New Manager Playbook
New Manager Playbook
New Manager Playbook
First off, from all of us at BizLibrary, congratulations on your new role!
Whether you’re a first-time manager or a seasoned management veteran, we’re here to offer
both an introduction to principles of powerful management and in-depth guides on those
principles, so you can accomplish your professional goals in your new role.
When you are mentally prepared for a new role, you are better equipped to take on challenges that will inevitably present
themselves. On the other hand, if you start to question your abilities, you will falter in your new role. Getting mentally
prepared means investing time and energy to ensure that you are ready to succeed.
How to do it:
It’s best to spend a little time getting ready by reflecting on your unique strengths and how those abilities have helped you earn
a new spot in management. By taking time to understand why you were promoted, how you can use your strengths to find
success, and figuring out what your success will look like, you are developing a mindset that is geared towards your success.
Even though we’re certain that you’re a valuable individual contributor, most new managers are selected for their roles because
they have outstanding self-awareness and self-management. As a manager, it’s important to not only continue developing those
skills, but to develop your social awareness and relationship management skills, too.
self-awareness Organizational
self-control Inspirational
Achievement mentor
Positive management
As you transition to this leadership role, remember you are no longer an individual contributor, but rather the leader of a
group of individual contributors. As you transition to this new role, it’s natural to face challenges. One of the biggest challenges
you will face is motivating employees, and creating a workplace where employees are invested and engaged in their work.
Take a moment to reflect on a supervisor you admire. Did you understand the importance of your role? Were you given
opportunities to use your strengths? Can you apply those strategies to your team?
You’ll notice that each of these motivators are related to social awareness and relationship management. Thus, management
is not only about self-awareness, but the awareness of others.
Empathy, organizational awareness, influence, and teamwork are the key skills to master to be successful as a manager. All
these skills fall under an umbrella that we call soft skills, or more specifically or, emotional intelligence.
As you move from individual contributor to team leader, it’s important to shift your focus. As an individual contributor, you
probably focused on your self-awareness and self-management. But as you transition to a team leader, it’s important to shift
focus to your sense of social awareness and relationship management.
Let’s take a moment to discuss the most common challenges new managers face, and how you can overcome them.
Balancing individual job responsibilities with time spent overseeing others
How are you going to manage your time? Now that you’re a manager, you’re responsible not only for yourself, but your entire
department. You’ll need to coordinate with your reports to make sure everything is getting done. Write down six strategies you
think will help you stay productive and successful while leading a department.
Tip: Discuss what success and productivity look like with your manager. Having a mutually agreed upon definition will help
you guide your team in the right direction.
Tip: Think of a few friends you work with while filling out this exercise. Your answers might warrant a more formal
conversation with these individuals to address the new changes in your role and your relationship with them.
As you begin to discover relationships that you’ll need to modify, consider your colleagues’ feelings, and be fair.
My co-worker and manager have been friends for 8 years. They eat lunch together, go to social events
together, and talk on the phone over the weekend. I work on commission. She steals my leads and now
I'm getting trouble for not producing enough. She used to have my job, but now she is in a different
one which doesn't require selling. This has been going on for about 6 months. I am to my breaking
point and feel like it is threatening my job. I want a career, but do not know how to handle this since
they are friends. I do not want conflict in the office. My co-worker is constantly trying to throw me
under the bus, and my manager always takes her side. I am trying so hard but am starting to feel
defeated. I work for a great management company "good benefits, pay, etc..." and don't want to lose
my job. What do I do?
Who do you think is at fault for letting this situation come about? Think about issues like this that could arise if you become too
friendly with your employees. Would you want to work in that environment?
Discover your employees’ strengths and offer tasks that allow each employee to successfully use them. And whenever
possible, tailor your management style to meet each employee’s unique needs. Take a moment to think of ways that you’re
going to motivate your team.
Tip: Ask them what motivates and inspires them to be their best. There might be useful overlap in their responses!
Prioritizing projects
Here are a few great questions to ask yourself when you’re struggling to prioritize projects:
Approaching new projects and requests with this ruthless mindset will allow you to put high-priority items at the top of the list
and stay productive.
Think about what Dale Carnegie once said: “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want
to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
Did you know that one of the simplest and most effective ways to help achieve your goals is to write them down?
Forbes once did a study about goal-setting by testing students in the Harvard MBA program. The study asked students if they
had clear, written goals for their futures. Only 3% of the students had written goals and plans, 13% had goals but hadn't
written them down anywhere, and 84% had no goals at all.
After 10 years, the group of students were again interviewed, and here’s what was discovered: the 13% of the class who had
goals but didn’t write them down earned twice the amount of the 84% who had no goals.
But what was most shocking? The 3% who had written goals were earning an average of 10 times more than the other 97% of
their classmates!
Money aside, this study proves something: writing down your goals is a strong marker of finding success. Surely you can guess
the next exercise - write down those goals!
If you know what you're trying to accomplish, documenting your goals and then adding action steps to help you visualize their
completion will keep you on track to achieve them.
Here’s another activity: Identify what you love about your job and see if you can fit it into your coworker’s roles. Keep going
until you have something that works!
If none of these qualities apply to your employee’s job, you’ll need to tweak your approach. Ask them where they get their job
satisfaction from, what they are passionate about, and what energizes them in the workplace.
Maybe they had a poor manager in a previous role and their outlook of the company is still tainted. A little effort toward
making them feel like they’re part of the team, you want them there, and their job matters can go a long way.
Now that you understand what challenges you’re almost certainly going to face, our next section will quickly look at what it
takes to be a great manager.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and monitor our own feelings and emotions, as well as the feelings and
emotions of those around us. Working to improve your own emotional intelligence will help you be better at:
Delegation – having confidence that you can clearly communicate the importance of tasks and inspire employees to get
them done.
Performance – understanding the strengths of your employees and giving them roles and tasks that make the most of
those strengths.
Listening – actively listening to employees so they feel confident when coming to you with new ideas or valuable feedback.
Leadership – guiding a group toward a common objective - this might be the most complex competency, and is crucial for
success in your new management position.
Strategic Thinking – putting job roles, team roles and personal roles, into a broader context, and thinking terms that align
with your organization’s success.
Think about these skills, and how they could apply as we talk about two more challenges that directly relate to your
people skills.
If you are in the position of managing your former peers, fret not! We have a few suggestions on how you can overcome
these challenges, too.
To combat this, engage your friends in one-on-one conversations and let them know that because you’re moving into a
new role, there will be a change in your relationship. Let them know you value your relationship with them, but you must
create a level playing field with everyone in your department. Remain available and approachable and be sure to answer
any questions they might have.
This isn’t to say that you can’t have relationships with your reports, but it may need to be scaled back.
“The pivotal word here is ‘deserve,’” she says. “Respect is something that must be earned. It is not awarded automatically when
someone gets promoted to manager or gets a little gray at the temples. Managers earn respect when they are respectful to
others, as well as when they demonstrate trustworthiness, credibility, and a healthy dose of humanity.”
To begin earning this respect, make it a priority to resolve issues yourself. Ask for help from a mentor, when needed, but
the ability to solve problems for and with your employees will improve your credibility and instill trust.
Are there relationships that you have concerns about? Documenting these potential challenges and the next steps you
will take to meet them head-on shows just why you got yourself a promotion in the first place!
Both responses accomplish the same goal, but the 5:1 ratio leaves
the employee feeling inspired and motivated.
There are four key indicators of professionalism, according to a study by the Polk-Lepson Research group:
Which of these traits of professionalism do you think you need to work on the most? Since we know writing things down helps
you achieve goals, we’re going to do exactly that!
It’s safe to assume that developing your professional persona means developing these skills. Hopefully by now, you
understand the importance of interpersonal and communication skills. But those two only cover half of the professionalism
indicators, which means if you want to succeed, you must also pay attention to your work ethic and professional appearance.
Let’s talk about some ways you can do that:
What kind of work ethic would you want your boss to show?
What are some ways you can make your employees’ jobs easier?
Look back at the goals you listed. Can you achieve them without working hard? If your answer is yes, you might consider
revising your goals!
#8 Appearance
Although workplaces are becoming increasingly casual, maintaining a professional appearance is still important. Find ways to
always look ready for work; be neat and clean and wear clothing that supports the outward appearance of competence.
Your clothes should be appropriate for the appearance you want to portray. Consider these questions when selecting a
professional wardrobe: Is the attire age appropriate? Is the attire appropriate for the position and daily duties? Does the attire
reflect on me in a way that could be unflattering or unintentional?
Mastering these skills will help you accomplish your goals, the biggest of which is ultimately to generate business results.
A manager cannot succeed on his/her own and an entire department is always going to produce more than an individual
contributor. This means that manufacturing success is the result of an entire department coming together to achieve a vision.
On the other hand, when a team fails, it means the manager has failed to delegate meaningful work, inspire employees, and
generate results.
That’s why it’s so important to understand the nature of success in a team setting. Set your employees up for success, and
you’ll lead your department to great results.
About BizLibrary
BizLibrary is a leading provider of online learning for growing organizations. Our award-winning microlearning video library
engages employees of all levels, and our learning technology platform is a progressive catalyst for achievement. Partnered
with our expert Client Success and Technical Support teams, clients are empowered to solve business challenges and
impact change within their organizations. To learn more about training new managers, check us out online.