LTOM Final Book 1
LTOM Final Book 1
LTOM Final Book 1
Towards this end, the ULTOM shall serve as the basic reference for local treasurers in complying
with the performance standards and competencies required by DOF. Local Chief Executives (LCE)
are also encourage to read this manual to better appreciate the scope of the entire local treasury
ISBN: 978-971-94098-8-5 operations.
This manual shall be a work in progress integrating pertinent progressive laws, administrative
issuances as well as judicial and quasi-judicial decisions relative the local treasury operations.
And I endeavour those who prepared this manual to make themselves available for the next
Printed in the Philippines
Mabuhay and More Power.
Republic of the Philippines
Roxas Boulevard Corner Pablo Ocampo, Sr. Street
Manila 1004
Local treasurers play a pivotal role in transforming LGUs to become a self-reliant community
capable of providing an efficient and effective delivery of basic services and implement local
development projects making them an effective partners in attaining national development
goals. The demand for local treasurers to perform professionally at a certain level of standards
has been my advocacy for the local government sector.
The timely issuance of the Updated Local Treasury Operations Manual (ULTOM) highlights the
DOF’s thrust in professionalizing the rank of the local treasurers. It is designed as a standard
reference for all local treasurers in order to attain a nationwide uniform implementations of
This Manual shall be known as the UPDATED LOCAL TREASURY OPERATIONS MANUAL, also 1. Major Changes in Fiscal Organization Since the LTOM was Issued
herein referred to as the ULTOM. It is an issuance of the Department .of Finance (DOF) thru the
BLGF pursuant to Article 456 of the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the Local The Local Government Code of 1991 (LGC) which is the basis for crafting the LTOM consolidated
Government Code of 1991 (LGC). and adopted the various provisions of different laws which sought to expand the autonomy of
local government (R.A. 2264, R.A. 2370 and R.A. 5185). Provisions of P.D. 231, as amended by
P.D. 426; P.D. 464 and P.D. 477 which were issued to improve the fiscal operations and
2. OVERVIEW organization of local government units were also adopted by the LGC.
On March 26, 2008 DOF issued Department Order No.10-08 promulgating the issuance of the Since the issuance of the LTOM in 2008 many laws were issued amending the certain provisions
LTOM to serve as a handy reference material for all provincial, city and municipal treasurers in of the LGC as well as other laws providing for changes in the fiscal operations of LGUs (RA. 9640,
discharging their mandated functions. Since then, LTOM has been a constant companion of local RA 9006, RA 10121).
treasury offices in their day to day operations.
All of these laws and other policies affecting the local fiscal organization and functions were
DOF has in recent years perceived the need to revise and update, improve and enhance the included in the development of the ULTOM and is summarized in Local Treasury Operations
LTOM to be relevant and attuned to modern trends as well as to recent laws, policies, rules and (LTO) Annex __ of this Manual.
regulations issued by oversight agencies. The revision made a complete overhaul of the LTOM in
terms of content groupings and physical printing and packaging to make it more functional to 2. Relationship of the Manual to Existing Laws, Issuances and Pronouncements of Other
the users. Fiscal and Regulatory Agencies
This updated manual is now prescribe for use by all provincial, city, municipal treasurers as a Basically, ULTOM is based from the provisions of the LGC as amended by R.A. 9640 and R.A.
reference for operation of local treasury offices. 9006 and its “Implementing Rules and Regulations,” particularly those that apply to the fiscal
2. To provide Local Treasurers with a basis for developing their own capabilities to respond to BOOK ONE: FISCAL ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND THE LOCAL TREASURER
the demands of their roles within the new LGU and fiscal management structures;
Book One describes the general concept of fiscal organization of Local Governments Units (LGUs)
3. To enable Local Treasurers to appreciate fully their powers, functions, and authorities, and to including the contemporary requirements for the creation of Provinces, Cities and Municipalities
relate these constructively with those of other officers concerned with fiscal functions; pursuant to the existing laws of the land. This book also discusses the qualifications and
appointments as well as the general and specific roles, duties and responsibilities of the local
4. To introduce to Local Treasurers the basic concepts and tools of the non-traditional functions treasurers and his/her assistant.
of LGUs in which they may be involved in whether as principals or as advisers.
Likewise, this book enumerates the role of the DOF thru BLGF in the supervision of all local
5. To serve as a guide to Local Treasurers and other fiscal officers in the management of the treasurers to ensure a uniform application of standard procedures in the operations of local
LGU’s financial affairs conforming to prescribed good governance practices and internal treasury offices.
control measures for greater, proper accountability and transparency.
Book One is consist of five (5) Chapters including Annexes, viz:
D. BRIEF DESCRIPTION THIS MANUAL Chapter 1. Fiscal Organization of Local Governments and the Local Treasurer
This manual is consist of four (4) books which are printed and packaged separately for easy Chapter 2. Qualifications and Appointment of the Local Treasurer and the Assistant
reference. Each book contains acronyms, table of contents, body of the manual, process flow, Treasurer
Chapter 4. Bonding of Local Treasurers and other LGU Accountable Officers Also included in this Book are the administrative, civil and criminal liabilities of the Local
Treasurer in the administration and custody of local government funds as well as the
Chapter 5. Administrative and Technical Supervision by the Bureau of Local Government examination of lgu books of account by the COA.
Finance (BLGF)
Book Three is consists of five (5) Chapters including Forms and Annexes.
Chapter 1. Concept of Funds
BOOK TWO: RECEIPT AND COLLECTION OF INCOME, REVENUES AND OTHER FUND SOURCES Chapter 2. Concept of Appropriation, Allotment and Obligation
Book Two describes and enumerates the revenue-raising powers of provinces, cities, Chapter 3. Disbursement of Local Funds
municipalities and barangays as well as external sources of revenues of LGUs to support its
operations. Process flow, forms used, illustrative samples were provided in this book for clear Chapter 4. Fund Management Practices
Chapter 5. Responsibility, Accountability and Liability of Local Treasurers for Funds
This book consists of four (4) chapters including Forms and Annexes.
Chapter 6. Examination of Accounts by the Commission on Audit
Chapter 1. Income from Local Sources
Chapter 7. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards of Public Officials and Employees
Chapter 2. Income from External Sources
Chapter 8. Administrative, Civil and Criminal Liabilities of Local Treasurers in the
Chapter 3. Collection Procedures
Administration of Local Taxes, Fees and Charges
Chapter 4. Examination of Books of Accounts and Pertinent Records of Businesses by the
Forms and Annexes
Local Treasurer
This book consists of twelve (12) chapters including Forms and Annexes.
Chapter 6. General Guidelines on the Application of Business and Other Local Taxes
Chapter 12. The Statement of Receipts and Expenditures (SRE) and Electronic Statement of
Receipt and Expenditures (eSRE) Financial Management Reporting System
Section 4. Authority of the Secretary of Finance to Appoint Local Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer................2
Section 5. Authority of the Local Chief Executive (LCE) over the Local Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.........2
Section 6. Qualifications of a Local Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer...............................................................2
Section 7. Processing of the Appointments of Provincial, City, and Municipal Treasurers and Assistant Provincial, City, and Municipal Treasurers 2
Section 8. Designation of Acting / Officer-In-Charge (OIC) / Incharge of Office (ICO) Provincial / City / Municipal Treasurers and Assistant Treasurers 2
Section 9. Distinction of Designations as Acting Treasurer and Officer-in-Charge (OIC)......................................2
Section 10. Automatic Succession of the Assistant Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurer as Acting/OIC/ICO Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurer 2
Section 11. Designation in the Absence of an Assistant Treasurer......................................................................2
Section 12. Detail or Temporary Assignment of Local Treasurers and Assistant Local Treasurers.....................2
Section 13. Salaries of Local Treasurers and Assistant Local Treasurers under Preventive Suspension...............2
Section 14. Salaries of Local Treasurers and Assistant Local Treasurers during Attendance in Administrative, Civil or Criminal Investigation 2
Section 15. Approval and Grant of Application for Leave of Absence of Local Treasurers and Assistant Local Treasurers 2
Section 31. Administrative and Technical Supervision........................................................................................ 2
Section 32. Conduct of Local Treasury Operations Evaluation............................................................................2
Annex 1: Minimum Documentary Requirement for Specific Expense Item........................................................2
Annex 2: Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE).........................................................................2
A. The President of the Philippines shall exercise general supervision over local
governments. Provinces with respect to component cities and municipalities, and cities
and municipalities with respect to component “barangays”, shall ensure that the acts of
ii. A population of not less than One Hundred Fifty Thousand (150,000) ii. A population of at least twenty-five thousand (25,000) inhabitants, as
inhabitants, as certified by the NSO now PSA. certified by the National Statistics Office; and
2.2 The creation thereof shall not reduce the land area, population and income of iii. A contiguous territory of at least fifty (50) square kilometers, as certified
the original unit or units at the time of said creation to less than the minimum by the Land Management Bureau.
requirements prescribed herein. The territorial jurisdiction of a newly-created
city shall be properly identified by metes and bounds. The requirement on
land area shall not apply where the city proposed to be created is composed
of one (1) or more islands. The territory need not be contiguous if it An Act Amending section 450 of R.A. 7160, by increasing the Average Annual Income Requirement for a Municipality or Cluster of
Barangays to be Converted into a Component City
4. Highly Urbanized Cities (HUC): 4.4 Unless otherwise provided in the Constitution or the LGC, qualified voters of
independent component cities shall be governed by their respective
4.1 Cities with a minimum population of Two Hundred Thousand (200,000) charters, as amended, on the participation of voters in provincial elections.
inhabitants, as certified by the PSA, and with the latest annual income of at Qualified voters of cities who acquired the right to vote for elective
least Fifty Million Pesos (₱50,000,000.00), based on 1991 constant prices, as provincial officials prior to the classification of said cities as highly urbanized
certified by the City Treasurer, shall be classified as HUC. (Sec. 452, LGC) after the ratification of the Constitution and before the effectivity of the LGC,
shall continue to exercise such right. (Sec. 452, LGC)
4.2 Article 12 (b) of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the LGC, the
procedures for converting a component City into a HUC are as follows: c) Fiscal Procedure for the merger/consolidation or abolition of Local Government Units
i. Income - The interested City shall submit to the Office of the President of
the Philippines a resolution of its “sanggunian” adopted by a majority of 1. Division and merger of existing LGUs units shall comply with the same requirements
all its members in a meeting duly called for the purpose, approved and herein prescribed for their creation: Provided, however, that such division shall not
endorsed by the City Mayor. Said resolution shall be accompanied by a reduce the income, population, or land area of the local government unit or units
certification as to income and population. concerned to less than the minimum requirements prescribed in the LGC: Provided,
further, that the income classification of the original LGUs shall not fall below its
ii. Declaration of Conversion - Within Thirty (30) days from receipt of such current classification prior to such division. The income classification of LGUs shall
resolution, the President of the Philippines shall, after verifying that the be updated within six (6) months to reflect the changes in their financial position
income and population requirements have been met, declare the City as resulting from the increased revenues as provided herein.(Sec. 8, LGC)
highly urbanized. (Sec. 453, LGC)
2. An LGU may be abolished when its income, population, or land area has been
irreversibly reduced to less than the minimum standards prescribed for its creation
Assistant Provincial
Assistant Provincial City Treasurer
Treasurer Operation
Assistant City Assistant City
Treasurer Treasurer
Administrative Cash Receipt Treasury Operations Revenue Operations Administration Operations
Division Division Division Division
Treasury Operations Administrative Business Tax Cash
Division/Section Division Division/Section Division/Section
Cash Disbursement
Real Estate
The Treasurer of component municipalities and cities are under the technical
supervision of the Provincial Treasurer’s Office.
4. Each division may be divided into sections, provided, that it is in accordance with
3. The Treasurer’s Office of the city appears to be more complex in structure than that the DBM rules and regulations. All these functional divisions are directly under the
of the province. It has, for instance, a Computer Services Unit which may not be supervisions of the City Treasurer/s who may be assisted by one or two Assistant
City Treasurer.
Section 5. Authority of the Local Chief Executive (LCE) over the Local Treasurer and Assistant
Municipal Treasurer Treasurer. –
The Treasurer shall be under the administrative supervision of the Governor or Mayor, as the
Assistant Municipal case may be, to whom he shall report regularly on the tax collection efforts in the LGU. (Sec. 470
Treasurer (b)(c), LGC)
a) The appointment of a Treasurer shall be mandatory for Provincial, City and Municipal 4. A holder of a college degree preferably in commerce, public administration or
Governments (Sec. 470 (c), LGC)while the appointment of an Assistant Treasurer shall law from a recognized college or university;
be optional for provincial, city and municipal governments. (Sec. 471(b), LGC)
5. A first grade civil service eligible or its equivalent; and
b) The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Secretary of Finance from a list of at least three
(3) ranking, eligible recommendees of the Governor or Mayor, as the case may be, 6. Must have acquired experience in treasury or accounting service for at least five
subject to civil service law, rules and regulations (Sec. 470 (a)LGC). (5) years in the case of the City or Provincial Treasurer, and three (3) years in
the case of Municipal Treasurer.
CSC Resolution No. 1000170, dated 06 October 2010
c) The evaluation of the additional requirements of the recommendees, shall be in 5. Latest approved appointment of the recommendee;
accordance with the following criteria:
6. Certification of No Pending Administrative Case issued by the BLGF Regional Office
1. Performance Rating – based on the last two (2) Performance Ratings of the and the BLGF Central Office if the recommendee is a regular or designated
recommendees, which should at least be Very Satisfactory. OIC/ICO/Acting Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer. If the recommendee is not a duly
appointed or designated, the said certification should be issued by the office of the
2. Work Experience – either in the local treasury or accounting services for at least five Provincial Governor/City Mayor/Municipal Mayor;
(5) years in the case of Provincial or City Treasurer and Assistant Provincial or City
Treasurer and three (3) years in the case of the Municipal Treasurer and Assistant 7. Certification of No Relationship to Recommending Authority stating that the
Municipal Treasurer. Experience in budgeting, auditing and assessment service may recommendee is not related within the 4 th degree of consanguinity to the
be considered. recommending authority;
3. Education – at least college degree preferably in Commerce, Public Administration 8. Certificate of Residency issued by the Barangay Chairman and stating his/her good
or Law from a recognized college or university. moral character;
16. Transcript of Records authenticated by the school/university; a) Delegated authority of the BLGF Regional Directors to designate, subject to the
confirmation of the Secretary of Finance or his/her designated official-
17. Medical Clearance issued by a government hospital (PHO, CHO and MHO);
1. A designation order may be issued whenever a vacancy occurs in the positions of
18. Sworn Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth; Provincial, City, and Municipal Treasurers and Assistant Provincial, City, and
Municipal Treasurers, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, occasioned by
19. NBI Clearance (within the validity period); the following:
20. Ombudsman Clearance / Certification with status of pending complaint/case or a 1.1 Absence due to official travel, attendance in training, study leave,
copy of the resolution/decision; and scholarships, sick leave, vacation leave, maternity/paternity leave, special
assignments, and other similar circumstances
21. Performance Ratings using the CSC approved Strategic Performance Management
Rating System of the LGU or results from any other performance evaluation tool 1.2 Relief due to suspension orders and/or dismissal from the service arising from
instituted by DOF for the last two (2) rating periods prior to the application for the audit findings, or decisions of competent authorities on complaints or cases
appointment should at least be Very Satisfactory4 or its equivalent thereof. filed against the incumbent
1.6 Promotion 2. Must belong to the local treasury service over which the Secretary of Finance,
through the Bureau of Local Government Finance, exercises administrative and
1.7 Illness or death, or technical supervision;
1.8 Any otherform of sudden incapacity to perform official duties of the regular 3. Must have completed or passed any additional competency standards instituted by
incumbent. the Department of Finance (DOF), whether implemented directly by the DOF or by
an appropriate national government agency in partnership with the DOF; and
2. Designees can only be designated to positions within the level they are currently
occupying. First level personnel cannot be designated to perform the duties of 4. In the absence of qualified and ranking personnel from the Local Treasury Office,
second level positions(CSC Memorandum Circular No. 06, s. 2005).In special cases the ranking and qualified personnel from the local Accounting or Budget
where there is actual dearth of qualified and competent personnel to second level Offices(include assessment office), other related local offices,or BLGF Central or
positions, the next in rank may be considered for designation as last resort. Regional Offices may be considered, but they must first be detailed by the
appointing authority concerned to the Local Treasury Office to which the
3. The Regional Director shall designate an Acting/OIC Provincial, City, or Municipal recommendee will be assigned before the designation as Acting/OIC can be
Treasurer, or an Acting Assistant Treasurer, from the ranks of effected.
Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurers, Assistant Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurers,
or the qualified ranking officials/personnel of Local Treasury Offices, and BLGF c) Consent/Approval of Local Chief Executives Required for Designations – The
Central and Regional Offices, subject to the confirmation of the Secretary of Finance. designation of Acting/OIC Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurers and Acting/OIC-Assistant
Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurers shall require the prior written consent/approval of
4. The designation of an Acting/OIC-Assistant Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurer or the Local Chief Executives concerned. In case of designation in other local treasury
ActingAssistant Treasurer shall be made upon the written request and offices, the same requirement shall apply for the Local Chief Executives of both LGUs
recommendation of the Local Chief Executive concerned. where the designate comes from and where said designate is being designated, whether
on detail or in concurrent capacity, particularly as regards the continued payment of the
5. The recommendation for Acting/OIC-Municipal Treasurer or Acting/OIC-Assistant salaries and other benefits of the designee by the LGU where he/she is regularly
Municipal Treasurer shall likewise be endorsed by the Provincial Treasurer appointed, and the subsequent return to his/her regular station once deemed
concerned. necessary, and in the absence of any legal impediment.(DOF Department Personnel
Order No. 335-03, 1 October 2003)
(DOF Department Personnel Order No. 335-03 dated October 1, 2003)
1. There exists a final audit finding of cash shortage properly validated by the 2.2 In cases where the position is deemed vacant in view of an executory, but not
Regional Director and/or his duly authorized representative and the Treasurer is final order of dismissal of the incumbent treasurer, the designation may be
ordered suspended pursuant to Section 348 of R.A. 7160 otherwise known as the renewed every year thereafter, subject to the consent of the designee and of
Local Government Code of 1991; the concerned Local Chief Executive.
2. The Treasurer has been formally charged with grave offense and the ninety (90)- 2.3 The incumbent or duly designated local treasurer may designate an Incharge-of-
day preventive suspension has expired, but formal investigation has not yet been Office (ICO) who is an official or employee from within the local treasury office
terminated. (DOF Department Personnel Order No. 335-03, 1 October 2003);and authorized, in a temporary capacity to discharge the duties and functions of the
incumbent in a caretaker capacity for a maximum of seven (7) working days,
3. The Treasurer consents thereto, in case of detail only. and with certain limitations of the powers and authority normally exercised by
the head of the office.
e) Period of Designation -
Responsibilities in caretaker capacity shall be confined only to day-to-day
1. Permanent Vacancy operations and administrative functions of the office to avoid disruption or
paralysis of the same with the temporary absence of the head of office, such as
Vacancies due to retirement, resignation, transfer, death, dismissal from the service signing authority over recurring transactions, and mandatory or statutory
which is final and other modes of separation which is permanent in nature may be obligations of the local government unit concerned. Such Order of Designation
temporarily filled-up through the designation of an Acting Treasurer/Assistant shall be noted by the Local Chief Executive concerned, copy furnished the BLGF
Treasurer for a non-extendable period of one (1) year unless sooner revoked, Regional Office for records purposes, without need for confirmation by the
except under the following conditions: Secretary of Finance.
1.1 When the filling up of the vacant position held by the designee is in process 2.4The designation of an OIC shall automatically terminate upon the return to duty
and the Acting Treasurer is considered for the position; of the regular incumbent, which should beexplicitly stated in the Order of
Designation issued by the proper authority. In extension may be authorized
1.2 When there is an actual dearth of personnel to be designated; upon proper representations made and under meritorious circumstances.
3. The Order shall specifically state the effectivity and expiration dates thereof.
2. Temporary Vacancy
4. It shall be the duty of the BLGF Regional Director concerned to ensure that expiring
2.1 Vacancies due to relief/suspension, leave of absence and official travel designations are properly monitored and immediately acted upon.
exceeding seven (7) working days, dismissal from the service which is not
1. Regional Special Personnel Order (RSPO) issued by the BLGF Regional Director; 1. An Acting Treasurer is an official or employee of the local government unit
concerned who is designated by the proper authority to discharge fully the powers
2. Comments/Recommendations of the BLGF Regional Director contained in an and responsibilities as head of the Provincial, City or Municipal Treasury Office, as a
endorsement; result of permanent vacancy of the position, with the same rights and prerogatives
of the latter, except the right to receive the salary appurtenant thereto. 9Provided,
3. Written endorsement of the Provincial Treasurer, in the case of the Acting/OIC - that such designation shall be made only if the designee already possess the
Municipal Treasurer and Acting/OIC- Assistant Municipal Treasurer; minimum qualifications required for the position at the time of designation.
Ibid, (6).
DOF Personnel Order No. 335-03 (7), 1 October 2003
8 9
Ibid, (9). Section 7.6, Local Administrative Regulations No. 1-85, February 7, 1985, Ministry of Finance
Section 7.6, Local Administrative Regulations No. 1-85, February 7, 1985, Ministry of Finance
b) The employee detailed receives his/her salary only from his/her mother unit/agency. a) The Department of Finance, the Office of the Ombudsman andthe Civil Service
Commission who have concurrent administrative disciplinary authorities may
c) Detail shall be allowed only for a limited period in the case of employees occupying preventively suspend any Local Treasurer and Assistant Local Treasurer, pending an
professional, technical and scientific position. If the employee believes that there is no investigation, if the charge against such officer or employee involved dishonesty,
justification for the detail, he may appeal his case to the Civil Service Commission. oppression or grave misconduct, or neglect in the performance of duty, or if there are
Pending the appeal, the decision to detail the employee shall be executory unless reasons to believe that the respondent is guilty of charges which would warrant his/her
otherwise ordered by the Commission. (Sec. 8, Rule VII, Omnibus Rules Implementing removal from office.11
Book V of E. O. No. 292, Revised Administrative Code of 1987 and Other Pertinent Civil
Service Laws) b) Any public officer against whom any criminal prosecution under a valid information
under R.A. 2019 otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act or under
d) Guidelines to be observed regarding the detail or temporary assignment of Local the provisions of the Revised Penal Code on bribery is pending in court, shall be
Treasurers and Assistant Local Treasurers: suspended from office. Should he/she be convicted by final judgment, he/she shall lose
all retirement gratuity benefits under any law, but if he/she is acquitted, he/she shall be
entitled to reinstatement and to the salaries and benefits which he/she failed to receive
1. The LCE requesting the detail or temporary assignment shall submit a written during suspension, unless in the meantime administrative proceedings have been filed
request to the Secretary of Finance. The request shall state the name of the against him/her.12
employee to be detailed, the period of detail and the reasons for the detail.
c) The Secretary of Finance through the BLGF Executive Director may temporarily relieve
2. In case of detail or temporary assignment from one LGU to another LGU, the or suspend Provincial, City and Municipal Treasurers and their Assistants 13, concurrently
request for such detail or temporary assignment shall be approved only upon the with the Civil Service Commission 14 and the Office of the Ombudsman 15, pending
concurrence in writing of the LCE of the LGU where the Local Treasurer or Assistant administrative investigation.
Local Treasurer sought to be detailed is permanently appointed or stationed. (DOF
Department Personnel Order No. 335-03, October 1, 2003) d) Other provisions applicable on the salaries of Local Treasurers and Assistant Local
Treasurers under preventive suspension:
3. Clearance and approval of the Civil Service Commission shall be required for details
or temporary assignment requiring a period exceeding one (1) year and involving
the performance of regular and recurring functions in the agency where the Local
Treasurer or Assistant Local Treasurer is to be detailed. (Sec. 216, Vol. I, GAAM) Section 51, Title I, Subtitle A, Book V, E.O. 292
Sec. 13, R.A. 3019 otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act
4. No detail or reassignment shall be made within three (3) months before any 13
DOF Order No. 305-2000, October 27, 2000, as amended by DOF Personnel Order no. 321-2000, November 17, 2000
election. (Sec. 5, Rule XVIII; Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of E. O. No. 292 14
Section 29, Rule XIV, Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of E.O. No. 292 and Other Pertinent Civil Service Laws
and Other Pertinent Civil Service Laws) 15
Section 24, R.A. 6770 otherwise known as the Ombudsman Act of 1989
Section 52, Book V(A), 1987 Adm. Code; Sec. 42, PD 3019)
Gabriel vs. Hon. Eufemio C. Domingo, G.R. No. 87420, September 17, 1990
18 19
4th Indorsement, CSC, March 17, 1956 Section 220, Volume I, Government Accounting and Auditing Manual (GAAM)
a) All applications for leave of absence, i.e. vacation, sick, maternity/paternity, and special 2. Graduation Leave
privilege leave and terminal leave of Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurer and Assistant
Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurer, regardless of duration of period of absence, shall 3. Enrollment Leave
be filed and approved by the BLGF Regional Director, copies of which shall be furnished
to the BLGF Central Office. 4. Wedding/Anniversary Leave
b) Where the applicant intends to leave the country, the application for leave and the 5. Birthday Leave
issuance of travel authority shall be approved by the Department of Finance, regardless
of the duration. 6. Hospitalization Leave
7. Accident Leave
i) When a Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurer or an Assistant Provincial/City/Municipal 5. Extreme financial needs of the Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurer or Assistant
Treasurer whose leave credits have been commuted following his/her separation from Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurer or the immediate members of his/her family to
the service is re-employed in the Government before the expiration of the leave fulfill basic needs for food, shelter and clothing.
commuted, he/she shall no longer refund the money value of the unexpired portion of
his/her leave. Insofar as his/her leave credit is concerned, he/she shall start from a zero l) The monetization of fifty percent (50%) or more of the accumulated leave credits shall
balance in his/her new government office. (Sec.26, Rule XVI of Omnibus Rules be upon the favorable recommendation of the LCE and subject to availability of funds.
Implementing Book V of E, O. No. 292, as amended by CSC Memorandum Circular No. (Sec. 23, Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of E.O. No. 292, as amended by CSC
41, s. 1998) Memorandum Circular No. 41, s. 1998).
b) Advise the Governor or Mayor, as the case may be, the “sanggunian”, and other local 1. Certify as to the Availability of Funds – No money shall be disbursed unless the
government and national officials concerned regarding disposition of local government local budget officer certifies to the existence of the appropriation that has been
funds, and on such other matters relative to public finance; legally made for the purpose, the local accountant has obligated said appropriation,
and the local treasurer certifies the availability of funds for the purpose 2021. It is the
c) Take custody of and exercise proper management of the funds of the LGU concerned; primary duty of the local treasurer to certify to the availability of funds prior to all
disbursements from the local treasury, in conjunction with the certification of the
d) Take charge of the disbursement of all local government funds and such other funds the local budget officer on the existence of an appropriation for the purpose and the
custody of which may be entrusted to him/her by law or other competent authority; certification of the local accountant on the obligation for the appropriation.
e) Inspect private commercial and industrial establishments within the jurisdiction of the 2. Implement Tax Collection and Enforcement Program – The Local treasurer is
local government unit concerned in relation to the implementation of tax ordinances, vested by law to collect and receive all monies accruing to their respective
pursuant to the provisions under Book II of the LGC; jurisdictions whether in the form of collectible taxes and other revenues or trust
funds pertaining to other branches or units of government.
f) Maintain and update the tax information system of the LGU;
3. Prepare and Submit Reports – The Local Treasurer shall prepare and submit daily
g) In the case of the Provincial Treasurer, exercise technical supervision over all treasury report of collections, with the supporting document. Likewise, the Local Treasurer
offices of component cities and municipalities; and shall accomplish and submit quarterly report of Statement of Receipts and
Expenditures (SRE), and other reports in forms prescribed by the BLGF/DOF.
h) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be
prescribed by law or ordinance. 4. Certify RPT Delinquencies Remaining Uncollected – The provincial, city or
municipal treasurers or his/her deputy shall prepare a certified list of all real
(Sec 470, LGC) property tax delinquencies which remained uncollected or unpaid for at least one
(1) year in his/her jurisdiction, and a statement of the reason for such non-
i) The assistant treasurer shall assist the treasurer and perform such duties as the latter
may assign to him/her. He/She shall have authority to administer oaths concerning 20
Ibid, Sec. 344, LGC
notices and notifications to those delinquent in the payment of real property tax and 21
COA Circular No. 2006-002, January 31, 2006
7. Submit Certified Statement Covering Income and Expenditures– The Local 10. Register in a Book All Branded and Counter Branded Animals – On cattle
Treasurer shall submit, on or before the fifteenth (15 th) day of July each year, to the registration, the Municipal Treasurer shall register in a book properly prepared and
LCE a certified statement covering the income and expenditures of the preceding kept for the purpose, all branded and counter branded animals presented for
fiscal year, the actual income and expenditures of the first two (2) quarters of the registry, and shall enter the name and residence of the owner, and the class, color,
current year and the estimated income and expenditures for the last two (2) sex, age, brand, knots of radiated hair and other marks of identification of the cattle
quarters of the current year. All statements of income and expenditure shall be registered. The original registry entry and the copy thereof issued as a certificate of
jointly certified by the Local Treasurer and the Local Accountant. ownership shall be signed by the owner and the Municipal Secretary. 22
8. Issue a Certified Statement Covering Actual Income – On or before the fifth (5 th)
day of September each year, the City or Municipal Treasurer, jointly with the City or 22
Section 517, Revised Administrative Code of the Philippines
10.1 Assign every application for the termination or retirement of a business to an ii. Local School Boards 24
inspector from the Local Treasury Office who shall proceed to the address on
record of the business to verify if it is no longer operating. If the inspector iii. Appraisal Committee (for purposes of expropriation and purchase of real
finds that the business is simply placed under a new name, manager and/or a property)
new owner, the Local Treasurer concerned shall recommend to the LCE for
the disapproval of the application for termination or retirement of the 12.4 Duties and functions under the omnibus Election Code25
business. Accordingly, the business shall continue to be liable for the payment
of all taxes, fees and charges imposed thereon under existing local tax
ordinances; and Section 17. The Local Treasurer's Role in Boards and Committees Created Pursuant to the LGC
and Other Laws. –
10.2 In the case of a new owner to whom the business was transferred by sale or
other form of conveyance, said new owner shall be liable to pay the tax or fee a) Local Finance Committee (LFC) -
for the transfer to him/her of the business if there is an existing ordinance
prescribing such transfer tax. 23 1. It is mandatory for every province, city, or municipality to create a Local Finance
Committee (LFC) which shall be composed of the following:
12. Attend Sessions of the Sanggunian – The Local Treasurer, when required and upon
prior approval of the local chief executive, shall attend the sessions of the 1.1. Local Treasurer
sanggunian.(Section 470(e), LGC)
1.2. Local Planning and Development Officer
13. Exercise Such Other Powers and Functions and Perform Such Other Duties and
Responsibilities – The Local Treasurer shall exercise such other powers and
23 Section 98 (a), R.A. 7160 otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991
Notes on Sec. 145, LGC, p. 120, Philippine Law on Local Government Taxation, Annotated, 2000 Edition,
Sofronio B. Ursal E.O. 144, 2 March 1987
2.2. Recommend the appropriate tax and other revenue measures or 1. The Provincial School Board shall be composed of the Governor as Chairperson and
borrowings which may be appropriate to support the budget; the Division Superintendent of Schools as Co-Chairperson; the Chairperson of the
Education Committee of the “sangguniang panlalawigan”, the Provincial Treasurer,
2.3. Recommend to the LCE concerned the level of the annual expenditures the representative of the “pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan” in the
and the ceilings of spending for economic, social and general services “sangguniang panlalawigan”, the duly elected President of the Provincial
based on the approved local development plans; Federation of Parents-Teachers Associations, the duly elected representative of the
teachers' organizations in the province, and the duly elected representative of the
2.4. Recommend to the LCE concerned the proper allocation of expenditures non-academic personnel of public schools in the province, as members;
for each development activity between current operating expenditures
and capital outlays; 2. The City School Board shall be composed of the City Mayor as Chairperson and the
City Superintendent of Schools as Co-Chairperson; the Chairperson of the education
2.5. Recommend to the LCE concerned the amount to be allocated for capital committee of the “sangguniang panlungsod”, the City Treasurer, the representative
outlay under each development activity or infrastructure project; of the “pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan” in the “sangguniang
panlungsod”, the duly elected President of the City Federation of Parents-Teachers
2.6. Assist the “sangguniang panlalawigan” in the review and evaluation of Associations, the duly elected representative of the teachers' organizations in the
budget of component cities and municipalities in the case of provincial city, and the duly elected representative of the non-academic personnel of public
finance committee, the barangay budgets in the case of city or municipal schools in the city, as members; and
finance committee, and recommend the appropriate action thereon;
3. The Municipal School Board shall be composed of the Municipal Mayor as
2.7. Assist the “sanggunian” concerned in the analysis and review of annual Chairperson and the District Supervisor of Schools as Co-Chairperson; the
regular and supplemental budgets of the respective LGU to determine Chairperson of the Education Committee of the “sangguniang bayan”, the
compliance with statutory and administrative requirements; and Municipal Treasurer, the representative of the “pederasyon ng mga sangguniang
kabataan” in the “sangguniang bayan”, the duly elected President of the Municipal
2.8. Conduct semi-annual review and general examination of cost and Federation of Parents-Teachers Associations, the duly elected representative of the
accomplishments against the performance standards applied in teachers' organizations in the municipality, and the duly elected representative of
undertaking development projects.A copy of this report shall be the non-academic personnel of public schools in the municipality, as members.
furnished the LCE and the “sanggunian” concerned, and shall be posted (Sec. 98-a and b, LGC)
in conspicuous and publicly accessible places in the Provinces, Cities,
Municipalities and “barangays”.
a) Membership in the Municipal Board of Canvassers - d) Record of Quantity and Serial Numbers of Official Ballots and Election Returns. -
The Provincial, City or Municipal Treasurer shall respectively keep a record of the
1. Municipal board of canvassers. - the municipal board of canvassers shall be quantity and serial numbers of official ballots and election returns furnished the
composed of the election registrar or a representative of the Commission, as various provinces, cities, municipalities and polling places, as the case may be. (Sec.
chairman, the municipal treasurer, and the district supervisor or in his absence 186, Omnibus Election Code, Art. XVI)
any public school principal in the municipality and one representative from
each of the ruling party and the dominant opposition political party entitled to e) Verification and Distribution of Official Ballots and Election Returns in accordance
be represented, as members.(Sec. 221-d, Omnibus Election Code) with the COMELEC resolutions -
2. The chairperson and the members of the Board of Canvassers shall not be f) Certification of Serial Number of Election Returns - The Provincial, City or Municipal
related within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to any of the Treasurer shall issue a certification as to the serial number of the election return
candidates whose votes will be canvassed by said board, or to any member of assigned to a voting precinct in the case of an election return with a separately
the same board.(Secs. 222, Omnibus Election Code, Art. XIX) printed serial number or which bears a different serial number from that assigned to
the particular polling place. Said election return shall not be canvassed, unless the
BATAS PAMBANSA BILANG 881, December 3, 1985
l) Safekeeping of Transmitted Election Returns - The Board of Canvassers shall keep 2. Every officer, agent and employees of the Government of the Philippines or of the
the ballot boxes containing the election returns in a safe and secured room before companies or corporations of which the majority of the stock is held by the National
and after the canvass. The door to the room must be padlocked by three (3) locks Government, regardless of the status of their appointment shall, whenever the
3. All Heads of Agencies shall upon appointment or lawful accession by any 1.1 If GF Nos. 57A and 58A have been properly accomplished and in order;
accountable public officer to a bondable position or office pertaining to their
respective jurisdiction or separation therefrom of any such public officer, notify in 1.2 If the required supporting documents are complete and in order;
writing the Treasurer of the Philippines (TOP) through the Bureau of the Treasury
(BTr) District/Provincial Office (DO/PO) having jurisdiction over the 1.3 If the name of the applicant appears on the list of bondable public
agency/office/GOCC/LGU/SUC within 5 days from such appointment, lawful officers submitted by the agency;
succession or separation and submit the required application for bond or
cancellation thereof, as applicable.(Local Treasury Circular No. 02-2009, Sec. 6.2) 1.4 If the applicant is a safe and conservative risk in accordance with Section
320 of the PBL.
4. The duty to notify the TOP shall be given preferential attention of such heads of
departments, bureaus and offices of the National Government including GOCCs, 3. In case of non-compliance with the above Section, the CTOO II shall return to
SUCs, heads of LGUs, Provincial and Local Treasurers and other officials concerned. the applicant the Request and Application Forms and its supporting documents
(Local Treasury Circular No. 02-2009, Sec. 6.3) for necessary corrections and/or compliance.
b) Procedure for Bonding Application:(Treasury Circular No. 02-2009 dated. Aug. 6, 2009) 4. In case the applicant is determined to be an unsafe risk, The CTOO II shall
- transmit the bond application to the RD with his recommendation for
disapproval stating the basis therefor.
1. The applicant shall accomplish in duplicate General Form (GF) Nos. 57A
(Request Form) and 58A (Application Form), copies of which can be secured 5. When the recommendation of the CTOO II is affirmed by the RD, the latter shall
from BTr Dos/Pos. GF No. 58A shall be subscribed and sworn to before any communicate the disapproval in writing to the Head of Agency of the applicant
officer authorized to administer oath, attaching therewith two (2) passport size public officer stating therein the factual and legal basis for such disapproval.
identification pictures taken within the last three (3) months prior to the date of
application. The Request and Application Forms shall be accompanied by the 6. The CTOO II shall assess the applicable bond premium and issue the ATAP when
following: GF 57A and 58A and supporting documents are found to be complete and in
1.1. Latest Sworn Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN).
7. The applicant shall upon receipt of the ATAP, proceed to the nearest AGDB
1.2. List of bondable public officers certified by the agency officer in charge of where the TOP has a deposit account for payment of the assessed bond
Administrative and/or Finance Department, Service, Division or unit premium shall be for the account of the TOP. The CTOO II or his representative
(Form Annex D of TC No. 02-2009). shall not, for any reason, receive payment of the bond premium.
1. Government Securities 30% of their total value X 1.5% = Premium Section 23. Increase in the Amount of Accountability. –
2. Equipment 30% of their total value X 1.5% = Premium
3. Supplies and Materials 30% of their total value X 1.5% = Premium a) Any increase in the amount of accountability will have a corresponding increase in the
premium of the bond.
b) The applicant shall accomplish and submit GF 57A to the concerned DO/PO together
a. Internal Revenue Stamp with the following:
b. Documentary Stamp
c. Customs Documentary Stamp 1. Special Order increasing the amount of accountability; and
d. Cash Tickets
10% of their total 2. List of bonded public officers certified by the agency official in charge of:
e. Postage and other Stamp Stocks value rounded off to X 1.5% = Premium
f. Cattle Registration Certificates Administrative and/or Finance Department, Service, Division or Unit.
the nearest hundred
g. Marriage Certificates
h. Auto Driver Certificates c) The amount of bond premium shall be computed based on the increased amount of
i. Motor Vehicle License bond. The bond shall take effect upon the time of payment of premium on the new
bond application.
j. Other Accountable Forms having face
d) The Chief Treasury Operations Officer II (CTOO II) of the BTr concerned shall conceal the
previously assigned risk number to the applicant and issue a new risk number to the
Section 22. Renewal. – The Fidelity Bond of an accountable officer shall be renewed before the
new bond application.
expiration of the bond. The application for renewal of bond shall be accomplished by using
General Form 57A and accompanied by the following:
(7.3 Treasury Circular No. 02-2009 dated August 6, 2009)
a) List of bonded public officers subject for renewal certified by the agency official in
Section 24. Accountable Officers Considered Unsafe Risks. –The concerned CTOO II shall
charge of Administrative and/or Finance department, service, division or unit; Agency
evaluate the bond application to determine if the applicant is a safe and conservative risk in
certification that the bond applicant has no pending administrative and/or criminal case
accordance with Sec. 320 of the PBL. When the CTOO II have basis to prove that the applicant
(Annex E). For a bond applicant with pending administrative and/or criminal case, copies
public officer is an unsafe risk owing to character, association or habits, the following procedures
or pertinent pleadings, orders and resolutions filed or issued by the disputing parties
shall be followed: (Treasury Circular No. 02-2009 dated August 6, 2009)
prosecutor or investigatory offices and judicial bodies shall be attached to the bond
a) The CTOO II shall transmit the bond application to the RD with his recommendation for
disapproval stating the basis therefor. When the recommendation of the CTOO II is
b) Copy of the latest BTr approved bond or copy of the Confirmation Letter; and
affirmed by the RD, the latter shall communicate the disapproval in writing to the Head
of Agency of the applicant public officer stating therein the factual and legal basis for
c) Latest Sworn SALN.
such disapproval.
c) Within 5 days from receipt of the letter of appeal and the appeal fee, the TOP shall b) The Fidelity Fund shall not be used for the following:
require the RD to elevate the entire records relating the disapproved bond application.
The TOP shall have 15 days from receipt of the records from the RD to resolve the 1. To replace fines imposed on bonded officials/employees as a result of criminal
appeal. conviction for violation of the Revised Penal Code or any penal law;
d) The decision of the TOP shall be final, executory and not appealable. 2. To answer the liability of a bonded official/employee convicted of estafa through
falsification of public documents in his/her capacity as private individual, and
(7.1.8, Treasury Circular No. 02-2009 dated August 6, 2009)
3. To refund the accountability of a bonded official/employee found short in
Section 25. Cancellation of Bond. – accountability but not removed or relieved of the duties.(Sec. 8.0, Bureau of the
Treasury Order No. 01-95)
The Head of Agency or authorized representative shall immediately submit a written request for
bond cancellation to the concerned BTr DO/PO CTOO II involving accountable public officers who Section 28. Extent of Liability. –
are no longer accountable by reason of retirement, separation from the service, promotion,
transfer, suspension from office or for any other cause rendering them not bondable to their a) Primary Liability -
present position. The Head of Agency or authorized representative requesting for cancellation of
the bond shall accomplish GF Nos. 57A, items 10-16. (7.4Treasury Circular no. 02-2009 dated The head of any Government agency at all levels, whether national, corporate or local is
August 6, 2009) primarily responsible and accountable for all government funds and property pertaining to
his agency.(Sec. 6.1, Treasury Circular No. 02-2009)
Section 26. Effect of Cancellation. –
The cancellation of the bond for any cause allowed in the Treasury Circular No. 02-2009 before b) Effect of Failure to Notify -
expiration date, has the effect of limiting the liability of the Fidelity Fund to the transactions
within the period covered up to the time of its cancellation. The bond premium paid for the Failure on the part of the Head of Agency to make the required notification, of appointment,
accountable public officer whose bond is cancelled shall not be transferrable and not refundable. lawful succession or separation by any accountable officer to a bondable position, in writing
(4.12, Treasury Circular No. 02-2009) to the Treasurer of the Philippines through the concerned District/Provincial Office (DO/PO)
shall render them primarily liable to any such loss or damage to public funds or properties
b) An approved Fidelity Bond shall be non-transferable and personal to the accountable 1. In case of defalcation, shortages and unrelieved losses in the account of bonded
public officer and shall remain valid and effective for 1 year from the time of payment public officer, the claim shall be supported by the following documents:
and receipt of bond premium. The Fidelity Bond shall be subject to renewal yearly
before the expiration of the present bond coverage while the accountable public officer 1.1 Agency and COA findings and recommendation on the defalcation,
is holding such position for which he was bonded. Failure to renew shall consider such shortages and unrelieved accountability;
bond as automatically cancelled and shall have no legal effect.(Treasury Circular No. 02-
2009, Sec. 4.10) 1.2 Latest Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the bonded
Section 30. Adjudication and Payment of Claims against the Fidelity Fund. –(8.0 – 8.5.3,
Treasury Circular No. 02-2009 dated August 6, 2009) 1.3 Proof of current and subsisting bond and payment of bond premium; and
a) Application for Relief from Accountability – When loss of public funds or property 1.4 Other document/s which may be required by the BTr.
occurs while they are in transit or the loss is caused by fire, theft, or other casualty or
force majeure, the public officer accountable therefore or having possession, custody or 2. In case of proven shortages and defalcation, the public officer responsible
control thereof shall immediately notify the Commission on Audit or the agency auditor thereto should be removed or relieved of his duties without prejudice to civil,
concerned, and within thirty (30) days or such longer period as the Commission or criminal or administrative cases to be instilled.
auditor may in the particular case allow, shall present his application for relief with the
available supporting evidence. 3. Only approved claims shall be paid from the Fidelity Fund.
b) Effect of Relief from Accountability by COA – The relief from accountability of the f) Claims
accountable public officer granted by the COA shall relieve the agency from
responsibility for the loss or damage to public funds or property.
a) The Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF) shall exercise administrative and 4. Monitor and determine the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal control
technical supervision and coordination over the treasury and assessment operations of system of the office of the Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurer;
local governments (Sec. 43 (b), E.O. No. 127). It shall provide consultative services and
technical assistance to local treasurers in the implementation of programs, policies and 5. Monitor the performance of revenue generation in RPT, Business Tax and non-tax
regulations on local fiscal matters such as local taxation, local revenue mobilization, and revenues;
real property assessment as well as administrative matters on the recruitment, selection
and appointment of Local Treasurers and Assistant Local Treasurers. 6. Conduct revenue and treasury operations evaluation to determine the compliance
by Local Treasurers with applicable laws, rules and regulations;
b) Administrative Supervision-
7. Monitor the implementation by LGUs of national and local tax ordinances and tax
1. Act on Personnel movement of the local treasurers and assistant treasurersi.e. measures;
promotion, designation, detail, secondment, transfer, retirement.
8. Review, evaluate, and monitor the timely and accurate submission of LGU financial
2. Act on leave of absence filed and fiscal reports for the purpose of target-setting and policy formulation.
3. Issuance of Travel Authority (Official or Personal) Section 32. Conduct of Local Treasury Operations Evaluation.–The conduct of the Local
Treasury Operations evaluation is governed by the enhanced Manual for the Evaluation of
4. Disciplinary action –act on complaints, investigate, file a formal charge Local Treasury Operations (MELTO) to provide a more systematic and uniform set of
ii. Certified true copy of Oath of Office ii. Evidence of Service Rendered (Certificate of Service/Daily Time Record)
iii. Statement of Assets and Liabilities iii. Certificate/Notice of Assumption to position Salaries/Wages of Temporary,
Casual or Emergency Employees (CAO Cir. 81-155, Feb. 23, 1981)
iv. Evidence of Service Rendered (Certificate of Service/Daily Time Record)
a. Authority or basis of employment
v. Certificate/Notice of Assumption to Office
b. Evidence of Service Rendered/Daily Time Record
vi. Evidence or Certificate showing compliance with conditions set forth in the
approval of the appointment, if any d) Salaries of Persons Employed on Contract Basis (COA Cir. 81-155, Feb. 23, 1981)
b) Salary under an Appointment by Transfer (Sec. 200, GAAM, Vol. 1) i. Contract of services duly noted by DBM and CSC
i. Certified True Copy of Appointment duly approved by the Appointing ii. Evidence of Service rendered/Daily Time Record
e) Salary upon Termination of Service
ii. Certified copy of oath of office
i. Employee's Letter of Resignation and acceptance of Resignation
iii. Statement of Assets and Liabilities
ii. Certificate of Clearance from money and property accountability
iv. Evidence of Service Rendered/Daily Time Record
iii. Certificate of clearance from GSIS
v. Certificate/Notice of Assumption to Office
g) Salary Accruing Pending Suspension (Sec. 220, GAAM, Vol. I) c) Maternity Leave
i. Certified true copy of exoneration or of court's order dismissing the i. Approved application for leave, accompanied by a medical certificate
criminal case against the employee or absolving him/her; or Certified True showing that the married woman is on the family way and nearing delivery,
Copy of authority granted by the department head for payment of salary or Medical Certificate showing actual child delivery or natural abortion not
during suspension; or covered by illegitimate union or immortality, if leave applied for its
submitted after delivery or abortion
ii. Certified true copy of the President's order of suspension providing for
payment of salary during suspension. ii. Marriage Certificate for first maternity leave claim
2) Commutation of Leave of Absence iii. Certificate of clearance from money and property accountability (Sec. 235,
GAAM, Vol. I)
a) Vacation or Sick Leave
Married women in the government service who have rendered two years or more of
i. Application for leave approved by the proper head of agency or his duly continuous service shall be entitled to maternity leave of 60 days with full pay. For
authorized representative those who have rendered less than two (2) years of government service at the time of
the enjoyment of maternity leave, the computation of their maternity leave shall be
ii. Clearance certificate from money and property accountability, if absence is proportionate to their length of service (Sec. 17 Rule XVI Omnibus Rules Implementing
in excess of thirty days Book V of EO No. 292)
iii. Medical certificate in case of sick leave, except where leave not exceeding When an employee wants to report back to duty before the expiration of her maternity
five (5) days had already been enjoyed leave, she may be allowed to do so without refunding the commuted money value of
the unexpired portion of her maternity leave and she shall be paid the corresponding
salary for the service rendered
i. Duly approved application for monetization of leave credits. However, no ii. Accomplishment Report
inclusive dates shall be indicated except the number of days applied for
iii. Daily Time Record
ii. Certification/Statement showing the balance of leave standing for the
credit of employee , which shall not be less than 15 days h) Payment of Overtime Compensation
e) Entitlement of monetization of leave credits Overtime compensation by the hour shall be computed on the basis of the authorized
monthly basic salary of the officer or employee authorized to render overtime services.
Government officials and employees in the career of non-career service whether However, as a general rule, the amount of overtime compensation, which may be
permanent, temporary of provisional or casual may be allowed to monetize a maximum allowed an employee for a given calendar year, shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of
of ten (10) days leave credits provided they have already accumulated at least fifteen his basic salary (Sec. 282 (a), GAAM, Vol. I)
(15) day vacation leave/service credits at the time of application.
Meal allowance in kind at P 20.00 per meal may be granted to officials and employees
f) Terminal Leave (COA Cir. 81-55, Feb. 23, 1981) who have rendered at least three (3) hours of overtime service before mealtime.
However, availment of the meal allowance in kind herein authorized shall constitute a
i. Approved application for Terminal Leave bar from collecting the overtime compensation authorized (Sec. 282, GAAM, Vol. II)
ii. Complete Service Record i) Officials and Employees not entitled to Overtime
iii. Clearance from Money and Property Accountability The payment of overtime service shall not apply to officials occupying positions
enumerated hereunder:
iv. Clearance from the Ombudsman
i. Department Secretaries
v. Statement of Assets and Liabilities
ii. Department Undersecretaries
vi. Copy of last appointment and appointment showing highest salary received if
the salary under last appointment is not the highest iii. Department Assistant Secretaries
vii. Clearances from fiscal's office, places of residence and place of last assignment iv. Bureau Directors and Regional Directors
viii. Intermediate positions and created in between the above enumerated positions m) Hazard or Hardship Allowance (Sec. 313, GAAM, Vol. II)
and inasmuch as these positions involve coordinative and integrative functions
and in some cases exercising general supervision over the line divisions and i. Evidence from the department of National Defense the place of
units (Sec. 284, GAAM, Vol. I) assignment/travel in a strife torn/hazardous area, or Certification from the
Regional Director concerned in case of assignment in mental hospital, radiation
j) Honorarium exposed clinic and laboratories or disease infested areas, or Certification from
the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology in case of volcanic activity
i. Authority to collect honorarium and/or eruption
ii. Certification of service rendered ii. Duly accomplished time record of employee or travel report
iii. Copy of contract, if any, between the agency and the personnel if latter is not iii. Certification of the accountant that funds are available for the purpose
an employee of the agency
iv. A copy of special order from the agency department head covering the
iv. Accomplishment report assignment to hazardous/difficult areas
i. Daily Time Record/Evidence of Service Rendered i. Approved resolution/law authorizing grant of RATA
ii. Duly approved request for commutation ii. Certification that recipient does not use government vehicles and that said
amount was incurred in the performance of his duties.
l) Entitlement/Non-Entitlement to Subsistence Allowance
Subsistence allowance shall mean all allowance for meal or subsistence for an official or Annex 2: Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE)
employee who, by the nature of his duties and responsibilities has to make his services
available in his place of work even during mealtime. (Sec. 243, GAAM, Vol. II) 1) Travel Expenses
ii. Certificate to effect that he is a witness for the government and not a party in 2. Conference, missions and other study trips (Sec. 351, GAAM, Vol. I)
a civil case
i. Transportation
iii. If claimant is an ex-employee, Certificate that he was cited by reason of ii. Clothing allowance
knowledge of the case while he was still in the service iii. Representation expenses
2) Communication Services ii. Program of work/detailed cost estimates approved by proper authorities
i. Receipts/Invoices/Bill (Original Copy) i. Contract signed by the parties and witnessed by Chief Accountant/Treasurer
ii. Certification of the Head of the agency concerned or his authorized ii. Plans, Programs of Work, Detailed Cost Estimates approved by proper
representative that there was no service interruption and that all telephone authorities
numbers covered are properly indicated on company's bill
iii. Certificate of availability of Funds, duly verified by the Auditor
iii. For long distance calls, certification of the Head of the agency that the long
distance calls was strictly official in nature, exceptionally urgent and absolutely iv. Accomplishment Report
Thru Public Bidding (First Payment) vi. Program of Work and Detailed Cost Estimates
ii. Winning Bidders offer and Bid Tender of other participants/abstract of bids viii. Inspection Report and Contractor's accreditation
vii. Inspection report and Contractor's accreditation Succeeding Payment Final Payment (Additional)
i. Certificate of completion and final acceptance
viii. Bill of Creditor ii. Certificate of final inspection
ix. Progress Report of Accomplishment iii. Affidavit of the contractor stating that all bill of materials used and laborers
employed have been paid
x. Inspection Report
Payment of Change or Extra Work Order and Contract Price Adjustment
Final Payment (Additional)
i. Same as by Administration and by contract if not yet submitted
i. Certificate of Completion and Final Acceptance • Certificate of Final Inspection
ii. Approved change order or extra work and approval by the proper authorities of
ii. Affidavit of the contractor stating that all materials used and laborers employed price adjustment
have been paid
iii. Breakdown of total addition/ deduction amount involved into work items and
iii. Negotiated Contract (First Payment) cost components including detailed quantity estimates of any additional work
v. Duly approved revised plans indicating changes made inspection report a) Hauling Services
4) Maintenance of Motor Vehicles Used for Official Travels of Officials and Employees i. Contract of Service
a) Repair and/or servicing ii. Certificate of Receipts of Agency consignee of articles in good order and condition
ii. Pre-repair inspection (COA Cir. 89-229 A, 9/8/99) i. Copy of bills of lading and/or airway bill as the case may be, signed by consignee
or his representative
iii. Certificate of the Property Officer stating the vehicle belongs or is used by the
agency, and the repair is necessary and that the defects in the vehicle was ii. Certificate of Receipt of agency - consignee of articles in good condition
incurred through normal wear and tear and not due to the fault or negligence of
any official or employee 6) Supplies and Materials
iv. Report of Waste Materials for replacement of spare parts a) Common to all kinds of Purchase or Contracts
v. Official receipts for expenses incurred for repair and servicing and spare parts i. Requisition and Issue Slip (RIS) duly approved by proper authorities
b) In case of Major Repair ii. Purchase/Letter Order/ Contract, duly approved by proper officials
i. Canvass from at least three (3) contractors, or public bidding if amount involved iii. Original copy of the dealer's/supplier's invoice duly signed by the dealer or his
is more than P 50,000.00 representative
ii. Certificate of Accreditation of repair shop issued by Accreditation Board iv. Inspection report or waiver of inspection
iii. Job Order/Contract v. Results of tests or analysis by proper government agency if articles are subject
to test
iv. Guaranty Certificate of Contractor
vi. Certificate of availability of funds
v. Certificate of Acceptance by Property Officer of the work or service done in
conformity with specifications of contract and accomplished within the specific vii. Memorandum Receipts signed by officials or employees to whom semi-
period of time expendable supplies had been issued
v. Performance bond of winning bidder i. Authority for incurrence of obligations together with the terms and conditions for
repayment and the rates of interest charged (SAM)
Thru Emergency Purchase (additional)
9) Grants, Subsidies and Contributions
i. Canvass papers from at least three (3) bonafide suppliers
i. Memo of Agreement/Authority for grants, subsidies and contributions (SAM)
ii. Certificate of head of agency or his duly authorized representative as to the
necessity and jurisdiction for emergency purchase, and that the price paid or 10) Awards and Indemnities
contracted for is reasonable and that it was the lowest obtainable at the time
of purchase or order b. Indemnify for injuries/sickness/death
Thru Exclusive Distributors (additional) i. Evidence showing that death, sickness or injury as the case may be, occurred
or was contracted in line of duty
i. Certificate of exclusive distributorship
ii. Certificate of Award issued by committee as Physical examination of the
ii. Certificate that there are no sub dealers selling at lower prices and that no agency concerned (SAM)
suitable substitute are available
c. Indemnify for damages to property
b) For Gasoline and Oil
ii. Deed of absolute Sale or Conveyance (SAM) ii. List of employees lay off showing the names designations and last salary
iii. Deed of Conveyance or agreement to Demolish and Remove Improvement
iii. Service record of each employee duly certified by Head of Agency or his duly
iv. Certificate of Title (SAM) authorized representative
11) Water Illumination and Power Service iv. Certificate of Clearance from agency concerned
12) Social Security Benefits, Awards and Other Claims vi. Certificate of Clearance from PAGIBIG
i. Application in writing duly endorsed to the system by the Head of Agency 13) Training and Seminar Expenses
i. Purchase of supplies and materials shall be in accordance with the procurement
ii. Complete service record including statement of leave of absence without pay requirement for "Supplies and Materials" particularly on emergency purchase
iii. Clearance from money, property and legal accountability ii. Receipts for other expenses incurred
iv. Approval of retirement by the employer or agency and adjudication by the 14) Extraordinary and Miscellaneous Expenses
i. Receipts and/or other document evidencing disbursement
v. Clearance from GSIS
ii. Certificate executed by the official concerned that the expenses sought to be
vi. Fiscal's clearance -- place of assignment and place of residence reimbursed have been incurred for the purpose (in case of extraordinary and
miscellaneous expenses)
vii. Affidavit of applicant that he has no pending criminal case
15) Confidential and Intelligence Expenses
viii. Statement of Assets and Liabilities (COA Cir. 81-155, 2/23/81)
a. The confidential and intelligence funds shall be utilized for the following purposes:
b. Separation Pay
3. In the case of the national security fund, for undertaking national security missions, a. Repair and Maintenance Done by Private Contractor
i. Repairs thru negotiated contracts and public bidding same as by
4. For police investigation and detection activities, policies intelligence and arson administration and by contract
investigation activities. (COA Cir. 88-293 12/12/88) ii. Job Order/Contract
iii. Report of Waste Materials
i. Certified Xerox copy of pre-audited cash advance vouchers iv. Certificate of Property Officer that equipment belong to or is used by the
agency concerned that repair is necessary through normal wear and tear
ii. Certified Xerox copy of request for obligation of allotment and not due to the fault or negligence of an employee or official
v. Guaranty/Warranty/Certificate of repairman
iii. Certified Xerox copy of allotment advice vi. Pre-repair inspection
iv. Undertaking of the summary of expense - Form No. 1 b. Subscription to Periodicals and Technical Magazines
v. Certified Xerox copy of (face of the paid check, reverse side of paid check i. Copy of subscription
indicating endorsement made, itemized list of disbursement) ii. Evidence of receipt of payment
5. Additional documents required to support ordinary disbursements c. Radiocast and Telecast, Video Coverage and Documentary Films
i. For incidental expenses such as transportation and entertainment of i. Contract between agency and radio or TV station specifying conditions or
assets/informers vouchers shall be supported by receipts, invoices, bill for radio cast or telecast (Sec. 415 (a), GAAM, Vol. I)
board and lodging, itinerary of travel, travel order, certificate of travel
completed, and certificate of appearance ii. Evidence of receipt of payment
ii. For purchase of supplies and materials and equipment, vouchers shall be
supported by purchase/letter orders, report of canvass, delivery receipts, d. Payment of Legal Expenses
waste material report and other pertinent documents
iii. For purchase of information or payment or reward vouchers shall be i. Application of official or employee concerned giving the facts of offence he
supported by documents evidencing receipt of payment was charged with and approved by proper Department Head concerned and
passed upon by the COA Chairman
Financial Analyst IV, BLGF Region 5 MARILOU Q. CAÑETE
Local Treasury Operations Officer IV
Local Treasury Operations Officer IV
Local Treasury Operations Officer III
Local Treasury Operations Officer IV
Local Treasury Operations Officer IV
Financial Analyst IV, BLGF Region 6
JUNE ANN C. ABELLA Local Treasury Operations Officer III
Financial Analyst IV, BLGF Region 7 BLGF Region I
Provincial Treasurer, Siquijor ROMELITA F. ALCANTARA
City Treasurer, Dagupan City
City Treasurer, Mandaue City JOSEFINA J. CARANTO
City Treasurer, San Carlos City
Provincial Treasurer, Northern Samar EDMAR C. LUNA
City Treasurer, San Fernando City
Municipal Treasurer, Malitbog, Southern Leyte NENITA B. COLOMA
3. Philippine Law on Local Government Taxation, Annotated, Sofronio B. Ursal, 2000; 15. Updated Description of Accounts under the NGAS (COA Circular No. 2004-008), Sept.
20, 2004;
4. Real Property Taxation, Annotated, Atty. Florecita P. Flores and Antonio A. Avila, Jr.,
First Edition, 2002; 16. 2005 IFAC Handbook of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS);
5. Local Taxation and Fiscal Matters, Book II, LGC of 1991, PACTAA, Inc., 1992;
17. Handbook on the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) to the Government
6. Local Government Code of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (Muslim Procurement Reform Act (RA No. 9184);
Mindanao Autonomy Act No. 25);
18. Updated Budget Operations Manual (UBOM) for Local Government Units,
7. Decentralization in the Philippines – Strengthening Local Government Financing and Department of Budget and Management (DBM), June 2005;
Resource Management in the Short-Term, Joint Document of the World Bank and
Asian Development Bank, March 31, 2005; 19. Management Services, Part II, 2nd Ed., Nenita Angeles Deaño-Mejorada, 1993;
8. Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines (BP 881), Commission on Elections 20. Manual on Certificate of Settlement and Balances, Revised 1993, COA, 1993;
(COMELEC), 1992;
21. Rules Implementing the Barangay Micro-Business Enterprises (BMBE Act of 2002 or
9. Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of EO 292, as Amended by MC No. 41, s. 1998, RA 9178), Department of Finance (DOF) Order No. 17-04;
Civil Service Commission (CSC);
22. Local Administrative Regulation (LAR) No. 1-85, DOF, 1985;
10. State Audit Code (Government Auditing Code of the Philippines or PD 1445),
Reprinted 1999, Accounting and auditing Development Office, Commission on Audit 23. Training Handbook on Cash Management and Control System, Professional
(COA); Development Center, COA, May 2004;
11. Government Accounting and Auditing Manual (GAAM), Vol. 1, Government Auditing 24. Training Handbook on Internal Control Structure, Professional Development Center,
Rules and Regulations, COA, 1992; COA, Nov. 2002;
12. Government Accounting and Auditing Manual (GAAM), Vol. 2, Government 25. Training Handbook on Risk Management, Professional Development Center, COA,
Accounting, COA, 1992; Dec. 2004;
13. Government Accounting and Auditing Manual (GAAM), Vol. 3, Government Auditing 26. Revenue Audit Manual for Local Governments, Vol. I, COA, 1997;
Standards and Procedures, and Internal Control System, COA, 1992;
27. DOF Circulars, Memoranda, Opinions, and Rulings, various years;