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Srikanth et al.

, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

Review Article
D V Srikanth, 2Dr. M. Sreenivasa Rao

Address for Correspondence

Associate Professor, Abhinav Hi-Tech College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India
Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, JNTUH, Hyderabad, India.
Abrasive jet machining is an effective machining process for processing a variety of Hard and Brittle Material. And has
various distinct advantages over the other non-traditional cutting technologies, such as, high machining versatility, minimum
stresses on the work piece, high flexibility no thermal distortion, and small cutting forces. This paper presents an extensive
review of the current state of research and development tin the abrasive jet machining process. Further challenges and scope
of future development in abrasive jet machining are also projected. This review paper will help researchers, manufacturers
and policy makers widely.
KEY WORDS:versatility, flexibility, nontraditional.
INTRODUCTION goal was to develop a system that could eliminate the
Abrasive jet machining (AJM) is a processing non- noise, dust and expertise demanded by abrasive jets
traditional machine which operates materials without at that time. In the last two decades, an extensive
producing shock and heat. AJM is applied for many deal of research and development in AJM is
purposes like drilling, cutting, cleaning, and etching conducted.
operation. In Abrasive jet machining abrasive Based on the extensive literature review of AJM
particles are made to impinge on the work material at Process the works on this can be classified based on
high velocity. A jet of abrasive particles is carried by the performance measure considered in to Four
carrier gas or air. The high velocity stream of different categories, namely Experimental Modeling,
abrasives is generated by converting the pressure Analytical modeling, Optimization modeling, Hybrid
energy of carrier gas or air to its Kinetic energy and modeling.
hence the high velocity jet. Nozzles direct abrasive
jet in a controlled manner onto work material. The
high velocity abrasive particles remove the material
by micro-cutting action as well as brittle fracture of
the work material. Machining, Drilling, Surface
Finishing are the Major Processes that can be
performed efficiently. The process parameters are
used like variables which effect metal removal. They
are carrier gas, abrasive, and velocity of abrasive,
work material, and nozzle tip distance (NTD).
Abrasive jet cutting is used in the cutting of materials
as diverse as: Titanium, Brass, Aluminum, Stone,
Any Steel, Glass, Composites etc.
BACKGROUND Fig 2: Metal Removal by Erosion
In this section the experimental analysis of Abrasive
jet machining is discussed. The experimentations
conducted by various researchers by influencing the
abrasive jet machining (AJM) process parameters on
material removal rate, Surface integrity, kerf are
discussed. The parameters like SOD, Carrier gas, Air
Pressure, Type of Abrasive, Size, Mixing Ratio etc.
are focused. Various experimental models are
Neema & Pandey (1977) proposed an equation for
material removal rate by equating the kinetic energy
of the particles impinging on to the work of
deformation during indentation.
Q = k N d3v3/2(ρa/12σy)
Where k is a constant; N is the number of abrasive
particles taking quite a time; d= the size or diameter
Fig 1: Schematic Diagram of AJM of an abrasive particle; fa= the density of the abrasive
This novel technology was first initiated by Franz to material; v= the velocity of the abrasive particle; and
cut laminated paper tubes in 1968 and was first σ y, =the yield stress of the work material. [2].
introduced as a commercial system in 1983... In the Dr.A. K. Paul &P. K. Roy (1987) Carried out the
1980s garnet abrasive was added to the water stream effect of the carrier fluid (air) pressure on the MRR,
and the abrasive jet was born. In the early 1990s, AFR, and the material removal factor (MRF) have
water jet pioneer Dr. John Olsen began to explore the been investigated experimentally on an indigenous
concept of abrasive jet cutting as a practical AJM set-up developed in the laboratory. Conducted
alternative for traditional machine shops. His end Experimentation on the cutting of Porcelain with Sic

Int J Adv Engg Tech/Vol.Electronic

V/Issue II/April-June,2014/18-24
copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3682998
Srikanth et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

abrasive particles at various Air pressures.Observed impact angle. The erosion rate was maximum at
that MRR has increased with increase in grain size around 25◦ relative to the surface, suggesting a ductile
and increase in nozzle diameter. The dependence of erosion mechanism. [18].
MRR on standoff distance reveals that MRR
increases with increase in SOD at a particular
pressure. [4].
Varma & Lal (1984) explained about the effect of
Nozzle Pressure on MRR and Effect of SOD on
MRR for various Mixing ratios. The Variation in
Pressure is clearly indicated with the help of graphs.
[5]. Fig 6 –Cross-sectional Profiles of Masked surfaces at
Finnie (1960) showed that volume of Material (Q) different Passes [18]
eroded by impacting Particles of mass M carried in a Wakuda Manabu et al (2001) described an elementary
stream of air can be calculated as approach to the characterization of fundamental AJM
Q = Cf (ѳ) M vn, properties for silicon nitride. In dimpling of the Si3N4
Where C& n are constants σ s =Minimum flow stress surface, the material removed was identified by mild
of work material, ѳ is Impingement Angle. [6]. wear within the grain particles in a manner resembling
Sarkar & Pandey (1980) suggested a model to ductile behavior. [20].
calculate MRR (Q) during AJM. Ghobeity, H. Gateau et al (2007) Explained Poor
Q = x Zd3v3/2 (ρ/12Hw)3/4, repeatability of the erosion rate in a pressure feed
Where Z is no of particles impacting per unit time, D AJM system was traced to uncontrolled variation in
is the mean diameter of Abrasive grain, Ρ is the the abrasive particle mass flux caused by particle
density, V is the velocity of abrasive particles, how is packing and local cavity formation in the reservoir.
hardness of work material, X is a constant. [7]. [21].
Bhaskar Chandra Kandpal et al (2011) conducted V. C. Venkatesh (1984) was Performed Parametric
Experimentation on machining of Glass and Studies on Abrasive Jet Machining and explained
Ceramics with various types of Abrasives by the effect of feed rate, pressure, abrasive grit size,
changing pressure, nozzle tip distance on different spray angle, nozzle tip to work distance, and metal
thickness of glass plates and ceramic plates. The removal rate are reported. [23].
effect of process parameters of compared with V. C. Venkatesh, T. N. Goh et al (1989) reported a
theoretical results. The photos of the specimens study of the results of machining under various
Machined are shown below. [11]. conditions. A commercial AJM machine was used,
with nozzles of diameter ranging from 0.45 to 0.65
mm, the nozzle materials being either tungsten
carbide or sapphire, both of which have high tool
lives. Silicon carbide and aluminum oxide were the
two abrasives used. The materials machined were
glass, ceramics, and electro-discharge machined
Fig. 3- Samples of glass plate cut by AJM (11) (EDM) dies steel. [24].
Manabu Wakuda, Yukihiko et al (2003) presented a
paper attempts to identify the material response of
alumina ceramics to the abrasive particle impact in
the AJM process. They used three kinds of
commercial abrasive particles to dimple the sintered
Fig. 4 - Samples of ceramic plate cut by AJM (11 alumina samples, aluminum oxide (WA), silicon
El-Domiaty et al (2009) are conducted the experint carbide (GC) abrasive, and synthetic diamond (SD)
on the drilling of Glass with AJM. The abrasive grits abrasive. [25].
(sand) were mixed with an air stream ahead of the T Burzynski and M Papini (2011) The spatial
nozzle and the abrasive flow rate was kept constant distribution of particles within the jet was found by
throughout the machining process. [12]. using a direct particle capture technique, and was
found to depend on the nozzle diameter, following
either a Weibull or a piecewise Weibull distribution
D.S. Robinson Smart (2011) designed and fabricated
a set up in order to investigate the effect of Standoff
Distance (SOD), horizontal and vertical angle
Fig 5 –Drilling of Glass at different SOD’s [12] between the work piece and abrasive jet nozzle and
Linden et al (2001) investigated abrasive machining the exit diameter of abrasive jet nozzle on coating
characteristics of a glass-infiltrated alumina used for removal rate. [28].
fabrication of all-ceramic dental crowns were Shanmugam and Masood (2009) presented an
investigated using a high-speed dental hand piece and investigation on the kerf taper angle generated by
diamond burs with different grit sizes. [14]. abrasive water jet (AWJ) technique to machine two
Bhaskar Chandra &Jag tarSingh (2011) carried out types of composites: epoxy pre-impregnated graphite
experimental studies to investigate the influence of woven fabric and glass epoxy. Comprehensive
process parameters like Nozzle Tip Distance, Mass factorial design of experiments was carried out in
flow rate, Gas pressure on Metal Removal Rate. [17]. varying the traverse speed, abrasive flow rate,
H. Gateau et al (2007) measured the fundamental standoff distance and water pressure. [30].
erosion rate of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) with Shanmugam et al. (2008) An experimental
a stream of 25um Al2O3 particles as a function of investigation was carried out by tominimize or
Int J Adv Engg Tech/Vol.Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3682998
V/Issue II/April-June,2014/18-24
Srikanth et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

eliminate the kerf taper in AWJC of alumina etching and grooving is discussed in this article. The
ceramics by using a kerf-taper compensation roughness of machined surface are also analyzed. It is
technique. [31]. found that the Material Removal Rate (MRR)
A. Ghobeity et al (2008) presented model increases as the temperature of carrier media (air) is
predictions and experimental data related to the increased [16].
abrasive jet micromachining of masked and Matthew W. Chastagner Explained about the edge
unmasked channels in glass. The spatial and velocity with a consistent and precise shape is important for
distributions of particles in the jet of an abrasive jet highly stressed mechanical components. This study
micromachining (AJM) setup were measured using a investigates the generation, measurement, and
novel technique. [33]. definition of edges. Abrasive jet machining, a flexible
R. H. M. Jafar et al (2013) presented experimental process ideal for difficult-to-reach areas, is applied for
data on the effect of particle size, velocity, and angle edge generation. The SEM micrographs AJM and
of attack on the Surface roughness of unmasked edges are established as shown in Figure [19].
channels machined in borosilicate glass using AJM.
Single impact experiments were conducted to
quantify the damage due to the individual alumina
particles. Based on these observations, the assumed
location of lateral crack initiation in a relatively
simple analytical model from the literature was
modified, and used to predict the roughness and
erosion rate. [38]. Fig 7- SEM micrographs AJM Region and edges [19]
Stephen Wan et al. (2010) present simple Srinivasu et al. (2009) investigated the influence of
deterministic process models for the prediction of the key kinematic operating parameters (i.e. α-jet
evolution of the cross-sectional profile of the glass impingement angle and v-jet feed rate) on the kerf
channels generated by erosive wear in micro air geometry and its dimensional characteristics. [29].
abrasive jet machining using a round nozzle. R. Balasubramaniam et al (2002) Studied on the
Experiments were carried out on soda lime and shape of the surface generated by Abrasive jet
borosilicate glass to verify the process models. machining. They developed a semi empirical
Predicted model results show fairly good agreement equation to obtain the shape of Abrasive jet machined
with experimental results. [51]. surfaces, Effect of Various AJM input parameters on
N. S. Pawar et al (2013) presented Experimental the generation of shapes, deburred edge radius are
analysis of AJM with sea sand as abrasive material focused... [32].T Burzynski etal (2010) Presented The
and considering Silicon Carbide, mild steel as nozzle time-dependent evolution of an abrasive jet micro-
material with a vibrating cylindrical mixing chamber. machined surface and described by a partial
The experimentis conductedon glass sheet by varying differential equation which is difficult to solve using
the pressure &Sod. Graphs are plotted with variation traditional analytical or numerical techniques... [37].
in parameters. [57]. R. H. M. Jafar et al (2013) presented experimental
ANALYTICAL MODELLING data on the effect of particle size, velocity, and angle
Analytical modelling of Abrasive jet machining of attack on the Surface roughness of unmasked
involves the Study Investigations on Effect of channels machined in borosilicate glass using AJM.
different types of Process parameters on the Single impact experiments were conducted to
performance measures. This study highlights quantify the damage due to the individual alumina
different types of empirical equations, analysis of the particles. Based on these observations, the assumed
areas like surface roughness, impingement angle, location of lateral crack initiation in a relatively
variation in MRR, kerf geometry, etc., in which the simple analytical model from the literature was
AJM process can be effectively applied. modified, and used to predict the roughness and
Ingulli.C. N (1967) wasthe first Person Explained in erosion rate. [38].
detailed about Abrasive Jet Machining and Li et al (2008) investigated the process that combined
Highlighted Varies parameters effect on Material grinding with abrasive jet finishing, the material
Removal and Variation in MRR with change in removal rate (MRR) model in abrasive jet precision
Abrasive flow rate. [1]. finishes with grinding wheel as restraint was
Pandey, et al (1980) and Bhattacharya (1976) studied investigated. The material removal rate model was
the effects of abrasive flow rate {AFR) and standoff found to give a good description of the experimental
distance on the material removal rate (MRR). They results. [41]
observed that MRR reaches an optimum value with J. B. Byiringiro et al (2012) presented a novel
the increase in AFR and SOD, and then falls with the fabrication technique of a photo-resist mask onto 3D
increase in these parameters. [3]. curved wafer for micro-abrasive jet machining (AJM)
R. Balasubramaniam et al (1999) Explained process. In this study, the developed modelling
Deburring of cross-drilled holes by secondary algorithm for planar and non-planar mask models
erosion of an abrasive jet wasperformedand the assisted in two ways.Design. Optimization and
parameters effect on drilling were identified. [ 8]. significantly reduces the time required for
R. Balasubramaniam et al (2000) studied the experimental investigations. [46].
generation of edge radius by using the abrasive jet P. M. Khodke et al. Discussed about the work
external deburring... [9]. samples eroded by AJM shows that, for brittle
N. Jaganath et al (2012) combining abrasive and hot materials, material removal is due to an intersection
air to form an abrasive hot air jet. Abrasive hot air jet and propagation of cracks produced by adjacent
machining. The effect of air temperature on the impacting particles on the target surface. An
material removal rate applied to the process of glass analytical model d based on the above observations
Int J Adv Engg Tech/Vol.Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3682998
V/Issue II/April-June,2014/18-24
Srikanth et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

for predicting the material removal in abrasive jet Taguchi method and analyzed that flexible magnetic
machining process. [49]. abrasive is adopted in abrasive jet machining. [53].
Slikkerveer et al. [1999] proposed an analytical Chang He Li et al (2006) In this Paper the Metal
model to predict the evolving cross sectional profile Removal Model is investigated in abrasive jet
of abrasive jet machined features. Their model relates precision finishing (AJPF) with the wheel as
the instantaneous surface slope to the local erosion restraint. In the study, the material removal rate
rate through the normal component of the particle model was established according to machining
velocity vector. The model was developed in brittle mechanisms and machining modes from two-body to
materials and assumes, therefore, that only the three-body process transition condition, and active
surface-normal velocity component contributes to number of particles in grinding zone were calculated
erosion [52]. and simulated. [54].
OPTIMIATION MODELING R. Balasubramaniam et al (1998) experimental
Modelling is a tool that is more capable of investigation has been conducted to identify the
Explaining the effect of various process parameters abrasive jet deburring process parameters and the
on the efficiency of Abrasive Jet cutting process. In edge quality of abrasive jet deburred components.
this review various authors are identified and Result of the edge quality measurements
established different Optimization models like supplemented with the visual inspection were
Simulation models, Idea diagrams, Taguchi etc. analyzed by the ANOVA method of Taguchi is used to
Alireza Moridi et al (2010) study presented on the designate deburring quality by employing the
micro-grooving of quartz crystals using an abrasive software STATGRAPHICS. [55].
air jet. Predictive models are then developed for U. D. Gulhane et al (2013)Conducted experiments
quantitatively estimating the machining performance. and Analyzed the influence of process parameters on
The models are finally verified by an experiment. MRR and Kerf width.The results of experiments are
[40]. Analyzed by Taguchi, Characterized the influence of
R. Haj Mohammad Jafar et al (2013)A numerical Factors on MRR and Kerf by Analysis of Variance
model was developed to simulate the brittle erosion (ANOVA) [56].
process leading to the creation of unmasked channels
as a function of particle size, velocity, dose, impact
angle and target material properties. Erosion was
simulated using models of two damage mechanisms:
The Experimental data are compared with the
simulated model and Analyzed. [43].
Alina Oancea et al (2012) The study of the solutions
corresponding to the sand blasting gun highlighted Fig-8-drilling of ceramic tile at diff pressure, sod, nozzle
some possibilities to modify the nozzle and the dia [56]
subsystem for clamping the nozzle. An ideas diagram HYDRID MODELLING
was used in order to identify some constructive In this section of the review the combination of
solutions able to satisfy the formulated objectives. unconventional machining processes like ECM,
Different Versions of Ideas diagrams are established EDM with AJM, Recycling of Abrasive particles,
and compared by using tables. [45]. micro grooving, masking etc. are discussed.
D Ciampini and M Papini (2010) A cellular V. K. Jain et al (2002) combined the performances of
automaton simulation for the prediction of the size AJM and ECM, termed a name ECSAD. Experiments
and shape of masked features resulting from the have been conducted using abrasive cutting tools,
abrasive jet micro-machining (AJM) of brittle targets with a view to enhance the capabilities of the process.
was presented. The simulation allowed the prediction [13].
of complex phenomena such as mask under-etch, V. S. Rajashekhar et al (2012) presented a paper on
mask ricochet, spatial hindering and second-strike reusing the Discarded Abrasive Particles from
effects, which cannot be readily modelled using Abrasive Water Jet Machining for Drilling Holes in
analytical techniques. [47]. Glass Sheet by Abrasive Jet Machining. The abrasive
A Ghobeity et al (2007) Models are presented to grains used in AWJM are reused and tested with
predict the shape and size of masked and unmasked AJM for drilling Glass. The process of Recycling can
holes machined in glass and polymethymethacrylate perform in two cases at Nozzle entry, exit and after
(PMMA) using abrasive jet micromachining (AJM). cutting in three recycling stages. [15].
The modified model predicts whole profiles that Alireza Moridi et al (2010) presented a study on the
agree well with both experiments and a computer micro-grooving of quartz crystals using an abrasive
simulation. [48] air jet. The effect of the various process on the major
Li, HZ (2012) presented an analysis of the AJM machining performance measures are analyzed to
Process for brittle materials. The analysis is based on provide a deep understanding of this micro-
a fundamental erosion model of the solid particle machining process. Predictive models are then
impact for brittle materials, and a recently developed developed for quantitatively estimating the
model for the particle velocity in micro-abrasive jet, machining performance. The models are finally
to form a mathematical basis for AJM process verified by an experiment. [22].
modelling and optimization. [50] M. Kantha Babu, O.V. Krishnaiah Chetty (2003)
Jiuan-Hung Ke et al (2012) presented a novel hybrid Discussed about the Recycling of Abrasive Particles
method that self-made magnetic, abrasive with with different sizes. Recycling leads to further
elasticity was utilized to investigate machining disintegration. The role of fine abrasives in reduction
characteristics in abrasive jet machining. They of cutting is well established. Hence recycling leads
Experimented with Magnetic abrasives and used to the decreased depth of cut. [26].

Int J Adv Engg Tech/Vol.Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3682998

V/Issue II/April-June,2014/18-24
Srikanth et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

camera and image processing board (DT3153, Data

translation) installed in the PC. [44].

(a) Fresh Abrasives (b) Abrasives (After Cut) (c)

Recycled Abrasives
Fig 9-SEM Photographs of Abrasives (Garnet) [26]
Y.L.HOU et al (2009) Experiments were performed Fig-11-SEM Diagram of WA#800 abrasives (2000X) [44]
with plane grinder M7120 and workpiece material
40Cr steel which was ground with the surface
roughness mean values of Ra=0. 6µm. [34].
T Burzynski et al (2012) Explained that this model
permits the prediction of the surface evolution of
both the mask and the target simultaneously, by
representing them as a hybrid and continuous mask–
target surface. [35].
J-H Keet al (2011) studies on fabrication of a new
composite, abrasive by replacing the regular Abrasive Fig-12-Hole- type groove formed after masking [44]
particles like sic, Al203 can achieve better machining
and improved surface roughness on hard brittle
materials. Application of the new composite abrasive
to AJM achieves enhancement in surface roughness.
Yan-Cherng LIN et al (2012) Explained about the
combination of AJM and EDM as Hybrid machining.
Studied about A novel hybrid process combined
material removal mechanisms of AJM and EDM was
developed initially, and then a series of experiments
were performed to determine the effects of the
machining parameters on the machining
characteristics for machining SKD 61 steels. [42].

Fig 13: Pi-Chart indicates the areas of Researches

performed on Abrasive jet machining.

Fig 14: Radar-Chart indicates the areas of

Researches performed on Abrasive jet machining.
An extensive review of the research and
development in the AJM has been conducted in
this paper. It was shown that AJM process is
receiving more and more attention in the
machining areas, particularly for the processing of
difficult-to-cut materials. Its unique advantages
over other conventional and un-conventional
methods make it a new choice in the machining
Fig10--Details of Actions in Hybrid process of AJM, industry.
EDM& Surface Integrity [42] A brief review of the Experimental modelling was
Dong-Sam Park et al (2004) Established a Paper on conducted in the fourth section of this paper. It
Micro grooving of Glass using Ajm.In the Micro was followed by the Analysis of various
grooving process the Material undergoes into three parameters on MRR, analytical modelling are
processes 1) Masking 2) Abrasive Jet Machining 3) reviewed in detail. The Optimization modelling,
Mask removing and cleaning process. An optical Hydride modelling are discussed later. While
microscope is used to investigate masking results and these investigations show a good understanding of
analyze machined shapes of the groove. Necessary the cutting performance and the associated
images are captured and processed using a CCD science, most of the results are for particular
Int J Adv Engg Tech/Vol.Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3682998
V/Issue II/April-June,2014/18-24
Srikanth et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

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