Manifesto On Planetary Consciousness
Manifesto On Planetary Consciousness
Manifesto On Planetary Consciousness
Drafted by Ervin Laszlo and the Dalai Lama and adopted at a meeting at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest on the 15th of September 2001.
faceted approaches that alone could enable us to reach the next stage in the evolution of our sophisticated but unstable and vulnerable socio-technological communities. 5. If we maintain obsolete values and beliefs, a fragmented consciousness, and a selfcentered spirit, we also maintain outdated goals and behaviors. And such behaviors by a large number of people will block the entire transition to an interdependent yet peaceful and cooperative global society. There is now both a moral and a practical obligation for each of us to look beyond the surface of events, beyond the plots and polemics of practical policies, the sensationalistic headlines of the mass media, and the fads and fashions of changing lifestyles and styles of work, an obligation to feel the ground swell underneath the events and perceive the direction they are taking: to evolve the spirit and the consciousness that could enable us to perceive the problems and the opportunities and to act on them.
the domination of a handful of cultures and societies. Just as the diversity of nature is threatened by cultivating only one or a few varieties of crops and husbanding only a handful of species of animals, so the diversity of todays world is endangered by the domination of one, or at the most a few, varieties of cultures and civilizations. 8. The world of the twenty-first century will be viable only if it maintains essential elements of the diversity that has always hallmarked cultures, creeds, and economic, social, and political orders as well as ways of life. Sustaining diversity does not mean isolating peoples and cultures from one another: it calls for international and intercultural contact and communication with due respect for each others differences, beliefs, lifestyles, and ambitions. Sustaining diversity also does not mean preserving inequality, for equality does not reside in uniformity, but in the recognition of the equal value and dignity of all peoples and cultures. Creating a diverse yet equitable and intercommunicating world calls for more than just paying lip service to equality and just tolerating each others differences. Letting others be what they want as long as they stay in their corner of the world, and letting them do what they want as long as they dont do it in my backyard are well meaning but inadequate attitudes. As the diverse organs in a body, diverse peoples and cultures need to work together to maintain the whole system in which they are a part, a system that is the human community in its planetary abode. In the last decade of the twentieth century, different nations and cultures must develop the compassion and the solidarity that could enable all of us to go beyond the stance of passive tolerance, to actively work with and complement each other.
As individuals, we are responsible for seeking our interests in harmony with, and not at the expense of, the interests and wellbeing of others; responsible for condemning and averting any form of killing and brutality; responsible for not bringing more children into the world than we truly need and can support; and responsible for respecting the right to life, development, and equal status and dignity of all the children, women, and men who inhabit the Earth. As citizens of our country, we are responsible for demanding that our leaders beat swords into ploughshares and relate to other nations peacefully and in a spirit of cooperation; that they recognize the legitimate aspirations of all communities in the human family; and that they do not abuse sovereign powers to manipulate people and the environment for shortsighted and selfish ends. As collaborators in business and actors in the economy, we are responsible for ensuring that corporate objectives: do not center uniquely on profit and growth, but include a concern that products and services respond to human needs and demands without harming people and impairing nature; do not serve destructive ends and unscrupulous designs; respect the rights of all entrepreneurs and enterprises who compete fairly in the global marketplace. As members of the human community, it is our responsibility to adopt a culture of nonviolence, solidarity, and economic, political, and social equality, promoting mutual understanding and respect among people and nations whether they are like us or different, demanding that all people everywhere should be empowered to respond to the challenges that face them with the material as well as spiritual resources that are required for this unprecedented task. And as persons endowed with mind and consciousness, our responsibility is to encourage comprehension and appreciation for the excellence of the human spirit in all its manifestations, and for inspiring awe and wonder for a cosmos that brought forth life and consciousness and holds out the possibility of its continued evolution toward ever higher levels of insight, understanding, love, and compassion.
that is not possible without better education, information, and communication. These, however, are blocked by the absence of socio-economic development, so that a vicious cycle is produced: underdevelopment creates frustration, and frustration, giving rise to defective behaviors, blocks development. This cycle must be broken at its point of greatest flexibility, and that is the development of the spirit and consciousness of human beings. Achieving this objective does not preempt the need for socio-economic development with all its financial and technical resources, but calls for a parallel mission in the spiritual field. Unless peoples spirit and consciousness evolves to the planetary dimension, the processes that stress the globalized society/nature system will intensify and create a shock wave that could jeopardize the entire transition toward a peaceful and cooperative global society. This would be a setback for humanity and a danger for everyone. Evolving human spirit and consciousness is the first vital cause shared by the whole of the human family. 12. In our world static stability is an illusion; the only permanence is in sustainable change and transformation. There is a constant need to guide the evolution of our societies so as to avoid breakdowns and progress toward a world where all people can live in peace, freedom, and dignity. Such guidance does not come from teachers and schools, not even from political and business leaders, though their commitment and role are important. Essentially and crucially, it comes from each person himself and herself. An individual endowed with planetary consciousness recognizes his or her role in the evolutionary process and acts responsibly in light of this perception. Each of us must start with himself or herself to evolve his or her consciousness to this planetary dimension; only then can we become responsible and effective agents of our societys change and transformation. Planetary consciousness is the knowing as well as the feeling of the vital interdependence and essential oneness of humankind, and the conscious adoption of the ethics and the ethos that this entails. Its evolution is the basic imperative of human survival on this planet. The Worldshift Alliance The Worldshift Alliance is to serve as a 'mega-network' of like-minded individuals and organizations actively addressing our shared societal and ecological challenges and opportunities. The Alliance's broad mission is, To effectively address humanity's growing challenges and opportunities with new thinking and actions in sufficient time to adapt to rapidly changing world conditions. Through a multi-faceted 'web community' the Worldshift Alliance is to bring the various sectors of society and the diverse cultures of the human family together with the thousands of individuals and groups who are actively working for a better world. It is to function as a worldwide community of global citizens and forward-thinking organizations who can together shift the human future to a peaceful and sustainable path.