Frequency Domain Processing
Frequency Domain Processing
Frequency Domain Processing
JOHN EDWARDS, BEng. (Hons), CEng., MIEE, MIEEE Email : Director, Numerix Ltd, 7 Dauphine Close, Coalville, Leics, LE67 4QQ, UK.
Abstract Over 80% of all DSP applications require some form of frequency domain processing and there are many techniques for performing this kind of operation. This two part workshop will serve as an introduction to frequency domain signal processing. In this first session in a two session series, we will cover the theory behind Fourier Transforms and frequency domain processing, while the second half will look at specific frequency domain techniques from an application perspective and show how frequency domain techniques can often provide information that is difficult or sometimes impossible to realise in the time domain. Topics to be discussed in this session include: continuous and discrete Fourier transforms and FFTs; How the FFT works; The complex exponential; Windowing equations and effects. 1. Introduction All signals have a frequency domain representation and in 1822, Baron Jean Baptiste Fourier detailed the theory that any real world waveform can be generated by the addition of sinusoidal waves. This was arguably developed first by Gauss in 1805. The following diagram shows an example of this process :
Signals can be transformed between the time and the frequency domain through various transforms. The signals can be processed within these domains and each process in one domain has a corollary in the other, as shown :
Time Domain Input x(t) Laplace Input X(s) Impulse Response H(s) Output Y(s) = H(s) X(s) Impulse Response h(t) Output y(t)=h(t)*x(t)
Frequency (Fourier) Input X(j) Impulse Response H(j) Output Y(j) = H(j) X(j)
The most important process translation between the time and frequency domain is that convolution in the time domain is the equivalent to multiplication in the frequency domain and V.V. Within the real, continuous time world, systems are defined in the s-domain. In the digital world, these systems are translated to the s-domain, as shown in the following diagrams :
s-Domain j fs/2
f0 fs
Thus the j axis of the s plane maps to a circle of unit radius in the z plane. As increases from - through 0 to + the unit circle is retraced every 2c. In the continuous time domain, e-sT is a unit delay, This is represented by z-1 in the discrete time domain, where z = e sT An arbitrary delay : (t-nT) is represented by : e-nTs and z-n i.e. : The Laplace transform is equivalent to the Fourier Transform for s = j. The Laplace transform is given in the following equation :
L(t ) = x(t) e
X ( z ) = x ( n) z + x ( n) z
n n=- n=0
This is referred to as the two sided z-transform however, for most applications it can be simplified by assuming that at time t=0 then the output is at 0. Any real world signal or function has a related z-transform however there are many important ztransforms that are worth remembering. Some of them are listed here, with t = nts written as n.
Theorem Linearity Shifting Multiplication by an exponential Multiplication by time Convolution Initial value Final value f(n) Ax(n)+By(n) x(n+n0) a x(n) nx(n) x(n)*y(n)
lim[X(z)(1-z )]
{x (t )} = x (t ) e
- j t
The FT is equivalent to the LT for x(t) = 0 for t < 0 and if x(t) converges at t = . As an example of how we might use the different domains, let us consider the following signal and its representation.
Time Domain
fs/2 t0
Frequency Domain
f0 fs
Time Domain
fs/2 t0
Frequency Domain
f0 fs
If we now filter the signal with the filter defined in the z-domain, we see the following results : The poles represent gain and the zeros attenuation. The effects of applying the filter to the signal are frequency dependent and so we see that the filter has a low-pass effect and the signal is smoothed. This operation of the system on the signal is performed by either convolution in the time domain or multiplication in the frequency domain.
2. Representing Signals
Signals can be represented in many different ways. From Fouriers theory, we know that we can represent any real world signal by the combination of two or more sinusoids. Therefore, we need to be able to understand how sinusoids work, in order that we can understand how the complex signals operate.
In the complex domain, we can think of a fundamental signal as a rotating phasor. A phasor is a rotating vector in the complex plane with magnitude A and rotational speed radians per second
Imaginary b a Real A
( = 2f).
At time t :
Where :
= t =
In polar format :
j t
b a
X( t ) = Ae
= A (cos( t ) + j sin( t ))
A complex exponential can be represented as :
If the complex exponential function is defined as :
Then :
j t
= A (cos( t ) + j sin( t ))
j t - j t
e cos( t ) =
+e 2
e -e sin( t ) =
j t
- j t
A cosinusoid can be represented by a conjugate pair of phasors with a purely real result, similarly a sinusoid is represented by a conjugate pair of phasors with a purely imaginary result, as shown :
Phasors rotate in two directions and have the following characteristics. Positively rotating phasors rotate anti-clockwise and represent positive frequencies, whilst negatively rotating phasors rotate clockwise and represent negative frequencies. Referring to the Fourier transform, this just splits the signals up into the fundamental phasors, or complex exponential components. Signals can be processed or systems analysed in both the time and frequency domains, the following table shows the various theorems and how they relate to each other.
Theorem Dependence Linearity Time Shifting Frequency Shifting Convolution Even Real x(t) Odd Real x(t) x(t) x(t), y(t) Ax(t)+By(t) x(t-t0) e
-j t0
X( )
So far, we have primarily considered the continuous domains but for DSP we need to consider the discrete equivalents. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is given in the following equation and it shows that for every frequency, the Fourier Transform X(k) determines the contribution of a complex sinusoid of that frequency in the composition of the signal x(n).
N 1 n=0 2 nk N
X (k ) =
x (n) e
for 0 k N 1
The corollary of the Fourier transform is the inverse Fourier transform, as follows :
x ( n) =
2 nk 1 N-1 j X (k ) e N for 0 k N 1 N k =0 When using the FT, it is important to be aware of several issues, including :
Increased frequency domain resolution == reduced time domain resolution and v.v.
Time domain continuity == frequency domain discontinuity and v.v. E.G. A continuous time domain sinusoid is a frequency domain impulse
There are many ways to approach an understanding of the FFT however there are some heuristic approached that explain the operation and can be used to extend the techniques. The Fourier transform can be considered to be a bank of band-pass filters that takes in a signal and the magnitude of the output of each filter is proportional to the total input energy into that filter. Each of these filters is convolving the input with a set of filter coefficients that are sinusoidal in nature, with the frequency of oscillation equal to the centre frequency of the filter. When performing the convolution over all the banks, many of the multiplications of data and coefficient values are repeated and therefore redundant. Computation saving can be made by implementing a single Fourier transform as 2 half sized Fourier transforms (i.e. Two N/2 point DFTs are faster than one N point DFT). Extrapolating this to its limit, a 2 point DFT is often the optimum process and larger FT operations can be constructed from this small building block. This leads to the fact that FFT lengths are usually powers of 2. This is a generalisation and there maybe architectural reasons why other lengths are preferential and it is not unknown to mix the sizes of the blocks termed mixed radix transforms. For the purposes of this paper we will only discuss radix-2 transforms. When looking at the computational loading of FTs and FFTs, the former requires order N2 operations and the latter order N/2 log2N operations. So how do we combine the small FT building blocks into a complete Fourier transform ? The process starts by sub-dividing (decimating) the complete operations and this can be performed at either the time or frequency end of the operation. Taking an 8 point FT, the decimation in frequency operation is as follows :
Stage 1
Stage 2
0 WN
Stage 3
0 WN 0
X(0) X(4)
3 1
0 WN
0 WN
X(3) X(7)
The WN values are the coefficients of the FFT and are often referred to as twiddle factors. The twiddle factors are essentially the complex exponential values, according to the following equations.
WN = e j 2 / N
X (k ) = x(n) W nk N
n =0
N 1
x0+jy0 (C)
x1+jy1 (D)
The corresponding equations are : Cr = Ar + Br Ci = Ai + Bi Dr = (Ar-Br) * Cos() + (Ai-Bi) * Sin() Di = (Ai-Bi) * Cos() - (Ar-Br) * Sin()
These structures are referred to as FFT butterflies for obvious reasons ! The decimation in time operation has the following structure :
Stage 1
Stage 2
0 WN
Stage 3
0 WN 0 WN
3 1
0 WN
2 WN
0 WN
With the forward and inverse transforms, either the input or output data sets must be in a nonlinear format that uses a bit reversed address style. Most modern DSPs are able to handle this directly in hardware so converting the data back into a linear order often requires no overhead to the operation. The output of an FFT is limited in both resolution, and dynamic range. Resolution is defined as the gap between to adjacent frequency components (bins) and the dynamic range is the ratio of the smallest signal to the largest signal detectable.
resolution = sample rate number of samples in buffer
When performing the FFT, the operation is processing a block of data. The frequency domain effect of this is defined by the equation sin(x)/x therefore the magnitude of the sidelobes is independent of the window length. Increasing the window length decreases the sidelobe width only, not the height. The effect is shown in the following diagrams :
Time Domain Frequency Domain
-1 2T0
0 2T T 2T 0 0 0
Looking at the effects from a different perspective we see the edge effect more clearly. Using this approach we can also see how to remove the edge effect by using a window that tapers to zero at the extremities.
Continual Wave Time Sample window Rectangular Window
Windowed Data
-100 Frequency
The windowing functions are typically developed from frequency domain requirements and a typical example is the Hanning Window, which is defined by the following equation :
w (t ) =
1 2
2 t 1 - cos Tc
There are many standard windowing functions and the time and frequency domain performances are shown.
Time Domain Windowing Effects
The performance of the windows is measurable via various parameters, including : Central peak width 6-dB point Indicates how close signals can be before they can no longer be resolved Highest sidelobe Sidelobe fall off Equivalent noise bandwidth (ENBW) Specified how concentrated the spectral information is The important parameters for the main window functions are : Triangle Simple computation - no lookup table Narrow spectral peak (-6dB @ 1.21 bins) Large sidelobe Cosine Bell Moderate sidelobe rejection (-32 dB 1st lobe) Narrow peak Hamming Moderate peak width Poor sidelobe rejection Blackman Good sidelobe rejection (-60 dB 1st lobe) Broad central peak Kaiser Very Good sidelobe rejection (-70 dB 1st lobe) Broad central peak (-6dB @ 2.39 bins) excellent ENBW Some window functions, like the triangular window, are very easy to calculate on-the-fly but with modern DSPs it is more common to place the data in a buffer in memory. In order to understand the output of the FFT, it is important to analyse the outputs generated by the basic signals. These can be easily related to the phasor systems. Note where the DC component lies, the examples have a wavelength integer number of bins. These components represent the phasors (magnitude, frequency and phase).
Real component contains +ve and -ve frequencies FFT of a pure sine waveform :
Real Imaginary
FFT processing is not useful in itself, it is the post FFT processing that is usually the important issue, it defines what information can be extracted from the information. The following equations show how to calculate the magnitude and phase of the signals.
= 20 * log
Angle =
Imaginary Real
Power Spectrum Estimation is one of the common post FFT calculations and is calculated by averaging the outputs from successive FFTs. This is usually implemented by applying a one-pole averaging filter across frames, as shown :
y(n) = x(n) * + (1- )*y(n-1) 0<<1
Bin 0
Bin N
The final result an FFT based spectrum analyser would look like the following :
10KHz Frequency
Graphics Scaling 10 Log10 1-pole Filter Hanning Window Square Magnitude 1024 point FFT
Analog Input
When implementing an FFT based system there are some standard suggestions that should be considered, these include : Pre-calculate the coefficients Window coefficients (N) Twiddle factors (3 * N) / 4 sine wave Memory Use internal memory where possible Align buffers on circular buffer boundary Consider dynamic range / scaling issues For PSD Z = (x2 + y2) Therefore output redundant - Saves computation Turn on the cache
The output of an FFT can be viewed in two basic formats. The difference is the location of the DC component and this is shown in the following diagrams :
0 Hz
0 Hz
The first format is often used in baseband applications e.g. speech and system analysis, where as the second is more common in H.F. communication applications, where fc is is hetrodyned down to D.C. The results are no different but sometimes make post processing easier. The noise floor of the FFT output depends on the size of the FFT. Averaging the signal means that the coherent signal (e.g. sinusoid) power increases by 6dB for doubling the number of samples. The average noise power however increases by 3dB for twice for the same increase in the number of samples. The SNR gain is therefore 3dB per order. Parcevals theorem says that the average power of a periodic waveform is equal to the sum of the average powers carried by its separate frequency components individually. This is often used to calculate relative powers in-band and out-of-band e.g. Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR). The FFT is a short time Fourier transform, edge effects cause discontinuities, to overcome these effects it is necessary to window the data. Unfortunately windowing can mask some important artefacts within the signal i.e. there can be a loss of vital information from continuous input at block edges. The solution is to overlap the FFTs. For input only applications we need to overlap inputs, for applications with continuous inputs and outputs it is necessary to overlap both and add the intermediate results. The following diagram shows the process :
No overlap (1:1)
Some applications only require the detection (or generation in the case of the IFFT) of a few frequencies, a useful technique is to prune the FFT structure, in such a way that only the essential calculations are executed. Very often, it is necessary to process data vectors that do not contain a number of samples that is an integer power of 2, in order to process this information, it is common to pad the data with zeros to the correct length. Zero padding does not affect the spectral content or the frequency resolution of the result but it does interpolate the original sample set across more points. This often leads to a more computationally efficient solution for non power of 2 buffer lengths.
7. The Zoom-FFT
The zoom-FFT utilises complex frequency shifting and decimation to zoom in on a particular frequency band of interest. This increases the frequency domain resolution, increases spectral range and reduces the system hardware cost and complexity. The following block diagram shows the structure of the zoom-FFT algorithm :
i Channel i(k) 8k Point HDF x(k) exp(j 2..fmix.k) HDF q(k) FFT q Channel Mixer Comb Filters 16:1 FIR FIlters 4:1 Window 52.031 KHz BlackmanHarris FFT Q(n) w(k) Complex I(n)
HDF - High decimation filter i(k) - In phase signal q(k) - Quadrature phase signal
Before Mix
0 Hz
f mix = 1 MHz
Typical applications of the zoom-FFT include; ultrasonic blood flow analysis, R.F. communications, mechanical stress analysis and Doppler radar. This technique was used in an application to detect air bubbles suspended in a liquid, which resonate at frequencies that are proportional to their size, this resonance makes the bubbles act as diode mixers consequently when the liquid is stimulated with two signals of different frequencies
they are modulated together. The energy in the mixed signal is related to the wavelength of the incident signals and the size of the bubble, therefore the bubble size can be detected by looking at the returned signal. The ultrasound carrier operates at 1 MHz, which necessitated a high speed (3.33 MHz) sampling front end. The high performance (120 MFLOPS) DSP sub-system and easy to use PC-DOS based Man Machine Interface. The system has to produce a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of a region of the frequency spectrum centred around a frequency of approximately 1 MHz. The frequency band of interest is approximately 25 kHz either side of the 1 MHz centre frequency, giving a total bandwidth of approximately 50 kHz. The required frequency resolution is 5 Hz. A Zoom FFT method is used to generate the required spectral data, since in order to obtain the required spectral resolution using a standard FFT would require an unfeasible large transform. Another technique for reducing the processing requirement for some applications is to prune the FFT. This is useful when only a few frequencies need to be analysed.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
2 0 WN
Convolution in the time domain is equal to multiplication in the frequency domain and vice versa. Correlation in the frequency domain is equivalent to convolution, with one array time reversed. The output length must be greater than N + M 1, where N and M are the lengths of the input vectors. It is important that the FFT length is also therefore greater than N + M 1. The first thing that is required is that the inputs require zero-padding, otherwise the result is circular convolution / correlation. The benefits of this are the potential large computational savings. For many applications it is possible to pre-compute the convolution or correlation kernel FFT for more efficiency.
The FFT of a system (e.g. a filter) impulse response is the transfer function, the finite length transfer function is applied to an infinite length signal so an overlap method will be required (E.G. Overlap and add). It is important to use the correct coefficients E.G. for a low-pass filter can not just set high frequency coefficients to zero as this generates a time domain sin(x)/x function. The following diagram shows the configuration of the frequency domain correlation operation.
Input A FFT Input B FFT Complex Conjugate
IFFT Output
There is a need within the steel industry for accurate measurements of steel sheet thickness. This can be achieved by making ultrasonic pulse-echo measurements through the steel and calculating the time-of-flight of the ultrasound. Since the velocity of the ultrasound in the steel is known, the thickness of the sheet can thus be calculated. A further requirement of the steel industry is the assessment of the quality of the sheet steel. One of the flaws that is often found within steel is due to a phenomenon known as residual stress. This is caused by local deformations in the crystalline structure of the steel which occur during the cooling phase after hot rolling. Residual stresses within a structure cause local variations in the velocity of the ultrasound, therefore a time-of-flight measurement which falls outside a given range may also be due to such flaws within the steel. The following diagram shows a typical system configuration for a sheet steel thickness test system :
T = 2s/c
steel c = 6100m/s s
The analog signal from the transducer is sampled at 10 MHz and passed to the Dual Sharc DSP system for processing, in a production line application this would be a continuous process. The algorithm then uses a method which involves coherent averaging of the incoming data, which is then interpolated using a frequency-domain technique (in order to increase the temporal resolution of the dataset). The time taken between successive reverberations of the ultrasound within the steel can then be detected using a process such as autocorrelation. The distance between the peaks in the autocorrelation corresponding to the time between reverberations. The
Transducer cycle
x x
Sample clock
x x x
y[k] =
x[n] . x[n+k]
where k = p2 - p1
This final plot shows the output from a single generated pulse :
1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 1 -200000 -400000 -600000 -800000 -1000000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
The system specification was to meet a 40 seconds pulse repetition interval (PRI), with 1 to 32 range gates. The processing was to be FFT based and required 300 MFLOPS, which mapped onto six 50 MHz TMS320C40s. The system required a 10 MHz sample rate and 12 bit quantisation. The following diagram shows a typical radar example, with stationary and moving targets :
Digitiser fs=10MHz
The Doppler shifted frequency from a moving object is shown in the example : fd = 2 x vr x fo/c (c = 3 x 10^8 m/s)
E.G. fo = 3 GHz, vr = 300 m/s (almost mach 1) fd = 2 x 300 x (3 x 10^9)/(3 x 10^8) = 6 KHz
Range gating is the technique for analysing the motion of objects at different ranges from the radar system. The radar outputs pulses at given time spacings and starts sampling the input after a delay. The larger the delay, the greater the distance from the radar. For each block of samples taken the nth sample is at a particular range over a sequence of sampled blocks it is possible to look at all the samples at a particular range, this is referred to as the range gate.
0-31 ........ 0
0-31 ........ 40
0-31 ........ 80
Each range gate corresponds to a number of cycles at the transmitted frequency, as shown below.
d = c/Ts
The whole process is shown pictorially below, along with the FFT magnitude results from the house and aeroplane example :
1 2 3 4 N=0, t=0 N=1, t=40 S N=2, t=80 S N=3, t=160 S . . . N=63 Time
. . . .
32 Range Gates
The sinusoidal result seen above is due to the phase of the returned pulses being modified by moving target. The D.C. signal is generated by the stationary target (the house). The moving signal is generated by the moving target (aeroplane). The magnitude of the FFT gives the size of the target, the FFT bin gives the speed of the target. The DSP process is shown below :
A/D Acquisitio
Complex FFT
64 Point FFTs
Range gate resolution (meters) = wavefront velocity * sample rate = 3 x 10 8 x 100 x 10 -9 = 30 M Total range = range gate resolution * number of gates =32 x 30 = 960 m
Beamforming is the acquisition of a signal using an array of transducers and then applying a delay (at its most simplest), to steer the direction of the beam in a particular direction. Essentially the direction of the beam is relative to the sampling phase of the transducers, as shown in the diagram below :
In the time domain, the beams are steered in a single direction, using the following system :
One of the limitations of time domain beamsteering is that one bank of delays can only steer the beam in one single direction. The solution is to use the fact that time delays in the time domain are equivalent to complex exponential multiplication in the frequency domain, using the following equation.
If : x ( n ) X ( e j ) Then : x (n m) e jm X ( e j )
Essentially this says that we can translate the signals to the frequency domain and cross multiply by the exponential function and the signals will be delayed by the appropriate amount. The benefit of performing this operation in the frequency domain is that we can effectively steer the beam in all directions at the same time.
A Goertzel algorithm is a very efficient technique for selecting a particular pass band in a filtered signal. The Goertzel algorithm is defined by the equation :
2 f i 1 e f z 1 s H f i ( z) = 2 f i 1 2 1 2 cos z +z fs
Where fi is the frequency of interest and fs is the sampling frequency. The algorithm is most commonly implemented as a second order recursive IIR filter, as shown in the following flow diagram.
x Z
-1 x
This filter does not maintain the complex (phase) information but the Goertzel filter is often used to detect particular individual frequencies, a common application is the detection of DTMF tones. This algorithm is very efficient, when compared with the regular FFT, especially when the requirement is only to detect a few individual frequencies.
Translating signals from the time to the frequency domain can allow a whole new and powerful area of signal processing. All real signals can be generated from the sum of the component sinusoids. The Fourier transform will extract the information of phase and magnitude. It is important to be aware of the effects of scaling and edge effects. To remove the edge effects of the rectangular window, it is important to use the appropriate windowing function for the application.
Appendix A - Decibels
In many applications, the use of a logarithmic representation of values gives many advantages, this section discusses the use of decibels (dB). The decibel is defined as : dB = 10 log10 P1 P2
Where P1 and P2 are measures of power. In many applications the voltage (V) or current (I) is measured, power is proportional to V2 or I2, giving the equivalent dB equations of : dB = 20 log10 and V1 V2
dB = 20 log10
I1 I2
For many applications, P2 and V2 assume standard values, for example in telecommunications P2 = 1milliWatt in 600 Ohms, in this case the logarithmic scale is dBm. Note that dBA is not relative to Amps but is used as a measure of sound intensity. One of the advantages of using logarithms is that a multiplication of the linear values can be achieved by the addition of logarithms. To revert back to a linear scale the following equation is used for power :
dB P1 = 10 10 P2
The following table shows some of the basic equivalents between absolute power and dB.
P1 P2 (absolute) 103 = 1000 102 = 100 101 = 10 8 2 5 4 2.5 2 /2 1.25 100 = 1 10-1 = 0.1 10-2 = 0.01 10-3 = 0.001
Notes : The use of is an approximation of 10 that is useful for quick calculations and accurate to 2 significant figures. The table shows the absolute power doubles for a 3 dB increase and halves for a 3dB drop. The voltage and current however double for a 6 dB increase.
This table can be used to give all other dB / absolute equivalents : P1 16 dB = 10 dB + 6 dB = 10 x 4 = > P2 (absolute) = 40 P1 -74 dB = -(70 + 4) = 1/(107x2.5) => P2 (absolute) = 4x10-8
Analog to digital converter Adaptive Differential Pulse Coded Modulation Arithmetic Logic Unit. The part of the processor that performs the mathematics Amplitude Modulation Adaptive Predictive Coding Application Specific Integrated Circuit Band-pass filter International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (Now called ITU) Code Division Multiple Access Code Excited Linear Predictive Coding COder-DECoder - used in analog signal sampling COMpressor-exPANDER Central Processing Unit - the main part of the DSP that executes the instructions Continuously Variable Slope Delta modulator Continuous Wave Digital to analog converter Discrete Cosine Transform Discrete Fourier Transform Decimation In Frequency (FFT) Decimation In Time (FFT) Digital Signal Processing OR a Digital Signal Processor
Dual Tone Multi-Frequency - telephone dialling standard The sample rate (or frequency) of the system. Frequency Division Multiplexing Frequency Division Multiple Access Fast Fourier Transform Finite Impulse Response filter, one containing no feedback elements Frequency Shift Keying - Digital frequency modulation Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying High frequency - usually refers to applications such as radio communications Least Mean Squares - a technique for adapting FIR filter coefficients High-pass filter Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform Inverse Fast Fourier Transform Infinite Impulse Response filter, one containing feedback elements International Telegraph Union (formerly CCITT) Joint Photographic Expert Group (Still image compression standard) Linear Predictive Coding Low-pass filter Multiply Accumulate Millions of Instructions Per Second Million Floating Point Operations Per Second, a typical measure of floating-point DSP performance MODulator / DEModulator
Moving Pictures Expert Group (Moving video compression standard) Multiplexer Pulse Coded Modulation Phase Shift Keying Pulse Width Modulation Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Quadrature Mirror Filter Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Residual Excited Linear Predictive coder Radio Frequency Sub-Band Coding Sample and Hold Signal to Noise Ratio, common measure of performance for ADCs Time Division Multiplexing - A communications system that divides a single communications channel into several smaller ones, using discrete time slots. Time Division Multiple Access Zero Order Hold, an effect of analog signal reconstruction
Adaptive Differential Pulse Coded Modulation (ADPCM) Adaptive equalisation Adaptive filter Adaptive predictive coding Aliasing Amplitude Modulation
A speech compression algorithm that adaptively filters the difference between two successive PCM samples. This technique typically gives a data rate of about 32 Kbps. A filtering system that can allow for the effects of a changing communications medium to be cancelled. A filter that can adapt its coefficients to model a system. An LPC based speech compression technique that uses an adaptive predictive voice source. The effect on a signal when it has been sampled at less than twice its highest frequency. A communications scheme that modifies the amplitude of a carrier signal according to the amplitude of the modulating signal. An analog filter that is used prior to sampling to limit the signal bandwidth to less than half the sample rate (generally low pass) to prevent aliasing distortion. A communications system where the transmitter and receiver run independently. The beginning and end of the data packet are usually indicated by start and stop bits in the data stream. Decrease in magnitude. The correlation of a signal with a delayed version of itself. A filter that only allows a single range of frequencies to pass through. A filter that removes a single range of frequencies. The range of frequencies that make up a more complex signal. Part of the ALU that allows single cycle shifting and rotating of data words. Signals that have a frequency spectrum based around 0 Hz.
Anti-aliasing filter
Asynchronous communications Attenuation Autocorrelation Band-pass filter Band-stop filter Bandwidth Barrel shifter Baseband
E.G. speech. Baud rate The rate at which symbols are transmitted over a communications channel. A symbol may contain one or more bits of information. The rate at which bits are transmitted and equals the baud rate * the number of bits per baud. Typical 'building block' of IIR filters - from the bi-quadratic equation. The smallest constituent part of an FFT, it represents a cross multiplication, incorporating multiplication, sum and difference operations. The name is derived from the shape of the signal flow diagram. A logarithmic scheme for sampling analog signals that increases the resolution of signals with a low amplitude. Common standards include A-Law and u-Law. An identical operation to Finite Impulse Response filtering. The comparison of two signals in time, to extract a measure of their similarity. A multi-processing architecture where individual processing elements perform multiple instructions on a many pieces of data. A transform that gives the frequency domain representation of a time domain sequence. A single sample of a continuously variable signal that is taken at a fixed point in time. A filter that will remove reflected signals on a transmission line that are caused by impedance mismatches. A filter that will compensate for the effects of a communications channel. An optimised version of the DFT. A filter that includes no feedback and is unconditionally
Companding Convolution Correlation Data flow architecture Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Discrete sample Echo canceller Equalisation Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Finite Impulse Response (FIR)
Filter Floating-point Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) Frequency domain Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) Full duplex Gain Half duplex Harvard Architecture High pass filter Hybrid Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter Linearity Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) Low pass filter Multi-processing
stable. A number scheme that codes a value with a fraction and an exponent and allows a high signal dynamic range. A communications system that divides a single channel into smaller ones with discrete frequency bands. The representation of the amplitude of a signal with respect to frequency. A digital modulation scheme that uses a different frequency to represent different binary levels. Communications in two directions simultaneously. Amplification or increase in magnitude. Communications in two directions, but only one at a time. A microprocessor architecture that uses separate busses for program and data, this is typically used on DSPs to optimise the data throughput. A filter that allows high frequencies to pass through. An analog 2 wire to 4 wire (and vice versa) converter. A filter that incorporates data feedback. Also called a recursive filter. A measure of the performance of an ADC or DAC to convert signals with different amplitudes, to the same degree of accuracy. A speech compression technique that is based on modelling the vocal tract with a time varying filter. A filter that allows low frequencies to pass through. The division of a process across several processors to improve the performance of the system.
Multi-tasking Multiple Instruction Multiple (MIMD) Modulation Parallel processing Pass band Phase Shift Keying (PSK) Pipelining
The division of processor across several tasks, such that each one is able to receive its required number of processor cycles.
The modification of the characteristics of a signal so that it might carry the information contained in another signal. The execution of tasks in parallel, either on a single processor via multi-tasking or across several processors by multiprocessing. The frequency range of a filter through which a signal may pass with little or no attenuation. A digital modulation scheme that uses a constant frequency carrier with a variable phase. A technique commonly used in high performance microprocessors that allows an instruction to begin execution before previous ones have been completed. Artefact leading to frequency dependent gain in a signal. Generated by a feedback element in a filter. The effect of sampling an analog signal.
Pole Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) Recursive filter Resolution Sampling Sample rate
A variation of PSK that incorporates AM to increase the number of bits per baud. See Infinite Impulse Response filter. The accuracy of and ADC or DAC circuit. The conversion of a continuous time analog signal into a discrete time signal. The inverse of the time between successive samples of an analog signal.
Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) Spectrum analyser Stop band Synchronous communications Systolic array Time domain Transducer Twiddle factor Von-Neumann architecture
A multi-processing architecture where individual processing elements perform the same instruction on many pieces of data, also referred to as a systolic array. An instrument that displays representation of a signal. the frequency domain
The frequency range of a filter through which a signal may NOT pass and where it experiences large attenuation. A communications system where the data is transmitted and received at discrete times, which are usually synchronized by a clock signal. See Single Instruction Multiple Data. The representation of the amplitude of a signal with respect to time. A piece of equipment that converts a physical signal into an electrical signal. The coefficients of the FFT algorithm, typically a sine table. A traditional microprocessor architecture that uses the same bus for program and data. The discrete frequency domain, in which the j axis on the continuous time s-plane is mapped to a unit circle in the zdomain. Artefact leading to frequency dependent attenuation in a signal. Generated by a feed-forward element in a filter.
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