Module 2 Risk
Module 2 Risk
Module 2 Risk
THC 102
College of Business and Management
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
Module No. 2
Prepared by:
Table of Contents (Chapter Contents, Page)
Title Page i
Table of Contents ii
Instructions to the User iii
Introduction iv
Overview 1
Learning Outcomes 1
Pre-test 2
Lesson 4 3
Learning Outcomes 3
Time Allotment 3
Discussion 3
Exercises/Activities 22
Post-test 24
Lesson 5 25
Learning Outcomes 25
Time Allotment 25
Discussion 25
Exercises/Activities 34
Post-test 36
Lesson 6 37
Learning Outcomes 37
Time Allotment 37
Discussion 37
Exercises/Activities 48
Post-test 50
References 51
The student will develop knowledge, skills and values on the basic
principles of personal hygiene, food safety and sanitation as applied in tourism
and hospitality industry. Topics include the following: compliance with
workplace hygiene procedures, establishment and maintenance of a safe and
secure workplace, implementation of occupational health and safety procedures
and Performing basic First Aid procedures.
Answer the following questions and write your answer on the given
Result of this test is confidential and will not be used as a basis of your
work performance.
A. Learning Outcomes
B. Time Allotment
3 hours (Week 1)
C. Discussion
DOLE, being the lead agency in implementing and enforcing OSH policies and
practices, possesses enforcement and rule- making powers in particular with
regard to the following laws and standard:
Laws and Regulations Under Jurisdiction of Government Organizations other
than DOLE:
- Protect workers and members of the public from accident, injury, or loss;
- Present advice and direction on action which needs to be taken to optimize
safety and security;
- Create confidence among the public (domestic and international) in the safe
and responsible conduct and operation of businesses in the country-which is
an important consideration in optimizing travel and tourism; and
- Provide penalties for breaches and non-compliance which will act as
motivation to comply with what is required.
With the legal framework for safety and security, employers will provide a
wide range of policies and procedures for employees to follow in order to optimize
workplace safety and security.
Comply with legislated requirements to avoid penalties and create a good
corporate citizen image and good corporate governance;
Reduce the likelihood of accidents and injury to avoid Customer complaint,
reduction of repeat business, incidence of legal suit, damage to equipment
and facilities, and public embarrassment;
Provide consistent and standardized dealing with or handling of common
operational problems and circumstances, thus; consistency in the delivery of
quality goods and services to achieve customers experience consistency;
Increase efficiency and effectiveness of business operational activities and
processes as applied to marketing, production (operation), human capital,
and finance;
Reflect the unique nature of organizations with passion for details of safety
and security protocols; and
Facilitate staff training in required practices based on training needs analysis
and plans.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) can help manage/ control safety and
security in some instances. Many organizations will have policies and procedures
relating to the use of PPE and clothing by:
1. Employees - to protect them when they undertake
certain duties or engage in certain activities. Common
duties/activities will include:
- Cleaning and dealing with chemicals;
- Dealing with hot products, food, or drinks;
- Handling petrol or other flammable liquids; and
- Working in extreme conditions.
Use of PPE is the lowest level in the six-tier Hierarchy of Controls available
to address risk. The Hierarchy of Controls consists of:
Engineering Controls
Administrative Controls
e. Administrative controls- requiring (for example) the. busines to:
i. Restrict access to an area or activity;
ii. Provide assistive technology or equipment to help with
required activities/work;
iii. Train staff as appropriate; and
iv. Develop necessary protocols.
Example of PPE:
1. Face mask
2. Hard hat
3. Protective vest
4. Fire safety practices
5. Protective hand gloves
Safe work practices may include, but not limited to regular workplace
activities which employees are expected to do, workplaces activities, duties and
tasks employees are required to undertake and activities tour group members are to
engage in on tour. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) must be developed to:
Organizations may have prerequisites to be attained prior to customers
engaging in certain activities or methods of travel. These include, but not limited to,
the following:
valid passport and/or visa;
travel insurance;
physically fit for the intended activities;
return ticket;
cash and traveler's check and full payment for tour/travel/tickets by a
given date.
1. Emergency procedures
Internal emergencies such as fire or flood in the office, gas leak, loss of
power/electricity, armed hold-up, and loss of data/bookings; and
External emergencies are events which may occur on tour such as loss of
aircraft where carrier airplane has crashed, vehicle breakdown and accident,
medical emergency, arrest of a tour group member, missing person/tour
group member.
Be the result of structured analysis of business operations and subsequent
formal risk management procedures of identified issues/threats;
Be documented to facilitate dissemination of requirements to staff and/or
Be practiced by training and drill must be provided, to support to enable
Be resourced as relevant equipment or devises must be provided; and
Be reviewed and revised as necessary on a regular basis to ensure relevance
and proper application.
Businesses which conduct trips and tours will commonly have protocols for
dealing with the death of a tour group member while on activities or tour. These
protocols will traditionally cover action to address requirements and directions in
relation to:
Compliance with legal requirements which apply following the demise of a
person for the purposes of a police investigation;
Damaged control for the negative impact of the event on other tour group
members; and
Information control for media.
This relates to the safety of tour group members and tour staff
while on tour and to the security of documents, property, and cash
belonging to the company customers.
Provision of list of contacts for the countries/ areas the clients will be visiting
such as medical, police, embassies, and local in- country agencies associated
with the primary provider.
Use a secured credit card, manager's check, and traveler's check accordingly.
Do not engage in socio-political protest and similar activities.
Be aware of fire escapes and emergency exits.
Do not wear excessive jewelry.
Familiarize with the information about accommodation, local police stations
(where appropriate), travel agent, and embassy.
There is an increasing trend of those with special needs engaging with travel and
tourism. They do this on their own and often with careers and family members.
Many countries have legislation making it an offence to discriminate against those
with disabilities. In the Philippines, the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons was
enacted in 1992 through Republic Act No. 7277 An Act Providing for the
Rehabilitation, Self- development and Self-reliance of Disabled Persons and their
Integration into the Mainstream and for other Purposes.
Safety and security may include, but not limited, to the following:
Developing packages, products, and services which are inclusive and suitable
for/appropriate to those with disabilities in consultation with those who
have disabilities and those who will use/buy the items;
Planning routes and activities with the needs of differently abled persons in
Providing dedicated staff to assist with differently abled tour group
6. Travel insurance
However, there are some exclusions (not covered) by travel insurance policy,
though exclusions may vary between insurance providers. Common exclusions are:
In some cases, the business will need to obtain
approval from government authorities for
elements of proposed tours. In many/ most cases,
specific authority is not needed but standard
operating procedures may be, to advise/notify
them of intentions so they know what is planned
and are prepared for the trip/tour and can
assist/facilitate activities as and if needed. While
names/titles of these departments/agencies vary
between countries, there can be a need to seek Source:
approval from those with interests in:
Parks and Wildlife/Natural Attractions and Heritage
Travel and Tourism
All operators will seek to control their communications with the media. This is
especially the case where there has been an event or incident such as:
Training in dealing with the media which should feature:
o Role-plays; and
o Simulated scenarios.
Organizations will always seek to integrate ethical conduct into the operation of
their business so as to:
Protocols relating to integrating ethical conduct into safety and security include:
1. Training
It is one of the primary resources underpinning support for required safety and
security procedures. The training must embrace the three components of
competency-based training:
Knowledge; and
This means it must encompass the practical and theoretical elements of the
job for each employee/job position.
2. PPE
Protective glasses,
goggles, eyewear or.
visors/ face shields;
Clothing such as long-
sleeved shirts and long
trousers, aprons and
overalls, hi-visibility
Helmets, hats, and/or
Guards (padded
protection) for body parts elbow guards, knee pads, groin protectors;
Gloves, gauntlets, and other palm and/or finger protection;
Footwear-such as special purpose shoes or steel-capped boots;
Hearing protection-such as ear plugs and/or earmuffs;
Respiratory protection-such asfilters, breathing apparatus, and
Sunscreen and insect repellent.
1. Plans
o Security systems; Travel and transport, vehicles, and/or carriers;
o Stock control systems;
o Heating, vèntilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
o Primary plant and equipment; and Primary office equipment critical
to processing transactions and customers.
In general terms, equipment and systems used in this regard will include:
o Need for staff to assist customers make insurance claims of their
travel and/or other personal insurance;
o Loss and/or damage to physical items;
o Personal impact in terms injury, illness, or death;
o Legal action;
o Damage to enterprise' image, brand, and reputation; and
o Disciplinary action and job loss.
All employees will have an authority and responsibility for workplace safety and
security. Scope of authority and responsibility can also be referred as is sometimes
just referred to as-scope of authority, scope of responsibility, or scope of
employment. It is the authority given to a person (by virtue of their job
position/role within the organization) to take action on behalf of the business
without having to talk to anyone else in the workplace for the purpose of obtaining
their input or permission in order to make a decision or take other action which is
binding on the employer.
o Proceed as planned--according to the advertised/ this is a standard
requirement in all businesses. event staff. planned itinerary:
o Be delayed-for a period of time;
o Be deferred or postponed-to a later date;
o Be cancelled altogether;
o Have substitute inclusions/activities made to the itinerary; and
o Be modified in some other appropriate but relatively minor way such
changing planned routes but leaving activities/destinations the same,
altering sequence of planned activities/destinations, increasing or
reducing time spent at attractions, and using a different mode of
travel or carrier.
ldentify the relevant knowledge which needs to be shared with tour group
Make sure they have the required PPE to match requirements based on the
relevant knowledge.
Integrate relevant knowledge into other knowledge and other plans.
1. For today’s activity, you will be creating your own PPE that is available in
your home. Always remember before you use it, make it sure you sanitize it.
Note: You don’t need to buy equipment or any materials, just DIY only (Do It
2. Document every equipment you need to use.
3. Capture yourself (whole body)
4. In the low section part, discuss about the importance of PPE especially in
this Covid-19 Pandemic.
Importance of PPE
(Creative Output)
Content Possible Points
Points Earned
Overall Output 5
TOTAL 30 points
1. 1.1
2. 2.1
3. 3.1
4. 4.1
5. 5.1
11-6. Six levels of Hierarchy of Control from most effective to least effective.
A. Learning Outcomes
B. Time Allotment
3 hours (Week 2)
C. Discussion
An important aspect of
following preventative safety
and security procedures is the
provision of safety and security
information to customers.
Tourism and hospitality-
related businesses need to be
proactive in relation to safety
and security for the following
To discharge and
demonstrate compliance with legal obligations;
To give customers confidence in their choice of provider and what they are
about to experience;
To inform, advise, assist, and educate the customers;
To prove those leading the trip, tour, or event have undertaken sufficient and
relevant planning, know what is expected/going to happen, and have
prepared appropriately;
To help "set the scene" for the experience the customers are about to have;
To demonstrate proof the claims made about safety and security in
advertisements are in fact/in practice underpinned by actual/practical
action; and
Because it is ALWAYS easier, cheaper, and more effective to prevent a
problem than it is to solve/fix or otherwise respond to the consequences.
In relation to the requirement to conduct regular safety and security checks, the
following generally applies:
A checklist is usually prepared to guide the actions
required and ensure nothing is missed.
The checklist may have to be completed and signed as proof the checks have
been undertaken.
An attempt should be made to ensure tour group members and others
see/know these checks are being conducted-it helps to reassure them and
also serves to deter problems.
Checks can be required multiple times per day-for example, morning and
late afternoon/early evening and/or at night: attention should be paid to
avoiding "same time every day" so as to avoid making the checks predictable.
Care should be taken:
o To use appropriate positive interpersonal and communication skills
- Taking action when the need to do so arises-it is never acceptable to identify
a problem, issue, threat, danger, or an unacceptable situation and ignore it.
Use the list below as a basis for implementing primary control safety and
security procedures while on tour:
ldentify potential troubles, issues, and interpersonal problems between
participants; and
Demonstrate contact with the group.
Prerequisite conditions set by external providers, carriers, and suppliers;
In-country legislation.
When tour guides identify on tour risk and/or security breaches, they will be
expected to implement established responses to the individual nature of the issue.
Specific responses will depend on the particular circumstances but can be expected
to include the following generic solutions:
Notifying/advising tour group members of the situation;
Providing safety and security of customers and employees on an ongoing
Limiting actions of customers;
Controlling actions and access of group and/or individuals to activities,
areas, vehicles, and other destinations;
Preventing tour group members from engaging with activities if they are
physically unsuitable, ill, or otherwise impaired;
Removing participants from danger, activities, or locations if they are at risk
or putting themselves in harm's way;
Removing certain people from the tour-if their ongoing behavior/actions is
contrary to stated/expected behavior as stipulated in "terms and conditions"
of the trip/tour; and
Changing the itinerary-as required by the emergent risk or security breach.
priority on all tours/trips at all times. Many issues can be avoided simply by making
potential perpetrators/offenders aware their presence in and around the tour/camp
has been observed and noted. The essence of this requirement is "prevention is
better than cure."
1. Suspicious behavior
Telltale signs/indicators are:
2. Abnormal situations
Abnormal situations may include:
Doors, windows, vehicles, rooms, and luggage/bags which are
unlocked or open when they should be locked or closed;
Missing items-including stock, materials, property, resources,
Items which are in the wrong place/have been relocated without a
reason for them being there;
Damage to property and/or equipment;
Settings on equipment which have been altered/ tampered with;
Unexplained occurrences;
Any circumstances reported to tour guides/leaders by members of the
tour group which they deem to be strange/out of the ordinary; and
Circumstances which are significantly different to expectations.
In any of these cases, responses should embrace the following concepts and
Use common sense; Act-never ignore a situation but always avoid
Never take action which will pose a threat/danger to sell or the tour
group-never try to be a hero;
Think before acting;
Take notes and/or photographs-if safe/practical to do so, to capture
evidence; and
Notify and involve relevant others-appropriate persons to
advise/include may be security staff, local authorities, or any other
staff member.
others who, can help, and it is to be expected that these people are contacted and
asked to assist as required. It is also expected that assistance is obtained as soon as
possible when an emergency is identified: in practice, this means getting help
immediately. When dealing with any type of emergency, it is vital that tour guides,
tour staff, and tour leaders do not place themselves at risk or do anything to
endanger those on tour.
Standard operating procedure for all tours, trips, and events is for tour staff to
report serious risks, hazards, and security breaches. It is better to overreport than
underreport. This means if tour staffs identify/see anything which causes them
concern, they should raise it as an issue, and then allow others decide whether or
not it is a genuine matter to be addressed.
Examples of topics tour staff would need to report instances such as those listed
Unsafe, damaged, broken, or malfunctioning equipment;
Loss while on tour;
Presence of unauthorized persons (such as people without tickets,
banned people, those from another tour/ tour company, and people who
may be intoxicated or troublesome);
Signs of unauthorized access-in relation to vehicles venues, and
(camping, rest/relaxation, eating, viewing) sites;
Unsecured facilities New tour threats which have arisen/been identified
since "last time" the tour was there; and
Situations where there was a need to involve emergency services or an
external provider to assist the tour in a problem situation such as fire,
accident, and injury, assault, theft, or any situation raised by tour group
members with tour staff which relates to serious risk, threat, or security
breach of any kind--and any similar issues raised by partners, carriers,
destinations, nor other stakeholders.
If there is a need to take action on tour to address a safety and/or security issue,
there is commonly a need to record this on internal documentation.
1. Identify any POTENTIAL tourist spot in your area.
2. Make a 2 fold brochure/flyers that shows your chosen spot.
3. Make an introduction/discussion about it and identify safety and security
measures on that particular place.
4. Capture and collect any photos to be included in your output.
5. Students’ creativity is needed.
6. Follow minimum heath protocols and always remember SAFETY FIRST.
(Creative Output)
Content Possible Points
Points Earned
Overall Output 5
TOTAL 30 points
This evaluation contains 10 questions to test your knowledge of this lesson.
Write True if the statement is correct and False if not.
This test will be recorded as part of your written works.
___________6. When dealing with any type of emergency, it is vital that tour
guides, tour staff, and tour leaders do not place themselves at risk or do anything to
endanger those on tour.
___________7. Standard operating procedure for all tours, trips, and events is
for tour staff to report serious risks, hazards, and security breaches.
___________9. No staff member is ever expected to deal with an emergency on
their own.
A. Learning Outcomes
B. Time Allotment
3 hours (Week 3)
C. Discussion
theft; natural disaster and calamity; personal injury and sickness; lack of basic
necessities such as food and water, transport and/or communications; and fire.
Contacting emergency services-by phone, radio, or other means to advise
and summon assistance which is a critical primary requirement element of
effective response to emergency situations is to notify authorities/ others,
alert them to the situation, and initiate a response moving to the location;
Initiating alarms or directing others to do so;
Communicating with tour group members-and advise them regarding nature
of emergency and type of threat/ danger posed, intended action to be taken
in response to the threat in order to protect their safety, and compliance with
instructions/directives given;
Taking immediate protective measures to ensure that no one is placed in
danger and safety of persons always takes priority over security/safety of
Initiating evacuations by identifying routes to take, giving
directions/instructions, and supervising actions in this regard;
Undertaking first response/first attack activities such as initial
firefighting/suppression and rendering first response first aid;
Removing assets, property, and belongings out of danger away from threat;
Seeking feedback from customers; and
Following the actions as set out in appropriate preprepared emergency
management plans and/or Contingency plans.
1. Bomb threat
When receiving a bomb threat over
the telephone, the call must be handled
in a calm and concise manner, ensuring
a lot of open questions are asked.
Most people making bomb threats do not stay on the telephone for too long
so it is important to try to extract as much information as possible. After hanging
up speak with other staff about the threat (if applicable). This should be done in a
quiet place away from others and the details related in a calm and clear manner to
avoid panic among customers and members of the public. Evacuation procedures
should be implemented immediately and the appropriate authorities notified
(police and fire brigade). Never assume the caller was a hoax. It is not worth risking
lives if the belief was wrong.
2. Disturbed and unstable people
The industry standard practice when faced with the terrifying ordeal of a
robbery or an armed holdup is:
Immediately obey the directions given by the offender
Instruct other tour group members to do likewise;
Do not try to stall robbers-respond quickly to what they want;
Give them money/what they want-do not try to be a hero; do not try to
hide what they are after; do not attempt to deny them what they want;
Speak only when spoken to; and
Do not look/stare at the offender/s.
4. Natural calamities
There are a wide variety of potential natural calamities which may create
emergency situations for trips or tours. Each type of "calamity" is significantly
different and the preprepared responses will likewise differ to reflect these
individual factors. Most tour, trip, or travel EMPs will contain sections to address:
Location which may include location/ business name, street address, and
nearest cross street or identifying indicator to assist with precise location
of the scene; and
To answer a series of questions about the patient's condition, and what
first aid may have been rendered.
Emergency ambulance call takers are also trained to give medical advice over
the telephone to assist with the patient's needs until the ambulance arrives.
6. Loss of food/water
The location and timing of the loss will determine the action to take-indicative
responses include:
Employees are expected to seek assistance from others when dealing with
emergency situations. How to seek assistance in an emergency; assistance must be
obtained using whatever facilities or system and technology are available. This may
Civil defense;
Identified national agencies;
Local councils;
Prescribed local, regional, or national disaster organizations;
ASEAN coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance;
A nominated service provider local security company; and
Head office-or a nominated "24/7" number dedicated to assisting those
on tour.
1. Reporting methods
Reports can be spoken or written. Reports may be required from any staff
member who was on the trip or tour or by a sole designated person. General
considerations when reporting are:
Answer questions to the best of personal. knowledge and ability;
Try to avoid supposition-stick to the facts; Verbal reports enable quicker
follow-up to occur;
Inspections of the site are often required but may not be possible; and
Initial verbal reports may require more formal, more detailed follow-up
written reports.
2. Written reports
There may be internal records (an incidents
register or an incident report) to be completed
following an emergency. The following may need
to be provided.
People involved- names and numbers;
Cause of the emergency;
Roles played by individual staff as par of
others/members of the public as part of the
Details of use of relevant EMPs;
The effectiveness of the response; and Source:
Suggestions for improvements to the EMP based on experience from the
event. These reports should be prepared.
Meet internal
organizational protocols
for continuous
Comply with legislatęd
requirements requiring
maintenance of safety and
security for customers,
employees, and members of
the public;
Prevent imminent accident, injury, and loss;
Demonstrate engagement to management
with their inspection/safety and security protocols;
Address identified problems;
Maintain and/or grow customer satisfaction with the trips/ tours and
Enhance business viability;
Support organizational image and reputation; and
Protect against possible legal action for negligence/ failure to discharge.
Duty of Care
Changes which impact the operation of the business and its tours, trips,
and travel in relation to:
o Legislation of various countries visited;
o Operating protocols of attractions and destinations;
o Introduction of new destinations, activities, inclusions; and
o New target markets with special needs and/ or reduced/altered
levels of capacity and competency.
Events which have actually given rise previously to:
o Accident;
o Illness;
o Death Damage; and
o Loss.
Feedbacks and complaints received from Customers which related to:
o Security concerns; and
o Safety issues.
Instances where negative media exposure occurred.
When raising issues relating to safety and security procedures, the options are:
Verbal discussion of things with management-and clear and
comprehensive explanation of relevant issues.
Submission of nominated internal paperwork-Such as written reports,
forms, checklists, copies of formal feedback, copies of other evidentiary
Making of a formal presentation to a designated management group-
where there is a structured presentation of the issue which can feature:
o Rationale for the presentation explaining why the business
should/must address the identified issue/s;
o Submission of supporting proof - in terms of personal observation,
feedback/comments from others, or written documentation;
o Use of appropriate guest speakers past tour group members,
subject experts, representatives from joint venture partners,
and/or government agencies to identify problems and/or support
claims made about issues;
o Verbal discussion, sharing of documentation, use of slide
presentation, and a Q and A session.
Ensuring the solution addresses the cause of the problems and not the
Providing solutions and alternatives to situations which problems with safety
and security procedures issues should embrace several of the following key
points: problem-and not the symptom/s. gave rise to identified issues-such
o Changing carriers, routes, and destinations;
o Modifying activities;
o Removing certain inclusions;
o Altering timelines, dates, and itineraries;
o Amending existing safety and security SOPs; and
o Introducing new safety and security SOPs.
Providing outcomes of detailed research into suggestions for addressing the
issue-this must encompass (as appropriate):
o Available options which exist-together with relative merits of each;
o Examples of action taken by others to address the same issue;
o Overview of analysis of all options with. rationale for deciding on
preferred solution;
o Costing of options/preferred proposal;
o Identification of where funds might come from to enable
implementation of recommended solution;
o How and when costs can be recouped;
o Cost of not addressing the issue/s; and
o Plan for implementing chosen option.
1. Your output for today will be the Creative Emergency Hotlines mini
2. List all emergency hotlines/ numbers in your municipality and post it in
visible area in your home.
3. Documentation is required during and after the output.
4. It must be clean and readable. Best of Luck!
(Creative Output)
Content Possible Points
Points Earned
Overall Output 5
TOTAL 30 points
This evaluation contains 10 questions to test your knowledge of this lesson.
Write True if the statement is correct and False if not.
This test will be recorded as part of your written works.
__________1. The best to analyze operations and highlight problem areas and
protocols or situations requiring attention is to hire an external consultant with
relevant expertise in safety and security.
Amir, A. F., Mohd, M. N. Ismail, N.I. Hafiz, M., Hanafiah, M., & N. Baba.
2012. Foreign tourists' perception on the safety and security measures in Kuala
Lumpur. In Current Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Research and Innovations.
Taylor & Francis Group.
AIBattat, A. R, & A.P. Mat Som. 2013. Emergency preparedness for disasters
and crises in the Hotel Industry. SAGE Open, p. 1-10.
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