The data was analysed and interpreted. The various topics covered for analysis and interpretation of data are: 1. Promotions A promotion may be defined as an upward advancement of an employee in an organisation to another job, which commands better pay/wages, better status/prestige and higher opportunities/challenges and
responsibility, a better working environment, hours of work and facilities etc. Promoters have a salutary effect on the satisfaction of the promoted person's need for esteem, belonging and security. They also afford an opportunity for greater self-actualizing action through more varied and challenging assignments. The promotion policies differ from an organisation to another. The guidelines for departmental promotion in HPCL are same for male and female employees. The period of experience required for filling a higher post departmentally varies from 3-5 years. 5 years experience for promotion to managerial staff and 3 years experience for promotion to
Junior Management staff is needed. The other area of promotion apart from seniority are merit and fitness. Though these guidelines are not in a written format the supervisor and manager get it at the time of appraisal from the personnel department. As per the guidelines from the personnel department employees are to be promoted accordingly. However there is confusion among the employee as these guidelines are not being explained time to time, many are not aware of the existing promotion policy in the organisation. Respondents were asked whether the promotion is well defined in the organisation. The responses were are given below: N=48 Response Yes No Can't say Number 26 8 141 Percentage 54.16 16.66 29.16
No 17%
From the above table, it can be seen that 54% agree that promotion is well defined in the organisation. However 30% were not able to say it as there is lack of information about the promotion policy. Every employee need to be communicated about the existing promotion policy. Respondents were asked about the number of promotion received in last three years. The responses were as given below: Response None One Two Three Any other Number 14 30 0 2 2 Percentage 29.16 62.5 0 4.16 4.16
Respondent were also asked to suggest any change in the policy. The responses were as given below: Response Merit not recognized Does not define career plan Not integrated with bus Number 10 8 0 Percentage 20.83 16.66 0 58.83
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
8 0
Majority suggested for no change in the policy. It seems they are satisfied with the current policy. Appraisal system/factors/traits/assessment Performance appraisal in general term refers to the process of evaluating the performance and qualification of the employees in term of job requirements for purpose such as placement, selection and promotions, to provide financial rewards and provide other action of training, counselling etc. Respondent were asked about the appraisal system in general. The responses were as given below: Response A fair assessment of ability and performance An annual ritual A management gimmick Number 14 Percentage 29.16 25 4.16 0 41.66
Any other
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
8 0
Majority responded that the system of performance appraisal is something useful for the employee and the organisation. Factors/traits of evaluation Employee are assessed on different factors/traits belonging to both performance and non performance area. HPCL Junior Management Staff are assessed on following 11 attributes:
y y y y y y y y y
Knowledge of work quality of work quantity of work dependability initiative drive and resourcefulness work attitude conduct discipline -attendance - communication subordinate development
Each attribute is assigned 10 marks making a total of 220 (maximum marks) Respondent were asked to rate the factors/traits of evaluation. The responses were as given below: Response Outstanding Very good Good Satisfactory Poor Number Nil 10 18 20 Nil Percentage Nil 20.83 37.5 41.66 Nil
25 20 20 18
15 10 10
The factors and traits of evaluation were rated satisfactory which need to be looked for and bring some change in it.
Aligning goal Respondent were asked about the present system, does it help in aligning individual goal with those of the organisation. The responses were as given below: Response Yes No Can't say No response Number 22 6 18 2 Percentage 45.83 12.5 37.5 4.16
Here the response from the supervisor were 45.83% for the factor that it help in aligning their goal with those of organisation. Who should appraise? The method of evaluation and who should appraise varies from organisation to organisation. Sometimes its department head or appraisal committee and sometimes self appraisal. Many organisation are following the system where department head or immediate supervisor appraise the subordinate.
Respondent were asked, who should appraise them? The responses were as given below: Response Your immediate supervisor Department head Appraisal committee Self Appraisal Satisfied system with the Number 6 22 12 6 present 2 Percentage 12.5 45.83 25 12.5 4.16
Majority response were for the department head to appraise. A quarter also responded for the appraisal committee to do the appraisal.
Appraiser's Approach Respondent were asked to rate the appraiser's approach. The response were as given below: Response Outstanding Very good Good Satisfactory Poor Number Nil 8 26 14 Nil Percentage Nil 16.66 54.16 29.163 Nil
Majority rated the appraised approach to be good while appraising. No body rated it to be outstanding and poor. Monetary benefit/reward Performance appraisal system help in the system of providing monetary benefit and rewards. This helps in keeping the employee motivated and meet both the individual and organised goal. Respondent were asked about the system linkage to monetary benefit and also frequency of rewards in performing well. The responses were as given below:
Monetary benefit Response Yes No Can't say No response Number 28 6 12 2 Percentage 58.33 12.5 25 4.16
Here more than 58% responded that the monetary benefit is extended to them as a result of the outcome of the performance appraisal system. Rewards Respondent were asked about the frequency of reward as an outcome of the current performance appraisal system. The responses were as given below. Response Rarely On a few occasion Sometimes Often Almost always Number 14 10 18 0 6 Percentage 29.16 20.83 37.5 0 12.5
Here the response were mix with 37.5 percent agreeing that rewards
come to them sometimes as a result of performance. This has to be looked into and the frequency be increased to keep employee motivated and meet their goal. Area of Responsibility Respondent were asked about their area of responsibility. Whether the organization help them in prioritizing their own area of responsibility. The response to the above were as given below: Responses Yes No Can't say No response Number 22 4 20 2 Percentage 45.83 8.33 41.66 4.16
The response were not even 50% which shows some difference in meeting the goal of prioritizing the area of responsibility. 41% of the respondent were not able to say anything. This shows that the management has to look into the above and see what the employee can do, making them more aware of their responsibility. Career Progress Career progress is something which is continuous, with the input from organisation in term of training, feedback and counselling. In today's
changing scenario this has to be followed in every organisation so that an individual make progress in the career adding value to himself and the organisation. Respondent were asked about the current system helping in their career progress. The responses to the above were as given below: Response To a large extent To some extent Not at all Number 12 28 8 Percentage 25 58.33 16.66
Here only 58% response were for the option that it helps in career progress to some extent while 25% were for the option that it helps to a large extent. The system of performance appraisal has to incorporate the element of career progress by highlighting the strength and weakness of each employee. Career Development Career advancement is the most motivating factor when employee aspire for the advancement of his career and for better opportunities to use his/her talents. From the organisation's point of view, it is necessary to develop in manager. Some expectations of opportunities for the future in
order to keep their motivation high. Career planning means helping the employee plan his career in terms of his capabilities with the context or organisational needs. Individual, after becoming aware of some of his/her capabilities and career and development opportunities chooses to develop himself/herself in a direction that improves his/her chances of being able to handle new responsibilities. It is also the responsibility of the employer to help him/her to identify the career opportunity, make choices and develop his/her career. Supervisor and above position holder in HPCL were asked about the career development plan. Question asked was as follows: Based on your ability does it lay career development for you? The responses to the above were as given below: Response To a large extent To some extent Not at all Number 8 22 18 Percentage 16.66 45.83 37.5
Here only 46% of the respondent gave response that it lay career
development plan to some extent while 38% gave response that there is no career development plan at all. The reason for the above were: 1. 2. Limited promotional avenues Limited exposure towards practical experience as they are not exposed to any outside/foreign training and no special privilege is provided to them in this regard. 3. No motivation as employees performing well are not awarded appropriately 4. Stagnation at certain levels for prolonged period.
Feedback Providing feedback play a constructive role. It helps the employee know his/her weakness and strength. Feedback provides for the area of improvement. Respondent were asked about the frequency of feedback based on their performance. The responses were as given below: Response Rarely On a few occasion Number 12 20 Percentage 25 41.66
12 4 Nil
25 8.34 Nil
41 percent responded that feedback is provided though on a few occasion. The frequency has to increase both from the individual and organisation point of view to keep the individual motivated for work in line with the organisational expectation. Remedial measure Based on the performance the remedial measures are taken to do away with weakness if any and build on the strength and add to the existing capability Response on the remedial measure were as given below: Response Job rotation Sent to training programme Counselled Any other None Number 22 20 6 Nil Nil Percentage 45.83 41.66 12.5 Nil Nil
Here the response were both for job rotation and training programme. During the course it was felt that more training input is to be provided to the employee to overcome the weakness and improve upon the existing capability of the employee. Taping the potential In an organisation human are the capital with their skill, intellect ad capability. It lies on the organisation's strategy and the manager to tap the real potential of an employee and take work in that regard which is good both for individual and the organisation. Respondent were asked about the response on the same. The response were as given below: In your opinion does this system provide for taping the potential of individual? Response To a large extent To some extent Not at all Number 12 32 4 Percentage 25 66.66 8.33
Majority response were positive but only to some extent. The human resource department need to assess the real potential of human capital through the future performance appraisal process and need to channelise all the potential in right direction with a fixed goal.
Training Training refers to the teaching/learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organisation to acquire and apply the knowledge, skills abilities and attitude needed by that organisation. It is an act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Respondent were asked for whether the present system help in identifying training needs. The response were given as below: Response To large extent To some extent Not at all Number 12 26 10 Percentage 25 54.16 20.83
The system does help in identifying training needs but only to some extent. During the course, suggestion for separate section for identifying training needs came from the supervisory and above level employee. Job rotation Job rotation means systematically moving workers from one job to another. Job rotation is the method of enhancing skill and providing opportunity to overcome weakness in any area of work. Respondent were asked about the frequency of job rotation. The responses were as given below:
Have you been rotated to other department or within the department? Response Yes No Number 22 26 Percentage 45.83 54.00
Majority of the response were 'No' for the job rotation. The employee need to be put on job rotation on regular basis in order to enhance their own capability and increase organisations productivity. Right individual for right job Respondent were asked about the system help in identifying right individual for a right job. In your opinion does this system help the management identify right individual for a right job to achieve the goal of the organisation? The responses were as given below: Response To a large extent To some extent Not at all Number 14 34 Nil Percentage 29.16 70.83
Majority response were that it does help in identifying right individual for a right job. This means some clarity do exist at the supervisory level in terms of job.
Counselling Respondent were asked about the need of counselling and whether the organisation provide counselling. The responses were as given below: Do you need counselling? Response Yes No Can't say Number 32 2 14 Percentage 66.66 4.16 29.16
Majority response came for the need of counselling. This proves that employee need counselling both in work areas and behavioural area. Respondent were asked about the organisation providing counselling. The responses were as given below: Response Yes No Can't Say Number 16 24 8 Percentage 33.33 50 16.66
Majority response were that organisation does not provide counselling. This brings the need of counselling. Overall assessment of performance appraisal. Respondent were asked to rate the performance appraisal. The response were as given below:
50% of the respondent rated the system of performance appraisal to be satisfactory. Nobody rated it to be poor.