Anchor System DW 15,20,26
Anchor System DW 15,20,26
Anchor System DW 15,20,26
fire resistant
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Range 14-20
Important notes:
The Problem
Requirements Pitfalls Consequences
PERI’s two alternatives are exactly The conventional methods of tying Example:
what are needed. formwork are far from reliable in Circular tank with about 600 tie
practice. points
Tie points must always be sealed Curing shrinkage produces cracks
carefully, whatever the method running right along the tie point. Cost of all tie points with waterstop
used. PERI has developed a new Difficulties also arise during centrepieces
way of doing this after construc- striking. Construction sequences Materials + labour
tion. often make it necessary to strike just about € 7,500
There is a much better chance of one day after concreting.
achieving sound walls with PERI’s The wing nut counterplate is then When the tank is filled for the first
system rather than conventional loosened with several hammer blows time about 20 of the tie points leak.
solutions. Sealing allows you to that can jar tie rods and
influence the end result, whereas lost components. And when one half Remedial measures:
lost sealing components are no of the formwork is released the tie – Drain tank
longer accessible. rod’s tension force be-comes unidi- – Attempt to remedy using con-trac-
And the experienced operator rectional. This produces hair-cracks tor’s own resources
knows just how many un- around the – Refill tank
certainties are involved in concre- lost components. The inevitable sud- – Remedial measures unsuccessful;
ting and curing. den release of the normal extension even more tie points are leaking
of the tie rod produced by concreting – Drain tank for the second time
PERI tie systems for wall formwork leads to cracks between rod and con- – Remedial work carried out by spe-
are: crete. cialist waterproofing subcontractor
– Fill tank for the third time
- Waterproof (DIN 1045) Mistakes in fixing waterstop cen- – Inspect
- gas-proof trepiece – Empty for the third time
- Fire resistant (F 90 to DIN 4102) One very common error is wor-king – Winter protection as appropriate
- Soundproof (DIN 4109) with spacer tubes on the two tie rods – Possible penalty payments
- Radiation-proof (DIN 6812, either side of the lost
DIN 54113) component. These permeable tubes Total cost
allow the water to penetrate right Settlement tank about # 25,000
And follow the recommendations of into the middle of the wall – making Water tank about # 50,000
the German association for testing the expensive waterstop centrepiece
vault and strongroom ineffective.
Mistake in fixing fibre reinforced
concrete spacer tube
The biggest disadvantage is that one
hammer blow too many, or slight
overtightening of the nuts, cracks
these tubes.
Formation of shrinkage cracks makes tie rods … ...and cast-in waterstop centrepieces likely to leak. A waterproof tie point is the most effective one!
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The Solution
Solution 1 Solution 2
Consists of 2 reusable DK sealing cones and a lost spa- Consists of 2 reusable SK tie cones and 3 tie rods,
cer tube. The through tie rod is advantageous when the middle one of which can be lost (eg for vaults
shuttering. A seal between cone and formwork compen- and strongrooms and buildings providing radiation pro-
sates for unevenness, and prevents laitance trickling in. tection). For all other applications a spacer tube
is used to enable the middle tie rod to be recovered.
The seal is used similarly to the DK sealing system.
➀ ➁ ➀ ➃ ➁ ➀ ➁
➂ ➂ ➂
➀ Spacer Tube Rough (x1) ➀ Reusable tie rod (x1) ➀ Lost tie rod (x1)
➁ DK Sealing Cone (x2) ➁ SK Tie Cone (x2) ➁ SK Tie Cone (x2)
➂ DK Concrete Cone (x2) ➂ SK Concrete Cone (x2) ➂ SK Concrete Cone (x2)
➃ Spacer Tube Rough (x1)
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The System
Tie systems Concrete cones Sealing compound
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Tunnel in Häggsviksleden,
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Cone Tool
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Fixing Concrete Cone Hold the concrete cone with a pair of Insert the concrete cone into the
Coat cleaned pocket sparingly with cone pliers, and coat its tapered sur- pocket, and turn slightly several
the sealing compound. face and end evenly with times to distribute the compound
compound. evenly.
Tap the concrete cone flush with the Scrap the surplus compound off Note:
cone gauge. with a filling knife. It is important to ensure all of the
SK and DK systems’ spacers are
of equal length.
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“Waterproof” does not mean com- With sealing cones, which are less Gas-proof does not mean com-
pletely impervious. than 50mm in length, there is a dan- pletely gastight:
The adjective “impervious” is used ger of water penetrating in the vicini- The PERI tie system does not
to describe materials and members ty of the tie point, getting round the affect the diffusion resistance
into which water cone and passing along the shrinka- of concrete walls.
cannot penetrate. With “water- ge crack around the spacer tube.
proof” members more water eva- For this reason the DW 15/55 DK
porates from the side facing away sealing cones or DW 15 SK tie cones
than penetrates the side should always be used for water-
in contact with the water. proof concrete.
In soundproofing
➀ 150
➂ 330
Tube with rough DK sealing cone Tube with rough “Air” between two
finish, 22 DW 15/35 finish, 22 spacer tubes
➁ ➃
Fix insulation
DK concrete cone
DW 15-58/30
Version 1: With reusable tie rod. Version 2: With lost tie rod.
DK Cone Lost tube with Weldable tie DW 15, Weldable tie DW 15, Item
Tie rod continuous rough finish Item no 031300 SK Cone Lost tie rod no 031300, turned
Sheet piling
Sheet piling
DK concrete cone UNI 58/52, Item no 031643. DK concrete cone UNI 58/52, Item no 031643.
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min. 150 mm
Fire protection
min. 90 mm min. 30 mm
In fairfaced concrete
DK concrete cone DW 15-58/30, Concrete cones with shadow
Item no 031642 joint glued in place.
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a DW 15/35 system
Used for percolating water, soundproofing and F 90 fire
resistance. Recommended wall thickness up to 60 cm.
b a/d c
DW 15/55 system
c Used for percolating water, waterproof concrete, soundproofing
and F 90 fire resistance. Recommended wall thickness up to 60 cm.
b a/d c
DW 20/55 system
Used for percolating water, waterproof concrete, soundproofing
and F 90 fire resistance. Recommended wall thickness up to 60 cm.
a/d c
Length of spacer tube:
= wall thickness – 2 x 55mm
Sealing compound coverage:
about 29 cones/kg of adhesive
DW 26/55 system
Used for percolating water, waterproof concrete, soundproofing and F
90 fire resistance. Recommended wall thickness up to 60 cm.
f a/d c
Length of spacer tube:
= wall thickness – 2 x 55mm
Sealing compound coverage:
about 29 cones/kg of adhesive
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DW 15/55 system
a 031636 0.061 DK Sealing Cone DW 15/55 ✗
b 031639 0.003 SK Sealing Ring UNI DW 15 ✗
c 065027 0.410 Spacer Tube Rough 22, L =2.0m
d 031643 0.270 DK Concrete Cone UNI 58/52
e 031644 0.560 DK Cone pliers 58 ✗
f 031655 0.890 DK Cone Spanner UNI ✗
g 031554 6.130 Sealing compound, 5kg pack
031555 0.420 Sealing compound KO-A
031556 0.450 Sealing compound KO-B
DW 20/55 system
a 031637 0.076 DK Sealing Cone DW 20/55 ✗
c 031626 1.030 Spacer Tube Rough 28, L =3.0m
d 031643 0.270 DK Concrete Cone UNI 58/52
e 031644 0.560 DK Cone pliers 58 ✗
f 031655 0.890 DK Cone Spanner UNI ✗
g 031554 6.130 Sealing compound, 5kg pack
031555 0.420 Sealing compound KO-A
031556 0.450 Sealing compound KO-B
DW 26/55 system
a 031638 0.073 DK Sealing Cone DW 26/55 ✗
c 031634 1.470 Spacer Tube Rough 42, L =3.0m
d 031643 0.270 DK Concrete Cone UNI 58/52
e 031644 0.560 DK Cone pliers 58 ✗
f 031655 0.890 DK Cone Spanner UNI ✗
g 031554 6.130 Sealing compound, 5kg pack
031555 0.420 Sealing compound KO-A
031556 0.450 Sealing compound KO-B
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a DW 15 system
Used for percolating water, waterproof concrete, soundproofing and
F 90 fire resistance. When used without spacer tube also suitable for
radiation protection walls and vaults & strongrooms. Recommended
wall thickness from 24 cm.
g b a/e d c f g
Length of spacer tube:
= wall thickness – 2 x 107 mm
Length of DW 15 tie rod:
c = wall thickness – 2 x 55 mm
Amount of sealing compound required:
about 29 cones/kg of adhesive
DW 20 system
Used for percolating water, gas-proof concrete, waterproof concrete,
soundproofing and F 90 fire resistance. When used without spacer
tube also suitable for radiation protection walls and vaults &
strongrooms. Recommended wall thickness from 30 cm.
d g b a/e d c f g
Length of spacer tube:
= wall thickness – 2 x 130 mm
f/g Length of DW 15 tie rod:
= wall thickness – 2 x 65 mm
Amount of sealing compound required:
about 22 cones/kg of adhesive
DW 26 system
h Used for percolating water, gas-proof concrete, waterproof concrete,
soundproofing and F 90 fire resistance. When used without spacer
tube also suitable for radiation protection walls and vaults &
strongrooms. Recommended wall thickness from 35 cm.
g b a/e d c f g
Length of spacer tube:
= wall thickness – 2 x 142 mm
Length of DW 15 tie rod:
= wall thickness – 2 x 75 mm
l Amount of sealing compound required:
about 13 cones/kg of adhesive
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DW 20 system
a 031646 0.750 SK Tie Cone DW 20 ✗
b 031648 0.005 SK Sealing Ring DW 20 ✗
c 031626 1.030 Spacer Tube Rough 28, L =3.0m
d 031672 0.003 SK tube seal 28
e 031650 0.410 SK Concrete Cone DW 20-67/60 ✗
f 030700 2.560 Tie Rod DW 20, special length
g 030700 2.560 Tie Rod DW 20, special length ✗
h 031656 0.570 SK Cone pliers 67 ✗
i 031330 2.460 Socket Spanner 90°, 36mm ✗
l 031554 6.130 Sealing compound, 5kg pack
031555 0.420 Sealing compound KO-A
031556 0.450 Sealing compound KO-B
DW 26 system
a 031647 1.800 SK Tie Cone DW 26 ✗
b 031649 0.014 SK Sealing Ring DW 26 ✗
c 031634 1.470 Spacer Tube Rough 42, L =3.0m
d 031677 0.005 SK tube seal 42
e 031651 0.890 SK Concrete Cone DW 26-100/60
f 030340 4.480 Tie Rod DW 26, special length
g 030340 4.480 Tie Rod DW 26, special length ✗
h 031657 0.600 SK Cone pliers 100 ✗
i 029630 0.580 Socket 46mm for 1" drive ✗
k 029610 5.300 Ratchet Lever 1" ✗
l 031554 6.130 Sealing compound, 5kg pack
031555 0.420 Sealing compound KO-A
031556 0.450 Sealing compound KO-B
Tie Rod DW 15 and Accessories
Weight kg Item no.
Tie Rod DW 15
Non-weldable! Observe certification requirements!
Permissible load to DIN 18216: 90kN
DW 15 L = 0,50m 0,72 030005
DW 15 L = 0,85m 1,22 030010
DW 15 L = 1,00m 1,44 030480
DW 15 L = 1,20m 1,73 030490 L
DW 15 L = 1,50m 2,16 030170
DW 15 L = 1,70m 2,45 030020
DW 15 L = 2,00m 2,88 030180
DW 15 L = 2,50m 3,60 030710
DW 15 L = 3,00m 4,32 030720
DW 15 L = 3,50m 5,04 030730
DW 15 L = 6,00m 8,64 030160
Tie Rod DW 15 Special Length 1,44/m 030030
Cutting Cost Tie Rod DW 15 / B 15 030050
8° 8°
Permissible load to DIN 18216: 90kN
Permissible load to DIN 18216: 90kN
DW 15 ø 34
Counterplate DW 15, 120x120x15 1,62 030140 120
DK Tie System DW 15
Weight kg Item no.
ø 22,3
ø 61,5
Pack of 50
ø 22,3
ø 61,5
Pack of 50
ø 62,2
ø 33
For sealing DK Sealing Cones DW 15 and
SK Tie Cone DW 15 against formwork.
ø 58,5
ø 52,5
Pack of 50
Accessories: 5kg Pack
of Sealing Compound-2 6,13 108136
Pack of 50
Accessories: 5kg Pack
of Sealing Compound-2 6,13 108136
ø 47
ø 54
Pack of 50
Accessories: 5kg Pack 20
of Sealing Compound-2 6,13 108136 52
ø 26
ø 22
DK Tie System DW 20 / DW 26
Weight kg Item no.
ø 61,5
ø 28
Pack of 50
ø 42,4
ø 61,5
Pack of 50
ø 58,5
ø 48
Pack of 50
5kg Pack of Sealing Compound-2 6,13 108136
ø 33
ø 28
ø 42
ø 47
Sealing Compound-2
For gluing Concrete Cones in place.
5kg pack 6,13 108136
Component A 0,42 108958
Component B 0,45 110345
A /B
5kg set consisting of: S et A B
Component A (6x), Component B (6x),
Mixing bowl (2x) and Mixing rod (3x).
SK Tie System DW 15 / DW 20 / DW 26
Weight kg Item no.
ø 61,5
ø 40
Permissible load to DIN 18216: 90kN Tie rod length = wall thickness – 2x55mm
ø 62,2
ø 33
SK Tie Cone DW 15 against formwork.
ø 46
ø 70
Permissible load to DIN 18216: 150kN Tie rod length = wall thickness – 2x65mm
ø 42
ø 60
Permissible load to DIN 18216: 250kN Tie rod length = wall thickness – 2x75mm
ø 55
Weight kg Item no.
SK Tube Seal
For spacer tube rough.
SK 22 0,002 031671
SK 28 0,003 031672 14 3
SK 42 0,005 031677 23 2
22 2
ø 41
ø 53
ø 27
ø 43
ø 22
ø 36
Pack of 250
ø 67
ø 55
Pack of 50
5kg Pack of Sealing Compound-2 6,13 108136
ø 100
ø 80
Pack of 50
5kg Pack of Sealing Compound-2 6,13 108136
ø 42
ø 47
Pack of 25
KK tie system
Weight kg Item no.
ø 36,2
ø 67,4
Pack of 50 52
5kg Pack of Sealing Compound-2 6,13 108136
ø 40,3
ø 67,4
Pack of 50
5kg Pack of Sealing Compound-2 6,13 108136
ø 50,5
Pack of 50 52
5kg Pack of Sealing Compound-2 6,13 108136
Pack of 50 52
5kg Pack of Sealing Compound-2 6,13 108136
Tools for DK and SK Tie System
Weight kg Item no.
Ratchet Wrench
1/2" 0,56 072180
1" 5,30 029610
PERI International
89264 Weissenhorn
Phone 07309/950-0
Telefax 07309/951-0 20 22 19
5 1 30
3 13 28
9 41
4 12
50 51
23 10
37 54
39 40
49 35
45 31
27 25
Additional Systems
Formwork Girders
Stopend Systems
Transportation Containers
Formwork Scaffolding
P.O. Box 1264
89259 Weissenhorn
Tel +49 (0)7309 9 50- 0
Fax +49 (0)7309 9 51- 0
info @