose drooped
within time interval
o. T1 < T < T3
-. 05~~
o. .05 . 10 .... . 15
Unsteady surface pressure
distribution indicating
delayed dynamic stall
supersonic bubble
Fig. 9: Results for unsteady airfoil flow with periodically drooped nose (Ref. 15): Color
isofringes for surface pressure visualization, M~ = 0.3. Control of locally occurring su-
personic flow and viscous interaction triggering downstream boundary layer separa-
xl x
:tl l l l l Il l l l l l l~ ~
···~ ' ~
y =Yo Y=Yo
·· .
i= 1, i=3
Z = m(Y)ZlX) + (1-m(Y))~(X)
Z= Z(p(Y),X)
a b
Fig. 10: Two methods to define wing sections: Blending support airfoils data (a), and
varying generating parameters (b) along wing span. Sketch shows wing with basic
section over large portion of wing, root and tip sections.
wing sections
twist axis
wing sections front view
z leading edge
- - --- -l.:= p
0. 10
- l-
- r- -
I- ~
I"-- ~
- -- - -- -
I- /' V
0.00 I- - V
trailing edge
--- --I--
- I-- V
-0.10 O. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10.
4. 6. 8. y 10.
Fig. 11: Oblique Flying Wing optimized for supersonic flow M~ = 1.4: Example for
spanwise variation of wing sections (above), dihedral, thickness and twist, leading
and trailing edge geometry (center and below). (Note enlarged scale for vertical co-
ordinate z). Aerodynamic performance optimized in swept flow M~ = 1.4, A = 6rfJ, with
constraints for span wise wing section thickness, area and aerodynamic load distribu-
Figure 11 shows the resulting geometry in a threeview: wing sections vary considerably within
the elliptic chord distribution, all II PARSEC parameters were made functions of span. A mod-
ification of the basic elliptic planform to the unsymmetrical shape with stronger sweep at the
trailing tip (y = 10) than at the leading tip (y = 0) is suggested by the observed stronger crossflow
shocks in the trailing area. Simple aerodynamic theories suggest higher normal Mach number
components in the trailing part and therefore lead us to shape the local sections for supercritical
flow in higher Mach numbers. This was a goal in the example Fig. 3, a use of PARSEC func-
tions for span wise section definition therefore was promising.
Constraints based on application of one of the classical aerodynamic theories (the supersonic
area rule) to improve the design, calls for tuning the spanwise section area distribution accord-
ing to the Sears-Haack body of minimum drag for given volume. The simple polynomial struc-
ture of the PARSEC function yields the integral easily for each set of parameters.
An automated optimization procedure for this and similar configurations will perform the de-
sign of a better OFW much more economically than the manual approach done so far, but the
value of learning the role of the individual parameters in the process of a practical design cannot
be estimated high enough.
shock-free at Moo = 0.78. A set of surface data points was provided and blended with a thick
NACA 0036 section to fonn a prominent wing root fillet. With knowing the nose and crest cur-
vatures, applying the trailing edge modification parameters and blending with the NACA 4digit
generating function, the input set of airfoil data can be replaced altogether by the new analytical
definition. The new parameters are proposed along with mathematical modelling of some ex-
perimental pressure distributions to complete a new test case for direct/inverse CFD and for op-
timization [19].
In addition, the DLR-F5 wing was used for definition of a multicomponent wing with slat and
flap. Figure 12 (a) shows the choice for carving the basic section to shape a slat and a flap, these
section components subsequently are scaled to the DLR-F5 planfonn and additional input for
the 3D flap and slat tracks and rotation angles is provided. Choice of spanwise extent for flap
and slat, a refined sliding sections definition and closure of the components at the sliding sec-
tions completes the preprocessing of this extended test wing for CFD analysis.
Fig. 12: Basic OLR-F5 section, redefined by PARSEC parameters and carved to in-
clude a slat and flap component (a). Selection of 3D flap and slat extending along
span, in clean wing (b) and high lift (c) position.
An effort is made in using basic algebraic and analytic relations to generate realistic airfoil
shapes which are specified from a set of parameters. These are defined by only a few character-
istic dimensions used already in classical airfoil catalogs like NACA airfoil families, but also
allow for a refined shape definition as it results from systematic design processes in the transon-
ic flight regime. Airfoils detennined this way by a minimum set of parameters are subsequently
used as wing sections, with their generating parameters made functions along span, This has
been proven earlier for basic wing geometries which have used given data sets for support air-
foils. Some unsteady airfoil flow applications lead the way to fully threedimensional wings
which may be subject to input for manual or automated aerodynamic optimization techniques.
This method to describe all shapes analytically has been extended to high lift systems and adap-
tive devices.
The approach is intended to provide 2D, 3D and, with unsteady, adaptive or evolutionary con-
figurations, also 4D boundary conditions for CFD and CAD.
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