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040 - 062

Operating instructions
Screw compressor

Ident. no.: 114 535 74/00 BA 155/GB1

1. Foreword

1.1 Notes on the compressor In addition,

• relevant accident prevention regulations,
CompAir screw compressors are the result of many • generally recognized safety regulations and
years of research and development. These prerequi- • national regulations
sites combined with high quality standards guarantee have to be observed.
the manufacture of screw compressors providing a long
service life, high reliability and cost-effective operation. The machine/unit must only be used in technically
It stands to reason that all requirements concerning perfect condition and in accordance with its intended
environmental protection are met. use and the instructions set out in the operating
manual, and only by safety-conscious persons who
are fully aware of the risks involved in operating the
Certificate of conformity machine/unit! Any functional defects, especially those
The compressor and its accessories as supplied by affecting the safety, have to be rectified immediately
CompAir conform to the basic safety and health re- (or rectified by others)!
quirements included in the EC Machinery Directive 89/ The machine/unit is designed exclusively for the gen-
392/EWG, version 93/44/EWG. The compliance with eration of compressed air to power air-driven devices.
these directives is confirmed by the "CE mark" (fig. 1). Using the machine/unit for purposes other than those
mentioned above is considered contrary to its intended
use. The manufacturer/supplier cannot be held re-
sponsible for damage resulting from such use. The
risk of such misuse lies solely with the user.

Operating the machine within the limits of its in-

tended use also involves observing the instructions set
out in the operating manual and complying with the
inspection and maintenance directives.

1.3 Maintenance

Carefully performed maintenance is imperative, this

ensures that your screw compressor can meet all the
Fig. 1 requirements placed upon it. It is therefore imperative
to adhere to the specified maintenance intervals and
to carry out the maintenance work with particular care,
1.2 Intended use especially when the unit is utilized under harsh operat-
ing conditions.
The machine/unit has been constructed in accord-
ance with state-of-the-art technology and the recog-
nized safety regulations. Nevertheless, its use may
constitute a risk to life and limb of the user or third Please contact your authorized CompAir dealer in
persons or cause damage to the machine or to other the case of malfunctions or when spare parts are re-
material property, if quired. In the case of damage, our fully trained per-
sonnel will ensure that a quick and proper repair is
• it is not used as intended, carried out using original CompAir spare parts. Origi-
• it is operated by unqualified personnel, nal CompAir spare parts are manufactured utilizing
• it is improperly modified or changed, state-of-the-art technology, thus guaranteeing the fur-
• the safety regulations are not observed. ther reliable operation of the unit.

Therefore, any person entrusted with the operation,

maintenance or repair of the machine must read and In case of queries
follow the safety regulations. If required, this has to be
Please enter the data on the nameplate of your com-
acknowledged by signature.
pressor into the nameplate shown below (fig. 2). In the
case of queries or spare parts orders, please refer to
the compressor type indicated on the nameplate, the
identification no. and the year of construction. With
this information at hand it can be guaranteed that you
will receive the right information or required spare

1. Foreword


Operate this compressor only if you have an exact

knowledge of the machine taking into respect these

CompAir Drucklufttechnik cannot be held responsible

for the safe operation of the machine/unit if it is used
in a manner, which does not correspond to the in-
tended use, or for other applications, which are not
mentioned in these instructions.

Warranty claims will not be accepted in the case of

• Operating errors
• Incorrect maintenance
• Wrong auxiliary materials
• Use of spare parts other than CompAir origi-
nal spare parts
• Modifications and changes to the installation

The warranty and liability conditions of the general

terms and conditions of CompAir Drucklufttechnik will
not be extended by the notes above.

Fig. 2 Any unauthorized change to the compressor unit/sta-

tion, or the installation of components not accepted by
the manufacturer (e.g. fine separator) will result in the
1.4 Notes withdrawal of the CE mark. As a consequence, any li-
ability and warranty claims will not be accepted by the
General manufacturer.

These operating instructions are intended to familiar-

ize the user with the machine/unit and its intended use.
The instructions contain important notes on how to
operate the compressor safely, properly and cost-effec- Safety regulations
tively. Observing these instructions helps to avoid risks,
to reduce repair costs and downtimes and to increase
the reliability and service life of the machine/unit. The safety regulations in chapter 3 of the operating
instructions have to be strictly observed.
The operating instructions have to be supplemented
by the respective national rules and regulations re-
garding the prevention of accidents and environmental Technical changes
protection. They must always be available at the loca-
tion of the machine/unit. The operating instructions In the course of technical development we reserve the
must be read and followed by any person carrying out right to modify the units without further notice.
work in connection with the machine/unit, e.g. opera-
tion, including setting up, trouble-shooting in the op-
eration cycles, disposal of production waste, care,
service, and disposal of waste fuels and consumables,
upkeep (maintenance, inspection, repair), transport.

Besides the operating instructions and the binding

regulations for the prevention of accidents, which are
valid in the country and place of operation of the ma-
chine/unit, the generally recognized technical regula-
tions for safe and proper working have also to be ob-

2. Table of contents

1. Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................. 3

1.2 Intended use ........................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Notes on the compressor ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Notes ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

2. Table of contents ................................................................................................................................................ 5

3. Safety regulations .............................................................................................................................................. 7

3.1 Identification of safety guidelines ........................................................................................................... 7

3.2 General safety instructions ..................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Changes and modifications to the machine ........................................................................................... 8
3.4 Installation and normal operation ........................................................................................................... 8
3.5 Special work/maintenance ..................................................................................................................... 11
3.6 Warning of special dangers .................................................................................................................. 13
3.7 Storage of compressors ....................................................................................................................... 14
3.8 Symbols and explanations .................................................................................................................... 15

4. Design and functioning ................................................................................................................................... 20

4.1 Design of the unit .................................................................................................................................. 20

4.2 Schematic diagram ............................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Oil circuit ............................................................................................................................................... 22
4.4 Air circuit ............................................................................................................................................... 22
4.5 Start/stop/shutdown .............................................................................................................................. 22

5. Transport and installation ............................................................................................................................... 24

5.1 Transpor t ............................................................................................................................................... 24

5.2 Installation ............................................................................................................................................. 24

6. Preparations for commissioning .................................................................................................................... 25

6.1 Cooling air volume/minimum cross-sections ........................................................................................ 25

6.2 Compressed air connection .................................................................................................................. 25
6.3 Electrical connection ............................................................................................................................. 26
6.4 Oil level check ....................................................................................................................................... 28
6.5 Sound pressure level ............................................................................................................................ 28

7. Commissioning ................................................................................................................................................ 29

7.1 First commissioning .............................................................................................................................. 29

7.2 Routine commissioning ......................................................................................................................... 29
7.3 Commissioning after malfunction ......................................................................................................... 30
7.4 Operating modes .................................................................................................................................. 30
7.5 Setting of the operating pressure ......................................................................................................... 30
7.6 Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................. 31

2. Table of contents

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics ............................................................................................................................... 32

8.1 Operating elements .............................................................................................................................. 33

8.1.1 Keyboard .............................................................................................................................. 33
8.1.2 Light emitting diodes ............................................................................................................ 34
8.1.5 Menu structure DELCOS 1000 ............................................................................................ 35
8.1.3 Pressure display (bar) .......................................................................................................... 35
8.1.4 Temperature display (°C) ..................................................................................................... 35
8.2.1 Start of the unit .................................................................................................................... 36
8.2.2 Operation under load/idle running ....................................................................................... 36
8.2 Commissioning ..................................................................................................................................... 36
8.2.3 Stopping of the unit .............................................................................................................. 36
8.2.4 Malfunctions/shutdowns/power failures .............................................................................. 36
8.2.5 Warnings/maintenance ........................................................................................................ 36
8.2.6 Collective fault relay ............................................................................................................. 36
8.2.7 Operating/load hours counter .............................................................................................. 37
8.2.8 Fault storage ........................................................................................................................ 37
8.2.9 Fault storage table ............................................................................................................... 38
8.3 Additional functions .............................................................................................................. 40
8.3.1 Change of settings ............................................................................................................... 40
8.3.2 Maintenance intervals .......................................................................................................... 41
8.3.3 Operating modes ................................................................................................................. 42 Automatic operation ......................................................................................... 42 Continuous operation ....................................................................................... 42 Remote control ................................................................................................ 42 Automatic restart after power failure ............................................................... 42
8.3.4 Factory pre-settings ............................................................................................................. 43
8.4 Installation of a new controler DELCOS 1000 ..................................................................................... 44

9. Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................................... 45

9.1 Maintenance and lubricant recommendations ..................................................................................... 45

9.2 Maintenance electric motor .................................................................................................................. 45
9.3 Maintenance schedule .......................................................................................................................... 45
9.4 Oil change ............................................................................................................................................. 47
9.5 Change of the oil filter cartridge ........................................................................................................... 48
9.6 Change of the fine separator ................................................................................................................ 48
9.7 Air filter change/check .......................................................................................................................... 49
9.8 Safety valve .......................................................................................................................................... 50
9.9 V-belts - automatic tensioning system .................................................................................................. 50
9.10 Connecting terminals in the switch cabinet .......................................................................................... 51
9.11 Fittings .................................................................................................................................................. 51
9.12 General maintenance and cleaning ...................................................................................................... 52
8.13 Maintenance instructions and lubricant recommendations for stationary compressors ...................... 52

10. Trouble-shooting .............................................................................................................................................. 53

3. Safety regulations

3.1 Identification of safety guidelines 3.2 General safety instructions

CompAir is not liable for any damage or injury result-

Organizational measures
ing from the non-observance of these safety instruc-
The operating instructions must always be at hand at
tions or negligence of the usual care and attention re-
the place of operation of the machine/unit (in the tool
quired during handling, operation, maintenance or re-
compartment or box provided for such a purpose) !
pair, even if this is not explicitly mentioned in these
operating instructions. In addition to the operating instructions, all other
generally applicable legal and other mandatory regula-
If any of the regulations contained in these instruc- tions relevant to accident prevention and environmen-
tions - especially with regard to safety - does not cor- tal protection must be adhered to and passed on to
respond to the local legal provisions, the stricter of others ! These compulsory regulations may also deal
both shall prevail. with the handling of hazardous materials or the issu-
ing/wearing of personal protective equipment, or traffic
These safety regulations are general and valid for regulations.
various types of machines and equipment. It is there-
fore possible that some references do not apply to the Instructions, including supervisory responsibility and
unit(s) described in these instructions. duty of notification for taking into account in-plant fac-
tors, for example regarding work organization, se-
quences of operations, personnel assigned to certain
tasks, are to be added to the operating manual.
Danger. The personnel entrusted with working on the ma-
Passages marked with this sign indicate a possible chine must have read the operating instructions and in
danger to persons. particular the chapter on safety regulations before
starting work. Reading the instructions after work has
begun is too late. This applies especially to persons
Important working only occasionally on the machine, e.g. for
setting up or maintenance.
Passages marked with this sign indicate a possible
danger to machines or part of machines. Check on a regular basis that the personnel are
carrying out the work in compliance with the operating
instructions and that they are paying attention to the
Note safety requirements !
Passages marked with this sign provide technical
For safety reasons, long hair must be tied back or
information on an optimal cost-effective use of the ma-
otherwise secured, garments must be close-fitting and
no jewellery - such as rings - may be worn. Injury may
result from being caught up in the machinery or from
rings catching on moving parts ! As necessary or as
required by regulations, personal protective equipment
should be used.

Observe all safety and warning notices attached to

the machine/unit !

See to it that safety instructions and warnings at-

tached to the machine are always complete and per-
fectly legible.

In the case of safety-relevant changes to the ma-

chine/unit or its operating behaviour, stop the ma-
chine/unit immediately and report the fault to the re-
sponsible department/person !

Spare parts have to comply with the technical re-

quirements specified by the manufacturer. This can
always be ensured by using original spare parts.

Hydraulic hoses have to be changed within stipulated

and periodic intervals, even if no safety-relevant faults
have been detected !

3. Safety regulations

Adhere to prescribed intervals or those specified in the 3.3 Changes and modifications to the ma-
operating instructions for routine checks and inspec-
tions !

For the execution of maintenance work, tools and Do not make any changes, modifications or attach-
workshop equipment adapted to the task on hand are ments to the machine/unit, which could affect safety,
absolutely indispensable. without the supplier's prior permission !

The personnel must be made familiar with the location Unauthorized changes to the machine are not permit-
and operation instructions of fire extinguishers ! Ob- ted for safety reasons.
serve all fire-warning and fire-fighting procedures !
Original parts were especially designed for this ma-
Limit values (pressures, time settings, etc.) have to be chine. We would like to point out that we have not re-
permanently identified ! leased and will not release parts and special accesso-
ries which have not been supplied by us. The installa-
tion and/or use of such products can therefore affect
the active and/or passive safety.
Selection and qualification of personnel;
basic responsibilities The manufacturer is not liable for damage resulting
from the use of non-original parts or special accesso-
Work on/with the machine/unit must be carried out by ries. This applies also to the installation and setting of
reliable personnel only. Statutory minimum age limits safety equipment and valves as well as to welding on
must be observed! structural parts.

Employ only trained or instructed personnel and

clearly set out the individual responsibilities of the per-
sonnel for operation, set-up, maintenance and repair ! 3.4 Installation and normal operation
Ensure that only authorized personnel work on or with Installation
the machine !
In addition to the general technical operation in accord-
Define the machine operator's responsibilities giving ance with the stipulations of the local authorities, we
the operator the authority to refuse instructions by third would like to refer in particular to the following regula-
persons that are contrary to safety regulations. tions.

Do not allow persons to be trained or instructed or For the lifting of a compressor, a suitable lifting
persons taking part in a general training course to work mechanism is to be used, which meets the local safety
on or with the machine/unit without being permanently regulations. All loose or slewable parts must be safely
supervised by an experienced person ! fixed before the machine can be lifted. It is strictly pro-
hibited to stay in the danger zone of a lifted load.
Work on the electrical equipment of the machine/unit
must be carried out only by a skilled electrician in ac- The correct method of lifting (according to the operat-
cordance with electrical engineering rules and regula- ing instructions of the load suspension device) has to
tions. be ensured.

Work on system elements such as hoses may only be All blind flanges, plugs, caps and bags with drying
carried out by personnel with special knowledge and agent have to be removed prior to the installation of the
experience of hydraulics ! pipes. Distributing pipes and pipe connections have to
be of the proper size and suitable for the relevant oper-
ating pressure.

The system has to be installed in such a way that it is

adequately accessible and the required cooling is guar-
anteed. Never block the air intake. Make sure that the
ingress of humidity via the intake air is kept to a mini-

3. Safety regulations

The air intake is to be located so that no hazardous Electrical connections must meet the local regula-
constituent (solvent vapour, etc., but also dusts and tions. Power units must be connected to earth and
other hazardous material) can be sucked in. This ap- protected from short-circuits by means of fuses.
plies also to flying sparks.

The air intake is to be positioned so that no loose

clothing of persons can be sucked in. Cold dryer
Make sure that the pressure line from the compres- Wherever possible, the cold dryer should be installed
in a place where the ambient air is as clean as possible
sor to the aftercooler or the air circuit can expand
and where the temperatures never rise above or fall
under heat and does not come into contact with in-
flammable material. below the respective limit values as indicated in the
operating instructions. If required, the cooling air is to
The pressure line connected to the air outlet of the be taken from a cleaner, cooler or warmer area via an
intake channel; depending on the size of the machine,
system must be fitted stress-free.
an additional ventilator could turn out to be necessary.
If a remote control is used, the system must carry a
If the room temperature can fall below zero, the con-
clearly visible sign with the following note : Attention !
This installation is operated by remote control and can densation drain system must be protected from freez-
start up without prior warning ! ing, e.g. by means of a steam heater.

As an additional safety measure, persons, who start If it is possible that the intake temperature of the air
will exceed, from time to time, the admissible maxi-
remotely controlled systems, have to take sufficient
safety precautions in order to ensure that nobody is mum specified in the operating instructions, a pre-
checking the system or working on it. For this, a label cooler with condensate drain is to be installed before
the dryer.
with a corresponding warning notice has to be at-
tached to the remote control equipment.
Tests or repair work on the coolant circuit may only
Compressed air and cooling water lines have to be be carried out in a well vented room. Never breath in
clearly marked in line with the local regulations. cool-ant vapour; if necessary, wear a breathing mask.
Always wear protective goggles and gloves. If skin
If a system comprises several compressors, hand- comes into contact with coolants, rinse well with water.
Never take off or tear up clothes but rinse them well
operated isolator valves have to be installed in order
to be able to shut off each machine individually. When with water until the coolant is washed off; then see a
operating pressure systems, do not rely on the effec- doctor.
tiveness of check valves alone to isolate these sys-
Condensate drain
Safety equipment, protective covers or insulation
must not be removed or modified. Any pressure reser- The drain hose for condensate discharge is to be
voir, which is located outside the system, the permissi- connected to the drains or to a collecting reservoir, if
ble operating pressure of which is higher than the local regulations prohibit direct discharge to the drains.
atmospheric pressure and which is fitted with two or In connection with this, it must be taken into account
more pressure supply lines, has to be equipped with that the condensate from compressors with oil-lubri-
additional safety equipment, which will automatically cated pressure chambers can contain oil.
prevent the admissible operating pressure from rising
by more than 10 %.

The system-specific safety valves used in these com-

pressors only assume the pressure safeguarding func- When operating water-cooled screw compressor units,
tions that are prescribed according to currently valid the following points must strictly be adhered to :
standards and regulations.
• As a result of leakage in oil/water coolers some oil
For the pressure devices/systems installed at the can get into the cooling water circuit.
pressure side connection flange of the compressor, a • Cooling water must not be discharged in an
corresponding pressure safeguarding feature (safety uncotrolled manner to the public drainage systems.
valve or similar) must be provided taking into account Uncontrolled overflowing of the oil separator reser-
the weakest pressurized component. voir to the public drainage systems must be
The min. and max. temperatures of +1 °C and +40 °C Strictly observe the relevant waste water regula-
are also valid for the intake air. tions.

Pipes and/or other parts with a surface temperature

higher than 80 °C have to be suitably identified and
shielded against touching.

3. Safety regulations

• Maintenance and repair work has to be carried out Never use compressed air to clean your clothing.
carefully. Dismantled bundles of pipes have to be
checked for damage prior to being reinstalled. In When using compressed air to clean equipment take
the case of even the slightest damage, the pipes the utmost care and always wear protective goggles.
have to be replaced.
Always use new seals when carrying out assembly The compressed air generated by these compres-
and mounting work. sors must never be used for breathing unless it has
been conditioned for those applications in line with the
"safety requirements for respiratory air“.
Normal operation
Never use the machine in an environment, where
Take the necessary precautions to ensure that the inflammable or poisonous vapour can be sucked in.
machine is used only when in a safe and reliable state !
Never operate the system at pressures and tempera-
Operate the machine only when all protective equip- tures below or above the values indicated in the tech-
ment, emergency shut-off equipment, sound-proofing nical data sheet.
elements and extraction devices are in place and fully
functional ! The access panels, etc. have to be closed during
Check regularly that
Persons who stay in an environment or rooms, in
• all means of protection are correctly fitted and fixed, which the sound pressure is 85 dB(A) or higher, have
• all hoses and/or pipes within the system are in good to wear ear protectors.
condition, firmly fixed and do not chafe,
• there are no leakages (fuel, oil or coolant), Check the machine/unit at least once per shift for
• all fittings are firmly tightened, visible damage and faults ! Report any changes (in-
• all wires are connected correctly and are in good cluding changes in the machine’s operating behaviour)
condition, to the responsible department/person immediately. If
• all safety valves and other pressure relief mecha- necessary, stop and lock the machine immediately !
nisms are in good order and not blocked by e.g.
dirt or paint, In the case of malfunction, stop the machine/unit
• the safety mechanisms are fully functional. immediately and lock it ! Have any defects rectified
immediately !
If compressed air hoses are used, they must be of
the proper size and suitable for the relevant operating Observe the start-up and stopping procedures and
pressure. Do not use chafed, damaged or poor-quality the control displays according to the operating instruc-
hoses. tions.

Only use hose couplings and fittings of the right type Before starting up or setting the machine in motion,
and the correct size. ensure that nobody is at risk.

Before blowing through a hose or an air pipe ensure Do not cut off or remove extraction or venting facili-
that the open end is positively held. A free end whips ties while the machine is running.
and can cause injuries.

Before decoupling a hose ensure that it is pressure-


Refrain from any working method which is doubtful in

terms of safety.

Never play around with compressed air !

Never aim compressed air at your skin or at other

persons !

3. Safety regulations

3.5 Special work/maintenance During maintenance and when carrying out repair
work, cleanliness is very important. Avoid the ingress
of dirt by covering parts and free openings with a
Carefulness clean cloth, paper or adhesive tape.
Observe the adjusting, maintenance and inspection
activities and intervals set out in the operating instruc- After the completion of each repair, check that tool-
tions, including information on the replacement of parts ing or loose parts have not been left in the machine,
and equipment. These activities may be carried out by drive motor or drive equipment and ensure that no
skilled personnel only. cloth has been left inside these units.

Brief the operating personnel prior to starting special Be careful when the screw compressor system is in
operations or maintenance work ! Appoint a person to operation.
supervise the activities !

Maintenance and repair work may only be carried out Maintenance/rectification of faults
under the supervision of a person who is qualified for
this work. The employer has to inform the employee of the dan-
gers possibly arising during the repair and maintenance
Oil losses result in a slippery floor. Therefore, always of the machine/unit as well as on how to avoid them;
clean the floor and the outside of the machine prior to the employee has to observe all measures for safety at
starting the maintenance work. work. Safety equipment for the prevention or elimina-
tion of danger has to be maintained regularly and func-
Checks, maintenance and repair work may only be tionally checked at least once a year. Faults observed
carried out with the screw compressor being at rest have to be immediately rectified and/or reported to the
and depressurized. Protective equipment to be re- responsible person.
moved for this work, has to be refitted after completion
of these activities. Operation of the machine without Use only original spare parts.
protective equipment is not permitted. When working
on a running screw compressor system, working Only carry out maintenance and repair work when
clothes have to be close-fitting. the system is not in operation and the power supply
disconnected. Ensure that the power unit cannot be
If the machine/unit is completely shut down for main- switched on inadvertently.
tenance and repair work, it must be secured against
inadvertent restarting : Before removing or opening pressurized compo-
nents, positively isolate any source of pressure and
• Lock the main command elements and remove the depressurize the entire system.
key and/or
• attach a warning sign to the main switch. Never weld near oil systems or carry out any other
work requiring heat. Pressure reservoirs or compo-
Always use the correct tools for maintenance and nents and pipes containing oil have to be drained com-
repair work. pletely and cleaned, for example by means of a steam
jet, before beginning such work.
Never use inflammable solvents or carbon tetrachlo-
ride to clean parts. Take precautions against poison- Never weld any pressure reservoir or change it in
ous vapours from cleaning agents. any way.

In any work concerning the operation, conversion or If work which produces heat, flames or sparks has to
adjustment of the machine and its safety-oriented be carried out on a machine, the adjacent components
devices or any work related to maintenance, inspec- have to be protected by means of non inflammable
tion and repair, always observe the start-up and shut- material.
down procedures set out in the operating instructions
and the information on maintenance work. Before releasing the power unit for operation after
maintenance or overhaul, check that the operating
Ensure that the maintenance area is adequately pressures, temperatures and time settings are correct
secured. and that the regulating and shut-down equipment
function properly.
To lower the risk of accidents, individual parts and
large assemblies being moved for replacement pur-
poses should be carefully attached to lifting tackle and
secured. Use only suitable and technically correct
lifting gear and only utilize suspension systems with
adequate lifting capacity. Never work or stand under
suspended loads !

3. Safety regulations

Examine the pressure tube and the pressure vibration The fastening of loads and the instructing of crane
dampers for carbon deposits every six months. Exces- operators should be entrusted to experienced persons
sive deposits have to be removed. only. The person giving the instructions must be within
sight or voice contact with the operator.
Motor, air filter, electrical components and regulating
equipment have to protected from the ingress of humid- For carrying out overhead assembly work always use
ity, e.g. when cleaning the system by means of a steam specially designed or otherwise safety-orientated lad-
jet. ders and working platforms. Never use machine parts
as a climbing aid. Wear a safety harness when carrying
Under no circumstance must the sound-proofing ma- out maintenance work at greater heights.
terial be removed or modified.
Keep all steps, handles, handrails, platforms, landings
Never use etching solvents which could attack the and ladders free from dirt, snow and ice !
materials used.
Clean the machine, especially connections and
If indicated or if there is any suspicion that an internal threaded unions, of any traces of oil, fuel or pre-
part of the machine has run hot, the machine has to be servatives before carrying out maintenance or repair
shut down. work ! Never use aggressive detergents ! Use lint-free
cleaning rags !
In order to avoid an increase in the operating tem-
perature, check and clean the heat transfer surfaces Before cleaning the machine with water or steam jet
(cooling fins, intermediate cooler, water cooling jackets, (high pressure cleaner) or other cleaning agents, cover/
etc.) at regular intervals. Prepare a plan of the most mask all openings which have to be protected from the
favourable cleaning intervals for each machine. ingress of water, steam or detergents for safety and/or
functional reasons, in particular electric motors and
Avoid damage to the safety valves and other pressure switch cabinets.
reducing components. Check in particular for clogging
caused by paint, oil carbon or the accumulation of dust, After cleaning, remove the covers/masking com-
which could deteriorate the effectiveness of these com- pletely !
Check all hydraulic oil lines for leakage, loose fittings,
Insulation or protective shielding, the temperature of abrasion and damage after cleaning. Any defect must
which may exceed 80 °C and which could be errone- be rectified immediately !
ously touched by the personnel, must not be removed
before these parts have cooled down to room tempera- Always re-tighten screwed connections which have
ture. been loosened for maintenance and repair work.

Check the accuracy of pressure and temperature If the set-up, maintenance or repair require the de-
indicators at regular intervals. If the admissible toler- mounting of safety equipment, this equipment has to be
ance limits have been exceeded, these devices have to remounted and checked immediately after these activi-
be replaced. ties.

Before removing or overhauling a compressor, a mo- Ensure that consumables and replacement parts are
tor or another machine, ensure that all moveable parts disposed of in a safe and environmentally friendly man-
of a mass of more than 15 kg cannot move or roll ner.

After completion of repair work, always verify that no

tools, loose parts or cloths have been left in or on the
machine, drive motor or drive equipment. Machines
performing a back and forward main movement have to
be cycled at least once, rotating machines have to be
cycled several times in order to ensure that there are
no mechanical faults in the machine or the drive mem-
ber. Check the direction of rotation of the electric mo-
tors during first commissioning and after each modifica-
tion of the electrical connections in order to prevent the
compressor from being damaged.

3. Safety regulations

3.6 Warning of special dangers Hydraulics, pneumatics

Work on hydraulic equipment may only be carried out

Electric energy by persons with special knowledge and experience of
Use only original fuses with the specified current rat-
ing. Switch off the machine/unit immediately if trouble Check all lines, hoses and screwed connections
occurs in the electric system. regularly for leaks and obvious damage. Repair dam-
age immediately. High pressure jets of oil may cause
Work on the electrical system or equipment may only injury and fire.
be carried out by a skilled electrician or by specially
instructed personnel under the control and supervision Depressurize all system sections and pressure pipes
of such an electrician and in line with the relevant elec- (hydraulic system, compressed-air system) which are
trical engineering rules. to be removed in accordance with the specific instruc-
tions for the assemblies concerned before carrying out
If regulations require, the power supply to parts of any repair work.
machines and plants, on which inspection, mainte-
nance and repair work is to be carried out, must be cut Hydraulic and compressed-air lines must be laid and
off. Before starting any work, check the de-energized fitted properly. Ensure that no connections are ex-
parts for the presence of power and ground or short- changed. The fittings, lengths and quality of the hoses
circuit them in addition to insulating adjacent live parts must comply with the technical requirements.
and elements.

The electrical equipment of the machines/units is to

be inspected and checked at regular intervals. Defects
such as loose connections or scorched cables must be
rectified immediately.
Sound-proofing elements on the machine/unit have to
be active during operation (i.e. sound-proofing panels
Necessary work on live parts and elements must be
closed, etc.).
carried out in the presence of a second person who
can cut off the power supply in case of danger by
Wear personal ear protection as prescribed.
operating the emergency shutdown or main power
switch. Secure the working area with a red-and-white
Noise, even at a low level, can cause nervousness
safety chain and a warning sign. Use insulated tools
and annoyance; over a longer period of time, our nerv-
ous system can suffer serious damage. We therefore
recommend a separate machine room in order to keep
Before starting work on high-voltage assemblies and
the noise of the machine away from the workshop.
after having cut out the power supply, the feeder cable
must be grounded, and components, such as capaci-
Depending on the number of machines in a machine
tors, short-circuited with a grounding rod.
room, the noise can be quite loud. In accordance with
the sound pressure level at manned posts, the follow-
ing precautions have to be taken :
Gas, dust, steam and smoke • Below 70 dB(A) :
No special measures
Carry out welding, flame-cutting and grinding work on
• Above 70 dB(A)
the machine/unit only if this has been expressly author-
Persons who stay permanently in this room have to
ized, as there may be a risk of explosion and fire.
wear ear protectors
• Below 85 dB(A)
Before carrying out welding, flame-cutting and grind-
In the case of occasional visitors who stay in this
ing operations, clean the machine/unit and its sur-
room only for a short while, no special precautions
roundings from dust and other inflammable sub-
are to be taken
stances and make sure that the premises are ad-
• Above 85 dB(A)
equately ventilated (risk of explosion) !
Hazardous noise zone ! A warning sign has to be
attached to each entrance indicating that everybody
Adhere to the regulations valid for the place of opera-
who enters the room - even for a short time only -
tion !
has to wear ear protectors.
Observe any existing national regulations if work is to
be carried out in small rooms.

3. Safety regulations

• Above 95 dB(A) 3.7 Storage of compressors

The warning signs have to contain the recommenda-
tion that occasional visitors also have to wear ear All compressors are protected against corrosion at the
protectors. factory for transport and for brlef storage before
• Above 105 dB(A) commissioning.
Special ear protectors, which are suitable for the
If the compressors are to be stored for period
noise level and the spectral composition of the noise
exceeding six months, additional precautions must be
must be available. A corresponding warning sign
must be fixed to each entrance door.
Compressors which are to be shut down for a lengthy
Take care that the noise transmission through walls period must also be protected from corrosion.
and frames does not result in too high a noise level in
Since corrosion occurs more quickly in damp
the surrounding areas.
atmospheres than in dry conditions, it is not possible to
specify a maximum permissible standstill time which will
apply in all cases.
Oils, greases and other
chemical substances Note
When handling oils, greases and other chemical The following aspects must be taken into account for
substances, observe the safety regulations for this storage of storing compressors.
product ! The compressor should be stored in a dry building
which should be heated if possible.
Be careful when handling hot fuels and consumables
(danger of burning or scalding) ! This is particularly true during the months of winter.
If there is a risk that the temperature will fall or rise
above the limits of -10 °C to +65 °C , the electrical
Rooms subject to explosion hazards controller must be removed and stored in ambient
temperatures of +5 °C to +30 °C.
Danger. Before commissioning the compressor all the
electrical and electronic components and units should
Compressor units must never be operated in areas be checked for the ingress of water or condensation.
subject to explosion hazards!
(Exception: Special units with the corresponding
technical modifications)

3. Safety regulations

3.8 Symbols and explanations

Carefully read the operating manual before commission-

ing or servicing this compressor.

Never operate the machine without protective equip-

ment fitted.

Never breath in compressed air from this system.

3. Safety regulations

Warning: Never operate the unit with open doors or

loose access panels.

Warning: Hot surface

Warning: Pressurized part or system

3. Safety regulations

Warning: This system can start up by means of a

remote control or automatically after a
power failure.

Warning: The system continues to run for 30 sec-

onds after pressing the O-key.

Warning: Danger of electric shock

3. Safety regulations

Lifting point

Warning: Change the running-in oil filter cartridge

after approx. 100 operating hours. For
further recommendations, see the operat-
ing instructions.

Warning: Check connecting terminals and

retighten, if required. For further recom-
mendations, see the operating instruc-

3. Safety regulations

Attention: Only lubricate the system while the motor

is running. For further details, see the
operating instructions

4. Design and functioning

4.1 Design of the unit

Fig. 3

1 Pressure reservoir 9 Air filter

2 Oil filter 10 Cooling air ventilator
3 Oil cooler 11 Support frame
4 Pressure holding and check valve 12 Panel
5 Operating panel control 13 Switch cabinet
6 Screw compressor 14 Intake regulator
7 Air cooler 15 Fine separator
8 El. motor

4. Design and functioning

4.2 Schematic diagram

Fig. 5

1. Intake filter 17. Pressure monitor F1 Motor temperature* S3 Pressure monitor

2. Intake regulator 18. Pressure monitor + R2 Compressor S5 Differential pressure
2.1 Actuating cylinder display temperature oil filter*
2.2 Pressure control valve 19. 3/2-way solenoid R3 Oil injection temp.* S6 Differential pressure
3. Electric motor valve R4 Ventilator motor temp.* fine separator*
4. Screw compressor 20. 2/2-way solenoid R6 After-cooler tempera- S7 Differential pressure
5. Thermo-sensor + valve ture* air filter*
indicator 21. Oil temperature S8 Oil injection pressure*
6. Pressure reservoir regulator B1 Sensor mains S10 Direction of rotation
7. Fine separator cartridge 22. Oil level indicator pressure* monitor*
8. Oil drain ball valve 23. Switch of intake filter B2 Sensor compression S12 Oil level*
9. Safety valve (maintenance)* end pressure
10. Switch of oil filter 24. Switch of fine separator B3 Sensor outlet of the Y1 Regulating valve
(maintenance)* (maintenance)* fine separator* Y4 Blow-off valve
11. Oil filter 25. Ventilator
12. Oil cooler 26. Clogging indicator of air * option
13. Throttle filter
14. Check valve
15. Valve combination:
Pressure holding +
check valve
16. Air cooler

4. Design and functioning

4.3 Oil circuit 4.5 Start/stop/shutdown

The required oil is drawn from the pressure reservoir- Start of the unit
6 -, passes through the oil thermostat - 21 - (closes the
by-pass line of the oil cooler - 12 - and opens the pas- • The electric motor - 3 - starts up in the Y-mode.
sage to the oil cooler at an oil temperature > 45 °C), • The intake regulator - 2 - is closed.
through the oil filter - 11 - and is fed to the screw com- • The oil supply of the screw compressor - 4 - is pro-
pressor - 4 -. vided by the vacuum pressure where the injection
takes place.
The oil separated in the fine separator - 7 - is fed • When changing over to ∆-operation, the solenoid
through an oil line to the screw compressor - 4 -. The valves - 19 + 20 - switch due to being energized.
entire oil circulation is based on a natural differential • The pressure control valve -2.2- is closed by a
pressure in the system. Considering the pressure spring in the actuator of the intake regulator -2.1-.
difference of approx. 1.5 bar within the oil circuit, the The control air is bled into the intake channel via the
oil is then injected into the compressor - 4 - with de-energized solenoid valve -19-.
approx. 5.5 bar at a reservoir pressure of e.g. 7 bar. • The pressure control valve - 2.2 - in the intake regu-
lator - 2 - opens.
During idle running of the screw compressor, the • The valve combination (pressure holding and check
required oil injection quantity is achieved owing to the valve) - 15 - opens at a system pressure of approx.
fact that a sufficiently high pressure drop occurs and 4,5 bar.
thus, with the inlet controller - 2 - being closed, a • The delivery of compressed air into the consumer
vacuum pressure develops at the inlet connection network starts.
(place of injection).

Automatic operation
4.4 Air circuit (open/close operation)
The intake air passes through the suction filter - 1 - • When the mains pressure reaches the maximum
and the intake regulator - 2 - into the screw compressor value set at pressure monitor - 17 -, the solenoid
- 4 -. During the compression process, the intake air is valves - 19 + 20 - de-energize.
cooled via the injected oil, and the developed air/oil • The screw compressor - 4 - is running in the idle
mixture flows tangentially into the pressure reservoir mode.
(oil reservoir) - 6 -. After the pre-separation and the • The pressure vessel -6- is unloaded into the intake
subsequent fine separation in the fine separator - 7 -, channel via solenoid valve -20-.
the compressed air with a low oil content passes • If the mains pressure does not fall to the minimum
through the valve combination - 15 -, the air cooler - 16 value set at pressure monitor - 17 - or at the sensor
- and the condensate separator (option) into the con- of the mains pressure B1 within 6 minutes, the sys-
sumer network. tem shuts down.
• If the minimum value preset at pressure monitor -
The condensate separated in the condensate sepa- 17 - or at the sensor of the mains pressure B1 is
rator (option) is carried to the outside via a solenoid reached in less than 6 minutes, the solenoids - 19 +
valve (option) which is to be installed by the customer 20 - are again energized.
and controlled by a "Kondensomat“ (option). • The unit changes over to load operation.

4. Design and functioning

Throttling operation (option)

• The upper switching point is set to the maximum

operating pressure at pressure monitor - 17 - or,
depending on the machine version, at the sensor of
the mains pressure B1 (0.3 bar higher than the
setting of the proportional regulator). The standard
proportional regulator can only be used for a pres-
sure range of between 7 bar and the nominal pres-
• The regulation range can be set lower by adjusting
the proportional regulator accordingly.
• With an increasing input pressure (increasing pres-
sure in the pressure reservoir - 6 -), the proportional
regulator provides a decreasing output pressure
within the regulating range (corresponds to a de-
creasing pilot pressure in the lower control chamber
of the actuator - 2.1 -).
• As a result of the pressure drop in the lower control
chamber, the compression spring in the upper con-
trol chamber partly closes the pressure control
valve - 2.2 - and thus causes throttling of the intake

The throttling operation provides only a restricted throt-
tling function, the task of which is to reduce the supply
flow to 70 %. When this value is reached, the pressure
monitor - 17 - or the mains pressure sensor B1 (de-
pending on the machine version) switches the screw
compressor unit over to automatic operation.

Stopping of the system

• After pressing the OFF-key on the operating panel,
the solenoid valves - 19 + 20 - are de-energized.
• The pressure control valve - 2.2 - in the intake regu-
lator - 2 - closes and the system is relieved.
• After approximately 30 seconds, the electric motors
- 3 + 25 - shut down.

Standstill of the system

• When the system is at rest the intake controller - 2 -
is closed by the compression spring in the actuating
cylinder - 2.1 -.
• The solenoid valves - 19 + 20 - are de-energized.
• The pressure reservoir - 6 - is bled via the solenoid
valve - 20 - into the intake channel.

5. Transport and installation

5.1 Transport 5.2 Installation



A=1,20 m
B=1,20 m

Fig. 5 Fig. 6

Danger. Danger.
The screw compressor unit must be lifted using a • The foundation weight carrying capacity has to
suitable fork lift truck, which complies with the lo- be taken into account.
cal safety regulations.
• Provide for a solid and plane base.
Before lifting, all loose or slewable parts of the ma-
chine have to be firmly secured. • The intakes are to be located so that no hazard-
ous constituent (solvent vapour, etc., but also
It is strictly prohibited to work or stand in the dan- dusts and other hazardous material) can be
ger zone of a lifted load. sucked in. This applies also to flying sparks.

The proper lifting of the load (according to the • Pipes and/or other parts with a surface tempera-
operating instructions of the load suspension ture higher than 80 °C have to be suitably identi-
device) has to be ensured. fied and secured against touching. See also the
safety regulations in chapter 3 of the operating

Never lift or lash the compressor via its enclosure.
The operator has to provide adequate ventilation
for the compressor station.
The screw compressor is lifted with the help of a
fork lift truck (fig. 5). The separation of the forks
The screw compressor unit has to be levelled.
and their length must be taken into account for
A minimum distance from walls, other machines, etc.
should be maintained so that there is sufficient clear-
Only use the identified lifting points. Do not slide
ance for maintenance and repair work (fig. 6).
the unit when it is standing on the floor.
During operation of the screw compressor unit, heat
is generated by the electric motor and the compres-
Weights (with electric motor IP 55) sion process. The screw compressor radiates a part of
this heat into the surroundings.
The values listed below are approximate values, they
Proper ventilation has a considerable effect on the
refer to a screw compressor unit including oil fill :
service life and the performance of a compressor.

RALLYE 040/041/042 approx. 765 kg

RALLYE 050/051/052 approx. 825 kg
RALLYE 060/061/062 approx. 850 kg

6. Preparations for commissioning

6.1 Cooling air volume/minimum cross- 6.2 Compressed air connection


Fig. 7 Fig. 8

1 Cooling air intake 1 Compressed air outlet DN 40, PN 16

2 Cooling air outlet

The compressed air mains is connected to the tapping

flange of the screw compressor (DN 40). The compen-
The cooling air volume required by air-cooled screw sator is available as optional extra.
compressors is as follows :

RALLYE 040-052 AS : ca. 90 m3 min,

RALLYE 060-062 AS : ca. 106 m 3/min. Note
Under unfavourable local conditions, we recommend
After-coolers, separators, collecting reservoirs and the
the installation of venting ducts. However, the velocity
compressed air lines must be equipped with drain facili-
of the cooling air should not exceed 5 m/s. We recom-
ties at their lowest points to drain collected liquids.
mend a minimum cross-section of approx. 0.4 m 2.
These facilities have to be fitted to allow the observ-
ance of the draining of such liquids.

Important Hand-operated drain facilities have to be actuated in

The stated minimum cross-section refers to a maxi- accordance with the operating instructions.
mum duct length of 5 m and a maximum of one
bend. In case of differing values (over 5 m, more Automatic drain facilities have to be checked for
than one bend, filter cartridges, screens, etc.) proper function at regular intervals. When draining
please contact your technical adviser. CompAir condensates into a collecting line, which also collects
screw compressors are rated for ambient tempera- the condensate from other machines, make sure that
tures and cooling air temperatures of +1 °C to the collecting line is free from counterpressure. There-
+40 °C. In the case of temperatures other than the fore, measures have to be taken to ensure that
above limiting values, please consult your techni- counterpressure cannot build up.
cal adviser.
Condensate may contain oil ! When draining conden-
sate, observe the corresponding regulations for waste
water disposal.
In order to ensure a good heat dissipation, auxiliary
fans should be rated to process approximately 15 to 20
% more air volume than the total cooling air volume
required by the compressors installed in the com-
pressed air station.

6. Preparations for commissioning

6.3 Electrical connection

Recommended supply line cross-sections and fuses

RALLYE - Installed Nominal Fuse protection Leitungs-
380 V/50 Hz nominal motor power (slow-blow cross-section
motor power ventilator fuse) at 30 °C
[kW] [kW] [A] [mm ]
040 - 042 22 0,75 63 3 x 16 /PE 16
050 - 052 30 0,75 80 3 x 25 /PE 16
060 - 062 37 1,1 100 3 x 35 /PE 16

RALLYE - Installed Nominal Fuse protection Leitungs-

400 V/50 Hz nominal motor power (slow-blow cross-section
motor power ventilator fuse) at 30 °C
[kW] [kW] [A] [mm ]
040 - 042 22 0,75 50 3 x 10 /PE 10
050 - 052 30 0,75 80 3 x 25 /PE 16
060 - 062 37 1,1 80 3 x 25 /PE 16

RALLYE - Installed Nominal Fuse protection Leitungs-

415 V/50 Hz nominal motor power (slow-blow cross-section
motor power ventilator fuse) at 30 °C
[kW] [kW] [A] [mm ]
040 - 042 22 0,75 50 3 x 10 /PE 10
050 - 052 30 0,75 63 3 x 16 /PE 16
060 - 062 37 1,1 80 3 x 25 /PE 16

Notes on the table: Danger.

We do not know the cable type used by you, its length and The customer has to connect a main switch in the
the installation conditions (temperatures, grouping). The incoming line of the RALLYE screw compressor
table above can therefore only be regarded as a guideline. unit (unless factory-mounted as special accesso-
The supply line cross-sections given in the table correspond ries) (DIN EN 1012 - 1). If this switch does not as-
to VDE 0100, part 523 - group 2 (multi-wire cables or sume short-circuit and overload protection func-
grouped, individual wires at 30 °C and a max. line length of tions for the system, suitable back-up fuses must
50 m). In the case of differing conditions (cable length, be installed (see table)
temperature and grouping), the cable cross-sections have to The main switch must meet the requirements of
be selected in line with DIN VDE 0298, part 4, which also safety standard EN 60 204-1/Art. 5.3 (electrical
refers to the cable type. equipment of machinery).
The setting values of the motor protective switch for the The electrical connections and the protective meas-
fan drive and the bimetal relay for the main drive are ures have to be carried out in line with VDE regula-
determined as follows: tions or the national stipulations in your country.
Bimetal relays: Generally, additional rules of the respective elec-
trical power supplier have to be observed.
I = x 1.15/√3 x voltage correction, if required
setting Inom The connections must be made by an authorized
Motor protective switch
Attention: Interference voltage! If external electric
I =I x 1.15 x voltage correction, if required circuits, which cannot be cut out via the main
setting nom
switch, are connected to the control, these have to
RALLYE compressed air stations are finished in the be identified according to EN60204. Warning signs
factory according to standard EN60204 (industrial ma- have to be fixed near the main switch and near
chinery). Please observe the following notes: these electric circuits. In addition, these conduc-
tors have to be laid separately and/or identified by
Important Work on control cabinets may only be carried out
A poor energy quality jeopardizes the trouble-free by electrotechnical specialists.
operation of the compressor unit.
If the erection conditions of the system deviate
Once the installation work is completed, the supply from the conditions described in EN60204, please
line openings have to be closed using suitable contact your technical consultant.

6. Preparations for commissioning

Checking the setting of the control-power Start-up of the unit after connection to the
transformer electric network/Checking the direction of
The control-power transformer is factory-preset to the rotation
rated voltage. However, practice has shown that the
After connection to the electric network the unit can
actual supply voltage often differs from this value. In
be started up for the first time. Make sure that the com-
order to adjust the unit to the local conditions, the
pressed air lines are connected and observe the
setting of the control-power transformer must be
following notes:
checked by measuring the control-power transformer
supply voltage under load and, if required, re-set.
Several tapping points are provided for this purpose
(see circuit diagram). Important
When connecting a compressor unit to the electric
network for the first time, it is necessary to check
the drive motor for the correct direction of rotation
Serie (see arrow).

In the case of a wrong direction of rotation stop the

unit immediately by actuating the emergency OFF
push-button. The normal stop push-button stops
435V 415V 400V 380V 360V
the drive only after the soft stop time (several
Option seconds).

Even a short operation of the drive in the wrong

direction of rotation (approx. 2 seconds) results in
severe damage or consequential damage.

Connecting terminals for heater (option)

Fig. 9
For RALLYE with 380/400/415 V:
When carrying out adjustment work on the control- • Connecting terminals for heater
power transformer, the unit must be off circuit. 230 V ±10 %
• 2.0 kW, 1P/N/PE
Work on the control cabinet may only be carried • with ventilator
out by electrotechnical specialist personnel. • Integrated thermostat
• Supply of the unit : 3P/PE

A wrong setting of the control-power transformer
jeopardizes the trouble-free operation of RALLYE
070 - 112 compressor units and can result in
malfunction or damage.

The verification of the control-power transformer

setting is a must during commissioning and
periodic inspection/maintenance, as the voltage
supply conditions may vary.

The correct setting should be checked in on-load

operation of the unit by measuring the control-
power transformer output voltage.

6. Preparations for commissioning

6.4 Oil level check Important

Do not mix oils of different specifications.
Only check the oil level when the screw compres- Check oil level
sor unit is out of operation and depressurized ! The
pressure reservoir can be under pressure and the • The oil level is to be checked with the help of the oil
oil hot. Warning : Danger of scalding ! Do not spill dipstick at the pressure vessel (Fig. 10) after each
oil ! Check for leakage ! stop and at regular intervals.

• The oil should have settled and the air entrapped

should have been dispersed. This procedure may
take up to one hour (depending on the conditions).

• The max. oil level is in the middle of the upper oil

level sight-glass, the min. oil level in the middle of
the lower oil sight glass (fig. 10). If required, top up

See also chapter 9 "Maintenance“.

6.6 Sound pressure level
2 Sound pressure level measured to DIN 45 635 under
full load at a distance of 1 m dB(A):

041 72
3 042

051 74
4 052

061 74

Subject to technical revision.

Fig. 10

1 Oil filling point 1"

2 Oil dipstick
3 Max. oil level
4. Min. oil level

7. Commissioning

7.1 First commissioning • Before each commissioning, check the safety

valve (fig. 11) for function by turning the knurled
cap at the safety valve (at operating pressure).
Danger. • When switching the power supply on, all of the
Make sure before commissioning that nobody is in LEDs and all segments of the LCD displays will
the danger zone of the motor/screw compressor. light up for a display test.
• For testing purposes, all LEDs and segments on
Only operate the screw compressor with closed the operating panel light up.
access panels. • Press the OFF-key for unlocking.
• Press the ON-key,
The safety valve can be hot as a result of preceding the ON-key lights up >>green<< in order to
operation. A functional check must only be carried show that the screw compressor unit is in the
out at operating pressure. Be careful with escaping automatic operating mode.
air (danger of burning and scalding).
Before first commissioning or when re-commissioning
Important after maintenance of the water-cooled units, the air
Although every CompAir screw compressor has cooler must be bled via the bleed screw.
been subjected to a test run at the factory and has
again been thoroughly inspected before shipment,
damage during shipment cannot be excluded. For 7.2 Routine commissioning
this reason, every screw compressor should be
checked once again for damage before being com-
missioned. In addition, it should be observed dur-
ing the first operating hours. The screw compres-
sor unit is completely factory-assembled. It can be
directly connected to the compressed air mains by
means of a flexible connection.

If the screw compressor is newly connected to a

power supply, check the direction of rotation of the
drive motor !

With a wrong direction of rotation, shut down the

unit immediately by actuating the emergency shut-
down, otherwise the compressor might suffer seri-
ous damage.

The access panels may temporarily be opened for

checking the direction of rotation (wear ear protec- Fig. 11
1 Knurled cap
2 Outlet
Moreover, the following points must be taken into
account :
• Fasteners used for securing the unit during
transportation have to be removed prior to com- Make sure before commissioning that nobody is in
missioning. the danger zone of the motor/screw compressor.
• Before commissioning, panels and doors
should be realigned, if required. After completion of work : Verify that all safety
• Check and, if necessary, correct the pre-set devices have been refitted and that all tools have
values at the Kondensomat (option). been removed.
• Re-tighten all connecting terminals of the elec-
trical control before commissioning. Only operate the screw compressor unit with
• Check the oil levels in the pressure reservoir closed access panels.
before each commissioning.
• Open the isolator valves between the screw Before each commissioning, check the safety valve
compressor, reservoir and pipe, (fig. 11) for function by turning the knurled cap at
• Operate main switch. the safety valve (at operating pressure). The safety
valve can be hot as a result of preceding operation.
A functional check must only be carried out at op-
erating pressure. Be careful with escaping air (dan-
ger of burning and scalding).

7. Commissioning

Note 7.4 Operating modes

The condensate separator (option) and the condensate Automatic operation

drain (option) have to be installed by the customer. The generation of compressed air is stopped when
the set maximum operating pressure has been
achieved, and the electric motor stops after a corre-
Before each commissioning of the screw compressor sponding coasting time (dependent upon the electrical
follow the steps below : network). The generation of compressed air com-
mences and the electric motor cuts in, when the oper-
• Check the oil levels in the pressure reservoir. ating pressure has decreased to the set minimum
• Open the isolator valves between the screw value.
compressor, reservoir and pipework.
• Actuate main switch. Throttling operation
• Check the safety valve at operating pressure.
The delivery of compressed air is throttled as soon as
the pressure range set at the proportional regulator has
Start-up protection of the electric motor been reached.

The screw compressor unit does not start up, if the

system pressure is higher than 0.8 bar. 7.5 Setting of the operating pressure

Temperature start-up protection Danger.

The screw compressor unit does not start up, if the The operating pressure must be set by a specialist
ambient temperature is lower than +1 °C. only.

The operating pressure must not be set higher.

7.3 Commissioning after malfunction


Do not switch the screw compressor on repeatedly

without having rectified the malfunction, since this
may cause considerable damage to the machine.

Re-start after an automatic shutdown due to malfunc-

• Read off error code (see chapter 8.2.8)
• Turn main switch off
• Rectify malfunction
• Turn main switch on
• Press acknowledgement key [ Θ ]
Fig. 13
• Start the screw compressor unit by pressing the
ON key [ I ].
The operating pressure is set at the pressure monitor-
ing device (fig. 13) :

• Remove protective cap

• The cut-in and cut-out pressure is set via the setting
• The (approximate) values are indicated on the corre-
sponding scales
• Attach the protective cap.

Fig. 12

7. Commissioning

Important 7.6 Monitoring

The operating pressure is set as follows : The operating pressure and the compressor tempera-
ture can be read from the text field on the control panel
RALLYE 040/050/060 5 to 7,5 bar (Fig. 12).
RALLYE 041/051/061 5 to 10,0 bar
RALLYE 042/052/062 5 to 13,0 bar Compressors with oil-lubricated pressure chambers
are to be operated in a manner that avoids exceeding
Higher pressures are not permitted. of the pre-set final compression temperature.

Re-check the settings of the switching points The screw compressor is equipped with an automatic
(pressure range) using a pressure gauge. operation monitoring system, which shuts the unit
down in the case of the following malfunctions.
The operating pressure can be set to a value of
between 5 and 13 bar. Higher pressures are not
The pressure difference (∆ ∆p) must not be smaller
than 0.5 bar. Generally, it should be 10 % of the Warning : Electric voltage !
operating pressure.
Encoders for automatic operation monitoring must
It is possible to reduce the operating pressure to a not be bridged !
minimum of 5 bar.
The screw compressor unit must not be operated
The admissible maximum number of motor cycles with bridged encoders !
is controlled by the DELCOS electronics.
On units with electrical controls type DELCOS
3000, the operating pressure is set at the

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics

Table of contents DELCOS 1000

Basic information

8.1 Operating elements .......................................................................................................................................... 33

8.1.1 Keyboard ............................................................................................................................................... 33

8.1.2 Light emitting diodes ............................................................................................................................. 34
8.1.5 Menu structure DELCOS 1000 ............................................................................................................. 35
8.1.3 Pressure display (bar) .......................................................................................................................... 35
8.1.4 Temperature display (°C) ...................................................................................................................... 35
8.2.1 Start of the unit ..................................................................................................................................... 36
8.2.2 Operation under load/idle running ........................................................................................................ 36

8.2 Commissioning ................................................................................................................................................ 36

8.2.3 Stopping of the unit ............................................................................................................................... 36

8.2.4 Malfunctions/shutdowns/power failures ................................................................................................ 36
8.2.5 Warnings/maintenance ......................................................................................................................... 36
8.2.6 Collective fault relay .............................................................................................................................. 36
8.2.7 Operating/load hours counter ............................................................................................................... 37
8.2.8 Fault storage ......................................................................................................................................... 37
8.2.9 Fault storage table ................................................................................................................................ 38

8.3 Additional functions ........................................................................................................................................ 40

8.3.1 Change of settings ................................................................................................................................ 40

8.3.2 Maintenance intervals ........................................................................................................................... 41
8.3.3 Operating modes .................................................................................................................................. 42 Automatic operation ............................................................................................................. 42 Continuous operation ........................................................................................................... 42 Remote control .................................................................................................................... 42 Automatic restart after power failure ................................................................................... 42
8.3.4 Factory pre-settings .............................................................................................................................. 43

8.4 Installation of a new controler DELCOS 1000 .............................................................................................. 44

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics

8.1 Operating elements

Fig. 14

8.1.1 Keyboard

Key I ⇒ Switch the system on

Key 0 ⇒ Switch the system off
Key Θ ⇒ Acknowledgement and return to
pressure and temperature display

Key ∆ ⇒ Scroll upwards in the menu

Key ∇ ⇒ Scroll downwards in the menu
Key − ⇒ Scroll to the left in the menu and
change parameters
Key + ⇒ Scroll to the right in the menu and
change parameters
Key ↵ ⇒ Change settings

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics

Fig. 15

8.1.2 Light emitting diodes

Operating messages Fault messages

LED a ⇒ flashing: The system is in the stand-by LED e ⇒ Malfunction / compressor temperature
mode, i.e. the motor can start
up automatically at any time. LED f ⇒ Malfunction / motor monitoring

on: The drive motor is running LED g ⇒ Warning / maintenance

LED b ⇒ Unit is in operation under load LED h ⇒ Collective fault

LED c ⇒ flashing: Remote control, remote OFF If LED g or LED h light up, determine the cause of
failure, warning or service message in the fault stor-
on: Remote control, remote ON age as described in the following chapter 8.2 "Com-
LED d ⇒ Automatic restart ON

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics

8.1.3 Pressure display (bar) 8.1.4 Temperature display (°C)

Under normal operating conditions, the pressure dis- Under normal operating conditions, the temperature
play indicates the operating pressure of the unit. display indicates the final compression temperature of
the compressor.
If the reservoir pressure is exceeded by more than
1 bar, the control emits a warning message by means The display flashes in order to indicate excessive
of a flashing pressure display. The warning is stored in temperatures. In the case of overheating, the com-
the fault storage; LED g lights up. pressor shuts down automatically. In the case of too
low temperatures, the unit does not enable a start.
In the case of an incorrect transfer from the pressure
sensor, the actual reservoir pressure cannot be In the case of an incorrect transfer from the pressure
determined or displayed. The display shows : - - -. sensor, the actual reservoir pressure cannot be
determined or displayed. The display therefore shows
: - - -.

8.1.5 Menu structure DELCOS 1000

2 3 4 5
Fig. 16

1 Operating/load hours 4 Operating modes

2 Fault storage 5 Factory pre-settings
3 Maintenance intervals 6 See chapter 8.3 "Additional functions"

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics

8.2 Commissioning 8.2.3 Stopping of the unit

After pressing of the [ 0 ] key, the unit searches for an
off load and stable working point before the motor is
8.2.1 Start of the unit switched off. Depending on the preceding utilization,
the unit stops immediately or after some seconds.
When switching the power supply on, the display test
appears, which must be acknowledged before starting
the unit by pressing key [ Θ ]. Prior to setting the unit
into operation by pressing the [ I ] key, faults must have
been rectified and acknowledged.
8.2.4 Malfunctions/shutdowns/power
The compressor cannot be started at temperatures - failures
1 °C.
In order to protect the unit, all recognized defaults will
If the compressed air mains does not report a result in the immediate shutdown of the system or will
requirement at the time of start, the unit will go into the prevent a start-up.
stand-by mode - LED a flashes (only in the automatic
operating mode). These faults are transferred to the fault storage with
a corresponding error message and then signalled to
Moreover, a safety circuit (start-up protection) the collective fault relay.
prevents the drive motor from starting against an
internal residual pressure. In this case, the compres- The faults have to be acknowledged (after rectifica-
sor also goes into the stand-by mode. The compressor tion of the fault) by pressing key [ Θ ].
starts automatically, if the pressure falls below a
factory-pre-set value (start-up protection). In the case of the fault [power failure], the display test
appears as soon as power is again applied. This must be
acknowledged at the unit by pressing key [ Θ ].
In the remotely controlled operating mode, it is
If the unit is in the stand-by mode, i.e. LED a sufficient to restart the unit, which, at the same time,
flashes, the compressor can start up automatically acknowledges the fault in the fault memory.
at any time !

8.2.5 Warnings/maintenance
8.2.2 Operation under load/idle running
Warning or maintenance messages will be signalled
The operating mode is factory-pre-set to automatic
via LED g, but will not result in the shutdown of the
If your compressed air mains has no or only a
reduced requirement, the unit changes over to idle Ignoring warnings/service messages can result in
running. This protects the drive motor, which allows for malfunction !
only a limited number of starts.
After the firmly set no-load phase the motor is
automatically switched off and the compressor goes to 8.2.6 Collective fault relay
the stand-by mode.
A potential-free contact in the control (see electrical
circuit diagram) reports malfunction of the unit. The
contact opens in the case of a fault.
The contact of the collective fault relay must not be
When the system is in the stand-by operating loaded with more than 250 V/8 A.
mode, i.e. LED a flashes, the compressor can start
up at any time !

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics

Fig. 17

8.2.7 Operating/load hours counter

The operating and load hours of the unit can be

called up at any time.

For this, press the [ ∆ ] key for the operating hours,

and once more key [ ∆ ] for the load hours of the unit.

In order to return to the normal display, press key [ ∇ ]

for a step-by-step return, or simply key [ Θ ] .

The operating and load hours are indicated on the 3- Fig. 18

digit temperature display. In order to be able to display
a count of more than 999, the following indication
mode is provided.
8.2.8 Fault storage
A point in the display represents the indication in
The fault storage contains 5 fault messages, which
thousands. In the case of more than 9999 hours
are coded. Press key [ ∇ ] in order to call the fault
(display "9.99"), the thousand-point shifts again one
storage up.
character to the right, e.g. the display shows 46.7, i.e.
the operating time is > 46700 hours.
The 5 fault messages appear one after the other
after pressing the [ ∇ ] key several times. The
pressure display field shows the number of the fault
message indicated (Er1 = latest entry). The tempera-
ture display shows the error code. Should a fault, a
warning or a service message be present, i.e. not
have been acknowledged, the error code in the
temperature display flashes.

In order to return to the normal display, press key [ ∆ ]

for a step-by-step return, or simply key [ Θ ].

For the error codes, see the fault storage table.

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics

8.2.9 Fault storage table

Error Description Possible cause Remedy

1 Fault power failure Power failure Search for the reason

Cabling defective Check, if required, repair

2 Fault emergency stop Emergency stop is/was Unlock

Emergency shutdown switch Check, if required, replace
Cabling to the emergency Check, if required, replace
shutdown defective

3 Fault motor monitoring Motor started too frequently (*) Limit number of manual starts/stops
Motor protection set wrongly Set correctly
Motor defective Check, if required, replace
Power requirement too high Check, search for cause
Defective power supply Check, search for cause
Star/delta starter defective Check

4 Fault compressor Excessive intake temperature Improve

excessive temperature (*)
Insufficient venting Improve
Unit operated with access Close access panels
panels open
Oil injection quantity/ Check, search for cause
temperature too small/high
Temperature sensor defective Check, if required, replace
(wrong indication)
Cabling of the temperature Check, if required, repair
sensor defective

5 Fault, start tried at Internal temperature of the unit Heat compressor room
low temperature (*) too low
Temperature sensor defective Check, if required, replace
(wrong indication)
Cabling of the temperature Check, if required, repair
sensor defective

6 Warning compressor see point 4 see point 4

temperature (*)

7 Fault overpressure Final compression pressure

shutdown exceeded by 1.5 bar (*)
- System pressure loss too high Check, search for cause
- Mains pressure switch defective Check, if required, replace
- Intake regulator does not close Check, search for cause
- Pressure sensor defective Check, if required, replace
(wrong indication)

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics

Error Description Possible cause Remedy


8 Warning overpressure Final compression pressure

exceeded by 1 bar (*)
- see point 7 see point 7

9 Fault pressure sensor Wrong pressure measurement

(indication : - - - bar)
- Pressure sensor defective Check, if required, replace
- Cabling of the pressure Check, if required, repair
sensor defective

10 Fault temperature sensor Wrong temperature measure-

ment (indication : - - -°C)
- Temperature sensor defective Check, if required, replace
- Cabling of the temperature Check, if required, repair
sensor defective

11 Fault, wrong direction of Vacuum pressure at the pres- Connect correct phase grouping
rotation sure connection caused by L1 L2 L3,
wrong direction of rotation of Isolate unit from power source
the motor to acknowledge
(acknowledgement in the fault
storage not possible)

12 Warning ∆p fine separator Only, if optionally installed

13 Warning ∆p air filter Only, if optionally installed

14 Warning ∆p oil filter Only, if optionally installed

15 External fault Only, if optionally installed

16 Warning maintenance Programmed maintenance Carry out maintenance, re- program

interval(s) exceeded interval(s) have reached or new maintenance interval(s)
exceeded 0 hours

17 Fault shutdown maintenance Programmed maintenance Carry out maintenance, re- program
limit interval(s) interval(s) have reached 100 new maintenance interval(s)
have been reached hours, shutdown is thus active
18 Fault of mains pressure sensor - Incorrect pressure measurement
(Option) (display --- nEt)
- Pressure sensor defective Check and replace, if required
- Cabling of the mains pressure Check and replace, if required
sensor defective
19 Fault of start-up against A defect causes a high Check output regulator and, if required,
great resistance pressure build-up (approx replace it
2-3 bar) during the start-up
(*) For settings, see chapter 8.3.4 "Factory pre-settings"

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics

Fig. 19

8.3 Additional functions 8.3.1 Change of settings

If settings are to be changed, select the

The control includes various menus (fig. 19) in order
corresponding menu point and press the [ ↵ ] key. The
to provide for changing for example the operating mode
setting value will flash and can now be changed with
of the compressor control, to call up information or to
the keys [ + ] or
program maintenance intervals.
[ - ]. This does not apply to the factory pre-settings !
This menu block is activated by pressing the [ + ] key
All other parameters can be changed at any time.
for five seconds.

The menu block consists of the following menus : Important

1. Maintenance intervals In order to change from the automatic to the
2. Operating modes continuous operating mode or vice versa, the unit
3. Factory pre-settings has to be firstly stopped.

Press the [ + ] key once to change from menu 1 to

menu 2. Press this key once again to go to menu 3.

Press the [ - ] key in order to return from menu 3 to

menu 2, repeat this to go from menu 2 to menu 1.

Press the [ Θ ] key to return from any section in the

menu to the main menu.

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics

8.3.2 Maintenance intervals You can set the maintenance intervals for air filters,
oil filters, fine separators and oil change by yourself,
thus partly substituting your maintenance book.

The programming has to be adjusted to your specific

application conditions, because for example the
clogging degree of the air filter depends on the intake

The settings of the maintenance intervals can be

programmed from 0 to 6000 hours. If no maintenance
intervals are requested, program a value above 6000
hours. The display shows - - -. Thus, this maintenance
interval is blocked.

The indication of times of more than 999 hours is as

with the operating and load hours (see 8.2.7).

The factory pre-set "maintenance“ values are

blocked (the display shows : - - -), i.e. no programming
has been made.

The individual setting values are programmed by

pressing the [ ↵ ] key. The setting value will flash and
Fig. 20 can then be changed.

Annotations re fig. 20 If the setting value has counted down to 0 hours, a

corresponding error code entry is made and LED g
(maintenance) flashes.
Field "bar" = pressure display
It is possible to display negative, i.e. overdue mainte-
AFI = Remaining time air filter nance intervals.

oFI = Remaining time oil filter Moreover, a shutdown can be activated/deactivated

(Stt = oFF/on) for maintenance intervals, if a mainte-
nance interval has counted down to -100 hours. If one
SEP = Remaining time fine separator
of the intervals has reached this shutdown threshold,
the shutdown is triggered off by the collective fault
oIL = Remaining time oil change
LED h, which acts in addition to LED g. The fault
storage contains the message "shutdown limit of
Stt = Shutdown at -100 hours (service maintenance interval(s) exceeded“.
timer trip)
You will then have to carry out the planned mainte-
nance work, newly program the maintenance intervals
Field "°C" = Temperature display and then acknowledge the fault by means of key [ Θ ]
for a restart.
--- = Maintenance interval blocked

24 = 24 hours

1.04 = Display multiplied by 1000 = 1040

-87 = Maintenance interval has been overdue
for 87 hours

oFF = OFF = no shutdown

on = ON = activates shutdown

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics

8.3.3 Operating modes Automatic operation

The automatic operating mode is the most economic,
because the control stops the compressor when no
compressed air is required and re-starts the unit auto-
matically in the case of demand for compressed air. Continuous operation

This operating mode is required in special applications
only. Continuous operation prevents the stopping of the
drive motor even if no compressed is required. The op-
eration is then continued in the idle mode.

In contrast to the automatic operation, you can start

the unit, although no requirement is present from the
compressed air mains. Remote control

Fig. 21 Important

Annotations re fig. 21 In this operating mode, the compressor can start

up automatically at any time.

Field "bar" = pressure display In the remote control operating mode, the unit can be
cut in and out via a coupling relay.
ctL = Operating mode (control)
With remote control operation, LED c lights up and
the key for switching the compressor on and off is
oPr = Local/remote control (operator)
blocked. For starting the system the control requires a
switch-on command (contact closes) at he terminal
rSt = Automatic restart
SdL = Start delay for deferred start-up Since the display test does not appear after a power
(start delay)
failure in this operating mode, the compressor can be
restarted using the remote switch, without requiring a
local acknowledgement beforehand. The acknowl-
Field "°C" = temperature display edgement is given by the start command (remote ON)

Aut = Automatic operation

cnt = Continuous operation Automatic restart after power
Loc = Local control
Etn = Remote control (external)
oFF = OFF In this operating mode, the compressor can start
on = ON up automatically at any time.

4 = Start delayed by 4 seconds After a power failure, which has not taken longer than
1.5 seconds, the compressor is automatically restarted,
provided that it was switched on before the power fail-
ure occurred, i.e. it was in operation or in the stand-by

Failures of a duration of more than 1.5 seconds

trigger off the message "power failure“; an automatic
restart does not take place.

In addition, you can program a start delay (1 to 30

seconds) in order to ensure that, with stations com-
prising several compressors, the compressors do not
start simultaneously (to relief the power supply mains).

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics

8.3.4 Factory pre-settings Shr = Max. number of starts per hour

SSt = Soft stop time

uLt = Minimum idle running time (unloaded


Field "°C" = Temperature display

10.0 = 10.0 bar

0.8 = 0.8 bar

120 = 120 °C

110 = 110 °C

0 = 0 °C

6 = 6 seconds

40 = 40 starts per hour

30 = 30 seconds

1 = 1 second

This menu provides the possibility of verifying the fac-

tory pre-settings programmed for your unit. However,
these values cannot be changed.

Fig. 22

Annotation re fig. 22

Field "bar" = pressure display

tyP = Pressure variant (type)

SPL = Start-up protection (start pressure


htt = Shutdown excessive compressor

(high temperature trip)

htA = Early warning excessive compressor

(high temperature alarm)

Ltt = Start-up blockage low temperature

(low temperature trip)

Sdt = Star/delta changeover time

(star/delta time)

8. DELCOS 1000 electronics

8.4 Installation of a new controler DEL-

COS 1000

With the display image below, the new Delcos 1000

prompts you

to enter the operating pressure of the system.

Select the operating pressure according to the

stamped field „stage pressure“ on the nameplate of
the unit using the keys and .

Acknowledge the input by pressing the key.

For safety reasons the operating pressure has to be

entered twice.

The operating pressure as entered is firmly stored
after the second acknowledgement and can no
longer be changed !
The input of a wrong operating pressure can lead
to considerable damage to the machine and results
in the invalidity of liability and warranty claims !

After this input the controller is programmed to its

basic setting.
Check whether this presetting meets your operating

For further information, please refer to the operating


9. Maintenance

9.1 Maintenance and lubricant 9.3 Maintenance schedule

Note When carrying out control, adjusting and mainte-
The screw compressor unit can only operate to your nance work, be careful with hot surfaces of ma-
complete satisfaction, when the maintenance work is chine parts.
carefully carried out at the specified intervals.
Checking and maintenance work may only be car-
In order to facilitate this task, the scope of supply of ried out when :
the screw compressor unit comprises the "Maintenance
and inspection manual for CompAir compressors, in • Press the OFF-key on the control panel and wait
which you can list your performed maintenance work at until the screw compressor unit has come to
the specified intervals. rest;

The operating hours stated herein are recommended • the screw compressor unit is depressurized,
maintenance intervals for average operating condi-
tions. Depending on the intake conditions, the operat- • the pressure display does no longer indicate
ing times may differ. pressures < 0.3 bar.

You can also have this maintenance work performed • Shortly after switching the screw compressor
by our trained technicians. Please ask your technical off, the system can contain a low residual pres-
adviser for a maintenance contract. sure.

For compressor lubrication, the employer has to • The screw compressor unit must therefore be
provide oils which are, with regard to their composi- unloaded prior to any maintenance work by
tion, viscosity, inflammation point and resistance to slowly opening the plug (oil fill port) with inte-
aging, suitable to the relevant operating conditions. Do gral venting bore.
not use other oils.
• The customer-installed main switch is set to "0"

9.2 Maintenance electric motor • Warning : Electrical voltage:

Only work on the screw compressor unit when
The maintenance of the electric motor is to be per- it is disconnected.
formed in line with the motor operating instructions.

9. Maintenance

Maintenance items

W 1 Oil change (mineral oils)1) - W 4 Replacement of air filter cartridge

in a normal industrial environment (when in doubt in a normal industrial environment (or after the
with regard to the oil change intervals - 3000 OH, response of a filter ∆p monitor, if installed)
have your oil supplier carry out an oil analysis)
W 5 Safety valve
W 2 Replacement of the oil filter cartridge -
in a normal industrial environment (recommended W 6 V-belt - only visual check
in connection with an oil change, or after the re-
sponse of the oil filter ∆p monitor, if installed) W 7 Connecting terminals in the switch cabinet of the
electric motor
W 3 Replacement of the fine separator cartridge -
in a normal industrial environment (or replace- W 8 Fittings
ment after the response of the filter ∆p monitor, if
installed) W 9 General maintenance/cleaning
In the case of a very dirty atmosphere, the clean-
1) Oil changes when the CompAir special oil "blue ing intervals have to be shortened as required.
energy" (option) is used.
1st change after 3000 h, then every 10000 h,
however, after three years at the latest.

Maintenance plan

OH During 100 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000

W 11 • • • •

W2 • • • • •

W3 • • •

W4 • • •

W5 • • • • • • • • • • • •

W6 • • • • •

W7 • • • • • • • • • • • •

W8 • • • • •

W9 • • • •

These maintenance intervals have to be adhered to !

9. Maintenance

9.4 Oil change

Fig. 24

When changing the oil, the waste oil is to be drained
completely, if possible, since used oil reduces the serv-
ice life of the new oil fill considerably.
Fig. 23
Lubricants of different types should not be mixed.
When changing over to a new oil type, the oil in the oil
Danger. circuit must be drained completely.
The oil must only be changed, when the screw
For the oil change intervals, see the maintenance
compressor is out of operation and depressurized
!Be careful when draining hot oil :
Danger of scalding !
When changing the oil, proceed as follows :
• Carefully open the oil drain (fig. 24) of the pressure
Important reservoir and the oil cooler, utilize the residual
pressure in the unit for draining.
Remove oil residues and other deposits from unit • Drain the oil at operating temperature
parts and from the coolers of compressors, which • Open oil filling point
are exposed to hot compressed air, according to • Close the oil drain,
the operating instructions. • Fill in oil (approx. 25 L)
• Close the oil filling hole with the plug screw
• Let the screw compressor unit run for approx. 2
Note • Check for leakages
Collect the waste oil, let not seep away into the soil ! • Switch the screw compressor unit off
Disposal in accordance with the regulations ! Do not • Check oil level :
spill oil ! Check for leakage ! For this, the oil should have settled, i.e. the en-
trapped air should have been dispersed
With these compressors, the oil change intervals • The oil level must reach the maximum marking on
strongly depend on the degree of contamination of the the oil dipstick.
circulating oil. It must therefore be taken care that no • If required, top up oil.
oil-deteriorating matter (dusts, vapours, gases) are
transported through the air intake filter into the oil
circuit of the compressor unit. Also a high content of Changing intervals for lubricants
humidity in the intake air and the formation of conden- The operating conditions (e.g. coolant temperatures),
sate within the machine affect the service life of the the operating modes and the quality of the intake air
lubricant oil so that a reduction in the oil change inter- (e.g. content of dust, content of gaseous foreign matter
vals may become necessary. The specified oil change such as SO2, solvent vapours, etc.) have a strong in-
intervals refer to an intake air from a normal environ- fluence on the oil change intervals. We therefore rec-
ment without a high content of foreign matter (dusts, ommend to have your mineral oil supplier work out oil
vapours, gases). If, under favourable conditions, it is analyses in the starting time. This is required in any
intended that the oil service life be extended, oil sam- case, if the specified oil change intervals are to be ex-
ples have to be examined, and the extension of the tended.
operating time is to be determined on the basis of
these analysis results.

9. Maintenance

9.5 Change of the oil filter cartridge 9.6 Change of the fine separator

Fig. 25 Fig. 26

Danger. Danger.
Only replace the oil filter cartridge, when the screw The pressure reservoir is under pressure ! Only
compressor unit is out of operation and depressu- work on the screw compressor unit, when it is out
rized ! Be careful with hot oil : Danger of scalding ! of operation and depressurized !
Do not spill oil ! Be careful with hot oil : Danger of scalding !
Do not spill oil !
Dispose of the oil filter cartridge in line with the regula- Note
tions - special waste - ! Check for leakage !
Dispose of the fine separator cartridge in line with the
For the changing intervals, see the maintenance regulations - special waste - ! Check for leakage !

If the oil filter cartridge is monitored (option), a high

differential pressure is indicated at the operating For the changing intervals, see the maintenance
panel. If the corresponding LED lights up, change the schedule.
oil filter cartridge. If the fine separator cartridge is monitored (option), a
high differential pressure is indicated at the operating
Make sure that the screw compressor unit is depres- panel. If the corresponding LED lights up, change the
surized. Change the oil filter cartridge as follows : fine separator cartridge.

• Unscrew the oil filter cartridge using an appropriate Make sure that the screw compressor unit is depres-
tool surized. Change the fine separator cartridge as fol-
• Dispose of the oil filter cartridge according to the lows:
• Unscrew the fine separator cartridge using an ap-
• Oil the gasket of the new oil filter cartridge slightly
propriate tool
• Screw on the new oil filter cartridge and tighten
• Dispose of the fine separator cartridge according to
manually (take notice of the instructions on the oil
the regulations
filter cartridge)
• Oil the gasket of the new fine separator cartridge
• Check for leakage
• Check oil level
• Screw on the new oil filter cartridge and tighten
• If required, top up oil.
manually (take notice of the instructions on the fine
separator cartridge)
Changing intervals for oil filter cartridges • Check for leakage
The operating conditions (e.g. coolant temperatures),
the operating modes and the quality of the intake air
(e.g. content of dust, content of gaseous foreign matter
such as SO2, solvent vapours, etc.) have a strong influ-
ence on the oil change intervals.

9. Maintenance

Changing intervals of fine separators A clogged air filter must be cleaned or replaced when
the maintenance point has been reached.
The operating conditions (e.g. coolant temperatures),
the operating modes and the quality of the intake air If the air filter cartridge is monitored (option), a high
(e.g. content of dust, content of gaseous foreign matter differential pressure is indicated on the operating
such as SO2, solvent vapours, etc.) have a strong influ- panel. When the corresponding LED lights up, the air
ence on the oil change intervals. filter cartridge is to be replaced.

Check the air filter for accumulated dust at least

once a week or, if required, daily.

During maintenance work, take care that no dirt en-

9.7 Air filter change/check ters the clean air side of the air filter.

Maintenance of the air filter

The air filter must be cleaned intermediately or be
replaced by a new one (refer to the instructions on
intermediate cleaning).

Intermediate cleaning of the air filter

Intermediate cleaning can be done no more than five
The air filter must be replaced when damaged, after
five intermediate cleaning procedures or after two years
at the latest.

Clean the filter carefully in order to avoid damage to

the filter material and ensure that no dust enters the
Fig. 27
clean air side of the filter.
1 Safety valve
2 Fine separator

Intermediate cleaning of the air filter by

Danger. blowing through with compressed air
Only perform checks and carry out work on the
screw compressor when the unit is out of operation Danger.
and depressurized !
When blowing through an air filter, observe the
following :
Important • Wear protective goggles and a breathing mask
• The pressure of the compressed air must not
Never operate the screw compressor unit without
exceed 5 bar
air filter (even a short operating time without this
• Blow through the air filter from the inside to the
filter can result in considerable damage to the ma-
outside until the formation of dust has consider-
chine) !
ably decreased.

9. Maintenance

Intermediate cleaning of the air filter by 9.8 Safety valve


Never use gasoline, alkaline solutions or hot liq-
uids for cleaning !

Rinse the filter as follows :

• Swirl the air filter cartridge in luke-warm water which
contains a special non-foaming rinsing agent
• Let the air filter dry
• Never install wet or damp air filters.

Check the air filter for damage

Before reinstalling the cleaned air filter, it must be
thoroughly checked for cracks, holes or other damage
by examining it against the light using a bright light
source (portable lamp). Check also the seals.

Changing intervals for filter and

separator cartridges
The operating conditions (e.g. coolant temperatures), Fig. 28
the operating modes and the quality of the intake air
(e.g. content of dust, content of gaseous foreign matter 1 Safety valve
such as SO2, solvent vapours, etc.) have a strong influ- 2 Fine separator
ence on the service life of the filters (air filters, oil filters,
fine separators).

Never operate a screw compressor unit with a de-
fective safety valve !

Before each commissioning, check the safety valve

for function by turning the knurled cap at the safety
valve at operating pressure.

If the safety valve does not function properly, it

must be immediately replaced by a new safety
valve with the corresponding pressure rating.

The safety valve can be hot as a result of previous

operation !
Escaping air can be hot and contain oil (danger of
burning/scalding) !

9.9 V-belts - automatic tensioning system

Only perform checks and carry out work when the
screw compressor unit is out of operation and de-
pressurized !
Any safety equipment which had to be removed for
the replacement of the V-belt set must be re-
mounted after completion of this work.

9. Maintenance

The replacement of a single V-belt is not permitted,
always replace a complete V-belt set.
During the entire service life of the V-belt set, no
readjustment of the automatic V-belt tensioning
system will be necessary.

operating position

Fig. 30

When replacing the V-belt set, the automatic

tensioning system can be stressrelieved by means of
the nut (14) (fig. 30). After the replacement of the V-
belts, the nut (14) has to be returned to the "operation"
position (mechanical stop of the fork and clevis
Fig. 29 combination (13)).
The compression spring has to be set to the
1 Main frame of the drive corresponding colour marking on the threaded rod
2 Compressor using the clamping nut (10).
3 V-belt pulley - compressor
4 V-belt set
5 Electric motor
6 V-belt pulley - electric motor 9.10 Connecting terminals in the switch
7 Bearing flange cabinet
8 Threaded rod
9 Distance sleeve Danger.
10 Clamping nut (self-locking)
11 Guide ring In the case of electric voltage :
12 Compression spring
13 Adjustment support • Actuate OFF-key at the operating panel
14 Nut • Set the customer-fitted main power switch to
"0" (OFF)

The connecting terminals in the switch cabinet have to

It is not permissible to loosen the bearing flange
be checked and, if required, retightened during first
screws (anti-vibration mount of the electric motor).
commissioning and later on in line with the mainte-
nance schedule.
Any changes to the anti-vibration mount of the elec-
tric motor can result in a drastic reduction in the serv-
ice life of the drive system.

The required pre-tensioning rate of the V-belt for 9.11 Fittings

each screw compressor type is set in the factory.
The fittings of the air and oil circuits have to be
For the adjustment after the first installation or a checked and, if required, retightened according to the
replacement of the V-belt set, the compression spring maintenance schedule.
has be pretensioned. For this purpose, a blue marking
is provided on the threaded rod.

9. Maintenance

9.12 General maintenance and cleaning 8.13 Maintenance instructions and lubri-
cant recommendations for stationary
Important compressors
Remove oil residues and other deposits from unit
parts and from the coolers of compressors, which Lubricant recommendations
are exposed to hot compressed air, according to
the operating instructions. Please note that proper lubrication will considerably
increase the service life of your compressor unit.
Blow off the screw compressor unit with compressed
air at the specified intervals (never aim compressed According to the Accident Prevention Regulations for
air at persons) paying particular attention to : Compressors (VGB 16), lubricating oils are to be
used, the properties of which correspond to the in-
• Regulating elements tended operating conditions.
• Fittings
• Compressor block When in doubt, please contact the manufacturer or
• Cooler your oil supplier.
• Electric motor
Mixing of different lubricant oils should be avoided.
This means also that, when changing over to another
type of oil, the old oil is to be drained completely from
the oil circuit.
Electric motor
The electric motors are permanently lubricated Unless specified otherwise, all lubricant oils should
comply with ISO VG 32 DIN 51519, July 1976, with
28-35 mm2/s (cSt)/40 °C (with regard to viscosity com-
parable to SAE 10 W to DIN 51511, February 1973) or
at permanent ambient temperatures above +15 °C of
the viscosity class to ISO VG 46, DIN 51519, July
1976, with 41-50 mm2/s (cSt)/40 °C (with regard to
viscosity comparable to SAE 15 W to DIN 51511, Feb-
ruary 1973).

In particular, the following is to be used :

a) Lubricant oils VCL to DIN 51506, August 1982

b) Special oils for screw compressors with oil injection


c) In a dirty industrial atmosphere, motor oils to

MIL-L-2104 C

d) Turbine oils L-TD DIN 51515 with an FZG value > 10

e) CompAir "blue energy"

Before using synthetic lubricants, consult the manu-


10. Trouble-shooting

Malfunction Possible cause Remedy

Unit cannot be started 1. No operating or control voltage 1. Check fuses, main switch and supply line

2. Malfunction not acknowledged 2. Acknowledge fault message

3. Pressure reservoir not depressurized 3. Wait until depressurized, the reservoir

pressure must be <0.8 bar for a start

4. Electric motor defective 4. Check connections, winding, etc.

5. Compressor defective 5. Turn the compressor manually; if required,


6. Ambient temperature less than +1 °C 6. Make sure that the ambient temperature is
not than +1 °C; install an auxiliary heater, if

Unit stops during the 1. The intake regulator closes only partly 1. Repair or, if required, replace the intake
start-up phase regulator; check solenoid valve - 19 -

2. Short-circuit in the unit 2. Determine and eliminate cause; replace

defective fuses

3. Connecting terminals in the switch 3. Check and re-tighten

cabinet are loose

4. No or insufficient pressure builds up 4. Check the pressure holding valve and the
in the pressure reservoir during the opening function of the intake regulator
∆ phase

5. Oil too viscous 5. Select the type of oil according to the

ambient conditions or install an auxiliary

6. Maximum motor switching cycles 6. Avoid frequent manual on and off-switching,

exceeded due to too frequent manual let electric motor cool down
on and off-switching

Unit does not reach the 1. Pressure monitoring device set too low 1. Check, re-set
end pressure
2. Intake regulator opens only partly 2. Repair or, if necessary, replace intake
regulator; check solenoid valves - 19 + 20 -

3. Excessive air consumption 3. Reduce consumption or cut in a further


4. V-belt slips 4. Replace the V-belt set

5. Fine separator clogged 5. Replace oil fine separator

6. Air filter clogged 6. Carry out intermediate cleaning or replace

10. Trouble-shooting

Malfunction Possible cause Remedy

Unit switches off 1. Ambient temperature too high 1. Ventilate compressor room

2. Ventilator defective 2. Check el. motor and protective motor switch

3. Appears on the pressure or 3. Check sensors, connections and lines

temperature displays

4. Cross-section of the electric supply lines 4. Measure power requirement, if necessary,

too small replace lines

5. Power requirement too high 5. Fine separator or air filter cartridge

clogged; replace, if necessary

6. Oil level too low 6. Top up oil in the pressure reservoir

7. Oil injection pressure too low 7. Replace oil filter cartridge, clean oil system

8. Excessive oil temperature 8. Check oil cooler and ventilator

Excessive idling pressure 1. Intake regulator does not close correctly 1. Check intake regulator and solenoid valves
(19 + 20)

2. System not unloaded 2. Check solenoid valve (19) and lines

Oil in the compressed air 1. Oil fine separator defective 1. Replace

2. Oil foams 2. Change oil, blow-off time too short

3. Oil level too high 3. Drain off oil

4. Opening pressure of the pressure 4. Check pressure holding valve

control valve too low

5. Check valve 14 defective 4. Replace check valve

Oil in the air filter 1. Packing spool in the intake regulator 1. Check sliding fit and sealing surface and
defective replace, if necessary

2. Intake regulator does not close correctly 2. Check intake regulator and solenoid valves
- 19 + 20 -

3. Blow-off time too short 3. Extend time (nozzle)

4. Check valve defective 4. Remove check valve

Displayanzeige 1. Electronics defective, fault in 1. Replace electronics. Temporary commissioning

DELCOS 1000 possible by entering the initial parameters
(see BA, point 8.4)

Safety valve opens 1. Safety valve defective 1. Replace

2. Oil fine separator clogged 2. Replace

3. Intake regulator closes too slowly 3. Check intake regulator and solenoid valves
- 19 + 20 -

4. Pressure monitoring device defective 4. Replace

5. Electronics defective 5. Replace

6. Solenoid valves - 19 + 20 - defective 6. Replace

The screw compressor must not be operated with defective safety valve!

CompAir Polska Sp. z o.o.
D Germany ul. Pachonskiego 65 AUS Australia
CompAir Drucklufttechnik GmbH 31-223 Kraków CompAir (Australasia) Limited
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B Belgium Telephone (09) 573 1005
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e-mail sales@compair.de P.O. Box 927 Telephone (65) 862 0500
Sidney, OH 45365 Telefax (65) 862 0330
CH Switzerland Telephone 937-498-2500 e-mail compair@singnet.com.sg
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Aeberhardt AG
e-mail compair@bright.net UAE UAE
Zürcherstraße 254
CH-8406 Winterthur CompAir Middle East Division
CompAir LeRoi
Telephone 052 - 203 15 31 Foxboro Intercontinental Ltd.
211 East Russell Road
Telefax 052 - 203 25 00 City Tower II
P.O. Box 927
Sheik Zayed Road
Sidney, OH 45365
E Spain P.O. Box: 27814
Telephone 937-498-2500
CompAir Iberia, S.L. Dubai
Telefax 937-498-2270
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e-mail compair@bright.net
Aptdo. 14.785 - 28080 Madrid Telephone 971-43-319050
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Telefax +34 91 - 649 92 49 1634 SW 17th Street
P.O. Box Drawer 1630 VCH China
F France Ocala, Florida 34478 Shanghai CompAir Compressor Co.
CompAir France S.A. Telephone 352-732-2268 Ltd
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Z.I. Vaux-le Pénil e-mail email@compairmako.com Guangxin Road
BP 1939 Shanghai
77019 Melun Cedex BR Brazil China (200061)
Telephone 00.33.(0). CompAir do Brazil Telephone 0086-21-52911019
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e-mail compair@compair.fr Jundiai, SP, Brazil e-mail compairb@online.sh.cn
CEP 13214-720
I Italy Telephone 55-11-7392-7500 ZA South Africa
CompAir Italia S.r.l. Telefax 55-11-7392-5004 CompAir (S.A.) (Pty) Limited
Via Archimede, 31 255 Berrange Road
I 20041 Agrate Brianza MI CDN Canada Private Bag X029
Telephone 0039 039 6551.1 CompAir Canada Wadeville
Telefax 0039 039 6056.458 871 Cranberry Court 1422
e-mail compair@compair.it Oakville, Ontario South Africa
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Telephone 905-847-0688 Telefax (011) 827-1229
Telefax 905-847-8124 e-mail compair@iafrica.com
e-mail infor@compair-canada.com

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