Moot Court Memorial
Moot Court Memorial
Moot Court Memorial
The marriage between the appellant and the respondent was solemnized on
31.01.2004 asper the Hindu Religious Rites and Customs. A son Rahul was born
and is 11 years old now. He is also academically exceptional. At the time of
marriage, the Respondent was a Business Man in Germany.
In the recent 10 days trip of Mr. Anil, he stayed with his wife in her place. During
the stay, the harassment and cruelty of the Appellant crossed the extreme
extent for which the re s p o n d e n t wa s c o m p e ll e d t o fi le a p e ti ti o n
f o r d i v or c e o n t h e g r o u n d of c r u elt y . T h e husband held an original
petition under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 for the custody of 10 years old
son and also a petition for Resolution of Conjugal Rights.
1. Whether the Appellant Mr. Anil has locus standi to file an appeal in the High
2. Will remarriage of the respondent amounts to termination of guardianship?
3.W h e t h e r t h e d e c i s i o n o f t h e s u b o r d i n a t e c o u r t o f d i s m i s
s i n g t h e p e t i t i o n f o r restitution of conjugal rights was justified?
4. Whether the custody of the child to his mother will be detrimental to
his physical and mental welfare? And whether the financial condition
of the mother shall betaken into consideration while giving away the custody
of the child?
5. Whether the act of the husband (accusation of unchastity) actually
amounted to cruelty towards his wife?