8 +Cultural+Relativism
8 +Cultural+Relativism
8 +Cultural+Relativism
We see this today in the wage gap that women face, the
educational opportunities that minority groups face, and the
violence we see because of political oppression
Cultural relativism allows the individual to define their
moral code without defining the moral code of others.
You set the definitions of what you can have and what you
cannot have. When implemented successfully, each person
would get to focus on his/her strengths instead of his/her
4. Respect is encouraged in a system of cultural relativism
People come from different cultures. They have
different ideas.
They pursue different definitions of success
Because such a system promotes the individual's
definition instead of a group definition, a society
can evolve because there is a natural level of
respect built into the process
Each person is naturally given the right to pursue
life through his/her own specific perspective and
then learn from his/her experiences in a way that
works best for him/her.
5. It preserves human cultures
Humanity is a very diverse set of thoughts, traditions,
ideas, and practices.
Whang-Od- ”last
artist of the Butbut
people of the larger
Kalinga ethnic group
Losing Indian lands resulted in a loss of cultural identity, as tribes
relied on their homelands as the place of ancestral burial locations
and sacred sites where religious ceremonies were performed.
Without their lands, nations lost their identities, and their purpose.
Native languages slowly gave way to English. Mandatory American
boarding schools forbade native languages to be spoken.
Children, alienated from their families, began to lose their languages
and their cultures during their stay at these institutions
Unable to perform ceremonies and traditions in native tongues, a slow
loss of tradition and identity became inevitable.
6. Cultural relativism creates a society without judgment
We are so trained to judge others in today's world that we
don't even give it a second thought.
People who might disagree with you are able to set their own
codes and standards for their own individualistic bubble.
People tend to prefer to be with others who have similar thoughts and
feelings, so they segregate themselves into neighborhoods, communities,
and social groups that share specific perspectives
When people are given the power to define their own moral code, then
they will do so based on their own personal bias. There is no longer a
group perspective.
If you are upset with your neighbour, then you can kill
that person without consequence if your moral code allows
for murder.