Factors, LCM and HCF
Factors, LCM and HCF
Factors, LCM and HCF
Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two or more numbers is the least number which is divisible by each of these
numbers (i.e. leaves no remainder; or remainder is zero). The same can be algebraically defined as "LCM of two or
more expressions is the expression of the lowest dimension which is divisible by each of them i.e. leaves no
remainder; or remainder is zero."
Highest Common Factor (HCF) is the largest factor of two or more given numbers. The same can be defined
algebraically as "HCF of two or more algebraical expressions is the expression of highest dimension which divides
each of them without remainder.
HCF by factorization
Resolve the given number into prime factors. The product of the prime factors common to all the numbers will be
the required HCF.
Find the HCF of 324, 576 and 784.
Sol. First of all resolve all the number into their prime factors
324 = 34 × 22
576 = 32 x 26
784 = 72 x 24
Then take the product of the factors common to all the numbers.
LCM by factorization
Resolve the numbers into prime factors. Then multiply the product of all the prime factors of the first number by
those prime factors of the second number, which are not comrnon to the prime factors of the first number.
This product is then multiplied by those prime factors of the third number, which are not common to the prime
factors of the first two numbers.
In this manner, at the given numbers have to be dealt with and the last product wit be the required LCM.
In other words, take the product of ALL the prime factors of all the numbers except where a factor is occuring in
more than one number, it is taken only ONCE in the product. This product is the LCM of all the numbers.
144 = 32 x 24
504 = 32 × 23 x 7
720 = 24 × 32 x 5
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LCM is 24 x 32 x 7 x 5 = 5040
LCM by division
Select any one prime factor common to at least two of the given numbers. Write the given numbers in a line arid
divide them by the above prime number. Write down the quotient for every number under the number itself. if
any of the numbers is not divisible by the prime factor selected, write the number as it is in the line of quotients.
Repeat this process for the line of quotients until you get a line of quotients, which are prime to each other (i.e,
no two "quotients" should have a common factor).
The product of all the divisors and the numbers in the last line will be the required LCM.
If a number N = ap X bqX cr …. where a, b, c, ….. are prime numbers and p. q, r …… are positive integers, then, the
number of factors of N (including 1 and the number itself) is :
If a number N = ap .bq .cr …. where a, b, c, ….. are prime numbers and p. q, r …… are positive integers, then, the
sum of all the factors of N (including 1 and the number itself) is :
Consider the number 48, when resolved into prime factors, 48 = 24 × 31. Here a = 2, b = 3, p = 4, q = 1. Hence.
sum of all the factors
= = × = 124
If these factors are added, the sum is 124 and tallies with the above result.
If there’s a number N such that, N= aᴹ×bᴺ×cᴾ ( Prime Factors) and total number of factors for the number N is X,
then, Product of factors for the number will (N)^(x/2) or (N)^(p+1)(q+1)(r+1)/2.
For the Example above, 48 has 10 factors. So, the product of factors for 48 will be 48⁵.
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Using the same notation and convention used earlier. If N = ap .bq .cr ……. then, the number of ways of writing N
as a product of 2 coprimes is 2n–1, where 'n' is the number of distinct prime factors of the given number N.
Taking the example of 48. which is 24 x 31, the value of 'n' is 2 because only two distinct prime factors (i.e. 2 and 3
only) are involved.
If these factors are added, the sum is 124 and tallies with the above result.
To simplify arithmetic expressions, which involve various operations like brackets, multiplication, addition, etc. a
particular sequence of the operations has to be followed. For example 2 + 3 × 4 has to be calculated by
multiplying 3 with 4 and the result 12 added to 2 to give the final result of 14 (you should not add 2 to 3 first to
take the result 5 and multiply this 5 by 4 to give the final result at 20). This is because in arithmetic operations,
multiplication should be done first before addition is taken up.
The hierarchy of arithmetic operations are given by a rule called BODMAS rule. The operations have to be carried
out in the order in which they appear in the word BODMAS, where differ letters of the word BODMAS stand for
the following operations.
B - Brackets
O – Of
D – Division
M – Multiplication
A – Addition
S – Subtraction
(i) Vinculum: This is represented by a bar on the top of the numbers. For example,
2 + 3 − 4 + 3; Here, the figures under the vinculum have to be calculated as 4 + 3 first and the “minus”
sign before 4 is applicable to 7. Thus the given expression is equal to 2 + 3 – 7 which is equal to –2.
(ii) Simple Brackets: These are represented by ()
(iii) Curly Brackets: These are represented by {}
(iv) Square Brackets: These are represented by []
The brackets in an expression have to be opened in the order of vinculum, simple brackets, curly brackets and
square brackets, i.e. [ { ( – ) } ] to be opened from inside outwards.
After brackets is O in the BODMAS rule standing for “of” which means multiplication. For example, ½ of 4 will be
equal to ½ × 4 which is equal to 2.
After O, the next operation is D standing for division. This is followed by M standing for multiplication. After
Multiplication, A standing for addition will be performed. Then, S standing for subtraction is performed.
Solved Examples
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Hence, the number of factors = (3+1) × (2+1) × (1+1) = 4×3×2 = 24.
Q5. Find the least number divisible by 16, 24, 32 and 48.
Sol. The least number divisible by 16, 24, 32 and 48 will be LCM of these four numbers.
16 = 24
24 = 23×31
32 = 25
48 = 24×31
LCM = 25×31 = 96
Q6. Find the least number which when divided by 15, 27, 35 & 42 leaving in each case a remainder 11.
Sol. The least possible such number will be LCM of (15, 27, 35, 42) + 11
= (2 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 5 X 7) + 11
= 1890 + 11 = 1901.
Q7. Find the least possible number which when divided by 35, 45 and 55 leaving the remainders 17, 27 and 37
Sol. The least possible such number will be LCM of (35, 45, 55) – 18
= (3 X 3 X 5 X 7 X 11) – 18
= 3465 – 18 = 3447.
Q.8 Find the greatest number that will divide 2629 and 2483 leaving the remainders 4 & 8 respectively.
Sol. In this question, we need to find a greatest number which will divide 2629 and 2483 leaving 4 & 8 as
remainders. Thus, the number is the HCF of 2629 - 4 and 2483 - 8 i.e. HCF of (2625, 2475) = 75.
Class Assignment
1. Find the number of factors of 18018 excluding the number and unity.
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2. Find the LCM of 12/5, 4/3 and 8/7.
4. Mark had a certain number of marbles. He revealed that if he divides among 12, 16, 18 and 24
people, every time, he is left with no marbles. What can be the minimum number of marbles with
(a) 156 (b) 152 (c) 169 (d) 144
5. HCF and LCM of two numbers are respectively 8 and 48. If one number is 24, find the other
(a) 24 (b) 16 (c) 12 (d) 96
6. LCM of two positive integers is 36 times their GCD and the sum of GCD and LCM is 148. If one
number is 36, find the other number.
(a) 16 (b) 48 (c) 32 (d) 64
7. LCM of two positive integers is 211. How many such pairs are possible?
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 1
8. Six bells commence tolling together and toll at intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8 10 and 12 seconds
respectively. In 30 minutes, how many times do they toll together?
(a) 13 (b) 14 (c) 15 (d) 16
9. Three company of soldiers containing 120, 192, and 144 soldiers are to be broken down into
smaller groups such that each group contains soldiers from one company only and all the groups
have equal number of soldiers. What is the least number of total groups formed?
10. A number when divided by 3, 4, 5 or 6 leaves remainder 2 in each case but the number is exactly
divisible by 11. What is the smallest possible such number?
(a) 243 (b) 242 (c) 248 (d) 484
11. There are two numbers A and B whose HCF is say h. A is k times h and B is p times h. Which of the
following is true?
(a) k and p are either both even or both odd
(b) k and p are both prime
(c) k and p are relatively prime
(d) HCF of k and p is greater than 1
12. Ram wants to utilize his unused field and plan to plant some trees, he plant 88 guava trees, 132
papaya trees and 220 sugarcane trees in equal rows (in terms of number of trees). Also, he wants
to make distinct rows of trees (i.e. only one type of tree in one row).Calculate the minimum
number of rows?
a) 4 b) 10 c) 7 d) 9
13. A rectangular courtyard 15 meters17 cms long 9 meters and 2 cms wide is to be paved exactly
with square tiles, all of the same size. What is the largest size of the tile which could be used for
the purpose?
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a) 14 b) 21 c) 42 d) 41
14. Number of students who have opted for subjects A, B and C are 60, 84 and 108 respectively. The
examination is to be conducted for these students such that only the students of the same
subject are allowed in one room. Also the number of students in each room must be same. What
is the minimum number of rooms that should be arranged to meet all these conditions?
a) 28 b) 60 c)12 d) 21
15. A red light flashes three times per minute and a green light flashes five times in 2 min at regular
intervals. If both lights start flashing at the same time, how many times do they flash together in
each hour?
a) 30 b) 24 c) 20 d) 60
16. A is the set of positive integers such that when divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 leaves the remainders 1, 2,
3, 4, 5 respectively. How many integers between 0 and 100 belong to set A?
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) None of these
17. In Sivakasi, each boy's quota of match sticks to fill into boxes is not more than 200 per session. If
he reduces the number of sticks per box by 25, he can fill 3 more boxes with the total number of
sticks assigned to him. Which of the following is the possible number of sticks assigned to each
20. A, B and C are running around a circular field. If A completes one round in 36 sec while the time
taken for B and C is respectively 54 sec and 72 sec. They start running from the starting point at
7.30 am. At what time will they meet again at the starting point?
(a) 3 min 36 sec (b) 3 min 56 sec (c) 3 min 46 sec (d) 3 min 26 sec
21. The product of two non-zero expressions is (X+Y+Z)P3, if their HCF is P2 , what will be their LCM?
22. Three friends start together to walk along a road at the same rate. The lengths of their strides are
68 cm, 51 cm and 85 cm. How far will they go before they will be “in step” again?
23. On Chintu’s birthday, his father, mother and sister brought three pieces of cakes of weights
7 lbs, 6 lbs and 7 lbs respectively. These cakes are to be divided into parts of equal weights.
Further, each part must be as heavy as possible. If one such part is served to each guest, then the
maximum number of guests that could be entertained is
(a) 54 (b) 72 (c) 120 (d) None of these
24. A number when successively divided by 4, 5 and 6 leaves respective remainders of 3, 2 and 1. The
order of remainders if the number is divided successively by 6, 5 and 4, is
(a) 1, 2 & 3 (b) 3, 2 & 1 (c) 1, 0 & 1 (d) cannot be determined
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25. For two positive integers a and b, define the function h (a, b) as the greatest common factor
(G.C.F.) of a, b. Let A be a set of n positive integers. G (A), the G.C.F. of the elements of set A is
computed by repeatedly using the function h. The minimum number of times h is required to
compute G is
(a) 𝑛 (b) (n – 1) (c) n (d) None of these
1. Sol (B)
Prime factorisation of 18018 = 21×32×71×111×131
The total number of factors = (1+1) × (2+1) × (1+1) × (1+1) × (1+1) = 2×3×2×2×2 = 48. But this
includes the number itself and one. Hence, the required number of factors = 48-2 = 46.
2. Sol (A)
LCM of fractions = LCM of numerators/HCF of denominators = LCM (12,4,8)/HCF (5,3,7) = 24/1 = 24.
3. Sol (C)
HCF of fractions = HCF of numerators/LCM of denominators = HCF (12,4,8)/LCM (5,3,7) = 4/105.
4. Sol (D)
The smallest number divisible by 12, 16, 18 and 24 is LCM of these numbers which is 144.
5. Sol (B)
The question can be solved using the property, product of two numbers = the product of their HCF and
The required number is 8×48/24 = 16.
6. Sol (A)
L = 36H and H+L = 148.
On solving, we get H = 4 and L = 144
Using the property, product of two numbers = the product of their HCF and LCM, we get the required
number as 4×144/36 = 16.
7. Sol (A)
Since, 211 is a prime number, only two pairs, (211, 1) and (211, 211) are possible whose LCM is 211.
8. Solution: (C)
In this question, we have to find the least number which is divisible by 2, 4, 6, 8 10 and 12. and
that number has to be the LCM of the given six numbers.
LCM (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) = 120.
That means the first time all six Bells toll together is 120 seconds or 2 minutes.
Therefore, in 30 minutes they will toll =30/2=15 times.
9. Solution (A)
The least number of groups will be formed when each group has number of soldiers equal to the
HCF. The HCF of 120, 192 and 144 is 24. Therefore, the numbers of groups formed for the three
companies will be 5, 8, and 6, respectively. Therefore, the least number of total groups formed =
5 + 8 + 6 = 19.
Correct answer is (c ).
If A = kh and B = ph then p and k are co prime as there can be no common factor between them.
12. Sol (B)
HCF of 88, 132 and 220= 44
Hence, No. Of rows= 88/44 + 132/44 +220/44 = 10
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13. Sol (A)
Largest Size of tile will be the HCF of 1517 and 902
That will be 41cm²
14. Answer(D)
As we can see here that total number of students are = 60+84+108 = 252
Now given condition is that in one room only the students of the same subject can be there and the
number of rooms should be minimum that means the number of students in a particular room will be
This Maximum number of students will be HCF (Highest common factor) of 60, 84 and 108 and that will
be 12
Hence, number of rooms will be = 252/12 = 21
15. Answer (A)
A red light flashes three times per minute and a green light flashes five times in 2 min at regular
intervals. So red light fashes after every 1/3 min and green light flashes every 2/5 min. LCM of both the
fractions is 2 min .
Hence they flash together after every 2 min. So in an hour they flash together 30 times .
16. Answer (B)
Let the number 'n' belong to the set A.
Hence, the remainder when n is divided by 2 is 1 The remainder when n is divided by 3 is 2
The remainder when n is divided by 4 is 3 The remainder when n is divided by 5 is 4 and The remainder
when n is divided by 6 is 5
So, when (n+1) is divisible by 2,3,4,5 and 6.
Hence, (n+1) is of the form 60k for some natural number k. And n is of the form 60k-1
Between numbers 0 and 100, only 59 is of the form above and hence the correct answer is 1
17. Answer (B)
Let the number of sticks assigned to each boy be N.
Let the number of boxes be M. So, number of sticks per box = N/M
Now, if he reduces the number of sticks in each box, the equation becomes N/(M+3) = N/M - 25 So, 25
= N/M - N/(M+3) From the options, if N = 150, then, we get 25 = 150 [ 1/M - 1/(M+3) ] => 1/6 = 1/M -
1/(M+3) => M = 3
So, the number of sticks assigned to each boy = 150
18. Answer (D)
Since after division of a number successively by 3, 4 and 7, the remainders obtained are 2, 1 and 4
respectively, the number is of form ((((4*4)+1)*3)+2)k = 53K Let k = 1; the number becomes 53 If it is
divided by 84, the remainder is 53. Option d) is the correct answer.
19. Sol (B)
Let the numbers by 3x and 5x where x is the HCF of the two numbers. Then, LCM will be 15x = 165 or x
Hence, numbers will be 33 and 55.
20. Sol (A)
All the three will meet again at the starting point after a time interval which is LCM of the time taken by
each one of them to complete one round i.e. LCM of 36, 54 and 72 = 216 sec. = 3 min 36 sec
21. Sol (A)
Using the property, product of two numbers = the product of their HCF and LCM, we get the LCM as
(X+Y+Z)P3/ P2 = (X+Y+Z)P.
22. Sol (A)
They will be together at the starting point after the LCM of the three lengths which is 1020 cm.
23. Sol (D)
( , , )
HCF , , =
( , , )
= lbs = weight of each piece.
Total weight = 21.45 lbs
Maximum number of guests = 21.45/(3/20) = 143
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Let the quotient of 6 be x.
Then, quotient of 5 = 6x + 1
and quotient of 4 = 5(6x + 1) + 2 = 30x + 7
Hence, the number = 4(30x + 7) + 3 = 120x + 31
When 120 x + 31 is divided by 6, then quotient = 20x + 5 & Remainder = 1
When 20x + 5 is divided by 5, then quotient = 4x + 1 & Remainder = 0
When 4x + 1 is divided by 4, then quotient = x & Remainder = 1
So, order of remainders = 1, 0, 1.
2. A number when divided by 221 gives a remainder 43. What remainder will be obtained by
dividing the same number by 17?
3. A heap of pebbles is made into groups of 32, 40, and 72 then the remainders are respectively 10,
18 and 50. The least number of pebbles in the heap can be
4. A room is 4 metres 37 cm long and 3 metres 23 cm broad. It is required to pave the floor with
minimum square slabs. Find the number of slabs required for this purpose?
5. A student was asked to divide a number by 6 and add 12 to the quotient. He however, first added
12 to the number and then divided it by 6, getting 112 as the answer. The correct answer should
have been
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6. A number when divided by either 4 or 5 or 6, leaves the same remainder 3. How many such
numbers exist between 1 and 500?
11. Find the greatest number which can divide 4345, 5570 and 5920 leaves the same remainder 5 in
each case.
12. The number of different divisors of 37800 excluding unity are
(a) 97 (b) 95 (c) 47 (d) 48
14. How many odd divisors does the number 1000000 have?
18. How many composite numbers are factors of 12000 or 25200 or both?
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(a) 55 (b) 60 (c) 70 (d) 72
21. If N=23×34, M= 22×3×5, then find the number of factors of N that are common with the factors
of M.
22. All the sides of a rectangle are integral multiples of a metre. The perimeter of the rectangle is 24
m. How many different rectangles like this are possible?
a. 25
b. 13
c. 5
d. 6
23. Find the greatest number that will divide 964, 1238 and 1400 leaving remainders 41, 31 and 51,
24. The remainder obtained when a prime number greater than 8 is divided by 8 is r. What can be
said about r?
(a) I only (b) II only (c) I and II only (d) I and III only
25. The product of two numbers is 9680 and their H.C.F is 22. How many such pair of numbers can be
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Sol. (b); LCM of 5 , 2 and 3 = LCM of , ,
. . .
LCM of fraction = = = 240 min
. . .
= 4 hours.
The marking will be in the same line again after 4 hours.
Sol. (d); Let the number be ‘n + 3’. This number leaves a remainder of 3 when divided by 4, 5 or 6. So, if
we subtract 3 from the number (to make it n + 3 – 3 = n), it becomes perfectly divisible by 4, 5 and 6.
The smallest such number is the L.C.M of 4, 5 and 6, which is 60. So, smallest ‘n + 3’ = 60 + 3 = 63. Other
possibilities are 123 (= 60 X 2 + 3), 183 (= 60 X 3 + 3), 243 (= 60 X 4 + 3), 303 (= 60 X 5 + 3), 363 (= 60 X
6 + 3), 423 (= 60 X 7 + 3), 483 (= 60 X 8 + 3). So, 8 such numbers are possible.
Alternative Method:
Take LCM (4,5,6) = 60. The required numbers are of the form 60k + 3. To calculate k divide 500 by 60. ie
k= ⇒ 8 (integer value). So 8, such no. are possible
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To find the number of factors which are multiples of 15, we can write the above number in the form
31×51×[22×32×51]. Now, the number of factors of 22×32×51 will be equal to the number of factors of
2700 which are multiples of 15 which is equal to (2+1) × (2+1) × (1+1) = 3×3×2 = 18.
Sol. The greatest possible value of X will be HCF of 12, 18, 30 and 60.
12 = 22×31
18 = 21×32
30 = 21×31×51
60 = 22×31×51
HCF = 21×31 = 6
Sol. The required number is HCF of (4345-5), (5570-5) and (5920-5) = 35.
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i.e. 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56
( ) ( )
Sol. (b); Rem = Rem
= (1)752 = 1
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(a) 20 (b) 12 (c) 24 (d) 36
Sol. (b); The factors that are common must also be the factors of HCF(N,M)
HCF(N,M) =22×3
Number of factors of 22×3=(2+1)(1+1)=6
So there are 6 factors that are common to both
Sol. (d); Since the prime numbers greater than 8 are all odd numbers, the remainder on dividing an odd
number (i.e., prime greater than 8) by an even number (i.e., 8) is always odd. Thus, (I) is true. Now odd
numbers less than 8 are 1, 3, 5 and 7. Thus, (III) is also true.
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