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Inter - School Sport Competition

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Launching of Mayor The program was declaration of opening for

Marie L. Guingona Inter- the other way for the LGU the inter-school
School Sports to spread awareness competition by the
Competition against illegal drugs Honorable City Mayor
through sports activities Marie L. Guingona, a mass
The Honorable City like basketball and dance exercise and lunch
Mayor Marie L. Guingona volleyball. The parade break.
launched the Inter-School started at exactly 8:00 AM
Sports Competition at ASL in the morning. Then the Xyra Torrevillas a
Gym last October 31, 2017 program started at 9:30 graduating BSED major in
sponsored by the Local AM. Followed with an English. She’s been a
Government Unit (LGU) invocation, National member of Scroll for 6
with the partnership of Anthem, Himno Gingoog years.
other government Opening remarks by Mr.
agencies: Department of Epifanio C. Zarate, Sports
Health (DOH) and the Coordinator. Then the
Philippine Red Cross. presentation of different
participating schools by
The activity was Eric D. Talja, Deputy
participated by different Sports Coordinator for ball
schools in Gingoog City games. The emcee
namely: Christ the King introduces the Honorable
College, Gingoog City Councillor Gerome
Christian College, Granada Mercado for his
Gingoog City Colleges, message. The City
Lurisa National High Councillor initiated a game
School, Gingoog City wherein he posed a
Comprehensive National challenge to all players that
High School, Mount Sio- he would give ten thousand
an Academy, Lunao (10,000) pesos to those
National High School, who can make a shot from
Jacinto D. Malimas the half court line for boys
National High School, while five thousand
Eurika, National High (5,000) pesos for the girls
School, Talisay National in the three point line and
High School, Pundasan he call it “One Shot Big
National High School, Shot.” After the guidelines
Balay Pangarap, Anakan of the inter-school
National High School, competition was
Kalipay National High introduced by Mr. Ramon
School, Bal-ason National N. Reyes, Basketball Event
High School, San Luis Coordinator then followed
National High School and by The Oath of
Saint Mary’s Academy of Amateurism led by Mr.
Lunao. June Anthony D. Guillena
then another message &
The Unexpected Almost same with Gador, that situation CKC King’s
Xyra Kristi P. Torrevillas in this period De Jesus also Coach Mr. Pericles Anion
has 2 personal fouls. The voluntarily decided not to
In the gritty of Vikings countered the continue the game
formidable guts and points Agbu has made 2 anymore to avoid possible
exemplary team, the CKC points in this game, while fight and another
Kings were blasted by the Jansol created 2 point shot misunderstandings by the
offensive attacks of the and 1 free throw, which players.
GCC Viking in the makes the Vikings lead by And so it is
basketball championship 1 point 5-4. concluded that CKC will
game, 38-23, during the In the second receive the second place
Inter-School Competition quarter the game starting to prize of 10,000 pesos only.
at ASL Gym, Gingoog get hotter for both teams, On a date that is yet to be
City on March 17, 2018. because they rally from left announced by the
Early in the to right. In this time, organizers of the event.
afternoon, both teams were King’s De Jesus and Gador
doing their warm-ups to both have a 2 point shot Xyra Torrevillas she prefer
prepare for the game. After while Palad made 4 points to take pictures that are
the warm-up, all of the during this time Socorum, sports or any events that
players from both teams De Jesus, Palad and are moving or with motion.
were told to go to the back Guillena committed one She loves to write sports
stage of the gym, once foul while Sala had 2 fouls and news articles.
their name and jersey which will give the
number is called they are Vikings to have a penalty
going to proceed at the shot the next time they
center of the basketball have a foul. As for the
court and have the shaking Vikings, Maceda fired a
of hands as a sign of burning 3 point shot that
friendly game and makes the Vikings ever
sportsmanship. Then the more ahead from the score
first five players of both of the CKC, Jansol have 3
teams were called to free throws, and Dele and
proceed to the center to Teves have 2 point each,
officially start the the score is now 15-12.
championship game. But in the third and
In the first quarter fourth quarter, the CKC
of the game, CKC Kings Kings were already been
didn’t waste time they left behind in the score
immediately bomb GCC board 28-19 and 38-23.
Vikings with a 2 point by During the last quarter of
Gador and in the this the game when there was a
quarter he committed three commotion happened
personal fouls already that where the GCC Vikings’
makes him very crucial to player Santillan is said to
play for he serve as the star punch the CKC King’s
player of CKC Kings. player De Jesus, but after

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