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Short Communication
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Asbestos has been banned in many countries but many countries, including developing countries, are still
Received 5 August 2015 using asbestos or materials containing asbestos. Substitute materials have been studied and developed
Received in revised form over a long period of time because of the hazards of asbestos, and many people have recently shown
12 March 2018
interest in the hazards of substitute materials. However, comprehensive information about the types of
Accepted 4 May 2018
Available online 11 May 2018
asbestos substitutes, their use and health hazards, and references for the protection for the health of
workers is limited. The purpose of this study is to provide people in the related industries with infor-
mation on the types and health hazards of fibrous materials that can be used as asbestos substitutes.
Asbestos According to the patent resources from the United States and Europe, fibrous materials have been used to
Asbestos-free products develop asbestos-free products since before 1980. Recently, the health hazards of asbestos substitutes
Asbestos substitutes have been assessed and many additional researches are required. However, only some of the substitute
Fibrous materials materials have been assessed for health hazards, and health hazard data has not been sufficient in many
cases. Therefore, efforts should be made to minimize workers’ exposure to substitute materials that do
not contain asbestos.
Ó 2018 Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
2093-7911/$ e see front matter Ó 2018 Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
S.-H. Park / Asbestos Substitutes and Health Hazards 361
of the International Social Security Association, mineral wool and materials [33,34,39], and ACGIH’s resources on threshold limit
ceramic fibers can be used as an asbestos fiber substitute for values (TLVs) [41]. The participants in the WHO workshop evalu-
insulation or soundproofing, while sheets and boards containing ated the health hazards and carcinogenicity of asbestos substitutes
asbestos can be substituted with synthetic vitreous fibers or clay based on epidemiological evidence, studies in experimental ani-
instead of asbestos, and textile containing asbestos can use poly- mals, in vitro short-term tests, physicochemical properties, and
ethylene fiber, polypropylene fiber, polyamide fiber, carbon fiber, biopersistence. The workshop decided to group asbestos sub-
and glass fiber instead of asbestos. Asbestos cement products can stitutes roughly into hazard groupings of high, medium, and low.
use cellulose, polypropylene fiber, polyvinyl alcohol fiber, aramid, These hazard groups should be considered in relation to each
and glass fibers instead of asbestos. Cellulose, polypropylene fiber, other and did not have reference to formal criteria or definitions,
polyvinyl alcohol fiber, aramid, and glass fibers can be used as an as such. The IARC evaluated the carcinogenicity of some silicates
asbestos fiber substitute for asbestos cement products. and synthetic vitreous fibers based on studies of cancer in human,
In addition to the development of asbestos substitute materials, studies of cancer in experimental animals, physicochemical
a series of studies have also been conducted in regard to the haz- properties, persistence and biodegradability, other data relevant to
ards of fibrous materials. Erionite fiber, which is a mineral fiber, evaluation of carcinogenicity and its mechanism. ACGIH evaluated
causes malignant mesothelioma and has been classified into Group the carcinogenicity of synthetic vitreous fibers based on studies of
1 (carcinogenic to humans) by the International Agency for cancer in humans, studies of cancer in experimental animals,
Research on Cancer (IARC) [33]. Also, refractory ceramic fibers are physicochemical properties, and other data relevant to evaluation
classified into Group 2B (possibly carcinogenic to humans) by the of carcinogenicity.
IARC [34] and Group A2 (suspected human carcinogen) by the
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 3. Results
(ACGIH) as it can cause lung fibrosis [35]. The WHO has assessed
the hazards of 14 types of asbestos substitute materials, including 3.1. Types and characteristics of fibrous materials
para-aramid, attapulgite, and carbon fiber [36]. Also, Harrison et al
[37] has discussed the health hazards of para-aramid, polyvinyl The asbestos substitute materials known so far include syn-
alcohol, and cellulose in comparison to chrysotile. According to this thetic fibers such as man-made vitreous fibers (synthetic vitreous
literature, the major characteristics related to the health hazards of fibers) and para-aramid and natural inorganic fibers such as
fiber are its dose, dimensions (especially diameter), and durability. attapulgite, sepiolite, and wollastonite. Man-made vitreous fibers
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has recently refer to inorganic fibrous materials made with glass, rocks, min-
presented a research roadmap for a broad understanding of the erals, slag, or processed inorganic oxides [34]. Para-aramid, which
health hazards of asbestos fiber and other elongate mineral parti- is a widely known asbestos substitute material, is a type of
cles [38]. This roadmap suggests that studies related to the toxic polyamide fiber similar to nylon fibers. This material is mostly
effect, occupational exposure, and development of methods of used to improve the strength, durability, and heat resistance of
measurement and analysis of asbestos fibers and elongate mineral synthetic materials. It is light enough to be used within the
particles are required. aviation and sports industries, and it is also used to reinforce fiber
This study discusses the types of fibrous materials that can be for synthetic materials, thermoplastic materials, tires, and rubber
used as asbestos substitute materials, the development of asbestos- products. It is used as an asbestos substitute material for auto-
free products, and the health hazards of fibrous materials to pro- motive friction materials and gaskets [39]. Natural inorganic fibers
vide information for the protection of health of workers in the such as attapulgite, sepiolite, and wollastonite have been used as a
related industries. substitute for asbestos in building materials and friction materials
2. Materials and methods Attapulgite is a hydrated magnesium aluminum silicate mineral
[40]. Attapulgite is elongated in structure and similar to the mineral
Literature on the types and characteristics of asbestos sub- structure of amphibole group. It is known as “palygorskite” in
stitutes, the development status of asbestos-free materials, and the mineralogy, but it is more widely known as “attapulgite” [39].
health hazards of asbestos substitutes was reviewed for this study. Attapulgite has been used as an asbestos substitute material for
To examine the types and characteristics of asbestos substitutes, building materials and friction materials as asbestos has been found
this study referenced literature on chemical and physical to be hazardous [3,13].
properties and morphology [2,3,11,13,26,31,33,34,39e41]. The re- Sepiolite is a clay mineral composed of hydrated magnesium
sources on the development of asbestos substitutes referred to the silicate. Structurally, it is similar to attapulgite, but it has one more
cases of asbestos substitutes that have been certified internation- SiO4 tetrahedron when compared to attapulgite. Sepiolite is an
ally based on patent resources from the United States and Europe. elongated and lath-like structure of crystals. The length of fibers
According to the United States Geological Survey report on the varies according to the location of sepiolite sediments [39]. The
worldwide asbestos supply and consumption, the United States elongated particles of sepiolite improve its usability as a viscosity
and Europe imported more than 80% of worldwide asbestos pro- improver and sedimentation preventer.
duction during 1920w1960 [42], which caused high levels of Wollastonite is a calcium silicate mineral that is chemically
asbestos-related disease in the United States and Europe [43,44]. inert, but it can be decomposed in concentrated hydrochloric acid.
As a result of searches on the patent site (Google patents, https:// With its unique cleavage property, it breaks into thin lath-like
patents.google.com), there were many patents for asbestos sub- shapes or needle-like particles. Wollastonite is mostly used for
stitutes in the United States and Europe. The development status ceramic, plastic, rubber, asbestos substitute, paint, and coating
of building materials, friction materials, gaskets, joint sheets, and products, and wollastonite with a high aspect ratio (10: 1 to 20: 1) is
fabrics that are free of asbestos was identified by patent resources used to reinforce plastic and rubber and as a functional filler and an
[3e31]. Literature on the hazard assessment of asbestos sub- asbestos substitute material [39].
stitutes has referenced hazard assessment report of asbestos Erionite is a fibrous hydrated aluminosilicate mineral in the
substitutes prepared by the WHO through an workshop of expert zeolite group. Erionite is similar to amphibole in shape, but it has
group [36], IARC’s carcinogen assessment resources on fibrous different physicochemical structures. Erionite exists in the form of a
362 Saf Health Work 2018;9:360e364
bundle of fibers [33]. Natural erionite has not been mined or Other aramid fiber, polytetrafluoroethylene fiber, carbon fiber,
distributed for commercial purposes since the late 1980s and has and metallic alloy fiber have been used to develop asbestos-free
been substituted with nonfibrous synthetic zeolite. sealing materials, diaphragms, electroconductive substrates, and
valve packing [19,22,23,27,28].
3.2. Development of asbestos-free materials
3.3. Health hazards of fibrous materials
Asbestos has been widely used for building materials, automo-
tive and industrial friction materials, gaskets and joint sheets, and The major factors of toxicity of fibers are in the fiber sizes, fiber
asbestos fabrics [45]. For building materials, 10e20% asbestos is durability, and fiber types [46]. In terms of the size of a fiber, fibers
mixed with cement, pulp, sand, plaster, etc. to make cement thinner than 3 mm can reach lower airways, while fibers longer
corrugated sheets, cement flat boards, cement gypsum boards, and than 5e10 mm can stay in the lungs longer than other shorter fi-
autoclaved cement extrusion panels. For automotive and industrial bers. Also, the length of fibers which macrophage can remove is
friction materials, 10e20% chrysotile is mixed with synthetic resin, about 16e17 mm. Considering the durability of fibers, a fiber
metal powder, etc. to make brake lining, brake pads, clutch lining, generally undergoes the process of fragmentation (latitudinal
clutch facing, and special brakes for railroads or cranes. In the case breakage) or splitting (longitudinal breakage) in the human body.
of gaskets and joint sheets, 30e40% chrysotile is mixed with syn- Both fragmentation and splitting can increase the number and
thetic resin, fiber, etc. For asbestos fabrics, asbestos is the main surface area of fibers, but shorter fibers resulting from fragmen-
component (90% or greater asbestos content) to make asbestos tation are easily removed by macrophage. In the case of splitting, it
yarns, asbestos ropes, asbestos tapes, asbestos packing, asbestos does not affect the removal by macrophage. When considering the
cloths, and asbestos gloves. types of fibers, it is known that amphibole asbestos stays in the
As the hazards of asbestos have been known since before 1980, lungs longer than the serpentine chrysotile.
products using asbestos substitute materials have been consistently Considering the health hazard of asbestos fibers by size, asbes-
developed. Table 1 lists the development of asbestos-free products tosis is most closely related to the size of fibers that are 2 mm or
using asbestos substitute materials based on the patent resources longer and 0.15 mm or thicker in diameter, while malignant meso-
from the United States and Europe. thelioma is most closely related to the number of fibers that are
With regard to building materials, attapulgite, cotton, mineral 5 mm or longer and 0.1 mm or thinner in diameter. In the case of lung
fiber, polyacrylamide, polypropylene, polyvinyl alcohol fiber, cancer, it is most closely related to the number of fibers that are
sepiolite, and slag wool have been used to develop asbestos-free 10 mm or longer and 0.15 mm or thicker in diameter [47].
building materials such as boards and sheets, drywall joints, The WHO assessed the hazards of 14 kinds of asbestos substitute
fiber reinforced products, inorganic sheets, and joint compounds materials, including para-aramid, through a workshop conducted
[3,6,10,11,18,21,26,31]. by experts in the field [36]. This workshop classified the hazards of
Friction material area is one of the areas that has actively asbestos substitute materials into three stepsdhigh, medium, and
developed substitutes as asbestos was widely used for automo- lowdand the major factors of hazards were health hazards related
tive brake lining, mechanical clutches, and brake pads for ma- to lung cancer, malignant mesothelioma, and asbestosis.
chine tools. In the realm of friction materials, aramid, aromatic Table 2 lists the results of hazard assessment of asbestos substi-
polyamide, attapulgite, carbon fiber, ceramic fiber, cotton, glass tute materials by the WHO and the classification of carcinogens by
fiber, mineral wools, and silica fiber have been used to develop IARC and ACGIH. According to the assessment results of the WHO, p-
asbestos-free friction materials such as brake lining and pads, aramid fibers have respirable fibers with similar dimensions as
brake shoes, clutch facing, clutch lining, clutch surfaces, and press carcinogenic fibers and had effects on the lungs in an animal testing.
pads [5,9,13,16,29,30]. As it also has biopersistence, its hazards were rated medium.
For gaskets and joint sheets, aramid fiber, aromatic polyamide Respirable attapulgite fiber is highly hazardous when it contains
fiber, cellulose fiber, ceramic fiber, nylon fiber, and vitreous fiber long fibers, but shorter fibers are less hazardous. In the respiratory
have been used to develop asbestos-free gaskets or joint sheets testing on animals, longer fibers caused tumors, whereas shorter
[7,12,14,15,24,25]. fibers did not. Carbon fibers were 5e15 mm in diameter and mostly
For fabrics, cotton fiber, glass fiber, ceramic fiber-containing nonrespirable in the industrial sites with low hazards, and cellulose
paper (strand), texturized fiber glass roving or yarn, and acrylic was also mostly nonrespirable and not hazardous. However, respi-
fiber have been used to develop asbestos-free fabrics such as tape rable cellulose fibers were found to be indeterminate due to insuf-
sealants, rope packing, yarns, and other fabrics [4,8,17,20]. ficient data.
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