DLL-Politics Week 2
DLL-Politics Week 2
DLL-Politics Week 2
B. Performance Standards:
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives Differentiate the political ideologies.
Write the LC Code for each
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Politics Without Borders” by http”//www.people- Politics Without Borders” by Politics Without
Mendoza and Melegrito, pages 24- press.org/quiz/ Mendoza and Melegrito, pages Borders” by Mendoza
36 political-typology/ 24- 36 and Melegrito, pages
24- 36
Politics Without
Borders” by Mendoza
and Melegrito, pages
24- 36
5. Conservatism
B. Establishing a Purpose Divide the class to 3 groups. Have Let the students take Activity: Colored
for the Lesson
each student go to their group that the “Political Typology Paper Grouping:
has his/ her number. Ask the Quiz” by the Pew Colored papers will be
students: Research Centre provided by the
How do your parents Title: Are You Liberal teacher and each
manage your household? or Conservative or student will pick one
What are the things you Somewhere in color that represents
wish to change the way Between? his/her own
your household is perspective of political
managed? Instruction: Take the ideology.
Select a volunteer to share their quiz below to find out Blue- Anarchism
collaborated efforts. at which point in the Yellow-Socialism
political spectrum are Pink-Liberalism
you more oriented to. Green-Conservatism
Give yourself a score Black- Fascism
of one (1) point if you
agree, and a score of
zero (0) point if you
disagree with each of
the statements. If you
are uncertain with your
answer, then choose
what comes closest to
your view.
The quiz was
adopted from the
“Political Typology
Quiz” by the Pew
Research Centre but
was modified to apply
to the Philippine socio-
political context. The
full Political Typology
Quiz can be accessed
online through the link
-typology/. The
interpretation of scores
for the quiz is not
based on any known
or used scale.
C. Presenting Present a video clip about After taking the quiz, Jumble Words Group themselves
Examples/Instances of
the Lesson ideologies. students will be according to the papers
(https://m.youtube.com/watch? assessed if they are Rearrange the words to find the of the same color and
v=vz-szuwRgAE). Remind the conservative or liberal correct answers to the questions make them justify their
students before the video be based on their scores below: choice. Select a
presented in class that based from from the Political representative from the
it, answer the following questions: Typology Quiz. 1. LIERALISMB group to present their
3.1. How do we acquire political 2. FMEMINIS insights.
beliefs? 3. MMUCONISM
3.2. How people will be affected 4. CISOALISM
by these beliefs? ENNTVIROANMELISM
D. Discussing New A. IDEOLOGY Guide Questions: - Present the different Slogan-making:
Concepts and Practicing
New Skills #1 a : a systematic body of concepts Ask the students, political ideologies and Let each group create
especially about human life or 1. What is ideology? their perspectives of the their own slogan based
culture 2. What are the state through a power on political ideology
b : a manner or the content of different types of point presentation. they belong.
thinking characteristic of an ideologies?
individual, group, or culture
c : the integrated assertions,
theories and aims that constitute a
socio-political program
d : is a more or less coherent set of
ideas that provides the basis for
organized political action, whether
this is intended to preserve, modify
or overthrow the existing system of
B. Political Ideologies
is a set of related beliefs about
political theory and policy held
by an individual, group of
individuals or a particular social
political ideologies form the
basis of how they view the world
around them and the proper role
of government in the world.
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
VII. REFLECTION students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work?