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Assignment 1

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Assignment 1: Cell Analogy Poster (20%)

In a group of 4 or 5 members think of an analogy for a cell. Make a poster illustrating your

 Choose a real world working system and decide how each organelle of the eukaryotic
cell can be compared to the components and functions of the real world system.
 Some ideas are: hospital, city, mall, country, restaurant, zoo, garden, castle, etc.
 Create a large poster (Size A1) that is a visual representation of your analogy
illustrating all of the parts representing the cell organelles/structures.
 Make sure your analogous parts are logical, accurate representations of the
 Label each part of your system with its name and the cell structure name. [Example:
principal-nucleus] Print your labels clearly. Check your spelling.
 Make sure your group name is on the back of the poster.
 The analogy poster must include the following organelles:


 Write a report to explain the analogy and the actual cell. Your report should include
the following information: Organelle Name, Organelle Function, Analogous Structure,
Analogy Explanation. Justify reasons of choosing the analogy to represent the cell.
The following is an example of relating the organelle and its analogy.

 Evaluate the contribution of each group members by using the peer review form.
This will be done confidentially.
 Present your poster in week 6.
Rubric for cell analogy poster

Criteria 0 2 3 4 5

Analogy Student No clear Relationship Relationship Relationship

Relationship has relationship is evident is evident is evident
to Cell completed is evident but some but 1 or 2 and all parts
none of parts are parts are are clear
the unclear unclear

of Analogy
Student Less than The Above Above
has minimum minimum minimum minimum
completed was was explanation explanation
none of explained. explained of analogy. with clear
the No detail but parts are Some parts explanation
assigned confusing unclear of analogy


Student Lack of Some Idea is Idea is

has creativity. creativity is original Original and
completed Used evident Unique
none of examples
the from class
Rubric for individual presentation

0 1 3 5
Audience Student Student
cannot Audience has presents presents
understand difficulty information in information in
presentation following logical logical,
because there presentation sequence interesting
is no because student which sequence
sequence of jumps around. audience can which audience
information. follow. can follow.
Student does demonstrates
not have Student is Student is at full knowledge
grasp of uncomfortable ease with (more than
information; with information expected required) by
student and is able to answers to all answering all
Knowledge cannot answer only questions, but class questions
answer rudimentary fails to with
questions questions. elaborate. explanations
about subject. and

Student Student
maintains eye maintains eye
Student reads occasionally
contact most contact with
all of report uses eye
Eye Contact with no eye contact, but still
of the time but audience,
frequently seldom
contact. reads most of
returns to returning to
notes notes.

Student Student's
Student uses a
mumbles, Student's voice voice is clear.
clear voice and
incorrectly is low. Student Student
correct, precise
pronounces incorrectly pronounces
pronunciation of
terms, and pronounces most words
Elocution speaks too terms. Audience correctly. Most
terms so that all
quietly for members have audience
members can
students in difficulty hearing members can
the back of presentation. hear
class to hear. presentation
Rubric for report

Cell Analogy Report

Poor Fair Good

1 pts 3 pts 5 pts
Paragraph Poor Fair Good
Introduction to the
analogy and why it
was chosen.

Explain each Poor Fair Good
organelle and the
analogous pairing.
How they are alike
in this example.

Paragraph Poor Fair Good
Summarize the
report in supporting
of the analogy. Did
the analogy best
described the
working functions
of a cell.
STUDENT PEER EVALUATION SHEET – Evaluate your group members. This will be
done confidentially.
1 (rarely/never) 2 (occasionally/sometimes) 3 (all/most of the time)

List Each Group Member Below: In My Opinion:

Name : NURUL BARIZAH BINTI AHMAD ZAKI 3 did fair share of work
3 was cooperative/did agreed upon task
Comments: 3 contributed to ideas/planning
3 was available for communication
3 was positive, helpful
____contributed to overall project success

Name : NUR EMIRA BINTI AHMAD SAMSURI 3 did fair share of work
3 was cooperative/did agreed upon task
Comments: 3 contributed to ideas/planning
3 was available for communication
3 was positive, helpful
3 to overall project success

Name : MUHAMMAD SHAZWAN BIN FADLI 3 did fair share of work

3 was cooperative/did agreed upon task
Comments: 3 contributed to ideas/planning
3 was available for communication
3 was positive, helpful
3 to overall project success

Name : MUHAMMAD FAHMI BIN ROSLAN 3 did fair share of work

3 was cooperative/did agreed upon task
Comments: 3 contributed to ideas/planning
3 was available for communication
3 was positive, helpful
3 to overall project success

Name : MUHAMAD ASRI BIN MUHAMAD 3 did fair share of work

SHARIFUDDIN 3 was cooperative/did agreed upon task
Comments: 3 contributed to ideas/planning
3 was available for communication
3 was positive, helpful
3 to overall project success

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