A Town Called Malice
A Town Called Malice
A Town Called Malice
At the beginning of each turn you choose a card to play. Each player
places their chosen card face down on the table. Simultaneously
you all turn them over with the highest card winning and the other
players play in sequence. At the end of the turn new cards are dealt
to each player to replace played cards so you have a new hand of
five cards.
You can shoot as many times as you have actions available but
fanning a gun counts as one action. Long hits on a 5+ and short on
a 4+.
When you fan a gun you use one hand to hold the gun and the other
to rapidly stroke the hammer with the other. It's a crude way of
getting off six shots so no aiming is allowed and all shots require a
six to hit.
If one of your gang is targeted by the enemy you can play a higher
card than the opponents played card or a Joker from your hand. A
higher card means you out draw your opponent for a snap shot or
you duck behind cover by moving up to 2”. A Joker means your
opponent gun jams or if they are in tree or standing on a roof then
the gun kicks back and they fall off.
To fight both players select a card, the higher score wins. The loser
receives a severe wound.
How to win
For each kill you score 3 points
For each wound you score one point
Highest score wins!
Character Traits
In a campaign the winner cuts a deck of shuffled cards and
depending on the score a trait can be earned for one character.
Cut Trait Trait
Card Name Description
Ace Gunfighter +1 to all shooting rolls
Joker A Dirty Cheat Can pick a card from their hand and
randomly swap it with another player’s
before the initiative phase.