Module 1 Crop Production
Module 1 Crop Production
Module 1 Crop Production
Pola Community College (PCC) shall be a center of excellent education responsive to the needs of students and community it
1. Transform the lives of Poleños through accessible, relevant and seamless quality education.
3. Recognize the educational, training, and cultural needs of the people it serves.
4. Provide opportunities for the development of desirable values to exceed challenges of local and global society.
Pola Community College is anchored on the Philosophy of Outcome – Based Education towards Ethical, Human, and
Social Development.
Provide an environment of research, creativity, forward thinking, experimentation, and transformation responsive technological
and environmental changes.
Promote social, political, and cultural awareness, and care about their identity.
Cultivate a respectful environment, accept, value and promote diversity, and responsive to the needs of others before self.
Republic of the Philippines
Zone II, Pola, Oriental Mindoro
1. What is Agriculture and It’s Importance
2. Preliminaries of A Project Feasibility Study
3. Chapter I- Project Summary
To Secure Funding
Most new businesses need startup and operating capital to get off the ground. Without
a well-developed business plan, there is no chance of getting debt financing from established
financial institutions such as banks or equity financing from angel investors.
APPROVAL SHEET – It provides spaces for the signature of the adviser, panel of oral examiners, and the dean
indicating their acceptance of the work.
DEDICATION – It represent a brief statement of devotion of the author to a person or persons, organizations or
institutions. No matter how short it may be, it is usually written on a separate page.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – Here, the writer expresses gratitude and appreciation to important people for courtesy,
help and assistance extended to him/ her. Usually, the dean/director, adviser, panelist, librarian, respondents and
other organization involve in the study.
TABLE OF CONTENTS – It represents the content or the outline of the Project Feasibility Study including the page
LIST OF TABLES- These are data that are shown in a tabulated form in order for a reader to understand the text
LISTS OF ILLUSTRATIONS/FIGURES/ SCHEDULE (if any)- It includes maps, charts, graphs, layouts, schedules
and etc. Computations required to support the data in the financial statements are shown in a schedule.
Chapter Outline:
Highlights/Summary of the Study
Name of Enterprise
Objectives of the Study
Business Model
Industry Profile
Description of the Business
Logo of the Business
Product Tagline
Operational Terminologies
This answers what the business wants to accomplish in five to ten years of existence in the industry. The vision can
be a guide for the entrepreneur as tool in reaching their objectives.
By the year 2017, MGM Apparel will be one of the well-instituted companies in providing…..
To be leading integrated food services group in ASEAN region delivering consistent quality products and
excellent customer focused.(KFC)
This answers how the business will accomplish the vision set within five to ten years of operation. It should not be
limited to one but must not be more than five, so that it will be more achievable.
MGM Apparel will provide an exceptional new design on dresses….
MGM Apparel will build customer loyalty by observing the safety…
To maximize profitability, improve shareholder value and deliver sustainable growth year after year.(KFC)
Short-range Objectives- These are the set of actions needed to be accomplished within the period of one year.
Example: To analyze the marketing and financial risk in food business.
Business Model
This model describes how the business will generate revenue and support financial projections. It views the
business system and answer the question, “How are we going to make money to survive and grow?”
Target Market: Employees within
the area of Pola Community College Target Market: Employees within
the area of Pola Community College
Location: Zone II, Pola Oriental Mindoro
Location: Website
Transaction: Personal
Transaction: Online Selling
Marketing Strategies
Grilled sea foods
(Cost Plus Pricing)
Store Location, Website
Industry Profile
It defines and describes the industry in which they operate. The following can be included: the company size,
growth rate and outlook of the industry. This will also identify the key industry segments and how the market is being
divided into similar characteristics.
Example: Gerry’s grill is a food-related business of Noknok grill, the proposed business which is somewhat similar to
the foods offered….
This describes the venue or the place where the enterprise will operate. It will enumerate the advantages in
choosing the location. According to Cuyugan (1996), there are certain factors for consideration in a project’s site
Climate (air temperature, humidity, sunshine, wind, rainfall, dust and fumes, flooding, earthquakes and
the like)
Site and terrain (address, neighbors, heights, geographical and demographical orientations, topography,
environmental orientation, existing rights of way and prices of adjacent real estate)
Transportation and facilities (roads and d=bridges, railways, water transport, air transport and passenger
transport system)
Fiscal and legal regulations (taxes, customs, depreciation rates, building legislations, zoning,
restrictions, safety regulations, compensation laws, standards, insurance on fire, accident, liability and
storm damage, on-the-site medical facilities); and
Proximity to raw materials, development and utilities plans of the local government, national programs,
centers and institutions.
These are the owners of the company, which includes the following information:
Hybrid businesses are sometimes the combination of the three type of business . Example is restaurant, they
mix ingredients in making a new meal (manufacturing), resells bottled water (merchandising), and caters to
customer orders (service).
Product Tagline
This enhances customer's awareness to attract them to buy the product using sentence or group of words. It
can be through a song with dance steps or something that will fully describe the product.
We find ways. (Banco de oro)
Bida ang sarap. (Jollibee)
We Move People Better Safer. (Victory Liner)
Operational Terminologies
These are the words that will mostly be used by the proponents in presenting the proposed business or study.
Entrepreneurs must explain terminologies to create understanding on technical words.
Terminologies used by Entrepreneurs:
Capital Equipment- Equipment that you use to manufacture a product, provide a service or use to sell,
store and deliver merchandise. This equipment has an extended life so that it is properly regarded as
a fixed asset.
Fulfillment- The process of receiving, packaging and shipping orders for goods
Importing- The process of bringing goods from one country for the purpose of reselling them in
another country
Depreciation- An expense item set up to express the diminishing life expectancy and value of any
equipment (including vehicles).
Direction: Analyze the statements below. Write TRUE if the statement is true and correct and FALSE if it is not. Write your
answer on the spaces provided.
1. A business plan is an essential written document that provides a description and overview of your company's future.
2. Not all businesses should have a business plan.
3. The plan should explain your business strategy and your key goals to get from where you are now to where
you want to be in the future.
4. A business plan is a communication tool that you can use to secure investment capital from financial
institutions or lenders.
Product's Appeal (20 Marketing, product and Marketing, product and presentation Marketing, product and presentation Marketing, product, and presentation
%) Persuasive presentation do not appeal to have some appeal to target audience but generally appeal to target audience, appeal to the target audience and the
techniques geared target audience lacks some area of connection to target but may not be strong in one or more audience is completely "bought over."
to audience areas of appeal.
Product's Quality (20 Products with unreasonable Products with reasonable price but do Products with reasonable price, Products with reasonable price, satisfy
%) Price / price do not satisfy customer's not satisfy customer's taste and satisfy customer's taste and customer's taste and preferences,
Customer's taste and preferences, not preferences, not beneficial to the preferences, not beneficial to the beneficial to the customers, and newly
Satisfaction / beneficial to the customers, customers, and newly introduced customers, and newly introduced introduced product to the customers.
Product's Originality similar products already exist. product to the customers. product to the customers.
Organization (15 %) Audience cannot understand Audience has difficulty following Presents information in logical Presents information in logical,
Presentation order / presentation because there is presentation because student jumps sequence which audience can follow. interesting sequence which audience
flow no sequence of information. around. can follow.
Knowledge (15 %) Student does not have grasp of Student is uncomfortable with Student is at ease with expected Student demonstrates full knowledge
information; student cannot information and is able to answer only answers to all questions, but fails to (more than required) by answering all
Of chosen Product / answer questions about rudimentary questions. elaborate. class questions with explanations and
brand / and subject. elaboration.
Presentation Skills Student mumbles, incorrectly Student voice is low. Students incorrectly Student voice is clear. Student Student uses clear voices and correct,
15 % pronounce terms, and speak pronounces terms. Audience members pronounces most words correctly. precise pronunciation of terms so that
Language / locution / too quietly for students in the have difficulty hearing presentation. Most audience members can hear all audience members can hear
Eye contact back of class to hear. Student Student occasionally presentation. Student generally presentation. Student maintains strong
rarely looks at audience. makes eye contact. makes eye contact, though one or eye contact with audience.
two lapses may occur.
Presentation tools Illustration (Graphic, art, or text) Illustration (Graphic, art, or text) quality Illustration (Graphic, art, or text) relate Illustration (Graphic, art, or text) explain
(15% ) Use of quality is superfluous or not minimally supports presentation. to text and presentation and appeal to and enhance sales appeal.
graphics, Quality of present at all. Presentation has three misspellings the audience and match the task. Presentation has no misspellings or
presentation Presentation has four or more and/or grammatical errors. Presentation has no more than two grammatical errors.
spelling errors and/or misspellings and/or grammatical
grammatical errors. errors.
II. The Chapter I- Project Summary of your business plan should be created once your business title has been approved and
presented using the format below:
Highlights/Summary of the Study
Name of Enterprise
It should be typewritten on bond paper, size A4, using the Courier New font style, size 11, with double spacing..
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