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No. 1996 - Wednesday April 27, 2022 K10

FOR Hichilema
...all ground
- Moyo
By Edwin Mbulo
in Livingstone
THERE is political
sabotage against
Hichilema by
those who lost
the elections,
says Joseph
To page 2

There is too
much rivalry,
anger in
politics -
M’membe avoid fast-track courts, how he
By Fanny Kalonda
has avoided being vindictive to
SOCIALIST Party president Fred PF leaders who abused and
M’membe says President detained him.
Hakainde Hichilema’s press con- He said the UPND govern-
ference revealed that there is too ment had restored freedoms and
much rivalry and anger in liberties and put to an end cadre
politics. impunity.
President Hichilema held a President Hichilema noted that
press conference on Monday UPND cadres wanted to revenge
where he highlighted Raphael stressing that if he had allowed it,
Nakacinda’s tribal rantings, the country could have been a
“clique of thieves” trying to bloodbath.
To page 2

While others imitate - We originate

2 The Mast, Wednesday April 27, 2022

PF influenced judiciary in cases it had an interest, US report reveals

By Edwin Mbulo prevented many persons from The report notes in particular attacked several private media prosecutor Nsama Nsama writing and research. 
exercising this right. that the law allows restrictions Chipyoka and a UPND member “For example, in February,
in Livingstone houses and disrupted live
Ministry of Health authorities,
  “According to human rights on freedom of expression in the programs featuring opposition Joseph Kaunda during a
groups, arbitrary or false arrest interest of national defence, political leaders. For example, peaceful protest.  through the National Health
THE Zambian judiciary was “On February 24, police Research Authority, censured
influenced by PF in cases it had and detention continued through among others. on February 11, cadres armed
the duration of the Lungu The US further says the PF with iron bars and slingshots arrested and charged Constable Dr Lawrence Mwananyanda,
interest, a US report has Fanwell Nyundu with two then an adjunct research
revealed. administration. Police often were sensitive to criticism. attacked Liberty Community
summoned family members of “During the Lungu Radio Station in Mporokoso counts of murder in connection professor based at Boston
And the US says PF cadres with the killings. In its March 4 University School of Public
generally maintained control criminal suspects for administration the ruling district in Northern Province
questioning, and authorities Patriotic Front government was and disrupted a live radio statement released after Health, for the article he and
over Zambian security forces. independent investigations into other researchers published in
According to the 2021 arrested criminal suspects based sensitive to criticism, program featuring opposition
on uncorroborated accusations particularly from the political Democratic Party leader and the killings, the Human Rights The BMJ on the fatal impact of
Country Report on Human Commission (HRC) noted that COVID-19 in an urban African
Rights Practices in Zambia or as a pretext for extortion,’’ opposition and civil society, and presidential candidate Harry
the report reads. “For example, restricted the ability of Kalaba.” the shooting was an excessive population,” reads the report.
made available by the US use of force and a blatant “In their findings,
Embassy in Lusaka, under on April 13, police in Lusaka individuals to criticise it freely The report outlined further
arrested UPND members or discuss matters of public examples of media restrictions violation of the rights to life, Mwananyanda and others
Edgar Lungu’s regime there freedom of assembly, and concluded that COVID-19
were lengthy detentions without Ackson Sejani (a former cabinet interest. For example, in May under the PF regime.
minister), Vincent Lilanda, police arrested opposition It highlights several incidents movement and alleged that deaths were common in Lusaka
trial and defendants were not former Lusaka Province police and most deaths occurred in
informed promptly of charges Javen Simoloka, and Fines Economic and Equity Party which happened countrywide.
Malambo, and detained them in leader Chilufya Tayali and “On March 10, Patriotic Front commissioner Nelson Phiri was communities without testing
against them. responsible for the killings. The capacity and involved
“The Constitution provides police custody for a month charged him with defaming then cadres again allegedly attacked
without charges. The suspects president Lungu,” the report and teargassed Chete Radio case relating to the killing individuals who had not been
for the right to a fair and public remained pending trial at year’s tested. Contrary to the Lungu
trial, but the judicial system was appeared in court on April 22, adds. “Tayali had criticised Station in Nakonde district in
jointly charged with Veronica Lungu of allegedly ‘funding’ Muchinga Province. This was end,” the report says. administration’s assertion that
influenced by the ruling party in The report also looks at COVID-19 was rare, the authors
cases in which it had an interest. Mukuni, wife of prominent Patriotic Front partisans (known after the station featured then
traditional leader chief Mukuni, colloquially as ‘cadres’) to opposition UPND provincial Lungu’s attempt to restrict argued that cases of COVID-19
While the law provides the right academic freedom and cultural were underreported causing the
to a presumption of innocence, for allegedly abducting Pheluna incite political violence. In chairman for Muchinga
and Milton Hatembo, two December police dropped the Province Reverend Matthew events when he sanctioned impact of the pandemic to be
to be informed promptly of academic personnel for their ‘vastly underestimated.”
charges, and to be present at a family members who in January charge against Tayali.” Chilekwa and other officials.
unsuccessfully sued President The report adds that some The Media Institute for

There is too much

fair and timely trial, these rights
were not consistently Hichilema, then opposition media institutions experienced Southern Africa Zambia Chapter
protected... and the UPND leader, claiming he had political pressure from Lungu’s described the attack as ‘a threat
overburdened and insufficiently illegally obtained their land.” administration. to freedom of expression and a

rivalry, anger in
resourced judicial system led to The report highlights further “In addition to a multichannel hindrance to freedom of the
lengthy and delayed trial examples of prolonged government-controlled radio press’,’’ the report states. “On
procedures,” the US notes. detentions without trial under station that broadcasts May 1, Patriotic Front cadres

politics - M’membe
The report indicates that the PF administration. nationwide, 73 private and attacked and assaulted two
while defendants enjoyed the “Police also arrested civil community radio stations journalists at the Patriotic Front
right to consult with an attorney society activist Partner broadcast locally. Some radio secretariat when rival Patriotic
of their choice, to have adequate Siabatuba on March 10 in stations experienced political Front cadres violently clashed
connection with the alleged pressure. Although some local during a meeting to welcome From page 1 to remain silent and be thought
time to prepare a defence, to a fool than to speak out and
present their own witnesses, and abduction and detained him for private stations broadcast call-in opposition National Democratic  
more than five days without and other talk programs on Congress leader Chishimba He said the very people who remove all doubt.’ I’m not
to confront or question suggesting we remain silent all
witnesses against them, courts charge, before releasing him. which diverse and critical Kambwili back to the Patriotic used to beat up UPND
The HRC reported that the viewpoints were expressed Front party. The cadres attacked members, “teargassing us, think the time. But it’s all too easy to
rarely provided indigent speak thoughtlessly. That can
defendants with a lawyer at state detentions were baseless and freely, media bodies claimed Francis Mwiinga Maingaila, a they are clever”.
politically motivated,” the report journalists who appeared on reporter at Zambia 24, a “Thank God you have this make you look less intelligent
expense despite a legal than you are, and you will
requirement to do so. reads. such programs while Lungu was privately owned news website, President,” he said.
Regarding freedom of in office received threats from and Nancy Malwele, a reporter President Hichilema said he minimise the chances of it
“There were no reports of happening if you think carefully
defendants being compelled to expression, the report says senior government officials and at the independent New Vision won’t allow UPND members to
although the Constitution and politicians if seen as too newspaper. On June 24, the be the new thugs in markets, bus before you open your mouth,”
testify or confess guilt. he said.  “The virtues of silence
Defendants have the right to law provide for freedom of critical,” the report highlights. cadres set ablaze the stations or society.
expression, including for “Independent private media Kalungwishi FM radio station in have long been recognised. The
appeal,” it says. “I know there’s pressure. But
members of the press and other outlets also often received Chiengi district in Luapula popular saying ‘speech is silver
The report adds that although I’m sitting on the lid. No but silence is golden’ may date
individuals or organisations may media, it has provisions that threats from the government Province.” revenge. But you who were
permit restrictions of these during the Lungu administration The US report also includes back to ancient Egypt. It
seek redress for human rights beating people, don’t celebrate. probably means that in some
violations from the High Court, fundamental rights and for providing broadcast time to the brutal shooting and killing in Pray harder that there’s decent
freedoms in certain the opposition. Then ruling December 2020 of National circumstances the less you say
lack of access to affordable or leadership today,” he said. “This the better it is. Ecclesiastes
pro bono legal services circumstances.  Patriotic Front party ‘cadres’ Prosecution Authority order is not by choice. It’s teaches that there is ‘a time to
orchestrated. Thugs who hunted

HH living in an exaggerated self-bubble of his success - Silavwe

be silent and a time to speak.’
us, we know them. We are However, Ecclesiastes doesn’t
saying behave yourself. I wasn’t give guidance as to which
allowed to pay respects to [late situations merit which response.
By Fanny Kalonda Mundubile said. “We expected respect the different organs of for one reason or the other, the Dr] Kenneth Kaunda. They very Each situation becomes a
  some higher level of discussion the government. Let him also President did meet Milingo,” people who didn’t allow me pay judgment call.”
GOLDEN Party of Zambia coming from the President desist from commenting on said Mundubile. “We are now respects to KK, when Rupiah Dr M’membe said, “all what
president Jackson Silavwe says especially that he hasn’t spoken issues that are before the courts clear that for one reason or the Banda died, I invited them. And that press conference revealed is
President Hakainde Hichilema’s to the nation in a very long time. of law.” other, the President met Milingo next, they are saying things [in that there’s too much rivalry and
address did not handle critical If you followed that discussion, And Mundubile charged that but maybe not for the purpose reference to Edgar Lungu.” anger in our politics - the
national issues appropriately. it is clear that the President has President Hichilema admitted of negotiating his immunity. But Dr M’membe wondered disease of rivalry and
On Monday, President not healed from the past meeting former Konkola Copper The President must find it in his “what was the purpose of that vainglory”.
Hichilema held a press briefing mistreatment he suffered. The Mines provisional liquidator heart to heal. It is clear that he is press conference?” “When that dominates our
at State House where he President is still bitter and he Milingo Lungu. bitter against citizens because if “It’s difficult to discern the thoughts, we forget our
highlighted a number of issues has displayed bitterness. I want “But what is also pleasing to a President speaks in a manner purpose of that highly fundamental duty as political
and later responded to questions to take this opportunity, fellow us is that the President that he did, Nakacinda is publicised press conference. It is leaders - to ‘do nothing from
from journalists. Zambians, to appeal to the constructively admitted that he unlikely to get fair trial. The said that if one has nothing selfishness or conceit but in
Silavwe noted that on many President to find it in his heart met Milingo but did not do so President was indirectly giving serious or important to say it’s humility count others better than
issues President Hichilema to heal and then begin to govern for the purpose of having an directions to those people who better to shut up. As Pythagoras ourselves.’ As political leaders,
lacked depth, adding that he the country. We know for a fact immunity. But he did meet him. are investigating these cases, to once observed, we should strive we must look not only to our
seemed to be living in “an that it will be very difficult for So, for those of us who were the people that are handling to have something important to own interests, but also to the
exaggerated self-bubble of his people like Nakacinda to have doubting whether that meeting cases that are before the court. I say before we open our mouths. interests of others,” said Dr
success so far”. fair treatment by the police or a took place, it is now clear that think that is not fair.” Abraham Lincoln said, ‘Better M’membe.
“I urge the President to have trial in court. The President even

No safe place for Hichilema - Moyo

a serious reality check on most took time to speak about matters
national issues affecting our that are before the courts of law
people before addressing the where hon Nakacinda had
nation through the press, going said… these matters are before
forward. The President seems to court and this is what we are
be living in an exaggerated worried about.”  From page 1 everything that went wrong made him rich. He attempted and impotent in all fronts, then
self-bubble of his success record Mundubile expressed worry   under the sun in Zambia. He many times to be President of use it against him,” he warned.
so far,” said Silavwe. at many other issues President He says there is no safe place was blamed for gassing the Republic of Zambia and Moyo commended President
And Mporokoso PF member Hichilema raised. for President Hichilema as all incidents. Blamed for power failed. Yet never gave up,” Hichilema for rejecting
of parliament Brian Mundubile “We are further worried that ground is potentially harmful. outages. Blamed for the Moyo said. excesses at “such a time as
said the statement by President the doctrine of separation of The African Woman unstable exchange rates and “But instead of being an this”.
Hichilema on Nakacinda powers will be threatened. Even Foundation (TAWF) president other economic problems that inspiration to all of us including “He went to visit his farms
showed that he had not healed what the President was talking told The Mast that there is came due to poor governance. his chief haters, his successes on Easter Holidays, but avoided
from what he went through about, the President was making unbridled hatred against ...He was suspected of colluding have enlisted scorn, hate and government entourage and
while in opposition. reference to new people at DEC President Hichilema born out of with donors. He was literally political sabotage against him media houses and instead
President Hichilema during (Drug Enforcement jealous. blamed for everything. That personally and his government posted his visits and animals on
his briefing described Commission) and ACC “There is political sabotage crusade of blaming HH to ensure he is diverted 24/7 social media. He was seen even
Nakacinda as “a lunatic who is (Anti-Corruption Commission), against President Hakainde continues today in very serious until 2026. We urge HH to be driving his private vehicle in
trying to destroy the country”. and the Chief Justice. If you Hichilema and this is going on ways.” aware of such people but remain the farm and not a government
Nakacinda has been arrested don’t know what that meant, if right now - left and right from He said the noises of blaming focused and steadfast. The race one. It would be a departure
by police for propagating hate you are to get a thread of what those who lost elections. He has and sabotage are coming from is not for the weak nor from his pledge of saving
speech against the Tonga the President said, it raises more become a victim of successes very familiar quarters consisting faint-hearted, but those who resources for this country, if the
speaking people of Bweengwa questions than answers,” he that he has scored in his life of those who lost elections or persevere.” President went on personal and
in Monze district of Southern noted. “And we are saying, if from business to politics. We their friends. Moyo reminded President family errands on government
Province. this country is going to be daily see people trying to Moyo noted that President Hichilema that he had won the expense as we have seen with
“When you listen to the governed according to the rule magnify everything going on in Hichilema has even been presidency. past leaders traveling with huge
President and look at the issues of law, according to what the the country and place at his feet mocked for owning cows as a “But wherever he steps, the groups at government expense
on the ground, you would President said, he must ensure even when he is not involved. simple herdsman who doesn’t defeated have left all kinds of including huge numbers of
realise that there is a gap that he respects the separation of Look at the DPP (Director of deserve to be in State House. landmines, anti-tank and public media,” said Moyo. “Our
needs to be addressed. I’m sure powers. The Judiciary must be Public Prosecutions), the Lilian “HH is a victim of hard work, anti-personnel landmines. They media must focus on issues of
you heard the President when he distinct with the Executive, but Siyunyi issues. Already HH is perseverance, and success both left booby traps. There is no national interest. HH has really
said ‘prolonged detention’ was a the statement that the President featuring on the lips of his in business and political life. safe place for HH. All ground is brought a new culture. It’s our
thing of the past. But we are was making, is leaving much to haters,” Moyo said. “This With both successes coming potentially harmful. That’s the hope everyone in government
concerned with the address that be desired. We want to advise doesn’t come as a surprise from nothing else except hard reality. They want to politically will adopt. We commend HH
the President made. the President that if indeed he because even before he became work and perseverance. He was kill and maim him and render for this lifestyle he has
Predominantly, the President desires to govern this country President he was blamed for born poor, but hard work has his administration incapable brought.”
was attacking the citizens,” with the rule of law, let him
The Mast, Wednesday April 27, 2022

1,000 Kaputa youths expected to benefit from

youth empowerment programme - Nkandu
By Bright Tembo forming or coming up with regime. But this should not be that we will build them a capital. And the government
the cooperatives because there “This is just a step, as you misunderstood because I am house, but we will give them is saying here is the capital
KAPUTA UPND member of are a lot of benefits in the know, a journey of a thousand minister for everyone and I opportunities that will help with you; adding anything or
parliament Elvis NKandu says cooperatives,” he said. “It is miles starts with one step. will be now going district to them grow and be able to giving collateral and you get
over 1,000 youths in the easy to absorb levels of And from Kaputa no youth district to sensitise people; build their own houses the money and fail to pay
Northern Province district unemployment if we target, benefited from youth the youths and make sure through the youth empower- back what do we do to you?
will benefit from the youth maybe 30 or 40 groups, you empowerment programme they understand how to ment programs. You will be arrested and
empowerment programmes would have to absorb about during the PF time but now benefit from the programmes The important thing is that don’t come with excuses, no I
rolled out by the government. 1,500 youths. And above all, that I am from Kaputa and a that the new dawn govern- they should be able to pay was sick’. As a cooperative,
In an interview, NKandu you may have young people minister under the new dawn ment has for them.” back; those who will come to know that when you get the
who is Youth, Sport and Arts who may have stagnant ideas, government, our youths will He said the government me and say ‘please ba MP, money you have to pay back,
minister said it was easy to but when they are in a group, be able to benefit from the would give many youths in talk on my behalf’, I will and don’t be like PF. We want
absorb the levels of unem- they will find someone to help programme,” Nkandu said. the country opportunities to refuse. Most youths they to help you grow, not giving
ployment if many youths the idea grow. I do expect that “One of the wards have told invest and not only rely on want money and we will give handouts. I want when I
formed cooperatives. more than 1,000 youths from me that they have more than hand outs. them through the empower- come here (Kaputa) you tell
“I expect a lot of youths to Kaputa will benefit from the 15 cooperatives already Nkandu said the new ment programmes but they that all my stay here is sorted
participate in acquiring funds youth empowerment established, and I have 17 government wanted youths to have to pay back because out because you invested well
from the youth empowerment programme that has been wards. And if I can have 10 grow themselves financially they are borrowing,” said in the cooperatives, not that
programme that the govern- rolled out by government.” cooperatives in each ward, we instead of depending on Nkandu. every time I come everyone
ment has provided. I have Nkandu charged that youths will have about 170 coopera- handouts. “A lot of them have got is expecting to get handouts
spoken to a number of youths in Kaputa never benefited tives in my constituency and “I can’t promise the youths ideas but the problem is from me.”
in my constituency and I have from the youth empowerment when that is multiplied a lot
advised on the importance of programmes during the PF of youth will really benefit.
Zambian Empowerment Hub urges govt
to facilitate creation of local industries
By Fanny Kalonda human resource which is “…This should be done far
critical for development. from politics and should not be
THE Zambian Empowerment Unfortunately, many people a government, private
Hub for Entrepreneurship and only view money as the only institution. Right now, the
Skills Training (ZEHEST) has resource,’’ he said in an country does not have where
challenged government to look interview. ‘’If you have an people can borrow money as
at the high unemployment idea, money will follow you. It small medium enterprises. The
levels in the country as human is clear that government cannot challenges are financial and
resource that would contribute employ every citizen, that is technical. Often times we are
to the economy if well why we have the private beaten technically in the
managed. sector. You can still contribute construction sector from China
ZEHEST executive director positively to national economic and they come with necessary
Clarence Muzyamba said growth even outside the public machinery and money even to
government should facilitate service, but government should do with construction works
the creation of industries to create an enabling environment and even road maintenance,
take up the huge number of for businesses to flourish. which requires a lot of
unemployed youths in the Many people can create machinery,’’ said Muzyamba.
country. cooperatives where govern- ‘’We further propose for
‘’…We are concerned with ment can give them finances.” exchange visits so that our
the high levels of unemploy- Muzyamba proposed that people can learn and be
ment prevailing in the country. government set up a centre transferred with skills so that
Kaputa PF member of parliament Elvis Nkandu interacting with youths in the How can these numbers be where people could access people can grow the economy.
district on Friday - Picture by Bright Tembo dealt with? I think this is jobs. Advising and proposing to
“Investors come to the government that it should

Nissan signals end of the road for Datsun cars

country through [the Zambia re-establish industries and
Development Agency] ZDA. establish manufacturing and
We want to appeal to processing plants so that many
government to ensure that a people can work in industries
grandaunt center is established and add value to our crops and
CAR maker Nissan is to stop to help many people find and be able to export them in other
producing vehicles under the have access to jobs,’’ countries; because right now
Datsun name, which has a Muzyamba said. ‘’Right now, we have no market linkages to
more than century-long there are many grandaunts in other countries, making our
history. different sectors graduating products rot and go to waste
It was one of the brands each and every time from the like tomatoes at Soweto
that helped Japan’s carmakers colleges and universities but [market]. What we need as
become established globally there is no plan to put that and Zambians is processing plants
after the Second World War. in what industries to be like for tomatoes so that we
Despite selling millions of putting.” can export. We are not happy
cars around the world, the Muzyamba has urged that after over 50 years of
Datsun name was phased out government to re-establish independence, we are still
in the 1980s. industries, manufacturing and importing matches and
The company revived the processing plants so that many toothpicks. Entrepreneurship is
brand three decades later, people could work in key to economic growth and
describing the new range of industries and add value to we thank the new dawn
vehicles as “an important part crops grown in the country. administration for creating a
of Nissan’s DNA”. He said with the right small and medium enterprise
On Monday, Nissan investment, the country could ministry which we believe is
spokesperson Azusa Momose export commodities that had key to national economic
told the BBC that the firm will “Datsun”. Datsun was one of this, sales of the models have bring the most benefit to been produced in the country growth, as it is hoped to foster
continue to sell its stock of the brands that helped slumped in recent years. customers, dealer partners and
Nissan said on Monday that and offer employment innovation and creativity in the
Datsun cars and provide Japanese carmakers establish the business” as part of a opportunities for the country. country.”
aftersales services to their themselves in Europe, the US it will now focus on “core global transformation strategy.
owners. and Asia after World War II. models and segments that - BBC
“We can reassure all It was one of the main

Russian ambassador to US says

existing and future Datsun brands Nissan marketed
owners that customer globally, besides the main-
satisfaction remains our stream Nissan and the luxury

mission’s work ‘blockaded’ - RIA

priority,” she added. Before Infiniti.
the Datsun brand name came In the 1970s, the fuel-effi-
into being, a car named the cient Datsun was marketed as
DAT was built in 1914 by the the choice of the everyday THE working of the Russian embassy in Since then, Russian embassies in
Kaishinsha Motorcar Works in motorist looking for an Washington is “blockaded”, with its bank Europe have also come under pressure
Tokyo. alternative to unreliable accounts closed and staff receiving and more than 300 Russian staff have
The word DAT was an gas-guzzlers. Around 20 threats, state news agency RIA cited
million Datsun cars were sold been expelled from European capitals,
acronym of the family names ambassador Anatoly Antonov as saying on
of three early investors in the in 190 countries across the prompting Moscow to kick out foreign
Sunday. diplomats in response.
business: Den, Aoyama and world.
“The embassy is in essence blockaded The Russian ambassador to Poland told
Takeuchi. It also literally However, the name was
phased out from 1981, with by US government entities. Accounts of Reuters last week that the blocking of his
means ‘lightning fast’ in
Japanese. At the same time, it Nissan becoming the our two consulates in Houston and New
embassy’s bank accounts last month could
was promoted as Durable, company’s primary brand York have been closed by Bank of
America,” Antonov was quoted as saying. eventually prevent it from functioning, in
Attractive and Trustworthy, or globally. In 2012, Nissan which case Russia would halt the work of
DAT for short. announced the return of the “We receive threats both by phone and
letters come... At some point even the exit the Polish embassy in Moscow.
In 1933, Nissan’s founder Datsun brand and sold cars
under the name in countries from the embassy was blocked,” he added. Western governments have
Yoshisuke Aikawa took over
the business. including India and Indonesia. Russia and the United States had been imposed drastic sanctions
The early 1930s also saw At the time, like many rival locked in a dispute over the size and against Russia over its
the company launch an car manufacturers, Nissan functioning of their respective diplomatic actions in Ukraine,
economical and lightweight faced weak markets in Europe missions long before President Vladimir prompting Moscow to
car named “DAT-son” or “the and the US and was targeting Putin launched what he calls his “special accuse them of frenzied.
son of DAT”. The name was emerging economies with military operation” against Ukraine on Russophobia. - Reuters
subsequently changed to lower priced models. Despite February 24.
4 The Mast, Wednesday April 27, 2022

H Essentials of building
ow does one build
a results-based
monitoring and
evaluation (M&E)
This is a fundamental
question, which is not obvious results-based monitoring
and evaluation systems
to provide an answer by many
stakeholders. In both theory
and practice, there are varying
attempts to articulate what
constitutes a clear pathway to champions, the barriers to achieved. It is helpful to Analysis of programme theory, ensuring the longevity and
creating a functional M&E building a system, who will establish interim targets that evaluability assessments, utility of an M&E system.
system—be it in government, own it, and who will oppose specify how much progress process evaluations, outcome Given the above, I am of
private sector, civil society or the M&E system. towards an outcome is to be and impact evaluations, and the considered view that
indeed any development Step Two: Agreeing on achieved each year (or other evaluation syntheses are governments and every other
partner-agency. It is for that outcomes to monitor and time period) and the among the strategies development agency
reason I have decided to share evaluate addresses the key resources needed. Measuring discussed that can be (particularly in Africa and
on this crucial front. Suffice to requirement of developing results against targets can employed in evaluating a Zambia) should prioritise
say, a couple of experts have strategic outcomes that then involve both direct and proxy results-based M&E system. building their own M&E
provided some useful insights focus and drive resource indicators and use of both Step Eight: Analysing and systems. Now more than ever,
that can be adopted and allocation and activities. These quantitative and qualitative reporting findings is a crucial development programmes are
adapted to develop M&E outcomes should be derived data. agencies continue to invest in
step, as it determines what expected to deliver results.
systems for purposes of from the strategic priorities Further, Step Six: strengthening the capacity of
findings are reported to For everyone involved in
measuring development (goals). monitoring for results is the institutions to build and use
whom, in what format, and at development, the value of
results. I share a common Step Three: Developing key administrative and M&E systems to regularly
what intervals. This step has their ideas, advice, and action
viewpoint with a few of them.  indicators to monitor institutional task of assess the progress of policies
to address the existing produced is increasingly being
Kusek and Rist (2004) outcomes, so the degree to establishing data collection, and programmes.
capacity for producing the gauged by whether it
suggest that building an M&E which the outcomes are being analysis and reporting No one, including the
information, and focuses on improves lives. Moreover, the
system that responds to the achieved can be assessed. guidelines; designating who World Bank and developed
the methodologies for global economic crisis of
results in an organisation’s Developing indicators is a will be responsible for economies, think enough is
accumulating and assessing COVID-19 has doubled the
strategy is a 10-step process. core activity in building an activities; establishing quality being done to capture and
information, and preparing importance of getting the
This is the worldview I want M&E system and drives all control processes; establishing share this vital knowledge. In
analyses and reports. maximum impact from every
to share today with an intent subsequent data collection, timelines and costs; working any case, development
In addition, Step Nine: programme, as countries are
to highlight elaborative steps analysis, and reporting. Both through roles and partners have learned the
involves using the findings facing painful tradeoffs.
organisations can follow to the political and responsibilities; and hard way that it is not enough
emphasises that the crux of Consequently, every
embark on building their own methodological issues in establishing guidelines on merely to ensure that each
the system is not simply programme needs the
M&E systems—an effort that creating credible and transparency and individual project or
generating results-based information to answer two
may prove a grand missing appropriate indicators are not dissemination of the programme has a framework
information, but getting the vital questions: “What would
factor in the transformation to be underestimated. Step information and analysis. It is for measuring results. Too
information to the constitute success in
process of any organisation: Four: Gathering baseline data emphasised that, in often, countries still lack the
appropriate users in a timely addressing this problem?” and
profit or non-profit making! on indicators involves constructing an M&E system, capacity or incentives to
fashion so that they can take “How will we know success
For a more detailed summary, describing and measuring the the challenges of ownership, sustain real M&E systems
the information into account when we achieve it?’’
see their book Ten Steps to a initial conditions being management, maintenance, once external investments/
in making decisions. This step The answers to these
Results-based M&E System. addressed by the outcomes. It and credibility need to be support have closed. It was
also addresses the roles of questions will help everyone
Step One: Conducting a is the first measurement of addressed clearly. the purpose of this article to
development partners and understand which
readiness assessment to the indicators and defines the Step Seven: Evaluative shade some light on essential
civil society in using the programmes are working,
determine the capacity and starting point. information to support steps to build an M&E system
information to strengthen which ones are not, which
willingness of the government/ Step Five: Planning for decision making focuses on by any organisation. Aluta
accountability, transparency, ones can be scaled up, and
organisation and its improvements requires setting the contributions that continua (struggle continues)
and resource allocation which ones should be phased
development partners to realistic targets and evaluation studies and for a better Africa generally
procedures. out. It is obvious that
construct a results-based M&E recognises that most analyses can make throughout and Zambia particularly
Step Ten: Sustaining the achieving results starts with a
system. This assessment outcomes are long-term, this process to assess results informed by results-based
M&E system recognises the good design, including a
addresses such issues as the complex, and not quickly and move towards outcomes. M&E systems.
long-term process involved in well-crafted implementation
presence or absence of  

strategy. However, ensuring
that knowledge learned along Vincent Kanyamuna
the way is put to use is equally holds a Doctor of
ince taking the commerce, foreign affairs, regulatory bodies. Yet, Philosophy in
important. This knowledge can
reigns, Hakainde finance, and energy have all after seven months of the be learned both through Monitoring and
Hichilema has been on trips to promote new dawn, a number of periodic detailed analyses of a Evaluation and is
assumed the role investment without a Board in boards are yet to be problem, as well as through lecturer and researcher
at the University of
of chief marketing officer of place at the ZDA. What does appointed. Why on earth is the everyday, incremental
Zambia, Department of
our country. Well, that’s that say about good this the case? This level of learning that comes with
Development Studies.
what he has profiled implementation. Thus, good
governance? And we must say lack of focus is M&E systems capture both For comments and
himself as he went about we find Chipoka to be a fine unprecedented and forms of knowledge. This is views, email:
his many foreign trips. A young man but how do we alarming. If the delay in why serious governments and vkanyamuna@unza.zm.
commendable job it is, if expect him to deliver policy appointing the ZDA Board

Beijing kicks off mass testing

finally, Zambia can start is at the Ministry of
recording results in the
medium to long term.
Marketing Commerce, Trade and
Industry, then why has the
But in the midst of these
trips our chief marketer has
had, something is still
team of economic advisors
at State House not raised
the alarm and have the
after spike in Covid cases
missing! We constantly ask matter attended to? Are The Chinese capital Beijing vegetables.

without ZPA
ourselves, where is the has kicked off mass testing for Another Weibo user in
they asleep on the job or millions of residents after a Shanghai said: “Seeing people
good news that we can are simply overwhelmed spike in Covid cases. in Beijing rush to buy food is
report about this with being methodical? The Chaoyang district both funny and distressing…

government? But instead, And as it’s becoming reported 26 cases over the it’s like looking at what my
we continue to receive a obvious that they are, what weekend - the highest number own life was like just last
so far in Beijing’s latest surge. month.”
steady stream of leads is Hakainde going to do Long queues outside State-media news outlet The
about issues that the new about it? Or is it that the supermarkets and shops were Global Times said that Beijing’s

dawn government has not economic advisors have seen despite government fresh food companies have been
done and we ask ourselves been doing a ‘Stress Level assurances there is sufficient ordered to increase the supply
food. of groceries like meat, poultry
why? Elimination Exercise Plan It comes amid fears that eggs and vegetables.

Why, for instance after six (SLEEP)?’ In saying so, we Beijing could face a similar They also quoted health
months in office, do we not are not condemning or situation to Shanghai, which has experts as saying that the
have a Board at the Zambia ridiculing the seen some 25 million people results of the mass testing
Development Agency? shut in their homes for weeks. would indicate whether there is
administration. If anything, All 3.5 million residents in a need to escalate measures
From the very beginning of we are simply highlighting Chaoyang, Beijing’s most further, such as locking down
the Hakainde’s presidency what we consider should populous district, will undergo several areas.
in justifying his 11 foreign Plot 37666 off Twin Palm Road, Ibex have been done. It’s only three rounds of mass testing, Separately, Pang Xinghuo,
trips, the President has according to a notice by the deputy director of the Beijing
Hill, P O Box 31526 easy to overlook certain city’s disease prevention team. Center for Disease Prevention
said he needs to market Lusaka, Tel. +260 211 264454 issues when overloaded The news prompted residents and Control, told state-media
Zambia and attract Email: themastonline@gmail.com with socio-economic to rush to stock up essential outlet China Daily that the
investments. In the Website: www.themastonline.com challenges. This is why, as supplies, with images number of cases in Beijing is
absence of a Board at ZDA, Cell: +260 977916017 circulating on local media expected to increase in the
citizens are conducting a showing supermarket shelves following days.
the Minister of Commerce, checklist challenge - to emptied of goods and snaking The latest outbreak in
Trade and Industry, in this tick what’s been delivered queues at check-out counters. Shanghai, first detected in late
case Chipoka Mulenga, when the machine lacks all and not - Hakainde and Beijing’s major supermarkets March, has seen more than
supposedly has the sole the necessary cogs? team should seriously also extended their opening 400,000 cases recorded so far
hours to accommodate the spike and 138 deaths.
supervisory and approvals Every administration from reflect on what he said in demand. Some of the measures
authority. Why does this Frederick Chiluba to Edgar when he officially opened “Never thought I would go to Chinese authorities have
government not want to Lungu, during their first terms the First Session of the the market early in the enforced include placing
appoint a board at ZDA? It and within a month or two 13th National Assembly on morning….when I got there, all electronic door alarms to
makes no sense at all.  the eggs and prawns were gone prevent those infected from
have reorganised and Friday, 10th September, and all the meat was snatched leaving and forcibly evacuating
Together with the appointed new boards in 2021. That was his wish up,” said one Weibo user in people from their homes to
President, the ministers of government institutions and list! Shanghai, before adding they carry out disinfection
managed to get some procedures. - BBC
The Mast, Wednesday April 27, 2022
Beyond the traditional exports
ISCUSSIONS of go to yield the best possible Many parents in Zambia cutting-edge hospital space. It has long been not even bothered.
increasing the return. have children studying in equipment; expansion of popular in Zambia in the Coming back to the main
volumes and values Shortages in requirements other countries on family building infrastructure; and residential and office space topic, it seems fairer saying
of the exports of in sectors like education sponsorship. Quite likely, it specialised training of health markets. that the Sixth and Seventh
Zambia tend to make one (tertiary, to be specific), health was by design rather than by care providers and educators At the moment, the only National Development Plans
imagine higher income inflows and energy do need to be accident or default that the – all with a view to ultimately potential competitor in both looked quite ambitious on
from conventional economic met. Only, the country could foreign institutions impressed attracting foreign clients after the education and health education and health,
activities like metal extraction, do more than just closing the the Zambian parents and satisfying local demand. departments in Southern especially the latter. In fact,
manufacturing, agriculture and gap. More specifically, the students. Whichever way one Zambia has been able to Africa is probably South Africa. talking about Lusaka,
tourism. country could make more may look at it, the total fund treatment in Europe and However, that some have still infrastructural improvements
However, some are aware than the normally-expected education proposal must have South Africa of at least three looked to other regions have been clearly noticeable.
that proceeds from sales that investment of educating the been made good enough to former and sitting presidents suggests there is room for It is what was ultimately
cross the border can be nation and keeping it healthy. attract foreign students; good and many other individuals. In more players, and that South targeted that is not clear
subtler than that. These Zambia could look at the enough to create revenue South Africa alone, it is for Africa has weaknesses Zambia enough. Was it only satisfying
passages focus on the education and health sectors inflows from foreign about thirty years (basically, could identify and take local demand? They may not
education and health sectors as areas where the country consumers. since the unfortunate Levy advantage of. have been intended to go as
as sources of export revenue could earn, the same way it So where exactly would Mwanawasa accident). The There is another dimension far as purposely and
for a nation. Zambia’s top earns from mining, for Zambia stand to win? There amount of money spent has to health sector advancement, significantly capturing foreign
public universities and colleges instance. That business view of would be the obvious been staggering by any and so, a few lines on it are consumers – importers - as
have for some time faced apportioning resources to payments from international standards.  now included – a momentary the two plans have already
serious shortages of education and health appears students for the education. Now, what if Zambia had all deviation from the actual run their full course.
accommodation and other to have been missing all this There would likely be an the physical infrastructure and topic. While it is perfectly fine, Funding is never easy in
requirements. Most debates long time. increase in Zambian students highly-trained specialists here? and in fact even economically Zambia, but if the country
have been about how to meet The basic approach could choosing not to study What if, as a result, such healthy, to import some can do the many unassisted
the shortfalls. It is the same be two-pronged: providing elsewhere but within the monies as have been spent did products, it may not be so and expensive evacuations
way the country generally more than the local need, and country, and this would not have to be given to other good allowing the Head of seen, then it could be funding
appears to look at deficits in raising standards to truly represent a reduction in nations again, but used to State to be treated in another is also a question of how
power. Talking ‘meeting the internationally-competitive foreign currency outflow. further internationalise the country (even unbelievably prudently local resources are
shortfall’ suggests a cost view levels. That could likely Increased intake capacity country’s health service terrible outside Africa). That allocated and utilised. What is
of expenditure. At best, this translate to attracting could of course also mean offerings? And finally, what if it means when dear presidents good is that even though the
apparent Zambian philosophy consumers of Zambian more Zambian citizens getting also meant most of the region Levy Mwanawasa and Michael past cannot be changed,
proposes that the optimal education and health services a chance to have a tertiary (at the very least) now Sata died in other countries, it Zambia can take more charge
status is a lack of deficit. from the region and even education; the country could depended on Zambia, so that was a great indignity to Africa, of the future. And perhaps the
The central issue is not from outside Africa. It is a create bigger numbers of the country had a steady, and Zambia in particular. new government can
re-stating the already principle long used by both skilled human resource for significant inflow of income Accepting such situations distinguish itself in this area
universally-acknowledged state and private actors in itself. from the health sector? could be one reason racism partly by breaking innovative
importance of investment in Europe, the United States and Regarding the health sector, If the two international against black people has been new ground.
education and health. The key Canada. The past few decades, it is interesting wondering trade segments grew really so difficult to fight.  
theme here is actually what more countries, including how far, just in the past big, positive externalities Inspirational stories like Send comment to:
degree the investment could Malaysia, India and China seem twenty years, for example, could include higher demand the 2018 separation of +260 0976 610117.
reach. Or, how far investment to have used or encouraged it Zambia could have gone for other goods and services Siamese twins by University
in education and health could more visibly and aggressively. investing steadily in in the country. That could Teaching Hospital (UTH)

Chilangwa defends
mean better business for doctors need to multiply.
Zambian firms (travelers to, (The team of surgeons partly
and foreign residents in, comprising Doctors Bruce
Zambia, would have to spend Bvulani, Seith Kalota, Mulenga

Nakacinda’s hate speech

locally. Zambian students and Mulewa and Mabo Fundanga
recipients of health services in befittingly called it ‘Our
foreign countries spend on landing on the moon’,
requirements other than according to Damian Cullen
school and health in the host of the Irish Times online.)
primitive people who think while in opposition.” nations). What next, hardworking
By Bright Tembo
that they are the only ones He has since called on the Another angle from which doctors?
PF ACTING general secretary who can be rich by building Church and civil society to look at probable benefits If the passing on within
Nickson Chilangwa has big houses. organisation to take the new from export of education and Zambia of former presidents
charged that the arrest of his “Since coming into office, dawn government to task. good health is indeed that of Kenneth Kaunda and Rupiah
fellow member Raphael the UPND have been using the “We are calling upon the spreading risk and stabilising Banda was a sign of things to
police and other law Church, civil society national income. There is no come, then it is a position to
Nakacinda for expressing enforcement agencies to
himself is an assault on organisations, human rights sophisticated theory in these be further strengthened.
silence all opposing voices. groups as well as regional and observations. Even novice Zambia can then say a
Zambia’s democracy and ‘’a
wanton abuse of power by
President Hakainde Hichilema
They want to turn this country
into a one-party dictatorship
international governance
bodies to take this government
business people have very
commonly employed this
permanent goodbye to those
most disgraceful treatments By Rupert
and his government’’.
Nakacinda has been arrested
where all Zambians must be
turned into praise singers for
Mr Hichilema,” he said in a
to task before Zambia is lost
into total dictatorship,” said
approach; for instance, build
more than you immediately
in countries where (while
Zambians back home worry) Chimfwembe
for spreading hate speech need and rent out the extra the people are likely to be
statement. “It is ironical that
against the Tonga speaking such intolerant behaviour is

Let’s get cheaper oil from Angola

people of Bweengwa in coming from a man who spent
Southern Province where he all his time insulting and
referred to them as being demeaning heads of state

US wants to see a
AREFUL scrutiny whenever there’s an construction of TAZARA measures to avert such
of the fuel pump upheaval like the Russian/ (Tanzania Zambia Railways) impactful situations in the
price clearly shows

weakened Russia
Ukrainian war. and TAZAMA (Tanzania future.
that Zimbabwe is Similarly and during the Zambia Mafuta) Pipelines Scouring the petrol pump
hit the worst. infancy of Zambia’s Limited which was prices in the region, Angola
The Zimbabweans aren’t independence, Kenneth incorporated in 1968 and is happens to be the cheapest
US DEFENCE Secretary thing to help Ukraine resist taking it lying down! They Kaunda‘s government  owned by the government of at K5 per litre. We could
Lloyd Austin has said he hopes Russian aggression, it is quite are investing $1.3 billion to embarked on negotiating the the Republic of Zambia with therefore as a country
Russian losses in Ukraine will another to speak of weakening bring in the petroleum mega life-saving economic 66.7 per cent share capital. import finished products
deter its leadership from Russia’s capabilities, he said.  products into the country
repeating its actions.  At a news conference in projects: Tazara/Tazama. The Russian/Ukrainian since our refinery may not
He added that Ukraine can Poland after the visit, the US from Beira, Mozambique.  These were intended to war has driven the price of be able to handle Angola’s
still win the war if given the defence secretary told reporters This is the second one to counter the Unilateral petroleum products and crude. Let the experts be
right support and praised the that US officials still believe complement the unviable Declaration of Independence fertiliser ingredients through proactive and give us
efforts of its military.  Ukraine can win the conflict old one. Zimbabwe is (UDI) of Southern Rhodesia the roof. For a landlocked detailed probabilities instead
“We want to see Russia “if they have the right experiencing the highest by the then rebel prime country like Zambia, this of being seated with their
weakened to the degree that it equipment” and the “right pump price in the region, minister Ian Smith. The spells doom. This is the more arms folded. Let them study
can’t do the kinds of things support”.  equivalent to K42 per litre. Beira-Zimbabwe route reason that as a country, we the probable pipeline
that it has done in invading The 68-year-old announced This could totally destroy
Ukraine,” the US military chief that the US will allocate an which was the traditional should explore ways to connection from Tete in
said.  additional $713m (£559m) of Zimbabwe’s economy if left route of our imports, work out measures to Mozambique and Katete in
Mr Austin was speaking military aid to the Ukrainian to the whims of the inclusive of petroleum mitigate the impact of the Zambia. Let this be one of
after meeting President government and 15 other allied exploitative economic forces products, was abruptly spiralling pricing of the big projects the new
Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv.  European governments fearful shutdown in 1965 - so soon petroleum products to dawn government can claim
Accompanied by US of Russian aggression.  after our independence in affordable levels. The surest birthing. Such an oil pipeline
Secretary of State Antony It brings the total US 1964. These were the stark way to reduce costly road would be a bold project on
Blinken, the visit marked the security assistance provided to odds of being a landlocked hauled products under which our economy would
highest level trip to Ukraine by Ukraine since the invasion country that imported discussion is to set up an be anchored. One cannot
US officials since the invasion began to more than $3.7bn
began over two months ago.  (£2.9bn).  literally everything that economically viable pipeline. overemphasise the
The meeting between the Mr Zelensky has been drove its economy from Let the new dawn importance of planning ways
US and Ukrainian parties, pleading with Western leaders overseas. The road network Government explore how to which would ease the
which ran for over three hours, to increase the flow of military from Tanzania was dubbed go about this. The possible economic life of a landlocked
comes as Russia escalates its equipment for weeks, vowing Hell Run because of the ways are to link Zambia country like Zambia. Oil and
military campaign in the south that his forces overcome state it was in then. Coupled either to Mozambique or gas pipelines are all over the
and east of the country.  Russia’s military if provided with the costly road Angola; whichever is world as they make
The BBC’s diplomatic with fighter jets and other transportation, goods were practical and economically transportation of such vital
correspondent James Landale vehicles.
observed that Mr Austin’s Last week the US confirmed naturally unaffordable by the doable. Procrastination will products fast and easy.
comments calling for a that it has supplied Ukrainian citizenry. That was indeed only make a bad situation  
weakened Russia were troops with howitzer artillery baptism by fire. However, the worse! The world has Send comment to:
unusually strong for a US cannons and anti-artillery By Alfred Chioza UNIP government acquitted proven to be so unstable and alfredchioza@yahoo.
defence secretary. It is one radars for the first time. - BBC itself well by way of let’s do housekeeping com.
The Mast, Wednesday April 27, 2022

Tel: +260 211 264 454, +260 211 264 778, Cell: +260 ING LUXURIOUS
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TIONS CALL Diabetes, Body Pain And Swollen Legs.to Continued from yesterday by one of the community “I felt like she could make
0763913078 Be Famous In Music , Foot Ball And Poli- courts, known as gacaca, set the best daughter-in-law
FOR: tics, Boosting Business, Selling Property Gratien was taken into up to deal with genocide because she understood me
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Nb:we also deliver. 23-24 May OF POWERS evidence about what really This is where Gratien had
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confessed before the
congregation after completing
AFRICAN HEALER In 2004, Gratien told his community service two
FOR MANY YEARS Whoever is suffering and living a miser- THROUGH
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+260972938734 the difference in life, Seek and you will
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MOBILE MONEY ACCOUNT* etc. call/ whatsapp Papa Nyungu on BUSINESS BOOSTING, * MAGIC in detention before his public reconciliation programme.
MAGIC WALLET MAGIC BAG +260771494909. 06-06 May RING to WASH AWAY BAD apology, his family had Several other denominations
MAGIC ACCOUNT MAGIC RING. LUCK, *LOST LOVERS, • QUICK sought to make amends with have facilitated similar
BRING BACK LOST MONEY WIN SELLING, *MANHOOD PROB- Bernadette and her son initiatives.
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The churches realise that
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Call / whatsapp : 0979360952 CASES, * BUSINESS WITH MORE killed. live together, so much better
NO SACRIFICES *. PROTECTION A Fortune Teller, Spiritual Healer And A Gifted Spell
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MORE CUSTOMERS I CAN SOLVE - people who can’t produce. - Win Political appoint- BLACK YOUR the house. they have reconciled with
OVER 58 PROBLEMS WITH ment/ vote. - Promotion & Protection At Work Or PROSPERITY “I decided to go and help their victims’ family,” Father
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Call ±260972938734. ApR 27 Difficulties , delayed pension ,Bewitched. TANDING housework and even the farm The final reconciliation
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KAWADWA Unfinished Work From Other Doctors. Call JOB PROPERTY my father was responsible for together.
+26077273752 ; +260979360952. 01-01 May FINANCIAL
her husband’s murder,” she “The victim stretches their
SUFFERING AND WANT TO BE A BILLIONAIRE told the BBC. hands towards the accused as
STOP shedding
“I think Alfred fell in love
with me when I was helping
out his mother.”
a sign of forgiveness,” he
People attended a recent
solve all your STRONG MEN’S SOLUTION
problems. 0772372238 MAGIC BANK MAGIC BAG Bernadette was touched by event in Mushaka to mark 28
Bring back lost TO THOSE THAT NEVER MAKE BUSINESS BOOSTING LOST her consideration: “She years since the genocide to
lovers in just 2 days. 1. THEIR WOMEN SAY HALELUYA LOVES RECOVER ALL YOU LOST helped me knowing well that learn ways to coexist, not long
Financial breakthrough. 2. All ladies want good men mostly in PROPERTY CREATE AND her father killed my husband, after Gratien had died.
Money multiplication Same PROTECT YOUR PROSPERITY she knew that I didn’t have “When we speak about
hammering when it comes to bed.. Am
day. 3. Customer Atrrction WITH DR MWERU AND MAMA
here to solve for your so called men’s MWERU CALL 0973547691
any help because my son was change it is not about
to your business. 4. Delayed
Pension. Quick buying and
problems the rest failed to work out. TALENTED AND EXPERIENCED at boarding school. changing one’s skin colour
Happy wife, happy life.... ONE WORD MAN AND WOMAN WE TELL “I loved her heart and but changing your bad
selling of properties. 7. Job
Promotion and Protection.
FOR A WISE IS JUST ENOUGH. All YOUR PROBLEMS IN MIRROR WE behaviour - this is why I character,” said the event’s
8. Recover Stolen Properties
sizes you wish to have are available.... SOLVE OVER 57 PROBLEMS WITH didn’t resist her becoming my facilitator, Apiane
in just 24 hours. Protection NOTE: expect permanent results thanks. POWER’S YOU NEVER SEEN son’s wife.” Nangwahabo from the
of Properties. 10. Find a job Call/WhatsApp +260772372238 BEFORE PAY AFTER WORK But for Gratien it was not Mushaka parish.
06-07 May
within three days. 11. Get CALL+260973547691. ApR 27 so simple - he was at first “A change of heart is
married to the locker of sceptical when told of the important before deciding to
your life. 12. join Billionaires
club.Professor Kawada
+260772737522. May 22
“He kept asking how and
live a holy life.”
It was here that Bernadette

much would want anything to
spoke about her son’s
marriage to the daughter of
NUMBERS do with his daughter,”
Yankurije said.
her husband’s killer.
“I love my daughter-in-law
properties, delay pension, Money
multiplication, Lost lover, promotion
• COLLATERAL INCLUDES: LAND AND HOUSES 0954448577/ At last he was persuaded
and gave his blessings as
so much and I don’t know
how I would have survived if
WITHIN LUSAKA CITY, SMALL VEHICLES Bernadette was adamant that she wasn’t here to help me
at work, getting contracts
Court cases, man hood problems.
Call. 0979037981. 10-11 May
0762167408/ she harboured no ill-will
towards Yankurije.
“I did not have any
after my husband died.”
She says she is heartened to
see that Alfred and

CALL: 0770 104970 / 0764 965525 / 0976 692737 resentment towards my Yankurije’s love story has
PLOT 4884 HOUSE NO. 12 CHINDO ROAD daughter-in-law for her encouraged many others to
KABULONGA. 01-01 May father’s actions,” Bernadette seek and offer forgiveness.
says. - BBC
The Mast, Wednesday April 27, 2022
Chipata Magistrates’
Court acquits 3 council
employees in theft case
By Christopher Miti charges which were presented
by State advocate Lester
THE Chipata Magistrates’ Siamasonta, on August 2,
Court on Monday acquitted 2020, Florence Kasonde
three council employees Mwango, a nurse at Chipata
implicated in a matter where Central Hospital lost her
their colleague obtained husband Stanley Mwango.
K10,000 from Madison Life The widow obtained death
Insurance Company after as certificate from the hospital
funeral grant for a person who
and burial permit from
was not her relative.
This is in a matter where Chipata City Council with the
Ruth Mwanza, 39, a human purpose of getting a funeral
resource officer, Aquila Chola, grant from Madison Life
38, a human resource officer, Insurance Company.
Austin Phiri, 33, an adminis- Siamasonta submitted that
trative officer, and Gerald the original copies of the
Hamboko, 25, an environmen- documents were left with
tal health technologist were council officers and she
charged with one count of subsequently submitted a
obtaining money by false claim to the insurance
pretences. company and a K15,000 was
Mwanza pleaded guilty to paid to her.
the charge and was slapped
with a 10-month jail sentence He said between August 2
in April 2021. and September 8, 2020,
Particulars of the offence Florence received an alert
were that on unknown date but from Madison Insurance that
between August 2 and Ruth Mwanza was processing
September 8, 2020, the another claim for a funeral
accused jointly and whilst grant in the name of Stanley
acting together with intent to Mwango, the deceased.
defraud, obtained K10,000 Siamasonta said the matter
cash from Madison Life was reported to the Drug
Insurance Company by falsely Enforcement Commission
pretending and successfully (DEC) which started
made a funeral grant claim
investigating it.
that late Stanley Mwango was
Ruth Mwanza’s parent when He said the DEC investiga-
in fact not. tions revealed that Mwanza
In count two, Mwanza was was already paid K10,000 in
charged with the offence of her ZANACO account and
being in possession of had already withdrawn it.
property suspected to be Siamasonta said further
proceeds of crime. investigations revealed that
This was after she was there was no relationship
found with K3,561.03 in her between Mwanza and the late
ZANACO account reasonably Mwango, although she
suspected to be proceeds of claimed that he was her
crime. parent.
Resident magistrate Betty
Mwiinga acquitted Chola, He said the widow denied
Phiri and Hamboko after knowing Mwanza and that the
finding them with no case to deceased was not in any way
answer. related to her.
According to facts of the Mwanza was sentenced to
matter regarding Mwanza who 10 months simple imprison-
readily pleaded guilty to the ment on April 23, 2021.

Musokotwane, IMF discuss

next steps in Zambia’s debt
restructuring process
By Fanny Kalonda prosperous and resilient
economy – and would once
MINISTER of Finance again be able to invest in
Situmbeko Musokotwane has public services, social welfare,
“held a successful meeting education, healthcare and the
with International Monetary future of children.”
Fund director Kristalina For her part Georgieva,
Georgieva on Monday in commended Zambia for
Washington. “making impressive progress
In a statement yesterday,
Secretary to the Treasury in implementing measures
Felix Nkulukusa said the under the country’s economic
meeting was used as an reform programme”.
opportunity to discuss “…this comes at a crucial
Zambia’s economic reforms time when we are entering a
progress as well as the next new phase of the debt
steps in the debt restructuring restructuring process with the
process. critical path to form the
“Minister of Finance and Official Creditor Committee.
National planning Dr We share the hope for rapid
Situmbeko Musokotwane, and progress on Zambia’s debt
the managing director of the
restructuring so that the IMF
International Monetary Fund
(IMF) Kristalina Georgieva Board can soon consider the
held, Monday 25th April, authorities’ (Zambia)
2022, a successful meeting at programme,” she said.
the IMF Headquarters in Georgieva recognised the
Washington, DC, United urgency of IMF Board
States of America. At the consideration of the requested
meeting, the minister said ‘the programme and committed to
new dawn administration of work with Zambia in trying to
President Hakainde Hichilema achieve “this goal as soon as
– has a duty to the Zambian possible”.
people to transform country’s Dr Musokotwane and his
economy, so that it achieves
delegation, which included
sustainable growth, becomes
resilient, more attractive to Nkulukusa and Bank of
investors and internationally Zambia governor Dr Denny
competitive,” reads the Kalyalya, have been in
statement in part. Washington for the Spring
“All sides agreed that Meetings of the IMF and the
Zambia can build a World Bank Group.
8 The Mast, Wednesday April 27, 2022

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