Law On Partnership Pt. 1 General Provisions
Law On Partnership Pt. 1 General Provisions
Law On Partnership Pt. 1 General Provisions
u Coverage
u Partnerships
u Corporations
u Insurance
u Cooperatives
The Most Common Types of Business
Organizations in the Philippines
u Sole proprietorship
u Partnerships
u Corporations
Sole Proprietorship
u Exceptions:
u Unemancipated Minors;
u Insane or demented persons;
u Deaf-mutes who do not know how to write;
u Persons suffering from civil interdiction;
u Incompetents under guardianship
u Persons who are prohibited from giving each other any
donation or advantage (Art. 1782)
Essential features of
u 3. Mutual contribution to a common fund
Duration No limitation under the law, upon the duration An agreement to keep the thing
of a partnership undivided for more than 10 years
is not allowed
Disposal of Interests A partner may not dispose of his individual A co-owner may freely dispose his
interest in the partnership individual interest
Power to act with A partner may bind the partnership A co-owner cannot represent the
third persons co-ownership
Effect of death Death of a partner results in the dissolution of Death of a co-owner does not
the partnership necessarily dissolve the co-
Partnership vs
conjugal partnership of gains
Partnership Conjugal Partnership of
Parties By voluntary agreement of two or Arises in case the future
more partners of either sex spouses – a man and a
woman - agree
Laws which By stipulation of the parties law
Juridical separate and distinct from that of none
personality each partner
Commenceme From the moment of execution of On the date of the
nt the contract, unless stipulated marriage, any stipulation
otherwise to the contrary is void
Purpose To obtain profits To regulate the property
relations of husband &
wife during marriage
Distribution of By agreement of partners or in Divided equally between
profits proportion to their respective husband & wife
capital contributions
Management Shared by all, unless one is Both spouses jointly,
appointed in the Articles husband’s decision
Partnership vs voluntary
Partnership Voluntary
Juridical Has juridical none
personality personality
Purpose Organized for No such objective
pecuniary profit
Contribution of There is a No contribution of
members contribution of capital, only fees
capital are usually
Liability of The partnership, as Members are
members a rule, is the one individually liable
liable for debts of
the firm
Object or purpose of
partnership (Art. 1770)
u Dissolution:
u A judicial decree is not necessary to dissolve an
unlawful partnership.
Form of partnership
contract (Art. 1771)
u General Rule:
u No special form required for the validity or existence of
the contract of partnership
u Basis:
u Partnership is created only by voluntary agreement of
u A partner is considered the agent of his co-partners
and of the partnership
u A partnership must have a firm name under which it
shall conduct its business and to distinguish it from the
partners and other partnerships
Classification of
u As to the extent of its subject matter:
u 1) Universal partnership
u Universal partnership of all present property
u Universal partnership of all profits
u 2) Particular partnership
u As to liability of partners
u 1) General Partnership
u 2) Limited Partnership
u As to its duration
u 1) Partnership at will
u 2) Partnership with a fixed term
Classification of
u As to the legality of its existence
u 1) De jure partnership
u 2) De facto partnership
u As to representation to others
u 1) Ordinary or real partnership
u 2) Ostensible partnership or partnership by estoppel
u As to publicity
u 1) Secret partnership
u 2) Open or notorious partnership
u As to purpose
u 1) Commercial or trading partnership
u 2) Professional or non-trading partnership
Kinds of partners