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SCIENCE between objects

a. Applied Is the pushing force

FORCE AND MOTION force directly applied on the
motion is a change in position object
relative to a fixed point b. Friction Is the force that
motion It describe according to force opposes the motion of
what the object is the object
moving true The mass of an object
Motion Is caused by the affects the frictional
different forces acting force
on an object The greater the mass
Isaac Newton A mathematician that the harder or the larger
formulated the specific is the frictional force
speed Tells us how fast an c. Normal or This force exerted upon
object is moving support force an object which is in
S= d/t Formula for speed (unit contact with another
is km/hr) stable object
Difference of Speed is just 80km/hr if Force that act at a
speed and velocity it is 80km/hr distance
velocity East NON Forces that act at a
CONTACT distance
Speed gives the FORCES
magnitude of motion Gravitational Is the force that pulls
while velocity gives the force objects to the earths
magnitude and direction surface
of motion Electromagne This is the attractive or
Direction The use of north, east, tic force repulsive force acting
west south, left, right, between changed
up, down, circular, particles
straight, circular or Other contact force
diagonal Tensional force
Speed Is a scalar quantity Spring force
air resistance
Rate at which an object
Distance (d) how far an object
velocity Is a vector quantity
Displacement (x) where you are in
measure of speed in a relation to where you
given direction. started. The shortest
Scalar Give the magnitude of distance.
Quantities motion Speed, Velocity and
Vector Gives the magnitude Acceleration
quantities and direction of motion LAW OF MOTION
acceleration Is the rate of change in 1st law- Law of Inertia It states that “an object
velocity at rest will remain at
decelerating Faster motion to slower rest, and an object in
motion motion will remain in
motion unless acted
accelerating Speeding up
upon by an unbalanced
force Is a push or pull
Contact force Two kinds of force
Kinds of inertia
-A rolling ball suddenly
stops when it hits the
Contact force Is a kind of force that
require direct contact
- The jeep suddenly 6.False Motion is possible
moves after 5 min of without force
heavy traffic 7.False The force of a person
increase Mass increases inertia pushing a cart is called
will …… a normal force
Decreases Mass increases 8.False All forces require
acceleration…. contact between objects
Increases Force increases 9.false Forces are only found
acceleration …. on objects that actually
Amount of force Affects how fast object move
will move 10.true The support force is
Mass It affects how fast the always equal in
object will move magnitude with the
Inertia is the tendency to resist weight of a stationary
any change in their object
state of motion. 11.true If there is a change in
2nd law- Law of It states that “for a the pull of gravity , the
Acceleration given mass, the greater weight of an object also
the force applied, the changes
greater the acceleration 12.false The third law of motion
produced. For a given will explain why a rolling
force, the greater the ball will stop moving
mass of an object, the when it hits a wall
lesser the acceleration 13. True More forces is required
produced.” to accelerate an object
• A=f/m or F=ma with greater mass than
Kind of law of a smaller mass
Acceleration 14.false Speed is exactly the
- It is easier to same as velocity
push a 10 kg cart 15.true A change of direction is
than 50 kg cart also acceleration
3rd law- Law of Action It states that “for every energy Ability to do work
and Reaction action, there is equal Potential energy at rest
and opposite reaction.” energy *Stored energy of an
Kind of law of action object by virtue of its
and reaction position or configuration
-As the balloon flies, it is Elastic Energy stored in object
being pulled by gravity potential that are stretched
-hot air balloon energy
1.False Speed measures the Chemical Energy related to the
rate of change in potential chemical bonds that are
position and direction of energy found in matter
2.True Mass affects how fast *Stored in the food we
an object moves are eating
3.True Friction opposes the *Fuel is an example
motion of an object Gravitational It is energy associated
4.true Electromagnetic force is potential with the pull of gravity
the attractive or energy
repulsive force acting Kinetic Energy possessed by
between charged Energy and object in motion
particles Heat energy Produced when
5.False Gravity affects the mass molecules of matter
of an object move rapidly

Radiant Energy that moves like shrews echolocation to
energy waves and travel determine objects
through space around them and their
Electrical Electrical energy the location
energy electricity that flows Conduction, Methods of energy
through the wire in our convection, transfer
homes has electrical radiation
Electrical Electrons move conduction Transfer of energy as
energy one object comes in
Sun Is the main source of direct contact with
radiant energy another
Mechanical Energy produced when convection Is the transfer of heat
energy one object works and by fluids
applies a force on radiation The energy transfer in
another object to move space through
it electromagnetic waves
Sound energy It is produced as Heat wave Is a prolonged period of
objects vibrate very hot weather
Gravitational potential Roller coaster ride L3: Simple Machines
energy Machine an apparatus or tool
Elastic Rubber band designed to multiply or
potential modify the use of
energy power, force, or motion.
Elastic Bow and arrow It is made up of various
potential parts that convert
energy energy from one form to
Chemical Food another
potential machina the Latin word
mechane Greek word which
Chemical fuel
means contivance
energy contrivance Something that is
Heat energy Cooking our food created skillfully for ome
Radiant X rays purpose
energy Types of Lever, pulley, inclined
Radiant Infrared simple plane, wedge, screw,
energy machines wheel and axle
Radiant sun Lever A simple machine that
energy is used to lift objects.
Mechanical Air pump in a wheel
energy The longer the lever the
Mechanical Ferris wheel easier it is to lift the
energy object
Mechanical pedaling a bicycle
energy Is a rigid bar that turns
sound energy When guitar produced about a fixed point
sound Fulcrum, Parts of lever:
sound energy ultrasound Effort, Load
or resistance
Mass x How to solve the effort the force applied on the
height x gravitational energy opposite end of the
gravity lever that lifts the load
newton Unit for weight fulcrum a fixed point where the
Dolphins and Animals that use
lever is being rotated
Load or the object that is being System space.
resistance carried by the lever Block and It is composed of fixed
Tackle and movable pulleys.
the WEIGHT as the System
pull of gravity on the Going up is Going down is not
total mass counted counted
Classes of First class, second Mechanical It is the number of times
Lever class, third class advantage a machine multiplies the
First class the fulcrum is between (M.A.) force exerted in an
lever the effort and object.
resistance. Wheel and Axle It is a lever that rotates
in a circle around a
Effort arm longer than center point or fulcrum
load arm or fulcrum Inclined plane It is a slanted surface
nearer the load used to raise an object.
Examples: see-saw, pliers, manual How to find effort E=load /m.a
can opener, bottle Pulley In Sumerians then by
opener, door handle, akkadians
hammer claw, scissors, Wedge A moving inclined plane
water pump that can split, cut, or
Second class the resistance or load is divide objects.
lever between the effort and Screw It is an inclined plane
fulcrum wrapped around a
Examples: wheelbarrow, pushcart, cylinder.
stapler, nail cutter, nut Third class Effort at the center
cracker, toilet seat First class Fulcrum at the center
cover Elastic plastic Second class
sealer, mouse traps machine An apparatus or tool
Third class the effort is between the designed to multiply
lever fulcrum and resistance. or modify the use of
Example Boy swinging a stick to power, force, motion
a break a hanging pot
-Samurai swinging a lever A simple machine that
sword is used to lift objects
-Hand with a pen in fulcrum A fixed point where
writing position the lever is being
Tongs ,shovel ,tweezer rotated
s , fishing rods Load or resistance The object that is
Pulley simple machine which is being carried by the
made up of a wheel lever
with a groove, running effort The force applied on
around the entire the opposite end of
wheel’s circumference. the lever that lifts the
Effort arm The end of the rope load
where effort is applied First class The fulcrum is
Kinds of between the effort and
Pulley resistance
Fixed Pulley In this system, the Second class The resistance or load
System pulley is fixed at one is between the effort
place. and fulcrum
Third class The effort is between
Movable In this system, the
the fulcrum and
Pulley pulley is free to move in
resistance Wheel and axle It is a lever rotates a
Lever Examples of simple circle around a center
Pulley machines point or fulcrum
Inclined plane False The amount of force
Wedge needed to move an
Screw object on an inclined
Wheel and axle plane increases as the
Examples of first Manual can opener length of the plane is
class lever Bottle opener increased
Door handle True The nearer the load is
Hammer claw to the fulcrum the lesser
See-saw the effort arm
scissors True A singled fixed pulley is
a pulley attached /
fastened to the weight
Effort arm The end of the rope being lifted
Movable pulley In this system the True The force applied or
system pulley is free to move exerted to lift or
in space transport the weight is
Fixed pulley system In this system the called the effort
pulley is fixed at one
Block and tackle It is composed of
system fixed and movable
pulley A simple machine
which is made up of
wheel with a groove Lesson 4: Forces
Formula for effort that Could Shape
the Earth
Wheel and axle Weathering breaking down of rocks
Wheel and axle It is a lever that rotates into soil or smaller
in a circle around a sediments
center point or fulcrum Erosion transport of sediments
Bicycle from one place to
Ferris wheel another.
Steering wheel Agents of Weathering
Door knob • Water
Wheel chair
• Wind
Inclined plane It is slanted surface
• Temperat
used to raise an object
ure and
true The longer the inclined
plane the lesser the sunlight.
wedge A moving inclined plane Plates The larges masses of
that can split, cut, or the earth’s surface
divide objects Earthquake refers to the shaking of
Examples of wedge Knife the ground
Teeth Seismograph used to measure
saw seismic waves from
screw It is an inclined plane earthquake.
wrapped around a
cylinder Fault Line the cracks that bend,

fold, or break because Lava is a molten gas, ash,
of tremendous and rock when it
pressure. reaches the surface.

Focus (hypocenter) is the point of origin in

an earthquake
Epicenter is the part of the surface
Pacific Ring of Fire is a
of the earth lying at the
chain of volcanoes
top of focus
around the Pacific
Magnitude is the amount of energy
released in an
Alpine Himalaya Belt
Richter scale measures the
magnitude of an

Tsunami a series of water waves

caused by a
displacement of a large
volume of water from a
specific area in the sea.

intensity Its number the number

effects on the earth's
Rossi forel scale it measures the
intensity of an
Volcano is a vent or hole on the
Earth’s crust that may
extend deep into the
crust or mantle layer.

Volcanic eruptions It happens when the

high pressure and
temperature in the
mantle has forced the
magma to the surface
Active volcano A type of volcano that is
usually associated with
seismic activity and
presence of hot spring
Extinct volcano A type of volcano that is
not active or has
erupted for a long time
Dormant has not erupted but
may erupt based on
seismic activity
Magma is an intense heat
underneath the vents.

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