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Basics of Quantum Mechanics: James Binney Oxford University

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Basics of Quantum Mechanics

James Binney
Oxford University
• The book
Available at Clarendon Reception for £20
Also for free download at
• The film: podcasts can be reached from
• It’s about predicting the future from knowledge of the present
• We do it with numbers
• Knowledge of the present derives from measurements
• Measurements are prone to error – our knowledge is imperfect
) physics is ultimately probabilistic
– eg ladder
– eg pendulum
• To push physics to its limits you must quote probabilities
– eg R=14 § 0.1 Ohms
Measurement 1
• To measure you must disturb
• The disturbance may be too small to matter
– measure a star’s position!
• But often the disturbance matters
– eg measuring V across a circuit component
• Small things are more strongly disturbed by measuring
kit than large ones
• Atoms, electrons, etc are significantly disturbed
• Ideal measurements are reproducible:
– if I say “the momentum p of this electron is 3 GeV/c” I’m
claiming that if you measure p with precision, you’ll get 3
Measurement 2
• Key to QM is the idea that any system has states in which
the outcome of a measurement is certain – these states are
abstractions but crucial abstractions
– eg |E1> is state in which a measurement of energy will yield E1 J
– eg |+> is a state in which a measurement of the z-component of
spin angular momentum will yield +½~ (kg m2/s)
– eg |E1+> is a state in which the results of measuring either E and
sz are certain
– eg |p> is a state in which a precision measurement of
momentum is certain to yield p GeV/c
• In a generic state |Ã>, the result of measuring E is uncertain
• But after a high-precision measurement the result of
measuring E again is certain (reproducibility!)
• So the act of measuring E jogs the system from the generic
state |Ã> into one of the special states |Ei>
Measurement 3
• If we do a high-precision measurement of p when the
system is in the state |Ã> we jog it into a state |pi> in which
the result of measuring p again is certain
• In general a precision measurement of E when the system
is in the state |pi> yields an uncertain result – we can only
calculate probabilities Pji of finding Ej
• Once we have found Ej and jogged the system into the state
|Ej> the result of measuring p is uncertain because the
system is no longer in one of the special states in which the
outcome of a precision p measurement is certain
• That is, each thing you can measure jogs the system into
one of a different set of states, so it’s not possible to get
the system into a state in which the outcome of any
precision measurement is certain
– measurements are generally incompatible
– dynamical variables are questions you can ask, not intrinsic
Quantum physics
• We take on board that
– we have to calculate probability distributions P(x) not just
expectation values <x>
– measurements disturb the system & leave it in a state that
differs from the pre-measurement state
• Q physics tackles these tasks using the idealisation of
reproducible measurements
• So far everything has been straightforward & inevitable
– this is just grown-up physics
• But it’s clear that Q physics is going to be
mathematically more challenging than C physics
because calculating a whole (non-negative) function
P(x) is much harder than calculating one number <x>
Quantum amplitudes
• Q physics is built on a wonderful mystery:
– It (& it alone) obtains a probability P from a complex number A
the quantum amplitude for P:
– P=|A|2
• Nobody knows why this is the correct thing to do
• No application of this formalism has been successful
outside Q physics
• The whole mathematical formalism of Q physics follows
naturally & easily once you accept the use of quantum
• The formalism is immensely convenient
– It allows us to calculate probability distributions much more
easily than in C physics
• Aren’t we lucky: in our hour of need a powerful new
formalism comes to our rescue!
Quantum interference
• Quantum amplitudes have a key, logic-defying
– If something can happen in 2 mutually exclusive ways,
1 and 2, and the amplitude for it to happen by route 1
is A1 and by route 2 is A2 then the probability for it to
happen by either 1 or 2 is
P1+2 = |A1+2|2 = |A1+A2|2 =|A1|2 + |A2|2 +(A1*A2+A1A2*)
= P1 +P2 + 2Re(A1*A2)
• That is: we add amplitudes not probabilities
• The extra term is a manifestation of “quantum
2-slit interference

• Expect |A1|2 to be roughly Gaussian

• Write

• Near centre line p1(x) ' p2(x) and P(x)

oscillates from 0 to 4P1(x)
Quantum states 1
• There are certain things we can measure
• “observables” – a terrible name
• With each observable Q there is a list of possible values
qi returned by a precise measurement of Q
• The set of qi is called the spectrum of Q
– eg spectrum of x coordinate is (-1 ,1)
– eg spectrum of KE is (0,1)
– eg spectrum of any component of angular momentum is {…,
(k-1)~, k~, (k+1)~,..), where k=0 or ½ and ~ = 1.05 £ 10-34 J s
• Elements of the spectrum are called allowed values of Q
Quantum states 2
• With each element of the spectrum qi there is a probability
amplitude Ai that a precise measurement will return that value and
a state |qi> in which the system will be left after the measurement
• QM is the science of calculating from the set {Ai} the amplitudes,
say {aj}, for getting a value such as bj on measuring another
observable B
• A complete set of amplitudes contains sufficient amplitudes to
enable the amplitudes for any measurement to be predicted
• Conventionally a complete set is a minimal set:
– None of its members can be calculated from a knowledge of the other
members alone
• A complete set of amplitudes characterises the current state of the
system as precisely as is physically possible
• That state, |Ã>, is pointed to by the complex numbers {Ai} in just
the way a geometric point a is pointed to by its coordinates (ax,ay,az)
– So |Ã> $ {Ai} just as a $ {ai}
• |Ã> is a vector with complex components
Quantum states 3
• Just as many different sets of coordinates (ax,ay,az) or
(ar,aµ,aÁ) all pick out the same geometrical point a, so many
sets of amplitudes pick out the same physical state |Ã>
• By designating a state |Ã> (“ket psi”) we keep open our
options as to which complete set of amplitudes we will use
for calculations
• In C physics choosing the appropriate coordinate system is
often the key to solving a given problem
• In Q physics choosing the appropriate set of amplitudes is
often the key
– eg we can specify the state |Ã> of an electron by giving the
amplitudes a(p) to measure momentum p or the amplitudes
Ã(x) to measure location x
– Ã(x) is called the wavefunction and its values are quantum
Dirac notation 1
• We already discussed the physical significance of the sum
of 2 amplitudes
• So if |Ã >=(A1,A2,..) and |Á >=(B1,B2,..) are 2 states of the
same system, we should consider
– |Ã>+|Á> $ (A1+B1, A2+B2,..)
– Standard rule for adding vectors
• Because probabilities for all possibilities must sum to 1, we
require i |Ai|2=1 and i |Bi|2=1, & we need to normalise
|Ã>+|Á> by multiplying by ® = 1/(i|Ai + Bi|2)1/2
• So a new physical state is|Ã’> = ®(|Ã>+|Á>)
• Objects that you can add & multiply by numbers constitute
a vector space
• It’s often useful to choose a basis {|i>} for a vector space:
• Any state |Ã>=i ai|i> for some amplitudes ai
Dirac notation 2
• With every vector space V we get the dual space V’ for free:
– V’ is the space of all linear (complex-valued) functions on V
• We denote members of V’ by <f| (“bra f”) & then <f|Ã> is a
(complex) number, the value taken by the linear function
<f| on the vector |Ã>
– In traditional notation f(|Ã>)
• If |i> is a basis for V, a basis for V’ is provided by the
functions <j| defined by the rule
– <j|i> = ±ij
• Given |Ã> = i ai|i> we choose to define
– <Ã| = j aj*<j| so that
– <Ã|Ã> = ij aj*ai<j|i> = i|ai|2 = 1
• If |Á> = j bj|j> then
– <Á|Ã> = i bi*ai = (<Ã|Á>)*
Energy representation
• For a particle trapped in a potential well the
spectrum of energy E is discrete so there are
states |Ei> in which a measurement of E has a
certain outcome
• These states form a basis for V so any state
– |Ã> = i Ai |Ei>
• If we “bra through” by <Ej| we have
– <Ej|Ã> = Aj
• This is a key rule & explains the importance of
bras: they enable us to extract experimentally
important amplitudes from the system’s state

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