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V irginia Evan s

Virginia Evans

Express Publishing
Pub lished by Expr ess Publishing in 2000

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t Virginia Evans, 2000

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Colour Illustrations: Nathan

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Aut hor's Ack nowl edge ments

We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have cont ribut ed their skills to produc ing this book. Thanks are due in
particular to: Sean Todd (Editor in Chief). Andrew Wright (senior editor), Anna Miller (editorial assistant), Mary Stevenson (senior production
controller), the Express design team, Tony Boyle (recording producer ) and Erica Thompson , Anne Whitman, Steven Gibbs and Sally Pierce
for their suppo rt and patience. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript , and whose comme nts
and feedback influenced positive ly the production of the book .

Photograph Acknowledgements

© Reuters for photographs on p. 48

© Audio Visual for photographs on pages: 78, 81. 107

While every effort has been made to trace all t he copyright holders, if any h ave been inadvertent ly overlooked the publishers will
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Pori AGuidelines 101 Wrilino 4
Pori 8Lellel Wlilino 16
1 InlolmolLeliDlS 10
3 formolleliDlS 16
4 SemHolmolLellels 34
5 Ironsocllonollellers 38
- OescrlollOnS
6 OescrlblnoPeople 41
I OescrlblnoPloces/8ulldlnos 48
8 OeSCIlblnoOblecls 54
9 OeSCIlblnofeslllo ls/EJenls/Celebrollons 56
- Nnnollm &NewReoorls
10 fllsl·PDlSon Npllollm 60
11 Ihlrd·PDlSon NOllollm 66
l1p News Reporls 11
- ROIlews
l1b Reviews 18
· Discursive essolS
13 ·"Forond Aoolnsr- Esso!! 81
140 Oolnlon Esso!! 88
14b Prolldlno Solullons 10 Problems 94
14c Lellels 10 IheEdllor 98
· Reoolls
15 bsessmenl &Prooosol Reporls 101
APPENOIl IlInklno Words 145
APPENOllll Openino &Closlno Remorks lor LeliDlS/Uselul Vocobulo" 141
APPENOllll1 Rules lorPuncluollon 150
UNIT 1PorI AGUidelines lor WriJing
When you write a composition you need to understand the type of writing required.
Yo ur piece of writing can be in the form of a letter, an arti cle for a magazine!
newspaperor a report.
LETTERS arewritten to a person (e.g. yourpen friend, a newspaper ed itor, etc) or a
group of people (e.g. the students' society, the local football club, etc) for a specific
reason (e.g. togiveadvice, tomake a complaint etc). They include:
• Informal letters10 people you know well, written in a persona! chatty style.
• Formal letters to managers/officials etc, written in a polite formal style .
• Seml-formalletters 10 people you do not know well or people you know but you
want to sound polite and respectful e.g. a teacher of you rs, your pen friend's parents,
etc, written in a politeand respectful style.
ARTICLES arefound in magazines and newspapers. The following can be found in
the formof an article:
• Descriptions of people, places, buildings, objects, festivals, ceremonies etc.
• Na rratives about real or imaginary events which happened in the past. They can be • As the last band played
written in the fir st person (first-person narratives) when the writer is the main
their final song, , felt sad
character of the story or in the third person (third-person narratives) when the writer
that the festival was about
is describing events which happened to another person or group of people.
to end. Anthe fun moments
• News reports about current/recent events (e.g. fires, accidents, etc) written in
of the week passed through
impersonal style. News reports presentfacts objectively and unemotionally.
• Reviews discussing a film, TV programme, book, restaurant, etc and recommending my mind in a split second.
it or not to the reader. Dancing to the beat of the
• Discursive essays about argumentsconceming particularsubjects. They include: music, I looked at myfriend
and said, - j can't wait unli!
• "For and Against" essays which present the pros and cons on a specific topic
next year's Jazz Festival!"
• Opinion Essays which present thewriter's personal opinion ona specific topic
• Providing Solutions to Problems which discuss a problem and its causes, making
suggestions and mentioning the expected results and consequences
• Letters to the Editor which present the writer's personal opinion on a specific topic
orthewriter's suggestions on a specific problem . Dear Aunt Carol.
REPORTS areformal pieces of writingand have a specific format andfeatures. They I'm sorry about not
include: replying to your let t er
• Assessment reports discussing the suitability of a person, place, plan, etc for a sooner but I've been
particular purpose, job, etc. extremely busy.
• Proposals reportsdiscussing suggestions or decisions about future actions. Guess what! I f inally
fo und a posit ion as a
nursery school t eacher
1 Read the extracts (A-G) and decide which type of writing they arc from (1 -7). in Bright on! Isn't t hat
D.D third person narrat ive ITO informal lett er
D:D fonnal leuer (]I] description of a person
[]I] first person narrative EID description of a festival
[]O description of a place Debbie is tall. slim and
attractive, with long brown
hair andbeautiful blueeyes.
Sir/ Madam. , . She likes wearing smart
-I Nrit i'1 g to complain about the service I received during a VISit to your

clothes and always looks
0'1 8th November. .
r=:rs: ly. I roM booked a t able f or eight o'clock. but when we amved. our table was
cor r:-6Idy ",,".0 rt; 'HSS half 81 hour before we were seate d. I ver:J .....

Unit 1 Port AGUidelines for Writing

When I opened my eyes, bright sunlight was streaming through e Ta: Ms MTimms, Personnel Manager
bedroom window. As I was about to get out of bed, I heard a norse From: Mr T Brown, Senior Assistant
coming from the kitchen downstai rs.
- . __ Subject:
Assessment of Robert Dunkan
15th February, 20...

Aruba is a tiny island in the
The purpose of this report is to assess the
Caribbean Sea. It is only 29
sunability of Robert Dunkan for the position
kilometres off the north coast of
of Sales Managerfor our shopin Brunwick.
Venezuela. With its white sandy
beaches and clear blue waters,
Aruba is the perfect place tor a

relaxing holiday.
• Firstly, all block<; Offl/lts should be
provided with large rubbish bins. I II
It was a bright, sunny morning whenJill Wilson waved goodbyeto her mother. addition to this, residents sJlOukl hI'

-- .........,.---
"Havea nice day at school - and becareful!" calledMrs Wilson. The birds were allowed to throw out their rubbish
singing as Jill stopped on the old wooden bridge to look down at the ducks on 0111)' at night. H is would result in

the water below.
... .. -" reducing the alllount of rubbish ill
the streets durillg the dll),.
2 Read the extracts (A-G) and decide which type of writing (1-7) the)'
are from. •
The cast is excellentand Michael J. Fox
=cJ proposal report ITO assessment report is perfect as the voice of Stuart Little,
"IJ for and against essay [ILl news report With Ihe use 01 computer animation,
Stuart looks more likea real mousethan
I=:J review opinion essay a cartoon mouse, convincing
:liJ essay providing solutions to that he is a
problems miniature actor.
The combination of
computer animation and
41) Four people were killed and eleven were seriousIY,injured.when two live action is superb.
planes collided on the runway at Leland Airport early this morning.

o All in all, I believe that new spapers ploy on important role in

our lives. They keep us informed about worl d news as well as
providing interesting reading material.

e Recommendation

To begin with. one of I believe that the course of action

t he main advantages of propos ed above will attract more
studying abroad is t hat custom ers to the White Dove
you have the chance to Restaurant. Not only will the ItCiliCi n
lean another language. 5eClfood C1nd veqetarlan dtshes draw
Moreover, you experi ence more people to the restaurant, but
a different culture and the live music will else greatly
way of life. improve the restaurant's atmosphere.
../' --.-:--.-J
Unill Pori AGuidelineslorWriling

To plan your composition you need to understand the rubric i.e. the
composition instructions. Read the rubric carefullyand underline the key
words/phrases whichwill help you decide what you will writeabout. Key
words/phrases indicate:
• the Imaginary situation you will writeabout (e.g. You area reporter .. to
write about a tire which broke outlast night ...) This can also suggest who
youare (e.g. a reporter), what has happened (e.g. fire brokeout), etc.
• the Imaginary readerwho is going to read your piece of writing (e.g.
the manager of the company you work for hasasked you to write ... j.
This will help you decide on thewriting style i.e. theappropriate style of
lanquaqe - formal/informal, etc you should use.
• the type of writing (e.g. a fetter, an article describing an event you
attended, etc)
• the specific topics you should include in your answer (e. g. describe
theplace and comment on its good and bad points) 1 Who isgoing to readyour piece of
Study the example below.
, 2
2 What is the situation?
You work for a travel magazine. Your editor has asked you to 3 What type of composition should
3 4
write an artic le discussing the pros and cons of air travel, you write?
including factors such as cost and convenience. 4 What specific topics should you
rc--c,.--c-----, include?
1 situation
2 reader
3 type ofwriting
4 specific topics 5 a) Read the rubric and
underline the key words,
then answer the questions.
3 Read the rubric below and match the numbers to the following You are a writer for an
headings: international English-language
magazine. Your editor has
• reader .... • specific topics .. asked you for a short article
about a famous person from
• situation ...... • type of writing . the twentieth century that you
admire. Write your article
1 2 about the person, describing
Your best friend is spending the summer in your country and needs his/her personality as well as
3 4 the reasons you admire him!
advice. Write a letter advising him where to go and what to do and
telling him approximately how much money he should bring.
1 What type of composition is this?
A a third person narrative
B a formal letter
4 Read the rubricand circle the correct answers to the questions that C a descriptive article
follow. D a review
You work in a localtouristoffice. The manager hasasked you to write
2 Who is going to readyour
a report on a new restaurant which has just opened in your town. composition?
Write your report describing the restaurant, the food and the service A your best friend
there and commenting on its good and bad points. B your editor
Unit! Port AGuidelineslor Writing

J Which of the following statements

A You should write about a • Write down any ideas,words and phrases that you can think ofwhich relate
famous person you have met. to the specifictopicsof your composrtion.
B You must describe his/her • Group your ideas, crossing out any irrelevant ones, and putthem into a
logical order.
personality. • Check that yourideas are relevant to the topic(s) inthe rubric.
C You should give reasons why you
admire this person.
6 a) Read the rubric in Ex. 5a) again and tick the topics that you
D Your article should be about a
should include in your article.
famous artist or scientist of the
eighteenth century. • why you admire the person . • personality
E You may include your own • looksand appearance • hobbiesand interests
feelings about the person.
b) Look at the words/phrases below and sa)' which topic from above
-l Which of the following topics must
the)' are linked to.
you include? Circle.
A The advantages and disadvantages • helped those in need • entire life was devoted to others
of being famous. • selfless • donated money to charity
B Personal qualities and • compassionate • patient
characteristics. • courageous
C Information about the person's
family background.
D Reasons why youadmire him/her. PLANNING THE LAYOUT OF YOUR COMPOSITION
Your ideas should beorganised into paragraphs. The layout ofmosttypes
of writing consists of three parts: an introducti on, a main body and a
b) whtch of the two people conclusion.
below would not be suitable I IntroducUon
for your article? Why? The introduction,i.e. the first paragraph, is a short paragraph whose purpose
is to give thereader a general idea of the subject of thecomposition. II
should attract the reader'sattention so that he/she wants tocontinue reading.
II Main Body
The main body usually consists oftwo ormoreparagraphsand its pu rpose
is to develop points related to the subject of the composition. The number
of paragraphs and the way you divide them depends on the specific topics
of the composition. Each paragraph should deal with points related to the
same topic. Whenever you discuss a new topic, you should begin a new
paragraph. For example, in a for and against essay the main body should
have two paragraphs: one discussing thepoints for, and another discussing
the points against.
m Conclusion
The conclusion is a short final paragraph in which you can summarise the
main idea of the subject, restate your opinion in different words, make
general comments, express your feelings, etc.

7 a) Which of' these topics should you include in the introductory

paragraph ofan article describing a person lOU admire? Circle.
A final comments about the person
B who the person is and why you admire them
C what the person looks like and what type of clothes they like wearing
Unill Port AGUidelines lor Writing

b) Which of these topics should J OU include in the conclusion ofJour 3 Which of Mother Teresa's achieve-
article? ments are mentioned? What examples
A general comments and feelings about the person
B personal qualities of the person
C background info rmation and achievements of tbe person
8 Read the article and label the paragraphs with the headings below. SUPPOIlT1NG SENTENCES
Then answer questions 1-3.
• Main body paragraphs should
• finalcommentsljeelings begin with topic sentences, A
• personalqualities topic sentence introduces or
• reasons )' 01/ admire her summarises the main topic of the
• persoll's name and reason YO/Ichose her paragraph and gives the reader an
idea of what the paragraph will be
The person I admire most from the twentieth Para 1
century is Mother Teresa. I regard her as one • The topic sentence should be
followed by supporting sentences
of the kindest and most car ing peop le the
which provide exam ples, details,
world has ever known. reasons, justifications and/or
Mother Teresa was a selfless person. She evidence to support the topic
devoted all of her time to others and never pu t Para 2 sentence.
her own needs first. She was also very
There are many dis-
courageous and never thought abo ut the risks
advantages to airtravel.
she was taking when looking after peop le who
were sick or dying. Firstly, plane fares are
What I admire most about Mother Teresa extremelyhigh,Forexample,

are her achievements. Her entire life was
devoted to charity work. For example, in 1952 Para 3
if you choose to travel from
London to Manchester by
a train, you will definitely pay
she opened a centre in Calcutta for the
" terminally ill, where patients could be cared
less than you would jf you
travelled byplane. Moreover,
for and die with dignity. She also won many beingon a plane for hours
awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize in can betiring.
1979. She donated the money from her awards
to fund other centres. Even though Mother
Teresa is no longer with us, these centres still
operate, offering help to those in need.
I admire Mother Teresa not only because
she was a genero us and kind-hearted person, Para 4 9 Read the article in Ex. 8 again,
but also because her accomplishments have underline the topicsentences in
influenced people all over the world. It is the main body paragraphs and
hardly surprising that since her death in 1997 thenreplacethemwith theones
she has been regarded as a true saint. below.

I There arc good reasons why

admire Mother Teresa so much.
Who is the article about?
2 What justifications are given to support the statement that "!vIother 2 Mother Teresa was a truly self-
Teresawas a selfless person''? sacrificing person.
Unit 1 Pori AGUidelines for Writing

10 al Xlatch the topic sentences to the paragraphs. There is one extra 12 Read the topic sentences below
topic sentence that JOu do not need to use. and think of appropriate
supporting sentences to
1 For one thing, there are far loa many cars on the roads. complete each paragraph, as
There are many arguments in favour of bann ing carsfrom city centres. in the example.
However. a city centre without traffic docs have its disadvantages.

e.g. Catherine isa very pretty teenager.
She is tall and slim with dark skin

• . .
help to reduce
.. .

This means that the city centre would he a healthier

place to live and work in. Furthermore. it would be
. andlong curly hair. Sheusually wears
jeans and T-shirts.

My father is a handsome man.

easier for pedestrians to walk around the centre
without having to cross busy roads.

..... ....................... 2 Nicole is a vel)'sociable person.

For one thing, shop owners . .
might find it inconvenient to travel to the
city by public transport. Moreover, for those
w.ho live In the city centre, life would become quite
difficult as they would not be able to park their cars
ncar their homes.
13 Read the paragraphs belowand
think of appropriate topic
sentences to complete them.
b) • Which part of the composition do these paragraphs belong to -
the introduction, the mainbodyor the conclusion?
• What do you think the topic of this composition is? A .
• What type of composition are the extracts from?
................... .
First of all, it is cheaper than
buying designer clothes which can
11 Read the topic sentence in bold, then choose the most suitable be very expensive. What is more,
supporting sentences (A - D) to complete the paragraph. if you make your own clothes, you
can design them exactly the way
On the other hand, there are arguments in favo ur of tourism . you want them.

B .................................... .
...................... ..... ........... .
:\ Firstly,tourism can help reduce unemployment in an area because of the To begin with, medical
jobs it provides for local people. can be vel)' expensive. Moreover
such research can take years rc
S Furthermore, tourism can spoil the natural beauty of an area. show successful results. Last but
C What is more, the profi ts from tourism can be used to improve roads, not least, lots of time is often
hospitalsand schools. wasted on experiments which do
not work.
D In addition. restaurants and souvenir shops overcharge customers.
Unit 1 Pori AGUidelines tor Wrlling

15 Read the extract and fill in the

correct linking words from the
10 the reader. list below.
and easierto understand.
• Some linking words (e.g. and, because, but, so, since, etc) can join two for example, what is more, as a
short sentences into one longer sentence. result, on the other hand
e.g. He is clever. He is hard-working. •
He's clever andhard-working. Watching films at the cinema has
Ann is happy. She passed herexams, •
many advantages. To begin with,
Ann is happy because she passed herexams.
• Some linking words/phrases (e.g. In addition, What is more, However, On modern cinemas arc usually equipped
the other hand, etc) show how ideas are related either between two with the latest technology. 1) ..
sentences or two paragraphs. . , films have better
e.g. f have written to you three times already, • picture and sound quality. 2) ..
I stifl have notreceived a reply from you.
I have written to you three times already. However, I stillhave not
. , you can sec all the
received a reply from you. latest films assoon as they arc released.
first {FirstlYthe employees who delivered thecooker were extremely rude 3) going 10
complaint and careless. Wh ile installing the appliance they made a the cinema has certain drawbacks. 4)
adding considerable mess, then they left without tidying the kitchen up.
...." , the price of a
more points
ticket can be expensive and cinemas arc
second { Furthermore, after they had gone, I noticed thatthe cooker was
complaint badly scratched and the operatinginstructions were missing. ... often crowded,
Linking words/phrases can be used to: at weekends.
• show time: when, whenever, before. while, as soon as, etc
• list points or show sequence: first(fy), to start with, next, finally, etc
• add more points: furthermore, moreover, inaddition, and, also, W'hal: ismore,etc
• show cause or effect: because, since, asa result, so, consequently, etc
• give examples: forinstance, lor example, such as, especially, etc
• show contrast: however, on the other hand, despite, though, etc
• introduce a conclusion: all in all, to conclude, to sum up, finally, etc
(for more examples see Appendix t)
16 Choose the correct
linking word/ phrase to join
the sentences.
14 Circle the correct linking words/phrases, as in the example.
1 Simon failed the exam. He had not
studied enough. (since, while) .......
I Mobile phones are thcyare very convenient.
2 She is very generous andshares everything. Since/On the
other hand, she can be moody at times.
2 Ordering take-away food is very
3 Growing your own vegetables is cheaper than
buying them. Even though/whar is more, home- convenien t It can be rather
grown vegetables are usually tastier. expensive. (although, such as) .......
Manyyoung people are taught computer skills
at school. Despite/As a result, they have a belter
chance offinding a job. 3 Aaron wanted to go to the football
I admire Jackie because/thereforeshe has found match. His mother wouldn't let
happiness inbothher professional and private life. him. (but, therefore) ..
Air travel is the most expensive form of
transport. All in all/However, it is the fastest.

I 4 Adventure holidays can be verytiring. They can be quite dangerous. (but,
Unit I Port AGUidelinesfor Writing

18 Read the followin g beginnings

and) . and endings and identify which
writing technique(s) the writer
- It started getting cold. I put on a jumper. (so, as) . has used in each.

, The hairdresser said it was perfectly safe. The chemicals in the dye made
my hair tum green. (even though. also) . 1 Why are people so obsessed with
the weather? In my opinion, the
climate plays a major role in tbe
waywe behave.
17 Replace the linking words/phrases in bold with synonymous ones
from the list below.
despite, as, even though, such as, therefore
2 I am sure that most of you, at
some point in your lives, have
I \\ nile I was walking home I saw an accident.
considered starting your own
He was born in Poland so he can't be Spanish.
business. However, I doubt that
Your mechanic took three days to fix my car, in spite of the fact that it
many ofyou have actually done so.
required only minor repairs.
.4 There are many places to visit in Rome like the Colosseum, the Trevi
Fountain, and the Pantheon.
:; Although Rachel is allergic to dogs, she loves them. 3 It was a dark, stormynight. Frank
was alone in the wooden cabin at
the top of the snow-covered
mountain. The wind was howling
WRmNQ TECHNIQUES and Frank was afraid. Suddenly,
there was a strange scratching at
There are a variety of writing techni ques you can use to make your the door.
composition more interesting to thereader.
To begin or end your essay you can:
- address the reader directly i.e. write as if you were speaking to him/her.
e.g. You can imagine what life wouldbelike without water, 4 Mason woke up to the sound of
- use direct speech to give somebody's exact words, a quotation from a rain drumming on the rooftop.
famous person or someone who has influencedyourlife, a proverb ora Exhausted from the previous day,
saying (i.e. a well-known phrase). In all cases it is necessary to use he slowly got out of bed and
quotation marks.
made himself a cup of coffee and
e.g. Afl!lr all, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away: some breakfast. He decided to
- use a rhetorical question i.e. a question that does not expect a reply. call in sick as he felt too weak to
e.g. What would modem societybelikewfthout computers? go to work.
• You can start a narrative by setti ng the scene i.e. by using the
senses to describe the weather, atmosphere, surroundings and also to
create mystery and suspense.
e.g. It was a coldwinrer's night. The wind was blowing hard as Jackwas 5 All in all, adolescence can be a
walkingdown the dark empty street. difficult time. But as George
• You can also use a variety of adjectives, adverbs and verbs to make Bernard Shaw once said, "Life is
your composition more attractive to the reader. not meant to be easy; but take
e.g. -Hold on1- Hefen screamed to Bob as she desperately tried to courage, it can be delightful."
help him getoutof the freezing water.

Un ill Pori AGuidelines lor Wriling

19 a) Match the beginnings to the endings. What types of writing are b) In which extract(s) has each
the extracts from? of these writing techniques
been used'?

• quotation
• proverb/saying
• addressingthe reader
• direct speech

20 Read the extracts and replace

the words in bold with
synonymous ones from the lists.

[![] Jt was an autumn morning. Marianne, still inher pyjamas, turned on her
laptop and salatthe kitchen table. Thinking of the amount of work she
had to do, she sighed. "How am I ever going to get this done? "

n influenced by an advertisement atsome

1am sure most ofyou have.b.ee dvertising simply persuades people to
LEl...-J point in the past. In ,my oomon a
most extraordinary, impressive, huge,
buy things they don t need.
ITO MrNorton is our Chemistryteacher. I'll never forget the first time we met
him. Hewas in the school lab wearing along, whilecoat, and he was about A The interior of the hotel is very
to mix two very strange-looking liquids. "Keep back, lads," he said. "This 1) nice. It has a 2) big reception
isa very dangerous experiment. '
area wi th 3) nice leather chairs
and sofas for the guests. The 4)
nicest fea ture, however, is the
marble fountain which was
constructed at the beginn ing of
1 All in all, even though Mr Norton looks like a mad scientist, he is one of the the century.
kindest and most understandingteachers I'veeverhad. I amsure that ifyou had
methim, you wouldagree with me. paused, crept, whispering, peered
th "Well I suppose what they
2 It was 4 pm and she was exhausted bU appy. " she'thOUght to herself as
say .IS true - The early bird catches t he worm, B Suddenly Jack heard someone
sheturned off herlaptop. 1) . "At last I've foundf
, " He 2) stopped at the top 0
3 In conclusion, rthinkthat advertising should becontrolled so that consumers vou. d into
are not misled and persuaded 10 purchase goods they don't need. After all, stairs and 3) looked own I
as Alan H. Meyer, an American advertising executive, said, "The best ad is a the dark hallway.Just then,a young
good product." boy 4) came out of the shadows.

Unill Pml AGuidelines lor Wliling


The writing style you should use dependson the type of composition you are characterised by:
writing, the situation and the intended reader. Therefore, you should not use
me same style of writing for every composition. The twomain types of writing I less formal language
style are formal and informal. However, not all styles of writing fall under I less frequent use of shortforms,
mese categories. For example, in a letter to somebody you do not know very formal linking words/phrases or
'Nell or in an article for a student's magazine, the style used is neither formal the passive
nor informal, buta blend of thetwo, known asseml-tcrmal. I respectful, polite tone

FORMAL STYLE is characterised by: Compare:

Formal : I would begrateful if you
• formal expressions, advanced vocabulary, longer sentences could reply atyour earliest
e.g. TakIng everythIng Into consideration, it can be said that the convenience.
facllttles offered are of poorqualtty. Semi-formal: I look fotward to
• forma! linking words/phrases (i.e. However, Nevertheless, Inadd ition, receMng your replyassoon as
Consequently, etc.) possible.
e.g.Mobile phones are extremely useful for people who travel frequently. Informal: I waft to hear from
However, they can be dangerous. you.
I nouse ofshort forms (Le.l'm, there's ...)
e.g. I would be grateful if ... (instead of: I'd be grateful if ...J 21 Use phrases from the list to fil l
I impersonal tone, i.e. use of the passive, nodescription of feelings in the blanks in the sentences.
e.g,Late this evening, 20-year-old Tim McCormack was pulled to safety as in the example. Then. say
after being trapped under debris formore than ten hours. which lire written in forma l and
I factual presentation of the information which in informal style.
e.g. The Town Hall, constructed In the late 1800s, was seriously assess the suitability, porcelain-
damaged by fi,. In 1909. white skin, were seriously injured.
INFORMAL STYlE is characterisedby: drop by, am entitled to, point in
I everyday/colloquial expressions, vocabulary and idioms.
favour of, with flying colours.
e.g.' thought I'd drop you a line ..., Thanks a milfion ..., etc won't be able to make it, to my
mind, don't missit
I frequent use of short forms
e.g. 1won't be able to come to your party as I'll be away on a business
1 The purpose of this report is to
... assess the suitability ... of Robert
I informal phrasal verbs Bulson for the position of Assistant
e.g.Lucy takes afterherfather. She's ...
I simple linking words/phrases (i.e. but, so, because, and, etc) =formal style
e.g. It rains a lothere, so you'd better take anumbrella withyou, 2 I believe I .
I shortersentences ..................................... a full refund.
e.g. Thanks a lotfor the invitation. I'd love to come. 3 Well, I've got to go now ..
I personal tone i.e. use of first person (INle) ................. when you arrive in town.
e.g. I've gotgreat news. I've found a newJob. 4 A .
I descriptive tone t.e. use of adjectives/adverbs etc for vivid description of working from home is that one
e.g. n was a bitterlycold winter morning. can plan one's own working
S Two drivers .
.................................. after their cars
collided on the M4 late last night.
Unil l Port AGUidelines lor Willing

6 Guess what! I passed all my exams .

; With its long. black hair, beautiful blue eyes and . F Sudde.Jy, the door opened.
................................... , it was the most exquisite doll Mary had ever seen. Tracey stared n horror as the
S living abroad dark figure in the doorway
is something everyone should experience at least once in their lives. raised its arms over its head.
9 .I l bct
ct Iti ,s gOing
to be a box-office hit!
10 I'm really sorry, but I .. -------------,
GDear Mr and Mrs Smith
................................................................................ to your graduation party. ,
I'm writing to thank you' for
the kindness you showed TIle
22 Read the extracts below and answer the questions that fo llow. during my .stay with you and
yourfamily in A1arch.
a q - I
A Which is better, classical or pop music? Some peop e
believe that classical music is superior. However: I a) What type ofwriting is each
believe that both types of music offer something extract from?
different to the world of entertainment.
b) Which extracts use:

1 short forms?
2 factual presentation
of the information?
3 everyday expressions,
idioms and informal
4 formal expressions,
advanced vocabulary

_._.----- -
B I would be grateful if you
C Anyway. that's my news
for now. I hope you're
and longer sentences?
5 formal linking words/

could attend 10 this matler enjoying t he holidays as

as soon as possible. I hope much as J am. Writ e back
23 "bat style ofwrulng should you
use in the following situations:
10 hear from you soon soon and let me know how
regarding the outcome of you're getting on.
Write F (for formal), S (for
the situation. Love, semi-formal) or I (for informal).
Yours sincerely, Harry " 11)'1
Matthew Drake a a letter of complaint to the manager
of a department store
E The rescue team began their I b an article fora teen magazine on the
D The purpose of this report search for the lost skiers at II latest trends in clothes
is to assess the suitability of dawn. The missing family was c a letter to your friend asking him for
located a few hours later by a advice on which university to attend
Fairfax Eateries as caterers
search helicopter, and they
for the fi rm's annual spring d a news reportabout an accident that
were liftedto safety. No one was
party. injured, but tIley were taken to happened in your town
hospital suffering trom the cold. e a letter to a fanner teacher of yours,
thanking him fo r his advice
Unit 1 PoriAGUidelines for Writing

24 The extracts below are wri tten in the wrong style. Replace the /p
words/phrases in bold with more suitable ones from each list. 1) "Its a party invitation," said Sue as
she tore open the envelope. Paula, her
(he slightest, reached, collapsed, firstly, what ismorc, was not sister, came 2)D!nin.g into the living room
and squealed with excitement when she
\ 1) For starters, the ironing board 2) wasn't high enough. For example,
saw the white card. "It's from Danny."
when I unfolded it, it only3) came up to mywaist. 4) And then, whenever
she cried. Both girls knew that Danny
I put 5) a little hit of pres.<;ure on the board, it 6) fell down .
3) made the 4) better birthday parties in
I've met, also, really love, dull moment, in common the neighbourhood. He and his fami ly
had moved there from 5) america two
B I I) am enjo.ying myself immensely at university. 2) I have had the years before. His fatherwas a 6)
opportunity to meet many interesting people and there is never a lawyer, so they lived in the nicest part of
3) shortageof activities on campus. 4) In addition to this, my roommate, town. Danny had invited the girls to his
Becky, is a wonderful person. We have so much 5) to share that I feel as party the previous year, but they hadn't
if I've known her all my life. gone. They both had had the flu and they
were 7) such ill that they had had to stay
what is more, however, fullof comical scenes, extremely realistic, computer- in bed. They were very disappointed that
generated images they 8) hadn't been able go to the party.
This time, though, would be differe nt.
( The script is simple and straightforward 1) but it is 2) really funny. 3)
Another thing is, all the 4) things made by the computer are 5) lifelike
and the characters are truly convincing. 26 Put the following steps into the

EIlI11NG YOUR ESSAY Brainstorm for ideas and group

them into main topics.
You should always edit your piece of writing before handing it in.
In order to do this, you should make sure: Read the rubric carefully and
underline the key words.
• you have used complete sentences and that the words are in the correct
order (i.e. subject, verb, object, etc) . Identify the type of writing, the
• you have used the correct grammar (e.g. past tenses for narratives). situation, the intended reader
• you do not repeat the same words, phrases, expressions, etc. and the style of writing.
• there are no spelling errors.
Edit your essay correcting any
• youhaveused the correct punctuation. (e.g. commas, full stops, question
marks, etc) [See also Appendix III] spelling, punctuation. grammar,
• you have indented the paragraphs (i.e. have begun the first line of each etc errors.
paragraph further in from the margin). Ii[] Write your essay in the correct
style, using appropriate linking
words/phrases tojoinyour ideas
25 Read the extract and label the underlined mistakes using the and various writing techniques
following key: S (for spelling), P (for punctuation), WW (for wrong to make your piece of writing
word) or G (for grammar). Then correct the mistakes, as in the ) interesting.
example. [ill Plan the layout of your essay.
Make sure you have a separate
"Its --+ "It's 5 .
,1 6
paragraph for each main topic.
Write a topic sentence for each
3 . 7 1
r main body paragraph.
UNIT 1porr BLefler Wrifing
There are various types of letters, such as:
• letters of application • letters of complaint • letters to the editor etc.
The type of letter you should write depends on the reason for writing (i.e. to give
your news, to invite somebody to a party, etc to make a complaint, to apply for a job.
etc). Depending on the rubric. you may beasked 10 write a letter for more thanone
reason (i.e. 10 give your news and ask for advice.) The most common reasons for
writing a letter are:
• giving/asking about news • congratulating someone
• giving/asking for advice • inviting someone
• giving/asking for information • accepting/refusing an invitation
• apologising for something • making suggestions etc
• thanking someone

1 Read theextracts (A-F) and decide "hat typeof letter each is from (1 -6),
Which key words helped J OU decide'? Underline them. 2 The paragraphs in
the letterbelow arc in
A I really hope you can come [OJ I received your leaflet in the post. I am vel)'
interested in the course and would be grateful if
I jumbled order, Put
them into the correct
to my party. I'm sure we'll
have a wonderful time. you some more . J order, then identify
the type of letter,
[]] I'm writing to ask vou what you E I have enclosed my CV. I would
be grateful ifyou could consider

think I do Robert.' I'd A Unfortunately. I won't
really like your advice ashe's been ... my application. I look forward to
-- -.----...... hearing fromvou.
' ----
be able to come asI'll be at
a seminar in Berlin that
I'm having a fantastic time on holiday. I wentJ F I am writing to complain week. It's a pity I'll miss
sailing yesterday and I'mgoing to take part in a about the dishwasherwhich your big day, but I promise
diving competition this afte rnoon. I can't wait! I purch ased from your to make it up to you,
_____ .. company last Monday,
'----'--'---- ---'--
IT:CJ lcttcr of application ITO letter asking for information An)'\vay, thanks again
[II] leiter giving news GO letter of complaint B
for the invitation. 1
rn:=J letter of invitation []I] letter asking for advice \vish you both all the
best for the future.
All letters should include thefollowing: Margaret
a) an appropriate greeting (e.g. Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Aunt Claire, Dear Mrs Baker, etc);
b) an introduction. in which you write your opening remarks (e.g. Hi! Howareyou?) and
reason(s) for writing (e.g. I'mjust writing to congratulate you onpassing your exams, C Dear Rachel.
I'mwriting toapologise for ... , We were thrilled to hearthat n. , f was sorry to hear.., etc);
I'mwriting to thankyou
c) a main body. in which you write about the specific topics of the letter in detail;
d) a conclusion, in which you write your closing remarks (e.g. Please forgive me - It very much for the invitation
won't happen agaIn, I promise; Looking forward to seeing you .,,1, Please write soon, to your wedding. I'm really
Take eate/, canl
wait to hear from rou,l'dbetlllr sign off now, 11Iafs all tor noWj ; and happy the Iwo of you are
e) an appropriate ending (e.g. Yours faithfulfy + your full name, Lars of love + your first finally tying the knot.

Unit 1 Pori BLeiler Wriling

• address & date
The writing style you should use (i.e. informal, formal or seml-tormal). i.e. youraddress in the top right-
depends on who you are writing to. More specifically: hand corner, followed by the date
• when you are writing to someone you know well (l.e. a close relative, • greeting
your bestfriend, etc.) you should use informal style. l.e. Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms+ person's
surname (e.g. Dear Mrs Marcus)
• when you are writing to someone you do not know, orto someone who
is in authority (Le. the manager of a hotel, a doctor, etc) you should use • semi-formal language
formal style. • ending
• when you are writ ing 10 someone you do not know very well , or (e.g. Regards/Best wishes/etc +
someone you want to bepolite and respectful to (i.e. a friend's parents, yourfirst name or full name)
yourteacher, etc) you should use semi-formal style.
(See Appendix II for examples of each style.)

CHARACTERISTICS OF: 3 Mark the phra ses as F (for

Formal) or I (for Informal).
I would also appreciate
• address & dale
i.e. your address in the lop, right-hand corner, followed bythe date.
some information about ...
2 Well, I must go now ...
• greeting
(e.g. DearJohn, Dear Mum, etc.)
3 Please accept my sincere
• Informal language
(e.g. I've been meaning to write to you tor ages; Don't worry; Bythe way;
4 You are cordially invited
It was a piece of cake; 1'1/ pick you up; We can give it a try, etc) to attend ...
5 I amwriting in response
• ending
(e.g. Yours/Love/Best wishes!Regards/etc + your first name) to your advertisement ...
6 Thanks for the invitation
to your dinner party ...
7 I am writing to express my
• address & date strong dissatisfaction with ..............
l.e. your address as well as the recipient's address. Your address in the
8 I look forward to meeting
top, right-hand corner, followed by the date. The recipient's position,
the name and address of the company, organisation, etc on the left- you in person
hand side. 9 Just a quick note to tell
• greeting (e.g. Dear Mrs Davis - when you know the person's name - you ...
Dear Sir/Madam - when you do not knowtheperson's name) 10 I amwriting to bring to
• formal language (e.g. I am writing with regard to your advertisement; I your attention the ...
would appreciate a reply at yourearliest convenience; The product II Please do not hesitate to
which was delivered, proved to be faulty; etc) contact me ...
• ending (e.g. Yours sincerely/ faithfully + yourfull name) 12 I'm so sorry to hear you're
having problems with ...
* Note: when you begin with Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Marcus, you should end 13 Write back soon ...
with Yours sincerely + your full name. When you begin with
Dear Sir/Madam, you should end with Yours faithfully + yourfull
14 We regret to inform you
name. that ...
15 I won't take no for an
answer ...
Unit 1 PorI BleilerWriting

4 Read the situation belowand answer the questions that follow. 6) played a big parI !
was very important
This is your last year at school and you are unsure of what course to take at
7) making sure / ensuring
university. You have decided to write a letter to , asking for advice.
8) occasion / whole thing
9) went so well / was such a success
a) What style should ) 'OU use if JOu are writing to: Aa friend? 8 your
10) tell you how much I appreciate I
former teacher? C a careersadvisor?
thank you enough for
b) First match the beginnings and endings and then say which of
the people in part a) each letter is addressed to. Dear Gavin, 0
I) 10
2) for
3) with
1 Dear Karen, 4) for
Hi! How are you? I'm writing because I've no idea which course to take at the end-of-term party.
university next year. I really need your advice!
5) .
2 Dear Mrs Arnold, . 6) .
I hope thisletter findsyou well., am writing toaskyou forsome adviceabout in 7) .
which course to take at university nextyear. that the 8) .
3 Dear Sir/Madam , 9) .
I am Writing to enquire whether you can advise me on which course to apply I can't Ip) .
for next year at university. . all your hard work.

Dear Mr Conway, G
1) to
2) for
3) with
4) for
the end-of-term party.
5) .
6) .
in 7) .
that the 8) .
9) .
I can't 10) .
5 a) Read the pairs ofexpressions 0 -10) and the letters wh ich follow, ................ .
all vour hard work.
then choose the most suitable expression 10 complete each gap. Best wishes,
Beck)' Jones
1) Hi - just a quick note / I am writing
2) thank you very much / say thanks a lot
3) all your help / your kind assistance b) which letter is inform al, and
4) getting ready I preparations which letter is semi-fo rmal?
5) Your contribution / What you did What type of letter are the)'?
Unit 1 PorI BLeiler Writing

6 Match the beginnings to the endings, then identifywhat type oftetter 7 Read the rubr ics below and
each pair is from. Finally, saywhether each pair has been written in answer the questions.
formal or informal style.
A You have seen an
advertis ement in the local

' :1.
newspa per for a teaching job.
Write a letter to the
headmaster of the school,
1 I'm writing to tell you my wonderful news ,..
II applying for the job .

B A friend you haven't seen for

2 ! would. greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with some months is getting married in
information regarding .., the summ er and has invited
you to the wedding. Write a
letter acce pting the invitation.
3 Thanks alotforyour invitation. We'd loveto come
C You have just returned from a
trip to South America. Write a
4 J can't tell you how sorry I am that I ruined ...
I letter to a friend telling him/her
all about it.
5 I am writing to draw your attention to the terrible treatment I received
D You are the secretary of a
languag e school and have
from ";' .... received a letter from someone
6 I am writing to apply for the post of music teacher as advertised in ... I interested in learning French.
Write a letter in reply, informing
the person about the courses
offered at your school.

E You recently boug ht a box of

yo ur favourite breakfast cereal.
On opening it, you found that
the box was half empty and the
A Once again, I'dlike to say how very sony I am about... remai ning co ntents were no
longer fresh. Write a letter to the
manager of the cereal company
B 1 enclose my CV and would be glad to attend an interview at your com plaining about it.
earliest convenience.
F Your cousin has recently wo n
first prize in a short story
C Well, that's all for now, Write back and tell me what you've been up to, com petitio n. Write a letter
congratulating them on their
o let meknow if you wantus to bring anything to the party. See you on
the big day! I) What type of letter should you write
foreach rubric?
E I look forwardto receiving the information and would be grateful jf you 2) Who is going to read your letter?
could reply as soon as possible.
3) What style should you use in each
receive your letter?
F 1insist on a written apology. I trust this matter will ..I) Howwould you begin and end each
immediate attention. letter?
5) Can yousuggest appropriate opening
and closing remarks for each letter?
UNIT 2Informollellers
1m 1 Read questions I to 3, then listen to the cassette and choose the correct
answers. Finally, use your answers to talk about Monique's letter.
1 Who is Monique writing to? 2 What is her main reason for writing'!
Paragraph 1
A a complete stranger A to tell Jackie some good news
B someone she knows well B to apologise for not writing sooner opening remorks/ rsosontsl
for writing
3 Which of these statements are true'! Tick (v").
In her letter to Jackie, Monique ...
A mentions her future plans D0 complains about Jackie's last letter D Paragraphs 2 • 3 • 4 *
B invites Jackie to visit her 0 E asks Jackie (0 reply soon D development of the
C promises to write soon D F sends her regards to Jackie's parents 0 subjectlsl

Informal letters aresent to people you know well (e.g. friends, relatives, etc) about Final Parag raph
yourrecent news, personal problems, information you need, etc. They are written in
an informal style with a chatty, personal tone. closing remarks
• An informal letter should consist of:
a) an informal greeting (Dear Ken/Aunt Joan/etc); • The number of main body
paragraphs may vary,
b) an introduction in which you write your opening remarks (Le. asking about your
depending on the rubric.
friend's health, etc) and mention your reason for writing
e.g. Hi!How are you? I thought I'd write andlet you know that ... ;
c) a main body in which you write the main subject(s) of the letter in detail, starting
a new paragraph foreach topic;
d) a conclusion in which you write your closing remarks ( •• , Li k e s
e.g. That's all my news fornow. Write back soon ... ; \:::::;/ I like living here
e) an informal ending (e.g. Lots of love/Best wishes/ate + your first name).
because ...
What I like most is
2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. that there is/are ...
The best thing is that
You recently moved to a big city and have decided to write to a friend from there is/are ...
your old neighbourhood. Write a letter describing life in your new city and your
feelings about the change.

I Who is going to read your letter? • heavy traffic (negative) ( •• ,D I s lik e s

2 Where is this person now? • constant noise from cars \:::.,J I hate/can't stand .
3 Where arc you now? • ugly grey buildings J can't get used to .
4 Why are you writing the letter? • plenty of sports facilities
Unfortunately, there
5 What topics shouldyour letter include? • wide choiceof things to do
is/arc ...
• huge crowds
6 Ilowwill you begin and end the
letter'! • good public transport system
• large modern shops c.g. What I like most is that
7 Which of the followi ng are positive there are lots of cafes and
aspects of life in a big city'! Which are 8 Make sentences using the prompts cmemas.
negative'! above and the phrases in the boxes on I can't stand the collstallt
• lots of cafes, cinemas, etc (positil'e) the right, as in the example. noise from the cars.


What can you do in a big city? What can't you do? Use the prompts to b) Underline the topic sentences
make sentences, as in the examples. You can use your own ideas. in the main bodyparagraphs,
- £0 for a walk in the fields - make lots of new friends then suggest other appro-
go shopping in huge do lots of different things priate ones.
shopping centres - walk homesafely at night
get around easily 4 Use the prompts to make
lOll can't gofora walk in the fields. sentences, as in the example.
rOll can go shopping in huge shopping centres.

10 Match thefeelings to the reasons, then makesentences, asintheexample.

I homesick a the city never sleeps
pleased b there's more crime in the city
3 unsafe because c there arc always new things to do
disgusted as d I miss myfriendsand myoId neighbourhood
• excited e there's rubbish everywhere
::...;.. 1 d Jfeel homesick because I miss myfriends andmyold neighbourhood. I. streets are crowded - I soon got
used to it (even though)
3 a) Read the letter and underline the correct tenses in bold. Then, • lots of things to do - heavy traffic
label the paragraphs with the headings below. makes it difficult to get around
• opening remarkslreason(s) for writing (however)
• writer's feelings about the change • plentyof sports centres -
• closing remarks • life in the new city expensive to join (although)

Dear Sharon, Para 1 e.g. Even though the streets are crowded, J
How are you? Sorry 1) I'm taklngave taken so long to opening remarks/ soon got used to it.
write, but I've been busy settling in. An)l\\'ay, [ thought rt:a.wm(.l) for
2) I'd drop/I've dropped you a line to let you know how writing
I'm getting on here.
Birmingham is a really exciting city with millions of
Para 2
things to do. There's so much tochoose from, Isometimes
find it hard to make up my mind where to go! Although I
still 3) didn't get! haven't got used to the traffic, the noise
and the huge crowds, I think it's a great city.
I likeliving here now, bul l sometimes feel homesick as
I miss lots of things about Gowrie. 4) I'll never/l don't
forget the beautiful countryside and the old stone cottages. Para 3
living inthe city means I can't gofor long wal ks bythe sea,
either. Most of all, I miss my friends - especially you, of not many shops - you can find
course! We always 5) had/were having such a great time almost everythingyou need (but)
together, 6) haven't! didn't we? • and trains - always
Well, that's all my news for now. Please write backand arnvc on tune (nevertheless)
let me know what 7)you were/you 've been up to since I Para 4
• no restaurants - a few inns that
8) heard/have heard from you last. Say "hi" to Tom and
serve delicious homemade food
joanna, too. Ipromise I'll come backand visitall ofyou as
soon as Ican.
Lots of love,
A ngela
e.g. There aren 't many shops, butyou can
findalmost el'ef}1Itingyounced
Unil 21nlorffiollellers

I . Opening remarks in informal letlersmay include:
a) questions/Wishes about recent events, the person's health, etc
ages, drop you a line, let you know, really,

Dear Bob.
b) a thank you tothe person fortheir last letter, comments about theirnews HOW are you? 1)1 apologise for the
c) an apology for a delay in writing/replying fact t"at I nuven't written fo r 2) a
d) the reason why you are writing considerable time, but I've been
• Closing remarks in informal letters may include: 3) extremely busy. Anyway, I
e) thereason why you must end theletter I'd 4)communicate With you bTlefly
f) greetings 10 the person's family/friends to 5) inform you that I've just passed
g) wishes, a promise (e.g. to write again soon), an invitation, etc
my driving test! \
h) a request to the person to reply soon "---.. . . L. -....-......
5 Match sentences 1-8 to points a-h in the box above. can'twait to hear, lots oflove, thats all
fornow, write soon, you've been up /0
Hello - how areyou? I hope you're feeling better.
[ f ( .. '
I was sorryto hear that you aren't goingto ...
well, 6J I have no further news at
I'll write as soon as 1can and let you know about ...
present. Please 7J reply promptly - I
Please write soon and tell me all your news. 8) am anxious to learn what 9) your
Well, that's all my news. I'd better end now, because ... recent activities have been. rake care.
The reason I'm writing is to ask you if ...
10J Yours sincerely,
Give my best wishes to your parents.
Sorry I've taken so long to put pen to paper, but ... Karen

8 Suggest opening and closing

When writing friendly letters, you normally useinformal style.Informal writing remarks(or the letters below, as
is characterised bythe use of: in the example.
• everyday vocabulary (e.g. I hada great time)
congratulate a friend on passing
• colloquial expressionsjldioms (e.g. drop mea line)
his/her exams
• phrasal verbs (e.g. getan, settle in)
2 invite a friend to your birthday
• shortforms (e.g. can't, don't, I'm, I'm party
3 apologise to your friend because
6 Wh ich of the fo llowing sentences are wri tten in informal st)"le? you couldn't go to hislher birthday
I I'm writing to see how you're getting on in your new tlat. /nfonnal 4 ask your friend for advice on how to
2 I look forwardto receiving a prompt reply. lose weight
3 Give your sister a big hugfrom me.
4 What are you up to this summer? e.g, I Opening remarks:
5 We're having a fantastic time here at the camp. H4 how's everything going? I've
6 Would itbe possible foryou to attendthe club'sannual meeting next month? just heard that you passed all your
7 You'd never believe howwell I've been gettingon at school. exams. Congratulations.'
Closing remarks:
7 Some phrases in the following extracts are written in the wrong style. Well, I'd better go and do some
Read them and correct the mistakes using the words/phrases in the work.' Once again, well done.'
lists. Writesoon.

9 Corr ect the mistakes, as in the 10 Read the rubrics below. 1I0w man)' main body paragraphs would
example. each letter haw? What would each paragraph be about?

1 Congratulations k passing your

driving test! ...on... A You are about to visit a friend in another country and you are not sure
, Write and tell me how it's like in what clothes to take with you or how to get to their house.
Paris .
e.g. two IIUlin body parographs
J I still can't get used to wake up so
Paro 2 - askabout dotnes to take with you
early in the morning .
Paro 3 - askhow toget to friend's house
-I I thought I'd write and ask you 10
give me an advice .
I hope that everything will turn up B You have recently moved into a new house. Write a letter to your friend
all right. . describing your new house and inviting him/her to spend a weekend with
6 Sorry I haven't written from ages, you.
but I've beenbusy, .
I Write me a line and tell me allyour e Your uncle has invited you to attend his wedding in a month's time.
news . Write a letter thanking him for the invitation and asking him what you
8 I'm writing to apologise about not should buy as a wedding present.
coming to your wedding .
9 I look fo rward to hear from you
soon . D You've got two tickets for a week's i.n the a
letter to your friend, inviting him/her to JOIn you, grvmg details which
10 Don't you think my news are
places you arc going to visit and suggestions as to what he/she Wi ll need
exciting? .
to take with him/her.

E Your cousin is moving to your city. He/She wants to attend the same
school asyou. Write a letter to him/her, describing your school, teachers
and timetable, and mentioning extra activities the school offers.
In informal letters you usually talk
about more than one topic.
• The rubric gives you information
about the subject of the letter and Useful expressions for making suggestions
often tells you specific topics which • •
you [lust write about. - e.g. You • I think ltyoulwe should... • Howdoyoufeel about +... ing ...?
have just passedan important test or • Perhaps l/youlwe could ... • How about +... ing... ?
examination. Write a letter 2 telJ'ng a • What do yOIl think: about + • lVhy do" 'I Hyoulwe ...?
pen friend a/XJUt your success and .
... mg ....? • Wouldyou like me/us to ...?
3 describing your plans for the future.
• H'llat about +... ing...? • Would you like to... ?
• These topics will bediscussed in the
main body of your letter. You should
begin a new paragraphfor each topic.
11 Use the prompts below and expressions from the table above to make
Para 1: Opening remarks
Para 2: Tell friend about success
Para 3: Describe lans forfuture I come / dinner / my house / next Monday
Para 4: Closing remarks 2 spend / weekend / in / mountains
3 go shopping/ in / citycentre
4 visit / art gallery/ while/ be / in London

12 Look at the town map and, with a partner, suggest where and when 3 How many paragraphs should you
you could meet and what you could do there. include in the main body?
-I Which phraseswould you use to ask
e.g. A: What about meeting atthe Fairview Museum atnoon?
for advice?
B: That 's a good idea. We could admire the local art.
b) Read the letter and under-
line the phrases that l\fary
uses to ask for advice.

Dear Pam,
Sorry that J haven't written for
ages, but I've been very busy studying.
I'm writing because I'd reall y like your
advice abouta problem J have.
My frien ds and I have decided to
go away on holiday in the summer,
but I don 't have enough money. J was
13 a) Read the following rubric and answer the questions. wondering if you had any ideas
about earning some extra cash. If I
A friend of yours , who has been living in another country for some
don't save up enough money by
time, is going to visit you for a week. Write a letter suggesting what
August, J'II have to go away with
you might do tog ether and what sights you might visit.
Mum and Dad instead. Can you think
1 Where would you take your friend? of anything that would help me to
2 What is the most popular attraction in your city/town? make some money qUickly?
3 Are there any bazaars, outdoor markets, fairs, restaurants, etc which are , know that you alwa ys have lots
worth visiting? of great ideas! What would you
-I What kind of traditional dishes would you suggest your friend should try? advise me to do? Please write back as
soon as you can.
b) Use Jour answers from questions 1 to -I and appropriate
expressions to write the main body paragraphs or this letter. lots of love,


To ask for advice, you can use phrases such as:
Do you think I should ...1, Should / ... 1, What do you think I should do?
Do you have any idea about 7, I'd like to know what you think about ... GMNG AIlVlCE
Can you think of anything that ?, I was wondering ff you ... An intormalIet ter giving advice
What would you advise me to 7 etc should offer sympathy and
encouragement, aswell asspecific
advice with reasons. Each piece of
14 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the advice is written in a separate
questions. paragraph.
You want to go on holiday in the summer but don't have enough • Opening remarks -
money. Write a letter to a friend asking for his/her advice about I was sorry to hear that ...
ways to earn extra money. Cheer up/Don't worry too much.
Don!/et n getyou down.
Why are you writingthe letter? I'monly too glad to help.
2 Who isgoing to read your letter?

16 a) Read Pam's reply and replace phrases 1-6 with phrases A·F.
• Giving advice -
If / were you/in your posmon, I'd!
u:IAJ I'd be happy OJ!] howthings go
I wouldnl ...
You should/shouldn 't n. CIID Don't let itget you down rn if / were you. I'd
ft would(nl)lmlght be a good Idea DTI Howabout CIT] Perhapsyou could also
(lor you) 10 ...
(/ think) the best thing would be Dear Mary,
(lor you) 10 ...
Why donl you ... ? Thanks very much fo r your letter, and of course 1) I'm only too glad to
Have you thought oflabout ... help. Here are a few things you can try to earn all the money you need.
(t -Ing)? First of all, 2) J think you should get a Saturday job. 3) Have you thought
Another good idea Is to ... of trying to get one in a local sho p so that you can be close to home? This
• Result - will mean that you won.'t have to travel so far on Saturdays.
This w1II/would mean that ... .4) An.other good idea is to get a job babys itting. Why don't you ask your
Then/That way ... nelghbours? My only advice is not to get ve ry young children, because they
If you do this, you would ... so that need all your attention.
you oould/would ...
• Closing remarks -
/ hope that this/my advice helps.
r - 7
hope my advice helps. 5) Don't give up if you can. 't fin.d ajob immediately.
Wnte and let me know 6) what happens.
/ILet's hope that things gat bettar/ Yours, /
that everything tums outallright. Pam
Letme know what happens.

b) Wh at advice does Pam gin to 1\1a1)'? \\'hat other advice could

15 Match the problems to the you give to How else could )'ou start and end the letter?
advice, then make sentences.
17 Read the rubric, underline the key words, and answer the questions.
Jm I can't stop eatingjunk food
everyday. I'm overweight. Your pen friend has written you a letter askinq for advice on how to
improve his/her eating habits and get fit. Write a letter offering advice .
] I ] I haven't got any friends. I'm
lonely. 1 What isthe reason for writing? Who is going to readyour letter?
] I ] I'm very bad at Maths. I'm going 2 How many paragraphs should you include in the main body?
to fail my exam. 3 What opening and closing remarks should you write in your letter?
JIJ I haven't got much money. I can't 4 Match the advice in column A to the results in column B. Then, use
appropriate expressions to make sentences, as in the example.
go out with my friends.
] I ] I argued with my friend. He! She
won't talk to me now. A B
I join a gym - exe rcise regularly a follow balanced diet, won't put
a Talk 10 your teacher. You will get 2 try not to eat so much junk food, on weight
extra help. sweets, etc b bodywon't become lazy
b Join a gym. You willlose weight. 3 eat plenty of fish, fruit and c body won't store so much sugar
c Apologise to him/her. You'J[ be vegetables and fat
friends again. 4 don't go everywhere by car/bus d soon get in shape and feel fitter
d Join a club. You will meet new
e.g. ld If I were you, I would join a gym and exercise regularly. This will mean
e Get a part-time job. You wi ll earn
some money. that you 'Il Sooll get in shape and fcel filter.

e.g, Why dOIl't you join a gym? If you do

this, you lllose weight.
18 Readthe rubric in Ex. I' again, thenwrite your letter (120-180 words).
Use the letter in Ex. 16 as a model, as well as your answers from Ex. 17.
UNIT 3formal Leiters
1!!1 1 a) Read the questions below, then listen to the beginnings and endings of
three letters and tick the correct box for each letter.

1 Why has the letter been written? Letter 1 letter 2 leiter 3

A to apply for a job . D D D
B to ask for information . D D D
C to make a complaint . D D D
b) Listen again and tick the correct boxes fo r each letter.

2 How does the letter begin? Le tter I Letter 2 Letter 3

A Dear Advertiser . D D D
B Dear Sir/Madam . D D D
C Dear Mr Will iams . D D D
3 Which of the followi ng expressions have been used
in the opening/closing remarks?
A With reference to your advertisement ... D D D
R I am writing to apply for the position .0 . D D D
C I amwriting to express my dissatisfaction ... D D D
D I look forward to hearing from you ... D D D
E I must insist on a full refund ... D D D
F Thank you in advance ... D D D
4 Howdoes the letter end?
A Yours faithfully . D D D
B Lots of love . D D D
C Yours sincerely . D D D Introduction
• ••••••••••••••••
Paragraph 1

Forrnal letters are normally sentto peoplein an official position or people you don't opening remarks!
know welt (e.g. Director of Studies, Personnel Manager, etc). They are written in a reosoorst for w riting
formal style with a polite, impersonal tone.
• You can write a formal letter to apply for a job/course, make a complaint, give/
Main Body
request official information, etc.
Paragraphs 2 3 4 •
• Aformalletter should consist of:
a) a format greeting (e.g. Dear Sir/Madam· when you do not know the person's development of subject(sJ
name; Dear Ms Green · when you know the person's name);
b) an introduction in which you write your opening remarks and mention your Conclusion
reason(s) for writing e.g. / amwriting to apply for the position of ...J;
c) a main body inwhich you write about the main subject(s) of the letter in detail, Final Paragraph
starting a new paragraph foreach topic;
closing remarks
d) a conclusion in which you writeyour closing remarks
e.g. / Iook forward to hearing from you assoon aspossible ... ; • The number of main body
e) a formal ending (Yours faithfully - when you do not know the person 's name; paragraphs may vary,
Yourssincerely · when you know the person 's name; + your full name). depending on the rubric.

Unil 3 lormollellelS

When you write a letter applying for a job or a course, you should include
the following information:
Yours foitlifully,
A) in the opening remarks/reasonts) for writing steven Davies
• the name of the job/course, where and when you saw advertised.
e.g. ... the posmon of manager advertised inyesterday's Herald.
B) in themain body paragraphs (paras 2-3-4) B Dear Headteacher, ..... _
• age, present job and/or studies (e.g. / am a nineteen-year-old university
student )
• qualifications (e.g.I have a SA in French.) Kind regards,
• experience (e.g. 1have been working asa waiter tor the fast two yeaIS.) Steve
• skills and personal qualities thai are suitable for thejob/course
e.g. I am a goodandcareful driver. I consider myself to be mature and
C) in the closing remarks
• any otherimportant information (Le. when you are available forinterview,
Yours sincerely,
where and when you can be contacted, references you can send, a
remark that you hope your application will be considered, etc) steven Davies
e.g. I will be available for fnterview in September.
I enclose references from myfast two employers. 6 Which of thefollowing points should
I/ook Iorward to _ng from you. you include in your letter? Tick (I)
You usually use:
the present simpleto describeskills/personal qualities
A your favourite subjects at 0
e.g. f am a patient andreliabfe person. school
the past simpleto talk about past experiences B your qualifications 0
e.g. I left schoof in 1994. f worlced for General Motors forfour years. C your present and previous 0
the present perfect to talk about recentwork/studies jobs
e.g. I have been working 10, L1YlJ lor two yeaJS . D a description ofyour 0
I haverecently finished secondaIy school.
E your personal qualities 0
2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the F your plans for the summer 0
7 What do you thinkthe successful
You saw this advertisement in a local newspaper and have decided candidate should be?
to apply for the job.._ --J:==r :::iii A patient D artistic
George's Primary School is looking for a B enthusiastic E hard-working
energetic and experienced schoolteac.her C athletic F fair
'D join'usinSeptember. Must be agood orqaoser
8 What experience would someone
md keen on sports. . need fo r this kind of job?
:,easeapplyinwrtting toMrs giving detaIls
A experience with children
c( qualifications, skills and prevIous expenence
saying why you think you are suitable for theJob. B experience in public relations
Closingdate 12th May. 9 What qualifications would someone
need to apply for this job?
Write your letter of application . Do not write any addresses. A a driving licence
B a BA in Education
1 Who isgoing to readyour letter? 4 Why arc you writing this letter? C a degree in Media Studies
, Do you know this person at all? 5 How should you begin and end D a certificate in gymnastics
3 What style should you use? the letter? Choose A to C. E a diploma in interior design
Unil3 lormollellers

3 Read the Jetter and label the paragraphs with the headings below. 5 Fill in the correct form of the
Sa)' what qualifications, experience and personal qualities Steven verbs in the list.
has. no JOu think he will get thejob?
study, be a member, graduate,
• closing remarks . personal qualities • age/present joh/qualifications join, attend, award
• opening remarkslreason(s) for writing . experience
I graduated from Lancers University
in 1998 wi.th a first class degree in
Dear Mrs Hunter, Para 1 Physical Education.
With reference to your advertisement in Thursday's 2 At the moment, J .
edition of the DailyStar, I am interested in applying courses at Southfield College.
for the position of primary school teacher.
Para 2
3 After leaving high school, I .
I am 28 years old and currently teaching in Margate. I ........................ Art at the School of
have a BSc degree awarded by GlasgowUniversity in Fine Art in Paris.
1997. I completed my certificate in Education at
Preston Teacher Training College in 1998. 4 I am keen on sports. I .
Para 3 Barton football club three months
I have been working for Margate Education
Department since 1999. Owing this lime, I have
enjoyed teaching a variety of subjects , including 5 I of the local
English, Gene ral Scie nc e and Games. orchestra, where I play the violin.
I consider myself to be punctual, hard-working and Para 4 6 I was agrade A
fair. I enjoy working with child ren and have good in Maths.
organisational skills.
I e nclose a reference from my present employer. I
would be grateful if you would consider my Para 5 FORMAL STYLE
application. I am available for intervie w any weekday Formal style is characterised by the use
morning. I look forward to hearing from you. of:
Yours sincerely, • advanced vocabulary
5fe.,;" n e.g. f am writing to enquire whether
m (not: I WMt t6 aSH
Steven Davies • formal linking words/phrases
(consequently, however, therefore,
for this reason)
4 Read the letter again and find formal expressions to match the e.g. I have worlred 8S. prl/1l8lY
school teacher forten
informal ones in the table, as in the example.
andtherefore have experience
working with children.
Informal Style Formal Style
• passive voice
About your adve rt . With reference toyour advertisement ... e.g. I can be contacted '"
I want to apply for . (not: You em} eontaet me ...J
J got my teachingcertificate ... • polite forms without contractions
I've had a job in e.g. I would be grateful if ""
I would appreciate ft if you
I think I'm always on time ... could...
I like working with kids ... I would like to apply ...
There's a note from my boss ... 'not·
.' "e!llre ...
I'd like it if you hired me ... Colloquial expressions, phrasal verbs,
I'm free to talk to you ... idioms and short forms are not used in
formal style.
Drop me a line sometime ...
Unil 3fGrmnllellels

6 a) Read the letters belowand label the paragraphs with the headings.

• opening rematkslreasonts} for writing . experience, personal qualities

• closing remarks . age/qualificatiom • other ill/omlotioll

Dear Sir/Madam,
® Para 1 Dear Manager,
I am writing to apply for the position of part-time Hi! I've decided to drop you a line
shop assistant which was advertis ed in this week's reason(s) for about the job you advertised in the
edition of the Frankfurt English News. writing Frankfurt English News.
I ama I6-year-old student. In December I passed the I'm a Is-veer-old student, and my
examination for the First Certific ate in English with Para 2 English isn't bad. I got an A in the
grade A. It is my ambi tion to become a teacher of First Certificate exam! I want to be
English. Therefore , e mployme nt in an Enqlish- an English teacher, so it would be lots
language bookshop particularly appeals to me . of fun to sell English books.
Despite mylack offonnalworkexperience, I feel that I haven't worked before, but I'm sure
Para 3
I would be well-suited for the position. For the pa st I'd be good at the job. I've helped out
= twoyears I have been a volunteer helper in our school in our school library forages, and the
" library. In my school report I was described by the librarian says you can count on me
librarian as enthusiastic, dedicated and reliable. to work hard.
Since the school holidays include the monthsofJuly Para 4 I won't be doing anything in July and
and August, I will have no other conunitments and August.We've got ourschool holidays
would be available to work at any time, excluding then, so I can workany hours you like
Saturdays, for as manyhours as needed. (but not Saturdays).
I may be contacted at the above address, or by You can get in touch with me at the
Para 5
telephone on 435 1708. I look forward to receiving a above address, or give me a ring on
reply in due course. 435 1708. Let me know soon!
Yours faithfully, All the best,
Shffi I3ravn ShHi
Steffi Braun Steffi Braun

b) Compare the twe letters. Which one has an appropriate greeting 7 In which letter in Ex, 6 can you
and ending? Then, underline the phrases in Letter Awhich mean find each of these features?
the same as the phra ses in bold in Letter B. " lt ich style is more Label each point as A or B,
suitable in a formal letter applying for a job? "lty?
1 short forms
c) Read the advertisements below, \\bich job did Stem apply for? 2 passive voice
3 a friendly, personal tone
.y Hard-working young assistant wanted fo r part-time work in a bookshop everyday vocabulary
during July/August. No sales experience needed, but a good 5 fo rmallinking words/phrases
understanding 01 English is essential. 6 phrasal verbs or idioms
Apply in writing to Bookworms. 7 longer, more complex
rlY Large department store seeking ambitious and experienced floor 8 advancedvocabulary
manager to work on a full time basis, Computer skills an asset.
9 colloquial expressions
For more information call J.T. Reeves at 217-3233. 10 a polite, impersonal tone
Unil3 lormollellers

8 Read the rubric, und erlin e the 9 write Jour letter of application (1 20· 180 words). Do not write any
key words, a nd answer th e addresses. Use your answers from Ex. 8 to help you. You can use the
questions. letter in Ex. 3 as a model.

You saw th is advertisement in

a local newspaper , and have
decided to apply for the job. LETTERS OF COMPLAINT

-- ----
.'" Young helpE'ro:. (18 . 25) need ed in \
In a formal letter making a complaint, you may use a mild tone, for complaints
about minor problems, or a strong tone, for complaints about more serious
matters, especially when you are extremely upset or annoyed. However, the
our e;, ummf'f camp for 10 14 language you use should never berude or insulting.
olde. Ilutj es includE' helpinq wtth t • Intheopening remarks, you should stale your complaint, including
qames and ether acti\litie<;" ! details of what has happened and where/when the incident took place.
th.lper" must .:,peak Engl i":lh or \ e.g. (Mild) • f am writing in connection with .../to complain about ..• the
French and be able to work any terrible behaviour/attitude/rudeness of .
time, including scme f am writing to draw your attention to which ...
from 5th - 25th July. Apply m (Strong) • f wish to bring to your attention a problem which arose due
writing to Ben Carroll. to your staff/inefficiency " 'J
• 1am writing to express my strong dissatislaction at ...
• f wish to express my dissatisfaction/unhappiness wfth the
productJtreatmentI receNecf from ... on...
• In the main body paragraphs, you present each of the specific points you
are complaining about. You start a new paragraph foreach point and justify
these points bygiving examples/reasons.
e.g. • Although you adlertise "top quality", 1Ie" that the product1purchased
was well below the _ I expected.
• Inthe closing remarks, you should explain what you expect to happen
(e.g. to be given a refundjreplacementapoloqy/etc).
e.g. (Mild) I hope you will replace ...
1 What skills/qualifications and f feel/believe that f amentitled to a replacement/refund ...
personal qualities do you think I hope that /hIs matler can be resolved/dealt with promptly.
(Strong) f insist 00/1 demand a full refund/an immediate replacement/etc
would help you get the job?Circle.
or 1shall be forced to lake legal acfjon/the matter further.
A energetic and sociable
I hopethat I will not be forced to lake further action.
B can drive a car
C worked in a summer camp last year
D have worked as a waitress
E likeworking with children 10 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the
F good at outdoor activitiesand sport questions.
G good cook
H good organiser You recently bought a calculator, but you were given the wrong
I speak English and French model by mistake. When you complained, the shop assistant was
2 Which of the points above refer to rude to you. Write a letter to the company's complaints department,
skills, qualifications, experience or explaining the reasons for your dissatisfaction and saying what
personal qualities? action you expect the company to take.
3 Do you know the person you are I Who is going to read your letter?
writingto? 2 Do you know the personyou arc writing to?
-t What isyour reason for writing? 3 Why arc you writing this letter?
5 How shou ldyou begin and end the 4 Would you use a mild tone or a strong tone? Why?
letter? 5 What opening and closing remarkswould you write?
Unil3 lorffioilellers

11 a) Read the letter opposite,and

fill in the gaps with words/ Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my stro ng dissatisfaction at the Para 1
phra ses from the list. c

disgraceful treatment I received at the Walford

butalso, furthermore, not :::: bra nch of Stimpson's Electronics yesterday afternoo n.
only, however, in addition to,
(1) , the product I was given was not
firstly, to makematters worse
the model I had asked for. T he new X-40 I calculator Para 2
was demonstrated to me by the sales assistant, and I
b) Read the letter again and ag ree d to bu y it. (2) , on
label the paragraphs with unpacking my purchase, I saw that. I had bee n given
these headings. the smaller X-20 I mod el instead.
- closingremarks (3) , this calculator was
Para 3
• opening remarks/reason(s) mu ch cheaper than the model I requested and paid
for writing ': for. It didn't have man y of the features I need ed
• 1st complaint & examples! and was much more basic than the one I was shown
rea.wm to begin with.
• 2nd complaint & examples! (4) , I was deeply offend ed by
Para 4
reasons the behaviour of the sales assistant. when I went back
- 3Td complaint & examples! to the shop to comp lain. He was (5) ..
reasons impolite, (6) unh elpful. He refused
to contact th e manager when 1asked to speak to him
about the inciden t.
c) Now answer the questions.
you can imagine, 1 am extremely up sct. I must
1 Why is Mrs Adams complaining? § insist on a full refund , (7) .. Para 5

, What are her specific complaints? "0 a written apology from th e local manager, or else I
3 Docs she justify her complaints? If .3 shall be forced to take further action. I expect to
so, how does she justify them? hear fro m yOll as soo n as possible.
What is Mrs Adams expecting? Yours faithfully,
Tick (I ) (,,,,,,4< 114""
· A repl acement D Caroline Ad ams
• A full refund 0
-- - _I
· The calculator to be repaired D
· An apology 0 12 Read the followingextracts and saywhich of them are beginnings (8)
- What will Mrs Adams do if she is and which are endings (E). What tone has the writer used in each?
nol satisfied?
Has Mrs Adams used a mild or a o:I!J I am writing to complain about the quality of an appliance I recently
strong tone? Underline the words!
phrases that justifyyour answer. --
purchasedfrom your company.
- --
mild tone

I [ill I demand an immediate replacement or a full refund. or I shall he

I forced to take the matter further. . .

@:D I would appreciate it if the faulty appliance could either be replaced or

repaired assoon as possible. . .

I am writing to inform you that I was absolutely horrified by the

rudenessof your shop assistants. .. .

Unit3 formoi lellers

13 Read the situations. and answer Opening remarks ... Closing remarks ...
the questions that folluw, as in
the examples. A Iwish to express my r feel completely cheated and
dissatisfaction with your mail- therefore demand a full refun d
J A month ago you ordered some order service. of the money paid to you.
skiing equipment from a sportsshop B I am writing to express my 1 I insist that the product be
and paid by credit card. Although disgust at the facilities and replaced or else I will be forced
you asked for it to besent by courier, service offered byyour travel to take further action.
you have received nothing. You agency. 3 Unless I receive the equipment
urgently need this equipment. C I feci r must complain about the by the end of this week, I will
misleading advertisement on have no choice but to cancel my
II You recently bought an air TV promoting your product. order.
conditioner which had been
advertised on television. On
receiving it, you discovered that it 14 Read the situation below and say:
was nothing like the product shown a) who you would address the letter of complaint tOj
in the advertisement. b) what complaints you would include in the letter; and
c) what opening and closing remarks you would write.
111 You have just come back from a
package holidaywhere you were very
disappointed by the lack of facilities You live near a secondary school. Latelyyou have been disturbed by
and poor services. noisy children who gather outside your house, playing loud music
and throwing litter into your garden.
1 Which of the following complaints
would you include in each letter?
Write full sentences. 15 Join the following complaints to their examples/reasons, using
A have already paid - equipment linking words/phrases from the list below, as in the example.
still not delivered - urgently el'en though, however, inspite of the fact, nevertheless, although, but
need it Letter I
1 The new game took fifteen minutes to load onto my computer.
The salesman said it would load instantly.
The new game took fifteen minutes to load onto my computet; even though
B contrary to advertisement - no the salesman said it would load instantly.
swimming pool rooms 2 I paid fora set of five compact discs. There were only threecompact discs
extremely small - no maid in the box.
servIce " ..
3 The advertisement said the tent waswaterproof. Rain continually dripped
into the tent.
C model not oneadvertised - huge
- ugly - old-fashioned model
The bicycle was brand new. The chain came off my bicycle the first time I
rode it.

5 The battery went flat after only two hours. The instructions said it lasted
2 Match the opening and closing for sixteen hours.
remarks, then say which letter of
complaint you would use them for.
Unil31orffiol lellers

16 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the 17 These paragraphs are written in
questions. the wrong style, Correct them by
using thewords in the list. Then,
You recently went for a meal at Benny's fast food restaurant, which
say which is an opening remark
is part of an international chain. Unfortunately, the service was very
slow and the food was badly cooked, so you complained to the and which is a dosingremark.
supervisor. However, he was very rude to you and insisted on your
paying for the meal. You have decided to write a letter of complaint A - asyou can imagine - afull refund
to the company's head office. Write your letter. explaining the - a written apology - J am extremely
reasons for your complaint and saying whatyou expect the company upset - l feel ]am entitled to - I
to do. look fOlWard to receiving your
1 What isyour reason for should you write'! What should
writing? the topic of each one be'!
, Do you know the person you are 6 Read the advertisement and the 1) I'm sure you can guess 2) I'm
writing to? complaints in the speechbubbles. really cross. 3) I think I get
4) all my money back, in addttlOn. to
J Would you usc mild or strong Then, use the complaints and
5) a great big "sorry" fromthe local
language? Why? suitable linking words/phrases to
manager. 6) Write 500n.
explain the reasons why you are
of How would you begin and end
the letter?
.. HO\v many mainbody paragraphs B - complained - I am wnnng to
express . ] was served - my anger
J had to wait - my complete dissatisfaction - the
15 minutes to give my' behaviour of the supervisor
order. It took a further
20 minutes for the \ \
food to be
served. 1) Hi - r want to tell you 2) how
shocked and disgusted I was with
the meal 3) , had last night at the
local branch oj Benny's, and 4) how
reatly furious I was at 5) what the
The chips were supervisor did when I 6) said the
raw, the meat was food was horrible.
frozen in the middle
and the tomatoes
were rotten.
18 Read the rubric in Ex. 16 again.
Write Jour letter (120-180
I complained to the word s), using Jour answers
supervisor, who insisted on my from Exs. 16and 17 to helpJOu.
paying for the meal. When J refused,
You can use the Icttcr in Ex. II
he rudely told me to leave.
as a model.
e.g. ] Despite the restallrallt's claim offast Sell 'ice, ] had to wait

7 What would you expect the company to do'? (e.g. refund, dismiss the
supervisor, improve service, check on quality of food, etc) In which
paragraph would you write your demands?

UNIl4 Semi-lormollellers
111 1 Read the questions. then listen to the cassette and choose the correctanswers.

I Who is Jackie writ ing to? 3 Which of the following does Jackie's
A a couple of complete strangers mother say she should include? Tick (I)
8 people she doesn't knowvery well A Thanks a lot for 0
C close friends of hers
B r am extremely grateful 0
2 What style ofwriting docs Jackie's
mother say she should usc?
C Thank you vel)' much D
A friendly and informal o YOUT> faithfully, J M Ebdon 0
B formal and official E Best wishes, Jackie Ebdon D
C polite and respectful F Lots of love, Jackie 0 =1=========1=-
Paragraph 1
Semi-formal letters are sent to people you do not know very well or when you wantto opening rernorks/reosonsl
be more polite and respectful (e. g. a pen friend's parents, a person you do not know for writing
very well, a schoolteacher, etc). For this reason, they are written in a more polite tone
than informal letters. Some formal language can be used. Compare thefollowing: Main Body
INFORMAL Thanks a lotfor the invitation. I'd love to come to your party. • ••••••••••••••••
FORMAL I would bedelighted to attend your birthday celebration. Paragraphs 2 - 3 - 4 ..
SEMI·FORMAL Thank you for your kind invitation. I would love to join you on your development of subjectlsl
• A semi-formal letter should consist of: Conclusion
a) a formal greeting e.g. Dear Mrand Mrs Baker; •••••••••••••••••
b) an Introduction in which you write your opening remarks and clearly state the Final Paragraph
reason(s) for writing , e.g. Thankyou vet}' much Indeed foryour kind offer ... ;
closing remorklsl
c) a main body in which you write the main subject(s) ofthe letter indetail, starting
a new paragraph for each topic; * The number of main body
d) a conclusion in which you write your closing remarks, e.g . f am looking torwatd paragraphs may vary,
to seeing you next month ... ; depending on the rubric.
e) a semi-formal ending lfIegards/Best wishes, ete & your full name}.

Who is going to read your

2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer questions 1 to 7. letter?
You are going to attend lessons at a languageschool in Britain. The school has 2 Why are you writing the
arranged for you to stay with a local couple called Mr and Mrs Jackson. The letter?
Jacksons have written a letter to ask for some information . Read the extracts 3 How many main body
from their letter, then write a letter in reply, giving them the information they paragraphs should you
have asked for and including any questions or requests of your own. include in your letter?
4 Which of the following
... If you could send us details of your travel plans, we would be happy to meet
you on arrival. We could easily come up to london ...
I should you mention about
your travel plans?Tick (I).
a) date and time of

Do you have any special requirements or requests regarding food? For instance,
perhaps there are certain things you are notallowed to eat, or something which ...
I arrival
b) flight number
c) number of suitcases 0
d) howyou will travel
If there is any information you need or anything you would like us to do for
you, please don't hesitate to ask. Naturatly, we want ...
I from the airport
e) cost of flight
Unil4 Semi-lormollellers

5 What could you tell them about food? Complete the following sentences:
a) Asfar as food is concerned, . SEMI·FORMAL SlYLE
b) The only thing(s) I don't eat is/are . Semi-formal style is characterised by:
c) My favou rite food is . • the use of less colloquial language
d) I am looking forward to trying . e.g. Thank you very much toryour
6 What questions could you ask? Think about clothes, the weather, the letter. (instead of: Thanks a
town/room where you will be staying. Then, complete the following: million toryour letter.)
a) I was wondering if . • less frequent use of short forms,
phrasal verbs or idioms
b) Perhaps you could tell me .
e.g. I am writing to request
c) I would like to know .
information about ... (instead of:
d) What is like? Is it '! I thought I'd drop you a line to
e) Do you think I need to bring ? askabout ...)
I What opening and closing remarks could you write? • a polite, respectful tone
e.g. f was wondering if you had...
3 Read the letter and underline the words/phrases in bold which are (instead 01: Do you have ...)
more polite and respectful. Then, label the paragraphs with the
headings below. 4 The beginning and endingbelow
• closing remarks . travelplans . opening remarks/reason(s) for writing are written in the wrong style.
• food requirements . furtherquestions Read the extracts and replace
the informal words/phrases in
Dear Mr and Mrs Jackson, bold with more suitable semi-
(1 ) Thanks a million/Thank you very much for
Para 1 formal ones from each list.
your letter. (2) I am writingll thought I'd drop you a I apologise for, received,
line to give you the information you asked for. Thank you for the invitation,
Firstly, (3 ) I'd better/I need to tell you about my I will be unable to visit,
travel arrangements. I am arriving at Gatwick Airport on Para 2 Mrs Ames. reply
14th July. My flight number is BA 451 and it lands at
four thirty in the afternoon. (4) It is very kind/It's really Dear (1) Alison,
great of you to offer to pick me up from London, but I (2) Thanks for asking me to
have already arranged to take the train to Cardiff. your school's annual festival. I
Perhaps you could meet me at the station. I could (3) got your letter a few weeks ago
phone you when I arrive.
Para 3 and (4) I'm really sorry about
(5) As far as food is concerned/Now, about food, taking so long to (5 ) write back
please don't go to any trouble. The only thing I don't to you. Unfort unately, (6) I can't
eat is mushrooms. (6 ) Anyway/Besides, I am looking come to Hallsford on that date.
forward to trying British food.
Finally, there are one or two things J would li ke to
ask you. What is the weather like in Wales in August?
Para 4 Best wishes, telephoneme, anyhelp,
How cold is it? Do you think I need to bring warm a great success, the preparations,
clothes? Also, (7 ) I was wondering if you had/do you don 't hesitate
have a computer that I could use while I am staying
with you, or should I bring my laptop? Please (7) feel free to (8) give
me a ring if you need (9) a hand
Thank you once again for your letter. I am looking Para 5
forward to meeting you in July.
with (10) getting things ready
for the special day. I'm sure that
(8) Best wishes / Love and kisses, the festival will be (1 1 ) brilliant.
J ulia !3uiton; (12) All my love,
Julia Buitoni Karen Smith

Uni1 4 Semi·!ormollellers

5 Read the semi-formal sentences below and match them to the b) Read the beginnings and
informa l ones in the box that follows, as in the examp le. endings of the three letters
(A-C) below and match them
A It was very good of you to let me stay at your house. to the people (1 -3) in part a).
B Could you tell me where I can get my watch repaired'!
C r look forward to seeing you at the barbecue. [AI] DearMr Crowley,
D I hope you find this information about bird-watching useful. I am writing to infonn you of the
E Please accept my apology. arrangements concerning ...
F I am sorry that I will be unable to attend.


. . I look forward to meennq you In

Accepting an See you at the C flaokforwa rd to I Yours Sincerely

invitation barbecue! seeing you at the

2 Refusing an It's a pity that I can't - SuzanneLeger

invitation come. Dear Bill, '\ -

KnoW what t've
H" Just a quicK note to let you
planned a bout m
trip ...
3 Thanking Thanks again fo r letting
me stay at your house.
... See yo u in a mont h or so.
until t he n, take c a re .

4 Apologising Please say you'll forgive All the best,

me. Suzanne

5 Asking for Do you knowwhere I can

information get my watch repaired?

6 Giving Hope this was what you ... I'.. forward ;"
M1ife- f am
information wanted to know about

6 a) You are going to London next month and must write a letter
explainingJour plans, so the people JOUare writing to can J
arrange to meet you. What sort of letter (informal, semiformal
or formal) would you write to each of these people?

I A businessman you have never met: .

2 1\ friend you have known for several years: .
3 A family frie ndwho your fathe r wants you to visit .

Unil 4 Semi·IOImollellers

7 a) Read the rubric and underl ine the key words, then answer the I CAl thank you both verY much
questions. B say thanks a lot
You have just returned from Britain, where you attended lessons at C express my gratitude to you
a language school. The school had arranged for you to stay with a
2 A all the stuffyou did
local couple you had not met before your visit. Write a letter to this
couple , thanking them for their kindness to you during your stay. B being so kind to me
C the kindness you displayed
Who is going to read your letter? How well do you know these people?
3 A Myvisit was enjoyable at times,
, What style should you use? Give examples.
3 Why are you writing the leiter? but
Ilowwould you begin and end the letter? Choose. B It was a wonderful experience
I which
A Dear Sir/Madam, c tDear ,Mr and C I really had a great time, so
4 A am sure I will always remember.
Yours faithfully, Best wishes, B won't forget in a hurry!
ull name) (full name) C shall always have unpleasant
R IDear Ben and
" . - .- D
memories of the experience.

d) Which of the phrases/

sentences below would be
lots of love, \ Yours,
(first name) (full name) suitable as closing remarks?
Tick (I) .
b) Read the prompts and expand them into full sentences. Then,
match them to the topic sentences of the main body paragraphs
o A Thankyou again for allyour
that follow.
o B Well, that's all my news.
my room / be / verycomfort able, / every meal / be / delicious o C My parents send their regards
and ask me to tell you that ...
what / help/ memost/ be / chance / practise English/ you / every day
o D Mum and Dad say "Hi".
you / make me / fee/li ke / I / be part / of / family o E By the way, why don't you come
and stay with us here?
1/ never / think / I / be able / speak / English / sowell O F ... you will always be welcome
guestsifyouwouldlike tovisit my
Topic Sentences
Para 2 - I really appreciate all your efforts that made
" o G I would love to hear from you
wheneveryou have time to
my stay inyour home a happy one. write.
Para 3 - My trip to Britain has certainly improved my
English, too.
o II Drop me a line sometime, won't
I you?

c) Choose the most suitable phrase to complete the paragraph 8 Read the rubric in Ex, 7 again.
below. Which paragraph of the letter is this? Write your letter (1 20·180
words), using your answers
I am writing to tell you that I have arrived home safely, and (0 from Ex. 7 to helpyou. You can
(I) ..d .. for (2) duringmy stay with you. (3) (4) i . use the letter in Ex. 3 as a

UNIl5 Tronsoclionollellers
1m 1 Look at the advertisement on the right, and the notes below. Listen 10 the
cassette and tick the points in the notes (A-K) which have been included in the Lynwood
[KIJ advert in Wessex Times, April
[![] not m ilch info rmation in advert
@I] total cost - how m ilch ?
etc Centre
ACTIVITI ES ffiD charge per day, or pe r activity?
@[] bikes - hire, or bring my own ? [IIJ accom m odation ava ilable?
@I] canoeing . qu alified instru ctor? QI] necessary to book ?
[]I] h iking - where ? with a guide? REPLY
[IIJ any other act ivities offered? [R[] write, or phone me - 0181·3 13-9480

Transactional letters are letters which respond 10 written information. This information
may be in the form of advertisements, letters , invitations, notes, etc, as well as visual
prompts such as maps, drawings, etc. c<,ooeinq
• Transaetional letters can be of any type e.g. letters of complaint, letters of apology,
letters applying for a job, letters giving/asking forinformation, etc. mountain biking
• The style of writing can beformal. semi-forma! or informal, depending on who you
are writing to.
• It is important to include all the factual information given in the rubric. You must give
Formore Information contact:
this information in full sentences, using your own words as much as possible.

e.g. early registration needed? Lynwood Outdoor centre,
a) Is early registration necessary? cj Do I need to register early? Lynwood House, Applegate
b) Would you recommend that
I early?
d) Is" necess8IY to register early?
............. ...........
• You may need to summarise some information, or explain the results/importance
I Who are you writing to?
of some facts, but you should not change the facts you are given.
2 Are you going to use
colloquial language?
2 Read the rubricand underline the key words, then answer questions 1-7. idioms? short forms? If
yes, why?
You and two of your friends have decided to rent the cottage in the following
advertisement. Read the advertisement and the notes you made afterspeaking 3 Why are you writing the
to the owner. Then write a letter to a third friend, asking him/her to join you and letter?
giving him/her the information about the cottage and what you can do there.
4 Howwould youbegin and
"" "-" end your letter? Choose.
Bedrooms - big, 2 beds in each
Things - sports centre 3 km
In beautiful country- to do away, horse-riding Al DearMs!!.::lds, ...- -
side. Two double bed-
P.1a.'es to - local museum, .:You" faithfully,
rooms, large garden.
Plenty of activities &
places of interest in

- £200 per week CLeo £50 each)
, + your full name
Dear + your friend's I
area. Some dales still Transport- use of4 bikes B name --:-
available. Dates 15th - 21 st August
Tel. 0362·211 -4D47 aVaii4ble Love,
for information + your first name

Unil5 llOnsucliunullellers

3 a) Read the letter and co mplete the paragraph plan using the
headings below. Has Sue's letter covered all the points in the
rubric, advertisement and notes? Underline the words/phrases
which refer to these points.
• persuade friend to joinyou . information about cottage
.. Wh ichof the points belowmust you • what the area offers
include inyour letter? Tick (.I)_
t- A information about sleeping Dear Helen,
space s [ Hil How are you? I'm sorry r haven't written for ages, but I've
t= B cooking facilities been really busy. Anyway, I'm writing naw to let you know that
Claire, Jan and have decided to rent a cottage in Dorset from
E== C activities/sports in the area J
.e 15th to 21st August and we'd love it if you could join us.
t=: D description of the town I asked the owner all about the cottage and it sounds great.
E details of Ihe sights/tourist The cottage has only got two bedrooms, so we'l! have to share,
anrscrions in thearea but the rooms are big with two beds in each. There's a/50 a
f the best way to get there large garden. Irs only £200 a week - that's £50 each, if you
join us. In other words, it's a rea! bargain!
t= G howmuch the holiday will cost
:- There are lots of things to do in the area. We can go horse-
t- H an invitation for your friend to
join you
.i: riding, and there's a sports centre not far away. There is also
a market a local museum and a wildlife park. The owner says
f- the telephone number of the ::::: thereare fou r bikes at the cottage which we can use, too, which
owner means we can get around easily.
J the dates you intend to go there I really hope you dec ide to join us. It would be such fun to
go on holiday together, and the weather will probably be good
, Complete the sentences, as in the at that time of the year, so I'm sure we'll all have a great time.
example. [ all for ncMI. write and let me know as soon as
There are only two bedrooms so youve deCided what you're gOing to do. Take care. -

lots of love,
' U
n ' •
A put two beds in each ) Sue
® have to share
2 lfyoujoin us, it's £50each. which
ISa ... .
A bargain Para 1: Opening remarks/reason(s) forwriting
B fortune Para 2:
3 There are four bikes at the cOllage
whichmeans that we can _._.
A visit the sports centre
Para 3:

B get around easily '" Para 4:

-I We can refit the cottage from 15th
to 21stAugust. So there's no need
Final Para: Closing remarks
to W011)' about ...
A theweather
B the tourists
; What opening and closing remarks b) Replace the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs with
would you write? other appropriate ones.


To request informationyou can use direct or Indirect questions.
Direct questions are quite common in informal letters and often begin
5 Look at the extracts and the
notes (l -IO) made about them.
Then, match the notes to the
sentences (a-j ) opposite, as in
with a question word such as what, who, when, how, etc.
e.q. What time will the partyfinish? How far is the hotel from the beach? the example.
• Most indirect questions are formed with modals such as could, would, etc
andare normally used in semi-formal or formal letters.
- e.g. I would be gratelul ffyou could tell mewha1 ,me fIJe party willfinish.
fun aces! /1) exact
Could you please letme knowhowtarthe hotet isfrom the beach?
• compentrve I 2 h
• You use if/whether inan indirect question when there is noquestionword • English lessons daily/"" ) haw
in the direct question. 001"5
e.g. Direct question: Do we need to bring our own food?
Indirect queslion: I would like to know If/whether we need tobring our
own food. 3) when exactly?

\ Reserve a place onone ofour
4 Read the questions below and say whether summer courses in photography
they are direct (0) or indirect (1). Then • FREE MATERIALS
rewr ite them, as in the examples. 4) what do I bringl

1 I am interested in finding out if there 5) marine biology books?

will be a ski instructor =I
Wdl there be a ski instrucwr? matter what you want to read, I
2 Do I need to pay a deposit? =D will find it for you!
[ would like to know if [ need to pay a \
,- /- /
\lessons day?
3 Could you perhaps tell me how many tickets arc available?
• Intensive courses:
4 I would like to know whether there are any facilities fo r young children. LearnItalian in three months
• 20 hours per week
5 What time does the play finish? • Small grOUPS or private lessons

8) how many
6 Do you cater for vegetarians? students?

7 I would appreciate it if you could send me further information.

• [oolie Sports Centre
8 Where exactlyis the restaurant?
• 29thApril
Tickets still ab
c.ccle,-_ _
9 Could you please let me know where the nearest train station is?
9) momint3 or IO)h(IN muc hi
Is the costof equipment included in the price?
Unil lrunsoclionnllellers

a I 1 I would appreciate it if you could let me know exactly how much the 7 a) Read the rubric below, then
camp costs. answer the questions.
Is there anything I need to bring with me? You are organising an end-of-
Could you let me knowthe exact dates OfYOUf courses? term party at your school and
have already made some
Could you please tell me how manyhoursper daywe will have lessons? arrangements. Read the notes
I'd like to know if there are classes every day. you have made for a letter to
your head teacher, Mrs White.
Do you have marine biology books? Then write your letter, using all
I I would like to know if the competition takes place in the morning or the information given.
afte rnoon.
Let ter t o Mrs \!./hite
hi I would be grateful if you could tell me how much the tickets cost.
end-of-term party -
iI I am interested in fi nding out whetheryou have any Portuguese books.
school hall, Sat. 1stJuly, 8-11pm.
I would appreciate it if you could let me know exactly how many tell her about:
students there arc in eachgroup.
place. date, t ime (see above)
- who's coming (4t h& 5th forms)
6 a) Look at the following advertisement and write short questions - music (,,;ohn Smith'sDisco)
about the underlined words/phrases, as in the example. - food & drink
(Mary & Eva responsible)

I ask her about:

- cost of t ickets
Do you ... - posters - where?
• enjoy working with children? e.g. / Which
• want to work abroad? - - - countries?
Should your letter:
Nannies Around t he World 2 a give information?
is an international agency establ7
'Shed b ask for info rmation?
in 1980. We are ..................... ? c give and ask fo r information?
looking for young people 2 Who is going to read your letter?
who enjoy working with children. 3 3 How well do you know the person?
Regular working hours. / 4 How should you begin and end the
Two evenings a week free.
..................... ? letter?
5 What opening and closing remarks
should you write?
..................... ? b) Write sentences using the
notes given.
• Please writeto
Mrs Maddoxat 14A. Tissier Rd. Toronto, Ontario, Canada or e.g. place/date/time: The party will be held
telephone 0770·37660 for further information. ..................... ? ill the school hall on Saturday 1st July
from Spm to 1lpm.

b) Use your short questions to write suitable sentences requesting 8 Read the rubric in Ex. 7 again.
Write vcur letter (120-180
words), usingyour answers from
q . 1 1 would like toknow which countries 1might be expected to work in. Ex. 7 to help you. You can use
or Could you please tell me which countries YOl/ operate ill? the letter in Ex. 3 as a model.
UIT 6Describing People
s:; 1 a j Look at the photo, then listen to the cassette and label the children with
their names - Martin, Ravi and Alex.
b) Listen to the cassette again and match the personal qualities to the
children's names. Write 1\1 (for R (for Ravi) and A (for Alex).
Finally, use your answers and the photograph to describe each person.

I naughty D 3 funny D 5 well-behaved D

2 clever D 4 quiet D 6 sporty D

Adescriptive essay about a person should consistof:

a) an introduction in which you give general information about the person, saying
when, where and how you first met them;
b) a main body in which you describetheir physical appearance, personal qualities
and hobbies/interests. You start a new paragraph for each topic;
c) a conclusion in which you write your comments and/or feelings about theperson.
• When describing someone you knowwell or see often {i.e . a friend, a neighbour,
etc), you should use present tenses. When describing someone who is no longer
alive, or someone you knew a long time ago and you do not see any more, you
should usepast tenses.
• Descriptions of people can be found in articles, letters, narratives, etc. The writing Introduction
style you use depends on the situation and the intended reader. For example, if you
arewriting an article for a magazine, you should use semi-formal style and a polite, Paragraph 1
respectful tone.
name of the person
when, where and how
2 Read the rubric and underline the key words. then answer the questions. you first met him/her
The editor of your school magazine has requested articles for a special issue
about friendship. You have been invited to write a short article about a close
friend of yours. Write your article describing the person's appearance, Paragraph 2
personality and hobbies/interests.
physical appearance
Which of the following would you use? Tick (I' ) or cross (X)
(facial features & clothes]
passive voice _ , colloquial language _ . abbreviations _' linking words _,
complex sentences_ Paragraph 3
2 What tenses should you mainly use?
A past tenses B present tenses personal qualities and
3 Which of the following peopleshould you not describe and why? justificalionlsl/examples
A a historical figure C your best friend
Paragraph 4
B a film star D your nursery school teacher
4 In which paragraph should you say when, where and howyou first mct your friend? hobbies/ interests
5 In which paragraph should you include your comments and/or feelings about your
friend? Conclusion
6 Which of the foll owi ng main topics must you include? Tick (1').
Paragraph 5
A details about his;ber school timetable D D qualifications D
comme nts & feelings
B physical appearance & clothes D E hobbies/interests D about the person
C details about your friend's house D F personality 0
Unil6 Describing People

3 a) Use the points below to complete the table, then make sentences
about ) 'OUf family members. • Whe n you describe someone's
fantastic sense of humour, sailing, painting, good-looking, immature, physical appearance you start
with the general features (i.e.
great senseofslyle, scuba diving, outgoing, olive skin. curly dark hair, height, build, age) and move on
casual clothes, friendly, hair, pale complexion, rude. lazy, to the more specific ones, such
pointed nose, shouider-iengjh hair, tall, slim, of medium height, as hair, eyes, nose, etc. You can
generous, popular, skiing, bossy, aurae/hie, plump, rafting also add a description of the
clothes the person likes to wear.
Topic ...._ _..:.:.
1\Iain Points e.g.Laura is a talt, slim woman tn
her earlytwenties. She has

u I gotred hair, green eyes and
freckles. She usuaffy wears
smart suffs.
personal qual ities

-e • When you describe someone's
-·s, _
--- --------- ........ • personal qualities you should
hobbies/interests support your description with
examples and/or justifications.
e.g. Wayne is very shy. For
e.g. My mother has a fantasm Sfnse afhumour. example, hefinds n difficult
My brother likes sailing a lot. to make new friends.
You can also describe someone's
b) Read the article and label the paragraphs withthe headings below, personality through their
then replace the topicsentences with other appropriate ones. mannerisms by:
a) referringto the way they
hobbies/interests, name & wnenlwherelhow met, speak
physical appearance & clothes, personal qualities e.g. He speaks in a soft voice as
if hewere whispering.
A Close Friend by Jim JJhite b) describingthe gestures they
Jacques has been my close friend for two years. I Para 1 e.g.She constantly uses her
first met him on a school exchange trip to Calais, Ilame& when/ hands when she speaks.
France. I asked him the way to the library and we where/howmet c) mentioning a particular habit
started talking. We've been friends ever since. they have.
e.gJason always bites his nails
Jacques is quite good-looking. He's tali and slim. Para 2 when he isneNGUS.
witholive skinandcurly dark hair. Like many French Note: When you mention someone's
people, he has a great sense of style, so he always negative qualities you shou ld
looks well-dressed even in casual clothes. use mild language (seems to,
Jacques isvery outgoing. He is always friendly and can be rather, etc) . For
loves to have fun. He's got a fantastic sense of Para 3 example, instead of saying
Paul is lazy, it is betterto say
humour andhe always makes me laugh. However, he Paul can be rather lazy at rimes.
canbe a bit immature at times. For example, when he
doesn't get what he wants, he acts childishly and
stamps his feet. 4 Read the article in 3b) again
Para 4
Jacques isvery keen onwater sports. He likes sailing and circle the adjectives/
and hespends a lotoftime onhis boat.He enjoys scuba phrases used to describe
diving, too, and loves exploring life under thesea. Jacques' physical appearance
All in all, I'm glad to have Jacques as my friend. Para 5 and personality. Does Jacques
It's a pleasure to be with him and I really enjoy his have any negative qualities?
company. I'm sure we'll always be close friends. Dues the writer describe any of
Jacques' mannerisms?
Unll 6Describing People

and, with, who

UNKINGWORDS AND PHRASES 2 Jenny is a pretty child will soon be eight years old. She is
To make your piece of writing more quite tall for her age, long curly hair. big almond-shaped
interesting, you can use a variety of eyes a wide smile.
linking words and phrases to jo in
sentences or ideas together. as well as, also, both
e.g. Joyce has got red hair. She's got
freckles. 3 Helen is cheerful and friendly. She is polite
Joyce has gotredhair and freckles. .. kind-hearted. She never says a badword about anyone.
David is a tall man. He is in his
late forties. however, and, also
David is a taff man who is in his
late forties. ..f Carl is very intelligent always gets fantastic marks in all his
Bridget is an attractive woman. tests. He is creative and likes to write short stories.
She's got shoulder-length hair. . Carl is rather shy and fee ls uncomfortable speaking infro nt
Bridget is an attractive woma n of a lot of people.
with shoulder·length hair.
She is tall. She is thin.
She is both tail andthin.
• You can join cescriptions of similar
6 a) Look at the pictures and circle the correctitem, as in the example.
personal qualit ies by using in
addition, also, and, moreover, etc
e.g. She is ch eerful. She is always
smiling . She always behaves
She is cheerful and Is a/ways
smiting. Moreover, she always
behaves palnely.
• You can join descriptions of
contrasting qualities by using but,
on the othe r hand, however,
a slim I medium I heavy bd
nevertheless, etc b young I middle-aged I eli
e,g, He is clever and always does well c scar I beard I moustache!
at school. He can be bossy at
times. He fs cfever andalways a early teens / early
does welf atschool. However, he thirties / late
can be bossy attimes.
b wavy I curly I
straight hair
5 Fill in the gaps with the c fair / pale / dark
correct linking word/phrase complexion
from the list below.
and, but, with

1 Bob isa tall man in his late

twenties dark hair and
brown eyes. li e hasa beard .
........... he hasn't got a moustache.

He likes wearing jeans, I -shirts
............................ trainers.
a short / long / shoulder-length hair
44 b tanned / pale / olive skin
c friendly / aggressive / rude
UnH 6Describing PeonIe

b) Describe the people in the 8 Complete these descriptions using the adjectives in the list
pictures using a variety of
structuresand linkingwords. moody, energetic, generous, cheenul. lazy, impatient, aggressive, selfIsh

1 Susiehas dark hair, brown eyes and a Tom is Whenever he visits us he brings
smallnose. flowers and gifts for the children.
2 Susan is Whcn she gets angry she starts
3 . shouting and bangs her fist on the table.
. 3 Paul is When he has to wait for anything he
constantly looks at his watch.
4 Alison is She hardly ever gets tired and is
7 Match the adjectives to their enthusiastic about everything.
justifications. Then, usc your 5 Myaunt Betty is She is always in a good mood
answers to talk about your and smiles a lot.
friends and/or relatives, as in 6 Rick is He doesn't like working or doing
the example. sports. He would rather sit around and watch TV all day.
7 Angela is She doesn't like sharing her toys
with other children.
8 Wanda is One minute she is happy and the
I generous 7 impatient next she is sad and won't talk to anyone.
, talkative 8 popular
energetic 9 cheerful 9 Read the paragraphs bel ow and cross out the unnecessary words, as
intelligent 10 lazy in the example. What is each paragraph about? How does the writer
, bossy 11 well-dressed justify description? what
i rude 12 selfish examples of her mannerisms
does the writer gh'e?


ill always buys family presents

doesn't like working
Cl always tellspeople what to do .
- .\ . !
' .-
, ",-

:EJ wears smart clothes

, .."

I' :4
ill isn't polite to other people
ill does well at school Megan is a very cheerful girl I and
ill is very active who is always happy and smiling.
ill cares only about him/herself However, she can to be a bit shy 2 .
IIJ never stops chatting at times. Whenevershe will meets new
people she blushes then looks down at

ill hateswaitingfor anything the floo r.

ill always smiles Megan loves doing the puzzles. 4 .
ill is liked by everyone Nothing makes her the happier than 5 .
spendingmuch hours putting the pieces 6 .
My sister is a generous person who of a jigsawpuzzle together.
always huys herfamily presents.
il 6DescribingPeople

10 Read the topic sentences. then 11 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words. Then, read the
write appropriate supporting composition and put the paragraphs into the correct order.
sentences, as in the example.
Your teacher has asked you to write a composition describing a
e.g. :\Iy grandmother is a very kind- person who once helped you. Write your composition, describing
hearted person. the person's appearance, persona! qualities, mannerisms and
She cares about everyone she meets, hobbies/interests.
andshe is always ready to help some-
aile in trouble.

1 Our teacher is quite handsome.

2 I like my five-year-old cousin, but

he can be very naughty.

3 My frie nd, Jackie, isvery intelligent.

[ ] ] In her spare time, Ruth liked to read. She loved detective stories and
crime novels, and she used to bring me many of her favourite books to read .
4 My neighbour, Mrs Gray, takes I remember she also spoke about the karate lessons she went to twice a
good care of herself. week.
m I first met Ruth when I was in hospital in Melbourne about three years
ago. 1was there on holiday, but had become seriously ill. Ruth was the patient
in the next bed. She not only kept me company the whole time I was in
hospital, but also visited me for many weeks after she recovered from her
5 My sister's friend, Simon, loves
own illness.
adventure and dangerous sports.
rn When I returned to England, we kept in touch by letter. Then, about a
year ago, Ruth got a new job and moved to another part of Australia. Sadly,
we have lost touch with each other, but I will never forget her kindness and
IQIJ Ruth had aquiet but very friendly nature . She was generous as well as
kind-hearted. Whenever she visited me she always brought flowers and
chocolates. She talked in a low voice because she was rather shy. She also
blus hed very easily, although she had a great sense of humour.
IKIJ Ruth was pretty. She was tall, fairly sli m and in her mid-teens then.
She had a small pretty face, with smiling eyes and long straight brown hair.
She liked to dress casually in bright, colournn clothes which matched her
sunny personality.
Unil6 Describing People

b) Han all the points in the a) "ltich of the following people would not be a suitable subject for
rubric been included in the this article?
composition'! i) a school frie nd ii) a relative iii) someone Jon work with
c) \\ltich tenses have been b) what style should you use?
used? \\11)'? c) whlch tenses should JOU use'? \\11J1
d) Underline the linking words! d) Read the followin g topics and decide which ones JOu would
phrases used in the main include in Jour article. Then use them to complete the plan
bod)' paragraphs. below, as in the example.
e) "bat mannerisms does the • the person's address • your comments/feelings
writer describe in the • his/her hobbies/interests • description of the person's house
• description of his/her appearance • description of his/hcr personality/
f) Underlinethe topic sentences • description of his/her job mannensms
and replace them with the • name, when/where/howmet
ones below.
Ruth's favourite pastime was reading.
Main topics/po ints
.. Ruth was a gentle and affectionate
name: Julia Stevens
J Ruth was quite attractive.

12 Read the rubric and underline

the key words, then answer the

when met: 2 years ago
where met: at work
questions. how met: whilehailing a flinch break in the canteen
You have seen the following
advertisement in your local

Enter our ""
Writing ,. ro c,

Just sendus a description of a
Icolleague or fellow studentyou I
admire, andyoucould win I
I _ £5001 -'.
c on
= E
, , , , .
Write your article describing his! ......................... , , .
her appearance, personal
qualit ies and/or mannerisms
and hobbies/interests . (120 - 13 Read the rubric in Ex. 12 again and write your article (110·180
180 words) words). Use the plan and Jour answers from Ex, 12 to help you.
UNIT 7 Describing Ploces/Buildings
m1 1 Look at the table below, then listen to the cassette and tick the
information mentioned. Finally, use the table to describe the city.

Name: B russels
0 Bue nos Aires
0 ecnn

Location: Arg entino

0 Africa
0 antcrcucc

ce ntre of the
co unt ry
0 south-east coast
0 north- ea st coast

Th ings to see
and do:
Plaza d e Ma yo 0 Notiona l Gallery 0 History Museum

Cathedral 0 Spa nish Tower 0 Coso Ro sado

Shopping: antiques fair

0 big market
0 superstore

Nightl ife: dance holts 0 cinemas 0 va riety of

restau ra nts

Comments: better In August 0 recommend it

0 too noisy

A descriptivecomposition about a place or building should consist of:

a) an introduction in whichyou give thename and location of the place or building
and/or the reason forchoosing it;
b) a main body in which you describe the main aspects of the place or building in Introduction
detail - for example, when you describe a place you should describe what you •••••• • ••••••••••
can seeand do there; when you describe a building you should describe its Paragraph 1
exterior and interior, as well as give historical facts about it;
c) a conclusion which includes your comments/feelings and/or a recommendation. name, location and/or
reaso n for choosing it
Descriptions of places or build ings can be found in tourist magazines, travel brochures,
stories, letters. etc. The style you use depends on the situation and the intended
reader. For example, in an article for a magazine you should use semi-formal style and
a polite, respectful tone. You normally use present tenses to describe a place/ Paragraphs 2 - 4 ·
building. You use past tenses to write about the historical facts.
main aspects in detail
IPlace: things to see/do,
2 Read the ruhric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. shopping, nightlife,
restaurants, etc
You have seen an advertisement in an international travel maqazine inviting Building: historical facts,
readers to send in articles about a town they have visited. Write your artic le exterior, interior!
describing a town, including things to see and do as well as information about
the town's shops and nightlife. Conclusion
• ••••••••••••••••
I What type of writing is this?Who isgoing to read this? Areyougoing to usechatty Final Paragraph
language/abbreviations/colloquial phrases? Why (not)? comments/ feelings and/or
, Which of the following points mlist you include? Tick (I). recommendation
A main sights D 0 entertainment D .. The number of main
B population and climate D E train schedules 0 body paragraphs may
vary depending on the
C shops D F restaurants D rubric.
Unil 7 DescribingPlaces/Buildings

b) Use the vocabulary from part a) and the phrases below to talk
about Jour town, as in the example.
• The most fascinating/livelyl • The town centre has ...
interesting/etc part ofthe city is; • The nightlife in ... is exciting,
• The most famous attraction is ... with ...
• There isplentyof ... • The town is well-known for its ...

e.g. The most interestingpart of the city is the open -air market.
The most famous attraction isthe botanical gardens.

5 a) Read the article and label the paragraphs with the correct
headings, then talk about Brighton.

• comments jrecommendation • nightlife • things to see and do

r P+fMSES OF LOCAllON • name, location, reason forchoosing it • shopping
Todescribe the location ofa placelbuilding,
you can use the following phrases. An Ideal Seas ide Resort by Sally Fu/lofl
- issituated/is located .. =
.2 Para 1
Brighton isalargetown on the seem-east coast ofEngland.
in (the) south/eas!/west!south-east!
north-west/etc (of .
on the soulh/east!west/north/etc

Located only an hour from London, it is a charming seaside
resort and the oerrect destination for a peaceful weekend.
coast of ... Brighton has several tourist attractions which are worth
- in the centre/heart/middle of ... Para2
visiting. Among these is the Royal Pavilion, a beautiful
Indian-style palace which was built in the early nineteenth ......................
3 look at the map, then use phrases century. Brighton's most famous attraction is the lively
Palace Pier, with its fantastic funfair and amusement
fromthe tableabove to talk about

arcades. Both young and old can have fun have while
the location ofeach town/city. admiring the spectacular view of Brighton's seafront.
e.g. Brighton is situated 0/1 the south- = Para 3
= There are plenty Df places togo shopping in Brighton. The
east coast of England. towncentre has a large modern shopping centre. There are ......................
'" also narrow lanesfull oflovelyantique shops that are always .....................
4 a) Match the words/phrases in bustling withtourists.
the list to the headings that The nightlife inBrighton isexciting . There are alot otmusic Para 4
follow. Can you add any and dance clubs which are extremely popular with younqer
people. The area is aiso well-known for its fashionable
ideas of your own? .. ....................
restaurants, whichoffer avariety 01 international cuisines.
museum, boutique, nightclub, Brighton is a town that has sDmething to offer everyone.
ancient theatre, open-air market, =
-a Whether you want to spend your time shopping and seeing
Para 5
zoo, cafe, bazaar, temple, an 'u
= the sights, Dr simply relaxing and enjoying the fresh sea air,
gallery, restaurant, music hall, = Brightonisthe ideal choice for afew days away from the city.
palace, botanical gardens, fair,
theatre, souvenirshop, monument,
statile, antique shop, shopping b) Underline the topic sentences in the main bod)' paragraphs.
centre, amusement arcade, multi- Suggest other appropriate topicsentences.
screen cinema, funfair
c) Read thearticle in Sa) againand match the adjectives in bold with
Things to see and do: their opposites in the Jist below. Then, makesentences using them.
Shopping: unknown, local, wide, oid-jashioned, ugly. boring: unattractive.
Xightlife: unpopular, hectic
Unit ) Describing Plnces/Buildings

To give thereader a more vivid picture ofthe placelbuilding you are describing,
you can refer 10 thesenses (i.e. sight, hearing, smell. taste and touch).
7 Use the words in brackets tojoin
the sentences below.
1 Sydney is a large and interesting city.
• Visitors can dine watching the moon rise over the mountains. (sight) It offers visitors a wide variety of
• You can hear the sound of church bells ringing.(hearing) sights to see andthings todo. (which)
• I remember the Far East with its aromas of exotic herbs and spices. (smell) 2 It is full of exotic restaurants. You
• Enjoy a cup of freshly-ground Italian coffee. {taste)
• Relax in the soothing warm waters of the Roman Baths. (Iouch)
can enjoy a meal there. (where)
3 Sydney is on the south-east coast of
Australia. It has one of the busiest
6 a) Match the pictures (A·C) to the sentences (1-3). One of the pictures harbours in the country. (located)
is not described. Which sense does each description refer to?
4 Sydneyis an ideal place for a holiday.
It has a wonderful blend of cultures
and friendly people. (with}

8 a) Fill in the blanks with the

correct adjectives.
delicious, friendly, south, live,
(l[] Stroll down the path and hear tropical, famous
1If.!,..... the relaxing sound of the
leaves rustling.
fW" . ..._ (l[] Sit outside one of the many
charming cafes in the 'port
and smell the fresh sea au.
f1Il Enjoy a peaceful \valk t.hrough
L..:L-l the forest and admire the
unique colours of autumn.

b) 1\"owmake sentences about the picturewhich has not been described.

UNKING STRUCTURES • Join usin Rio in 1) ..

- east Brazil.
(/' sentences you can use various linking structures. Study the • No visit to Rio is complete without a
examples below: cable carride up Sugar l oaf Mountain!
• You should visit the old part of thecity. It Isfull of ancient temples. • Why not take the train up the
You should visit the old part of the city, which is tuff of ancient temples. Corvocado to seethe2) .
• Youngchildren will enjoy the local funfalr. They can go on exciting rides statue "Cristo Bedentor'?
and eat tasty toffee-applesthere.
• Don't missthe Botanical Gardens, wrth
Young children will enjoy the local (unfair, where they can goon excfting
almost 5,000 species of 3) ...
rides and eat tasty toffee-appfes. . plants and trees.
• Charlie's Lobster House Is one of the most popular restaurants In the
• Have dinner at a traditional restaurant
area It has delicious lobster dishes.
andtry "teiioada" - it's 4) !
With its delicious lobster dishes, Char/ie's Lobster House /s one of the
most popular restaurants in the area. • Goto a musical or a 5) show.
I Ranega Airport is on the east coastof the Island. It is one of the most
• Learn to dance the Brazilian way at
modern airports in the country. one of Rio's samba hans.
Situated on the east coast of the is/and, RanegaAirport is one of the • Rio has something to offer everyone,
most modem airports in the country. andthepeople arereally 6) !

Unll 7 Describing Plnces/Buildings

b) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the b) Read the topic sentences,
questions. then use the information in
the table towrite appropriate
An international travel magazine is running a competition and has
supporting sentences.
asked its readers to submit descriptions of places worth visiting.
Write your article for the competition, describing a place and 1 In fact, the palace does not have a
including things to see and do as well as information about nightlife
very long history as the home of the
Royal Family.
1 Should you usc a very formal, impersonal style? Why (not)? 2 From the outside, the palace is
, What tenses should you use? certainly impressive.
J Which of the points in part a) would you include inthe main body of your 3 The interior, which can now be seen
article? by thepublic, is luxuriouslydecorated.
4 Read the phrases below. Which sense docs each refer to? Which of these
could you use inyour description?
• the scent of fresh flowers • the aroma of fresh coffee DESCRIBING BUILDINGS
• the blazing heat of the sun • clear blue sky When you write about a building, the
• people tal king • cold stone floo rs main body oftheessay shouldinclude:
• spicy food • snow-covered mountains • a paragraph on historical facts
about the building (when/why it
c) Use the information in Ex. 8a) and Jour answers in Ex. 8b) to was built, etc) using past tenses;
help ) 'OU write your article about Rio de Janeiro (120-180 words). • a separate paragraph on the
Use the article in Ex. Sa) as a model. exterio r (what it is made of,
appearance, grou nds/gardens,
etc) usingpresent tenses; and
;:g 9 a) Look at the table below, then listen to the cassetteand tick (I ) the • a paragraph on the interior
correct information. (rooms, furniture, pictures, etc)
using present lenses.
To give factual and/or historical
Name: Buckingha m Palace D Windsor Castle 0 information about the exterior and
interior of a'buildinq you can also use
Locatio n: cutsjoe London D in central London 0 the passive or prepos itional phrases
(e.q . all around, to the left, etc) .
Historical bum In the 18th centur y D built In the 8th cen tury 0 e.q. The palace', surrounded by high
offic ia l home since 1850 D official home since 1520 0
Facts: walls.
To theleft of the entrance there is
Exterior: made Of marble D made Of iron 0 a marble statue.
small windo ws D large windows 0
huge balcony D narrow balcony 0
gard en with poo l D garden with lake 0
Interior: 100 rooms D 600 roo ms 0
red carpets D red celUngs 0
priceless pho togr aphs D price less paintings 0
Comment: I not to be missed
il l DescribingPlnces/Buildings

10 a ) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the 11 a) Fillin the boxes with words!
questions. phrases from below.
Youarea reporterfor an international travel magazine. The magazine
is publishing a series of articles about castles. Write an article red brick tiled floor, colourful mg.
describing a famous castle , including its historyand a description of well-kept garden, tall chimneys, staircase,
both the exterior and interior. bookshelves, wooden coffee table, little
1 \Vho will readyour article? pond, large windows, leather sofas, unusual
., Look at the picture in part b). Which of the following would you use to lamps, flower beds full of beautiful flowers,
modem paintings
describe the interior/exterior ofa castle?
• swimming pool • stone floors • thick carpets
• tall towers • modern paintings • wooden furniture
• thick stone walls • small attic • neon lights
• small windows • glass elevator • huge balconies

b) Read the art icle and put the verbs in brackets into the correct
tense, then sa)' which verbs arc actin and which are passive.

Bran Castle is one of themost legendary medieval INTERIOR

castles in Europe.It1) (situate) high
abovethe forest in tile Carpathian mountains in Romania.
Bran Castle 2) (build) in
1212, and nwas wherethe famous PrinceVlad Tepes
once 3) (live). The prince and his
majestic home were the inspiration for Bram Stoker's
The castle is certainly an amazing sight with its
breathtaking view over the countryside below. n has
tall towers and thick stone walls with small windows. b) Describeeach of the
In medieval times, such windows 4) . pictures using phrases from
(make) the castle easier todefend. the table above, as in the
The interior is dark and gloomy. Each room has a example.
huge fireplaceand 5) (lurnish) with simplewooden items .
Thereare no paintings on thewalls, andno carpetsonthe cold stone floors. It looks grand,
but6) (noVdesign) for comfort!
Although it may not be the typical tourist attraction, Bran Castle is certainly worth a
visit. It is atruly unique experience.

c) Read the text again and complete the table below with information
about the castle, then talkabout Bran castle.

built in 1212 - .
................................................................... .

e.g. There is a comfortable living room

with a tiled floor.
Unil] Desclibing

b) Match the extracts to the

pictures. One of the extracts
and one of the pictures do not

t.g. From the outside, the building IS

impressive with its red brick walls.

12 a) Read theextracts.Which one

is from:
I an article in a travel magazine? ....
a story?
--l an estate agent's advertisement?

.-\ You will never be short of things

c) Use the notes below towrite part of a letter to a friend
10 do in the Algarve . If you are about the extra picture not described in a).
looking for a relaxing holiday,
I guess wherego/last day/our holiday it/make/coloured marble
there are plenty of long sandy
beaches to choose from. For
2 visit/Leaning Tower of Pisa 5 be/amazing sight
those who prefer to be on the 3 itlbc/tailleight-storey/tower
move , there are also many
pretty mountain villages where 13 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the
you can buy traditional Portu- questions.
guese craftwork , or just admire
the scenery. Your teacher hasasked you to write a description of the mostfamous
building in your town for the school magazine. Write your article
including historical factsas well as describing its exterior and interior.
b horne has
B This attractive subur an
T bedroo ms, two bathrooms , a
I Who is going to read your article? Are you going to use abbreviations/
fou . m with fireplace . a chattydescriptions? Why/Why not?
large family rOO d fully-
separate dining room an, a mall
2 Howmany paragraphsshould you write? What shouldyou write in each?
. ed kitchen. There IS a s 3 Which is the most famo usbuilding in your town/city? When was it built?
eqUlPP d the back garden is 4 What kind of building is it? A church? A museum? A castle? etc
front laurn, an
fenced all three sides. 5 What is it famous for? Is it the oldest building in your town/city? Did
somebodyfamous/important build it or live in it? etc
As Donald entered the castl e
6 What is it used for today? A school? A library? etc
through a stone archway he felt as 7 What does it look like from the outside? What is its inside like?
if he was in anot her age. A gentle 8 Is it worth visiting?
wind was blowing around the old 9 What topic sentences would you write for the main body paragraphs?
ruins. Slowly, he began to explore What supporting sentences would you write for each paragraph?
the area, trying to imagine how the
castle had once looked. b) Use your answers from part a) to writeyour description (110 . ISO
words) . You can use the article in Ex. lOb as a model.
UNIT 8Describing Objects
1 Look at the table below, then listen 10 the cassette and tick the correct box. 2 a) Read the extracts and
Which of the objects in the pictures (A-C) is being described? Use the match them to the
information from the table to describe the lost object. types ofwriting in the

Place lost: 01the airport 0 on the underground

[IT] a ""ory
2 Time: 11 :30 am 0 11:30pm D 1.30 pmD [lO an advertisement
ITIJ a letter
3 Date: 5th December 0 5th November D 6th SeptemberO

4 Item: suitcase 0 briefcose D rucksack 0

® The last time I sew
you, J forgot to teU you
about the lovely new
5 Size: smou D medium 0 targe D mountain bike that my
dad got me for my
6 Colour: light brown 0 dark brown 0 grey D birthday. J wish you could
7 Hateriat nyton D ptasticD teetherD •, see it! Ir s quite big, but
irs reaHy light. It'S got
special handlebars and 18
8 Special gears. rve been going
wheelsD slickersD
everywhere on it!

® With winter on the way,
readers will want to take
advantage of our special offer
this month. It's an elegant

I pink and white striped quilt.

Made of cotton and priced at
£75, it's great value for
money. To order, simply fill in
theform belowand send it off.

- ------...-.- -...-
© As she walked into the
grand dining room, the first
of objects can be found In leaflets, catalogues, advertisements or thing she noticed was the
I parts ofletters,stories, reports orarticles. huge polished wooden
• When you describe an object, you should give an accu rate picture of it. Your table. It stretched from one
description should include information about size, weight (e.g. tiny, big, heavy, end of the room to the
long, etc), shape (e,g, circular, oval, etc), pattern or decoration (e.g. plaIn,
other and it was black and
checked, etc), colour (e.g. brown, multi-coloured, etc), origin (e.g. African,
Japanese, etc) and material (e.g. leather, plastic, nylon, etc), as well as any shiny. Its feet were shaped
information concerning special features (e.g. lock, stickers, etc). like claws.
• To describe objects you should use a variety of adjectives. Always list opinion
ad jectives (e.g. beautiful, inexpensive, unusual, etc) first, followed by fact
adjectives. These are normally listed in the followin g order: size/weight, age, b) Underline the
shape, pattern, colour, origin or material (e.g. large, rectangular, silver, etc). adjectives used to
Avoid using all of them one after the other, asthiswill makeyour description sound describeeach object.
unnatural - e.g. Instead of writing: ft's a lovely, heaw, old, oval mirror with a carved
whlch are opinion
wooden frame ... you could write: It's a lovely, heavy, ofd mirror. It's oval, with a
caNed frame made of wood. adjectives? Which
arc fact adjectives'!
Unil 8Describing Dbjecls

3 Fill in the table below with words from the list, as in the example. 5 a) Read the rubric and
underline the key words.
[abulous, plastic, long, elegant, straps, round, green, Chinese, striped,
heal)', 20th century, crystal, light, paper, extraordinary, rectangular, You lost a sports bag while
ancient, purple, Irish, square, carved, Slickers, modern, red, Indian, you were staying at a hotel.
polka-dot, handmade You think you may have lett it at
the gym. Write a letter to the
fabulous , """"",,,,,,,,,.""""" """"" """""".. manager, describing the bag.

b) Tick the words/phrases that

match the special featu resof
the bag in the picture below.
ZIpS o shoulder strap 0
wheels o handles 0
.............................................................................................. locks o side pockets 0

c) Read the letter, thenwrite the

missing paragraph
describing the bag in detail.
.................................. .............................. ............................ Use words/phrases from
above, as well as appropriate
4 a) Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct order. adjectives (30·,tO words).
l One of the most precious gifts r have ever received is a .
........................................................................ mask my best friend gave me.
(Venetian, beautiful, ceramic)
2 As Mary was going through the trunks in the attic, she came across her
great-grandfather's radio.
(old-fashioned, wooden, caned)
3 Peter and I went to the local bazaar yesterday and we bought a .
.............. . rug.
(hand-woven, fantastic, multicoloured, late 19th century) Dear Sir/Madam,
-4 Two deckchairs I am writing to inquire about a bag
for sale at an excellent price. Call Johnon 8553212 for more information. thai I think I left at your hotel on the
(oak, brand-new', long) evening of Saturday, 10th November.

b) Match the pictures (A-D) to the descriptions (1·4) above.

The bag contained a pair of grey

trousers and a blue tracksu it.
I would he grateful if you could
inform me at your earliest convenience
whether the bag has been fou nd. I can
be contacted in the mornings only on
0632 686592.
Yours faithfully,
Al Day

UNIT 9Describing Feslivols/Evenls/Celebrolions

Time: at the e nd of the yea r U at th e end of Sept ember

Rea son: to cel e bra te the pat ron D to ce le brat e the end of
sctnt of Barcelona summe r


a ctuc t even t;
costumes mode
musicians practised

sports events
Span ish food prepared
streets decorated

peop le dre ss up
people dancing o acrobats perfo rm tricks
lots of parades
o firework displa y

Comments: very disappoi nting o spectacula r

composition about a festival, an event or a celebration should consist of:

a) an Int rod uctI on in which you give the name, t ime, place and reason(s) for
b) a main bo dy in which you describe the preparations and the actual event in Introduction
separate paragraphs, using present tenses to describe ann ual festivals, or past
tenses to describe a festival you attended at some time inthe past; Paragraph 1
c) a conclusion which includes people's feelings, comments orfinal thoughts about
theevent. name. time/ place of
• You can use a variety of adjectives and adverbsto make your description more event, reosonsl for
vivid. e.g, Cheerlul fans shouted enthuslaBfJcal1y as the rock stararrived. celebrating
• You can use the passive to describe events when the activity is more important
than the agent (i.e. the person who did it) e.g.Aftertheparade, speeches are Main Body
made andhymns are sung. •••••••••••••••••
Descriptions of festivals, events or celebrations can be found in magazines, news- Parag raph 2
papers or travel brochures, or as parts of letters, stories, etc. The style you use
depends on the situation and the intended reader. preparations
le.g - food cecoruors. etel
2 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. Paragraph 3

A travel magazine has asked its readers to send in descriptions of annual description of the actual
events in their country. Write an article describing an annual event you have event (e.g. - costumes,
attended, including preparations and events on the actual day. music, dancing. other
activities. etc]
1 Which of the following should you not write about? Give reasons.
A an event held once a week inyour local area Conclusion
B a festival held every year in your country •••••••••••••••••
C a ceremony that takes place every year in another country Paragraph 4
2 Which of the following must you include in your description? Tick (I ). feelings, comments, final
.-\ detailed description of the town C description of the actual event thoughts
B preparations before the event D important monuments in the area
3 Which tenses shouldyou mainly use? Why?
Unil 9 DescribingfesllvnlsifvenfsiCelebrnlions

b) Look at the picture in the article belowand answer the questions. d) Read the article again and fill in
1 What kind of event is it? C rows of deckchairs the table with l our notes. Then
A a boat race B a carnival D colourful tents talk about the Royal Regatta.
, Where doyou think it takes place? E elegantlydressed spectators
Para 1:
A in England B in Africa F boats rushingtowards the
.3 What time of yearis it? fi nishing line
A winter H summer G best costume competition
.4 Which of the following match H vintage cars Para 2:
the picture? 5 Have you ever attended an event
A huge grandstands alongside similar to this? 1I0w did you
the water feci? Would you like to attend Para 3:
B exotically dressed dancers such an event? Why?

c) Read the article below and put the verbs into the corre ct tense
in the active or passive, as in the example, then match the Para 4:
headings below to the paragraphs.
• description ofactual el'ent . • preparations
• feelings, comments, final thoughls . • name,place/lime, reason .

Th Roy 1Reg tt by Thomas Brown

OJ The Royal Regattais one ofthe most famous events in theworld ofrowing. The Regatta 1) takes place (takeplace)
every year in Henley, a small picturesque townin thesouth ofEngland. The event2) ..
lusuallylhold) at the end of June and 3) (continue) for five days. Teams ofrowers
fromall over the globe compete for prizes, especially for the prestigious Grand Challenge Cup. Last year, Iwent to see what
the excitementwas all about.
W When I 4) ... (arrive), I was amazed at the preparations involved. Huge grandstands
5) (put up)alongside thewater and rows ofcolourfuldeckchairs 6l ..
............ (place) along theedge ofthe river sothatspectators could watch theboat race incomfort. Inadditiontothis, tents
7) (set up), in which caterers8) (serve)delicious food
and refreshing drinks. Rowersfrom manycountries 9) (practise) with their team-mates fo r
days before the races began.
ill During the five days of the Regatta, many of the
spectators 10) (dress) elegantlyto
watchtheraces. Others, like myself, 11) .
(decide)tohave a picnic onthe river bank. The fin al, which
is themost important race ofthe Regatta, was thehighlight
of the event. As the fi nalists sped towards us, everyone
12) (stand up)and started shouting
for their team. We cheeredand 13) (wave)
enthusiasticallyasthe boats 14) (rush)
past in their race to the fi nishing line. Soon efterwards, it
was time fo r the firework display.
Q] As the last rocket 15) .
(explode) in the evening summer sky, Ifelt sad that the
event was over. I couldn't help thinking how much fun it
would be to learn to row like the people in the race and be
more than just a spectator!

Unit 9 Describing feslivols/Evenls/Celebrolions

3 a) Fill in the gaps in the extracts with adjectives from each list. 5 Match the beginnings and
\Vhichextract describes an annual event? Which one describes a endings below. Then, say which
past event? refer to annual events, and
which refer to past events. How
well-known, fancy-dress, hand-carved, scary. colawful, creative does/did each writer fcc!'?
IJ Days before the 31st October, children go to 1) .
shops and decide which 2) costumes to buy. Others
who are more 3) prefer to make their own
\ costumes. These can be anything fro m4) . 1 ... About Ihree years ago, my parents
monsters to 5) characters from organised a party in honour of my
fairy tales. Children also go trick-or-treating and grandfafher, who was retiring from
make 6) lanterns from pumpkins. work at fhe age of sixty-five ...

dim, disappointed, poor 2 ... Every year, on 14th february,

thousands ot people in my country
the end of the concert, 1 felt very 1) . send each other flowers and cards to
Not onlv was the sound quaItty 2) , but celebrate 81 Valentine'sDay ...
. \.ighuna
also the . was so 3) . that .we
hardly the stage. I don't think I'll be attending
3 ... Last October, for my fifleenth
next year's Rock Festival.
birthday, IinVITed afew of my friends to
come overto my house for aparty ...
glamorous, glittering, lucky

II The Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars, take

place once a year at the end of March in Los Angeles. This
1) event iseagerly awaited by millions of fans
all over the world. 2) film stars, musicians
and directors gather under one roof to see who will be the A ... Afler I had cleared up the mess, I
, 3) ones to take home an Oscar. went to bed,exhausted but delighted
that IT had been such asuccess. I'm
sure everyone will remember itfor a
b) which paragraph is an introduction, a conclusion or a main body long time.

4 Rewrite the following short paragraphs, putting the verbs in bold 8 ... In the end, itwas agreat success.
into the passive, as in the example. All fhe effort was worth itjust to see
the broad smile on his face when he
A People celebrate Guy Fawkes' Day every 5th November. Children make was surrounded by all his family. I'll
an effigy of Guy andbuy fireworks with their pocket money. People build never forget ift
big bonfires in gardens or at organised sites. In the evening, they let off
spectacular fireworks. Everyone eats baked potatoes. At the end of the
C ... It Is usually aday tull ot surprises
evening, they burn the effigy of Guy. and, unavoidably, there are otten
e.g, Guy Fawkes' Day is celebrated every 5th November ... disappointments. Most ot all, .
n Theydisplay thelatest computers in a large hall andcompanies give away however, il is a day for romantic
a lotoffree software. They showfull-length feature films inthe auditorium. people ot all ages.
Everyone usually enjoys the event immensely.
Unil 9 Describingleslivols/Evenls/Celebrolions

6 a) The prompts below are about activities that take placebefore and 2 Look at the activities for an
during th e Dominica Carnival. Label them B (for before) or D anniversary celebration and label
(for durin g). them B (for before) and D (for
mouth-watering Caribbean food/sell at street stalls A make guest list 0
2 brightly-decorated floats/build B decide on menu 0
3 local musicians/practise hardlbig event C take photographs 0
... strccts/fill with/people/dance and sing) to live music
D dance to music 0
5 everybody/work enthusiastically/get readylcarnival 3 Have you ever been to a similar
6 designcrs/make/colourfullmasks/costumcs celebration? What was it? Who else
7 tourists/line/streels!watch/parade was there? Did you have a good
8 night bcfore/carnivallpeople go/lively street party time? Did anything special happen?
9 carnival queen/choose/award a prize 4 Which of the following would be
suitable as an introduction to your
b) Usc the prompts above to writ e the main bod)' paragraph s for a essay? Why is the other extract not
composition describing: the Dom inica Carnival. suitable'! Give reasons for your
;g 7 Listen to the cassette and tick (I) the correct boxes. then use the
table to describe the celebration. Is it an annual event or not? • Every anniversary is special to a
married couple, but tile twenty-fifth,
e ec son fo r celebration :
50th weddi ng
anniversary 0 25th weddi ng
a nniversary 0 or silver wedding anniversary is a
particularly importantoccasion. Last
hote l reception room D
stc ce held: large house
0 Saturday was my parents' silver
Preparat ions: sent Invitations
0 hired ca terers
0 wedding anniversary, My brother

went to hai rdresser's D

and I organised a huge party so that
booked hotel roo ms
0 Mum and Dad could celebrate the
cl eaned the house
0 ordered flowe rs
0 big day in style.
Actual day : Guests: 50
0 50 0
Food: three-course mea l
0 hot buffet
Music: Sixties
0 Seventies
0 e The party had a really lively
Other: part y games
0 speech
0 a tmosphere, There were more

0 0
Feelings: porents had a disappointed - t han fif ty guests, and lat er
wonderful time some family in the evening, everyone got

1 members didn't come up and danced The OJ played

my dad's favourite music
from the Sixties - I' ve never
8 Read the rubric below and underline the key words, then answer seen him dance so mucH
the questions.
Your teacher has asked you to describe a wedding anniversary
celebration you have recently attended. Write your composition, 9 Read the rubric in Ex. 8 again.
including descriptions of the preparations and the activities on the then lise your answers from E.\S.
actual day. 7 and 8 to" riteyour composition
1 Which of the following are no! suitable for this essay? Circle. (120-180 words), You can usethe
A 25th wedding anniversary B wedding reception text in Ex. 2 as a model.
UNIT 10 first-person Norrotives

l1li 1 a) Listen to the story and put the pictures into the correct order, then answer
the questions.
1 Who are the characters in the story? 3 What title wouldyou give this story?
2 Which of them is telling the story?
b) Li sten again, then look at the pictu res and tell the story.

First-person narratives arewritten in the first-person (I/we) about a series of events,

real or imaginary, which happened to us, Afirst-person narrative should consist of: Introduction
a) an introduction in which you set thescene (who was involved, time, place, etc) in •••••••••••••••••
an interesting way 10 make the reader wantto continuereading; Paragraph 1
b) a main body, consisting of two or more paragraphs, where you deve lop your
story, presenting the events in the order they happened; and Set the scene
c) a conclusion wh ich includes what happened at the end of the story, as well as {who - w here - whe n -
people's feelings, final comments or reactions, Asurprising ending makes a long- what)
lasting impression on the reader.
• You should normal lyuse past tenses in such pieces of writing, as well asa variety Main Body
of adjectives or adverbs to make your story more attractive to the reader. •••••••••••••••••
Narratives can be found in articles, letters, novels, etc. To attract the reader's Paragraphs 2 - 4
attention, give interestingandcatchy titles to yourstories, especially if they are for a
magazine, newspaper, etc. Develop the story
det a ile d descrip ti on of
2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. events in the order they
A local newspaper is holding a story competition and you have decided to
enter. Your story should start with: "t stood on the deck staring at the huge Conclusion
waves. " Write your story for the competition. • ••••••••••••••••
1 Who isgoing to readyour story? Final Paragraph
3 What should your story be about?
2 Who should your story be about? A a boat trip end of stor y, f eeli ngs,
A your brother B yourself B a train accident comments or reactions
C a warm summer'sdayin the mountains -'11=0=========1=
Unill0 first-oerson Norrolives

3 a) Look at the picture in the story below and answer the questions. c) Read the story; again and
1 Where did the story take place: on a ship? on a train? number the events intheorder
, What was the weather like: cold andwindy? warm and sunny? in which the)'happened.Then.
3 What doyou think the problemwas: a hijacking? a fire in the engineroom? use the list to retell the story'
-l What happened in theend: the ship reached the port? the ship sank? as if it had happened to )"OU.
S Which of the fo llowing can you fi nd on a ship? Tick (/):
deck (I) , bedroom _ , loudspeakers _ ' engine room _ ' platform , [AD We were asked to go to the
lifeboat station _ ' cabin_ ' sitting room - ,lifejackets - , bus station-- nearest lifeboat station.
[]I] We put on lifejackets.
b) Read the story and underline the correct tenses. Then, label the [9]] A fire started in the engine
paragraphs with the following headings.
• del'elopment of 5(01)' . setting the scene • end of SIOIY, feelings lliD The ship slowed.
[]I] We reached port.
[![] We went to the lifeboats.
lliD The engines stopped.
[jj]I] The ferry left port.
DO The engines started again.

d) Read the story again and fill

in the correct adjectives,
then make sentences using
the completed collocations.

An Unforgettable Journey" 1 waves

by Jan" Fe/don 2 ....................... ................ ........ clouds
I stoodonthedeck, staringat the hugewaves. Fromthe moment we Para 1 3 ....................................................... sea
1) had letVwere leaving port and sailed into the English Channel, the
weather hadgot worseand worse. Now, lightning flashed across the sky,
4 .....................................................boat
whichwas covered in dark clouds. 5 ................................................. ground
Suddenly, thenoise of the engines 2) had stopped/ stopped . The ship Para 2
3) slowed/ was slowing, rolling heavily inthe rough sea. Avoice over the
loudspeakers 4) told!were telling us to remain calm - then added that
afire had started inthe engineroom, and said that all passengers must go
immediately tothe nearest lifeboat station. Para 3 Before you start writing your sto ry
We all 5) ran/had run onto the deck, following the signs to the
you should decide on the plot tine.
lifeboats. The ship's officers arrived, made sure we had Iifejackets and
i.e. the main events which make up
- 6) showed/were showing us how to put themon.
the story.
I 7) looked/was looking again in horror at the wild, stormy sea. The
Para 4 You should make sure that you write
thOllght of being out there in a tiny boat was terrifying. Minutes 8) had

passed/ passed like hours, until at last a voice 9) was announcing! these events in the order they
announcedthat everything was under control and thedanger was over. We happened. To show the sequence of
all 10) cheeredlhad cheered as the engines started again and the ship even ts you can uselinking words
11) moved/was movingforward into the waves. Para 5 such as: as soon as, while. before.
I stilt couldn't believe it was over, though - not until we had reached first, next, then. etc.
t port and112) was standing/had stoodon solidground again!
UnillO Firsl-person Norrolives

4 a) Read the rubrics below and matchthem to the plot lines. Can you at first, soon, suddenly, finally,
suggest alternative plot lines? then, as
1 A magazine is holding a competitionforthebest short story endingwith [[] 1) we were driving
"We wouldn't fose our house." home down thewinding mountain road ,
rt started to snow. Soft white snowflakes
2 Your teacher has asked you to write a short story endingwith "The boy were tailing lightly onto the road and it
looked at me andsmiled. I hadsaved his life." 2) became very slippery.
3) , a deershot outin
A • I walked down the railwaytracks. B • My brother and I were looking front of the van and I had to swerve
• I saw a young boy listening to a at some bills. violentlyto avoid it. I heard a loud thump
walkman playing on the tracks. • The phone rang. and managed to stop. I quickly jumped
• The traincame. • A lawyer invited us to his office. out of the van and ran back to see if the
• I ran towards the boy. deer was hurt.
• He told us a distant relative of I found it lying in the road. 4)
• I pushed him off the tracks. ours had died. .. , I thought it was dead. Then ,
• The train went by. • She left us £100,000. thedeer opened its eyes and I realised
that it was alive. I jumpedback, relieved
b) Read the rubric and the plot line, then put the events in the order as the deer struggled to its feel. For a
they happened. Finally, use the plot line to tell the story as if it moment it stood looking at me with its
large soft brown eyes, 5) .
had happened to you.
.. it ran offinto the forest and
A magazine has asked its readers to submit short stories starting 6) disappeared
with these words. HAs soon as J got off the train I knew this would be from view.
a special day in my life."

1 got off the train. l'!!J 6 a) Match the phrases below to

I picked the wallet up. pictures (A-D) on page 63.
c I found the owner's address. There is one extra picture
d He was very happy. which JOu do not needto use.
He offered me a reward. Finally, listen to the cassette
. I found a walleton the station floor. and check Jour answers.
I was able to buy myself a watch.
I gave him the wallet. o waves thundering and crashing
I went to the owner's house. D shiny green leaves
I opened it and looked inside. D calm water

5 Read the extracts below and fill in the gaps with the linking words
D salty sea spray

and phrases from each list. D smell of damp ferns

before, eventualiy, meanwhile, as soon as) suddenly, after a while D white foamy water

A 1) I arrived at the bank r joined the queue and

D sparkling lights
waited formyturn. 2) , two men burst throughthe door D loud car horns
and ran to the cashier, shouting loudly. 3) we knew it
themen had forced the cashier to open the security door. 4) :
the bank manager called the police. 5) , we heard the b) Which of the senses (l.e.
police car siren blaring, but by the time they arrived, the robbers had left the sight, hearing, smell, taste
building. The police chased them and 6) .., caught them .
and touch) han been used
to describe each picture?
Unil lOfirsI-person Norrolives

You can usevarious past tenses in your story:
- past simple, to describe actions which started and ended in the past, or
actions which happened oneafter the other in the past.
e.g. I went to Paris last month.
I walked pastthe bank andslopped 81 thepostoffice to buy some sfBmps.
past continuous, 10 setthesceneor 10 describeevents/actions in progress at
a certain limein the past.
e.g. It was pouring wfth rain that evening. We were allsitting Inthe fMng room,
past perfect, for actions which happened before other past actions, or 10
givethe background of the story. e.g. f decfdedto call MrJones andtef/ him
the truth about what had happened.

7 Read the extract belowand underline the correct past tense.

.Atfirst, I I)

been frightened by the noise as I 2) was
It 3) had been/was just the wind which 4) was rattling/
rattled the windows. Then I 5) WIi S freezing/froze when J 6) heard/had
the w?oden stairs creaking outside my bedroom door. I 7) was
to be brave and 8) went/was going downstai rs to see if
It 9) had a burglar. A few minutes later. I 10) had
stood/was standing terrified at thebottom of thestairs. looking round for
a burglar. It was then that I 11) was seeing/saw that the 'buralar' 12)
was/had been my little brother, who 13) was getting/had got upto ge t a

glass of water.


An interesting beginning is as important as an interesting end ing. An interesting
beginning will catch the reader's attention and make him/her want to continue
reading. A good ending will make him/her feel satisfied.
You can START your story by:
a) using your senses to set the scene and describe the weather, atmosphere,
s.uIToundings or people's actions to create mystery or suspense.
e.g. f couldhear thewind howling around me. ft was quite dark that night
andit feft strange to be out In the wilderness allalone.
b) using direct speech. e.g. M AAvays look on the bright side of life, Mr
Frisbain used to ref{ us.
c) asking a rhetorical question. i.e. a question that does not require an
answer. e.g. Have you ever travelled by train on a warm summer niglrt?
d) addressing the reader directly. e.g. f am sure you allknow what a batl;afJ is.
e) referring to your feelings or moods. e.g. I was exhausted because I rea
been painting all day.
UnillO firsl-Derson Norrolives


/ " YOUcan END your story by:
b) \\1tieh techniques have been
used in each beginning and
a) using direct speech. e.g. 7hankyou, sir, the boysaid to me. e) Write a suitable beginning
b) referring to your feelings or moods. e.g. We were shivering but we were and ending for a story with
happy to have mad. it.
the title "M)' Worst Day".
c) asking a rhetorical question. e.g. 'Why did f have to suffer so
d) describing people's reactionsto/feelings aboutthe events developed
in the main body. e.g. Mybrother had become the hero of the day and I 9 a) Read the beginnings. Which
was ext!emfJ1f proud. one do )'OU think is the least
interesting? WIt)'?

8 a) .\Iatch the beginnings to their endings. 1 As I sat down at my deskandstared

at the pile of revision notes, all I
could think was, "Why me?"
2 It was a warm, sunny morning and I
woke up to the sound of the phone
1 It was a coot night. All was quiet and peaceful in my house as m
pa:ents and two esters were sleeping in their rooms. I was lying in
trying to fall asleep.
ringing. Thevoice on the other end
of the line simply said, "Juan, it's
me. Meet me on the corner in half
. J e and I were packing for our trip to an hour."
2 It was a treezin.g cold afternoon. "I can't wait to enjoy the
Bermuda. Our flight was eavmq 3 I'm sure you all knowwhat it's like
hot and sunny weather," said Joanne. when you have to sit an exam that
you haven't studied for. Well, last
3 t ggie
I had been bored all day atschool. As we wandered home we decided
o sneak Into the old abandoned house atthe edge of the forest Althou hour
May I was getting ready to ...
4 One day I went to school. On the
had told us never to go in there, we COUldn't resist the I am
sure at you wouldhave done the same if you had seen this house. . way, I crashed my bike into a tree.
The bike was badly damaged ...
5 I was really tired and was looking
, fo rward to a good night's sleep.
Suddenly, I heard a strange sound
coming from the garden.
A be back home, I lit the flra While Joanne unpacked our things We
at realeeo how lucky we had been. Wnhout having to sa anythin .
under,stood what the other was thinking. There's no place like yW
agree , ' OU' h) which of the above

usc(s) the senses 0 C

uses(s) direct speech 0 C
address(es) the reader directly 0 C
refer(s) to feelings or moods 0 C
C Back in my room, I leI! confused and exhausted. , wasn't sure jf it was a
been trying to fal!asleep. "' must have c) Rewrite the least interesting
introduction using any of
the techniques mentioned.
Unlf 10 firsl-oerson Horrolires

10 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the
A popular magazine is holding a short story competition and you
have decided to enter. Your story must end withthe words "It was the
best day of my life. Write your story.
1 Who is going to read your story?
., Who is the story going to be about?
3 What should your story be about?
A a disastrous incident you'll never forget
B your weekly routine at work
C a day with an unexpectedly good ending

b) Look at the pictures, then read the plot line and put the
sentences into the correct order.
A woman stopped me. I helped her change the tyre.
I waved goodbye and left. She got me a front-row seat.
- I arrived too late for the concert. I was driving to a concert.
I saw the woman I had helped at After the concert I met the band.
the entrance of the concert hall. She was the band's manager.

c) Lookat the pictures and use

the plot line to complete the
sentences below. Then. retell
the story in yourown words.

• One night last year, I was on my \vay

to see my favourite rock band.
• Suddenly, .

• The woman thanked me, then got in

her car and drove away.
• I .

• When I arrived at the concert hall.

the doors were closed.
• I was about to leave when I saw ....

• When it fi nished, the woman took

me backstage to meet .

11 Read the rubric in Ex. 10again

then write your storyin 110·180
words. Use your answers From
Ex. 10to help you. You can use
the story in Ex. 3b as a model,
UNIT 11 Third-person Norrotives
l1li 1 The pictures below are from a story about a n embarrassing incident. Try to J ;

put them in the correct order, then listen to the cassette and check your
answers. Finally, look at the pictures and retell the story using the words!
phrases in the list.
late, rushed; ina hurry, relieved, slight delay, embarrassed

Third-person narratives are written in the third person (he/she/they/elc) and are real or Introduction
imaginary stories about another person or other people. Like a first-person narrative, a •••••••••••••••••
third-person narrativeshould consist of: Parag raph 1
a) an introduction inwhich you set thescene (who was involved, time, place, etc) inan
interesting way to help the reader imagine the scene and want to continue reading; Set the scene
b) a main bod y consisting of two or more paragraphs in which you develop your {who - w here whe n-
story presenting theevents in the order that they happened; and what)
c) a conclusion in which you say what happened at the end and refer to people's
feelings, final comments or reactions. Main Body
• ••••••••••••••••
Paragraphs 2 - 4
2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.
Develop the story
A popular magazine has announced a short story competition. The story must detailed description of the
begin withthe words: you sure it's safe?" Josh asked his friend. Write your events in the order they
story for the competition. happened

I Who is going to read your story? Conclusion

2 Which of the following character(s) shouldyour storybe about? Final Paragraph
A you and your friend, Josh B a man/boy called Josh and his friend
end of story,
3 What should your story be about?
fee lings, comments and
A Josh's parents 8 anaccident that happened to Josh and hisfriend reactions
C Josh's autobiography
4 What should the first sentence of your story be?
Unilll Third-personNorrolileS

3 a) Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1 Where were Josh and his friend Marty?

A By a lake. B On a mountain.
What did they want to get across?
A A river. B A mountain.
.3 How did theyreach the other side?
A By climbing a fence. B Bywalking across a rope bridge.
4 What happened when Josh began to walk on the bridge?
A One of the ropes snapped. B The wind started blowing strongly.
How do you think he felt? "
A Scared. B Relieved.
6 What do you think happened to him in the end?
A Marty helped him get across. B He fell in the river.

b) Read the story and find out what happened to Josh in the end.
Then, label the paragraphs with the headings below. Finally,
number the events in the plot line in the order they happened.
• end of story, feelings and commellts • sellingthe scene
• development ofstory

"Are you sure it's safe?" Josh asked his friend Marty, Para 1
who was just about to step onto the little rope bridge. ......................
.§ Josh looked down at the river far beneath them and ......................
swallowed hard. Unfortunately, it was the only way to ......................
reach the other side, so he knew they had to get across
before it began to get dark.
"Look, it's as safe as houses." said Marty confidently Para 2-3
as he put his foot onto the bridge. Once Marty was safely ......................
on the other side. Josh began to cross. The little bridge .................
creaked under his weight, making him even more nervous ...................... [AIl] One of the ropes snapped.
than he already was. He was almost half way across the ...................... [jilJ Marty grabbed Josh.
- ......................
0 bridge when suddenly one of the ropes snapped. Joshstarted to cross the ropebridge.
= Josh screamed as the bridge fell toone side, leavinghim ......................
...................... [QL} Marty crossed thebridge safely.
hanging over the fast-flowing river far below his feet.
Terrified, he clung to the other rope. "Keep calm! Hold onl"
rn:o Joshclung to the other rope.
Marty called tohim. Josh looked across towherehis friend [![] Marty and Josh walked awav from
................. the bridge. •
stood. Slowly, hand over hand, Josh moved carefully along
the rope until he was close enough for Marty to grab him. (TI[J Josh moved carefully along the
Safely on the other side, Josh lay panting on the Para 4 rope.
ground. He felt exhausted, but he was glad to be alive. ......................
= Marty asked him if he feft he could go on. "Yes, I'm ...................... c) Choose the best title for the
okay," he replied bravely. "We'd better go. It will be dark ...................... story.
u •= soon". They both set off, leaving the bridge and the
terrifying incident behind them.
a An Underwater Adventure
b An Accident in the Air
,.. c A Nasty Experience
-"''''- 67
Unil ll Ihird-person Norrolives

WRmNG TECHNIQUES 5 Complete the sentences with

verbs from the list, as in the
To make your narrativemore interesting 10 the reader, you should:
• use a variety of adjectives or adverbs, such as imaginative, wonderful,
cautiously, etc instead of simplistic ones such as nice, good, well, etc. wondered, threatened, promised,
e.g. Insteadof: John is a good boy with nice ideas. admitted, screamed, reminded
you can write: John Is a great boy with wonderlul ideas,
• Use a variety of verbs such as wondered, screamed, whispered, etc to "Who sent me these beautiful
avoid using "said" all thetime. flowers?" Anne wondered, as she
e,g. Instead of: "Helpl- he said. opened the small card attached to
you can write: -Helpr he screamed.
the bouquet.
• Use similes i.e. expressions which describe people or things by comparing
2 "Of course I'll help you paint the
them to someone or something else.
e.g. She ran like the wind. He was as quIetas a mouse. cabin," Carl , ", his
• Use present or pastparticiples to join two simple sentences into onelonger,
sister when she called.
more sophisticatedsentence, 3 "Now, don't forge t to pick up the
e.g. Instead of: He turned on the light He saw someone in the room. tickets from the travel agents,"
you can write: TurnIng on the light, he saw someone in the room. Susan Bob.
Instead of: She was relieved. She left the police station. 4 "Run, Terry! Run faster!" Tom
you can write: Relieved, she leftthe police station.
. as the lion leapt
overthe rock.
4 a) The following adjectives or adverbs can he used instead of other S "If you tell anybodywhat happened.
simplistic ones. Put them in the correct box, as in the example. I'll come afteryou," the man .
. Dave and Ben before
slight, great, highly, happily, massive, delightful, extremely, successfully, he drove away.
horrible, miniature, tiny, remarkably, gigantic, satisfactorily, absolutely, 6 "Yes, I took the disc but I had no
fabulolls. pleasant, huge. terrific, terrible, wicked, enonnous, attractive choice!" Mr Perry .
to Rachel when she saw it lying on
BIG his desk.
q 6 a) Match Column A to Column
BAD B to complete the similes, as
GOOD/NICE in the examples.
VERY Column A Column B
WELL 1 as white as A a leaf
2 to swim 8 a baby
3 to cry like C a sheet
b) Replace the words in the extract belowwith suitable ones from the 4 to run like
boxes above. D a bee
5 as black as
E night
Melissa stepped out into the fresh and I ) nice April morning. Her 2) good 6 to shake like
7 as fresh as F an ox
mood brightened her 3) nice face as she walked 4) well to her newworkplace.
8 as strongas G a fish
Upon reaching the 5) big skyscraper, she looked up and felt 6) small. As she
entered the building, she was nervousbut 7) very excited. This jobwas a dream 9 as busy as H a daisy
come true for her. 10 to have a I a steve
memory like J the wind
3 . 5 .. 7 ..
, 4 6 e.g. 1 = C
Unllll Third-nersonHorrolives

b) Use similes to complete the sentences, as in the example. I'm really

lookingforward to
Grace dived in the sea and started swimming. She was a very good my holiday!
swimmer. She swam like a fish .
2 It was night inside the cave. Jeff looked for
his torch.
3 She cried like when she heard the
bad news.
-I The children were bees helping their
parents prepare the garden for the party.
5 Sally was soscared that she was shaking like .

7 a) Fill the correct synonymor antonym from the list. Can you think
or any others to add to the table'!

bored, excited, worried, scared, sure, angry, depressed

thrilled 1) . disappointed
anxious 2) . relaxed
miserable 3) . glad e.g. 1 She was relieved because it was
unsure uncertain 4) . all ora.
entertained amused 5) .
frightened 6) . unafraid 8 a) Fill in the gaps with the
annoyed 7) . calm correct adjective or adverb
from the lists.
eagerly, beautiful, colowful,
b) Match the adjectives (1·6) to the feelings ofthe speakers (A-F).
Then, makesentences in the past simple, as in the example.

1 relieved [!] 3 worried o 5 confused

o A I could see the 1) ·· ·
2 amazed o 4 amused o 6 excited
o sunlight streaming through the
2) hedroom
curtains and I knew it was going
tohe a3) ·······················
summer'sday. I laythere feeling
sleepy for a moment until I
suddenly remembered what day
it was. 4) .
I jumped out of bed and got
dressed. I was ready for my
adventure to begin.
Unilll Ihird-personNorrollves

wonderful, wann, unbelievable, extremely 11 a) The following paragraphs

are from a story about a
journey, Put them in the
1) correct order, then answer
that it was finally over, tried to the questions.
put theday's 3) : events out ofmy mind.Who
would have guessedthata day with such a4) " .
! [AD A helpful air steward helped
Sharon intothe icy water. Sharon was I
beginning couldhave turned into such a nightmare?
L- '-- I· frightened
b) Answer the question s.
I because she knew the
nightmare was not over yet. She
I started swimming towards the lights I
I Which part of a story is eachparagraph from?
I on the shore w ith all her strength. I
2 How docs the writer feel in each paragraph? i D!LJ Horrlftec, Sharon realised that I'
the plane was going to cras h.
Passengers were screaming and
9 Underline the correct adverb. shouting. Sharon put her head
t between her knees to protect herself. I
I Ellen screamed angrily/politely at the bus driver to move out of her way.
2 Billy spoke rudely/casually to the headmaster, so he was suspended from
school for a week.
3 The thief crept noisily/silently through the house, hoping that no one I There was a deafening noise as the '
plane crash-landed in the sea.
[!lJ She grabbed her lite jacket I

would hear him.

4 The young man's hands shook nervously/confidently as the policeman I from under her seat and pulled it over (
her head. The inside of the plane was

asked to see his driving licence. dark but she managed to follow the
S Before the plane took off, the passengers chatted excitedly/miserably floor lights to theexit. I
about their holidays. " __ , " O u

6 James calmly/hurriedly grabbed his sandwich box, kissed his mum

goodbye and ran to the school buswhich was already waiting outside. 1 Who is the main character of the
story? Where is he/she?
2 What is happening?
10 Join the sentences using present or past participles. 3 How is he/she feeling?
I He closed the door. He heard someone screaming. 4 Which part of the story are the
Closing the door, he heard someone screaming. paragraphs from?
2 Shewas worried. She decided to call the local hospital.
Worned, she decided to callthe local hospital. b) Choose appropriate phrases
3 He fell to his knees. He startedcrying. from below towrite the
conclusion ofthe story,
4 Theywere whispering. They walked up the stairs.
• shivering with cold
5 He was frightened. He realised no one ",'Quid help him . • relaxed and calm
• dance the night away
6 He stood at the edge of the cliff. He watched the magnificent sunset. • crawl onto the beach
• reach the end of the tunnel
7 Shewas covered with a warm blanket. She fina lly feltsafe. • exhausted but relieved
• one of the happiest days in his/her
8 Shewas annoyed. She gathered her things and left the room. life
• terrifying experience
Unilll Third-personNorratives

12 a) Read the beginn ings (l . 3) and match them with the correct
endings (3 • c). Which pair doyou consider to be the worst? Why?

]I] Tina and her brother watched in horror as the water rose higher and
higher around them."Don'tworryl I'll think of something," saidTina's
]I] I'm sure you all knowwhal it feels like to fi nally reach the end of a
journey, hungry and tired. onlyto find that nobody iswaiting foryou.
]I] Joe suggested that he and his friends go camping for the weekend. 10 How do you think they fel t?
It seemed like a good idea. II What do you think they said to the
a As I waited for the taxi driver, I looked around meone last time, hoping
to sec a familiar face. "Where is everyone'! " I wondered. b) Read the notes below and
b As the rescue worker helped them off the roof and into the boat, he put the events in the order
said, "Thai was smart thinking on your part, son," they happened. Look at the
e The next morning. they took down their tents and went back home. pictures, then use the notes
and Jour answers from Ex.
13a to retell the story.

b) Which writing techniques (if any) han been used in each one?
Rewrite the worst pair using suitable writing techniques.

13 a) Look at the pictures and answerthe questions.

[A[] late afternoo n- de cide leave -
Look, start cro55ing rocks - realise -
Daddy! This is a great
spot to spend the day. m sea too far in - trapped
Mother. "lt's like pa radise]" -
pa rents sunbathe - children
play and swim
m boat arrives harbour- incredibly
relieved - thank captain
[QIJ hot sunny day - Ha rdy fam ily -
trip to seaside - find dese rted
What time of year was it? 3 What were the people doing? bea ch
.2 Who do you think the people in
the picture were'!
4 Do you think they were having a
good time?
m see small tourist boat passing
You're lucky by - wave arms - boat pick
them up
I was passing byand
saw you. -
14 Read the rubric and underline
the key words. Then, write your
essay. Use your answers to Ex.
Oh, my
13 to help you. You can use the
goodness! The tide
story in Ex. 3b as a model.
iscoming in!
Your teacher has asked you to
5 What time do you think it was? 9 Who found them? write a story which must end
6 What happened? with the words: "They decided to
7 Do you thinktheywere in danger? be more careful next time. Write
8 Howdo you think they fel t? your story (120 -180 words).
UNIT 120 News Reports
111 1 Look at the table below, then listen to the cassette and tick (I ") the
information mentioned. Finally, use the table to report the event described.

I Dale :

Tuesday night

Island of 51 flnn
last nigh t

island of Pepco
Haln Events: oil tanker hit rocks
D oil looker exploded
chemicals leaked lntc sea D oil leaked into sea
seabirds, wildlife unharmed 0
sea birds. wildlife harmed
Comme nts and
ac tion to be
beach now closed
D beach being cleaned
taken: residents angry
D residents calm
first time faced such a one of worst situations
situation D ever fac ed D

News reports areshortpieces of writing about current events which areof interest 10 the
public (e.g . natural disasters, accidents, political or sports events, social events etc). They
are formal and impersonal in style and they present facts accurate ly, objectively and
unemotionally. Therefore, they do notinclude feelings or chatty descriptions unless these
are part ofsomeone's comments quoted indirect speech.
A news reportshould consist of:
a) a short, eye-catching headline:
b) an introduction wh ich summarises the event, giving information about the time,
place and people involved; Introduction
c) a main body consisting of two or more paragraphs in which the event is described in Paragraph 1
detail, including information about incidents and the peopleinvolved; and
d) a conclusion which includes people's comments on the event, action{s) to betaken summary of the event -
and/or future developments. what/who/when/where
News reports are found in newspapers, magazines, etc. You normally use past
tenses, the passive and appropriate reporting verbs in this typeof writing. Main Body
• ••••••••••••••••
Paragraphs 2, 3, 4 •

2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. description and detailed
information about eve nt,
You workfor The Bridgeton Herald and have been asked to write a news report people involved, etc
abouta young child who received an award for bravery. Include details aboutthe
reason the award was given and information about the prize-giving ceremony. Conclusion
• ••••••••••••••••
I Who is going to read your report? Final Paragraph
A your school friends comments and/or actions
B readersof the newspaper you work for to be taken and/or future
2 Which of the following should your article not be about? Give reasons.
A a man who saved a child from drowning * The number of main body
B a boy who risked his own life to save his father paragraphs may vary
depending on the rubric.
C a woman who stopped a bank robberyfrom taking place
I Unil l10

J Which of the following must you me

. 1ude III
. your article? Tick (I). b) Underline the verbs in the
A when and where the award ceremony took place o passive. Whi ch reporting
verbs have been used in the
B a description of the young child's. appcarancc
C why the award was presented
o report? In which para-
grapb(s) are they? Justify
D the weather on the day of the ceremony 0 your answer.
1 :: c: ; ;ch paragraph ofyour report should you give a brief the
c) Read the report again and
:' In which paragraph should . 1d ' use words from the list to
6 Should you usc short forms'l collo u .c people s commentson the event? complete the phrases below.
so, where in your report shoo Id oquialla nguage? chatty descriptions? If
u you use them? Then, talk aboutwhat
happened toThomas Dakin
as in the example. . •
3 a) correct
Read the news report b
headings. i an
e ow d Iabel the paragraphs with the
presented, risked, came,
rescue, owed, trapped,
• people's comments • description of ceremony bravery; injonnal; saved,
• summary ofevent • reason foraward attended, stayed
1 was presented with an award
'Ien-year-OldJtlwarded award for
32 the ..················
Medal for by Sarah White ............... ............
4 ................................. his father's life
Para 1
A ten-year-old boy was presented with an award 5 ....................................... his own life
slIInmn!y of
for bravery in a ceremony at Bridgeton Town Hall eI'e/lt
6 ............................... under a boulder
yesterday. The award was presented to Thomas 7 ......................................... by his side
Dakin by Bridgeton Mayor, John Archer. 8 .................................................. team
The decision came after Thomas saved his 9 ................................................. lunch
father's life on a hikingtrip in Yorkshire last month. 10 the event was ...................................
Thomas risked his own life to free his father, Neil ...................... 11 ............................................... his life
Dakin, 33, who was trapped under a heavy boulder ......................
during a rock faU. Thomas called for help on his e.g. Thomas was presented KWh an awan1
father's mobile phone and stayed by his side for five themayor.
hours until the rescue team arrived.
The award ceremony began at 11:00 yesterday Para 3
morning with a speech from the mayor, who ......................
congratulated Thomas and presented him with the ......................
medal. This was followed by an infonnal lunch in the ......................
town ball's Kilburn Suite. The event was attended by
members of the council and Thomas' family.
Neil Dakin, now fully recovered, commented that
Para 4
he was delighted his son's bravery had been
recognised, sayingthat he owed his life to him. Mayor ......................
John Archer pointed out, "Thomas is an example to ......................
us all. Everyone in Bridgeton is veryproud of him."

Unil12n News Repnrts

b) Writea suitable introduction

Aheadline isa short summary ofwhat the report is about. To write aheadline: for the headline which has
• use the present simple for recent events: nol been used.
• useto-infinitive 10 describea future event: LOCAL FOOTBALL TEAM TO 6 Use the notes towrite beginnings
FlY TO ITALY FOR CHAMPIONS' LEAGUE (= is going to fly) for the following news reports.
• use to be + past participle when using the passive voice to describe a Then, gin a headline for each.
(= is going to be held)
• use abbreviations like UK, USA, UNESCO
• omit full stops or commas, articles, pronouns, auxiliary verbs and words
easily understood from context: SEVEN INJURED IN TRAIN CRASH
(= Seven people were injured in a train crash.)
• omit the verb "to be" when using the passive to describe a past event: • valuable Renoir painting
YOUNG GIRL SAVED BY RESCUE WORKERS (= was saved) • steal late last night
• Terrence Wagner Museum
• worth over 2 million pounds
4 Change the sentences into headlines, as in the example. • in museumsince 1983
1 A bomb was found on a train which was heading for London yesterday
morning. Bomb fou nd on train heading for London
2 Many fans were injured at the football match.

3 A sixty-year-old man has been shot bysome car thieves. 2

.. A team of local climbers reached the top of Mount Everest at three
o'clock yesterday afternoon. • Newspace station, Hermes
• successfullylaunched from Cape
5 This has been a brilliant season fo r Manchester United footballclub. Kennedyyesterday
• remain in orbit around earth
6 A young girl rescued herbrother from some kidnappers. next eight months

7 Join the sentences below using

5 a) Match theheadlines to theparagraphs. There is oneextra headline. the words in brackets.
Mrs Gingellgave birth to seven baby
a "MISSING" TWINS b FANS INJURED AT MATCH boys. They are all said to be doing
FINALLY FOUND l well. (wbo)
d FARMER WINS 2 An elephant was caught yesterday.
c mLCANO CAUSES It had escaped from Janneto's
£2m Circus. (which)
3 Doctor Tina White was awarded a
[JIJ Long-lost twin sisters Lucy Wells and Lily Summers met yesterday prize. ller discovery will help save
for the first time, thirty yearsafter having been separated at birth. many lives. (whose)
[l[] Ron Dudd, a 45-year-old farmer from Brumsvill e, has won two -t The police have closed the road.The
million pounds on the National Lottery. accident happened there. (where)
[]I] Scientists on a research ship in the Pacific Ocean had a surprise 5 Ten people were injured yesterday.
yesterday when an underwater crater suddenly erupted, causing A bus overturned over in Westville.
20-metre waves. (when]
Unil 120 Hews Renorls

8 a) Use words from the lists to fill in the blanks in theextracts below.
News reports, like narratives, oescr'ce
damage, struck, homeless, casualties events that happened in the past.
However, the style is different. When
writing a report you should:
• begin with a summary ofthe event
• includeaccurate facts
• useformal and impersonal style
• use the passive
• use direct speech to quote what
auum. broken into, witness, armed people have said and reported
speech to rephrase people's
, The Westside Jewellery Shop on Main Streetwas 5) late
Sunday night. The burglars managed to get into the building without When writing a story you should:
setting offthe6) One 7) said she saw two • begin by setting the scene
8) men runn ing away from the shop carrying large bags. • use chatty style
. ....-.....---- • use short forms, colloquial
expressions,variety ofadjectives!
survivors, cause, rescue workers, debris, trapped adverbs
• reter to the writer's/characters'
3 9) yesterday freed thetwo remaining
(0) who were 11) under 12) .
a warehouse on Friday. The 13) of the 9 Match the beginnings to
ace cnt IS Sh U unknown. the endings. then answer the
--e ""
-'' --- - ----- - questions.
goals, celebrating;residents, championship, victory

14) of Brockton ran through thestreetslate lastnight
15) Sussex United's 16) . OJ] Cyclist Neil Simms, aged 12, is
over Leeds. Although Sussex were losing 2 - 0, they managed to score 3 recovering in hospital after being hit
17) in injury time to win the 18) . yesterday by a lorry belonging to
:-.-A..--"\ .... ..-... __ SWifty Delivery.

b) Which of the extracts above is about rzn It was a sunny afternoon and Neil
L.:J-J Simms was cycling home
an accident? a sports event? school. He was thinking about tus
plans tor the weekend he didn't
a natural disaster? a crime? see the delivery lorry whIch pulled
out trom a side road.
c) ext racts to the following headlines.


J a Neil's dad smiled. "Thank goodness
you're going to be alright: he said.

b Police announced that the driver

[IT] JEWELLERY SHOP BURGLED be charged with dangerous dnvmg.
Neil's father saidthat his sonwas lucKY
to be alive.
illIJ RE311lENT3
i1 110 Hews Reports

a Which beginning and ending is 11 Rewr ite the following sentences in the passive.
from a news rcport? Which is from
a narrative? 1 A fire destroyed one of the museum's most valuable paintings.
b Do they describe the same event?
c Which extracts contain formal 2 We will give a prize to the writer of the best story.
d Which extracts contain colloquial 3 A rescue team found the lost child inthemountains.
language, adjectives andshort forms?
4 Heavy storms hit the east coast ofthe island late last night.

10 Read the sentences below' and

replace the words or phrases in 12 Read theintroduction andconclusion ofthenews report below and put
bold with those given in the list. theverbsin brackets into the correctactive or passive tense. Then, use
the pictures and prompts towrite the main body of the report.
praised, furious,
take action, comment on,
presented with, denied all
1===== Dal,lNTON SAFe; :..::.::,,===
knowled;¥ of, A bo mb left at Brunton t rain stat ion 1) .
seriously injured, ................. (make) safe by explosives experts early this morn ing . The
sufferingfrom exhaustion,
admitted responsibility for,
station 2) (close) for two hours.
refused to cooperate with • bomblhidellarge
shopping baglleft under
I The Mayor of London was badly bench!
hurt inan accident on the motorway platform 2
yesterday. • it!report/by passenger!
2 The young boy was told he was at 7:00 am
good for what he had done.
3 The factory owner refused to say
anything about the story.
4 Local workers are angry about the
5 He was eventually rescued from the • police immediately!
cave when hewas Ieeling very tired. evacuated/station while!
6 They are putting pressure on the explosives experts! call
government to do something. • nobodylhurt/in incident
7 Neither Suggs nor Dimkins said
they had caused the accident.
S Famwellwas given an award for his
No one know s who 3) (leave) the bomb at the
9 Mrs Gaston said she knew nothing
station and po lice do not know why Brunton 4) .
about the stolen painting.
(choose) . Detective George Browning said, "We 5) .
10 The man who was arrested said he
(want) to speak to people who were in the area between 6 :00 and 7:00
would not help the police. this morni ng . If yo u 6) (notice) anything unusual,
or if you saw anyone with a brown paper shopping bag , please call
Brunton police station on 895 4 117."
Unil 120 News R,i S

13 Rewrite the following sentences 14 Last week a new music club opened in London. Read the
in reported speech, using verbs advertisement and fill in the plan below. Then, use the completed
from the list. plan to talk about the event.

promised, denied, infonned,

refused, announced, commented
1 "I give you my word that I will do
everything in my power to help the
victimsof the earthquake," said the
Mayor at the press conference.

'" The manager of the factory, Me G

Graham, said, "I will not say SUMMARY OF EVENT
anything until I have all the facts," • Who: ................. ..... ............. ................
.. ................. .. .
• Where: .............. . .
......................... .
• When:
opened •
• What:
3 When he was arrested, Me Smith DETAILS
said, "I didn't take the moneyor the e fipm: fans started queuing outside club
gold." • 8.15pm: Any Wonder arrived - black limousine - signed autographs
• 9pm: Club opened doors
• lOpm: Any Wonder on stage

-I Doctor Godfrey told us, "The • club owner Martin Lowe "I h h J •
situation isseriousbutwe are doing - ope t ee ub Will bea great success."
all we can."
15 a) Read the rubric, underline the keywords and answer the questions.
You are a reporter for Music Echo magazine and have been asked
to write a news report about the opening of Shake! club. Write your
5 Headmaster Me P Brown said, report , giving a detailed description of the event and addi ng a
"This is a greatachievement for OUf suitable headline. (120-160 words)
students. I am proud of them all."
I What type of composition should you write?
2 Who is goingto read it?
3 Should you include fact ual information?
4 Which of the following shouldyou use? Tick (I ),
6 "The price of petrol will increaseby everyday language _ ; passive voice _ ; formal linking words _ :
2p per litre from midnight on variety of adjectives/adverbs _ ; variety of reporting verbs _ ;
Tuesday," the Prime Minister said. colloquial expressions _ .

b) Use the notes in Ex. 14 to write your report about the opening of
Shake! club. You can use the report in Ex. 3a) as a model.
UNIT 12b Reviews
1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions:
a) Would you rather read the book, or watch the film? Why?
b) What kind of book is it? What kind of film is it? Tick (I)

Book Film
I romance
2 science fiction

c) Canyou think of any other types of books and films?

d) What's your favourite book/film?
c) What would you say10 a friend to recommend a book or a film?

Reviews are short descriptions of books, films, plays, TV programmes, etc.

They are written to inform readers and viewers, and to give them your
opinion/recommendationabout whether (or not) they should read a book or
see a film/play/etc.
A review should consist of:
a) an introduction in which you summarise all the background information
ofthebookJfilm/etc. (i.e. title, name of author/director, type, setting, etc):
b) a main body consistingoftwo paragraphs: one about the mainpoints of
the plot, presented in chronological order, and another including general
comments onthe plot, themain characters, the acting, the directing, etc.
.., Note: You should not revealtheend of the story to the reader.
c) a conclusion in which you recommend or do not recommend the
book/film/play/etc, giving reasons to support your recommendation.
• Reviews are normallyfoundin newspapers, magazines or asparts of a
leller. The style you use depends on the publication and the intended
reader and can beformal or semi-formal.
• You normally use present tenses and avariety ofadjectives to describe
....... .•.....••

theplot and make your comments more clear and to the point. Paragraph 1

background informatio n
(title, name of authorl
2 Read the rubric and underline the keywords, then answer the questions. director, type, setting, etc!

The editor of the magazine you work for has asked you to write a review Main Body
about a book you have recently read. Write your review, giving a brief •••••••••••••••••
summary of the plot and saying why you think other readers might Paragraph 2
enjoy it.
main points of the plot
1 Who is going to read the review? G who the main characters
2 Which of the following must you are D Paragraph 3
include'! Tiek (.f). H how many of your friends
A what type of book it is D have read it so far 0 general comments
I whether or not you
B the author's biography 0 Conclusion
C the title of the book D recommend it 0 •••••••••••••••••
D how the story ends D J general comments 0 Paragraph 4
E the name of the author D 3 Which tenses would you use?
F main points of the plot 0
Unil12b Reviews

3 a) Read the book review 4 a) Read the useful vocabulary box

and label each below. Which phrases refer to
paragraph with books? which refer to films?
the headings below. Which refer to both'!
• recommendation
• general commellts
• main points ofplot
• background infonnation

The Hound of the

TheHound of Baskervilles. bySir Arthur Conan Doyle. is an Para 1
I Background:
The film/book tellsthe story of ...
excellent SIOH that pI3.ce.1.o London and Oartmoor. This The film/story isset in ...
fascinating---.PQQk.Jubout tile famous detective, Sherlock Thebook/novel was writtenby ...
Holmes, who with his trusted assistant, Watson, tries to solve The film isdirected by ...
the mysterious death of Sir Charles Baskerville. It is a comedy/horror film/love story.
The mystery_begins when Or. Mortimer, Si r Charles' Main points of the plot:
personal doctor, relates the circumstances surrounding his The story concemsss about/begins ..
patient's death to Holmes and Watson. The doctor believes The plot is (rather) boringlthrilling.
that his death has something to do with the legend of the Para 2 The plot has an unexpected twist.
hound, which is an enormous, evi l, hunting dog thatterrori ses General Comments:
the people of Baskerville. Soon, it becomes clear that Si r It is rather long/boring/confusing/slow.
The cast is excellentJawful/unconvincing.
Henry, who is Sir Charles' nephew, and theonly surviving heir
The script is dull/exciting.
to the Baskerville fortune, is also in danger. Holmes and
JI is beautifully/poorly/badly written.
::E Watson have to move quickly in order to protect Sir Henry's It has a tragic/dramatic end.
life and to solve the mystery. Recommendations:
The book is full of thrilling moments as the author creates Para 3 Don't miss it. It is well worth seeing.
tension with unexpected twists and vivid descriptions. What I wouldn't recommend it because ..
gives the book its dark atmosphere, however, isthe silent, evil 1highlylthoroughly recommend it.
presence of the legendary hound which dominates the story It'sbound tobea box-office hit.
throughout. Wait until it comes out on video.
I The HouOcl. jlf the Para 4 It isa highly entertaining read.
Readers will haveadifficult timeputting this masterpiecedown It's a bore to read.
as theyare kept in suspense until the very end of the book.
b) Read the reviewin Ex. 3a again
and replace the underlined
b) Answer the questions. sentences in the review with
Which paragraph includes the writer's recommendation? What phrases other appropriate ones.
does she usc to recommend the book?
, Whichparagraph includesa shortdescription ofthe main pointsof the plot? 5 Underline the correct Word/ph rase.
Does the writer reveal the end of the story? The starring role/character is played
3 In which paragraph does the writer include information about where the by Jack Nicholson.
S(OIY takes place and what it is about? 2 The reader/audience screamed when
Which paragraphincl udes general comments on thebook'! What arc they? the murderer appeared.
5 Which of the following has the writer used'! Tick (/). 3 Angela5Ashes is a well-written! acted
passive voice _ ; variety of adjectives _ : colloquial expressions _ ; book that tells the struggleof a poor
abbreviations _ ; complex sentences _ " Irish fam ily.
Unil12b Reyiews

4 The plot has an unexpected mist/cast when littleJohn finds out the truth. 7 Look at the chart and use
5 The story hasa dullaraglcendwhen the helicopter crashes on a mountain. words/phrases from the useful
6 The script/cast of thefilm includessome ofthe hottest names in Hollywood. vocabulary box on p. 79 to write
7 The book is based on/set in the incredible life storyof Charlie Chaplin. your recommendation for each
g The Matrix hasthe most spectacular special effects/premieres infilm history. book/film, as in the example.
9 Mad Park isa box officehit/dull read.You'llfallasleepafterthe second page.
10 Captain Cotrelli's Mandolin plays the part/tells the storyof a youngItalian BOOKS Retukrs' Poll
soldier who falls in love with a Greek girl. 1 The English Patient, by
Michael Ondaatje
6 a) Match the types of books/films to their definitions. Romance
2 20,000 Leagues Under Ihe--.( [ __
Column A Column B Sea, by Jules Verne _
1 comedy A a film in which cartoons are brought to life Adventure -
2 romance B an exciting film full of adventure and danger FI rs' Poll
3 animated film C a bookor a film abouta frightening story 3 Sleep Weil' r \z,
4 mystery D a film that makes people laugh directed by Jack Miller '-d
5 action fil m E a book or a film about life in space/the future Drama
6 science fiction F the story of a person's life written by sb else
4 Stuart Little, directed
7 horror G a book or a film about a love story
by Rob Minkoff
8 biography H a book or a fil m about strange events that are
not solved until the very end of the story Comedy

e.g. I highly recommend The English

Patient. II is a well-written and
b) Fill in the table belowwith adjectives from the list.
touching romance.
dull, excellent, terrible, moving, superb, awful, fantastic, fascinating,
touching, dreadful, thrilling, hilarious, entertaining, amusing

I ,A i good/

To make your review more interesting to

the reader you can add details about
the plotusing relative clauses.
e.g. DetectIve latch wants tocatch Scar.
3@! funny
Scar is a diamond smuggler.
Detective Larch wants to catch scar
48; sad
who Is a diamond smuggler.
Wilfiam discovers a secretpath. It
leads to the castle.
..... Wifliam discovers a secret path
5 8 b;ing which leads to the casU• .

Claire is a teacher. Herson wins a
scholarship to study biology.
had - . Claire is a teacher whose son wins
a scholarship to studybiology.
1IJeytrawilto York. In Yorl<tIley meet
c) Useadjectives from the table totalk about films/plays you have seen a vel}' unusual taxi driver.
and booksyou have read, as in the example. -J They travel to YOM where they meet

8 velY unusual taxi driver.

e.g. Dr Doolittle isone of the most amusing comedies I have ever seen.
Unil 12bReviews

8 Rewritetheextract using relative

pronouns/adverbs. The words in
bold showwhere Jon should add
the relative clauses.
\ [I] Armageddon is an action packed
The story is about a young woman adventure about an enormous
named Emily. She is hired by a
mysterious lady. Emily's assignment i asteroid and the desperate efforts
\ of mankind to stop it from
takes her to Rio de Janeiro, Theman
destroying the world, Directed by
takes her on a dangerous journey.
Jerry Bruckheimer, the cast
includes Bruce Willis as Harry
1 She is a private detective. Stamper, an oil rig owner, liv Tyler
2 The lady's uncle disappeared in I,, as his daughter, Grace, and Ben
Brazil. , Affleck as Stamper's employee,
3 In Rio de Janeiro, she meets a { AJ., who is in love with Grace.
strange man called David Travis. , [2J The story begins when NASA discovers that the gigantic asteroid
-t The dangerous journeyeventually f is only eighteen days away from destroying the Earth. NASA asks
leads them into the heart of the Harry to prevent the deadly asteroid from reaching our planet. Harry
Amazon Rainforest. >- and his oil rig crew are given intensive training by NASA astronauts
before they travel to space.
.:'.;; [3] The film is filled with suspense as the men race against time to
save the planet. The special effects and computer graphics are so
9 a) Read the rubric and
underline the key words, l . :E

spectacular that the audience will be amazed, The actors give a
brilliant performance and the directing is superb. What is more, the
then answer the questions.
1 soundtrack, mostly by Aerosmith, is fantastic.
A magazine has asked its readers ;! J [!] I thoroughly recommend this film. If you like excitement, it will
to submit reviews of films that they
have recently seen and think would
,. <.:1
definitely keep you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss it!
be of interest to other people. ,
1 Who is going to read your review?
2 Which of the following must you 10 a) Read the rubric, underline the key words, then answer thequestions.
include? Tick (I).
A main points of the plot Your teacher hasasked youto write a film review for the school magazine.
B ,. number ofscatsin the cinema Write your review for the magazine, mentioning the main points of the
plot, general comments about the acting, the directing. the prot, etc, as
C type of film. name ofdirector well as your recommendation(1 20· 180 words).
D recommendation
E main characters and names I Who is going to read your review? What tenses should you use?
of actors who portray them 2 Which of the following shouldyou use? Tick (v").
F ...... general comments about passive voice _: variety of adjectives _; colloquial language _
acting, soundtrack, etc complex sentences _; abbreviations _ ;
3 a) What type of film is it? b) Who directed it? c) Who stars in it?
b) Read the film review. What
d) What characters do they play? e) What is the film about'?
is each paragraph about?
How does the writer 4 What are themain points of the plot? What general commentswould you
recommend the film? make? Howwould you recommend the film?
If JOu were to recommend
this film, how would JOU b) Use your answers in Ex. lOa to write your film review. You can U5<"
recommend it'! the review in Ex. 9 as a model.
UNIT 13 "For ond Agoinsl" Essoys
1 a) Look at the pictures and talk about the pros and cons of eating out at
restaurants. Think about the sen-ice, the menu. the prices, and the

ag b) Read the points below, then listen to the cassette and tick those mentioned.
whi ch these points are advanta ges and which are disadvantages?

A fun to eat out

o D expensive
B not as tiring as cooking o E unhealthy
C have to book in advance o F not hygienic

"For and against" essays are one type of discursive writing in which you discuss the
advantages anddisadvantages of a specific topic. A "For andagainst" essay should
a) an introduction in which you present the topic, making a general remark about
it without giving your opinion ;
b) a main body in wh ich you present the points for and the points against, in
separate paragraphs, supporting your argumentswith justifications/examples;
c) a conclusion which includes your opinion (e.g. In myopinion/vie w, I believel
think, etc) or a balanced summary of the topic.
• You must not include opinion words (I believe, I think, etc) in the introduction or the
main body. Opinion words can only be used in the final paragraph, where you may '--"====
state your opinion on thetope.
• "For and against" essays are norm ally written in a formal style; therefore you
should avoid using strong language (I know, I am sure, etc), short sentences, Introduction
colloquial expressions or idioms. • ••••••••••••••••
You can tnd this type of writing in articles in newspapers, magazines, etc. Paragraph 1

present topic lw ithoul

stating your opinionl
2 Read the rubric and underline the key word s, then answer the questions.
Main Body
You have had a class discussion about different forms of travel. Your teacher
Paragraph 2
has now asked you to write an essay presenting the arguments for and
against travelling by boal.
arguments for. with
1 What type of essay shouldyou write?
2 Should you use short sentences, colloquial expressions and idioms? If not, why? Paragraph 3
3 Wh ich of the following points could be included in your essay? Tick (I ). Which
arguments against. w ith
points arc pros and which are cons? Can you add any other ideas? justifications/examples
cheaper than otherforms D 4 journeys can take a long time D Conclusion
of travel 5 more comfortable and •••••••••••••••••
2 can be unpleasant in bad D enjoyable than other D Final Paragraph
weather forms of transport
3 lots of people go on sailing D 6 famous explorers travelled D your opinion/balanced
holidays the seven seas

Unll13 "lorond Agoinsr' ESSDYS

3 a) Read the article and label the paragraphs with the correct headings. \\bat is the writer's opinion on the
topic? Finally, replace the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs with alternative ones•
• arguments against • opinion
• arguments for • present topic

Did you know theboat was one of the first forms of transport?
Para 1
Ahundred years ago, the only way to make ajourney across the
sea was by boat. Nowadays, however, when it ispossible to fly
from one continent to another inthe space of afewhours, is there
any reason to travel by boat?
Alttlough the boat is arather old-fashioned way of travelling, it
has certain advantages. To begin with, boats are usually more
comfortable than planes or cars. Instead of staying in your seat for Para 2
the whole journey, you can go for awalk on the deck, eat in a
restaurant, or even go shopping. Having more space 10 move Useful expressions and
around makes along joumey much more pleasant Furthermore,
boats are often cheaperthanother forms of travel. For example,
aboat ticket usually costs lessthan aplane ticket Finally, boats
are a safe alternative to cars and planes. There are fewer
• - linking words/phrases
a Q

• to list and add points: In the first place,

To start/begin with, Secondly, Thirdly,

accidents at sea thanin the air or on the roads. f inally, Inaddition (tothis), Furthermore.
However, travelling by boat does have its disadvantages. It Moreover, Besides, etc.
Para 3
usually takes muchlonger thanother forms of travel. Asaresult. • to introduce or list advantages: The
itcan be more Uring. lnaddition,boat tripscan be very unpleasant main/first/most important advantage
when the weather is bad or the sea is rough, making journeys of..., One/Another /An additional
uncomfortable or even frightening. advantage of..., One point of view in
All things considered,although there are some disadvantages favour of..., It is often suggested/
Para 4 believed/argued that..., Some/Many
to travelling by boat, I believe rt is avery enjoyable experience.
people suggest/feel argue rhat..; Some/
Journeys maytake 10llger, but nyou havetime to spare, you can Many people are in favour of fare
take advantage of themanyfacilities whichboats haveto offer and convinced that.. etc.
enjoy apleasant voyage. • to introduceor list disadvantages: The
main/most important disadvantage/
drawback of..., One/Another/An
b) Read the article again and fill in the blanks below. Then, using:
additional disadvantage of..., One
expressions from the box on the right, talk about the pros and cons point/argument against.; Some/Many
of travelling by boat. people areagainst... , etc.
• to introduce examples/reasons/results:
for example/instance, such as, like, in
Arguments Justificalions/Examples particular, therefore, for this reason,
1) more comfortable than other gofor awalk, eat in arestaurant, go because, as, since, asa result. etc.
• forms of travel shopping, have more space10 move around • to showcontrast: On the other hand,
. However, still, but, Nonetheless,
Nevertheless, Although, Even though.

Despite/In spite of(thefact that), etc.
"" AGAINST • to introduce a conclusion: Inconclusion,
Arguments To conclude/sum up, All in all, Finally,
"• 1) .
JustlficatlOns/ExamPI" ..... Lastly, All things considered, Taking
2) . everything into account/consideration, etc.

Unil13 "for ond Agoins'" Essoys

4 Read the article again and replace the linking words/phrases in bold 7 a) Read the extract below and
with synonymous ones fromthe table on p. 83. Then, say which ofthe choose the correct topic
linking words/phrases in the article are used to: sentence to fill in the blank.
a) list/add points c) showcontrast
b) introduce reasons/results d) introduce a conclusion 1 There are many advantages to using
the Internet.
2 However, there arc many arguments
5 Underline the correct linking word/phrase. against using the Internet.
3 Computers have become the most
1 Besides/Despite, television affects the way we think. important means ofcommunication.
2 Many people are against/argue that we need advertisements in order to
keep up to date with the latest products on the market.
3 One point of view against/in favour of travelling is that it allows you to
meet peoplefrom different cultures.
4 EnDthough/Nevertheless most people nowadays use a computer at work,
it will be a while before we stop putting our ideas down on paper.
S For instance/Still, people who know howto playa musical instrument arc
usually popular and make friends more easily than others.

6 Read the paragraph below and underline the correct linking word/
There are many advantages to having children at an early age. 1) To hegin
with/In addition to this, when you are young, you have a lot of energy.
This means you can cope quite easily with children'sdemands for constant care
and attention. 2) To conclude/Secondly, young parents can relate to their
children and 3) therefore/nevertheless understand thembetter. 4) Yet/Finally,
when you become a parent at an early age, you are still youngenough to enjoy First of all, you spend hours and
life whenyour child becomes independent. sitting in fron t of a computer screenw
This can lead to severe backache
problems with your eyesight. More
over, using the Internet can be ve
MAIN BODY PARAGRAPHS expensive, because the ..
You should start each main body parag raph with a topic sentence which fees and phone bills are often hig
introduces or summarises the main topic of the paragraph. The topic Finally, using the Internet requires
sentence should be followed by supporting sentences which justify the ,, lot of patience. Getting onto
argument presented in the topic sentence, by giving exam ples or reasons. Internet is not always easy and thi
You should use linking words/phrases to present your justifications, such as:
first ofall, what is more, for example, because, since, inparticular, etc.
means you sometimes have to wait
e.g. Travelling bytrain has a lot of advantages. } topicsentence
long time to get access.
First of all. it is comfortable as trains are spacious so
there is plenty of room to walk about. What Is more, trains
are corwenient. For example, you donothave to take any supporting
food or beverages with you, because most trains have a sentences b) What is the topic of the
restaurant. Finally, when you travef by train you reach
paragraph? List the
your destination felrly quickly.
arguments mentioned.

Unil13 "for ond Agoinsl" Essoys

8 a) Match each argument about

modelling to its correspond- TECllNIQUES 10 BEGIN OR END VOIlR ESSAY
ing justification. Which To attract the reader's interest and make the beginning or ending of your
points are "for' and which essay more effective, you can use some of thefollowing writingtechniques:
are "against"? a) address the reader directly e.g. "you take the time to train your dog, it
wiJIleam to obey you.
b) include a quotation (i.e.a sentence or phrase taken from a book, play, etc.)
Arguments ...... When we use a quotation, it is necessary to mention the name of the
-::--"'::-_ - person who said/wrote it. e.g. As George Orwell wrote, -All animals are
]I] be an exciting career equal, but some are more equal than others.-
] I ] opportunity to cam a lot of c) include a rhetorical question e.g. Is ittrue that a dog is man's best friend?
] I ] models must constantly watch
what they eat 9 Readthe extracts belowand sa)' which are beginnings and which are
:J:LJ no privacy endings. Then identify wh ich writing technique(s) has/have been
used in each.
- - "'>---------------
a expected to stay thin so that they
look good all the time
b designers andfashion magazines arc
willing to pay high fees for popular
c reporters arc always chasing them
d models usually travel to interesting
places andoften meet famous people

b) Use linking words/phrases

to complete the main bod)'
paragraphs below. A Doyoufancy yourself as ahandyman or handywoman? For peoplewhoare
good withtheir hands, home decoratingis certainly anoption. Withthe wide
e.g. There are certain arguments in
range of maienals available in the shops, and the increasingly high cost of
favour of a career in modelling.
professional decorating,the trend istowards DIY. So what are the advantages
and disadvantages of 'do IT yourself'?

B Tosum up, although thereare many points against beingareporter, I believe

there are certainly aspects in favour of IT. Besides, as JohnHerseyonce said,
On the other hand, many people "Journalismallows ITS readers to witness history:
believe that a career in modelling
also has drawbacks, C More and more couples today choose to have only one child. Most of us
imagine that being an only child must betenibly lonely, but is that reallythe
case? Havingno brothers or sisters has both advantages anddisadvantages.

D All things considered, I believe that there are more disadvantages than
advantages to dieting. Perhaps that was why wnter and lournallst Geoffrey
Cannon believed that "Dieting makes you fat" After all, If you eat sensble,
well-balanced meals and keep fit and active, youare more likely tostay slim.
Unil13 "for nnd Agnins!" Essnys

10 a) Read the topic sentences and think of appropriate supporting 11 Read the topic sentences, then
ones. The prompts below will help you. write appropriate supporting
ones. Join the sentences with
1 Thereare certain drawbacks to being a appropriate linking words!
doctor. phrases in order 10 write a
• have to study all their lives in order complete paragraph.
to keep up with the latest medical

-, f \.
2 Watching television has certainly got its There is no doubt that going on
advantages. holiday during the winter is an
• keepup to date withcurrent news attractive option.

3 Thereare many arguments against being

afamous rock star.
• never home because they travel all
over the world giving concerts

On the other hand, there are
• drawbacks to being a firefighter.

h) Match the quotations to the topics above. Use the quotations to

write appropriate endings for each topic.

rn "Everybody wants to be
, fa mous until they
Keith Richards
(musician, songwn'ter)
[II] "We are humble men in
profession. We do our best" I
"Television! A Dickson Wright 3 There are certain disadvantages to
IT] The entertainment (Eri/ish surgeon) owning a dog.
which flows like tapwater)" r

(Elitish playwright)

Unil13 "for ondAgains!" Essays

12 a) Discuss the following ques-

tions in pairs.

• Do many peopl e in your country

use bicycles instead of cars?
• What are the advantages and
I cycling isan inexpensive form of transport 0 [4]
disadvantages of using a bicycle?
2 fumes from cars and lorries arc bad for your health 0 0
• What are the differences between J there arc lots of different bicycles in the shops 0 0
cycling in the cityand in the country?
• Do you think more people should
• cycling helps you to stay fit 0 0
5 cycling on busy roads is not very safe 0 0
cycle to work instead of usingother
forms of transport'! Why?
6 my cousi ns go cycl ing at weekends 0 0
7 cycling is an environmentally-friendly way to travel 0 0
S bicycles arc unsuitable for long journeys 0 0
b) Read the rubric and under-
line the kCJ word s, then
answer the questions.

A health and fitness magazine

has askedits readers to writean
article discussing the advantages
and disadvantages of cycling
as a form of transport. Write
your article for the magazine.

What type of essay is this?

2 Which of the following should IlOt
be included in your introduction?
Tick (I) .
A your opinion
B general remarks D
C statemenl about the topic
D d) Match the relevant points from above to the justifications below.
Then, make sentences using appropriate linking words/phrases.
o a quotation D A it is a good form of exercise, particularly for the legs, heart and lungs
J In which part of the essay should B it docs not create air pollution
you write about the advantages and C you do not have to spend moneyon thingssuch as petrolor costly repairs
the disadvantages of cycling? D drivers do not always give way to cyclists
• In wh ich paragraph can you include
your opinion about cycling?
E there is a limit to the distance a cycl ist can reasonably travel in one day
F in some cities the fumes are so bad that cyclists have to wear masks to
protect them from pollution

13 Use your answers from Ex. 12 to write yourarticle on the advantage-

and disadvantages of cycling as a means of transport
words). You can use the text in Ex. 3a as a model.
UNIl140 Opinion Essoys
sm 1 Listen to a discussion about free healthcare and match the viewpoints with the
reasons.Then, saywhich points JOu agreewith and whichones JOu disagree with.

[ Viewpoints Reasons
A free healthcare is a basic human D people would learn to have healthier
lifestyles, so fewer people would beill
B 2 everyone deserves free medical ••••
pay fo r their treatment treatment when they are ill
C more time and money should be 0 3 more money could be spent on
spent on health education treating those who really need it

Opinion essays are discursive essays in which you present your personal opinion on a
particular topic. Your opinion must be stated clearlyand supported byjustifications. You Introduction
should also present the opposing viewpoint(s) in a separate paragraph. • ••••••••••••••••
An opinion essay should consist of: Paragraph 1
a) an introduction. in which you introduce thesubject and stateyour opinion clearly;
b) a main body, consisting of two or more paragraphs (each presenting a separate introduce the subject and
viewpoint supported byreasons/examples), including a paragraph giving the opposing state your opinion clearly
viewpoint supported by reasons/examples; and
c) a conclusion, in which you restate your opinion using different words. MaIn Body
• You normally use present tenses inthis type of Writing, andphrases such asI believe , • ••••••••••••••••
In my opinion, I think, It seems to me that, I stronglydisagree wfth , etc to express your Parag raph 2
opinion. You should list your viewpoints with Firstly, Furthermore, Moreover, Also, etc,
and introduce the opposing viewpoint using However, On the otherhand, etc. first viewpoint
and reasons/examples
• Opinion essays are normally written in a formal style, therefore you should avoid
using colloquial expressions, short forms or personal examples. You can find thistype Paragraph 3·
ofwriting inthe form ofan article in newspapers, magazines, etc.
second viewpoint
and reasons/examples
2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.
Paragraph 4 ·
You have had a class discussion about the following statement:
English and Maths are more important subjects than Artand Music. opposing viewpoint
Now your teacher has asked you to writean essay giving youropinion and reasons to and reasons/examples
support your view(s).
1 Who is going to read your essay? Conclusion
2 Should you usc colloquial expressions and short forms? Why (not)? Final Parag raph
3 What does the statement in the rubric mean? Tick (I )
A Art and Music are easier than Englishand Maths. o restate your opinion, using

B Art and Music are not as important as Englishand Maths. o different words

• The rvrrber of parCX}faphs

4 Whichof the following should you include in your essay? Tick {I }
A reasons why Art and Music can be boring o in II'e rooin body depeOOs

B your views about whether English and Maths arc important o on the rwJber of view-

points included.
C reasons or examples to support your views

D opposing views and supporting arguments o
Unll140 Opinion (sSOYS
.. Which of the fou r subjects mentioned in the rubric do/did you study at 11\"
"I''' , I ,'
school? Which is/was your favourite, and why?
6 What are the benefits of studying these subjects? Use the notes to
complete the table. You can add fu rther ideas of your own.
tools to deal with everyday matters provide well-rounded education
help you communicate clearly necessary in order tofind ajob

" ... 0>
. tr r t ( ;r

Do you agree or disagree with the statement in the rubric? Give reasons.
3 a) Read theessay and label the paragraphs with the headings below.
• second viewpoint & examples • subject & opinion
• restate opinion • opposing viewpointts}
• firs! viewpoint & examples

English and Malhs are more importanl sUbjects than Art and Music
Isn't it unfortunate that in today's society there are so
Para 1
=: many people who cannot read, write or even do
arithmetic? [ strongly believe that, although subjects such
as Artand Music are important, English and Maths are the
most fu ndamental part of our education.
In the first place, when you know how to read, write
and do simple calculations, you have the tools requ ired in
Para 2
order to deal with everyday matters. For example, being
able to read and write can help you communicate and
express yourself dearly. Moreover, you need basic maths
for such dai ly chores as doing your shopping, paying your
bills and managing your money.
Furthermore, it is essential to have a good knowledge of Para 3
English and Maths in order to find even the simplest job.
Reading, writing and mathematical skills are the mi nimum
requirements that most employers demand.
On the other hand, it can be argued that Art and Music
are just as significant as English and Maths. For instance, Para 4 b) Read the essay again and underline
learning how to draw or play an instrument can introduce
a child to a whole new world. In addition to this, subjects
the viewpoints the writer mentions.
such as Art and Music can provide children with a well- What reasons/exa mples are glven
rounded education rather than just basic skills. to support each viewpoint? what
All things considered, though, it seems to me that linking words! phrases are used to
: Para 5 introduce the writer's viewpoints and
:g English and Maths are vital subjects. Without learning to
g read, write or do arithmetic, people may have difficulties the opposing viewpoint? what is the
cs writer's opinion? Do you agree or
coping with even the simplest tasks in dai ly life.
disagreewith this opinion?
Unil14n Opinion Essoys

4 Usc the linking words/phrases from the list below to fill in the table
B 1) All in all, I don 't believe that
that follows, as in the example.
theatre is an outdated form of
in the first place, a/so, forexample, tosum up, moreover, firstly, although, entertainment, 2) since new ideas
10 begin with, all things considered, such as, therefore, on the otherhand, are often presented on the stage.
however, apart from this, in other words, in panicuiar; for instance, in 3) While television may be more
addition, because, taking everything into account, furthennore, for one convenient, it is theatre that offers
thing. since, lastly, secondly, nonetheless, while qualityentertainment.

To Jist points: in the first place, .

2 To add more points:

6 Underline the correct word

3 To introduce opposing phrase, as in the example.
1 It is argued/One reason that testing
4 To introduce new drugs on animals is necessary
examples/reasons: before giving them to humans.
2 In my view, we can all do something
5 To conclude: to protect the environment. f or
example/In addition, we can recycle
newspapers and magazines.
3 Taking holidays abroad is usually 00
5 Read the extracts and replace the linking words/phrases with suitable more expensive than taking them in
ones from Ex. 4. whlch paragraph is each extract from? your own country. What is more
However, it gives you the opportu-
nity to experience other cultures.
4 Secondly/Especially, regular exercise
helps you to stay in good health.
5 On the other hand, it can be argued
A 1) On the other hand, computers that what individuals do to protect
save us time and energy and make the environment makes very little
daily lives easier. 2) For one difference, in particular/since it is
thmg, most of us are grateful to be factories and power stations which
able t.o withdraw money from cash create the most pollution.
machines rather than wait in long
queues inside the bank. 3) What is
more, have made many
s Jobs easier by doing Each main body paragraph shou ld
ro.utme tasks that in the pas! were start with atopic sentence whichclearly
tiring and time-consuming.
states the main idea of the paragraph.
This should befollowed byappropriate
supporting sentences which justify
themain idea and/orgive examples.

Unil 140Opinion[ssoys

7 Read the extract below and Useful expressions for gh'ing opinions
answer the following questions.
• I believe/think/feel (that) ". • My opinion is that .
I strongly believe n, • As far as I am concerned, .,.
• In my opinion/view, '" • I (completely) agree that;.... .ith ..
• The way I see it, ... I (strongly) disagree tharwith ..
• It seems/appears to me (that) . • I am totally against ..
• To my mind, n. • I couldn't agree more that/with ...
• I (do not) agree thatjwitb . I couldn't disagree more that/with ,..

On the other hand, thereare certain 9 Use the prompts below to write sentences, as in the example.
disadvantages to havingyour own car.
1 we / help I elderly their lives be easier
Firstly. carshave to be maintained and
e.g 1 strongly believe that we should help the elderly, If we wen' to do
repaired on a regular basis. Therefore,
this, then their lives would be easier.
you need to spend a considerable
2 all students/ learn / foreign language have better career
amount of money to keep the car in
good condition. Moreover, driving can
sometimes be extremelystressful. For
example, being caught in a traffic jam 3 people / give up smoking have fewer health problems
is not only irritating but also time-
... teenagers / get I part-time job learn to be more responsible
a) What isthe main idea ofthe para-
graph? Which sentence is it in?
b) What supporting sentences does . 5 we / alldo / voluntary work 0::::::::;. ourcommunity be a betterplace to live
the writer give?
c) Which linking words/phrases has
the writer used? Suggest other
suitable words/phrases which 10 Use appropriate expressions to expand the prompts below to make
sentences expressing an opinion, as in the example.
could replace these.
in order to / protect / environment / people / stop use / plastic bags
8 Read the topic sentences and It seems to me that, in order to protect the environment. people should stop
suggest suitable supporting using plastic bags.
2 spending money / set up / space stations/ be / completely I unjustified
1 Television may have a harmful
effect on youngpeople. 3 in order to reduce / pollution I traffic / be / ban from / enter / city centre

2 Looking after a pet from an early ... organic vegetables / be / much / healthy / than / vegetables / grown with
age develops a person's character. chemical fertilizers

5 children / be encouraged / participate in I after-school activities

3 Life in a large city isveryinteresting.
Unil140 Opinion hsoys

11 a) Read the sentences below. 12 a) Imagine you hal e had a class discussion about the following
Then. use appropriatewords! question: "Should morc people give up meal and become
expressions to gin Jour vegetarians?" Read the viewpoints (1-5) and match them to the
opinion, as in the example. reasons (A-E), as in the example.

I A part-time job is the bestoption for

1 Eating meat is bad for you (BJ 4 Meat is an essential part of our
someone who is a working parent.
diet; we cannot do without it 0
I completely agree that apart-timejob
is the best option for someone who is 2 There are many healthy and 5 Vegetarian food is often
a working parent. tasty alternatives available 0 boring and tasteless 0
2 Package holidays are ideal for people 3 Eating meat is cruel to
who do not like to travel alone. animals D
D Animalsare
A Soya beans kept in terrible
and lentils arc conditions just so
delicious and are good they can be killed
3 Becoming more aware of sources of protein. and eaten.
environmental concerns is the only
way 10 help save OUf planet.

There aren't
4 Educational standards in private dishes that actually
schools are usually higher than taste nice.
those in state schools. Meat provides
us with the protein
and vitamins that we

5 Boxing is an extremelyviolent sport b) Read the viewpoints again and say which you agree with and
and should be banned. which you disagree wi th. .\lake sentences using appropriate
linking words/phrases.

c) Complete the parts of the essay below, using your answers from
parts a) and b) as well as your own ideas.

Nowadays, we are often told what we should or should not eat. However, I
personally believe .

To begin with, .

In addition, ..

On the other hand, .

Unil 14nOpinion[ssors

13 Read the extracts below and saywhich are beginnings and which are
endings. Which writing techniques have been used in each'! Viewpoints
A addressing the reader directly A fast food easy solution
B asking a rhetorical question for peoplewith busy
C using direct speech/a quotation lives DO
B fast food unhealthy DO
C fast food expensive
for consumerand
environment DO
...- ---- -
! To sum up, competition has a negat ive effect on children, as the only Reasons I Examples
:=J thing that really matters is winning. Imagine how you would feel if you
were always expected to be the best. I high in fat and salt; not fresh
2 packaging non-biodegradable,
damages environment
3 many ingredients are genetically
4 ordering fast food saves time and
5 people who work long hours can
pick up phone and order takeaway
6 money spent on fast food for a
week isenough to buy groceries for
two weeks
14 Read the rubric and underline the keywords, then answer
the questions.
b) Which of the viewpoints
You have had a class discussion about the following statement:
agree with the statement in
Fast food is a good alternative to cooking foryourself.
Now yourteacherhas asked you to writean essay expressing your opinion the rubric? Which disagree?
and giving reasons for your point of view.
c) Use the notes in part a) to
1 What does the statement in the rubric mean? talk about fast food, as in
A Fast food is cheap, delicious and good for you. Ihe example.
8 Fast food is a goodsolution for those who have no time to cook. e.g. In the first place, fast food is l'CIy
e Cooking is easier than ordering takeaway. unhealthy. "
2 Which points must you include in the essay?
A your opinion 8 your friend's opinion
e reasons to justify your points of view 16 Read the rubric in Ex. again,
then write your essay (120 - 180
3 Which style is not suitable for this essay - formal or informal? words). Use your answers from
Ex. 14and your notes from h .
15 a) Read the rubric in Ex, 14 again and match the viewpoints (A - C) IS to help you. You can use the
to their reasons/examples (l . 6). There are two justifications for eSS3)' in Ex. 3 as a model.
each viewpoint.

UNIT 14b Providing Solutions 10 Problems

1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
a) \Vhich of the followingis shown in each picture?
1) air pollution
2) heavy traffic
3) rubbisb
b) Do any of these problems exist in your town/city?
c) Can you think of any solutions to these problems?

Essaysproviding solutions 10 problems are piecesof wrrting inwhich you discuss

aproblem and its causesaswellas the expected resultsorconsequencesof your
suggestions. An essay providing solutionsto problems should consist of:
a) an introduction inwhich you stale the problem and/orwhat has caused it;
b) a main body which consists of two or more paragraphs presenting
suggestions and their results/consequences. You should start a new
paragraph for each suggestion and its results/consequences ; and
c) a conclusion in whichyou summarise your opinion.
• Essays providingsolutions to problems are normally written in a formal or
semi-tormal style, depending on who is going to read them and where
they are published. They are usually found in newspapers and magazines.
2 Read therubricandunderlinethekeywords, then answer thequestions. Paragraph 1
A local newspaper has asked its readers to write articles entitled state the problemlsl and/
"How can we make our city a betterplace to live?nWrite your article or the ccusetst
suggesting ways to improve your city.
Moln Body
1 Who is going to readyour article? •••••••••••••••••
2 Look at the problems (1-5) and match them to the solutions(a-e). Which Paragraphs 2-4·
of these problems do you think isthe most/least serious? Can you think of
suggestions and
any more problems and solutions? results/consequences
ITIJ air pollution a provide more litterbins •••••••••••••••••
[II] heavy traffic b move factories out of the city Final Paragraph
[]I] nowhere for people to walk c encourage people to usc public
summarise your opinion
[II] nowhere for children to play transport
lID litter d build more parks and playgrounds • The number of main
e build wider pavements body paragraphs depends
on the number of
3 Match the solutions above to each of the results below. Then talk about suggestions you want 10
the solutions and their results, as in the examples. rooke.

e.g. 11people were encouraged touse
[]]] there would be fewer cars on the roads public transport. there would he
c:::::::m the streets would be cleaner fewer cars 011 the roads.
c::rn the air would no longer be dangerous to breathe
em children would have somewhere safe to play
We should provide more litter
ern people would be able to move around more easily
bins. If we did this, the streets
would be cleaner.
Unil14b Providing Solutions10Problems

3 a) Read thearticle and label each paragraph with theheadings below.

• second suggestion & resuuskonsequences , state the prohlem
• summariseyour opinion , third suggestion &
• first suggestion & resultsk onseouences resultslconseouences

How can we make

our city
a better place
to live?

Heavy traffic, air pollution and litter are among the

Para 1
most serious problems modern cities face nowadays.
Ours is no exception. What can we do, then, to help
make our citymore pleasing to its residents?
First of all, it would be a good idea to encourage Para 2
peopl e to usc public transport instead of their cars.
especialJy when commuting towork. The result wouldbe
fewer cars on the roads, andtherefore fewer traffic jams.
Secondly, steps should be taken in order to solve the USEFlJL VOCABULARY
Para 3
problem of air pollution. The situation could be
=> improved if factories we re moved out of the city. If this To make suggestions:
happened, the air would not be so polluted. • A useful suggestion would beto ..
Finally, efforts should be made to make our city a • Another solution ...
Para 4 • ... could be solved by...
cleaner and healthier place to live. A useful suggestion
• Steps/Measures should be taken
would be to put more litter bins in the streets. If this was
in order to solve/deal with ...
done, people would stop dropping their ruhbish on the
• Another way to ... is/would beto ...
ground, and our city would be cleaner. • The situation could beimproved if
There are many ways 10 make our city a better place Para 5 fby ..
to live. Adopting some of these measures would • It would be a good ideaif/to ...
definitely result in better conditions for everyone. • It would help if you/we/etc ..

To present results and

b) Read the article again and answer the questions.
• This would ...
What style has the writer used? Why? Give some examples. • Then ...
• Bydoing this, youlwe/etc would...
2 What arc the writer's suggestions and their results?
• If ... ..., the result would be...
3 Which words/phrases has the writer used to introduce each of her • The et tect/consequence'resu't ci
suggestions? ... would be .
Which writing technique has the writer used in her introduction? What • In this way, .
other techniquc(s) could he used?

Unil14b Providing Solutions 10Problems

4 Read the sentences and use the words/phrases in brackets to fill in 6 Use topic sentences (A-D) to
the blanks, as in the exa mple. complete the paragraphs(I-4).

1 More people should recycle paper .

.................................................................... would be that fewer trees would
have to be cut down. (As a result, The result of this)
2 According to many people, burglaries have increased recently .
......................................................................................... that more and more
people cannot find a job. (due to the fac t, because)
3 If we used carswhich run on lead-free petrol .
.......................... there would be less pollution. (so that, it is certain that)
-I TV programmes with violent scenes should be shown late at night .
........................................................................... children do not watch them. To begin with, retired people
(so that, in order to) could join a social club.
5 Nuclear power plants should be closed down . ill] The problem of noise pollution
...................................................................... prevent the risk of an accident. could be solved by having cars and
(so that, in order to) motorbikes checked on a regular
[Q It wou ld be a good idea for
5 a) Read the title below and students to seek the advice of
then match the suggestions career counsellors.
to their corresponding results. llil A useful suggestion would be to
set up more national parks for
endangered species.

"How to
avoid stress 1 .

before exams • In this way, they would gel

professional advice and be less
likely to make a wrong career
Suggestions Results decision. Also, students would
become fully aware of all
I Take regular breaks. A be healthy and able to concentrate
opportunities available in the
2 Study with a frie nd. S work be more organised labour market.
3 Eat properly and get C mind be clear and study time be
enough sleep. more productive
2 .
Make a study plan. D candiscussanydifficulties thatcomeup

It would also be a good idea for

them to take up a hobby. By doing
b) Using appropriate linking words/phrases write sentences, as in
this, theywould have theopportunity
the example.
to meet people and also do
1 = C A useful suggestion would be to take regular breaks. As a result, your something productive with their
mindwould beclear andyour study time would bemore productive. lime.
Unil14b Providing Solutions 10 Problems

3 . 8 Read the rubric and underline

Another solution would be to introduce high fines for motorists whose the key words, then answer the
vehicl es cause excessive noise. As a result, the number of cars and questions.

motorbikes which disturb the peace would decrease.
4 .
An educational magazine has
asked its readers to submit
articles discussing violence on
TV and ways to stop this
Animals living in a protected having negative effects on
environment have a much better young people.
chance ofsurvival. Moreover, national
How many hoursofTY doyou watch
parks could provide programmes to
every day? Do you watch violent
help the animaJs breed. programmes on TV? In what ways
do you think they are harmful?
7 Use the prompts below and appropriate linkingwords/phrases towrite 2 Which of the following suggestions
supportingsentences for the paragraphs that follow, as in theexample. would you make? Tick (/")-
A throw out your TV set D
A • keep I outside of I house I well-lit I at night
B complain to yourlocalTYstation
• install / alarm system about unacceptable programmes
• avoid I making I house I look I glamorous and the hours they are shownD
C rent action-packed videos for
To begin withwe should make sure that our houses are not burglar friendly. your children to watch. D
Forexample a useful suggestion would be tokeep the outside of the house well-lit
D look at the TV guide and choose
at night .
programmes which are suitable
• workingout I three times I week I definitely
fo r children D
/ help/ lose / weight / keep fit E put a TV set in their
• follow I healthy diet / stop / eat / junk food
bedroom D
3 Now match the suggestions (A-E)
Secondly, it would be a good idea to joina to their results below.
gym . ITO your children would watch
only educational and non-
violent programmes
[II] TV stations could be
C • use I environmentally-friendly products I help reduce I water pollution convinced to air certain
• plant more trees I so that I there I be I more oxygen I fewer floods programmes late at night.
4 In which paragraph should you
Finally, steps should be taken to help save our planet. . state what the problem is? What
useful vocabulary could you use to
introduce suggestions? In wh ich
D • put up / signs I inform I public I if I they I paragraph should you summarise
litter I they / be fined your opinion?
• organise / clean-up days / once a week

A useful suggestion to keep our beaches 9 Read the rubric in Ex. 8 again
clean would be to provide plenty of rubbish bins and write your article (120·180
alongthem . words). Use Jour an swers from
Ex. 8 to help you. Use the
article in Ex. 3a as a model.
UNIT 14c Lellers 10 Ihe Editor
1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

a) What's the oldest/most beautiful building in your town/city?

b) How would you fee l if it was tom down to have a modern block
of offices built in its place'!
c) If you wanted other residents to know what your views arc,
would you write: a narrative? a news report? a letter to the editor
of a local newspaper?

l etters to the editor of a newspaper or magazine are written when you want to
express your opinion about a topicthat is of interest to thegeneral public, to show
your agreement or disagreement or to discuss a problem and suggest solutions.
Letters 10 theeditor should consist of:
a) an introduction in which you clearly give the reason for writing and your opinion
about the topic;
Note: If your letter is written in reply to another letter or article you should also
mentionwhere and when you read it, aswell as the name ofthe person who wrote
b) a main body in which you present the problems and their consequences or
suggestions and results in separate paragraphs ;
c) a conclusion in which you summarise your opinionor restate it using different
• l etters to the editor are usuallywritten in a formal or semi-formal style. Introduction
• ••••••••••••••••
Paragraph 1

reason for writing and

2 Read the rubric and underline the keywords, then answer the questions. your opinion

The local council of the town you live in has decided to build a large shopping Moln Body
centre. Write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper expressing your •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •••
views on this matter. Paragraphs 2-3·

I Who is going to readyour letter? problems and

consequences or
2 What is the reason for writing the letter? suggestions and results
3 Howwould you begin and end your letter? Why?
4 a) Is there a shopping centre in your toe.. n? What can you buy there? Is it popular •••••••••••••••••
\.. .ith shoppers? Final Paragraph
b) Which of the following problems can a shopping centre cause? Tick (I) .
noise pollution Dheavy traffic D
litter in the streets D
sea pollution D summarise/restate your
c) Would you like a new shopping centre near your house? What would be the
advantages or disadvantages? Think about: crowded streets; convenience; • The number of main
noise/air pollution; varietyof shops; traffic; smaller shops closing down; how the body paragraphs
area will change; etc may vary depending
on the rubric.

I Unit14c [ellers10 IheEditor

3 a) Read the letter below and label the

paragaphs with these headings: USB'UI. EXPRESSIONS AND
• secondproblem and
consequences • To beglrryour letter: I am writing to
• reason for writing and ..,¢f';,. express my approval/disapproval
opinion \ .':. ..., ,t ..-- of/support for ...; I am writing with
• summa/)' of opinion 'S."J regard to ...; t am writing about ...; I
• first problem and have just read a ... in your ... about
consequences tl0 ...; etc
..... .......'I • To state your oj:!inion: In my opinion
...; I (do not) feel/believe/ think ...; I
Dear Sir/Madam, am (totally) opposed to/in favour of
...; I strongly agree/disagree with ...;
I am writing about Trent Council's decision to build a large Para 1 etc
shopping centre in our town. I strongly disagree with this
• I o__e_xRress conseque!:!ges/resu lts:
decision and Ibelieve it will have negative effects on the town. This will/would mean ...; Then ...;
Firstly, a shopping centre will turn Trent from a quiet, Therefore ...; Consequently ...; As a
peacefulneighbourhood into abusy shoppingarea. Obviously, Para 2
result ... ; If we do/did this ... ;
there will be an increase in the amount of traffic and the Obviously ...; Clearly ...; etc
number ofpeople cominginto town. As a result, we will suffer I • ,..,
• IoJis\your pQints:. Firstly ...; First of
from both air and noise pollution. all ...; Secondly ...; Furthermore ;
Secondly, the appeara nce of our town will change What is more ...; Lastly ...; Finally ;
Para 3
completely. In order for the shopping centre to be built, etc
some of our oldest and most beautiful buildings will have to • To end your lel tef; I hope my
be torn down. Therefore, Trent's surroundings as well as its comments/suggestions/etc will be
character will be destroyed. taken into consideration ...; I hope
To sum up, I am totally opposed to the Council'sdecision as Para 4 the government/local council/we
I believe it will be disastrous for Trent. Consequently, I hope will ...; I hope something will be
that the council will reconsider its decision. done about this urgently, etc

Yours faithfully,
Mary Swanson
5 Read the letter in Ex. 3a again
and underline the word s!
b) Does the writeragree or disagree with the local council's derision?
phrases the writer has used
which also appear in the table
4 Read the letter again and complete the table that follows. Then make above. Then, replace those
sentences, as in the example. words/phrases with suitable
alternatives, as in the example.
Problems Consequences
e.g. I am writing about = I am writing
l! • increase in amount of traffic ----+
c •
= and number of people with regardto
,. -•

• ----+ ..
I strongly disagree WiTh = I am

e.g. The amount of traffic andnumberof people will increase. As a result, we

Unit14c leflers 10 Ihe Editor

6 Use the prompts below to write full sentences, as in the exa mples. a What is the reason for writing each
opinion, / need / build I more schools. b What is the writer's opinion in cach
In my opinion, we need to buildmore schools. case?
2 I I strongly believe / driving test / make I more difficult.
I strongly believe that the dnvmgtest shouldbe made more difficult.
3 I I opposed / construction I newmotorway
8 Read the suggestions below and
match Ihem to their results.
Then, make sentences using
4 furthermore, / council! provide / morc sportscentres
appropriate linking words!
phrases and expressions, as in
5 I I write I express I disapproval ! plans I dose / The Majestic Cinema
the example.
6 I / feel I cars / ban / city centre
7 I / think / more policemen I patrol! our/ neighbourhood c:IKI companies have flexible
working schedules
8 I ! believe / new library / be / excellent idea []D all shops open from l Oam to
9 pm during the week
9 I ! hope I comments I take I consideration w=J pedestrians always use zebra
QI] all blocks of flats have security
7 First match the beginnings with their endings and then answer the [1'0 airport built 20 km away from
questions tha t follow. city centre
[IT] the newspaper have weekly

• supplement on cultural
happenings in town

I am in replyto aletter I readinyourmagazine.I stronglydisagreewah the views of

thewnterabout cyclists.Beingacyclist myself,I know howthoughtlesscar drivers canbe,
GIl avoid the risk of being hit by
2 I amwritingabouttherecyclingplarrt to be built inourtown. Tomymind, it's hightime we [ID tenants protected on a 24·hour basis
didsomething to helpour environment. [g employees be able to choose thc
hours that suit them
[ill residents will not be affected by air
lliJ people be better informed and
• have the opportunity to book
tickets in advance
A Tosum I have to state lhat I am intotal agreement wrththecouncil's decision to build [f] work ing people will not be restricted
as to when to do their shopping
e.g. 1 =C
B Inconclusion, it is my opinionthat motorists should be moreconsiderate. Atler all, theyare In my opinion all companies should
not the only ones on theroads. have flexible working schedules. This
would mean that employees would be
able tochoosethe tioun thaI suitthem.
Unil14c lellers 10 Ihe Ed ilor

9 a) Read the rubric and 1 Who is going to read your letter? 3 How would you begin and end
underline the key words, 2 What is your reason for writing your letter?
then an swer the questions. the letter?

b) the facilities in column A to their functions in column B.

You saw the news report
Then, ask and answerquestions, as in the example.
below in Monday's edition of
the Rosemary Telegraph and
have decided to write a letter Column A Column B
to the editor making I a snack bar A bringyour own foo d and have a picnic
suggestions on how to make 2 drinking fountains B wash yourhands, change babies' nappies, etc
the park more appealing. C have a drinkwhenever you are thirsty
3 swings, sandboxes, etc
D enjoy a cool drink and have something
4 picnic tables light to eat
Late last night the 5 public lavatories E not drop rubbish on ground
local council finally 6 litterbins F children can play safely and have fu n
decided in favour of
makin g Rosemary }lark 1 = D A: Doyou think the park should hare a snack bar?
more appealing to the B: Yes, I do. Then we would be able to enjoy a cool drink and hare
city's residents. A:fte r a something light to eat.
month of discuSsIOns, the
c) what else do you think a park should have?
council agreed to spend
more than £ 50,000 on
improv ing it. The council 10 Read the rubric in Ex. 9 and the news report again and wr ite your
letter (120-180 words}, Lse your answers from Ex, 9 to help you. Lse
plans to complete work
the letter in Ex. 3 as a model.
on the park by next
UNIT 15 Assessmenl ond Proposol Heporls
1m 1 You will hear a discussion about a health farm. Read the questionnaire below,
then listen to the cassette and tick (I) the correct boxes. Listen again to fill in
the missing information. Finally, use the table to talk about the health farm.

Exce llent Poor

Locctlon 0 0 0 0
on ly an hour from the ne arest station twenty minutes awa y

Facilit ies o 0 0
........................ .......courts. beautifuLlarge bedrooms. a swimming

man y o n offer
0 0
. .
o 0
Choice , n tt wonderful

f ood 0 0 0 0
rather and tost etess. but low in fat and very .

General Comments
Ooktonds' j ocfuttes very : an excellent af
treatments available: food rather - the menu could be improved

Reports are normally written for someone in authority (e.g. your employer, the local Introduction
council , theheadof a committee, etc) and contain factual information.
Assessment reports present and evaluatethepositive and negative qualities of a person Paragraph 1:
(i.e. an employee) or a building/place (i.a. a hotel, a restaurant, a shop, a cinema complex, state the purpose and
etc) in order to make a judgement or recommendation about them. content of your report
Proposal reports present suggestions, plans or decisions about future actions.
Reports should consistof: Main Body
a) an introduction in which you state thepurpose and content ofthe report;
b) a main body in which you present each topic in detail undersuitable subheadings. Paragraphs 2-5·:
(these headings introduce the topic ofthe paragraphs, so you do not need to start summarise each point uroe-
each paragraph with a topic sentence); SUitable subheadings
c) a conclusion which summarises the information from the main body and states [Assessment: posnve and
your general assessment and/or recommendation. negative points
• Reports are written in a formal. impersonal style. You should use factual language, Proposal:
passive voice andfull verb forms. You should also write fairly short sentences to suggestionsl
help your reader pick out the information easily. Presenttenses are normally used recommendations!
forassessment reports. Past tenses can beused for reports related to past events.
Modals, conditionals or would are normally usedfor proposal reports. Conclusion
• ••••••••••••••••
• You should always begin your report by slating who thereport is addressed to and
what their position is, the writer's name and position, what the report is about and Final Paragraph:
the date. general assessment and/or
e.g. To: Thomas Prescot. Chairman of Council
From: MaJY Scott, Senior Manager • The number of main boc.
SubJeeI: Big Screen Cinema Complex paragraphs may vary
Date: 3rd June, 20... depending on the rubric.

Unil 15 Assessment ond Proposol Reports

2 Read the rubric and underline b Use the adjectives below to describe the foo d, the service, the prices
the key words, then answer the and the atmosphere in a restaurant, as in the example.
questions. delicious, expensive, relaxing, disgusting, noisy, slow, reasonable, efficient
e.g. The food in ... is delicious .
You are an assistant manager
for an international publishing 3 a) Read the report below and underline the correct word(s) in bold.
company which is producing a Then, use the subheadings from the list to fill in the blanks.
tourist guide to restaurants in
your country. The manage r of • Food • Atmosphere • Recommendation
your company has asked you • Service • Prices • Introduction
10 assess a restaurant in your
area to see if it is suitable for
tourists on a tight budget. Write
your report , describing t he
restaurant's food , service . prices
and atmosphere.
To: MrA J Williams,
1 What is theaim ofthis report? What Burton Publishing
type of report should you write? From : Milton Briggs,
Assistant Manager
2 Who isgoing to readyour rcport?
Subject: Gaslights Restaurant
3 What is your position, according to Date: 21st July, 20...
the rubric?
A manager of the company
R assistant manager •
A) ..
C reporter The aim ofthis report isto assess
the suitability of Gaslights
4 What does "tourists on a tight Restaurant for tourists on a tight
budget" mean? budget.
5 Which of the following must be B) ..
included in the report? Tick (I). Gaslights serves good qualitymeals.
A size of restaurant D It has a wide variety of delicious local and international dishes 1) as well
B location of your town D as!but an excellent choice of starters and desserts. The menu 2) and/also
includes a number of French specialities.
C quality of food 0
D what the atmosphere is like D
3) Nevertheless/Despite the factthat the staff at Gaslights Restaurant are
E what the service is like D
F good and bad points of the
.g well-trained and polite, the service can sometimes be slow. This can be a
problem when the restaurant is full.
restaurant D ."
,. D)
G location of restaurant 0 The prices are quite reasonable. 4) Although/However, some dishes, such
H high/low prices D asthe French specialities, are rather expensive.
I openinghours D E) .. ..
6 What style should you use? What Gaslights has a charming and relaxing atmosphere. The background music
arc the main characteristics of this is pleasant 5) and/too the soft lighting creates a cosy atmosphere. These
elements, combined with the modern decor. appeal to customers of all
7 Answer the followingquestions. F) . .. .
a Howoften doyou eat out?What 6) All in all/Even though the service can sometimes be slow, Gaslights
is your favour ite restaurant? offers first-class food at reasonable prices. 7) Therefore! However, J highly
How much do you usually spend recommend this centrally-located restaurant fortourists on a tight budget.
when you eat out?
Unil15 Assessmenl ond Proposol Reporls

b) Read the report again and fill in the table with the positive and negative points of Gaslights Restaurant.
Then, use the information to talk about the restaurant.

Subheadings Postttve Points Negative Points





c) Would ) 'OU recommend Gaslights Restaurant? \\h)'(not)? b) Choose five of the following
subheadings below to match
the extracts in part a).
4 a) Join the sentences below using appropriate linking words/
phrases, as in the example. [AI[! Recommendation
(]I] Decor and Atmosphere
however; in addition, therefore, as, on the other hand, and, although,
oltemctiveiy [IT] Location and Access
I.QD Fees
1 Annual membership fees at the Little Dale Sports Centre are quite []I] Facilities
reasonable. However, thereare no special prices offered for students and Availability and Booking
young people. [ill Food

2 To sum up, the local museum has interesting exhibits that will attract
schoolchildren. It is , the most suitable choice for the
school's day trip. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS
You can start a report with the
3 the fu nction rooms of Hotel Royale are available
following phrases:
for bookings throughout the year, they arc often fu lly booked from The purpose/aim of this report is to
November to January they cater for Christmas and assess...
New Year parties during this period. This report was carried out to assess .
As requested, thisreportis toassess ..
4 The restaurant offers a wide choice of dishes at a range of prices. To end your report you can use the
.......................................... , buffe ts are available at very reasonable rates. following phrases:
................................................................... , there are fewvegetarian dishes. On the whole, ...fTo sum up, ...tAil in
all, .../In conclusion, ..
5 The Italian Restaurant is located on the south bank of the river .. In sprte of the (dis}advantages, .. ./I would
...................... iseasily accessible by underground , (not) recommend ...l.: is (not)
for those who would rather use the bus, the number 397 from Central recommended .. l.; is (not)suitablefor ...
Square passes directly in front of the restaurant.

Unil15 Assessmenl nnd Prnoosnl Reoorls

5 Read therubricandunderline the kCJ words, then answer the questions. 9 The extracts below are written
in a wrong style. Read them
You work for a company which is planning to hold its annual winter
excur sion . The manager has asked you to write a report about the
and replace the words/phrases
suitab ility of the Mountain High Hotel for the excursion . Write your in bold with more suitable ones
report, incl ud ing information about rooms, facilities, food and cost, from the lists.
as well as commenting on the hotel's good and bad points. .
finally, excellent, what is more,for
I What is the aim of this report? What type of report should you write? example, fashionable, therefore
2 Who is going to read your report?
A Riverside Mati is one of the ID?st
6 a) Read theprompts below and match them tothe correct subheadings. convenient centres in our city.
1) What I mean is, it is located
• private bathroom in each room • no special rates for groups the main bus terminal and 2) so It
• cosy lounge with fireplace with fewer than thirty people is easily accessible to shoppers.
• breakfast not included in price • free skiing lessons 3) Also, there arc many 4) trendy
• £60 double room, £45 single • three-star restaurant rcstaurants where shoppers can
room • no telephones in rooms eat lunch or dinner. 5) The last
• limited choice of dishes for • no room service thing is. there are 6) good facilities
vegetarians • delicious home-made meals for people with spccial needs.
• comfortable rooms with • guests can rent skiing
colour TV equipment
• live music every weekend • varied menu


b) Which points are positive and which are negative'!

c) Can )'OU think of a suitable introduction'!
d) wha t recommendation would you give?

7 Read the rubric in Ex. 5 again and write Jour report (120·180 increase the numberof, theaim of
words). Use Jour answers from Ex. 6 to help you. You can use the this report is
report in Ex. 3a) as a model.
B 1) written this report to
recommend ways to 2) get more
8 .\Iark the statements below as T (for true) or F (for false). foreign students at Silversmythe's
In fo rmal style we use:
I long. sophisticated sentences0 6 advanced vocabulary 0
2 factual language 0 7 formal idioms and phrasal verbs 0
3 colloquial expressions 0 8 everydayvocabulary 0
4 formal linking words/phrases 0 9 passive voice 0
5 short forms 0 JO impersonal language 0
UDilI5 AssessmeDIODd PrODosol ReDons

10 Read the rubric and underline

the key words, then answer the

You have a part-time job in a

bookshop that specialises in
educational publicat ions. The
manager wants to attract young
customers to the bookshop and
has asked you to write a report
making your suggestions.

I What is the aim of thisreport? To: Elizabeth Jones, Owner, Bookworms Bookshop
2 What type of report should .Vall"Tile'. From: Sarah Thompson, Shop assistant
Subject: Attracting young customers
an assessment report or a proposal
report? Date: 4th May, 20...

3 Who is going to read your report? AI ·....·.....·.....·....·.....·....··...··...

1 The purpose of this report is to suggest ways to attract more young
... What would make a bookshop
customers to the bookshop.
popular with young people'!
BI . .
Choose from the listbelow. Most of the books currently available are quite academic and therefore appeal
A offer magazines and books of to older customers. In order to encourage more young people to buy books,
interest to young people _ e.g. the shop shouldoffer magazines and books on topics such asmusic, fashion
about fashion, computers, etc and computers.
C) .
B not morethanfive peopleallowed At present the shop sells traditional stationery and calendars. h would be a
in the shop at the same lime good idea to stock items designed for young people, such as school
C funitems on sale, such as posters equipment, posters, stickers, school bags and games.
and stickers 0) .
D brighter decor • Discounts would encourage local students to buy their textbooks at the
bookshop. In addition, leaflets should be given to schools and colleges to
E discounts for students make students aware of thesediscounts.
F leaflets distributed to schools f EI .
5 What style should you use in your I The inside of the shop is very plain and rather old-fashioned. Young people
report? What are the characteristics
I wouldbe more likely to come in if the decor was modernised and the interior
, was painted in bright colours.
of thisstyle'!
( attract younger customers if a wider range
11 a} Read the report and { of goods were stocked, the interior was made more attractive and special
choose appropriate i prices were offered to students.

subheadings from below

to fill in the blanks.
b) Answer these questions.
• Location • Shop Interior
1 In which paragraphrs) docs the writer mention her suggestions? Wh I
• Purpose • Other Items on Sale are these suggestions? a
• Service • Types of Books 2 Underline the modals used in thereport.
• Conclusion • Discounts
3 Can you thinkof another way to state the purpose of the report?
Unll 15 Assessment ond ProDosol ReDoris

12 a) Read the rubric and

underline the kCJ words,
then answer the questions.

You have recently started

working at a youth club. The
manager wants to make the
club more popul ar with 10- to
14-year-olds and has asked
you to write a report making
your suggestions. Write your B club open earlier
report (120-180 words). - younger
children could go
Who is goingto read your report? colourful posters there straight
put up - modern
, What is the purposeof the report? from school
furniture bought -
What type of report should you would brighten up
write? the club premises
..t Should you usc subheadings? What
could theybe?
.:: In which paragraph(s) should you
make your suggestions?

b) Match the main points to

the suggestions. Then, make
sentences using appropriate
D organise activ itie s
linking words/phrases. -e.g. table tennis
Tel: 0931-829913 fo r
more Infonnalion tournaments or
computer games -
Main Points more fun for 10- to
l:o:KJ interior of Thorntree Youth give out leaflets at schools -
10- to 14-year-otds would find

Club - not decorated in a out about the club

way that appeals to younger
youth club's current facilities
c) Choose suitable subheadings for the main bod)' paragraphs of
more suitable for older the report. Then, match them to the main points (1 ·4) in part a),
teenagers as in the example.
current publicity not aimed at
younger children A Facilities [Z][[] D Decor DD
youth club not open until 7 pm B Membership DD E Publicity DD
- rather late for 10- to 14- C Opening Hours DD F Location and Access DD

13 Read the rubric in Ex. 12 again and write Jour report (U O-ISO
words). Use your answers from Ex. 12 10 help you. You can use the
report in Ex. 11 as a model.

Revision &Extension Section
rubrics do notlal= : =: n: : : g type such as a description, a
report, an opinion essay, etc. Instead they requirea mixture of writing types.
e.g. "... a letter describing a birthday party you attended ..." - thisis both a letter and a
description of a celebration.
When you answer questions you should always remember to pay careful attention to
key words, which show:
• Type of writing - words/phrases such as "give points for and againsr ,
"assess·, "recommend", etc indicate the type of writingand layout expected.
• Situation and intended reader - key words/phrases such as "'Iou workfor", "your
teacher hasasked you· etc indicate who you are writing to.
• Subject- key words/phrases indicate the main subject(s) of your piece of writing -
e.g. the environment, education, a festival, a famous pers on, etc.
• Topicsto include- most rubrics give you a listof the main topicsto be included -
a.q. "... include a description ofphysical appearance, personal characteristics and
lifestyle ..."; this list provides you with the paragraph plan for the main body of your
piece of writing (e. g. paragraph 2 - physical appearance; paragraph 3 - personal
characteristics; paragraph 4 - lifestyle).
• Other points to include- phrases such as explain why", "then make suggest-
ions about" , "say which you prefer", etc indicate important additional aspects that
must be included in your piece of writing.

1 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.
A close relative of yours got married last weekend. Your cousin, who lives in
another city, was not able to come to the wedding. Write a letter to your
co usin, describ ing the wedding. Describe the whole day, including
preparations, the ceremony itself and some of the people who attended.

1 What type of composition is this'!

, a) Which of the following arc you asked to describe? Tick (I ):
A preparations in the weeks before the celebration 0
R preparations on the morning of the celebration 4 Which of the following
0 should your conclusion
C some of the people who came contain? Tick (I )
0 A details about the D
D some of the people who were unable to attend people who came
E the wedding ceremony
R closing remarks 0
C description of the
b) In which partof the letter wouldyou describe each topic? Howmany paragraphs
wouldyou need?
activities in the
evenmg o
3 In which paragraph should you state your reason for writing'!

2 Read the letter and label the paragraph s, then answer the
• people who attended • actual ceremony • closingremarks
• preparations • opening remarks & reason fo r writing

Dear Iris,
Pa ra 1
§ I hope you're well. It's a pity you couldn't
make it to Kim's wedding, We had a really
wonderful time and I. thought fd write to tell you
all about it
I went over to Kim's house at about 9am to
Para 2 howlthings with you? 150rry

-_ .
help her get ready and do her make-up. When
youl not make it/ Kim' 50
her bouquet arrived at the house. Kim cried
wedding/let me t ell! all about
becouse it looked so beautiful. The hairdresser
did a lovely job with Kim's hair and we managed it
to get her ready in time. well that/ all for nowl my
Kim looked stunning as she walked dOYr'n the Para 3 lovel your mum/dadl write
,... aisle. Jim looked great in his dark blue suit. too.
= They were just the perfect match! The hymns
eoonl tell me your news

i• were lovely and a soloist sang Ave Maria It was

very touching. After they had said their vows,
they exchanged rings. Kim's mum didn't stop
crying throughout the whole ceremony. Para 4 Paragraph 1
Do you remember Mrs Peacock, Kim's red-
haired piano teacher? well, she was there. reasonlsl for writing
opening remarks
wearing a funny hat - and you should have seen
uncle Bobr I' ve never seen him dressed so
smartly. It certainly was a wedding to remember. Para 5
Anyway, Iris, I must go now. Take care, and I Paragraph 2
hope to see you soon.
love, preparations
Jess Paragraph 3
I Is this formal, semi-formal or infocmal letter?
description of the
2 What arc the characteristics of thistype of writing? Find examples in the ceremony
letterof each characteristic.
Parag raph 4
3 What has been included in the introduction?
brief description of
wh ich paragraph includes a description of the people who attended? some of the people at
the celebration
5 Underline the descriptive adjectives used in the letter, then replace them
with suitable synonyms. Conclusion
Final Para graph
3 Read the introduction and concl usion aga in. then use the prompts
gin n to "rite an alternative beginning and ending to the letter, closing remarks

. •
When you giveyour views on a topic, you can use linking words/phrases
to list points - e.g. To begin wfth, What is more, In addition, etc
• The following linking words/phrases are useful to introduce reasons or
justifications for your viewpoints - This means that, As a result, so,
because, Needless to say. therefore, etc
• lNhen you give examples to support your viewpoints. you can introduce
these with the following linking WOf'dsiphrases - for example, tor
instance, such as, etc
• You can useType 0 and Type 1conditionals to provide examples -
e.g. For instance. if you are worried or upsetabout something, spending
ame with )'OUr pet helps/can help )'OU 10 lorget )'OUr problems.
• You can use Type 2 conditionals to introduce suggestions -
e.g. " Jwere a factoryowner. f wouldn't po/Jute the environment.
"everyone took the;, rubbish home with them, our beacheswoukin't
be so polluted.

4 Read the rubric. underline the key words and answ er the questions.
Your favourite magazine is holding a competition to find the best
article with the title "The Perfect Per . You should say what pet you
would like to have, giving reasons. You should also mention how you
would take care of your pet. The winning article will appear in the
magazine. Write your arti cle for the competition (120-180 words).

1 Who are you writing for?

A the editor of a newspaper
B the readers of a magazine
C pet owners
., Which topics must be included in your article? Tick (I):
[AI] reasons why your article should be chose n
ffiD your ideal pet
IT] suggestions about how to take care of the pet
m:o reasons for your choice of pet
ffiIJ points for and against having a pet
J In whichorder will you present the correct topics?
5 What would your pet need? Choose
.t Look at the pictures and say which pet you would like to have, then give
from the list below and add ideas of
reasons for your choice. Use the prompts below and add your own ideas.
your own.
the correct food
make good companions obedient - toys to play with
make you feel happy affectionate - regular exercise
loyal - obedience training
easy to look after regular check-ups at the y et
L __ _. -. __.....-- love and affection

5 Read thearticle and put the verbs into the correct conditional form. 4 What technique has been used to
Then, answer the questions. make the introduction more
5 In the writer's opinion, what is the
perfect pet?
6 What reasons docs the writer give
in support of this opinion?
7 In which paragraphs does the writer
give these reasons?
8 What does the writer say about
looking after the pel?
9 Are the main points included in
clear topic sentences? Underline
the topic sentences.
10 Find and underline all the linking
words/phrases in paragraphs 2-5.
We often hear people say that a oog is "man's best friend", which in my Then, say which ones arc used to:
opinion is true. Many animals make good pets, but my ideal pet is a dog.
A list points
To start with, dogs make pertect pets because they are good companions. B explain reasons/results
A dog keeps you company and understands your moods. For example, if you
1) (be) sad, a dog comforts you and 2) .. C introduce examples
(cheer) you up. If you are happy, then a dog 3) .. I I Read the article again and suggest
(respond) with playfulness. alternative linking words.
In addition, dogs make the most loyal pets because they feel great
affection for their owners and like to please them. If you train your dog, it
4) (become) very obedient because it 5) .
.. ............. ................... (learn) to behave in the way you want it to. • ••••••••••••••••
..... What is more, dogs can be very useful. For instance, they are often used Paragraph 1
to guard property, or to guide blind people. Even dogs who are just pets have
been known to alert people to danger or fetch help in an emergency. For this mention the perfe ct pet
reason, adog is a valuable addition to the family. and state your opinion

If I 6) .. .. (have) a dog, I 7) .. Moln Body

(look after) It by feeding IT the right food at the right time and making sure it •••••••••••••••••
8) (have) plenty of exercise. I 9) .. Paragraphs 2- 4
(train) it to be obedient and take it to the vet for regular check-Ups. Perhaps
one ofthe most important things dogs need is affection , because, likehumans, reasons for choice of pet
they need to feel loved.
Paragraph 5
All in all, the effort needed to take good care of a dog is repaid with
companionship , loyalty and love. It is easy to see why so many people agree how to take care of pet
that a dog really is the perfect pet
1 What type of article is this (description, opinion, or making suggestions/ Final Paragraph
re st ate yo ur opi nio nl
2 Is it written in formal or informal style? Why has this style been used? summarise points
3 What information has been incl uded in the introduction?

6 w ok at the notes below.
Match the viewpoints to the CHOOSING THE CORRECT WRmNG STYLE
reasons/examples, then use When you answer an exam question, remember to study the key words
carefully to interpret the writing style requ ired - e.g. a letter to a friend
lo ur notes to writ e a main
would require an informal style. whereas an article for a magazine would
body paragraph explaining normally require a semi-tcrmal style.
why goldfish would make ideal
• Informal style - chatty, very personal, colloquial language (i.e.
everydayexpressions. idioms, phrasal verbs and short forms)
• Semi-formal style - polite, respectful but friendly ton e (i.e. less col-
loquial than informal style, short forms used less freq uently, linking
Reason/Example words/phrases used to connectideas)
• Formal style - official, business-like, polite but impersonal tone (i.e.
advanced vocabulary, frequent use of the passive, formal linkingwords!
phrases, no short forms orcolloquiallanguage, complex sentences)
II easy to 0 A research has
look after shown that
7 a) Read the endings and match them to styles A • C.
I watching fish
can reduce stress [K[] informal @[] formal
I, don't make
the house
0 B their food costs
very little, and

T m up the Westfic1d Centre is a modern andwell-equipped

untidy they don't have b: i:ng in'which a range of small and medium-siz.ed conf:rc.nce !
I to be taken to
facilities arc available at competitive prices. Despite the limited
parking space, the centre is highly recommended as a venue for I
I3 are not
expensive to
0 C you only need
to feed them a
=== company training courses.
2 All in all. a good pen
friend should aiwavs

look after pinch of food welcome your letters and
once a day write interesting replies. j
4 can help 0 D unlike dogs What is more. even if vou
have never m'et your pen
you relax and cats, they
friend, they should be
don't make a
someone you can always
mess turn to as_00
Anyway, that's all my nev.. s for the moment. I ope ,you r
a true friend.
okay _ write back soon and tell me all about your new place.

-- J- -...._ E;8.-
b) Read the extracts again and match them to the types of writing.
[![] letter to a friend [![] assessment report magazine article

c) Use the prompts below to write the introduction to extract

Whatmakes a good pen frie1ld?
• what make/good pen friend?
• everyone/have/different answer/this question
• some qualities/we all look for in/pen friend

8 Read the rubric, underline the key words,then answer the questions.

You recently read the following statement in a local newspaper:

can do something to help reduce crime in
their neighbourhood.
Write a composition , saying whether or not you agree with the
statement and making suggestions about how crime can be

I Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

2 What expressions/linking words could you use to make suggestions?

9 Read the article and replace the words in bold with formal ones
from the list below. Then answer the questions.
more difficult, Parents, serious problem, reduce, children.
Needless to say, members of the local community
How many of us can honestly say that we live in a neighbourhood that is
not affected by crime? Crime is certainly a 1) bad thing and I agree that
everyone can playa part in helping to reduce it. .
One way to prevent crime would be for people to pay more attention to
what is going on around them. For example, if 2) neighbours took more
notice of their surround ings and reported anything suspicious to the police,
fewer crimes would be committed .

Another solution would be to make it 3) a bit harder for criminals to commit
a crime. For example, we could all make sure that we locked our cars and
houses securely. If people were more careful, it wouldn't be so easy for
criminals to break in and steal things.
It would also be a good idea to educate children about the danger s of
getting involved in crime. 4) Mum and dads and teac hers could help, and the
police could give talks in schools so that 5) little kids would learn about the
dangers. 6) I don't need to tell you that this would 7) cut do wn on the
number of crimes committed by children. Introduction
In my view, we all have a duty to make our neighbourhood a safe place to •••••••••••••••••
live in, and the sooner we do it the better. Paragraph'

1 Does the introduction clearly slate the topic? state the topi c, agree or
2 Does the writer agree or disagree with the statement? Underline the
sentence in the introduction ,.. . hich states this. Main Body
3 What technique has the writer used in the introduction? • ••••••••••••••••
Paragraphs 2- 4
4 What other techniquescan be used inintroductions to this sortofwriting?
Suggest a suitable alternative introduction to thiscomposition. suggestions and results
5 Underline the expressions the writer has used to make suggestions.
6 What would result from each suggestion, according 10 the writer? •••••••••••••••••
7 Suggest a suitable alternative final paragraph. Final Paragraph

summarise your opinion

10 a) Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the Reasons/Examples
questions. heavy fines would make people
You have been doing a class project on road safety, Your teacher think twice before speeding
has asked you to write a composition about the following statement: rn fewer accidents would be caused:
drivers able to sec stopsigns and
can help to make our road s safer.
speed limitsbetter
You should state whether you agree or disagree with this statement
and make suggestions about how road safety can be improved.
explaining your reasons clearly . Write your composition (t 20-18O
rn fewe r carson the road would
mean fewer accidents
people would learn that
dangerous drivingcan kill
1 What style would be the most appropriate for this composition?
[]I] peopleshould take more care
1 Which of the following milst be included in this composition? Tick (I):
when crossing roadsand cyclists
A reasons/examples to support your suggestions D should be more alert
B descriptions of serious accidents D e.g. To begin with, the gowmment should
C suggestions about how to reduce road accidents D introduce stricterpenalties for driven
who break tire law, Heal')' fines. for
D agreement/disagreement with statement D instance, would make people think
twicebefore speeding.
bl Read the rubric again. Do J-OU agree or disagree with thestatement?
Match the suggestions (1 ·5) with thereasons/examples (A·E). then
select the ones that support Jour views. Finally, make sentences Introduction
using suitable linking words/phrases. and making any other Paragrap h 1
necessary changes, as in the example.
state topic. agree/disagree
3 people could use their carsless or share
1 stricter penalties for drivers
who break the law - ..----_
_ wit h others going in the same direction
Parag raph 2
advertising campaigns to show first suggestion and
2 pedestrians and
drivers that dangerous driving reasons/examples
cycl ists can help
can uf people's lives at risk
Paragrap h 3·
; - - -. ...- 5 improve roads and signposts
second suggestion and
reasons/ examples

Final Paragraph
restate your opinion
• The number of main body
paragraphs depends on the
number of suggestions you
wont to include

11 Read the rubric in Ex. 10 again.

Then. " rite Jour composition
using the plan above. as well as
J-our answers from Ex. 10 11':0- 1:
12 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.
r You have seen the following announcement in your local newspaper.


The local council will soon decide whether the town of Blakely will have a
new sportscentre or a new entertainment centre.
We want your opin ion. Write an articletelling uswhich oneshould be built.
Give reasons for your choice and say what you would like the centreto offe r.
ill prize for the best article received.

L Write your articl e for the competition.

1 What type of writing is this?

2 Imagine you have chosen the entertainment centre. What reasons could
you give to support your choice? w hat facilities should be provided?

13 Read the article and answerthe questions.

As weareallaware, Blakely has been given a sum of money to be spent on either •••••••••••••••••
a new sports centre or a new entertainment centre. I believe that the money should Parag raph 1
be spent on a new entertainment centre.
The main reason is that Blakely already has a wide range of sports facilities. In state the topic and your
addition to the football stadium and athletics track, the town has a modern public opinion clearly
swimming pool, an ice rink, tennis courts, several gyms and soon. Do wereally need
a sports centre aswell? Moln Body
On the other hand, there are very few entertainment facilities in thetown. There is
only one small cinema, the only existing disco is on the outskirts of town, and the Paragraph 2
nearest theatre is more than 30 miles away. fi rst r eo sc n. f or cho ice
The proposed entertainment centre should therefore include a theatre, cinema and justification
and disco. Furthermore, an exhibition hall should be provided so that lectures a,nd
exhibitions could be held. Facilities such as a coffee shop or restaurant would give Paragraph 3
people the chance to meet and relax before Of after a show.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that a new entertainment centre would increase second reason for choice
thechoice of entertainment in Blakely, and improve the quality of Irte in our town. and justification

Paragraph 4
I What would be a suitable title for this article?
suggestions for facilities
2 Is it written in formal or informal style? Why has this style been used?
3 Which centre does the writer think should be built? What reasons arc Conclusion
presented insupport of this choice? •••••••••••••••••
Fina l Paragraph
4 What facilities docs thewriter suggest should be provided?
5 Which tenses arc used in the model? restate your opinion
6 Underline the linking words/phrases used in the article, and suggest
suitable alternativeswhich could be usedto replace them.
7 Suggest an alternative introduction and conclusion for this article.

14 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.
An international magazine is pub lishing articles for a series called
Inffuenrial People of the Twentieth Century. You have been invited to
write a short article about a person who was an influential figure in
your country during the twentieth century . Write your artic le for the
magazine (t 20-180 words).

I What type of writing is this?

2 Could you write about someone from long ago [e.g. ancient times,
medieval time" the 18OO»? Why (not)?
3 Who would you write about? Why?
-l When writing about an infl uential person, what details could you include
in your article [e.g. physical appearance, character, interests, historical
importance, in what way influential, etc)?

15 Read the article and answer the questions.

Of all the important people in the twentieth century, without doubt the one who
had the most positive influence was Diana, Princess of Wales.
Diana was an extraordinary woman. Her beautyand elegance attracteel attention
wherever she went and she was often harassed by the press. Nevertheless, she •••••••••••••••••
was not discourageel by them. On the contrary, she leel a veryactive life. Shealso
Paragraph 1
made a point of spending a lot of time with her two sons and was clearly a caring
and loving mother. In addition, much of her life was devoted to organising charity
nome of person; comment
events which not only raised money to help the poor, but also made the public
about his/her influence
more aware of the problems the less fortunate face every day. Her down.to.-earth
nature and her compassion set an example for others to follow.
Main Body
Diana wasa great influence on the country for many reasons. First, she helped •••••••••••••••••
many people through her work, such as AIDS sufferers. She also helped change
Paragraph 2
the negative attitudes many people had towards such illnesses. Furthermore, by
coming into direct contact with those she helped, such as children in orphanages
brief description of his/her
or patients in hospitals, she showed thaI no matter who or what a person is, they
appearance. lifestyle and
should be kind, considerate and helpful towards everyone they meet.
character, with justification
Diana's influence was so great that, even after her death, the good work she
started has been continued by others. She is definitely a person nolto be torgotten.
Paragraph 3

I Is the article written in fonna l or informal style? Give examples to justify influence & reasons
your answer.
2 What is included in the introduction of the article? Suggest an alternative •••••••••••••••••
introduction. Final Paragraph
3 What is the main point of paragraph 3? Underline the topic sentence.
comments and feelings
.. In what ways was Diana influcntial, according to the article? 1general. not per sonalJ
5 What explanations/examples has thewriter given to show how Diana was about the person
infl uential?
6 What linking words have been used
- to list points/give examples?
- 10 showcontrast?
16 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. 5 Which techniques has the writer
used to start the article? Suggest an
An international magazine has asked its readers to send in articles alternative introduction for this
for a special edition about friends and friendship . You have decided
to write an article about what makes an ideal friendship . Write your
article for the magazine (120-180 words). 6 In the writer's opinion, what makes
an ideal friendship? Has each point
1 What type of writing is this? been presented in a separate
2 In you r opinion, what are the most important qualities a frie nd should paragraph with a clear topic
have? sentence? Underline the topic
17 Read the article and answer the questions below'. 7 Unde rline the words/phrases the
writer has used to list points.
Suggest alternative words/phrases
which could replace these.
8 What reasons has the writer given
in each paragraph to support the
points presented?
9 How does the writer end the

Paragraph 1

introduce the topic

Main Body
Paragraphs 2-4

viewpoints and reasons

Final Paragraph

summarise points

1 Suggest a suitable title for this article.

2 Has it been written in fo rmal. semi-formal or informal style?
3 What are the characteristics of this kind of writing? Give four examples
from the text.
4 Does the introduction clearly state the topic?
18 Read the rubric, underline the keywords and answer the questions.
You have had a class discussion about the following statement:
Only people who know how to make music can really enjoy
listening to it
Now your teacher has asked you to write a composition giving your
views on the statement. Write your composition (120-180 words).

1 What type of writing is this?

., Do you play a musical instrument?
3 Do you enjoy listening. to music?

19 Read the articleand answer the questions.

Is it impossible to appreciate music. as some people argue, if you don't play

a musical instrument yourself? I strongly believe that the ability to enjoy music
does not depend on the abilityto make music.
To begin with, people with no musical talentcan nonetheless get pleasure out
of listening to talented musicians play, Mymain reason for saying this is based OIl
personal experience. Although I do not play anymusicalinstrument. I enjoy a great
varietyof music, from classical to rock. andmillions of music fans aroundtheworld
feel the same way,
Furthermore, likingmusic is notsomething thatdepends on education, know-
ledge or ability. Instead. music 'speaks' directly to the emotions, This is clear from •••••••••••••••••
the way babies andanimals respond when they listen to music, which shows that Parag raph 1
anyone is capable of enjoying music.
On the other hand, knowing how to play a musical instrument can help you state the topic and your
understand music more clearly and appreciate it in a different way, If you write opinion clearly
music yourself, for example, you understand more about the music you listen to
Main Body
than someone who does not. •••••••••••••••••
To sum up, I feel that anyone can enjoy listening to music, whether or not they Paragraph 2
know how to make music themselves. It istruethatmusicians probably getgreater
pleasure out of listening to music than the rest of us do, but this does not mean viewpoint 1 and reason
that our own enjoymentof music is not 'real',
Paragraph 3

1 Does the writer agree or disagree with the topic'! Underline the sentence viewpoint 2 and reason
in the introduction which states the writer's opinion.
2 What technique has been used in the introduction? Suggest an alternative Paragraph 4
introduction usinga differe nt technique.
opposi ng view poin t and
3 Has the writer presented arguments both fo r and against the statement? reosonsl
What are these arguments. and in which paragraph iseach presented?
-I Which sentences state the writer's main arguments? What justification Conclusion
has been given to support each argument? Final Paragrap h
5 Underline the linking words/expressions used in the composition, then
suggest suitable alternatives whichcould replace them. restate your opinion
different word s
6 Suggest an alternative conclusion.

20 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. 1 Is this letter written in formal or
infonnal style? Why has this style
been used?
A friend has written to ask how to impr ove hislher English. Write a
letter in reply, giving your advice. You should also mention the main 2 What are the characteristics of this
difficulties which you think your friend might face. Write your letter type of writing? Find examples of
to your friend (120-180 words). each characteristic in the letter.
3 What is the reason for writing this
1 What kind of letter is this (an imitation. a letter of complaint, an leiter?
application for a job, etc)?
.. What advice has the writer given in
2 What advice would you give to a friend who wants to improve his/her
the letter? In which paragraph(s)?
5 What words/expressions has the
writer used to give advice? Suggest
21 Read the letter and answer the questions. alternative words/expressions which
could replace them.
, Dear Juan,
- -
6 When giving advice, the writer cives
reasons 10 explain in what way this
will help. Underline each of the
' JJ--- Thanks for your last letter. I think it's great that you want to reasons given in the letter.
Improve your English, and of course rd be happy to give you any
\ advice I can. Don't worry - rm sure yot/II find it a lot easier than 7 Underline the topic sentence in
you expect paragraph5. what is the main point
of the paragraph?
The best thing you can do is to start a course in English
are lots of schools which offer lessons, and rm sure they have qualified 8 Suggest a suitable alternative fmal
teachers who will be able to teach you properly. paragraph for Ihis leiter.
..... If r were you, I'd also try to make friends with someone is a
native English speaker. If you do this, you'll be able to practise what
you learn in class - and as they say, 'practice makes perfect'.
...... It would also be a good idea to read English magazines or books, •••••••••••••••••
and watch films and TV programmes in English. This gives you a lot of Paragraph 1
IAseful practice, and it's fun at the same time! If you like, I could send
you books and videos from here. reosonst for writing
Of course you will have a [ew problems, especially at the beginning.
The main diffiCUlty is with phrasal verbs, because there are so many
Moln Body
I of them, and they have so many different meanings! Don't give up - Paragraphs 2-4
after all, English iSn't a difficult language to learn. and you already
know the basics. advice and reasons
Naturally, from tIO'r'I on I expect you to write to me in English as
much as you can If you follov.' my advice, rm sure your English will Paragraph 5
\ improve in no time. Good luck!
\ Regards.

\---...:..-_ - - - - - - - -
/My. Conclusion
Final Paragraph

dosing remarks

22 Read the rubric. underline the key words and answer the questions. you will be able 10 practise
answering exam questions
Your cous in is worried that he/she won't pass all his/her exams this there is a limit to how much
year and has written to you asking for advice. Write a letter in reply. informationyou can learn
giving your cousin advice about how to prepare for exams and
explaining the main difficulties students face. (120-180 words)
you'll know how much time
you've got in order to prepare
I What kindof leiter is Ihis? for each subject
2 What advice would you give someone who wants to prepare well fo r their [ill you can't learn properly if
exams? What are the main difficulties they might face? you're tired
lID it will be easy to find the key
points in your notes, and you'll
23 a) Read the notes (1·5) below and match them to the reasons (A· E).
remember these more easily
Then. use suitable expressions and linking wordsjphrases to
write sentences offering advice. together with reasons. as in the e.g. If I were you; I'd make a study time-
example. table. If you do this, you 'll know how
much time YOIl 're got in order to

":# prepare for eachsubject.

,,........ ----
h) Use the prompts below, as

.--- .. well as ideas of your own, to

.... _........-
--- ..... talk about the difficulties
..... someone may face "hen

3 revise questions in past
preparing fo r exams,

• you start to panic as the date of the

exam gets nearer
• it's hard to get started - you keep
telling yourself you'll start tomorrow
1 make study timetable • you get discouraged because you

· keep fo rgetting certain information


use coloured pens 10

highlight important points
· .

e.g. Many peoplestart to panicasthe dare

of the exam gets nearer. TI)' to stay
calm, though. you WOll 't do
your best ifyou're vel)' nervous.

24 Read the rubric in Ex, 11

again, then write your letter
(120· 180 words). Use your
2 get plenty of sleep answ ers from Ex. 1J 10 help
5 don't try to studyevery yeu. You can use the- letter in
book in the library Ex, 21 as a model.
25 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. J Which is the most common ly used
verb tense in the story? Why'! What
A travel magazine is organising a short story competition for the
story about an excursion to remember. The story must begin
other tenses arc used. and why?
With the words: As soon as Bob arrived in the city, he knew that this -4 Which word is used:
would be a wonde rful day. Write your story for the competition. - in Para. 2 instead of 'big'?
(120-180 words) - in Para. 3 instead of 'looking'?
I Should your story relate to a trip/journey? why (not)? - in Para. 4 instead of 'said'"!
2 what kind of day would be 'wonderful'? 5 Underline the words/expressions
3 Shou ld you write your story in the first or third person? Why? used to show time and/or sequence
of events. Suggest suitable alter-
26 Read the 510 1')" and answer the questions. native words/phrases.
6 Which words/expressions have been
used to express feelings/reactions?
7 Which descriptive adjectives are
used to describe:
• the limousine? • the bu ildinas?
• the restaurant? • the decor?
• the performance?
8 Which technique has been used 10
end the story? What other tech-
niques can be used? Suggest an
alternat ive ending.

..... As soon as Bob arrived in the he kneW that this would a day. Introduction
He had won a dayout in London and tickets to thetheatre to see OnBroadway . The •••••••••••••••••
mommq sun was bright and Bob and his brother were excitedas they leftthe station Paragraph 1
and saw a shiny black limousine waiting to pick them up. As the chauffeur opened
the door for them, Bob smiled to himself and felt veryimportant. Set the scene
The first thing they did was to go sightseeing . Th.ey visited Tower Bridge, then lwho - where - when -
their driver took them to see Buckingham Palace. Neither Bob nor hIS brother had whatl
been to Loodoo before and they were amazed by all the huge. beautiful buildings.
The next thing they did was to have lunch in a famous, expensive restaurant. Main Body
While theywerebeing ledto their table. Bobmarvelledat theluxunous decor. As •••••••••••••••••
walked past onetable Bob couldn't helpstaring at some actors whom he recogmsed Paragraphs 2 • 4
from television. This was something to tell hisfriends aboutwhen he gol back home.
Soon it was timeto go to the When the down, Bob whispered Develop the story
10 his bromer. "This is fantastiC! I cant believe were here! The perlormance was detailed desc ription of
incredible. Bob knew thatthis wasan experience he would always remember. events in the order they
By the lime they got home, they were both 'VIhat a day;: happened
Bobsighed happily 10 himself before talllOQ asleep. How lucky I was to Win the pnze.
- d_ .-. Conclusion
- •••••••••••••••••
Final Parag raph
Underline any information in the introduction which makes reference to:
• the people involved • time • place • weather • feelings end the story; final
2 How many paragraphs does the main body consist of! What is the main feelings. comments, etc
event in each one?
27 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answerthe questions.

You have been invited.to write an article for Screen magazine. sa in

whether you 901.n9 to the cinema or watching videos at
Wnte your article. saYIng which you prefer and giving reasons. .

What type of writing is this?

2 Which do you prefer - cinema or video? Why?

28 Read the article and answer the questions.

or VIDEO? by Marty Sleven.

There has been alot of talk in recent years about video being responsible for the
death of cinema. Despite the fact that videos certainly have advantages. I much prefer
going to the cinema, for a number 01 reasons.
Firstly, an evening atthe cinema is an exciting outing. You can arrange to meet
friends there and you can go for a meal before or after the film. It's a more entertaining
way of spending your time than just sitting in your living room.
... Secondly, modern cinemas have excellent projectors and sound equipment, so
the film is much more gripping as a result. Wllen watching adventures or science- Introduction
fiction films, for example, you really feel as if you are part ofthe action. This is difficult
Paragra ph 1
to achieve athome, however good your television is.
..... Furthermore, I prefer the cinema because I want to see the latest releases. You
sometimes have to wait a year for a film to come out on video. By thattime, most of stale the top ic and your
your friends have seen it and you have heard so much about the film that it has no opinion clearly
surprises. Main Body
However, videos also have certain advantages. They are cheap and convenient,
and you can watch them in the comfort of your own home whenever you are in the
Paragrap hs 2 4
mood , You can also watch the video as often as you want.
In conclusion, I believe that. although videos have some advantages, people will
viewpoints and reasons
alwaysbe drawn to the anractons of the big screen.
Paragraph 5
1 Which does the writer pre fer - cinema or video?
opposing viewpoi nf and
2 Write a suitable alternative introduction. reosonlsl
3 In paragraphs does the writer give his/hcr vie w'POints? How does
he/she introduce each one? . Conclusion
4 What are the .main .viewpoints"' What reason(s) does the wnter . 21VC
. to Final Paragraph
support each viewpoint?
5 In which does the writer present the opposing view? What restate op inio n using
different words
reasons arc given to support this? ,
6 What tenses have been used in this article?
7 U .dc the descriptive adjectives. then suggest suitable alternatives
could be used to replace them.
.... hntch·r1ine
S wr trc a suitable alternative conclusion.
29 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. 1 What is the reason fo r writing?
2 Suggest a suitable alternative intro-
r You just seen the following advertisement in an international duction.
3 What personal details (e.g. age) are
included in paragraph 2?
4 Underline the personal qualities
We someone to help during the school holidays. The job involves
lookmg after two energetic children, aged 8 and 9.
the writer mentions. What other
personal qualities might help to
The ideal candidate will be:
make someone suitable for thisjob?
• a student aged 16-22
• able to speak English 5 Why does the writer mention her
• free for the whole summer summer job last year?
• able to organise children's activities 6 Suggest a suitable alternative final
Please write to Mrs G Miles at the address below. paragraph for this letter.

"[ Write your tetter of application to Mrs Miles. (120-180 words)

1 What style should this letter be written in? Why'!

2 Can you suggest any phrases suitable for such a letter? Introduction
3 What kind of person might respond to this advertisement?
Paragraph 1
30 Read the letter and answer the questions. reason for w riting

Dear Mrs Miles,

... I am writing with regard to your advertisement .an English-
speaking child.minder which appeared in sunday's edition of The Paragraph 2
world Today.
... I am a twenty-one-year-old student f rom Hungary. I have just personal details
completed my second year at Loughborough university, where I am
studying child psychology. I speak English fluently, as J have been Paragraph 3
living in England for three years. Prior to this I studied the language
in Hungary for seven years and obtained my proficiency certificate. relevant qualities/
I enjoy working with children of a.1I ages, and I regard myself as
friendly, patient and very responsible. I have Conclusion
experience in looking after ch ildren, as I have had •••••••••••••••••
child-minding jobs during the holidays, as well as Final Paragraph
a holiday job at the Sunshine Summer (amp in
America last summer. My duties there included closing remarks
organising various sports and activities, which
the child ren enjoyed very much. I enclose
references from two of my previous employers.
..... 1 would like to spend the summer working
in England and I feel that I would be suited
to the position. If you would like me to attend
an interview, I would be glad to do so at any

t..o,. It...,.
Yours sincerely,

zoya Rozsa

31 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

have to have private lessons to improve your English Introduction

an you have Just seen the following advertisement in your
magazine. Read the advertisement and the notes Paragraph 1
made. Now, write a letter to Mrs Daniels, giving her the
mformatlon she needs and requesting the information in your noles. reosonsl for writing


Anexperienced and qualified teacher is
• )
Ql,Ie.stioJlsJ oCMr:s
Main Body
Paragrap hs 2-3
offering private lessons in English. Daniels give information
Please write and tell me: How much?
'* your age Where and when? Paragrap h 4
* reasons for learning English Many students or just
'* your level of English request information
'* areas you need to concentrate on •
Do1 need to buy Conclusion
grammar, conversation, etc
books, etc? •••••••••••••••••
Mrs M. Daniels Final Paragraph

1 What is the purpose of the letter? closing remarks

2 What style should it be written in? Why?

3 What information from the advertisement and the notes should be
included in the letter? In which paragraph is the purpose
of the letter mentioned?
32 Read the model and answer the questions.
2 What details does the advertisement
Dear Mrs Daniels, ask for? In which paragraphs have
1.... I em writing in response to your advertisement offering private English they been provided in the letter?
I lessons, which appeared in the college magazine. I am very interested in the
! course and would like some additional information. 3 The advertisement asks about"areas
I Iam Cl nineteen-year-old student at Aston College. I have recently taken the you need to concentrate on -
t cambridge First certificate exam, so Ihave a reasonable command of the English gramma r, conversation, etc" and
l language. I enjoy learning languages and feel that t have a particular tatent in English. "reasons for learning English".
j However, If eel that I need help in the areas of grammar and conversation
\ in order to improve my accuracy and fluency. Furthermore, I am hoping to start
What answershave been given in the
! a degree course at southampton university in England next year, so the main letter? What linking words/phrases
reason I need at least proficiency level English is to enable me to study and \ have been used to express reasons?
socialise there. Circle themand suggest alternatives.
\} .... Iwould apprec iate it if you could send me some more information about the
\ lessons offered, such as where and when they would be held. how much they -4 What information should you ask
cost and what the price includes. Could you also tell me if there ore any ext ra t for, according to the notes? How
materials. such as books. which J would be expected to provide? Finally. Iwould docs the writer introduce each
like to know whether you teach students in groups or on an individual basis.
request? Underline these parts.
J will be glad to supply any further information you might need. I look
f orward to hearing from you soon. S Whal closing remarks does the
1yours sincerely. letter include? Suggest suitable
alternative closing remarks.
) f.ilos.-u
l Erik SOrensen

33 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. 1 Underline the information in the
first paragraph which tells the
You have decided to enter a short story compet ition . The com etition reader:
rules say the story must begin with the following words : p
a) when/where the story take-
I Wilt alw"ays remember my first day at ...
Write your story . (120-180 words)
b) what the weather was like
1 Where could you have a "first day"? c) what the story is about
2 thisstory be written in the firstor third person? Why? 2 Suggcst a suitablealternative intro-
3 In part of the story (introduction, main hody or conclusion) would duction for this story.
you wnte about: . the events of the story, in the order they happened?
- how the story ended and how you felt'! 3 Which words/phrases show the
- the pl ace/time, etc in which the story is set? writer's feelings/reactions? Underline
34 Read the story and answer the questions which follow, 4 Which verb tenses have mainb
heen used in the story? Why? .
I will always remember my first day at summer school. When I woke up it was a
bright, sunny morning _ nothinglike the awful English weather I'd heard about so 5 In what way is the conclusion
often. I was thrilled to be studying in l ondon and the Smiths, the family I was relevant to the first sentence (i.e.
staying with, were very kind and friendly to me. , quickly gotready, had breakfast, the sentence given in the rubric)"!
then rushed out, feeling very excited.
When I arrived, the college building was huge and I wasn't sure where my
classroom was.There was a sea of strange faces andI fellasif I it was my first day
at primary school.
Suddenly, I saw someone I thought looked like a girl from my home town. I was Introduction
• ••••••••••••••••
amazed when I heard her call outto me.
Juanita! What are you doing here?" shesaid. Paragraph 1
Maria, it really is you!" I replied, explaining that I was a student at the
summer school. Imagine our surprise when we realised we were both doing the Set the scene
(w ho - where - when -
same course!
The summer school turned out to be as good as I had hoped, and my English what)
improved enormously . Needless to say, Mariaand I had a great time while we were
there, and made lots of new friends from all over theworld. She was the last person Main Body
1had expected to see, butit certainly made thefirst day one that I willneverforget. •••••••••••••••••
Paragraphs 2 - 4

Develop the story

detailed description of
events in the order they

Final Paragraph

end the story; feelings,

comments, etc

35 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. b) Put the events in the order
You have been invited to write a short story for an English-language
they happened, then tell the
magazine for young people. The editor's instructions say that the story.
story must begin with the words :
"Don't do tneu" I shouted. He ignored me ... [![J A young boy pushed me from
Write your story for the magazine. (120-180 word s) behind.
UITIl I took the students to the
1 What type of writing is this? museum.
2 Should it be written in the first or third person? Give reasons. m I bumped into John.
3 What might the other person be doing to make you shout, "Don't do [i!I] The curator asked us to leave
that!"? the building.
lliIJ John took a vase in his hands.
ITIJ The curator caught the vase.
36 a) Read the beginnings (A and 8) below and say which one you [GI] I asked John to Put the vase
prefer for thefirst paragraph ofthestory in Ex.35. Gin reasons. back in its place.

, -. ,-
- -- - I A "DoII't do that!" I shouted.
37 Readthe rubric in Ex. 35 again
and write your story (120·180
! He ignored m e and began 10
drink what he o bvio us ly
t hought was a cup of tea.
words). Use your answers from
Exs. 35 and 36 to help you.
SuddenlY he st arted to
grow and h is fac e
b ega n twist in g in to a
vicio us expression. " It isn't

tea!" I explained, but it was
too lat e, H e was already
changing into a mo nster.

n :'Doll't do that.''' I shouted. lie

ignored me, walking to wards me
WIth th e valuable vase in o ne
hand . John, who was in my class
at s.c hool, was always jo king. That
spn ng morn ing we had go ne to
an a rchaeologica l mu seu m on a
school trip and . as usual, John
h.ad got bored. "But it' s on ly a
silly old pot," John laughe d. l
began to feel ext rem ely nervo us.
.". -
38 Read the rubric, underline the keywords and answer the questions. 1 What is the purpose of the leiter?
Has this been stated in the first
You are working abroad as a tour guide. Write a letter to a friend at paragraph?
home, describing the job and saying what you like and what you
don 't like about it. Write your lett er. Do not write any addresses. 2 Suggest a suitablealternative intro-
(120- 180 words) duction for this letter.
I What isthe reason for writingthe letter? (e.g.giving advice/apologisinglctc) 3 In which paragraph is there a
2 What style should it be written in? Why? description of her job? What does
3 What are the characteristics of thisstyle? the job involve?
4 Describe the typical duties of a tour guide. 4 What advantages and disadvantages
of the job docs Mary mention ? In
39 Read the letter and answer the questions below. which paragraphs does she mention
5 What reasons/explanations docs
she give concerning the advantages
and disadvantages?
6 What closing remarks does Mar;.
make? Suggest a suitable alter-
native fi nal paragraph.

Paragraph 1

reosonlsl for w riting

Dear Helen, Main Body
.... HOW are you? Sorry I haven·t written sooner, but I've been really busy •••••••••••••••••
with my summer job here in tondon. Anyway, I thought I'd drop you a line Paragraph 2
and tell you all about it.
As you know, I'm working as a tour guide for a company called · Star description. of the lob
Travel". My job is to look after the people who come on the tour bus and
tel! them about the history of the places we visit The company gave me all Paragraph 3
the information I needed, but r had to study very hard to learn it. Now I'm
an expert on all the main london sights, like st Paul's. the Houses of good thingl,l about job, with
Parliament and the Tower of tondon So if you want to know anything, I'm rsosonlsl
the person to ask!
What r like most about the job is meeting people from all over the world. Paragraph 4
So far I've met people from America, Africa and New Zealand. I've even been
out in the evenings with some of the new friends I've made. bod thingl,l about job, with
"..... The only thing ) don't really like about the job is having to get up at six reosorssl
o'clock every morning, in time to greet people as they arrive. You know how
I hate getting up early! Conclusion
Anyway, J must close now. I hope your family are well. write back soon
and tell me all your news. Final Paragraph
Mary closing remarks

40 Read the rubric, underline the ke)' words and answer the questions.
You work for a tourist organisation in a university town with a large
number of foreign students, You have been asked to write a report
about eating out in your town. Describe the best places for students
to eat and drink in the area, and say why you think these places are
suitable for foreign students. Write your report. (120-180 words)

1 What style should the report bewritten in'!

2 What kind of places would you write about?

41 Read the report and answer the questions.

To: SandraWalters, Director, Stonebridge Tourist Organisation 3 Which of the following points are
From: Eric Johnson, Deputy Director not mentioned in each of the main
Subject: Places forstudents to eat and drink in the Stonebridge area body paragraphs(paras. 2, 3 and 4)?
Date: 6 May. 20.... • most popular places
• location
The aim of this report is to provide details of placesto eat in the Stonebridge
area that are suitable for students visiting from other countries.
f • size
• type offood
There are a number of fast food restaurants in Stonebndqe. The two most • decor
popular are O'Donnel'sin Mill Street and The Burger Palace in Cornwall Road, • atmosphere surroundings
Ateither of theseplaces students can enjoy cheap food in clean surroundings, • whv suitable for students
Another advantage is that they have the opportunity to meet local people of Suggest a suitable alternative final
their own age,
paragraph for this report
Many of the town's restaurants can be found in Kingsbury Square, The most (
popular of these are Tucker's and The Lobster Pot, which have varied menus,
Prices are reasonable - about £5 fora main course, Bookingis recommended Introduction
at weekends. Students will enjoy dining in these restaurants, as they offer
authentic local dishes in a cosy, trad itional atmosphere, Paragraph 1

CAFES AND BARS stale the purpose and

Most of these are located in the old part of town, Davies' Coffee Shop serves content of the report
sandwiches and pies at reasonable prices, Another favourite is The King's
Arms, which has a friendly atmosphere and serves a limited range of home- Main Body
cooked meals. Both places are recommended for foreign students who want
an enjoyableeveninq out listeninq 10 music 0' dancinq.
l •••••••••••••••••
Paragraph 2 - 4

summarise each paint under

On the whole. the eating places in Stonebridge offer good value and there is
suitable sub-headings
enough variety to suit students' individual needs, A visit to any of the above
would be an excellent way to meet local people and experience local
entertainment. [ Conclusion
Fina l Parag raph
1 What is the purpose of the report? Is this purpose clearly stated in the general assessment and/or
introduction? recommendation
2 Suggest a suitable alternative first paragraph for this report.

42 Read the rubric, underline the keywords and answer the questions. 2 Docs the writer agree or disagree
with the statement in the rubric?
The following statement was printed in an international magazine: Which sentence states this clearly?
A lot of what is taught in school nowadays is not worth learning. 3 Underline the topic sentence in
Now your teacher has asked you to write a composition on this
each of the main body paragraphs.
subject. with reference 10 your own learning experiences. Write your
compositi on. (120-180 words) -I In which paragraphs docs the writer
express viewpoints disagreeing with
What type of writing is this? the statement in the rubric? In
2 ln what style arc opinion essays usually written? which paragraph does she
3 What does "with reference to your O\\TI learning experiences" mean? the opposing viewpoint?
-I Do you agreeor disagree with thestatement? Why? 5 What personal examples are given
as reasons to support these
43 Read the essay and answer the questions. viewpoints?
6 Underline the linking words/phrases
which have been used to:
Although schoolchildren orten complain that school is boring and a waste of
time. I think thisis anexaggeration. Inmyview.the majority ofthethings we are a) list points,
taught in school are useful to us in many ways. b) showcontrast,
Inthe firstplace, school gives you general knowledge whichhelps you in your c) introduce personal opinion or
everyday life. My own experience has shown me that a knowledge of SUbjects experience?
such as Geography and History, for instance. helps to understand what is 7 Suggest a suitable alternative final
happening in the world around
us. Without this 'background'
paragraph for this composition.
knowledge, the information in
newspaper reports, TV
documentaries and so on
would mean very littleto me. Introduction
• ••••••••••••••••
Furthermore, some school
Paragraph 1
subjects help you develop an
interest in hobbies. In mycase.
state the tOPiC and your
I like to spend my free time
opinion clearly
surfing theInternet. I would find
this much harderto do if I had
Main Body
nottaken Computer Studies at •••••••••••••••••
Paragraphs 2 • 3
On the other hand, there are
some subjects taught in school view points and reasons
which seem to me to be awaste
of time. I particularly dislike Paragraph 4
Algebra, for example, and I
cannot see how memorising opposing viewpoint and
formulasand equations will ever reason
beuseful to me.
To sum up, I believe that. with one ortwo exceptions. itis wrong to say that what Conclusion
is taught in schools is not worth learning. On the contrary. it gives usa very good •••••••••••••••••
basis forour understandingof the world. Final Paragraph

restate your opinion using

I In what style is this model written? What are the main characteristics of different words
this style? Find examples of each characteristic in the composition.

44 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. 1 Is the main purpose of the letter
clearly stated in the introduction'?
You are the secretary of the students' social events committee at 2 In which paragraph docs the writer
your college, Read the note from Jeff. the
Then write to the principal. Mrs Roberts, asking for perrmesron to
tell theprincipal about plans for the
have a party and telling her about the plans that have been made so organisation of the party? Have all
far. Write your letter, Do not write any addresses. (120· 180 words) the details from Jeff s note been
included'! Underline this inform-
ation in the letter,
Please write to Mrs Roberts and ask her if we can have a party in the 3 In which paragraph does the writer
college canteen, There weresome problems last year, so reassure herthat try to rea....sure the principal that
there won't be anycomplaints! therewon't he any problems? What
• 8 • 11:30 pm, Sat 28th July information does hegive to support
• ticket holders only (400 maximum) his assurance that precautions will
• Sonic Sounds will do the disco (special price!) be taken?
• Sarah Shaw's doing food & drink, Ali Lee's doing the decorations
... Suggest a suitable alternative final
paragraph for this letter,

What is the main reason for writing the letter? What are the two other
reasons for writing?
2 What style should the letter be written in - or informal? Why?
3 What sort of"problems" mightthere have been at last year'sparty? What •••••••••••••••••
couldbe done to make sure these problems did not occur again'? Para graph 1

45 Read the letter and answer the questions. reosonlsl for wr iting

Main Body
Dear Mrs Roberts, •••••••••••••••••
.... I am writing on behalf of the Students' Sociar Events Committee to Paragraph 2
request the use o( the colJege canteen for the summer disco. which we are
hoping to hold at the end o( the college year. information about the
We would like to hold the disco on 28th jll/Y. from 8:00 pm to 11:30 pm. organisation of the party
Entrance wOllld be to ticket holders only and we plan to sell no more than
400 tickets. The music will be provided by sonic Sounds. who have agreed to Paragraph 3
provide their services for the evening at a discollnt price. Sarah shaw will
be organising the food and drink and Ali Lee is in charge o( the decorations. reassurance that there
will be no complaints
that you may be concerned abOllt our making too much noise or
leaving the canteen in a mess, as was the case with the last party held there,
let me assure you that we will take precautions to ensure that no complaints •••••••••••••••• •
are made this time, The disco will finish at 11:30 pm precisely. and members Final Paragraph
of the committee will make sure that people leave the building quietly. so
that there will be no disturbances after midnight Six members of the dosing remark.s
committee have also offered to tidy and clean all the rooms after the party.
....' am sure that you unaerstand how mucl1 the summer disco will mea" to
the students after their hard work throughout the long year. Ihope, therefore.
that you will give us yOlir kind permission to use the canteen.
Yours sincerely.
Philip Graham
46 Read the rubric. underline the key words and answer the questions.
You work for a large company and you organise staff social events
R.ead the note from your colleague, Martin. Then, write to the
director of askinq for permission to have a party at the
offi.ce and g IVing. intormanon about the organisation of the party.
Write your letter In an appropriate style. (120-180 words)

Underli ne the sentencein the intro-

Could you write to MrFranklin and ask permission for us to havean office rty duction which clcarlv states the
for Sarah's retirement? Remember there were some complaints from topic of the article. .
tenants thelast party, so you will have to persuade him there won't be any
problems this time! These are the decisions we have made so far: 2 What lechnique(s) has the writer
Dale - 10th May Food & drink - Peter used to make the int roduction
Place - office Music - tapeslCDs interesting? Suggest a suitable
Time - 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm Decorations - Julie alternative introduction.
3 What suggestions docs the writer
make? What results does the writer
expect if the reader follows these
I What isthe main reason forwriting the letter?
2 What information from the note should be included?
4 Whichexpressionshavebeen used to
47 Read the ruhric in Ex. 46 81::8in and write Jour letter. You can use make suggestions'! Underline the
the letter in Ex. 45 as a model. words/phrases, then suggest suitable
alternative expressions.
48 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. 5 What language has been used to
introduce results? Circle the words
You have been asked to write an article for your school magazine
suqqestinq he.lpful ways of remembering new vocabulary in English: phrases. then suggest suitable alter-
Write your article for the magazine. (120-180 words) natives.

I What type of writing is this? 6 Suggest a suitable alternative final

2 What helps you 10 remember new vocabulary?

49 Read the article and answer the questions.

Doyou spend hours studying new words in English, only to find that after a few Introduction
days you have forgotten them? Many students have this problem, but you mustn't
give up hope. Here are a few ways to help you remember new vocabulary. Paragraph 1
One useful method is to write down each new word or phrase on a separate
stote the topic
piece of paper. Then you can stick these pieces of paper around your room - on
your walls, on a mirror or anywhere youcan see them. In this way. youwill seethe
Main Body
new words every dayand you'll soon learn them. •••••••••••••••••
It's also a good idea to choose ten words a week to learn, then ask a friend to
Paragraphs 2 - 4
test you on their meanings. By learning ten words a week. you will soon build up
your vocabulary. suggestions and results
The best way to learn newwords. thOUgh. is to use them. When you lind a new
word or expression, look it upin the dictionary to lind out what it means. then make Conclusion
sure you include it in your next composition. or in a letterto a pen merK!. or evenin •••••••••••••••••
conversation. After you haveused it a fewtimes, you are sure to remember it. Final Paragraph
I hope you lind these tips useful. Remember, learning English vocabularycan
seem difficult, but if you try hard enough, it certainly isn't impossible. general comment
50 Read the rubric. underline the key words and answer the questions. What style isthe letterwritten in -
formal or informal? Why has this
You recently went to a jazz tesnval wtuch you thought was style been used?
You have just seen a local newspaper report about the event, whic h
is incorrect. Read the newspaper report, together with your own 2 Suggest a suitable alternative first
comments. Then write to the editor of the newspaper, correcting the paragraph for this letter.
errors and explaining why you think the festival should be held 3 Underline thc information from the
again. Write your letter to the editor. (120-180 words)
report which has been
included in the letter.
FESTIVAL FLOP -I What useful language has been
It did! The Farley Jan Festival, held last weekend, was Vert badly used to list points? Circle these
Cyber "",organised. According tothe programme, theevent was scheduled words/phrases, then suggest suit-
first (as In 10 begin at midday on Sunday, but a series of delays meant thaI able alternative expressions.
programme)_the first group, Magic, did notget on stage until 2:30.
5 \Vhat is the main topic of paragraph
Not true! '" Wrth the single exception of Unda Lacety, who was bnlnant. all of
.......the performers were second-rate. The festival's attraction, 6? What reasons does the writer
They played for........West Wind, played for only half an hour. n is notsurpnslflg that the give to support his/her opinion?
over an hour! festival was attended by fewer than 2,000 disappointed people. 6 Suggest a suitable alternative final
More than want this festival held again next. summer?! paragraph fo r the letter.
5.000 there!

1 What type of writing is this?

2 What is the main reason fo r writing the letter? What isthe second reason
for writing?

51 Read the letter and answer the questions,

Dear Sir,
Paragraph 1
....I am writing in connection with your review of the Farley Jazz Festival. as I
wish to point OUI a number of errors which were included in the article. reason for writing
of all, your article stated that the first band, Magic, were unable to
appear at midday as planned, However, the first band was actually Cyber Main BodV
(as announced in the progranune), andthis groupdid appear at midday. •••••••••••••••••
the article described the perfonners as "second-rate". This is Paragraphs 2 - 5
not at all fair, since all the musicians were talented and dedicated
professionals. errors and explanations

...The third error wasthe remark that West Wmdplayedfor onlyhalfanhour. Paragraph 6
In fact, the group played for atleast anhour, andtheir fans were delighted
with the performance. explanation why festival
your article claimed that ' fewer than 2,000" people attended the should be held next year
festival. In reality there were at least 5,000 people there. and none of them
seemed "disappointed" with theevent Conclusion
fee1 lhe festival should definitely be held again next year, as it provided
entertainment for thousands of people andhelped the trade at local shops. Final Paragroph
hope you will print a correction of the errors contained in your review of suggested oction to be
the festival. and try to report events withmore accuracy in future. taken/d osing rercrks
Yours faith/ully,

A t Miller

52 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.
A magazine for teenagers is organising a story-writing competition Introduction
and you have decided to enter. The competition rules state that your
short story must begin with the following words: Paragraph 1
I had dreamed of this mome nt for years, and now J Set the scene
wanted to show that I des erved the chance.
(who - whsre . when .
Write your story for the magazine (120-180 words). what)

I Is this a first-person narrative or a third-person narrative? Why? Main Body

2 How should the story begin? Why? Paragraphs 2 - 3
3 What kind of 'moment' might you dream about for years?
Develop the story
detailed description of
events in the orde r they
53 Read the model and answer the questions which follow.

Final Paragraph

end the story; final

feelings, comments, etc

I Underline the information in the

first paragraph which tells the
a) where the story takes place
b) what the weather was like
c) what the story is about
2 Underline the time words/exp-
ressions the writer has used,
. t f r ears and now I wanted to
I had dreamed of thiS e hardly believe it - I was 3 Circle the phrases which describe
show that / deserved the cane t'l stl AsI ran outonto the pitch, the fee lings/reactions.
playing cheering loudly.
sun was s \nlng an Atfirst I felt very neIVOUS, but
.. List the main events in the story.
The whistle blew, and Ib:;'S playing really well. Both teams 5 What writing technique has been
I soon began to relax, and could et near the goal. Then , just betore
were trying hard . but no one c g I ssed it to Wesley, and he used in the fi nal paragraph?
half time, Jordan headed :hlde thatmypass had helped 6 If the writer hadn't hurt his ankle.
scored! The crowd went WI , an
to put us in the lead. d h If A what might have happened in the
_ . 11 at the start 01the seccn a .
1was still fee\\ng pleased wIth rrwse towards theball when' slipped second half of the match? Imagine 2.
minute ortwolater, thOugh ,1 worse than that. after I tried to different plot line, then write
and fel\. It was vert - ankle and I couldn't walk. As the suitable alternative paragraphs for
stand up I realised I had tetste my ,
trainer meoftthe pitch, 11elt like f the story Now 1look paragraph 3 and the final paragraph.
It took me a few days to the befo;e a fall!
back and laugh. It'strue what ey s -

54 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. 1 Suggest a suitable title for this
You have had a class discussion about inventions. Now
teacher has asked you 10 write a composition about what think 2 What stvlc is the composition
was the best invention in the last 200 years, what you :-vas written in - formal or informal?
the worst invention during the same time. Wnte your composition. Whv. has this stele
. been used?
giving reasons for each choice (120·180 words).
3 Whal does the wri ter choose as the
I What type of writing is this? .. .., best invention? What reasons are
presented to support this choice?
2 What do you thinkwere the best and worst things Invented In the last _00
years? -I What docs the writer choose as the
worst invention? What reasons are
55 1\0" read the composition and answer the questions below. presented to support this choice?
5 Underline the linking words/
looking back to what life was like two hundred years ago, it is easy phrases used in this composition.
to see that the inventions made dUring this time have resulted in
6 Suggest a suitable alternative intro-
incredibleprogress. In myopinion, the best of these inventions was the
computer, whileI believe that the worst was the motor car. duction for this composition.
Themain reason for choosing thecomputer is that it allows usto do
so many things that we could not do before. In offices, schools and
homes around theWOrld, thecomputer has become such animportant
piece 01equipment that most of us could not imagine life without it.
Furthermore, it seems to me that computers will continue to bring us
new benefits for hundreds of years to come.
In contrast, the invention of the motor car has brought us more Introduction
problems than benefits. It is certainlytrue that the motor car has made ••••••••••• • ••• ••
travel much easier. However, thissame invention alsocauses terribleair Paragrap h 1
pollution which may put the future of our planet in danger. With the
additional problems of traffic jams and road accidents, the motor car clearly state the topic and
has actually made ourlives worse, notbetter. your opinion
To sum up, there have been many inventions over the last two
hundred years. Some ofthem, like the computer, have brought us huge Main Body
benefits. On the other hand, however, inventions such asthe motor car
have caused a lot of problems which did not exist before. Paragraph

reasons for best invention

and justifications/

Paragraph 3

reasons for wo rst

invention and
justifications/ explanations

Final Parag raph

restate your opinion

56 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.
You saw this announcement in an international magazine for teen- •••••••••••••••••
agers, and you have decided to write an article, Paragraph 1
clearly state the topic
"My most treasured possession ..." and your choice
Writeanarticle withthis title, aboutsomething of yours that you particularly value.
It could be anyobject, big or small! Main Body
Vou should briefly describe theobject, and explain why it is so importantto you, •••••••••••••••••
Paragraph 2
t Write your article for the magazine (120-180 words),
brief description of object
1 wh at is meant by the phrase 'treasured possession'? Does the item have Paragraph 3
to be valuable?
first reason for choice
2 What is your most treasured possession, andwhy do you value it? and explanation

Paragraph 4
57 Read the article and answer the questions.
second reason for choice
and explanation
My Most Treasured Possession ... • ••••••••••••••••
by Rebecca Black
Final Paragraph

Everyone has a certain possession that they would not part with for anything, It restate your choice and
maybe anObjectthatis worth a lot ofmoney, or it may have sentimentalvalue only, reasons
My own most treasured possession is my personal stereo,
This wonderful piece of technology is made of shiny black plastic and is small
enough to fitin my coat pocket. It comes equipped with little headphones which are
light and comfortable to wear.
One reason I like mypersonal stereo so much is because it enables me to sit in
my room and listen to music while I am doing my homework for college, or when
I'm simply relaxing. The sound doesn't disturb myfamily - in fact, they don't even
know when I've got it on!
Another advantage that my personal stereo has is that I can take it everywhere
with me. It is my constant companion: on the bus, when outfor walks or shopping,
and even on the way to and from college. As long as I have music to listen to, I never
feel bored or lonely,
My personal stereo is the perfect possession, It provides entertainment,
relaxation and companionship, and I would certainly feel lost without it

What styleisthis article written in - formal or semi-formal? Why has this

style been used?
2 Suggest a suitable alternative introduction.
3 Whichparagraph includes a description of the object'!
4 What reasons and explanations docs the writer give for her choice of
object? Write an alternative reason and explanation,
S Suggest a suitable alternative final paragraph.
58 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. A • usefu l for both computer, music
systems - can store information
The editor of an international magazine for young people has invited easily
you to write a short article in answer to the following question:
• long-lasting, high quality -
Jf you were asked to choose an eveiYday object that has
changed our IPies. which object would you choose. and why?
production improving all the
Write your article for the magazine (120-180 words).
8 • make calls from anywhere -
1 What type of writing is this?
vital to busy people
2 What everyday objects can you think of that have changed our lives? • especially useful in emergency
- e.g. in car,travelling alone
3 What object wouldyou choose, and why?
C • essential tool for business - you
59 Look at the pictures (1-4), name the items, then match them to the can access data quickly
notes (A-D). Finally, make sentences using appropriate linking • contact with World-Wide Web
words/phrases. - find out about almost
anyt hing
o • learn about the world around
you - getlatest news, seeplaces
you can't visit
• great entertainment - watch
whatever/whenever you like. in
the comfort of your own home

e.g. The main reason J II'01iM choose the

CD is that, since you call store
inionnauon so easily on a CD. it is
useful for both computer and music
11/ addition, ...

60 Read the rubric in Ex. 58 again

and write your article (120-180
words). You maJ choose one or
Jour answers from Ex. 59 10
help you. You can use the
article fr om Ex, 57 as a model.

61 Read the rubric, underline the keywords and answer the questions.
The edit? r of college magazine has invited you to write an article
simple ways for students to keep fit and sta health
Wnte your article for the magazine (120· 180 words). y y.

I What type of composition is this'!

2 What helps you to keep fi t and healthy?

62 Read the articleand answer the questions.

__ "0__ ......
Common.Sense Fitness by Susan Murphy
..... Do you find that most magazine articles about health and fitness suggest
'solutions' that are much too expensive or difficult for you'? Well, don't worry - there
are a number of easyways to keep fit and stayhealthy.
.... The first step is obvious: if you are a smoker, you should stop. Smoking is a
leading cause of cancer, heart disease and a lot of other health problems. It is also
bad for non-smokers who have to breathe in other people's smoke. The result of
giving up smoking would be a healthier lifestyle, for you and everyone around you.
" ' It is also a good idea to get some exercise. You don't need to join a gym to do
this. Instead, walk quickly around your neighbourhood for thirty minutes, three or four
times a week. If you do this, you will find you have much more energy.
.... Finally, you should makesure you eathealthily, especially if you are overweight.
If you cut down on fats and eat more fruit and vegetables, you will lose weight
naturally. As a result, you will be fitter, feel better and uve longer.
So, what can we do to lead a longer and healthier life? The answer is simple.

Stop smoking, getsome exerciseand improve your diet.In my view, these three easy
stepsare the keys to good health.

the phrase/sentence in the introductionwhich statesthe topicof •Introduction

the article.
Paragraph 1
2 What style is thearticle written in - formal or semi-formal? Wh h hi
style been used? y ast IS state the topic
3 What does the writer make? In which paragraphs?
Moln Body
.. the phrases used to make suggestions, then suggest suitable • ••••••••••••••••
alternative phrases. Paragraphs 2 - 4
5 What r.esult does the writer expect if the reader follows each of her
suggestions and results
6 Circle phrases used to introduce these results, then suggest suitable Conclusion
alternative phrases. • ••••••••••••••••
7 Whatwnung .. technique has been used in the conclusion? What oth Final Paragraph
techniques can be used? er
ge ner al com me nt/st ate
8 Suggest a suitable alternative final paragraph, your opinion

63 Read the rubric. underline the key words and answer the questions. What are the characteristics of this
style of writing? Find examples in
the letter of each characteristic.
[' You have just seen this advertisement in a local paper.
2 What is the reason for ....Titing the
Film Extras Wanted letter? Has the writer stated this
We require people of all agestoappearas extras in our next film. clearly in the fi rst paragraph?
Filming will take place in July. You must understand English and be
available for at least a week. 3 Suggest a suitable alternative fi rst
To apply, give a full description of yourself, tell us exactly whenyou would paragraph.
be available, and explain wny you would like the job.
.. Why does the writer want this job?
Write your letter 01 application (120-180 words). In which paragraph does she stale
1 What style should this letter be writtcn in? Why? 5 Suggest a suitable alternative final
2 What is a 'film extra'? paragraph.
3 Howwould you describe yourself!
.. Would you like to be in a fil m? Whyl\\lhy not?

64 Read the letter and answer the questions. Introduction

••••• ••••••••••••
Dear Sir/Madam, Para graph 1
I am writing to apply for the position of film extra which was advertised
in the Sunday edition of the Tribune. reason for writing
I am a 24·year-old student living in paris, where I am in my second year
of drama school. Before this, J attended a community college in Nw York, Main Body
where I studied English and Drama for one year. Although I have not yet
had any paid acting experience, I have starred in two college productions.
Paragraph 2
As regards my appearance, , have long, wavy red hair, a fai r complexion
and green eyes. I am 1.65 m tall and of average build. age, current situat io n/
I am particularly interested in this position because r believe the experience relevant studies
would be extremely useful fo r my studies and my future ambitions. Paragraph 3
Since the drama school is closed fo r the whole of Jury, , will be available
to work at any time. description of appearance
I may be contacted at the above address, or by telephone on 473-96258. I
look forward to hearing from you. Parag raph 4
Yours reosous! for applyingl
why you would like job
Val Fimbres r
Paragraph 5


•••••••••••••••• •
Final Parag raph

dosing remarks

65 Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions. I What does the writer prefer - live
music or recorded music?
You saw this announcement in an international music magazine, 2 Underline the main points which
and have decided to enter the competition .
the writer gives in support of his
Do you preferlive music or recorded music? opinion. What reason(s) does he
Writeand tell us - and winfabulous prizes in our competition! present to justify each point?
Simply writean article giving your opinion.
The best article will be published in the magazine and the winner will receive
3 Underline the opposing viewpoint
£1000 worth of CDs and concert tickets. which the writer gives. What
reason(s) does he present to justify
Write your article for the magazine (120-180 words). this point?
4 Circle the linking words/phrases
I What type of writing is this? which the writer has used to
2 Do you enjoy listening to recorded music? Have you ever been to a live introduce viewpoints, then suggest
concert? Which do you prefer and why? suitable alternatives.
5 Suggest a suitable aJternative final
66 Read the article and answer the questions. paragraph.

Do you preter live music or recorded music?

by Tim Jones •••••••••••••••••
Paragraph 1
Many people say that going
to a concert and seeing state topic and your
your favouritegroup play is
opinion clearly
athrilllng experience, and
one which cannot be
Main Body
compared to listening to •••••••••••••••••
recorded music. I disagree Paragraphs 2 - 3
with this point of view, for
several reasons. viewpoints and reasons
To begin With, there is no doubt that recorded
music is more convenient. What could be better than buying a compact disc or Paragraph 4
cassette and listening to it whenever you want, in the peace and comfort of your
own home? Portable players also mean that you can carrythe music around opposing view point and
with you. reason
Furthermore, in my opinion the introduction of the compact disc has meant that
the quality of recorded music has improved a great deal. When you listen to a Conclusion
CD, you can hear the words and music more clearly than you could at aconcert.
What is more, you can adjust the volume and so on to suit yourself. Final Paragraph
On the other hand, many people argue that the special atmosphereat alive restate your opinion using
concert makes it moreenjoyable. The excitement of the crowd adds to your own differ ent words.
excitement, they say, whilerecorded music can never give you such a feeling.
To sum up, I firmly believe that, although live concerts are often spectacular, you
can appreciate a group's music better when it is recorded.

67 Read the rubric,underline the key words and answer the questions. Introduction
You are on the com mittee of a film club, and have been asked to Paragraph 1
write a report for the club chairman, suggesting two films to be
shown as part of the club's programme. You should briefly describe purpose and content of report
each film and explain why you think the club members would enjoy
these fifms. Write your report (120-180 words). Main Body
• ••••••••••••••••
I What type of writingis this? Paragraphs 2 • 3
2 What style should it be written in?
3 Which rwo filmswould you recommend, and why?
Paragraph 4
68 Read the model and answer the questions. reason's! for choices and
David Wilson , Chairman, Silver Screens Film Club
Jennifer Carlisle, Committee member
Subject: Film recommendations I Conclusion
Final Paragraph
4th February, 20....
t general comment and final
The purpose of this report is to recommend twofilms 10 be included in thefilm If
club's programme for the summer season.

FIRST RECOMMENDATION 69 Read the rubric, underline the

The English film Sleuth would bea good choice fortheJune screening. Michael key words and answer the
Caine and Sir Laurence Olivier star in this mystery classic. The exceptional \ questions.
thing about this film is that, using make-up, costumes and different accents, You belong to a book club and
these two actors play all the roles in the film. have been asked to write a
report for the club magazine,
SECOND RECO MMENDATION recommending two books to
Little Big Man is thesecond recommendation. This is a black comedy dealing club members. Describe each
with some serious themes in American history. Dustin Hoffman heads an book briefly and explain why
excellent cast of veteran performers in this epic. members would enjoy reading
them. Write your report. (120-
Both films would offer club members a lot to think about, as well as being 1 What style should your report be
amusing and entertaining. This would be a nice contrast to last year's films,
written in?
which were rather serious. Furthermore, the quality of acting and direction in
both films is excellent, whichis sure to please our members. 2 Which books witl you recommend.
and why?
3 In which paragraph(s) wilt you:
For the reasons above, I recommend Sleuth and Little Big Man as choices for - state the purpose of the report?
the summer programme. I bel ieve these films would entertain our members
- describe each book?
and increase attendance at the screenings.
- suggest reasons why club members
would enjoy readingthe books?
1 Is the purpose of the report clearly stated in the introduction? Suggest a
70 Read the rub ric in Ex. 69 again
suitable alternative first paragraph for this report.
and write your article (120-180
2 What reasons docs the writer give to explain why club members would words). Use youranswers from
enjoy the films recommended? Ex. 69 and the plan and model
3 Write suitable main bodyparagraphs about two films of your own choice. from Ex. 6S to help you.
Appendix I: Linking Words / Phrases
- -- - - ----'
To state persona l In my opinion, I /n my view, I To my mind. ] (Personally) 1 believe that I I feel strongly that I

opinion: It seems to me that I J think that people should be encouraged to use public transport in the city.

To list One advantage of I Another advantage of l One other of I The main udvamage of/

advantages Thegreale.\"! advantage of I The first advantage ofhavingyour own business is Ihat you do nor

"d haveto take orders.

disadva ntages :
One disadvantage of I Another disadvantage of l One other di sadvantage of /The main

dimdrantage ofI The greatest disadmntage of I The first disadvantageof havingyour own business
is thatyou haveto worklong hours.

To list points: First (lyj, / First ofall, l ln thefi rst place, I To start with, I To begin with, I Secondly, I
Thirdly, I Finally, everyone knows that smoking is extremely bad for one's health.

To show sequence: BEGINNING: First, I To start with, I To begin with, I First ofall, get everyone Ollt of the building.
CONTll"iUlII,'G: Secondly, I After thislthat, I Then, I Next, callthe fire brigade.

CONCLUDING: Finally, I Lastly, I Last hut not lea,\·t keep a safedistance from the fire.

To add more points 'that is more, I Furthermore, I Moreover, I Apartfrom this/that, t tn additon (to this), I Besides (this),
on the same topic:
dogs are l'ay usefulin police work.

Dogs are also 1'1'1)' usefulin policework..

Dogs are very usefulin policework too.

Not only do dogs help the blind, but theyare very usefulin policework us well.

To show cause: The BBC decided not to show theprogramme because I due to the[act that I since I as

it wouldupsettoo many people.

The programme would upset too many people; for this reason I therefore the BBC
decided not to show it.

To show effect I She won a scholarship therefore, 1,\·0 I consequently, I us a I as a result, I

result I consequences: for this reason, she was able to continue herstudies.

To show He decided 10 learn Russian ,n J that he could read Tolstoy.

pur pose: He decided 10 learn Russian 50 as to I ill orderto read Tolstoy.

To give For instance, I For example, by running. swimming orjogging three timesa week you feel
examp les: younger and livelonger.

By takingregular exercise such as I like running. swimming orjogging you feelyounger and livelonger.

If you wanl to feel younger and livelonger, you shouldrake regular exercise, particularly, I
in particular, I especially, running. swimming orjogging.

Sea/belts are known to savelives, yet I ho....ever, I nevertheless, I but l nonetheless, manypeople
To show
refuse to wear them.
co ntrast:
Although I Even though l in spite of thefact tho/ I Despite thefact that sea/belts are known to save
lives, manypeople refuse to wear them.

Tum the dial when I whenever I before I as soon as I the buzzersounds.

To show
I haven'tbeenback home since 1982.
We met as I wascrossingthe street.
I saw him while / was crossingthe street.

We neverseeeachother nowthat they 've moved to another neighbourhood.

That's the woman who lil'es flext door to me.

He's the man .... car wasstolen yesterday.

That's the cat which scratched me.

London is the citywhere / was born.

Filially, I lAStly, I All in all, I Taking everything in/a account. I On the whole, I
To introduce
All things considered, I /n conclusion, I To up, no one is likely /0 find a curefor
a conclusion :
the common cold in the nearfuture.

.....- - _ ......._- --- - - _ ...
Appendix IIa: Opening and Closing Remarks for Letters


Giving news
Opening Remarks: (You'll never) guesswhat ... I'mwriting to tellyou about. I am writing to inform you of ...

Closing Remarks: That's allmy news for now... Write andtell me your news. I would appreciate your thoughts
on this matter.
I-Makin!: an invitation
Remarks: I'm writing to invite you to ... We would be very pleased if you We would be honoured if you
could come . could attend ...

Closing Remarks: Hope you can make it - it'll be Please let us know if you cancome. We would be grateful if you could
great fun! notify us regarding whether.
Accepting an invitation
r--Opening Remarks: Thanks a lot for the invitation. I'd Thank you for YOUT kind invitation; Thankyou toryour kind invitation.
love to come ... we would love to join you .. We would he delighted to attend ..

Clusing Remarks: See you then! We look forward to seeingyou. Thank you once more for your
kind invitation.
I· , Refusing an lnvitathm
OpeningRemarks: Thanksa lot for the invitation but I Thank you for your kind invitation. Thankyou for yourkindinvitation.
won't be able to make it . However, we will not be able to Unfortunately, we will be unable
come , to attend.

Ctoslng Remarks: Sorryagain. Maybe next time! Perhaps we can gel together soon. I hope that in the future we might
have the opportunity to meet.
Asking fur advice
Opening Remarks: I've got a problem, and I thinkyou I'd really like your advice about! I am writing to request some
can help. eo . advice concerning ..

Closing Remarks: Write back soon and tell me what I really hope you can help me. I would greatly appreciate your
you think. assistance in this matter.
Gil'ing advice
Opening Remarks: I'm sorry to hear ... and I think I I'm very sorry to hear that you're I am writing with regard to your
can help. having problems with . letterrequestingadvice concerning

Closing Remarks: Let me knowwhat happens. I hopeeverything turns out well. I hope to have been of assistance
to you.
Asking for information
Opening Remarks: I'm thinkingof ... and I wondered I'm considering ... and I'd like it if I would greatlyappreciate it if
if you could help me out. you couldgive me some you could provide me with some
inform ation. information on .

Closing Remarks: Hope you can help! r would appreciate any help you Thank you in advance for your
can give me . kindcooperation .

Appendix IIa: Opening and Closing Remarks for Letters

:_ Gh'ing information
Opening Remarks:

I've looked into ,


I'mwriting in reply to your letter


I am writing in response to your

asking for information on . leiter requesting information on.

Closing Remarks- Ilope this was what you wanted. I hope you find this useful.. Do not hesitate to contact me
shouldyou require further
Opening Remarks: Thanks a lot for .. Thankyou verymuch for o. J am writing to express my
gratitude for ..

Closing Remarks: Thanks again! It was verygood of you to . r amextremely grateful for ,

Opening Remarks:
-- I'mreally sorry about , r amwriting to apologise for . r am writing to offer my sincere
apologies regarding ..

Closing Remarks: Please say you'll forgive me. Please accept myapology .. Once again, please accept our
sincerest apologies.
(:ongratulating sb
- Opening Remarks: I'mjustwriting to say well done. I was really happy/pleased to hear May I congratulate you on ,
that ,

Closing Remarks: Well done! You really deserve (your) success. Once again, congratulations,

Opening Remarks: - - - -- I amwriting to apply for the
position . ,

Closing Remarks: -- -- I look forward to hearing from

: of Complaint
Opening Remarks: -- - - I amwriting to draw your
attention to .

Closing Remarks: -- -- I hope that this matrer can be

""1.Iaking Requests -- resolved .

Opening Remarks: Could you do something for me? I wondered ifyou could possiblydo I would be most grateful if you
mea favour. could.

Closing Remarks: r hope you canhelp me out. I hope it isn't too much trouble. Thank you in advance for your
assistance in this mailer.

....._ - - - -Appendix lIb: Useful Vocabulary for Letters--- - _ .....

I. }Iaking an invitation Let me tellyou when & where. These are the details of ... The partylwedding/ceremony will
be held on ... at ...
By the way, it's a fancy dress It witl be afancy dress party! Be advised that the party!
party/formal ceremooy ' n formal occassion ... occasslon IS..
You can stay over if you like ... If you need somewhere to stay... Accommodation canhe provided
by arrangement ,_
There'll be plenty of food/drink ... Refreshments will beprovided ... The catering arrangements have
been made ...
You won't need to bringanything ... It won't be necessary 10 ... You will not be required 10 ..

an lnvitatlen - Wh at a great way to celebrate ... It's a wonderful way to celebrate ... l'm sure it will be a wonderful
By the way, ifyou need helpwith ... If you would like any help ... Shouldyou requireassistance ,.
Can I bring my friend, Brian? Could I invite a friend to come too? Would it be possible for ... to
accompany me?

Refusing an imitation
I can't make it because .. I won't be able to come because ... I am unable to attend due to ...
I've got plans for that weekend ... I have already arranged to ... I am otherwise engaged...

Asking for information

Do you know anything about ... Do you have information about .. \\ nat information do youhold on...
I also need to know about .., I would also like to know... Couldyou also providedetails of..
J want 10 find out about .., aswell. In addition, could you tellme,.. Furthermore, it wouldbe useful to
Can you also let me know if ... Please could you also ,.. have information concerning ...
I would be glad to .., I would be grateful for ,.. Please would you include ...
.., wouldbe appreciated ..,

i- 'Gil'ing information
I have sent you a ... This letter includes a ... Please fin d enclosed a ...
To answer your question about ... Inresponse to your enquiry about ... Regardingyour request for ...
Did you know that ...? Were you aware of ...? May I bringto your attention ..
This information shouldhelp you ... This information should be useful The following information may be
to you ... of use to you ...

I'm really sorryfor/about. I apologise for ... Please accept my apologies for ...
It wouldn't have happened if .. It happened because of ... Thesituation arose due to ...
I admit that it was my fault . I am to blame for ... Thefault isentirely mine ...
I didn'tmean to ... It was not intentional ... It was notmy intention to ...

:\Iaking requests
I really need .. I'd like ... I wish to request ,..
Can I ask you to ... Could I askyou to .., Woold it be possible for yoo to ...

Gi\;ing advice •
Why don't you . If I were you, I'd .. I would suggest that.

Appendix III: Rules for Punctuation


A capital letter is used: A comma is used:
• to begin a sentence. • to separate words in a list.
e.g. There 's a great film playing atthe cinema. e.g. We need eggs, milk, cheese and butter,
• for days of the week, months and public holidays. • to separate phrases or clauses,
e.g. This year, Christmas Day falls onthe last Sunday of e.g. He stopped walking, lookeddown, and realised that
December. he was stillwean'ng hisslippers.
• to separate long sentences linked by and, but,as, or, etc.
• for names of people and places.
e.g. Susan had a very badcold, but she still went to the
e.g. My best friend's name is Claire and she's from
Cardiff, Wales.
Ann brought some delicious egg sandwiches, and
• for people's tilles. Tim brought his famous chocolate brownies.
e.g. Mr and Mrs Graham; DrStevens; Professor Brown; • to separate a non-identifying relative clause (i.e. a
etc. clause giving extrainformation which is notessential to
• lor nationalities and languages. the meaning of the main clause) from the main clause.
e.g. Theyare French. e.g. Maria, who isa ballen'na, lives in Pan's,
We love Italian cuisine. The localmarket, whereyou can buy exotic spices,
He 's fluent in Portuguese and German. is located on the HighStreet.
• for thefirstword and/or the most important words (e.g. • after certain linking words/phrases (e.g. in addition tc
nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) of titles of books, this, for example, however, in conclusion, etc).
films, plays, TV programmes, etc. e.g. In addition to this, Fred is a collector of antiquf;
e.g. The Sixth Sense
• when if-clauses begin sentences.
Indiana Jones andthe Lost Temple e.q. If we hadtaken heradvice, we wouldn't have got las<.
Alice in Wonderland Note: No comma is used , however, when the it-clause
Note: The personal pronoun I is always a capital letter. follows themain clause,
e.g. George and I are going to the funfair. • before and/orafter expressions such as: he/she said, sec
Tom/Mary, etc. when reporting someone'sexact words.
e.q. Opening the door, he said, "Wake up children, it's
time to getready foryour trip,
lUll STOP (.) but: -Iam exhausted,• saidthe firefighter,
• to separate question tags from therest of the sentence.
A full stop is used: e.g. Ms Jones is your historyteacher, isn't she?
• to end a sentence that isnot a questionor an
e.g. I'mhaving a wonderful time. There's so much to do QUESTION MARK (?)
A question mark is used:
• to enda direct question,
e.g. Howald are you?
ITAIICS, -_ Note: A question mark is not used to end an indirect
Italics are used: e.g. He asked me how old I was.
• to show the titles of books, plays, newspapers, films,
e.g. The Hunchback of Notre Dame EXClAMATION MARK (!)
Romeo andJuliet
The Daily Mail An exclamation mark is used:
Braveheart • to end an exclamatorysentence, i.e. a sentence showing
• to show names of hotels, restaurants, etc. admiration, surprise,joy,anger, etc.
e.g . The Majestic Hotel e.g. That's greatnews!
Cleo's Grill House What a beautiful baby!

Appendix III: Rules for Punctuation


A quotation mark is used: An apostrophe is used:
• in direct speech to report the exact words someonesaid. • in short formsto show that one or more let ters or
e.g. 'My flight is leaving at gam,' said Pamela. numbershave been leftout.
Where are you from?' heasked us. e.g. I'm ( = I am) writing because I've ( = I have) got
• for quotations (l.e. phrases taken from books. plays, great news.
etc), sayings and proverbs. I left for Canada in the summer of '95. (= 1995)
e.g. All in all, I believe that life would be boring without • before or after the possessive -s to show ownersh ip or
music. As Robert Fripp once said, "music is just a the relationship between people.
means of creating a magical state. " e.g. Tom 's bicycle, mysister's son (singular noun + 's)
My grandfather used to say that 'an apple a day, myparents' car (plural noun + ')
keeps the doctor away.' women 's shoes (Irregular plural + 's)
Study the exa mples:
e.g. Lookat that peacock! Aren't its feathers beautiful?
COlON o (its = possessive adjective)
but: It's (= it is) a beautiful day, isn 't it?
A colon is used: Our school is very big. It's got (= it has got) three floors
and a huge gymnasium.
• to introduce a list. • to form theplurals of letters, numbers or abbreviations.
e.g. There were fourof us on the boat : my e.g. She oftenwrites j's instead of g's.
mother, my father, mycousin Jane andme. Package holidays became extremely popular in the
UNICEPs efforts to raisemoney for childrenliving in
SEMICOlON (:) developingcountries have been extremelysuccessful.

A semicolon is used:
• instead of a full slop, sometimes to separate main HYPHEN (-)
sentences when their meaning is connected.
Semicolons are not used as frequently as full stops or A hyphen is used:
commas. • to form a compound word.
e.g. Some teenagers find it extremely hard to choose a e.g. kind-hearted; ten-veer.otd boy; sevemv-nine;
career; others consider it a fairly easy choice. tape-recording; well-dressed; water·ski; etc.


• Three dots are used to show thatwords have been left A dash is used:
outfrom a quotation, proverb, sentence, etc. • in info rmal English, the same way as a colon or
e.g. As Edward Guthman once said, 'Thirtyseconds on semicolon.
the eveningnews is worth a front page headline ..•' e.g. There are three things I couldn't imagine living
without - my best friend, a good book andmydog.
• 10 introduce something that you thought of or added
BRACKETS () later, or somethingsurprising, unexpected , etc.
e.q. They're closing down the old library - atleast that's
Brackets are used: what I've heard.
• to separate extrainformationfrom therest of the
e.q. These days, you can buy popular newspapers (I.e.
The New Yor k Times, Le Monde, etc) almost
anywhere in theworld.

Successful Intermediate provides a
thorough preparation for the different types ofwriting
necessary for students at intermediate level. The book
prepares students to write all types of composition, including
descriptive, discursive, narrative, reports, articles, letters,
transactional letters and reviews.
Each starts with a listening activity to stimulatethe
students' interest. The lead-in is followed by theory, plans
and full-length model compositions which help students
produce successful pieces of writing. The Revision and
Extension section includes a lull range of composition types
for students to analyse.
Successful Writing Intermediate is accompanied by a
separate Teacher's book and a cassette or audio CD.

Successful Writing Intermediate
Successful Writing Intermediate Teacher's Book
Class AudioCassette
Class Audio CD

Express Publishing

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